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When studying the world of living things, biologists and other scientists use the scientific method. Observations along with previous data are used to formulate a hypothesis. New observations and/or experiments are carried out in order to test the hypothesis. Scientists often do controlled experiments. The control group does not go through the step being tested, and this acts as a safeguard against a wrong conclusion. The new data may support a hypothesis or they may prove it false. Hypotheses cannot be proven true. Several conclusions in a particular area may allow scientists to arrive at a scientific theory a generalization such as the cell theory, gene theory, or the theory of evolution. Evolution is the unifying theory of biology. Science is objective and uses conclusions based on data to arrive at theories about the natural world. Any explanation based on supernatural beliefs cannot be considered science because such belief are not tested in the usual scientific way. Science does not answer ethical questions; we must do this for ourselves. Knowledge provided by science, such as the contents of this text, can assist us in making decisions that will be beneficial to human beings and to other living things. Although living things are diverse, they share certain characteristics. The organization of living things is exhibited by the smallest unit of life, the cell. In multicellular organisms, similar cells compose a tissue, tissues form organs, and organs make up organ systems. Each level of organization has emergent properties that cannot be accounted for by simply adding up the properties of the previous levels. Living things acquire materials and energy from the environment that are used during metabolism, a process that maintains homeostasis. Living things respond to the environment. When they reproduce and develop, genetic changes are passed on that result in adaptation to the environment. Evolution explains both the unity of life (similar characteristics) and the diversity of life (adaptation to different environments). Adaptations allow organisms to play diverse roles in ecosystems, where they interact with each other and the physical environment. The human population tends to modify existing ecosystem and to reduce biodiversity. Because all living things are dependent upon the normal functioning of the biosphere, ecosystems should be preserved. Biologists classify organisms into a particular kingdom (distantly related), phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. Each organism is given a binomial name consisting of the genus and species. The five kingdom system recognizes these kingdoms: Monera (unicellular prokaryotes usually absorb foode.g., bacteria); Protista (unicellular eukaryotes, various modes of nutritione.g., protozoa and algae); Fungi (usually multicellular, absorb foode.g., mushrooms); Plantae (multicellular photosynthesizers); and Animalia (multicellular, ingest food).

Study the text section by section as you answer the questions that follow.


The scientific process allows biologists to gather information and come to conclusions about the natural world. Various conclusions pertaining to the same area of interest are sometimes used to arrive at a theory, a general concept about the natural world.

1. Match the sentences that follow with these terms. conclusion control group experimental results hypothesis observation Male bluebirds are colored differently from female bluebirds. a. ____________________ Before the eggs are laid, a male bluebird approaches a model of a rival ten times per minute.
b. ____________________ and c. ____________________

In his study, the experimenter sometimes used a robin model instead of a male bluebird model. d. ____________________ The aggression of male bluebirds varies according to the reproductive cycle. e. ____________________ and
f. ____________________

2. Fill in the blanks in the sentences that follow with these terms. conclusion control group data hypothesis variables The researchers wanted to minimize the a. _______________ ; therefore, they housed all the groups of mice similarly. The b. ___________ was used to construct a graph. The c. ___________ was not supported by the experimental results. One group of mice did not receive any substance S in their diet. d. _______________ On the basis of the experimental results, scientists came to the e. _______________ that sweetener S is safe up to 10% of the diet. 3. Place the terms conclusion, hypothesis, and theory in the correct boxes of the adjacent diagram that illustrates the scientific method:


previous data

formulation of a. _________

observations and/or experimentation

new data

b. ____________ 1 2 3

Why cant a hypothesis ever be proven true?

d. _______________

__________________________________________ Why are there several arrows leaking from box b to box c ? e. _______________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2
c. _______________

4. Match the descriptions that follow with these theories: cell theory, theory of biogenesis, theory of evolution, gene theory. common descent with adaptation to a way of life. a. _______________ All organisms are composed of cells. b. _______________ Organisms inherit coded information. c. _______________ Life comes only from life. d. _______________ Science and Social Responsibility (p. 6) All persons have the responsibility to decide how scientific information can best be used to make ethical or moral decisions. 5. Who is responsible for deciding how we use the fruits of science? a. Scientists b. Lay people c. Ministers d. All of the above are correct. e. Only b and c are correct. 6. Which of these is a value judgment? a. If the biodiversity of plants declines, we may miss the opportunity to find cures for various illnesses. b. Its wrong to kill plants because they are defenseless against humans. c. Due to the use of cars for transportation, air pollution has increased. d. People shouldnt use their cars because it increases air pollution. e. Only b and d are value judgments.



LIFE (P . 7)

Although life is quite diverse, it can be defined by certain common characteristics. 7. Match these characteristics of life with the situations that follow. Living things are organized. Living things take materials and energy from the environment. Living things respond to stimuli. Living things reproduce and develop. Living things adapt to the environment. Frogs have a life cycle that includes an egg, a larva (tadpole) that undergoes the process of metamorphosis, and an adult.
a. ____________________ b. ____________________

Humans immediately remove their hands from a hot object. All living things are composed of cells. swims in the open sea.

c. ____________________

A flounder is a flattened fish that lives on the bottom of bodies of water, while a tuna is a streamlined fish that
d. ____________________ e. ____________________

Most cells use the sugar glucose as an energy source. 8. Homeostasis refers to keeping b. ____________________.

a. ____________________

relatively stable, such as body

9. List the following levels of biological organization in order, from smallest to largest: cell, community, ecosystem, molecule, organ, organism, organ system, population, tissue

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________


b. ____________________.

Different groups of organisms interact with the environment at the level of the

10. Label each of the following statements as an example of either the unity of life (U) or the diversity of life (D): a. Fungi absorb food; plants carry out photosynthesis. b. Homeostasis, metabolism, and evolution are characteristics of living things. c. Life began with single cells. d. Living things consist of cells. e. Maple trees have broad, flat leaves, and pine trees have needlelike leaves. Living Things Belong to a Population (p. 10) The biosphere is made up of ecosystems where living things interact with each other and the physical environment. 11. Study the diagram that follows and then answer the questions. What part do plants play in this food chain?
a. ___________ b. ___________ c. ___________ d. ___________

What part do animals play in this food chain?

What part does the decomposer play in this food chain? How do plants interact with the physical environment? How do plants interact with other living things?

e. ___________


rabbits 1

hawks 2

inorganic nutrients


The Human Population (p. 12) The biodiversity of the biosphere is being threatened by human activities. 12. Which of these statements are true? _____ a. As more and more ecosystems are converted to towns and cities, fewer of the natural cycles are able to function adequately. _____ b. Rain forests play no protective role in the biosphere, and their destruction is of little concern to humans. _____ c. The present rate of extinction is normal and about the same as at any other time in the history of the Earth.




Living things are classified into categories according to their evolutionary relationships. 13. List the following levels of classification in order, from smallest (most exact) to largest (most general): class, family, genus, kingdom, order, phylum, species _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ (largest) 14. Name the kingdoms described in each of the following statements: a. ingest food b. absorb food; includes molds and mushrooms c. photosynthesizes food; includes ferns d. includes protozoa and algae e. absorbs food; includes bacteria (smallest)

Do not refer to the text when taking this test. 1. The binomial name Notorcytes typhlops refers to taxonomic levels of a. class and order. b. genus and species. c. kingdom and phylum. d. order and phylum. 2. Select the smallest, most exact taxonomic level among the following choices: a. class b. genus c. order d. phylum 3. Select the largest, broadest taxonomic level among the following choices: a. class b. order c. kingdom d. phylum 4. Each is a general characteristic of life EXCEPT a. the ability to respond. b. reproduction and development. c. organization. d. classification.

5. The smallest level of organization, where the characteristics of life emerge, is the ______ level. a. atomic b. cellular c. molecular d. population 6. The term metabolism refers best to a. chemical and energy transformations. b. maintenance of internal conditions. c. the ability to respond to stimuli. d. the lack of reproduction. 7. Plants are unique among living things in that they are a. multicellular and absorb food. b. unicellular and ingest food. c. multicellular and photosynthesize. d. All of these are correct. 8. Bacteria belong to the kingdom a. Animalia. b. Fungi. c. Monera. d. Protista. 9. Changes in ______ account for the ability of a species to evolve. a. abiotic factors b. ecosystems c. genes d. sunlight

10. Through evolution, populations can a. adapt to the environment. b. change their level of organization. c. fail to reproduce. d. eliminate cell structure. 11. Select the incorrect association. a. datafactual information b. observationsenses c. hypothesisfinal conclusion d. experimentcontrol 12. Valid scientific results should be repeatable by other scientific investigators. a. true b. false 13. The statement with the greatest acceptance and predictive value from scientists is the a. hypothesis. b. induction. c. observation. d. theory. 14. Which of the following statements is false? a. More ecosystems undergo modifications as the human population increases in size. b. Tropical rain forests act like sponges to absorb carbon dioxide. c. The biosphere needs to be preserved so that humans can benefit. d. As ecosystems are destroyed, the number of species living there will increase. e. Science does not make moral decisions.

Answer in complete sentences. 15. Testing a hypothesis is the core of the scientific method. Explain.

16 Explain how adaptations come about through the evolutionary process.

Test Results: ______ Number right 16 = ______ 100 = ______ %

1. a. observation b. observation c. experimental results d. control group e. hypothesis f. conclusion 2. a. variables b. data c. theory d. New findings in the future may negate the hypothesis. e. Several similar conclusions from different fields can cause scientists to develop a theory. 4. a. evolution b. cell c . gene d. biogenesis 5. d 6. e 7. a. reproduce and develop b. respond to stimuli c. are organized d. adapt to environment e. take materials and energy from the environment 8. a. internal conditions b. temperature 9. a. molecule, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism, population, community, ecosystem b. emergent properties c. cell d. ecosystem 10. a. D b. U c. U d. U e. D 11. a. makes food b. consumes food c. breaks down organic matter, making inorganic nutrients available to producers d. use solar energy and inorganic nutrients e. are eaten and supply energy to consumers 12. a 13. species, genus, family, order, class, phylum, kingdom 14. a. Animalia b. Fungi c. Plantae d. Protista e. Monera

1. b 2. b 3. c 4. d 5. b 6. a 7. c 8. c 9. c 10. a 11. c 12. a 13. d 14. d 15. No matter the sequence of steps followed, scientists always test a hypothesis. The testing can take the form of making more observations rather than doing an experiment. 16. Variation within particular members of a species will allow them to capture more resources than other members. Those that survive tend to have more offspring with the same beneficial variation.

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