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POLITICAL SCIENCE (OPTIONAL) (Syllabi and Courses of Reading) Total Marks Pa er! Politi"al Se"tion Se"tion %A& Politi"al T'eory Se"tion %)& Constitution of Pakistan #$$ ($ *$

Pa er!

Politi"al S"ien"e!+ Politi"al T'eory! The Nature and Scope of Political Science, its relations to other Social Sciences, fields of specialists within Political Science; Political Theory; Political Dynamics; International elations; !omparati"e #o"ernments and Pu$lic %dministration #oals and uses of Political Science and the Pro$lems of the study of Political Science in the modern times. The State& Its essential elements, nature and definition, distinction $etween state society, #o"ernment, nation and nationality. Theories of the State& i( Theories concernin) ori)in of the State *$riefly(& purpose and end of the state. ii( !oncepts of So"erei)nty, its +eanin) and %ttri$utes, includin) the Islamic !oncepts of So"erei)nty. iii( The ,unctions of the State. The State and the Indi"idual& i( i)hts; Theory of Natural i)hts; Political and !i"il i)hts; i)hts and esponsi$ilities. ii( .i$erty, its meanin), .i$erty and /0uality, %d1ustment of .i$erty and so"erei)nty. iii( .aw, Definition and Nature, the Sources of .aw, .aw and +orality, .aw and 2pinion, the %dministration of 3ustice, and 1udiciary. 2r)ani4ation of the State. i( 5nitary ii( ,ederal, distri$ution of powers in the ,ederal System. iii( 2ther *!onfederations, 5nions, etc( ,orms of #o"ernment and their characteristics. i( +onarchy, a$solute and !onstitutional Democracy and !oncept of Democracy pu$lic in Islam. ii( epresentati"e #o"ernment 7 Parliamentary and Presidential Systems Separation of Power. iii( Dictatorship 7 !haracteristics and 8arious Types. /lection and the Party System. i( Political Parties 7 Definition, Party functions. Types of Party System, Two party system and +ulti:party system ii( Director .e)islation& Initiati"e, eferendum, ecall and Ple$iscite. +odern Political Thou)ht. Indi"idualism, Socialism, !ommunism, Idealism, ,ascism.

Se"tion A! 1.

2. '.






Se"tion )!

Constitution of Pakistan i( ii( iii( Salient features of the !onstitution of Pa<istan Presidency. National %ssem$ly; Pro"incial #o"ernment; 3udicial System; ,undamental i)hts; =asic Democracies. Introduction to Political Science, New >or<&

)ooks Re"o,,ended!+ i( odee, %nderson and !hristal

+c#raw:?ill, *lates ed.( ii( iii) i-) -) -i) -ii) -iii) i.) !./.+. 3oad o)er, ?. Saltau ?.3. .as<i .+. +aci"er ?.3. .as<i !o<er +. afi %nwar C.%. Sulari +odern Political Theory, .ondon& 2@ford 5ni"ersity Press, %men ?ouse, /.!. -, 1A6B %n Introduction to Politics, New >or<& .on)man #reen and !o. New >or< % #rammer of Politics .ondon& %llen and 5nwin. The +odern State, 2@ford 5ni"ersity Press. State in Theory and Practice, .ondon& %llen and 5nwin. ecent Political Thou)ht, New >or<& +c#raw:?ill. Presidential #o"ernment in Pa<istan. Politicians and %yu$.

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