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Jared Bulahan December 12th, 2013 First Year Composition Professor Ludlo !

"attson #ir Force $%er since & could remember, & ha%e lo%ed e%er' sin(le aspect of fl'in() From the places it too* me, li*e far a a' China to the ama+in( feelin( of %erti(o ta*in( off, it struc* me as one of the most ama+in( thin(s one can e,perience in their lifetime) "' famil' has al a's lo%ed tra%elin(, and it has rubbed off on me) & ha%e al a's anted to become an #ir Force pilot from since & as 'oun() Pilots ha%e traits that & admire, such as coura(e and unparalleled discipline) Pilots also ha%e aspects of their -ob that & respect and also admire, such as the amount of responsibilit' on their shoulders and the lo'alt' to their countr') #nd from that same 'oun( a(e, & ha%e been e,posed to militar' throu(hout m' life) "' father as a Captain in the .nited /tates #rm', so naturall' & ha%e al a's loo*ed up to him as a role model for m'self) #lon( ith the father fi(ure, & ha%e pla'ed %ideo (ames m' hole life, specificall' the 0/hooter1 and 0Fl'in( /imulator1 (enres) 2he numerous militar' aspects throu(hout m' childhood ha%e (i%en me a little taste of hat & can become in m' loomin( and rapidl' upcomin( future) From the research & ill conduct, & ant to learn about e%er' aspect of hat it ta*es to fl' ith the elite) 3ne aspect that has al a's intri(ued me is ho ri(orous the fli(ht trainin( is, but also ho the trainin( is brou(ht on, such as hands!on fl'in( to simulators) & also ant to learn ho each pilot is suited for each plane) 4hat & mean is ho each pilot is (i%en the tas* to fl' a specific plane, from a lumberin( C!15B to a futuristic F!36) #nother aspect that & hope to learn about researchin( this topic is hat the salar' is for a ./#F airman) & hope to learn a lot about m' main future career, from this paper and the man' sources & ill use) 7esearch and the findin( of information for this -ob occupation has to be one of the easiest occupations to find an untold amount of results on) From the %arious #irman online blo(s that retell dail' #F life to (o%ernment ebsites that e,plain the benefits of -oinin( the #ir Force, information is ne%er scarce for this career) "' first opportunit' for research about m' topic came from a campus librar' %isit that allo ed m'self to en(a(e in the acti%e search for info) "' (oal for that da' as to not onl' find numerous internet resources, but also to find an' ritten sources, such as boo*s or e%en bio(raphies on personnel) & as able to accomplish m' first (oal, due to the help of %arious search en(ines and the ans ers it (a%e me) "' first source of internet information for m' -ob occupation as the official ebsite of the ./#F itself) 2he ebsite basicall' has all the information one can e%er need about nearl' all aspects and details of the #F, li*e the (eneral dail' life of one in the #cadem') "an' details ere co%ered in m' e,perience on the official #F ebsite, and much as learned) #lthou(h man' 8uestions of mine ere ans ered, some still remained9 such as hat the ensi(ns reall' felt about their life!chan(in( decisions to enlist) 2he do nfall of the ebsite, in m' opinion, is that

thou(h it co%ers the ide ran(e topics and an'thin( related, one thin( that is missin( are first! hand accounts of the enlistees, li*e emotions felt throu(h the hole si(nin( process, and also both positi%e and ne(ati%e aspects about their career) First!hand accounts for the /er%ices are seen as %ital for man' due to the life chan(in( e%ents that encompass enlistin() 2he official ebsite ans ered man' basic 8uestions that & had, includin( the basic salar' of an #irmen 3fficer and basic 8uestions about the trainin() 2he official #ir Force ebsite as a (reat place to start and learn about m' upcomin( career) "' second source for firsthand information as from the &nternet) #(ain, it as eas' to find this due to the fact that it is such a %ast profession and contains thousands of men and omen) For this source, it is a detailed loo* inside of a t'pical da' of militar' life in the #ir Force) 2he person that (a%e the first!hand account as #udra :oldfuss, a Captain in the 5th #ir Force) 2he detailed account first started to tell about here :oldfuss is stationed, 3san #ir Force Base, a ./ base o%erseas in /outh ;orea) 2he account then stated that since the ./#F has bases scattered not onl' stateside, but also around the 4orld, airmen are transferred man' times, about once e%er' t o 'ears, throu(hout their career) Just from the fe openin( statements, & learned a lot about m' career) & alread' *ne that transfers occurred at %arious times durin( one1s career, but & did not *no that it happened so often) 2his detail that & learned from the first hand!account of :oldfuss s'mboli+es the importance of first!hand accounts9 that there is a ealth of *no led(e to be learned) Continuin( ith :oldfuss1 account, it then recounted a t'pical da' in her life, specificall' hat it ta*es to do her -ob) :oldfuss is a eather specialist for the ./#F) &n the account, :oldfuss e,plained the importance and %italit' of her -ob for the not onl' her fello #mericans, but also those stationed in forei(n countries li*e ;orea and Japan and all others in her theater) <"' -ob durin( these times is to (i%e eather for specific locations, help out ith Personnel 7eco%er' missions, and *eep people informed of eather all o%er the theater= >:oldfuss?) From that statement alone, & learned that no matter hat the -ob or assi(nment, it is possible for it to affect and influence man' aspects) 4hat is implied, is that one sin(le ./#F airmen can be depended on b' thousands, if not millions) 2a*e for e,ample, :oldfuss has spotted a t'phoon formin( off the southernmost coast of Japan) "illions of li%es are dependin( on her to not onl' arn the appropriate people and interpret the intel, but also ta*e the necessar' actions throu(hout the hole situation) 2he responsibilit' of e%er' soldier in the forces is a hea%' burden, as seen in another &nternet resource that & found) <&n the 4orld no shapin( itself around us, the @#FA officer is destined to pla' an increasin(l' important role= >Parrish?) 2his personal account of hat *inds of responsibilities are in store for those ishin( to -oin the ser%ices embodies the theme that responsibilit' is a hu(e aspect of the militar', and one must always be responsible for their actions) /ome responsibilities that Colonel Parrish describes include the abilit' to ha%e discipline in all aspects of one1s life and also the (enuine respect one must ha%e for all) # pilot, or an'one in the ser%ices for that matter, ield the po er to transform the 4orld, either for better or orse) From the t o first!hand accounts, & ha%e learned another hu(e aspect about -ob and life in the #F9 that a sin(le person and their decisions can affect millions in the lon( run, and their actions can ha%e lastin( effects in the 4orld toda') /ince & find first!hand accounts as %ital for research about a topic, m' third source of info about m' career as another first!hand account, the stor' of someone ho had (one throu(h Basic "ilitar' 2rainin( >B"2?, for the ./#F) & found the account on m' second da' of research, a(ain fairl' easil' due to the fact that it is such a hu(e career) &n the account, it ent throu(h the man' details about B"29 from the feelin(s and acti%ities one must do ee*s prior to trainin(, and all

the a' to the end of the process) <B"2 ill challen(e 'ou ph'sicall' and mentall') You1ll learn to follo instructions, help others, and or* as a team) You ill (ro ith each success, and 'ou1ll (ain confidence in 'our abilit' to achie%e all of 'our dreams and (oals= >#F Basic 2rainin(, 3nline #rticle?, sho s that B"2 is a %ital part for becomin( successful in this career, and it is somethin( & ha%e to accomplish) <2here ill be a lot of 'ellin(, a lot of orders and a lot of chances for 'ou to scre up) Don1t let it (et to 'ouB= >#F Basic 2rainin(, 3nline #rticle?, sho s the first!hand thou(hts and accounts of one ho ent throu(h B"2 themsel%es) &t is an account that is not 0su(ar!coated1, and sho s one the blunt realit' of B"2) From this perspecti%e, & ha%e learned that B"2, thou(h ph'sicall' and mentall' tou(h, is essential to become successful at a militar' career) #nother source of info about m' career as a ebsite (oin( into detail about the man' educational benefits that arise from enlistin() 2his is a %er' important aspect of the militar' that ill probabl' affect me (oin( into m' career, as & ha%e to pa' off m' colle(e loans) & find that an' help & can (et ith that, ill teach m'self to be financiall' smart in m' upcomin( life) "an' benefits, such as, <&ne,pensi%e insurance!!C260,000 at C20 per month= >#F Benefits?, are %er' enticin( to an'one ho is illin( to -oin, and are a %er' bi( incenti%e to -oinin( the ./#F) :oin( alon( ith the importance of first!hand accounts, another source of information on m' future occupation as strai(ht from an #irmen himself) "' source came directl' from Dincent Lee, a /taff /er(eant in the #ir Force) Lee is also the local #ir Force recruiter in the /an Francisco area, and & contacted him %ia email for the chance to inter%ie him) Lee as %er' prompt ith his replies, and stated that not onl' he as more than happ' to help me learn about his occupation b' inter%ie s and communication, but also that he as loo*in( for 'oun( men to educate about the #F and to enlist) 4e met up one da' at the recruitment center and be(an & the inter%ie ) Lee as a (reat person to inter%ie , more than happ' to ans er m' %arious 8uestions) "' 8uestions co%ered a ide ran(e of topics that & as confused about, from basic trainin( to hat Lee li*ed about the #F the most) Lee also di%erted on topics that & had not thou(ht of or co%ered, such as hat chan(ed his mind into -oinin( the #ir Force, hich as, <& sa that most of m' friends at the time ere not (oin( to be doin( an'thin( ith the' li%es, and it seemed that & ould be doin( the sameE= >Lee, &nter%ie ?) Lee helped me (ain a %ast assortment of *no led(e on the #ir Force, from his man' personal e,periences in the ser%ices) 2he inter%ie ent (reat, and & learned a lot from Lee) 3%erall, this particular inter%ie process as a (reat one, and & learned much about m' future occupation) #lon( ith the numerous first!hand accounts that & recei%ed from m' numerous &nternet searches, & also recei%ed a ealth of info about m' future occupation from the %arious pamphlets and paper handouts (i%en out at a recruitment center here in /an Francisco) & personall' thin* that these are a bit less important and %ital to the *no led(e of one1s career than first!hand accounts because it does not necessaril' include the %ar'in( opinions of others, but the' still offer %ital info and di%er(e into important detail) 2he positi%e to these pamphlets are that the' do include %er' upfront and clear information about their (i%en topics) & recei%ed these pamphlets hile in the 7ecruitin( 3ffices, and it as eas' to obtain more because the' are so numerous and out in the open) 3ne pamphlet as about the man' educational benefits that one can recei%e hen enlistin() From the automatic enrollin( of a re(ionall' accredited colle(e from the be(innin( of enlistin( to the colle(e loan repa'ment pro(rams, the "ilitar' has man' educational benefits that are %er' desirable to one ho is illin( to ser%e their countr') 2he colle(e repa'ment pro(ram states that <2he pro(ram co%ers at least C10,000 in loan debtE= >#FF $ducational Benefits, Pamphlet?, and that alone ould be a blessin( for the debt that man'

ensi(ns, includin( m'self, ould alread' ha%e) &, m'self, ould be %er' interested in these pro(rams and their benefits, due to the fact that & *no that & ill be in schoolin( for a %er' lon( time, and ould ant to continue m' education for as lon( as possible, e%en in m' future career) 2he helpin( ith pa'in( of loans is a %er' positi%e benefit of -oinin( the ./#F) 2 o other pamphlets that helped me learn about m' future career ere pamphlets about t o %er' differin( aspects of the #F) 2he first pamphlet as one about the more (round combat orientated role, the 4arrior #irmen) 4arrior #irmen are those ho are (round troops, but still apart of the #F branch) "an' aspects of 4arrior #irmen resemble the "arines or #rm', such as the parachutin( in behind enem' lines, and also recon on the front lines) 2he pamphlet states that <E4arrior #irmen allo the #ir Force to adapt and chan(e ith the e%ol%in( 4orld and arfare tactics= >#FF 4arrior #irmen, Pamphlet?, hich a(ain embodies the theme of ma-or responsibilit' that one #irmen has) #lon( ith the 4arrior #irmen pamphlet, & also recei%ed one that loo*ed particularl' interestin( to me) 2he handout is about a totall' different -ob in the #ir Force, a Cr'ptolo(ic Lin(uist) 2he fact that the ./#F has numerous -obs, that %ar' in tremendous a's from one another, sho s that the branch can possibl' suit one1s needs and specialties do n to the smallest details) 2he pamphlet states that, <#s a cr'pto lin(uist, en-o' the e,tra pa' that man' other career fields don1t offer such as forei(n lan(ua(e proficienc' pa' and fli(ht pa'E= >#FF Cr'ptolo(ic Lin(uist?, hich s'mboli+es that there are man' different fields under the branch, all differin( from one another) & find this information particularl' useful to m'self and m' research because it allo s me to find a -ob in the ./#F, that can suit m' specific needs and ants, from fi(hter pilot all the a' to a lin(uist) 2he aspect that reall' helped ith all of m' research for m' occupation as (enerall' the first! hand accounts of the %arious people, althou(h the other sources ere -ust as helpful) 2his ran(ed from the &nternet first!hand account of Captain :oldfuss that tau(ht me the life in the #ir Force, to the pamphlets that tau(ht me %aluable *no led(e of %arious aspects of the #ir Force) First! hand accounts are, in m' e'es, the most important part of an' research related -ob and occupation) 2hrou(h this assi(nment, & thin* that & accomplished m' (oals ith re(ards to bein( educated in almost e%er' faucet of m' upcomin( career, and & feel confident in m' future endea%ors)

4or*s Cited <.nited /tates #ir Force)= United States Air Force) 4eb) 13 Dec) 2013) :rabianos*i, $d) <Go the .)/) #ir Force 4or*s=) 06 "arch 2005) 4eb) 12 Dec) 2013) Parrish, Hoel) <He 7esponsibilites of #ir Force 3fficers=) Air and Space Power Journal. 4eb) 12 Dec) 2013) <Basic "ilitar' 2rainin(, Lac*land #FB 2e,as)= US Air Force Basic Training) 4eb) 13 Dec) 2013) <#ir Force Benefits)= United States Military Infor ation) 4eb) 12 Dec) 2013) Air Force! "ducational Benefits) #ir Force 7ecruitin( /er%ice, 2013) Print)

Air Force! #arrior Air en) #ir Force 7ecruitin( /er%ice, 2013) Print) Air Force! $ryptologic %inguist) #ir Force 7ecruitin( /er%ice, 2013) Print) Lee, Dincent) Personal inter%ie ) 1I Dec) 2013)
Bulahan 6

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