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Textile Engineering

Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. . ". %. (. *. ,. 10. Textile Raw Materials Introduction to yarn Manufacturing Engineering Introduction to Fabric Manufacturing Engineering Introduction to Textile !rocessing Introduction to #ar$ents Manufacturing Engineering Textile Testing and &uality 'ontrol Textile engineering utilities and ser)ices Tec+nical Textiles En)iron$ental issues related to Textile Industry -tatistical $et+ods in textile Engineering Total Core Areas Percentag e 20% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 0"% 0"% 100%

Textile Engineering (Detailed)

Sr. No. 1. TEXTILE Core Areas A! "ATE IALS# Percentag e (0%

1.1 Textile $i%res&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'% 1.1.1 .efinition and classifications of textile fibres. 1.1.2 /egetable Fibres0 i. 'otton0 introduction of cotton and its ty1es2 'ulti)ation2 +ar)esting and 1ic3ing of cotton2 -tructure of cotton fibre2 !+ysical2 c+e$ical 1ro1erties and end uses of cotton fibre2 /arieties of !a3istani cotton2 'otton grading. ii. 4ast fibres0 Fibres suc+ as 5ute2 flax2 ra$ie etc.2 !roduction and 1rocessing of bast fibres2 Fibre 1ro1erties and uses. iii. 6eaf fibres0 Fibre suc+ as abaca and sisal etc.2 !roduction2 1rocessing2 1ro1erties and uses of leaf fibres. 1.1.3 7ni$al Fibres0 i. 8air fibres0 Introduction2 classification2 structure2 1roduction2 1ro1erties and uses of wool fibres2 #rading of wool2 Introduction of fibres suc+ as 'a$el2 Mo+air2 'as+$ere2 7l1aca and 7ngora. ii. -il30 !roduction2 1ro1erties and uses of sil3 yarn. 1.1. Mineral Fibres0 Introduction2 1rocessing2 1ro1erties and end uses of natural $ineral fibres suc+ as 7sbestos.

1.1." Regenerated Fibres0 Manufacturing $et+ods of )iscose2 acetate2 tencel and lyocel fibres2 t+eir 1ro1erties and uses in textile industry.

1.1.% -ynt+etic Fibres0 i. Manufacturing $et+ods of 1olyester2 1olya$ide and acrylic fibres2 t+eir 1ro1erties and uses in textile industry. ii. Manufacturing $et+ods of )arious elastane fibres2 t+eir 1ro1erties and uses in textile industry. 1.( Str)ct)re o* $i%res&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&+% 1.2.1 'rystalline and non9crystalline $aterials2 structure of crystals2 1oly$er crystals2 :9ray diffraction and crystallinity2 assess$ent of crystallinity2 $icrostructure and $acrostructure of natural fibres; cotton and ot+er )egetable fibres2 sil3 wool and ot+er ani$al fibres2 $icro and $acro structure of synt+etic fibres; 1oly$er crystalli<ation fro$ t+e $elt solution2 fibre for$ation2 $icrostructure of $an$ade fibres. 1.2.2 Moisture 7bsor1tion and -welling of Fibres. E=uilibriu$ absor1tion of water2 +u$idity and relati)e +u$idity2 relation between regain and relati)e +u$idity2 co$1arati)e cur)es for )arious fibres2 +eat of sor1tion2 effect of e)olution of +eat swelling of fibres2 axial swelling2 trans)erse swelling2 $easure$ent of swelling2 t+eories of sor1tion2 effect of +ydro1+ilic grou1s2 absor1tion in crystalline and non crystalline regions2 +ysteresis > a $olecular ex1lanation2 structural effects in rayon fibres2 structural effects in ot+er fibres2 t+eories of ti$e de1endence. 1.2.3 .ielectric !ro1erties0 .efinition of dielectric 1ro1erties2 effect of fre=uency2 effect of $oisture2 effect of te$1erature2 static electricity2 influence of $oisture on resistance2 $easure$ent of static c+arge2 and static 1roble$s in textile. 1.2. ?1tical !ro1erties0 i. Refracti)e index and birefringence2 $easure$ent of refracti)e indices ii. 7bsor1tion and dic+rois$2 reflection

and luster. 1.2." Mec+anical !ro1erties0 Tensile 1ro1erties; true stress2 s1ecific stress2 tenacity2 brea3ing lengt+2 elastic and 1lastic defor$ation2 8oo3e@s law2 !oisson@s ratio2 stress9 strain cur)es2 elastic reco)ery. Torsion of fibres2 bending2 co$1ression. -train rate and te$1erature de1endence2 cree1 and stress relaxation.

1.2.% T+er$al !ro1erties0 i. 8eat ca1acity2 t+er$al conducti)ity2 deco$1osition and degradation2 coefficient of t+er$al ex1ansion. ii. Fibre friction2 effect of fibre friction and lubrication. 1., Introd)ction to "ec-anics o* "aterials&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&+% 1.3.1 Role of Mec+anics of Materials in Engineering2 -tresses and .efor$ations2 True -tress and True -train. 1.3.2 -tudy of -tress and -train0 i. -tress 9 -train .iagra$s of .uctile and 4rittle Materials2 ii. Isotro1ic and 7nisotro1ic Materials iii. Modulus of Elasticity i). Modulus of Rigidity ). Elastic and !lastic 4e+a)ior of Materials )i. Aon 6inear Elasticity )ii. 6inear Elasticity )iii. -tress and -train in '+anged T+er$al 'onditions. ix. Re1eated 6oading aB 4ending of Elasto91lastic Materials. bB 7nalysis of -tresses and .efor$ations. 1.3.3 Tensile 4e+a)ior of Textile Fibres Tensile Reco)ery0 i. Elastic !erfor$ance 'oefficient in Tension. ii. Inter Fibre -tress and its Trans$ission. 1.3. Module 0 -tress 7nalysis of Carn0 i. -ta1le Fibre Carn.

ii. iii.

'ontinues Fila$ent Carn. Influence of Twist on Modulus of Rigidity of Carn.

1.3." !lasticity of Textile Fibres0 Effect of 6oad2 Te$1erature Ti$e etc. 1.3.% Module %0 Mec+anical !ro1erties of Textile Materials0 Translation of Mec+anical !ro1erties of Fibres into Carn2 Carn into Fabric. 1.3.( Mec+anics of Carns0 i. Mec+anics of 4ent Carns. ii. Flexural Rigidity. iii. Fabric Drin3ling. i). -tiffness in Textile Fabrics. ). 'reasing and 'rease91roofing of Textiles. 1.3.* 'o$1ression of Textile Materials0 i. -tudy of Resilience. ii. Friction between -ingle Fibres. iii. Friction in !lied Carns. 1.3., .ra1e and 8and of Do)en and Enitted Fabrics0 i. -tructural #eo$etry of Textile Fabrics. ii. Twisted -tructure of !lied Carn. 1.. /ig- Per*or0ance $i%ers&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.% 1. .1 7ra$id Fibres0 Manufacturing2 structure2 1ro1erties2 end uses. 1. .2 !olyet+ylene Fibres0 Manufacturing2 structure2 1ro1erties2 end uses. 1. .3 'arbon Fibres0 Manufacturing2 structure2 1ro1erties2 end uses. 1. . #lass Fibres0 Manufacturing2 structure2 1ro1erties2 end uses.

1. ." 'era$ic Fibres0 Manufacturing2 structure2 1ro1erties2 end uses.

1. .% '+e$ical Reistant Fibres0 Manufacturing2 structure2 1ro1erties2 end uses. 1. .( T+er$ally Resistant Fibres0 Manufacturing2 structure2 1ro1erties2 end uses. (. INT 1D2CTI1N T1 3A N "AN2$ACT2 IN4# (.1 S5inning Processes# 2.1.1 Flow c+arts of s1inning 1rocesses for fila$ent and sta1le9s1un yarns carded and co$bed yarns2 5ute2 flax and s1un sil3 yarn. 2.12 2.1.2 2.1. In1ut and out1ut of eac+ de1art$ent. Inter$ittent s1inning and continuous s1inning. Flyer s1inning2 ca1 s1inning. 10%

2.1." Rotor s1inning and $ule s1inning. (.( 6lo7 oo0# 2.1.1 ?b5ecti)es of blow roo$. 2.1.2 Dor3ing 1rinci1les in blow roo$. 2.1.3 -tudy of bale brea3er2 1orcu1ine o1ener2 )arious beaters2 cage condenser2 scutc+er and re$o)al of wastes. (.( Carding# 2.2.1 ?b5ecti)es of carding. 2.2.2 'arding actions. 2.2.3 Dor3ing of card. 2.2. Role of different 1arts and t+eir s1eeds.

(., Dra7ing# 2. .1 'once1t of drafting. 2. .2 Real and 1erfect drafting. 2. .3 2. . .raft calculation. .rafting syste$.

2. ." .rafting and doubling. 2. .% ?b5ects of drawing fra$e. 2. .( Dor3ing of drawing fra$e. 2. .* 4rea3er2 inter and finis+er drawing fra$e. (.+ Co0%ing# 2.".1 ?b5ecti)es of co$bing. 2.".2 Aoil %age. 2.".3 'o$bing 1re1aratory 1rocesses. 2.". -tudy of co$ber.

2."." Dor3ing of Rectilinear co$ber. (.' o8ing $or0ation#

2.%.1 ?b5ecti)es of ro)ing fra$e. 2.%.2 Dinding 1rinci1les. 2.%.3 Dor3ing of ro)ing fra$e. 2.%. (.9 D+y and +ow twist is i$1arted in ro)ing. S5inning#

2.(.1 ?b5ecti)es of ring s1inning. 2.(.2 !rinci1le and $ec+anis$ of twist insertion. 2.(.3 2.(. (.: Dor3ing of ring fra$e. Carn counting and its syste$s. !oolen Ind)str;#

2.*.1 Dool and its classification. 2.*.2 Doolen and worsted yarn. 2.*.3 Flow c+arts for woolen and worsted s1inning 1rocesses. 2.*. Dool classification and sorting.

2.*." I$1urities in wool. 2.*.% Raw $aterial for woolen industry.

2.*.( Dool scouring2 carboni<ing2 drying and blending. 2.*.* Doolen carding and woolen s1inning. (.< !orsted Ind)str;# 2.,.1 Dorsted carding2 bac3was+ing and gilling. 2.,.2 'o$bing2 drawing and s1inning. (.10 !inding and 3arn Pac=ing# 2.10.1Carn 1ac3age ty1es. 2.10.2Carn clearers. 1.10.3Re$o)al of yarn faults. ,. INT 1D2CTI1N T1 $A6 IC "AN2$ACT2 IN4# ,.1 6asics o* 7ea8ing&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&0+% 3.1.1 8istory and sco1e of wea)ing. 3.1.2 Introduction to wea)ing tec+nology9loo$ ele$ents2 yarn 1re1aration 2 war1ing and its ob5ecti)es2 si<ing and its ob5ecti)es2 1ri$ary $otions of wea)ing2 secondary and ancillary $otions of wea)ing2 different s+edding syste$s9$eritsFde$erits2 s+uttle and s+uttle less weft insertion syste$s. 3.1.3 MeritsFde$erits of different weft insertion syste$s. 3.1. 4eating9u1 and its ty1es > Eccentricity G1ros and consB. 10%

3.1." Fabric ta3e9u1 and war1 let > off. 3.1.% Dar1 and weft sto1 $otion war1 1rotector $otion2 wea)e 1resentation2 re1eat2 draft2 1eg 1lan and reed 1lan2 1lain wea)e and its deri)ati)es2 twill wea)e and its deri)ati)es2 construction of satin and sateen wea)es. ,.( 6asics o* =nitting&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&0+% 3.2.1 8istory and sco1e of 3nitting.

3.2.2 Introduction to 3nitting and its ter$inology2 $ac+ine 3nitting ele$ents2 beard2 latc+ and co$1ound needles. 3.2.3 'lassification of 3nitting $ac+ines2 1rinci1les and $ec+anis$ of weft 3nitting. 3.2. 6oo1 for$ation2 usage of different 3nit loo1s2 1ro1erties of 1lain and rib fabrics2 1ro1erties of 1url and interloc3 fabrics.

3.2." Introduction to war1 3nitting2 $ec+anis$ of loo1 for$ation in war1 3nitting2 'lassification of war1 3nitting $ac+ines2 basic war1 3nitted structures2 stitc+ notation of war1 weft 3nitted structure2 End usage of war1 3nitted structures. .. INT 1D2CTI1N T1 TEXTILE P 1CESSIN4# ..1 Introd)ction# .1.1 Introduction to textile c+e$ical 1rocessing. .1.2 '+e$ical 1rocessing flow c+art. ..( S-earing > Singeing $)nda0entals# .2.1 -+earing H -ingeing 1rocesses. .2.2 -+earing Mac+ine and its descri1tion. .2.3 -ingeing Mac+ine and its descri1tion. .2. E)aluation of singed fabric. 10

.., Desi?ing > Sco)ring $)nda0entals# .3.1 '+e$ical co$1osition of -i<e and 'otton. .3.2 .esi<ing Tec+ni=ues and Met+ods. .3.3 -couring c+e$icals and 7uxiliaries. .3. -a1onification2 .is1ersion2 -us1ension and E$ulsion.

.3." E)aluation of desi<ing H scouring. ... 6leac-ing > "erceri?ing $)nda0entals# . .1 4leac+ing '+e$icals and auxiliaries. . .2 4leac+ing c+e$istry.

. .3 Effect of Merceri<ation on cotton fibre. . . E)aluation of 4leac+ing H Merceri<ing.

..+ D;eing $)nda0entals# .".1 Introduction to dyes. .".2 .yeing of cellulosics wit+ direct2 reacti)e2 sul1+ur and )at dyes. .".3 .yeing of 1olyester2 nylon2 acrylic2 wool and sil3. .". I$1ortant c+aracteristics of dyed fabrics.

..' Color Science $)nda0entals# .%.1 Introduction to s1ecification2 $easure$ent and =uality control of color. ..9 Printing $)nda0entals# .(.1 .esign -tudio H Engra)ing. .(.2 Introduction to different $et+ods and styles of 1rinting. ..: $inis-ing $)nda0entals# .*.1 'lassification of finis+es0 c+e$ical; $ec+anical. .*.2 +. INT 1D2CTI1N T1 4A "ENTS "AN2$ACT2 IN4# +.1 4ar0ent T;5es and Categories. +.( Stitc- Classi*ication# ".2.1 -titc+ .efinition2 !ro1erties and 'lasses. +., Sea0s# ".3.1 -ea$ .efinition2 .i$ensions2 classes2 a11earance H !erfor$ance and !roble$s. +.. Se7ing T-read $)nctions and C-aracteristics. +.+ 4ar0ent Pre5arator;# ".".1 Mar3er Ma3ing. ".".2 Fabric -1reading. ".".3 Fabric 'utting. +.' Se7ing "ac-ine $)nda0entals# ".%.1 -ewing Mac+ine ty1es and classifications. ".%.2 -titc+ing For$ing Mec+anis$s. i. T+read 'ontrol de)ises. Introduction to co$$on c+e$ical and $ec+anical finis+es. 10%

ii. iii. i). ). )i.

Aeedles. 4obbins2 'ases and 8oo3s. 6o11ers. -1readers. T+roat !lates2 Tongues and '+aining .e)ices.

+.9 Se7ing Process# ".(.1 Material +andling in sewing 1rocess. ".(.2 4asic layouts of sewing roo$ for different articles. ".(.3 Dor3 7ids in sewing 1rocess. ".(. -1ecial ?1erations in -ewing.

+.: A55arel S)55ort "aterials# ".*.1 Tri$s. ".*.2 7ccessories. +.< 4ar0ent Pressing# ".,.1 Funda$entals of gar$ent 1ressing. ".,.2 !ressing e=ui1$ent ty1es. ".,.3 Effect of different 1ressing tec+ni=ues on different $aterial ty1es. +.10 Se7ing Pro%le0s@ $a)lts and t-eir e0edies.

+.11 4ar0ent /andling and Pac=aging Tec-nolog;.

'. TEXTILE TESTIN4 AND A2ALIT3 C1NT 1L# '.1 Textile Testing 1%Becti8es# %.1.1 '+ec3ing raw $aterial2 $onitoring 1roduction2 accessing t+e final 1roduct2 in)estigation of faulty $aterials2 1roduct de)elo1$ent and researc+ -tandardi<ation of Textile testing /ariation in t+e Material and /ariation 'aused by t+e Test Met+od. '.( Sa05ling# %.2.1 /arious ter$s. Fiber sa$1ling fro$ bul3. Fiber sa$1ling fro$ la12 sli)er2 ro)ing and yarn. Carn and fabric sa$1ling. '., Textiles and "oist)re# %.3.1 Introduction. Effect of $oisture on 1+ysical 1ro1erties. 7t$os1+eric $oisture and its $easure$ent Regain and $oisture content Regain9 +u$idity relation of textiles. Factors affecting regain. Met+ods of $easuring regain. 'orrect in)oice weig+t. 'ontrol of testing at$os1+ere. '.. $i%er Di0ensions# %. .1 Fiber fineness2 fineness $easure$ent by )arious $et+ods including cotton fineness by airflow $et+od. '.+ Cotton "at)rit;# %.".1 Maturity and its Measure$ent by /arious Met+ods. '.' $i%er Lengt-# %.%.1 /arious $et+ods for $easure$ent of fiber lengt+ including co$b sorter2 Fiberogra1+ and 8/I G8ig+ )olu$e instru$entB 'otton #rading. '.9 3arn Testing# %.(.1 6inear density. Measure$ent of linear density of single and folded yarns. 6inear density of yarn re$o)ed fro$ fabric sa$1le. Carn -trengt+2 co$1arison of single yarn testing and yarn lea testing. Measure$ent of yarn friction. '.: T7ist# %.*.1 Measure$ent of twist for single and 1lied yarns. '.< 3arn E8enness# %.,.1 Measure$ent of yarn e)enness by )isual


exa$ination cut and weig+s $et+od and by Ister e)enness tester. Testing of +airiness of yarn wit+ t+e +el1 of )arious de)ices. '.10 Tensile Strengt-# %.10.1Introduction and )arious definitions suc+ as brea3ing strengt+2 stress2 s1ecific stress2 tenacity2 brea3ing lengt+2 elongation2 strain2 extension 1ercentage and gauge lengt+. Inits for )arious 1ara$eters. Force elongation cur)e. Cield 1oint2 $odulus2 and wor3 of ru1ture2 ti$e de1endence and elastic reco)ery. Factors affecting tensile testing Measure$ent of single fiber and fiber bundle strengt+. -ingle yarn strengt+ testing and lea strengt+ testing si$1le testing of fabric strengt+. '.11 $a%ric Strengt- Testing# %.11.1Tensile testing by stri1 and grab $et+od. Testing of tearing strengt+ of fabrics by )arious $et+ods including El$endorf $et+od Testing of bursting strengt+ of fabric -tretc+ and reco)ery 1ro1erties -ea$ strengt+. '.1( Ser8icea%ilit; o* $a%rics# %.12.1Introduction. -nagging. Testing for 1illing. Testing for abrasion resistance and factors affecting abrasion resistance. '.1, 1%Becti8e E8al)ation o* $a%ric /andle# %.13.1.efinition of +andle. 4ending lengt+. -+irley stiffness testing. 8anging loo1 $et+od. Fabric dra1e. 'rease reco)ery2 testing of fabric t+ic3ness. Fabric friction. '.1. A)alit; Control# %.1 .1.efinitions of =uality. Ty1es of =uality control. &uality assurance. !resentation of =uality related data2 &uality control c+arts2 basis of control c+arts2 control li$itsFaction li$its2 s1ecification li$its. -tate of statistical control Ty1es of )ariation of =uality assessed fro$ =uality control c+arts2 )ariation due to c+ance2 and )ariations due to assignable causes. 7d)antages of using =uality control c+arts2 ty1es of =uality control c+arts2 x9bar c+arts Gday to day i.e. subgrou1 to subgrou1 )ariationB2 r9bar c+arts Gwit+in day i.e. wit+in subgrou1 )ariationB2 19bar c+arts G1ercent defecti)eB2 +ow and w+en correcti)e action is ta3en by using &.'. c+arts.

9. :.

TEXTILE EN4INEE IN4 2TILITIES AND SE CICES. N1ND!1CEN AND TEC/NICAL TEXTILES# :.1 NonD7o8ens# *.1.1 Introduction to non9wo)en fabrics. *.1.2 Fibre and 1oly$er selection. *.1.3 Deb for$ation 1rocesses. *.1. Deb +andling and trans1ort 1rocesses.

10% 10%

*.1." Deb bonding 1rocesses. *.1.% Finis+ing and fictionali<ation of nonwo)en fabrics. *.1.( T+e $anufacture9structure91ro1erty relations of selected nonwo)en $aterials. *.1.* -tudy of nonwo)en $anufacturing routes for different 1roduct ty1es. *.1., '+aracteri<ation and testing2 1rinci1les of design for 1erfor$ance. :.( Tec-nical Textiles# 8.2.1 Agrotech. 8.2.2 Buildtech. 8.2.3 Geotech. 8.2.4 Medtech. 8.2.5 Mobiltech. 8.2.6 Oekotech. 8.2.7 Packtech. 8.2.8 Protech. 8.2.9 S orttech. 8.2.1!"o e#. :.,Cleaning Textiles.

:.. Ad8ertising Textiles. :.+ Coated and La0inated $a%rics. <. ENCI 1N"ENTAL ISS2ES IND2ST 3# ELATED T1 TEXTILE +%

<.1 Textile > En8iron0ent# ,.1.1 7ir 1ollution. ,.1.2 Dater 1ollution. ,.1.3 Aoise 1ollution. ,.1. Effect of fibre 1roduction H $anufacturing industry on en)iron$ent.

,.1." Effect of yarn $anufacturing industry on en)iron$ent. ,.1.% Effect of fabric $anufacturing industry on en)iron$ent. ,.1.( Effect of textile 1rocessing industry on en)iron$ent. ,.1.* Effect of gar$ent $anufacturing industry on en)iron$ent. <.( En8iron0ental "anage0ent S;ste0s and EcoD la%eling# ,.2.1 EM- $odels. ,.2.2 Eey ele$ents of an EM-. ,.2.3 Integration of existing en)iron$ental acti)ities in textile to EM-. ,.2. EM- and co$1liance.

,.2." Introduction to I-? 1 0002 I-? 1 0012 ?e3o9tex 1002 EI eco9label and de)elo1$ent of standards. <., Cleaner Prod)ction Tec-nologies elated to Textile Ind)str;# ,.3.1 -ources2 i$1act2 $onitoring2 reduction and control of 1ollution in textile industry. <.. Textile E**l)ents > !aste "anage0ent# ,. .1 En)iron$ental i$1act assess$ent.

,. .2 En)iron$ental audits. ,. .3 Aational En)iron$ental &uality -tandards. ,. . Textile effluent treat$ent $et+ods0 1+ysical; c+e$ical; biological.

,. ." -olid textile waste $anage$ent. STATISTICAL "ET/1DS IN TEXTILE EN4INEE IN4# 10.1 10.( 10., 10.. 10. 10.+ 10.' 10.9 10.: 10.< Introd)ction to statistics > 5ro%a%ilit;. Acce5tance sa05ling in textiles. "eas)res o* central tendenc;. "eas)res o* 8ariation. Anal;sis o* 8ariation (AN1CA). Correlation > regression. Statistical 5rocess control. Process control c-arts. Pareto c-arts. +%

10.10 Process ca5a%ilit; anal;sis. 10.11 Design > anal;sis o* ex5eri0ents. Total 100%

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