A Project in Human Resources Planning and Audit by Ms. Shweta Seshan Submitted To: Prof. Ghosh

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A Project in Human Resources Planning and Audit By Ms. Shweta Seshan Submitted to: Prof.


HR Practices at Gala y!

Galaxy - The Ultimate Shopping Experience

In 1992, when retail in India was all about shelf space, merchandise and prices, Galaxy redefined every aspect of the shopping experience and called it a service industry and offered the Indian consumer an international shopping experience. s India!s first specialty chain with outlets in "umbai, #angalore, $elhi, %yderabad, &aipur and 'hennai and manpower strength of nearly 1()) employees Galaxy offers a complete range of garments and accessories for the entire family. *ith 2(,))) customers wal+ing in every day to feel the experience, Galaxy is well on its way to rewrite many more chapters in the retail industry. ,he foundation of Galaxy was laid on $ecember 2, 1992 by the -. -harma group of companies. s one of the largest players in the country in the business of real estate development and hotels, the Group too+ a pioneering step by redeveloping one of its existing group owned properties into a .etail venture called Galaxy. Galaxy, leveraging on the Group!s strength and expertise in the service industry, grew from merely being a men!s store with about /))) s0. ft. of trading area to 1ashion 2 3ifestyle apparel and accessories store for the family and boasts a turnover of .s. 4() 'rores 5ur ability to successfully develop our managers for their current assignment as well as for future leadership roles has direct impact on our ability to achieve success in our four priorities. ,hese priorities are diversity, profitable growth, improved productivity and returns, and becoming customer6centric. "ision 7,o be a Global .etailer in India and maintain no. 1 position in the Indian "ar+et in $epartment -tore category.7

HR Practices at Gala y! Mission 78othing but the best.7 ,o strive and achieve nothing but the best in terms of processes, practices and deliverables. "alues -ome of the main features that have helped Galaxy differentiate itself in the retail industry and be accepted across the country as a mar+eting phenomenon are its own outstanding commitment to customer satisfaction along with its deep sense of ethics and values. ,he following are the values that help us in achieving our mission and vision9 *e shall not ta+e what is not ours ,he 5bligation to $issent :against a viewpoint that is not acceptable; *e shall have an environment conducive to openness and development *e shall believe in innovation *e shall have the willingness to apologi<e and=or forgive *e shall respect our customer!s rights ,he value of trust *e shall be fair

%owever, no company can escape the cyclical turns of businesses and its effect on the manpower in the organi<ation. Galaxy also passed through this phase 4 years ago, when there was a boom in the retail industry. ,here was a significant increase in the number of retail outlets across the country. #ig players wanted a share of the retail pie. %ence all efforts were made to woo away the star performers in the industry. lso, increase in competition affected the mar+et share considerably. ,he company was going through a bad patch. ,o add to the problems, a few highly competent people left the company. It was time to wa+e up and smell the coffee. ,he problem at Galaxy was not getting bac+ its mar+et share, but that of retaining its performers. %ence an in depth study of the %. initiatives was conducted and new processes and methodologies were introduced. >eople formed the fulcrum of all

HR Practices at Gala y! activities at Galaxy. revamp of all the policies and procedures was effected and the

changes were effectively communicated to people across the organi<ations. ,herefore the %. initiatives over the last three years are driven by a three6pronged ob?ective9 innovation, entrepreneurship and globali<ation. ,his is not fuelled by a desire to seem employee6friendly alone, but by a clear understanding that a self6sustaining, high performance organi<ation is a business imperative. %. is not about bac+room operations but about impacting the business of the organi<ation. %. philosophy has moved from ?ob security to employability, with focus on learning and development, talent management and performance management. ,he following values clearly outline our commitment to our people and to the progress of the company #ore "alues Galaxy is its people and the 'ore @alues by which they live

Gala y! & Peo$le



,rust Integrity

>assion for *inning

Gala y! Peo$le *e attract and recruit the finest people in the world. *e build our organi<ation from within, promoting and rewarding people without regard to any difference unrelated to performance. *e act on the conviction that the men and women of Galaxy will always be our most important asset. %eadershi$ *e are all leaders in our area of responsibility, with a deep commitment to deliver leadership

HR Practices at Gala y! results. *e have a clear vision of where we are going. *e focus our resources to achieve leadership ob?ectives and strategies. *e develop the capability to deliver our strategies and eliminate organi<ational barriers. 'wnershi$ *e accept personal accountability to meet the business needs, improve our systems and help others improve their effectiveness. *e all act li+e owners, treating the 'ompany!s assets as our own and behaving with the 'ompany!s long6term success in mind. (ntegrity *e always try to do the right thing. *e are honest and straightforward with each other. *e operate within the letter and spirit of the law. *e uphold the values and principles of Galaxy in every action and decision. *e are databased and intellectually honest in advocating proposals, including recogni<ing ris+s. Passion for )inning *e are determined to be the best at doing what matters most. *e have a healthy dissatisfaction with the status 0uo. *e have a compelling desire to improve and to win in the mar+etplace. *rust *e respect our Galaxy colleagues, customers and consumers and treat them, as we want to be treated. *e have confidence in each other!s capabilities and intentions. *e believe that people wor+ best when there is a foundation of trust.

HR Practices at Gala y! HR (nitiati+es at Gala y! 'rgani,ational #ulture ,he organi<ational culture of Galaxy lays emphasis on business growth through employee growth. )e show res$ect for all indi+iduals *e believe that all individuals can and want to contribute to their fullest potential. *e value differences. *e inspire and enable people to achieve high expectations, standards and challenging goals. *e are honest with people about their performance.

*he interests of the com$any and the indi+idual are inse$arable *e believe that doing what!s right for the business with integrity will lead to mutual success for both the company and the individual. 5ur 0uest for mutual success ties us together. *e encourage stoc+ ownership and ownership behavior.

)e Are Strategically -ocused in our )or. *e operate against clearly articulated and aligned ob?ectives and strategies. *e only do wor+ and only as+ for wor+ that adds value to the business. *e simplify, standardi<e, and streamline our current wor+ whenever possible.

(nno+ation is the #ornerstone of our Success *e place great value on big, new consumer innovations. *e challenge convention and reinvent the way we do business to better win in the mar+etplace. )e Are / ternally -ocused *e develop superior understanding of consumers and their needs.

HR Practices at Gala y! *e create and deliver products, pac+aging and concepts that build winning brand e0uities. *e develop close, mutually productive relationships with our customers and our suppliers. *e are good corporate citi<ens.

)e "alue Personal Mastery *e believe it is the responsibility of all individuals to continually develop themselves and others. *e encourage and expect outstanding technical mastery and executional excellence. *e strive to be the best in all areas of strategic importance to the 'ompany. *e benchmar+ our performance rigorously versus the very best internally and externally. *e learn from both our successes and our failures.

Mutual (nterde$endency is a )ay of %ife *e wor+ together with confidence and trust across functions, sectors, categories and geographies. *e ta+e pride in results from reapplying others! ideas. *e build superior relationships with all the parties who contribute to fulfilling our corporate purpose, including our customers, suppliers, universities and governments.

HR Practices at Gala y! Man$ower Planning Galaxy is among the few companies that follow a structured manpower planning process. ,his helps in minimi<ing ad6hoc recruitments to a great extent, thereby significantly reducing costs. -hort range, medium range and long range manpower planning is done at the beginning of the year. ,his helps achieve manpower targets more efficiently. ,he recruitment team tries to stic+ to the manpower plan most of the time, except in times of contingency. process. Recruitment & Selection ,he recruitment process at Galaxy is structured with the right amount of flexibility so that the best talent is selected. 'andidates generally go through a mental ability test and an interview for entry6level positions. 1or -ales personnel, communication s+ills and selling s+ills are tested as well as the ability to handle stress. "anagement ,rainees are ta+en from >remier #usiness schools all over the country. %owever, every year, two new lesser6+nown business schools are also tested so that the talent pool is explored for newer opportunities. Galaxy began implementing a character trait recruiting process aimed at identifying and profiling the personality traits of the best6performing employees in every ma?or ?ob classification within its company. ,hree years after we instituted this process, employee turnover declined nearly /BC, ma+ing the company 1A percent better than its competitors. ,he following factors were considered in the recruiting audit9 verage times to fill position .ecruiting staff si<es .ecruiter per open position ratios .ecruitment costs 'andidate pool si<e Interviews6to6offers ratios >osition acceptance rates t such times, the services of a consultant are used to speed up the

HR Practices at Gala y!

#ommunication 'ommunication is given great significance within and outside the organi<ation. 'ommunication at all levels is encouraged and informal groups are recogni<ed and given incentives so that their wor+ing is not detrimental to the organi<ation. Employees are encouraged to approach their superiors or any other senior member of the organi<ation, not only when there is a problem, but also to share information. >eriodic cross6functional teams are formed for various activities organi<ed in the 3earning 'entre. ,his familiari<es the employees with the top management and facilitates easy flow of information. *raining & 0e+elo$ment ,raining and $evelopment are ta+en very seriously at Galaxy and the process is audited every year in order to identify any shortcomings so that they can be rectified in time. ,raining initiatives are underta+en fre0uently so that employees can be in step with the latest developments in their functional areas. #ehavioral training is regularly imparted so that employees can understand various aspects of their personality and identify the areas of improvement. -ales personnel are sent to various international organi<ations for training. %earning #entres ,he company has a 3earning 'entre at the corporate office where employees can access a host of information sources li+e boo+s, ?ournals, periodicals, maga<ines, newspapers and computer based training resources. ,his encourages self6learning and provides the employees with an opportunity to learn about things beyond their realm of wor+. ,his also increases the interaction between the employees at all levels and encourages the formation of cross6 functional teams for different pro?ects and seminars that the 3earning 'entre regularly organi<es. ,he employees are also connected to the 3earning "atrix6 an e6learning site which helps them interact with people within and outside the organi<ation. ,here are bulletin boards where people can post 0ueries which are then answered by experts. ,his aids in retaining and disseminating +nowledge within the organi<ation.

HR Practices at Gala y! Performance A$$raisal 4A)6degree performance appraisal is used at Galaxy. ,he process is 0uite ob?ective in nature and monitoring is on a continuous basis. ,his helps employees identify any gaps in their performance and rectify in time. Employees also get a chance to evaluate their seniors and also improvise on their own performance through the feedbac+ received from all the people that they regularly interact with. "#5 is also actively practiced and hence the targets are realistic and achievable. ll goals are clear and unambiguous and hence there is no scope for misunderstanding. "anagers compete with themselves than with other managers. ,his reduces internal conflicts. ,he concept of one6minute6goals is actively practiced whereby all the goals are written on paper in not more than 2() words and can be read in a minute. ,his helps employees be in constant touch with their goals and goal6setting no longer remains an activity that is done ?ust once a year. #areer Progression 'areer >lanning of employees is chiefly dependent on the competency framewor+ in a company. t, Galaxy, we map an employeeFs 0ualities by administering tests li+e 5ccupational >ersonality Guotients :5>G;, an independent psychometric test, that has 1D) statements ?udging the individualFs feelings and emotions, thin+ing capacity and interpersonal relationships. 'areer planning for the employees is seen as a H. professionals at Galaxy. t Galaxy, career planning is done in three ways6 multi6s+illing of employees, training and behavior management program. ,he employees are categori<ed into groups in the ascending order of their performance and are sub?ected to any of these methods accordingly. "ulti6 s+illing is meant for the cream of the employees so that they can be groomed to ta+e on higher positions within the organi<ation. &ob rotation is an integral part of an employeeFs career plan. Growth opportunities in terms of money and position are chiefly instrumental in ac0uiring employee gratification. -ince developmental planning within the framewor+ of the company can ensure individual growth and its benefits to the company, the top management considers career planning as a part of their agenda. for the %.


HR Practices at Gala y! #om$ensation 'ompensation is an integral part of any %. initiative. ,he compensation pac+age at Galaxy is competitive and at par with the best in the industry. t Galaxy, the flexi6pay system is followed, whereby employees can choose from among a host of options li+e profit sharing instead of regular bonus, E-5>s, %. , conveyance allowance etc. 'ompensation pac+ages are designed +eeping individual needs in mind and can be modified as per the desire of the employee. lso, care is ta+en to ensure that the tax liability of the employee is +ept at a minimum. ,he company also offers help in filing the annual tax returns of its employees. Performance1%in.ed Pay >erformance lin+ed pay forms a ma?or chun+ of the compensation pac+age at Galaxy. ,here are also other non6monetary incentives li+e holidays in foreign destinations, gift vouchers for special targets etc. ,his helps the employees as they are rewarded for every little effort that they put in. ,eam incentives foster a sense of team spirit and employees encourage and help with each other achieve targets. Producti+ity >roductivity and efficiency are two important tools for maximi<ing profits and minimi<ing costs. ,he productivity of the employees is improved through ?ob rotation. @arious software pac+ages are used in order to decrease the process time and increase the productivity. -toc+ ta+ing at the end of each day helps assess the inventory in terms of the number of orders to be placed, the variety of items re0uired etc. ll the computers across geographical boundaries are lin+ed on a networ+ so as to enable dealers reach the nearest outlet for business6to6business transactions. ,hus the number of orders that are lost due to geographical constraints are minimi<ed. Employee productivity thus increases, as each employee is aware of the +inds of items that have a tendency to go out of stoc+ soon and hence can notify the purchase department. well6informed sales person can ma+e better and faster sales. ,hus product training helps increase a sales personFs productivity.


HR Practices at Gala y! /m$loyment Security Employment -ecurity in the >-Is ma+es the employees complacent and affects productivity whereas the high degree of insecurity in the private sector hampers performance. Galaxy see+s to achieve a balance so that there is the right amount of stress and insecurity to egg people on, but at the same time there is enough security so that people can concentrate on their ?obs. ,his is done by communicating to the employees that their ?obs are dependent not ?ust on achieving targets, but on sustained performance over a period of time. Employees are encouraged to be ethical at all times and are made aware of the need to uphold the company culture at all times. Retention s we progress towards a +nowledge6based economy, human capital will feature as an important source of competitive advantage for companies. %ence, it becomes imperative for companies to recruit and retain high performers. .etention of good employees is a common problem in an industry that is growing by the day. ,he loss of +ey staff members will cause inefficiency and loss of critical s+ills. -ignificant cost would also have to be incurred in recruiting, training and developing new hires. 'ross6>latform ,raining helps the employees adapt to the changing needs of the business environment. .ecognition of ,alents is a very important tool that helps in retention of employees. ,he talent of the employee is gauged during the training period so that employee6?ob fit can be enhanced. ,his also increases the productivity significantly -tar performers are routinely sent up for training to International outlets so that they can gain hands6on experience. ,hese initiatives have greatly reduced the employee turnover ratio. -le i time .etention is a ma?or reason behind wor+place flexibility arrangement. It has been found that flexi6wor+ is effective in reducing absenteeism among employees. It provides employees with more time to handle various personal demands such as childcare and elder care, which could sometimes lead to absenteeism. s employees are better able to balance their wor+ and


HR Practices at Gala y! family commitments, their satisfaction increase and they become more productive and committed to their wor+. Paternity %ea+e and Anni+ersary2Birthday %ea+e Galaxy allocates paternity leave for its male employees, as it understands that most of the employees live in nuclear families and hence need to mobili<e all the manpower that they can at such times. $uring this period employees are also allowed to avail of the flexi time schedule whereby they can wor+ as per their convenience. In order to +eep the employees up6 to6date with the happenings in the company, emails are sent to the employees and net meetings are held. Every employee is allowed to ta+e a day off on his=her #irthday or *edding nniversary. -ringe Benefits Galaxy sponsors the trousseau for at least one wedding event. ll employees can avail of (6 1)C discount on their purchases at Galaxy. lso, factory seconds of in6house brands are ll the sales personnel are made available to the employees at heavily discounted rates. after a tiring and difficult wee+end.

attended to by trained people from a reputed beauty salon. ,his helps in re?uvenating them dditionally medical chec+6ups are also conducted on a periodic basis for all the employees in the organi<ation. ,ransport facilities are provided for the employees from their residence to the office. Every outlet has canteen facilities where healthy and nutritious food is made available to the employees at subsidi<ed rates. Every year the canteen committee reviews the performance of the canteen based on feedbac+ received form the employees and the necessary changes are effected from time to time. /m$loyees as Brands Employee brand identifies employees as the prime customers of an organi<ation. It is the external face of the organi<ation as pro?ected inside. #y internali<ing brand values, employee branding encourages employees to develop an emotional bond with the organi<ationFs brands ?ust as any external customer would. ll employees in the organi<ation, even those not in direct contact with the customers, are deemed as sales persons, as they significantly


HR Practices at Gala y! contribute to the organi<ations reputation. customerFs experience begins with the

conviction of the salesperson. ,his conviction comes from his appreciation of what he sells. ,herefore, it is necessary to buy6in the employees even before approaching the external customer for the products and services of the organi<ation. %ifetime Affiliations *hen a Galaxy employee completes 1) years with the group, Galaxy holds the 'lub 1) celebrations for that employee, and invites all his=her colleagues over the years including those who have left the company. It uses this occasion to renew ties with the former employees. In fact, it invites former employees for many of its internal get6together parties, though not all together or at one place. *e believe that every person exiting the company is our brand ambassador, and will influence public opinion by sharing the experience of wor+ing at Galaxy. ll our retired directors are invited every year for a get6together where the chairman ma+es a presentation on the companyFs performance and its path ahead. .ehiring employees is the biggest benefit that Galaxy gets out of this exercise. Employees are found to be more loyal and dedicated in their second stint and do not have to be trained again. -ince the alumni are already familiar with the systems, processes and culture of Galaxy their learning curve is very short as compared with a new hire. Si Sigma -igma is a highly disciplined process that helps us focus on developing and delivering near6 perfect products and services. ,he central idea behind -ix -igma is that if you can measure how many 7defects7 you have in a process, you can systematically figure out how to eliminate them and get as close to 7<ero defects7 as possible. -ix -igma has changed the $8 of Galaxy J it is now the way we wor. J in everything we do and in every product we design. ,here are three +ey elements of 0uality9 customer, process and employee. Everything we do to remain a world6class 0uality company focuses on these three essential elements.


HR Practices at Gala y! ...*he #ustomer1 0elighting #ustomers 'ustomers are the center of GalaxyFs universe9 they define 0uality. ,hey expect performance, reliability, competitive prices, on6time delivery, service, clear and correct transaction processing and more. In every attribute that influences customer perceptionK we +now that ?ust being good is not enough. $elighting our customers is a necessity. #ecause if we don!t do it, someone else willL ...the Process1 'utside1(n *hin.ing Guality re0uires us to loo+ at our business from the customer!s perspective, not ours. In other words, we must loo+ at our processes from the outside6in. #y understanding the transaction lifecycle from the customer!s needs and processes, we can discover what they are seeing and feeling. *ith this +nowledge, we can identify areas where we can add significant value or improvement from their perspective. ...the /m$loyee1 %eadershi$ #ommitment >eople create results. Involving all employees is essential to Galaxy!s 0uality approach. Galaxy is committed to providing opportunities and incentives for employees to focus their talents and energies on satisfying customers. -ix -igma is a very important process implementation tool, which helps us map our processes vis6M6vis, the structured processes and helps identify the gaps. ,his is useful in improving the various business processes and increases productivity while reducing errors. ,o achieve -ix -igma 0uality, a process must produce no more than 4./ defects per million opportunities. ,his means we need to be nearly flawless in executing our +ey processes. -ix -igma is a vision we strive toward and a philosophy that is part of our business culture. -ix -igma was applied to the delivery process and was helpful in eliminating the number of errors that occurred in the past. *3M ,he role of the %. $epartment in improving 0uality is considerable. Guality consciousness is very high at Galaxy. ll employees are educated on the ill effects of sales return. %ence,


HR Practices at Gala y! every product is minutely examined for 0uality conformance. Guality is not the sole purview of the purchase staff. Even sales personnel are encouraged to constantly examine all goods for any defects. ,he customer is the focal point of all our initiatives. ,he customer includes not only outsiders who buy the organi<ationFs products and services, but also internal customers. ,G" is applied to all the aspects our organi<ation in the sense that it relates not only to the final product but also to how the organi<ation handles deliveries, how rapidly it responds to complaints, how politely the phones are handled etc. ,eam wor+ is actively encouraged in the application of the ,G" principle. ,he (6- principle, the logic behind which is that organi<ation, neatness, cleanliness, standardi<ation and discipline at the wor+place are basic re0uirements for producing high60uality products and services, with little or no waste, while maintaining high levels of productivity is also treated as an integral part of the ,G" process. Benchmar.ing Galaxy routinely benchmar+s its processes against the processes in other companies. *e distinguish between performers and non6performers by valuing achievement at the individual as well as the team level. 5urs is a culture of inclusively where feedbac+, learning and ideas are actively encouraged, sought and acted upon. ,his helps identify the gaps and also indicates the best6 practices being used in other companies. #enchmar+ing also acts as an audit as each process is analy<ed on a cost6benefit parameter. ,his exercise helps weed out the non6value adding processes and thus brings down the operational costs. S$onsorshi$ for -urther Studies 45nowledge is the only instrument of $roduction that is not subject to diminishing returns6 17.M.#lar. Employees who show the potential for growth are sponsored for further studies at various design schools, retailing schools and business schools. In most of the cases the fee is waived or at the participant is re0uired to pay 2(C of the fee at the most. $uring this period they are also paid their basic salary. ,his process helps in enriching the talent pool. ,he employees do


HR Practices at Gala y! not have to sign any bond for this purpose and it has been noticed that these employees prefer to stay on with the organi<ation as they are given ample opportunities to apply their learning. Awards and Recognition Every employee is appreciated and rewarded for his efforts. Every wee+, the best performers are recogni<ed and rewarded cash incentives to egg them on to better performance. ,his concept of one6minute6praising acts as a motivational tool for the employees. ,he company has constituted an Employee of the Near ward for the best employee of the year. ,his award is decided not ?ust on the basis of targets achieved, but also the employeeFs behavior as a 'orporate 'iti<en. ,he importance of the organi<ational culture is thus reinforced through this award. All )or. and 8o Play Ma.es 7ac. a 0ull Boy 3ife here at Galaxy is brimming with events 6 where employees can pursue their interests in areas as varied as arts, culture, or sports. ,he ob?ective is to ensure that employees are not confined to their tas+s. Employees express their various s+ills and interests through forums that include an 7 rt Gallery7 on campus dedicated to displaying the wor+s of the staff, daily 0ui< competitions, and regular music meetings that +eep the place abu<< with creativity. Hshiti? is the base organi<ation that hosts cultural programs for the employees. Each event emphasi<es a specific area li+e music, dance, or 0ui<. ,hese programs are generally not competitive, but a competitive element is sometimes added to enhance enthusiasm and to bring out the best in our people. Inder Hshiti?, there are sub groups li+e the IG 'ircle :Gui<<es;, -hruthi :the classical music club; and $ramatix :the drama club;. .egular picnics are also organi<ed so that employees from different locations can interact with each other.


HR Practices at Gala y! Ever since it changed the face of Indian .etail Industry, Galaxy has garnered many a coveted award and accolade. .ecognition has come at both national and international levels, ma+ing it a retail giant to rec+on with at the global arena. Galaxy is the only retailer from India to become a member of the prestigious Intercontinental Group of $epartmental -tores :IG$-;. ,he IG$- consists of 29 experienced retailers from all over the world, which include established stores li+e -elfridges :England;, -hanghai 8o.1 :'hina;, "anor :-wit<erland; to name a few. Galaxy won 7,he "ost Images 1ashion wards. "s. -harma won the 7 nnual ward for Excellence as ,op 'E5 for 2))17 at the Institute of "ar+eting "anagement. "s. -harma was also nominated for the Ernst 2 Noung 7Entrepreneur of the Near 2)))7 ward. *he -uture 1rom "umbai to $elhi to the rest of India. ,o consolidate its position in the business of retailing, Galaxy has aggressive expansion plans to grow from B stores to about 2) stores by the year 2))4. Galaxy plans to expand in the 4),))) s0. ft. O format across both *estern and -outhern India and add on at least two stores each year over the next three years. *ith the current pattern of thought and planning, we may well exceed our targets as in the past. nd as we strategi<e and plan our future initiatives, we reali<e that it is our intellectual capital that gives us the cutting edge and hence our business interests would always be in line with the interests of our %I" 8 ' >I, 3. Galaxy has always believed that9 dmired pparel .etailer of the Near 2)))7 ward at the

*here the vision is one yearK cultivate flowers *here the vision is ten yearsK cultivate trees *here the vision is eternityK cultivate people


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