04 Activity Configure NIC and DHCP Linux

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Network Development

Install and maintain a server/Build an intranet

Basic configuration on NIC and DHCP using configuration Files

Blacktown College
Information Technology
Document Information
Document Owner: WSI-14-45 File Location:

Created: 11 Aug 2008 Modified: 10. Aug. 2009

Author: Stephen King Page Count: 9


Revision History
Revision # Revision Date Description of Modification Modified by

Copyright © 2008, NSW Department of Education and Training (TAFE).
The reproduction, photocopying, storing on a retrieval system, or transmitting of this manual is protected under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommerical-ShareAlike 2.5 license.
You are free to share (copy, distribute, display. and perform the work) and to remix (make derivative works) under the following
● you must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor,
● you many not use this work for commercial purposes.
In addition, if you alter, transform, or build upon this work,
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Table of Contents
Document Information..............................................................................................2
Revision History.........................................................................................................2
VM Information....................................................................................................................................6
Virtual Machine Settings............................................................................................................6
Interface Configuration...............................................................................................................6
User Configuration......................................................................................................................6
Services Configuration................................................................................................................6
Before You Begin.......................................................................................................................6
Activities ..............................................................................................................................................7
Configuring NIC using config file...................................................................................................7
Activity start................................................................................................................................7
Configuring basic a DHCP server using config file........................................................................9
Self Guided.................................................................................................................................9
Blacktown College - Information Technology
NetDev: Install & maintain a server/Build and intranet

These activites are designed to allow you to configure 2 basic services using CLI
(Command Line Interface) tools.


You will require the following:
● Copy of SLES10-Base Virtual Machine

Copyright © Department of Education and Training, 2008 5 of 9

Blacktown College - Information Technology
NetDev: Install & maintain a server/Build and intranet

VM Information
The virtual machine for this exercise has the following configuration:

Virtual Machine Settings

Memory: 512
CD-ROM: Auto
Ethernet: Host Only
USB Controller: Present
Vmware Tools: Installed

Interface Configuration
IP Address:
Host Name: svr1
Domain Name: sample.com
Name Server:
Default Gateway:

User Configuration
Two users have been created:
Username Password
root secret
student password

Services Configuration
<What services have been configured> Nil

Before You Begin

● Ensure you point the CD-ROM to the SLES ISO
● Copy any current configuration files and give the copy the extension .orig

Copyright © Department of Education and Training, 2008 6 of 9

Blacktown College - Information Technology
Basic NIC and DHCP configuration in Linux

Configuring NIC Using Config File
In this activity we will use a terminal and the editor, joe, to create a configuration file for our
network interface. We will then restart the network service so that the new configuration will
be used.
For this activity, use the following:
Server IP:
Default Gateway:
Host Name: svr2
Domain Name: example.com
Domain Name Server:

Activity Start
1. As we are logged in as a non-privilaged user, we need to switch user to the
privilaged, root user.
su -
password: secret
2. We already have a valid interface configuration file from the previous activity, so
we are going to move it to a different location.
a) cd /etc/sysconfig/network
b) ls -l
c) You should see a file with a name similar to:

This is the config file for the interface. It is best to use tab
completion for the next command. This symbol ---> means
press the tab key.
d) Use the following command to move the config file to /home/

mv ifcfg-eth-id----> /home/
e) Use joe to create and open a new configuration file:

joe ifcfg-eth0
f) You should now have a blank file open. Type in the field
shown on the next page. Note the relationship to the
information provided at the beginning of this activity.

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Blacktown College - Information Technology
NetDev: Install & maintain a server/Build and intranet


g) Now use CTRL+K+X to save the file and exit from joe.
3. We now need to change the hostname:
a) From the command prompt type:
echo svr2>/etc/HOSTNAME
b) And then use the following command to reload hostname file
/bin/hostname -F /etc/HOSTNAME

The hostname will change when you shut down and re-enter
the terminal
4. Once hostname has been set, we need to change the domain name server IP.
Note- this command is typed on a single line.
echo “nameserver”>/etc/resolv.conf

5. Now we need to restart the network service. Use the following command:

service network restart

6. We need to define the default gateway. To do this we need to put the IP address
of the default gateway into a file named routes that is located in
/etc/sysconfig/network. To do this use the following command:


You can use the route command to check the default gateway for this device.
7. Use the ifconfig and ip address show commands from activity 1.1 to check
interface configuration.

End of Activity

Copyright © Department of Education and Training, 2008 8 of 9

Blacktown College - Information Technology
Basic NIC and DHCP configuration in Linux

Configuring Basic A DHCP Server Using Config

First we will rename the original configuration file for DHCP:
mv /etc/dhcpd.conf /etc/dhcpd.conf.old
1. Now we will use the editor, joe, to create a new dhcpd.conf file:
joe /etc/dhcpd.conf
2. You will now have an empty text file open. Type the following. It is a good idea to
indent sections of this file as it will make it easier to read when the configuration
becomes more complex.

ddns-update-style interim;
ignore client-updates;

subnet netmask{

option domain-name “example.com”;
option domain-name-servers;
option routers;

3. Now use CTRL+K+X to save the file and exit from joe.
4. You will now need to use joe to edit the file /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd
1. Locate the lne:
2. Enter eth0 after the = sign.
3. Use CTRL+K+X to save and exit from the file
5. Restart the DHCP service:
service dhcpd restart
6. You may need to create a file for the leases to be written to:
touch /var/lib/dhcp/db/dhcpd.leases.

Self Guided
Using the command man dhcpd.conf see if you can add in some reservations and exclusions
to your DHCP configuration (to exit from the man page, press the q key ).

What other configurations can be made using DHCP? Try some.

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