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Sector Update

December 13, 2013

FMCG Sector Insights

Growth yet to unfold
FMCG was the largest industry to witness double digit growth in the last decade. The growth was largely fuelled by an increase in GDP and private final consumption expenditure of the country. Further, the change in demographics, aspirations and demand for convenience products has aided in fuelling the growth. Currently, though the sector is witnessing a slowdown largely led by economic challenges, experts believe the potential of the sector would rebound and continue to outpace the GDP growth of the country. We recently met an industry veteran with more than 10 years of experience in the FMCG industry. He shared his views on the current scenario and growth drivers for the FMCG industry. The key takeaways of the discussion are presented below. Key takeaways:
Considering the size of the Indian population at 1.2 billion, against say Australias population of 20 million (mere 1.7% of India), if we compare the size of any FMCG category in India to that of Australia, it will be abysmally low. This is due to two factors; firstly, penetration in India is very low impacting the volume for the category and secondly, the price/unit is much lower keeping the value also lower. Hence, though India needs to catch up on penetration and volume growth, there is a large gap in price and value growth that needs to be filled in. Premiumisation is one of the emerging trends in the country that could aid in filling this gap

Growth in FMCG industry expected at ~2x GDP growth

Analysts name
Sanjay Manyal Parineeta Rajgarhia

The size of the FMCG industry in India is estimated to be | 15001600 billion, posting growth of ~11% in the last decade The FMCG industry was a laggard in 2000-05. However it witnessed phenomenal growth in the second half of the decade (2005-10). It is expected to witness further accelerated growth (3.5-4x) in the next decade aided by urbanisation, changing demographics and increase in private final consumption expenditure (assuming the ratio of private final consumption expenditure remain same as a percentage of GDP) Indias consumption is seven to 10 years behind that of China across categories. Hence, for categories currently at $1000-1500 in India, it is a tipping point to gain scale The penetration of products in India is still very low. Though volume growth has been higher than that of developed nations, value growth in India still needs to catch up The consumption pattern of India is starkly different from that of a developed world consumer having the same income. Consumers in developed world consume much more than the Indian consumer Historically, the middle income group has been the main growth driver with mass products driving volume and value growth. The trend is changing and there is extension of demand both for the top end (premiumisation) and scalability for the bottom end (rural demand) consumers led by higher aspirations of consumers Middle income consumers are up-trading and premiumisation is a visible trend among them. Further, aspirations of rural consumers are increasing and they are now demanding the same products and brands used by urban consumers. Hence, scalability for products in rural India is becoming viable for companies, which are witnessing a significant upsurge in rural demand Earlier, venturing into rural India was good to talk however, difficult to do but the scenario has changed. Companies are increasingly deploying resources to tap rural growth as rural consumers are well aware of the brands and products aiding the viability of expanding presence in these markets Apart from distribution in rural market, servicing the market as well as demand creation was also a challenge. However, with the help of media, demand creation has been considerably tackled with servicing continuing to remain a challenge. However, with

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increasing aspirations and demand in rural India, investing behind servicing these markets has become viable It is a misconception that lower unit price stock keeping units (SKUs) are for rural markets as rural consumers are increasingly demanding higher value pack products. The trend of marketing separate products in rural and urban India has changed and now the same products can be sold in both markets Further, the growing influence of women in decision making is aiding FMCG growth as they now enjoy greater flexibility to make choices and demand more convenience products Premiumisation has been a challenge in the past as there was not enough scale (demand) for it to make economic sense coupled with lack of aspiration in consumers. However, with the changing scenario premium products are finding a place in the consumption basket Modern trade continues to contribute mid-single digits (4-6%) growth to sales and is not expected to witness phenomenal growth in India owing to the following factors; o Traditional stores in India are efficient enough (ease of delivery, location and time) making it tough for the entry of modern trade o The flexible timings of traditional stores (open from 7 am to 9 pm) and services such as home delivery, credit facility, less time consuming, located nearby, etc. make it difficult for modern trade to enter the country o Further, poor infrastructure facilities in the country (lack of space, parking, bad roads) unlike the western world where better infrastructure supports distant access to modern trade stores The biggest challenge for companies due to inflation is more on the cost side than demand side because India is a value sensitive market as the middle class continues to remain the main growth driver The impact of consumer inflation on demand is generally in the short-term with long term demand depending on the nature of the product and demand elasticity of inflation on consumption Competition among domestic FMCG companies is likely to get more aggressive. Companies that have long term plans in India will be the key beneficiaries The biggest challenge for companies currently is to manage cost, inflation and talent Margins of companies fluctuate in the near term (quarterly) due to cost inflation for which companies need to bite the pricing bullet regularly rather than take a significant jump at once, which impacts consumer sentiment and demand Dairy a category has a long term and big opportunity in the country while biscuits are a developed category. India is the largest market for biscuits in terms of volumes while it stands at the tenth position globally in terms of value

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RATING RATIONALE endeavours to provide objective opinions and recommendations. assigns ratings to its stocks according to their notional target price vs. current market price and then categorises them as Strong Buy, Buy, Hold and Sell. The performance horizon is two years unless specified and the notional target price is defined as the analysts' valuation for a stock. Strong Buy: >15%/20% for large caps/midcaps, respectively, with high conviction; Buy: >10%/15% for large caps/midcaps, respectively; Hold: Up to +/-10%; Sell: -10% or more;

Pankaj Pandey

Head Research Research Desk, ICICI Securities Limited, 1st Floor, Akruti Trade Centre, Road No 7, MIDC, Andheri (East) Mumbai 400 093

We /I, Sanjay Manyal,MBA and P Parineeta Rajgarhia MBA research analysts, authors and the names subscribed to this report, hereby certify that all of the views expressed in this research report accurately reflect our personal views about any and all of the subject issuer(s) or securities. We also certify that no part of our compensation was, is, or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendation(s) or view(s) in this report. Analysts aren't registered as research analysts by FINRA and might not be an associated person of the ICICI Securities Inc.

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