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MAITHUNA, THE ART OF SACRED SEX You are Aphrodite and Adonis as soft f esh end ess !

dan"es on f esh a#on$ the %ri iant f o&ers of Mount O !#pus' You are the roi and ro of the uni(erse in the ne(er endin$ #o(e#ent of "reation' You are #astodons in rut, %ut !ou are a so a point of i$ht %e!ond #anifestation' That point e)p odes into a #i ion fra$#ents i*e fire&or*s in "os#i" eternit!' The t&o of !ou are one %ut e(en the one #e ts into nothin$ness' Fina !, %e!ond thou$ht, "on"ept or e(en fee in$ at a is the indes"ri%a% e e"stas! as !our persona it! dies' There is on ! $od+"ons"iousness in a dire"tions and in a ti#e &hi"h is out of ti#e fore(er'

And this is Maithuna, the meditation of sex. Maithuna is the Sans*rit &ord for union' Maithuna is !o$i" se)ua union' It #eans a"t or instan"e of unitin$ t&o or #ore thin$s into one state of %ein$ or a spiritua unitin$ in order to %rin$ a%out "on"ord'

This is the unit! of "reatin$ one fro# t&o, an es"ape fro# the dua it! s!ste# in &hi"h &e i(e' Surrounded %! a so"iet! that tea"hes us the "on(o uted p atitudes and attitudes of t'(' soap operas and of ad(ertisin$ in a sort of perpetua ado es"en"e of spirit, &e un earn the se)ua e"stas! that is our %irthri$ht' Se) is a(ai a% e to a #ost e(er! adu t' It "annot %e #ade i e$a , ,a thou$h a&s in different p a"es in" udin$ the United States ha(e "ir"u#s"ri%ed the *ind of se) that is e$a and $i(en %itter punish#ent or e(en death for those &ho trans$ress the - a&-. Se)ua (o!a$in$ shou d ta*e us on /ourne!s to in"redi% e spa"es of "ons"iousness and union &ith #an! e(e s of infinite rea it!, %ut that ta*es un earnin$ #u"h of &hat re i$ion has pro#u $ated and our parents, in their i$noran"e, passed on to us' Ma*in$ o(e is a &a! of $ettin$ hi$h, perhaps u ti#ate ! the on ! &a!' 0e #a*e o(e &hen &e &a * do&n the street and s#i e at an o d person1 &e #a*e o(e &hen &e pet an ani#a ' In a of our dai ! inter+re atin$ &ith peop e and &ith thin$s, &e either "reate #ore o(e or %rea* do&n the o(e that e)ists' Se)ua inter"ourse is one for# of #a*in$ o(e' ,The fo o&in$ instru"tions use heterose)ua ter#ino o$!1 their "ontent, thou$h, is (a id for the "o#in$ to$ether of !in and !an$ ho&e(er it #anifests'. Unfortunate ! #an! of us are so separated fro# our %odies that &e &ear un"o#forta% e " othin$, o(er+eat, s#o*e to%a""o and use the 2#issionar!3 position in se)ua inter"ourse' This position in &hi"h the #an is on top of the &o#an, #a*es it (er! diffi"u t for her to ade4uate ! respond' Sin"e a &o#an5s %od! is s o&er to arousa than a #an5s ,it is said to ta*e at east ei$hteen #inutes %efore rea union "an start to o""ur., it is ne"essar! for the &o#an to inf uen"e the ti#in$ durin$ inter"ourse if the partners are to %e"o#e one &ith ea"h other' This ne"essitates a rea e$o+ oss fro# %oth partners sin"e our so"iet! has tau$ht the #an to ead and the &o#an to %e passi(e' E(en #ore da#a$in$ to a spiritua ! "ons"ious se) ife is the #!th that or$as# is the su##it of se)ua e)perien"e' Maithuna #a! ead to e)perien"es that #a*e or$as# see# pa id %! "o#parison, to the p a"e of ori$ina "reation &here the earth e#er$es, "e s #u tip !, ife e(o (es in its #an! fa"ets' The fee in$ that or$as# is ne"essar! "an %e an an"hor $roundin$ the persona it!' If the #an does not "o#e to " i#a), his e#otiona rea"tion #a! #a*e it diffi"u t for hi# to et $o of his persona it!' On the other hand, if the &o#an is usin$ fantas! or p a! a"tin$ to sti#u ate her %od! into rapid response, she oses tou"h &ith her partner' It isn5t 2%ad3 to do an! of that' 6ut pro on$ed #o#ents of su"h separation #a*e the #ost e"stati" e(e s of o(e+#a*in$ i#possi% e to a"hie(e'

So, rule number one:

it is of primary importance that orgasm is not the most important end to this union. Somebody, perhaps Alan Watts, said that orgasm is a delightful punctuation in the act of making love.

The second rule:

the oman must be chiefly responsible for timing the se!ual act. She ill slo things do n if she feels it is too fast and suggest the ne!t move physically or verbally. To do this she needs to lose ego, to be very a are, at least in the beginning, of her o n body and hat responses it is giving. Te epathi" "o##uni"ation $ro&s throu$h truth+te in$'

"ule three# The t o partners must agree to tell the truth to each other at all times. Truth, in this case, is hat you are feeling or here your thoughts go. "emain centered on each other.

The Star of Da(id is a dia$ra# of the #aithuna position of o(e #a*in$' The partners are fa"in$ ea"h other, the #an sittin$ &ith his e$s "rossed, the &o#an sittin$ on hi# &ith her e$s around hi#' In this position there "an %e no hi$her or o&er, no first and se"ond, no %e$innin$ and no end' Maithuna, so#eti#es "a ed 7erra8a or Dianis# in the 0est or Ya%+Yu# in Ti%et, ta*es ti#e1 it is a true #editation' So pi"* an unpressured da! or e(enin$' To tou"h the aeons ta*es a fee in$ of unfettered eisure' Start s o& !' Ta*e a %ath to$ether' Thro& rose peta s in the %ath &ater1 i$ht "and es and in"ense so that the %athin$ p a"e itse f %e"o#es an a tar' 9oo* ea"h other deep in the e!es unti fa"es shift and thou$hts fade' Te ea"h other ho& #u"h !ou "are' No& is the safe ti#e to et $o of an!thin$ he d %a"*, an! untruths, fears, e4ui(o"ations' Tou"h soft ! on the fa"e, the shou ders, the hair' After !our %ath dr! ea"h other &ith soft to&e s and ru% !ourse (es &ith sa"red s"ents, perhaps &ith a#%er in pure oi ' 9ie do&n in front of a fire or on a %ed &ith soft % an*ets, and #assa$e ea"h other &ith

on$, s o& #o(e#ents of hands and ar#' :ush !our hands s o& ! up ea"h other5s %a"*s a%out an in"h on ea"h side of the spine, fro# the sa"roi ia", sa"red spa"e of ener$!, to the %ase of the ne"* &here &e $ather su"h tension durin$ the "ourse of our dai ! &anderin$s' 6reathe deep !' As !ou #assa$e ea"h other, %e a&are of the #o#ent' Your &or d ri$ht no& is that spot &here fin$ers #eet %a"*' Con"entrate on it' 0here f esh tou"hes f esh, !ou t&o are a read! "o#in$ to$ether in a sa"red spa"e' When you are ready, sit up comfortably and face each other. $our legs can be crossed if you are at ease that ay, or you can prop yourselves against pillo s or even in a very large chair. %f you use consciousness e!panding sacraments, no is a good time to partake of them. &reathe deeply, look into each others eyes again, and see each other as divine. &ehold god and goddess e!isting beyond your bodies and yet in them, beyond your personalities and yet acting through them. &e conscious. As you ga'e, your partners face ill shift and change, fade and become brilliant. (ike a )icasso portrait, you may see simultaneous faces, one imprinted on the other. *eepening your meditation as you look at each other third eye to third eye, you may see that third eye actually manifesting on the flesh bet een and +ust above the eyebro s. %f you need to pull your attention a ay, stop and discuss that need, hat you ere thinking about and hy. %n your gro ing telepathic sensitivity, there is nothing to be ashamed of, and there is everything to share. The inner core of you has been aiting so long, lifetimes perhaps, for this very moment of intimacy. This eye meditation is so po erful that you may +ust ant to practice this yoga for several days ithout having union on any other level. The longer you practice it, the closer you ill get, and the higher genital union ill be hen you finally come to it. Maithuna is the art of (i%rationa rather than fri"tiona se)' You #a! #o(e in The ;reat Dan"e, %ut not unti !our %odies te !ou that it is ti#e' Unti then sit 4uiet ! oo*in$ into ea"h other5s e!es' E)pe"t nothin$' Ma*e no de#ands' <ust as &a(es of sound #o(e to$ether in resonan"e or dis"ord, if the (i%rations are not inte$rated and in har#on! %et&een !ou and !our partner, true union is i#possi% e to a"hie(e !et' Ha(e a soft i$ht1 !ou don5t &ant to #a*e o(e in the dar* %ut to enhan"e the senses, to di ate e(er! a(enue of si$ht, sound, s#e &ith the &onder of ea"h other' This is a #editation in "on"entration' This is a (isua i8ation, not in the #ind, %ut in the f esh' The

;oddess or ;od is sittin$ %efore !ou as (u nera% e and open to o(e as !ou are' It &ears the fa"e and for# of !our 9o(ed One' Ta*e as #u"h ti#e as !ou need to appre"iate and tru ! fee ea"h other as Deit!' This $ift and &onder is $i(en those &ho tru ! !earn to find the "os#i" o(e that irradiates e(er!thin$ on a e(e s of rea it!'

After a space of time, ho ever long or short it may be, you ill ant to touch each other, to feel the arm of flesh. ,ingers gently move in unison, dance together in the air in a lingering caress that neither leads nor is led but is a simple kno ing of each other. $ou touch on shoulders, face, on breasts. $ou may lose consciousness of hich are fingers and hich is the receiving skin as your t o bodies slo ly become one body caressing itself. *ont try to hold on to anything. "ise and fall on the varied levels of a areness. $ou may feel humor, happiness, sadness or even +ourney beyond any feeling, lost in the dance of s eet flesh touching flesh. -ventually you ill ant to be closer. %t might be hours or seem like days, but since you are traveling in and out of time ith no destination in mind, it doesnt really matter. At last the need for closer contact develops. And then the shakti, divine female energy, sits on the mans crossed legs. &odies come close together in a s eet glo of soma. %ntuitive. .no ing almost ithout ords here and ho to move but using gentle ords hen they come. ,eeling. &ecoming /ne as centuries heel and time collapses on itself. %f you separate sometimes and become t o again, thats fine. 0o back to looking in each others eyes. When you kno that the time is right, your bodies ill come together even more intimately. The shakti ill put her legs around the mans aist, and his penis ill penetrate her. 7eep !our %odies 4uiet' There is no need for for an!thin$ further to happen, no $oa s' <ust a (er! s o& pu sation of ener$!' You are se"ure to$ether'

Your (ision %e"o#es e(en #ore ps!"hede i"' You are the Ti%etan deities o"*ed in an e#%ra"e that ends dua it!' E(entua ! there is on ! the % oo#in$ of the $enita s, %oundar! ines disappearin$, no penis, no (a$ina' There is on ! the fier! sti point of "reation' There #a! %e the histor! of the &or d, the s o& s ide of "r!sta ine #ud, thunderstor#s ra$in$ o(er deso ate ands"apes, dinosaurs roarin$ in &i d freedo#' Or ne%u ae &hee in$ throu$h $reat hea(ens' Or $oddess steppin$ forth to "aress !ou &ith the % essin$ of fear essness' It #a! %e"o#e the 4uietness %efore "reation that %ui ds stran$e p anets of tender s&eetness' The #o(e#ent %e$ins1 that one #a$nifi"ent ener$! ti$htens and re a)es, fee s itse f, *no&s e"stas!' A thou$h !ou are #er$ed, !ou are !ourse (es a so, and the &o#an *no&s &hen to re a)' The #an *no&s &hen to pu %a"* a #o#ent' This is a #editation of se f+"ontro that ai#s at osin$ se f and findin$ it a$ain, the "os#i" $a#e of hide and see* that &e a p a! in our o&n &a!s' It is possi% e to stop and start o(er a$ain #an! ti#es' You #a! &ant to e(en separate, feed ea"h other, ta *, and return !et on"e a$ain to se)ua union' You "an sit, #e ded in e#%ra"e, for #an! hours e)perien"in$ a #ost infinite e(e s of %ein$' 0hen the ti#e "o#es, there &i not %e t&o of !ou an! #ore' There is on ! a shared a&areness of the #o(e#ent of #o e"u es, of %ein$ !ourse (es in the %od! of Sour"e, of %ein$ Sour"e itse f' So#eti#e an e)p osion per#eates e(er! ato# of !our "ons"iousness unti there is not e(en one of !ou an! #ore'

You ha(e %e"o#e the uni(erse to$ether in the (er! "ore of !our %ein$'

This is the su##ation of Maithuna, so#eti#es "a ed Tantri" Se)' This is the e)perien"e that #a*es or$as# oo* i*e 2the itt e death3 it is often "a ed' This is a 6i$ Death, an o(er&he #in$ death, a death that (i%rates in its a i(eness, a /o!ous death, a &onderfi ed ad(enture throu$h ti#e and spa"e' It is a surrender of persona it! and indi(idua it! to that essen"e that under ies and fi s e(er! thin$ and non+thin$'

You rest in serenit!, *no&in$ that !ou are %eautifu and that !our %e o(ed is %eautifu and that a of "reation is (er! %eautifu '
Don5t %e disappointed if a this does not happen the first ti#e !ou tr! it' 6e patient &ith !ourse f and !our o(er' That (er! patien"e and surrender to &hat is &i he p !ou to $ro&, understand and su""eed' Fa#i iarit! &ith se)ua se f+"ontro #a! ta*e ti#e' Most !o$i" pra"ti"es do' In India, &here rein"arnation is rea and the separate sou , &hi"h is the #onad, earns and $ro&s fro# one in"arnation to the ne)t, ti#e is of itt e i#portan"e' To e)perien"e the tru ! e"stati" states of Maithuna, ti#e #ust %e !our ser(ant' ;ood /ourne!in$' Ma! this itt e #editation he p !ou and a sentient %ein$s'

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