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Rules for the Classification of Steel Ships

NR 467

July 2012

These sheets contain amendments within the following Sections of July 2011 issue of the Rules for the Classification of Steel Ships. These amendments are cumulative with Amendments January 2012. These amendments are effective from July 1st, 2012.




Section / Appendix

Part A

NR 467 A1 DT R10 E

Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4 Ch 5

Sec 1, Sec 2, App 1 Sec 2, App 1, App 3 Sec 2, Sec 3, Sec 4, Sec 5, App 1 Sec 2, Sec 3, Sec 4, Sec 6, Sec 8 Sec 1, Sec 2, Sec 10 Continued page 3

NR 467 DT Amd 006 E July 2012


ARTICLE 1 1.1. - BUREAU VERITAS is a Society the purpose of whose Marine Division (the "Society") is the classification (" Classification ") of any ship or vessel or structure of any type or part of it or system therein collectively hereinafter referred to as a "Unit" whether linked to shore, river bed or sea bed or not, whether operated or located at sea or in inland waters or partly on land, including submarines, hovercrafts, drilling rigs, offshore installations of any type and of any purpose, their related and ancillary equipment, subsea or not, such as well head and pipelines, mooring legs and mooring points or otherwise as decided by the Society. The Society: prepares and publishes Rules for classification, Guidance Notes and other documents (Rules); issues Certificates, Attestations and Reports following its interventions (Certificates); publishes Registers. 1.2. - The Society also participates in the application of National and International Regulations or Standards, in particular by delegation from different Governments. Those activities are hereafter collectively referred to as " Certification ". 1.3. - The Society can also provide services related to Classification and Certification such as ship and company safety management certification; ship and port security certification, training activities; all activities and duties incidental thereto such as documentation on any supporting means, software, instrumentation, measurements, tests and trials on board. 1.4. - The interventions mentioned in 1.1., 1.2. and 1.3. are referred to as " Services ". The party and/or its representative requesting the services is hereinafter referred to as the " Client ". The Services are prepared and carried out on the assumption that the Clients are aware of the International Maritime and/or Offshore Industry (the "Industry") practices. 1.5. - The Society is neither and may not be considered as an Underwriter, Broker in ship's sale or chartering, Expert in Unit's valuation, Consulting Engineer, Controller, Naval Architect, Manufacturer, Shipbuilder, Repair yard, Charterer or Shipowner who are not relieved of any of their expressed or implied obligations by the interventions of the Society. ARTICLE 2 2.1. - Classification is the appraisement given by the Society for its Client, at a certain date, following surveys by its Surveyors along the lines specified in Articles 3 and 4 hereafter on the level of compliance of a Unit to its Rules or part of them. This appraisement is represented by a class entered on the Certificates and periodically transcribed in the Society's Register. 2.2. - Certification is carried out by the Society along the same lines as set out in Articles 3 and 4 hereafter and with reference to the applicable National and International Regulations or Standards. 2.3. - It is incumbent upon the Client to maintain the condition of the Unit after surveys, to present the Unit for surveys and to inform the Society without delay of circumstances which may affect the given appraisement or cause to modify its scope. 2.4. - The Client is to give to the Society all access and information necessary for the safe and efficient performance of the requested Services. The Client is the sole responsible for the conditions of presentation of the Unit for tests, trials and surveys and the conditions under which tests and trials are carried out. ARTICLE 3 3.1. - The Rules, procedures and instructions of the Society take into account at the date of their preparation the state of currently available and proven technical knowledge of the Industry. They are not a standard or a code of construction neither a guide for maintenance, a safety handbook or a guide of professional practices, all of which are assumed to be known in detail and carefully followed at all times by the Client. Committees consisting of personalities from the Industry contribute to the development of those documents. 3.2. - The Society only is qualified to apply its Rules and to interpret them. Any reference to them has no effect unless it involves the Society's intervention. 3.3. - The Services of the Society are carried out by professional Surveyors according to the applicable Rules and to the Code of Ethics of the Society. Surveyors have authority to decide locally on matters related to classification and certification of the Units, unless the Rules provide otherwise. 3.4. - The operations of the Society in providing its Services are exclusively conducted by way of random inspections and do not in any circumstances involve monitoring or exhaustive verification. ARTICLE 4 4.1. - The Society, acting by reference to its Rules: reviews the construction arrangements of the Units as shown on the documents presented by the Client; conducts surveys at the place of their construction; classes Units and enters their class in its Register; surveys periodically the Units in service to note that the requirements for the maintenance of class are met. The Client is to inform the Society without delay of circumstances which may cause the date or the extent of the surveys to be changed. ARTICLE 5 5.1. - The Society acts as a provider of services. This cannot be construed as an obligation bearing on the Society to obtain a result or as a warranty. 5.2. - The certificates issued by the Society pursuant to 5.1. here above are a statement on the level of compliance of the Unit to its Rules or to the documents of reference for the Services provided for. In particular, the Society does not engage in any work relating to the design, building, production or repair checks, neither in the operation of the Units or in their trade, neither in any advisory services, and cannot be held liable on those accounts. Its certificates cannot be construed as an implied or express warranty of safety, fitness for the purpose, seaworthiness of the Unit or of its value for sale, insurance or chartering. 5.3. - The Society does not declare the acceptance or commissioning of a Unit, nor of its construction in conformity with its design, that being the exclusive responsibility of its owner or builder, respectively. 5.4. - The Services of the Society cannot create any obligation bearing on the Society or constitute any warranty of proper operation, beyond any representation set forth in the Rules, of any Unit, equipment or machinery, computer software of any sort or other comparable concepts that has been subject to any survey by the Society. ARTICLE 6 6.1. - The Society accepts no responsibility for the use of information related to its Services which was not provided for the purpose by the Society or with its assistance. 6.2. - If the Services of the Society cause to the Client a damage which is proved to be the direct and reasonably foreseeable consequence of an error or omission of the Society, its liability towards the Client is limited to ten times the amount of fee paid for the Service having caused the damage, provided however that this limit shall be subject to a minimum of eight thousand (8,000) Euro, and to a maximum which is the greater of eight hundred thousand (800,000) Euro and one and a half times the above mentioned fee. The Society bears no liability for indirect or consequential loss such as e.g. loss of revenue, loss of profit, loss of production, loss relative to other contracts and indemnities for termination of other agreements. 6.3. - All claims are to be presented to the Society in writing within three months of the date when the Services were supplied or (if later) the date when the events which are relied on of were first known to the Client, and any claim which is not so presented shall be deemed waived and absolutely barred. Time is to be interrupted thereafter with the same periodicity. ARTICLE 7 7.1. - Requests for Services are to be in writing. 7.2. - Either the Client or the Society can terminate as of right the requested Services after giving the other party thirty days' written notice, for convenience, and without prejudice to the provisions in Article 8 hereunder. 7.3. - The class granted to the concerned Units and the previously issued certificates remain valid until the date of effect of the notice issued according to 7.2. here above subject to compliance with 2.3. here above and Article 8 hereunder. 7.4. - The contract for classification and/or certification of a Unit cannot be transferred neither assigned. ARTICLE 8 8.1. - The Services of the Society, whether completed or not, involve, for the part carried out, the payment of fee upon receipt of the invoice and the reimbursement of the expenses incurred. 8.2. Overdue amounts are increased as of right by interest in accordance with the applicable legislation. 8.3. - The class of a Unit may be suspended in the event of non-payment of fee after a first unfruitful notification to pay. ARTICLE 9 9.1. - The documents and data provided to or prepared by the Society for its Services, and the information available to the Society, are treated as confidential. However: clients have access to the data they have provided to the Society and, during the period of classification of the Unit for them, to the classification file consisting of survey reports and certificates which have been prepared at any time by the Society for the classification of the Unit; copy of the documents made available for the classification of the Unit and of available survey reports can be handed over to another Classification Society, where appropriate, in case of the Unit's transfer of class; the data relative to the evolution of the Register, to the class suspension and to the survey status of the Units, as well as general technical information related to hull and equipment damages, are passed on to IACS (International Association of Classification Societies) according to the association working rules; the certificates, documents and information relative to the Units classed with the Society may be reviewed during certificating bodies audits and are disclosed upon order of the concerned governmental or inter-governmental authorities or of a Court having jurisdiction. The documents and data are subject to a file management plan. ARTICLE 10 10.1. - Any delay or shortcoming in the performance of its Services by the Society arising from an event not reasonably foreseeable by or beyond the control of the Society shall be deemed not to be a breach of contract. ARTICLE 11 11.1. - In case of diverging opinions during surveys between the Client and the Society's surveyor, the Society may designate another of its surveyors at the request of the Client. 11.2. - Disagreements of a technical nature between the Client and the Society can be submitted by the Society to the advice of its Marine Advisory Committee. ARTICLE 12 12.1. - Disputes over the Services carried out by delegation of Governments are assessed within the framework of the applicable agreements with the States, international Conventions and national rules. 12.2. - Disputes arising out of the payment of the Society's invoices by the Client are submitted to the Court of Nanterre, France. 12.3. - Other disputes over the present General Conditions or over the Services of the Society are exclusively submitted to arbitration, by three arbitrators, in London according to the Arbitration Act 1996 or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof. The contract between the Society and the Client shall be governed by English law. ARTICLE 13 13.1. - These General Conditions constitute the sole contractual obligations binding together the Society and the Client, to the exclusion of all other representation, statements, terms, conditions whether express or implied. They may be varied in writing by mutual agreement. 13.2. - The invalidity of one or more stipulations of the present General Conditions does not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. 13.3. - The definitions herein take precedence over any definitions serving the same purpose which may appear in other documents issued by the Society.
BV Mod. Ad. ME 545 k - 17 December 2008

Continued from page 1

Part Volume Chapter Section / Appendix

Part B

NR 467 B1 DT R05 E

Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4 Ch 5 Ch 7 Ch 8 Ch 9 Ch 10 Ch 11 Ch 12 Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4 Ch 4 Ch 5 Ch 6 Ch 7 Ch 9 Ch 11 Ch 12 Ch 15 Ch 17 Ch 20 Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4 Ch 6 Ch 8 Ch 9 Ch 10

Sec 3 Sec 3, App 2 Sec 1 Sec 1, Sec 2, Sec 6 Sec 1, Sec 2, Sec 3, Sec 4, App 1 Sec 3 Sec 1, Sec 2, Sec 5, Sec 6, Sec 7, Sec 8 Sec 1, Sec 4 Sec 2 Sec 1, Sec2, Sec 3 Sec 10, Sec 11, Sec 15 Sec 3, Sec 4, Sec 5, App 2 Sec 1, Sec 3, Sec 6 Sec 2, Sec 6, Sec 14 Sec 1, Sec 2, Sec 3, Sec 4 Sec 3 Sec 3 Sec 4 Sec 19 Sec 1, Sec 3 Sec 1, Sec 3, Sec 4 Sec 1, Sec 2, Sec 3, Sec 4, Sec 5 Sec 1, Sec 2, Sec 3, Sec 4, Sec 5 Sec 3 Sec 1, Sec 2 Sec 1 Sec 1 Sec 1, Sec 2 Sec 1, Sec 2, Sec 3, Sec 4, Sec 5 Sec 1, Sec 2, Sec 3 Sec 1, Sec 2 Sec 11, Sec 17, Sec 18

NR 467 B2 DT R05E

NR 467 B3 DT R05E

Part C

NR 467 C1 DT R05E NR 467 C2 DT R05E

NR 467 C3 DT R05E

Part D

NR 467 D1 DT R05E

NR 467 D2 DT R05E

NR 467 D3 DT R05E

Part E

NR 467 E1 DT R05E

NR 467 E2 DT R05E

Amendments July 2012

Bureau Veritas

Bureau Veritas

Amendments July 2012

Part A

Amendments to PART A

Ch 1, Sec 1, [1.2.1]

Delete the 9th item of the bulleted list, i.e.:

Type approval means ... of continuous production

Ch 1, Sec 1, [2.3.1]

Replace requirement [2.3.1] by:

2.3.1 The Society may consider the classification of ships based on or applying novel design principles or features, to which the Rules are not directly applicable, on the basis of experiments, calculations or other supporting information provided to the Society. Specific limitations may then be indicated on a memoranda.

Ch 1, Sec 2, Table 1 (Amendments January 2012)

Replace rows Bulk carrier in Table 1 by: Add row Wind Turbines IMR Vessel in Table 1 as follows:
T1 :

Table 1 : List of service notations and additional service features

Reference Reference Part D, Chapter 4 Part D, Chapter 4 SOLAS, Reg IX/1.6 SOLAS, Reg XI-1/2 (2)

Service notation [ref. in Part A] Additional service feature Bulk carrier [4.3] ESP

Corresponding type of ship according to Conventions and/or Codes Cargo ship (SOLAS, Reg I/2(g)) Bulk carrier (SOLAS, Reg XII/1)

BC-A or BC-B or BC-C

Part D, Chapter 4 Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 6 Rule Note NR 522 NR 522, Ch 12, Sec 1 Rule Note NR 530 Rule Note NR 579

heavycargo [AREA1, X1 kN/m - ] nonhomload CSR GRAB [X] CPS(WBT) Wind Turbines IMR Vessel [4.11.6] (4) (5) (3)

Amendments July 2012

Bureau Veritas

Part A

Ch 1, Sec 2, Table 1

Replace rows Container ship, Light ship, Oil recovery ship, Passenger ship, Ro-ro passenger ship, Supply vessel and footnote (6) in Table 1 by: Add the following row Wind farms service ship in Table 1:
T2 :

Table 1 : List of service notations and additional service features

Reference Reference Part D, Chapter 2 Rule Note NR 583 (6) Part B & Part C or NR566, and NR396 UNITAS, Chapter 3 & Chapter 6 Part D, Chapter 17 Corresponding type of ship according to Conventions and/or Codes Cargo ship (SOLAS, Reg I/2(g))

Service notation [ref. in Part A] Additional service feature Container ship [4.2.5] WhiSp1 or WhiSp2 Light ship [4.10.2]

Oil recovery ship [4.7.5] OILTREAT SECOND-LINE Passenger ship [4.5.2] 36 passengers SRTP Ro-ro passenger ship [4.5.3] 36 passengers SRTP Supply vessel [4.7.3] oil product LHNS WS FP>60C Wind farms service ship [4.11.7] (6)

Part D, Chapter 11

Passenger ship (SOLAS, Reg. I/2(f))

Part D, Chapter 11 Part D, Chapter 12 Passenger ship (SOLAS, Reg. I/2(f)) Ro-ro passenger ship (SOLAS, Reg II-2/3.42)

Part D, Chapter 12 Part D, Chapter 15 Part D, Chapter 15 Part D, Chapter 15 Part D, Chapter 15 Part D, Chapter 15 Guidance Note NI 589 Cargo ship (SOLAS, Reg I/2(g))

The type of service may be specified after the service notation, i.e. light ship/fast passenger vessel, light ship/fast cargo vessel.

Ch 1, Sec 2, Table 2 (Amendments January 2012)

Add the following rows in Table 2:

T3 :

Table 2 : List of additional class notations

Reference in NR 467 or to other Rule Notes Pt E, Ch 10, Sec 17 Rule note NR 530 Cargo oil tanks of crude oil tankers of 5 000 tonnes deadweight (DWT) and above Remarks

Additional class notation BLUS SLUS CPS(COT)

Definition in [6.14.23] [6.15.5]


[6.14.22] [6.14.24]

Rule Note NR 500 Pt E, Ch 10, Sec 18

Bureau Veritas

Amendments July 2012

Part A

Ch 1, Sec 2, Table 2

Replace rows ACCOMMODATION, COLD (H tDH, E tDE) and ERS-x in Table 2 by: Add the following rows LI-xx, SEEMP, CPS(VSP) and WhiSpx in Table 2:
T4 :

Table 2 : List of additional class notations

Reference in NR 467 or to other Rule Notes Guidance Note NI 577 Pt E, Ch 10, Sec 11 Rule Note NR 530 Rule Note NR 556 Remarks


Definition in [6.14.25] [6.14.12] [6.15.5] [6.13.2]


Pt B, Ch 11, Sec 2

[6.8.12] [6.14.27]

Rule Note NR 586 Rule Note NR 583

Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.1.2] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace Note 1 in requirement [4.1.2] by:

Note 1: For ships less than 500 GT: The assignment of any service notation to a new ship is subject to compliance with either the set of Rules indicated in the corresponding Chapter of Part D or the relevant Rule Note, or For other service notations not subject to the above: Pt D, Ch 21, Sec 1, for hull structure, and NR 566 Hull Arrangement, Stability and Systems for Ships less than 500 GT, for general arrangement, stability, machinery, electricity, automation and safety.

Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.2]

Replace requirement [4.2.5] by:

4.2.5 Container ship, for ships specially intended to carry containers in holds or on decks. The additional requirements of Part D, Chapter 2 are applicable to these ships. For container ships complying with the requirements of NR583 Whipping and Springing Assessment, the service notation is to be completed by the additional service features WhiSp1 or WhiSp2.

Amendments July 2012

Bureau Veritas

Part A

Ch 1, Sec 2 (Amendments January 2012)

Replace Figure 4 by:

Figure 4 : Typical midship sections of ships with service notation combination carrier/OOC ESP

Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.3.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the first paragraph of requirement [4.3.1] by:

The service notations related to self-propelled ships specially intended for the carriage of dry cargo in bulk are those listed in [4.3.2] to [4.3.5] or in Part D, Chapter 4 for bulk carrier when the ship does not meet the forthcoming conditions.

Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.3.4] (Amendments January 2012)

Add the following Note 1 at the end of requirement [4.3.4]:

Note 1: Ships assigned with the service notation combination carrier/ OBO ESP that do not comply with MARPOL I/19 may be subject to International and/or National Regulations requiring phase out.

Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.3.5] (Amendments January 2012)

Add the following Note 2 at the end of requirement [4.3.5]:

Note 2: Ships assigned with the service notation combination carrier/OOC ESP that do not comply with MARPOL I/19 may be subject to International and/or National Regulations requiring phase out.

Bureau Veritas

Amendments July 2012

Part A

Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.4.2] (Amendments January 2012)

Add the following Note 1 at the end of requirement [4.4.2]:

Note 1: Ships assigned with the service notation oil tanker ESP that do not comply with MARPOL I/19 may be subject to International and/or National Regulations requiring phase out under MARPOL I/20 and/or MARPOL I/21.

Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.5]

Replace requirements [4.5.2] and [4.5.3] by:

4.5.2 Passenger ship, for ships intended to carry more than 12 passengers. The additional requirements of Part D, Chapter 11 are applicable to these ships. The service notation may be completed by the additional service feature 36 passengers, where the ship is intended to carry only such a limited number of passengers. The service notation is to be completed by the additional service feature SRTP for ships complying with the provisions of Part D, Chapter 11. 4.5.3 Ro-ro passenger ship, for ships intended to carry more than 12 passengers and specially equipped to load trains or wheeled vehicles. The additional requirements of Part D, Chapter 12 are applicable to these ships. The service notation may be completed by the additional service feature 36 passengers, where the ship is intended to carry only such a limited number of passengers. The service notation is to be completed by the additional service feature SRTP for ships complying with the provisions of Part D, Chapter 12.

Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.7.2]

Replace the last paragraph of requirement [4.7.2] by:

These service notations may be completed by the additional service feature barge combined, when the units are designed to be connected with barges and comply with the relevant requirements of Pt D, Ch 14, Sec 3. The barges to which the tug can be connected are specified in a memoranda.

Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.7]

Replace requirement [4.7.3] by:

4.7.3 The service notation supply vessel is assigned to ships specially intended for the carriage and/or storage of special material and equipment and/or which are used to provide facilities and assistance for the performance of specified activities, such as offshore, research and underwater activities. The service notation supply vessel is to be completed by the following additional service features: oil product, when the ship is also specially intended to carry oil products having any flash point and having a specified maximum cargo tank capacity. The additional service feature oil product may be completed by the additional service feature FP>60C when the supply vessel is intended to carry only oil products having a flashpoint exceeding 60C (closed cup test). This additional service feature (FP>60C) is not to be assigned to units intended to carry oil products heated within 15C of their flash point.
Note 1: Supply vessels intended to carry less than 200m3 of oil products having a flashpoint exceeding 60C need not have the additional service feature oil product.

LHNS, for ships, other than well stimulation vessels, carrying amounts of hazardous and noxious liquid substances in bulk not exceeding a specified maximum value. WS for well stimulation vessels. The additional requirements of Part D, Chapter 15 are applicable to these ships.

Amendments July 2012

Bureau Veritas

Part A

Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.7]

Replace requirement [4.7.5] by:

4.7.5 The service notation oil recovery ship is assigned to ships specially equipped with fixed installations and/or mobile equipment for the removal of oil from the sea surface and its retention on board, carriage and subsequent unloading. The additional requirements of Part D, Chapter 17 are applicable to these ships. The service notation may be completed by the following additional service features, as applicable: OILTREAT may be assigned to ships designed and equipped to recover polluted water which is subjected to a chemical and/or a physical treatment, in order to separate the oil from the polluted water. The separated oil is to be stored and transported in dedicated tanks SECOND-LINE may be assigned to ships designed and equipped to recover polluted water in the event of spills of oils which have, at the time of recovery, a flash point exceeding 60C (closed cup test). This service feature is not to be assigned to oil recovery ships carrying heated recovered oils within 15C of their flash point.

Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.8.1]

Replace the last paragraph of requirement [4.8.1] by:

This service notation may be completed by the additional service feature tug combined when the units are designed to be connected with tugs and comply with the relevant requirements of Pt D, Ch 14, Sec 3. The tugs to which the barge can be connected are specified in a memoranda.

Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.10]

Replace requirement [4.10.2] by:

4.10.2 The service notation light ship is assigned to ships subject to compliance both with Chapter 3 and Chapter 6 of NR396 UNITAS Rules for the Classification of High Speed Craft, and with: for ships more than 500 GT: Part B and Part C of the present Rules, regarding stability and machinery installation for ships less than 500 GT: NR566 Hull Arrangement, Stability and Systems for Ships less than 500 GT.

The type of service may be specified after the service notation, i.e.: light ship/fast passenger vessel light ship/fast cargo vessel

Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.11.1]

Replace the last paragraph of item a) by:

An additional service feature may be specified after the notation (e.g. special service-training, special servicefish factory, special service-standby rescue vessel) to identify the particular service in which the ship is intended to trade. The scope and criteria of classification of such units are indicated in a memoranda.

Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.11.3]

Replace the last item of the second bulleted list by:

The table of the speed relative to the sea states, characterised by their significant wave height, is indicated in a memoranda.


Bureau Veritas

Amendments July 2012

Part A

Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.11] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace requirement [4.11.4] by:

4.11.4 Crew boat The service notation crew boat is assigned to ships less than 500 GT, dedicated to transport of offshore personnel from harbours to moored offshore installations or ships and meeting the requirements of Rule Note NR490.
Note 1: In NR490, Section 2, Section 5, Section 6 and Section 7 are to be replaced by the relevant sections of NR566. Note 2: The limit of 45 m for service notation crew boat as specified in Sec 1, [1.1.1] of NR490 is no longer applicable. Note 3: Ships which do not fulfil the minimum speed criteria given in Sec 1, [1.1.1] of NR490 is not to be assigned the above service notation.

Insert the following requirement [4.11.6]:

4.11.6 Wind Turbines IMR Vessel The service notation Wind Turbines IMR Vessel is assigned to offshore units intended to operate in wind farms. These units are designed and built for IMR operations (Installation - Maintenance - Repair) in accordance with the requirements of Rule Note NR579.

Note 1: Ships for transfer of personnel are outside the scope of Rule Note NR579 and are to comply with NR467 Rules for Steel Ships or NR490 Crew Boats, as relevant.

Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.11]

Insert the following requirement [4.11.7]:

4.11.7 The service notation Wind farms service ship is intended to cover ships specifically designed to operate in offshore wind farms for the typical following duties: transfer of personnel from shore to offshore wind farms or from mother ships or accommodation units at site to offshore wind farms lifting operations required for wind turbines assistance (transfer of materials on wind turbines platforms). The requirements for the assignment of this service notation are given in the Guidance note NI 589 Wind Farms Service Ships.

Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.12] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace requirement [4.12.1] by:

4.12.1 The service notation is completed by one of the following additional service features, when the ship complies with the requirements of NR529 Safety Rules for GasFuelled Engine Installations in Ships or NR481 Design and Installation of Dual Fuel Engines Using Low Pressure Gas or Part D, Chapter 9 or a combination thereof, as applicable: dualfuel for engines using both gas and fuel oil as fuel gasfuel for engines using only gas as fuel. The gas may be either compressed natural gas or liquefied natural gas.

Ch 1, Sec 2, [5.2]

Replace requirement [5.2.7] by:

5.2.7 The navigation notation temporary unrestricted navigation may be assigned, in addition to the navigation notations defined in [5.2.2], [5.2.3], [5.2.4] and [5.2.5] to service ships for which the period of unrestricted navigation may be chosen to satisfy the conditions defined in a memoranda. When a favourable weather situation is included amongst these conditions, the voyages are to be such as the ship can be put in a port or a sheltered anchorage in about 12 hours from any point of its route.
Note 1: Before any voyage covered by the navigation notation temporary unrestricted navigation, the ship is to be submitted to an occasional survey, during which the Surveyor checks that the intended voyage and the ships specific condition, if any, comply with the conditions defined in a memoranda.

Amendments July 2012

Bureau Veritas


Part A

Ch 1, Sec 2, [5.2.8]

Replace the last paragraph of requirement [5.2.8] by:

The shipyards table of the maximum allowed ship speed relative to the sea states, characterised by their significant wave height, is indicated in a memoranda.

Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.7.1]

Replace the second paragraph of requirement [6.7.1] by:

The parameters which are taken into consideration for the evaluation of the comfort, such as the level of noise, the level of vibration, is indicated in a memoranda.

Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.8]

Add the following requirement [6.8.12]:

6.8.12 Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) The additional class notation SEEMP is assigned upon satisfactory completion of the two following steps: preparation of the SEEMP by the Owner or Ship Manager review of the SEEMP by the Society. The additional class notation SEEMP covers the issue of a specific structured SEEMP, in the aim of giving to the company an Energy Management method as per structure from ISO 50001. The requirements for the assignment of this notation are given in NR586 Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan.

Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.13]

Replace requirement [6.13.2] by:

6.13.2 ERS-S (Strength), ERS-H (Hydrodynamic), ERS-M (Mooring), [ERS-S] (Strength-Partial), [ERS-H] (Hydrodynamic-Partial) and [ERS-M] (Mooring-Partial) services ERS-S corresponds to damage longitudinal strength and damage stability analyses. It aims at providing information on the remaining hull strength and stability after the accident. ERS-H aims at providing limits of navigation, based on direct calculations of vertical wave bending moment and vertical wave shear force for the accidental site sea-states, instead of empirical rule formulae. It is only applied in complement to ERS-S. It aims at providing maximum environmental conditions (Hs), heading restriction, or speed limit. These limits of navigation are given for hull girder strength only. ERS-M corresponds to damaged mooring analyses for permanently moored units. It aims at providing information on the remaining capacities of the mooring system after the failure of one or several mooring lines and the potential failure of an additional mooring line. [ERS-S], [ERS-H] and [ERS-M] are assigned to ships until the respective ERS service becomes fully effective. The Society will provide service in case of damage as far as possible depending on the available information.
Note 1: The notations [ERS-S] , [ERS-H] and [ERS-M] are replaced respectively by ERS-S, ERS-H and ERS-M when all necessary information has been made available to the Society allowing the service to become fully effective.


Bureau Veritas

Amendments July 2012

Part A

Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.14]

Replace requirement [6.14.12] by:

6.14.12 Ships operating in cold weather conditions The additional class notations COLD DI and COLD (H tDH , E tDE) are assigned to ships intended to operate in cold climate environments as specified in Note 1.
Note 1: sea water temperature: not below 2C wind speed: not higher than 30 knots.

de-icing where tDH and tDE are defined, respectively for hull and equipment exposed to low air temperature, by: tDH : Lowest mean daily average air temperature in the area of operation, in C, to be considered for the hull exposed to low air temperature, provided by the ship designer Lowest mean daily average air temperature in the area of operation, in C, to be considered for the equipment exposed to low air temperature, provided by the ship designer. This temperature can be set to about 20C below the lowest mean daily average air temperature if information for the relevant trade area is not available.


The additional class notation COLD DI is assigned to ships operating in cold climate environments for shorter periods, not necessarily including ice covered waters and fitted with systems and equipment for de-icing. The additional class notation COLD (H tDH , E tDE) is assigned to ships operating in cold weather conditions and which are built and fitted with systems and equipment for

The requirements for the assignment of these notations are given in Pt E, Ch 10, Sec 11.

Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.14] (Amendments January 2012)

Add the following requirements [6.14.23] and [6.14.24]:

6.14.23 Bow Loading/Unloading Systems (BLUS) Stern Loading/Unloading Systems (SLUS) The additional class notations BLUS or SLUS may be assigned to ships having the service notation oil tanker and fitted with bow or stern loading/unloading systems. The requirements for the assignment of these notations are given in Pt E, Ch 10, Sec 17. 6.14.24 Supply At Sea (SAS) The additional class notation SAS may be assigned to ships having the service notation supply vessel and operated for underway ship-to-ship supply at sea (SAS) of liquid and solid supplies. The requirements for the assignment of this notation are given in Pt E, Ch 10, Sec 18.
Note 1: Application to other service notations may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.14]

Replace requirement [6.14.25] by: Add the following requirement [6.14.26]:

6.14.25 ACCOMMODATION The additional class notation ACCOMMODATION may be assigned to ships found to be in compliance with the criteria of the Maritime Labour Convention and with the provisions contained in the Information Note NI 577 Design and Construction of Crew Accommodation in respect of Title 3 of Maritime Labour Convention 2006. 6.14.26 Loading instrument (LI) The additional class notations LI-HG , LI-S1, LI-S2, LI-S3 and LI-HG-S1, LI-HG-S2, LI-HG-S3 may be assigned to ships equipped with a loading instrument. The requirement for the assignment of these notations are given in Pt B, Ch 11, Sec 2.
Note 1: When the ship is equipped with a loading instrument performing: only hull girder calculations, the additional class notation LIHG is assigned only intact stability calculations (when the ship is not required to meet damage stability requirements), the additional class notation LI-S1 is assigned intact stability calculations and damage stability on a basis of a limit curve, the additional class notation LI-S2 is assigned intact stability calculations and direct damage stability calculations based on pre-programmed damage cases, the additional class notation LI-S3 is assigned.

When the loading instrument performs hull girder and stability calculations, one of the additional class notations LI-HG-S1, LI-HG-S2 or LI-HG-S3 is assigned, as applicable.

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Part A

Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.14]

Add the following requirement [6.14.27]:

6.14.27 The additional class notations WhiSp1, WhiSp2 and WhiSp3 may be assigned to ships complying with the requirements of NR583 Whipping and Springing Assessment.

Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.15.4] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the title of requirement [6.15.4] by:

6.15.4 Coating performance standard CPS(WBT)

Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.15] (Amendments January 2012)

Add the following requirement [6.15.5]:

6.15.5 Coating performance standard CPS(COT) The additional class notation CPS(COT) may be assigned to ships complying with the requirements of NR530 Coating Performance Standard.
Note 1: CPS(COT) applies to cargo oil tanks of crude oil tankers of 5 000 tonnes deadweight (DWT) and above.

Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.15]

Insert the following requirement [6.15.5]:

6.15.5 Coating performance standard CPS(VSP) The additional class notation CPS(VSP) may be assigned to bulk carriers and oil tankers complying with the requirements of NR530 Coating Performance Standard.

Ch 1, App 1, Table 1

Replace the row for the former notations E, (E) or () by:

T5 :

Table 1: Class symbols and construction marks

None. A note is entered in a memoranda for notations (E) or () Surveys of anchors and chains dealt with in Part A, Chapter 3

E, (E) or ()

Ch 2, Sec 2, [2.1]

Replace requirement [2.1.5] by:

2.1.5 Recommendations evidence that requirements have been completed, to the satisfaction of the Society. Where it is not cleared by its limit date, the recommendation is overdue. Recommendations may be endorsed in other cases, which, in the Societys opinion, require specific consideration.

A defect and/or deficiency to be dealt with in order to maintain class, within a specific period of time, is indicated as a recommendation. A recommendation is pending until it is cleared, through a survey by the attending Surveyor or upon


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Ch 2, Sec 2, [2.2]

Replace requirement [2.2.7] by: Insert the following requirements [2.2.8], [2.2.9] and [2.2.10]:
2.2.7 Substantial corrosion Substantial corrosion is an extent of corrosion such that assessment of the corrosion pattern indicates a wastage in excess of 75% of allowable margins, but within the acceptable limits. For ships built under the Common Structural Rules for Bulk Carriers (NR522) or the Common Structural Rules for Double Hull Oil Tankers (NR523), substantial corrosion is an extent of corrosion such that the assessment of the corrosion pattern indicates a measured thickness between (trenewal + 0,5 mm) and trenewal .
Note 1: trenewal is the minimum allowable thickness, in mm, below which renewal of structural members is to be carried out.

2.2.8 Pitting corrosion Pitting corrosion is defined as scattered corrosion spots/ areas with local material reductions which are greater than the general corrosion in the surrounding area. Pitting intensity is defined in Ch 2, App 3, Fig 12. 2.2.9 Edge corrosion Edge corrosion is defined as local corrosion at the free edges of plates, stiffeners, primary support members and around openings, as shown in Ch 2, App 3, Fig C. 2.2.10 Grooving corrosion Grooving corrosion is typically local material loss adjacent to weld joints along abutting stiffeners and at stiffeners or plate butts or seams, as shown in Ch 2, App 3, Fig D.

Ch 2, Sec 2, [2.10]

Add the following requirement [2.10.4]:

2.10.4 Where the damage found on structure mentioned in [2.10.1] is isolated and of a localised nature which does not affect the ship's structural integrity, consideration may be given by the Surveyor to allow an appropriate temporary repair to restore watertight or weathertight integrity and impose a Recommendation in accordance with the Rules, with a specific time limit.

Ch 2, Sec 2, [3.1]

Replace requirements [3.1.1] and [3.1.3] by:

3.1.1 A Certificate of Classification, bearing the class notations assigned to the ship and an expiry date, is issued to any classed ship. 3.1.3 The Certificate of Classification is to be made available to the Societys Surveyors upon request.

Ch 2, Sec 2, [3.3]

Replace requirement [3.3.1] by:

3.3.1 Text of endorsement

When surveys are satisfactorily carried out, the Certificate of Classification is generally endorsed accordingly, with the relevant entries.

Ch 2, Sec 2, [4.1]

Replace requirement [4.1.3] by:

4.1.3 A new period of class is assigned to the ship after the satisfactory completion of the class renewal survey, and a new Certificate of Classification is issued for the new period of class.

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Ch 2, Sec 2, [4.3]

Replace requirement [4.3.5] by:

4.3.5 Ships subject to the continuous survey system are provided with lists of items to be surveyed under this system.

Ch 2, Sec 2, [4]

Replace sub-article [4.4] by:

4.4 Planned maintenance survey system for machinery (PMS)
4.4.3 The conditions related to Chief Engineers inspections within the scope of PMS are given in Ch 2, App 2. 4.4.4 The planned maintenance survey system does not supersede the annual surveys and other periodical and occasional surveys. 4.4.5 A general examination of the machinery, as detailed in Ch 3, Sec 1 for annual surveys, is to be carried out. 4.4.6 The planned maintenance survey system may be discontinued at any time at the discretion of the Society, or at the request of the Owner, and a specific arrangement devised.

4.4.1 A planned maintenance survey system may be considered as an alternative to the continuous survey system for machinery and is limited to components and systems covered by it. When such a system is implemented, a survey system other than those normally adopted and with intervals different from those of the continuous survey system as detailed in [4.3] may be accepted. 4.4.2 The conditions for review of the planned maintenance survey system, the determination of survey item intervals and the general scope of surveys are detailed in Ch 2, App 1.

Ch 2, Sec 2, [5.6] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace requirement [5.6.1] by the following requirements [5.6.1] and [5.6.2]:

5.6.1 There are to be two internal examinations of boilers in each period of class of five years. In all cases, the interval between any two such examinations is not to exceed 36 months. 5.6.2 There is to be one internal examination of thermal oil heaters in each period of class of five years.

Ch 2, App 1, [1.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace requirement [1.1.5] by:

1.1.5 The conditions and procedures for the review of a PMS are indicated in [2].

Ch 2, App 1, [2] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the title of Article 2 by:

Conditions and procedures for the review of the system

Ch 2, App 1, [2.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace requirement [2.1.1] by:

2.1.1 The PMS documentation is to be subject to a consistency check. To this end the Owner is to make a formal request to the Society and provide the documentation and information specified in [2.2], combined in a manual describing the proposed scheme and including sample copies of the different documents to be used during the implementation of the scheme. The PMS is to be programmed and maintained by a computerized system. However, this may not be applied to the current already reviewed schemes.


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Ch 2, App 1, [2.1]

Replace requirement [2.1.2] by:

2.1.2 When using computerised systems, access for updating of the maintenance documentation and the maintenance programmes is only granted to the person responsible for the PMS or another person authorised by him. The computerised systems are to include a back-up procedure, which is to be activated at regular intervals. The Owner himself is to confirm to the Society, by written declaration, that the required functionalities of the system are met. Or, alternatively, the Society may approve the software upon specific request.

Ch 2, App 1, [3.1.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace When the documentation submitted has been approved by When the documentation submitted has been checked for consistency at the beginning of requirement [3.1.1].
Ch 2, App 1, [3.1]

Replace requirement [3.1.2] by:

3.1.2 Upon the successful outcome of the Implementation Survey, the PMS is considered approved.

Ch 2, App 1, [4.1.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the last item of the bulleted list by:

any change to the approved PMS is submitted to the Society for agreement.

Ch 2, App 1, [4.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace requirement [4.1.4] by:

4.1.4 In the case of sale or change of management of the ship or classification after construction, the assignment of the PMS will be reconsidered.

Ch 2, App 1, [5.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace requirement [5.1.1] by:

5.1.1 The implementation survey is to be carried out by a Surveyor of the Society, as stated in [3.1.1], within one year from the date of the documentation checking.

Ch 2, App 1, [5.1.2] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the first item of the bulleted list by:

the PMS is implemented in accordance with the documentation which has been checked and is suitable for the type and complexity of the components and systems on board

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Ch 2, App 1, [5.2]

Replace requirement [5.2.10] by:

5.2.10 The Surveyor carries out a confirmatory survey of the items which have been surveyed by the Chief Engineer and decides which items can be confirmed for classification, on the PMS list of items.

Delete requirement [5.2.11].

Ch 2, App 3, [3.1.1]

Add the following Note 1 at the end of requirement [3.1.1]:

Note 1: This Article applies to ships built under the Common Structural Rules as well as ships not built under the Common Structural Rules, as specified.

Ch 2, App 3, [4]

Add the following sub-article [4.8]:


Acceptance criteria for CSR ships


without being greater than the renewal thickness tren as defined in [4.8.3]. 4.8.3 Pitting corrosion: other structures (CSR bulk carriers and CSR oil tankers)

For ships built under the Common Structural Rules, the acceptance criteria are according to the following rules: Chapter 13, Ships in Operation, Renewal Criteria, of NR522 CSR for Bulk Carriers Section 12, Ship in Operation Renewal Criteria, of NR523 CSR for Double Hull Oil Tankers, and as specified in [4.8.2], [4.8.3], [4.8.4] and [4.8.5]. 4.8.2 Pitting corrosion: side structures (CSR bulk carriers)

For plates with pitting intensity less than 20% (see Fig 12), the measured thickness tm , in mm, of any individual measurement is to meet the lesser of the following criteria: tm 0,7 (tas-built tvol add) tm tren 1,0 where: tas-built tvol add : As-built thickness of the member, in mm : Voluntary thickness addition, namely thickness, in mm, voluntarily added as the Owners extra margin for corrosion wastage in addition to tC : Renewal thickness, namely minimum allowable thickness, in mm, below which renewal of structural members is to be carried out (see also NR523 CSR for Double Hull Oil Tankers, Section 12) : Total corrosion addition, in mm, defined in NR522 CSR for Bulk Carriers, Ch 3, Sec 3 : Measured thickness, in mm, on one item, i.e. average thickness on one item using the various measurements taken on this same item during periodical ships in service surveys. The average thickness across any cross-section in the plating is not to be less than the renewal thickness for general corrosion given in NR522 CSR for Bulk Carriers, Chapter 13 and in NR523 CSR for Double Hull Oil Tankers, Section 12.

If pitting intensity, in an area where coating is required according to NR522 CSR for Bulk Carriers, Ch 3, Sec 5, is higher than 15% (see Fig 12), thickness measurements are to be performed to check the extent of pitting corrosion. The 15% is based on pitting or grooving on only one side of a plate. In cases where pitting is exceeding 15%, as defined above, an area of 300 mm or more, at the most pitted part of the plate, is to be cleaned to bare metal and the thickness is to be measured in way of the five deepest pits within the cleaned area. The least thickness measured in way of any of these pits is to be taken as the thickness to be recorded. The minimum remaining thickness in pits, grooves or other local areas is to be greater than the following values: for CSR single and double skin bulk carriers: 70% of the as-built thickness, in the side shell, hopper tank and topside tank plating attached to the each side frame, over a width up to 30 mm on either side of it for CSR single skin bulk carriers: 75% of the as-built thickness, in the frame and end bracket webs and flanges,


tC tm


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Edge corrosion of CSR ships

Provided that the overall corroded height of the edge corrosion of the flange, or web in the case of flat bar stiffeners, is less than 25% of the stiffener flange breadth or web height, as applicable (see Fig J), the measured thickness tm , in mm, is to meet the lesser of the following criteria: tm 0,7 (tas-built tvol add) tm tren 1,0 where: tas-built , tvol add , tren : As defined in [4.8.3]. The average measured thickness tm across the breadth or height of the stiffener is not to be less than the one defined in NR522 CSR for Bulk Carriers, Chapter 13 and in NR523 CSR for Double Hull Oil Tankers, Section 12. Plate edges at openings for manholes, lightening holes, etc. may be below the minimum thickness given in NR522 CSR for Bulk Carriers, Chapter 13 and in NR523 CSR for Double Hull Oil Tankers, Section 12, provided that: a) the maximum extent of the reduced plate thickness, below the minimum given in NR522 CSR for Bulk Carriers, Chapter 13 and in NR523 CSR for Double Hull Oil Tankers, Section 12, from the opening edge is not more than 20% of the smallest dimension of the opening and does not exceed 100 mm

b) rough or uneven edges may be cropped-back provided that the maximum dimension of the opening is not increased by more than 10% and the remaining thickness of the new edge is not less than tren 1 mm. 4.8.5 Acceptance criteria for grooving corrosion of CSR ships

a) Where the groove breadth is a maximum of 15% of the web height but not more than 30 mm (see Fig K), the measured thickness tm , in mm, in the grooved area is to meet the lesser of the following criteria: tm 0,75 (tas-built tvol add) tm tren 0,5 but is not to be less than: tm = 6 mm, where: tas-built , tvol add , tren : As defined in [4.8.3]. b) Structural members with areas of grooving greater than those in item a) are to be assessed, based on the criteria for general corrosion as defined in NR522 CSR for Bulk Carriers, Chapter 13 and in NR523 CSR for Double Hull Oil Tankers, Section 12, using the average measured thickness across the plating/stiffener.

Ch 2, App 3, Table 1

Replace row oil tanker ESP ... combination carrier/OOC ESP in Table 1 by:
T6 :

Table 1 : References to rule requirements related to thickness measurements

TYPE OF SURVEY CLASS RENEWAL Ch 4, Sec 3, [6.1] and Ch 4, Sec 3, [6.5]: planning and general requirements Ch 4, Sec 3, Tab 1 and Ch 4, Sec 3, Tab 2: measurements of elements subjected to close-up survey Ch 4, Sec 3, Tab 3: extent of systematic thickness measurements Ch 4, Sec 3, Tab 4 and Ch 4, Sec 3, Tab 5, according to the different locations, where substantial corrosion is found INTERMEDIATE Ships 10 years of age or less: Ch 4, Sec 3, [4.2] for salt ballast tanks Ch 4, Sec 3, Tab 4 and Ch 4, Sec 3, Tab 5, according to the different locations, where substantial corrosion is found Ships over 10 years of age: see references given for class renewal survey ANNUAL Ch 4, Sec 3, [2.3] limited to salt ballast tanks and when deemed necessary by the Surveyor Ch 4, Sec 3, Tab 4 and Ch 4, Sec 3, Tab 5, according to the different locations, where substantial corrosion is found

SERVICE NOTATION oil tanker ESP combination carrier/ OBO ESP combination carrier/ OOC ESP

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Ch 2, App 3

Replace Table 2 by:

T7 :

Table 2 : Interpretations of rule requirements for the locations and number of points to be measured


Selected plates on deck, tank top, Selected means at least a single point on one out of No figure bottom, double bottom and wind- three plates, to be chosen on representative areas of and-water (for all ship types average corrosion including CSR ships) All deck, tank top and bottom At least two points on each plate to be taken either at No figure plates and wind-and-water strakes each 1/4 extremity of plate or at representative areas of (for all ship types including CSR average corrosion ships) Fig 1 for general cargo ships Transverse section (for all ship Refer to the definition given in Ch 2, Sec 2, [2.2.5] types including CSR ships) One point to be taken on each plate. Both web and Fig 2 for bulk carriers including CSR flange to be measured on longitudinals, if applicable (for bulk carriers CSR double hull oil tankers) Fig 3 for oil tankers For tankers older than 10 years of age: Fig C for CSR double hull oil tankers within 0,1D (where D is the ships moulded depth) of the For other ship types, see [3.2.1] deck and bottom at each transverse section to be measured, every longitudinal and girder is to be measured on the web and face plate, and every plate is to be measured at one point between longitudinals (for CSR double hull oil tankers) All cargo hold hatch covers and Including plates and stiffeners (for CSR single skin and Fig 4 for ships fitted with hold hatch covers and coamings coamings (for all ship types except double skin bulk carriers) CSR double hull oil tankers) Bulkheads on ships other than Selected bulkheads means at least 50% of the bulk- Fig 5 for general cargo ships. It may also apply to other ship types (see bulk carriers, oil tankers, chemical heads [3.2.1]) tankers, liquefied gas carriers and CSR ships (for these ships refer to B) and C): CLOSE-UP SURVEYS AND RELATED MEASUREMENTS) Selected internal structure such as The internal structural items to be measured in each Fig 6 for general cargo ships. It may floors and longitudinals, transverse space internally surveyed are to be at least 20% within also apply to other ship types (see [3.2.1]) frames, web frames, deck beams, the cargo area and 10% outside the cargo area tweendecks, girders (for all ship types other than CSR ships) Transverse section of deck plating outside line of cargo hatch openings (for bulk carriers, ore carriers, combination carriers and CSR single skin bulk carriers) Two single points on each deck plate (to be taken either No figure at each 1/4 extremity of plate or at representative areas of average corrosion) between the ship sides and hatch coamings in the transverse section concerned

Transverse rings (1) in cargo and At least two points on each plate in a staggered pattern Figure D for CSR double hull oil tankballast tanks (for CSR double hull and two points on the corresponding flange where appli- ers oil tankers) cable. Minimum 4 points on the first plate below deck. Additional points in way of curved parts. At least one point on each of two stiffeners between stringers / longitudinal One section of deck plating for the Two single points on each deck plate (to be taken either No figure full beam of the ship within the at each 1/4 extremity of plate or at representative areas cargo area (for oil tankers, chemi- of average corrosion) in the transverse section concerned cal tankers and liquefied gas carriers, other than CSR ships)


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All deck plating and underdeck structure inside line of hatch openings between cargo hold hatches (for CSR single skin and double skin bulk carriers)

All deck plating means at least two points on each plate to be taken either at each 1/4 extremity of plate or at representative areas of average corrosion. Under deck structure: at each short longitudinal girder: three points for web plating (fwd/middle/aft), single point for face plate, one point for web plating and one point for face plating of transverse beam in way. At each ends of transverse beams, one point for web plating and one point for face plating

Fig E for CSR single skin and double skin bulk carriers Extent of areas is shown in Ch 4, Sec 2, Fig 1 and Ch 4, Sec 2, Fig 3

B) CLOSE-UP SURVEYS AND RELATED MEASUREMENTS (oil tankers, chemical tankers, liquefied gas carriers and combination carriers) ITEM INTERPRETATION FIGURE

Refer to the definition given in Ch 4, Sec 3, Tab 1 Web frame ring Extent of areas is shown as in Ch 4, (for oil tankers and combination Adjacent structural members means plating and stiff- Sec 3, Fig 1 carriers other than CSR ships) eners of deck, bottom, double bottom, sides and longitu- Locations of points are given in Fig 10 dinal bulkheads in the vicinity of the web frame ring Refer to the definitions given in Tab 5 and Ch 4, Sec 5, No figure Transverse section (for chemical tankers and liquefied Tab 2 gas carriers) Adjacent structural members means plating and stiffeners of deck, bottom, double bottom, sides and longitudinal bulkheads in the vicinity of the web frame ring

Deck transverse (for all ships other This is the upper part of the web frame ring including the Extent of areas is shown as in Ch 4, than CSR ships) adjacent structural members (see meaning given above). Sec 3, Fig 1 For chemical tankers it may be fitted on deck, i.e. outside Locations of points are given in Fig 10 the tank Deck and bottom transverses Refer to the definition given in Ch 4, Sec 3, Tab 1 (for oil tankers other than CSR ships) Extent of areas is shown as and in Ch 4, Sec 3, Fig 1 Locations of points are given in Fig 10

Transverse bulkheads (for all ships Complete means the whole bulkhead including string- Extent of areas is shown as in Ch 4, other than CSR ships) ers and stiffeners and adjacent structural members as Sec 3, Fig 1 defined above Locations of points are given in Fig 11 Lower part means lower part of bulkhead up to 1/4 of Extent of areas is shown as in Ch 4, ships depth or 2 metres above the lower stringer, which- Sec 3, Fig 1 ever is the greater (stringers, stiffeners and adjacent Locations of points are given in Fig 11 structural members included) Transverse bulkheads in cargo At least two points on each plate. Minimum 4 points on Figure F for CSR double hull oil tankers tanks (for CSR double hull oil tank- the first plate below main deck ers) At least one point on every third stiffener to be taken between each stringer At least two points on each plate of stringers and girders, and two points on the corresponding flange. Additional points in way of curved part Two points of each diaphragm plate of stools, if fitted. Transverse bulkheads in ballast At least 4 points on plates between stringers / longitudi- Figure G for CSR double hull oil tankers tanks (for CSR double hull oil tank- nal girders, or per plate if stringers/girders not fitted ers) At least two points on each plate of stringers and girders, and two points on the corresponding flange. Additional points in way of curved part At least one point on two stiffeners between each stringer / longitudinal girder Adjacent structural members (for On adjacent structural members one point per plate and No figure CSR double hull oil tankers) one point on every third stiffener/longitudinal All plating and internal structures Refer to the definitions given in Tab 5 and Ch 4, Sec 5, No figure (for chemical tankers and liquefied Tab 2 gas carriers)

3 4

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Frames in cargo holds (for bulk 25% of frames: one out of four frames should preferably Extent of areas is shown as in Ch 4, carriers and ore carriers other than be chosen throughout the cargo hold length on each side Sec 2, Fig 1 CSR ships) Selected frames means at least 3 frames on each side Locations of points are given in Fig 7 of cargo holds Selected side shell frames in cargo Includes side shell frame, upper and lower end attach- Fig H for CSR single skin bulk carriers holds (for CSR single skin bulk car- ments and adjacent shell plating Extent of areas is shown in Ch 4, Sec riers) 25% of frames: one out of four frames should preferably 2, Fig 1 be chosen throughout the cargo hold length on each side 50% of frames: one out of two frames should preferably be chosen throughout the cargo hold length on each side Selected frames means at least 3 frames on each side of cargo holds Transverse frame in double skin tank (for CSR double skin bulk carriers) Transverse bulkheads in cargo holds (for bulk carriers, ore carriers and CSR single skin and double skin bulk carriers) Refer to the definition given in Ch 4, Sec 2, Tab 8, footnote (3) Two selected bulkheads: one is to be the bulkhead between the two foremost cargo holds and the second may be chosen in other positions (for CSR single skin and double skin bulk carriers) This means that the close-up survey and related thickness measurements are to be performed on one side of the bulkhead; the side is to be chosen based on the outcome of the overall survey of both sides. In the event of doubt, the Surveyor may also require (possibly partial) close-up survey on the other side Fig 2

Areas of measurements are shown in Ch 4, Sec 2, Fig 1 and Ch 4, Sec 2, Fig 3 Locations of points are given in Fig 8

One transverse bulkhead in each cargo hold (for bulk carriers, ore carriers and CSR single skin and double skin bulk carriers)

Areas of measurements are shown in Ch 4, Sec 2, Fig 1 and Ch 4, Sec 2, Fig 3 Locations of points are given in Fig 8

Transverse bulkheads in one topside/side, hopper and double bottom ballast tank (for bulk carriers, ore carriers and CSR single skin and double skin bulk carriers) Transverse webs in ballast tanks (for bulk carriers, ore carriers and CSR single skin and double skin bulk carriers)

Includes bulkhead and stiffening systems (for CSR single Locations of points are given in Fig 9 skin and double skin bulk carriers) The ballast tank is to be chosen based on the history of ballasting among those prone to have the most severe conditions Either one of the representative tanks of each type (i.e. topside or hopper or side tank) is to be chosen in the forward part Includes web plating, face plates, stiffeners and associated plating and longitudinals (for CSR single skin and double skin bulk carriers) Associated plating and longitudinals means adjacent plating and longitudinals of deck, bottom, side shell, slope, hopper and longitudinal bulkhead, as applicable Extent of areas is shown as in Ch 4, Sec 2, Fig 1 and Ch 4, Sec 2, Fig 3 Locations of points are given in Fig 7 Locations of points are given in Fig H for CSR single skin bulk carriers and in Fig I for CSR double skin bulk carriers

Areas of deck plating inside line of hatch openings (for bulk carriers and ore carriers other than CSR ships)

Selected means at least a single point on one out of Extent of areas is shown as three plates, to be chosen on representative areas of Sec 2, Fig 1 average corrosion All deck plating means at least two points on each plate to be taken either at each 1/4 extremity of plate or at representative areas of average corrosion

5 in Ch 4,


Transverse rings means all transverse material appearing in a cross-section of the ship's hull, in way of a double bottom floor, vertical web and deck transverse (definition from the Common Structural Rules).


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Ch 2, App 3

Add the following Figure C, Figure D, Figure E, Figure F, Figure G, Figure H, Figure I, Figure J and Figure K:
Figure C : Location of measurements on transverse section of CSR double hull oil tankers

Figure D : Location of measurements on transverse rings in cargo and ballast tanks of CSR double hull oil tankers

5 L 5 L 5 L 5 L 5 L 5L




5 L 5





5 L 5



5 5


5 5


5 5


5 5




Figure E : Location of measurements on underdeck structure of CSR single skin and double skin bulk carriers





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Figure G : Location of measurements on transverse bulkheads in ballast tanks of CSR double hull oil tankers




) )

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Part A

Figure F : Location of measurements on transverse bulkheads in cargo tanks of CSR double hull oil tankers










8 8 8 8

8 8 8 8


8 8 8 8

Figure H : Location of measurements on structural members in cargo holds and ballast tanks of CSR single skin bulk carriers

x x x x
x x

x x x

x x

x x

x x x x x xx





+ ) ) MAH F=HJ B IE@A BH= A


xx x x
x x

* )


x x x x x x x x x x x x

x x

The gauging pattern for web plating is to be a three-point pattern for zones A, C and D, and a two-point pattern for zone B (see Figure). The gauging report is to reflect the average reading. The average reading is to be compared with the allowable thickness. If the web plating has general corrosion, then this pattern is to be expanded to a five-point pattern.


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Figure I : Location of measurements on structural members in ballast tanks of CSR double skin bulk carriers (topside or hopper or side tank)

30 mm
x x x x x
x x

x x x

x x

x x x x x xx

30 mm



xx x x
x x

x x x x x x x x x x x x

x x

Figure J : Edge corrosion

Figure K : Grooving corrosion

Groove breadth Groove breadth Attached plating

)JJ=?DA@ F =JE C

)JJ=?DA@ F =JE C




Groove breadth

Groove breadth




Flat bar stiffener

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Part A

Ch 3, Sec 2, Table 1 (Amendments January 2012)

Add the following row in Table 1:

T8 :

Table 1: Intermediate survey of hull (all ships)

Age of ship (in years at time of intermediate survey) 5 < age 10 10 < age 15 age > 15 Selected cargo spaces inter- Selected cargo spaces internally nally examined examined

ITEM CARGO SPACES (for ships other than ships engaged in the carriage of dry cargoes only, or ships subject to Ch 4, Sec 3, Ch 4, Sec 4 or Ch 4, Sec 5)

Ch 3, Sec 3, [1.1]

Replace requirement [1.1.7] by:

1.1.7 A general examination of the ship having the same scope as that of an annual survey, as detailed in Ch 3, Sec 1, is to be carried out for class renewal.

Ch 3, Sec 4, [3.1.3] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the second paragraph of requirement [3.1.3] by:

The in-water survey is to be carried out with the ship in sheltered water and preferably with weak tidal streams and currents. The in-water visibility and the cleanliness of the hull below the waterline are to be clear enough to permit a meaningful examination allowing the Surveyor and the diver to determine the condition of the plating, the appendages and the welding.

Ch 3, Sec 4, [3.1.4] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the second paragraph of requirement [3.1.4] by:

The Surveyor is to be satisfied with the methods of orientation of the diver(s) on the plating, which should make use where necessary of permanent markings on the plating at selected points and with the method of pictorial representation. An efficient two-way communication between the Surveyor and the diver(s) is to be provided.

Ch 3, Sec 5, [1.2.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Add the following Note 2 at the end of item c):

Note 2: Refer also to Ch 2, Sec 2, [5.5.2], item b) where the propeller is fitted keyless to the shaft taper, and, where the additional class notation MON-SHAFT has been assigned, the non-destructive examination is carried out at intervals not exceeding 15 years.

Ch 3, App 1, [5.1]

Replace requirement [5.1.2] by:

5.1.2 Upon satisfactory completion of this survey, an endorsement to confirm that the ship has been placed in lay-up is entered on a memoranda, which is subsequently to be kept on board.


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Amendments July 2012

Part A

Ch 3, App 1, [5.3]

Replace requirement 5.3.13] by:

5.3.13 Upon satisfactory completion of the surveys, an endorsement to confirm the carrying out of all relevant surveys and the re-commissioning of the ship is entered on a memoranda.

Ch 4, Sec 2, [1.1.1]

Insert the following Note 1 in requirement [1.1.1]:

Note 1: A bulk carrier is a ship which is constructed generally with single deck, double bottom, topside tanks and hopper side tanks in cargo spaces, and is intended primarily to carry dry cargo in bulk. Combination carriers are included. Ore carriers and combination carriers are not covered by the Common Structural Rules.

Replace the existing Note 1 by:

Note 1: A double skin bulk carrier is a ship which is constructed generally with single deck, double bottom, topside tanks and hopper side tanks in cargo spaces, and is intended primarily to carry dry cargo in bulk, including such types as ore carriers and combination carriers, in which all cargo holds are bounded by a doubleside skin (regardless of the width of the wing space). Ore carriers and combination carriers are not covered by the Common Structural Rules.

Replace the existing Note 3 by:

Note 3: For combination carriers with longitudinal bulkheads, additional requirements are specified in Ch 4, Sec 3, as applicable.

Ch 4, Sec 2, [1.2.3]

Replace the second item of the bulleted list by:

main structural plans of cargo holds and ballast tanks (for CSR ships, these plans are to include, for each structural element, both the as-built and the renewal thicknesses. Any thickness for voluntary addition is also to be clearly indicated on the plans. The midship section plan to be supplied on board the ship is to include the minimum allowable hull girder sectional properties for hold transverse section in all cargo holds)

Ch 4, Sec 2, [1.3]

Insert the following requirements [1.3.2] and [1.3.3]:

1.3.2 For CSR bulk carriers, the ship longitudinal strength is to be evaluated, using thickness of the structural members measured, renewed and reinforced, as appropriate, during the renewal surveys carried out after the ship reached 15 years of age (or during the 3rd renewal survey, if this one is carried out before the ship reaches 15 years), in accordance with the criteria for longitudinal strength of the ship hull girder for CSR bulk carriers specified in NR522 CSR for Bulk Carriers, Chapter 13. 1.3.3 The final result of evaluation of the ship longitudinal strength required in [1.3.2], after renewal or reinforcement work of structural members, if carried out as a result of initial evaluation, is to be reported as a part of the hull condition evaluation report.

Ch 4, Sec 2, [2.3.2]

Add the following paragraph at the end of requirement [2.3.2]:

For ships built under the Common Structural Rules, the annual thickness gauging may be omitted where a protective coating has been applied in accordance with the coating manufacturers requirements and is maintained in good condition.

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Part A

Ch 4, Sec 2, Table 1

Replace footnote (2) in Table 1 by:

T9 :

Table 1 : Annual survey of cargo holds for single skin bulk carriers


When considered necessary by the Surveyor or where extensive corrosion exists, thickness measurements are to be carried out. If the results of these thickness measurements indicate that substantial corrosion is present, the extent of thickness measurements is to be increased in accordance with Tab 12 to Tab 16. These extended thickness measurements are to be carried out before the annual survey is credited as completed. Suspect areas identified at previous surveys are to be examined. Areas of substantial corrosion identified at previous surveys are to have thickness measurements taken. For ships built under the Common Structural Rules, the annual thickness gauging may be omitted where a protective coating has been applied in accordance with the coating manufacturers requirements and is maintained in good condition.

Ch 4, sec 2, Table 2

Replace footnote (1) in Table 2 by:

T10 :

Table 2 : Annual survey of cargo holds for double skin bulk carriers


When considered necessary by the Surveyor, or where extensive corrosion exists, thickness measurements are to be carried out. If the results of these thickness measurements indicate that substantial corrosion is found, the extent of thickness measurements is to be increased in accordance with Tab 17 to Tab 20. These extended thickness measurements are to be carried out before the survey is credited as complete. Suspect areas identified at previous surveys are to be examined. Areas of substantial corrosion identified at previous surveys are to have thickness measurements taken. For ships built under the Common Structural Rules, the annual thickness gauging may be omitted where a protective coating has been applied in accordance with the coating manufacturers requirements and is maintained in good condition.

Ch 4, Sec 2, Table 3

Replace footnote (4) in Table 3 by:

T11 :

Table 3 : Intermediate survey of cargo holds for single skin bulk carriers Ships 10 years of age or less at the time of the intermediate survey


Where substantial corrosion is found, the extent of thickness measurements is to be increased in accordance with Tab 12 to Tab 16. These extended thickness measurements are to be carried out before the survey is credited as completed. Suspect areas identified at previous surveys are to be examined. Areas of substantial corrosion identified at previous surveys are to have thickness measurements taken. For ships built under the Common Structural Rules, the identified substantial corrosion areas may be: protected by coating, applied in accordance with the coating manufacturers requirements and examined at annual intervals to confirm the coating in way is still in good condition, or, alternatively required to be measured at annual intervals.

Ch 4, Sec 2, Table 5

Replace footnote (3) in Table 5 by:

T12 :

Table 5 : Intermediate survey of cargo holds for double skin bulk carriers Ships 10 years of age or less at the time of the intermediate survey


Where substantial corrosion is found, the extent of thickness measurements is to be increased in accordance with Tab 17 to Tab 20. These extended thickness measurements are to be carried out before the survey is credited as completed. Suspect areas identified at previous surveys are to be examined. Areas of substantial corrosion identified at previous surveys are to have thickness measurements taken. For ships built under the Common Structural Rules, the identified substantial corrosion areas may be: protected by coating, applied in accordance with the coating manufacturers requirements and examined at annual intervals to confirm the coating in way is still in good condition, or, alternatively required to be measured at annual intervals.


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Amendments July 2012

Part A

Ch 4, Sec 2, Figure 1

Replace the title of Figure 1 by:

Figure 1 : Close-up surveys and thickness measurement areas for single skin and double skin bulk carriers

Ch 4, Sec 2, [4.6.2]

Add the following Note 1 at the end of requirement [4.6.2]:

Note 1: For ships built under the Common Structural Rules, the identified substantial corrosion areas may be: protected by coating, applied in accordance with the coating manufacturers requirements and examined at annual intervals to confirm the coating in way is still in good condition, or, alternatively required to be measured at annual intervals.

Ch 4, Sec 2, Table 11

Replace footnote (1) in Table 11 by:

T13 :

Table 11 : Requirements for thickness measurements at class renewal survey of bulk carriers


Transverse sections are to be chosen where largest reductions are suspected to occur or are revealed from deck plating measurements, one of which is to be in the midship area.

Ch 4, Sec 3, [1.2.3]

Replace the first item of the bulleted list by:

main structural plans of cargo and ballast tanks (for CSR ships, these plans are to include, for each structural element, both the as-built and the renewal thicknesses. Any thickness for voluntary addition is also to be clearly indicated on the plans. The midship section plan to be supplied on board the ship is to include the minimum allowable hull girder sectional properties for the tank transverse section in all cargo tanks)

Ch 4, Sec 3, [2.3]

Add the following requirement [2.3.3]:

2.3.3 For ships built under the Common Structural Rules, the identified substantial corrosion areas are required to be examined and additional thickness measurements are to be carried out.

Ch 4, Sec 3, [4.1]

Add the following requirement [4.1.2]:

4.1.2 For ships built under the Common Structural Rules, the identified substantial corrosion areas are required to be examined and additional thickness measurements are to be carried out.

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Part A

Ch 4, Sec 3, [6.5.2]

Add the following Note 1 at the end of requirement [6.5.2]:

Note 1: For ships built under the Common Structural Rules, the identified substantial corrosion areas are required to be examined and additional thickness measurements are to be carried out at annual and intermediate surveys.

Ch 4, Sec 4, [6.1.3]

Replace the paragraph introducing the alphanumeric list by:

6.1.3 The submitted Survey Programme is to account for and comply, as a minimum, with the requirements for close-up surveys, thickness measurements, tank testing and pipe testing given in Tab 1, Tab E, Tab 2, [6.6] and [6.7.3], respectively and is to include relevant information including at least:

Ch 4, Sec 4

Replace Table 1 by the following Table 1 and Table E:

T14 :

Table 1 : Requirements for close-up survey at class renewal survey of single skin chemical tankers
Age of ship (in years at time of class renewal survey) age 5

One web frame ring : - in a ballast wing tank

5 < age 10

One deck transverse : - in a cargo tank or on deck

All web frame rings : All web frame rings : - in a ballast wing tank, or - in all ballast tanks - in a double bottom ballast tank - in a cargo wing tank (1) One web frame ring : - in each remaining cargo tank

10 < age 15

age > 15 As class renewal survey for ships between 10 and 15 years of age Additional transverse areas as deemed necessary by the Society

One deck transverse : - in each remaining ballast tank or on deck - in a cargo wing tank or on deck - in two cargo centre tanks or on deck Both transverse bulkheads - in a ballast wing tank


All transverse bulkheads - in all cargo tanks - in all ballast tanks


Lower part of one transverse bulkhead : - in a ballast tank - in a cargo wing tank - in a cargo centre tank (2)

1 2 3 4

Note 1:

1, 2, 3 and 4 are areas to be subjected to close-up surveys and thickness measurements (see Fig 1 and Fig 2):

Lower part of one transverse bulkhead : - in each remaining ballast tank - in two cargo centre tanks (2) - in a cargo wing tank

(1) (2)

: Complete transverse web frame ring, including adjacent structural members. : Deck transverse, including adjacent deck structural members. : Transverse bulkhead complete, including girder system and adjacent structural members. : Transverse bulkhead lower part, including girder system and adjacent structural members. Ballast double hull tank means double bottom tank plus double side tank plus double deck tank, as applicable, even if these tanks are separate. Where no centre cargo tanks are fitted (as in the case of centre longitudinal bulkhead), transverse bulkheads in wing tanks are to be surveyed.


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Amendments July 2012

Part A

T15 :

Table E : Requirements for close-up survey at class renewal survey of double skin chemical tankers
Age of ship (in years at time of class renewal survey) age 5

One web frame ring : - in a ballast double hull tank (1)

5 < age 10 All web frame rings : - in a ballast wing tank, or - in a ballast double hull tank (1) The knuckle area and the upper part (3 metres approximately) of one web frame in each remaining ballast tank

10 < age 15 All web frame rings: - in all ballast tanks - in a cargo wing tank One web frame ring: - in each remaining cargo tank

age > 15

One deck transverse : - in a cargo tank or on deck One transverse bulkhead - in a ballast tank (1)

As class renewal survey for ships between 10 and 15 years of age Additional transverse areas as deemed necessary by the Society

4: 5

One deck transverse : - in two cargo tanks

One transverse bulkhead : - in each ballast tank (1) One transverse bulkhead : - in a cargo wing tank - in two cargo centre tanks (2)

4 5

All transverse bulkheads: - in all cargo tanks - in all ballast tanks

3 4

One transverse bulkhead : - in a cargo wing tank - in a cargo centre tank (2) Note 1: Fig 5):

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are areas to be subjected to close-up surveys and thickness measurements (see Fig 3, Fig 4 and

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

(1) (2)

Web frame in a ballast tank means vertical web in side tank, hopper web in hopper tank, floor in double bottom tank and deck transverse in double deck tank (where fitted), including adjacent structural members. In fore and aft peak tanks web frame means a complete transverse web frame ring including adjacent structural members. : Deck transverse, including adjacent deck structural members (or external structure on deck in way of the tank, where applicable). : Transverse bulkhead complete in cargo tanks, including girder system, adjacent structural members (such as longitudinal bulkheads) and internal structure of lower and upper stools, where fitted. : Transverse bulkhead complete in ballast tanks, including girder system and adjacent structural members, such as longitudinal bulkheads, girders in double bottom tanks, inner bottom plating, hopper side, connecting brackets. : Transverse bulkhead lower part in cargo tank, including girder system, adjacent structural members (such as longitudinal bulkheads) and internal structure of lower stool, where fitted. : The knuckle area and the upper part (3 metres approximately), including adjacent structural members. Knuckle area is the area of the web frame around the connections of the slope hopper plating to the inner hull bulkhead and the inner bottom plating, up to 2 metres from the corners both on the bulkhead and the double bottom. : Web frame in a cargo tank means deck transverse, longitudinal bulkhead vertical girder and cross ties, where fitted, including adjacent structural members. Ballast double hull tank means double bottom tank plus double side tank plus double deck tank, as applicable, even if these tanks are separate. Where no centre cargo tanks are fitted (as in the case of centre longitudinal bulkhead), transverse bulkheads in wing tanks are to be surveyed.

Ch 4, Sec 4, Table 2

Replace reference to Tab 1 by reference to Tab 1 and Tab E in Table 2.

Ch 4, Sec 4, [6.4]

Replace requirements [6.4.2] and [6.4.5] by:

6.4.2 The minimum requirements for close-up surveys are given in Tab 1 and Tab E. 6.4.5 For areas in tanks where hard protective coatings are found to be in good condition, as defined in Ch 2, Sec 2, [2.2.11], the extent of close-up surveys required according to Tab 1 and Tab E may be specially considered.

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Part A

Ch 4, Sec 4

Add the following Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4 and Figure 5:

Figure 1 : Areas subject to close-up surveys - Single skin chemical tankers

5 Girder


Girder 5 4

LEFT: Representative transverse section RIGHT: Representative transverse bulkhead

Figure 2 : Areas subject to close-up surveys - Single skin chemical tankers of combined type


" MAH IJ , K> A > JJ J=


LEFT: Representative transverse section RIGHT: Representative transverse bulkhead


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Amendments July 2012

Part A

Figure 3 : Areas subject to close-up surveys - Double skin chemical tankers

Representative transverse section

Figure 4 : Areas subject to close-up surveys - Double skin chemical tankers

Representative transverse section

Figure 5 : Areas subject to close-up surveys - Double skin chemical tankers

% %

Representative transverse section

Amendments July 2012

Bureau Veritas


Part A

Ch 4, Sec 6, [2.1.3] (Amendments January 2012)

Add the following paragraph at the end of requirement [2.1.3]:

Confirmation is to be obtained that no unapproved changes have been made to the bow, inner, side shell and stern doors since the last survey.

Ch 4, Sec 6, [2.1.4] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the last paragraph of requirement [2.1.4] by:

Clearances of hinges, bearings and thrust bearings are to be taken, where no dismantling is required. Where the function test is not satisfactory, dismantling may be required to measure the clearances. If dismantling is carried out, a visual examination of hinge pins and bearings together with NDT of the hinge pin is to be carried out. Clearances of securing, supporting and locking devices are to be measured, where indicated in the OMM.

Ch 4, Sec 6, [2.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace requirement [2.1.5] by:

2.1.5 A close-up survey of securing, supporting and locking devices as listed below, including welding, is to be carried out: cylinder securing pins, supporting brackets, back-up brackets (where fitted) and their welded connections hinge pins, supporting brackets, back-up brackets (where fitted) and their welded connections locking hooks, securing pins, supporting brackets, backup brackets (where fitted) and their welded connections locking pins, supporting brackets, back-up brackets (where fitted) and their welded connections locating and stopper devices and their welded connections.

Ch 4, Sec 6, [2.1.8] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace item c) by:

c) indicators of open/closed position of doors and of securing/locking devices at navigation bridge and other remote control stations are to be checked; other safety devices such as isolation of securing/locking hydraulic system from other hydraulic systems, access to operating panels, notice plates and warning indicator lights are to be checked

Add the following item at the end of item e):

confirmation that power supply for indicator system is supplied by the emergency source or other secure power supply and is independent of the power supply for operating the doors

Ch 4, Sec 6, [2.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Add the following requirement [2.1.9]:

2.1.9 Non-destructive tests and/or thickness measurements may be required by the Surveyor after visual examination and function test or in cases where cracks or deformations have been found.


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Part A

Ch 4, Sec 6, [3] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace sub-article [3.1] by:

3.1 Shell and inner doors
Non-destructive testing and thickness measurements are to be carried out on securing, supporting and locking devices, including welding, to the extent considered necessary by the Surveyor. Whenever a crack is found, an examination with NDT is to be carried out in the surrounding area and for similar items, as considered necessary by the Surveyor. 3.1.5 Clearances of hinges, bearings and thrust bearings are to be taken. Unless otherwise specified in the OMM or by the manufacturers recommendation, the measurement of clearances on Ro-ro cargo ships may be limited to representative bearings where dismantling is needed in order to measure the clearances. If dismantling is carried out, a visual examination of hinge pins and bearings together with NDT of the hinge pins are to be carried out. 3.1.6 Non-return valves of drainage arrangements are to be checked after dismantling. 3.1.7 The maximum thickness diminution of hinging arms, securing, supporting and locking devices is to be treated according to the normal procedure for primary structures, but is not to be more than 15% of the as-built thickness or the maximum corrosion allowance of the Society, whichever is less. Certain designs may be subject to the Societys special consideration. 3.1.8 Checking the effectiveness of sealing arrangements by hose testing or equivalent is to be carried out.

3.1.1 The class renewal survey is to include, in addition to the requirements of the annual survey as required in [2], examination, tests and checks of sufficient extent to verify that the bow, inner, side shell and stern doors are in satisfactory condition and considered able to remain in compliance with the applicable requirements, subject to proper maintenance and operation in accordance with the Operation and Maintenance Manual (OMM) or the manufacturers recommendations and the periodical surveys being carried out at the due dates for the five-year period until the next class renewal survey. 3.1.2 The examinations of the doors are to be supplemented by thickness measurements and testing to verify compliance with the applicable requirements so that the structural and weathertight integrity remains effective. The aim of the examination is to identify corrosion, significant deformation, fractures, damages or other structural deterioration that may be present. 3.1.3 A close visual inspection of structural arrangements is to be carried out, supplemented by non-destructive tests and/or thickness measurements, as deemed necessary by the Surveyor. 3.1.4 A survey of the items listed in [2.1.4] and [2.1.5], including close-up survey of securing, supporting and locking devices, together with welding, is to be carried out.

Ch 4, Sec 8, [7.6]

Add the following requirement [7.6.4]:

7.6.4 Tank testing Confirmation that cargo tank boundaries adjacent to machinery spaces, propeller shaft tunnels, if fitted, dry cargo spaces, accommodation and service spaces and from drinking water and stores have been pressure tested. If deemed necessary by the Surveyor, the tank testing may be extended.

Ch 4, Sec 8, [9.2]

Insert the following requirement [9.2.5]:

9.2.5 Tank testing Confirmation that oil recovery tank boundaries adjacent to engine rooms, if any, have been pressure tested. If deemed necessary by the Surveyor, the tank testing may be extended.

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Part A

Ch 5, Sec 1, Table 1

Replace the last row of Table 1 by:

T16 :

Table 1 : Additional class notations for which specific survey requirements are applicable
Section or Article applicable in this Chapter Ch 5, Sec 10 Type of surveys affected by these specific requirements as applicable in accordance with the related Articles in Ch 5, Sec 10 Remarks


Ch 5, Sec 2, [3.1]

Replace the first paragraph of requirement [3.1.1] by:

3.1.1 As indicated in Pt E, Ch 1, Sec 2, the additional class notation STAR-HULL is assigned to a ship in order to reflect the fact that a procedure including periodical and corrective maintenance, as well as periodical and occasional inspections of hull structures and equipment, (hereafter referred to as the Inspection and Maintenance Plan - IMP) are dealt with on board by the crew and at the Owners offices.

Ch 5, Sec 10, [1.1]

Replace requirement [1.1.1] by:

1.1.1 The requirements of this Section apply to ships which have been assigned one of the following additional class notations described in Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.14]: STRENGTHBOTTOM GRABLOADING GRAB [X] SPM DYNAPOS VCS COVENT CARGOCONTROL COLD DI COLD (H tDH, E tDE) COMF-NOISE, COMF-VIB, COMF+, COMF-NOISE-Pax, COMF-NOISE-Crew, COMF-VIB-Pax, COMF-VIB-Crew ACCOMMODATION

Ch 5, Sec 10, [9]

Replace the title of Article 9 by:


Ch 5, Sec 10, [9.1]

Replace requirement [9.1.1] by:

9.1.1 The requirements of this Article apply to ships which have been assigned the following additional class notations defined in Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.14.12]: COLD DI COLD (H tDH, E tDE)


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Amendments July 2012

Part A

Ch 5, Sec 10, [9]

Replace sub-article [9.2] by:


Annual survey
Availability on-board of the following documentation:

9.2.1 The annual survey is to include: when the additional class notation COLD DI is assigned: manual for de-icing procedures when the additional class notation COLD (H tDH, E tDE) is assigned: manual for de-icing procedures stability manual including loading conditions with ice accretion.

general examination, as far as practicable of the deicing arrangements provided to other tanks subject to freezing (such as fresh water, fuel oil tanks) (for COLD (H tDH, E tDE)) general examination of the specific heating arrangements provided for the cargo P/V valves (for COLD DI and COLD (H tDH, E tDE)) test of the de-icing systems including indications and alarms, at random (for COLD DI and COLD (H tDH, E tDE)). d) Other equipment: general external examination of the de-icing system on the exposed deck to allow the de-icing of the ship areas where the crew may have access during the normal operation of the ship (manoeuvring area, loading and unloading area, area around the access to the deckhouses, passageways, gangways, walkways) (for COLD DI and COLD (H tDH, E tDE)) general examination of the specific arrangements for protection of equipment fitted on deck (foam monitors, davits, lifeboats, lifejackets lockers, winches, windlasses, cranes, other deck machinery) and of helideck and its access (for COLD DI and COLD (H tDH, E tDE)) general examination of personal protection and evacuation equipment which are to be suitable for the design temperature (for COLD (H tDH, E tDE)) general examination of specific protection fitted on cargo valves and associated instrumentation, such as tarpaulins (for COLD DI and COLD (H tDH, E tDE)) general examination of appropriate gratings and stairs (including escapes, access to lifeboats and to winching areas) for facilitation of circulation on exposed decks and of safety lines where provided (for COLD DI and COLD (H tDH, E tDE)) general examination of heating arrangement for hydraulic oil system of deck machinery, where provided (for COLD DI and COLD (H tDH, E tDE)) general examination of arrangements made to ensure 20C in the accommodation and of arrangements made to control humidity, for HVAC plant (for COLD DI and COLD (H tDH, E tDE)) verification that sufficient hand tools or similar equipment for manual de-icing operations are available on-board and stored on the main deck at locations protected from accumulation of ice (for COLD DI and COLD (H tDH, E tDE)) general examination of navigation and communication equipment which are to be suitable for the design temperature (for COLD (H tDH, E tDE)).

b) Electrical installations (for COLD DI and COLD (H tDH, E tDE)): general external examination of the arrangements for heated bridge windows and heated cargo control room windows, the de-icing systems for all escape doors and all main doors giving access to the deck area, the heating of bunker lines on deck, the heating of scupper lines, the heating of whistle, the heating of antennas and similar equipment general external examination of the socket outlets provided close to each lifeboat to supply the heating system of lifeboat engine test of the de-icing systems including indications and alarms, at random test, as far as practicable, of the sequence of ventilation in loop in the air inlet compartment on air intakes for HVAC, machinery room and emergency generator room. c) Machinery installations: general external examination and testing at random of the ventilation system for the machinery compartments (for COLD DI and COLD (H tDH, E tDE)) general external examination of de-icing arrangements for: sea inlets, overboard discharges (above the water line and up to 1 m below the ballast water line), air vent heads (for COLD (H tDH, E tDE)) air pipes and their automatic closing devices where fitted, sounding pipes and overflow pipes (for cooling water recirculation tanks and water ballast tanks), piping systems in exposed areas including ro-ro spaces, spray water lines, exposed deck scuppers, washing lines and discharge lines (for COLD DI and COLD (H tDH, E tDE))

general examination, as far as practicable, of the deicing arrangements provided to the water ballast tanks adjacent to the shell plating and located totally or partly above the ballast water line (for COLD (H tDH, E tDE))

Amendments July 2012

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Part A

Ch 5, Sec 10, [10] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the title of Article 10 by:


Ch 5, Sec 10, [10.3.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Add the following paragraph at the end of requirement [10.3.1]:

In case of additional class notation ACCOMMODATION, noise measurements in harbour and sea conditions, insulation and impact noise measurements are to be carried out only in case of significant modifications, as stated in [10.2.1].


Bureau Veritas

Amendments July 2012

Part B

Amendments to PART B

Ch 2, Sec 3, [3.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace requirement [3.1.1] by:

3.1.1 The requirements in Ch 2, Sec 3, [3.2] to Ch 2, Sec 3, [3.4] are not applicable to ships with service notations bulk carrier, bulk carrier CSR ESP, bulk carrier CSR BC-A ESP, bulk carrier CSR BC-B ESP, bulk carrier CSR BC-C ESP, ore carrier ESP, combination carrier ESP, of 20,000 gross tonnage and over, and to ships with service notation oil tanker ESP of 500 gross tonnage and over. For such ships, refer to the applicable requirements of Part D.

Ch 3, Sec 3, [4.1.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the 4th paragraph of requirement [4.1.1] by:

The damage control plan is required for the following ships: ships carrying passengers cargo ships of 500 GT and over.

Delete Note 1.
Ch 3, App 2, [1.2.5] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the paragraph introducing the first bulleted list by:

In addition to the standard loading conditions defined in [1.2.1], for ships with the service notation bulk carrier, bulk carrier ESP, ore carrier ESP and combination carrier ESP the following loading cases are to be included in the trim and stability booklet:

Replace the paragraph introducing the second bulleted list by:

For ships with one of the service notations ore carrier ESP and combination carrier ESP and for ships with the service notation bulk carrier or bulk carrier ESP completed by the additional feature nonhomload, the following loading cases are also to be included in the trim and stability booklet:

Ch 4, Sec 1, [2.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace requirement [2.1.2] by:

2.1.2 Higher strength steels other than those indicated in Tab 1 are considered by the Society on a case by case basis. In particular, for ultra large container ships, higher strength steels having a minimum specified yield stress ReH equal to 460 N/mm2 may be used in the upper deck zone, provided that fatigue assessment is carried out for structural details (such as hatch corners) and members in this zone.

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Part B

Ch 4, Sec 1, [2.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace requirements [2.1.3] and [2.1.4] by:

2.1.3 When steels with a minimum specfified yield stress ReH other than 235 N/mm2 are used on a ship, hull scantlings are to be determined taking into account the material factor k defined in [2.3]. 2.1.4 When no other information is available, the minimum specified yield stress ReH and the Youngs modulus E of steels used at temperatures between 90C and 300C may be taken respectively equal to:
0, 75 - R e H = R eH 0 1, 04 ----------- 1000 0, 5 - E = E 0 1, 03 ----------- 1000

where: ReH0 : E0 :

Value of the minimum specified yield stress at ambient temperature Value of the Youngs modulus at ambient temperature.

Ch 4, Sec 1, [2] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace sub-article [2.3] by:

2.3 Material factor k
2.3.2 Steels with a yield stress lower than 235 N/mm2 or greater than 390 N/mm 2 are considered by the Society on a case by case basis. In particular, where higher strength steels having a minimum specified yield stress ReH equal to 460 N/mm 2 are used according to [2.1.2], the material factor k may be taken equal to 0,62.

2.3.1 Unless otherwise specified, the material factor k has the values defined in Tab 2, as a function of the minimum specified yield stress ReH. For intermediate values of ReH , k may be obtained by linear interpolation.

Ch 4, Sec 1, [2.4.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the bulleted list in requirement [2.4.1] by:

Tab 4 for ships greater than 150 m in length and having a single strength deck Tab 5 for ships greater than 250 m in length Tab 6 for single-side bulk carrier, bulk carrier ESP and combination carrier / OBO ESP Tab 7 for ships with ice strengthening.

Ch 4, Sec 1, Table 6 (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the title of Table 6 by:

T1 :

Table 6 : Application of material classes and grades for single-side bulk carrier, bulk carrier ESP and combination carrier / OBO ESP


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Ch 4, Sec 1, [4.4] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace requirement [4.4.1] by:

4.4.1 The material factor k for aluminium alloys is to be obtained from the following formula:
235 k = ---------R l im

mum specified tensile strength of the parent metal in welded condition Rm , in N/mm2 Rp0,2 = 1 Rp0,2 Rm = 2 Rm Rp0,2 Minimum specified yield stress, in N/mm2, of the parent metal in delivery condition : Minimum specified tensile stress, in N/mm2, of Rm the parent metal in delivery condition. 1 and 2 are given in Tab 14. :

where: Rlim : Minimum specified yield stress of the parent metal in welded condition Rp0,2 , in N/mm 2, but not to be taken greater than 70% of the mini-

Ch 4, Sec 1, Table 14 (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the definiton of Rp0,2 and Rm in Note 1 of Table 14 by:

Note 1:

Rp0,2 Rm

: :

Minimum specified yield stress, in N/mm2, of material in welded condition (see [4.3]) Minimum specified tensile stress, in N/mm2, of material in welded condition (see [4.3]).

Ch 5, Sec 1, [2.4.3] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the definition of TB , in the second item of the bulleted list of requirement [2.4.3], by:
TB = 0,03 L 7,5 m in general TB = 2 + 0,02 L for ships with one of the service notations bulk carrier, bulk carrier ESP, ore carrier ESP, combination carrier ESP or oil tanker ESP.

Ch 5, Sec 1, [2.5.2] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the second paragraph of requirement [2.5.2] by:

For ships with the service notation general cargo ship, bulk carrier, or bulk carrier ESP completed by the additional service feature nonhomload, the loading conditions to be considered are to include the cases where the selected holds are empty at draught T, according to the indications specified in the ship notation.

Ch 5, Sec 2, [2.1.2] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the second hyphenated item of item ballast conditions in the bulleted list of requirement [2.1.2] by:
for ships with the service notation bulk carrier, the requirements in Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3, [4.1], as applicable, are complied with all filling levels between empty and full.

Ch 5, Sec 6, Table 14 (Amendments January 2012)

Replace, in Table 14, the service notation bulk carrier by bulk carrier or bulk carrier ESP. Replace, in Table 14, the service notation combination carrier by combination carrier ESP.

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Part B

Ch 7, Sec 1, [2.4.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the bulleted list in requirement [2.4.1] by:

general cargo ship, intended to carry dry bulk cargo in holds bulk carrier bulk carrier ESP ore carrier ESP combination carrier ESP

Ch 7, Sec 1, [3.2.4] and Ch 7, Sec 2, [3.3.4] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the two last paragraphs of these two requirements by:

where: pST pS : : Still water pressure defined in Ch 5, Sec 6, Tab 14 Still water sea pressure defined in Ch 5, Sec 5, [1.1.1] for the draught T1 at which the testing is carried out. If the draught T1 is not defined by the Designer, it may be taken equal to the light ballast draught TB defined in Ch 5, Sec 1, [2.4.3].

Ch 7, Sec 3 (Amendments January 2012)

Insert the following Figure A and Figure B:

Figure A : Example of stress averaging area at opening rounded edge Figure B : Example of stress averaging area at rounded bracket edge


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Ch 7, Sec 3, Table 5 (Amendments January 2012)

Add the following row in Table 5 :

Type of three dimensional model (see App 1) Very fine mesh finite element model Resistance partial safety factor R (see [4.3] and [5.3]) General Flooding pressure



Ch 7, Sec 3, [4] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace sub-article [4.3] by:


Checking criteria
Master allowable stress

The master allowable stress, MASTER, in N/mm 2, is to be obtained from the following formula:
RY M ASTER = --------- R m

VM a v = -------------------------n

i 1

VM i



For all types of analysis, according to Ch 7, App 1, [2], it is to be checked that the equivalent stress VM calculated according to Ch 7, App 1, [5] is in compliance with the following formula:


Structural detail analysis based on very fine mesh finite elements models

In a fine mesh model as defined in Ch 7, App 1, [3.4.3], high stress areas for which VM exceeds 0,95 MASTER are to be investigated through a very fine mesh structural detail analysis according to Ch 7, App 1, [3.4.4], and both following criteria are to be checked: a) The average Von Mises equivalent stress VM-av as defined in [4.3.4] is to comply with the following formula:

b) The equivalent stress VM of each element is to comply with the following formulae: for elements not adjacent to the weld:
VM 1, 53 M AST ER

Von Mises stress at the centre of the i-th element within the considered area, in N/mm2 Ai : Area of the i-th element within the considered area, in mm2 n : Number of elements within the considered area. Stress averaging is to be performed over an area defined as follows: the area considered for stress averaging is to have a size not above the relevant spacing of ordinary stiffeners (s x s) for very fine mesh along rounded edges (openings, rounded brackets) the area considered for stress averaging is to be limited only to the first ring of border elements, over a length not greater than the relevant spacing of ordinary stiffeners (see Fig A and Fig B) the area considered for stress averaging is to include an entire number of elements the area considered for stress averaging is not to be defined across structural discontinuities, web stiffeners or other abutting structure for regions where several different stress averaging areas may be defined, the worst is to be considered for the calculation of average Von Mises equivalent stress. 4.3.5 Particular requirements For very fine mesh regions located on bracket webs in the vicinity of bracket toes, where an equivalent (s x s) area cannot be defined, the yielding check is to be based only on the criteria given in [4.3.3], item b). Other structural details having shapes not allowing the stress averaging as required in [4.3.4] are to be specially considered by the Society, on a case by case basis.

where: : VM-i

for elements adjacent to the weld:

VM 1, 34 M AST ER


Stress averaging on very fine mesh

The average Von Mises equivalent stress VM-av , in N/mm2, is to be obtained from the following formula:

Ch 7, Sec 4, Table 9 (Amendments January 2012)

Replace, in column Service notation, the notation Bulk carrier ESP by Bulk carrier.

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Ch 7, App 1, [3.4] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace requirement [3.4.4] by:

3.4.4 Very fine mesh for the analysis of structural details the use of membrane elements is only allowed when significant bending effects are not present; in the other cases, elements with general behaviour are to be used the use of linear triangular elements is to be avoided as much as possible in high stress area; quadrilateral elements are to have 90 angles as much as possible, or angles between 60 and 120; the aspect ratio is to be close to 1; when the use of a linear triangular element cannot be avoided, its edges are to have the same length the local fine mesh can either be included directly into the global model or belong to a separate sub-model; the gradient of mesh size must be reasonably low.

In order to obtain an accurate representation of stresses in the area of interest, the structural model is to be built on the basis of the following criteria: the mesh dimensions are to be such as to enable a faithful representation of the stress gradients the size of elements in the area of interest is not to be greater than 50 mm x 50 mm the extent of the refined area is to be at least of 10 elements in any direction around its centre

Ch 8, Sec 3, [2.4.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the bulleted list in requirement [2.4.1] by:

general cargo ship, intended to carry dry bulk cargo in holds bulk carrier bulk carrier ESP ore carrier ESP combination carrier ESP

Ch 9, Sec 1, [2.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Add the following requirement [2.1.2]:

2.1.2 The partial safety factors to be considered for testing of fore peak structures are specified in Tab A.

Ch 9, Sec 1 (Amendments January 2012)

Add the following Table A:

T2 :

Table A : Fore peak structures Partial safety factors for testing

Partial safety factors Symbols S2 W2 m R Plating 1,00 N.A. 1,02 1,05 Ordinary stiffeners 1,00 N.A. 1,02 1,20

Partial safety factors covering uncertainties regarding: Still water pressure Wave induced pressure Material Resistance


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Ch 9, Sec 1, [2.3] (Amendments January 2012)

Add the following requirement [2.3.4]:

2.3.4 Lateral pressure in testing conditions pST pS : : Still water pressure defined in Ch 5, Sec 6, Tab 14 Still water sea pressure defined in Tab 2 and calculated for the draught T1 at which the testing is carried out. If the draught T1 is not defined by the Designer, it may be taken equal to the light ballast draught TB defined in Ch 5, Sec 1, [2.4.3].

The lateral pressure in testing conditions, pT , in kN/m 2, is taken equal to: pST pS for bottom shell plating and side shell plating pST otherwise where:

Ch 9, Sec 2, [2.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Add the following requirement [2.1.2]:

2.1.2 The partial safety factors to be considered for testing of aft peak structures are specified in Tab B.

Ch 9, Sec 2 (Amendments January 2012)

Add the following Table B:

Table B : Aft peak structures Partial safety factors for testing
T3 :

Partial safety factors covering uncertainties regarding: Still water pressure Wave induced pressure Material Resistance

Partial safety factors Symbols S2 W2 m R Plating 1,00 N.A. 1,02 1,05 Ordinary stiffeners 1,00 N.A. 1,02 1,20

Replace the head of Table 2 by:

T4 :

Table 2 : Still water and wave pressures

Still water sea pressure pS, in kN/m2 Wave pressure pW, in kN/m2


Ch 9, Sec 2, [2.3] (Amendments January 2012)

Add the following requirement [2.3.4]:

2.3.4 Lateral pressure in testing conditions

pST pS

: :

Still water pressure defined in Ch 5, Sec 6, Tab 14 Still water sea pressure defined in Tab 2 and calculated for the draught T1 at which the testing is carried out. If the draught T1 is not defined by the Designer, it may be taken equal to the light ballast draught TB defined in Ch 5, Sec 1, [2.4.3].

The lateral pressure in testing conditions, pT , in kN/m , is taken equal to: pST pS for bottom shell plating and side shell plating pST otherwise where:

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Part B

Ch 9, Sec 5, [8.1.1] and Ch 9, Sec 6, [7.1.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace item a), in these two requirements, by:

a) main particulars and design drawings: special safety precautions details of ship equipment and design loading (for ramps) key plan of equipment (doors and ramps) manufacturer's recommended testing for equipment description of equipment for: - bow doors - inner bow doors - bow ramp/doors - side doors - stern doors - central power pack - bridge panel - engine control room panel

Chapter 9

Replace Section 7 by the following one:


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Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 7



For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to the list at the beginning of this Chapter. LLL L3 hs tC s pW ASh w : Load line length LLL,in m, as defined in Ch 1, Sec 2, [3.2] : L, but to be taken not greater than 300 m : Standard height of superstructure, as defined in Ch 1, Sec 2, [3.19] : Corrosion additions, in mm, as defined in [1.4] : Stiffener spacing in m. : Wave pressure, in kN/m2, as defined in [3.1.1] : Net shear sectional area, in cm2, of the ordinary stiffener or primary supporting member. : Net section modulus, in cm3, of the ordinary stiffener or primary supporting member. 1.2.3 Double skin cover

A hatch cover as above but with continuous bottom plating such that all the stiffening structure and internals are protected from the environment. 1.2.4 Pontoon type cover

A special type of portable cover, secured weathertight by tarpaulins and battening devices.



1.3.1 Steel Materials used for the construction of steel hatch covers are to comply with the applicable requirements of NR216 Materials and Welding, Chapter 2. 1.3.2 Other materials



The use of materials other than steel is considered by the Society on a case by case basis, by checking that criteria adopted for scantlings are such as to ensure strength and stiffness equivalent to those of steel hatch covers.

1.1.1 The requirements in [1] to [10] apply to all ships except ships having the service notation bulk carrier, ore carrier or combination carrier, and are for all cargo hatch covers and coamings on exposed decks. The requirements in [11] apply to steel hatch covers of small hatches fitted on the exposed fore deck over the forward 0,25 L. 1.1.2 The strength requirements are applicable to hatch covers and hatch coamings of stiffened plate construction and its closing arrangements. 1.4.1

Net scantling approach

Corrosion additions for steel other than stainless steel

Unless otherwise specified, the thicknesses t in this Section are net thicknesses. The net thicknesses are the member thicknesses necessary to obtain the minimum net scantlings required by [4] and [8]. The required gross thicknesses are obtained by adding corrosion additions, tc, given in Tab 1. Strength calculations using beam theory, grillage analysis or FEM are to be performed with net scantlings. 1.4.2 Corrosion additions for aluminium alloys



For structural members made of aluminium alloys, the corrosion addition tc is to be taken equal to 0.

Where ICLL is referred to in the text this is to be taken as the International Convention on Load Lines 1966, as amended by the 1988 protocol, as amended in 2003. 1.2.2 Single skin cover


Height of hatch coamings

A hatch cover made of steel or equivalent material which has continuous top and side plating, but is open underneath with the stiffening structure exposed. The cover is weathertight and fitted with gaskets and clamping devices unless such fittings are specifically excluded.

2.1.1 The height above the deck of hatch coamings is to be not less than: 600 mm in position 1 450 mm in position 2.

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Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 7

Table 1 : Corrosion additions tc for hatch covers and hatch coamings

Application Weather deck hatches of container ships, car carriers, paper carriers, passenger ships Hatch covers Hatch coamings Hatch covers in general Weather deck hatches of all other ship types covered by this Section Weather exposed plating and bottom plating of double skin hatch covers Internal structure of double skin hatch covers and closed box girders Hatch coamings Coaming stays and stiffeners Structure tc, in mm 1,0 1,5 2,0 1,5 1,0 1,5 1,5

2.1.2 The height of hatch coamings in positions 1 and 2 closed by steel covers provided with gaskets and securing devices may be reduced with respect to the above values or the coamings may be omitted entirely, on condition that the Administration is satisfied that the safety of the ship is not thereby impaired in any sea conditions. In such cases the scantlings of the covers, their gasketing, their securing arrangements and the drainage of recesses in the deck are considered by the Society on a case by case basis. 2.1.3 Regardless of the type of closing arrangement adopted, the coamings may have reduced height or be omitted in way of openings in closed superstructures or decks below the freeboard deck.

2.2.5 The covers used in 'tweendecks are to be fitted with an appropriate system ensuring an efficient stowing when the ship is sailing with open 'tweendecks. 2.2.6 Efficient retaining arrangements are to be provided to prevent translation of the hatch cover under the action of the longitudinal and transverse forces exerted by the stacks of containers on the cover. These retaining arrangements are to be located in way of the hatch coaming side brackets. Solid fittings are to be welded on the hatch cover where the corners of the containers are resting. These parts are intended to transmit the loads of the container stacks onto the hatch cover on which they are resting and also to prevent horizontal translation of the stacks by means of special intermediate parts arranged between the supports of the corners and the container corners. Longitudinal stiffeners are to stiffen the hatch cover plate in way of these supports and connect the nearest transverse stiffeners. Extension is to be calculated to ensure a satisfactory strength. 2.2.7 The width of each bearing surface for hatch covers is to be at least 65 mm.


Hatch covers

2.2.1 Hatch covers on exposed decks are to be weathertight. Hatch covers in closed superstructures need not be weathertight. However, hatch covers fitted in way of ballast tanks, fuel oil tanks or other tanks are to be watertight. 2.2.2 The ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting members of the hatch covers are to be continuous over the breadth and length of the hatch covers, as far as practical. When this is impractical, sniped end connections are not to be used and appropriate arrangements are to be adopted to ensure sufficient load carrying capacity. 2.2.3 The spacing of primary supporting members parallel to the direction of ordinary stiffeners is to be not greater than 1/3 of the span of primary supporting members. When strength calculation is carried out by FE analysis using plane strain or shell elements, this requirement can be waived. 2.2.4 The breadth of the primary supporting member flange is to be not less than 40% of their depth for laterally unsupported spans greater than 3 m. Tripping brackets attached to the flange may be considered as a lateral support for primary supporting members.


Hatch coamings

2.3.1 Coamings, stiffeners and brackets are to be capable of withstanding the local forces in way of the clamping devices and handling facilities necessary for securing and moving the hatch covers as well as those due to cargo stowed on the latter. 2.3.2 Special attention is to be paid to the strength of the fore transverse coaming of the forward hatch and to the scantlings of the closing devices of the hatch cover on this coaming. 2.3.3 Longitudinal coamings are to be extended at least to the lower edge of deck beams. Where they are not part of continuous deck girders, longitudinal coamings are to extend for at least two frame spaces beyond the end of the openings. Where longitudinal coamings are part of deck girders, their scantlings are to be as required in Ch 7, Sec 3 or Ch 8, Sec 5, as applicable.


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Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 7

2.3.4 Transverse coamings are to extend below the deck at least to the lower edge of longitudinals. Transverse coamings not in line with ordinary deck beams below are to extend below the deck at least three longitudinal frame spaces beyond the side coamings. 2.3.5 Ordinary stiffeners of hatch coamings are to be continuous over the breadth and length of hatch coamings.

are protected by a closed superstructure. The same applies to accesses located on the forecastle deck and leading directly to a dry cargo hold through a trunk. 2.4.4 Accesses to cofferdams and ballast tanks are to be manholes fitted with watertight covers fixed with bolts which are sufficiently closely spaced. 2.4.5 Hatchways of special design are considered by the Society on a case by case basis.


Small hatchways

2.4.1 The height of small hatchway coamings is to be not less than 600 mm if located in position 1, and 450 mm if located in position 2. Where the closing appliances are in the form of hinged steel covers secured weathertight by gaskets and swing bolts, the height of the coamings may be reduced or the coamings may be omitted altogether. 2.4.2 Small hatch covers are to have strength equivalent to that required for main hatchways and are to be of steel, weathertight and generally hinged. Securing arrangements and stiffening of hatch cover edges are to be such that weathertightness can be maintained in any sea condition. At least one securing device is to be fitted at each side. Circular hole hinges are considered equivalent to securing devices. 2.4.3 Hold accesses located on the weather deck are to be provided with watertight metallic hatch covers, unless they

Hatch cover and coaming load model

Wheather loads
Vertical weather design load


The pressure pW, in kN/m, on the hatch cover panels is given in Tab 2. The vertical weather design load needs not to be combined with cargo loads defined in [3.2] . The positions 1and 2, as specified in Ch 1, Sec 2, [3.21] are illustrated in Fig 1 for an example ship. Where an increased freeboard is assigned, the design load for hatch covers according to Tab 2 on the actual freeboard deck may be as required for a superstructure deck, provided the summer freeboard is such that the resulting draught is not greater than that corresponding to the minimum freeboard calculated from an assumed freeboard deck situated at a distance at least equal to the standard superstructure height hS below the actual freeboard deck, see Fig 2.

Table 2 : Design load pW of weather deck hatches

Load line length LLL, in m Hatchway location 0 x 0,75 LLL LLL < 100 0,75 LLL < x LLL 0 x 0,75 LLL LLL 100 0,75 LLL < x LLL Design load pW, in kN/m2 Position 1 14,9 + 0,195 LLL
LL L ( L L L x ) ( L L L x ) -- -------------------- 15 - 3, 6 -------------------15 , 8 + -----3 LL L LL L 3

Position 2


11,3 + 0,142 LLL

p WP 34, 3 x - ------ 0, 75 34, 3 + -------------------------- 0, 25 L L L


25,5 (2)

Upon exposed superstructure decks located at least one superstructure standard height hs above the freeboard deck the design load pW may be taken equal to: 14,9 + 0,195 LLL if LLL < 100 34,3 if LLL 100 (2) Upon exposed superstructure decks located at least one superstructure standard height hs above the lowest position 2 deck the design load pW may be taken equal to 20,6 kN/m2. Note 1: pWP : Pressure, in kN/m2, at the forward perpendicular, to be taken equal to: pWP = 49,1 + 0,0726 (LLL 100) for Type B ships pWP = 49,1 + 0,3560 (LLL 100) for Type B-60 or Type B-100 ships. : Longitudinal co-ordinate of mid point of assessed structural member measured from aft end of length L or LLL, as applicable x


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Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 7

Figure 1 : Positions 1 and 2

2** 2** 2** 2 Freeboard Deck 1 1 1 2 1* 1*


0,25 LLL Length LLL

*: reduced load upon exposed superstructure decks located at least one superstructure standard height above the freeboard deck **: reduced load upon exposed superstructure decks of ships with LLL > 100 m located at least one superstructure standard height above the lowest Position 2 deck.

Figure 2 : Positions 1 and 2 for an increased freeboard

2** 2** 2** 2** Actual Freeboard Deck 2 Assumed Freeboard Deck 2 1* 2** 2 2


0,25 LLL Length LLL

*: reduced load upon exposed superstructure decks located at least one superstructure standard height above the freeboard deck **: reduced load upon exposed superstructure decks of ships with LLL > 100 m located at least one superstructure standard height above the lowest Position 2 deck.

3.1.2 Horizontal weather design load The horizontal weather design load pA, in kN/m2, for determining the scantlings of outer edge girders (skirt plates) of weather deck hatch covers and of hatch coamings is not to be less than the greater of: the minimum value pAmin, as given in Tab 3
pA = a c ( b cL ( f z ) )

rected tabular freeboard according to ICLL by at least one standard superstructure height hs
L3 a = 10 + ----12

for side and protected front coamings and hatch cover skirt plates
L3 a = 5 + ----15

where: a :

Coefficient taken equal to: for unprotected front coamings and hatch cover skirt plates
L3 a = 20 + ----12

for aft ends of coamings and aft hatch cover skirt plates abaft amidships
L3 x - 8 ---a = 7 + --------L 100

for unprotected front coamings and hatch cover skirt plates, where the distance from the actual freeboard deck to the summer load line exceeds the minimum non-cor-

for aft ends of coamings and aft hatch cover skirt plates forward of amidships
L3 x - 4 ---a = 5 + --------L 100


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Table 3 : Minimum design load pAmin

L L 50 50 < L < 250 L 250 PAmin in kN/m for unprotected fronts 30 25 + L/10 50 15 12,5 + L/20 25 elsewhere


Cargo loads

3.2.1 Distributed loads The load on hatch covers due to cargo loads pL, in kN/m2, resulting from heave and pitch is to be determined according to the following formula: pL= pC (1+V) where: pC V m : : : Uniform cargo load in kN/m2 Acceleration addition taken equal to: V = mF Coefficient taken equal to: for 0 x/L 0,2
x m = m 0 5 ( m 0 1 ) -L

c b B

: Coefficient taken equal to 0,3+0,7 b/B with b/B not to be taken less than 0,25 : Breadth of coaming, in m, at the position considered : Actual maximum breadth of ship, in m, on the exposed weather deck at the position considered : Coefficient taken equal to: for x/L < 0,45
b = 1, 0 +
---- 0, 45 L ----------------------- C B + 0, 2

for 0,2 < x/L 0,7 m=1 for 0,7 < x/L 1,0
m 0 + 1 x -- 0, 7 m = 1 + --------------- 0, 3 L

for x/L 0,45

b = 1, 0 + 1,
---- 0, 45 L - 5 ---------------------- C B + 0, 2

m0 F

: :

Coefficient taken equal to: m0 = 1,5+F Coefficient taken equal to:

V0 F = 0, 11 -----L

with 0,6 CB 0,8. When determining scantlings of aft ends of coamings and aft hatch cover skirt plates forward of amidships, CB need not be taken less than 0,8. x : Distance in m between the transverse coaming or hatch cover skirt plate considered and aft end of the length L. When determining side coamings or side hatch cover skirt plates, the side is to be subdivided into parts of approximately equal length, not exceeding 0,15 L each, and x is to be taken as the distance between aft end of the length L and the centre of each part considered. : Coefficient taken equal to: for L< 90 m
cL = L ----90


Maximum speed, in knots, at summer load line draught, not to be taken less than L1/2

3.2.2 Concentrated loads The loads due to single forces P in kN resulting from heave and pitch (e.g. in case of containers) are to be determined as follows: P = PS (1+ V) where: : PS V : Single force, in kN Acceleration addition, as defined in [3.2.1]


for L 90 m cL=1 f : Wave parameter, taken equal to:

Lf = ----+ 4, 1 25 for L < 90 m

3.2.3 Container loads Where containers are stowed on hatch covers the following loads, in kN, due to heave, pitch, and rolling motion are to be considered (see also Fig 3) AZ, BZ : Support forces in z-direction at the forward and aft stack corners, taken respectively equal to:
h m M - ( 1 + V ) 0, 45 0, 42 ----A Z = 9,81 --- b 2 h m M - ( 1 + V ) 0, 45 + 0 , 42 ----B Z = 9,81 --- 2 b

300 L 1 ,5 for 90 m L < 300m f = 10 ,75 ----------------- 100 f = 10 ,75 for 300m L 350 m
1 ,5 L 350 - for L > 350m f = 10 ,75 ----------------- 150


Support force in y-direction at the forward and aft stack corners, taken equal to:
B y = 2, 4M

: Vertical distance, in m, from the summer load line to the midpoint of stiffener span, or to the middle of the plate field

where: M V : : Maximum designed mass of container stack, in t Acceleration addition, as defined in [3.2.1]

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Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 7

Designed height of centre of gravity of stack above hatch cover supports, in m When strength of the hatch cover structure is assessed by FE analysis according to [4.5.3] using shell or plane strain elements, hm may be taken as the designed height of centre of gravity of stack above the hatch cover top plate. b : Distance between foot points, in m Values of M and hm applied for the assessment of hatch cover strength are to be shown in the drawings of the hatch covers.
Note 1: For M and hm it is recommended to apply those values, which are used for the calculations of cargo securing (container lashing). If different assumptions are made for M and hm, the designer has to verify that, in the calculation model, the hatch cover structure is not loaded less than by those values recommended.



Global loads
Loads due to elastic deformations of the hull

Hatch covers, which in addition to the loads according to [3.1] and [3.2] are loaded in the ship's transverse direction by forces due to elastic deformations of the hull, are to be designed such that the sum of stresses does not exceed the permissible values given in [4.2.1].


Yielding strength
Hatch covers suporting wheel loads


The scantlings of hatch covers supporting wheeled loads are to be obtained in accordance with: the applicable requirements of Ch 7, Sec 1 or Ch 8, Sec 3, as applicable, for plating the applicable requirements of Ch 7, Sec 2 or Ch 8, Sec 4, as applicable, or by direct calculations under consideration of the permissible stresses according to [4.2.1], for ordinary stiffeners the applicable requirements of Ch 7, Sec 3 or Ch 8, Sec 5, as applicable, for primary supporting members.

In case of container stacks secured to lashing bridges or carried in cell guides the forces acting on the hatch cover may be specially considered. Alternatively, container loads may be applied based on accelerations calculated by an individual acceleration analysis for the used lashing system. Figure 3 : Forces due to container loads


Permissible stresses and deflections


D ) > * *O


The equivalent stress V in steel hatch cover structures related to the net thickness is not to exceed 0,8 ReH. For design loads according to [3.1.2], [3.2] and [3.3] the equivalent stress V related to the net thickness is not to exceed 0,9 ReH when the stresses are assessed by means of FEM using plane stress or shell elements. For beam element calculations and grillage analysis, the equivalent stress V, in N/mm2, may be taken as follows:
V = + 3
2 2

3.2.4 Load cases with partial loading The loads defined in [3.2.1] [3.2.2] are also to be considered for partial non homogeneous loading which may occur in practice, e.g. where specified container stack places are empty. The load case partial loading of container hatch covers can be evaluated using a simplified approach, where the hatch cover is loaded without the outermost stacks (see Fig 4). Figure 4 : Partial loading of a container hatch cover

where: : Normal stress, in N/mm2 : Shear stress, in N/mm2

For FEM calculations, the equivalent stress V, in N/mm2, may be taken as follows:
V = x x y + y + 3
2 2 2

where: x y : Normal stress, in N/mm2, in x-direction : Normal stress, in N/mm2, in y-direction : Shear stress, in N/mm2, in the x-y plane

Indices x and y are coordinates of a two-dimensional Cartesian system in the plane of the considered structural element. In case of FEM calculations using shell or plane strain elements, the stresses are to be read from the centre of the individual element. Where shell elements are used, the stresses are to be evaluated at the mid plane of the element.


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The vertical deflection of primary supporting members due to the vertical weather design load according to [3.1.1] is to be not more than lg where:

Figure 5 : Determination of normal stress of the hatch cover plating

: Greatest span of primary supporting members : Coefficient taken equal to: = 0,0056 for weathertight hatch covers = 0,0044 for pontoon hatch covers and portable beams




Note 1: Where hatch covers are arranged for carrying containers and mixed stowage is allowed, i.e., a 40'-container stowed on top of two 20'-containers, particular attention is to be paid to the deflections of hatch covers. Further the possible contact of deflected hatch covers with in hold cargo has to be observed.



Local net plate thickness

Lower plating of double skin hatch covers and box girders The thickness to fulfill the strength requirements is to be obtained from the calculation according to [4.5] under consideration of permissible stresses according to [4.2.1]. The net thickness, in mm, is not to be less than the greater of the following values when the lower plating is taken into account as a strength member of the hatch cover: t= 6,5s tmin = 5 When the lower plating is not considered as a strength member of the hatch cover, the thickness of the lower plating is to be determined according to Ch 7, Sec 1. 4.3.3 Covers of small hatchways The gross thickness of covers of small hatchways is to be not less than that of the adjacent plating based on the same spacing and the same steel. Refer also to [11].

The local net plate thickness t, in mm, of the hatch cover top plating is not to be less than the greater of: p t = 15, 8F p s ---------------------0, 95R eH

1% of the spacing of the stiffener or 6 mm if that be greater. where: Fp : Factor for combined membrane and bending response, equal to: Fp = 1,5, in general Fp = 1,9 /a, for the attached plating of primary supporting members and for 0,8 a : Normal stress, in N/mm2, of hatch cover top plating The normal stress may be determined in a distance s from webs of adjacent primary supporting members perpendicular to ordinary stiffeners and in a distance s/2 from the web of an adjacent primary supporting member parallel to ordinary stiffeners, refer to Fig 5. The greater of both stresses is to be taken. For the distribution of normal stress between two parallel girders, refer to [5.3.4]. a : Allowable normal stress, in N/mm2, equal to: a= 0,8 ReH p : Pressure pw and pL, in kN/m , as defined in [3]


Ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting members

4.4.1 Net scantling of ordinary stiffeners The net section modulus w, in cm3, and the net shear area ASh, in cm2,of uniformly loaded hatch cover stiffeners constraint at both ends are not be less than the values obtained from the following formulae:
- sl2 p w = ------ReH 10 s l p A S h = --------------ReH

where: : Coefficient taken equal to: = 104 for weathertight hatch covers = 123 for pontoon hatch covers

For flange plates under compression sufficient buckling strength according to is to [5] be demonstrated.

Ordinary stiffener span, in m, to be taken as the spacing, in m, of primary supporting members or the distance between a primary supporting member and the edge support, as applicable.

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Pressure pW and pL, in kN/m2, as defined in [3].

The net section modulus of the ordinary stiffeners is to be determined based on an attached plate width assumed equal to the stiffener spacing. For flat bar ordinary stiffeners and buckling stiffeners on webs of primary supporting members, the ratio hw / tw is to be in compliance with the following formula:
hw 235 ----- 15 --------tw R eH

moment of inertia, in cm4, of edge girders is not to be less than: I = 6q sSD4 where: q sSD 4.4.4 : Packing line pressure, in N/mm, minimum 5 N/mm. : Spacing, in m, of securing devices.

where: hw tw : : Web height, in mm, of the ordinary stiffener Net thickness, in mm, of the ordinary stiffener.

Stiffeners parallel to primary supporting members and arranged within the effective breadth according to [4.5.2] are to be continuous at crossing primary supporting member and may be regarded for calculating the cross sectional properties of primary supporting members. It is to be verified that the combined stress of those stiffeners induced by the bending of primary supporting members and lateral pressures does not exceed the permissible stresses according to [4.2.1]. For hatch cover stiffeners under compression sufficient safety against lateral and torsional buckling according to [5.3.5] and [5.3.6] is to be verified. 4.4.2 Net scantlings of primary supporting members Scantlings of primary supporting members are obtained from calculations according to [4.5] under consideration of permissible stresses according to [4.2.1]. For all components of primary supporting members sufficient safety against buckling must be verified according to [5]. For biaxial compressed flange plates this is to be verified within the effective widths according to [5.3.3]. The net thickness, in mm, of webs of primary supporting members is not to be less than the greater of the following values: t = 6,5s tmin = 5 4.4.3 Edge girders (Skirt plates) Scantlings of edge girders are obtained from the calculations according to [4.5] under consideration of permissible stresses according to [4.2.1]. The net thickness, in mm, of the outer edge girders exposed to wash of sea is not to be less than the greatest of the following values:
pA t = 15, 8 s --------------------0, 95R eH

Ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting members of variable cross-section The net section modulus of ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting members with a variable cross-section is to be not less than the greater of the values obtained, in cm3, from the following formulae:
w = wCS 3 ,2 0 ,8 - w CS w = 1 + ----------------------------------- 7 + 0 ,4

where: w CS
1 = ----

: Net section modulus, in cm 3, for a constant cross-section, obtained according to [4.4.1]

l l0

w1 = -----w0

l1 l0

: Length of the variable section part, in m (see Fig 6) : Span measured, in m, between end supports (see Fig 6) : Net section modulus at end, in cm3 (see Fig 6) : Net section modulus at mid-span, in cm 3 (see Fig 6).

w1 w0

Moreover, the net moment of inertia of ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting members with a variable cross-section is to be not less than the greater of the values obtained, in cm4, from the following formulae: I = ICS
1 - 3 I = 1 + 8 ------------------------I CS 0 ,2 + 3


: Net moment of inertia with a constant crosssection, in cm4, calculated with wave pressure, as given in [3.1.1] or distributed loads as given in [3.2.1]. It is to be such that the deflection does not exceed : Coefficient, as defined in [4.2.2]

I1 = --I0

t = 8,5 s tmin = 5 where: pA : Horizontal pressure, in kN/m2, as defined in [3.1.2]

I1 I0

: Net moment of inertia at end, in cm4 (see Fig 6) : Net moment of inertia at mid-span, in cm4 (see Fig 6).

The stiffness of edge girders is to be sufficient to maintain adequate sealing pressure between securing devices. The

The use of these formulae are limited to the determination of the strength of ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting members in which abrupt changes in the cross-section do not occur along their length.


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Table 4 : Effective breadth em of plating of primary supporting members

em1/e em2/e Note 1: l : 0 0 0 1 0,36 0,20 2 0,64 0,37 3 0,82 0,52 4 0,91 0,65 5 0,96 0,75 6 0,98 0,84 7 1,00 0,89

1,00 0,90

Length of zero-points of bending moment curve: l = l0 for simply supported primary supporting members

l = 0,6l0 for primary supporting members with both ends constraint,where l0 is the unsupported length of the primary supporting member. e : Width of plating supported, measured from centre to centre of the adjacent unsupported fields em1 : To be applied where primary supporting members are loaded by uniformly distributed loads or else by not less than 6 equally spaced single loads. em2 : To be applied where primary supporting members are loaded by 3 or less single loads. Note 2: Intermediate values may be obtained by direct interpolation.

Figure 6 : Variable cross-section stiffener

points and cutouts the mesh has to be refined where applicable. The ratio of element length to width is not to exceed 4. The element height of webs of primary supporting member must not exceed one-third of the web height. Stiffeners, supporting plates against pressure loads, have to be included in the idealization. Buckling stiffeners may be disregarded for the stress calculation.




Strength calculations


Buckling strength

Strength calculation for hatch covers may be carried out by either, using beam theory, grillage analysis or FEM. 4.5.2 Effective cross-sectional properties for calculation by beam theory or grillage analysis


The buckling strength assessment of coaming parts is to be carried out according to Ch 7, Sec 1, Ch 7, Sec 2 Ch 7, Sec 3. 5.1.2 a b n t x y F1 e 1 2 Definitions : Length of the longer side of a single plate field in mm (x-direction) : : : : : : : : : : : : Breadth of the shorter side of a single plate field in mm (y-direction) Aspect ratio of single plate field = a / b Number of single plate field breadths within the partial or total plate field Net plate thickness in mm Membrane stress, in N/mm2, in x-direction Membrane stress, in N/mm2, in y-direction Shear stress, in N/mm2, in the x-y plane Correction factor for boundary condition at the longitudinal stiffeners according toTab 5. Reference stress, in N/mm2, taken equal to e = 0,9 E (t/b)2 Edge stress ratio taken equal to 1/2 Maximum compressive stress, in N/mm2 Minimum compressive stress or tension stress, in N/mm2

Cross-sectional properties are to be determined considering the effective breadth. Cross sectional areas of ordinary stiffeners parallel to the primary supporting member under consideration within the effective breadth can be included, refer Fig 8. The effective breadth of plating em of primary supporting members is to be determined according to Tab 4, considering the type of loading. Special calculations may be required for determining the effective breadth of one-sided or non-symmetrical flanges. The effective cross sectional area of plates is not to be less than the cross sectional area of the face plate. For flange plates under compression with ordinary stiffeners perpendicular to the web of the primary supporting member, the effective width is to be determined according to [5.3.3]. 4.5.3 General requirements for FEM calculations

For strength calculations of hatch covers by means of finite elements, the cover geometry is to be idealized as realistically as possible. Element size must be appropriate to account for effective breadth. In no case element width are to be larger than stiffener spacing. In way of force transfer

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Safety factor (based on net scantling approach), taken equal to: S = 1.25 for hatch covers when subjected to the vertical weather design load according to [3.1.1] S = 1.10 for hatch covers when subjected to loads according to [3.1.2], [3.2] and [3.3]
e1 e2 e3

Table 6 : Coefficients e1, e2, e3 and factor B

Exponents e1, e2, e3 / Factor B 1+ x4 1+ y4 1 + xy2 (xy)5 1

B, for x and y positive (compression stress) B, for x or y negative (tension stress)

Reference degree of slenderness, taken equal to:

= R eH --------K e


Poisson effect

Buckling factor according to Tab 7. Table 5 : Correction factor F1

If stresses in the x- and y-direction already contain the Poisson-effect (calculated using FEM), the following modified stress values may be used. Both stresses x* and y* are to be compressive stresses, in order to apply the stress reduction according to the following formulae: x = (x* - 0,3 y*) / 0,91 y = (y* - 0,3 x*) / 0,91 where: x*,y* : Stresses containing the Poisson-effect Where compressive stress fulfils the condition y* < 0,3 x* , then y = 0 and x = x* Where compressive stress fulfils the condition x* < 0,3 y* , then x = 0 and y = y* 5.2.3 Webs and flanges of primary supporting members

Stiffeners sniped at both ends F1 = 1,00 Guidance values where both ends are effectively connected to adjacent structures (1) F1 = 1,05 for flat bars F1 = 1,10 for bulb sections F1 = 1,20 for angle and teesections F1 = 1,30 for u-type sections and girders of high rigidity (2)

Exact values may be determined by direct calculations Higher value may be taken if it is verified by a buckling strength check of the partial plate field using non-linear FEA, but not greater than 2.0 Note 1:An average value of F1 is to be used for plate panels having different edge stiffeners

(1) (2)


Sign convention

Compressive and shear stresses are to be taken positive, tension stresses are to be taken negative

For non-stiffened webs and flanges of primary supporting members sufficient buckling strength as for the hatch cover top and lower plating is to be demonstrated according to [5.2.1].

5.3 5.2

Proof of top and lower hatch cover plating 5.3.1

Proof of partial and total fields of hatch covers

Longitudinal and transverse ordinary stiffeners

Proof is to be provided that the following condition, in which the first two terms and the last term are not to exceed 1,0, is complied with for the single plate field a x b:
x S ------------ x R e H

The continuous longitudinal and transverse stiffeners of partial and total plate fields are to comply with the conditions set out in [5.3.5] through [5.3.7], taking account of the effective width of attached plating defined in [5.3.2]. 5.3.2 Effective width of attached plating of ordinary stiffeners

y S e2 x y S S 3 - B ---------------- + ---------------+ ------------ y R eH R 2 R eH eH



1, 0

where: e1, e2, e3 : B : Exponents as given in Tab 6 Factor as given in Tab 6. Reduction factors as given in Tab 7 where x 0 (tension stress), x = 1,0 where y 0 (tension stress), y = 1,0

The effective width of attached plating of ordinary stiffeners, to be considered for buckling assesment, may be determined by the following formulae (see also Fig 7): bm = xb for longitudinal stiffeners am = ya for transverse stiffeners

x, y, :

The effective width of attached plating is not to be taken greater than the value obtained from [4.5.2].


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Table 7 : Buckling and reduction factor for plane elementary plate panels
Case 1 Stress ratio 10
.> t .N .N

Aspect ratio = a/b 8, 4 K = ------------------ + 1, 1

Buckling factor K x = 1

Reduction factor for

0 > > 1

K = 7, 63 ( 6, 26 10 ) 1

x = c where:

1 0, 22 -- ------------ for > c 2


K = 5, 975 ( 1 )

c = 1, 25 ( 0, 12 ) 1, 25 0, 88 c - 1 + 1 -----------c = -c 2



1 2 2, 1 -----------------------K = F 1 1 + ----2 ( + 1, 1 )

y = c

1 R + F (H R ) -- -----------------------------------2

1 1, 5 0 > > 1 > 1, 5

where: 1 2 2, 1 ( 1 + ) ---------------------------- ----( 13, 9 10 ) K = F 1 1 + ----2 2 c = ( 1, 25 ( 0, 12 ) ) 1, 25 1 , 1 1 2 2, 1 ( 1 + ) ---------------------------K = F 1 1 + ----2 1, 1 8, 6 2 - 10 5, 87 + 1, 87 + ------- ----2 2 1 - K = 5, 975F 1 -----------



R = ( 1 c ) for < c R = 0, 22 for c c = 0, 5c ( 1 + 1 0, 88 c ) K 2 F = 1 ----------- 1 p c 1 0 0, 91 p = 0, 5 for 1 p 3

2 2 2

3( 1 ) 1 --------------------4

1 3( 1 ) > --------------------4
1 2 1 4 - + 0, 5375 ------------ + 1, 87 K = F 1 3, 9675 -----------

c1 = (1 - F1/) 0 2 -R H = -------------------------------------2 c ( T + T 4) 14- 1 T = + --------+ -15 3

.> t .N .N


4 ( 0, 425 + 1 ) K = -------------------------------------------3 + 1

> 0 > 1
K = 4 ( 0, 425 + 1 ) ( 1 + ) 5 ( 1 3, 42 )

x = 1 for 0, 7 1 for > 0,7 x = -----------------------2 + 0, 51

.N t N .> N .N

1 1 > 0

1 3 -----------K = 0, 425 + ----2 2

Note 1: Explanations for boundary conditions: - - - - - - - - - - - - plate edge free _______________ plate edge simply supported

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Case 5

Stress ratio

Aspect ratio = a/b K = K 3 1 4 K = 5, 34 + ----2 5, 34 K = 4 + -----------2

Buckling factor K

Reduction factor

= 1 for 0, 84 0, 84 - for > 0, 84 = -----------




Note 1: Explanations for boundary conditions: - - - - - - - - - - - - plate edge free _______________ plate edge simply supported

Figure 7 : General arrangement of panel


Figure 8 : Stiffening parallel to web of primary supporting member

A A A 

5E C A BEA @

2=HJE= BEA @

= =

> > >




Effective width of attached plating of primary supporting members
> >




The effective width em of stiffened flange plates of primary supporting members may be determined as follows (see also Fig 8 and Fig 9): Stiffening parallel to web of primary supporting member b < em em = n bm n : Integer number of stiffener spacings b inside the effective breadth em according to [4.5.2] n = int(em/b) Stiffening perpendicular to web of primary supporting member: a em em = n am, to be taken not greater than em n = 2,7 em/a, to be taken not greater than 1,0 where: em : Effective width of plating, as defined in [4.5.2] For b em or a < em, respectively, b and a have to be exchanged. am and bm for flange plates are in general to be determined for = 1.
O A  A



Figure 9 : Stiffening perpendicular to web of primary supporting member





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Stress distribution between two primary supporting members


Bending moment, in Nmm, due to the deformation w of stiffener, taken equal to:
pz w -------------- with ( c f p z ) > 0 M 0 = F Ki cf pz

Scantlings of plates and stiffeners are in general to be determined according to the maximum stresses x(y) at webs of primary supporting member and stiffeners, respectively. For stiffeners with spacing b under compression arranged parallel to primary supporting members no value less than 0,25ReH are to be inserted for x(y=b). The stress distribution between two primary supporting members can be obtained by the following formula:
y y - 3 + c 1 4c 2 2 -- ( 1 + c1 2 c2 ) x ( y ) = x1 1 -e e


Bending moment, in Nmm, due to the lateral load p equal to: for longitudinal stiffeners
p ba M 1 = ---------------3 24,10

for transverse stiffeners

p a ( nb ) M 1 = -------------------3 c s 8,10

x2 c 1 = ------x1 0 c1 1

1, 5 - ( e m1 + e c 2 = -------m 2 ) 0, 5 e

p FKi

: :

with n to be taken equal to 1 for transverse stiffeners Lateral load, in kN/m2 Ideal buckling force, in N, of the stiffener, taken equal to: for longitudinal stiffeners
- EI x 10 4 F Ki x = - a


: Proportionate effective breadth em1 or proportionate effective width em1 of primary supporting member 1 within the distance e, as appropriate : Proportionate effective breadth em2 or proportionate effective width em2 of primary supporting member 2 within the distance e, as appropriate

for transverse stiffeners

- 4 F Ki y = -----E I y 10 nb


Ix, Iy

x1 x2 : Normal stresses in flange plates of adjacent primary supporting member 1 and 2 with spacing e, based on cross-sectional properties considering the effective breadth or effective width, as appropriate y : Distance of considered location from primary supporting member 1 pz :

Net moments of inertia, in cm4, of the longitudinal or transverse stiffener including effective width of attached plating according to [5.3.2]. Ix and Iy are to comply with the following criteria:
bt I x ---------------4 12,10 at I y ---------------4 12,10
3 3

5.3.5 Lateral buckling of ordinary stiffeners The longitudinal and transverse ordinary stiffeners are to comply with the following criteria:
a + b ------------------S1 R eH

Nominal lateral load, in N/mm2, of the stiffener due to x, y and for longitudinal stiffeners
t b 2 - x l -------- + 2c y y + 2 1 p z x = - a b

where: : Uniformly distributed compressive stress, in N/mm2 in the direction of the stiffener axis. = x, for longitudinal stiffeners = y, for transverse stiffeners b : Bending stress, in N/mm2, in the stiffener, taken equal to:
M0 + M1 b = -------------------3 10 w st

for transverse stiffeners

t - 2 c + y p z y = -a x xl Ax x l = x 1 + ---- bt A y a 2 ------- 1 + ----+ 2 1 nb a t

cx , cy

Factors taking into account the stresses perpendicular to the stiffener's axis and distributed variable along the stiffener's length, taken equal to: 0,5 (1+) for 0 1 0,5/(1-) for < 0 Net sectional area, in mm2, of the longitudinal or transverse stiffener, respectively, without attached plating.
m 1 m2 - + ------ 0 F E -----2 a2 b

If no lateral load p is acting the bending stress b is to be calculated at the midpoint of the stiffener span for that fibre which results in the largest stress value. If a lateral load p is acting, the stress calculation is to be carried out for both fibres of the stiffener's cross sectional area (if necessary for the biaxial stress field at the plating side).

Ax, Ay

1 = t

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m1, m2 :

Coefficients taken equal to: for longitudinal stiffeners: a/b 2,0 : m1 = 1,47 m2 = 0,49 a/b < 2,0 : m1 = 1,96 m2 = 0,37 for transverse stiffeners: a/(nb) 0,5 : m1 = 0,37 m 2 = 1,96/n2 a/(nb) < 0,5 : m1 = 0,49 m 2 = 1,47/n

nb 2a 2 - + -----c y a = ----- 2a nb

for nb < 2
nb - c y a = 1 + ----- 2a
2 2


: Factor accounting for the boundary conditions of the transverse stiffener, taken equal to: cs = 1,0 for simply supported stiffeners cs = 2,0 for partially constraint stiffeners

w = w 0 + w1 w0 : Assumed imperfection in mm for longitudinal stiffeners w0x min (a/250, b/250, 10) for transverse stiffeners w0y min (a/250, nb/250, 10) For stiffeners sniped at both ends w 0 must not be taken less than the distance from the midpoint of plating to the neutral axis of the profile including effective width of plating. w1 : Deformation of stiffener, in mm, at midpoint of stiffener span due to lateral load p. In case of uniformly distributed load the following values for w1 may be used: for longitudinal stiffeners
pb a w 1 = -------------------------------7 384 10 E I x

w st

: Net section modulus of stiffener (long. or transverse) in cm3 including effective width of plating according to [5.3.2].


Torsional buckling of longitudinal ordinary stiffeners The longitudinal ordinary stiffeners are to comply with the following criteria:
x S ------------- 1, 0 T ReH

where: T : Coefficient taken equal to: for T 0,2 T = 1,0 for T > 0,2
1 T = -------------------------------2 2 + T = 0, 5 ( 1 + 0, 21 ( T 0, 2 ) + T )

for transverse stiffeners

5a p ( n b ) w 1 = -------------------------------------7 2 384 10 E I y c s


Elastic support provided by the stiffener, in N/mm 2, taken equal to: for longitudinal stiffeners:
- ( 1 + c px ) c fx = F Ki x - a

: Reference degree of slenderness taken equal to:

T =

F ------- Ki T

E I 10 2 KiT = --- -------------------------+ 0, 385I T in N/mm 2 IP a

1 c px = -------------------------------------------------------0,91 12I x 4 - ---------10 1 1 + --------- c xa b t 3


: Net polar moment of inertia of the stiffener, in cm4, defined in Tab 8, and related to the point C (see also Fig 10) . : Net St. Venant's moment of inertia of the stiffener, in cm4, defined in Tab 8 (see also Fig 10) : Net sectorial moment of inertia of the stiffener, in cm6, defined in Tab 8, and related to the point C (see also Fig 10) : Degree of fixation taken equal to:
= 1 + 10
3 4


: Coefficient taken equal to: for 2b

c xa a 2b - + -----= ----- 2b a


for < 2b
a c xa = 1 + ----- 2b
2 2

for transverse stiffeners:

2 - ( 1 + c py ) c fy = c s F Ki y ----- nb 1 c py = -------------------------------------------------------12I 0,91 4 y - ---------10 1 1 + --------- c ya a t 3

a ---------------------------------------3 4 b 4h w -- I ----------+ t 3 3t 3 4 w

hw tw bf tf Aw Af

: Web height, in mm : Net web thickness, in mm : Flange breadth, in mm : Net flange thickness, in mm : Net web area equal to: Aw = hw tw : Net flange area equal to: Af = bf tf


: Coefficient taken equal to: for nb 2

ef = hw + tf / 2, in mm


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Table 8 : Moments of inertia

Flat bars IP h tw --------------4 3 10 tw hw tw --------------1 0, 63 ----4 hw 3 10
3 3 w w hw A 10 4 ------------ + Af e 2 f 3 3 3 2

Bulb, angle and T profiles


tw tf hw t w b f tf --------------- 1 0, 63 --- + --------------1 0, 63 ----4 h w 3 10 4 bf 3 10 for bulb and angle sections: A f e f bf A f + 2, 6A w -------------------- ---------------------------6 12 10 A f + A w
2 2

hw t w ------------------6 36 10

for T sections:

b f t f ef ------------------6 12 10

Figure 10 : Dimensions of stiffener

bf tw hw C ef tw bf tw b1 C C b1 bf tw b2 ta C tf

sary weathertightness. Similar sealing is to be arranged between cross-joint elements. Where fitted, compression flat bars or angles are to be well rounded where in contact with the gasket and to be made of a corrosion-resistant material. The gasket is to be effectively secured to the hatch cover. The packing material is to be suitable for all expected service conditions of the ship and is to be compatible with the cargoes to be transported. The packing material is to be selected with regard to dimensions and elasticity in such a way that expected deformations can be carried. The packings are to be compressed so as to give the necessary tightness effect for all expected operating conditions. Special consideration is to be given to the packing arrangement in ships with large relative movements between hatch covers and coamings or between hatch cover sections If necessary, suitable devices are to be fitted to limit such movements. Coamings and steel parts of hatch covers in contact with gaskets are to have no sharp edges. Metallic contact is required for an earthing connection between the hatch cover and the hull structures. If necessary, this is to be achieved by means of a special connection for the purpose. 6.2.2 Dispensation of weathertight gaskets


Torsional buckling of transverse ordinary stiffeners

For transverse ordinary stiffeners loaded by compressive stresses and which are not supported by longitudinal stiffeners, sufficient torsional buckling strength is to be demonstrated analogously in accordance with [5.3.6].



6.1.1 Where the hatchway is exposed, the weathertightness is to be ensured by gaskets and clamping devices sufficient in number and quality. Weathertightness may also be ensured means of tarpaulins. 6.1.2 In general, a minimum of two securing devices or equivalent is to be provided on each side of the hatch cover.


Packing material

For hatch covers of cargo holds solely for the transport of containers, upon request by the Owner and subject to compliance with the following conditions the fitting of weather tight gaskets according to [6.2.1] may be dispensed with: The hatchway coamings are to be not less than 600 mm in height. The exposed deck on which the hatch covers are located is situated above a depth H(x). H(x), in m, is to be shown to comply with the following criteria: H(x) T + fb + h where: fb : Minimum required freeboard, in m, determined according to ICLL Reg.28, as amended

The weight of hatch covers and any cargo stowed thereon, together with inertia forces generated by ship motions, are to be transmitted to the ships structure through steel to steel contact. This may be achieved by continuous steel to steel contact of the hatch cover skirt plate with the ships structure or by means of defined bearing pads. The sealing is to be obtained by a continuous gasket of relatively soft elastic material compressed to achieve the neces-

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: Distance, in m, taken equal to: h = 4,6 for x/LLL 0.75 h = 6,9 for x/LLL > 0.75


Extend of coaming plates

Labyrinths, gutter bars or equivalents are to be fitted proximate to the edges of each panel in way of the coamings. The clear profile of these openings is to be kept as small as possible. Where a hatch is covered by several hatch cover panels the clear opening of the gap in between the panels shall be not wider than 50 mm. The labyrinths and gaps between hatch cover panels are to be considered as unprotected openings with respect to the requirements of intact and damage stability calculations. With regard to drainage of cargo holds and the necessary fire-fighting system reference is made to applicable requirements in Pt C. Bilge alarms are to be provided in each hold fitted with non-weathertight covers.

Coaming plates are to extend to the lower edge of the deck beams. They are to be flanged or fitted with face bars or half-round bars. Fig 11 gives an example. Figure 11 : Example for the extend of coaming plates


Construction details
Container foundations on hatch covers



7.1.1 Strength requirements The substructures of container foundations are to be designed for cargo and container loads according to [3.2], applying the permissible stresses according to [4.2.1].

8.2.1 The ordinary stiffeners of the hatch coamings are to be continuous over the breadth and length of the hatch coamings. 8.2.2 Coamings are to be stiffened on their upper edges with a stiffener suitably shaped to fit the hatch cover closing appliances. Moreover, when covers are fitted with tarpaulins, an angle or a bulb section is to be fitted all around coamings of more than 3 m in length or 600 mm in height; this stiffener is to be fitted at approximately 250 mm below the upper edge. The width of the horizontal flange of the angle is not to be less than 180 mm. 8.2.3 Where hatch covers are fitted with tarpaulins, coamings are to be strengthened by brackets or stays with a spacing not greater than 3 m. Where the height of the coaming exceeds 900 mm, additional strengthening may be required. However, reductions may be granted for transverse coamings in protected areas. 8.2.4 When two hatches are close to each other, underdeck stiffeners are to be fitted to connect the longitudinal coamings with a view to maintaining the continuity of their strength. Similar stiffening is to be provided over 2-frame spacings at ends of hatches exceeding 9-frame spacings in length. In some cases, the Society may require the continuity of coamings to be maintained above the deck. 8.2.5 Where watertight metallic hatch covers are fitted, other arrangements of equivalent strength may be adopted.


Hatch coamings
Arrangement of hatch coamings

8.1.1 Longitudinal strength Hatch coamings which are part of the longitudinal hull structure are to comply with the applicable requirements of Part B, Chapter 6. For structural members welded to coamings and for cutouts in the top of coamings fatigue strength calculations may be required by the Society. Longitudinal hatch coamings with a length exceeding 0,1L m are to be provided with tapered brackets or equivalent transitions and a corresponding substructure at both ends. At the end of the brackets they are to be connected to the deck by full penetration welds of minimum 300 mm in length. 8.1.2 Local details The design of local details is to be adequate for the purpose of transferring the loads on the hatch covers to the hatch coamings and, through them, to the deck structures below. Hatch coamings and supporting structures are to be adequately stiffened to accommodate the loading from hatch covers, in longitudinal, transverse and vertical directions. 8.1.3 Stays On ships carrying cargo on deck, such as timber, coal or coke, the stays are to be spaced not more than 1,5 m apart.


Bureau Veritas

Amendments July 2012

Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 7


Hatch coaming strength criteria

8.3.1 Local net plate thickness of coamings The net thickness of weather deck hatch coamings, in mm, is to be not less than the greater of the following values:
pA t = 14, 2 s --------------------0, 95R eH L3 t m in = 6 + --------100

2 e hS pA - -------------- + t c t W = ------ ReH hW

where: hW tC : : Web height of coaming stay at its lower end, in m Corrosion addition, in mm, according to [1.4]


Net scantling of ordinary stiffeners of coamings For stiffeners with both ends constraint the elastic net section modulus w, in cm3, and net shear area ASh, in cm2, calculated on the basis of net thickness, are to be not less than:
83 2 - s l pA w = ------R eH 10 s l p A A Sh = -----------------R eH

Webs are to be connected to the deck by fillet welds on both sides with a throat thickness of = 0,44 tW. The size of welding for toes of webs at the lower end of coaming stays are to comply with the requirements of Ch 12, Sec 1. 8.3.6 Coaming stays under friction load For coaming stays, which transfer friction forces at hatch cover supports, fatigue strength is to be checked (refer also to [9.2.2]). 8.3.7 Coamings of small hatchways The coaming gross plate thickness is to be not less than the lesser of the following values: the thickness for the deck inside line of openings calculated for that position, assuming as spacing of stiffeners the lesser of the values of the height of the coaming and the distance between its stiffeners, if any, or 10 mm. Coamings are to be suitably strengthened where their height exceeds 0,80 m or their greatest horizontal dimension exceeds 1,20 m, unless their shape ensures an adequate rigidity.


: Ordinary stiffener span, in m, to be taken as the spacing of coaming stays. For sniped stiffeners at coaming corners, the section modulus and shear area at the fixed support are to be increased by 35%. The gross thickness of the coaming plate, in mm, at the sniped stiffener end is to be not less than:
p A s ( l 0, 5s ) t = 19, 6 ---------------------------------R eH

Horizontal stiffeners on hatch coamings, which are part of the longitudinal hull structure, are to be designed according to the applicable requirements in Ch 7, Sec 2 8.3.3 Coaming stays Coaming stays are to be designed for the loads transmitted through them and permissible stresses according to [4.2.1]. 8.3.4 Coaming stay section modulus The net section modulus w of coaming stays, in cm3, with a height of hs < 1,6 m and which are to be designed for the load pA, are to be not less than:
526 - e h2 p w = --------R eH s A


Closing arrangements
Securing devices

9.1.1 General Securing devices between cover and coaming and at crossjoints are to be installed to provide weathertightness. Sufficient packing line pressure is to be maintained. Securing devices are to be appropriate to bridge displacements between cover and coaming due to hull deformations. Securing devices are to be of reliable construction and effectively attached to the hatchway coamings, decks or covers. Individual securing devices on each cover are to have approximately the same stiffness characteristics. Sufficient number of securing devices is to be provided at each side of the hatch cover considering the requirements of [4.4.3]. This applies also to hatch covers consisting of several parts. Panel hatch covers are to be secured by appropriate devices (bolts, wedges or similar) suitably spaced alongside the coamings and between cover elements. The securing and stop arrangements are to be fitted using appropriate means which cannot be easily removed. In addition to the requirements above, all hatch covers, and in particular those carrying deck cargo, are to be effectively secured against horizontal shifting due to the horizontal forces resulting from ship motions.

where: e : Spacing of coaming stays in m. Coaming stays of coamings having a height of 1,6 m or more are to be designed using direct calculations under consideration of the permissible stresses according to [4.2.1]. The effective breadth of the coaming plate is to be not greater than the effective plate breadth according to [4.5.2]. Coaming stays are to be supported by appropriate substructures. Face plates may only be included in the calculation if an appropriate substructure is provided and welding provides an adequate joint. 8.3.5 Web thickness of coaming stays Web gross thickness of coaming stays at the root point, in mm, is to be not less than:

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Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 7

Towards the ends of the ship, vertical acceleration forces may exceed the gravity force. The resulting lifting forces are to be considered when dimensioning the securing devices according to [9.1.7]. Lifting forces from cargo secured on the hatch cover during rolling are also to be taken into account. Hatch covers provided with special sealing devices, insulated hatch covers, flush hatch covers and those having coamings of a reduced height (see [2.1]) are considered by the Society on a case by case basis. In the case of hatch covers carrying containers, the scantlings of the closing devices are to take into account the possible upward vertical forces transmitted by the containers. 9.1.2 Arrangements At cross-joints of multipanel covers, (male/female) vertical guides are to be fitted to prevent excessive relative vertical deflections between loaded/unloaded panels. The location of stoppers is to be compatible with the relative movements between hatch covers and the ships structure in order to prevent damage to them. The number of stoppers is to be as small as possible. 9.1.3 Spacing The spacing of the securing arrangements is to be generally not greater than 6 m. The spacing of securing arrangements of tank hatch covers in tweendecks is to be not greater than 600 mm. 9.1.4 Construction Securing arrangements with reduced scantlings may be accepted provided it can be demonstrated that the possibility of water reaching the deck is negligible. Securing devices are to be of reliable construction and securely attached to the hatchway coamings, decks or hatch covers. Individual securing devices on each hatch cover are to have approximately the same stiffness characteristics. 9.1.5 Materials The materials of stoppers, securing devices and their weldings are to comply with the applicable requirements of Ch 4, Sec 1and Part B, Chapter 12 respectively. Specifications of the materials are to be shown in the drawings of the hatch covers. 9.1.6 Cleats Where rod cleats are fitted, resilient washers or cushions are to be incorporated. Where hydraulic cleating is adopted, a positive means is to be provided so that it remains mechanically locked in the closed position in the event of failure of the hydraulic system. 9.1.7 Cross-sectional area of the securing devices

q sSD

: Packing line pressure in N/mm, minimum 5 N/mm. : Spacing between securing devices in m, not to be taken less than 2 m.

k l = ( 235 R e H )

ReH Rm e

: Minimum yield strength of the material, in N/mm2, but not to be taken greater than 0,7Rm : Tensile strength of the material, in N/mm2 : Coefiicient taken equal to: for ReH > 235 N/mm 2 : e = 0,75 for ReH 235 N/mm2 : e = 1,00

Rods or bolts are to have a gross diameter not less than 19 mm for hatchways exceeding 5 m2 in area. Securing devices of special design in which significant bending or shear stresses occur may be designed as anti-lifting devices according to [9.1.8]. As load, the packing line pressure q multiplied by the spacing between securing devices sSD is to be applied. 9.1.8 Anti lifting devices The securing devices of hatch covers, on which cargo is to be lashed, are to be designed for the lifting forces resulting from loads according to [3.2.3] (see Fig 12). Unsymmetrical loadings, which may occur in practice, are to be considered. Under these loadings the equivalent stress, in N/mm2, in the securing devices is not to exceed:
v = 150 k l

Figure 12 : Lifting forces at a hatch cover









Lifting force


Hatch cover supports, stoppers and supporting structures

9.2.1 Horizontal mass forces For the design of the securing devices against shifting, the horizontal mass force to be considered is given by the following formula: F h = m where: : Acceleration taken equal to: in longitudinal direction: X = 0,2g in transverse direction: Y = 0,5g m : Sum of mass of cargo lashed on the hatch cover and mass of hatch cover.

The gross cross-sectional area, in cm2, of the securing devices is not to be less than:
A = 0, 28 q s SD k l



Bureau Veritas

Amendments July 2012

Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 7


Hatch cover supports

PV 1

: :

Vertical supporting force Frictional coefficient, taken equal generally to 0,5 For non-metallic, low-friction support materials on steel, the frictional coefficient may be reduced but not to be less than 0,35.

For the transmission of the support forces resulting from the load cases specified in [3] and of the horizontal mass forces specified in [9.2.1], supports are to be provided which are to be designed such that the nominal surface pressures, in N/mm2, do not exceed in general the following values: pn max = d pn where: d : Parameter taken equal to: d = 3,75 - 0,015 L, to be taken not greater than 3,0 and not less than dmin dmin : Parameter taken equal to: dmin = 1,0 in general dmin = 2,0 for partial loading conditions, see [3.2.4] pn : Permissible nominal surface N/mm2, as defined in Tab 9 pressure, in

Supports as well as the adjacent structures and substructures are to be designed such that the permissible stresses according to [4.2.1] are not exceeded. For substructures and adjacent structures of supports subjected to horizontal forces Ph, a fatigue strength analysis may be carried out. 9.2.3 Hatch cover stoppers

Hatch covers are to be sufficiently secured against horizontal shifting. Stoppers are to be provided for hatch covers on which cargo is carried. The greater of the loads resulting from [3.1.2] and [9.2.1] is to be applied for the dimensioning of the stoppers and their substructures. The permissible stress in stoppers and their substructures, in the cover, and of the coamings is to be determined according to [4.2.1]. In addition, the provisions in [9.2.2] are to be observed.

For metallic supporting surfaces not subjected to relative displacements the nominal surface pressure, in N/mm2, is to be taken equal to: pn max = 3 pn Drawings of the supports are to be submitted. In the drawings of supports the permitted maximum pressure given by the material manufacturer related to long time stress is to be specified. Table 9 : Permissible nominal surface pressure pn
Support material pn , in N/mm2, when loaded by vertical force Hull structural steel Hardened steel Plastic materials on steel 25 35 50 horizontal force (on stoppers) 40 50 -



9.3.1 Where weathertightness of hatch covers is ensured by means of tarpaulins, at least two layers of tarpaulins are to be fitted. Tarpaulins are to be free from jute and waterproof and are to have adequate characteristics of strength and resistance to atmospheric agents and high and low temperatures. The mass per unit surface of tarpaulins made of vegetable fibres, before the waterproofing treatment, is to be not less than: 0,65 kg/m2 for waterproofing by tarring 0,60 kg/m2 for waterproofing by chemical dressing

Where large relative displacements of the supporting surfaces are to be expected, the use of material having low wear and frictional properties is recommended. If necessary, sufficient abrasive strength may be shown by tests demonstrating an abrasion of support surfaces of not more than 0,3 mm per year in service at a total distance of shifting of 15 000 m/year. The substructures of the supports are to be of such a design, that a uniform pressure distribution is achieved. Irrespective of the arrangement of stoppers, the supports are to be able to transmit the following force Ph in the longitudinal and transverse direction:
PV P h = 1 -----d

0,55 kg/m2 for waterproofing by dressing with black oil. In addition to tarpaulins made of vegetable fibres, those of synthetic fabrics or plastic laminates may be accepted by the Society provided their qualities, as regards strength, waterproofing and resistance to high and low temperatures, are equivalent to those of tarpaulins made of vegetable fibres.


Wedges, battens and locking bars


Wedges are to be of tough wood, generally not more than 200 mm in length and 50 mm in width. They are generally to be tapered not more than 1 in 6 and their thickness is to be not less than 13 mm.


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Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 7


Battens and locking bars

11.2 Strength
11.2.1 The gross thickness of covers is to be not less than that of the adjacent plating based on the same spacing and the same steel. 11.2.2 For small rectangular steel hatch covers, the gross plate thickness, stiffener arrangement and scantlings are to be not less than those obtained, in mm, from Tab 10 and Fig 13. Ordinary stiffeners, where fitted, are to be aligned with the metal-to-metal contact points, required in [11.3.1] (see also Fig 13). Primary stiffeners are to be continuous. All stiffeners are to be welded to the inner edge stiffener (see Fig 14). 11.2.3 The upper edge of the hatchway coamings is to be suitably reinforced by a horizontal section, generally not more than 170 to 190 mm from the upper edge of the coamings. 11.2.4 For small hatch covers of circular or similar shape, the cover plate thickness and reinforcement are to comply with [4]. 11.2.5 For small hatch covers constructed of materials other than steel, the required scantlings are to provide equivalent strength. Table 10 : Gross scantlings for small steel hatch covers on the fore deck
Primary stiffeners 100 x 8; 1 100 x 8; 1 100 x 10; 1 120 x 12; 1 150 x 12; 2 Ordinary stiffeners 80 x 8; 2 100 x 10; 2

For all hatchways in exposed positions, battens or transverse bars in steel or other equivalent means are to be provided in order to efficiently secure the portable covers after the tarpaulins are battened down. Portable covers of more than 1,5 m in length are to be secured by at least two such securing appliances.

10 Drainage
10.1 Drainage arrangement at the coaming
10.1.1 If drain channels are provided inside the line of gasket by means of a gutter bar or vertical extension of the hatch side and end coaming, drain openings are to be provided at appropriate positions of the drain channels. 10.1.2 Drain openings in hatch coamings are to be arranged with sufficient distance to areas of stress concentration (e.g. hatch corners, transitions to crane posts). 10.1.3 Drain openings are to be arranged at the ends of drain channels and are to be provided with non-return valves to prevent ingress of water from outside. It is unacceptable to connect fire hoses to the drain openings for this purpose. 10.1.4 Cross-joints of multi-panel covers are to be provided with efficient drainage arrangements. 10.1.5 If a continuous outer steel contact between cover and ship structure is arranged, drainage from the space between the steel contact and the gasket is also to be provided for.

11 Small hatches fitted on the exposed fore deck

11.1 Application
11.1.1 The requirements in [11] apply to steel covers of small hatches fitted on the exposed fore deck over the forward 0,25 L, for ships of equal to or greater than 80 m in length, where the height of the exposed deck in way of the hatch is less than 0,1 L or 22 m above the summer load waterline, whichever is the lesser. Small hatches are hatches designed for access to spaces below the deck and are capable to be closed weather-tight or watertight, as applicable. Their opening is generally equal to or less than 2,5 m 2. 11.1.2 Small hatches designed for emergency escape need not comply with the requirements in [11.4.1]a) and b), [11.4.3] and [11.5.1]. Securing devices of hatches designed for emergency escape are to be of a quick-acting type (e.g. one action wheel handles are provided as central locking devices for latching/unlatching of hatch cover) operable from both sides of the hatch cover.

Nominal size (mm x mm) 630 x 630 630 x 830 830 x 630 830 x 830 1030 x 1030 1330 x 1330

Cover plate thickness (mm) 8 8 8 8 8 8

Flat bar (mm x mm); number

11.3 Weathertightness
11.3.1 The hatch cover is to be fitted with a gasket of elastic material. This is to be designed to allow a metal to metal contact at a designed compression and to prevent over compression of the gasket by green sea forces that may cause the securing devices to be loosened or dislodged. The metal-to-metal contacts are to be arranged close to each securing device in accordance with Fig 13 and a sufficient capacity to withstand the bearing force.


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Amendments July 2012

Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 7

Figure 13 : Arrangement of stiffeners

Nominal size 630 x 630

Nominal size 630 x 830

Nominal size 830 x 830

Nominal size 830 x 630

Nominal size 1030 x 1030

Nominal size 1330 x 1330

Hinge Securing device / metal to metal contact

Primary supporting member Ordinary stiffener

Amendments July 2012

Bureau Veritas


Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 7

Figure 14 : Example of a primary securing method

#  E $

' % & !
1 : Butterfly nut 2 : Bolt 3 : Pin 4 : Center of pin 5 : Fork (clamp) plate 6 : Hatch cover 7 : Gasket 8 : Hatch coaming 9 : Bearing pad welded on the bracket of a toggle bolt for metal to metal contact 10 : Stiffener 11 : Inner edge stiffener.


11.4 Primary securing devices

11.4.1 Small hatches located on exposed fore deck are to be fitted with primary securing devices such their hatch covers can be secured in place and weather-tight by means of a mechanism employing any one of the following methods: a) Butterfly nuts tightening onto forks (clamps) b) Quick acting cleats c) Central locking device Dogs (twist tightening handles) with wedges are not acceptable. 11.4.2 The primary securing method is to be designed and manufactured such that the designed compression pressure is achieved by one person without the need of any tools. 11.4.3 For a primary securing method using butterfly nuts, the forks (clamps) are to be of robust design. They are to be designed to minimize the risk of butterfly nuts being dislodged while in use; by means of curving the forks upward, a raised surface on the free end, or a similar method. The

plate thickness of unstiffened steel forks is to be not less than 16 mm. An example arrangement is shown in Fig 14. 11.4.4 For small hatch covers located on the exposed deck forward of the fore-most cargo hatch, the hinges are to be fitted such that the predominant direction of green seas will cause the cover to close, which means that the hinges are normally to be located on the fore edge. 11.4.5 On small hatches located between the main hatches, for example between Nos. 1 and 2, the hinges are to be placed on the fore edge or outboard edge, whichever is practicable for protection from green water in beam sea and bow quartering conditions.

11.5 Secondary securing devices

11.5.1 Small hatches on the fore deck are to be fitted with an independent secondary securing device e.g. by means of a sliding bolt, a hasp or a backing bar of slack fit, which is capable of keeping the hatch cover in place, even in the event that the primary securing device became loosened or dislodged. It is to be fitted on the side opposite to the hatch cover hinges.


Bureau Veritas

Amendments July 2012

Part B

Ch 9, Sec 8 (Amendments January 2012)

Replace Table 1 by:

T1 :

Table 1 : Movable decks and inner ramps Still water and inertial pressures
Load case Still water pressure pS and inertial pressure pW, in kN/m2 pS = p0 in harbour condition during lifting pS = p0 + p1 in other cases a b No inertial pressure
a X1 - ( p 0 + p1 ) p W ,X = -----g a Z1 - ( p0 + p1) p W ,Z = -----g

Ship condition Still water condition Upright sea condition

in x direction in z direction

Inclined sea condition (negative roll angle) Harbour condition (1)

c d

C FA a Y2 - ( p0 + p 1 ) p W ,Y = ---------------g

in y direction

C FA a Z2 - ( p0 + p 1 ) in z direction p W ,Z = ---------------g

during lifting

pW,X = 0,035 p0 pW,Y = 0,087 p0 pW,Z = 0,200 p0 pW,X = 0,035 (p0 + p1) pW,Y = 0,087 (p0 + p1) pW,Z = 0,100 (p0 + p1)

in x direction in y direction in z direction in x direction in y direction in z direction

at rest

For harbour conditions, a heel angle of 5 and a trim angle of 2 are taken into account. Note 1: p0, p1 : Pressures, in kN/m2, to be calculated according to [1.6.2] for the condition considered. : Coefficient taken equal to 0,5 : Combination factor, to be taken equal to: CFA CFA = 0,7 for load case c CFA = 1,0 for load case d (1)

Ch 9, Sec 8, [1.6] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace requirement [1.6.2] by:

1.6.2 Loading cases where:
PP p 0 = ----AP PV p 1 = n V ----AP

The scantlings of the structure are to be verified in both sea and harbour conditions for the following cases: loaded movable deck or inner ramp under loads according to the load distribution indicated by the Designer loaded movable deck or inner ramp under uniformly distributed loads corresponding to a pressure, in kN/m2, equal to p0 + p1 empty movable deck under uniformly distributed masses corresponding to a pressure, in kN/m2, equal to p0


: : : :

Mass of the movable deck, in kN Mass of a vehicle, in kN Maximum number of vehicles loaded on the movable deck Effective area of the movable deck, in m2.

Amendments July 2012

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Part B

Ch 10, Sec 1, [5.3.5] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the title of requirement [5.3.5] by:

5.3.5 Couplings with key

Delete the third paragraph of requirement [5.3.5].

Ch 10, Sec 1, [5.3] (Amendments January 2012)

Insert the following requirement [5.3.6]:

5.3.6 Keyless couplings For cone couplings with hydraulic arrangements for assembling and disassembling the coupling, the key may be omitted. In this case the designer is to submit to the Society shrinkage calculations supplying all data necessary for the push-up length check, according to [5.3.2].

Ch 10, Sec 1, [6.2.4]

Replace the last paragraph of requirement [6.2.4] by:

In the case of non-metallic supports, the clearances are to be carefully evaluated on the basis of the thermal and distortion properties of the materials employed. In any case, for non metallic supports, the clearance on support diameter is to be not less than 1,5 mm unless a smaller clearance is supported by the manufacturers recommendation and there is documented evidence of satisfactory service history with a reduced clearance.

Ch 10, Sec 1, [7.3] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace requirement [7.3.9] by:

7.3.9 Rudder nose plate thickness Rudder nose plates are to have a thickness not less than: 1,25 tF without exceeding 22 mm, for tF < 22 mm tF, for tF 22 mm, where tF is defined in [7.3.1]. The rudder nose plate thickness may be increased on a case by case basis to be considered by the Society.

Ch 10, Sec 4, [3.8.8] (Amendments January 2012)

Add the following paragraph at the end of requirement [3.8.8]:

Examples of arrangements for permanently attached closing appliances are such as steel plates with cut-outs to accommodate chain links or canvas hoods with a lashing arrangement that maintains the cover in the secured position.

Ch 11, Sec 2, [2.2.2] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the service notation bulk carrier ESP by bulk carrier in the first line of requirement [2.2.2].


Bureau Veritas

Amendments July 2012

Part B

Ch 11, Sec 2, [3.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace requirement [3.1.2] by:

3.1.2 Bulk carriers, ore carriers and combination carriers equal to or greater than 150 m in length hold mass curves for any two adjacent holds in the relevant loading conditions listed in Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3, [3.1], showing the maximum allowable and the minimum required masses of cargo and double bottom contents of any two adjacent holds as a function of the mean draught in way of these holds. This mean draught may be calculated by averaging the draught of the two midhold positions (for determination of permissible mass in cargo holds, refer to Ch 11, App 1) maximum allowable tank top loading together with specification of the nature of the cargo for cargoes other than bulk cargoes maximum allowable load on deck and hatch covers. If the ship is not approved to carry load on deck or hatch covers, this is to be clearly stated in the loading manual the maximum rate of ballast change together with the advice that a load plan is to be agreed with the terminal on the basis of the achievable rates of change of ballast.

In addition to [3.1.1], for ships with one of the service notations bulk carrier, ore carrier ESP or combination carrier ESP, and equal to or greater than 150 m in length, the loading manual is also to describe: for cargo holds of ships with the service notation bulk carrier: the envelope results and permissible limits of still water bending moments and shear forces in the hold flooded condition the cargo hold(s) or combination of cargo holds which might be empty at full draught hold mass curves for each single hold in the relevant loading conditions listed in Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3, [3.1], showing the maximum allowable and the minimum required masses of cargo and double bottom contents of each hold as a function of the draught at mid-hold position (for determination of permissible mass in cargo holds, refer to Ch 11, App 1)

Ch 11, Sec 2, [3.2] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace requirement [3.2.2] by:

3.2.2 Bulk carriers, ore carriers and combination carriers equal to or greater than 150 m in length typical loading sequences where the ship is loaded from commencement of cargo loading to reaching full deadweight capacity, for homogeneous conditions, relevant part load conditions and alternate conditions where applicable. Typical unloading sequences for these conditions are also to be included The typical loading/unloading sequences are also to be developed to not exceed applicable strength limitations. The typical loading sequences are also to be developed paying due attention to the loading rate and deballasting capability typical sequences for change of ballast at sea, where applicable.

In addition to [3.2.1], for ships with one of the service notations bulk carrier, ore carrier ESP or combination carrier ESP, and equal to or greater than 150 m in length, the following loading conditions, subdivided into departure and arrival conditions as appropriate, are also to be included in the loading manual: alternate light and heavy cargo loading conditions at maximum draught, where applicable homogeneous light and heavy cargo loading conditions at maximum draught ballast conditions For ships with ballast holds adjacent to topside wing, hopper and double bottom tanks, it may be acceptable that the ballast holds are filled when the topside wing, hopper and double bottom tanks are empty short voyage conditions where the ship is to be loaded to maximum draught but with a limited amount of bunkers multiple port loading/unloading conditions deck cargo conditions, where applicable

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Part B

Ch 11, Sec 2, [4]

Insert the following sub-article [4.1]:

4.1 Additional class notations LI
intact stability calculations and damage stability on a basis of a limit curve, the additional class notation LI-S2 is assigned intact stability calculations and direct damage stability calculations based on pre-programmed damage cases, the additional class notation LI-S3 is assigned.

4.1.1 The additional class notations LI-HG , LI-S1, LI-S2, LI-S3, LI-HG-S1, LI-HG-S2 and LI-HG-S3 may be assigned in accordance with Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.14.26] to ships equipped with a loading instrument, as defined in [4.1.2]. 4.1.2 When the ship is equipped with a loading instrument performing: only hull girder calculations, the additional class notation LI-HG is assigned only intact stability calculations (when the ship is not required to meet damage stability requirements), the additional class notation LI-S1 is assigned

When the loading instrument performs hull girder and stability calculations, the additional class notation LI-HG-S1, LI-HG-S2 or LI-HG-S3 is assigned, as applicable.

Ch 11, Sec 2, [4.1.2] and Ch 11, Sec 2, [4.2.2] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the service notation bulk carrier ESP by bulk carrier in the first paragraph introducing the bulleted lists.

Ch 11, Sec 2, [4.3.2] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the 3rd paragraph of requirement [4.3.2] by:

When the loading instrument also performs stability calculations, it is to cover all the stability requirements applicable to the ship. The test conditions are to be taken from the ships approved trim and stability booklet.

Ch 12, Sec 1, [2.3] (Amendments January 2012)

Insert the following requirement [2.3.1]:

2.3.1 General Ordinary fillet welding may be adopted for T connections of the various simple and composite structural elements, where they are subjected to low tensile stress or where they are not critical for fatigue. Where this is not the case, partial or full T penetration welding according to [2.4] is to be adopted.

Ch 12, Sec 1, [2.3.3] (Amendments January 2012)

Insert the following paragraph after the sentence In general, staggered welding is not allowed for connections subjected to high alternate stresses.:
For connections of longitudinal ordinary stiffeners to deck plating of accommodations in passenger ships, one side continuous welding may be accepted on a case by case basis, instead of chain and staggered intermittent welding.


Bureau Veritas

Amendments July 2012

Part B

Ch 12, Sec 1, [2.3.4] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the first paragraph of requirement [2.3.4] by:

The minimum throat thickness of fillet weld T connections is to be obtained, in mm, from the following formula:

Insert the following paragraphs after the sentence For continuous fillet welds, p/d is to be taken equal to 1.:
A lower value of the minimum throat thickness may be accepted on a case by case basis depending on the results of structural analyses. The maximum throat thickness of fillet weld T connections is equal to, in mm: tT = 0,7 t

Ch 12, Sec 1, [3] (Amendments January 2012)

Add the following sub-article [3.7]:

3.7 Pillars connection

3.7.1 For pillars in tension, the maximum allowable tensile stress in welds is 50/k N/mm, where k is the greatest material factor of the welded elements and the filler metal.

Ch 12, Sec 1, [6.3.3] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the fourth paragraph of requirement [6.3.3] by:

For ships where B + D 15 m, only one radiography for each of the above items is required.

Ch 12, Sec 2, [2.5.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the service notation bulk carrier ESP by bulk carrier or bulk carrier ESP in the first paragraph of requirement [2.5.1].
Ch 12, Sec 3, Table 1 (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the service notation bulk carrier ESP by bulk carrier or bulk carrier ESP in the first column of Table 1.

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Part C

Amendments to PART C

Ch 1, Sec 10, [2.5.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace cross-reference Ch 1, Sec 3, [2.4] by Ch 1, Sec 3, [3.5.1] at the end of item a).

Ch 1, Sec 10, [2.6.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace item f) of the alphanumeric list by:

f) Specific requirements for flexible hoses and expansion joints intended for cargo pipe lines are given in: Part D, Chapter 7 for oil tankers Part D, Chapter 8 for chemical tankers Part D, Chapter 9 for liquefied gas carriers.

Ch 1, Sec 10, [8.12.10] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the 5th item in the bulleted list of item e) by:

tanks shall have a means to indicate visually the amount of its content

Ch 1, Sec 10, [9.1.6] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace item a) of the alphanumeric list by:

a) When air pipes are required to be fitted with automatic closing devices, they are to comply with the following: 1) Air pipe automatic closing devices are to be so designed that they will withstand both ambient and working conditions, and be suitable for use at inclinations up to and including 40. 2) Air pipe automatic closing devices are to be constructed to allow inspection of the closure and the inside of the casing as well as changing the seals. 3) Efficient ball or float seating arrangements are to be provided for the closures. Bars, cage or other devices are to be provided to prevent the ball or float from contacting the inner chamber in its normal state and made in such a way that the ball or float is not damaged when subjected to water impact due to a tank being overfilled. 4) Air pipe automatic closing devices are to be selfdraining. 5) The clear area through an air pipe closing device in the open position is to be at least equal to the area of the inlet. 6) An automatic closing device is to: prevent the free entry of water into the tanks allow the passage of air or liquid to prevent excessive pressure or vacuum coming on the tank. 7) In the case of air pipe closing devices of the float type, suitable guides are to be provided to ensure unobstructed operation under all working conditions of heel and trim.


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Part C

8) The maximum allowable tolerances for wall thickness of floats is not to exceed 10% of thickness. 9) The inner and the outer chambers of an automatic air pipe head is to be of a minimum thickness of 6 mm. 10) Casings of air pipe closing devices are to be of approved metallic materials adequately protected against corrosion. 11) For galvanised steel air pipe heads, the zinc coating is to be applied by the hot method and the thickness is to be 70 to 100 microns.

12) For areas of the head susceptible to erosion (e.g. those parts directly subjected to ballast water impact when the tank is being pressed up, for example the inner chamber area above the air pipe, plus an overlap of 10 or more either side), an additional harder coating is to be applied. This is to be an aluminium bearing epoxy, or other equivalent, coating, applied over the zinc. 13) Closures and seats made of non-metallic materials are to be compatible with the media intended to be carried in the tank and to seawater and suitable for operating at ambient temperatures between 25C and +85C.

Ch 1, Sec 10, [20.2] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace requirement [20.2.2] by:

20.2.2 Type tests of air pipe closing appliances a) Testing of air pipe automatic closing devices Each type and size of air pipe automatic closing device is to be surveyed and type tested at the manufacturers works or a recognized laboratory accepted by the Society. The test requirements for an air pipe automatic closing device are to include the following: 1) Determination of the flow characteristics The flow characteristics of the air pipe closing device are to be determined. Measuring of the pressure drop versus rate of volume flow is to be carried out using water and with any intended flame or insect screens in place. 2) Tightness test during immersion/emerging in water An automatic closing device is to be subjected to a series of tightness tests involving not less than two immersion cycles under each of the following conditions: The automatic closing device is to be submerged slightly below the water surface at a velocity of approximately 4 m/min. and then returned to the original position immediately. The quantity of leakage is to be recorded. The automatic closing device is to be submerged to a point slightly below the surface of the water. The submerging velocity is to be approximately 8 m/min and the air pipe vent head is to remain submerged for not less than 5 minutes. The quantity of leakage is to be recorded. Each of the above tightness tests is to be carried out in the normal position as well as at an inclination of 40. The maximum allowable leakage per cycle is not to exceed 2 ml/mm of nominal diameter of inlet pipe during any individual test. b) Testing of non-metallic floats Impact and compression loading tests are to be carried out on the floats before and after pre-conditioning, as per Tab 37. 1) Impact test The impact test may be conducted on a pendulum type testing machine. The floats are to be subjected to 5 impacts of 2,5 Nm each and are not to suffer permanent deformation, cracking or surface deterioration at this impact loading. Subsequently the floats are to be subjected to 5 impacts of 25 Nm each. At this impact energy level, some localised surface damage at the impact point may occur. No permanent deformation or cracking of the floats is to appear. 2) Compression loading test Compression tests are to be conducted with the floats mounted on a supporting ring of a diameter and bearing area corresponding to those of the float seating with which the tested float is intended to be used. For ball type float, loads are to be applied through a concave cap of the same internal radius as the test float and bearing on an area of the same diameter as the seating. For a disc type float, loads are to be applied through a disc of equal diameter as the float. A load of 350 kg is to be applied over one minute and maintained for 60 minutes. The deflection is to be measured at intervals of 10 minutes after attachment of the full load. The record of deflection against time is to show no continuing increase in deflection and, after release of the load, there is to be no permanent deflection. c) Testing of metallic floats Tests are to be conducted in accordance with item b) 1) above. The tests are to be carried out at room temperature and in the dry condition.

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Part C

Ch 1, Sec 10, Tab 25

Replace the head of Table 25 by:

T1 :

Table 25 : Thickness of scupper and discharge pipes led to the shell, according to their location
[8.9.6] with valve [8.9.6] without valve

Applicable requirement Pipe location

[8.8.1] [8.8.2] [8.9.2] [8.9.3] [8.9.4] [8.9.5]


Ch 1, Sec 10 (Amendments January 2012)

Replace Table 37 by:

T2 :

Table 37 : Pre-conditioning of floats

Test temperature 25C + + +20C + + + +85C + +

Test condition Dry After immerging in water After immerging in fuel oil

Note 1: Immerging in water and fuel oil is to be for at least 48 hours.

Ch 1, Sec 11, [1.2.2] (Amendments January 2012)

Delete the 3rd item of the bulleted list.

Ch 1, Sec 11, [3.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace requirement [3.1.1] by:

3.1.1 General In addition to the provisions of Article [2], ships equipped with two or more aft rudders are to comply with the provisions of the present Article.

Ch 1, Sec 11 (Amendments January 2012)

Delete the cross-references to requirements of Pt D, Ch 20, Sec 4 in requirements [1.3.9], [2.6.1] a), [2.6.3], [3.1.3], [4.1.1], [4.2.1] and [4.2.2].
Ch 1, Sec 15, [3.13.2] (Amendments January 2012)

Delete cross-reference and Pt D, Ch 20, Sec 4, [24.4] at the end of item a).


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Part C


Ch 2, Sec 3, [9.6.2] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace item a) by:

a) Cables being of a fire resistant type complying with IEC 60331 are to be installed and run continuous to keep the fire integrity within the high fire risk area (see Fig 4)
Note 1: The application of this requirement for public spaces containing furniture and furnishings of other than restricted fire risk and having a deck area of 50 m2 or more will be considered on the case by case basis.

Ch 2, Sec 3, [10.1.7] (Amendments January 2012)

Delete the content between brackets at the end of the last item of the bulleted list.

Ch 2, Sec 4, Table 1 (Amendments January 2012)

Replace rows 6 and 8 in Table 1 by:

T3 :

Table 1 : Tests to be carried out on electrical rotating machines

a.c. Generators Type test (1) X X X Routine test (2) Motors Type test (1) X X X Routine test (2)

N 6 8 Overload/overcurrent test Overspeed test


Delete tablefootnotes (4) and (6) in the foot of Table 1.

Ch 2, Sec 4, [4.5.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Add the following content between brackets at the end of requirement [4.5.1]:
(see indirect methods in Ch 2, App 1 for synchronous machines and in Ch 2, App 2 for induction machines).

Ch 2, Sec 5, Table 2 (Amendments January 2012)

Replace row 3 in Table 2 by:

T4 :

Table 2 : Tests to be carried out on transformers

Tests Type test (1) X Routine test (2) X

N 3 Short circuit impedance test

Chapter 2 (Amendments January 2012)

Add the following Appendix 2:

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Pt C, Ch 2, App 2




Test method

bearing temperatures (embedded sensor or thermometer), and the condition of cooling of the bearings, which are to be compared to those expected on board.

1.1.1 The induction machine is to be subject to the three separate tests specified in Tab 1 when it is completely assembled (with covers, heat exchangers, all control devices and sensors). 1.1.2 Temperature measurements of the stator winding is based on the use of embedded temperature sensors. The stator temperature taken into account for the temperature rise is the average of all sensors values. The following parameters are recorded, every 1/2 hour: temperature sensors as well as the stator current and voltage

1.1.3 The tests described in Tab 1 allow the determination of the final temperature rise of stator windings with an acceptable degree of accuracy. The stator temperature rise tstator is the average of embedded temperature sensors values minus cooling element temperature: tstator = 1 2 + 3 where: : Stator temperature rise of Test 1 defined in Tab 1 1 : Stator temperature rise of Test 2 defined in Tab 1 2 3 : Stator temperature rise of Test 3 defined in Tab 1.

Table 1 : Tests for induction machines

Test 1 Rotor locked (see Fig 1), machine ventilated in normal condition with stator supplied by rated current at reduced voltage and frequency Test 2 Test 3

Rotor running at no-load with stator sup- Rotor running at no-load at rated speed plied at the same voltage and frequency with stator supplied at rated voltage and rated frequency as Test 1

Figure 1 : Heating Test 1




J H K @AH JAIJ  ? A@ H J H


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Part C

Ch 3, Sec 1, [1.3.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Add the following items at the end of the bulleted list:

Quality plan for software: a plan for software lifecycle activities is to be produced which defines relevant procedures, responsibilities and system documentation, including configuration management. Inspection of components (only hardware) from subsuppliers: proof that components and/or sub-assemblies conform to specification. Quality control in production: evidence of quality assurance measures on production. Final test reports: reports from testing of the finished product and documentation of the test results. Traceability of software: modification of program contents and data as well as change of version are to be carried out in accordance with a procedure and are to be documented. Software description: software is to be described, e.g.: - description of the basic and communication software installed in each hardware unit - description of application software (not program listings) - description of functions, performance, constraints and dependencies between modules or other components. Hardware description: - system block diagram, showing the arrangement, input and output devices and interconnections - connection diagrams - details of input and output devices - details of power supplies. Failure analysis for safety related functions only (e.g. FMEA): the analysis is to be carried out using appropriate means, e.g.: - fault tree analysis - risk analysis - FMEA or FMECA. The purpose is to demonstrate that for single failures, systems will fail to safety and that systems in operation will not be lost or degraded beyond acceptable performance criteria when specified by the Society.

Ch 3, Sec 1 (Amendments January 2012)

Replace Table 2 by:

T1 :

Table 2 : Computer based system documentation

Documentation (2)

N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

I/A (1) I A I I I I A

System description, computer software: see [2.3.2] System description, computer hardware: see [2.3.3] System reliability analysis: see [2.3.4] User interface description: see [2.3.5] Test programs: see [2.3.6] Method of tests and required tests results (3) For wireless data communication: a) b) c) d) e) f) details of manufacturers recommended installation and maintenance practices network plan with arrangement and type of antennas and identification of location specification of wireless communication system protocols and management functions; see Ch 3, Sec 3, [4.6.3] details of radio frequency and power levels evidence of type testing in accordance with Ch 3, Sec 6 on-board test schedule; see Ch 3, Sec 6, [4].

(1) (2) (3)

A = to be submitted for approval I = to be submitted for information. For the evaluation computer based systems of categories II and III. For systems of category III.

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Part C

Ch 3, Sec 1, [2.4] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace requirement [2.4.2] by:

2.4.2 Modifications Modifications are to be documented by the manufacturer. Subsequent significant modifications to the software and hardware for systems of categories II and III are to be submitted for approval.
Note 1: A significant modification is a modification which influences the functionality and/or the safety of the system.

Ch 3, Sec 3, [1.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Add the following requirements [1.1.4] and [1.1.5]:

1.1.4 Programmable electronic systems are to fulfil the requirements of the system under control for all normally anticipated operating conditions, taking into account danger to persons, environmental impact, damage to ship as well as equipment, usability of programmable electronic systems and operability of non computer devices and systems, etc. 1.1.5 When an alternative design or arrangements deviating from these requirements are proposed, an engineering analysis is required to be carried out in accordance with a relevant International or National Standard acceptable to the Society. See also SOLAS Ch II-1/F, Reg. 55.
Note 1: As a failure of a category III system may lead to an accident with catastrophic severity, the use of unconventional technology for such applications is only to be permitted exceptionally in cases where evidence is presented that demonstrates acceptable and reliable system performance to the satisfaction of the Society.

Ch 3, Sec 3, [1] (Amendments January 2012)

Add the following sub-article [1.7]:

1.7 System categories
1.7.2 The assignment of a programmable electronic system to the appropriate system category is to be made according to the greatest likely extent of direct damage. For examples, see Tab 2.
Note 1: Where independent effective backup or other means of averting danger is provided, the system category III may be decreased by one category.

1.7.1 Programmable electronic systems are to be assigned into three system categories as shown in Tab 1 according to the possible extent of the damage caused by a single failure within the programmable electronic systems. Consideration is to be given to the extent of the damage directly caused by a failure, but not to any consequential damage. Identical redundancy is not to be taken into account for the assignment of a system category.

Ch 3, Sec 3 (Amendments January 2012)

Add the following Table 1:

T2 :

Table 1 : System categories

System functionality Monitoring function for informational/administrative tasks Alarm and monitoring functions Control functions which are necessary to maintain the ship in its normal operational and habitable conditions Control functions for maintaining the ship propulsion and steering Safety functions

Category I

Effect Those systems, failure of which will not lead to danger- ous situations for human safety, safety of the ship and/or threat to the environment Those systems, failure of which could eventually lead to dangerous situations for human safety, safety of the ship and/or threat to the environment Those systems, failure of which could immediately lead to dangerous situations for human safety, safety of the ship and/or threat to the environment




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Part C

Ch 3, Sec 3 (Amendments January 2012)

Add the following Table 2:

T3 :

Table 2 : Examples of assignment to system categories

Effect Maintenance support systems Information and diagnostic systems Alarm and monitoring equipment Tank capacity measuring equipment Control systems for auxiliary machinery Main propulsion remote control systems Fire detection systems Fire extinguishing systems Bilge systems Governors Machinery protection systems / equipment Burner control systems Electronic fuel injection for diesel engines Control systems for propulsion and steering Synchronising units for switchboards

Category I II


Note 1: The examples listed are not exhaustive.

Ch 3, Sec 3, [4] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace sub-article [4.1] by:

4.1 General
4.1.4 System self-checking capabilities are to be arranged to initiate transition to the least hazardous state for the complete installation in the event of data communication failure. 4.1.5 The characteristics of the data communication link are to be such as to transmit that all necessary information in adequate time and overloading is prevented.

4.1.1 These requirements apply to system categories II and III using shared data communication links to transfer data between distributed programmable electronic equipment or systems. 4.1.2 The performance of the network transmission medium (transfer rate and time delay) is to be compatible with the intended application. 4.1.3 When the master /slave configuration is installed, the master terminal is to be indicated on the other terminals.

Ch 3, Sec 3, [4.2] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace requirement [4.2.1] by the following requirements [4.2.1], [4.2.2] and [4.2.3]:
4.2.1 Loss of a data communication link is not to affect the ability to operate essential services by alternative means. 4.2.2 The data communication link is to be self-checking, detecting failures on the link itself and data communication failures on nodes connected to the link. Detected failures are to initiate an alarm. The data communication link is to be automatically started when power is turned on, or restarted after loss of power. 4.2.3 Where a single component failure results in loss of data communication, means are to be provided to automatically restore data communication.

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Part C

Ch 3, Sec 3, [4.3.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace requirement [4.3.1] by:

4.3.1 The transmission software is to be so designed that alarm or control data have priority over any other data, and overloading is prevented. For control data, the transmission time is not to jeopardise efficiency of the functions.

Ch 3, Sec 3, [4] (Amendments January 2012)

Add the following sub-articles [4.6] and [4.7]:

4.6 Additional requirements for wireless data links
c) Message encryption: protection of the confidentiality and or criticality the data content d) Security management: protection of network assets, prevention of unauthorised access to network assets. 4.6.4 The wireless system is to comply with the radio frequency and power level requirements of International Telecommunications Union and flag state requirements.
Note 1: Consideration should be given to system operation in the event of port state and local regulations that pertain to the use of radio-frequency transmission prohibiting the operation of a wireless data communication link due to frequency and power level restrictions.

4.6.1 These requirements are in addition to the requirements of [4.1] to [4.4] and apply to system category II using wireless data communication links to transfer data between distributed programmable electronic equipment or systems. For system category III, the use of wireless data communication links is to be in accordance with [1.1.5]. 4.6.2 Functions that are required to operate continuously to provide essential services dependant on wireless data communication links are to have an alternative means of control that can be brought in action within an acceptable period of time. 4.6.3 Wireless data communication is to employ recognised international wireless communication system protocols that incorporate the following: a) Message integrity: fault prevention, detection, diagnosis, and correction so that the received message is not corrupted or altered when compared to the transmitted message b) Configuration and device authentication: shall only permit connection of devices that are included in the system design


Protection against modifications

4.7.1 Programmable electronic systems of categories II and III are to be protected against program modification by the user. 4.7.2 For systems of category III, modifications of parameters by the manufacturer are to be approved by the Society. 4.7.3 Any modifications made after performance of the tests witnessed by the Society as per item No. 6. of Ch 3, Sec 6, Tab C are to be documented and traceable.

Ch 3, Sec 6, [2.3] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace requirements [2.3.1] and [2.3.2] by:

2.3.1 Software of computer based systems are to be approved in accordance with the related system category, as defined in Ch 3, Sec 3, [1.7]. Type approval consists of an assessment of the development quality and verification of test evidences, according to Tab C. 2.3.2 Software is to be approved in association with hardware. References of software and hardware are to be specified in the type approval certificate.

Ch 3, Sec 6, [2.3] (Amendments January 2012)

Add the following requirement [2.3.4]:

2.3.4 In case of separate approval of software, an assessment certificate may be issued, at the request of the manufacturer, based on the requirements of the appropriate system category.


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Part C

Ch 3, Sec 6 (Amendments January 2012)

Add the following Table C:

T4 :

Table C : Tests and evidences according to the system category

System category (1) I II M M M M M M M M M M III M M M S S S S S S S M S/W M M M M W M M W W W W M S/W S/W S S S W W W W W W* S/W

No. 1. Evidence of quality system

Tests and evidence Quality plan for software Inspection of components (only hardware) from sub-suppliers Quality control in production Final test reports Traceability of software


Hardware and software description

Software description Hardware description Failure analysis for safety related functions only Evidences of software testing according to quality plan Analysis regarding existence and fulfilment of programming procedures for safety related functions Tests according to Tab 1 Module tests Subsystem tests System test


Evidences of software testing Hardware tests Software tests

4. 5.


Performance tests

Integration test Fault simulation Factory Acceptance test (FAT)


On-Board test

Complete system test Integration test Operation of wireless equipment to demonstrate electromagnetic compatibility

8. (1) M S W *

Modifications : : : :

Tests after modifications

Evidence kept by manufacturer and submitted on request Evidence checked by the Society To be witnessed by the Society The level of witnessing is to be determined during the assessment required by Ch 3, Sec 3, [1.1.5].

Ch 3, Sec 6, [3] (Amendments January 2012)

Insert the following sub-article [3.2]:

3.2 Tests and evidences

3.2.1 Tests and evidence are to be in accordance with Tab C. Definitions and notes relating to Tab C are given in Ch 3, Sec 1, [1.3.1].

Ch 3, Sec 6, Table 2 (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the first row of Table 2 by:

Equipment Electronic equipment Nature of tests Main hardware and software functionalities with all systems integrated

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Part C

Ch 3, Sec 6, [3.2] (Amendments January 2012)

Switch requirements [3.2.1] and [3.2.2] in the existing sub-article [3.2].

Ch 3, Sec 6, [3.3] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the existing requirements [3.3.2] and [3.3.3] by the following requirements [3.3.2] to [3.3.8]:
3.3.2 The software modules of the application software are to be tested individually and subsequently subjected to an integration test. The test results are to be documented and to be part of the final file. It is to be checked that: the development work has been carried out in accordance with the plan the documentation includes the method of testing, the test programs producing, the simulation, the acceptance criteria and the result. Software module tests are to provide evidence that each module performs its intended function and does not perform unintended functions. Subsystem testing is to verify that modules interact correctly to perform the intended functions and do not perform unintended functions. System testing is to verify that subsystems interact correctly to perform the functions in accordance with specified requirements and do not perform unintended functions. Repetition tests may be required to verify the consistency of test results. 3.3.3 Analysis regarding existence and fulfilment of programming procedures for safety related functions Specific assurance methods are to be planned for verification and validation of satisfaction of requirements, e.g.: diverse programs program analysis and testing to detect formal errors and discrepancies to the description simple structure. 3.3.4 The Society may ask for additional tests of systems which are part of safety systems or which integrate several functions. 3.3.5 Integration tests Programmable electronic system integration testing is to be carried out using satisfactorily tested system software and, as far as practicable, intended system components. 3.3.6 Fault simulation Faults are to be simulated as realistically as possible to demonstrate appropriate system fault detection and system response. The results of any required failure analysis are to be observed. 3.3.7 Factory acceptance test (FAT) Factory acceptance testing is be carried out in accordance with a test program accepted by the Society. Testing is to be based on demonstrating that the system fulfils the requirements specified by the Society. 3.3.8 Modifications Modifications to approved systems are to be notified in advance and carried out to the Societys satisfaction. Refer to Ch 3, Sec 1, [2.4.2].

Ch 3, Sec 6, [4.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Insert the following requirement [4.1.1]:

4.1.1 Testing is to be performed on the completed system comprising actual hardware components with the final application software, in accordance with an approved test program.

Ch 3, Sec 6, [4.1.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Insert the following paragraph after the first paragraph of the existing requirement [4.1.1]:
On board testing is to verify that correct functionality has been achieved with all systems integrated.


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Part C

Ch 3, Sec 6, [4.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Add the following requirement [4.1.2]:

4.1.2 For wireless data communication equipment, tests during harbour and sea trials are to be conducted to demonstrate that radio-frequency transmission does not cause failure of any equipment and does not itself fail as a result of electromagnetic interference during expected operating conditions.
Note 1: Where electromagnetic interference caused by wireless data communication equipment is found to be causing failure of equipment required for Category II or III systems, the layout and/or equipment are/is to be changed to prevent further failures occurring.

Ch 4, Sec 2, [2.1.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Add the following paragraph at the end of item b):

These requirements do not apply to closed recirculating systems within a single space.

Ch 4, Sec 6, [4.1.2] (Amendments January 2012)

Add the following paragraph and Note at the end of item b):
Transfer pumps may be placed outside this room.
Note 1: Lubricating oil systems part of the main machinery may be located in the main engine room in location ventilated by extraction.

Ch 4, Sec 14, [4.1.1]

Replace item a) and item b) by:

a) Fire-extinguishing medium 1) Where the quantity of the fire-extinguishing medium is required to protect more than one space, the quantity of medium available need not be more than the largest quantity required for any one space so protected. The system shall be fitted with normally closed control valves arranged to direct the agent into the appropriate space. 2) The volume of starting air receivers, converted to free air volume, shall be added to the gross volume of the machinery space when calculating the necessary quantity of the fire-extinguishing medium. Alternatively, a discharge pipe from the safety valves may be fitted and led directly to the open air. 3) Means shall be provided for the crew to safely check the quantity of the fire-extinguishing medium in the containers. 4) Containers for the storage of fire-extinguishing medium, piping and associated pressure components shall be designed to pressure codes of practice to the satisfaction of the Society having regard to their locations and maximum ambient temperatures expected in service. b) Installation requirements 1) The piping for the distribution of fire-extinguishing medium shall be arranged and discharge nozzles so positioned that a uniform distribution of the medium is obtained. System flow calculations shall be performed using a calculation technique acceptable to the Society. In large cargo spaces, at least two distribution pipes are to be provided, one on the fore part, the second at the aft part. In machinery spaces, the discharge nozzles are to be positioned in the upper and lower parts of these spaces. 2) Except as otherwise permitted by the Society, pressure containers required for the storage of the fireextinguishing medium, other than steam, shall be located outside the protected spaces in accordance with Ch 4, Sec 6, [3.3]. 3) The storage of the fire extinguishing medium is not permitted within spaces which may contain air/flammable gas mixtures.

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Part C

4) In piping sections where valve arrangements introduce sections of closed piping, such sections shall be fitted with a pressure relief valve and the outlet of the valve shall be led to open deck. 5) All discharge piping, fittings and nozzles in the protected spaces shall be constructed of materials hav-

ing a melting temperature which exceeds 925C. The piping and associated equipment shall be adequately supported. 6) A fitting shall be installed in the discharge piping to permit the air testing as required in [4.1.3], item g)4).

Replace item c)2) by:

c) System control requirements 2) Means shall be provided for automatically giving audible and visual warning of the release of fireextinguishing medium into any ro-ro spaces and other spaces in which personnel normally work or to which they have access. The audible alarms shall be located so as to be audible throughout the protected space with all machinery operating, and the alarms should be distinguished from other audible alarms by adjustment of sound pressure or sound patterns. The pre-discharge alarm shall be automatically activated (e.g. by opening of the release cabinet door). The alarm shall operate for the length of time needed to evacuate the space, but in no case less than 20 seconds before the medium is released. Conventional cargo spaces and small spaces (such as compressor rooms, paint lockers, etc.) with only a local release need not be provided with such an alarm. Ordinary cargo holds need not comply with the above. However, ro-ro cargo spaces, holds in container ships equipped for integrated reefer containers and other spaces where personnel can be expected to enter and where the access is therefore facilitated by doors or manway hatches should comply with the above requirement. Where audible alarms are fitted to warn of the release of fire-extinguishing medium into pump rooms, they may be of the pneumatic or electrical type: Pneumatically operated alarms Air operated alarms may be used provided the air supply is clean and dry. Electrically operated alarms When electrically operated alarms are used, the arrangements are to be such that the electrical actuating mechanism is located outside the pump room except where the alarms are certified intrinsically safe. Electrically operated alarms are to be supplied with power from the main and an emergency source of power. They are to differ from other signals transmitted to the protected space.

Ch 4, Sec 14, [4.1.2]

Replace item b) by:

b) Controls 1) Carbon dioxide systems shall comply with the following requirements: two separate controls shall be provided for releasing carbon dioxide into a protected space and to ensure the activation of the alarm. One control shall be used for opening the valve of the piping which conveys the gas into the protected space and a second control shall be used to discharge the gas from its storage containers. Positive means (see [4.1.2], Note 1) shall be provided so they can only be operated in that order; and the two controls shall be located inside a release box clearly identified for the particular space. If the box containing the controls is to be locked, a key to the box shall be in a break-glass-type enclosure conspicuously located adjacent to the box. 2) The pre-discharge alarm may be activated before the two separate system release controls are operated (e.g. by a micro-switch that activates the pre-discharge alarm upon opening the release cabinet door as per [4.1.1], item c)2). Therefore, the two separate controls for releasing carbon dioxide into the protected space (i.e. one control to open the valve of the piping which conveys the gas into the protected space and a second control used to discharge the gas from its storage containers) as per item b)1) above can be independent of the control for activating the alarm. A single control for activation of the alarm is sufficient.
Note 1: The positive means, referred to for the correct sequential operation of the controls, is to be achieved by a mechanical and/or electrical interlock that does not depend on any operational procedure to achieve the correct sequence of operation.


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Part C

Ch 4, Sec 14, [4.1.3]

Replace item g) by:

g) After mounting onboard, and in complement to tests and inspections at the Manufacturers workshop, as per requirements of Part C, Chapter 1, carbon dioxide pipes and their accessories are to undergo the following tests: 1) pipe lengths between bottles and master valves: a hydraulic test, at the workshop or on board, at 128 bar. When the hydraulic test is carried out at the workshop, at least test with inert gas or air, at 7 bar, is to be carried out on board 2) pipe lengths between master valves and nozzles: a test on board with inert gas or air, at 7 bar 3) master valves: a hydraulic test at 128 bar 4) a test of the free air flow in all pipes and nozzles; and 5) a functional test of the alarm equipment.

Ch 4, Sec 14, [4]

Add the following sub-articles [4.3] and [4.4]:

4.3 Requirements of steam systems
4.4.2 Requirements of the systems a) Gaseous products Gas shall be a gaseous product of fuel combustion in which the oxygen content, the carbon monoxide content, the corrosive elements and any solid combustible elements in a gaseous product shall have been reduced to a permissible minimum. b) Capacity of fire-extinguishing systems 1) Where such gas is used as the fire-extinguishing medium in a fixed fire-extinguishing system for the protection of machinery spaces, it shall afford protection equivalent to that provided by a fixed system using carbon dioxide as the medium. 2) Where such gas is used as the fire-extinguishing medium in a fixed fire-extinguishing system for the protection of cargo spaces, a sufficient quantity of such gas shall be available to supply hourly a volume of free gas at least equal to 25% of the gross volume of the largest space protected in this way for a period of 72 h.

4.3.1 The boiler or boilers available for supplying steam shall have an evaporation of at least 1 kg of steam per hour for each 0,75 m3 of the gross volume of the largest space so protected. In addition to complying with the foregoing requirements, the systems in all respects shall be as determined by, and to the satisfaction of, the Society.


Systems using gaseous products of fuel combustion

4.4.1 General Where gas other than carbon dioxide or steam, as permitted in [4.3.1], is produced on the ship and is used as a fire-extinguishing medium, the system shall comply with the requirements in [4.4.2].

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Part D

Amendments to PART D

Chapter 4

Modify Sections of Chapter 4 BULK CARRIERS:

Replace Section 1 of Chapter 4 by the following one. Replace Section 2 and Section 3 of Chapter 4 by the following ones (Amendments January 2012). Insert the following Section 4 before Appendix 1.


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Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 1





1.1.3 Ships dealt with in this Chapter, which are greater than 500 GT and have the service notation bulk carrier ESP or bulk carrier, are to comply with the requirements of: Part A, Part B and Part C of the present Rules, as applicable

1.1.1 Ships complying with the requirements of this Chapter are eligible for the assignment of one of the service notations bulk carrier ESP, bulk carrier CSR ESP, bulk carrier CSR BC-A ESP, bulk carrier CSR BC-B ESP, bulk carrier CSR BC-C ESP or bulk carrier as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.3.2] and Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.3.1]. 1.1.2 Ships dealt with in this Chapter, which are greater than 500 GT and have one of the service notations bulk carrier CSR ESP, bulk carrier CSR BC-A ESP, bulk carrier CSR BC-B ESP or bulk carrier CSR BC-C ESP, are to comply with the requirements of: Part A, Part B and Part C of the present Rules, as applicable

the present Chapter NR216 Materials and Welding. 1.1.4 Ships dealt with in this Chapter, which are less than 500 GT and have the service notation bulk carrier ESP or bulk carrier are to comply with the requirements of: Part A and Part B of the present Rules, as applicable

NR566 Hull Arrangement, Stability and Systems for Ships less than 500 GT, as applicable the present Chapter NR216 Materials and Welding.

NR522 Common Structural Rules for Bulk Carriers Ch 4, Sec 2, [3], which gives specific access arrangement requirements Ch 4, Sec 3, [1], which gives specific stability requirements


Summary table

NR216 Materials and Welding.

1.2.1 Requirements applicable to ships having one of the service notations bulk carrier ESP, bulk carrier CSR ESP, bulk carrier CSR BC-A ESP, bulk carrier CSR BC-B ESP, bulk carrier CSR BC-C ESP or bulk carrier are summarized in Tab 1.

Table 1 : Applicable requirements

Item bulk bulk bulk bulk Ships greater than 500 GT carrier CSR ESP carrier CSR BC-A ESP carrier CSR BC-B ESP carrier CSR BC-C ESP bulk carrier ESP bulk carrier Part B Ch 4, Sec 2 Part B Ch 4, Sec 3 Ch 4, Sec 4 (1) Part B Ch 4, Sec 3, [1] Part C Part C Part C Part C Ships less than 500 GT bulk carrier ESP bulk carrier NR566 Ch 4, Sec 2 Part B Ch 4, Sec 3 Ch 4, Sec 4 (1) NR566 Ch 4, Sec 3, [1] NR566 NR566 NR566 NR566


Ship arrangement

NR 522 Ch 4, Sec 2, [3] NR 522


Stability Machinery and cargo systems Electrical installations Automation Fire protection, detection and extinction (1)

Part B Ch 4, Sec 3, [1] Part C Part C Part C Part C

Ch 4, Sec 4 is applicable to hatch covers

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Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 2






General arrangement design


1.1.1 The requirements of Ch 4, Sec 2 and Ch 4, Sec 3 apply to ships specially intended for the carriage of dry cargo in bulk which have a typical midship section with single deck, single or double side skin, with a double bottom, hopper tanks and topside tanks as illustrated in Fig 1, or a midship section deemed equivalent by the Society. A single side skin bulk carrier means a bulk carrier where one or more cargo holds are bound by the side shell only or by two watertight boundaries, one of which is the side shell, which are less than 1000 mm apart in at least one location. The distance between the watertight boundaries is to be measured perpendicular to the side shell. Figure 1 : Bulk carrier Single and double side skin construction


Ships with the service notation bulk carrier ESP or bulk carrier are to be fitted with an enclosed forecastle on the freeboard deck, with its aft bulkhead fitted in way or aft of the forward bulkhead of the foremost hold, as shown in Fig 2. However, if this requirement hinders hatch cover operation, the aft bulkhead of the forecastle may be fitted forward of the forward bulkhead of the foremost cargo hold provided the forecastle length is not less than 7% of ship length abaft the forward perpendicular where the ship length and forward perpendicular are defined in the International Convention on Load Lines 1966 and its Protocol 1988. The forecastle height HF above the main deck is to be not less than: the standard height of a superstructure as specified in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2, [3.19] HC + 0,5 m, where H C is the height of the forward transverse hatch coming of the foremost cargo hold, i.e. cargo hold No. 1,

whichever is the greater. All points of the aft edge of the forecastle deck are to be located at a distance lF:
lF 5 H F H C

from the hatch coming plate in order to apply the reduced loading to the No. 1 forward transverse hatch coaming and No. 1 hatch cover in applying Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 7, [6.2.2] and Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 7, [7.3.8]. Figure 2 : Forecastle arrangement
6 F B JDA D=J?D ? = E C 0. 0*


. HM=H@ >K DA=@ BD @ 


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Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 2

A breakwater is not to be fitted on the forecastle deck with the purpose of protecting the hatch coaming or hatch covers. If fitted for other purposes, it is to be located such that its upper edge at centre line is not less than HB / tan20 forward of the aft edge of the forecastle deck, where HB is the height of the breakwater above the forecastle (see Fig 2).

far as practicable, permanent or movable means of access stored on board are to be provided to ensure proper survey and maintenance of cargo holds and, in particular, of the lower part of cargo hold side frames. 3.2.2 Hatches of cargo holds


Access arrangement
Access arrangement to double bottom and pipe tunnel

If separate hatches are used as access to the ladders as required in [3.2.3], each hatch is to have a clear opening of at least 600 mm x 600 mm. When the access to the cargo hold is arranged through the cargo hatch, the top of the ladder is to be placed as close as possible to the hatch coaming. Accesses and ladders are to be so arranged that personnel equipped with self-contained breathing apparatus may readily enter and leave the cargo hold. Access hatch coamings having a height greater than 900 mm are also to have steps on the outside in conjunction with cargo hold ladders. 3.2.3 Ladders within cargo holds

3.1.1 Means of access Adequate means of access to the double bottom and the pipe tunnel are to be provided. 3.1.2 Manholes in the inner bottom, floors and girders Manholes cut in the inner bottom are to be located at a minimum distance of one floor spacing from the lower stool, or transverse bulkhead if no stool is fitted. The location and size of manholes in floors and girders are to be determined to facilitate the access to double bottom structures and their ventilation. However, they are to be avoided in the areas where high shear stresses may occur.


Access arrangement to and within spaces in, and forward of, the cargo area

Each cargo hold is to be provided with at least two ladders as far apart as practicable longitudinally. If possible these ladders are to be arranged diagonally, e.g. one ladder near the forward bulkhead on the port side, the other one near the aft bulkhead on the starboard side, from the ship's centreline. Ladders are to be so designed and arranged that the risk of damage from the cargo handling gear is minimised. Vertical ladders may be permitted provided they are arranged above each other in line with other ladders to which they form access and resting positions are provided at not more than 9 metres apart. Tunnels passing through cargo holds are to be equipped with ladders or steps at each end of the hold so that personnel may get across such tunnels. Where it may be necessary for work to be carried out within a cargo hold preparatory to loading, consideration is to be given to suitable arrangements for the safe handling of portable staging or movable platforms.

3.2.1 Means of access Ships with the service notation bulk carrier CSR ESP, bulk carrier CSR BC-A ESP, bulk carrier CSR BC-B ESP, bulk carrier CSR BC-C ESP of 20,000 gross tonnage and over, are to comply with the relevant requirements of NR 522 Common Structural Rules for Bulk Carriers. Ships with the service notation bulk carrier CSR ESP, bulk carrier CSR BC-A ESP, bulk carrier CSR BC-B ESP, bulk carrier CSR BC-C ESP of less than 20,000 gross tonnage and ships with the service notation bulk carrier ESP or bulk carrier are to comply with [3.2.2] and [3.2.3]. In addition, as

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Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3



D1 hDB hLS k tC

: : : : : : : :

Distance, in m, from the base line to the freeboard deck at side amidships (see Fig 13) Height, in m, of the double bottom Mean height, in m, of the lower stool, measured from the inner bottom Material factor defined in Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 1, [2.3] Corrosion addition, in mm, defined in Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 2, Tab 2 Span, in m, of side frames; see [2.2.3] Height, in mm, of side frame web; see [2.2.3] Span, in m, of the corrugations of vertically corrugated transverse watertight bulkheads; see [2.5.2] Spacing of corrugations, in m; see Fig 5 Minimum upper yield stress, in N/mm2, of the material as defined in Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 1, [2] Youngs modulus, in N/mm 2, to be taken equal to: E = 2,06.105 N/mm2 for steels in general E = 1,95.105 N/mm2 for stainless steels




The term grain covers wheat, maize (corn), oats, rye, barley, rice, pulses, seeds and processed forms thereof, whose behaviour is similar to that of grain in its natural state. 1.1.2 Filled compartment trimmed


The term filled compartment trimmed refers to any cargo space in which, after loading and trimming as specified in Ch 4, App 1, the bulk grain is at its highest possible level. 1.1.3 Filled compartment untrimmed

sC ReH E

: : :

The term filled compartment untrimmed refers to a cargo space which is filled to the maximum extent possible in way of the hatch opening but which has not been trimmed outside the periphery of the hatch opening. 1.1.4 Partially filled compartment

The term partly filled compartment refers to any cargo space where the bulk grain is not loaded in the manner prescribed in [1.1.2] or [1.1.3]. 1.1.5 Stowage factor

Dry bulk cargo density, in t/m3; the following values may generally be taken: = 3.0 t/m3 for iron ore = 1.3 t/m3 for cement

Angle of repose, in degrees, of the dry bulk cargo carried; in the absence of more precise evaluation the following values can be taken: = 30 in general = 35 for iron ore = 25 for cement

The term stowage factor, for the purposes of calculating the grain heeling moment caused by a shift of grain, means the volume per unit weight of the cargo as attested by the loading facility, i.e. no allowance is to be made for lost space when the cargo space is nominally filled. 1.1.6 Specially suitable compartment

hF, zF

: :

Sea water density, in t/m3 Flooding head and distance, respectively, in m, defined in [3.3.3] for transverse bulkheads and [3.4.3] for double bottoms Level height of the dry bulk cargo and distance, respectively, in m, defined in [3.3.4] for transverse bulkheads and [6.2.6] for double bottoms Gravity acceleration, in m/s2, to be taken equal to 9,81.

The term specially suitable compartment refers to a cargo space which is constructed with at least two vertical or sloping, longitudinal, grain-tight divisions which are coincident with the hatch side girders or are so positioned as to limit the effect of any transverse shift of grain. If sloping, the divisions are to have an inclination of not less than 30 to the horizontal.


Intact stability

hB, zB

The stability of the ship for the loading conditions in Pt B, Ch 3, App 2, [1.2.5] is to be in compliance with the requirements of Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2. In addition, the requirements in [1.2.2] and [1.2.3] are to be complied with.


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Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3

1.2.2 Grain Loading Manual Information in printed booklet form is to be provided on board to enable the Master to ensure that the ship complies with the stability requirements reported in the Rules when carrying grain in bulk. This booklet is commonly referred to as Grain Loading Manual and is to include the following information: ship's particulars lightship displacement and the vertical distance from the intersection of the moulded base line and midship section to the centre of gravity (KG) table of liquid free surface corrections capacities and centres of gravity curve or table of angle of flooding, where less than 40, at all permissible displacements curves or tables of hydrostatic properties suitable for the range of operating drafts cross curves of stability which are sufficient for the purpose of the requirements in [1.2.3] and which include curves at 12 and 40 curves or tables of volumes, vertical centres of volumes, and assumed volumetric heeling moments for every hold, filled or partly filled, or combination thereof, including the effects of temporary fittings tables or curves of maximum permissible heeling moments for varying displacements and varying vertical centres of gravity to allow the Master to demonstrate compliance with the requirements specified in [1.2.3] loading instructions in the form of notes summarising the requirements of these Rules a worked example for the guidance of the Master typical loaded service departure and arrival conditions and, where necessary, intermediate worst service conditions. It is recommended that loading conditions should be provided for at least three representative stowage factors. The Grain Loading Manual may be drawn up in the official language or languages of the Administration of the issuing

country; if the language used is neither English nor French, the text is to include a translation into one of these languages. 1.2.3 Intact stability criteria for grain loading

The intact stability characteristics of any ship carrying bulk grain are to be shown to meet, throughout the voyage, at least the following criteria after taking into account in the manner described in Ch 4, App 1 and in Fig 1, the heeling moments due to grain shift: the angle of heel due to the shift of grain is to be not greater than 12 or the angle at which the deck edge is immersed, whichever is the lesser in the statical stability diagram, the net or residual area between the heeling arm curve and the righting arm curve up to the angle of heel of maximum difference between the ordinates of the two curves, or 40 or the angle of flooding, whichever is the least, is in all conditions of loading to be not less than 0,075 m.rad the initial metacentric height, after correction for the free surface effects of liquids in tanks, as specified in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2, [4], is to be not less than 0,30 m.

After loading, the Master is to ensure that the ship is upright before proceeding to sea.


Damage stability requirements for ships where additional class notation SDS is required


Ships with the service notation bulk carrier ESP, bulk carrier CSR ESP, bulk carrier CSR BC-A ESP, bulk carrier CSR BC-B ESP, bulk carrier CSR BC-C ESP or bulk carrier where additional class notation SDS is required (see Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.14.11]), equal to or greater than 80 m in length, are subjected to the probabilistic approach reported in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 3, [2.1.3] and are to comply with the requirements in Pt B, Ch 3, App 3.

Figure 1 : Stability curve

righting arm curve righting arm

angle of heel due to grain shift residual dynamic stability A


heeling arm curve due to transverse grain shift which may be approximately represented by the straight line AB B


angle of heel (degrees)

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Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3


Freeboard reduction

Ships with the service notation bulk carrier CSR ESP, bulk carrier CSR BC-A ESP, bulk carrier CSR BC-B ESP, bulk carrier CSR BC-C ESP or bulk carrier greater than 100 m in length which have been assigned reduced freeboard as permitted by Regulation 27 of the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, as referenced in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 3, [2.1.2] are to comply with the requirements specified in Pt B, Ch 3, App 4. Therefore, compliance with the requirements in [1.3.1] is not required. 1.3.3 Additional requirements for single side skin bulk carriers equal to or greater than 150 m in length

The girder spacing is to be not greater than 4 times the spacing of bottom or inner bottom ordinary stiffeners and the floor spacing is to be not greater than 3 frame spaces. Greater spacing may be accepted by the Society, depending on the results of the analysis carried out according to Pt B, Ch 7, App 1 for the primary supporting members in the cargo holds. 2.1.2 Transversely framed double bottom

The double bottom and the sloped bulkheads of hopper tanks may be transversely framed in ships equal to or less than 120 m in length, when this is deemed acceptable by the Society on a case-by-case basis. In this case, however, the floor spacing is to be not greater than 2 frame spaces. 2.1.3 Floors in way of transverse bulkheads

The requirements specified in [1.3.4] to [1.3.6] apply to single side skin bulk carriers, where additional class notation SDS is required, equal to or greater than 150 m in length, intended for the carriage of bulk cargoes having dry bulk density of 1.0 t/m 3, or above. Ships complying with the requirements in [1.3.2] are not required to comply with those in [1.3.4] to [1.3.6]. 1.3.4 Flooding of cargo holds

The thickness and material properties of the supporting floors and pipe tunnel beams are to be not less than those required for the bulkhead plating or, when a stool is fitted, of the stool side plating.


Single side structure


Bulk carriers specified in [1.3.3], when loaded to the summer load line, are to be able to withstand flooding of any one cargo hold in all loading conditions and remain afloat in satisfactory condition as specified in [1.3.5]. 1.3.5 Flooding criteria

The side within the hopper and topside tanks is, in general, to be longitudinally framed. It may be transversely framed when this is accepted for the double bottom and the deck according to [2.1.2] and [2.4.1], respectively. 2.2.2 Frame spacing

After flooding, the vessel is to comply with the requirements laid down in Pt B, Ch 3, App 4. The assumed flooding need only take into account flooding of the cargo hold space, considering the permeability values specified in [1.3.6]. 1.3.6 Flooding assumptions

In general, the frame spacing in cargo holds bounded by the side shell only is to be not greater than the values obtained, in m, from the following formulae:
L s = 0, 6 + --------320 L 0, 25 s = 0, 9 + 1, 25 -------- 100 for L < 90 m for L 90m


Frame span and web height

The permeability of a loaded hold is to be assumed as 0,9, unless a permeability relevant to a particular cargo is assumed for the volume of a flooded hold occupied by cargo and a permeability of 0,95 is assumed for the remaining empty volume of the hold. In the latter case, the permeabilities and the corresponding cargo densities specified in [3.2.2] are to be assumed. The permeability of an empty hold is to be assumed as 0,95.

Frame span l and web height d are to be measured as indicated in Fig 2. 2.2.4 Symmetrical frame sections

Frames are to be fabricated symmetrical sections with integral upper and lower brackets and are to be arranged with soft toes. The web depth to thickness ratio is to be not greater than 60 k0,5. The outstanding flange is to be not greater than 10 k0,5 times the flange thickness. The end of the flange is to be sniped. The frame flange is to be curved (not knuckled) at the connection with the end brackets. The radius of curvature (see Fig 2) is to be not less than the value obtained, in mm, from the following formula:
0, 4 bf r = -------------tf


Structure design principles

Double bottom structure
Longitudinally framed double bottom


In ships greater than 120 m in length, the double bottom and the sloped bulkheads of hopper tanks are to be longitudinally framed.

where bf and tf are, in mm, the flange width and thickness, respectively.


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Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3

Figure 2 : Frame and end bracket geometry

Topside tank Z BB

Figure 3 : Connection with bracket within hopper and topside tanks


Section BB

d 0,125 Z




0,25 Section AA Hopper tank


Asymmetrical frame sections

Figure 4 : Tripping brackets

In ships less than 190 m in length, mild steel frames may be asymmetrical and fitted with overlapped welded brackets. The face plate or flange of the bracket is to be sniped at both ends. Brackets are to be arranged with soft toes. The web to thickness ratio is to be not greater than 50 k0,5. The outstanding flange is to be not greater than 10 k0,5 times the flange thickness. 2.2.6 Lower and upper end brackets

The section modulus of the frame end bracket or integral bracket, calculated, with an attached side plating according to Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 3, [3.3], at the end sections of the span l (sections AA and BB in Fig 2), is to be not less than twice the section modulus required for the frame midspan area according to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2 or Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 4, as applicable. The dimensions of the lower and upper end brackets are to be not less than those shown in Fig 2. 2.2.7 Connecting brackets within hopper and topside tanks


Double side structure


The side within the hopper and topside tanks is, in general, to be longitudinally framed. It may be transversely framed when this is accepted for the double bottom and the deck according to [2.1.2] and [2.4.1], respectively. 2.3.2 Side primary supporting members

The spacing of transverse side primary supporting members is to be not greater than 3 frame spaces. Greater spacing may be accepted by the Society, on a caseby-case basis, depending on the results of the analysis carried out according to Pt B, Ch 7, App 1 for the primary supporting members in the cargo holds. In any case, transverse side primary supporting members are to be fitted in line with web frames in hopper and topside tanks.

Structural continuity with the upper and lower end connections of side frames is to be ensured within hopper and topside tanks by connecting brackets as shown in Fig 3. 2.2.8 Tripping brackets

In way of the foremost cargo hold, side frames of asymmetrical section are to be fitted with sloped tripping brackets every two frames, as shown in Fig 4. In way of the other holds, side frames of asymmetrical sections are to be fitted with sloped tripping brackets every two frames where the web height d is greater than 600 mm or the span l is greater than 6 m.


Deck structure
Deck outside the line of hatches and topside tank sloping plates

In ships greater than 120 m in length, the deck outside the line of hatches and the topside tank sloping plates are to be longitudinally framed.

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Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3

The spacing of web frames in topside tanks is to be not greater than 6 frame spaces. Greater spacing may be accepted by the Society, on a caseby-case basis, depending on the results of the analysis carried out according to Pt B, Ch 7, App 1 for the primary supporting members in the cargo holds. 2.4.2 Deck between hatches

The corrugation angle shown in Fig 5 is to be not less than 55. The thickness of the lower part of corrugations considered in the application of [2.5.9] and [6.1.3] is to be maintained for a distance from the inner bottom (if no lower stool is fitted) or the top of the lower stool not less than 0,15lC. The thickness of the middle part of corrugations considered in the application of [2.5.10] and [6.1.3] is to be maintained for a distance from the deck (if no upper stool is fitted) or the bottom of the upper stool not greater than 0,3lC. The section modulus of the corrugations in the remaining upper part of the bulkhead is to be not less than 75% of that required for the middle part, corrected for different minimum yield stresses. 2.5.2 Span of corrugations

The cross decks between hatches are generally to be transversely framed. Connection of the strength deck at side with the deck between hatches is to be ensured by a plate of intermediate thickness. 2.4.3 Connection of hatch end beams with deck structures

The connection of hatch end beams with deck structures is to be properly ensured by fitting inside the topside tanks additional web frames or brackets. 2.4.4 Topside tank structure

The span lC of the corrugations is to be taken as the distance shown in Fig 6. For the definition of lC, the internal end of the upper stool may not be taken at a distance from the deck at centreline greater than: 3 times the depth of corrugations, in general twice the depth of corrugations, for rectangular upper stools. Figure 6 : Span of the corrugations

Topside tank structures are to extend as far as possible within the machinery space and are to be adequately tapered.


Transverse vertically corrugated watertight bulkheads



For ships equal to or greater than 190 m in length, transverse vertically corrugated watertight bulkheads are to be fitted with a lower stool and, in general, with an upper stool below the deck. In smaller ships, corrugations may extend from the inner bottom to the deck. If the stool is fitted, it is to comply with [2.5.1] to [2.5.5] Figure 5 : Corrugation geometry

c n n

n=neutral axis of the corrugations




(*) See [2.5.2].


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Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3

2.5.3 Lower stool The lower stool, when fitted, is to have a height in general not less than 3 times the depth of the corrugations. The thickness and material of the stool top plate are to be not less than those required for the bulkhead plating above. The thickness and material properties of the upper portion of vertical or sloping stool side plating within the depth equal to the corrugation flange width from the stool top are to be not less than the required flange plate thickness and material to meet the bulkhead stiffness requirement at the lower end of the corrugation. The ends of stool side ordinary stiffeners are to be attached to brackets at the upper and lower ends of the stool. The distance from the edge of the stool top plate to the surface of the corrugation flange is to be in accordance with Fig 7. The stool bottom is to be installed in line with double bottom floors and is to have a width not less than 2,5 times the mean depth of the corrugation. The stool is to be fitted with diaphragms in line with the longitudinal double bottom girders for effective support of the corrugated bulkhead. Scallops in the brackets and diaphragms in way of the connections to the stool top plate are to be avoided. Where corrugations are cut at the lower stool, the weld connections of corrugations and stool side plating to the stool top plate are to be in accordance with [8.1]. The weld connections of stool side plating and supporting floors to the inner bottom plating are to be in accordance with [8.1]. 2.5.4 Upper stool

The width of the upper stool bottom plate is generally to be the same as that of the lower stool top plate. The stool top of non-rectangular stools is to have a width not less than twice the depth of corrugations. The thickness and material of the stool bottom plate are to be the same as those of the bulkhead plating below. The thickness of the lower portion of stool side plating is to be not less than 80% of that required for the upper part of the bulkhead plating where the same material is used. The ends of stool side ordinary stiffeners are to be attached to brackets at the upper and lower end of the stool. The stool is to be fitted with diaphragms in line with and effectively attached to longitudinal deck girders extending to the hatch end coaming girders for effective support of the corrugated bulkhead. Scallops in the brackets and diaphragms in way of the connection to the stool bottom plate are to be avoided. 2.5.5 Alignment

At deck, if no upper stool is fitted, two transverse reinforced beams are to be fitted in line with the corrugation flanges. At bottom, if no lower stool is fitted, the corrugation flanges are to be in line with the supporting floors. The weld connections of corrugations and floors to the inner bottom plating are to be in accordance with [8.1]. The thickness and material properties of the supporting floors are to be not less than those of the corrugation flanges. Moreover, the cutouts for connections of the inner bottom longitudinals to double bottom floors are to be closed by collar plates. The supporting floors are to be connected to each other by suitably designed shear plates. Stool side plating is to align with the corrugation flanges; lower stool side vertical stiffeners and their brackets in the stool are to align with the inner bottom longitudinals to provide appropriate load transmission between these stiffening members. Lower stool side plating may not be knuckled anywhere between the inner bottom plating and the stool top plate.

The upper stool, when fitted, is to have a height in general between 2 and 3 times the depth of corrugations. Rectangular stools are to have a height in general equal to twice the depth of corrugations, measured from the deck level and at the hatch side girder. The upper stool is to be properly supported by deck girders or deep brackets between the adjacent hatch end beams.

Figure 7 : Permitted distance, d, from the edge of the stool top plate to the surface of the corrugation flange






@ 5J @ JBC J F F =JA

Amendments July 2012

Bureau Veritas


Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3


Effective width of the compression flange

The effective width of the corrugation flange to be considered for the strength check of the bulkhead is to be obtained, in m, from the following formula:
bEF = CE A

where: CE : Coefficient to be taken equal to:

2, 25 1, 25 - -----------C E = -----------2 C E = 1, 0 for > 1,25 for 1, 25

c) Effective shedder plates Provided that effective shedder plates, as defined in [2.5.7], are fitted (see Fig 8 and Fig 9), when calculating the section modulus of corrugations at the lower end (sections 1 in Fig 8 and Fig 9), the area of flange plates may be increased by the value obtained, in cm2, from the following formula:
I S H = 2 ,5A t F t S H

without being taken greater than 2,5AtF, where: A tSH tF : Width, in m, of the corrugation flange (see Fig 5) : Net shedder plate thickness, in mm : Net flange thickness, in mm. Figure 8 : Symmetrical shedder plates

Coefficient to be taken equal to:

A eH - R ------ = 10 --tf E

A tf 2.5.7

: :

Width, in m, of the corrugation flange (see Fig 5) Net flange thickness, in mm.

Effective shedder plates

Effective shedder plates are those which: are not knuckled are welded to the corrugations and the lower stool top plate according to [8.1] are fitted with a minimum slope of 45, their lower edge being in line with the lower stool side plating have thickness not less than 75% of that required for the corrugation flanges have material properties not less than those required for the flanges. 2.5.8 Effective gusset plates
shedder plate hg

lower stool

Effective gusset plates are those which: are in combination with shedder plates having thickness, material properties and welded connections according to [2.5.7] have a height not less than half of the flange width are fitted in line with the lower stool side plating are welded to the lower stool plate, corrugations and shedder plates according to [8.1] have thickness and material properties not less than those required for the flanges. 2.5.9 Section modulus at the lower end of corrugations
shedder plate

Figure 9 : Asymmetrical shedder plates

a) The section modulus at the lower end of corrugations (sections 1 in Fig 8 to Fig 12) is to be calculated with the compression flange having an effective flange width bef not larger than that indicated in [2.5.6]. b) Webs not supported by local brackets Except in case e), if the corrugation webs are not supported by local brackets below the stool top plate (or below the inner bottom) in the lower part, the section modulus of the corrugations is to be calculated considering the corrugation webs 30% effective.


lower stool


Bureau Veritas

Amendments July 2012

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3

d) Effective gusset plates Provided that effective gusset plates, as defined in [2.5.8], are fitted (see Fig 10 to Fig 12), when calculating the section modulus of corrugations at the lower end (cross-sections 1 in Fig 10 to Fig 12), the area of flange plates may be increased by the value obtained, in cm2, from the following formula: IG = 7 hG tF where: hG : Height, in m, of gusset plates (see Fig 10 to Fig 12), to be taken not greater than (10/7)SGU : Width, in m, of gusset plates : Net flange thickness, in mm, based on the as-built condition. Figure 10 : Symmetrical gusset/shedder plates

Figure 12 : Asymmetrical gusset/shedder plates Sloping stool top plate

gusset plate




lower stool

e) Sloping stool top plate If the corrugation webs are welded to a sloping stool top plate which has an angle not less than 45 with the horizontal plane, the section modulus of the corrugations may be calculated considering the corrugation webs fully effective. For angles less than 45, the effectiveness of the web may be obtained by linear interpolation between 30% for 0 and 100% for 45. Where effective gusset plates are fitted, when calculating the section modulus of corrugations the area of flange plates may be increased as specified in d) above. No credit may be given to shedder plates only. 2.5.10 Section modulus at sections other than the lower end of corrugations The section modulus is to be calculated with the corrugation webs considered effective and the compression flange having an effective flange width, bEF, not larger than that obtained in [2.5.6].

gusset plate


lower stool

Figure 11 : Asymmetrical gusset/shedder plates 2.5.11 Shear area The shear area is to be reduced in order to account for possible non-perpendicularity between the corrugation webs and flanges. In general, the reduced shear area may be obtained by multiplying the web sectional area by (sin ), being the angle between the web and the flange (see Fig 5).

gusset plate

Design loads
General design loading conditions


lower stool

In addition to the requirements in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, [2.1.2], still water loads are to be calculated for the following loading conditions, subdivided into departure and arrival conditions as appropriate. These still water loads are to be used for hull girder strength and local strength.

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Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3

3.1.2 Still water loads Alternate light and heavy cargo loading conditions at maximum draught, for ships whose service notation is completed by the additional service feature nonhomload homogeneous light and heavy cargo loading conditions at maximum draught ballast conditions. For ships having ballast holds adjacent to topside, hopper and double bottom tanks, it may be acceptable in terms of strength that the ballast holds are filled when the topside, hopper and double bottom tanks are empty. Partial filling of the peak tanks is not acceptable in the design ballast conditions, unless effective means are provided to prevent accidental overfilling short voyage conditions where the ship is to be loaded to maximum draught but with a limited amount of bunkers multiple port loading/unloading conditions. deck cargo conditions, where applicable typical loading sequences where the ship is loaded from commencement of cargo loading to reaching full deadweight capacity, for homogeneous conditions, relevant part load conditions and alternate conditions where applicable. Typical unloading sequences for these conditions are also to be included. The typical loading/ unloading sequences are also to be developed so as not to exceed applicable strength limitations. The typical loading sequences are also to be developed paying due attention to the loading rate and deballasting capability typical sequences for change of ballast at sea, where applicable.

3.2.3 Still water hull girder loads The still water loads in flooded conditions are to be calculated for each of the cargo and ballast conditions considered in the intact longitudinal strength calculations, as specified in [3.1] except that harbour conditions, docking condition afloat, loading and unloading transitory conditions in port and loading conditions encountered during ballast water exchange need not be considered. 3.2.4 Wave hull girder loads The wave loads in flooded conditions are to be assumed to be equal to 80% of those defined in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, [3.1].


Local loads in flooding conditions on transverse vertically corrugated watertight bulkheads of bulk carriers of length greater than or equal to 150 m

3.3.1 Application These requirements apply, in lieu of those in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 6, [9], to ships with transverse vertically corrugated watertight bulkheads, having the service notation bulk carrier, of length greater than or equal to 150 m, intended for the carriage of bulk cargoes having dry bulk cargo density 1.0 t/m3 or above. Each cargo hold is to be considered individually flooded. 3.3.2 General The loads to be considered as acting on each bulkhead are those given by the combination of those induced by cargo loads with those induced by the flooding of one hold adjacent to the bulkhead under examination. In any case, the pressure due to the flooding water alone is to be considered. The most severe combinations of cargo induced loads and flooding loads are to be used for the check of the scantlings of each bulkhead, depending on the loading conditions included in the loading manual: homogeneous loading conditions non-homogeneous loading conditions, considering the individual flooding of both loaded and empty holds. For the purpose of this item, homogeneous loading condition means a loading condition in which the ratio between the highest and the lowest filling ratio, evaluated for each hold, does not exceed 1,20, to be corrected for different cargo densities. Non-homogeneous part loading conditions associated with multiport loading and unloading operations for homogeneous loading conditions need not be considered according to these requirements. The specified design load limits for the cargo holds are to be represented by loading conditions defined by the Designer in the loading manual. For the purpose of this item, holds carrying packed cargoes are to be considered as empty holds for this application. Unless the ship is intended to carry, in non-homogeneous conditions, only iron ore or cargo having bulk density equal to or greater than 1.78 t/m3, the maximum mass of cargo which may be carried in the hold is also to be considered to fill that hold up to the upper deck level at centreline.


Hull girder loads in flooded conditions of bulk carriers of length greater than or equal to 150 m


These requirements apply to ships having the service notation bulk carrier, of length greater than or equal to 150 m, intended for the carriage of bulk cargoes having dry bulk cargo density 1.0 t/m3 or above. Each cargo hold is to be considered individually flooded up to the equilibrium waterline. 3.2.2 Flooding assumptions

Appropriate permeabilities and bulk densities are to be used for any cargo carried. For iron ore, a minimum permeability of 0,3 with a corresponding bulk density of 3.0 t/m3 is to be used. For cement, a minimum permeability of 0,3 with a corresponding bulk density of 1.3 t/m3 is to be used. In this respect, permeability for dry bulk cargo means the ratio of the floodable volume between the particles, granules or any larger pieces of the cargo, to the gross volume of the bulk cargo. The permeability of empty cargo spaces and volume left in loaded cargo spaces above any cargo is to be taken equal to 0,95. For packed cargo conditions (such as in the case of steel mill products), the actual density of the cargo is to be used with a permeability of zero.


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Amendments July 2012

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3

Figure 13 : Transverse bulkheads - Flooding head and level height of the dry bulk cargo





zF zB zB

V = Volume of cargo P = Calculation point


Flooding head


Pressures and forces on a corrugation in nonflooded bulk cargo loaded holds

The flooding head hF (see Fig 13) is the distance, in m, measured vertically with the ship in the upright position, from the calculation point to a level located at a distance zF, in m, from the base line equal to: In general: D1 for the foremost transverse corrugated bulkhead 0,9 D 1 for other bulkheads.

At each point of the bulkhead, the pressure is to be obtained, in kN/m2, from the following formula:
2 - p B = B g h B tan 45 - 2

The force acting on a corrugation is to be obtained, in kN, from the following formula:
2 ( zB hD B hL S ) - tan 45 -F B = B g s C -------------------------------------- 2 2 2

Where the ship is to carry cargoes having bulk density less than 1.78 t/m3 in non-homogeneous loading conditions, the following values may be assumed: 0,95 D1 for the foremost transverse corrugated bulkhead 0,85 D1 for other bulkheads.


Pressures and forces on a corrugation in flooded bulk cargo loaded holds

Two cases are to be considered, depending on the values of zF and zB (see [3.3.3] and [3.3.4]): zF zB At each point of the bulkhead located at a distance between zB and zF from the base line, the pressure, in kN/m2, is to be obtained from the following formula: pB, F = g hF At each point of the bulkhead located at a distance lower than zB from the base line, the pressure, in kN/m2, is to be obtained from the following formula:
2 p B ,F = g h F + [ B ( 1 perm ) ] g h B tan 45 - 2

For ships less than 50000 t deadweight with type B freeboard: 0,95 D1 for the foremost transverse corrugated bulkhead 0,85 D1 for other bulkheads.

Where the ship is to carry cargoes having bulk density less than 1.78 t/m3 in non-homogeneous loading conditions, the following values may be assumed: 3.3.4 0,9 D1 for the foremost transverse corrugated bulkhead 0,8 D 1 for other bulkheads. Level height of the dry bulk cargo

where perm is the permeability of cargo, to be taken as 0,3 for iron ore, coal cargoes and cement. The force acting on a corrugation is to be obtained, in kN, from the following formula:
g ( z F -zB ) + ( p B ,F ) L E ( z F -z B ) - + ---------------------------------------------- ( z B -hDB -h L S ) F B ,F =s C g ------------------2 2

The level height of the dry bulk cargo hB, is the vertical distance, in m, from the calculation point to the horizontal plane corresponding to the level height of the cargo, located at a distance zB (see Fig 13), from the base line. In the absence of more precise information, zB may be obtained according to Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 6, [3.1.2].

where (pB,F)LE is the pressure pB,F, in kN/m2, calculated at the lower edge of the corrugation.

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Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3

zF < zB At each point of the bulkhead located at a distance between zF and zB from the base line, the pressure is to be obtained, in kN/m2, from the following formula:
- p B ,F = B g hB tan 45 - 2

pB pB,F FB,F

: Pressure in the non-flooded holds, in kN/m2, to be obtained as specified in [3.3.5] : Pressure in the flooded holds, in kN/m2, to be obtained as specified in [3.3.6] : Force acting on a corrugation in the flooded holds, in kN, to be obtained as specified in [3.3.6].

At each point of the bulkhead located at a distance lower than zF from the base line, the pressure is to be obtained, in kN/m2, from the following formula:
2 p B ,F = g h F + [ B h B ( 1-pe rm ) h F ] g tan 45 - 2

Non-homogeneous loading conditions At each point of the bulkhead structures, the resultant pressure to be considered for the scantlings of the bulkhead is to be obtained, in kN/m2, by the following formula: p = pB,F The resultant force acting on a corrugation is to be obtained, in kN, by the following formula: F = FB,F where: pB,F FB,F : Pressure in the flooded holds, to be obtained as specified in [3.3.6] : Force acting on a corrugation in the flooded holds, to be obtained as specified in [3.3.6]. Bending moment, shear force and shear stresses in a corrugation

where perm is the permeability of cargo, to be taken as 0,3 for iron ore, coal cargoes and cement. The force acting on a corrugation is to be obtained, in kN, from the following formula:
2 ( zB zF ) - tan 45 -F B ,F = s C B g --------------------- 2 2 2

- + ( pB ,F ) LE B g ( z B -z F ) tan 45 - 2 - ( z F -h D B -hLS ) +s C ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------2


where (pB,F)LE is the pressure pB,F, in kN/m 2, calculated at the lower edge of the corrugation. 3.3.7 Pressures and forces on a corrugation in flooded empty holds


The design bending moment in a corrugation is to be obtained, in kN.m, from the following formula:
F lC M = ------8

At each point of the bulkhead, the still water pressure induced by the flooding head hF to be considered is to be obtained, in kN/m2, from the following formula: pF = g hF The force acting on a corrugation is to be obtained, in kN, from the following formula:
( z F h DB h LS ) 2 F F = s C g ------------------------------------2

where F is the resultant force, in kN, to be calculated according to [3.3.8]. The design shear force in a corrugation is to be obtained, in kN, from the following formula: Q = 0,8 F The shear stresses in a corrugation are to be obtained, in N/mm2, from the following formula:
Q = 10 -------ASH


Resultant pressures and forces

Resultant pressures and forces to be calculated for homogeneous and non-homogeneous loading conditions are to be obtained according to the following formulae: Homogeneous loading conditions At each point of the bulkhead structures, the resultant pressure to be considered for the scantlings of the bulkhead is to be obtained, in kN/m2, from the following formula: p = pB,F 0,8 pB The resultant force acting on a corrugation is to be obtained, in kN, from the following formula: F= FB,F 0,8 FB where:

where ASH is the shear area, in cm2, to be calculated according to [2.5.11].


Local loads in flooding conditions on the double bottom of bulk carriers of length greater than or equal to 150 m


These requirements apply, in lieu of those in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 6, [9], to ships having the service notation bulk carrier, of length greater than or equal to 150 m, intended for the carriage of bulk cargoes having dry bulk cargo density 1.0 t/m3 or above. Each cargo hold is to be considered individually flooded.


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Amendments July 2012

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3

Figure 14 : Double bottom - Flooding head and level height of the dry bulk cargo

hB D1 hB



V = Volume of cargo
3.4.2 General values of pS, in kN/m 2, are to be specified by the Designer for each AREAi, according to Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 6, [4.1.1], and introduced as Xi values in the above service feature.

The loads to be considered as acting on the double bottom are those given by the external sea pressures and the combination of the cargo loads with those induced by the flooding of the hold which the double bottom belongs to. The most severe combinations of cargo induced loads and flooding loads are to be used, depending on the loading conditions included in the loading manual: homogeneous loading conditions non-homogeneous loading conditions packed cargo conditions (such as in the case of steel mill products). For each loading condition, the maximum dry bulk cargo density to be carried is to be considered in calculating the allowable hold loading. 3.4.3 Flooding head


Loading conditions for primary structure analysis

3.6.1 The following loading conditions are to be considered in the analysis of the primary structure: homogeneous loading and scantling draught T for ships with additional service feature nonhomload, alternate loading, the loaded hold being completely filled with cargo and scantling draught T for ships with additional service feature nonhomload, alternate loading, the cargo density being the maximum obtained from the Loading booklet, but taken not less than 3.0 t/m3 and scantling draught T. Side frames, topside tanks plating and upper stool of transverse bulkheads, where fitted, are not loaded by the cargo heavy ballast, the ballast hold being full and for the actual draught T1 corresponding to this condition in the loading manual. Unless otherwise specified, these loading conditions are to be associated with the ship in upright conditions (load cases a and b). 3.6.2 Additional non-homogeneous loading conditions given in the Loading Manual (see Pt B, Ch 11, Sec 2, [3.1.2]) may have to be considered in addition to those mentioned in [3.6.1]. This includes: heavy cargo in two adjacent cargo holds at reduced draught two adjacent cargo holds being empty at a draught exceeding 0,9 T.

The flooding head hF (see Fig 14) is the distance, in m, measured vertically with the ship in the upright position, from the inner bottom to a level located at a distance zF, in m, from the base line equal to: in general: D1 for the foremost hold 0,9 D 1 for other holds.

for ships less than 50000 t deadweight with type B freeboard: 0,95 D1 for the foremost hold 0,85 D1 for other holds.


Additional requirements on local loads for ships with the additional service feature heavycargo


For ships with a service notation completed by the additional service feature heavycargo [AREA1, X1 kN/m2 AREA2, X2 kN/m2 - ...] (see Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.2.2]) the

Amendments July 2012

Bureau Veritas


Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3


Hull girder strength

Hull girder loads in flooded conditions of bulk carriers of length greater than or equal to 150 m

4.1.3 Checking criteria It is to be checked that the stresses 1F and 1F calculated according to [4.1.2] are in compliance with the following formulae: 1F 1,ALL 1F 1,ALL where 1,ALL and 1,ALL are the allowable normal and shear stresses defined in Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 2, [3.1] and Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 2, [3.2], respectively.

4.1.1 Application These requirements apply to ships having the service notation bulk carrier, of length greater than or equal to 150 m, intended for the carriage of bulk cargoes having dry bulk cargo density 1.0 t/m3 or above. Such ships are also to have their hull girder strength checked for the flooded conditions specified in [3.2]. The damaged structure is assumed to remain fully effective in resisting the applied loads. 4.1.2 Stresses The normal stresses 1F at any point are to be obtained, in N/mm 2, from the following formula:
M SW, F + M W V, F 3 - 10 1F = ----------------------------------ZA


Hull scantlings of bulk carriers


5.1.1 Minimum net thickness of side plating The net thickness of the side plating located between hopper and topside tanks is to be not less than the value obtained, in mm, from the following formula: tMIN = L0,5 tC Buckling check for bulk carriers of length greater than or equal to 150 m This requirement applies to ships having the service notation bulk carrier, of length greater than or equal to 150 m, intended for the carriage of bulk cargoes having dry bulk cargo density 1.0 t/m 3 or above. For such ships, the buckling strength of plating contributing to the hull girder longitudinal strength is also to be checked in the flooded conditions specified in [3.2]. This check is to be carried out according to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [5.4.1] and Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [5.4.2], where the compression stress is to be calculated according to the following formula: X1,F = S1 S1,F + W1 WV1,F where: S1, W1 : Partial safety factors, defined in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [1.2] for buckling checks S1,F, WV1,F : Hull girder normal stresses, in N/mm2, defined in Tab 1. Table 1 : Hull girder normal compression stresses in flooded conditions
Condition zN S1,F in N/mm2
M S W ,F S ---------------- ( z N ) 10 3 IY M S W ,F H ---------------- ( z N ) 10 3 IY

where: : MSW,F



Still water bending moment, in kNm, in flooded conditions, at the hull transverse section under consideration, to be calculated according to [3.2] Vertical wave bending moment, in kNm, in flooded conditions, at the hull transverse section under consideration, to be taken, according to [3.2], equal to: in hogging conditions: MWV,F = 0,8 MWV,H in sagging conditions: MWV,F = 0,8 MWV,S

MWV,H, MWV,S : Vertical wave bending moments, in kN.m, in hogging and sagging conditions, at the hull transverse section under consideration, defined in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, [3.1] ZA : Section modulus, in cm3, at the considered point of the hull girder. The shear stresses 1F of the side shell and the inner hull (longitudinal bulkhead) if any, at any point, are to be obtained, in N/mm2, according to the requirements given in Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 2, [2.3], in which QSW and Q WV are to be replaced respectively by QSW,F and QWV,F, where: QSW,F : Still water shear force, in kN, in flooded conditions, at the hull transverse section under consideration, to be calculated according to [3.2] Vertical wave shear force, in kN, in flooded conditions, at the hull transverse section under consideration, to be taken, according to [3.2], equal to: QWV,F = 0,8 QWV Vertical wave shear force, in kN, at the hull transverse section under consideration, defined in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, [3.4].

WV1,F in N/mm2
0 ,5M W V, S ----------------------- ( z N ) 10 3 IY 0 ,5M W V ,H ------------------------ ( z N ) 10 3 IY




Note 1: MSW,FS, MSW,FH : Still water bending moment, in kN.m, in flooded conditions, in sagging and hogging conditions, respectively, at the hull transverse section under consideration, to be calculated according to [3.2] MWV,S, MWV,H : Vertical wave bending moments, in kN.m, in sagging and hogging conditions, respectively, at the hull transverse section under consideration, defined in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, [3.1].


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Amendments July 2012

Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3


Ordinary stiffeners
Minimum net thicknesses of side frames


Buckling check for bulk carriers equal to or greater than 150 m in length

The net thicknesses of side frames and their brackets, in way of cargo holds, are to be not less than the values given in Tab 2. Table 2 : Minimum net thicknesses of side frames
Item Side frame webs Lower end bracket Minimum net thickness, in mm CL (7,0 + 0,03L1) tC The greater of: CL (7,0 + 0,03L1) + 2 tC as fitted net thickness of side frame web The greater of: CL (7,0 + 0,03L1) tC as fitted net thickness of side frame web Coefficient equal to: 1,15 for side frames in way of the foremost cargo hold 1,0 for side frames in way of other cargo holds Ships length, in m, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2, [2].

This requirement applies to ships having the service notation bulk carrier, of length greater than or equal to 150 m , intended for the carriage of bulk cargoes having dry bulk density of 1.0 t/m3 or above. For such ships, the buckling strength of ordinary stiffeners contributing to the hull girder longitudinal strength is also to be checked in the flooded conditions specified in [3.2]. This check is to be carried out according to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2, [4.4.1], where the compression stress is to be calculated according to the following formula: X1,F = S1 S1,F + W1 WV1,F where: S1, W1 : Partial safety factors, defined in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2, [1.2] for buckling checks

Upper end bracket

S1,F, WV1,F : Hull girder normal stresses, in N/mm2, defined in Tab 1.

Note 1: : CL

Scantlings of transverse vertically corrugated watertight bulkheads and double bottom of bulk carriers with length greater than or equal to 150 m
Evaluation of scantlings of transverse vertically corrugated watertight bulkheads in flooding conditions




Scantlings of side frames adjacent to the collision bulkhead


The net scantlings of side frames in way of the foremost cargo hold and immediately adjacent to the collision bulkhead are to be increased by 25% with respect to those determined according to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2 or Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 4, as applicable, in order to prevent excessive imposed deformation on the side shell plating. As an alternative, supporting structures are to be fitted which maintain the continuity of fore peak girders within the foremost cargo hold. 5.2.3 Hopper and topside tank ordinary stiffeners

These requirements apply to the transverse vertically corrugated watertight bulkheads of ships having the service notation bulk carrier, of length greater than or equal to 150 m, intended for the carriage of bulk cargoes having dry bulk density of 1.0 t/m3 or above, which are bounded by at least one cargo hold that is to be considered individually flooded according to [3.3.1]. 6.1.2 Plating

The bulkhead local net plate thickness t, in mm, is to be not less than that obtained from the following formula:
1 ,05p t = 14 ,9 sW --------------ReH

These requirements apply to the ordinary stiffeners of side and sloped longitudinal bulkheads, within hopper and topside tanks, which support the connecting brackets fitted in way of the side frame brackets, according to [2.2.7]. The scantlings of these ordinary stiffeners are to be determined according to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2 or Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 4, as applicable, with their span measured according to Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 3, [3.2] between hopper or topside tank primary supporting members. Alternative arrangements may be considered by the Society on a case-by-case basis. In these cases, the scantlings of the above ordinary stiffeners are to be determined for the purpose of effectively supporting the connecting brackets.

where: p sW : : Resultant pressure, in kN/m2, as defined in [3.3.8] Plate width, in m, to be taken equal to the width of the corrugation flange or web, whichever is the greater (see Fig 5).

For built-up corrugation bulkheads, when the thicknesses of the flange and web are different: the net thickness of the narrower plating is to be not less than that obtained, in mm, from the following formula:
1 ,05p t N = 14 ,9s N --------------ReH

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Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 3

the net thickness of the wider plating is not to be less than the greater of those obtained, in mm, from the following formulae:
,05 p t W = 14 ,9s W 1 --------------R eH tW = 462s W p 2 ------------------- tN P R eH


Shear buckling check of the bulkhead corrugation webs

The shear stress , calculated according to [3.3.9], is to comply with the following formula: C where: C : Critical shear buckling stress to be obtained, in N/mm2, from the following formulae:
c = E ReH ReH - 1 -------------- c = ------3 4 3 E ReH for E ---------2 3 ReH for E > ---------2 3

where: tNP : Actual net thickness of the narrower plating, in mm, to be not taken greater than:
1 ,05 p t N P = 14 ,9s W --------------R eH

: Euler shear buckling stress to be obtained, in N/mm2, from the following formula:
tW 2 E = 0 ,9k t E ----------- 10 3 C


Bending capacity of corrugations

The bending capacity of the corrugations is to comply with the following formula:
M 3 10 ------------------------------------------------ 0 ,95 ( 0 ,5 WLE + W M ) R eH

kt tW C

: Coefficient to be taken equal to 6,34 : Net thickness, in mm, of the corrugation webs : width, in m of the corrugation webs (see Fig 5). Lower and upper stool side plating and ordinary stiffeners

where: M F WLE : : : Bending moment in a corrugation, to be calculated according to [3.3.9] Resultant force, in kN, to be calculated according to [3.3.8] Net section modulus, in cm3, of one half pitch corrugation, to be calculated at the lower end of the corrugations according to [2.5.9], without being taken greater than the value obtained from the following formula:
3 Qh G 0 ,5h G s C p G = W G + 10 ------------------------------------------- R eH 2


When lower or upper stools are fitted, according to [2.5.3] and [2.5.4] respectively, the net thickness of their side plating and the section modulus of their ordinary stiffeners are to be not less than those required in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [3.5] and Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2, [3.8] for flooding conditions, considering the load model in [3.3].


Evaluation of double bottom capacity and allowable hold loading in flooding conditions


Net section modulus, in cm3, of one half pitch corrugation, to be calculated in way of the upper end of shedder or gusset plates, as applicable, according to [2.5.10] Shear force in a corrugation, to be calculated according to [3.3.9] Height, in m, of shedders or gusset plates, as applicable (see Fig 8 to Fig 12) Resultant pressure, in kN/m2, to be calculated in way of the middle of the shedders or gusset plates, as applicable, according to [3.3.8] Net section modulus, in cm3, of one half pitch corrugation, to be calculated at the mid-span of corrugations according to [2.5.10], without being taken greater than 1,15WLE


Q hG pG

: : :

These requirements apply to ships having the service notation bulk carrier, of length greater than or equal to 150 m, intended for the carriage of bulk cargoes having dry bulk density of 1.0 t/m3 or above. These requirements apply to the double bottoms which belong to cargo holds that are to be considered individually flooded according to [3.4.1]. The requirements of [6.2.2] to [6.2.6] apply to double bottom construction with hopper tanks. Other double bottom construction is to be considered on a case by case basis. 6.2.2 Shear capacity of the double bottom


The shear capacity of the double bottom is to be calculated as the sum of the shear strength at each end of: all floors adjacent to both hopper tanks less one half of the shear strength of the two floors adjacent to each stool, or transverse bulkhead if no stool is fitted (see Fig 15); the floor shear strength is to be calculated according to [6.2.4] all double bottom girders adjacent to both stools, or transverse bulkheads if no stool is fitted; the girder shear strength is to be calculated according to [6.2.5].


Shear yielding check of the bulkhead corrugations

The shear stress , calculated according to [3.3.9], is to comply with the following formula:
ReH ------2


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Figure 15 : Double bottom structure

Lower stool Transverse bulkhead

Floor adjacent to the stool

Floor adjacent to the transverse bulkhead




Where in the end holds, girders or floors run out and are not directly attached to the boundary stool or hopper tank girder their strength is to be evaluated for the one end only. The floors and girders to be considered in calculating the shear capacity of the double bottom are those inside the hold boundaries formed by the hopper tanks and stools (or transverse bulkheads if no stool is fitted). The hopper tank side girders and the floors directly below the connection of the stools (or transverse bulkheads if no stool is fitted) to the inner bottom may not be included. When the geometry and/or the structural arrangement of the double bottom is/are such as to make the above assumptions inadequate, the shear capacity of the double bottom is to be calculated by means of direct calculations to be carried out according to Pt B, Ch 7, App 1, as far as applicable. 6.2.3 Net thicknesses The floor and girder shear strength is to be calculated using the net thickness of floor and girder webs, to be obtained, in mm, from the following formula: tN = t 2,5 where: t : Actual gross thickness, in mm, of floor and girder webs.

where: AF AF,H : : Net sectional area, in mm2, of the floor panel adjacent to the hopper tank Net sectional area, in mm2, of the floor panels in way of the openings in the outermost bay (i.e. that bay which is closer to the hopper tank) Allowable shear stress, in N/mm2, equal to the lesser of:
ReH A = 0, 645 -------------------0 ,8 ( s tN )
0 ,6


ReH A = ------3

tN s 1 2

: : : :

Floor web net thickness, in mm, defined in [6.2.3] Spacing, in m, of stiffening members of the panel considered Coefficient to be taken equal to 1,1 Coefficient generally to be taken equal to 1,2; it may be reduced to 1,1 where appropriate reinforcements are fitted in way of the openings in the outermost bay, to be examined by the Society on a case-by-case basis.


Girder shear strength

6.2.4 Floor shear strength The floor shear strength, in kN, is to be obtained from the following formulae: in way of the floor panel adjacent to the hopper tank:
S F1 A 3 10 = A F ----1

The girder shear strength, in kN, is to be obtained from the following formulae: in way of the girder panel adjacent to the stool (or transverse bulkhead, if no stool is fitted):
A 3 10 S G 1 = A G ----1

in way of the openings in the outermost bay (i.e. that bay which is closer to the hopper tank):
A 3 10 S F2 = A F, H ----2

in way of the largest opening in the outermost bay (i.e. that bay which is closer to the stool, or transverse bulkhead, if no stool is fitted):
A 3 - 10 S G 2 = A G, H ---2

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Sectional area, in mm 2, of the girder panel adjacent to the stool (or transverse bulkhead, if no stool is fitted) Net sectional area, in mm 2, of the girder panel in way of the largest opening in the outermost bay (i.e. that bay which is closer to the stool, or transverse bulkhead, if no stool is fitted) Allowable shear stress, in N/mm2, defined in [6.2.4], where tN is the girder web net thickness Coefficient to be taken equal to 1,1 Coefficient generally to be taken equal to 1,15; it may be reduced to 1,1 where appropriate reinforcements are fitted in way of the largest opening in the outermost bay, to be examined by the Society on a case-by-case basis.

lesser of the shear strengths SG1 and SG2 (see [6.2.5]) CE : Shear capacity of the double bottom, in kN, to be calculated according to [6.2.2], considering, for each floor, the shear strength SF1 (see [6.2.4]) and, for each girder, the lesser of the shear strengths SG1 and SG2 (see [6.2.5])


A 1 2

: : :

A D B ,H =

i=1 n

i i

D B ,i

A D B ,E =

S (B



n Si BDB,i

: Number of floors between stools (or transverse bulkheads, if no stool is fitted) : Space of ith-floor, in m : Length, in m, to be taken equal to: BDB,i = BDB s (see [6.2.4]) BDB,i = BDB,h (see [6.2.4]) for floors for which SF1 < SF2 for floors for which SF1 SF2


Allowable hold loading

The allowable hold loading is to be obtained, in t, from the following formula:

1 W = B V -F

where: F : Coefficient to be taken equal to: F = 1,1 in general F = 1,05 for steel mill products V hB : : Volume, in m3, occupied by cargo at a level hB (see Fig 14) Level of cargo, in m, to be obtained from the following formula:
Xh B = -------B g


: Breadth, in m, of double bottom between the hopper tanks (see Fig 16) : Distance, in m, between the two openings considered (see Fig 16) : Spacing, in m, of inner bottom longitudinal ordinary stiffeners adjacent to the hopper tanks. Figure 16 : Dimensions BDB and BDB,h
B DB,h

Pressure, in kN/m2, to be obtained from the following formulae: for dry bulk cargoes, the lesser of:
Z + g ( z F 0 ,1 D 1 h F ) X = -------------------------------------------------------- - ( perm 1 ) 1 + ---B X = Z + g ( z F 0 ,1D 1 h F p erm )



Protection of hull metallic structures

Protection of cargo holds

for steel mill products:

Z + g ( z F 0 ,1 D 1 h F ) X = --------------------------------------------------------1 ---B


perm Z

: :

Permeability of cargo, which need not be taken greater than 0,3 Pressure, in kN/m2, to be taken as the lesser of:
CH Z = -----------A DB ,H CE Z = ----------A DB ,E

It is the responsibility of the shipbuilder and of the Owner to choose coatings suitable for the intended cargoes, in particular for the compatibility with the cargo, and to see that they are applied in accordance with the Manufacturer's requirements. 7.1.2 Application


Shear capacity of the double bottom, in kN, to be calculated according to [6.2.2], considering, for each floor, the lesser of the shear strengths SF1 and SF2 (see [6.2.4]) and, for each girder, the

All internal and external surfaces of hatch coamings and hatch covers and all internal surfaces of cargo holds (side and transverse bulkheads) are to have an efficient protective coating, of an epoxy type or equivalent, applied in accordance with the Manufacturers recommendations. The side (single and double skin) and transverse bulkhead areas to be coated are specified in [7.1.3] to [7.1.5].


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Figure 17 : Single side - Areas to be coated

Topside tank

Figure 18 : Double side - Areas to be coated

Topside tank

Area to be coated

Area to be coated


30 m

Hopper tank

Hopper tank

Figure 19 : Transverse bulkheads - Areas to be coated

Area to be coated

Area to be coated

300 mm

300 mm 300 mm 300 mm

300 mm

300 mm


Single side areas to be coated

The areas to be coated are: the internal surfaces of the side plating the side frames with end brackets the internal surfaces of the topside tank sloping plates and, for a distance of 300 mm below, of the hopper tank sloping plates. These areas are shown in Fig 17. 7.1.4 Double side areas to be coated

7.1.5 Transverse bulkhead areas to be coated The areas to be coated are the upper parts down to 300 mm below the top of the lower stool. Where there is no lower stool, the area to be coated is the whole transverse bulkhead. These areas are shown in Fig 19.


Construction and testing

Welding and weld connections

The areas to be coated are the internal surfaces of: the inner side plating the internal surfaces of the topside tank sloping plates and the hopper tank sloping plates for a distance of 300 mm below their upper ends. These areas are shown in Fig 18.

8.1.1 The welding factors for some hull structural connections are specified in Tab 3. These welding factors are to be used, in lieu of the corresponding factors specified in Pt B, Ch 12, Sec 1, Tab 2, to calculate the throat thickness of fillet weld T connections according to Pt B, Ch 12, Sec 1, [2.3]. For the connections in Tab 3, continuous fillet welding is to be adopted.


Special structural details

8.2.1 The specific requirements in Pt B, Ch 12, Sec 2, [2.5] for ships with the service notation bulk carrier ESP or bulk carrier are to be complied with.

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Table 3 : Welding factor wF

Hull area Double bottom in way of cargo holds girders floors Connection of to bottom and inner bottom plating floors (interrupted girders) bottom and inner bottom plating inner bottom in way of bulkheads or their lower stools, in general inner bottom in way of corrugated watertight bulkheads or their lower stools girders (interrupted floors) lower stool top plate or, if no plating and ordinary stiffeners (plane lower stool is fitted, inner bottom bulkheads) and hopper tank sloping plates vertical corrugations (corrugated bulkheads) upper stool bottom plate or, if no upper stool is fitted, deck structures and topside tank sloping plates side structures boundaries plating of lower stools, in general plating of lower stools supporting corrugated watertight bulkheads ordinary stiffeners and diaphragms boundaries vertical corrugations and lower stool top plate lower stool top plate vertical corrugations and shedder plates Side (1) (2) (3) (4) web of side frames and brackets side plating, hopper and topside tank sloping plates, face plates Welding factor wF 0,35 0,35 0,35 0,45 Full penetration welding, in general 0,35 0,45 Full penetration welding, in general (1) 0,45 0,35 0,45 Full penetration welding, in general (2) 0,45 0,45 One side penetration welding or equivalent Full penetration welding, in general One side penetration welding or equivalent 0,45 (4) 0,40 (4)


structures of tank and watertight bulkheads

lower stool structures

upper stool structures effective shedder plates (see [2.5.7]) effective gusset plates (see [2.5.8])

in zone a (3) in zone b (3) Corrugated bulkhead plating is to be connected to the inner bottom plating by full penetration welds. Where corrugations are cut at the bottom stool, corrugated bulkhead plating is to be connected to the stool top plate by full penetration welds. Zones a and b are defined in Fig 20. Where the hull form is such as to prohibit an effective fillet weld, the Society may require edge preparation of the web of side frame and bracket to be carried out in order to ensure the same efficiency as the required weld connections.

Figure 20 : Zones a and b of weld connections of side frames

Topside tank

Zone "a"


Zone "b"

Zone "a"


Hopper tank


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pS pW s

: Still water pressure, in kN/m 2 (see [4.1] Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 7, [3.1]) : Wave pressure, in kN/m2 (see [4.1]) : Length, in m, of the shorter side of the plate panel : Length, in m, of the longer side of the plate panel : Width, in m, of the plating attached to the ordinary stiffener or primary supporting member, defined in [3] : Net section modulus, in cm3, of the ordinary stiffener or primary supporting member, with an attached plating of width bp : Net shear sectional area, in cm2, of the ordinary stiffener or primary supporting member, to be calculated as specified in Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 3, [3.4] for ordinary stiffeners, and in Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 3, [4.3] for primary supporting members : Boundary coefficient for ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting members, taken equal to: m = 8 in the case of ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting members simply supported at both ends or supported at one end and clamped at the other end m = 12 in the case of ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting members clamped at both ends



The formulae for scantlings given in the requirements of Article [5] are applicable to steel hatch covers. Materials used for the construction of steel hatch covers are to comply with the applicable requirements of NR216 Materials and Welding, Chapter 2. 1.2.2 Other materials


The use of materials other than steel is considered by the Society on a case by case basis, by checking that criteria adopted for scantlings are such as to ensure strength and stiffness equivalent to those of steel hatch covers.



Net scantlings

1.3.1 As specified in Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 2, [1], all scantlings referred to in this Section, unless otherwise specified, are net, i.e. they do not include any margin for corrosion. The gross scantlings are obtained as specified in Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 2. The corrosion additions are given in [1.5].


Partial safety factors

1.4.1 The partial safety factors to be considered for checking plating, ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting members of hatch cover are to be taken equal to:. partial safety factor covering uncertainties regarding material: m = 1,02 partial safety factor covering uncertainties regarding resistance: R = 1,22



1.1.1 The requirements of this section apply to steel hatch covers in positions 1 and 2 on weather decks, as defined in Ch 4, Sec 1, [1]. 1.1.2 In addition when hatch covers are also loaded with uniform cargoes, containers, wheeled loads or special cargoes the relevant requirements of Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 7 are to be complied with. 1.1.3 The scantling of steel hatch covers of small hatches fitted on the exposed fore deck over the forward 0,25 L is to comply with the appicable requirements in Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 7, [11].


Corrosion additions
Corrosion additions for steel other than stainless steel

The corrosion addition to be considered for the plating and internal members of hatch covers, hatch coamings and coaming stays is given in Tab 1 for the total thickness of the member under consideration. 1.5.2 Corrosion additions for aluminium alloys

For structural members made of aluminium alloys, the corrosion addition tc is to be taken equal to 0.

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Table 1 : Corrosion additions tc for steel hatch covers and hatch coamings
Corrosion addition tc , in mm Plating and stiffeners of single skin hatch cover Top and bottom plating of double skin hatch cover Internal structures of double skin hatch cover Hatch coamings structures and coaming stays 2,0 2,0 1,5 1,5

with: bp,1 = min (0,165 lp, Sp,1) bp,2 = min (0,165 lp, Sp,2) lp : Span, in m, of the considered primary supporting member

Sp,1, Sp,2 : Half distance, in m, between the considered primary supporting member and the adjacent ones, Sp,1 for one side, Sp,2 for the other side.


Height of hatch coamings


Load model
Sea pressures

2.1.1 The specific requirements in Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 7, [2.1] are to be complied with.

4.1.1 The still water and wave lateral pressures to be considered as acting on hatch covers located on exposed decks are to be taken equal to: still water pressure: pS = 0 wave pressure pW , as defined inPt B, Ch 9, Sec 7, Tab 2.


Hatch covers

2.2.1 The specific requirements in Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 7, [2.2] are to be complied with.


Hatch coamings

4.1.2 Where two or more panels are connected by hinges, each individual panel is to be considered separately.

2.3.1 The specific requirements in Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 7, [2.3] are to be complied with.


Load point


Small hatchways

4.2.1 The wave lateral pressure to be considered as acting on each hatch cover is to be calculated at a point located: longitudinally, at the hatch cover mid-length transversely, on the longitudinal plane of symmetry of the ship vertically, at the top of the hatch coaming.

2.4.1 The specific requirements in Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 7, [2.4] are to be complied with.


Width of attached plating

Ordinary stiffeners


Strength check

3.1.1 The width of the attached plating to be considered for the check of ordinary stiffeners is to be obtained, in m, from the following formulae: where the attached plating extends on both sides of the stiffener: bP = s where the attached plating extends on one side of the stiffener: bP = 0,5 s


The strength check is applicable to rectangular hatch covers subjected to a uniform pressure, designed with primary supporting members arranged in one direction or as a grillage of longitudinal and transverse primary supporting members. In the latter case, the stresses in the primary supporting members are to be determined by a grillage or a finite element analysis.


Primary supporting members


Net thickness

3.2.1 The width of the attached plating to be considered for the yielding and buckling checks of primary supporting members analysed through isolated beam or grillage model is to be obtained, in m, from the following formulae: Where the plating extends on both sides of the primary supporting member: bp = bp,1 + bp,2 Where the plating extends on one side of the primary supporting member: bp = bp,1

The net thickness of steel hatch cover top plating, in mm, is to be not less than the greater of: ps + pw t = 15, 8F p s ---------------------0, 95R eH 1% of the spacing of the stiffener or 6 mm if that be greater.



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: Factor for combined membrane and bending response, equal to: Fp = 1,5, in general Fp = 1,9 /a, for the attached plating of primary supporting members and for 0,8 a

lated beam models are to be checked by direct calculations, using the checking criteria in [5.3.5]. 5.3.4 Normal and shear stress

: Normal stress, in N/mm2, in the attached plating of primary supporting members, calculated according to [5.3.4] b) or determined through a grillage analysis or a finite element analysis, as the case may be : Allowable normal stress, in N/mm2, equal to: a= 0,8 ReH

a) In case that grillage analysis or finite element analysis are not carried out, according to the requirements in [5.1.1], the maximum normal stress and shear stress in the ordinary stiffeners are to be obtained, in N/mm2, from the following formulae:
s ( p s + p w ) l s2 10 = -------------------------------------mW 5s ( p s + p w ) l s = -------------------------------As h

5.2.2 Critical buckling stress check The compressive stress in the hatch cover plating, induced by the bending of primary supporting members, either parallel or perpendicular to the direction of ordinary stiffeners, calculated according to [5.3.4] or determined through a grillage analysis or a finite element analysis, as the case may be, is to comply with the following formula:
Cp --------- R m

where: ls : Ordinary stiffener span, in m, to be taken as the spacing, in m, of primary supporting members or the distance between a primary supporting member and the edge support, as applicable. When brackets are fitted at both ends of all ordinary stiffener spans, the ordinary stiffener span may be reduced by an amount equal to 2/3 of the minimum brackets arm length, but not greater than 10% of the gross span, for each bracket.

where Cp is the critical buckling stress, defined in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [5.3.1]. When determining Cp , c is to be taken equal to 1,30 in case of plating stiffened by ordinary stiffeners of U type. However, a higher c value, not greater than 2,0, may be taken if it is verified by buckling strength check of panel using non-linear finite element analysis and deemed appropriate by the Society. An averaged value of c is to be used for plate panels having different edge stiffeners. In addition, the bi-axial compression stress in the hatch cover plating, when calculated by means of finite element analysis, is to comply with the requirements in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [5.4.5].

b) In case that grillage analysis or finite element analysis are not carried out, according to the requirements in [5.1.1], the maximum normal stress and shear stress in the primary supporting members are to be obtained, in N/mm2, from the following formulae:
2 s ( ps + pw ) lm 10 = --------------------------------------mW 3

5s ( p s + p w ) l m = --------------------------------As h

where: lm 5.3.5 : Span of the primary supporting member.


Ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting members

Checking criteria

a) Strength check The normal stress and the shear stress , calculated according to [5.3.4] or determined through a grillage analysis or finite element analysis, as the case may be, are to comply with the following formulae:
ReH --------- R m ReH 0 ,57 ---------R m

5.3.1 The flange outstand of the primary supporting members is to be not greater than 15 times the flange thickness. 5.3.2 For flat bar ordinary stiffeners and buckling stiffeners on webs of primary supporting members, the ratio hw / tw is to be in compliance with the following formula:
hw 235 ----- 15 --------tw R eH

where: hw : Web height, in mm, of the ordinary stiffener : Net thickness, in mm, of the ordinary stiffener. tw 5.3.3 Application The requirements in [5.3.4] to [5.3.8] apply to: ordinary stiffeners primary supporting members which may be analysed through isolated beam models. Primary supporting members whose arrangement is of a grillage type and which cannot be analysed through iso-

b) Critical buckling stress check of the ordinary stiffeners The compressive stress in the top flange of ordinary stiffeners, induced by the bending of primary supporting members, parallel to the direction of ordinary stiffeners, calculated according to [5.3.4]or determined through a grillage analysis or a finite element analysis, as the case may be, is to comply with the following formula:
C s --------- R m

where: cs = ES for ES ReH / 2

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cs = ES [1 ReH / (4 ES)] ES = min (E1, E2) E1 E2

for ES > ReH / 2

primary supporting member subjected to lateral pressure, complying with the checking criteria indicated in [5.3.5]. The net section modulus w, in cm3, and the net shear sectional area Ash, in cm2, of an ordinary stiffener subject to lateral pressure are to be not less than the values obtained from the following formulae:
s ( ps + p w ) 2 3 - l s 10 w = R m -----------------------mR e H 5s ( p s + p w ) -l A s h = R m ---------------------------0, 57R e H s

: Euler column buckling stress, defined in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2, [4.3.2] : Euler torsional buckling stress, defined in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2, [4.3.3], with Co is to be taken equal to:
kp E t 3 10 C o = --------------------------------------------------3 1 , 33k p h w t p 3s 1 + ---------------------------3 1000st w
3 p

tp hw tw kp

: Net thickness, in mm, of the attached plating : Height, in mm, of the ordinary stiffener : Thickness, in mm, of the ordinary stiffener : Coefficient taken equal to 1 p , to be taken not less than zero. For flanged ordinary stiffeners, kp need not be taken less than 0,1
p = ------Ep

The net section modulus w, in cm3, and the net shear sectional area Ash, in cm2, of a primary supporting member subject to lateral pressure are to be not less than the values obtained from the following formulae:
s ( ps + p w ) 2 3 - l 10 w = R m -----------------------mR e H m 5s ( p s + p w ) -l A s h = R m ---------------------------0, 57R e H m

is calculated according to [5.3.4] or determined through a grillage analysis

tp 2 Ep = 3, 6E -------------- 1000s

5.3.7 Minimum net thickness of web The net thickness, in mm, is to be not less than the following values: 4 mm for web of ordinary stiffeners 6 mm for web of primary supporting members.

c) Critical buckling stress check of the web panels of the primary supporting members. The shear stress in the web panels of the primary supporting members, calculated according to [5.3.4] or determined through a grillage analysis or a finite element analysis, as the case may be, is to comply with the following formula:
c --------- R m


Ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting members of variable cross-section The net section modulus of ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting members with a variable cross-section is to be not less than the greater of the values obtained, in cm3, from the following formulae:
w = wCS 3 ,2 0 ,8 - w w = 1 + ----------------------------------- 7 + 0 ,4 CS

where: c : Critical shear buckling stress, defined in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [5.3.2]. For primary supporting members parallel to the direction of ordinary stiffeners, c is to be calculated by considering the actual dimensions of the panels. For primary supporting members perpendicular to the direction of ordinary stiffeners or for hatch covers built without ordinary stiffeners, a presumed square panel of dimension d is to be taken for the determination of the stress c, where d is the smaller dimension, in m, of web panel of the primary supporting member. In such a case, the average shear stress between the values calculated at the ends of this panel is to be considered. d) Deflection limit The vertical deflection of primary supporting members subjected to wave pressure defined in [4.1] is to be not more than 0,0056lmax, where lmax is the greatest span, in m, of primary supporting members 5.3.6 Net section modulus and net shear sectional area This requirement provides the minimum net section modulus and net shear sectional area of an ordinary stiffener or a

where: w CS
1 = ----

: Net section modulus, in cm 3, for a constant cross-section, obtained according to [5.3.6]

l l0

w1 = -----w0

l1 l0

: Length of the variable section part, in m (see Fig 1) : Span measured, in m, between end supports (see Fig 1) : Net section modulus at end, in cm3 (see Fig 1) : Net section modulus at mid-span, in cm 3 (see Fig 1).

w1 w0

Moreover, the net moment of inertia of ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting members with a variable cross-section is to be not less than the greater of the values obtained, in cm4, from the following formulae: I = ICS
1 3 - I CS I = 1 + 8 ------------------------ 0 ,2 + 3


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where: ICS : Net moment of inertia with a constant crosssection, in cm 4, calculated with wave pressure, as given in [4.1]. It is to be such that the deflection does not exceed 0,0056l.

pw c t = 14, 7 s R m ------ReH

t = 9,5 6.3.2 Ordinary stiffeners

I1 = --I0

1 0

: Net moment of inertia at end, in cm4 (see Fig 1) : Net moment of inertia at mid-span, in cm 4 (see Fig 1).

The net section modulus w of the longitudinal or transverse ordinary stiffeners of hatch coamings is to be not less than the value obtained, in cm3, from the following formula:
0, 97 sp w c l 10 w = R m ------------------------------------m1 c p R e H
2 3

The use of these formulae are limited to the determination of the strength of ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting members in which abrupt changes in the cross-section do not occur along their length. Figure 1 : Variable cross-section stiffener

where: m1 : Boundary coefficient for ordinary stiffeners, taken equal to: m1 = 16 in general m1 = 12 for the end span of stiffeners sniped at the coaming corners




Ratio of the plastic section modulus to the elastic section modulus of the ordinary stiffeners with an attached plate breadth, in mm, equal to 40 t, where t is the plate net thickness. cp = 1,16 in the absence of more precise evaluation.


Hatch coamings

Coaming stays

6.1.1 The specific requirements in Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 7, [8.2] are to be complied with.


Load model

The net section modulus w, in cm3, and the net thickness tw, in mm, of the coaming stays designed as beams with flange connected to the deck or sniped and fitted with a bracket (examples shown in Fig 2 and Fig 3 are to be not less than the values obtained from the following formulae:
0, 85 s c p wc H c 10 w = R m -----------------------------------------2R e H
2 3

6.2.1 The wave lateral pressure pwc, in kN/m2 to be considered as acting on the hatch coamings is given as follows: a) the wave lateral pressure pwc, in kN/m2, on the No.1 forward transverse hatch coaming is to be taken equal to: pwc = 220, when a forecastle is fitted in accordance with Ch 4, Sec 2, [3], Ch 5, Sec 2, [3] and Ch 6, Sec 2, [2] depending on the service notation. pwc = 290, in the other cases. b) The wave lateral pressure pwc, in kN/m2, on the hatch coamings other than the No. 1 forward transverse hatch coaming is to be taken equal to: pwc = 220

1000H c s c p w c t w = R m --------------------------------0, 62 hR e H

where: Hc sc h : : : Stay height, in m Stay spacing, in m Stay depth, in mm, at the connection with deck.



For calculating the section modulus of coaming stays, their face plate area is to be taken into account only when it is welded with full penetration welds to the deck plating and adequate underdeck structure is fitted to support the stresses transmitted by it. For other designs of coaming stays, such as, for example, those shown in Fig 4 and Fig 5, the stress levels given in [5.3.5] apply and are to be checked at the highest stressed locations.

The net thickness of the hatch coaming plate, in mm, is to be not less than the greater of:

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Figure 2 : Coaming stay: example 1

Figure 5 : Coaming stay: example 4

6.3.4 Figure 3 : Coaming stay: example 2

Local details

The design of local details is to comply with the requirements in this section for the purpose of transferring the pressures on the hatch covers to the hatch coamings and, through them, to the deck structures below. Hatch coamings and supporting structures are to be adequately stiffened to accommodate the loading from hatch covers, in longitudinal, transverse and vertical directions. The normal stress and the shear stress , in N/mm2, induced in the underdeck structures by the loads transmitted by stays are to comply with the following formulae: ALL ALL where: ALL ALL : Allowable normal stress, in N/mm2, equal to 0,95 ReH : Allowable shear stress, in N/mm2, equal to 0,50 ReH.

Figure 4 : Coaming stay: example 3

Unless otherwise stated, weld connections and materials are to be dimensioned and selected in accordance with the requirements in Pt B, Ch 12, Sec 1 and Part D, respectively. Double continuous fillet welding is to be adopted for the connections of stay webs with deck plating and the weld throat thickness is to be not less than 0,44 tw, where tw is the gross thickness of the stay web. Toes of stay webs are to be connected to the deck plating with full penetration double bevel welds extending over a distance not less than 15% of the stay width.

Weathertightness, closing arrangement, securing devices and stoppers



7.1.1 The specific requirements in Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 7, [6] are to be complied with.


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Pt D, Ch 4, Sec 4


Closing arrangement, securing devices and stoppers


: :

7.2.1 The specific requirements in are to be complied with Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 7, [9]. 7.2.2 Area of securing devices The gross cross area of each securing device is to be not less than the value obtained, in cm2, from the following formula:
235 f A = 1 ,4 S S -------- R eH

Packing line pressure, in N/mm, to be taken not less than 5 N/mm Spacing, in m, of securing devices.

7.2.4 Diameter of rods or bolts Rods or bolts are to have a gross diameter not less than 19 mm for hatchways exceeding 5 m2 in area. 7.2.5 Stoppers Hatch covers are to be effectively secured, by means of stoppers, against the transverse forces arising from a pressure of 175 kN/m2. With the exclusion of No. 1 hatch cover, hatch covers are to be effectively secured, by means of stoppers, against the longitudinal forces acting on the forward end arising from a pressure of 175 kN/m2. No. 1 hatch cover is to be effectively secured, by means of stoppers, against the longitudinal forces acting on the forward end arising from a pressure of 230 kN/m2. This pressure may be reduced to 175 kN/m2 if a forecastle is fitted in accordance with the applicable requirements of: Ch 4, Sec 2, [2] for ships with service notations bulk carrier or bulk carrier ESP Ch 5, Sec 2, [2] for ships with service notation ore carrier ESP Ch 6, Sec 2, [2] for ships with service notations combination carrier/OBO ESP or combination carrier/OOC ESP. The equivalent stress in stoppers, their supporting structures and calculated in the throat of the stopper welds is to be equal to or less than the allowable value, equal to 0,8 ReH.

where: SS f : Spacing, in m, of securing devices : Coefficient taken equal to: f = 0,75 for ReH > 235 N/mm 2 f = 1,00 for ReH 235 N/mm2. In the above calculations, ReH may not be taken greater than 0,7 Rm. Between hatch cover and coaming and at cross-joints, a packing line pressure sufficient to obtain weathertightness is to be maintained by securing devices. For packing line pressures exceeding 5 N/mm, the gross cross area A is to be increased in direct proportion. The packing line pressure is to be specified. In the case of securing arrangements which are particularly stressed due to the unusual width of the hatchway, the gross cross area A of the above securing arrangements is to be determined through direct calculations. 7.2.3 Inertia of edges elements The hatch cover edge stiffness is to be sufficient to maintain adequate sealing pressure between securing devices. The moment of inertia of edge elements is to be not less than the value obtained, in cm4, from the following formula: I = 6 pL S where:
4 S



8.1.1 The specific requirements in Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 7, [10] are to be complied with.

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Part D

Ch 5, Sec 3

Insert the following Article [6]:


Other structures
Hatch covers

6.1.1 The requirements in Ch 4, Sec 4 apply to hatch covers of ships having the service notation ore carrier.

Ch 6, Sec 3, [7]

Add the following sub-article [7.3]:

7.3 Hatch covers

7.3.1 The requirements in Ch 4, Sec 4 apply to hatch covers of ships having the service notation combination carrier.

Ch 7, Sec 4, [2.3.8] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the last item of the bulleted list in requirement [2.3.8] by:
the access to the fore peak tank is direct from open deck. Alternatively, indirect access from the open deck to the fore peak tank through an enclosed space may be accepted provided that: in case the enclosed space is separated from the cargo tanks by cofferdams, the access is through a gas tight bolted manhole located in the enclosed space and a warning sign is to be provided at the manhole stating that the fore peak tank may only be opened after: it has been proven to be gas free; or any electrical equipment which is not certified safe in the enclosed space is isolated. in case the enclosed space has a common boundary with the cargo tanks and is therefore hazardous, the enclosed space can be well ventilated.

Ch 9, Sec 19, Table 1 (Amendments January 2012)

Replace Table title and row Methane (LNG) in Table 1 by:

T1 :

Table 1 : Additional information on products

Boiling temperature (C) Specific gravity at boiling point (kg/m3) Ratio vapour/air density 161,5 420 0,55

Product name Methane (LNG)

Ch 11, Sec 1, [1.1]

Insert the following requirement [1.1.3]:

1.1.3 For ships having to comply with the provisions of SOLAS Ch II-1 reg 8-1 and SOLAS Ch II-2 reg 21 and 22, the service notation passenger ship is to be completed by the additional service feature SRTP according to requirements of NR598 Implementation of Safe Return to Port and Orderly Evacuation.

Ch 11, Sec 3, [1.3.2] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the formula of required subdivision index R by:

5000 R = 1 -----------------------------------------------L s + 2, 5N + 15225


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Part D

Ch 12, Sec 1, [1.1]

Insert the following requirement [1.1.3]:

1.1.3 For ships having to comply with the provisions of SOLAS Ch II-1 reg 8-1 and SOLAS Ch II-2 reg 21 and 22, the service notation ro-ro passenger ship is to be completed by the additional service feature SRTP according to requirements of NR598 Implementation of Safe Return to Port and Orderly Evacuation.

Ch 12, Sec 3, [1.3.2] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the formula of required subdivision index R by:

5000 R = 1 -----------------------------------------------L s + 2, 5N + 15225

Ch 12, Sec 4, Table 1 (Amendments January 2012)

Replace row 3 in Table 1 by:

T2 :

Table 1 : Electrical equipment permitted in special category spaces above the bulkhead deck
Description of spaces Electrical equipment a) any type that may be considered for zone 1 b) tested specially for zone 2 (e.g. type n protection) c) pressurised, and acceptable to the appropriate authority d) encapsulated, and acceptable to the appropriate authority e) the type which ensures the absence of sparks and arcs and of hot spots during its normal operation. For installation, in compliance with Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 12, [2.2.2], a minimum class of protection IP55 is acceptable as an alternative f) cables sheathed with at least a non-metallic external impervious sheath Hazardous area Zone 2

N 3

areas above a height of 450 mm from the deck areas above a height of 450 mm from each platform for vehicles, if fitted, without openings of sufficient size permitting penetration of petrol gases downward areas above platforms for vehicles, if fitted, with openings of sufficient size permitting penetration of petrol gases downward

Chapter 15

Replace Sections of Chapter 15 SUPPLY VESSELS by the following Sections:


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Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 1




Service notation supply vessel

1.1.5 Supply vessels dealt with in this Chapter and which are greater than 500 GT are to comply with the requirements of: Part A, Part B and Part C of the Rules, as applicable this Chapter, which is specific to units having the service notation supply vessel NR216 Materials and Welding.


Ships complying with the requirements of this Chapter are eligible for the assignment of the service notation supply vessel, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.7.3]. The provisions in this Chapter do not regulate the transport of dangerous goods and marine pollutants in packaged form, including transport of dangerous goods in portable tanks. 1.1.2 Additional service feature oil product

1.1.6 Supply vessels dealt with in this Chapter and which are less than 500 GT are to comply with the requirements of: Part A and Part D, Chapter 21 of the Rules, as applicable NR566 Hull Arrangement, Stability and Systems for Ships less than 500 GT, as applicable this Chapter, which is specific to units having the service notation supply vessel NR216 Materials and Welding.

For ships intended to carry oil products with any flashpoint in bulk in its cargo spaces and having a maximum cargo tank capacity as required in [1.2.1], the service notation supply vessel is to be completed by the additional service feature oil product. The additional service feature oil product may be completed by the additional service feature FP>60C when the supply vessel is intended to carry only oil products having a flashpoint exceeding 60C (closed cup test). This additional service feature is not to be assigned to units intended to carry oil products heated within 15C of their flash point.
Note 1: Supply vessels intended to carry less than 200m3 of oil products having a flashpoint exceeding 60C need not have the additional service feature oil product . Note 2: The present Chapter is in compliance with MARPOL Annex I, Regulation 2.2.


Assignment of different additional service features A supply vessel may be assigned a combination of the additional service features described above. In such a case, the specific rule requirements applicable to each additional service feature are to be complied with. 1.1.8 Supply vessels intended to carry heated cargoes For supply vessels intended to carry cargoes heated at a temperature of 90C or more, design of the cargo tanks is to be subjected to special consideration.


Additional service feature LHNS


Maximum bulk liquid cargo capacity

For supply vessels, other than well stimulation vessels, carrying amounts of hazardous and noxious liquid substances in bulk not exceeding the maximum specified in [1.2.2], the service notation supply vessel is to be completed by the additional service feature LHNS. The products which may be carried are hazardous and noxious liquids listed in Tab 1 and those other products which may be assigned to Tab 1 based on the following criteria: a) products which for safety reasons may be assigned for carriage on a type 3 ship as defined by the IBC Code and which are not required to meet all the requirements for toxic products in section 15.12 of that Code, and b) noxious liquid substances which would be permitted for carriage on a type 3 ship. 1.1.4 Additional service feature WS

Supply vessels with additional service feature oil product The total capacity of cargo tanks designed to carry oil product having any flashpoint is to be less than 1000 m 3. Supply vessels with additional service feature LHNS The aggregate quantity of bulk liquids identified in [1.1.3] is to be less than 800m3 and not to exceed a volume, in m3, equal to 40% of the units deadweight calculated at a cargo density of 1,0. The Society may permit carriage of more than the maximum amount specified above, provided that the survival capability requirements of Chapter 2 of the IBC Code or IGC Code are complied with. 1.2.3 Supply vessels with additional service feature WS Well stimulation vessels are allowed to carry more than the maximum amount specified in [1.2.2]. 1.2.2

For well stimulation vessels, the service notation supply vessel may be completed by the additional service feature WS.


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Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 1

Table 1 : Hazardous and noxious permitted products

Name Oil based mud containing mixtures of products listed in Chapters 17 and 18 of the IBC Code and the MEPC.2/Circular and permitted to be carried under [1.1.3] Water based mud containing mixtures of products listed in Chapters 17 and 18 of the IBC Code and the MEPC.2/Circular and permitted to be carried under [1.1.3] Drilling brines, including: Sodium chloride solution Calcium bromide solution Calcium chloride solution Calcium nitrate / Magnesium nitrate / Potassium chloride solution Calcium nitrate solution (50% or less) Drilling brines (containing zinc salts) Potassium formate solution Potassium chloride solution Ethyl alcohol Ethylene glycol Ethylene glycol monoalkyl ether Methyl alcohol Acetic acid Formic acid Hydrochloric acid Hydrochloric-hydrofluoric mixtures containing 3% or less Hydrofluoric acid Sodium silicate solution Sulfuric acid Triethylene Glycol Toluene Xylene Liquid carbon dioxide Liquid nitrogen Noxious liquid, NF, (7) n.o.s (trade name ..., contains ...) ST3, Cat. Y Noxious liquid, F, (8) n.o.s (trade name ..., contains ...) ST3, Cat. Y Noxious liquid, NF, (9) n.o.s (trade name ..., contains ...) ST3, Cat. Z Noxious liquid, F, (10) n.o.s (trade name ..., contains ...) ST3, Cat. Z Noxious liquid, F, (11) n.o.s (trade name ..., contains ...) Cat. Z Non-noxious liquid, F, (12) n.o.s (trade name ..., contains ...) Cat. OS

Flammability No No No

No No No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Yes Yes No No No Yes No Yes No No




Oil product

Flashpoint is the temperature in degrees Celsius (closed cup test) at which a product will give off enough flammable vapour to be ignited, as determined by an approved flashpoint apparatus. 1.3.2 Flammable liquid

Oil product means petroleum in any form including crude oil, sludge, oil refuse and refined products (other than the petrochemicals which are subject to the provisions of Annex II of MARPOL 73/78, as amended) and excludes fuel oil as defined in [1.3.4]. 1.3.4 Fuel oil

A flammable liquid is any liquid having a flashpoint (closed cup test) not exceeding 60C determined by an approved flashpoint apparatus.

Fuel oil means any oil used as fuel in connection with the propulsion and auxiliary machinery of the ship on which such oil is carried.

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Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 1


Safety hazard substances

within 3 m of a cargo tank installed on deck within 3 m of a cargo tank outlet in case of independent tanks installed below deck within 3 m of a cargo tank outlet in case of integral tanks installed below deck and separated from the weather deck by a cofferdam the deck area above an integral tank without an overlaying cofferdam plus the deck area extending transversely and longitudinally for a distance of 3 m beyond each side of the tank within 3 m of any cargo liquid or vapour pipe, flange, cargo valve, gas or vapour outlet, or entrance or ventilation opening to a cargo pump-room.

The safety hazard substances are those where "S" or "S/P" is assigned to column d) in Chapter 17 of the IBC Code. 1.3.6 Pollution hazard substances

The pollution hazard substances are those where "P" or "S/P" is assigned to column d) in Chapter 17 of the IBC Code and substances of pollution category Z listed in Chapter 18 of the IBC Code. 1.3.7 Pollution hazard only substances

The pollution hazard only substances are those where "P" only is assigned to column d) in Chapter 17 of the IBC Code and substances of pollution category Z listed in Chapter 18 of the IBC Code. 1.3.8 Well stimulation vessel

Note 1: Cargo area definition is not applicable for supply vessels intended to carry substances with FP>60C.

A well stimulation vessel is a ship designed and equipped for the stimulation of wells for production of oil and/or gas. 1.3.9 Cargo tank

1.3.16 Propeller shaft tunnel Propeller shaft tunnel is a compartment where the stern tube bulkhead seal is exposed to open sea. A propeller shaft tunnel is defined as a narrow enclosed space/room with the primary purpose of containing the propeller shaft with associated equipment, but it could also contain limited amounts of other equipment. A full size room, e.g. where the propeller shaft is carried below the floor but above the top of the tank, is not regarded as a propeller shaft tunnel. In case of open sea water lubricated stern tube, the compartment containing the stern tube bulkhead seal should also be considered as a propeller shaft tunnel. 1.3.17 Independent Independent means that a piping or venting system, for example, is in no way connected to another system and that there are not provisions available for the potential connection to other systems. 1.3.18 Separate Separate means that a cargo piping system or cargo vent system, for example, is not connected to another cargo piping or cargo vent system. The separation may be achieved by the use of design or operational methods. Operational methods are not to be used within a cargo tank and are to consist of one of the following types: removing of spool pieces or valves and blanking of pipe ends arrangement of two spectacle flanges in series, with provisions of detecting leakage into the pipe between the two spectacle flanges.

Cargo tank is the envelope designed to contain the cargo. 1.3.10 Integral tank Integral tank means a cargo containment envelope which forms part of the ship's hull and which may be stressed in the same manner and by the same loads which stress the contiguous hull structure and which is normally essential to the structural completeness of the ship's hull. 1.3.11 Independent tank Independent tank means a cargo containment envelope which is not contiguous with, or part of, the hull structure. An independent tank is built and installed so as to eliminate whenever possible (or in any event to minimize) its stressing as a result of stressing or motion of the adjacent hull structure. An independent tank is not essential to the structural completeness of the ships hull. 1.3.12 Hold space Hold space is the space enclosed by the ship's structure in which an independent cargo tank is situated. 1.3.13 Hazardous area Hazardous area is an area in which an explosive atmosphere is or may be expected to be present in quantities such as to require special precautions for the construction, installation and use of electrical apparatus. 1.3.14 Gas-safe area Gas-safe area is an area which is not defined as hazardous. 1.3.15 Cargo area Cargo area is that part of the ship where cargo and cargo vapours are likely to be present and includes cargo tanks, cargo pump-rooms, hold spaces in which independent tanks are located, cofferdams, ballast or void spaces surrounding integral cargo tanks and the following deck areas:


Summary table

1.4.1 Requirements applicable to units having the service notation supply vessel are summarized in Tab 2.


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Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 1

Table 2 : Applicable requirements

Item Ship arrangement Hull Stability Machinery and cargo systems Electrical installations Automation Fire protection, detection and extinction Supply vessels greater than 500 GT Part B Ch 15, Sec 2 Part B Ch 15, Sec 2 Part B Ch 15, Sec 2 Part C Ch 15, Sec 3 Part C Ch 15, Sec 4 Part C Ch 15, Sec 5 Supply vessels less than 500 GT NR566 Ch 15, Sec 2 Part B Ch 15, Sec 2 NR566 Ch 15, Sec 2 NR566 Ch 15, Sec 3 NR566 Ch 15, Sec 4 NR566 Ch 15, Sec 5

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Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 2



k s : : Material factor for steel, defined in Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 1, [2.3] Length, in m, of the shorter side of the plate panel. 2.1.4 Location of accommodation, service and machinery spaces and control stations



a) Accommodation, service and machinery spaces of category A and control stations should not be located within the cargo area except machinery spaces dedicated to WS equipment. b) Unless they are spaced at least 7 m away from the cargo area containing flammable products, entrances, air inlets and openings to accommodation, service and machinery spaces and control stations should not face the cargo area. Doors to spaces not having access to accommodation, service and machinery spaces and control stations, such as cargo control stations and storerooms, may be permitted by the Society within the 7 m zone specified above, provided the boundaries of the spaces are insulated to A-60 standard. When arranged within the 7 m zone specified above, windows and sidescuttles facing the cargo area are to be of a fixed type. Such sidescuttles in the first tier on the main deck are to be fitted with inside covers of steel or equivalent material. c) In order to guard against the danger of hazardous vapours, due consideration is to be given to the location of air intakes and openings into accommodation, service and machinery spaces and control stations in relation to cargo piping and cargo vent systems. d) For supply vessels intended to carry pollution hazard only substances having a flashpoint exceeding 60C or oil products having a flashpoint exceeding 60C, the arrangements referred to in a) to c) may be disregarded.

1.1.1 This Section applies to ships having the following service notation and additional service features: supply vessel supply vessel oil product supply vessel oil product FP>60C supply vessel LHNS supply vessel WS


Documents to be submitted

1.2.1 The documents listed in Tab 1 are to be submitted. Table 1 : Documents to be submitted
Item N 1 2 3 Description of the document General arrangement Access arrangement Arrangement of entrances, air inlets and openings to accommodation service, machinery spaces and control stations Status of the review I A A


General arrangement design

2.2 Compartment arrangement for all supply vessels

Compartment arrangement for supply vessels with additional service feature oil product
Cargo segregation

2.1.1 Watertight integrity The machinery spaces and other working and living spaces in the hull should be separated from the other compartments by watertight bulkheads. 2.1.2 Afterpeak bulkhead An afterpeak bulkhead should be fitted and made watertight up to the freebord deck. The afterpeak bulkhead may, however, be stepped below the freebord deck, provided the degree of safety of the supply vessel as regards subdivision is not thereby diminished. 2.1.3 Location of cargo tanks All cargo tanks are to be located aft of the collision bulkhead and forward of the aft peak.

a) Cargo tanks or tanks containing residues of cargo are to be segregated from machinery spaces, propeller shaft tunnels, if fitted, dry cargo spaces, accommodation and service spaces and from drinking water and stores for human consumption, by means of a cofferdam, void space, cargo pump-room, fuel oil tank, or other similar space. On-deck stowage of independent tanks or installation of independent tanks in otherwise empty hold spaces is to be considered as satisfactory.
Note 1: A cargo tank exclusively dedicated to the transport of pollution hazard only substances having a flashpoint exceeding 60C (closed cup test) may be considered as a "similar space".


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Amendments July 2012

Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 2

b) when the additional service feature FP>60C is assigned, the supply vessel need not comply with item a), provided that: the boundary bulkheads are fitted continuously through joining structure to the top of the tank, where full penetration welding is to be carried out the boundary bulkheads are accessible for inspection. 2.2.2 Length of cargo tanks The length of each cargo tank may not exceed 10 metres or one of the values of Tab 2, as applicable, whichever is the greater.

c) Except for cargo tanks intended to carry pollution hazard only substances having a flashpoint exceeding 60C, where not bounded by bottom shell plating, fuel oil tanks, a cargo pump-room or a pump-room, the cargo tanks are to be surrounded by cofferdams. Tanks for other purposes (except fresh water and lubricating oils) may be accepted as cofferdams for these tanks. d) Cargo tanks may extend to the deck plating, provided dry cargo is not handled in that area. Where dry cargo is handled on the deck area above a cargo tank, the cargo tank may not extend to the deck plating unless a continuous, permanent deck sheathing of wood or other suitable material of appropriate thickness and construction is fitted to the satisfaction of the Society. e) For pollution hazard only substances having a flashpoint exceeding 60C (closed cup test), the Society may waive the arrangements referred to in a), provided that: the segregation requirements for accommodation spaces, drinking water and stores for human consumption are observed the boundary bulkheads are fitted continuously through joining structure to the top of the tank, where full penetration welding is to be carried out the boundary bulkheads are accessible for inspection


Compartment arrangement for supply vessels with additional service feature LHNS or WS

2.3.1 Location of cargo tanks Cargo tanks containing products as listed in Ch 15, Sec 1, [1.1.3] are to be located at least 760 mm measured inboard from the side of the vessel perpendicular to the centreline at the level of the summer load waterline. 2.3.2 Cargo segregation

a) Tanks containing cargo or residues of cargo listed in Ch 15, Sec 1, [1.1.3] are to be segregated from machinery spaces, propeller shaft tunnels, if fitted, dry cargo spaces, accommodation and service spaces and from drinking water and stores for human consumption, by means of a cofferdam, void space, cargo pump-room, fuel oil tank, or other similar space. On-deck stowage of independent tanks or installation of independent tanks in otherwise empty hold spaces is to be considered as satisfactory.
Note 1: A cargo tank only dedicated to the transport of oil products having a flashpoint exceeding 60C (closed cup test) may be considered as a "similar space".

Additionally, item c) need not be applied.


Access arrangement
Access arrangement for supply vessels with additional service feature oil product
Access to spaces


b) Cargoes which react in a hazardous manner with other cargoes or fuel oils are to be segregated from such other cargoes or fuel oils by means of a cofferdam, void space, cargo pump-room, pump-room, empty tank, or tank containing a mutually compatible cargo.

For access to all spaces, the minimum spacing between cargo tank boundaries and adjacent ship's structures, other than the side shell, is to be 600 mm.
Note 1: For supply vessels intended to carry oil products having a flashpoint exceeding 60C, this requirement need not be applied.

Table 2 : Length of cargo tanks

Longitudinal bulkhead No bulkhead Centreline bulkhead Type of cargo tank Wing cargo tank Two or more bulkheads Centre cargo tank bi /B (1) if bi /B > 1/5 if bi /B < 1/5 Centreline bulkhead No Yes Length (m) (0,5 bi /B + 0,1) L (2) (0,25 bi /B + 0,15) L 0,2 L 0,2 L (0,5 bi /B + 0,1) L (0,25 bi /B + 0,15) L

(1) (2)

Where bi is the minimum distance from the side of the supply vessel to the outer longitudinal bulkhead of the tank in question measured inboard at right angles to the centreline at the level corresponding to the assigned summer freeboard. Not to exceed 0,2 L.

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Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 2


Access to spaces in the cargo area


Access to spaces in the cargo area

a) Access to cofferdams, ballast tanks, cargo tanks (including double-bottom cargo tanks) and other spaces in the cargo area should be direct from the open deck and such as to ensure their complete inspection. b) Access to double-bottom spaces (other than cargo tanks) may be through a cargo pump-room, pump-room, deep cofferdam, pipe tunnel or similar dry compartments, provided that the ventilation of these spaces complies with Ch 15, Sec 3, [7.1.2]. c) For supply vessels intended to carry oil products having a flashpoint exceeding 60C, the following requirements may apply instead of items a) and b): Access to cargo tanks should be direct from the open deck and such as to ensure their complete inspection except for access to cargo tanks in double-bottoms that may be through a cargo pumproom, pump-room, deep cofferdam, pipe tunnel or similar dry compartments, provided that the ventilation of these spaces complies with Ch 15, Sec 3, [7.1.2]. Access to cargo pumps does not need to be from the open deck provided that the access is independent of watertight doors. d) For access through horizontal openings, hatches or manholes, the dimensions should be sufficient to allow a person wearing a self-contained air-breathing apparatus and protective equipment to ascend or descend any ladder without obstruction and also to provide a clear opening to facilitate the hoisting of an injured person from the bottom of the space. The minimum clear opening should be not less than 600 mm by 600 mm. e) For access through vertical openings, or manholes providing passage through the length and breath of the space, the minimum clear opening should be not less than 600 mm by 800 mm at a height of not more than 600 mm from the bottom shell plating unless gratings or other footholds are provided. f) Smaller dimensions may be approved by the Society in special circumstances, if the ability to traverse such openings or to remove an injured person can be proved to the satisfaction of the Society.

a) Access to cofferdams, ballast tanks, cargo tanks and other spaces in the cargo area should be direct from the open deck and such as to ensure their complete inspection. Access to double-bottom spaces may be through a cargo pump-room, pump-room, deep cofferdam, pipe tunnel or similar compartments, subject to consideration of ventilation aspects.
Note 1: In case of access to double-bottom spaces through pumprooms or cofferdam or pipe tunnel or similar spaces, these spaces are to be capable of being ventilated as requested in Ch 12.3 of the IBC Code.

b) For access through horizontal openings, hatches or manholes, the dimensions should be sufficient to allow a person wearing a self-contained air-breathing apparatus and protective equipment to ascend or descend any ladder without obstruction and also to provide a clear opening to facilitate the hoisting of an injured person from the bottom of the space. The minimum clear opening should be not less than 600 mm by 600 mm. c) For access through vertical openings, or manholes providing passage through the length and breath of the space, the minimum clear opening should be not less than 600 mm by 800 mm at a height of not more than 600 mm from the bottom shell plating unless gratings or other footholds are provided. d) Smaller dimensions may be approved by the Society in special circumstances, if the ability to traverse such openings or to remove an injured person can be proved to the satisfaction of the Society.




Every decked offshore supply vessel of 24 metres and over but not more than 100 metres in length is to comply with the provisions of [4.2] and [4.4]. The intact and damage stability of a supply vessel of more than 100 metres in length should be to the satisfaction of the Society. 4.1.2 Relaxation


Access arrangement for supply vessels with additional service feature LHNS or WS
Access to spaces

Relaxation in the requirements of [4.2] and [4.4] may be permitted by the Society for supply vessels granted with navigation notation coastal area provided the operating conditions are such as to render compliance with [4.2] and [4.4] unreasonable or unnecessary.

3.2.1 4.2.1 For access to all spaces, the minimum spacing between cargo tank boundaries and adjacent ship's structures, other than the side shell, is to be 600 mm.
Note 1: For supply vessels intended to carry pollution hazard only substances having a flashpoint exceeding 60C, this requirement need not be applied.

Intact stability for all supply vessels

General stability criteria

The stability of the supply vessels, for the loading conditions defined in Pt B, Ch 3, App 2, [1.2.1] and Pt B, Ch 3, App 2, [1.2.12] with the assumptions in [4.2.5], is to be in compliance with the requirements of Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2, [2.1] or, as an alternative, with the requirements of [4.2.2]. The additional criteria of [4.2.3] are also to be complied with.


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Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 2


Alternative stability criteria

The following equivalent criteria are recommended where a supply vessel's characteristics render compliance with Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2, [2.1] impracticable: the area, in mrad, under the curve of righting levers (GZ curve) may not be less than 0,070 up to an angle of 15 when the maximum righting lever (GZ) occurs at 15 and 0,055 up to an angle of 30 when the maximum righting lever (GZ) occurs at 30 or above. Where the maximum righting lever (GZ) occurs at angles of between 15 and 30, the corresponding area A , in mrad, under the righting lever curve is to be:
A = 0 ,055 + 0 ,001 ( 30 max )

In all cases when deck cargo is carried, a realistic stowage weight is to be assumed and stated in the stability information, including the height of the cargo and its centre of gravity. Where pipes are carried on deck, a quantity of trapped water equal to a certain percentage of the net volume of the pipe deck cargoes is to be assumed in and around the pipes. The net volume is to be taken as the internal volume of the pipes, plus the volume between the pipes. This percentage is 30 if the freeboard amidships is equal to or less than 0,015 L and 10 if the freeboard amidships is equal to or greater than 0,03 L. For intermediate values of the freeboard amidships, the percentage may be obtained by linear interpolation. In assessing the quantity of trapped water, the Society may take into account positive or negative sheer aft, actual trim and area of operation. If a vessel operates in zones where ice accretion is likely to occur, allowance for icing should be made in accordance with the provisions of Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2, [6]. A vessel, when engaged in towing operations, may not carry deck cargo, except that a limited amount, properly secured, which would neither endanger the safe working of the crew nor impede the proper functioning of the towing equipment, may be accepted.

where max is the angle of heel, in degrees, at which the righting lever curve reaches its maximum the area, in mrad, under the righting lever curve (GZ curve) between the angles of heel of 30 and 40, or between 30 and f if this angle is less than 40, may not be less than 0,03, where f is defined in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2, [2.1.2] the righting lever (GZ), in m, is to be at least 0,20 at an angle of heel equal to or greater than 30 the maximum righting lever (GZ) is to occur at an angle of heel not less than 15 the initial transverse metacentric height (GM), in m, may not be less than 0,15 m. Additional criteria


Damage stability for all supply vessels where the additional class notation SDS has been requested


A minimum freeboard at the stern of at least 0,005 L is to be maintained in all operating conditions. 4.2.4 Factors of influence


The stability criteria mentioned in [4.2.1] and [4.2.2] are minimum values; no maximum values are recommended. It is advisable to avoid excessive values, since these might lead to acceleration forces which could be prejudicial to the vessel, its complement, its equipment and the safe carriage of cargo. Where anti-rolling devices are installed, the stability criteria indicated in [4.2.1] and [4.2.2] are to be maintained when the devices are in operation. 4.2.5 Assumptions for calculating loading conditions

Taking into account, as initial conditions before flooding, the standard loading conditions as referred to in Pt B, Ch 3, App 2, [1.2.1] and Pt B, Ch 3, App 2, [1.2.12], the vessel is to comply with the damage stability criteria as specified in [4.3.8]. 4.3.2 Damage dimensions

The assumed extent of damage of supply vessels is to be as indicated in Tab 3.

Table 3 : Extent of damage

Longitudinal extent 3L/100 + 3 for L>43 m L/10 (1) for L43 m Transverse extent 760 mm (1) Vertical extent Full depth (2)

If a vessel is fitted with cargo tanks, the fully loaded conditions of Pt B, Ch 3, App 2, [1.2.12] are to be modified, assuming first the cargo tanks full and then the cargo tanks empty. If in any loading condition water ballast is necessary, additional diagrams are to be calculated, taking into account the water ballast, the quantity and disposition of which are to be stated in the stability information.

Measured inboard from the side of the vessel perpendicularly to the centreline at the level of the summer load waterline. (2) From the underside of the cargo deck, or the continuation thereof. Note 1: Anywhere in the vessels length between any transverse watertight bulkhead.

Amendments July 2012

Bureau Veritas


Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 2


Consideration of transverse watertight bulkheads for flooding


Damage stability criteria

A transverse watertight bulkhead extending from the vessel's side to a distance inboard of 760 mm or more at the level of the summer load line joining longitudinal watertight bulkheads may be considered as a transverse watertight bulkhead for the purpose of the damage calculations. Where a transverse watertight bulkhead is located within the transverse extent of assumed damage and is stepped in way of a double bottom or side tank by more than 3,05 m, the double bottom or side tank adjacent to the stepped portion of the bulkhead is to be considered as flooded simultaneously. If the distance between adjacent transverse watertight bulkheads or the distance between the transverse planes passing through the nearest stepped portions of the bulkheads is less than the longitudinal extent of damage given in [4.3.2], only one of these bulkheads should be regarded as effective for the purpose of the damage assumptions described in Tab 3, Note 1. 4.3.4 Progressive flooding

a) The final waterline, taking into account sinkage, heel and trim, is to be below the lower edge of any opening through which progressive flooding may take place. The progressive flooding is to be considered in accordance with Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 3, [3.3]. b) In the final stage of flooding, the angle of heel due to unsymmetrical flooding may not exceed 15. This angle may be increased up to 17 if no deck immersion occurs. c) The stability in the final stage of flooding is to be investigated and may be regarded as sufficient if the righting lever curve has at least a range of 20 beyond the position of equilibrium in association with a maximum residual righting lever of at least 100 mm within this range. Unprotected openings may not become immersed at an angle of heel within the prescribed minimum range of residual stability unless the space in question has been included as a floodable space in calculations for damage stability. Within this range, immersion of any of the openings referred to in item a) and any other openings capable of being closed weathertight may be authorized. d) The stability is to be sufficient during intermediate stages of flooding. In this regard, the Society applies the same criteria relevant to the final stage of flooding also during the intermediate stages of flooding.

If pipes, ducts or tunnels are situated within the assumed extent of damage, arrangements are to be made to ensure that progressive flooding cannot thereby extend to compartments other than those assumed to be floodable for each case of damage. The progressive flooding is to be considered in accordance with Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 3, [3.3]. 4.3.5 Minor damage


Damage stability for supply vessels with additional service feature WS where the additional class notation SDS has been requested

If damage of a lesser extent than that specified in [4.3.2] results in a more severe condition, such lesser extent is to be assumed. 4.3.6 Permeability

The permeability of spaces assumed to be damaged is to be as indicated in Tab 4. Table 4 : Values of permeability
Spaces Appropriated for stores Occupied by accommodation Occupied by machinery Void spaces, empty tanks Intended for dry cargo Intended for liquids (1) Permeability 0,60 0,95 0,85 0,95 0,95 (1)

4.4.1 General Supply vessels with additional service feature WS carrying substances listed in Ch 15, Sec 1, [1.1.3] more than the maximum amounts specified in Ch 15, Sec 1, [1.2.2] are to comply with the requirements of [4.3] considering the damage dimensions as specified in Tab 5. Table 5 : Extent of damage
Longitudinal extent 3L/100 + 3 for L>43 m (1) L/10 for L43 m (1) (1) (2) Transverse extent 760 mm (2) Vertical extent Full depth (3)


The permeability of tanks is to be consistent with the amount of liquid carried.

Anywhere in the vessels length at any transverse watertight bulkhead. Measured inboard from the side of the vessel perpendicularly to the centreline at the level of the summer load waterline. From the underside of the cargo deck, or the continuation thereof.


Survival requirements


Structure design principles


Compliance with the requirements of [4.3.8] is to be confirmed by calculations which take into consideration the design characteristics of the vessel, the arrangements, configuration and permeability of the damaged compartments and the distribution, specific gravities and free surface effect of liquids.

5.1.1 For supply vessels greater than 24 m in length, it is recommended that a double skin is provided to reinforce the protection of the main compartments in the event of contact with pontoons or platform piles.


Bureau Veritas

Amendments July 2012

Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 2


Side structure exposed to bumping

Longitudinally framed side


Design loads
Dry uniform cargoes

In the whole area where the side of the supply vessel is exposed to bumping, distribution frames are to be provided at mid-span, consisting of an intercostal web of the same height as the ordinary stiffeners, with a continuous face plate. Within reinforced areas, scallop welding for all side ordinary stiffeners is forbidden. 5.2.2 Transversely framed side

6.1.1 Still water and inertial pressures The still water and inertial pressures transmitted to the structure of the upper deck intended to carry loads are to be obtained, in kN/m2, as specified in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 6, [4], where the value of pS is to be taken not less than 24 kN/m2.


Hull scantlings

In the whole area where the side of the supply vessel is exposed to bumping, a distribution stringer is to be fitted at mid-span, consisting of an intercostal web of the same height as the ordinary stiffeners, with a continuous face plate. Side frames are to be fitted with brackets at ends. Within reinforced areas, scallop welding for all side ordinary stiffeners is forbidden. 5.2.3 Fenders

7.1.1 Minimum net thicknesses The net thickness of the side and upper deck plating is to be not less than the values given in Tab 6. Table 6 : Minimum net thickness of the side and upper deck plating
Plating Side below freeboard deck Side between freeboard deck and strength deck Upper deck Minimum net thickness, in mm The greater of: 2,1 + 0,031 L k0,5 + 4,5 s 8 k0,5 The greater of: 2,1 + 0,013 L k0,5 + 4,5 s 8 k0,5 7,0

Efficient fenders, adequately supported by structural members, are to be fitted on the side, including the forecastle, on the full length of the areas exposed to contact.


Deck structure

5.3.1 Local reinforcements are to be fitted in way of specific areas which are subject to concentrated loads. 5.3.2 Exposed decks carrying heavy cargoes or pipes are to provide protection and means of fastening for the cargo, e.g. inside bulwarks, guide members, lashing points, etc.

7.1.2 Strength deck plating Within the cargo area, the net thickness of strength deck plating is to be increased by 1,5 mm with respect to that determined according to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1 or Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 3, as applicable.


Ordinary stiffeners


Structure of cement tanks and mud compartments

5.4.1 Cargo tanks and hoppers intended to carry mud or cement are to be supported by structures which distribute the acting forces as evenly as possible on several primary supporting members.

7.2.1 Longitudinally framed side exposed to bumping In the whole area where the side of the supply vessel is exposed to bumping, the net section modulus of ordinary stiffeners is to be increased by 15% with respect to that determined according to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2 or Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 4, as applicable. 7.2.2 Transversely framed side exposed to bumping In the whole area where the side of the supply vessel is exposed to bumping, the net section modulus of ordinary stiffeners, i.e. side, tweendeck and superstructure frames, is to be increased by 25% with respect to that determined according to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2 or Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 4, as applicable.


Acid spill protection for supply vessels with additional service feature LHNS or WS

5.5.1 Floors and decks under acid storage tanks and pumps and piping for acid should have a lining or coating of corrosion-resistant material extending up to a minimum height of 500 mm on the bounding bulkheads or coamings. Hatches or other openings in such floors or decks should be raised to a minimum height of 500 mm; where the Society determines that this height is not practicable, a lesser height may be required.


Primary supporting members

7.3.1 Distribution stringers The net section modulus of the distribution stringer required in [5.2.2] is to be at least twice that calculated in [7.2.2] for ordinary stiffeners.

Amendments July 2012

Bureau Veritas


Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 2

7.3.2 Cement tanks and mud compartments The net scantlings of the primary supporting members of cement tanks and mud compartments are to be calculated taking into account high stresses resulting from vertical and horizontal accelerations due to rolling and pitching. Secondary moments due to the tendency of materials to tip over are to be considered by the Society on a case-by-case basis.

Table 8 : Ordinary stiffeners of forecastle aft end and of deckhouses located on the forecastle deck
Structure Forecastle Deckhouses located on the forecastle deck Ordinary stiffeners on aft end plating front plating sides plating aft end plating Net section modulus, in cm3 3 times the value calculated according to Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 4, [4] 0,75 times that of the forecastle tweendeck frames


Other structure
Aft part

8.1.1 Rollers At the transom, local reinforcements are to be fitted in way of rollers and other special equipment intended for cargo handling. 8.1.2 Structures in way of rollers The structures in way of the stern rollers and those of the adjacent deck are considered by the Society on a case-bycase basis, taking into account the relevant loads which are to be specified by the Designer. 8.1.3 Propeller protection

Ordinary stiffeners of the front of deckhouses located on the forecastle deck are to be fitted with brackets at their ends. Those of side and aft end bulkheads of deckhouses located on the forecastle deck are to be welded to decks at their ends.


Arrangement for hull and forecastle openings

It is recommended that devices should be fitted to protect the propellers from submerged cables.

8.3.1 Sidescuttles and windows Sidescuttles and windows of opening type are, in general, accepted only in unexposed areas of the deckhouses located immediately above the forecastle and the areas above. 8.3.2 Sidescuttles of gas-safe areas facing hazardous areas Sidescuttles of gas-safe areas facing hazardous areas, excluding those of non-opening type, are to be capable of ensuring an efficient gas-tight closure. Warning plates are to be fitted on access doors to accommodation and service spaces facing the cargo area indicating that the doors and sidescuttles mentioned above are to be kept closed during cargo handling operations. 8.3.3 Freeing ports The area of freeing ports is to be increased by 50% with respect to that determined according to Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 9, [5]. Shutters may not be fitted. 8.3.4 Freeing ports through box-bulwarks Where box-bulwarks the upper level of which extends to the forecastle deck are fitted in way of the loading area, the freeing ports are to pass through these box-bulwarks and their area is to be increased to take account of the height of the bulwarks. 8.3.5 Miscellaneous Air pipes, ventilators, small hatchways, fans and control valves are to be located outside the loading area and protected from possible shifting of the deck cargo.


Superstructures and deckhouses

8.2.1 Forecastle The forecastle length may not exceed 0,3 to 0,4 times the length L. 8.2.2 Deckhouses Due to their location at the forward end of the supply vessel, deckhouses are to be reduced to essentials and special care is to be taken so that their scantlings and connections are sufficient to support wave loads. 8.2.3 Minimum net thicknesses

The net thickness of forecastle aft end plating and of plating of deckhouses located on the forecastle deck is to be not less than the values given in Tab 7. Table 7 : Plating of forecastle aft end and of deckhouses located on the forecastle deck
Structure Forecastle Deckhouses located on the forecastle deck Plating aft end front sides aft end Minimum net thickness, in mm 1,04 (5 + 0,01 L) 1,44 (4 + 0,01 L) 1,31 (4 + 0,01 L) 1,22 (4 + 0,01 L)


Structure of cargo tanks


Ordinary stiffeners

The net section modulus of ordinary stiffeners of the forecastle aft end and of deckhouses located on the forecastle deck is to be not less than the values obtained from Tab 8.

8.4.1 Scantling of cargo tanks is to be in compliance with the provisions of Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 6 and Part B, Chapter 7. Refer to Ch 15, Sec 3, [4] to Ch 15, Sec 3, [7] for design details.


Bureau Veritas

Amendments July 2012

Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 2


Hull outfitting


Mooring lines

9.1.1 Rudder stock scantlings The rudder stock diameter is to be increased by 5% with respect to that determined according to Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 1, [4].

The mooring lines are given as a guidance, but are not required as a condition of classification. The length of mooring lines may be calculated according to Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 4, [5.2]. However, in the case of supply vessels provided with devices enabling ample manoeuvring characteristics (e.g. supply vessels provided with two or more propellers, athwartship thrust propellers, etc.), the length of mooring lines, in m, may be reduced to (L + 20). 9.3.2 Chain locker



9.2.1 Plating In the case of a high bulwark, fitted with a face plate of large cross-sectional area, which contributes to the longitudinal strength, the net thickness of the plating contributing to the longitudinal strength is to be not less than the value obtained according to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1 or Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 3, as applicable. 9.2.2 Stays The bulwark stays are to be strongly built with an attachment to the deck reinforced to take account of accidental shifting of deck cargo (e.g. pipes).

Chain lockers are to be arranged as gas-safe areas. Hull penetrations for chain cables and mooring lines are to be arranged outside the hazardous areas specified in Ch 15, Sec 1, [1.3.13].

Amendments July 2012

Bureau Veritas


Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 3





For supply vessels intended to carry pollution hazard only substances having a flashpoint above 60C or oil products having a flashpoint above 60C this requirement does not need to be applied.

1.1.1 This Section provides, for ships having the service notation supply vessel, requirements for: machinery systems cargo tanks and piping systems, in particular where the additional service features oil product, LHNS or WS are assigned.


Ballast system

2.2.1 Pumps, ballast lines, vent lines and other similar equipment serving permanent ballast tanks shall be independent of similar equipment serving cargo tanks and of cargo tanks themselves. 2.2.2 Discharge arrangement for permanent ballast tanks sited immediately adjacent to cargo tanks shall be outside machinery spaces and accommodation spaces. Filling arrangements may be in the machinery spaces provided that such arrangements ensure filling from the tank deck level and non-return valves are fitted. 2.2.3 Filling of ballast in cargo tanks may be arranged from deck level by pumps serving permanent ballast tanks, provided that the filling line has no permanent connection to cargo tanks or piping and that non-return valves are fitted. 2.2.4 For ships intended to carry pollution hazard only substances having a flashpoint above 60C or oil products having a flashpoint above 60C, the requirements [2.2.1], [2.2.2] and [2.2.3] do not need to be applied.


Documents to be submitted

1.2.1 The documents listed in Tab 1 are to be submitted for approval.

Machinery systems for supply vessels with additional service feature oil product, LHNS or WS
Bilge system


2.1.1 Bilge system serving spaces within the cargo area are to be independent from systems serving spaces outside the cargo area and are to be entirely situated within the cargo area. Bilge systems serving spaces outside the cargo area are to be located outside the cargo area.

Table 1 : Documents to be submitted

Item N 1 Status of the review I

Description of the document (1) Capacity plan where the following tanks need to be clearly indicated as such: cargo tanks (for oil products and/or for LHNS) fuel oil tanks Diagram of cargo piping system Diagram of cargo tank venting system Diagram of the cargo tank level gauging with overfill safety arrangement Diagram of the bilge and ballast system serving spaces within the cargo area Diagram of the bilge and ballast system serving spaces outside the cargo area General layout of the cargo pump room with details of: Bulkhead penetrations Flammable vapors detections system Bilge level monitoring devices Ventilation Diagram of the cargo heating system, if any Diagram of inert gas system with details of the inert gas plant, if any

2 3 4 5 6 7


8 9 (1)


Diagrams are also to include, where applicable, the (local and remote) control and monitoring systems and automation systems.


Bureau Veritas

Amendments July 2012

Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 3


Cargo heating systems

mixing the two different kinds of oils does not jeopardize the intended use of neither the fuel oil nor the cargo. 3.1.3 When carrying cargoes which react in a hazardous manner with other cargoes, supply vessels having the additional service feature LHNS or WS are to have separate pumping and piping systems which may not pass through other cargo tanks containing such cargoes, unless encased in a tunnel.

2.3.1 When provided, any cargo tank heating system is to comply with the following provisions: for supply vessels having the additional service feature oil product FP>60C: Ch 7, Sec 4, [2.6] for supply vessels having the additional service feature LHNS or WS: Ch 8, Sec 7 and Chapter 7 of the IBC Code. With reference to Ch 15, Sec 1, [1.1.2], particular attention to be provided to the maximum heating temperature of cargo tanks on supply vessels having the additional service feature oil product FP>60C.


Design and Materials

3.2.1 Unless otherwise specified, materials for construction of tanks, piping, fittings and pumps are to be in accordance with: for supply vessels having the additional service feature oil product: Ch 7, Sec 4, [3.3.2] for supply vessels having the additional service feature LHNS or WS: Ch 8, Sec 5 and Chapter 6 of the IBC Code, or Ch 9, Sec 6 and Chapter 6 of the IGC Code,


Exhaust pipes

2.4.1 Exhaust outlets from diesel engines are to be provided with spark arresters. Exhaust outlets from engines are to be fitted as high as practicable above the upper deck, except for supply vessels intended to carry pollution hazard only substances having a flashpoint above 60C or oil products having a flashpoint above 60C.

as applicable. 3.2.2 Unless otherwise specified, cargo piping is to be designed and constructed according to: for supply vessels having the additional service feature oil product: Ch 7, Sec 4, [3.3.1] for supply vessels having the additional service feature LHNS or WS: Ch 8, Sec 5, [1.2.1] and Chapter 5 of the IBC Code, or Ch 9, Sec 5, [2.1.1] and Chapter 6 of the IGC Code,


Inert gas system

2.5.1 When provided, nitrogen/inert gas systems fitted on a supply vessel are to comply with the provision of Ch 7, Sec 6, [5.5.1], except items a) to c) and g). Where connections to the cargo tanks, to the hold spaces or to the cargo piping are not permanent, the non-return devices required by item l) of Ch 7, Sec 6, [5.5.1] may be replaced by two non-return valves.

as applicable.


Other machinery systems


Piping arrangement

2.6.1 Fuel oil, lubricating oil tanks, foam forming liquid tanks, oil dispersant tanks and similar tanks which are located inside the cargo area may be served by pumps located outside the cargo area, provided that the piping is directly connected to the associated pump and does not run through cargo tanks.

Cargo piping design for supply vessels with additional service feature oil product, LHNS or WS
Cargo separation

a) Except for the tank connections to cargo pump-rooms, all tank openings and connections to the tank are to terminate above the weather deck and are to be located in the tops of the tanks. Where cofferdams are provided over integral tanks, small trunks may be used to penetrate the cofferdam.
Note 1: This requirement need not be applied for supply vessels intended to carry pollution hazard only substances having a flashpoint above 60C or oil products having a flashpoint above 60C.


3.1.1 For cargo handling, a pumping and piping system independent from the other pumping and piping systems on board is to be provided. 3.1.2 For supply vessels having the additional service feature oil product FP>60C, the piping system serving the oil product cargo tanks may be connected to the fuel oil pumping system in engine room, provided that: there are suitable means of separation between the branches serving the tanks dedicated for the cargo oil product tanks and the branches serving the fuel oil tanks

b) Cargo piping is to be located entirely within the cargo area except cargo piping conveying pollution hazard only substances having a flashpoint above 60C or oil products having a flashpoint above 60C provided that the separation requirements for accommodation spaces, drinking water and stores for human consumption are observed. c) Where cargo piping necessarily has to run outside a cargo area in order to be connected to a cargo manifold, a shut-off valve is to be provided in the piping leaving the cargo area, except cargo piping conveying pollution hazard only substances having a flashpoint above 60C or oil products having a flashpoint above 60C.

Amendments July 2012

Bureau Veritas


Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 3

d) Cargo piping may run from the tank it serves and penetrate cargo tanks, ballast tanks, void spaces, pumprooms or cargo pump-rooms provided that inside the tank it serves it is fitted with a stop-valve operable from above the weather deck. As an exception, where a cargo tank is adjacent to the cargo pump-room, the stop-valve operable from above the weather deck may be situated on the tank bulkhead on the cargo pumproom side, provided an additional valve is fitted between the bulkhead valve and the cargo pump. e) Where a cargo pump serves more than one tank, a stopvalve is to be fitted in the line of each tank. f) Where necessary, cargo piping is to be provided with joints or expansion bends. g) In order to prevent any generation of static electricity, the outlets of filling lines are to be led as low as possible in the tanks, except for supply vessels intended to carry pollution hazard only substances having a flashpoint above 60C or oil products having a flashpoint above 60C.

b) When independent tanks are fitted on the weather deck: they are to be securely fastened to the hull structure in the zone on the weather deck where these tanks are arranged, a suitable possibly removable containment coaming is to be fitted such as to prevent any spillage and/or leakages from flowing to gas-safe areas a space is to be left between tanks and ship sides, sufficient to allow easy passage of ship personnel and transfer of fire-fighting arrangements the cargo handling system serving these tanks is to be such that liquid heads higher than those allowable for cargo tanks, if any, served by the same system cannot occur they are to be provided with appropriate access hatches allowing the use of portable gas-freeing equipment provisions are to be made such that any of these tanks is easily identifiable by means of markings or suitable plates. c) Scantling of independent cargo tanks is to be in compliance with the provisions of Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 6 and Part B, Chapter 7, except that the thickness is not to be less than 5 mm.


Cargo tanks
Supply vessels with additional service feature LHNS or WS

4.1.1 General a) Cargo tanks are to be of the type required by the IBC Code or IGC Code, as applicable. b) The design of the tanks is to comply with standards acceptable to the Society taking into account the carriage temperature and relative density of cargo. Due consideration is also to be given to dynamic forces and any vacuum pressure to which the tanks may be subjected. 4.1.2 Independent tanks a) The greatest of the following design pressures (gauge) is to be used for determining scantlings of independent pressure tanks: 0,7 bar the vapour pressure of the cargo at 45C the vapour pressure of the cargo at 15C above the temperature at which it is normally carried, or the pressure which occurs in the tank during the loading or unloading.


Supply vessels with additional service feature oil product

4.2.1 Integral and independent gravity tanks are to be constructed and tested according to recognised standards taking into account the carriage temperature and the cargo relative density.


Cargo pumping system

5.1.1 The delivery side of cargo pumps is to be fitted with relief valves discharging back to the suction side of the pumps (bypass) in closed circuit. Such relief valves may be omitted in the case of centrifugal pumps with a maximum delivery pressure not exceeding the design pressure of the piping, with the delivery valve closed. 5.1.2 Cargo pumps are to be monitored as required in Tab 2.

Table 2 : Monitoring of cargo pumps

Equipment - parameter Pump - discharge pressure Pump casing - temperature (2) Bearings - temperature (2) Bulkhead shaft gland - temperature (2) (1) (2) Alarm L H H H Indication Local Comments on the pump (1), or next to the unloading control station

visual and audible, in cargo control room or pump control station visual and audible, in cargo control room or pump control station visual and audible, in cargo control room or pump control station

and next to the driving machine if located in a separate compartment. not required for supply vessels intended to carry pollution hazard only substances having a flashpoint above 60C or oil products having a flashpoint above 60C.


Bureau Veritas

Amendments July 2012

Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 3

Cargo tank fittings for supply vessels with additional service feature oil product, LHNS or WS
Level gauging systems and overflow control
Supply vessels with additional service feature LHNS or WS


Supply vessels with additional service feature LHNS or WS


a) Independent pressure tanks are to be fitted with pressure relief devices which are so designed as to direct the discharge away from personnel and have a set pressure and capacity which is in accordance with standards acceptable to the Society taking into account the design pressure referred to in [4.1.2]. b) Cargo tank vent systems of integral or independent gravity tanks are to meet the requirements of the IBC Code, except that the height specified in 8.3.4 of the IBC Code may be reduced to 2 m. c) Cargoes which react in a hazardous manner with other cargoes are to have separate tank venting systems. d) The location of cargo tank vent outlets for independent pressure tanks and for cargo tanks used to carry pollution hazard only substances with a flashpoint exceeding 60C (closed cup test) is to be to the satisfaction of the Society. e) Cargo tank vent systems of independent tanks allowed under [4.1.2] are to be to the satisfaction of the Society, taking into account the provisions of this requirement. 6.2.3 Supply vessels with additional service feature oil product


a) Each cargo tank is to have a level gauging system. Types of gauging for individual products are shown in column j in the table of IBC Code chapter 17. b) For tanks intended to carry individual products where specific reference is made in column o in the table of IBC Code Chapter 17, an overflow control system complying with IBC Code chapter 15.19 is to be fitted.
Note 1: Requirement 15.19.6 of the IBC Code for a visual and audible high-level alarm may be waived by the Society taking into account the cargo carriage arrangements and cargo loading procedures.

c) Provision shall be made to ensure that the liquid head in any tank does not exceed the design head of the tank. Suitable high-level alarms, overflow control systems or spill valves, together with gauging and tank filling procedures, may be accepted for this purpose. Where the means of limiting cargo tank overpressure includes an automatic closing valve, the valve shall comply with the appropriate provision of IBC Code, 15.19 d) Level gauging systems for process tanks on board of supply vessels having the additional service feature WS are to be to the satisfaction of the Society. 6.1.2 Supply vessels with additional service feature oil product

Except for supply vessels with additional service feature oil product FP>60C, cargo tanks are to be fitted with cargo tank venting systems complying with the provisions of Ch 7, Sec 4, [4.2], except that the height specified in Ch 7, Sec 4, [4.2.7], item c) may be reduced to 2 m. For supply vessels with additional service feature oil product FP>60C, the following requirements may apply: general provisions of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [9] and Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [11] are to be complied with tank venting systems are to open to the atmosphere at a height of at least 760 mm above the weather deck tanks may be fitted with venting systems of the open type provided with a flame screen.

Each cargo tank is to be fitted with a level gauging system in compliance with Ch 7, Sec 4, [4.4] and an overflow control system in compliance with with Ch 7, Sec 4, [4.5]. For the cargo tanks intendedto carry oil products having a flash point above 60C, the gauging systems may be of the open type provided that the relevant provisions of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [9] and Pt C, Ch 1 Sec 10, [11] are complied with.


Cargo tank purging and/or gas freeing

Supply vessels with additional service feature LHNS or WS

Where considered appropriate by the Society, the provisions of Chapter 8 of the IBC Code related to cargo tank purging and/or gas freeing are to be applied. 6.3.2 Supply vessels with additional service feature oil product


Cargo tank venting systems


Cargo tanks are to be provided with a venting system appropriate to the cargo being carried and these systems shall be independent of the air pipes and venting systems of all other compartments of the ship.

At least portable means are to be provided onboard for gas freeing. Such arrangement should comply with the requirements of Ch 7, Sec 4, [4.3]. This requirement is not applicable to supply vessels with additional service feature oil product FP>60C.

Amendments July 2012

Bureau Veritas


Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 3


Arrangement of cargo pump-rooms

Cargo pump-room ventilation
Supply vessels with additional service feature LHNS or WS

Cargo transfer system for supply vessels with additional service feature oil product, LHNS or WS


8.1.1 a) The cargo transfer system is to comply with the requirements of Chapter 5 of the IBC Code or Chapter 5 of the IGC Code, when applicable. b) The remote shutdown devices for all cargo pumps and similar equipment, required by of the IBC Code, are to be capable of being activated from a dedicated cargo control location which is manned at the time of cargo transfer and from at least one other location outside the cargo area and at a safe distance from it. c) In the case of transfer operations involving pressures in excess of 50 bar gauge, arrangements for emergency depressurizing and disconnection of the transfer hose are to be provided. The controls for activating emergency depressurization and disconnection of the transfer hose are to meet the provisions of item b) above.

a) The requirements of Chapter 12 of the IBC Code apply. The Society may, however, grant relaxation concerning the distances required in Section 12.1.5 of the IBC Code. b) For certain products where the specific reference is made in column o (in the table of IBC Code Ch 17) to 15.17, the ventilation system shall have a minimum capacity of at least 45 changes of air per hour, based upon the total volume of the space. 7.1.2 Supply vessels with additional service feature oil product

a) Cargo pump rooms are to be mechanically ventilated. The number of changes of air is to be at least 20 per hour, based upon the gross volume of the space. b) Ventilation exhaust ducts are to discharge upwards in locations at least 3 m from the ventilation intakes and openings to gas-safe spaces. c) Ventilation intakes are to be so arranged as to minimize the possibility of recycling hazardous vapours from ventilation discharge openings. d) Ventilation ducts are not to be led through gas-safe spaces, cargo tanks or slop tanks.
Note 1: Supply vessels assigned with the additional service feature FP>60C need not comply with item b).

Special requirements for supply vessels with additional service feature LHNS or WS
Prevention of pollution



Measures to prevent explosions

a) Lighting in the cargo pump-room is to be interlocked with the ventilation system so the ventilation is to be in operation to energize the lighting. b) A system for continuously monitoring the concentration of flammable vapors shall be fitted in the cargo pump rooms except for ships intended to carry pollution hazard only substances having a flashpoint above 60C or oil products having a flashpoint above 60C. Sampling points or detector heads shall be located in suitable positions in order that potentially dangerous leakages are readily detected. When the flammable gas concentration reaches a preset level, which shall not be higher than 10% of the lower flammable limit, a continuous audible and visual alarm signal shall be automatically effected in the cargo pump room, engine control room, cargo control room and navigation bridge to alert the personnel to the potential hazard. c) Cargo pumps rooms shall be provided with bilge level monitoring devices together with appropriately located alarms. d) Surface temperatures shall not exceed those required for the temperature class of the electrical equipment.

9.1.1 Discharge into the sea of residues of noxious liquid substances permitted for carriage in Ship Type 3, or products listed in Ch 15, Sec 1, Tab 1 or ballast water, tank washings, or other residues or mixtures containing such substances, is prohibited. Any discharges of residues and mixtures containing noxious liquid substances should be to the reception facilities in port.


Special requirements for acids

9.2.1 Piping systems intended for acids are to comply with the following provisions: a) Flanges and other detachable connections are to be covered by spray shields. b) Portable shield covers protecting the connecting flanges of the loading manifold are to be provided. Drip trays of corrosion-resistant material are to be provided under loading manifolds for acids. 9.2.2 Spaces for acid storage tanks and acid pumping and piping are to be provided with drainage arrangements of corrosion-resistant materials. 9.2.3 Deck spills should be kept away from accommodation and service spaces by mean of a permanent coaming height and extension.


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Special requirements for the carriage of liquefied gases

c) For the carriage of liquid nitrogen the requirements of 17.19 of the IGC Code should apply. d) The construction of cargo tanks and cargo piping systems for liquefied nitrogen and liquid carbon dioxide should be to the satisfaction of the Society. e) Emergency shutoff valves should be provided in liquid outlet lines from each liquefied gas tank. The controls for the emergency shutoff valves should meet the requirements given in [8.1.1], item b).

9.3.1 a) Each enclosed space used for handling or storage of a liquefied gas should be fitted with a sensor continuously monitoring the oxygen content of the space and an alarm indicating low oxygen concentration. For semi-enclosed spaces, portable equipment may be also acceptable. b) Drip trays resistant to cryogenic temperatures should be provided at manifolds transferring liquefied gases or at other flanged connections in the liquefied gas system.

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Pt D, Ch 15, Sec 4






Hazardous location and types of equipment

Supply vessels with additional service feature oil product

1.1.1 This Section applies to ships having the following service notation and additional service features: supply vessel oil product supply vessel oil product FP>60C supply vessel LHNS supply vessel WS

2.1.1 Supply vessels having the additional service feature oil product are to comply with the requirements of Ch 7, Sec 5. For supply vessels having the additional service feature oil product FP>60C , Ch 7, Sec 5, [2.2] applies instead of Ch 7, Sec 5, [2.1]. 2.1.2 Electrical equipment, cables and wiring shall not be installed in the hazardous location unless it conforms to IEC 60095-502:1999


Documentation to be submitted


1.2.1 In addition to the documentation requested in Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 1, Tab 1, the following are to be submitted: a) plan of hazardous area including location of all electrical equipment b) document giving details of types of cables and safety characteristics of the electrical equipment installed in hazardous area.

Supply vessels with additional service feature LHNS or WS

2.2.1 Supply vessels having the additional service feature LHNS or WS are to comply with the requirements of: Ch 8, Sec 10 IBC Code, Chapter 10. 2.2.2 Electrical equipment, cables and wiring shall not be installed in the hazardous location unless it conforms to IEC 60095-502:1999


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Vapour detection system

1.1.1 Unless otherwise specified, this Section applies, irrespective of their tonnage, to supply vessels having the following additional service features: oil product LHNS, except for ships intended to carry substances having a flashpoint exceeding 60C WS, except for ships intended to carry substances having a flashpoint exceeding 60C. 1.1.2 For vessels intended to carry only liquid identified as non-flammable, the fire-fighting requirements are to be to the satisfaction of the Society.

Supply vessels with additional service feature LHNS or WS a) Vapour detection for the cargoes carried is to be provided in accordance with the requirements contained in the IBC Code. b) For certain products where compliance to IBC Code, 15.11.7 is required, enclosed and semi-enclosed spaces containing installations for acid are to be fitted with fixed vapour detection and alarm systems which provide visual and audible indication. The vapour detection systems are to be capable of detecting hydrogen except that, in the case where only hydrochloric acid is carried, a hydrogen chloride vapour detection system is to be provided. c) At least two portable instruments for detecting flammable vapour concentrations are to be provided. d) At least two portable instruments suitable for measuring the concentration of oxygen in atmospheric air are to be provided. 2.3.2 Supply vessels with additional service feature oil product Every supply vessel having the additional service feature oil product is to be provided with at least two portable gas detectors capable of measuring flammable vapour concentrations in air and at least two portable O2 analysers. For supply vessels fitted with inert gas system, at least two portable gas detectors are to be capable of measuring concentrations of flammable vapours in inerted atmosphere.


Documents to be submitted

1.2.1 The documents listed in Tab 1 are to be submitted. Table 1 : Documents to be submitted
Item N 1 2 Description of the document Fire extinguishing system in cargo area Specification of fixed and/or portable means of vapor detection Status of the review A A


Fire prevention and protection

Structure, bulkheads within accommodation and service spaces and details of construction


Fire fighting

2.1.1 The method of protection adopted in accommodation and service spaces is to be method IC (see Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 5, [1.4.1]). The Society may permit use of another method where considered appropriate. 2.1.2 Skylights to cargo pump-rooms are to be made of steel and are to be capable of being closed from outside the pump-room.

3.1.1 Irrespective of their tonnage, the requirements in Part C, Chapter 4 are to be complied with except that the following requirements Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 6, [1] Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 6, [3.4] Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 6, [4.2] to Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 6, [4.5], apply as they would apply to cargo ships of 2000 tons gross tonnage and over.


Fire integrity of bulkheads and decks


Protection of the deck area

2.2.1 Fire integrity of bulkheads and decks is to comply with the requirements of Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 5, [1.5.2] or, where considered appropriate by the Society, with the requirements of Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 5, [1.4.3].

Supply vessels with additional service feature oil product A fixed deck foam system complying with the requirements of Ch 7, Sec 6, [3] shall be provided.

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Supply vessels with additional service feature LHNS or WS a) Either a fixed deck foam system or a fixed fire-extinguishing system of the dry chemical type complying with the following is to be provided: 1) the system is to be located to protect the deck within the cargo area 2) the system is to be capable of covering the deck within the cargo area without being moved 3) when a fixed deck foam system is provided, it is to comply with the requirements of 11.3.3 to 11.3.12 of the IBC Code. Only foam suitable for the products carried is to be used 4) the Society may approve a fixed fire-extinguishing system, provided that: on a deck area of 45 m2 or less, there are two or more dry chemical extinguishers whose total capacity is not less than 135 kg on a deck area of more than 45 m 2, there are three or more dry chemical extinguishers whose total capacity of extinguishing agent is not less than: C = 3A kg where A is the deck area, in m2 the minimum rate of supply of the extinguishing agent is not less than 3 kg/min per m2.

b) Fire hoses, fitted with approved dual-purpose nozzles (i.e. spray/jet type with a shut-off), are to be attached to each fire hydrant in the vicinity of the flammable liquid to be carried.


Fire-extinguishing systems for cargo pump-rooms

Supply vessels with additional service feature oil product

The cargo pump-room is to be provided with a fixed fireextinguishing system in accordance with Ch 7, Sec 6, [4.2.2]. 3.4.2 Supply vessels with additional service feature LHNS or WS

The cargo pump-room where flammable liquids are handled is to be provided with a fixed fire-extinguishing system in accordance with 11.2 of the IBC Code.

Personnel protection for supply vessels with the additional service feature LHNS or WS
Decontamination showers and eyewashes


b) An alternative to the systems required in item a) may be allowed, provided the Society is satisfied that such system is not less effective.


Special requirements for supply vessels with additional service feature LHNS or WS

4.1.1 Except in the case of pollution hazard only substances, a suitable marked decontamination shower and eyewash should be available on deck in a convenient location. The shower and eyewash should be operable in all ambient conditions.


Protective and safety equipment

3.3.1 Fire main and fire hoses a) During cargo transfer, water pressure is to be maintained on the fire main system.

4.2.1 Protective and safety equipment should be kept on board in suitable locations as required by Chapter 14 of the IBC Code or the IGC Code for products to be carried.


Bureau Veritas

July 2011 with January 2012 amendments

Part D

Chapter 17

Replace Sections of Chapter 17 OIL RECOVERY SHIPS by the following Sections:


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1.1.1 Ships complying with the requirements of this Rule Note are eligible for the assignment of service notation oil recovery ship as defined in NR467 Rules for Steel Ships, Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.7.5]. 1.1.2 Ships dealt with in this Rule Note and which are greater than 500 GT are to comply with the requirements of: Part A, Part B and Part C of NR467 Rules for Steel Ships, as applicable this Rule Note, which is specific to ships having service notation oil recovery ship NR216 Materials and Welding. 1.1.3 Ships dealt with in this Rule Note and which are less than 500 GT are to comply with the requirements of: Part A and Part D, Chapter 21 of NR467 Rules for Steel Ships, as applicable NR566 Hull Arrangement, Stability and Systems for Ships less than 500 GT, as applicable this Rule Note, which is specific to ships having service notation oil recovery ship NR216 Materials and Welding.

1.1.4 Additional service feature OILTREAT The additional service feature OILTREAT may be assigned to the ships designed and equipped to recover polluted water which is subjected to a chemical and/or a physical treatment, in order to separate the oil from the polluted water. The separated oil is to be stored and transported in dedicated tanks. 1.1.5 Additional service feature SECOND-LINE The additional service feature SECOND-LINE may be assigned to the ships designed and equipped to recover polluted water in the event of spills of oils which have, at the time of recovery, a flash point exceeding 60C (closed cup test). This service feature is not to be assigned to oil recovery ships carrying heated recovered oils within 15C of their flash point.


Summary table

1.2.1 The requirements applicable to the ships having service notation oil recovery ship are summarized in Tab 1.



1.3.1 Oil recovery ship An oil recovery ship is a ship specially equipped with a fixed installation and/or a mobile equipment for the removal of oil from the sea surface and its retention on board, carriage and subsequent unloading. 1.3.2 Recovered oil Recovered oil is the top layers of polluted water collected by means of skimmers, rotating disk, floating pumps or equivalent systems together with sweeping arms, booms or similar devices.

Table 1 : Applicable requirements

Item Ship arrangement Hull Stability Machinery and cargo systems Electrical installations Automation Fire protection, detection and extinction Ships greater than 500 GT NR467, Part B NR467, Part B Sec 2 NR467, Part B Sec 2 NR467, Part C Sec 3 NR467, Part C Sec 4 NR467, Part C NR467, Part C Sec 5 Ships less than 500 GT NR566 NR467, Part D, Chapter 21 Sec 2 NR566 Sec 2 NR566 Sec 3 NR566 Sec 4 NR566 NR566 Sec 5


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Oil recovery tank

An oil recovery tank is a tank intended for the retention and the transportation of recovered oil. For ships assigned with the additional service feature OILTREAT, the oil recovery tanks may be classified in two different categories: those intended for the retention of oil removed and separated from sea water, also named accumulation tanks those intended for the retention of polluted water only, also named settling tanks. 1.3.4 Oil recovery pump room

1.3.5 Oil recovery area The oil recovery area is the part of the ship that contains the oil recovery tanks, oil recovery pumps rooms, cofferdams, ballast or void spaces surrounding the integral tanks and hold spaces in which independent tanks are located, and the following deck areas: the deck area above the oil recovery tanks the deck area extending transversely and longitudinally from the oil recovery tanks over a distance of 3 m, when the rule length is greater than 50 m. 1.3.6 Hazardous areas The hazardous areas are the areas in which an explosive atmosphere is, or may be, expected to be present in quantities such as to require special precautions for the construction, installation and use of electrical apparatus. 1.3.7 Gas-safe areas The gas-safe areas are the gas areas which are not defined as hazardous.

An oil recovery pump room is a space containing the pumps and their accessories for the handling of recovered oil.

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Pt D, Ch 17, Sec 2




Documents to be submitted

water ballast tanks fuel oil tanks hoppers spaces. In all cases, the tanks and their associated equipment and piping are to comply with all the requirements for oil recovery tanks. Fresh water tanks and tanks with a complex inner structure that can lead to obstruction can not be part of the oil recovery tanks. d) Oil recovery ships assigned with the additional service feature SECOND-LINE do no need to comply with the arrangements referred to in item a), provided that the segregation requirements for accommodations, control stations, drinking water and stores for human consumption are observed. 1.2.2 Accommodation, control station, service and machinery spaces

1.1.1 The documents listed in Tab 1 are to be submitted.


General arrangement
Tank arrangement

a) Oil recovery tanks are to be separated from machinery spaces category A, propeller shaft tunnels, dry cargo spaces, accommodations, control stations and service spaces and from drinking water and stores for human consumption by means of a cofferdam or equivalent space. Fuel oil tanks, tanks for ballast water, tanks for liquids used for oil treatment, tanks for anti-pollution liquids, storerooms for oil removal equipment and pump-rooms are considered as spaces equivalent to a cofferdam. When this cofferdam is impracticable, oil recovery tanks adjacent to the engine room may be accepted provided that: boundary bulkheads are accessible for inspection the boundary bulkheads are fitted continuously through joining structure to the top of the tank, where full penetration welding is to be carried out the tanks are to be pressure tested at each renewal survey. b) Oil recovery tanks are to be located abaft the collision bulkhead. c) For ships non-exclusively dedicated to oil recovery operations, the ship may use the following tanks as oil recovery tanks: tanks covered by the service notation supply vessel with additional service feature oil product, LHNS or WS, if designed for a cargo mass density of, at least, 1,025 t/m3

a) Accommodation or service spaces, control stations or machinery spaces category A are to be located outside the oil recovery area. b) Unless they are spaced at least 7 m away from the oil recovery area entrances, air inlets and openings to accommodation, service and machinery spaces category A and control stations should not face the oil recovery area. Doors to spaces not having access to accommodation, service and machinery spaces and control stations, such as oil recovery control stations, storerooms or equipment rooms, may be permitted by the Society within the 7 m zone specified above, provided the boundaries of the spaces are insulated to A-60 standard. 1.2.3 Access to spaces in oil recovery area

Access hatches (at least 600 mm x 600 mm of clear opening) within the oil recovery area are to be direct from the open deck. Such access should be suitable for cleaning and gas-freeing.

Table 1 : Documents to be submitted

Item N 1 2 3 4 (1) General arrangement General arrangement of access and openings Procedure and limiting conditions for recovering oil, oil recovery transfer, tank cleaning, gas freeing and ballasting Specification of the oil removal operational test Description of the document Status of the review (1) A A I I

A = for approval, I = for information.


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Pt D, Ch 17, Sec 2


Oil recovery tank construction


Hull scantlings
Additional loads

a) A cargo density of 1,025 t/m 3 is to be considered for calculating the internal pressures and forces in cargo tanks according to Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 6. b) All tank openings and connections to the tank are to terminate above the weather deck and should be located in the tops of the tanks. c) The structural design of the tanks should take into account the carriage temperature, and additional strength calculation may be required in case of risk of sloshing induced loads.

3.1.1 For the checking of structures supporting oil recovery equipment, the reactions induced by this equipment during oil recovery operations may be calculated assuming that the oil recovery operations take place in moderate sea conditions (accelerations reduced by 10%). 3.1.2 If cranes are used during oil recovery operations, the scantling of their supporting structures is to be checked according to NR526 Rules for the Certification of Lifting Appliances, Sec 3 and Sec 4. Environmental conditions defined in NR526, Sec 3, [3.3] may be based on curve 5. 3.1.3 In case of oil collected in movable tanks fitted on the weather deck, the resulting reactions to be considered for deck scantling are to be calculated, as a rule, according to Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 6.


Intact stability

2.1.1 General In addition to the standard loading conditions specified in Pt B, Ch 3, App 2, [1.2.1], the following loading cases are to be included in the trim and stability booklet for ships assigned with the service notation oil recovery ship: ship in the fully loaded departure to the oil recovery spot having all the oil recovery equipment installed on board ship in the worst anticipated operating during oil recovery operation; the worst operating condition regarding free surface effects when the equipment is fitted in the most unfavourable condition (for example, swiping arm extended).


Construction and testing


4.1.1 Oil removal equipment Tests are to be carried out according to a specification submitted by the interested Party, in order to check the proper operation of the oil recovery equipment. These tests may be performed during dock and sea trials.

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Documents to be submitted


Arrangement of piping systems

1.1.1 The documents listed in Tab 1 are to be submitted.

Machinery installation and piping system other than oil recovery system
Sea water cooling system

a) Piping systems for handling recovered oil are not to pass through: accommodation spaces service spaces control stations machinery spaces of category A. b) Pumping and piping systems intended for recovered oil are to be independent from the other pumping and piping systems of the ship, except in the following cases: If sections of the cargo system covered by the service notation supply vessel (with the additional service feature oil product, LHNS or WS) or if fuel oil tanks are used, means are to be provided to isolate the oil recovery system from any other system from which it may be connected. The connection between the cargo system and the recovered oil transfer piping may consist of movable pipe sections. If water ballast tanks are used as oil recovery tanks when the ship is in oil recovery mode, the water ballast piping is to be blanked-off at the nearest position at the tank before starting the oil recovery operation. The connection between the oil recovery piping and the water ballast tanks is to be done by means of detachable spool pieces. c) Piping intended for recovered oil and located below the main deck may run from the tank it serves and penetrate tank bulkheads or boundaries common to longitudinally or transversely adjacent oil recovery tanks, ballast tanks, empty tanks, pump-rooms or oil recovery pump-rooms, provided that inside the tank it serves it is fitted with a stop-valve operable from the weather deck. As an alternative, where an oil recovery tank is adjacent to an oil recovery pump-room, the stop valve operable from the weather deck may be situated on the tank bulkhead on the oil recovery pump-room side, provided an additional valve is fitted between the bulkhead valve and the oil recovery pump. A totally enclosed hydraulically operated valve located outside the oil recovery tank may also be accepted, provided that the valve is: - fitted on the bulkhead of the oil recovery tank it serves - suitably protected against mechanical damage - fitted at a distance from the shell as required for damage protection, and - operable from the weather deck. d) Transfer of recovered oil through hatches (by means of flexible hoses or movable piping) is not permitted except if the additional service feature SECOND-LINE is assigned.


2.1.1 One of the suctions serving the sea water cooling system (see NR467, Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [10.7.1]) is to be located in the lower part of the hull.


Water fire-extinguishing system

2.2.1 Sea suctions serving the fire water pumps are to be located as low as possible.


Exhaust gas systems

a) Exhaust lines from engines, gas turbines, boilers and incinerators are to be led outside any hazardous area (as defined in Section 4) above the deck and are to be fitted with a spark arrester. The spark arrester is not required if the ship is assigned with the additional service feature SECOND-LINE. b) Where the distance between the exhaust lines of engines and the hazardous areas is less than 3 m, the ducts are to be fitted in a position: near the waterline, if cooled by water injection, or below the waterline, in the other cases.

Pumping system, piping system and pump-rooms intended for recovered oil
Design of pumping and piping systems


The provisions of NR467, Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 4, [3] and NR467, Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10 are to be complied with, as far as applicable.


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Pt D, Ch 17, Sec 3

Table 1 : Documents to be submitted

Status of the review (2) I A A A A A A A

Item N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (1) (2)

Description of the document (1) General plan of the system for oil recovery and specification of all relevant apparatuses Schematic arrangement of recovered oil piping and pumping systems Tank venting arrangement Diagram of the bilge and ballast systems serving the spaces located in the oil recovery area Specification of the anti-explosion devices (crankcase explosion relief valves, spark arresters) provided for diesel engines Location and arrangement of sea chests for engine cooling and fire-fighting purposes Diagram of the oil recovery cargo tank level gauging system with overfilling safety arrangement Diagram of the cargo heating system, where applicable

Diagrams are also to include, where applicable, the (local and remote) control and monitoring systems and automation systems. A = for approval, I = for information.


Oil recovery pumps


Oil recovery tank fittings

Vent pipes

a) Oil recovery pumps are to comply with the requirements of cargo pumps for oil tanker, flash point > 60C (see NR467, Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 4, [3.2]). b) Oil recovery pumps are to be capable of being remotely shutdown from a location which is manned during oil recovery operations and from at least one other location outside the oil recovery area. c) If an oil recovery pump serves more than one tank, a stop valve is to be fitted in the line of each tank. d) For ships non exclusively dedicated to oil recovery operation, the use of portable pumps or pumps serving cargo systems may be permitted, subject to special consideration by the Society.

4.1.1 a) Vent pipes of oil recovery tanks are to lead to the open at least 2,4 m above the weather deck. b) Vent pipes are to be located at a distance of at least 5,0 m measured horizontally from the nearest air intake or opening to accommodations, control stations, service and machinery spaces of category A and other gas-safe spaces and from ignition sources. c) Openings of vent pipes are to be so arranged as to allow a direct flow upwards and fitted with: flameproof wire gauze made of corrosion resistant material easily removable for cleaning, and closing appliances complying with the provisions of NR467, Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [9.1]. d) For ships non exclusively dedicated to oil recovery operations, portable vent pipes may be accepted.


Oil recovery pump-rooms

a) Pump-rooms containing the pumps for handling the recovered oil are to be provided with a fixed fire-extinguishing system suitable for machinery spaces of category A except if the ship is assigned with the additional service feature SECOND-LINE. b) Means are to be provided to deal with drainage and any possible leakage from oil recovery pumps and valves in the oil recovery pump-room. Bilge pumping arrangement is to be situated entirely within the oil recovery area. The bilge system is to be operable from outside the oil recovery pump-room. Oil recovery pumps may also be used provided they are connected to the oil recovery pump-room bilge piping through a shut-off valve and a non-return valve arranged in series. c) For ventilation of oil recovery transfer pump-rooms, see Ch 17, Sec 5, [2]. d) Oil recovery pump-rooms are to have no direct communication with machinery spaces of category A.


Level gauging and overfilling control

Level gauging

Oil recovery tanks are to be fitted with sounding pipes or other level gauging devices of a type approved by the Society. 4.2.2 Overfilling control

a) Oil recovery tanks are to be fitted with a high level alarm or an overflow control system except if the oil recovery tank is an open hopper space. b) The high level alarm is to be of a type approved by the Society and is to give an audible and visual alarm.

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Heating systems

means for locating the oil/water interface in the oil recovery tanks are to be provided discharges of processed water from the separating process are to take place above waterline for visual control if chemical additives are added, the coating of the oil recovery tanks is to be compatible. The Shipyard is responsible for providing compatibility information to the ship operator and/or the master adequate means are to be provided for cleaning the oil recovery tanks.

5.1.1 Heating systems fitted to oil recovery tanks are to comply with the provisions of NR467, Ch 7, Sec 4, [2.6].


Additional requirements
Ships assigned with the additional service feature OILTREAT

6.1.1 When the separating system designed to reduce the oil content in the water being discharged into the sea is of a gravity type (single or in series):

6.1.2 Other types of separating system (e.g. gravity type coalescing, centrifugal separator, ) are to be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.


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Pt D, Ch 17, Sec 4





1.1.1 The requirements in this Section apply, in addition to those contained in Part C, Chapter 2.

b) power supplies, control circuits and instrumentation circuits in non-hazardous areas where technical or safety reasons preclude the use of a system with no connection to earth, provided the current in the hull is limited to not more than 5 A in both normal and fault conditions; or c) earthed systems, provided that any possible resulting hull current does not flow directly through any hazardous area; or d) isolating transformers or other adequate means, to be provided if the distribution system is extended to areas remote from the machinery space. 2.1.4 In insulated distribution systems, no current carrying part is to be earthed, other than: a) through an insulation level monitoring device b) through components used for the suppression of interference in radio circuits.


Documentation to be submitted

1.2.1 In addition to the documentation requested in Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 1, [2.1.1], the documents listed in Tab 1 are to be submitted.


Design requirements
System of supply

2.1.1 The following systems of generation and distribution of electrical energy are acceptable: a) direct current: two-wire insulated b) alternating current: single-phase, two-wire insulated three-phase, three-wire insulated. 2.1.2 Earthed systems with hull return are not permitted, with the following exceptions to the satisfaction of the Society: a) impressed current cathodic protective systems b) limited and locally earthed systems, such as starting and ignition systems of internal combustion engines, provided that any possible resulting current does not flow directly through any hazardous area c) insulation level monitoring devices, provided that the circulation current of the devices does not exceed 30 mA under the most unfavourable conditions. 2.1.3 Earthed systems without hull return are not permitted, with the following exceptions: a) earthed intrinsically safe circuits and the following other systems to the satisfaction of the Society;


Earth detection

2.2.1 The devices intended to continuously monitor the insulation level of all distribution systems are also to monitor all circuits, other than intrinsically safe circuits, connected to apparatus in hazardous areas or passing through such areas. An audible and visual alarm is to be given, at a manned position, in the event of an abnormally low level of insulation.


Hazardous locations and types of equipment

Electrical equipment permitted in hazardous areas

3.1.1 In order to facilitate the selection of appropriate electrical apparatus and the design of suitable electrical installation, hazardous areas are classified in zones (zone 0, zone 1 and zone 2), according to Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 1, [3.24.3]. The different spaces are to be classified according to Tab 2 or Tab 3, as applicable. The types of electrical equipment permitted, depending on the zone where they are installed, are specified in Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [10].

Table 1 : Documents to be submitted

Item N 1 2 (1) Description of the document Plan of hazardous areas and location of electrical equipment Document giving details of types of cables and safety characteristics of the equipment installed in hazardous areas Status of the review (1) A A

A = for approval, I = for information.

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Pt D, Ch 17, Sec 4

3.1.2 The explosion group and temperature class of electrical equipment of a certified safe type are to be at least IIA and T3.

service spaces, machinery spaces, control stations and similar spaces, and a hazardous area. Access (other than access between oil recovery pumprooms and machinery spaces category A) may, however, be accepted between such spaces and hazardous areas, provided that: a) safe spaces are fitted with forced ventilation in order to maintain an overpressure therein b) access doors are: 1) of a self-closing type and arranged to swing into the safer space, so that they are kept closed by the overpressure, with the self-closing device capable of shutting the doors against an inclination of 3,5 opposing closure, without hold-back hooks keeping them in an open position, or 2) gas-tight, kept closed during oil recovery operation until gas freeing is carried out, and provided with a warning plate (suitable instructions are given in the oil recovery manual).


Additional requirements for machinery installations in hazardous areas

3.2.1 Hazardous areas are not to contain: internal combustion engines steam turbines and steam piping with a steam temperature in excess of 200C other piping systems and heat exchangers with a surface temperature exceeding 200 any other source of ignition.


Openings, access and ventilation conditions affecting the extent of hazardous areas

3.3.1 There are normally not to be access doors or other openings between a safe space, such as accommodation or

Table 2 : Oil recovery ships - Space descriptions and hazardous area zones
Hazardous area Zone 0 Zone 1 Spaces N 1 2 Description Oil recovery tanks, pipes and equipment containing the recovered oil Areas on open deck or semi-enclosed spaces on open deck within 3 m of any oil recovery tank outlet, oil recovery manifold valve, oil recovery valve, oil recovery pipe flange, oil recovery hatches Cofferdams and enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces adjacent to or immediately above oil recovery tank which do not contain pipes, valves or other equipment for the handling of recovered oil unless separated by gas-tight boundaries and fitted with forced ventilation capable of giving at least 20 air changes per hour. An alarm on the navigation bridge is to be provided to indicate any loss of the required ventilation capacity. The alarm is to be initiated by fall-out of starter relay fan motor For open hopper dredgers operating as oil recovery ships: the area above the hopper extended to the maximum breath of the ship with an unlimited height Oil recovery pump-rooms Enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces for the storage of floating pumps, associated hoses and equipment for the handling of recovered oil unless acceptable means are provided to drain or empty the equipment after completion of oil recovery operation Double bottoms or duct keels located under oil recovery tanks unless separated by gas-tight boundaries and fitted with forced ventilation capable of giving at least 20 air changes per hour. An alarm on the navigation bridge is be provided to indicate any loss of the required ventilation capacity. The alarm is to be initiated by fall-out of starter relay fan motor Enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces containing pipes, valves or other equipment for the handling of recovered oil unless made of entirely welded construction except for necessary flanged connections to valves, expansion joints, spool pieces and similar fittings or where required for coating, lining, fabrication, inspection or maintenance Areas on open deck over all oil recovery tanks up to a height of 2,4 m above the deck

Zone 1

Zone 1 Zone 1 Zone 2

4 5 6

Zone 2

Zone 2

Zone 2

Table 3 : Oil recovery ships, second-line - Space descriptions and hazardous area zones
Hazardous area Zone 2 Spaces N 1 Description Oil recovery tanks, any pipe work of pressure relief or other venting system for oil recovery tanks, pipes and equipment containing recovered oil


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Pt D, Ch 17, Sec 5




Documents to be submitted

2.2.6 The ventilation system is to be capable of being controlled from outside the oil recovery pump-room. 2.2.7 Provision is to be made to ventilate such spaces prior to entering the compartment and operating the equipment and a warning notice requiring the use of such a ventilation is to be placed outside the compartment. 2.2.8 Ventilation ducts are not to lead through accommodations, service and machinery spaces or other similar spaces.

1.1.1 The documents listed in Tab 1 are to be submitted for approval.

Mechanical ventilation in the oil recovery area




2.1.1 Spaces considered as hazardous are to have a ventilation system independent from those serving gas-safe spaces.

Ventilation of enclosed spaces normally entered during oil recovery operation other than recovery oil pump rooms


Ventilation of recovered oil pump rooms

2.2.1 Oil recovery pump rooms are to be provided with a mechanical ventilation system of the extraction type capable of giving at least 20 air changes per hour. 2.2.2 Ventilation intakes are to be so arranged as to minimise the possibility of recycling hazardous vapours from ventilation discharge openings. 2.2.3 Ventilation exhaust ducts are to discharge upwards to a gas-safe area on the weather deck in locations at least 3,0 m from any ventilation intake and opening to accommodations, service and machinery spaces, control stations and other spaces outside the oil recovery area. 2.2.4 Protection screens of not more than 13 mm square mesh are to be fitted on ventilation duct intakes and outlets. 2.2.5 Ventilation fans are to be of non-sparking construction as per NR467, Ch 7, Sec 1, [1.3.10].

2.3.1 Enclosed spaces normally entered within the oil recovery area are to be provided with a mechanical ventilation system of the extraction type capable of giving at least 8 air changes per hour. 2.3.2 Ventilation intakes are to be located at a distance of not less than 3,0 m from the ventilation outlets of oil recovery pump-rooms.


Fire protection and fighting

Vapor detector

3.1.1 At least one portable gas detection instrument capable of measuring flammable vapour concentrations in air and an equipment for oil flashpoint measurements are to be provided on board. Alternatively, instead of a portable gas detection instrument, a fixed system may be accepted provided that the sample is drawn from a point within 6,0 m from the waterline.

Table 1 : Documents to be submitted

Status of the review A

Item N 1

Description of the document (1) Diagram of mechanical and natural ventilation with indication of inlets and outlets serving: spaces within the oil recovery area machinery spaces accommodation spaces Specification of flammable gas detectors and flash point measurement equipment Drawing and specification of the fixed, if any, or movable fire-fighting system

2 3 (1)


Diagrams are also to include, where applicable, the (local and remote) control and monitoring systems and automation systems.

Amendments July 2012

Bureau Veritas


Pt D, Ch 17, Sec 5


Structural fire protection

3.2.1 Unless they are located at least 7,0 m from the nearest oil recovery area, exterior boundaries of the superstructures and deckhouses enclosing accommodations and including any overhanging decks which support such accommodations are to be insulated to A-60 standard for the whole of the portions which face the oil recovery areas up to the underside of the navigation bridge deck and for a distance of 3,0 m aft or forward of such areas. Alternatively to A-60 insulation, a fixed water-spraying system capable of delivering water at a rate of 10 l/m2/min may be accepted. This system is to comply with the requirements listed in NR467, Pt D, Ch 16, Sec 4, [3], except that the only protected area is to be the exterior boundaries of the superstructures and deckhouses enclosing accommodations and including any overhanging decks which support such accommodations facing the oil recovery area. 3.2.2 Windows and sidescuttles fitted within 7,0 m from the nearest oil recovery area are to have the same fire integrity as the bulkhead in which they are fitted. If they have a

lower fire rating because they are protected by the fixed water-spraying system mentioned in [3.2.1], windows and sidescuttles are to be fitted with inside covers of steel or other equivalent material having a thickness equal to the bulkhead in which they are fitted. Where they are not of the fixed type, they are to be such as to ensure an efficient gastight closure. 3.2.3 Ships assigned with the additional service feature SECOND-LINE do not need to comply with [3.2.1] and [3.2.2].



3.3.1 For the protection of the oil recovery area, the following fire-fighting equipment is to be provided near the working area: two dry powder fire extinguishers, each with a capacity of at least 50 kg or equivalent at least one portable foam extinguishing applicator complying with NR467, Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 14, [3.2.2].


Bureau Veritas

Amendments July 2012

Part D

Ch 20, Sec 3, [3.4.5]

Replace the last item of the bulleted list by:

for cargo tweendeck: pLD = 7 hTD , to be taken not less than 10 kN/m 2

Amendments July 2012

Bureau Veritas


Part E

Amendments to PART E

Ch 1, Sec 1, [2.1.2]

Replace the first item of the bulleted list by:

items (such as a plating panels, ordinary stiffeners or primary supporting members) for which the structural analysis carried out at the design stage showed that the ratio between the stresses from applied loads and the allowable limits exceeded 0,975

Ch 1, Sec 2, [1.2.1]

Replace the last item of the bulleted list by:

the Society reviews the Inspection and Maintenance Plan, taking into account the results of the structural analysis, as well as the information concerning the ship database.

Ch 2, Sec 1, [3.3.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace, in requirement [3.3.1], the rule reference Ch 2, Sec 2, [1.2.1] by [2.2.1].

Ch 3, Sec 1, [1.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace requirement [1.1.4] by:

1.1.4 For ships not covered by SOLAS, the following requirements are applicable: piping and arrangements of fuel oil and lubricating oil systems: Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10 control of electrical installations: Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [2.2.7], Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [2.2.8] and Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [2.2.9] arrangements of remote stop: Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 2, [2.1] arrangements of machinery spaces: Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 6, [4.1.2].

Ch 3, Sec 1, [3.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Delete requirement [3.1.2].


Bureau Veritas

Amendments July 2012

Part E

Ch 4, Sec 1, [1.3.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the 13th item in the bulleted list of item g) by:

performance standards for electronic chart display and information systems (Resolution MSC.191 (79), MSC.232 (82))

Insert the following item between the 20th and 21st items in the bulleted list of item g):
adoption of the revised performance standards for integrated, navigation systems (INS) (Resolution MSC.252 (83))

Ch 4, Sec 1, [1.4.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Delete the 18th and 19th items (OMBO) and the 24th and 25th items (Vigilance system and Watch alarm) of the bulleted list.
Ch 4, Sec 1, Table 1 (Amendments January 2012)

Delete row N8 and replace row N10 by:

Table 1 : Documentation to be submitted
N 10 I/A (1) A Diagram of the BNWAS (2) Documentation

Ch 4, Sec 1, Table 2 (Amendments January 2012)

Delete the 11th row (Call system) in Table 2.

Ch 4, Sec 1, [6] (Amendments January 2012)

Delete sub-article [6.1].

Ch 4, Sec 2, [1.2.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the 7th, 9th, 13th and 15th items of the bulleted list by:
IMO A.1021 (26): 2009, Code on alerts and indicators IMO SN.1/Circ.288: 2010, Guidelines for bridge equipment and systems, their arrangement and integration (BES) IMO MSC.252 (83): performance standards for an integrated navigation system (INS) IMO MSC.191 (79), MSC.232 (82): performance standards for electronic chart display and information systems

Ch 4, Sec 2, Table 1 (Amendments January 2012)

Delete the 13th row (Call system) and replace the first and the 12th rows of Table 1 by:
T2 :

Table 1 : List of mandatory equipment

Additional class notation SYS-IBS optional yes SYS-IBS-1 INS yes

Equipment Integrated Navigation System (INS) Bridge Navigation Watch Alarm System (BNWAS)

Amendments July 2012

Bureau Veritas


Part E

Ch 4, Sec 2, [1.3] (Amendments January 2012)

Delete requirements [1.3.17] and [1.3.18]. Replace requirement [1.3.19] by:

1.3.19 Passage execution: the function of passage execution in an Integrated Bridge System (IBS), as defined by IEC 61209, may be performed by an INS.

Ch 4, Sec 2, [3.1.2] (Amendments January 2012)

Add the following paragraph at the end of requirement [3.1.2]:

Software is to be developed in accordance with Pt C, Ch 3, Sec 3.

Ch 4, Sec 2, Table 2 (Amendments January 2012)

Delete row N10 and replace row N12 by:

T3 :

Table 2 : Documentation to be submitted


N 12

I/A (1) A Diagram of the BNWAS (2)

Ch 4, Sec 2, [5.1.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace reference IEC 1162 by IEC 61162 in item a).

Ch 4, Sec 2, [6.2.2] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the 1st item in the bulleted list of item a) by:

collect IMO requirements referring generally to SYSIBS (e.g. SOLAS Chapter V and Code on Alerts and Indicators (IMO A.1021 (26))

Ch 4, Sec 2, [6.2.3] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace reference IEC 1161 by IEC 61162 in the 14th item of the bulleted list. Replace reference IEC 1162-1 by IEC 61162-1 in the 17th item of the bulleted list.

Ch 4, Sec 2, [6.4.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace reference IEC 1162 by IEC 61162 in the 1st item of the bulleted list. Replace references IMO A.686 and A.830 by IMO A.1021 (26) in the 2nd item of the bulleted list.


Bureau Veritas

Amendments July 2012

Part E

Ch 6, Sec 1, [1.1.1]

Replace the sentence introducing the first bulleted list by:

The additional class notations COMF-NOISE and COMF-VIB are assigned, in accordance with Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.7], to the following ships:

Replace the sentence introducing the second bulleted list by:

The notations COMF-NOISE and COMF-VIB are to be completed as follows:

Ch 6, Sec 1, [1.2.1]

Delete , or under supervision of in requirement [1.2.1].

Ch 6, Sec 1, [1.3.1]

Replace the sentence introducing the bulleted list by:

The present Chapter refers to the following standards applicable to noise:

Delete Part 13, "Guidelines" in the 7th item of the bulleted list. Add the following item at the end of the bulleted list:
ISO 1996, "Acoustics - Description, measurements and assessment of environmental noise", namely: - Part 1, "Basic quantities and assessment procedure" - Part 2, "Determination of environmental noise levels".

Ch 6, Sec 1, [1.3.2]

Replace the sentence introducing the bulleted list by:

The present Chapter refers to the following standards applicable to vibration:

Ch 6, Sec 1, [2.1.2]

Replace item a) of the alphanumeric list by:

a) General: Measurement and calibration equipments are to meet the requirements of ISO 2923, IEC 61672-1, IEC 61260 and IEC 60942 for noise, and ISO 6954 and ISO 8041 for vibration. Sound insulation measurement is to be carried out according to ISO 140-4 and ISO 140-14. Impact measurement is to be carried out according to ISO 140-7 and ISO 140-14. Noise and vibration calibrators are to be verified at least every year. Measuring equipments are to be verified at least every two year. This verification is to be done by a national standard laboratory or a competent laboratory accredited according to ISO 17025 (2005) as corrected by (Cor 1:2006).

Amendments July 2012

Bureau Veritas


Part E

Ch 6, Sec 1, [2.1.3]

Replace item a) of the alphanumeric list by:

a) For noise level: The nominal noise level is evaluated with LAeq,T value. LAeq,T (dB (A) re. 20Pa) is the equivalent continuous A weighted sound pressure level, T greater than 20 seconds. Results are to be given on a table in global values (dB (A)).

Delete items c) and d).

Ch 6, Sec 1, [2.1.4]

Delete , or under the supervision of in the first paragraph of requirement [2.1.4].

Ch 6, Sec 1, [2.2]

Delete requirement [2.2.2].

Ch 6, Sec 1, [2.2.3]

Replace the first item of the first bulleted list by:

3 dB (A) for 18% of all measured cabins and 5 dB (A) for 2% of all measured cabins (with a minimum of 1 cabin)

Ch 6, Sec 1, [2.3.1]

Delete the last sentence of requirement [2.3.1].

Ch 6, Sec 1, [3.2]

Replace requirement [3.2.1] by:

3.2.1 Part of the noise measurement tests is to be conducted at quay or at anchorage (impact noises, determination of insulation indexes between rooms). For these specific tests, no particular condition concerning output, loading conditions, water depth, weather conditions are required.

Ch 6, Sec 1, [3.3]

Replace requirements [3.3.1] and [3.3.2] by:

3.3.1 During the sea trials, propeller output is to correspond to the operating conditions specification of the ship and not less than 80% of the maximum continuous rating (MCR). In particular, ships which are frequently operated by means of a Dynamic Positioning system (DP system) shall require additional measurements to be performed in DP mode. The Owner, Shipyard and Society shall agree on a process to simulate the operation of the DP thruster system under conditions which would approximate station-holding at, or above, 40 per cent of maximum thruster power for design environmental conditions that the ship operates in. The list of machine and equipment to be run during the tests is, at least, to include (if present) the following:


Bureau Veritas

Amendments July 2012

Part E

generating sets air conditioning and machinery ventilation evaporators anti rolling devices compressors and chillers cold rooms waste treatment units

swimming pool with pumps jacuzzi and thalassotherapy equipment laundry with the entire equipment running. 3.3.2 Any other frequently used equipment (more than 1/3 of the time at sea) is to be run at its normal operating conditions (if practicable).

Ch 6, Sec 2, [2.3]

Replace requirement [2.3.1] by:

2.3.1 Between two adjacent accommodation spaces, acoustic insulation is to be greater than the requirements given in Tab 2 and Tab 3. Measurements are to be performed in situ, ship at quay or at anchorage.

Ch 6, Sec 2

Replace Table 1 by:

T4 :

Table 1 : Noise level requirements

LAeq,T in dB (A) grade = 1 63 50 55 60 72 60 65 75 70 IMO resolution A 468 (XII) grade = 2 64 54 58 63 73 63 68 75 73 grade = 3 65 58 60 65 75 65 70 75 75

Locations Wheelhouse Passenger cabins Crew cabins Offices Galleys Public spaces (type B), mess rooms (1) Passages and type D spaces (1) Engine control room Open public areas Other workspaces (1)

For the definition of type A to type D public spaces, refer to Ch 6, Sec 1, [1.4.1].

Replace Table 2 and Table 3 by:

T5 :

Table 2 : Apparent weighted sound reduction indexes Rw in dB for passenger areas

Locations grade = 1 40 38 50 53 grade = 2 38 36 50 50 grade = 3 36 34 50 48

T6 :

Table 3 : Apparent weighted sound reduction indexes Rw in dB for crew areas

Locations grade = 1 37 35 35 45 grade = 2 35 32 32 45 grade = 3 32 30 30 45

Cabin to cabin Corridor to cabin Stairs to cabin Public spaces to cabin

Cabin to cabin Corridor to cabin Stairs to cabin Public spaces to cabin

Note 1: When the area of the tested partition is less than 10 m2, a minimum value of 10 m2 is to be considered for the calculation of index R'w.

Note 1: When the area of the tested partition is less than 10 m2, a minimum value of 10 m2 is to be considered for the calculation of index R'w.

Amendments July 2012

Bureau Veritas


Part E

Ch 6, Sec 2, Table 4

Replace the head of Table 4 and insert the rows Offices and Galleys as follows:
Locations Offices Galleys Vibration velocity (mm/s) values from 1 Hz to 80 Hz grade = 1 3 5 grade = 2 4 5,5 grade = 3 5 6

Ch 6, Sec 2, Table 5

Replace the head of Table 5 and insert the rows Offices and Galleys as follows:
Locations Offices Galleys Vibration velocity (mm/s peak) values from 5 Hz to 100 Hz grade = 1PK 3 5 grade = 2PK 3,5 5,5 grade = 3PK 4 6

Ch 6, Sec 2, Table 6

Replace the head of Table 6 and insert the rows Offices and Galleys as follows:
Locations Offices Galleys 96 157 Acceleration (mm/s2 peak) values from 1 Hz to 5 Hz grade = 1PK grade = 2PK 111 172 grade = 3PK 125 188

Ch 6, Sec 3, [2.1.2]

Replace the first sentence in item a) of the alphanumeric list by:

Measurements are to be taken at a height between 1,2 and 1,6 m from the deck and at a distance above 1,0 m from any boundary surface of the room.

Ch 6, Sec 3, [2.3]

Replace requirement [2.3.1] by:

2.3.1 Between two adjacent accommodation spaces, acoustic insulation is to be greater than the requirements given in Tab 1. Measurements are to be performed in situ, ship at quay or at anchorage.


Bureau Veritas

Amendments July 2012

Part E

Ch 6, Sec 3

Replace Table 1 by:

T7 :

Table 1 : Apparent weighted sound reduction indexes Rw in dB for crew areas

Locations grade = 1 37 35 35 45 grade = 2 35 32 32 45 grade = 3 32 30 30 45

Cabin to cabin Corridor to cabin Stairs to cabin Public spaces to cabin

Note 1: When the area of the tested partition is less than 10 m2, a minimum value of 10 m2 is to be considered for the calculation of index R'w.

Replace Table 2 by:

T8 :

Table 2 : Noise level requirements

LAeq,T in dB (A) grade = 1 60 55 52 57 57 55 70 70 72 85 70 grade = 2 63 57 55 60 60 58 73 73 72 85 73 grade = 3 65 60 60 65 65 60 75 75 75 85 75

Locations Wheelhouse Radio room (1) Cabins Offices Public spaces, mess rooms Hospital Engine control room (2) Open recreation areas (3) Galleys (2) Workshops (2) Alleyways, staircases and passages in crew areas (1) (2) (3)

Equipment switched on but not emitting. Equipment switched on but not processing. Measurement carried out with 3 Beaufort or less, with a windscreen microphone protection.

Ch 6, Sec 4, [2.1.2]

Add the following sentence at the end of item c):

These measurements are dedicated to passenger cabins only.

Ch 6, Sec 4, [2.3]

Replace requirement [2.3.1] by:

2.3.1 Between two adjacent accommodation spaces, acoustic insulation is to be greater than the requirements given in Tab 1 and Tab 2. Measurements are to be performed in situ, ship at quay or at anchorage.

Amendments July 2012

Bureau Veritas


Part E

Ch 6, Sec 4

Replace Table 1 and Table 2 by:

T9 :

Table 1 : Apparent weighted sound reduction indexes Rw in dB for passenger areas

Locations grade = 1 45 41 grade = 2 42 38 grade = 3 40 36

T10 :

Table 2 : Apparent weighted sound reduction indexes Rw in dB for crew areas

Locations grade = 1 37 35 35 45 grade = 2 35 32 32 45 grade = 3 32 30 30 45

Cabin to cabin (top level) Cabin to cabin (standard) Cabin to cabin with communication door (standard) Corridor to cabin (top level) Corridor to cabin Stairs to cabin Public spaces to cabin Discotheques and show rooms to cabin

Cabin to cabin Corridor to cabin Stairs to cabin Public spaces and mess to cabin




42 38 48 53 64

40 36 45 50 62

37 34 45 48 60

Note 1: When the area of the tested partition is less than 10 m2, a minimum value of 10 m2 is to be considered for the calculation of index R'w.

Note 1: When the area of the tested partition is less than 10 m2, a minimum value of 10 m2 is to be considered for the calculation of index R'w.

Replace Table 3 by:

T 11 :

Table 3 : Noise level requirements

LAeq,T in dB (A) grade = 1 45 49 55 60 65 53 65 60 55 52 57 57 55 70 70 72 85 70 grade = 2 47 53 58 63 68 56 70 63 57 55 60 60 57 73 73 72 85 73 grade = 3 50 56 62 65 72 59 75 65 60 60 63 63 60 75 75 75 85 75

Locations Passenger top level cabins Passenger standard cabins Restaurants, cafeterias and type B spaces (1) Public shop, passages (type D) (1) Passenger spaces (type A) (1) Passenger spaces (type C) (1) Outside installations (swimming pools, sport decks, ...) (2) (4) Wheelhouse Radio room (3) Crew cabins Offices Crew public spaces, mess rooms Hospital Engine control room (3) Crew open recreation areas (2) Galleys (2) Workshops (2) Alleyways, staircases and passages in crew areas (1) (2) (3) (4)

For the definition of type A to type D public spaces, refer to Ch 6, Sec 1, [1.4.1]. A tolerance of 5 dB (A) may be accepted for measurements at less than 3 m from ventilation inlet/outlet. Equipment switched on but not processing. Measurement carried out with 3 Beaufort or less, with a windscreen microphone protection.


Bureau Veritas

Amendments July 2012

Part E

Ch 6, Sec 4, [3.1.2]

Replace the bulleted list by:

From the aft part of the ship to the front bulkhead of the casing: - minimum of 20% of cabins - all public spaces and open decks. For large public rooms (lounges, restaurants, ) measurements are to be carried out in different locations, each measuring point covering less than 80 m2. From the front bulkhead of the casing to the fore end of the ship: - minimum of 10% of cabins - all public spaces and open decks. For large public rooms (lounges, restaurants, ) measurements are to be carried out in different locations, each measuring point covering less than 150 m2.

Ch 6, Sec 4, Tab 4, Ch 6, Sec 4, Tab 5 and Ch 6, Sec 4, Tab 6

Replace note (1) in the foot of Table 4, Table 5 and Table 6 by:
T12 :


For the definition of type A to type D public spaces, refer to Ch 6, Sec 1, [1.4.1].

Ch 6, Sec 5, [2.1.2]

Add the following sentence at the end of item c):

These measurements are dedicated to passenger cabins only.

Ch 6, Sec 5, [2.2.1]

Replace reference Ch 6, Sec 1, [1.3] by Ch 6, Sec 1, [1.4].

Ch 6, Sec 5, [2.3]

Replace requirement [2.3.1] by:

2.3.1 Between two adjacent accommodation spaces, acoustic insulation is to be greater than the requirements given in Tab 1 and Tab F. Measurements are to be performed in situ, ship at quay or at anchorage.

Ch 6, Sec 5

Replace Table 1 and insert Table F as follows:

T13 :

Table 1 : Apparent weighted sound reduction indexes Rw in dB for passenger areas

Locations grade = 1 45 42 48 55 64 grade = 2 42 40 45 53 62 grade = 3 40 37 45 50 60

T14 :

Table F : Apparent weighted sound reduction indexes Rw in dB for crew areas

Locations grade = 1 37 35 35 45 grade = 2 35 32 32 45 grade = 3 32 30 30 45

Cabin to cabin Corridor to cabin Stairs to cabin Public spaces to cabin Public spaces designed for loud music to cabin

Cabin to cabin Corridor to cabin Stairs to cabin Public spaces to cabin

Note 1: When the area of the tested partition is less than 10 m2, a minimum value of 10 m2 is to be considered for the calculation of index R'w.

Note 1: When the area of the tested partition is less than 10 m2, a minimum value of 10 m2 is to be considered for the calculation of index R'w.

Amendments July 2012

Bureau Veritas


Part E

Replace Table 2 by:

T 15 :

Table 2 : Noise level requirements

LAeq,T in dB (A) Locations grade = 1 Wheelhouse Passengers cabins Lounges Open recreation areas (1) Crew cabins Public spaces (type B), mess rooms (2) Passages and type D spaces (2) Other workspaces (1) (2) 40 45 55 45 55 60 Harbour grade = 2 45 50 60 50 58 63 grade = 3 50 55 65 55 60 65 grade = 1 65 50 55 75 55 60 65 Sea grade = 2 65 54 58 80 58 63 68 grade = 3 65 58 62 85 60 65 72

IMO resolution A 468 (XII)

Measurement carried out with 3 Beaufort or less, with a windscreen microphone protection. For the definition of type A to type D public spaces, refer to Ch 6, Sec 1, [1.4.1].

Replace Table 3, Table 4 and Table 5 by:

T 16 :

Table 3 : Overall frequency weighted r.m.s vibration levels

Vibration velocity (mm/s) values from 1 Hz to 80 Hz

Locations grade = 1 Wheelhouse Passengers cabins Lounges Open recreation areas Crew cabins Public spaces (type B), mess rooms (1) Passages and type D spaces (1) (1) 1,0 1,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0

Harbour grade = 2 1,5 1,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 3,0 grade = 3 2,0 2,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 4,0 grade = 1 2,5 2,0 2,0 3,0 2,5 3,0 3,0

Sea grade = 2 3,5 2,5 2,5 4,0 3,0 3,5 4,0 grade = 3 4,5 3,0 3,0 4,5 3,5 4,0 5,0

For the definition of type A to type D public spaces, refer to Ch 6, Sec 1, [1.4.1].

T17 :

Table 4 : Single amplitude peak vibration levels from 5 Hz to 100 Hz

Vibration velocity (mm/s peak) values from 5 Hz to 100 Hz

Locations grade = 1PK Wheelhouse Passengers cabins Lounges Open recreation areas Crew cabins Public spaces (type B), mess rooms (1) Passages and type D spaces (1) (1) 1,0 1,0 2,0 1,5 2,0 2,0

Harbour grade = 2PK 1,5 1,5 3,0 2,0 2,5 3,0 grade = 3PK 2,5 2,5 4,0 2,5 3,0 4,0 grade = 1PK 2,5 2,0 3,0 3,5 2,0 3,0 3,0

Sea grade = 2PK 3,5 2,5 3,5 4,5 2,5 3,5 4,0 grade = 3PK 5,0 3,0 4,0 5,0 3,0 4,0 5,0

For the definition of type A to type D public spaces, refer to Ch 6, Sec 1, [1.4.1].


Bureau Veritas

Amendments July 2012

Part E

T18 :

Table 5 : Single amplitude peak vibration levels from 1 Hz to 5 Hz

Acceleration (mm/s2 peak) values from 1 Hz to 5 Hz

Locations grade = 1PK Wheelhouse Passengers cabins Lounges Open recreation areas Crew cabins Public spaces (type B), mess rooms (1) Passages and type D spaces (1) (1) 32 32 64 48 64 64

Harbour grade = 2PK 48 48 96 64 80 96 grade = 3PK 80 80 125 78 96 125 grade = 1PK 80 64 96 111 64 96 96

Sea grade = 2PK 111 80 111 144 80 111 125 grade = 3PK 144 96 125 157 96 128 157

For the definition of type A to type D public spaces, refer to Ch 6, Sec 1, [1.4.1].

Replace Table 6 by:

T19 :

Table 6 : Sound insulation indexes R'w+C

Locations grade = 1 64 grade = 2 62 grade = 3 59

Discotheques and show rooms to cabin

Ch 6, Sec 5, [4.6]

Replace requirement [4.6.1] by:

4.6.1 When the noise level contains audible annoying tonal components, an objective assessment should be carried out as described in ISO 1996-2:2007 Annex D. A prominent tone in one-third-octave band is established when its level exceeds the time-average sound pressure levels of both adjacent one-third-octave bands by some constant level difference. The constant level difference varies with the frequency as follows: 15 dB in the low-frequency one-third-octave bands (25 Hz to 125 Hz) 8 dB in middle-frequency bands (160 Hz to 400 Hz) 5 dB in high-frequency bands (500 Hz to 10 000 Hz). In case emergence is verified at one measuring point, a constant value of 5 dB (A) is to be added to the LAeq,T measured at that point before to be compared to the values given in Tab 2.

Ch 8, Sec 1, [2.1] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace requirement [2.1.3] by:

2.1.3 Ice belt The ice belt is that portion of the side shell which is to be strengthened. Its vertical extension is defined in Sec 2, Tab 1.

Ch 8, Sec 1, [3.1.2] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the definition of T by:

T : Actual ice class draught of the ship, in m, according to [3.1.3]

Amendments July 2012

Bureau Veritas


Part E

Ch 8, Sec 2, Table 1 (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the title of Table 1 by:

T20 :

Table 1 : Vertical extension of ice strengthened area for plating (ice belt)

Ch 8, Sec 2, [4.1.2]

Replace the second formula by:

p t = 667s ------------- + tc F 2 R eH

Ch 8, Sec 2, [4.3] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace requirements [4.3.1] and [4.3.2] by:

4.3.1 Ice stringers The section modulus w, in cm 3 and the effective section area ASh, in cm2, of an ice stringer are to be not less than the values obtained from the following formulae:
F6 F7 p h l 6 10 w = ----------------------m S R eH 3 F 6 F 7 F 8 ph l 4 - 10 A S h = ---------------------------------2 R eH
2 2 1 M- --------------------------------------- 10 3 w = ------R e H 1 ( A S h1 A a ) 2 1 --

3 F9 Q A S h = 10 ---------------------ReH

where: : h mS :

where: F : Load transferred to a vertical primary supporting member from a stringer or from longitudinal ordinary stiffeners, to be obtained, in kN, from the following formula: F = F10 p h s 103 F10 : Factor that takes into the design point of girders to be taken equal to: for vertical primary supporting members within the ice belt, F10 = 1,80 for vertical primary supporting members outside the ice belt, F10 = 1,80 (1 hS / lS), where hS and lS are to be taken as defined in [4.3.1] Factor that takes into account the shear force distribution to be taken equal to 1,1 Maximum calculated shear force, in kN, under the ice load F Maximum calculated bending moment, in kN.m, under the ice load F to be taken equal to M = 0,193 Fl Coefficient defined in Tab 8 Coefficient defined in Tab 8 Design ice pressure, in N/mm2, defined in [3.2.2], where the value of ca is to be calculated assuming la equal to 2S


Height, in m, of load area defined in [3.2.1], without the product ph being taken less than 0,15 Boundary condition coefficient for the ordinary stiffener considered, to be taken equal to 13,3 for a continuous beam; where the boundary conditions deviate significantly from those of a continuous beam, e.g. in an end field, a smaller boundary condition coefficient may be required. In such a case, for girders without brackets, a value of m = 11,0 is to be used Factor that takes into account the distribution of load to the transverse frames, to be taken equal to: for ice stringers within the ice belt, F6=0,90 for ice stringers outside the ice belt, F6=0,80(hS/lS)

F9 Q M

: : :

F7 F8

: :


: :

Factor that takes into account the design point of girders to be taken equal to 1,8 Factor that takes into account the maximum shear force versus load location and the shear stress distribution to be taken equal to 1,20 Distance to the ice belt as defined in Tab 1, in m Distance to the adjacent ice stringer, in m

: : :

Vertical primary supporting member checked through simplified model For vertical primary supporting members which may be represented by the structure model represented in Fig 4, the section modulus w, in cm3, and the effective shear area ASh, in cm2, are to be not less than the values obtained from the following formulae:


S h ASh1 Aa

: Distance between web frames, in m : Height, in m, of load area defined in [3.2.1], without the product ph being taken less than 0,15 : Required shear area, in cm2 : Actual cross-sectional area, in cm 2 of the vertical primary supporting member, to be taken equal to AF + AW


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Ch 8, Sec 2 (Amendments January 2012)

Replace Table 8 by:

T21 :

Table 8 : Coefficients ,
1,23 1,16 1,11 1,09 1,07 1,06 1,05 1,05 1,04 1,04 0,44 0,62 0,71 0,76 0,80 0,83 0,85 0,87 0,88 0,89

AF/AW 0,20 0,40 0,60 0,80 1,00 1,20 1,40 1,60 1,80 2,00 Note 1: AF : AW :

Cross-sectional area of the face plate, Cross-sectional area of the web.

Replace Figure 4 by:

Figure 4 : Reference structure model

Ch 8, Sec 3, [1.4.2]

Replace the definition of n, at the end of item a), by:

n : Rotational propeller speed in bollard condition. If not known, n is to be taken equal to the values given in Tab 7

Ch 8, Sec 3, [1.4.4]

Replace the title of item d) by:

d) Design torque along propulsion shaft line

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Ch 8, Sec 3, [1]

Replace sub-articles [1.5] and [1.6] by the following sub-articles [1.5] to [1.12]:
1.5 Propeller blade design
for ducted propellers: B1 = 0,00184 B2 = 1,007 B3 = 2,470 For calculation of equivalent stress, two types of S-N curves are available: two-slope S-N curve (slopes 4,5 and 10), see Fig 6 one-slope S-N curve (the slope can be chosen), see Fig 7.

1.5.1 Calculation of blade stresses The blade stresses are to be calculated for the design loads given in [1.4.2]. Finite element analysis is to be used for stress analysis for final approval for all propellers. The following simplified formulae can be used in estimating the blade stresses for all propellers at the root area (r/R < 0,5). The root area dimensions based on the following formula can be accepted even if the FEM analysis shows greater stresses at the root area:
M BL st = C 1 ----------------2 100ct

The type of the S-N curve is to be selected to correspond to the material properties of the blade. If the S-N curve is not known, the two-slope S-N curve is to be used. a) Equivalent fatigue stress The equivalent fatigue stress fat for 100 million stress cycles, which produces the same fatigue damage as the load distribution, is given by the following formula: fat = (ice)max where: (ice)max : Mean value of the principal stress amplitudes resulting from design forward and backward blade forces at the location being studied and defined by: (ice)max = 0,5 [(ice)f max (ice)b max] (ice)f max : Principal stress resulting from forward load (ice)b max : Principal stress resulting from backward load. In calculation of (ice)max, case 1 and case 3 (or case 2 and case 4) are considered as a pair for (ice)f max and (ice)b max calculations. Case 5 is excluded from the fatigue analysis. b) Calculation of parameter for two-slope S-N curve The parameter relates the maximum ice load to the distribution of ice loads according to the regression formula:
= C1 ( ic e ) m2a x fl log ( N i c e )
C C3 C4

where: C1 : Constant equal to:

actual stress C 1 = -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------stress obtained with beam equation

If the actual value is not available, C1 is to be taken as 1,6. MBL : For relative radius r/R < 0,5: MBL = (0,75 r/R) R F where F is the maximum of Fb and Ff , whichever is greater. 1.5.2 Acceptability criterion The following criterion for calculated blade stresses is to be fulfilled:
r ef2 --------- 1, 5 s t

where: st : Calculated stress for the design loads. If FEM analysis is used in estimating the stresses, von Mises stresses are to be used. 1.5.3 Fatigue design of propeller blade The fatigue design of the propeller blade is based on an estimated load distribution for the service life of the ship and on the S-N curve for the blade material. An equivalent stress that produces the same fatigue damage as the expected load distribution is to be calculated and the acceptability criterion for fatigue is to be fulfilled as given in [1.5.4]. The equivalent stress is normalised for 100 million cycles. If the following criterion is fulfilled, fatigue calculations according to this sub-article are not required:
2 exp B 1 ref 2 log ( N ice )

where: C1, C2, C3, C4 : Coefficients given in Tab 10 fl = v m exp with: v m : Reduction factor for scatter and test specimen size effect : Reduction factor for variable amplitude loading : Reduction factor for mean stress.


where: B1, B2, B3 : Coefficients for open and ducted propellers: for open propellers: B1 = 0,00270 B2 = 1,007 B3 = 2,101

The following values may be used for the reduction factors if the actual values are not available: = 0,67 v = 0,75 m = 0,75


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c) Calculation of parameter for constant-slope S-N curve For materials with a constant-slope S-N curve (see Fig 7), parameter is to be calculated from the following formula:
ice N G -------- NR 1 ---m

1.6.3 Blade bolts and flanges Blade bolts and flanges are to withstand the bending moment Mbolt , in kNm, considered about the bolt pitch circle axis, or another relevant axis for not circular flanges, parallel to the considered root section:
D - r bo lt M bolt = F e x 0, 8 -- 2

[ In ( N ice ) ]

1 ----k

where: k : Shape parameter of the Weibull distribution: for ducted propellers: k = 1,0 for open propellers: k = 0,75 NR G : Reference number of load cycles (equal to 100 million) : Parameter defined in Tab 11. Linear interpolation may be used to calculate the value of G for other m/k ratios than those given in Tab 11. Acceptability criterion for fatigue

where: rbolt : Radius from the shaft centreline to the blade bolt plan, in m.

Blade bolt pre-tension is to be sufficient to avoid separation between the mating surfaces, applying the maximum forward and backward ice loads defined in [1.4.2]. The maximum stresses of blade flange, crank carrier and hub due to the load induced by Mbolt are to remain below the corresponding yield strengths. Separate means, e.g. dowel pins, are to be provided in order to withstand a spindle torque resulting from blade failure (Qspex) or ice interaction (Qsmax), whichever is greater. The rule diameter ddp of the dowel pins, in m, is given by the following formula:
d dp = 10


The equivalent fatigue stress at all locations on the blade is to fulfil the following acceptability criterion:
f l ------- 1, 5 f a t

8 3 Qs ----------------------------------PCD i R e

where: fl : As defined in [1.5.3], item b).

where: PCD i Qs : : : Pitch circle diameter of the dowel pins, in mm Number of pins Spindle torque, in kNm, equal to: Qs = max (1,3 Qsmax ; Q spex) QfrR Qfr2 with: QfrR : Friction torque in blade bearing, in kNm, caused by the reaction forces due to Fex Friction torque between connected surfaces resulting from blade bolt pretension forces, in kNm.


Controllable pitch propeller

Spindle torque due to blade failure

Spindle torque Qspex around the spindle axis of the blade fitting is to be calculated for the load case described in [1.4.5] for Fex. Qspex , in kNm, is to be such that:
2 -L F Q sp e x -3 ex ex


where: Lex : Maximum distance, in m, from the spindle axis to the leading or trailing edge, whichever is greater, at 0,8R radius.

Friction coefficient of 0,15 is to be applied for calculation of QfrR and Qfr2, unless otherwise justified. 1.6.4 Components of the pitch control system Components of controllable pitch mechanisms are to be designed to withstand the blade failure spindle torque Qspex and the maximum blade spindle torque Qsmax. The blade failure spindle torque Qspex is not to lead to any consequential damages. Fatigue strength is to be considered for the parts transmitting the spindle torque Qs from the blades to a servo system, considering Qs acting on one blade. The maximum spindle torque amplitude Qsamax is defined by:
Q sb + Q s f Q sa m a x = ---------------------2

The spindle arm may be reduced to 1/3 Lex , provided plastic FEM analysis is performed to evaluate the blade failure loads and the corresponding spindle torque values. 1.6.2 Design of blade flange and bolts, propeller hub and controllable pitch mechanism

The blade bolts, the controllable pitch mechanism, the propeller boss and the fitting of the propeller to the propeller shaft are to be designed to withstand the design loads defined in [1.4]. The safety factor against yielding is to be greater than 1,3 and the safety factor against fatigue greater than 1,5. In addition, the safety factor against yielding for loads resulting from loss of the propeller blade through plastic bending as defined in [1.4.5] is to be greater than 1,0.


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Qsb , Qsf :

Spindle torques due, respectively, to ice backward and forward forces. The formula given in [1.4.2] item g) may be used to determine Q sb and Qsf.


Calculation of propeller blade failure


Servo oil pressure

The calculation of load due to blade failure is to take into account compression, flexion and torque on shaft induced by the force Fex . The corresponding calculated von Mises stress is to remain below the shaft material yield strength. The propeller shaft diameter in way of the aft stern tube bearing is to be at least equal to the minimum rule diameter dice calculated according to [1.7.3], without being less than the rule diameter dex given by the following formula:
Fe x D d e x = 160 -------------------------4 Re ( 1 Q )
1 -3

Design pressure for servo oil system is to be taken as the maximum working pressure, taking into account the load caused by Q smax or Qspex when not protected by relief valves, reduced by relevant friction losses in bearings caused by the respective ice loads. Design pressure is, in any case, not to be less than the relief valve set pressure.


Propulsion line design

Design principle

where: Re Q : Yield strength of propeller shaft material, in MPa : Factor equal to di / do, as defined in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 7, [2.2.3].

The strength of the propulsion line is to be designed according to the pyramid strength principle. This means that the loss of the propeller blade is not to cause any significant damage to other propeller shaft line components. The shafts and shafting components, such as the thrust and stem tube bearings, couplings, flanges and sealings, are to be designed to withstand the propeller/ice interaction loads as given in [1.4]. The safety factor is to be at least 1,3. The ultimate load resulting from total blade failure as defined in [1.4.5] is not to cause yielding in shafts and shaft components. The loading is to consist of the combined axial, bending, and torsion loads, wherever this is significant. The minimum safety factor against yielding is to be 1,0 for bending and torsional stresses. 1.7.2 Materials In addition to the requirements of [1.3.1], the shaft material is to comply with Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 7, [2.1.2]. 1.7.3 Scantling of propeller, intermediate and thrust shafts

Forward of the aft stern tube bearing, the propeller shaft diameter may be reduced based on direct calculation of the actual bending moments or on the assumption that the bending moment caused by Fex is linearly reduced to 50% at the next bearing, down to zero at the third bearing. The shaft diameter of the corresponding section is, in any case, not to be less than the minimum rule diameter dice calculated according to [1.7.3]. 1.7.6 Alternative design procedure

The minimum rule diameter dice , in mm, of propeller, intermediate and thrust shafts with ice strengthening is equal to:
d ic e = d K
1 -3 ice-s

Alternative calculation methods to determine design loads of the propulsion components may be considered by the Society. Any alternative calculation method is to include all the relevant loads on the complete dynamic shafting system under all permissible operating conditions. The peak operating torque is therefore to be calculated by means of torsional vibration analysis of the propulsion line, including ice loads and main engine excitations in accordance with the requirements of [1.4.4]. Moreover, an alternative calculation method is to take into account continuous and transient operating loads (dimensioning for fatigue strength) and peak operating loads (dimensioning for yield strength). The ratio of yield strength with respect to corresponding maximum stress is to be at least 1,3 in plain shaft section and 1,0 in stress concentrations sections. The fatigue strength is to be determined with consideration of the dimensions and arrangements of all the shaft connections, and the safety factor is to be at least 1,5.

where: Kice-s = Qr / Qn 1 d 1.7.4 : Rule shaft diameter, defined in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 7, [2.2.3].

Scantling of gear shaft

This requirement applies to parts of pinions and wheel shafts between bearings. The other parts of the gear shaft may be considered as intermediate shaft parts. The minimum rule diameter dice , in mm, of gear shaft with ice strengthening is equal to:
d ic e = d K ice-s
1 -3


Flange couplings

The dimensions of coupling flanges are to comply with the requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 7, [2.5.1]. When the bolts are not fitted, the minimum transmitted torque is equal to the nominal torque Qn multiplied by the flange coupling ice factor Kice-cp given by:
Q peak -1 K ice-cp = ----------Qn

where: Kice-s = Qr / Qn 1 d : Rule shaft diameter, defined in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 6, [4.4.2].



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: Maximum peak torque, in kNm, to be determined from the results of torsional vibration analysis due to ice impact. As an alternative, the following estimation may be used: for main propulsion systems powered by diesel engines fitted with slip type or high elasticity couplings, by turbines or by electric motors: Qpeak = Q emax + Q max I / It for main propulsion systems powered by diesel engines fitted with couplings other than those mentioned above: Qpeak = 1,2 Qemax + Qmax I / It



Clutches are to have a static friction torque of at least 1,3 times the peak torque Qpeak and a dynamic friction torque of at least 2/3 of the static friction torque. Emergency operation of clutch after failure of, e.g., operating pressure is to be made possible within a reasonably short time. When arranged with bolts, the coupling is to be on the engine side of the clutch in order to ensure access to any bolt by turning the engine.



In case of fitted bolts, the requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 7, [2.5.1] apply, using the rule shaft diameter defined in [1.7.3]. The safety factors to be applied are indicated in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 7, [2.5.1]. With respect to torque transmission, a reduced safety factor of 1,3 may be applied, provided that 1,3 Q peak > 2,5 Q n . Moreover, the bolts are to be designed so that the blade failure load in forward or backward directions does not cause yielding. 1.8.2 Shrunk couplings

The load capacity of gearings is to comply with the requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 6, provided that the parameters defined in [1.9.2] to [1.9.4] are used in the detailed method. 1.9.2 Application factor

For the calculation of gearing including ice requirements, the application factor KA defined in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 6, Tab 5 is to be replaced by the application factor KA-ice equal to:
I Q e q -It = K A + ---------------Qn

K A-ice

with: Qeq : Equivalent ice torque calculated in accordance with ISO 6336 Pt.6 A.3.

Non-integral couplings which are shrunk on the shaft by means of the oil pressure injection method or by other means may be accepted, provided that the design complies with Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 7, [2.5.2]. The minimum transmitted torque is the nominal torque multiplied by the ice factor Kice-cp defined in [1.8.1]. The safety factors to be applied are indicated in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 7, [2.5.2]. With respect to torque transmission, a reduced safety factor of 1,3 may be applied, provided that 1,3 Q peak > 2,5 Q n . 1.8.3 Keyed couplings

The following load spectrum is to be applied to the definition of the ice torque on the propeller Qmax , in accordance with the Weibull distribution:
log N Q ic e ( N ) = Qm a x 1 -------------------------log ( ZN ic e )

where: N Qmax Nice : : : Number of cycles Maximum ice torque on the propeller, as defined in [1.4.4] Number of ice cycles, as defined in [1.4.2].

Keyed couplings are, in general, not to be used in installations with ice class notation. Keyed couplings may be accepted, provided that the principal mean of torque transmission is ensured by friction in accordance with [1.8.2]. Moreover, the keyway is to comply with the requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 7, [2.5.5]. 1.8.4 Flexible couplings

The load spectrum is to be divided into 10 load blocks minimum and the effective number of cycles for each load block is calculated with the following formula:
n i = ( Z N ic e )
i ------------im a x



The flexible couplings are to comply with Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 7, [2.5.4]. In addition, the stiff parts of flexible couplings subjected to torque are to be designed to withstand the loads defined in [1.4.4], item d). The maximum peak torque Q peak in the flexible components is not to exceed the relevant limits specified by the manufacturer. This is to be verified with a torsional vibration analysis of the propulsion line, including ice loads in accordance with the requirements of [1.4.4].

where: i ni : : Index of each load block (starting at 1 for the highest load value) Number of cycles for the load Qi defined by: Qi = Qmax [1 (i 1) / imax] with: imax : Total number of blocks, taken not less than 10.

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Inertia ratio



The inertia ratio to be used is I / It . Engine inertia is not to be neglected unless the peak torque Qpeak is calculated from the torsional vibration analysis as defined in [1.4.4]. 1.9.4 Safety factors The safety factors SH and SF to be applied are those indicated in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 6, [2.4.14] and Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 6, [2.5.15].

The steering mechanism, the fitting of the unit and the body of the propulsor are to be designed to withstand the loss of a blade without damage. The loss of a blade is to be considered for the propeller blade orientation which causes the maximum load on the component being studied, as, for example, the top-down blade orientation in case of a propulsor body. Azimuth propulsor is also to be designed for estimated loads caused by the propulsor body/ice interaction. The propulsor body is to stand the loads obtained when the maximum ice blocks, as defined in [1.2], strike the propulsor body when the ship is at a typical ice operating speed. In addition, the design situation where an ice sheet glides along the ship's hull and presses against the propulsor body is to be considered. The thickness of the sheet to be taken is the thickness of the maximum ice block entering the propeller (see [1.2]).

1.10 Chockfast calculation

1.10.1 The calculation of gearbox chockfast is to be carried out taking into consideration the load due to the transmitted torque and using the application factor KA-Ice.

1.11 Azimuthing main propulsors

1.11.1 Loading cases In addition to the above requirements, special consideration is to be given to those loading cases which are extraordinary for propulsion units when compared with conventional propellers. The estimation of loading cases is to reflect the way of operation of the ship and the propulsor. In this respect, the following loads, for example, and if applicable, are to be considered: loads caused by the impacts of ice blocks on the propeller hub of a pulling propeller loads resulting from the thrusters operating at an oblique angle to the flow.

1.12 Vibrations
1.12.1 The propulsion system is to be designed in such a way that the complete dynamic system is free from harmful torsional, axial, and bending resonances at a I-order blade frequency within the designed running speed range, extended by 20% above and below the maximum and minimum operating rotational speeds. If this condition cannot be fulfilled, a detailed vibration analysis is to be carried out in order to determine that the strength of the components remains in the permissible range.

Ch 8, Sec 3, [2]

Delete sub-article [2.1].

Ch 8, Sec 3, [2.2.1]

Replace the first paragraph of [2.2.1] by:

2.2.1 For the scantlings of propellers and shafting, the effect of the impact of the propeller blades against ice is also to be taken into account.

Ch 8, Sec 3, [2.3]

Replace requirement [2.3.1] by:

2.3.1 Material The percentage elongation after fracture, measured with a proportional type tensile specimen, of materials used for propellers is to be not less than 15%. Materials other than copper alloys are to be Charpy V-notch impact tested at a temperature of 10C with a minimum average energy not less than 20 J.


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Ch 8, Sec 3, [2.3.2]

Replace the first paragraph of [2.3.2] by:

When the notation ICE CLASS ID is requested, the width l and the maximum thickness t of the cylindrical sections of the propeller blades are to be such as to satisfy the conditions stated in items a), b) and c) below.

Replace the definition of MG by:

MG : Value of the ice torque, in N m, calculated according to the formula given in [2.2.1].

Ch 8, Sec 3, [3]

Insert the following sub-article [3.1]:

3.1 Starting arrangements
If the air receivers serve any other purposes than starting the propulsion engine, they are to have additional capacity sufficient for these purposes. The capacity of the air compressors is to be sufficient for charging the air receivers from atmospheric to full pressure in one hour, except for a ship having the notation ICE CLASS IA SUPER and its propulsion engine reserved for going astern, in which case the compressor is to be able to charge the receivers in half an hour.

3.1.1 The capacity of the air receivers is to be sufficient to provide without reloading not less than 12 consecutive starts of the propulsion engine, if this one is to be reversed for going astern, or 6 consecutive starts if the propulsion engine is not to be reversed for going astern.

Ch 9, Sec 1, Tab 2

Replace the rows for notations BWE and BWT by:

T22 :

Table 2 : Required certificates

Applicable Rules and Regulations

Notations BWE BWT


IBWM certificate (or Statement of compliance to International Convention on the Control and Management the BWM Convention before its entry into force) of Ships Ballast Water and Sediments, Appendix 1 Type approval certificate of the ballast water IMO Resolution MEPC.174(58), Appendix management system Type approval certificate of the ballast water IMO Resolution MEPC.169(57) treatment plant

Ch 9, Sec 2 (Amendments January 2012)

Delete Table 2.

Ch 9, Sec 2, [2.2.2] (Amendments January 2012)

Delete the third paragraph containing a bullet list.

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Ch 9, Sec 2, [2.3] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace requirement [2.3.2] by:

2.3.2 Design and arrangement of the sewage system The ship is to be equipped with one of the following sewage systems: a sewage treatment plant, or a sewage comminuting and disinfecting system fitted with facilities for temporary storage of sewage when the ship is less than 3 nautical miles from the nearest land, or a holding tank of the capacity to the satisfaction of the Society for the retention of all sewage, having regard to the operation of the ship, the number of persons on board and other relevant factors.

Ch 9, Sec 2, [2.3] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace requirements [2.3.3] and [2.3.4] by:

2.3.3 Holding tanks The holding tanks are to be efficiently protected against corrosion and fitted with a level indicator and a high level alarm. 2.3.4 Sewage treatment plants and piping Sewage treatment plants are to be of a type approved in accordance with the provisions of IMO Resolution MEPC.159(55). Provisions are to be made in the design for easy access points for the purpose of obtaining representative influent and effluent samples.

Replace requirement [2.3.6] by:

2.3.6 Discharge records Provisions are to be made to record the following parameters related to the sewage discharge: date and time of discharge position of the ship (latitude and longitude) quantity of sewage discharged.

Delete requirement [2.3.5].

Ch 9, Sec 2, [2.4.6] (Amendments January 2012)

Delete the last paragraph of requirement [2.4.6].

Ch 9, Sec 2, [2.6.3] (Amendments January 2012)

Replace the paragraph after the first bulleted list by:

The deck container or area is to be fitted with a closed drainage system.

Delete the end of requirement [2.6.3], from A seven-barrel spill kit.

Ch 9, Sec 2, [2.6] (Amendments January 2012)

Delete requirement [2.6.5].


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Ch 9, Sec 2 (Amendments January 2012)

Add the following Table D:

T23 :

Table D : Minimum capacity of the bilge water holding tank according to main engine rating
Capacity (m3) 1,5 1,5 + (P 1000) / 1500 14,2 + 0,2 (P 20000) / 1500

Main engine rating (kW) (1) up to 1000 above 1000 up to 20000 above 20000 (1)

For diesel-electric propulsions, the main engine rating is to be substituted with the aggregate power of the electric power motors.

Ch 9, Sec 2, [3] (Amendments January 2012)

Insert the following sub-articles [3.2], [3.3], [3.4] and [3.5]:

3.2 Oily wastes
3.3.3 Sewage sludges

3.2.1 The bilge water holding tank is to have a capacity that provides to the ship the flexibility of operation in ports, costal waters and special areas, without the need to discharge de-oiled water overboard. The minimum capacity of the bilge water holding tank is not to be less than the greater of the two following values (in m3): 0,075 S, where S is the surface of the vertical projection, in m2, of the largest machinery space drained into the bilge holding tank the value calculated from Tab D.

Sludges from sewage treatment are to be collected and stored then discharged ashore or, where permitted, incinerated onboard. Where provided, incineration devices are to completely burn the sludges to a dry and inert ash and not to discharge fly ash, malodors or toxic substances. The capacity of the sewage sludge tanks is to be calculated taking into consideration: the maximum period of voyage between ports where sludge can be discharged ashore, or the incinerator capacity and whether incineration is permitted in the areas where the ship is intended to operate. In the absence of precise data, a figure of 30 days is to be used. Ashes from sludge incineration are be disposed ashore except where permitted under [2.4.7]. 3.3.4 Discharge records



Design and arrangement of the sewage and grey water systems The ship is to be fitted with a sewage system and a grey water system designed and arranged as follows: An approved sewage treatment plant or sewage comminuting and disinfecting system is to be provided. A tank is to be provided for the storage of untreated or treated sewage with a capacity complying with [3.3.2]. A tank is to be provided for the storage of grey waters with a capacity complying with [3.3.2]. Grey waters from galleys are to be collected separately from other grey waters and led through a grease trap prior to additional treatment, storage or discharge.
Note 1: Treated sewage and grey water holding tanks may be combined together. Note 2: Plastic garbage is to be separated from sewage and/or grey waters before entering the treatment unit.

Provisions are to be made to record the following parameters related to the sewage and grey water discharges: date and time of discharge position of the ship (latitude and longitude) quantity of sewage and/or grey water discharged quantity of sludges incinerated or discharged ashore.

3.3.2 Holding tanks Holding tanks for sewage and grey water are to have a capacity sufficient for 24 hours operation of the ship, having regard to the maximum number of persons on board, the daily production of wastewater given in Tab 1 and other relevant factors.


Food wastes

3.4.1 Food wastes and wastes contaminated with food are to be stored in high integrity sealed packaging and refrigerated to 5C.

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Prevention of pollution by oil spillage and leakage

a minimum of 60 litres of a deck cleaning agent appropriate protective clothing to protect personnel from inhalation hazards, eye exposure and skin contact non-sparking portable pumps with appropriate hoses. Oil detection in cooling water circuits

3.5.1 Containment systems A seven-barrel spill kit containing the following is to be available on board, ready to be used during bunkering operation: sorbents sufficient to absorb seven barrels of oil non-sparking hand scoops, shovels and buckets portable containers suitable for holding seven barrels of recovered solid waste and seven barrels of recovered liquid waste


Hydrocarbon detectors are to be provided in sea water and fresh water cooling systems comprising fuel oil or lubricating oil heat exchangers in order to detect any contamination of the water.

Chapter 10

Replace Section 11 by the following Section 11:

Chapter 10 (Amendments January 2012)

Add the following Section 17 and Section 18:


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Pt E, Ch 10, Sec 11

Chapter 10

Replace Section 11 by:





elimination of ice where necessary for safe access.

The requirements for the additional class notation COLD (H tDH, E tDE) cover also: hull stability material.

1.1.1 The additional class notations COLD DI and COLD (H tDH, E tDE) are assigned, in accordance with Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.14.12], to ships intended for service in cold climate environments. The additional class notation COLD DI is assigned to ships operating in cold climate environments for shorter periods, not necessarily including ice covered waters and fitted with systems and equipment for de-icing complying with the requirements of [2] to [4]. The additional class notation COLD (H tDH, E tDE) is assigned to ships operating in cold weather conditions, as defined in [1.1.2], built and fitted with systems and equipment for de-icing complying with the requirements of [2] to [6], where tDH and tDE are defined in [1.1.2] for, respectively, hull and equipment exposed to low air temperature. 1.1.2 Cold weather conditions The requirements of this Section apply to ships intended to operate with the following conditions: tDH : Lowest mean daily average air temperature in the area of operation, in C, to be considered for the hull exposed to low air temperature, provided by the ship designer : Lowest design external air temperature in the area of operation, in C, to be considered for the equipment exposed to low air temperature, provided by the ship designer. This temperature can be set to 20C below the lowest mean daily average air temperature if information for the relevant trade area is not available


Documentation to be submitted

Plans and documents to be submitted for approval When the additional class notation COLD DI is assigned, the plans and documents listed in Tab 1 are to be submitted to the Society for approval. Table 1 : Documents to be submitted for approval COLD DI and COLD (H tDH, E tDE)
Plan or document De-icing systems including heating systems: diagrams of the steam, hot water, thermal oil piping or other systems used for de-icing purposes arrangement of the heat tracing systems de-icing arrangements of ballast tanks, sea chests, overboard discharges de-icing arrangements for air intakes De-icing devices distribution board Wheelhouse and cargo control room de-icing system arrangement


Table 2 : Documents to be submitted for approval COLD (H tDH, E tDE) only

Plan or document Distribution of steel qualities in structures exposed to low air temperatures Trim and stability booklet including the additional loading conditions with ice accretion Damage stability calculations when applicable for the loading conditions with ice accretion Compartments containing internal combustion engines, auxiliary systems, HVAC systems: heat balance for ventilation / air supply to engine turbo-blowers heat balance for sea water / fresh water cooling circuits minimum temperatures required for ambient air to ensure satisfactory operation of the concerned equipment Deck machinery arrangement (windlasses, winches and deck cranes) including their remote control system

Sea water temperature : not below 2C Wind speed : not higher than 30 knots. 1.1.3 The requirements for the additional class notation COLD DI concern mainly the following functions of the ship and its equipment under cold weather conditions: decks and superstructures propulsion machinery installations electricity installations navigation crew protection

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When the additional class notation COLD (H tDH, E tDE) is assigned, the plans and documents listed in Tab 2 are to be submitted, in addition to those listed in Tab 1, to the Society for approval. 1.2.2 Plans and documents to be submitted for information


Machinery installations


The requirements contained in the present Article cover: the ship propulsion system and other essential systems, the prevention of ice formation which could be detrimental to the safety of the ship or of the passengers and crew.

When the additional class notation COLD DI is assigned, the plans and documents listed in Tab 3 are to be submitted to the Society for information. Table 3 : Documents to be submitted for information COLD DI and COLD (H tDH, E tDE)
Plan or document De-icing arrangements for gangways, access, working areas, etc. List of tools for ice removal Electrical load balance, including "de-icing case" De-icing system layout (electrical heat tracing) Procedure for de-icing the sea chests

2.1.2 Thermal barriers are to be considered for all pipe or duct penetrations from exposed decks or bulkheads.


Operation of the propulsion system and other essential systems

When the additional class notation COLD (H tDH, E tDE) is assigned, the plans and documents listed in Tab 4 are to be submitted, in addition to those listed in Tab 3, to the Society for information. Table 4 : Documents to be submitted for information COLD (H tDH, E tDE) only
Plan or document Plan showing the detail of the location of the ice accretion, the detail of the area calculation and the total weight of ice for each area

a) As a general rule, the temperature inside the machinery compartments is to be kept above a minimum value allowing the equipment located in those compartments to operate without restrictions. This applies in particular to the propulsion plant, the electricity generation plant, the emergency generating set, the emergency fire pump and auxiliary systems (such as fuel oil transfer, supply and return piping systems, lubricating oil systems, cooling systems, sewage systems, etc.) and to other essential systems as defined in Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 1. b) The ventilation capacity can be adjusted so as to limit the heat losses. It should however satisfy the engine needs of combustion air while avoiding excessive vacuum in the compartment.
Note 1: The attention is drawn to any requirements which may impose a minimum number of air changes in the compartment, in particular to avoid flammable oil or gas accumulation.


Plans and documents to be kept on board 2.2.2 Prevention of ice build-up inside pipes and associated fittings

The Owner is to keep on board the ship the following plans and documents and they are to be made available to the Surveyor: when the additional class notation COLD DI is assigned: manual for de-icing procedures

a) Arrangements are to be made to avoid the build-up of ice inside air pipes (in particular those connected to sea chests, cooling water recirculation tanks and ballast tanks) and inside their automatic closing devices, where fitted. b) It also applies to: sounding pipes and overflow pipes serving cooling water recirculation tanks and water ballast tanks piping systems located in exposed areas, including ro-ro spaces, such as compressed air lines, steam lines or steam drain lines when not in use spray water lines exposed deck scuppers, washing lines and discharge lines.
Note 1: The above mentioned systems are to be drained when not in use.

when the additional class notation COLD (H tDH, E tDE) is assigned: manual for de-icing procedures stability manual including loading conditions with ice accretion.



1.3.1 Following installation on board, the systems are to be subjected to operational tests to the satisfaction of the Surveyor.


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Prevention of ice build-up in air intakes


Arrangements are to be made to avoid ice accretion on the fresh air intake components (ventilators, louvers, casings, scuppers, etc.), in particular on those serving the machinery spaces, emergency generating set room and HVAC rooms. This may be accomplished by means of closed-circuit ventilation sequences or by electric or steam tracing of the said components.

Services to be considered for de-icing arrangement

The following services are to be considered for de-icing arrangement: heated bridge windows and heated cargo control room windows, including arrangement for heating/isolating the windows washing water system, which avoid formation of ice, or mist reducing the visibility through the windows installation of electrical de-icing system for all escape doors and all main doors giving access to the deck area. The system is to be arranged so as to avoid formation of ice, which may block the door heating of bunker lines on deck, when electrical heat tracing is provided together with insulation heating of scupper lines when electrical heat tracing is provided sequence of ventilation in loop in the air inlet compartment so as to avoid ice formation on air intakes for HVAC, machinery room, and emergency generator room heating of wistle heating of antennas and similar equipment a socket outlet is to be provided close to each lifeboat so as to supply the heating system of lifeboat engine. 3.2.3 The electrical services as indicated in [3.2.2] are considered as essential services. They may be activated manually, when the outside temperature alarm is activated. 3.2.4 The heating power capacity for sizing the de-icing system is to be based on a minimum of 10 |tDE| W/m2, or 300 W/m2, whichever is the larger. 3.2.5 When the outside temperature is below 10C during more than 5 hours, an alarm is to be triggered, so as to inform the personnel that the de-icing system is to be put into service.


Design requirements
Arrangement of pipes subject to ice build-up

a) The pipes subject to ice build-up (see [2.2.2]) are to be placed in unexposed locations, or protected by screening, heat tracing or other suitable arrangement. b) Where provided, the insulation material is to be protected by a suitable sheath so designed as to withstand possible sea impacts. c) Exposed scuppers and discharge pipes are to be arranged with heat tracing. 2.3.2 Instrumentation

a) Provisions are to be made to ensure a satisfactory operation of the level sensors and remote gauging indicators in ballast tanks. b) Temperature sensors are to be provided in each ballast tank, giving an alarm in case of low temperature in the tank.
Note 1: The temperature alarms are to be inhibited when the ballast capacities are not used.

c) Temperature and pressure sensors are to be fitted in sea bay, so as to generate an alarm. d) Ballast pumps are to be fitted with alarm and shutdown, in case of low pressure at the pump suction. 2.3.3 P/V valves

Specific heating is to be provided for the cargo P/V valves, if any, so as to maintain their proper operation.




Electrical installations

3.3.1 The heating cables or electrical heating system are to be protected against overload and short circuit. 3.3.2 When heating cables are of the self regulated type, the overload protection may be omitted. 3.3.3 The distribution boards dedicated to the de-icing devices are to be arranged with indication of the devices in service. 3.3.4 The distribution boards dedicated to the de-icing devices are to be arranged with insulation monitoring. A specific alarm dedicated to this service is to be provided. 3.3.5 Where electrical heat tracing is provided in dangerous area, the temperature surface of the cable is not to exceed the maximum temperature allowed for the type of cargo, the ship is entitled to carry.

3.1.1 The permanent electrical de-icing devices are to comply with the rules indicated in Part C, Chapter 2. 3.1.2 Thermal barriers are to be considered for all cables or cable duct penetrations from exposed decks or bulkheads.


System design
Electrical power for de-icing devices

The electrical power necessary to supply the de-icing devices is to be considered as a permanent load. A specific case of load balance taking into account the load of these de-icing devices is to be submitted to the Society.

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Additional requirements
De-icing of deck areas

5.1.2 Any fitting or construction lugs in the bow area are to be removed. The bow area is to be of good well fared construction to reduce the possibility of spray production. The selection and method of fitting of bow anchors with regard to potential spray formation is to be carefully considered. Recessed anchors or anchors in pockets are to be considered. 5.1.3 Shell plating and bow area are to be as smooth as possible to prevent the formation of spray. 5.1.4 Bow anchors are to be recessed as far as possible or in pockets, with provision to ensure that they cannot freeze in place. 5.1.5 Anchors and chain cables are to be of low temperature steel suitable for the conditions defined in [1.1.2]. 5.1.6 Material used in external structures above the waterline is to be appropriate for the lowest mean daily average air temperature given in the class notation. External structure is defined as the plating with stiffening to a distance of 0,6 meter inwards from the shell plating, exposed decks and sides of superstructure and deckhouses. In general deckhouses and superstructures are of material class I. Deckhouses or superstructures exposed to longitudinal stresses within 0,6 L amidships are of material class II.

4.1.1 A steam, high pressure hot water, or electrical heating system is to be provided on the exposed deck to allow the de-icing of the ship areas to which the crew may have access during the normal operation of the ship, in particular: manoeuvring area loading / unloading area area around the access to the deckhouses passageways, gangways, walkways. 4.1.2 The circulation on exposed decks is to be facilitated by the use of appropriate gratings and stairs (including escapes, access to lifeboats, to winching areas). Where necessary, safety lines are to be provided on the exposed deck. 4.1.3 Manual de-icing may be accepted as an alternative method to a limited extent, where such a method is found appropriate and practical.


De-icing tools

4.2.1 De-icing tools, such as scrapers, lances, showels, etc., are to be provided on board to allow manual de-icing. They are to be kept in stores of the main deck and at locations protected from ice accretion. The quantity of equipment is to be sufficient for manual deicing operation.




Protection of deck machinery

4.3.1 Specific arrangement for protection of deck machinery (foam monitors, davits, lifeboats, lifejackets lockers, winches, windlasses, cranes), helideck and its access, suppressing the risk of ice formation, such as machinery located in protected spaces, or specific protection arrangement is to be provided.

The requirements of Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2, [2] and Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2, [3] and the applicable requirements of Part E for ships with the additional class notation SDS are to be complied with for the loading conditions described in Pt B, Ch 3, App 2, taking into account the additional weight of ice indicated in [5.2.2]. 5.2.2 Weight of ice accretion



4.4.1 The HVAC plant is to be designed so as to ensure adequate temperature in the accommodation with outside air temperature. Arrangement is made to control humidity.

The weight distribution of the ice accretion is to be considered as follows: 140 kg/m2 for the horizontal exposed areas 70 kg/m2 for the vertical or oblique exposed areas.


Other protections

4.5.1 Specific protection, such as tarpaulins is to be fitted for cargo valves and associated instrumentation.

Additional requirements for machinery installations for COLD (H tDH, E tDE)


Specific requirements for COLD (H tDH, E tDE)




5.1.1 Grades of steel The grades of steel for structures exposed to low air temperatures are given in Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 1.

The requirements contained in the present Article cover the ship propulsion system and other essential systems, which are to remain in operation in the temperature conditions defined in [1.1.2].


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b) The sea bay is to: be supplied with water from at least two sea chests, and be connected to the sea chests by pipes, valves and strainers with a cross sectional area equal to the total area of the suctions served by the sea bay. c) The sea chests are to: be fitted on each side of the ship be as deeply submerged as possible have an open area to the sea of at least five times the total area of the pump suctions served by the sea bay be fitted with a strainer plate at the ship's side having perforations approximately 20 mm diameter to prevent ingestion of large ice particles be fitted with a steam or compressed air connection for clearing the strainer complying with Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [2.8.4], item e). d) Diversion valves and piping are to be provided at overboard cooling water discharges to permit warm water to be returned to the sea chests to prevent blockage. e) Suction pipes are to be connected as low as possible to the sea chest.
Note 1: Other arrangements affording equivalent availability of the cooling water supply can also be considered. Engine cooling systems served by water ballasts may be accepted subject to special consideration.

The materials of pipes and other equipment located on open deck and not insulated are to be suitable for the temperature tDH. The materials of pipes are to comply with recognized standards such as EN10216-4, EN10217-6, etc. The use of cast iron and other brittle materials are not permitted in areas exposed to low temperature. Gaskets, jointing materials and seals are to be suitable for the temperature tDH.


Operation of the propulsion system and other essential systems

a) Arrangements are to be made to ensure that the machinery can be brought into operation from the dead ship condition assuming an air temperature of tDE. b) A partial reduction in propulsion capability may be accepted in cold weather conditions provided that the safety of the ship is not impaired.
Note 1: The reduced power is not to be lower than the minimum power required by the ice class notation, where applicable.


Sea inlet and overboard discharge de-icing

Arrangements are to be made to avoid any blockage by ice of: the sea inlets the overboard discharges situated above the water line as well as up to 1 m below the ballast water line. 6.2.3 Ballast tank de-icing


Design of heating systems intended for ballast tanks

a) Arrangements are to be provided to prevent water ballast freezing in tanks adjacent to the shell and located totally or partly above the ballast water line. b) The following systems will be accepted to prevent water ballast freezing: heating systems internal circulating / pumping systems bubbling systems steam injection systems. c) This also applies to other tanks subject to freezing (such as fresh water, fuel oil). 6.2.4 Fire main and air vents heads

a) Onboard ships where flammable cargo vapours may enter the ballast tanks in case of structural damage, the temperature of any part of the heating system is not to exceed the maximum temperature allowed for the cargo. b) The heating lines including the return lines are to be independent from those serving the cargo tanks. c) Heating coils which are not in use are to be drained. 6.3.3 Bubbling systems

a) Bubbling systems are to be so designed as to avoid any ice formation in the tank which may be detrimental to the tank structure. b) The bubbling system is to include a sufficient number of air nozzles distributed throughout the tank bottom. c) The maximum pressure induced in the tank by the air supply system is not to exceed the design pressure of the tank. d) The bubbling system may be served: either by a dedicated compressed air plant, or by the general service air system provided its capacity takes into account the air consumption of the bubbling system. 6.3.4 Prevention of tank over-pressurisation Provisions are to be made to prevent over-pressurizing the tanks and sea chests when the air or steam injection system is operating. Pressure reduction devices are to be fitted where deemed necessary.

At least one of the fire pumps is to be connected to the sea inlet referred to in [3.3.1]. Refer also to Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 6, [1.2.1]. Air vents heads are to be fitted with de-icing device.


Design requirements
Design of the sea inlets

a) The ship is to be provided with at least one sea bay from which pumps supplying cooling water to essential machinery draw.

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6.3.5 Supporting of pipes The design and arrangement of the pipe supports and collars are to take into account the weight of ice accretion, which is calculated in accordance with the provisions of [5.2.2].


Navigation and communication equipment

7.3.1 Attention is to be paid ensuring that navigation and communication equipment is suitable for the temperature tDE.

Additional requirements for electrical installations, navigation and communication equipment for COLD (H tDH, E tDE)


Others protections

7.4.1 Personal protection and evacuation equipment are to be suitable for the temperature tDE. 7.4.2 Personal protection for chemical tankers and gas carriers


7.1.1 Electrical equipment fitted in open decks are to be suitable for operation at the temperature tDE.


Cableways supports

7.2.1 Cableways supports are to be designed so as to take into consideration the ice load.

The protective, safety and emergency equipment for personnel protection (as required by IBC Code, as amended, Chapter 14 or IGC Code, as amended, Chapter 14) is to be suitable for the temperature tDE. The possibility for repeated operation of decontamination showers and an eyewash on deck at the temperature tDE is to be carefully considered.


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Pt E, Ch 10, Sec 17

Chapter 10 (Amendments January 2012) Add the following Section 17:







1.1.1 The requirements of the present Section are applicable for oil tankers fitted with bow or stern loading/unloading systems and intended to be granted class notations defined in [1.2]. 1.1.2 The requirements of the present Section are to be considered in addition to the applicable requirements of Part D, Chapter 7.

1.4.1 Oil tanker For the purpose of the present Note, oil tanker means a ship with service notation oil tanker, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4]. 1.4.2 Hazardous areas Hazardous areas are areas where flammable or explosive gases are normally present or likely to be present. Hazardous areas are categorized as Zone 0, Zone 1 and Zone 2, as defined in Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 1, [3.24]. Detailed definitions of hazardous areas are given as follows in Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 5. 1.4.3 Cargo area The cargo area is that part of the ship that contains cargo tanks as well as slop tanks, cargo pump rooms including pump rooms, cofferdams, ballast or void spaces adjacent to cargo tanks or slop tanks as well as deck areas throughout the entire length and breadth of the part of the ship above these spaces. When independent tanks are installed in hold spaces, the cofferdams, ballast or void spaces at the after end of the aftermost hold space or at the forward end of the forwardmost hold space are excluded from the cargo area.


Class notations

1.2.1 Additional class notation BLUS Oil tankers equipped with bow loading/unloading systems and complying with the requirements of the present Section may be granted the additional class notation BLUS. 1.2.2 Additional class notation SLUS Oil tankers equipped with stern loading/unloading systems and complying with the requirements of the present Section may be granted the additional class notation SLUS.


Scope of classification

1.3.1 Additional class notations BLUS and SLUS, as defined in [1.2], cover classification requirements relating to the following equipment and items: general arrangement of bow or stern loading/unloading systems cargo transfer piping for bow or stern loading/unloading systems relevant mooring arrangements traction winches and storage reel bow and stern control stations fire protection of areas relating to bow or stern loading/unloading systems ventilation of spaces in relevant bow or stern areas. electrical equipment for bow or stern loading/unloading systems instrumentation and automation for bow or stern loading/unloading systems. 1.3.2 All equipment covered by additional class notations BLUS and SLUS is to be function tested.


Documents to be submitted

1.5.1 General In addition to the documentation requested by the Ship Rules, the following documents are to be submitted: general arrangement of bow or stern loading/unloading systems and mooring arrangements, including loading/unloading manifold, traction winch, storage reel, fairleads and chain stoppers, relevant control stations hazardous area plan and electrical equipment data plans showing fire protection and fire extinguishing arrangements for the bow or stern loading/unloading areas ventilation of spaces in bow or stern areas spill containment arrangements details of cargo piping from the cargo area to loading/unloading manifold, including standard construction details operating manual.

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Operating Manual

1.6.1 An Operating Manual is to be submitted to the Society, for approval, as requested in [1.5.1]. 1.6.2 The Operating Manual is to provide, at least, the following information relating to ship operation: mooring procedure including specific operation of mooring related equipment connection / disconnection of hose coupling emergency disconnection procedure cargo transfer specific loading conditions including cargo load distribution cleaning and gas-freeing provisions for avoiding overfilling of cargo tanks. 1.6.3 The Operating Manual is to provide references to drawings relating to relevant arrangements, equipment, safety installations, emergency escape routes.

3.2.2 Connection with shore or offshore unit is to be fitted with a shut-off valve and a blank flange. The blank flange may be omitted when a patent hose coupling is fitted. 3.2.3 Cargo lines outside the cargo area are to be installed outside accommodation spaces, service spaces, machinery spaces and control stations. 3.2.4 Pipe connections outside the cargo area are to be of welded type only, except for connections with manifold or loading/unloading equipment. 3.2.5 Spray shields are to be provided at the connection station, except where the loading/unloading manifold is located outboard. Spill containment arrangements with sufficient capacity are to be provided under the loading/unloading manifold. 3.2.6 Cargo lines outside cargo area are to be provided with arrangements for easy draining to the cargo area, in a cargo tank. 3.2.7 Loading/unloading lines are to be fitted with means to be purged by inert gas after use and maintained gas free when not in use. Due consideration is to be given to isolation between cargo and the inert gas system.



2.1.1 Material for construction are to comply with the requirements of NR216 Material and Welding. 2.1.2 Unless otherwise specified, materials for cargo piping are to comply with the requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10 applicable to piping systems of class III. The requirements of Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 4, [3.3.2] are also to be taken into account.



3.3.1 Air inlets, entrances and openings to machinery spaces, service spaces and control stations are to be located at least 10 m from the coupling and are not to be located facing the cargo hose connection. 3.3.2 For ships intended to be assigned the additional notation SLUS, due consideration is to be given to the location of ventilation inlets and outlets of machinery spaces and openings of deckhouses and superstructure boundaries.


General design
Mooring system


Hazardous areas and electrical installations

3.1.1 Mooring equipment are to be designed in accordance with relevant requirements given in Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 4. 3.1.2 Mooring system is to be provided with a device indicating continuously the tension in lines during loading/unloading operations. 3.1.3 The requirement of [3.1.2] may be waived for ships fitted with a dynamic positioning system for operations and intended to be assigned the additional class notation DYNAPOS, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6]. 3.1.4 Mooring system instrumentation is to include chain stopper control and mooring lines control.

3.4.1 Spaces used for housing loading/unloading hoses, cargo lines and loading/unloading manifold are to be considered as hazardous area Zone 1. 3.4.2 Spaces within 3 m from the boundary of spill containment arrangements are to be considered as hazardous, Zone 1. 3.4.3 Electrical equipment and cables located in hazardous areas are to be of a certified safe-type and are to comply with the requirements of Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 5.




Cargo piping system

3.5.1 Ship positioning and manoeuvring during loading/ unloading operations is to be ensured by: controllable pitch propeller side thrusters of adequate power.

3.2.1 Cargo piping outside cargo area is to be fitted with a shut-off valve at its connection with the piping system within the cargo area and separating means such as blank flanges or removable spool pieces are to be provided when the piping is not in use, irrespective of the number and type of valves in the line.

3.5.2 For ships fitted with dynamic positioning system, the requirements given under the scope of additional class notation DYNAPOS are to be complied with.


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Emergency Disconnection System (EDS)

3.6.1 Bow or stern loading/unloading systems are to be provided with an automatic EDS and a back-up EDS. 3.6.2 Functions of automatic EDS are to be performed in sequence and are to include: tripping of transfer pumps emergency closing of valves coupler disconnection mooring system release. 3.6.3 The back-up EDS is to be manually operated, allowing the individual operation of coupler and mooring system.

3.8.2 Means of communication are to be such that the communication can be maintained in the eventuality of any equipment failure or incidents during loading/unloading operations. 3.8.3 Means of communication in hazardous areas are to be of a certified safe-type. 3.8.4 A communication sequence is to be established for all phases of loading/unloading operation.


Safety features


Control station

3.9.1 The layout of bow or stern loading/unloading system is to be based on the principle of the minimization of risk and consequences of relevant fire and explosion events relating to bow or stern areas. 3.9.2 The following additional safety equipment is to be provided, as a minimum: protection of mooring elements against shocks and contact with hull elements protection of hose coupling against shocks and contact with hull elements additional water jets and foam monitors for bow or stern area, at the satisfaction of the Society a fixed foam fire extinguishing system, at the satisfaction of the Society, covering loading/unloading areas a fixed water spray system covering the area of mooring elements, hose couplings and control station area. 3.9.3 Bow or stern loading/unloading system is not to interfere with the safe launching of survival craft. Provisions are to be made to protect launching stations from sprays in case of hose and pipe bursting.

3.7.1 A control station from which are performed all operations relating to ship positioning and monitoring of mooring and loading/unloading parameters is to be arranged in the relevant bow or stern area or on the navigation bridge. 3.7.2 Boundaries of the control station, including windows and side scuttles, are to be of A-60 insulated. 3.7.3 Adequate emergency escape routes are to be provided for the control station.



3.8.1 Means of communication, such as telephones, twoway portable radios, etc, are to be provided onboard between the control station and shore or offshore unit. Means of emergency communication are also to be provided.

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Pt E, Ch 10, Sec 18

Chapter 10 (Amendments January 2012) Add the following Section 18:






Documents to be submitted

1.2.1 The plans and documents to be submitted to the Society are listed in Tab 1.

1.1.1 The additional class notation SAS is assigned in accordance with Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.14.24], to ships having the service notation supply vessel fitted with installations for underway ship-to-ship supply at sea of liquid and solid supplies, complying with the requirements of this Section. Specific operation may be added if relevant (e.g. SAS - seismic support). 1.1.2 The requirements of this Section apply in addition to the requirements of Part D, Chapter 15. 1.1.3 Application to other types of ship may be considered on a case-by-case basis.



1.3.1 Supply At Sea (SAS) SAS means refuelling at sea or underway provisioning at sea of solid and liquid supplies. 1.3.2 SAS station SAS station is the deck area fitted with SAS equipment providing the capability to carry out underway provisioning of liquid and/or solid cargo. 1.3.3 SAS control station SAS control station is a station from which it is possible to operate SAS equipment and observe the SAS operations performed at SAS station(s).

Table 1 : Documentation to be submitted

Documents to be submitted Description and operation manuals of the ship's SAS systems and equipments, including limiting conditions for SAS operations Plans showing each proposed combination of equipment, fully rigged Details of solid cargo to be transferred: maximum weight and dimensions Details of liquid cargo to be transferred and diagram of the fluid transfer system Details of maximum sea state and environmental conditions under which SAS operations are permitted General arrangement showing: relative disposition of SAS stations and associated clearances location of SAS control stations arrangement of solid cargo transfer routes Lifting appliances: plans and construction drawings of all lifting appliances, masts, derricks, rigs Mooring plan, including details and SWL of lines, bitts, fairleads and winches to be used Details of equipment identified for SAS operations. Design and installation loads on the equipment together with details of securing and holding down arrangements. Details of the access required for maintenance and to operate the equipment Description of safety devices (emergency breakaway, antislack devices, alarms, limit switches) Drawings of the foundations of lifting appliances and winches, including footprint and reaction forces National or international regulations, standards or specifications used for type testing of equipment requiring type testing according to Tab 3 SWL of all components of SAS installation Test and inspection programme for the test onboard: static load test, checking verifications, dynamic overload tests Details of structural reinforcement under SAS stations dump areas (1) I : To be submitted for information. A : To be submitted for approval. I/A (1) I A I A I I




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Documents to be submitted Diagram of internal ship communication system Diagram of ship to ship communication system Arrangement plan of low intensity lightning of SAS stations and transfer routes (1) I : To be submitted for information. A : To be submitted for approval.

I/A (1) A I I


Design and construction

SAS equipment


Survey of elements within the scope of ship classification

2.1.1 Typical arrangement Solid supply installations are generally made of: support line and inhaul line with their necessary associated items (hooks, derricks, mast...) to run the traveller block manually or by means of winches between delivery ship and receiving ship, or on-board cranes. Liquids supply installations are generally made of: hose lengths secured by saddles to the support line with their necessary associated items (hooks, derricks, mast...) and run between both ships by means of winches, or floating hoses running between both ships (stern transfer). Other types of SAS installations may be used and are to be submitted to the Society for special examination. 2.1.2 General SAS pieces of equipment onboard supply vessels are to comply with the following requirements: they are to be type approved according to [4.1] certificates of inspection of materials and equipment are to be provided as indicated in [4.2] fitting onboard of the SAS equipment is to be witnessed by a Surveyor of the Society and the relevant certificate is to be issued demonstration of the strength, structural integrity and good working of SAS equipment is to be effected for each ship through shipboard testing as mentioned in [4.4] and this is to be reported in the above certificate. 2.1.3 Emergency breakaway All SAS equipment and facilities are to be designed to permit the application of emergency breakaway procedures that are normally to be complete within one minute of the commencement of initiation. Use may be made of quick release couplings and/or breakable couplings. Attention is to be given to the attachment of wires and ropes to winch drums and the selection of emergency breakaway equipment (wire cutters, axes, etc.). 2.1.4 Prevention measures Fenders are to be provided to protect the ship from ship-toship contact during SAS operations. Measurements are to be taken to prevent electrostatic hazards during liquids transfer operation.

The fixed parts of the SAS equipment and connections to ship structure (masts, crane pedestals, winches and equipment foundations, local reinforcements under the dump area and transfer lanes) are to be surveyed at the yard by a Surveyor of the Society within the scope of the ship classification. 2.1.6 Safe Working Load (SWL) of SAS equipment

The safe working load of SAS components is to be sufficient to withstand the maximum load to which such component may be subjected during the SAS operation. The safe working load is to be indicated by the designer. For tensioned spanwire, the SWL of the rigging components is the maximum design tension of the spanwire given by the designer. As a rule, the SWL of the components which are not part of the tensioned line (i.e. riding and retrieving lines) is not to be less than 35 kN. 2.1.7 Winches

Winches are to incorporate safety features that permit safe SAS operations and cater for the unique loading conditions that may arise during SAS operations. The following functions are to be fulfilled: a) Quick and efficient engagement and disengagement of the service brake by both automatic and manual means b) Long term locking of the winch drum having manual engagement and disengagement c) For spanwire and retrieving winches: an overload protection preventing the wire/rope being overstressed during SAS operations (e.g. when ships move or roll apart) slack rope prevention that maintains tension in the wire when the winch is operating under no load d) Proper spooling of the wire onto the drum e) Winches are to be fed by an alternative power supply either from the emergency source or from an independent source of power. Combined stress resulting from application in the most unfavourable conditions of a tension in the cable equal the breaking load of this cable is not to be higher than 80% of the comparison elastic limit of the material of which strength elements such as frame, drum, drum axles, assembly welds, etc. are made. Minimum braking force of service brakes is not to be less than 1,5 times the safe working force on the brake.

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Steel wire ropes

Steel wire ropes used for SAS operations are to be in compliance with requirements of NR216 Materials and Welding, Ch 4, Sec 1, [4]. The ratio of the specified breaking load of the cable to its SWL is not to be taken less than 3,5. 2.1.9 Hoses and fittings

Compliance with the above is to be demonstrated by a risk analysis performed in compliance with Pt E, Ch 2, App 1, Procedures for Failure Modes and Effect Analysis. A dynamic positioning system, with Dynapos AM/AT R notation, could be considered as an alternative regarding the availability of the steering system.


Arrangement and installation


Hoses for transferring liquids are to be in accordance with standards applicable to the intended application. 2.1.10 Masts Masts, cranes, derricks and rigs used for SAS operations and fenders positioning are to comply with the relevant requirements of NR526 Rules for Lifting Appliances, considering the most unfavourable combination of all safe working loads applied to the mast. 2.1.11 Shipboard fittings and supporting hull structures associated with mooring Mooring lines are only to be led through class approved closed fairleads. Additional lines are to be readily available to supplement moorings if necessary or in the event of a line failure. It is recommended to use all available fairleads and bitts to avoid concentration of loads. The requirements of Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 4, [5.3] are applicable.

3.1.1 SAS systems are to be designed and installed such that degradation or failure of any SAS system will not render another ship system inoperable.


Arrangement of SAS stations

Location of SAS stations

The distance separating two alongside SAS stations, if any, is recommended not to be less than 20 m and not to exceed 40 m. As far as practicable, one side SAS station is to be located amidships to maximise crew protection during SAS operations in heavy weather conditions. 3.2.2 Clearance requirements

A clearance of at least 30 aft and forward of each side SAS station is to be provided. For the stern station, if any, sufficient clearance is to be provided for safe deployment of refuelling equipment with regard to deck and stern equipment. 3.2.3 Protection of personnel


Steering capability

The steering gear system is to fulfil the requirements defined in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 11. 2.2.2 Electrical power supply

An alternative power supply either from the emergency source of electrical power or from an independent source of power located in the steering gear compartment is to be provided, sufficient at least to supply the steering gear power unit such that the latter is able to perform the duties of auxiliary steering gear. This power source is to be activated automatically, within 45 seconds, in the event of failure of the main source(s) of electrical power. The independent source is to be used only for this purpose. The alternative power source is also to supply the steering gear control system, the remote control of the power unit and the rudder angle indicator. 2.2.3 Steering control systems

a) Bulwarks, guard rails or other equivalent arrangement are to be provided in exposed upper deck positions with regard to personnel protection, in accordance with Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 2. b) In general, SAS operations are to be carried out with guard rails in position. Where, for operational reasons, this is not practicable, alternative equivalent arrangements are to be provided. c) Slip-free surfaces are to be provided in the areas where SAS operations are conducted, and tripping hazards are to be minimized. d) A minimum distance of at least 3 m between any SAS station superstructure and the edge of the weather deck is to be provided. In case this distance is practically not achievable, specific measures are to be described in order to provide protection to personnel (individual protection, maximum size of solid loads transferred, marks on SAS area, procedures used, limitation of operations according to weather conditions ...) e) Authorised personnel only is allowed at the SAS station. During liquid transfer operation, authorised personnel is to be equipped with protective clothing

Any single failure in the steering control system including its interfaces to the navigation system is not to impair the steering capability which is to be continuously maintained. Such single failure may affect any active component as defined in Pt E, Ch 2, Sec 1, [1.2.5] from interfaces to the navigation system to interfaces to the mechanical steering actuators.


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Ship to ship communications

The rigging securing points are to be arranged so that safe access is provided to authorised personnel, including ladders and walkways on the masts. 3.2.5 SAS equipment stores

a) Means are to be provided to allow continuous ship to ship distance measurement during side by side SAS operations. b) Visual and aural means of communication are to be provided between the ships conducting SAS operations. c) If some equipment, such as distance line, is to be transferred from one ship to another in order to conduct the SAS operations, the distance line securing points are to be clear of all SAS stations and arranged so that the distance line is visible from the bridge conning position. This requirement may be waived for stern replenishment.

SAS equipments and fittings are to be stored in dedicated stores, readily accessible from authorised personnel SAS station. The stores are to have direct access to the weather deck. 3.2.6 Sources of high intensity noise

SAS stations are to be arranged so that exposure to high intensity noise (above 85 dB) is as low as practicable during SAS operations.


Fluid transfer


SAS control station arrangement

a) A SAS control station is to be provided for control and monitoring of all equipment involved in SAS operations. b) The controls for SAS equipment are to be situated at one control position or grouped in as few positions as possible, to the satisfaction of the Society. c) For liquid transfer, the SAS control station is to be located at a safe distance from the filling connection. d) The SAS control station is to be located so that it provides a clear view of all SAS stations and associated equipment. e) The SAS control station is to be permanently manned during transfer operations.

a) The filling connections for liquid transfer operations are to be located within the SAS station and are to be fitted with a quick closing valves operable from the SAS control station. b) Filling connections are to be designed to allow an emergency breakaway as per [2.1.3]. In particular, they are to be provided with quick release coupling c) Filling connections are to be provided with pressure sensors monitored from the SAS control station. 3.5.2 Quick release system

When transferring flammable liquids, adequate means are to be provided to rapidly stop the liquid transfer operation if abnormal situation occurs. This system is to operate at two levels: stage 1: shut down of cargo pumps and shutting of quick closing valves. Emergency stop is to be provided at SAS control station and at bridge conning position. stage 2: release of the quick release couplings. The quick release system may be connected to the ships automatic emergency breakway system (if any) but, in all cases, is also to be capable of manual activation. The means of control of the quick release system are to be located at the SAS control station together with the controls for any safety system that may provided additional protection to the ship in the event of a quick release (e.g. deck foam system ...). In the event of activation of the quick release hose couplings, the hoses are to be adequately supported and protected to prevent potential damage or rupture. 3.5.3 Fire extinguishing arrangement


Bridge conning position

A conning position for the officer in charge of the SAS operations is to be provided on the navigating bridge with a duplicated position on both bridge wings. From this conning position, it is to be possible to observe the ship heading and relative motion of the ships conducting SAS operations. In addition, a gyro compass readout and rudder angle indicator are to be readily visible from the conning position. 3.4.2 Ship internal communication systems

Means of communication are to be provided between each SAS station and the SAS control station. Such communication system is to be such that communication between SAS stations and SAS control station can be maintained in case of equipment single failure. As a minimum, means of effective ship internal communications are to be provided in accordance with Tab 2.

A SAS station is to be provided with: two dry powder fire-extinguishers, each of at least 50 kg at least one portable low expansion foam applicator.

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Table 2 : Internal communications

Position Conning position SAS station SAS control station X X X Conning position SAS station X SAS control station X X Each SAS station is to be able to communicate with the conning position and the SAS control station Remarks


Solid transfer


Certification, inspection and testing

Type approval procedure

To prevent ingress of water into the ship, sills or alternative equivalent arrangements are to be provided at the entrances to the interior of the ship from each SAS station. 3.6.2 Ship structure

4.1.1 SAS components are to be type approved according to the following procedure: the design is to comply with the requirements of this Section and either national or international standards, or recognized codes or specifications, which are to be indicated each component of the SAS equipment is to be tested and its manufacturing is to be witnessed and certified by a Surveyor according to [4.3] types tests are to be carried out as specified under [4.4].

a) Each SAS station intended for solid transfer operations is to be provided with a designated dump area. The dump area is to be suitably reinforced to withstand the impact loads that may arise due to landing of stores and equipment on board during SAS operations. b) The dump area is to extend over at least 1 m outside of the largest expected solid cargo foot print. A factor of safety of not less than 3,5 times the maximum load to be transferred is to be used in the design of the structure.


Inspection at works of the SAS equipment


Electrical installation

3.7.1 The following additional hazardous areas are to be considered when transferring flammable liquids having a flash point not exceeding 60C or flammable liquids heated to a temperature within 15C of their flash point: Zone 1: Enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces containing SAS equipment unless: fitted with forced ventilation capable of giving at least 20 air changes per hour and having characteristics such as to maintain the effectiveness of such ventilation, or acceptable means are provided to drain or empty the hoses or rigid arms on completion of transfer operations, prior to or after disconnection

4.2.1 The materials and equipment are to be inspected and certified as specified in Tab 3.


Prototype tests

4.3.1 Prototype tests are to be witnessed by a Surveyor from the Society and to include load test of the SAS equipment under a proof load at least equal to 2 times the safe working load defined in [2.1.6].


Tests on board

Zone 2: Areas in open deck within 3 m from SAS equipment unless acceptable means are provided to drain or empty the hoses or rigid arms on completion of transfer operations and after disconnection. Types of electrical equipment allowed within these areas are specified in Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [10]. 3.7.2 All the deck mounted electrical equipment and enclosures are to be designed with IP56 ingress protection rating. 3.7.3 Night operation

The SAS arrangements are to undergo the following tests and inspections after their installation on board: static load test demonstrating the strength of the complete rigging of SAS equipment under a load condition larger than the operational one; after static load test, a visual inspection and functional test to demonstrate that the system is operational and has not suffered damages from the static load tests; overload tests to demonstrate proper functioning of the equipment on overload.

These tests are to be carried out according to a test programme submitted to the Society. Testing and marking of the SAS equipment is to be in accordance with the relevant requirements of NR526 Rules for Lifting Appliances, Sec 10.

In order to carry out SAS operation at night in safe conditions, sufficient lighting, including emergency lighting, is to be provided on SAS areas and at control station.


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Table 3 : Materials and equipment certification

Product certification Examinations and tests Remarks Certification During fabrication After completion Running tests X (3) C (1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3) W DA or TA Xs DA C (1) TA Xsh (2) X (3) C (1) (2) (3) W DA (1) X (2) C (1) (2) W X (1) C (1) X (1) C (1) Xh C According to an agreed programme for onboard tests as per [4.4] Only for metallic pieces and couplings Non-destructive and hydraulic tests as per recognized standards or specification to be specified by the manufacturer Emergency breakaway capabilities to be demonstrated onboard Only for elements not complying with a national or international standard Proof load as per [4.3] As per requirement of NR216 or in compliance with a national or international standard (ISO 3178 for instance) X (2) X (2) W (1) (2) As per NR216 As per relevant provisions of NR526 Shop tests and running tests onboard as per [4.4] As per NR216 As a rule, no individual design assessment of winches and RAS equipment Onboard tests as per [4.4] Considered as intended for secondary essential services Testing of electric motors includes type tests and routine tests as per Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 4, [3] X (2) X (2) Material certification Design assessment index

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Lifting appliances: masts, cranes, derricks

C (1)


Winches, anti-slack devices, Ram tensioner

C (1)

TA (2)

X (3)

Electric motors and electrical equipment used for SAS operations (1) C

Hydraulic cylinders, piping of class I and equipment essential for SAS operation (winches, Ram tensioner)

Bureau Veritas

Control systems of winches and essential systems for SAS operation (Ram tensioner)

Cargo transfer hoses and pipes couplings, including breakaway couplings

Loose gear and accessories, including blocks, hooks, shackles, swivels

Steel wire ropes

Note 1: "C" indicates that a product certificate of the Society is required with invitation of the Society surveyor to attend the tests unless otherwise agreed. "W" indicates that a manufacturer's certificate is required. index "h" means that an hydraulic pressure test is required. index "s" means that non destructive tests are required, as per Rules, standard or specification. "TA" means a type approval is required. "DA" means a design approval of the product is required, either for the specific unit produced, or using the type approval procedure. Note 2: Where nothing is mentioned in the design index assessment column, a design assessment of the specific unit is not required.


Pt E, Ch 10, Sec 18

4.4.2 Static load tests Static load tests are to be performed using dedicated test wire rope, different from the ship wire rope used onboard. The test loads are to be greater than twice the rated SWL of the rigging to be tested. In addition, for tensioned spanwire or highline systems, the test load is not to be less than 20% of the breaking strength of the spanwire or highline.

4.4.3 Overload tests Repeated load cycles specific to each type of equipment are to be performed according to a test programme submitted to the Society. As a rule, the test load is to be 1,5 times the rated operating load corresponding to the SWL. On winches with adjustable clutches, the clutch need temporary readjustment in order to perform the overload tests. After completion of the test, the clutch or limiting devices are to be readjusted to the normal value and retested.


Bureau Veritas

Amendments July 2012

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