Format For Written Cases: General Information

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Format for Written Cases

General Information: Be sure to properly cite your resources in footnotes, and include a list of your resources at the end of the paper. Use the Modern Language Association (MLA) style. Provide a cover page with the following information !itle, date, your name, su"mitted to whom, course name and num"er. At the "ottom of the cover page, write the following and sign it o #By su"mitting this paper, $ affirm that this wor% is my own, e&cept for where the words or ideas of others are specifically ac%nowledged. $ also affirm that this wor% did not e&ist "efore the "eginning of this course' and that neither $ nor anyone else has su"mitted or will su"mit this paper (or one su"stantially consisting of the same information) for credit for this or any other course.# Bind the paper securely, using a coil or paper "inding, staples, or clips, so that it will remain together throughout the grading process. Please do not use ( ring "inders, paper protector sheets or other things that will ma%e the paper heavy or cum"ersome. Be sure to thoroughly analy)e all availa"le data, and support your positions. *herever necessary, do outside research to augment the data in the case. Address the issues as of the time of the case, including your recommendations. +o not repeat the history of the case. Assume we have all read the case study, and repeat only information that is relevant to your analysis. ,umerous we" sites provide information a"out report writing s%ills, such as documenting your wor% and writing e&ecutive summaries. Be sure that within the "ody of the paper, you e&plicitly address all relevant issues related to o o o o Leadership -orporate governance .lo"ali)ation and international commerce /thics and social responsi"ility

Report Structure: !he following discussion lays out a general structure for your paper. Use these headings as assigned for the sections of your paper, unless instructed otherwise. $f you thin% a heading doesn0t fit or isn0t appropriate, contact the instructor. /&ecutive 1ummary 2 Provide a single page e&ecutive summary. *rite this last. -oncisely summari)e the issues, the analysis, your recommendations and the %ey

implementation issues. !hen include the summary at the "eginning of your paper. 1ituation 1tatement 2 $n a single page, present concise statements of the company0s situation as of the time of the case. Briefly summari)e any significant challenges, pro"lems and opportunities' changes in the environment and industry' and other issues that must "e addressed "y top management. 1trategic Management Process 2 +iscuss the strategic management processes within the company. o +oes the organi)ation have processes to address the tas%s of strategic o o o o management3 *hat role has top management played in directing the process3 4ave they "een successful in doing so3 $s there sufficient management depth3 4ave the top level managers displayed the leadership characteristics necessary to develop and implement the strategies3 *hat role has the Board of +irectors ta%en in running the company3 4as that role "een appropriate3 1hould they "e doing more or less3 Are there any other corporate governance issues that have an important role in the current situation3

$ndustry Analysis 2 -omplete a thorough $ndustry Analysis. o Basic $ndustry Analysis. o Address the %ey competitors, and their resources and competitive capa"ilities. o $nclude a thorough review of the macro e&ternal environment, including any issues that have a significant impact on the industry. -ompany Analysis 2 -omplete a thorough -ompany 5esource and -ompetitive -apa"ilities Analysis. o $nclude a thorough 1*6! and 7alue -hain analysis. o Address the levels of hori)ontal and vertical diversification. o -onsider each of the %ey functional areas, e.g. management, production, 58+, technology, product line, etc. Also, complete thorough analyses of the financial and mar%eting strategies. o -onsider the international activities. o 9or diversified companies, analy)e the overall mi& of "usiness activities. 9inancial 1trategy and Analysis 2 As part of your company analysis, add a section with a thorough financial analysis of the company, and of competitors as appropriate. o Basic -ompany 9inancial Analysis. o !he discussion goes in the "ody of the report, along with e&hi"its and data

pertinent to your discussion' the detailed data goes in the appendi&. Mar%eting 1trategy and Analysis 2 As part of your company analysis, complete a thorough analysis of the company0s mar%eting strategies and activities. 1trategy, /thics and 1ocial 5esponsi"ility 2 $n this section, e&amine the company0s approach to social and ethical responsi"ility towards sta%eholders and their impact on corporate strategy. o *hat are the underlying ethical values and feelings toward ris% of top o management and the "oard3 *hat evidence have you found in that regard3 *hat approach does management ta%e toward social responsi"ility3 4ow does

this compare with others in the industry3 +o they en:oy a competitive advantage or disadvantage as a result3 $n your opinion, how are they doing in addressing fulfilling their responsi"ilities3 *hat are the international ethical and social implications of their previous and

potential alternative strategic opportunities3 1trategic Alternatives 2 Using all the information you developed in the previous steps, identify the strategic alternatives availa"le to the company. Be sure to specifically address those related to competing internationally. 5ecommendations and +iscussion 2 List your %ey recommendations with support. o *hy do you recommend the ones you do3 o 4ow do they e&ploit the %ey strengths of the organi)ation, and minimi)e their wea%nesses3 $mplementation Plan 2 1et forth your recommended plan to implement your strategy recommendations. *hat are the %ey issues to the success of the implementation plan3 Update 2 *hen you are finished with your analysis, research what has happened since the time of the case, and include a "rief update to the current time.

5esources, Appendices and /&hi"its 2 Attach the list of your resources, and any appendices and e&hi"its, at the end of the report.

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