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Grounded theory
Are you interested in contributing to Main page Health libraries List of portals Recent changes Random page Contents[hide] Toolbox What links here Related changes Special pages Printable version Permanent link Cite this page 1 Last Update 2 Introduction 3 Salient quotes 4 Four stages of analysis 5 Challenges 6 Coding 7 Key websites 8 References HLWIKI International ? contact: dean.giustini@ubc.ca To browse other articles on a range of HSL topics, see the A-Z index .

Last Update
9 August 2013

See also Content analysis | Information technology topics | Media literacy | Social media | Textmining | Twitter "... grounded theory is a general research method (and thus not owned by any one school or discipline) that should guide the researcher on matters of data collection (where quantitative or qualitative data is used eg. video, images, text, observations, spoken word etc.) ...and details strict procedures for data analysis..." Glaser, 1992 Grounded theory is a theory that is revealed through the systematic gathering and analysis of information during the research process; its objective is the building of an empirically-based theory in relation to social phenomena about which little analysis has previously been done. As such, GT is an inductive-analyticalqualitative type of research and its intent is to generate or discover a theory, in particular a theory that is grounded (hence the name). As a somewhat abstract schema, grounded theory refers to a particular circumstance, one where individuals interact, take actions or engage in a process in response to something (Creswell, 1998). Grounded theory is also described as a research method where a theory develops from the data, which emerges from three main areas of a study; namely, major concepts, categories and propositions -- what might be viewed as "hypotheses". Concepts are the key elements of analysis in grounded theory and developed from the conceptualization of the data. Strauss & Corbin, authors of "Basics of Qualitative research: Grounded Theory Procedures and Techniques" are two of the biggest proponents of GT; they defined it as: "...a qualitative research method that uses a systematic set of procedures to develop an inductively derived grounded theory about a phenomenon". The primary objective of grounded theory, therefore, is to expand on an explanation of a phenomenon by identifying the key elements of it and categorizing the relationships of elements to the context and process of the experiment. In other words, the goal is to go from the general to the specific without losing sight of

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Salient quotes
The theory is emergent -- discovered in the data, Glaser will say. The methods can be emergent (from the data) too. This is an important issue, worth more attention. The distinction between "emergence and forcing", as Glaser frames it, is fundamental to understanding the methodology. Grounded theory has its own sources of rigour and responsive to the situation in which the research was done. There is a continuing search for evidence which disconfirms the emerging theory. It is driven by the data in such a way that the final shape of the theory is likely to provide a good fit to the situation.

Four stages of analysis

Stage Codes Concepts Purpose Identifying anchors that allow the key points of the data to be gathered Collections of codes of similar content that allows the data to be grouped

Categories Broad groups of similar concepts that are used to generate a theory Theory A collection of explanations that explain the subject of the research

researchers need to set aside, as much as possible, theoretical ideas or notions so that the analytical, substantive theory can emerge despite the evolving inductive nature of this form of qualitative inquiry, researchers must recognize this as a systematic approach to research with specific steps in data analysis researchers need to face the difficulty of determining when the categories are saturated or when the theory is sufficiently detailed in GT you are asking yourself: What is going on here? What is the situation? How is the person managing the situation? what categories (plural) are suggested by that sentence? carry out data analysis with the first survey in mind; code subsequent interviews (or data from other sources) with the emerging theory in mind; thats constant comparison: initially comparing data set to data set; later comparing data to theory. As you do this, be aware of any theoretical ideas that come to mind. If any do, note them down immediately.

Coding is the disaggregation of core themes during qualitative data analysis. A specific type of coding called axial coding is a process of relating codes (categories and concepts) to each other through inductive and deductive thinking. The basic framework of relationships is understood according to Strauss who proposes the use of a "coding paradigm" to include categories related to I) the phenomenon under study, II) conditions related to that phenomenon (context, intervening-structural-conditions or causal conditions), III) actions and interactional strategies aimed at managing or handling the phenomenon and IV) consequences of the actions/interactions related to the phenomenon. The implicit or explicit theoretical framework necessary to identify categories in empirical data is derived from a "general model of action rooted in pragmatist and interactionist social theory". This model or theoretical framework underlines the importance of "analysing and modelling action and interaction strategies of the actors". Coding is a cornerstone of Strauss and Corbins (1990, 1998) approach but is regarded by Charmaz (2006) as highly structured and even optional.

Key websites

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HLWIKI Canada Grounded theory: a thumbnail sketch Grounded Theory Institute Grounded theory review What is grounded theory? YouTube Grounded theory videos

Bukvova H, Kalb H. What we blog: a qualitative analysis of research blogs. Publishing in the networked world. Int Conf Electronic Publishing . Helsinki, Finland, 2010. Charmaz K. Discovering chronic illness: using grounded theory. In: More grounded theory methodology. Mill Valley, CA: Sociology Press; 1994. Charmaz K. Between positivism and postmodernism: implications for methods. Studies in Symbolic Interaction . 1995;17:43-72. Charmaz K. Grounded theory: rethinking methods in psychology. London: Sage; 1995. Charmaz K. Grounded theory: objectivist and constructivist methods. In: Handbook of qualitative research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage; 2000. Charmaz K. Qualitative interviewing and grounded theory analysis. In: Handbook of interview research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage; 2001. Charmaz K, Mitchell R. The myth of silent authorship: self, substance and style in ethnographic writing. Symbolic Interaction . 1996;19(4):285-302. Corbin & Strauss. Basics of qualitative research: grounded theory procedures and techniques. 3e. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage; 2008. Duncan V, Holtslander L. Utilizing grounded theory to explore the information-seeking behavior of senior nursing students. J Med Libr Assoc. 2012;100(1):20-7. Glaser B. Theoretical sensitivity. Mill Valley: Sociology Press; 1978. Glaser B. Basics of grounded theory analysis: emergence versus forcing. Mill Valley: Sociology Press; 1992. Glaser B, Strauss A. The discovery of grounded theory: strategies for qualitative research. Chicago: Aldine; 1999. Goffman E. The presentation of self in everyday life. New York, Doubleday; 1959. Hernon P, Schwartz C. Leadership: developing a research agenda for academic libraries. Libr Info Sci Res . 2008;30(4):243-249. Holland K, Watson R. Writing for publication in nursing and healthcare: getting it right. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. Licqurish S, Seibold C. Applying a contemporary grounded theory methodology. Nurse Res . 2011;18(4):11-6. Porter S, O'Halloran P. The use and limitation of realistic evaluation as atool for evidence-based

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HLWIKI Canada practice: a critical realist perspective. Nurs Inq. 2012;19(1):18-28. Strauss AL, Corbin JM. Basics of qualitative research: grounded theory procedures and techniques. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage; 1995. Walton J, Chute E, Ball L. Negotiating the role of the professional nurse: the pedagogy of simulation: a grounded theory study. J Prof Nurs . 2011;27(5):299-310.

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