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Agatha Reggie Ridgeway William Holden Marie Haven and Anthony Wilken

Alexander Kingsley Tessa Kingsley Avery Carmichael

Reggie have a leap year birthday, she is 20 years old but technically she is 5 years old Alexander and Tessa married but have an open marriage, very good friends like best friends Tessas brother William is going to have a story with Avery, who used to be a man Reggie have three fathers, her birth father, second stepfather, and final step brother who her mother is currently married to each other Giana Bryan Bryce - go on missionary work after he marry Giana, part of same church group but he reported missing Jackson he was in army and he was friends with Bryce and when he came back start affair with her, Bryce come back and when she told to choose she choose neither and go to the city Trent Giana become event planner, she plan party for him Bryce the priest at Sugar Ditch, Montana? Jackson live out in a cabin, sort of a mountain man Trent very rich and influential in business world, he into a financial company and Giana become his society wife who heavily into charity work Reggie have two stepbrothers from Trents previosu marriage and a little smart alek sister from her mom and Trent She dropped out of college and now she need money to pay back father, it a matter of pride to her since her dads all think she need to eb coddled and se she not ready to be a adult She been working for the past year and parents send her money for second year but she blow it away and now dirt poor and in debt She find nothing that she want to do and she impulsive and then she meet a woman Tessa during her doctors appointment and she learn about her and they go out later to get drinks and Tessa talking about husand and wanting kids Alex not really care but Tessa want kids to help marriage stay together Reggie decide that she want to be their suogate and Teesa bring her in Alex meet her and Reggie just a bit put off by him, intrigued Whiel she pregnant, she and Alex get close and begin a relationship but then Tessa get jealous, she go cry to her manipulative mother and Tessa hear that Alex looking to egt a divorce and mother arrange for breaks in Reggies car brken, she drive too fast and alex

always tell her not to forbid her from driving inher last month but she do so anyay and she get into crash and loose baby andAlex blame her, eh was growing to love the baby Reggie go away to recouperate and Tess give her money but Reggie no touch, donate all of it to charity She go to Jackson and get a job and finalyy gte independent But alex get divorce from her anyways and he come back after a few months and try to win her back but they still mourning loss of child and Reggie finally getting independent and she not sure she want to be with Alex and loose that independce

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