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Staff Sgt John Thomas Randle

Royal Canadian Mounted Police LIAR!!

Staff Sgt John Thomas Randle was the original RCMP LIAR at the 1 !" S#uamish$ %ritish Colum&ia$ Canada in#uest!

Staff Sgt John Thomas Randle was the original RCMP LIAR who said the hus&and was an unwilling witness at the 1 !" S#uamish$ %ritish Colum&ia$ Canada in#uest!

Staff Sgt John Thomas Randle was the RCMP 'arse hole( who wrote a letter in 1 ! saying the hus&and was a murderer!

And to )ro*e that Staff Sgt John Thomas Randle was not only a LIAR &ut a &ig$ fat 'arse hole( + Terry Mallen&y used Randle,s &ig fat lies to successfully sue the -ueen of .ngland$ the Canada /o*ernment and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police!!

Terry Mallen&y also used RCMP John Thomas Randle,s lies to &e a))ro*ed for a PTS0 1Post2Tramatic Stress 0isorder3 )ension$ which he has recei*ed since he was age 45!

Terry Mallen&y is now o*er "6 years old$ and as )ay&ac7 for successfully suing the Canadian /o*ernment + RCMP Commissioner Ro&ert Paulson and Canadian Prime Minister Ste)hen 8ar)er ha*e the 9: year old RCMP lies u)loaded to Sergey %rin,s /oogle we& sites in 4:14!!

In 4:1;$ Senator Larry <= Cam)&ell$ former RCMP officer$ and former Chief Coroner says he doesn,t gi*e a 'shite( a&out the 1 !" coroner in#uest results + the RCMP will continue their cam)aign of illegal acts$ harassment of Terry Mallen&y$ his wife$ and children!!

Index Cha)ter 1

Page 9

This #uote from '/eronimo> An American Legend( a))lies to all the a))arent 'arses( associated with these illegal acti*ities against Terry Mallen&y$ his wife and children! Cha)ter 4 This is what the Royal Canadian Police are really li7e! Cha)ter ; Those that &la& a&out the RCMP threatened!! Cha)ter 9 14 15 4;

Sergey %rin$ when are young to remo*e the 9: year old RCMP lies from your /oogle=com and /oogle=ca we& site? Cha)ter 6 9"

RCMP Commissioner Ro&ert Paulson u)load 9: year old lies as RCMP )ay&ac7 &ecause Terry Mallen&y successfully sued them!!!

Cha)ter "


Canadian Prime Minister Ste)hen 8ar)er u)loads 9: year old RCMP lies as RCMP )ay&ac7 &ecause Terry Mallen&y successfully sued the @ederal /o*ernment of Canada??

Cha)ter !


As RCMP )ay&ac7$ Canadian Prime Minister Ste)hen 8ar)er sent two fellow Ani*ersity of Al&erta graduates all the way to S#uamish$ %ritish Colum&ia$ Canada 1a distance of 1$::: miles3 to u)load the same 9: year old RCMP lies a&out Terry Mallen&y!!!

Cha)ter 5


As can &e seen &elow$ Terry Mallen&y has the original Coroner In#uest re)ort sent to him &y the Coroner,s office of %ritish Colum&ia Canada + clearly indicating he was not an unwilling witness!!



Senator Larry Cam)&ell$ former Chief Coroner$ former RCMP Bfficer says he doesn,t gi*e a shite a&out 1 !" S#uamish Coroner In#uest Results + the RCMP will harass Terry Mallen&y$ his wife and children fore*er!!

Cha)ter 1:


<ho to hell is Senator Larry <= Cam)&ell that he doesn,t care a&out the missing and murdered in S#uamish$ %ritish Colum&ia?

Cha)ter 11


<hat else can we say a&out Senator Larry <= Cam)&ell that he doesn,t care a&out the missing and murdered in S#uamish$ %ritish Colum&ia?

Cha)ter 14


Canadian Prime Minister Ste)hen 8ar)er &loc7s emails a&out remo*ing the 9: year old RCMP lies from Sergey %rin,s /oogle=com and /oogle=ca we& sites a&out Terry Mallen&y!!!

Cha)ter 1;

/oogle %illionaire Sergey %rin has all emails to all the 0irectors of /oogle and /oogle=ca &loc7ed a&out remo*ing the 9: year old RCMP lies from his /oogle=com and /oogle=ca we& sites a&out Terry Mallen&y!!!

Cha)ter 19

And to show what 7ind of fine #uality &oo7s the author is writing$ and Canadian Prime Minister Ste)hen 8ar)er is su))ressing + Cust read this comment!!


Chapter 1

This quote from Geronimo: An American Legend applies to all the apparent arses associated ith these illegal acti!ities against Terr" #allen$"% his ife and children&

This #uote from '/eronimo> An American Legend( a))lies to all the a))arent 'arses( associated with these illegal acti*ities against Terry Mallen&y$ his wife and children!

0o you 7now your scri)ture$ sir?

D<hat does it )rofit a man to gain the whole world===D

===and lose his soul?D

The author &ets none of the 'screw2u)s( at /oogle e*en 7nows what these words mean + e*en with their education and oodles of money!!

And what,s an author to do with such unethical &eha*ior + &ut let the world 7now what 7ind of )eo)le are running /oogle and /oogle=ca such that they will not remo*e the 1 !" RCMP lies a&out Terry Mallen&y on their /oogle=ca site!!!

As can &e seen in teEt$ Terry Mallen&y has the original Coroner In#uest re)ort sent to him &y the Coroner,s office of %ritish Colum&ia Canada + clearly indicating he was not an unwilling witness!!

In fact$ the Coroner a)ologiFed to Terry Mallen&y for listening to the RCMP that he was an 'unwilling witness(! !

Terry Mallen&y has already successfully sued the Royal Canadian Mounted Police o*er their lies recei*ing a G4!6$::: out2of2court settlement!

Canadian Prime Minister Ste)hen 8ar)er u)loads these 9: year old RCMP lies to Sergey %rin,s /oogle=com and /oogle=ca we& sites as RCMP )ay&ac7 &ecause Terry Mallen&y successfully sued the @ederal /o*ernment of Canada??

RCMP Commissioner Ro&ert Paulson u)loads these 9: year old lies to Sergey %rin,s /oogle=com and /oogle=ca we& sites as RCMP )ay&ac7 &ecause Terry Mallen&y successfully sued them!!!

As RCMP )ay&ac7$ Canadian Prime Minister Ste)hen 8ar)er sent two fellow Ani*ersity of Al&erta graduates all the way to S#uamish$ %ritish Colum&ia$ Canada 1a distance of 1$::: miles3 to u)load these same 9: year old RCMP lies to Sergey %rin,s /oogle=com and /oogle=ca we& sites a&out Terry Mallen&y!!!

The Princeton 'ni!ersit" Connection ith Google

.ric Schmidt a /oogle %illionaire &loc7s emails a&out the remo*al of those 9: year old RCMP lies that Terry Mallen&y was an unwilling witness$ to 7ee) Terry Mallen&y$ his wife and children unem)loyed! 0oesn,t .ric Schmidt &elie*e in Custice$ the law$ or anything li7e that?

.ric Schmidt holds a &achelor,s degree in electrical engineering from Princeton Ani*ersity=

Another %illionaire AmaFon founder Jeffrey P= %eFos su))resses &oo7s a&out the remo*al of those 9: year old RCMP lies that Terry Mallen&y was an unwilling

witness$ to 7ee) Terry Mallen&y$ his wife and children unem)loyed! 0oesn,t Jeffrey P= %eFos &elie*e in Custice$ the law$ or anything li7e that?

Jeffrey P= %eFos graduated with a %achelor of Science in .ngineering in electrical engineering and com)uter Science from Princeton Ani*ersity!

May&e Princeton Ani*ersity 0ean 0a*id 0o&7in and Hice 0ean Claire /machl will get these two Princeton Ani*ersity graduates$ .ric Schmidt and Jeffrey P= %eFos$ to do the right thing and remo*e the 9: year old RCMP lies on Sergey %rin,s /oogle=com and /oogle=ca we& sites a&out Terry Mallen&y!!!

0ean 0a*id 0o&7in 0ean of @aculty 0e)artment of Com)uter Science Iassau 8all Princeton Ani*ersity Princeton IJ :5699 ddo&7inJ)rinceton=edu d)dJcs=)rinceton=edu

Hice 0ean Claire /machl .ugene 8iggins Professor of .lectrical .ngineering Hice 0ean$ School of .ngineering and A))lied Sciences School of .ngineering and A))lied Sciences 0e)artment of .lectrical .ngineering .ngineering -uadrangle

Blden Street Princeton$ IJ :5699 cgmachlJ)rinceton=edu

The Canadian Connection ith Google

Shirley M= Tilghman another /oogle %illionaire ser*ed as the President of Princeton Ani*ersity from June 4::1 to June 4:1;= Shirley holds a %achelor of Science degree with honors in chemistry from -ueen,s Ani*ersity=

As "ou ill note% Lorisa (tein one of the Canadian 8uman Rights staff wrote a false memo in 1 ! that Terry Mallen&y was a murderer to ma7e sure he remained unem)loyed 2 Lorisa Stein also graduated from )ueen*s Ani*ersity in +ingston% ,ntario% Canada-

May&e )ueen*s 'ni!ersit" Associate .ead /atalie #- Cann will get Shirley M= Tilghman% a )ueen*s 'ni!ersit" graduate$ to do the right thing and remo*e the 9: year old RCMP lies on Sergey %rin,s /oogle=com and /oogle=ca we& sites a&out Terry Mallen&y!!!

Iatalie M= Cann$ Associate 8ead 0e)artment of Chemistry -ueenDs Ani*ersity : %ader Lane Kingston$ Bntario Canada K!L ;I" natalie=cannJchem=#ueensu=ca 1:

The Cam$ridge 'ni!ersit" Connection to Google Another %illionaire$ Ann #ather has ser*ed as a director of /oogle=ca since Io*em&er 4::6= Ann holds a Master of Arts degree in /eogra)hy from Cam&ridge Ani*ersity in .ngland May&e Cam&ridge Ani*ersity 0e)artment 8ead %ill Adams will get Ann Mather to do the right thing and remo*e the 9: year old RCMP lies on Sergey %rin,s /oogle=com and /oogle=ca we& sites a&out Terry Mallen&y!!!

%ill Adams 8ead of 0e)artment 0e)artment of /eogra)hy Ani*ersity of Cam&ridge 0owning Place Cam&ridge C%4 ;.I l=adamsJgeog=cam=ac=u7

The 'ni!ersit" of California Connection ith Google .ric Schmidt holds a Ph=0= in com)uter science from the Ani*ersity of California$ %er7eley=

Another /oogle %illionaire$ 0iane %= /reene has ser*ed as a mem&er of our &oard of directors since January 4:14= She holds a Master of Science degree in com)uter science from the Ani*ersity of California$ %er7eley

May&e Ani*ersity of California Chair 0a*id .= Culler will get .ric Schmidt and 0iane %= /reene to do the right thing and remo*e the 9: year old RCMP lies on Sergey %rin,s /oogle=com and /oogle=ca we& sites a&out Terry Mallen&y!!! 11

0a*id .= Culler Chair 0e)artment of Com)uter Science 4:6 Cory 8all$ %er7eley$ CA 9!4:21!!: cullerJcs=&er7eley=edu

The (tanford 'ni!ersit" Connection ith Google

%illionaire Larry Page is C.B and Co2@ounder of /oogle with Sergey %rin while )ursuing a Ph=0= at Stanford Ani*ersity=

Another /oogle %illionaire John L= 8ennessy has ser*ed as a mem&er of our &oard of /oogle directors since A)ril 4::9= 8e has ser*ed as the President of Stanford Ani*ersity since Se)tem&er 4:::=

%illionaire Sergey %rin holds a Master of Science degree in com)uter science from Stanford Ani*ersity=

May&e Stanford Ani*ersity 0e)artment Chair Jennifer <idom and Ani*ersity President John L= 8ennessy will get .ric Schmidt$ John L= 8ennessy and Sergey %rin to do the right thing and remo*e the 9: year old RCMP lies on Sergey %rin,s /oogle=com and /oogle=ca we& sites a&out Terry Mallen&y!!!

Jennifer <idom 0e)artment Chair$ Com)uter Science Stanford Ani*ersity


0e)artment of Com)uter Science$ /ates %uilding 9A$ Stanford Ani*ersity$ Stanford$ CA 9;:62 :9: widomJcs=stanford=edu

John L= 8ennessy President Professor of .lectrical .ngineering and Com)uter Science Stanford Ani*ersity Bffice of the President %uilding 1:$ Main -uad Stanford$ CA 9;:6 hennessyJstanford=edu

The (erge" 0rin Connection to Google

In fact$ /oogle %illionaire Sergey %rin has all emails to all the 0irectors of /oogle and /oogle=ca &loc7ed a&out the remo*al of those 9: year old RCMP lies that Terry Mallen&y was an unwilling witness$ to 7ee) Terry Mallen&y$ his wife and children unem)loyed!

And what 7ind of )erson is Sergey %rin$ well he,s not much of a hus&and + cheating on his lo*ely wife Anne <oCcic7i>

The founder of 23andMe, Anne Wojcicki suffered a public split from her husband, Google co-founder Serge !rin "hen his affair "ith an emplo ee became public last summer# And no" she$s had a setback on the professional front# Since 2%%&, she and her team at 23andMe ha'e been "orking hard to con'ince the (ood and )rug Administration *()A+ to gi'e the compan $s home genetic test,"hich uses a sali'a 1;

sample to pro'ide a -uick read of selected bits of the genome,the legitimac that it needs to make it more than a commercial no'elt #

The La "er Connection to Google

<ell can,t ha*e a %illionaires Clu& li7e /oogle without a layer on &oard!

And who does Sergey %rin ha*e?

/oogle %illionaire 0a*id 0rummond earned his J0 from Stanford Law School=

0a*id 0rummond$ as Chief Legal Bfficer for /oogle$ was as7ed when he was going to remo*e the 9: year old Royal Canadian Mounted Police lies a&out Terry Mallen&y that a))ear his /oogle=ca we& site?

Io re)ly?

0a*id 0rummond was as7ed$ is this what your Stanford Law School taught you + to Kee) these 9: year old Royal Canadian Mounted Police lies a&out Terry Mallen&y that a))ear on his /oogle=ca we& site?

Io re)ly?

0a*id 0rummond was gi*en )roof that Terry Mallen&y had already successfully sued the Royal Canadian Mounted Police o*er their lies recei*ing a G4!6$::: out2of2court settlement and 0a*id 0rummond$ as Chief Legal Bfficer for /oogle$ was again as7ed when he was going to remo*e those 9: year old Royal Canadian Mounted Police lies a&out Terry Mallen&y from his /oogle=ca we& site? 19

Io re)ly?

Author,s Iote> May&e he missed the Re*= Martin Luther King Jr=Ds 'I 8a*e a 0ream( s)eech on August 45$ 1 "; + the author remem&ers it + what,s wrong with this character 0a*id 0rummond$ Chief Legal Bfficer for /oogle=ca????

Author,s Iote> So what,s wrong with 0a*id 0rummond$ Chief Legal Bfficer for /oogle=ca + you feel so inade#uate that you ha*e to 'stic7 it( to Terry Mallen&y &y 7ee)ing the 1 !" RCMP lies a&out Terry Mallen&y on your /oogle=ca site to ma7e yourself feel em)owered!!!

May&e Stanford Ani*ersity Law School Professors Juliet M= %rodie$ 0iane T= Chin$ Sa&rina Johnson$ Julia .rwin2<einer and Hice 0ean Mar7 /= Kelman and 0ean M= .liFa&eth Magill will get 0a*id 0rummond$ Chief Legal Bfficer for /oogle=ca to do the right thing and remo*e the 9: year old RCMP lies on Sergey %rin,s /oogle=com and /oogle=ca we& sites a&out Terry Mallen&y!!!

Juliet M= %rodie Professor of Law$ Associate 0ean for Clinical .ducation Cm&rodieJlaw=stanford=edu

0iane T= Chin Associate 0ean for Pu&lic Ser*ice and Pu&lic Interest Law dchinJlaw=stanford=edu

Sa&rina Johnson 16

Associate 0ean for Communications and Pu&lic Relations sa&rinaCJstanford=edu

Julia .rwin2<einer Associate 0ean for .Eternal Relations CeweinerJstanford=edu


Mar7 /= Kelman Hice 0ean m7elmanJstanford=edu

M= .liFa&eth Magill 0ean emagillJlaw=stanford=edu

Stanford Ani*ersity Law School Crown -uadrangle 66 Iathan A&&ott <ay Stanford$ CA 9;:625"1:

The (mash ords Connection to Google

Another %illionaire Mar7 Co7er founder of Smashwords su))resses &oo7s a&out the remo*al of those 9: year old RCMP lies that Terry Mallen&y was an unwilling witness$ to 7ee) Terry Mallen&y$ his wife and children unem)loyed! 0oesn,t Mar7 Co7er &elie*e in Custice$ the law$ or anything li7e that?

The Createspace and Ama1on-com Connection to Google

Another %illionaire AmaFon founder Jeffrey P= %eFos su))resses &oo7s a&out the remo*al of those 9: year old RCMP lies that Terry Mallen&y was an unwilling witness$ to 7ee) Terry Mallen&y$ his wife and children unem)loyed!


0oesn,t Jeffrey P= %eFos &elie*e in Custice$ the law$ or anything li7e that?

The (tephen .arper Connection to Google

Author,s Iote> The author would say Canadian Prime Minster Ste)hen 8ar)er needs more than a 'hairstylist( to im)ro*e his )ersonality?

.arper/s 0abinet "as defeated in a no-confidence 'ote on March 21, 2%22, after being found in contempt of 3arliament, thus triggering a general election#

This "as the first occurrence in 0ommon"ealth histor of a go'ernment in the Westminster parliamentar tradition losing the confidence of the .ouse of 0ommons on the grounds of contempt of 3arliament#

8e is the first )rime minister to em)loy a )ersonal stylist$ Michelle M$ whose duties range from co2ordinating his clothing to )re)aring his hair and ma7eu) for s)eeches and tele*ision a))earances= <hile formerly on )u&lic )ayroll$ she has &een )aid for &y the Conser*ati*e Party since Lsometime 1in3 4::!L=


Chapter 2 This is hat the 3o"al Canadian Police are reall" li4e& <hat the RCMP a))arently can,t fa&ricate$ they a))arently 'screw2u)(? 'RCMP Staff Sgt= Ross S)enard thought he co*ered his trac7s &y shredding documents(> Incredi&ly$ in another high )rofile case$ another senior RCMP officer lied again and again= The so2called RCMP eE)ert witness$ classed an eE)ert witness on &lood2 )attern analyses$ was 'accused of )erCury and eE)osed in %=C= Su)reme Court as the author of a flawed forensic re)ort that got &asic &iology wrong=(1 <ho was this RCMP Bfficer? 'Staff Sgt= Ross S)enard,s credi&ility was shredded during the recent second2degree murder trial of Charlie Rae Lincoln$ an a&original woman con*icted of sta&&ing to death her own two2year2old= 8e ac7nowledged misleading the court and failing to send a letter to the Crown in the case re*ealing the concerns a&out the re)ort and his errors=(4 RCMP S)enard thought he co*ered his trac7s &y shredding documents 1see A))endiE 1$ cited &elow3= 8e was wrong= As noted$ 'armed with a co)y of documents that S)enard thought were destroyed$ defense lawyer Matthew Iathanson forced him to ma7e a series of de*astating admissions=(; The document was riddled with so many 0IA misinter)retations and errors that the to) eE)erts in the field were flown in from .dmonton and 8alifaE to correct it= Some conclusions were 'not scientifically sound$( they said=9 'Mou were not &eing truthful$ right?( the lawyer said$ confronting the Mountie with a transcri)t of his earlier testimony=6 'Mes$ I agree( S)enard admitted=" As em)hasiFed$ 'the )erformance was as &ad as any at the %raidwood in#uiry into the death of Ro&ert 0Fie7ans7i$ which has also featured 1

RCMP officers seemingly uncomforta&le with the truth=(! 'Mou will recall the Staff Sgt= S)enard ga*e some e*idence of &lood found in=== 1a3 house at different )laces$( the Custice said &efore sending the Curors to deli&erate= 'Mou ha*e heard the Crown totally ignore his e*idence$ and I suggest to you that you do ignore his e*idence com)letely=5 'Staff= Sgt= S)enard is the )erfect eEam)le of a )erson who clearly lied under oath$ and *iolated his oath to tell the truth$ and he e*en agreed to this= That conclusion is so clear and con*incing$ and so serious$ that I suggest you should consider his e*idence to &e com)letely tainted$ and without any *alue whatsoe*er=( As further cited in 4etired !#0# Mountie charged "ith perjur $ 'a retired RCMP officer has &een charged with one count of )erCury for his testimony at the 4:: trial of a %=C= woman con*icted of 7illing her own child=(1: <hat a 'scum &uc7et(? Bnly one charge? Pretty lenient$ wouldn,t you say? '@ormer staff sergeant Ross S)enard$ a ;42year *eteran of the RCMP$ is accused of lying while testifying in %=C= Su)reme Court in May 4:: = 8e was testifying as an eE)ert witness in &loodstain )attern analysis during the second2degree murder trial of Charlie Rae Lincoln=(11 '0uring cross2eEamination &y defence council at the 4:: trial$ S)enard admitted he did not tell the whole truth in his earlier testimony=(14 'Justice John Truscott then ad*ised the Cury to ignore S)enardDs e*idence=(1; LStaff Sgt= S)enard is the )erfect eEam)le of a )erson who clearly lied under oath and *iolated his oath to tell the truth and he e*en agreed to this$L Trustcott said= LThat conclusion is so clear and con*incing$ and so serious$ that I suggest you should consider his e*idence to &e com)letely tainted$ and without any *alue whatsoe*er=L19 Is this 'scum &uc7et( getting a full )ension at taE)ayers, eE)ense?


5ootnotes 1 2 = 0aught in a "eb of documents he thought had been destro ed5 !lood-splatter e6pert admits to misleading court and failing to send a letter to the 0ro"n re'ealing concerns about the forensic report= Ian Mulgrew$ Hancou*er Sun$ June 4 $ 4:: = htt)>NNwww=&c)olicecom)laints=orgNrossOs)enard=html 1: 2 19= 4etired !#0# Mountie charged "ith perjur Last A)dated> Tuesday$ January 11$ 4:11 P 1>49 PM PT Comments";Recommend;9= C%C Iews htt)>NNwww=c&c=caNcanadaN&ritish2colum&iaNstoryN4:11N:1N11N&c2mountie2 )erCury=html


Appendix 1 3C#P (taff (gt- 3oss (penard caught in a e$ of documents he thought had $een destro"ed Caught in a we& of documents he thought had &een destroyed %lood2s)latter eE)ert admits to misleading court and failing to send a letter to the Crown re*ealing concerns a&out the forensic re)ort Ian Mulgrew$ Hancou*er Sun$ June 4 $ 4:: htt)>NNwww=&c)olicecom)laints=orgNrossOs)enard=html An RCMP &lood2s)atter eE)ert has &een accused of )erCury and eE)osed in %=C= Su)reme Court as the author of a flawed forensic re)ort that got &asic &iology wrong= Staff Sgt= Ross S)enard,s credi&ility was shredded during the recent second2degree murder trial of Charlie Rae Lincoln$ an a&original woman con*icted of sta&&ing to death her own two2year2old= 8e ac7nowledged misleading the court and failing to send a letter to the Crown in the case re*ealing the concerns a&out the re)ort and his errors= Antil now$ S)enard testified$ no one outside of the RCMP had &een told a&out the dou&t cast u)on other cases$ some of which ha*e &een re*iewed &y other s)ecialists= The officer has &een a &lood2)attern analyst for fi*e years and gi*ing e*idence on the &asis of his wor7 as a recogniFed eE)ert witness= In this case$ he claimed to ha*e ')eer2re*iewed( a re)ort he actually hel)ed author that was &ased on the mista7en assum)tion that if someone was a )ossi&le contri&utor of a 0IA )rofile$ or if a )erson couldn,t &e eEcluded as contri&uting to a 0IA )rofile$ then you could say the &lood came from that )erson= <hat,s wrong with that logic is o&*ious> Anyone with a white car may &e in the )ool of sus)ects for a hit2and2run$ &ut &eing )otentially res)onsi&le is not the same as &eing cul)a&le= Armed with a co)y of documents that S)enard thought were destroyed$ defence lawyer Matthew Iathanson forced him to ma7e a series of de*astating admissions$ none than7fully that affected the outcome of the trial= The officer was at )ains to try and mas7 the rewriting and re*iew )rocess 44

that led to the creation of the im)ugned forensic re)ort on &lood s)atter and 0IA e*idence in the &rutal child27illing= The document was riddled with so many 0IA misinter)retations and errors that the to) eE)erts in the field were flown in from .dmonton and 8alifaE to correct it= Some conclusions were 'not scientifically sound$( they said= S)enard was ordered to su&mit future re)orts for re*iew and told to send an eE)lanatory letter to the Crown= %ut he hid that from the Cudge until he withered under Iathanson,s cross2 eEamination= 'Mou were not &eing truthful$ right?( the lawyer said$ confronting the Mountie with a transcri)t of his earlier testimony= 'I was s)litting hairs$( the staff sergeant conceded= 'Bfficer$( Iathanson )ressed &randishing the transcri)t$ 'do you agree that &y s)litting hairs$ you were not &eing com)letely truthful?( 'Mes$ I agree=( S)enard admitted he wrote the re)ort su))osedly authored &y Sgt= James /allant= 'That was an untrue answer that you ga*e to this Cury in this case$ right?( Iathanson said= 'Iot correct$( the Mountie re)lied= 'Io$ it was not=( 'Antrue$ right?( Iathanson continued= 'Mou said that he authored the re)ort$ right? Mou told the Cury last wee7 that 1Sgt= /allant3 authored the re)ort$ right?( 'And I was in error=( 'That was untrue$ was it not?( Iathanson insisted= 'Io$ it was not untrue$( the officer dissem&led= 'I was in error= I was mista7en=( 'Mou were confused a&out who had written the re)ort?( the lawyer scoffed=


'The circumstances$ yes$( said the Mountie= 'I realiFed I had written the re)ort=( The )erformance was as &ad as any at the %raidwood in#uiry into the death of Ro&ert 0Fie7ans7i$ which has also featured RCMP officers seemingly uncomforta&le with the truth= The force has conducted a re*iew of other cases coming &efore the court in which /allant was in*ol*ed= %ut no re*iew of com)leted cases in which he ga*e e*idence has &een done= S)enard also misled the court during earlier )roceedings into &elie*ing /allant was no longer doing &lood2s)atter wor7 &ecause he was seconded to an RCMP Blym)ic unit= 8e is not doing any )olicing at the moment= The Mountie said he lied under oath to )rotect his colleague,s ')ri*acy=( Justice John Truscott has not s)ecifically addressed S)enard,s misconduct$ &ut he was sa*age in his charge to the Cury= 'Mou will recall the Staff Sgt= S)enard ga*e some e*idence of &lood found in=== 1a3 house at different )laces$( the Custice said &efore sending the Curors to deli&erate= 'Mou ha*e heard the Crown totally ignore his e*idence$ and I suggest to you that you do ignore his e*idence com)letely= 'Staff= Sgt= S)enard is the )erfect eEam)le of a )erson who clearly lied under oath$ and *iolated his oath to tell the truth$ and he e*en agreed to this= That conclusion is so clear and con*incing$ and so serious$ that I suggest you should consider his e*idence to &e com)letely tainted$ and without any *alue whatsoe*er=( After two days of deli&eration$ on June 1!$ the Cury found the 4;2year2old mom guilty of second2degree murder in the slaying of her toddler in July 4::" in the remote coastal town of %ella %ella= Iathanson had argued for a *erdict of manslaughter &ecause Lincoln suffers from the effects of fetal2alcohol syndrome and associated )sychiatric )ro&lems=


Chapter 6 Those that $la$ a$out the 3C#P threatened&& Bne thing is for sure$ anyone that criticiFes them is in for &ig trou&le= @or eEam)le$ a to) RCMP officer has issued a 'thinly *eiled threat( to stri) funding from Simon @raser Ani*ersity if its lead criminologist doesn,t sto) criticiFing the force 1see A))endiE 94$ cited &elow3=1 In an e2mail o&tained &y the Hictoria Times Colonist$ RCMP 0e)uty Commissioner /ary %ass chastises Ro&ert /ordon$ director of Simon @raser Ani*ersity,s criminology de)artment$ for his comments in the media that RCMP 'arrogance( stalled the in*estigation into serial 7iller Ro&ert Pic7ton=4 'I would li7e to suggest that you should &e much more careful in s)ea7ing on issues where you ha*e no direct )ersonal 7nowledge or where you may not &e getting accurate information fed to you$( %ass wrote in the lengthy e2mail$ sent Aug= 44$ two days after Hancou*er )olice de)uty chief 0oug Le2Pard released his re)ort on the &ungled missing2women in*estigation$ which )laced significant &lame on the Mounties, shoulders=; RCMP 0e)uty Commissioner /ary %ass 'went on to #uestion the RCMP,s role as a 7ey donor for S@A,s Institute for Canadian Ar&an Research Studies$ which is housed in the School of Criminology=(9 'The ongoing &ias you dis)lay against the RCMP in articles such as this ha*e caused many to as7 why we would want to continue to &e in that )artnershi) gi*en this a))arent lac7 of su))ort from the head of the de)artment$( RCMP 0e)uty Commissioner /ary %ass wrote=6 'This is a thinly *eiled threat a&out the funding$( /ordon said$ adding that he finds it a))alling a to) Mountie would try to silence one of the force,s critics= 'It,s stirring u) trou&le for the )erson who has the audacity to stand u) and criticiFe what they are doing=(" Ani*ersity of Hictoria ethics )rofessor .i7e28enner Kluge agreed$ calling %ass,s statements 'ina))ro)riate( and 'unethical=(! 'I would certainly construe it as intimidating and a threat to withdraw funding$( he said= 'The RCMP should ha*e realiFed they are not funding a )u&lic2relations firm= Mou cannot fund academic )ositions with strings attached=(5


The e2mail &y RCMP 0e)uty Commissioner /ary %ass 'was co)ied to a&out 46 other )eo)le$ including to) RCMP &rass$ munici)al )olice chiefs and the )resident of S@A=( '/ordon$ a tenured )rofessor and former )olice officer$ said he has a duty to s)ea7 out for )olice reform in %=C= 8e has long said the Mounties should get out of )ro*incial and munici)al )olicing to &etter focus on national security=(1: /ordon also noted 'he,s not the only one raising concerns a&out the RCMP$ )ointing to recent re)orts &y former Su)reme Court Custice John MaCor during the Air India In#uiry and retired Custice Thomas %raidwood after the Tasering death of Polish immigrant Ro&ert 0Fie7ans7i=(11 'This organiFation is not ca)a&le of reflecting on their shortcomings and dealing with them$ and that,s a )ro&lem for Canadians and )articularly %=C=$( /ordon said=14 5ootnotes 1 2 14= 40M3 boss pi-ued b 3ickton criticism, "arns S(7 criminologist to "atch his "ords5 )eput commissioner -uestions "hether Mounties should continue to fund S(7 research after criminolog professor spoke out about police handling of case against serial killer %y Katie 0eRosa$ Postmedia Iews Se)tem&er ;$ 4:1: htt)>NNwww=*ancou*ersun=comNtechnologyNRCMPQ&ossQ)i#uedQPic7tonQ criticismQwarnsQcriminologistQwatchQwordsN;95:!5 Nstory=html


Appendix 72 3C#P $oss arns (5' criminologist to atch his ords RCMP &oss )i#ued &y Pic7ton criticism$ warns S@A criminologist to watch his words 0e)uty commissioner #uestions whether Mounties should continue to fund S@A researchafter criminology )rofessor s)o7e out a&out )olice handling of case against serial 7iller %y Katie 0eRosa$ Postmedia Iews$ The Hictoria Times Colonist$ Se)tem&er ;$ 4:1: htt)>NNwww=*ancou*ersun=comNtechnologyNRCMPQ&ossQ)i#uedQPic7tonQ criticismQwarnsQcriminologistQwatchQwordsN;95:!5 Nstory=html A to) RCMP officer has issued a 'thinly *eiled threat( to stri) funding from Simon @raser Ani*ersity if its lead criminologist doesn,t sto) criticiFing the force= In an e2mail o&tained &y the Hictoria Times Colonist$ RCMP 0e)uty Commissioner /ary %ass chastises Ro&ert /ordon$ director of Simon @raser Ani*ersity,s criminology de)artment$ for his comments in the media that RCMP 'arrogance( stalled the in*estigation into serial 7iller Ro&ert Pic7ton= 'I would li7e to suggest that you should &e much more careful in s)ea7ing on issues where you ha*e no direct )ersonal 7nowledge or where you may not &e getting accurate information fed to you$( %ass wrote in the lengthy e2mail$ sent Aug= 44$ two days after Hancou*er )olice de)uty chief 0oug Le2Pard released his re)ort on the &ungled missing2women in*estigation$ which )laced significant &lame on the Mounties, shoulders= %ass went on to #uestion the RCMP,s role as a 7ey donor for S@A,s Institute for Canadian Ar&an Research Studies$ which is housed in the School of Criminology= 'The ongoing &ias you dis)lay against the RCMP in articles such as this ha*e caused many to as7 why we would want to continue to &e in that )artnershi) gi*en this a))arent lac7 of su))ort from the head of the de)artment$( %ass wrote= The RCMP funds two research chair )ositions at the institute$ at a cost of G9 million o*er the last fi*e years= It recently renewed the G92million contri&ution for the neEt fi*e years= 'This is a thinly *eiled threat a&out the funding$( /ordon said$ adding that he finds it a))alling a to) Mountie would try to silence one of the force,s 4!

critics= 'It,s stirring u) trou&le for the )erson who has the audacity to stand u) and criticiFe what they are doing=( Ani*ersity of Hictoria ethics )rofessor .i7e28enner Kluge agreed$ calling %ass,s statements 'ina))ro)riate( and 'unethical=( 'I would certainly construe it as intimidating and a threat to withdraw funding$( he said= 'The RCMP should ha*e realiFed they are not funding a )u&lic2relations firm= Mou cannot fund academic )ositions with strings attached=( The e2mail was co)ied to a&out 46 other )eo)le$ including to) RCMP &rass$ munici)al )olice chiefs and the )resident of S@A= In it$ %ass told /ordon he would ha*e )referred not to share the dialogue with doFens of other )eo)le &ut 'gi*en the fact that your comments are )u&lic$ I do need to co)y some of our 7ey )artners=( In an inter*iew on @riday$ %ass said the comment was in no way intended as a threat to )ull financial su))ort for the institute= 8e said he was citing one eEam)le of the many )ositi*e )artnershi)s the RCMP has throughout %=C= 'It was a comment I made &ased on concerns that had &een addressed to me$( %ass said= '<e ha*e no intention of )ulling away from that contract= <e ha*e a great relationshi) with S@A=( %ass also denied trying to silence /ordon= 'There,s no intention to muFFle him$( %ass said$ although he added he wishes /ordon would contact the RCMP &efore ma7ing 'inaccurate( statements to the media= 0es)ite /ordon,s concerns$ Paul %rantingham$ associate director of the S@A research institute$ said he didn,t ha*e a )ro&lem with %ass,s e2mail= The institute has eE)licit )rotocols that 7ee) research inde)endent and free from donor influence$ %rantingham said= In this case$ he said$ the RCMP su))lies data and crime statistics to the researchers$ who then )ursue the issues of interest to them= /ordon$ a tenured )rofessor and former )olice officer$ said he has a duty to s)ea7 out for )olice reform in %=C= 8e has long said the Mounties should get out of )ro*incial and munici)al )olicing to &etter focus on national security=


8e argued he,s not the only one raising concerns a&out the RCMP$ )ointing to recent re)orts &y former Su)reme Court Custice John MaCor during the Air India In#uiry and retired Custice Thomas %raidwood after the Tasering death of Polish immigrant Ro&ert 0Fie7ans7i= 'This organiFation is not ca)a&le of reflecting on their shortcomings and dealing with them$ and that,s a )ro&lem for Canadians and )articularly %=C=$( /ordon said= 'Am I alone in saying that? Io=(

Chapter 7

(erge" 0rin% hen are "oung to remo!e the 78 "ear old 3C#P lies from "our Google-com and Google-ca e$ site9

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police do e*erything they can to railroad Terry Mallen&y into Cail!!

Let,s )ut this )art of the story into )ers)ecti*e as a *ery a))arent RCMP 1Royal Canadian Mounted Police3 and Canadian /o*ernment Cons)iracy>

1 !"

Coroner,s In#uest held in S#uamish$ %ritish Colum&ia$ Canada ruled the homicide was &y Person or Persons An7nown

That 'dirt2&ag( RCMP SNSgt John Thomas Randle lies at the 1 !" Coroner,s In#uest held in S#uamish$ %ritish Colum&ia$ Canada falsely stating the hus&and was an unwilling witness so the RCMP could arrest him?

The only )ro&lem is that &ecause of this 'arse hole,s( lies$ the hus&and missed his wife,s funeral!!

Mou can imagine the anguish this caused the hus&and!!

And to )ro*e that RCMP Staff Sgt John Thomas Randle is a &ig$ fat liar and a '&loody arse hole( + Terry Mallen&y used Randle,s &ig fat lies to successfully sue the -ueen of .ngland$ the Canada /o*ernment and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police including RCMP Staff Sgt John Thomas Randle!!


1 !"

Coroner,s In#uest held in S#uamish$ %ritish Colum&ia$ Canada ruled the homicide was &y Person or Persons An7nown

The Coroner a)ologiFed to Terry Mallen&y for listening to the RCMP that he was an 'unwilling witness(! %ecause of the RCMP lies$ Terry Mallen&y missed his wife,s funeral! Terry Mallen&y will hate the RCMP until the day he dies! And Terry Mallen&y will ha*e &oo7s written a&out the RCMP scum to show the 7ind of 'shit( they )ull on the 'little )eo)le( And this &oo7 is Cust one in a series that tells the &itter truth a&out the RCMP! It also tells how Canadian Prime Minister Ste)hen 8ar)er has had these 9: year old RCMP lies u)loaded to Sergey %rin,s /oogle=ca and we& site! <hy did Canadian Prime Minister Ste)hen 8ar)er do that unethical thing$ as )ay&ac7 to Terry Mallen&y &ecause he successfully sued the Canadian Mounted Police o*er their lies + recei*ing a G4!6$::: court settlement! Canadian Prime Minister Ste)hen 8ar)er is so unethical + he doesn,t care and u)loads these 9: year old RCMP lies anyway!! And Sergey %rin is another useless %illionaire with no scru)lesR he doesn,t remo*e these 9: year old RCMP lies from his /oogle=ca /oogle we& site! 1 ! Terry Mallen&y was offered a Social <or7 Co& in Scotland$ &ut to ma7e sure Terry Mallen&y ne*er wor7ed again + The RCMP wrote a letter in 1 ! and s)read it around the world!


Royal out of


1 !

Iot satisfied with his lies in 1 !"$ RCMP SNSgt John Thomas Randle writes a letter saying that the hus&and was a murderer1

1 !

RCMP SNSgt John Thomas Randle writes a letter saying that Terry Mallen&y was a murderer to ma7e sure he remained ;1


1 !

RCMP SNSgt John Thomas Randle writes a letter saying that Terry Mallen&y was a murderer is gi*en to John /omery to ma7e sure Terry Mallen&y remained unem)loyed4a

1 !

M=J= 8auser of the Correctional Ser*ice of Canada in memoSsT also says that Terry Mallen&y was a murderer to ma7e sure he remained unem)loyed ;

1 !

Iicole %om&erg of the Canadian 8uman Rights Commission in memoSsT also says that Terry Mallen&y was a murderer to ma7e sure he remained unem)loyed 9

1 !

Lorisa Stein of the Canadian 8uman Rights Commission in memoSsT also says that Terry Mallen&y was a murderer to ma7e sure he remained unem)loyed 6

1 5:

Terry Mallen&y &eing unem)loyed see7s relief from his Canada Student Loans$ howe*er$ the Judge turns out to &e John /omery and his re#uest is denied4&

1 5:

Terry Mallen&y &eing unem)loyed see7s a disa&ility )ension 1Canada Pension Plan3 using RCMP SNSgt John Thomas Randle$ M=J= 8auser of the Correctional Ser*ice of Canada memoSsT$ Iicole %om&erg of the Canadian 8uman Rights Commission memoSsT and Lorisa Stein of the Canadian 8uman Rights Commission memoSsT + his re#uest for disa&ility )ension a))ro*ed

1 51

Terry Mallen&y &eing unem)loyed again see7s relief from his Canada Student Loans$ the Judge not &eing John /omery$ and his re#uest is a))ro*ed

1 51

The RCMP fa&ricate more '&ull shit( a&out Terry Mallen&y to ;4

railroad him into Cail

After 19 years of accumulating e*idence$ Terry successfully sues the RCMP o*er their lies 1see A))endiE 1$ cited &elow3

Terry Mallen&y was hired &y the Iewfoundland Social Ser*ices 0e)artment as a Social <or7er=

8owe*er$ Terry Mallen&y would not co*er2u) the laE security at the <hit&ourne Centre run &y Iewfoundland Social Ser*ice Minister Kay Moung 1see A))endiE 4$ cited &elow3

Terry Mallen&y &lew the whistle on the laE security at the <hit&ourne Centre run &y Iewfoundland Social Ser*ice Minister Kay Moung=

Iewfoundland Social Ser*ice Minister Kay Moung and Iewfoundland Premier Clyde <ells fa&ricated some &ull2shit a&out Terry Mallen&y to get rid of him for &lowing the whistle on the laE security at the <hit&ourne Centre!

%ecause they ignored Terry Mallen&y,s warning$ deaths occurred at the <hit&ourne Centre!

The Canadian unem)loyment de)artment could see that Terry Mallen&y had done nothing wrong for &lowing the whistle on the laE security at the <hit&ourne Centre and a))ro*ed his a))lication for unem)loyment &enfits!

Terry Mallen&y was offered a Social <or7 Co& in Al&erta=

8owe*er$ Premier Ral)h Klein made sure Terry Mallen&y did not ta7e u) this )osition= ;;

<as it a fa*or to Iewfoundland Premier Clyde <ells to 7ee) Terry Mallen&y unem)loyed?

<as it a fa*or to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to 7ee) Terry Mallen&y unem)loyed?


%eing unem)loyed$ Terry Mallen&y went &ac7 on his Canada Pension Plan disa&ility )ension with a )sychiatrist diagnosis that he suffered with Post Traumatic Stress + Chronic Ty)e$ Social Pho&ia$ etc 1see A))endiE ;$ cited &elow3

As )art of dealing with his Post Traumatic Stress + Chronic Ty)e Terry Mallen&y too7 to writing a&out the RCMP false statements$ harassment$ illegal$ acts>

.uman rights 'iolations in 0anada5 8ndi'idual being denied emplo ment "ith the (ederal Go'ernment of 0anada due to false 9murder charge9 statements made b M#:# .auser of the 0orrectional Ser'ice of 0anada *continuing case stud from 0our supe;rieure en matie<re de faillite, 3alais de justice, Montre;al, (ile =1%%-22%%22&%->&?+@0A0 Bumber5 2&2%1?%% C 2&&%

.uman rights 'iolations in 0anada5 8ndi'idual being denied emplo ment "ith the (ederal Go'ernment of 0anada due to false 9murder charge9 statements made b Bicole !omberg of the 3ublic Ser'ice 0ommission of 0anada *continuing case stud from 0our supe;rieure en matie<re de faillite, 3alais de justice, Montre;al, (ile =1%%-22-%%22&%->&?+@0A0 Bumber5 2&2%1?%% C 2&&%


As )art of dealing with his Post Traumatic Stress + Chronic Ty)e Terry Mallen&y too7 to writing a&out the RCMP false statements$ harassment$ illegal$ acts>


4#0#M#3# Sgt# :ohn *9:ack9+ Thomas 4andle/s legac to 0anada# 8S!B5 %&D&1&??2& &E>%&D&1&??2% @0A0 Bumber5 ?D132>>2 - 2&&D

4#0#M#3# Sgt# :ohn *9:ack9+ Thomas 4andle/s legac to 0anada# 8S!B5 %&D&1&??2& &E>%&D&1&??2% @0A0 Bumber5 ?D132>>2 - 2&&D

As )art of dealing with his Post Traumatic Stress + Chronic Ty)e Terry Mallen&y too7 to writing a&out the RCMP false statements$ harassment$ illegal$ acts>

.uman rights 'iolations in 0anada b federal agents of the 0anadian .uman 4ights Anti-)iscrimination Agenc of the 3ublic Ser'ice 0ommission of 0anada# 8S!B5 %&D&1&??13 &E>%&D&1&??12 @0A0 Bumber5 ?D12>%>2 - 2&&E

8s he 0anada/s e6ample of another Mark (urman 5 4#0#M#3# Sgt# :ohn *9:ack9+ Thomas 4andle purposefull committed lies, fabricated e'idence, made false statements F committed illegal actsG 8S!B5 %&D&1&??3E &E>%&D&1&??3E @0A0 Bumber5 ?32122E2 - 2&&E

0omplete discharge from bankruptc including preferred student loans due to 4o al 0anadian Mounted 3olice harassment5 a most unusual case of bankruptc # 8S!B5 %&D>2&%?D& &E>%&D>2&%?D% @0A0 Bumber5 ?D1D32>2 C 2&&E


As )art of dealing with his Post Traumatic Stress + Chronic Ty)e Terry Mallen&y too7 to writing a&out the RCMP false statements$ harassment$ illegal$ acts>

0anadian anti-discriminate HsicI directorate and 0anadian public ser'ice staff Bicole !omberg/s legac to 0anada# 8S!B5 %&D>2&%?D& &E>%&D>2&%?D% @0A0 Bumber5 ?D1D32D& - 2&&>

0anadian anti-discrimination directorate and 0anadian public ser'ice staff Aorisa Stein/s legac to 0anada# B5 %&D&1&??EJ &E>%&D&1&??E1 @0A0 Bumber5 ?D1D323E - 2&&>

4o al 0anadian Mounted 3olice officers Sgt# :ohn *9:ack9+ Thomas 4andle/s F 0pl# :ackett/s legac to 0anada# 8S!B5 %&D>2&%??2 &E>%&D>2&%??D @0A0 Bumber5 ?D1D3221 - 2&&>

:udge :ohn Gomer /s inappropri'ate comments based on lies, false statements, fabricated statements F illegal acts b 4#0#M#3# Sgt# :ohn Thomas 4andle# 8S!B5 %&D>2&%?EE &E>%&D>2&%?EE @0A0 Bumber5 ?D1D321? C 2&&>

0an police harassment in'ol'ing illegal acts, false statements and fabricated e'idence lead to a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder sufficient to appro'e permanent disabilit pensionK 8S!B5 %&D&1&??>> &E>%&D&1&??>2 @0A0 Bumber5 ?D1D32%2 - 2&&>


The Anited Iations wasn,t interested in Terry Mallen&y>

Lofi Annan, Secretar General of the 7nited Bations and Mar 4obinson, the .uman 4ights 0ommissioner5 their legac to the "orld# @0A0 Bumber5 ?&2D>2?>

To shut the Terry Mallen&y u)$ the RCMP fa&ricate more '&ull shit( a&out Terry Mallen&y in another attem)t to railroad him into Cail


The Canadian In*estigati*e Program wasn,t interested in Terry Mallen&y>

Stor /too hot/ for the in'estigati'e program 9The (ifth Mstate9GG @0A0 Bumber5 ?>DE%&??


8ow dare Terry Mallen&y mo*e his family &ac7 to %ritish Colum&ia$ Canada + the RCMP would surely ma7e his life misera&le$ including his wife and children!

0id a))arent RCMP stooge )rofessor 8elen %rown )ur)osefully fa&ricate a statement a&out Terry Mallen&y,s son to interfere with his uni*ersity )rogram"

This RCMP stooge )rofessor 8elen %rown also tried the same with Terry Mallen&y,s daughter


0id the RCMP ha*e the Canadian Military )ur)osefully issue Terry Mallen&y,s daughter clown siFed &oots so she would not ma7e %M- and eliminate her from a career with the Canadian military !


0id the RCMP ha*e the Canadian Military a))arently ')oison( Terry Mallen&y,s son so he would not ma7e %M- and ;!

eliminate him from a career with the Canadian military5


The RCMP had some ruffians harass Terry Mallen&y,s wife$ daughter and son


Terry Mallen&y mo*ed his family to <inni)eg$ Manito&a$ Canada to get away fom the RCMP harassment in %ritish Colum&ia$ Canada!

0id the RCMP ha*e a )ri*ate security em)loyer in <inni)eg$ Manito&a$ Canada deny Terry Mallen&y,s son essential emails1:


0id RCMP stooge Canadian Minister 0iane @inley )ur)osefully acce)t lies of a )ri*ate security em)loyer a&out Terry Mallen&y,s son and daughter to eliminate a career in )ri*ate security11


The RCMP made u) some coc72and2&ull reason not to acce)t Terry Mallen&y,s son as a recruit thus eliminating his )otential career with the RCMP14

The RCMP said Terry Mallen&y,s son had two uni*ersity degrees and so he was unsuita&le?

The RCMP said Terry Mallen&y,s son li7ed to 'catch &ad guys( so he was unsuita&le?

The RCMP said Terry Mallen&y,s son li*ed at home so he was unsuita&le?

Let,s loo7 a little closer at this RCMP U&ull2shite, a&out Terry Mallen&y,s son? ;5

Instead of hiring a clean2cut recruit li7e Terry Mallen&y,s son$ the idiot$ dum& shite RCMP incredi&le as it sounds ha*e gone to hiring drug con*icted indi*iduals? The 40M3, "hich is on a hiring blitN, "ill no" turn a blind e e to some indiscretions b its applicants, including some drug acti'ities, 0!0 Be"s has learned# An internal memo obtained b 0!0 Be"s re'eals the 40M3 has changed its polic on drug use 9to permit consideration of mitigating factors in all cases of criminal acti'it , "hich ma include drug trafficking, etc#9 <hat to 'f222'$ instead of hiring Terry Mallen&y,s clean2cut son$ the dum& shite RCMP ha*e gone to hiring drug traffic7ers???? 0oes anyone thin7 this is the stu)idest thing they ha*e e*er heard? <ell the reaction to this ridiculous idea came out good and strong in the 'Story Comments( section> This is such a jokeG Oou can$t ha'e criminals being police officersG What are these people onK 8 thought the 40M3 alread hired from the bottom of the barrelK What is leftK Sure, rela6 the rules and gi'e each ne" officer 2 tasers# Then the can be t"ice as dangerous to the public# 8 think the standards are too lo" no"# Aook at the four liars from Pancou'er# 8 cannot see ho" /lo"ering the standards/ to help in -ualif ing more candidates for the 40M3 is/ a step in the right direction/# We should be seeking better -ualit people for the force, reliable people "ith a clean background not folks "ho ha'e committed indiscretions, minor or other"ise# 40M3 @fficers carr guns, tasers etc# and ha'e a great responsibilit to societ # We need the 'er best candidates possible# 40M3 still had some credibilit the could find credible applicants# 8 certainl don$t paint all officers "ith the same ;

brush but the actions of some officers, and ho" those actions "ere handled b the institution, ha'e reall damaged perceptions of the 40M3# !efore looking at lo"er standards for applicants the should look at higher standards for themsel'es# 4:1: 0id RCMP stooge Manito&a 8ealth Minister Theresa Bswald )ur)osefully acce)t lies from the 'cool 7ids gang( to harass$ isolate and discriminate against Terry Mallen&y,s daughter1;

0id RCMP stooge Manito&a 8ealth Minister Theresa Bswald,s 'cool 7ids gang( also try to harass and isolate Terry Mallen&y,s son


The Canadian /o*ernment and RCMP are censoring this current author,s attem)ts to &ring this cons)iracy to light$ where the Canadian /o*ernment and the RCMP are o&*iously censoring what a))ears on AmaFon=com19


Canadian Prime Minister Ste)hen 8ar)er and RCMP Commissioner Ro&ert Paulson u)load their 1 !" RCMP lies to Sergey %rin,s /oogle and /oogle=ca internet we& site as more harassment and to ma7e sure Terry Mallen&y$ his wife and children also remain unem)loyed!!

4:1; In#uest acts$ children!!

Senator Larry <= Cam)&ell$ former RCMP officer$ and former Chief Coroner says he doesn,t gi*e a 'shite( a&out the 1 !" Coroner results + the RCMP will continue their cam)aign of illegal harassment of Terry Mallen&y$ his wife$ and

After all$ the RCMP are a&o*e the law!!

And they can do as they )lease$ es)ecially with Canadian Prime Minister Ste)hen 8ar)er at the helm!!


And that unethical RCMP Commissioner Ro&ert Paulson who still denies female RCMP officers ha*e &een seEually harassed for decades!!

The RCMP and the Canadian /o*ernment still owe this 'little guy( one million dollars in lost wages$ when is he going to recei*e it?



1= The Terry Mallen&y 7new full2well long$ long ago that there were 'lying &astards( in the RCMP 1inters)ersed amongst the many fine RCMP officers )rotecting our citiFens and country3!

0anada$s 3olice (orce5 Aies, fabrication, perjur ### and much "orseK '%efore his death he was a&le to tell a nurse at the hos)ital that an RCMP officer Cum)ed u) and down on him(

4a V 4&= The Terry Mallen&y 7new full2well long$ long ago what a 'misera&le &astard( John /omery was and has waited o*er ;: years &efore the rest of the country and world would find out a&out him>

A (ederal 0ourt ruling has blasted the biased musings of :udge :ohn Gomer

; 2 6= The Terry Mallen&y 7new full2well long$ long ago what 'lying &astards( were em)loyed &y the @ederal /o*ernment of Canada and has waited o*er ;: years &efore the rest of the country and world would find out a&out such things>

There/s Bo Such Thing as .uman 4ights in 0anadaG

"= The Terry Mallen&y 7new full2well long$ long ago what 'lying &astards( were em)loyed &y the @ederal /o*ernment of Canada and the RCMP and here is the story a&out the 'lying )rofessor( as an a))arent RCMP stooge who tried to interfere with the Terry Mallen&y son,s education>

The l ing professorK And, the l ing P#3#K

!= The Terry Mallen&y 7new full2well long$ long ago what 'lying 94

&astards( were em)loyed &y the @ederal /o*ernment of Canada and the RCMP and here is the story a&out the 'lying doctor( as an a))arent RCMP stooge who tried to interfere with the Terry Mallen&y daughter,s )otential military career>

The l ing doctorK And, the l ing generalK

5= The Terry Mallen&y 7new full2well long$ long ago what 'lying &astards( were em)loyed &y the @ederal /o*ernment of Canada and the RCMP and here is the story a&out the a))arent attem)ted ')oisoning( of the Terry Mallen&y son,s thus eliminating his )otential military career>

0anadian Go'ernment 0onspirac 5 Was this Qkid$ poisonedK

= The Terry Mallen&y 7new full2well long$ long ago what 'lying &astards( were em)loyed &y the @ederal /o*ernment of Canada and the RCMP and here is the story a&out the harassment of the 'little guy,s( wife and daughter and son &y RCMP stooges>

0anada$s 3olice (orce5 Aies, fabrication, perjur ### and much "orseK '%efore his death he was a&le to tell a nurse at the hos)ital that an RCMP officer Cum)ed u) and down on him(

1:= The Terry Mallen&y 7new full2well long$ long ago what 'lying &astards( were em)loyed &y the @ederal /o*ernment of Canada and the RCMP and here is the story a&out a *indicti*e em)loyer as an a))arent RCMP stooge who tried to interfere with the Terry Mallen&y son,s safety>

Canada,s Hery Bwn 'Three %lind Mice(! <ho concluded that anti&iotics are for stress?

11= The Terry Mallen&y 7new full2well long$ long ago what 'lying &astards( were em)loyed &y the @ederal /o*ernment of Canada and the RCMP and here is the story a&out a *indicti*e em)loyer as an a))arent 9;

RCMP stooge who tried to interfere with the Terry Mallen&y daughter,s em)loyment>

Pindicti'e Mmplo ers5 Bothing but poisonG

14= The Terry Mallen&y 7new full2well long$ long ago what 'lying &astards( were em)loyed &y the @ederal /o*ernment of Canada and the RCMP and here is the story a&out the RCMP ma7ing u) some coc72and2 &ull nonsense so they would not ha*e to acce)t the 'little guy,s( son as an RCMP recruit>

8f Oou Aike To 0atch !ad Gu s This 3olice (orce )oesn$t Want OouK 1;= The Terry Mallen&y 7new full2well long$ long ago what 'lying &astards( were em)loyed &y the @ederal /o*ernment of Canada and the RCMP and here is the story a&out the RCMP using a )ro*incial go*ernment de)artment to seE2discriminate$ harass$ and isolate the 'little guy,s( daughter>

8s sla'er ali'e and "ell in 0anadaK There is absolutel no protection for female emplo ees against 'indicti'e emplo ersG


19= The Canadian /o*ernment and RCMP are censoring this current author,s attem)ts to &ring this cons)iracy against this Terry Mallen&y and his family to light$ where the Canadian /o*ernment and the RCMP are o&*iously censoring what a))ears on AmaFon=com>

8s 0anada/s 3olice (orce (iltering What the World 4eads about ThemK The 90raN 0anuck9 apparentl "rote a bogus re'ie" to help outK


Appendix 1a

Terry Mallen&y sued for lost wages of 1=; million dollars 1with actuarial e*idence3 and the first out2of2court settlement that the @ederal /o*ernment of Canada and the RCMP offered him was G16:$:::?

The Terry Mallen&y told the lawyer that wasn,t enough$ and the second out2of2court settlement that the @ederal /o*ernment of Canada and the RCMP offered him was G4!6$:::?

The Terry Mallen&y said that re)resented a moral *ictory o*er 'the &astards( and said acce)t it!

As far as the Terry Mallen&y is concerned$ the @ederal /o*ernment of Canada and the RCMP still owe him the remaining 1 million dollars$ together with a siFea&le amount for his wife and children who ha*e themsel*es &een harassed &y the @ederal /o*ernment of Canada and the RCMP!

As for the current author can tell$ all he can say is that there are a))arently many 'lying shit2heads( wor7ing for the @ederal /o*ernment of Canada and the RCMP and that there is enough material out there in the )ress a&out them>

3er'erts, Se6ual )e'iants @ccup Top 40M3 4anks C Be" Allegations Suggest Saturday$ Io*em&er 14th$ 4:11 9"

The Lin7 Pa)er


Appendix 1b The Terr" #allen$" successfull" sued 3C#P&


Appendix 1c The Terr" #allen$" successfull" sued 3C#P&

Appendix 1d The Terr" #allen$" successfull" sued 3C#P&


Appendix 2

Terry Mallen&y went off his Canada Pension Plan disa&ility )ension first a))ro*ed in 1 ! $ thin7ing the RCMP harassment may ha*e finished?

8owe*er$ he was una&le to co*er2u) for an a))arent 'sleeFe &all($ as cited in the current author,s new &oo7>

Whistleblo"erG And darn proud of itG htt)>NNwww=amaFon=comN<histle&lower2darn2 )roud2Terry2Mallen&yNd)N19""94!6!9NrefW srO1O44?sW&oo7sVieWAT@5V#idW1;15 "4!96VsrW 1244

As cited$ this Ulittle guy, who lost a Co& after &lowing the whistle on the <hit&ourne Centre to Premier Clyde <ells and Social Ser*ices Minister Kay Moung$ had warned these two 'idiot( )oliticians of the dangers at the <hit&ourne Centre!1

8owe*er$ they wouldn,t listen 1Cust li7e all the <histel&lowers cited in this &oo7 and elsewhere43 and got rid of their own whistle&lower only to find out a year later that a tragedy did occur at the <hit&ourne Centre!

<ith the Iewfoundland there was a <histle&lower who wrote to Iewfoundland Premier Clyde <ells and to Iewfoundland Social Ser*ices Minister Kay Moung telling them that the security at the maEimum security youth centre$ the <hit&ourne Centre$ was laE and should &e im)ro*ed=;


<hat did Iewfoundland Premier Clyde <ells and Iewfoundland Social Ser*ices Minister Kay Moung do?

They didn,t listen to the <histle&lowerR instead they fa&ricated some coc72and2&ull eEcuse and got rid of him$ Cust li7e all the go*ernment ministers and managers cited in this &oo7 and elsewhere=9

And what did that 'sleaFe2&all( Social Ser*ices Minister Kay Moung doR she e*en *iolated the *iolation of the @reedom of Information Act and the Pri*acy Act to ma7e sure this whistle&lowers was good2and2gone!

Can,t ha*e anyone &lowing the whistle on )olitical N go*ernment incom)etence can we>

Bo'ember 2D, 2&&? .@7SM @( ASSMM!AO 34@0MM)8BGS Pol# JA88 Bo# D2 htt)>NNwww=assem&ly=nl=caN&usinessNhansardNga94session4N 921121"=htm

MR= @ITX/.RAL0> Than7 you$ Mr= S)ea7er=

My #uestion is to the Minister of Social Ser*ices= I want to as7 the Minister of Social Ser*ices why she released information on the em)loyment history of a Mr= EE$ the former o)erations manager at the Iewfoundland and La&rador Mouth Centre$ in clear *iolation of the @reedom of Information Act and in *iolation I &elie*e of the Pri*acy Act?

MR= @ITX/.RAL0> Mr= S)ea7er$ not only did the minister *iolate the @reedom of Information and Pri*acy Act &ut she also ga*e false information$ Mr= S)ea7er$ a&out Mr= EEDs em)loyment history= The minister said that Mr= EE had &een fired for reasons related to Co& )erformance= The official record of em)loyment the de)artment ga*e to Mr= EE and to .m)loyment Canada says he was dismissed for &reach of trust and loss of confidence= Iow I as7 the minister$ did the minister 64

7now$ Mr= S)ea7er$ that she was gi*ing false information in her )ress release? <ill she now admit Mr= EE was fired &ecause he &lew the whistle and disclosed the information as to what was actually ha))ening out at the Iewfoundland and La&rador Mouth Centre?

Iow comes that 'sleaFe2&all( Iewfoundland Premier Clyde <ells>

Bo'ember 2E, 2&&? .@7SM @( ASSMM!AO 34@0MM)8BGS Pol# JA88 Bo# D3 htt)>NNwww=assem&ly=nl=caN&usinessNhansardNga94session4N 921121!=htm

MR= <= MATT8.<S> Than7 you *ery much$ Mr= S)ea7er=

I ha*e a #uestion for the Premier$ following u) on the line of #uestioning &y the mem&er for %ona*ista South yesterday dealing with the Minister of Social Ser*ices Kay Moung= Iow$ on Io*em&er 5$ 1 9 the Minister of Social Ser*ices Kay Moung issued a )u&lic statement$ a written )ress release$ where she referred to the dismissal of one Mr= EE at the Iewfoundland and La&rador Mouth Center at <hit&ourne= In that she tal7ed a&out the reasons for dismissal$ Co& )erformance and wor7 history=

I want to as7 the Premier$ in light of the ministerDs )u&lic statement that is clearly a *iolation of the @reedom of Information Act and the Pri*acy Act$ &ut )articularly the @reedom Information Act$ section 1: S1T S&T> 0oes the Premier consider this conduct and &eha*ior of the Minister of Social Ser*ices Kay Moung to &e acce)ta&le?

MR= <= MATT8.<S> 2 and in that written$ deli&erate statement )ertaining to the situation$ she said> Mr= EE was dismissed for wor7 related )ro&lems$ Co& )erformance= Iow the record of em)loyment &elonging to Mr= EE states that he was dismissed for &reach of trust and loss of confidence$ so in essence$ the minister in her statement$ issued a false statement= The reason was inaccurate and incorrect$ so I want to as7 the Premier> does he feel that the conduct of the Minister of Social Ser*ices Kay Moung$ in issuing a false$ )u&lic statement is &eha*iour and conduct 6;

acce)ta&le for a minister of his Administration or$ is he going to allow the standards and &eha*iour and conduct of the ministers to sin7 to an all2time low in this Pro*ince$ where$ indi*idual )ri*acy will no longer &e )rotected?

<hat ha))ened a year later$ due to the laE security$ one of the youth committed suicide and a stin7 was raised a&out Iewfoundland Premier Clyde <ells and Iewfoundland Social Ser*ices Minister Kay Moung ignoring these <histle&lower warnings!

Terr" #allen$" (uccessfull" (ued the 3C#P: /e foundland +a" :oung re!eals PT(; sufferers name to media htt)>NNwww=amaFon=comNTerry2Mallen&y2 Successfully2Sued2RCMPNd)N195:199!4YNrefW srO1O1"?sW&oo7sVieWAT@5V#idW1;6191 "49VsrW 121"V7eywordsWMallen&y



1= The Be"foundland )epartment of Social Ser'ices is the "orst department this author has e'er read about$ AMICAS Io= 1" !41 "$ Iational Li&rary of Canada=

4= Some 0anadian Whistleblo"ers To)ics> <histle&lowers htt)>NNfairwhistle&lower=caNw&ersNcanadianOw&s=html

;= The Be"foundland )epartment of Social Ser'ices is the "orst department this author has e'er read about$ AMICAS Io= 1" !41 "$ Iational Li&rary of Canada=

9= Some 0anadian Whistleblo"ers To)ics> <histle&lowers htt)>NNfairwhistle&lower=caNw&ersNcanadianOw&s=html


Appendix 3a

Terr" #allen$" as diagnosed ith a multitude of disorders as a consequence of 3C#P and 5ederal Go!ernment illegal acts% harassment and other a$use-

Author,s note> Anyone who has to identify a lo*ed2one in the morgue can a))reciate the horror$ grief$ anger one eE)eriences?



Appendix 3b

Author*s note: An"one ho has to identif" a lo!ed<one in the morgue can appreciate the horror% grief% anger one experiences9


Appendix 3c

Terr" #allen$" as diagnosed ith a multitude of disorders as a consequence of 3C#P and 5ederal Go!ernment illegal acts% harassment and other a$use-


Chapter =

3C#P Commissioner 3o$ert Paulson upload 78 "ear old lies as 3C#P pa"$ac4 $ecause Terr" #allen$" successfull" sued them&&&

Anything is )ossi&le with this guy + 8e has no scru)les!

In 1 !" the Royal Canadian Mounted Police 1RCMP3 lied to the %ritish Colum&ia Coroner in S#uamish saying that Terry Mallen&y was an unwilling witness 1so they could arrest him3!!!

The Coroner a)ologiFed to Terry Mallen&y for listening to the RCMP that he was an 'unwilling witness(!

%ecause of the RCMP lies$ Terry Mallen&y missed his wife,s funeral!

Terry Mallen&y will hate the RCMP until the day he dies!

And Terry Mallen&y will ha*e &oo7s written a&out the RCMP scum to show the 7ind of 'shit( they )ull on the 'little )eo)le(

And this &oo7 is Cust one in a series that tells the &itter truth a&out the RCMP!

Terry Mallen&y e*entually found a decent Canadian lawyer 1they are hard to come &y3 who sued the RCMB$ the -ueen and the Canadian go*ernment 1on a contingency &asis3 with Terry Mallen&y winning a G4!6$::: out of court settlement=

The RCMP ha*e &een harassing Terry Mallen&y$ his wife and children e*er since!!!


Terry Mallen&y has &een writing a&out the stu)id &astards e*er since>

0anada$s 3olice (orce5 Aies, fabrication, perjur ### and much "orseK R!efore his death he "as able to tell a nurse at the hospital that an 40M3 officer jumped up and do"n on himS htt)>NNwww=amaFon=comNCAIA0As2PBLIC.2@BRC.2fa&rication2 )erCuryNd)N19"11:4514NrefWsrO1O15? sW&oo7sVieWAT@5V#idW1;116644!4VsrW1215


Terr" #allen$" successfull" sued 3C#P&


Terr" #allen$" successfull" sued 3C#P&


Terr" #allen$" successfull" sued 3C#P&


Chapter >

Canadian Prime #inister (tephen .arper uploads 78 "ear old 3C#P lies as 3C#P pa"$ac4 $ecause Terr" #allen$" successfull" sued the 5ederal Go!ernment of Canada99

Anything is )ossi&le with this guy!

Terr" #allen$" successfull" sued the Canadian Go!ernment&&



Terr" #allen$" successfull" sued the Canadian Go!ernment&&


Terr" #allen$" successfull" sued the Canadian Go!ernment&&


Chapter ?

As 3C#P pa"$ac4% Canadian Prime #inister (tephen .arper sent t o fello 'ni!ersit" of Al$erta graduates all the a" to (quamish% 0ritish Colum$ia% Canada @a distance of 1%226 4m A 1%888 milesB to upload the same 78 "ear old 3C#P lies a$out Terr" #allen$"&&&

<hy would 0ar&y Lo*e and Sanfu Chen &oth Ani*ersity of Al&erta graduates tra*el all the way to S#uamish %ritish Colum&ia$ Canada?

A distance of 1$44; 7m N 1$::: miles?

<hy would a Ani*ersity of Al&erta graduate tra*el all the way to S#uamish %ritish Colum&ia$ Canada to u)load one article from a non2eEistent news)a)er to the internet?


RThe compan that o"ned the paper doesn/t e6ist an more so "hile the librar has 'erbal permission to use the archi'es of the S-uamish Times there is no formal document making it clear so an application is in front of the cop right board seeking formal ackno"ledgement that the librar can publish the ne"spaper archi'e online, sa s Sanfu 0hen#S

Ch" $ecause 3C#P Commissioner 0o$ Paulson and Canadian Prime #inister (tephen .arper told them to upload the same 78 "ear old 3C#P lies to 4eep Terr" #allen$"% his ife and children unemplo"ed&


(quamish Pu$lic Li$rarian (anfu Chen uploaded 78 "ear old 3C#P lies $ecause 3C#P Commissioner 0o$ Paulson and Canadian Prime #inister (tephen .arper told them to upload the same 78 "ear old 3C#P lies to 4eep Terr" #allen$"% his ife and children unemplo"ed&&

Graduate student Sanfu 0hen shifts through the S-uamish Aibrar $s archi'es 3hoto b 4ebecca AldousTThe 0hief http5TT"""#s-uamishchief#comTarticleT2%222223TSU7AM8S.%D%?T32223&&E%TSU7AM8 S.Teagle->22D-barometer-reaches-just-D11


(quamish Pu$lic Li$rarian (anfu Chen uploaded 78 "ear old 3C#P lies $ecause 3C#P Commissioner 0o$ Paulson and Canadian Prime #inister (tephen .arper told them to upload the same 78 "ear old 3C#P lies to 4eep Terr" #allen$"% his ife and children unemplo"ed&&

.istorical S-uamish photos and documents go online 3roject a"aiting "ord on ne6t round of funding to carr on b :ohn (rench http5TT"""#pi-uene"smagaNine#comT"histlerThistorical-s-uamish-photos-anddocuments-go-onlineT0ontentKoidV22EE&21


(quamish Pu$lic Li$rarian ;ar$" Lo!e also uploaded 78 "ear old 3C#P lies $ecause 3C#P Commissioner 0o$ Paulson and Canadian Prime #inister (tephen .arper told them to upload the same 78 "ear old 3C#P lies to 4eep Terr" #allen$"% his ife and children unemplo"ed&&

0ar&y Lo*e$ Reference Li&rarian S#uamish Pu&lic Li&rary ;! :! 4nd A*enue$ PB %oE 1:; S#uamish$ %C H5% :A! dlo*eJs#uamish=ca ":925 42;11:$ eEt= 6;:!


Chapter D

As can $e seen $elo % Terr" #allen$" has the original Coroner Inquest report sent to him $" the Coroner*s office of 0ritish Colum$ia Canada E clearl" indicating he as not an un illing itness&&


Author*s /ote: The letters and num$ers @P6aiB at the $ottom of the a$o!e noted letter refers to the e!idence the author su$mitted to the 5ederal Court of


Canada hen he ('CCF((5'LL: ('F; the 3o"al Canadian #ounted Police&&

The RCMP didn,t li7e this and ha*e harassed Terry Mallen&y$ his wife and children since 1 !"!!!

And the RCMP )ur)osefully lied 9: years ago when they 7new Terry Mallen&y,s lawyer was out of town??


Again% this author has to put the facts straight&&&

The *erdict in this Coroner,s In#uest + &y )ersons or )ersons un7nown>


(o hat has 3C#P Commissioner 0o$ Paulson and Prime #inister (tephen .arper sent t o fello 'ni!ersit" of Al$erta graduates all the a" to (quamish% 0ritish Colum$ia% Canada to upload the same 78 "ear old 3C#P lies a$out Terr" #allen$"&&&


(o hat has 3C#P Commissioner 0o$ Paulson and Prime #inister (tephen .arper sent t o fello 'ni!ersit" of Al$erta graduates all the a" to (quamish% 0ritish Colum$ia% Canada to upload the same 78 "ear old 3C#P lies a$out Terr" #allen$"&&&


Chapter G

(enator Larr" Camp$ell% former Chief Coroner% former 3C#P ,fficer sa"s he doesn*t gi!e a shite a$out 1G?> (quamish Coroner Inquest 3esults E the 3C#P ill harass Terr" #allen$"% his ife and children fore!er&&

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police doesn,t li7e the fact that Terry Mallen&y successfully sued them=

So what did they do$ they u)loaded their 1 !" lies when Terry Mallen&y was age 45 and again in 4:14 when Terry Mallen&y was age "6??

Let,s first define a Coroner,s In#uest in %ritish Colum&ia Canada=

0oroner$s 8n-uest

An in-uest is held and a Perdict at 8n-uest is "ritten# 8n-uests are formal court proceedings, "ith a fi'e-person jur , held to publicl re'ie" the circumstances of a death# The jur hears e'idence from "itnesses under subpoena in order to determine the facts of the death#


So what ha*e the RCMP done$ they ha*e u)loaded their 1 !" lies that Terry Mallen&y was an unwilling witness>

8us&and reluctant witness =at Mallen&y in#uest 2 digitalcollections=ca www=digitalcollections=caN===NrN===N1 !":9:1OS#uamishOTimes=)df


.o e!er% as can $e seen $elo % the author has the original Coroner Inquest report sent to him $" the Coroner*s office of 0ritish Colum$ia Canada&&


Author,s Iote> The letters and num&ers 1P;ai3 at the &ottom of the a&o*e noted letter refers to the e*idence the Terry Mallen&y su&mitted to the @ederal Court of Canada when he SACC.SS@ALLM SA.0 the Royal Canadian Mounted Police!!

The RCMP didn,t li7e this and has harassed the author$ his wife and children since that time!!!

And they did that when they 7new the author,s lawyer was out of town in 1 !"??


Again$ the author has to )ut the facts straight!!!

The *erdict in this 1 !" Coroner,s In#uest + &y )ersons or )ersons un7nown>



So what ha*e the RCMP done$ they ha*e )ut some more &ull2shit a&out the Terry Mallen&y + this time that he was an unwilling witness which is what the RCMP 1through the Crown3 told the Coroner in 1 !"!!!


Chapter 18

Cho to hell is (enator Larr" C- Camp$ell that he doesn*t care a$out the missing and murdered in (quamish% 0ritish Colum$ia9

<ell$ here he is>

References courtesy of the @air Ase Act$ for research )ur)oses$ to clarify the author,s )oint of *iew=


@ne of Pancou'er$s best-kno"n and most admired citiNens, Aarr W# 0ampbell has ser'ed as ma or since 2%%2 after a distinguished and high profile career primaril in la" enforcement and death in'estigation#

Author,s Iote> This Larry Cam)&ell has a long career of law enforcement and death in*estigation$ yet with res)ect to the missing and murdered in S#uamish$ %ritish Colum&ia he says 2


Squamish again

Larry Campbell

8ere,s the missing and murdered in S#uamish$ %ritish Colum&ia$ Canada that Senator Larry Cam)&ell$ former RCMP officer$ doesn,t gi*e 'two hoots( a&out>

()'A#I(. H 1

Oct. 2 ! "#$% &achel 'urley! 2( Turle /s bod "as found in a "ooded area near S-uamish# She had been se6uall assaulted, beaten and strangled# 3olice sa she "as kno"n to them as a Gran'ille Mall 9street person9 "ho once "orked as a prostitute#

A 2%%2 Pancou'er Sun article listing the missing http5TT"""#high"a oftears#caTmissingbclist#htm

()'A#I(. H 2

Topic5 2&E%/s S-uamish, !0 - possible connection bet"een 3 murdersK 4e5 2&E%/s S-uamish, !0 - possible connection bet"een 3 murdersK W 4epl =2% on5 August %2, 2%22, %?52&511 3M X

8/m sorr about our friend# Sadl there "ere so man serial killers in this area during that era, it hard to kno" for sure#

7nsol'ed Murders Y Missing 3eople 0anada http5TT"""#unsol'edcanada#caTinde6#phpKtopicV3%&2#21

()'A#I(. H 6

4e5 :odi .enricksonZ2EZmissingZ!o"en 8slandTS-uamishZ:une 2%,2%%& 4

W 4epl =D2 on5 Ma 23, 2%22, 2251151? AM X !od found on !o"en 8sland ! :ane Se d, Borth Shore Be"s Ma 23, 2%22 D53? AM

3@A80M in'estigating the disco'er of a bod in a bush area of !o"en 8sland sa the remains are likel not those of missing S-uamish teen :odi .enrickson#

9We don/t feel it/s connected to that case,9 said Sgt# :ennifer 3ound, spokes"oman for the 40M3/s 8ntegrated .omicide 8n'estigation Team# 3ound said in'estigators ruled out that the bod "as .enrickson earl on, although she declined to sa ho" police did that#

!o"en 8sland 40M3 "ere called out (rida at around 2 p#m# b a local resident "ho had disco'ered the bod on his land, a "ooded propert in the 2,%%% block of .arding 4oad#

An autops is to be performed Tuesda to tr to identif the 'ictim and the likel cause of death# Suicide remains a possibilit , as does the chance that the bod "as dumped there#

9There are no ob'ious signs of injur ,9 said 3ound#

So far in'estigators ha'e not confirmed "hether the bod - "hich "as badl decomposed - is male or female# 9We belie'e the bod "as there for -uite some time,9 said 3ound#

Alo d .arding, "ho li'es on .arding 4oad, said he "as "alking do"n to his mailbo6 "ith his son/s dog at the end of last "eek "hen the :ack 4ussell terrier tried to drag him into the bush#

.arding said he noticed a bad smell in the area# 98 thought someone had hit a deer he said#9

.arding said he/s "alked right b the area "here the bod "as found before but didn/t see an thing or notice an smell in the area before last "eek/s spell of hot "eather# ;

3olice are currentl checking missing persons reports to see if the can help identif the remains#

.enrickson, then 2E, disappeared three ears ago on :une 2%, 2%%& after lea'ing a house part on !o"en 8sland "ith her e6-bo friend Ga'in Arnott# Beither .enrickson nor an signs of her ha'e sho"n up since then, despite se'eral searches b both police and 'olunteers#

3olice ha'e repeatedl said the think .enrickson met "ith foul pla and ne'er left the island#

.arding said the -uiet communit is 9shocked and 'er concerned9 b (rida /s disco'er #

jse d[nsne"s#com

http5TT"""#nsne"s#comTne"sT!od \found\!o"en\8slandTDDD3D11Tstor #html

7nsol'ed Murders Y Missing 3eople 0anada http5TT"""#unsol'edcanada#caTinde6#phpKtopicV2>&%#D%

()'A#I(. H 7

0hristopher Aeo Turgeon Y 3 Y Missing S-uamish !0 Y )ecember 2>, 2&&& W on5 :ul 2E, 2%22, 2%53&52E 3M X 0ase Bumber5 %%%%22%

Missing Since5 2> )ecember 2&&& Missing (rom5 S-uamish, !ritish 0olumbia, 0ABA)A )etails5 0hristopher "as abducted b his non-custodial mother, Ailia PA]U7M]# Missing 0hild5

0hristopher Aeo T74GM@B )ate of !irth5 2? March 2&&D Se65 Male .air5 !ro"n M e5 !ro"n .eight5 &2 cm *3D feet, inches+ Weight5 2& kg *?2 lb+ Additional 8nformation5 .e has a mole on his lo"er lip on the right side# .e speaks Mnglish and Spanish# 0hristopher/s photo is age-progressed to E ears old#

Ma be in the compan of5

Ailia MartineN PA]U7M] )ate of !irth5 23 March 2&E? Se65 (emale .air5 !ro"n M e5 !ro"n 6

.eight5 2E3 cm *D> feet, inches+ Weight5 1% kg *22% lb+ Additional 8nformation5 The abductor "as born in Me6ico# She speaks Spanish and Mnglish# Alias*es+5 Ailia MA4T8BM], Ailia MA4T8BM] PA]U7M], Ailia PASU7M]

4elationship5 Mother http5TT"""#ourmissingchildren#gc#caTcgi-binTcase#plKidV2>2FlangVeng

7nsol'ed Murders Y Missing 3eople 0anada http5TT"""#unsol'edcanada#caTinde6#phpKtopicV12&1#%


()'A#I(. H =

4e5 2&1% - 2&D& 7nsol'ed Murders and Missing - 0anada

W 4epl =?1 on5 April 22, 2%2%, %D52>52? 3M X

(urr 0reek, !0 @ka , 8 am going to post some more of m findings, unfortunatel , not much to find# 8 "ill post the info o'er a fe" posts# This first lot is not in the date se-uence as originall listed# 8 ma ha'e found a common thread in these ones# Although the are listed as S-uamishTPancou'er cases, "hen 8 looked at the death registration information on Ancestr #ca 8 found all of their locations of death "ere "ithin 2>km of a place called (urr 0reek, !0# 8 ha'e included one that "as listed as S-uamish as it seems to be in the same area# 8 am not sure if these oung ladies actuall diedT"ere found near (urr 0reek or if the "ere perhaps, from there, and therefore, their deaths "ere listed for that location# 8 ha'e to break this one into t"o posts as the computer is fussing

2# 22 April E3 .elen .opcroft, age 2E, Pancou'er .er death "as registered as 23 Ma E3, (urr 0reek, !0 There "as an obituar for her in the Winnipeg (ree 3ress E :une E3

2# 2E (eb E1 Ga le 4ogers, Pancou'er, !0 8f it is the same oung lad , found 9Gail Sandra 4ogers9 )ate of registered death, E Mar E1, she "as born in 2&?& so she "as 2D, her death is registered as 9S-uamish, !09

7nsol'ed Murders Y Missing 3eople 0anada http5TT"""#unsol'edcanada#caTinde6#phpKtopicV?2D#?1

()'A#I(. H >

(raser Member 3osts5 22% W 4epl =?D on5 April 22, 2%2%, %D52E53% 3M X

(urr 0reek cont/d

3# 21 :an E1 Margie Melinda !lack"ell, 22 )eath registration5 21 :an E1, place of death, (urr 0reek, !0

?# 2D (eb ED 4uth G"endol n Mallenb , 2D, S-uamish )eath 4egistration5 94uth G"endel ne Mallenb 9, E Mar ED Aion/s !a , *2> km from (urr 0reek, !0+

(or e'er one/s consideration# 8f 8 find an more "ith this link 8 "ill add them to this post#

7nsol'ed Murders Y Missing 3eople 0anada http5TT"""#unsol'edcanada#caTinde6#phpKtopicV?2D#?1

()'A#I(. H ?

Sunda afternoon a group of hikers found a dead bod near a hiking trail on the side of Mam-uam 4oad in S-uamish# 98t appears the man "as met "ith foul pla ,9 said spokes"oman Sgt# :ennifer 3ound# 98t does appear to be a homicide#9 3ound also refused to comment on media reports that the man/s bod "as found beaten and ducttaped#

Lim !olan has reported the identit of the bod is that of William Woo from Surre "ho "as an associate of the Mast Pancou'er hells angels but more recentl "ent o'er to the other side# Bo" he/s in a bod bag# 8 "onder "ho the prime suspects areK 8f the Mast Pancou'er chapter of the .ells angels contract a murder, that makes them a criminal organiNation guilt of murder# 8 don/t kno" about the )uhre )ai-uiris but Aotus, no" there is some old school credibilit right there# The are more than capable of professional pa back#

!eaten and duck taped# Oeah that "ould impl foul pla # 8t reminds me of t"o other cases in S-uamish# @ne "as a gu named Ale6 Aarsen "ho "as run o'er b a truck because he "as l ing in the middle of the road# 8t/s so strange and tragic# Oes it/s possible he got drunk or high and passed out# Oet "e/'e ne'er heard a "ord either "a # We don/t kno" if he "as beaten and dumped there or if he "as "alking on the side of the road and a car hit him "hich "as "h he "as l ing in the middle of the road before the bus ran him o'er# The case comes to mind and 8 "ish there "as more pieces to that puNNle# The sa he had made a decision to turn his life around# :ust like !ritne 8r'ing# Tragic indeed#

@f course there/s that other biNarre case in S-uamish, the murder of :a'an Auke )o"ling# Three drug dealers "ere dri'ing in a car in Pancou'er# @ne of the drug dealers, shot one of the other drug dealers in the head and the third drug dealer "atched the shooter cut off )o"ling/s head and dismembered his bod # The t"o sur'i'ing drug dealers buried the bod in t"o separate locations in S-uamish# Mihal 8lles "as alleged to be the shooter "hile )errick Madinski helped him bur the bod # )errick Madinski "ent "ith :oe !rallic to AA "here :oe "as ripped off and murdered#

Mean"hile in that same original article about a ne" dead bod being found in S-uamish it later stated there "as another shooting in Surre near the corner of 222A A'enue and 2?Dth Street at about 25 ?% a#m# on Sunda # 8t didn/t e'en make it/s o"n head line# Linda sad# The point is 'iolent crime is continuing and as the papers also report the court s stem is currentl in crisis# That "as before .arper/s disproportionate crime bill sent the fragile s stem into chaos#

Gangsters @ut !log http5TTgangstersout#blogspot#caT2%22T2%Tbod -dumped-in-s-uamish#html

Chapter 11

Chat else can e sa" a$out (enator Larr" C- Camp$ell that he doesn*t care a$out the missing and murdered in (quamish% 0ritish Colum$ia9

As further stated a&out the guy>

Aarr W# 0ampbell mo'ed to Pancou'er in 2&D&, "orking for the 40M3 and later becoming a member of the force/s )rug S-uad# 8n 2&>2, he began "ork for the Go'ernment of !ritish 0olumbia/s Ministr of Attorne GeneralG

Well, on Thursday$ March 1$ 4:14 Senator Larry <= Cam)&ell rose in the Senate and challenged two other Senators>

.on# Aarr W# 0ampbell5 .onourable senators, 8 rise toda to speak on !ill 0-2%, the safe streets and communities act# !efore 8 start, 8 "ill ha'e to in'ite Senator Bolin and Senator 4unciman to the pro'ince of !ritish 0olumbia so that 8 can sho" them that, on Galiano 8sland at least, "e are safe and that the crime rate has not risen substantiall o'er the past fe" ears#

Sounds im)ressi*e$ doesn,t it??

<ell$ until you scratch the surface!!

@irst of all$ /aliano Island had a )o)ulation growth of only from : to 1:!1 from 1 1 to 4::1?



<hereas Senator Iolin,s 'riding( of 0e Sala&erry$ -uZ&ec$ Canada had as of the 4:11 Census a )o)ulation of 9:$:!!=

And$ Senator Runciman 'riding( of Leeds + /ren*ille$ Bntario$ Canada as of 4::1 had a )o)ulation of "$":"!!

Tal7 a&out not )laying fair Senator Larry <= Cam)&ell!!

Com)are your ')iddly little( /aliano Island$ with a )o)ulation of around 1$::: to other Senators with 9:$:!! and "$":" )o)ulations resti*ely??

Is this Senator Larry <= Cam)&ell 'out to lunch(???

In any e*ent$ let,s eEamine Senator Larry <= Cam)&ell assertions that his /aliano Island is free of crime!! <ell$ the first thing one finds a&out /aliano Island is an article a&out the MariCuana grow o)s on /aliano Island$ %ritish Colum&ia$ Canada?

References courtesy of the @air Ase Act$ for research )ur)oses$ to clarify the author,s )oint of *iew

Aight Action Ma D, 2%22 - 7ploaded b G8(TS (ilms This 'ideo mini-doc e6plores Marijuana gro" ops on Galiano 8sland, !0# """# outube#comT"atchK'Vil3Wt-M2j)?



0idn,t it say>

Aarr W# 0ampbell mo'ed to Pancou'er in 2&D&, "orking for the 40M3 and later becoming a member of the force/s )rug S-uad# 8n 2&>2, he began "ork for the Go'ernment of !ritish 0olumbia/s Ministr of Attorne GeneralG

And$ in s)ite of this$ the first thing one reads a&out /aliano Island is an article a&out the MariCuana grow o)s on /aliano Island$ %ritish Colum&ia$ Canada?

<hat was Senator Larry <= Cam)&ell doing when he was with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police drug s#uad?? 1:4

Slee)ing on the Co&??

Br$ Cust ignoring the MariCuana grow o)s on /aliano Island$ %ritish Colum&ia$ Canada?

After all$ there are tons of )hotos of the ')ot )lants( on /aliano Island$ %ritish Colum&ia$ Canada on the Internet>


More ')ot )lants( on /aliano Island$ %ritish Colum&ia$ Canada on the Internet?

<hat was Senator Larry <= Cam)&ell doing when he was with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police drug s#uad??

Slee)ing on the Co&??


More ')ot )lants( on /aliano Island$ %ritish Colum&ia$ Canada on the Internet?

<hat was Senator Larry <= Cam)&ell doing when he was with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police drug s#uad??

Slee)ing on the Co&??


More MariCuana 'grow o)s( on /aliano Island$ %ritish Colum&ia$ Canada?

<hat was Senator Larry <= Cam)&ell doing when he was with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police drug s#uad??

Slee)ing on the Co&??

And this guy was the Attorney /eneral of %ritish Colum&ia$ Canada entrusted with the tas7 of )rosecuting crime>


Aarr W# 0ampbell mo'ed to Pancou'er in 2&D&, "orking for the 40M3 and later becoming a member of the force/s )rug S-uad# 8n 2&>2, he began "ork for the Go'ernment of !ritish 0olumbia/s Ministr of Attorne GeneralG


Met$ as one )erson said>

Will Mmdomain 3 Sep 2%23 https5TTplus#google#comTcommunitiesT2%EE?1&3D2?>E3&EE12>1=communi tiesT2%EE?1&3D2?>E3&EE12>1

And 8 o"n a house on Galiano 8sland, the 40M3 officers that come onto the island kno" "ho gro"s#

The could just dri'e onto the propert GG

And in terms of any of these MariCuana grow o)s on /aliano Island$ %ritish Colum&ia$ Canada &eing '&usted($ the same )erson writes>

8 ha'en/t heard of one in almost 21 ears in the South Gulf 8slands *!0+#


Larry <= Cam)&ell was the Attorney /eneral of %ritish Colum&ia$ Canada entrusted with the tas7 of )rosecuting crime and there hasn,t &een a '&ust( of MariCuana grow2o)s on his /aliano Island!!

This guy wasn,t slee)ing on the Co& + as &eing &lind$ dum&$ and stu)id!!

Br$ was he in cahoots with these MariCuana grow2o)s$ )eo)le used to say that the RCMP would su))ly )rotection for truc7s with tar)s o*er them coming out of the woods??

Bthers in %ritish Colum&ia Canada ha*e also said the RCMP are in*ol*ed in the traffic7ing of MariCuana? 1:5

Rumours$ or fact + es)ecially when one resident says>

8 ha'en/t heard of one in almost 21 ears in the South Gulf 8slands *!0+#

Someone is o&*iously )rotecting the MariCuana grow o)s!!!


Chapter 12

Canadian Prime #inister (tephen .arper $loc4s emails a$out remo!ing the 78 "ear old 3C#P lies from (erge" 0rin*s Google-com and Google-ca e$ sites a$out Terr" #allen$"&&&

IsnDt that against the law to interfere with )ri*ate emails to )rofessors?

Iaturally Canadian Prime Minister would not want this information a&out the 9: year old RCMP lies a&out Terry Mallen&y made )u&lic!

So Canadian Prime Minister &loc7ed the emails to all these Ani*ersity Professors>

Ani*ersity of Bttawa Political Science Professors>

0r= Ke*in McMillan 7e*in=mcmillanJuottawa=ca In*ited s)ea7er$ LDMoral Leandershi)D

0r= Ste)hen %rown ste)hen=&rownJuottawa=ca Areas of .E)ertise 8uman Rights

0r= Patric7 @afard )atric7=fafardJuottawa=ca Interests /o*ernance and )u&lic )olicy

0r= Jennifer <allner


Cennifer=wallnerJuottawa=ca Interests Pu&lic Policy

0r= @ran7 Bhemeng fran7=ohemengJuottawa=ca Interests Pu&lic Policy

0r= Ro&ert Johnson rCohnsonJuottawa=ca Interests Pu&lic Policy Analysis

0r= Caroline Andrew caroline=andrewJuottawa=ca Interests Pu&lic Policy


0r= Jose)h Roman CromanJuottawa=ca Interests Social and Political Thought in Canada

0r= Rita A&rahamsen rita=a&rahamsenJuottawa=ca Interests /ood /o*ernance

0r= Michael <illiams michael=williamsJuottawa=ca Interests Conflicts and Rights> Philoso)hical Pers)ecti*es

0r= Martin Pa)illon martin=)a)illonJuottawa=ca Introduction to Canadian Politics

Including 0alhousie Ani*ersity Political Science Professors>

0r= 0a*id %lac7 0irector da*id=&lac7Jdal=ca 8e has also )u&lished on human rights

0r= Anders 8ayden anders=haydenJdal=ca 8e has wor7ed with non2go*ernmental organiFations in*ol*ed in issues of human rights


0r= Ann /riffiths ann=griffithsJdal=ca Interests human rights

0r= Louise Car&ert louise=car&ertJdal=ca Interests )olitical &eha*ior

0r= Margaret 0eni7e m=deni7eJdal=ca Interests /ender Studies and of International 8uman Rights

0r= Mohammad .hsan mehsanJdal=ca Interests ethics and anti2corru)tion


0r= Kristin /ood 7ristin=goodJdal=ca Interests Politics and /o*ernance

Canadian Prime Minister also &loc7ed the emails to these two Professors>

0r= <arren Magnusson who is a Professor of Political Science at the Ani*ersity of Hictoria in %ritish Colum&ia$ Canada!

0alhousie Ani*ersity Professor 0r= Lori Turn&ull!

Ani*ersity of <inni)eg Professor 0r= Shannon Sam)ert!

Author,s Iote> Bh yes$ isn,t 0r= Shannon Sam)ert a former Cournalist interested in the intersections of media and )olitics and she might Cust &e interested in )ursuing the sordid story of the 9: year old RCMP lies a&out Terry Mallen&y$ to 7ee) him$ his wife and children unem)loyed?

Author,s Iote> Canadian Prime Minister also &loc7ed the emails to 64 other Ani*ersity Professors>





To stamp out civil rights and liberties, Stephen Harpers Canadian Government


"ut onl# i$ #ou li%e to &'(!


Chapter 16

Google 0illionaire (erge" 0rin has all emails to all the ;irectors of Google and Google-ca $loc4ed a$out remo!ing the 78 "ear old 3C#P lies from his Google-com and Google-ca e$ sites a$out Terr" #allen$"&&&

To loo7 at them you wouldn,t thin7 they were 'cree)s($ &ut here,s the )roof!!!

Sergey %rin co2founded /oogle Inc= in 1


Sergey %rin 2 Iet <orth G49=9 % as of Se)tem&er 4:1;=

%ut not much of a human &eing!!

Remem&er he cheated on his lo*ely wife Anne <oCcic7i>

The founder of 23andMe, Anne Wojcicki suffered a public split from her husband, Google co-founder Serge !rin "hen his affair "ith an emplo ee became public last summer# And no" she$s had a setback on the professional front# Since 2%%&, she and her team at 23andMe ha'e been "orking hard to con'ince the (ood and )rug Administration *()A+ to gi'e the compan $s home genetic test,"hich uses a sali'a sample to pro'ide a -uick read of selected bits of the genome,the legitimac that it needs to make it more than a commercial no'elt #

In fact Sergey %rin has all emails to all the 0irectors of /oogle and /oogle=ca &loc7ed from the author and here,s the )roof + and what,s an author to do with such unethical &eha*ior + &ut let the world 7now what 7ind of )eo)le are running /oogle and /oogle=ca such that they will not remo*e the 1 !" RCMP lies a&out Terry Mallen&y on their /oogle=ca and /oogle=com we& site!!!>


.F3F*( T.F F#AIL( (F/T T, ALL T.F ;I3FCT,3( ,5 G,,GLF A/; G,,GLF-CA

@rom wallice&ellair [wallice&ellairJhushmail=com\hide details

To da*id=drummond [da*id=drummondJgoogle=com\$ george=reyes [george=reyesJgoogle=com\$ larry=)age [larry=)ageJgoogle=com\$ sergey=&rin [sergey=&rinJgoogle=com\$ ni7esh=arora [ni7esh=aroraJgoogle=com\$ elliot=schrage [elliot=schrageJgoogle=com\$ lasFlo=&oc7 [lasFlo=&oc7Jgoogle=com\ marissa=mayer [marissa=mayerJgoogle=com\$ da*id=lawee [da*id=laweeJgoogle=com\$ *inton=cerf [*inton=cerfJgoogle=com\$ Conathan=rosen&erg [Conathan=rosen&ergJgoogle=com\$ shona=&rown [shona=&rownJgoogle=com\$ omid=7ordestani [omid=7ordestaniJgoogle=com\$ shirley=tilghman [shirley=tilghmanJgoogle=com\$ larry=&rilliant [larry=&rilliantJgoogle=com\$ andy=&erndt [andy=&erndtJgoogle=com\

Sent Monday$ Io*em&er 11$ 4:1; at 9>;9 AM


A/; .F3F*( T.F P3,,5 T.AT ALL ,5 T.F(F F#AIL( .AIF 0FF/ 0L,C+F; 0: (F3GF: 03I/ AT G,,GLF A/; G,,GLF-CA


Chapter 17

And to sho hat 4ind of fine qualit" $oo4s the author is riting% and Canadian Prime #inister (tephen .arper is suppressing E Just read this comment&&

Another of the author,s &oo7s was sent to Richard H= a Professor of Social <or7>

'Canadian Prime Minister Ste)hen 8ar)er has SAPPR.SS.0 6 &oo7s a&out the sordid murder of Mary Steinhauser + why?(

And here is the Professor,s comments a&out Mary Steinhauser and the author,s &oo7>

Good afternoon5

The publication "ill no doubt make for a 'er interesting read# Mar Steinhauser "as a 7!0 Social Work Grad MSW 2&E3 and 8 "as pri'ileged to be her classmate#

She brought a "ealth of e6perience and insight to the 3rogram#

8f memor ser'es me correctl Mar graduated at the top of the class#


4ichard P 144

Mary Steinhauser was 7illed &y a Canadian /o*ernment em)loyee$ and Canadian Prime Minister Ste)hen 8ar)er 7ee)s su))ressing &oo7s a&out her murder!!!

That$ of course$ is another story a&out Canadian Prime Minister Ste)hen 8ar)er and his unethical &eha*ior!!


C.: FL(F C,'L; CA/A;IA/ P3I#F #I/I(TF3 (TFP.F/ .A3PF3 0F PICT'3F; I/ A GF(TAP, '/I5,3#99





(,#F A3TICLF( P3I,3 T, T.F 03ITI(. C,L'#0IA 3C#P 1G?> K 1G?G LIF( A/; TF33: #ALLF/0:*( ('CCF((5'L ('IT AGAI/(T T.F 03ITI(. C,L'#0IA 3C#P&&

S)me articles by 'erry *allenby +)rmer +ederal peace )++icer )ld age pensi)ner , -'S. disability pensi)ner due t) &C*- lies

Cogniti*e de*elo)ment> the functional as)ect of sym&oliFation and language$ &y Terry < Mallen&y BCLC Ium&er> 14:"5"" Pu&lisher> <inni)eg$ S= .*ans$ ]1 !;=

A &i&liogra)hy of research on s)atial and social &eha*iour &y Terry < Mallen&y BCLC Ium&er> 115556; Pu&lisher> <inni)eg > Thomas Todd Press$ 1 !;=

A &i&liogra)hy of research on s)atial &eha*iour= &y Terry < Mallen&yR Ruth / Ro&erts BCLC Ium&er> 14;!5:4;" Pu&lisher> <inni)eg > Thomas Todd Press$ ]1 !;=

A note on )ercei*ed self2acce)tance of institutionaliFed mentally retarded SIMRT children= &y T< Mallen&y 14"

ISSI> ::4421;46 BCLC Ium&er> 1:664;"6! Article Language> .nglish Pu&lication> The Journal of genetic )sychology$ 1 !; Se)R 14;S1st 8alfT> 1!124 0ata&ase> @rom M.0LII.^NPu&Med^$ a data&ase of the A=S= Iational Li&rary of Medicine=

Personal s)ace > direct measurement techni#ues with hard2of2hearing children &y Terry < Mallen&y BCLC Ium&er> 5"5":64 @rom> .n*ironment and &eha*ior R *= "$ no= 1 SMarch 1 !9T= Pu&lisher> 1%e*erly 8ills$ CA3 > Sage Pu&lications$ 1 !9=

.ffect of discussion on reduction of magnitude of Poggendorff illusion= &y T< Mallen&y ISSI> ::;126146 BCLC Ium&er> 1:!64!;;5 Pu&lication> Perce)tual and motor s7ills$ 1 !9 BctR ; S4T> !5!2 1 0ata&ase> @rom M.0LII.^NPu&Med^$ a data&ase of the A=S= Iational Li&rary of Medicine=

Personal s)ace> )roCecti*e and direct measures with institutionaliFed mentally retarded children= &y T< Mallen&y ISSI> ::442;5 1 14!

BCLC Ium&er> 1:6 4


Pu&lication> Journal of )ersonality assessment$ 1 !9 @e&R ;5S1T> 452;1 0ata&ase> @rom M.0LII.^NPu&Med^$ a data&ase of the A=S= Iational Li&rary of Medicine=

Personal S)ace> ProCecti*e and 0irect Measures with InstitutionaliFed Mentally Retarded Children &y Terry Mallen&y ISSI> ::442;5 1 BCLC Ium&er> 9";16:;"5 Pu&lication> Journal of Personality Assessment$ *;5 n1 S1 !9:4:1T> 452;1 0ata&ase> .RIC The .RIC data&ase is an initiati*e of the A=S= 0e)artment of .ducation=

Personal S)ace> 0irect Measurement Techni#ues with 8ard2of28earing Children &y Terry < Mallen&y BCLC Ium&er> 949 ": 96 Accession Io> .J: 5"1: Pu&lication> .n*ironment and %eha*ior$ "$ 1$ 11!2144$ Mar !9 0ata&ase> .RIC The .RIC data&ase is an initiati*e of the A=S= 0e)artment of .ducation=

MALL.I%M$ T.RRM <=$ Personal S)ace> 0irect Measurement Techni#ues with 8ard2 of28earing Children> .n*ironment and %eha*ior "S1T )= 11! I> ::1;2 1"6 BCLC Ium&er> 9"9!49; !; Pu&lication> .n*ironment and %eha*ior$ *" n1 S1 !9:;:1T> 14!214! 0ata&ase> .RIC The .RIC data&ase is an initiati*e of the A=S= 0e)artment of .ducation= 145


The effect of eEtended contact with LnormalsL on the social &eha*ior of hard2of2hearing children= &y T< Mallen&y ISSI> ::4429696 BCLC Ium&er> 1:!5";5 " Pu&lication> The Journal of social )sychology$ 1 !6 @e&R 6S@irst 8alfT> 1;!25 0ata&ase> @rom M.0LII.^NPu&Med^$ a data&ase of the A=S= Iational Li&rary of Medicine=

The )ersonal s)ace of hard2of2hearing children after eEtended contact with DnormalsD= &y T< Mallen&yR R/ Mallen&y ISSI> :::!214 ; BCLC Ium&er> 11;!!6 :; Pu&lication> The %ritish Cournal of social and clinical )sychology$ 1 !6 Se)R 19S;T> 46;2! 0ata&ase> @rom M.0LII.^NPu&Med^$ a data&ase of the A=S= Iational Li&rary of Medicine=

The .ffect of .Etended Contact with LIormalsL on the Social %eha*ior of 8ard2of2 8earing Children &y Terry < Mallen&y BCLC Ium&er> 94!:64 ;: Accession Io> .J115;99 Pu&lication> Journal of Social Psychology$ 6$ 1;!25$ @e& !6 0ata&ase> .RIC The .RIC data&ase is an initiati*e of the A=S= 0e)artment of .ducation=

The )ersonal s)ace of hard2of2hearing children after eEtended contact with LnormalsL &y Terry < Mallen&yR Ruth / Mallen&y 1;:

BCLC Ium&er> 191615:! Iotes> Ca)tion title= @rom> %ritish Cournal of social and clinical )sychology R *= 19$ no= ; SSe)t= 1 !6T 0escri)tion> )= 46;246!= Pu&lisher> 1/reat %ritain > s=n=$ 1 !63

The missing )erson in measurement techni#ues of inter)ersonal distance= &y Terry < Mallen&y BCLC Ium&er> "!5 4:49" ThesisNdissertation > 0ocument > e%oo7 Com)uter @ile Pu&lisher> 1%urna&y$ %=C=3 > 1s=n=3$ ]1 !6=


The .ffect of .Etended Contact with 'Iormals( on the Social %eha*ior of 8ard2of2 8earing Children &y Terry Mallen&y ISSI> ::4429696 BCLC Ium&er> 9"6;; "9"

Pu&lication> The Journal of Social Psychology$ * 6 n1 S1 !6:4:1T> 1;!21;5 0ata&ase> .RIC The .RIC data&ase is an initiati*e of the A=S= 0e)artment of .ducation=

@acilitating the disa))earance of )erce)tual error to the Poggendorff illusion= &y T< Mallen&y ISSI> ::4;25;: BCLC Ium&er> 114 1;! 4 Pu&lication> Language and s)eech$ 1 !" A)r2JunR 1 S4T> 1 ;2 0ata&ase> @rom M.0LII.^NPu&Med^$ a data&ase of the A=S= Iational Li&rary of Medicine=

Incidents of )hysical assault against child2a&use in*estigation wor7ers > the nature of child2a&use )rotection legislation as )ossi&le reason for such incidents > some Canadian )ro*incial eEam)les of internal )olicies attem)ting to deal with such incidents > )lacing the trend of such incidents into a theoretical )ers)ecti*e &y Terry < Mallen&y BCLC Ium&er> 991!5:;! ThesisNdissertation > Manuscri)t Archi*al Material Pu&lisher> 1 9=

Teach your child to read > a sim)le method for )arents and educators &y Terry < Mallen&y 1;4

BCLC Ium&er> "1669 ;4 2 1 59

The relati*e effecti*eness of whole2 and )art2tas7 simulators BCLC Ium&er> 444!45661 + 1 59

-uality assurance in medicalNhealth care utiliFing and incor)orating three methods of e*aluation> )rocess$ setting and outcome > an introduction to assessing medicalNhealth care &y means of a conce)tual L)rocess matriEL > with s)ecial reference to acute care and chronic care hos)itals &y Terry < Mallen&y BCLC Ium&er> 1595"":1 2 1 5"=

<hen the L&a&y2&oomL cohort reaches "6 > will it &e social chaos or a carefully )lanned transition? > an introductory research )ro)osal &y Terry < Mallen&y BCLC Ium&er> 1595"1951 2 1 5"=

Child a&use > a &eginning social wor7erDs understanding and use of the 0SM2III2R and three reacti*e mental disorders following child a&use > reacti*e attachment disorder$ )ost2 traumatic stress disorder$ and adCustment disorder &y Terry <allice Mallen&yR Institute of Psychometric Assessment S%ay Ro&erts$ IewfoundlandT BCLC Ium&er> 9:6;;""! 2 1 9

0ealing with a *iolent wor7 en*ironment > internal )olicies and legislation dealing with )hysical assault and other threats against child )rotecti*e social wor7ers &y Terry < Mallen&yR Institute of Psychometric Assessment$ A))lied Studies V In*estigati*e Research= IS%I> : " 6 99:4 !5: " 6 99:" 1;;

BCLC Ium&er> ;65!6


Iotes> Re*ision of authorDs thesis= 0escri)tion> *ii$ 9!; lea*esR 4 cm= Series Title> .m)loyee assistance )rogram series=

8ow to ma7e staff safe> how to reduce la&our2management conflict> how to reduce staff grie*ances &y Terry < Mallen&y IS%I> : " 6 99:4 !5: " 6 99:" BCLC Ium&er> "4 4:9;9 2 1 !

Bther Titles> 8ow to reduce la&or2management conflict$ 8ow to reduce staff grie*ances



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