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Republic Act No. 10175 S. No. 2796 H. No.

5808 Republic of the Philippines Congress of the Philippines Metro Manila Fifteenth Congress Second Regular Session Begun and held in Met o Manila! on Monda" the #$ent"%&i&th da" o& 'ul" t$o thou(and ele)en. [ Republic Act No. 1017 ! AN AC" #$F%N%N& C'($RCR%M$) PR*+%#%N& F*R ",$ PR$+$N"%*N) %N+$S"%&A"%*N) S-PPR$SS%*N AN# ",$ %MP*S%"%*N *F P$NA."%$S ",$R$F*R AN# F*R *",$R P-RP*S$S Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled: *HA+#,R +R,.-M-NAR/ +R01-S-0NS S,*#-0N 1. Title. #hi( Act (hall be 2no$n a( the 3*"be c i4e + e)ention Act o& 20125. S,*. 2. eclaration of Policy. #he State ecogni6e( the )ital ole o& in&o 4ation and co44unication( indu(t ie( (uch a( content p oduction! teleco44unication(! b oadca(ting elect onic co44e ce! and data p oce((ing! in the nation7( o)e all (ocial and econo4ic de)elop4ent. #he State al(o ecogni6e( the i4po tance o& p o)iding an en)i on4ent conduci)e to the de)elop4ent! accele ation! and ational application and e8ploitation o& in&o 4ation and co44unication( technolog" 9-*#: to attain & ee! ea("! and intelligible acce(( to e8change and;o deli)e " o& in&o 4ation< and the need to p otect and (a&egua d the integ it" o& co4pute ! co4pute and co44unication( ("(te4(! net$o 2(! and databa(e(! and the con&identialit"! integ it"! and a)ailabilit" o& in&o 4ation and data (to ed the ein! & o4 all &o 4( o& 4i(u(e! abu(e! and illegal acce(( b" 4a2ing puni(hable unde the la$ (uch conduct o conduct(. -n thi( light! the State (hall adopt (u&&icient po$e ( to e&&ecti)el" p e)ent and co4bat (uch o&&en(e( b" &acilitating thei detection! in)e(tigation! and p o(ecution at both the do4e(tic and inte national le)el(! and b" p o)iding a ange4ent( &o &a(t and eliable inte national coope ation. S,*. =. efinition of Terms. > ?o pu po(e( o& thi( Act! the &ollo$ing te 4( a e he eb" de&ined a( &ollo$(@ 9a: !ccess e&e ( to the in(t uction! co44unication $ith! (to ing data in! et ie)ing data & o4! o othe $i(e 4a2ing u(e o& an" e(ou ce( o& a co4pute ("(te4 o co44unication net$o 2. 9b: !lteration e&e ( to the 4odi&ication o change! in &o 4 o (ub(tance! o& an e8i(ting co4pute data o p og a4. 9c: Communication e&e ( to the t an(4i((ion o& in&o 4ation th ough -*# 4edia! including )oice! )ideo and othe &o 4( o& data. 9d: Computer e&e ( to an elect onic! 4agnetic! optical! elect oche4ical! o othe data p oce((ing o co44unication( de)ice! o g ouping o& (uch de)ice(! capable o& pe &o 4ing logical! a ith4etic! outing! o (to age &unction( and $hich include( an" (to age &acilit" o eAuip4ent o co44unication( &acilit" o eAuip4ent di ectl" elated to o ope ating in conBunction $ith (uch de)ice. -t co)e ( an" t"pe o& co4pute de)ice including de)ice( $ith data p oce((ing capabilitie( li2e 4obile phone(! (4a t phone(! co4pute net$o 2( and othe de)ice( connected to the inte net. 9e: Computer data e&e ( to an" ep e(entation o& &act(! in&o 4ation! o concept( in a &o 4 (uitable &o p oce((ing in a co4pute ("(te4 including a p og a4 (uitable to cau(e a co4pute ("(te4 to pe &o 4 a &unction and include( elect onic docu4ent( and;o elect onic data 4e((age( $hethe (to ed in local co4pute ("(te4( o online. 9&: Computer program e&e ( to a (et o& in(t uction( e8ecuted b" the co4pute to achie)e intended e(ult(. 9g: Computer system e&e ( to an" de)ice o g oup o& inte connected o elated de)ice(! one o 4o e o& $hich! pu (uant to a p og a4! pe &o 4( auto4ated p oce((ing o& data. -t co)e ( an" t"pe o& de)ice $ith data p oce((ing capabilitie( including! but not li4ited to! co4pute ( and 4obile phone(. #he de)ice con(i(ting o& ha d$a e and (o&t$a e 4a" include input! output and (to age co4ponent( $hich 4a" (tand alone o be connected in a net$o 2 o othe (i4ila de)ice(. -t al(o include( co4pute data (to age de)ice( o 4edia.

9h: "ithout right e&e ( to eithe @ 9i: conduct unde ta2en $ithout o in e8ce(( o& autho it"< o 9ii: conduct not co)e ed b" e(tabli(hed legal de&en(e(! e8cu(e(! cou t o de (! Bu(ti&ication(! o ele)ant p inciple( unde the la$. 9i: Cyber e&e ( to a co4pute o a co4pute net$o 2! the elect onic 4ediu4 in $hich online co44unication ta2e( place. 9B: Critical infrastructure e&e ( to the co4pute ("(te4(! and;o net$o 2(! $hethe ph"(ical o )i tual! and;o the co4pute p og a4(! co4pute data and;o t a&&ic data (o )ital to thi( count " that the incapacit" o de(t uction o& o inte &e ence $ith (uch ("(te4 and a((et( $ould ha)e a debilitating i4pact on (ecu it"! national o econo4ic (ecu it"! national public health and (a&et"! o an" co4bination o& tho(e 4atte (. 92: Cybersecurity e&e ( to the collection o& tool(! policie(! i(2 4anage4ent app oache(! action(! t aining! be(t p actice(! a((u ance and technologie( that can be u(ed to p otect the c"be en)i on4ent and o gani6ation and u(e 7( a((et(. 9l: atabase e&e ( to a ep e(entation o& in&o 4ation! 2no$ledge! &act(! concept(! o in(t uction( $hich a e being p epa ed! p oce((ed o (to ed o ha)e been p epa ed! p oce((ed o (to ed in a &o 4ali6ed 4anne and $hich a e intended &o u(e in a co4pute ("(te4. 94: #nterception e&e ( to li(tening to! eco ding! 4onito ing o (u )eillance o& the content o& co44unication(! including p ocu ing o& the content o& data! eithe di ectl"! th ough acce(( and u(e o& a co4pute ("(te4 o indi ectl"! th ough the u(e o& elect onic ea)e(d opping o tapping de)ice(! at the (a4e ti4e that the co44unication i( occu ing. 9n: Service provider e&e ( to@ 91: An" public o p i)ate entit" that p o)ide( to u(e ( o& it( (e )ice the abilit" to co44unicate b" 4ean( o& a co4pute ("(te4< and 92: An" othe entit" that p oce((e( o (to e( co4pute data on behal& o& (uch co44unication (e )ice o u(e ( o& (uch (e )ice. 9o: Subscriber$s information e&e ( to an" in&o 4ation contained in the &o 4 o& co4pute data o an" othe &o 4 that i( held b" a (e )ice p o)ide ! elating to (ub(c ibe ( o& it( (e )ice( othe than t a&&ic o content data and b" $hich identit" can be e(tabli(hed@ 91: #he t"pe o& co44unication (e )ice u(ed! the technical p o)i(ion( ta2en the eto and the pe iod o& (e )ice< 92: #he (ub(c ibe 7( identit"! po(tal o geog aphic add e((! telephone and othe acce(( nu4be (! an" a((igned net$o 2 add e((! billing and pa"4ent in&o 4ation! a)ailable on the ba(i( o& the (e )ice ag ee4ent o a ange4ent< and 9=: An" othe a)ailable in&o 4ation on the (ite o& the in(tallation o& co44unication eAuip4ent! a)ailable on the ba(i( o& the (e )ice ag ee4ent o a ange4ent. 9p: Traffic data o non%content data e&e ( to an" co4pute data othe than the content o& the co44unication including! but not li4ited to! the co44unication7( o igin! de(tination! oute! ti4e! date! (i6e! du ation! o t"pe o& unde l"ing (e )ice. *HA+#,R -+CN-SHAB., A*#S S,*. D. Cybercrime &ffenses. #he &ollo$ing act( con(titute the o&&en(e o& c"be c i4e puni(hable unde thi( Act@ 9a: 0&&en(e( again(t the con&identialit"! integ it" and a)ailabilit" o& co4pute data and ("(te4(@ 91: -llegal Acce((. E #he acce(( to the $hole o an" pa t o& a co4pute ("(te4 $ithout ight. 92: -llegal -nte ception. E #he inte ception 4ade b" technical 4ean( $ithout ight o& an" non%public t an(4i((ion o& co4pute data to! & o4! o $ithin a co4pute ("(te4 including elect o4agnetic e4i((ion( & o4 a co4pute ("(te4 ca "ing (uch co4pute data. 9=: Fata -nte &e ence. > #he intentional o ec2le(( alte ation! da4aging! deletion o dete io ation o& co4pute data! elect onic docu4ent! o elect onic data 4e((age! $ithout ight! including the int oduction o t an(4i((ion o& )i u(e(. 9D: S"(te4 -nte &e ence. > #he intentional alte ation o ec2le(( hinde ing o inte &e ence $ith the &unctioning o& a co4pute o co4pute net$o 2 b" inputting! t an(4itting! da4aging! deleting! dete io ating! alte ing o (upp e((ing co4pute data o p og a4! elect onic docu4ent! o elect onic data 4e((age! $ithout ight o autho it"! including the int oduction o t an(4i((ion o& )i u(e(. 95: Mi(u(e o& Fe)ice(. 9i: #he u(e! p oduction! (ale! p ocu e4ent! i4po tation! di(t ibution! o othe $i(e 4a2ing a)ailable! $ithout ight! o&@

9aa: A de)ice! including a co4pute p og a4! de(igned o adapted p i4a il" &o the pu po(e o& co44itting an" o& the o&&en(e( unde thi( Act< o 9bb: A co4pute pa(($o d! acce(( code! o (i4ila data b" $hich the $hole o an" pa t o& a co4pute ("(te4 i( capable o& being acce((ed $ith intent that it be u(ed &o the pu po(e o& co44itting an" o& the o&&en(e( unde thi( Act. 9ii: #he po((e((ion o& an ite4 e&e ed to in pa ag aph( 59i:9aa: o 9bb: abo)e $ith intent to u(e (aid de)ice( &o the pu po(e o& co44itting an" o& the o&&en(e( unde thi( (ection. 96: *"be %(Auatting. E #he acAui(ition o& a do4ain na4e o)e the inte net in bad &aith to p o&it! 4i(lead! de(t o" eputation! and dep i)e othe ( & o4 egi(te ing the (a4e! i& (uch a do4ain na4e i(@ 9i: Si4ila ! identical! o con&u(ingl" (i4ila to an e8i(ting t ade4a 2 egi(te ed $ith the app op iate go)e n4ent agenc" at the ti4e o& the do4ain na4e egi(t ation@ 9ii: -dentical o in an" $a" (i4ila $ith the na4e o& a pe (on othe than the egi(t ant! in ca(e o& a pe (onal na4e< and 9iii: AcAui ed $ithout ight o $ith intellectual p ope t" inte e(t( in it. 9b: *o4pute % elated 0&&en(e(@ 91: *o4pute % elated ?o ge ". > 9i: #he input! alte ation! o deletion o& an" co4pute data $ithout ight e(ulting in inauthentic data $ith the intent that it be con(ide ed o acted upon &o legal pu po(e( a( i& it $e e authentic! ega dle(( $hethe o not the data i( di ectl" eadable and intelligible< o 9ii: #he act o& 2no$ingl" u(ing co4pute data $hich i( the p oduct o& co4pute % elated &o ge " a( de&ined he ein! &o the pu po(e o& pe petuating a & audulent o di(hone(t de(ign. 92: *o4pute % elated ? aud. > #he unautho i6ed input! alte ation! o deletion o& co4pute data o p og a4 o inte &e ence in the &unctioning o& a co4pute ("(te4! cau(ing da4age the eb" $ith & audulent intent@ Provided'#hat i& no da4age ha( "et been cau(ed! the penalt" i4po(able (hall be one 91: deg ee lo$e . 9=: *o4pute % elated -dentit" #he&t. E #he intentional acAui(ition! u(e! 4i(u(e! t an(&e ! po((e((ion! alte ation o deletion o& identi&"ing in&o 4ation belonging to anothe ! $hethe natu al o Bu idical! $ithout ight@ Provided' #hat i& no da4age ha( "et been cau(ed! the penalt" i4po(able (hall be one 91: deg ee lo$e . 9c: *ontent% elated 0&&en(e(@ 91: *"be (e8. > #he $ill&ul engage4ent! 4aintenance! cont ol! o ope ation! di ectl" o indi ectl"! o& an" la(ci)iou( e8hibition o& (e8ual o gan( o (e8ual acti)it"! $ith the aid o& a co4pute ("(te4! &o &a)o o con(ide ation. 92: *hild +o nog aph". > #he unla$&ul o p ohibited act( de&ined and puni(hable b" Republic Act No. 9775 o the Anti%*hild +o nog aph" Act o& 2009! co44itted th ough a co4pute ("(te4@ Provided' #hat the penalt" to be i4po(ed (hall be 91: one deg ee highe than that p o)ided &o in Republic Act No. 9775. 9=: Cn(olicited *o44e cial *o44unication(. > #he t an(4i((ion o& co44e cial elect onic co44unication $ith the u(e o& co4pute ("(te4 $hich (ee2 to ad)e ti(e! (ell! o o&&e &o (ale p oduct( and (e )ice( a e p ohibited unle((@ 9i: #he e i( p io a&&i 4ati)e con(ent & o4 the ecipient< o 9ii: #he p i4a " intent o& the co44unication i( &o (e )ice and;o ad4ini(t ati)e announce4ent( & o4 the (ende to it( e8i(ting u(e (! (ub(c ibe ( o cu(to4e (< o 9iii: #he &ollo$ing condition( a e p e(ent@ 9aa: #he co44e cial elect onic co44unication contain( a (i4ple! )alid! and eliable $a" &o the ecipient to eBect. eceipt o& &u the co44e cial elect onic 4e((age( 9opt%out: & o4 the (a4e (ou ce< 9bb: #he co44e cial elect onic co44unication doe( not pu po(el" di(gui(e the (ou ce o& the elect onic 4e((age< and 9cc: #he co44e cial elect onic co44unication doe( not pu po(el" include 4i(leading in&o 4ation in an" pa t o& the 4e((age in o de to induce the ecipient( to ead the 4e((age. 9D: .ibel. > #he unla$&ul o p ohibited act( o& libel a( de&ined in A ticle =55 o& the Re)i(ed +enal *ode! a( a4ended! co44itted th ough a co4pute ("(te4 o an" othe (i4ila 4ean( $hich 4a" be de)i(ed in the &utu e. S,*. 5. &ther &ffenses. #he &ollo$ing act( (hall al(o con(titute an o&&en(e@ 9a: Aiding o Abetting in the *o44i((ion o& *"be c i4e. E An" pe (on $ho $ill&ull" abet( o aid( in the co44i((ion o& an" o& the o&&en(e( enu4e ated in thi( Act (hall be held liable.

9b: Atte4pt in the *o44i((ion o& *"be c i4e. > An" pe (on $ho $ill&ull" atte4pt( to co44it an" o& the o&&en(e( enu4e ated in thi( Act (hall be held liable. S,*. 6. All c i4e( de&ined and penali6ed b" the Re)i(ed +enal *ode! a( a4ended! and (pecial la$(! i& co44itted b"! th ough and $ith the u(e o& in&o 4ation and co44unication( technologie( (hall be co)e ed b" the ele)ant p o)i(ion( o& thi( Act@ Provided' #hat the penalt" to be i4po(ed (hall be one 91: deg ee highe than that p o)ided &o b" the Re)i(ed +enal *ode! a( a4ended! and (pecial la$(! a( the ca(e 4a" be. S,*. 7. (iability under &ther (a)s. A p o(ecution unde thi( Act (hall be $ithout p eBudice to an" liabilit" &o )iolation o& an" p o)i(ion o& the Re)i(ed +enal *ode! a( a4ended! o (pecial la$(. *HA+#,R --+,NA.#-,S S,*. 8. Penalties. > An" pe (on &ound guilt" o& an" o& the puni(hable act( enu4e ated in Section( D9a: and D9b: o& thi( Act (hall be puni(hed $ith i4p i(on4ent o& prision mayor o a &ine o& at lea(t #$o hund ed thou(and pe(o( 9+h+200!000.00: up to a 4a8i4u4 a4ount co44en(u ate to the da4age incu ed o both. An" pe (on &ound guilt" o& the puni(hable act unde Section D9a:95: (hall be puni(hed $ith i4p i(on4ent o& prision mayor o a &ine o& not 4o e than ?i)e hund ed thou(and pe(o( 9+h+500!000.00: o both. -& puni(hable act( in Section D9a: a e co44itted again(t c itical in& a(t uctu e! the penalt" o& reclusion temporal o a &ine o& at lea(t ?i)e hund ed thou(and pe(o( 9+h+500!000.00: up to 4a8i4u4 a4ount co44en(u ate to the da4age incu ed o both! (hall be i4po(ed. An" pe (on &ound guilt" o& an" o& the puni(hable act( enu4e ated in Section D9c:91: o& thi( Act (hall be puni(hed $ith i4p i(on4ent o& prision mayor o a &ine o& at lea(t #$o hund ed thou(and pe(o( 9+h+200!000.00: but not e8ceeding 0ne 4illion pe(o( 9+h+l!000!000.00: o both. An" pe (on &ound guilt" o& an" o& the puni(hable act( enu4e ated in Section D9c:92: o& thi( Act (hall be puni(hed $ith the penaltie( a( enu4e ated in Republic Act No. 9775 o the 3Anti%*hild +o nog aph" Act o& 20095@ Provided!#hat the penalt" to be i4po(ed (hall be one 91: deg ee highe than that p o)ided &o in Republic Act No. 9775! i& co44itted th ough a co4pute ("(te4. An" pe (on &ound guilt" o& an" o& the puni(hable act( enu4e ated in Section D9c:9=: (hall be puni(hed $ith i4p i(on4ent o& arresto mayor o a &ine o& at lea(t ?i&t" thou(and pe(o( 9+h+50!000.00: but not e8ceeding #$o hund ed &i&t" thou(and pe(o( 9+h+250!000.00: o both. An" pe (on &ound guilt" o& an" o& the puni(hable act( enu4e ated in Section 5 (hall be puni(hed $ith i4p i(on4ent one 91: deg ee lo$e than that o& the p e(c ibed penalt" &o the o&&en(e o a &ine o& at lea(t 0ne hund ed thou(and pe(o( 9+h+l00!000.00: but not e8ceeding ?i)e hund ed thou(and pe(o( 9+h+500!000.00: o both. S,*. 9. Corporate (iability. > Ghen an" o& the puni(hable act( he ein de&ined a e 2no$ingl" co44itted on behal& o& o &o the bene&it o& a Bu idical pe (on! b" a natu al pe (on acting eithe indi)iduall" o a( pa t o& an o gan o& the Bu idical pe (on! $ho ha( a leading po(ition $ithin! ba(ed on@ 9a: a po$e o& ep e(entation o& the Bu idical pe (on p o)ided the act co44itted &all( $ithin the (cope o& (uch autho it"< 9b: an autho it" to ta2e deci(ion( on behal& o& the Bu idical pe (on@ Provided' #hat the act co44itted &all( $ithin the (cope o& (uch autho it"< o 9c: an autho it" to e8e ci(e cont ol $ithin the Bu idical pe (on! the Bu idical pe (on (hall be held liable &o a &ine eAui)alent to at lea(t double the &ine( i4po(able in Section 7 up to a 4a8i4u4 o& #en 4illion pe(o( 9+h+10!000!000.00:. -& the co44i((ion o& an" o& the puni(hable act( he ein de&ined $a( 4ade po((ible due to the lac2 o& (upe )i(ion o cont ol b" a natu al pe (on e&e ed to and de(c ibed in the p eceding pa ag aph! &o the bene&it o& that Bu idical pe (on b" a natu al pe (on acting unde it( autho it"! the Bu idical pe (on (hall be held liable &o a &ine eAui)alent to at lea(t double the &ine( i4po(able in Section 7 up to a 4a8i4u4 o& ?i)e 4illion pe(o( 9+h+5!000!000.00:. #he liabilit" i4po(ed on the Bu idical pe (on (hall be $ithout p eBudice to the c i4inal liabilit" o& the natu al pe (on $ho ha( co44itted the o&&en(e. *HA+#,R -1 ,N?0R*,M,N# ANF -M+.,M,N#A#-0N S,*. 10. (a) *nforcement !uthorities. #he National Bu eau o& -n)e(tigation 9NB-: and the +hilippine National +olice 9+N+: (hall be e(pon(ible &o the e&&icient and e&&ecti)e la$ en&o ce4ent o& the p o)i(ion( o& thi( Act. #he NB- and the +N+ (hall o gani6e a c"be c i4e unit o cente 4anned b" (pecial in)e(tigato ( to e8clu(i)el" handle ca(e( in)ol)ing )iolation( o& thi( Act. S,*. 11. uties of (a) *nforcement !uthorities. #o en(u e that the technical natu e o& c"be c i4e and it( p e)ention i( gi)en &ocu( and con(ide ing the p ocedu e( in)ol)ed &o inte national coope ation! la$ en&o ce4ent autho itie( (peci&icall" the co4pute o technolog" c i4e di)i(ion( o unit( e(pon(ible &o the

in)e(tigation o& c"be c i4e( a e eAui ed to (ub4it ti4el" and egula epo t( including p e%ope ation! po(t%ope ation and in)e(tigation e(ult( and (uch othe docu4ent( a( 4a" be eAui ed to the Fepa t4ent o& 'u(tice 9F0': &o e)ie$ and 4onito ing. S,*. 12. Real%Time Collection of Traffic ata. .a$ en&o ce4ent autho itie(! $ith due cau(e! (hall be autho i6ed to collect o eco d b" technical o elect onic 4ean( t a&&ic data in eal%ti4e a((ociated $ith (peci&ied co44unication( t an(4itted b" 4ean( o& a co4pute ("(te4. # a&&ic data e&e onl" to the co44unication7( o igin! de(tination! oute! ti4e! date! (i6e! du ation! o t"pe o& unde l"ing (e )ice! but not content! no identitie(. All othe data to be collected o (ei6ed o di(clo(ed $ill eAui e a cou t $a ant. Se )ice p o)ide ( a e eAui ed to coope ate and a((i(t la$ en&o ce4ent autho itie( in the collection o eco ding o& the abo)e%(tated in&o 4ation. #he cou t $a ant eAui ed unde thi( (ection (hall onl" be i((ued o g anted upon $ itten application and the e8a4ination unde oath o a&&i 4ation o& the applicant and the $itne((e( he 4a" p oduce and the (ho$ing@ 91: that the e a e ea(onable g ound( to belie)e that an" o& the c i4e( enu4e ated he einabo)e ha( been co44itted! o i( being co44itted! o i( about to be co44itted@ 92: that the e a e ea(onable g ound( to belie)e that e)idence that $ill be obtained i( e((ential to the con)iction o& an" pe (on &o ! o to the (olution o&! o to the p e)ention o&! an" (uch c i4e(< and 9=: that the e a e no othe 4ean( eadil" a)ailable &o obtaining (uch e)idence. S,*. 1=. Preservation of Computer ata. #he integ it" o& t a&&ic data and (ub(c ibe in&o 4ation elating to co44unication (e )ice( p o)ided b" a (e )ice p o)ide (hall be p e(e )ed &o a 4ini4u4 pe iod o& (i8 96: 4onth( & o4 the date o& the t an(action. *ontent data (hall be (i4ila l" p e(e )ed &o (i8 96: 4onth( & o4 the date o& eceipt o& the o de & o4 la$ en&o ce4ent autho itie( eAui ing it( p e(e )ation. .a$ en&o ce4ent autho itie( 4a" o de a one%ti4e e8ten(ion &o anothe (i8 96: 4onth(@ Provided' #hat once co4pute data p e(e )ed! t an(4itted o (to ed b" a (e )ice p o)ide i( u(ed a( e)idence in a ca(e! the 4e e &u ni(hing to (uch (e )ice p o)ide o& the t an(4ittal docu4ent to the 0&&ice o& the + o(ecuto (hall be dee4ed a noti&ication to p e(e )e the co4pute data until the te 4ination o& the ca(e. #he (e )ice p o)ide o de ed to p e(e )e co4pute data (hall 2eep con&idential the o de and it( co4pliance. S,*. 1D. isclosure of Computer ata. .a$ en&o ce4ent autho itie(! upon (ecu ing a cou t $a ant! (hall i((ue an o de eAui ing an" pe (on o (e )ice p o)ide to di(clo(e o (ub4it (ub(c ibe 7( in&o 4ation! t a&&ic data o ele)ant data in hi(;it( po((e((ion o cont ol $ithin (e)ent"%t$o 972: hou ( & o4 eceipt o& the o de in elation to a )alid co4plaint o&&iciall" doc2eted and a((igned &o in)e(tigation and the di(clo(u e i( nece((a " and ele)ant &o the pu po(e o& in)e(tigation. S,*. 15. Search' Sei+ure and *,amination of Computer ata. > Ghe e a (ea ch and (ei6u e $a ant i( p ope l" i((ued! the la$ en&o ce4ent autho itie( (hall li2e$i(e ha)e the &ollo$ing po$e ( and dutie(. Githin the ti4e pe iod (peci&ied in the $a ant! to conduct inte ception! a( de&ined in thi( Act! and@ 9a: #o (ecu e a co4pute ("(te4 o a co4pute data (to age 4ediu4< 9b: #o 4a2e and etain a cop" o& tho(e co4pute data (ecu ed< 9c: #o 4aintain the integ it" o& the ele)ant (to ed co4pute data< 9d: #o conduct &o en(ic anal"(i( o e8a4ination o& the co4pute data (to age 4ediu4< and 9e: #o ende inacce((ible o e4o)e tho(e co4pute data in the acce((ed co4pute o co4pute and co44unication( net$o 2. +u (uant the eo&! the la$ en&o ce4ent autho itie( 4a" o de an" pe (on $ho ha( 2no$ledge about the &unctioning o& the co4pute ("(te4 and the 4ea(u e( to p otect and p e(e )e the co4pute data the ein to p o)ide! a( i( ea(onable! the nece((a " in&o 4ation! to enable the unde ta2ing o& the (ea ch! (ei6u e and e8a4ination. .a$ en&o ce4ent autho itie( 4a" eAue(t &o an e8ten(ion o& ti4e to co4plete the e8a4ination o& the co4pute data (to age 4ediu4 and to 4a2e a etu n the eon but in no ca(e &o a pe iod longe than thi t" 9=0: da"( & o4 date o& app o)al b" the cou t. S,*. 16. Custody of Computer ata. All co4pute data! including content and t a&&ic data! e8a4ined unde a p ope $a ant (hall! $ithin &o t"%eight 9D8: hou ( a&te the e8pi ation o& the pe iod &i8ed the ein! be depo(ited $ith the cou t in a (ealed pac2age! and (hall be acco4panied b" an a&&ida)it o& the la$ en&o ce4ent autho it" e8ecuting it (tating the date( and ti4e( co)e ed b" the e8a4ination! and the la$ en&o ce4ent autho it" $ho 4a" acce(( the depo(it! a4ong othe ele)ant data. #he la$ en&o ce4ent autho it" (hall al(o ce ti&" that no duplicate( o copie( o& the $hole o an" pa t the eo& ha)e been 4ade! o i& 4ade! that all (uch duplicate( o copie( a e included in the pac2age depo(ited $ith the cou t. #he

pac2age (o depo(ited (hall not be opened! o the eco ding( epla"ed! o u(ed in e)idence! o then content( e)ealed! e8cept upon o de o& the cou t! $hich (hall not be g anted e8cept upon 4otion! $ith due notice and oppo tunit" to be hea d to the pe (on o pe (on( $ho(e con)e (ation o co44unication( ha)e been eco ded. S,*. 17. estruction of Computer ata. > Cpon e8pi ation o& the pe iod( a( p o)ided in Section( 1= and 15! (e )ice p o)ide ( and la$ en&o ce4ent autho itie(! a( the ca(e 4a" be! (hall i44ediatel" and co4pletel" de(t o" the co4pute data (ubBect o& a p e(e )ation and e8a4ination. S,*. 18. *,clusionary Rule. An" e)idence p ocu ed $ithout a )alid $a ant o be"ond the autho it" o& the (a4e (hall be inad4i((ible &o an" p oceeding be&o e an" cou t o t ibunal. S,*. 19. Restricting or Bloc-ing !ccess to Computer ata. Ghen a co4pute data i( prima facie &ound to be in )iolation o& the p o)i(ion( o& thi( Act! the F0' (hall i((ue an o de to e(t ict o bloc2 acce(( to (uch co4pute data. S,*. 20. .oncompliance. > ?ailu e to co4pl" $ith the p o)i(ion( o& *hapte -1 he eo& (peci&icall" the o de ( & o4 la$ en&o ce4ent autho itie( (hall be puni(hed a( a )iolation o& + e(idential Fec ee No. 1829 $ith i4p i(on4ent o& prision correctional in it( 4a8i4u4 pe iod o a &ine o& 0ne hund ed thou(and pe(o( 9+hp100!000.00: o both! &o each and e)e " nonco4pliance $ith an o de i((ued b" la$ en&o ce4ent autho itie(. *HA+#,R 1 'CR-SF-*#-0N S,*. 21. /urisdiction. > #he Regional # ial *ou t (hall ha)e Bu i(diction o)e an" )iolation o& the p o)i(ion( o& thi( Act. including an" )iolation co44itted b" a ?ilipino national ega dle(( o& the place o& co44i((ion. 'u i(diction (hall lie i& an" o& the ele4ent( $a( co44itted $ithin the +hilippine( o co44itted $ith the u(e o& an" co4pute ("(te4 $holl" o pa tl" (ituated in the count "! o $hen b" (uch co44i((ion an" da4age i( cau(ed to a natu al o Bu idical pe (on $ho! at the ti4e the o&&en(e $a( co44itted! $a( in the +hilippine(. #he e (hall be de(ignated (pecial c"be c i4e cou t( 4anned b" (peciall" t ained Budge( to handle c"be c i4e ca(e(. *HA+#,R 1-N#,RNA#-0NA. *00+,RA#-0N Sec. 22. 0eneral Principles Relating to #nternational Cooperation > All ele)ant inte national in(t u4ent( on inte national coope ation in c i4inal 4atte (! a ange4ent( ag eed on the ba(i( o& uni&o 4 o ecip ocal legi(lation! and do4e(tic la$(! to the $ide(t e8tent po((ible &o the pu po(e( o& in)e(tigation( o p oceeding( conce ning c i4inal o&&en(e( elated to co4pute ("(te4( and data! o &o the collection o& e)idence in elect onic &o 4 o& a c i4inal! o&&en(e (hall be gi)en &ull &o ce and e&&ect. *HA+#,R 1-*0M+,#,N# AC#H0R-#-,S S,* 2=. epartment of /ustice 1 &/2. > #he e i( he eb" c eated an 0&&ice o& *"be c i4e $ithin the F0' de(ignated a( the cent al autho it" in all 4atte ( elated to inte national 4utual a((i(tance and e8t adition. S,*. 2D. Cybercrime #nvestigation and Coordinating Center. #he e i( he eb" c eated! $ithin thi t" 9=0: da"( & o4 the e&&ecti)it" o& thi( Act! an inte %agenc" bod" to be 2no$n a( the *"be c i4e -n)e(tigation and *oo dinating *ente 9*-**:! unde the ad4ini(t ati)e (upe )i(ion o& the 0&&ice o& the + e(ident! &o polic" coo dination a4ong conce ned agencie( and &o the &o 4ulation and en&o ce4ent o& the national c"be (ecu it" plan. S,*. 25. Composition. > #he *-** (hall be headed b" the ,8ecuti)e Fi ecto o& the -n&o 4ation and *o44unication( #echnolog" 0&&ice unde the Fepa t4ent o& Science and #echnolog" 9-*#0%F0S#: a( *hai pe (on $ith the Fi ecto o& the NB- a( 1ice *hai pe (on< the *hie& o& the +N+< Head o& the F0' 0&&ice o& *"be c i4e< and one 91: ep e(entati)e & o4 the p i)ate (ecto and acade4e! a( 4e4be (. #he *-** (hall be 4anned b" a (ec eta iat o& (elected e8i(ting pe (onnel and ep e(entati)e( & o4 the di&&e ent pa ticipating agencie(. S,*. 26. Po)ers and 3unctions. #he *-** (hall ha)e the &ollo$ing po$e ( and &unction(@ 9a: #o &o 4ulate a national c"be (ecu it" plan and e8tend i44ediate a((i(tance &o the (upp e((ion o& eal% ti4e co44i((ion o& c"be c i4e o&&en(e( th ough a co4pute e4e genc" e(pon(e tea4 9*,R#:< 9b: #o coo dinate the p epa ation o& app op iate and e&&ecti)e 4ea(u e( to p e)ent and (upp e(( c"be c i4e acti)itie( a( p o)ided &o in thi( Act< 9c: #o 4onito c"be c i4e ca(e( being bandied b" pa ticipating la$ en&o ce4ent and p o(ecution agencie(<

9d: #o &acilitate inte national coope ation on intelligence! in)e(tigation(! t aining and capacit" building elated to c"be c i4e p e)ention! (upp e((ion and p o(ecution< 9e: #o coo dinate the (uppo t and pa ticipation o& the bu(ine(( (ecto ! local go)e n4ent unit( and nongo)e n4ent o gani6ation( in c"be c i4e p e)ention p og a4( and othe elated p oBect(< 9&: #o eco44end the enact4ent o& app op iate la$(! i((uance(! 4ea(u e( and policie(< 9g: #o call upon an" go)e n4ent agenc" to ende a((i(tance in the acco4pli(h4ent o& the *-**7( 4andated ta(2( and &unction(< and 9h: #o pe &o 4 all othe 4atte ( elated to c"be c i4e p e)ention and (upp e((ion! including capacit" building and (uch othe &unction( and dutie( a( 4a" be nece((a " &o the p ope i4ple4entation o& thi( Act. *HA+#,R 1--?-NA. +R01-S-0NS S,*. 27. !ppropriations. #he a4ount o& ?i&t" 4illion pe(o( 9+h+50!000!000H00: (hall be app op iated annuall" &o the i4ple4entation o& thi( Act. S,*. 28. #mplementing Rules and Regulations. #he -*#0%F0S#! the F0' and the Fepa t4ent o& the -nte io and .ocal Io)e n4ent 9F-.I: (hall Bointl" &o 4ulate the nece((a " ule( and egulation( $ithin ninet" 990: da"( & o4 app o)al o& thi( Act! &o it( e&&ecti)e i4ple4entation. S,*. 29. Separability Clause -& an" p o)i(ion o& thi( Act i( held in)alid! the othe p o)i(ion( not a&&ected (hall e4ain in &ull &o ce and e&&ect. S,*. =0. Repealing Clause. All la$(! dec ee( o ule( incon(i(tent $ith thi( Act a e he eb" epealed o 4odi&ied acco dingl". Section ==9a: o& Republic Act No. 8792 o the 3,lect onic *o44e ce ActJ i( he eb" 4odi&ied acco dingl". S,*. =1. *ffectivity. #hi( Act (hall ta2e e&&ect &i&teen 915: da"( a&te the co4pletion o& it( publication in the&fficial 0a+ette o in at lea(t t$o 92: ne$(pape ( o& gene al ci culation. App o)ed! 9Sgd.: F$.%C%AN* ($.M*N"$ /R. Spea-er of the House of Representatives 9Sgd.: /-AN P*NC$ $NR%.$ President of the Senate

#hi( Act $hich i( a con(olidation o& Senate Bill No. 2796 and Hou(e Bill No. 5808 $a( &inall" pa((ed b" the Senate and the Hou(e o& Rep e(entati)e( on 'une 5! 2012 and 'une D! 2012! e(pecti)el". 9Sgd.: MAR%.'N ( (AR-A0'AP Secretary 0eneral House of Representatives App o)ed@ S,+ 12 2012 9Sgd.: ($N%&N* S. A1-%N* %%% President of the Philippines 9Sgd.: $MMA .%R%*0R$'$S Secretary of the Senate

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