Sample HR Mission Statements

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Human Resources Mission Statements Sample 1 Human Resources Mission Statement Our mission is to treat each person as a valued

customer while contributing positively to the bottom line of (the company) through comprehensive programming that displays a thorough understanding of all aspects of the human resources profession, including proactive involvement in areas of legal compliance, and service that displays an enthusiastic interest in the lives of others. We will continually develop our own repertoire of skills and maintain a balance between our personal and professional lives. Sample 2 The Mission The mission of (the company) is dedication to the highest uality of !ustomer "ervice delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, individual pride, and !ompany "pirit. To Our Employees We are committed to provide our employees a stable work environment with e ual opportunity for learning and personal growth. !reativity and innovation are encouraged for improving the effectiveness of (the company). #bove all, employees will be provided the same concern, respect, and caring attitude within the organi$ation that they are e%pected to share e%ternally with every (company) customer. Sample 3 Human Resources Mission Statement To provide uality services, and support in employment, training, employee relations, benefits, compensation and safety beyond the e%pectations of all employees enabling them to better serve our e%ternal customers. Sample 4 Human Resources Mission Statement In support of our company's principles, values, vision, and mission, it is the Human Resource's Mission to support the total operation in meeting its goals through its most valuable resource - it's PEOP E!

&t is our mission to' Develop an attitude of teamwork and uality in our day to day operations


an atmosphere which fosters challenges, fun, safety, and cleanliness


opportunities which demonstrate e%cellent e%ecution, caring attitude, and a sense of urgency

Re uce

waste by vigorously pursuing continuous improvement activities


to doing, to acting openly, e uitably and consistently in our pursuit of uncompromising uality


participation in company and community activities while seeking knowledge, enthusiasm, and an improved uality of life for ourselves, co-workers, and the community


team member values which may be different from our own


responsibility for promoting ethical and legal conduct in personal and business practices

Communicate in a candid and fair manner with the diverse work force from whom our company derives its strength "e #ill meet our mission through speed, simplicity, and self-confidence! Human Resource Management Sample #

Human Resources Mission Statement Our Mission$ To serve as a source of information and e%pertise that provides uality customer service for employees and their ever changing needs. Sample % Human Resources Mission Statement !reate and maintain a foundation which will enable (the company) to promote the development, the involvement, and the retention of its employees to ensure customer satisfaction. Sample & Human Resources Mission Statement (uman )esources will take a leadership role and provide service in support of (the company) *ision by promoting the concept that our employees are our most valuable resource and will be treated as such. The (uman )esources +epartment will act as catalysts enabling all (company) employees to contribute at optimum levels towards the success of the business and (the company). We will do this by'
, -nsuring

the women and men of the (uman )esources +epartment are given the tools, training and motivation to operate in the most efficient and effective manner.
, .romoting

and recruiting the best ualified people recogni$ing and encouraging the value of diversity in the work place.
, .roviding

a competitive salary and benefit package and developing the full potential of our work force by providing training and development for career enhancement.
, .roviding

a work atmosphere that is safe, healthy and secure, and also conscious of long-term family and community goals.
, -stablishing,

administering and effectively communicating sound policies, rules and practices that treat employees with dignity and e uality while maintaining company compliance with employment and labor laws, corporate directives, and labor agreements. Sample '

Human Resources (ision To provide high uality (uman )esources services through value-added and innovative initiatives focused on enabling Technical Operations to be the best engineering and related disciplines provider in the information systems technology industry. /y modeling and inspiring the core leadership values of integrity, trust, e%cellence, teamwork, vision, and communication the Technical Operations (uman )esources team will collaborate with our client organi$ations, as well as within (the company) (uman )esources, to proactively provide'
, #dvocacy

for fair and e uitable treatment of all employees, toward achieving the highest employee morale and productivity0
, !onsulting

in human resources matters regarding staffing, organi$ational effectiveness, training 1 development, compensation, --O2##., benefits, and related practices0
, 3acilitating

to manage change and the pursuit of e%cellence in all employee-oriented programs, while influencing positive management-workforce relationships0
, .artnering

with the business to reali$e success through an unyielding investment in our people that promotes an environment of involvement, commitment, and empowerment. )ro*essionalism + Competency + Ste,ar ship Sample MISSION O. H/M"0 RESO/RCES To provide uality service in all personnel operations with integrity, responsiveness and sensitivity to the employees of (the company) and other customers. VISION O. H/M"0 RESO/RCES )esponsive to (the company) mission. "ensitive to the people. )espected by our customers. GOALS O. H/M"0 RESO/RCES 4ake uality a part of the way we work. -nhance our ability to support (the company) and its goals.

&mprove the efficiency and effectiveness of human resources at all levels. -mploy technology and methods which enhance service, communications and productivity. (elp make (the company) a great place to work -- professionally and personally. Sample 11 Human Resources Mission Statement 5($he company's) (uman )esources department is a business partner, working with and for the departments within the newspaper. We are dedicated to the publication of the highest uality newspaper with highly trained and motivated individuals. )ecogni$ing that our employees are our most valuable asset, we will provide assistance in their career development to enhance their growth within the organi$ation. Our customers and the community in which we serve deserve our best.5 Sample 11 Human Resources Mission Statement &t is the mission of the (uman )esources department to provide the following uality services to the employees of (the company)'
, recruitment , retention , training,

of ualified individuals0

of valuable employees0

development and education to promote individual success and increase overall value to the organi$ation0
, provide , inspire

and promote a safe and healthful working environment0

and encourage a high level of employee morale through recognition, effective communication and delivering constant feedback0
, provide

resources for administering benefits, policies and procedures.

These services are achieved via a team work philosophy that is inspired through effective organi$ational skills, proactive efforts, and maintaining a balance between professionalism and the ability to have fun6 Sample 12 Human Resources Mission Statement

($he company) (uman )esources Team is committed to providing innovative, practical human resource solutions that address business issues. To do this we'
, (elp

line managers e%ecute their business ob7ectives. associate commitment to the organi$ation. the demands of our business with the needs of the associate. perspective during times of transition.

, &ncrease , /alance

, 4aintain , "ustain

the infrastructure that effectively recruits, selects, develops, and retains the very best associates our community has to offer. #ll (company) associates, e%ternal candidates for employment, and (company) stockholders are our customers. Our governing value is their satisfaction. Sample 13 M!SS!O0 #ssist and advise management and employees to best align human resource talent, motivation and needs with the goals of the company. O23ECT!(ES )ecruit, retain and motivate the talent needed to fulfill organi$ational needs. 4aintain an effective, supportive and legal working environment. 4anage human resource costs. Sample 14 Human Resources Mission Statement We are strategic partners in building (company) businesses by ma%imi$ing the value of human capital and aligning it with company initiatives, values, strategies and the needs of all stakeholders. Sample 1# Human Resources Mission Statement

The mission of the (uman )esource +epartment is to support the goals and challenges of (the company) by providing services which promote a work environment that is characteri$ed by fair treatment of staff, open communications, personal accountability, trust and mutual respect. We will seek and provide solutions to workplace issues that support and optimi$e the operating principles of the organi$ation. Sample 1% Human Resources Mission Statement (uman )esources is dedicated to partnering with (the company's) business units to ma%imi$e the potential of our greatest asset - our employees. We embrace change and the opportunity it brings. We are focused on delivering uality customer service0 and are committed to recruit, develop, reward, and retain our global workforce. Sample 1& Human Resources Mission$ To provide (igh 8uality, !ost -ffective () !onsulting "ervices to all employees. Human Resources (ision$ We are recogni$ed as a people focused team fully integrated with (company) ob7ectives. *iewed as integral and contributing members of (company) Teams, not as a staff organi$ation. Critical Success .actors$ We continuously function as a high performance team through developing () !ompetencies, "kills, and 9nowledge. We have strong, positive relationships with all our customers. .rovide value added services in a cost effective manner. () /usiness .lan is built to support (the company) /usiness .lan and we are e ual 1 contributing members of 4anagement Teams. .eople issues are elevated to the same level of importance as .roduction and -1". Sample 1' Human Resources Mission Statement

To provide effective (uman )esource 4anagement by developing and implementing policies, programs and services which contribute to the attainment of corporate and employee goals by'
, .roperly , -nsuring

balancing the needs of the employees and the needs of the !ompany.

a diverse workforce in a safe and discrimination2harassment free environment by' maintaining compliance with employment laws and government regulations0 providing management and employee training0 and developing policies and procedures.
, .roviding

training and development in areas of' effective leadership and career development of employees0 employment law and government regulation, and litigation avoidance.
, (iring

the most ualified employees by' pre-planning staffing needs0 ensuring an effective internal interview process0 increasing company visibility in the employment marketplace0 identifying the best and most cost effective recruitment sources0 and conducting thorough reference checks.
, )etaining

our valued employees by' assuring effective leadership ualities in our managers0 providing competitive wages and benefits0 furnishing technical, interpersonal and career development training and coaching0 conducting e%it interviews and supplying relevant feedback to management0 and enhancing two-way communication between employees and management. Sample 1Human Resources Mission Statement The mission statement for (the company's) () function is the following'
, support the , facilitate

#gency:s mission, goals and ob7ectives and day-to-day operations0

change and provide human resources programs, systems, services and consultation to (company) managers0 in order to help create an environment which promotes accountability, involvement, organi$ation alignment, diversity and high performance. We have ; guiding principles which are'
, !ustomer


, *alue-added , &ntegrity

Sample 21 Human Resources Mission Statement To develop, implement, and support programs and processes which add value to (the company) and it:s employees, leading to improved employee welfare, empowerment, growth, and retention, while committed to (the company's) key business drivers, it:s management and prosperity for it:s customers, employees and shareholders. Sample 21 Human Resources Mission Statement The (uman )esources Team will support (the company) vision by delivering superior customer service through recruiting, training, developing, and assisting our people in a caring, trustworthy and timely manner. Sample 22 Human Resources Mission Statement Through the efforts of committed volunteers and an empowered staff, be a recogni$ed world leader in human resource management by'
, .roviding

high value, high uality, dynamic and responsive programs and service to our

, /eing

the voice of the profession on workplace issues. the advancement of the human resource profession.

, <uiding

Sample 23 The (uman )esources +epartment is a cohesive, collaborative team of professionals dedicated to creating partnerships by supporting all programs and departments. We strive to support, guide and maintain re uirements to create a healthy and positive work environment in order to assist staff in accomplishing individual program goals as well as overall organi$ational goals. /ecause we care about our employees, we stand for integrity, efficiency, problem solving, e uity and character in all of our relationships and interactions. We do this to promote growth, accountability and empowerment in our representation of our company. Sample 24

The () +epartment provides a professional resource to =!ompany >ame? employees to assist in their support of members in meeting their worldwide mission of service to humanity. The () +epartment does this by providing support and guidance to all employees in employee relations, benefits and compensation programs, recruitment, training and safety.

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