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2 theSun | FRIDAY AUGUST 28 2009

news without borders

‘Public figure expected to behave’

by Ng Kee Seng


plinary Board (DB), which recom-
mended the sacking of party deputy
president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi
Lek, had taken the stand that a public election unless some drastic actions It cited the 1998 expulsion of
figure is expected to behave and that are taken,” said the summary. The former Kapar 4th Mile branch chair-
he has to give up the “luxuries” of DB members unanimously advised man Tan Yoke Chung and seven
a private person, including having the presidential council that Chua be others for “illegal gambling” in the
extra-marital affairs. expelled with immediate effect. party branch premises during Chi-
“He cannot be a public fig- nese New Year.
ure and (continue to) enjoy the “One of the aims and objects
luxuries of a private person at of MCA is to foster, safeguard,
the same time and, when he is advance and secure the
caught, he will not be allowed political, social, educational,
to defend and excuse himself cultural, economic and other
by saying it is my private life. interests of Malaysians of Chi-
“To Malaysians, a public SNAP AND WIN nese descent.
figure represents his family, “In the minds of Malaysians
organisation or party, commu- TICKETS TO ANY DESTINATION of Chinese descent, who are
nity and the nation,” the DB’s IN MALAYSIA! renowned to have been influ-
five-page executive summary enced by the traditional Confu-
report to the MCA presidential cian teachings, how would they
council stated. compare illegal gambling with
As such, the summary adultery. Both types of conduct
of the DB’s 46-page report are, of course, bad. MCA PJ (Utara) adviser Wong Leong (right)
and 110-page appendix of MALAY
SIAN H “But in terms of the degree and Puchong MCA vice-chairman Datuk
witnesses said, its five panel PH T OSPITA
of ‘badness’, which type of con- Theng Book with the MCA constitution
members had no difficulty CONTE duct is worse than the other? during the launch of the ‘Save MCA‘
concluding that Chua can no ST However, ‘adultery’ has never campaign in Petaling Jaya yesterday.
longer be said to be an asset of enjoyed such a ‘status’ in the
the party. Malaysian Chinese commu-
The DB found that Chua nity, which MCA represents,” council for further decision. Chua:
had failed to uphold the image Capture people, food, f d traditions,
t diti said the DB members. Sak also admitted that the previ- » did not deny the woman in the sex
and reputation of MCA and The DB also reported that ous DB had not disposed off the video is not his legal wife;
cultures and anything else that best
that the sex video tape also a previous board member, complaint. On the record of the DB » did not offer to resign from the
“haunted” and hurt the party showcases Malaysian Hospitality. Tan Sri Dr Sak Cheng Lum, is a resolution to put on hold this party and government post in his first
and the government. testified on Aug 4 that the complaint temporarily. press conference on Jan 1, 2008;
“It is going to continue to complaint against Chua was On March 3, the council decided to » admitted that his only mistake was
‘haunt’ and hurt MCA and considered by the previous refer the 40 outstanding complaints that “he stayed in the same room and
the government in the future, For more information, go to DB in its meeting on July 18 received from April 2008 to March in the same hotel”;
especially in every forthcom- last year and it was resolved 1 to the DB. » blamed the person or persons who
ing by-election and general to refer the complaint to the Among the facts listed by the DB, recorded his misconduct
» in his second press conference on
Jan 2, 2008, in Putrajaya, announced
his resignation from all positions

‘Partyless’ Chua to
in the party, government and as
Labis MP because people did not

Chua Soi Lek factfile want him any more. In spite of his
announcement, he only resigned

go on holiday » Made his foray into federal politics in 2004 by winning the Labis
parliamentary seat in the 12th general election
from all party and government
posts but did not submit his letter
of resignation to the parliament
PETALING JAYA: Sacked MCA deputy presi- have no hesitation in recommending » Appointed health minister on March 24 by then prime minister, speaker as required and
dent Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek said he will me to face the gallows. The reason is Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, replacing Datuk Seri Chua Jui Meng » was allowed to participate in
enjoy his “partyless” status and go for a short obvious why I need to be sacked. Will » Admits in a press conference on Jan 1, 2008, that the man in the the party elections last October
holiday with his family and friends. my sacking boost MCA’s image? I have video having sex with a woman in a hotel suite is him as the investigation was pending
In his blog ( yester- to assume that the president today is as » The following day in a press conference in his ministry, announces and that a person is presumed
day, Chua said his position now was worse clean and clear as crystal. Only time will his resignation from all party posts and as MP innocent until found guilty.
than when he resigned as party vice-presi- tell,” he said. » Contested the MCA deputy presidency in a three-cornered fight The DB chairman is former
dent and health minister on Jan 2 last year “My phone has not stopped ringing. last October and won minister and secretary-gen-
after the sex video scandal was made public Today, I spend my time trying to read all » Appointed MCA Government Policy Monitoring Bureau chairman eral Ng Cheng Kiat. Other panel
because “today, I don’t even have a party”. the SMSes. Probably, this is to keep me by president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat members are Datuk Jimmy Low
“I did not realise that the MCA Discipli- occupied since I am now partyless. » Appointed Barisan Nasional (BN) national co-ordinator for Paka- Boon Hong (deputy), Datuk Ng
nary Board (DB), led by an aging lawyer, has “The press has not stopped harassing tan Rakyat (PR)-held states Soon Por, Dr Lai Kuan Fook and
deemed fit to recommend me to be sacked me. It is actually quite funny and fun,” » On Wednesday, MCA presidential council collectively decided Lau Chih Siang.
21 months after I resigned from all party and added Chua. to endorse MCA Disciplinary Board’s unanimous advice to expel
government posts for the same reason as “So friends, give me a chance to Chua from the party with immediate effect for tarnishing the image
when I resigned in January 2008. rest. People will be thinking that I will be of MCA (For the full executive summary
“If there is provision for sentencing of working very hard, but as usual, I take report to the MCA presidential
death physically, I am sure the DB would everything in my stride,” he said. council, visit

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