Evaluating Sophie 10 4

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1. Design detailed and relevant testing methods, which generate data, to measure the success of the solution. 2. Critically evaluate the success of the solution against the requirements based on authentic tests. 3. Explain how the solution could be improved. 4. Explain the impact of the solution on the client/target market.

1. Design detailed and relevant testing methods, which generate data, to measure the success of the solution.

Basically, create a questionnaire/survey to test how successful your project is. Ask your classmates and/or target group to respond to the survey. Record the results in some way (table, graph)...

I hadnt really presumed that people would rate the design of the website that highly. I had presumed it would have averagely been a 2-4 roughly, as there were many layout and design weak points which I could have resolved. I presume that the 4-5 was simply out of kindness, so thank you. I was hoping a few more people would have chosen yes rather than maybe as I did actually put a lot of time and effort into thinking especially about how to cope with school and sports, and trying not to simply use the basic tips. I am glad though, that only 2 people didnt bother to read it. I was slightly surprised that over 40% didnt learn anything new about Joey, especially considering her grades and studying methods were also posted, but I cant hold it against them if they didnt learn anything new.

I wasnt really surprised positively nor negatively, considering that I hadnt really thought about what effect the header should have myself. I had thought it might have been quite a cool touch, but my poor photoshop skills did kind of make it look badish. This didnt really surprise me as over 80% of people answered that it was easy to understand, and the people who thought it wasnt might not be that fluent in English or simply have a different opinion. This did rather surprise me as I made the navigation bar easy to find and easy to use. However some people did comment that the page wouldnt react when they tried to use the navigation bar, however reloading was enough to get it to work again. This seemed to have been a small glitch from Wix. I was happy that 90% of the surveyed liked the lions idea considering that the ISD animal in a sense is the lion and the sports teams are called the ISD Lions. I didnt really mind that not even 10% didnt like the idea, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

The comments did have some useful tips, even though many simply commented something along the lines of i liked it or no.

2. Critically evaluate the success of the solution against the requirements based on authentic tests.

Basically, use the results from your questionnaire/survey to decide how well your project met your goals.
Here is a table where I compare my product against my specifications, and comment if I met it or not.

Specificati ons
Sketch a detailed plan of the layout

I made a detailed plan of the layout for all the pages Again, I made a flowchart of my linked pages


Make a flowchart of your linked pages

Know what your customers do on your website gather data about what users do on your

I did this before I created my website, using a survey which I sent out to 6-10th Grade

websit e

Specifications Yes Professional looking website Well according to my survey responses, the design of the website was rather good (4-5 on a scale of 1-5). I tried to keep the website professional and clean. I included a ask/ comments section on my website to allow people to contact or comment


Feedback function from viewers

Update your content so it doesnt get outdated

I am unable to test against this specification as too little time has passed for me to update this website, nor has any new information come up which I could add. Again, interpreting the design of

Good combination of colours,

not contrasting, and not too many different ones

the website answers, I presume that the colours I used where good. I also used 1 main colour, which i supported with simple black and white I added an interactive question which they could answer, however I doubt that one widget was enough for the website to be interactive enough. I only used one widget I did not have time to test my website before I published it, unfortunately a few people have commented that the navigation didnt work sometimes, they needed to refresh to page for the navigation to work. I am not sure

Make your website interactive

Not crowded with widgets Tests before your publish it- to avoid technical faults or accidental errors

Make it

compatible with many different operating systems and web browsers

if I made it compatible with different browsers, however I made it compatible and easy to access and understand on mobiles. I allowed the website to be found on Google and added a ton of search compatible words

Make it easy to find (SEO) - lets be honest, no one checks past the 1st, possibly (if really desperate) 2nd and 3rd pages of Google High picture quality

The pictures have a rather good picture quality as I did not take any small pictures and made them larger, au contraire, I rather used larger pictures and then made them smaller. The website seemed to be easy to understand(w hich includes it being readable), as 81% of the surveyed

Readable font

people answered that it was easy to understand. Not too much text- large paragraph scare off readers One out of 32 people said that the page on Joey had too much text. However it was not in large chunks, it was merely many single sentenced answers, which is definitely not hard to read, nor is it a lot of text. 19% stated that the website wasnt easy to navigate, however many of those commented that this was due to the navigation bar not working until they ultimately refreshed the page, which is a minor error.

Easy to navigate

Important things at one sight

The navigation bar was easy to spot and visible, however I am not quite sure what else would be considered important and thus also what else should have been more visible. There werent any annoying objects which could hinder your sight.

No annoying objects which hinder your sight

Overall, I think the product was quite good and met nearly all, and definitely the most important information.

3. Explain how the solution could be improved.

Basically, decide how you could make your project better. Why would this make it better? Use the results of your questionnaire/survey as well as your own opinions to support your opinions.
Inquiring and Analyzing Due to the little time I had because I joined the school year late, not only was I absolutely clueless what I was meant to be doing and who I was meant to promote, not knowing anyone. In the end I chose the only person I knew- my ambassador Joey. The time pressure resulted in my research not being the most thorough it could be, and already for the first question, my answer was rather limited due to the uncertainty that the new system brought upon me. I did however manage to answer numbers 2+3 rather well. yet time pressure again causing me not to be able to do many tutorials, as by the time the other people were doing their tutorials, I was merely starting my 2nd question; not such a prosperous outlook. The fourth question, definitely lacked some detail and proper content. Developing Ideas

I think I really did quite well on Developing Ideas, as for I have detailed and thoroughly researched answers for each, and as this time I had the same amount of time as the others, it actually worked out rather well. The research was quick and easy, and already several ideas in the back of my head how my website was meant to look. I presume I could have added a little more detail to my final sketches, explaining them in more detail, however I had presumed that the sketches were simple enough for people to understand. Final Product After talking to my client, Joey, and interviewing my target group, I can conclude that my website seems to have been quite successful. Roughly 88% of the target group rated my design as a 4-5 out of 5, and over 50% found it useful, and another 35% rating it as a maybe. I can presume that my website was successful among my target group. However there were some issues or things that I could improve on, for example my exemplary photoshop skills were I attempted to use the magic tool to crop out Joey and a lion. This ended up looking rather unprofessional and not that pleasing to the eye. Joey also pointed out that having two different lions on the homepage that had different colour tones also wasnt that great, as the home page did not only end up looking odd, but also very crowded and cramped. She did however comment that she liked the idea of her name on small scrap piece of paper which looked like it was ripped out of a notebook and taped on. Quite a few people also commented on the Joey page looking not so neat as I had simply copy and pasted the information Joey had sent me, rather than formatting it properly. Another idea was to have the tips for coping with school and sports to be on a slideshow rather than simply as bullet points. Joey although like the overall outcome, saying that it did look rather professional, yet at the same time kept a slight touch of school. She also liked how she was portrayed.

4. Explain the impact of the solution on the client/target market. Basically, describe how well your project met the needs of your intended target group (Use the results from your survey)...

Who was your target group? What parts of your project worked well for this group? What did not work well for this group? (For example: Was it too simple? Too complicated?) Did the results of your questionnaire/survey show that your project was focused on your target group? Do you agree with the results of the survey? Does the data from your survey surprise you in any way?

My target group were new students at ISD, mainly for 10th-12th grade students, who are also athletes. While I managed to address the athletes, I didnt manage to address the new students

as I dropped the pages and idea that were aimed at the new students due to lack of time, for example the page with the ambassadors, some sports clubs for new students and the layout of the school for new students to find their way around. I did include how to cope with school and sports though, which is rather useful for athletes, who were also my target group. The results did not show that my project focused on my target group as it asked questions about the person whom I was meant to be promoting rather than the cause. I could definitely have improved on making the survey more specific, next time round then. The data doesnt necessarily surprise me mainly because I had no expectations surrounding it. I mean i was certain that the design of the website would be rather high but simply because people are less likely to say that something is dreadful when their names are being recorded, and just generally on things where it could be traced back. Human nature I suppose. I would have rated my design a bit lower as the photoshop was dreadful, the rest wasnt that bad though. The question about whether my website was useful, didnt surprise me as people have different opinions, however as I had hoped many answered with yes. I must say, I was rather surprised that nearly 40% didnt learn anything new about Joey, however they know her longer than I did. I definitely agree with the header question as the aim of the header had been to make the website look better. I tried to make the website as simple as possible to understand, thus I agree with the responses of that question, however that nearly 20% rated the website hard to navigate did surprise me however that must have been a Wix glitch as that happened to me a few time too. I was pleased that over 90% liked the lion idea, as I thoroughly agreed with it. All in all, I think my product actually turned out quite well apart from a few small errors.

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