37-Prashna - A Unique Approach

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Prashna – A Unique

Venkat Ramana, India.
Readership Level: Very Advanced

T here are several methods in Horary

(Prashna) astrology. All methods
require certain basic calculations
before the results are announced for the
Prashna (query) of the questioner. The
method which is explained in the following
lines is a very unique and instant way of
giving predictions for the queries by the
questioners. This does not involve any
calculations and can easily be practiced by
persons who have even basic knowledge in
astrology. Further an attempt is made to
explain the method in a very lucid and
Venkat is a law graduate and presently systematic way so that it can be easily
adapted by all. I found this method very
pursuing post graduation in management. He useful and giving accurate result. In this
has studied jyotish visharada in the ICAS method we have to obtain a three digit
(Indian council of astrological sciences) and is number at random from the questioners and
an honorary faculty in one of its branches at reduce it to a single digit by adding the
Hyderabad. He has been studying palmisty number and relate the number so obtained
for more than 10 years and over a period of to the planets as detailed hereunder. I hope
time his interest drifted towards astrology. this method will be appreciated by scholars
He has developed a deep interest in the also.
I have taken a cue from the book
subject and endeavors to do service to the
“Jyotish Vibration Siddhantam” by Shri
people. A friend of Saptarishis Astrology and Sivala Subrahmanyam for allotment of
a very humble yet extremely dedicated numbers to the planets which are slightly
student of this subject. modified from the conventional system. It
appears that there has been a great deal of
research done for such modification. For
example he has allotted No. 6 to Mars.
According to him Mars is represented by
Lord Subrahmanya who is also called
Shanmukha representing No. 6. In the
natural zodiac Mars is allotted Chitra Star
in the 6th Rashi Virgo. Further Mars is also

a fighter and signifies disputes which again is represented by the 6th house.

The Conventional System

Sun- 1 Moon – 2 Jupiter – 3 Rahu – 4 Mercury – 5 Venus – 6 Ketu – 7 Saturn – 8

Mars – 9

The Numbers Modified As Per Sivala Subrahmanyam:

Sun- 1 Rahu – 2 Jupiter – 3 Ketu – 4 Mercury – 5 Mars– 6 Moon– 7 Saturn – 8

Venus – 9

While prodding over the book by Mr. Sivala Subrahmanyam a thought came to this
scribe that these numbers might be made applicable to prashna system also wherein at times
the querent does not possess birth charts. Even in cases where birth charts are available this
method can be applied to answer single questions instantly. Though the numbers allotted to
planets are slightly modified, the method of prediction followed is not deviating from the
fundamentals of the Vedic Astrology. The following are the steps to be followed.

Step: I
1. One should have in his mind the days’ transit chart with the position of planets
including the degrees and the star lords at which they are located and also the speed
with which they transit. This is fundamental rule for this method.
2. The Rashis which are friendly, enemy and inimical to the planets are to be
3. The places of exaltation and debilitation should be kept in mind.
4. Karakatwas of the planets also to be borne in mind.
5. Conjunction of planets in the transit chart should be borne in mind.

Step: II - Favorable Position Of Planets

1. Exaltation
2. Moolatrikona
3. Friendly Rashi
4. Friendly Nakshatra

Step: III - Unfavorable Position For Planets

1. Debilitation
2. Enemy Rashi
3. Enemy Nakshatra
4. Retrogression
5. Combustion

Step: IV - Planetary Periods for Fruition/Non Fruition of events.

Sun: Six months

Moon: Immediate
Mars: Six Months
Mercury: Two Months
Jupiter: One month
Venus: Fifteen days
Saturn: One year
Rahu: Eight months
Ketu: Three months

Note: planetary periods have reference to classics ‘Sarvarth Chintamani’ and ‘Brihat Jataka’,
except for the period of mars which stays in a Rashi for six months in case of kuja
sthambana. During the course of its transit sometimes Mars stays in a Sign for Six months.
This is a unique feature with regard to Mars. This unusual behavior of Mars is known as
Kuja (Mars) Sthambana (paralyzing the movement).

E.g. Number given by querent is 312, so add it 3 +1+2= 6, this is the final number. Let’s take
another example wherein the number given is 689= 6 +8+9= 23, now reduce this further to
single digit, so we add 2+3=5, which becomes our final number.

Step: V (Prediction)

Ask the querist to give any three digit number. Reduce it to single digit by adding the
numbers. Then select the planet according to the number arrived at by referring the numbers
given above. Locate the position of the planet in transit chart.

1. The planet in the friendly Rashi will give positive result

2. A planet though in a friendly Rashi but in enemy star may not give favorable
result till it is in the enemy star but the position may improve once it crosses the
enemy star in transit.
3. Planet in exaltation will give benefic result.
4. Rahu/Ketu may not give favorable result as they are always retrograde.
5. Retrograde planets will not give favorable results as long as they are retrograde.
They start giving favorable result once they become direct provided they are
located in Exaltation/Friendly Sign.
6. A planet in a favorable position and moving to an unfavorable may not be able to
produce positive result.

1) For the purpose of deciding the Planetary Friendships and Enemity the relationships as
given in the Traditional System is followed. This can be found in any astrological book.
However, for the convenience of the readers a table of Planetary Friendship/Enemity is
given here.

2) The Lordship of Lunar Mansions (Stars) is to be memorized for predicting results. This
will help to know whether a Planet is in a Friendly Star or Ememy Star in transit. A table
containing the 27 Stars and their Lords is also given here.

Table Of Planetary Friendship/Enmity

Planet Friend Enemy Neutral

Sun Jupiter, Mars, Moon Saturn, Rahu, Venus Mercury
Moon Sun, Mercury Rahu, Ketu Saturn, Venus, Jupiter,
Mars Moon, Jupiter, Sun Mercury, Venus, Saturn
Mercury Rahu, Venus, Sun Moon Jupiter, Mars, Saturn
Jupiter Sun, Moon, Mars Mercury, Venus Rahu, Saturn
Venus Mercury, Saturn, Rahu Sun, Moon Jupiter, Mars
Saturn Venus, Mercury, Rahu Sun, mars, Moon Jupiter
Rahu Venus, Mercury, Saturn Sun, Mars, Moon Jupiter
Ketu Venus, mercury, Saturn Sun, Mars, Moon Jupiter

Table Showing Stars & Their Lords

Sl.no. Star Sl.no Star Sl.no. Star Starlord

01 Ashwini 10 Makha 19 Moola Ketu*
02 Bharini 11 Purva phalguni 20 Purva ashada Venus
03 Krittika 12 Uttara phalguni 21 Uttara ashada Sun
04 Rohini 13 Hasta 22 Shravana Moon
05 Mrigashira 14 Chitra 23 Dhanishta Mars
06 Ardra 15 Swati 24 Shatatara Rahu
07 Punarvasu 16 Vishaka 25 Purva badra Jupiter
08 Pushyami 17 Anurada 26 Uttara badra Saturn
09 Ashresha 18 Jyeshta 27 Revati Mercury

*In the above table lordship of the Stars should be seen horizontally. Ex: For Ashwini,
Makha and Moola the Lord is Ketu.

Some example (practical) charts are given below which will make the readers understand the
method easily. Kindly note that in all the charts the location of the chart is taken as
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. (Note: Location of Prashna (Horary) chart will be the location
of the Astrologer).

Example Chart – 1: date/time of query 26th June-2006/11:25hrs No. 4

The querist enquired whether her daughter can make up in the interview for the post of
Flying Officer in the Indian Air Force which was slated after two days in Dehradun. Will
she get the job was the question. The number she gave was 4 which represent Ketu. It can be
seen in the chart below that Ketu was located in Virgo. As Ketu is a retrograde planet it

cannot give any favorable result and also he was placed in an uncomfortable position/rashi.
Therefore, the prediction given was her daughter may not get through the interview. But she
was not happy with my prediction and approached some other astrologers who predicted
positively. She informed me that she is sending her daughter by spending more than Rs.
20000/- for the flight tickets as there was very short time to reach the place & go in for the
interview. After the date of interview she came running and told that her daughter could not
clear even the first level in the interview.

Example Chart – II: Date/Time Of Query 05-July-2006/14:22 No.8

A very senior officer of Government of India had asked whether there would be selection
for a deputation post applied for. I asked the person to give a three digit number. There was
a book in front of the officer and I asked to open the book and tell the page number that
comes on the right or left side. The book was opened and the three digit number given was
added up to No. 8. This number is the number of Saturn. Saturn was in inimical rashi but in
a friendly Star (Ashresha) conjoined with enemy planet Mars and friendly planet Mercury.
Mars though enemy planet is weak here being debilitated and Mercury being retrograde is
not effective. Saturn was moving to Leo during November 2006 and becomes retrograde in
December 2006. Though Saturn was moving into enemy rashi he is comfortable in Leo the
house related to government (Sun). The query was related to profession and government. I
told the officer that there would be selection during mid of November’06 and before mid of
December’06 (keeping in view the Saturn’s retrogression in December’ 06). The officer
though happy with the reply was not sure as there was some opposition for the selection and
opened the book for giving one more number. Again number 8 was the page number opened
and third time also No. 8 was chosen. I myself wondered with the repetition of the No. 8
three times. As predicted the officer was selected for the deputation post during
November’06 and relieved of the duties for reporting to the new office before Saturn became
retrograde in December’06.

Example Chart – III: Date/Time Of Query 27th June-2006/17:00 No: 6

The question was from a person who is the brother-in-law of the person who was operated
and in the hospital. He asked whether the person in the hospital would recover. The number
given was 6 representing Mars. Mars was in Cancer debilitated conjoined with enemy
planets Saturn and Mercury and also in the enemy Star (Ashresha). The position of Mars
was very bad. If the person should recover Mars has to move to Leo a bosom friend’s Rashi.
The prediction given was if the person can survive 15 days he would recover as Mars was to

move to Leo after 15 days. However the individual could not survive for 15 days but expired
before that.

Example Chart – IV date/time of query 20th March 2006/10:30 No. 1

This query is related to profession. The individual had applied for transfer to his
choice station and he wanted to know whether his transfer would be considered favourably.
He has given a three digit number which was reduced to 1. Number 1 represents the Sun.
Sun was in a friendly Rashi and conjoined with an enemy planet and in Saturn’s star who
represents profession. Rahu is a retrograde planet and therefore cannot stop the Sun giving
results. Further the nakshatra lord Saturn in which Sun is posited was also retrograde. The
Sun was to move to its exaltation sign Aries around 15th April, 2006. As stated above the
period for Sun to give result is six months. Prediction given was that the transfer will
fructify within six months more specifically between 14th April and 14thMay 2006 and
between July 15th and September 15th 2006. As predicted the transfer order came during the
third week of April 2006 by that time Saturn also became straight and the individual was
relieved of his duties on 30-04-2006.
Here Rahu is coming towards Sun. One may get a doubt won’t Rahu eclipse Sun and
stop him from giving result? It is a genuine doubt, but as already explained being a
retrograde planet Rahu becomes ineffective and has no strength to obstruct the Sun who is
in a Friendly Sign. Even if it does so, it may delay but can’t negate the result. Keeping this
point in mind time of fructification was given as after 14th April and before 14th May when
Sun transits Aries (Exaltation Sign). Further, second period from 15th July to 15th September
was given as Sun transits Cancer and Leo Signs during that period (the period from 15th May
to 14th July is not favorable as Sun transits his enemy Sign Taurus and a Neutral Sign
*Special Note: Here I would like add one point regarding the period or exact timing of an
event. Notwithstanding the planetary periods (for fructification of results) given above I

noticed that the planets are giving immediate results when they transit Exaltation/Friendly
sign more so the faster moving planets like Sun, Mars, Mercury, Venus and Moon.

Example Chart – V: date/time of query 14th Sept-2006/17:16 No. 6

One lady asked me whether she will be blessed with children in near future. The number she
gave was 6 representing Mars. As seen in the chart Mars is in Virgo an enemy Rashi and
conjoined with Mercury (Enemy) and Ketu (retrograde). Mars was in the star of Moon and
Moon was in the star of Mars there is an exchange of stars between the two. As per the
disposition of Mars in the chart I told her that she may not be blessed with child in the near
future. After a month or so she rang up and told that she was pregnant. I thought I have
gone wrong somewhere. Further, after some time she rang up and told me that there was a

I could not understand why the lady was pregnant and why there was miscarriage. I
discussed with a very senior scholar regarding this. He clarified that Mars is the planet who
gives and takes. I was able to understand why this had happened like this.

Example Chart – VI: Date/Time Of Query 28th May -2007 No 9

The Query was regarding lost article. Mr. X wanted to know whether the gold chain
lost by his wife would be traceable. He was not sure where she lost the chain. The number
given was 9 representing Venus. The above chart shows the Venus is in Gemini a friendly
sign along with his friend Mercury who is in own house. The sign of Gemini represents bed
room among other things and Venus the ornaments I told him the chain was not lost and to
search in his bedroom at the place where his wife keeps make up articles. The gold chain was
found exactly the place which was told to him on the same day. One may note that the
planetary period for Venus is 15 days. The article was found within this period.

Example Chart No VII: Date/Time Of Query 14th Feb-2008/17:20 No 2

This query was from a senior level officer who was alerted for transfer and wanted to get
retained in the same place for two more years. The number given was 2 representing Rahu.
He wanted to know whether he can get retained as desired. Rahu is a retrograde planet and
conjoined an enemy planet Sun. Rahu was placed in the star of Mars Dhanishta. Without
any hesitation it was predicted that his desire cannot be fulfilled. Later on I was told that
being a very senior officer he was having highest political contacts & moved earth and
heaven to get retained. But inspite of all his efforts it went in vain and now he is serving at a
different place against his wish.


I have given several predictions applying the above method and found it working
fantastically and miraculously. Therefore, I request the readers to utilize the above tool, test
it further and post it for us to further perfect it as it is very simple and a snapshot way of
answering questions with accuracy. I would acknowledge Shri Sivala Subrahmanyam whose
work inspired me think differently.

Bhrighu Nadi Sangraha by N.Srinivasan Shastry

When Saturn touches/sees Rahu in his 1st round of transit, that is the age of
beginning of the profession/ business for the individual. -

The age of profession/business is known by the number of signs between Saturn and
Rahu or at times Venus, the time taken by Saturn to reach Rahu in the birth chart is
the age of profession (count the number of signs and multiply by 2.5 that is the age of
profession/business) -

When Jupiter touches Venus in his rounds of transit it shows the native will get
money as Venus is the significator of money

When Jupiter touches Sun, native will earn some good name and fame.


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