Comprehensive Co SHH Risk Assessment Nov 07

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Comprehensive COSHH Risk Assessment.

Location: Faculty/School: Assessors name:

Houldsworth S !"! #r Olivier Cayre



#escription o* work activity:

Summary o* assessment: $. Recommendations, including control measures, exposure monitoring, health surveillance and information, instruction & training requirements:




Tick + as appropriate (. Risk ratin, (See: Section G) ). #ate o* assessment review:

COSHH Assessment Checklist - re*erences to the *orms:

A$ A( ,s wor detailed in procedures" A) /as training and instruction $een given" 0riefl' descri$e wor activit'% -ist su$stances $eing used% *re safet' data sheets availa$le" 1ategorise sources of exposure (dust)powder, aerosol, fume, liquid vapour, and gas, solid, other)% ,dentif' routes of entr' (inhalation, s in a$sorption, direct contact, ingestion, in2ection) and the ris % 3ossi$le effects of ha4ardous su$stances" (Refer to manufacturers su$stance data)% 6$servations on storage, transportation, handling and use and pac aging)la$elling% *n' ha4ardous wastes produced" #$ Who carries out the wor ! for how long and how often" #o$ title% *re emplo'ees or others affected" C.


&mplo'ee(s awareness to potential effects of wor activit' (good)adequate)inadequate)% +ncontrolled release of su$stance possi$le" What spillage arrangements are in place, including first!aid treatment and protective equipment" ,dentif' control measures and their adequac' (fume cup$oard, -ocal &xhaust .entilation, natural ventilation, respirator' protective equipment, e'e protection, gloves etc%)% *re control measures maintained" Specif' references to tests ) inspections% /as exposure monitoring $een carried out" Specif' references to exposure monitoring records% Will exposure monitoring $e required" ,f so specif'% ,s health surveillance carried out" Specif' references to surveillance records% Ris rating (low ) medium ) high)% ,s exposure monitoring or health surveillance required" (Refer to &&5) *re information, instruction and training required" Specif' details% *re there an' other recommendations"

A. A/ 0$ 0( 0) 0. C$ C(

#( !$ !( F$ 1$ H$ H( H)

Waste disposal arrangements (drain, contractor etc%)

Section A: 2he 4ork Activity.

A$. 4ho carries out the work5 *or how lon, and how o*ten6
#o$ title: Student 7uration of the exposure: 8 hours 9999999999minutes 5requenc': once )da' 999: da's99999 ) wee 99999999 ) month 9999999'ear

A(. Are there any employees5 or other persons5 or ,roups o* people a**ected6

7!S Other Sta**

Specif' $elow:
Students Contractors


6thers, provide details: 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

A). 3s the work detailed in any procedure or protocol or manual6

LO4 7!S Specif' $elow:

A.. Has any sa*ety trainin, or instruction 8includin, written instructions9 :een ,iven *or this activity6
LO4 7!S

Specif' $elow:

*cademic supervisors and staff have provided training for

A/. 0rie*ly descri:e the work activity includin, any su:tasks. 3nclude sketches i* appropriate. Creatin, stock solutions *rom solid su:stances o* Sodium Chloride5 Hydrochloric acid and Sodium Hydro;ide

Section 0: Su:stances and their e**ects.

This sheet represents the substance inventory. 0$. List the product8s9 or su:stance8s9 used and attach the appropriate "anu*acturers Su:stance Sa*ety #ata Sheet 8"S#S9 to this assessment. roduct/Su:stance =uantity > Occupational ?ature O* Ha<ard Re*. #uration !;posure
(See note1 below) (See note2 below) (See note 3 below)




Wor ?one &xposure limit not availa$le 7anger@ ma'$e fatal if swallowed and if it enters airwa's ?ot ha4ardous 1orrosive



8= ml)da'

). .. /.

3ol'meth'lmethacr'late /'drochloric acid Sodium /'droxide

8= ml)da' : ml)da' >= ml)da'

(1ontinue on a separate sheet if necessar') Note 1 - For example: 5 litres weekly, 25kg per month, 250ml for 20 minutes Note 2 - Workplace Exposure imit !WE ", Note 3 - #one, $ery toxic, toxic, corrosi$e, irritant, harmful, %iological, other&

0(. 3denti*y source8s9 o* e;posure *or ha<ardous su:stances listed a:ove in 0$.









Specif' $elow:

7angerous to environment"

0). 3denti*y the possi:le routes o* entry into the :ody and the likelihood o* entry *or ha<ardous su:stances listed in 0$. Route o* entry 3nhalation: Skin A:sorption: #irect Contact 8skin/eyes9: 3n,estion: 3nAection: 0.. ossi:le e**ect8s9 o* short or lon,-term e;posure to ha<ardous su:stance8s9 listed in 0$. Likelihood o* entry Almost Certain Likely ossi:le @nlikely Rare or ?one

1ould an' su$stance cause a harmful effect after a single acute exposure" +n nown ?6 A&S Specif' su$stance(s)

,s an' su$stance carcinogenic, mutagenic or Betratogenic (see 'anufacturers safety (ata sheet
for (etails - appropriate risk phrases: )*+, ),5, ),-, ),+, )-0, )-., )-2, )-* or )-, )"

+n nown



Specif' su$stance(s)

,f $iological agents are listed, what group are the'" 1roup $ ! unli el' to cause human disease% 1roup ( ! 1an cause human disease and ma' $e a ha4ard to emplo'ees@ ,t is unli el' to spread to the communit' and there is usuall' effective proph'laxis or treatment availa$le% 1roup ) ! can cause severe human disease and ma' $e a serious ha4ard to emplo'ees@ it ma' spread to the communit', $ut there is usuall' effective proph'laxis or treatment availa$le% 1roup . ! causes severe human disease and is a serious ha4ard to emplo'ees@ it is li el' to spread to the communit' and there is usuall' no effective proph'laxis or treatment availa$le%

Section C: O:servations.
C$. Stora,e5 transportation5 handlin, and use5 packa,in, > la:ellin, o* ha<ardous su:stances listed in 0$.
AdeBuate 3nadeBuate Comments

Storage Bransportation /andling & +se 3ac aging -a$elling

C(. Are any ha<ardous wastes produced :y this work activity6



,f A&S, how are wastes or residues disposed of" Give details:

C). Awareness o* employees and others to the work activity and its potential e**ects. 3s in*ormation ,iven to employees and others6 ?6 A&S ,f A&S, give $rief details:

1C% ,s an uncontrolled release of an' ha4ardous su$stance listed in 0< possi$le e%g% spillage"



,f A&S, identif' the following contingenc' items that are provided: ?O 7!S AdeBuate 3nadeBuate

Spillage neutralisation chemicals Spillage containment materials &'e irrigation facilities 0od' shower 5irst aid provisions 3ersonal protective equipment

6ther arrangements ! give details:

Section #: Control "easures.

#$. 3denti*y control measures and their adeBuacy.

5ume cup$oard -ocal &xhaust .entilation (-&.) General ventilation ?atural .entilation





rotective eBuipment:
Respirator' 3rotective &quipment (Specif' details :)


&'e protection 5ace protection /and protection 3rotective clothing ,mmunisation (Specif' details)






#(. For control measures reBuirin, testin, or inspection 8Fume cup:oard5 L!C5 etc.9 provide details o* *reBuency o* testin,:

Section !: "onitorin, !;posure.

!$. Has e;posure monitorin, :een carried out6 ?6 A&S ,f A&S, provide details $elow or attach cop' of an' reports%

!;posure monitorin, Su:stance "easured e;posure 8 " or m,/m)9 4!L 3s measured e;posure less than the 4!L6

!(. 4ill e;posure monitorin, :e reBuired *or any su:stance listed in 0$6 ?6 A&S Specif' $elow:

Section F: Health Surveillance.

F$. 3s health surveillance carried out6 ?6 A&S

F(. 4ill health surveillance :e reBuired6

,f in dou$t, contact the 6ccupational /ealth 7epartment%

Section 1: Risk Ratin,.

1$. 2he work activity has :een assessed and the *ollowin, risk ratin, applies: (a) -6W R,SD Bhe quantities or rate of use of su$stance(s) are too small to constitute an' ris to health under foreseea$le circumstances of use, even if control measures $ro e down% Review assessment if situation changes, or annuall'%

($) E&7,+E R,SD

Bhe ris s to health are adequatel' controlled su$2ect to an' recommendations given in section / $elow and in an' accompan'ing report% When recommendations have $een implemented, review assessment% Refer to date set for the review in section /C% (c) /,G/ R,SD Bhe ris s to health are not adequatel' controlled% Refer to section / for recommendations% ,nterim measures must $e ta en in order to control the ris s and this assessment must $e reviewed once long!term control measures are implemented%

Section H: Recommendations.
H$. !;posure monitorin,5 health surveillance.

H(. 3n*ormation5 trainin, reBuirements.

H). Other recommendations.

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