Objective:: Switzerland) Basic Course. (In Jan 99)

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CTC :10L

To be gainfully employed by a travel shop/agency/airline, with an aim to Increase productivity


!ate of "irth )eligion )esidence Tel 6mail :# 0$/%ay/1&'( :# *indu +Lohana, :# - .ohini "uilding, ! / )oad 0ile 1arle +2, %umbai $00 034 :# &-5$5$$135 : # mdipesh7hotmail com, lovedips7gmail com

"achelor8s !egree In Commerce in %ay 1&&& Correspondence 9rom 1oona :niversity

-ACCREDITATION: # ;ussie .pecialist 1rogram from ;ustralian tourism # <ew =ealand .pecialist .ilver Course from <ew =ealand *igh Commission # >man .pecialist 1rogram from >man Tourism # *ong?ong .pecialist 1rogram from *ong?ong Tourism # Costa cruise specialist, from Costa cruises # 9rance specialist 1rogram from 9rance tourism # %auritius @rand %aster from %auritius Tourism
# !iploma in Customer .ervice A .ales Training 9rom S.O.T.C. Kuoni Trave ! "In#ia$ Li%i&e#. +In /an 5001, 1ost @raduate !iploma in travel #I ; T ; S)i&*er an#$ "asic course +In /an &&, "In&erna&iona Air Tran!'or& A!!o(ia&ion-

1ost @raduate !iploma in travel #I ; T ; "In&erna&iona Air Fare De!+ -,u%-ai$ "asic Course # +in ;ug &(, !iploma in travel: # T>:)I.% "C are! Trave A(a#e%.: - ,u%-ai$. Travel ;nd Tourism Course # +in /an 1&&(,

#!iploma in 2eb !esigning 2ith ! T 1 from ,i(ro+on Co%'u&er E#u(a&ion 1lus %acromedia ;uthoriBe Training 1rogram +4(C, +In !ec 5001, #%. >ffice 1ac?age at CLARES Co%'u&er In!&i&u&e. +In /an 1&&(, #Computer training for software and hard ware from @alileo crs training +in Dun &&,

0. Trini&. Air Trave an# Tour! 'v&. L&#. "A'r 01 &i no)$ 2or?ing as @eneral %anager Tour !ivision for >peration /1roducts/ % I C 6 / Corporate / Leisure, Tour 6scorting with the group, %ar?eting, Contracting with hotels and suppliers for Leisure and groups 1) with Corporate and handling branches pan india 2. T3e De!&ina&ion! Co. "Se' 04 &i A'ri 01$ 2or?ed as @eneral %anager >perations and 1roducts for #/ % I C 6 / Corporate / Leisure, Tour 6scorting with the group, "5" %ar?eting, !eveloping and updating website Contracting with hotels and suppliers for Leisure and groups 1) with Corporate ;nd also handling Corporate .ports 1. TJ Trave Servi(e! Pv&. L&#. "IATA$ "De( 45 &o Au6 04$ 2or?ed as @eneral %anager >perations *andling# 1roducts / % I C 6 / Corporate / Leisure / "usiness Travel/ Tour 6scorting with the Corporate group , Contracting with .uppliers and ;irline, %a?ing cost sheet for finaliBing the group file 7. Trave 8ini.(o% "ICICI Ven&ure Co.$ " IATA$ "A'r 42 &o Nov 45 $ 2or?ed as .enior %anager Leisure *andling >perations 1roducts/ % I C 6 /Leisure and Tour 6scorting have handled @.;/ .ales "5" %ar?eting, Internet ;dvertising and :pdating the 2ebsite and doing online promotions with channel 1artners 5. S.O. T.C. Kuoni Trave ! "In#ia$ Li%i&e#. " IATA$ "Jan 40 &o ,ar 42$ 2or?ed for ' months as 1roduct %anager E >perations +holiday club division, *andling suppliers, Tour managers, Customer support >n Tour !esigning Itny, )outings, and 1roducts and communicate with "ranches 9. :ri;;in ,arine Trave ! Pv&. LTD. " ATA$ "Fe- << &o De( 44$ 2or?ed for 55 months as International Counter .upervisor, .pecialiBed in %arine Travel for .eamen handling corporate and Computer I T !epartment *andling 9or 1urchase and :pgradation of .ystem ' S=A= TOURS AND TRAVELS "Jan <5 &o Jan <<, 2or?ed as a Counter 6Fecutive *andling Clients and Customer for 1 Gr 2or?ed as a Tour %anager 6scorting the @roup and Itinerary Costing department 9or 5 yrs 4 months

-LAN:UA:ES KNO>N: I read, write and spea? 6nglish, *indi, %arathi and, @uaDarati

-=OBBIES: Listening %usic, !ancing, Carrom, Cric?et, 2or?ing and ma?e new friends

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