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Dorothy Alling Memorial Library

Volunteer Application

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at the Dorothy Alling Memorial
Library. In order to help us match your skills, goals, and schedule with our needs,
please complete the following questionaire.

NAME: ______________________________ TODAY'S DATE: _____________

ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________
TOWN: ________________________________ STATE: _____ ZIP: _________
TELEPHONE NUMBER: ______________ BEST TIME TO CALL: ___________
PARENT'S NAME IF UNDER THE AGE OF 14: __________________________

1. What type of work would you like to do at the Dorothy Alling Memorial Library?
(Please be as specific as possible).

2. Why do you want to volunteer at the library?

3. What is your present (or past, if you are retired) occupation? If a student, what
grade are you currently in?

4. Do you have special skills or training that you could share?

5. What days and times are you available to work? Can you work Saturdays or

6. Do you prefer to work with the public or behind the scenes? Do you prefer to
work with children or adults?

7. Do you prefer to work a regular schedule or to work on special projects?

8. Is there anything else you would like to add? (please use reverse side)

9. Please give a personal and professional reference: include name, address,

and phone number for each.
09/12/2001 volunteer application
Dorothy Alling Memorial Library
Youth Volunteer Information

Welcome, teens! If you enjoy working with people, are creative, outgoing,
well-organized, willing to learn, and at least 12 years of age, we invite you to join
our corps of youth volunteers. Please read the following information and save it
for future reference. In order to help us place you, we ask that you complete the
attached questionnaire. In addition, please be sure to have your parent or
guardian sign the permission statement at the bottom. Thank you.

As a volunteer at the library, some of the tasks you may be asked to do include:

• organizing picture book bins

• shelving returned books
• straightening book and magazine shelves
• assisting in putting up library displays
• assisting with special events such as puppet or magic shows, craft programs,
pageants, or contests
• creating materials for story hours
• reading to toddlers
• making photocopies
• helping to set up seasonal decorations
• other tasks as assigned by the librarian.

Your responsibilities as a youth volunteer:

Your volunteer work here is treated just like a job and the experience could
be useful for getting a job in the future. When working at the library, please:

• sign in and out every time you work

• arrive on time, ready to begin work
• when you arrive, meet with the Children's Librarian for the day's tasks
• remember to notify the library if you are unable to work
• be polite and friendly to library patrons
• refer difficult questions to one of the library staff members
• observe all library rules regarding dress codes and behavior
• refrain from visiting with friends while at work
• save your homework for after your volunteer work is over
Dorothy Alling Memorial Library
Youth Volunteer Application

PART 1: For the student:

Name: ______________________________ Today's Date: ________________

Address: _________________________________________________________

Town: ________________________________ State: _________Zip: _________

Telephone number: ______________ Best time to call: ____________________


Name and phone number of person to contact in case of emergency:_________


What times would you be available to work?_____________________________


Are there vacation days or other days that you will not be able to work? If so,

please list the dates:________________________________________________


I, ______________________, give my child, ____________________________,

permission to volunteer at the Dorothy Alling Memorial Library. I understand that
he/she may be asked to complete tasks such as those listed on the reverse side or
other tasks as assigned by the library staff.

PRINT NAME:____________________
TODAY'S DATE:__________________

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