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The Very Succinct Sadhana of All Illuminating Maha Vairocana that Purifies the Lower Realms

Refuge and Generating the thought for Enlightenment: In the unsurpassed Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, I take refuge until Enlightenment is reached. Through Deeds of Giving and other Perfections, may I attain the state of Buddhahood for the sake of all sentient eings. Self-Generation: Om Shunyata Jana Vajra Svabhava Atmako Ham !rom the state of Emptiness, on a moon disc mandala manifested from the nature of the mind" Om Sar a !uddha Sar a "arma A arana Vi#hodhaya $ana Hum %hat #elts and transforms into a $hite five pronged %a&ra standing erect, shining forth lights to enefit sentient eing. ' The rays of light ( are su se)uently rea sor ed and ' the %a&ra( then transforms into the self*nature Bhagavan, +ll Illuminating #aha %airocana, ody $hite in colour $ith four $hite faces. Both hands are in the meditation gesture and holding a five pronged %a&ra, adorned $ith myriad &e$els, pure and $ithout o scurations, seated in the cross va&ra position upon a lotus and moon disc, ' His ( three places marked $ith the sylla les ,O&-, ,AH- and ,H'(G-. . Perform the practice simultaneously with the recitation / 0ights shine forth from one-s heart, invoking the 1isdom Deity as $ell as the Initiatory Deities. Om Vajra Samajah . Invoking Wisdom Beings similar in appearance to oneself/ $)a Hum !am Hoh .Merging the Wisdom Beings into oneself/ The !ive Dhyani Buddhas esto$ Initiation $hich purifies all o scurations, and the Guru as %airocana, like an ornament, adorns the top of one-s head. Om Sar a *athagata Argham %adyam %u#h+e $hu+e Aloke Ghande (e ide Sha+da %rati,,ha %uja &egha Samudra Sa+harana Samaye Hung- . Thus Proffer offerings /

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1isdom of Dharmadhatu, 4nstained y faults" Bhagavan %airocana, meditating $ith hands in meditation mudra" I prostrate to the Bhagavan $ho Illuminates +ll. . Thus praise/ &antra Re,itation: +t one-s heart on top of a moon disc, the mantra garland surrounds the seed sylla le5 ' O& (. The mantra garland $hirls, la6ing forth lights, purifying the negative karma and o scurations of all sentient eings. Om Namo Bhagavate Sarva Durgati Pari Shodhane Rajaya, Tathagataya, Arhate Samyak-Sambuddhaya, Tadyatha, Om Shodhane Shodhane, Sarve Papam Vi hodhane Shuddhe Vi huddhe, Sarva !arma A"arana Vi hodhane Svaha# $edi,ation: Through these merits may I s$iftly attain to the resultant state of %airocana. #ay all eings $ithout e7ception, e re orn in 8is Pure 0and. #ay the precious Bodhi*#ind, 9ot yet orn, arise and gro$" #ay that orn have no decline, But increase forever more. This sadhana mainly purifies obscurations and among its other benefits, of which the most praiseworthy, is the purification of karmic obscurations of the deceased.

This is composed by the Dharma ord Thokme at !u"#u Monastery$ This %hinese translation is completed by &a"Hu$ The translation from %hinese into 'nglish is completed by (engge Dor)e of the %haritable *ssistance (ociety of Thousand" *rm %henre+ig, (ingapore, on the occasion of the teaching"visit of H' uding -hen .inpoche in December /001$ This te2t is printed for limited, free circulation for serious students who have received the Maha 3airocana 'mpowerment$

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