Vacancy Pull-In Form: Brown University Office of Residential Life

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Brown University Office of Residential Life

This form is to be completed by students with a vacancy in their room or suite and the student being requested to fill the vacancy. Students vacating the room or suite do not need to complete this form. Please print legibly. Requesting Pull-in Begin Effective: Immediately (during a semester) Location of Vacancy Only a vacancy in a double room or larger, or which is part of an apartment/suite is eligible for pull-in. Standard singles and entirely vacant rooms, suites or apartments may not be requested. Building Student Being Requested to Fill Vacancy FULL NAME CURRENT SEM.LEVEL CURRENT BUILDING/ROOM Are you registered with Disability Support Services? YES NO BROWN E-MAIL: PHONE (room or cell) ID# GENDER Suite (if applicable) Room Fall


Please make sure you have reviewed this entire application. By signing below you are agreeing to all policies detailed on the both sides of this application. If you are serving as another student's proxy please print your name and ID# and then sign your own name below. We must have received notification via a Proxy Form or e-mail to from the student applying officially appointing a proxy. If this notification is not received by the deadline, the application may not be processed in priority order. STUDENT (or Proxy) SIGNATURE Remaining Occupants of Room/Suite/Apartment Each student who currently resides in the room and/or suite/apartment above, or who selected the above housing at lottery, and will reside in the space with the above requested student must sign below agreeing to the request. For post-lottery changes the Group Representative may sign in place of any student currently on leave or abroad. Any student who is vacating the room, suite or apartment or who selected the housing at lottery but will now not occupy the space does not need to sign. By signing below you are agreeing to all policies detailed on both sides of this application. FULL NAME (print) ID# ROOM (if above space is a suite/apt) SIGNATURE DATE:

FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Vacancy Confirmed Approved / Denied Student Notified Authorizing Signature Date

revised 03.20.06 cam

VACANCY PULL-IN FORM Policy & Procedure

Application Guidelines: A. B. C. D. E. F. The deadline for this form to be completed after Lottery for the Fall is July 1st. The deadline for a mid-year pull-in is December 15th. For a change that occurs within a semester there is no deadline. This form is to be completed by students with a vacancy in their room or suite and the student being requested to fill the vacancy. Students vacating the room or suite do not need to complete this form. A separate form should be completed for each student being requested as a pull-in, if more than one vacancy exists in a room/suite/apartment. The student being pulled-in may currently have housing from lottery, be residing on campus or be returning from a leave or study abroad. The form must also be signed by the student being requested as a pull-in. If the student being pulled in is currently on leave or abroad their designated proxy must sign the form. Pull-in requests are not official until approved by the Office of Residential Life and will be processed and the student notified once the vacancy is confirmed. If a pull-in is processed during a semester the room change can begin after the room key is returned by the prior resident and the room is inspected/cleaned. Students will be notified when the change can take place and will need to sign room change paperwork.

G. If a pull-in is processed after lottery and prior to the start of the Fall semester the student will be able to move into their new assignment upon their return to campus in September. H. If a pull-in is processed between the Fall and Spring semesters: 1. 2. Students returning from leave of absence or study abroad will be able to move into their new assignment when residence halls open in January. Students currently residing on campus must complete their room change prior to leaving for winter break. (the Fall resident must have vacated the space and returned the key and the room must have been inspected/cleaned). If the change cannot be completed prior to the break the student will be able to pick up their new room key upon returning to campus in January. In this case the student must completely vacate their old room and return the key prior to the residence halls closing in December. Failure to vacate their old room will result in the pull-in being cancelled, in which case the student will remain in their Fall assignment for the remainder of the academic year. Students may not move their belongings into their new space until they have signed out a key to the space as Residential Life staff must be able to inspect the vacancy. However students are welcome to either store their belongings with friends or in the common room of their new suite/apartment or take them home.

Phone: (401) 863-3500

Please contact the Office of Residential Life with any questions:

Fax: (401) 863-1331

revised 03.20.06 cam

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