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The Brubaker Buzz
I S S U E 2 A U G U S T 2 8 , 2 0 0 9

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• people A Look Back

• said
Wow, what a busy this week, we reinforced 2nd worked on understanding the
• they week! We got into 3rd grade grade skills of addition and scientific process (method)
full swing this week. While is subtraction with regrouping. and conducted a plant experi-
• happen does take a few days to get We also added in subtracting ment. During writing, we
accustomed to 3rd grade ex- with zeros in the top number. worked on understanding how
• million pectations, our class seems to So far the students are doing to use a graphic organizer and
be adjusting well. We are really well. We read chapters turning it in to a rough draft.
• hurry continuing to work on begin- 1-4 of Horrible Harry Moves We also completed a final
ning work immediately and to Third Grade in reading. writing called How I Spent
• ladder following and listening to We My Summer Vacation. Stop
directions the first time. Re- by and check out our writing
• hammer inforcing the importance of in the hallway. If you get a
following directions at school chance, go to the class web-
• little is always appreciated. We site and fill out the short sur-
have begun our assignment vey if you haven’t already. If
• puddle books. You will continue to you don’t have access to
see those come home each internet, drop me a note and I
• lesson night; please be sure to sign can help. The website is
them. Homework in math www.brubakerbuzz.blogspot.
• balloon will also continue to come com . Thank you!
home each Tuesday and
• drill Thursday. Help your student worked on character traits,
remember to bring back math summarizing, and finding the
books every day. In math, setting. In science, we


Book Orders due

A Peek to Next Week
9/18/09 Next week will prove to be check up (test) on Friday to will begin working on “All
No School 9/7/09 just as busy! You will notice end up the week. During About Me” papers. I antici-
that each week will be as busy reading, we will bring Horri- pated starting this week, how-
as or busier than the previous ble Harry to a close with ever we ran a little behind
Spelling Pre-test
one. We will continue to chapters 5 – 7, some thick and schedule. Again, these al-
8/31/09 Study!
work on addition and subtrac- thin questions, and a final ways end up being fascinating
Spelling test 9/3 tion regrouping, strategies, project to compile everything papers! I can’t wait for you to
and word problems with a we learned. In writing, we be able to read them. We will
begin working on a unit in
science learning about plants,

Next Week Cont.

plant parts, and their jobs. study the spelling words for
Another milestone for next the pre-test on Monday.
week will be the bringing
home of portfolios. Your
child will begin bringing
that home on Thursday of
each week. There will be a
paper in the front with notes
from me and a place for you
to sign. Please make sure
those come back Friday
morning as we use them
every day. Don’t forget to

Ask Me, I Know!

Ask your child these ques- _____ Identify and Control What is the setting of the
tions to reinforce what we Variables(3) story?
'It is today we learned this week. The an- _____ Form a testable ques- What are character traits?
must create the swers are here also so you tion and hypothesis (1) Name three of Harry’s char-
can help them if they get _____ Collect Data(4) acter traits.
world of the
stuck. This is a great way _____Experiment and In- Show how to subtract 100 –
future.' Eleanor for them to teach you what vestigate(2) 56 =_______
Roosevelt they learned in class this _____ Interpret Data(5)
week! The more they teach _____ Communicate(6)
something to someone, the
better they know it.
Put the steps of The Scien- What are the steps of the
tific Process in order. writing process?


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