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Name____________________________________ Class____________________ 2nd 9 Weeks Review Unit 4 1.

Which document of the new United States made the national government weak? 2. Under this governing document, what made the National Govt weak? 3. Which government did the document give more power to than the national government? 4. The Constitutional Convention was held in _______________ (city/state)? 5. In the Virginia Plan highly populated states wanted to have representation in the legislative branch to be based on what? 6. The New Jersey Plan wanted representative in the legislative branch for the lesser populated state to be based on what? 7. How was the issue over representation in the legislature decided? 8. What is a bicameral legislature? 9. How did the southern states wanted to count the slaves for the purpose of representation in the legislature? 10. What was Georgia's position on the issue of counting slaves for purposes of representation in the new government? 11. What compromise during the Constitutional Convention decided the issue of counting of slaves as part of a states population to determine representation in the House of Representatives? 12. Name the 3 branches of govt in the national govt? 13. Explain the concept of separation of powers in the National Government. 14. Which branch of the government has the responsibility of carrying out and enforcing laws? 15. Which branch of the government has the responsibility of making laws? 16. Which branch in government contains a system of courts? What is the responsibility of this branch? 17. Who is in charge of the executive branch? 18. Why did Georgia choose to ratify the constitution? 19. The Georgia constitution of 1777 created a _______ legislature. 20. Under the 1777 Georgia constitution, Georgias _________ branch was strongest? 21. We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. What document is this from? What is this statement known as? 22. List the rights guaranteed as 1st Amendment Rights 23. Define due process. Which Constitutional amendment guarantees due process? Unit 5 24. What was the first land grant university in the United States?

25. As Georgias population grew during the early 1800s, it generally expanded in which direction? 26. In 1796, where did Georgia move its capital? What legislation came out of this capital city? 27. Name GAs 5 capital cities in the order in which they served as the state capital. 28. In the late 1700s and early 1800s which two religions spread through Georgia? 29. What were the two methods of land distribution during the expansion period? 30. What scandal caused Georgia to cede the land west of the Chattahoochee to the US govt? 31. What two states were made from the ceded land? 32. What was the important and lasting result of this whole land scandal for the state of GA? 33. In the early 1800s, _______________ invented a machine to process raw cotton. 34. What invention led to an increase in the use of slave labor? Briefly explain why the use of slave labor increased. 35. What methods of transportation affected the city of Atlanta during the 1800s? 36. What things were important to the development of Atlanta during the early 1800s? 37. What type of engine became widespread during the 1800s and was used in locomotives and ships to provide power 38. Where was the first gold rush in the US? 39. What were the two main Native American tribes in Georgia? 40. In 1825 the Cherokee moved their permanent capital to what city? 41. The discovery of _______ near Dahlonega led to the removal of Cherokees from the North Georgia 42. Who developed the alphabet of the Cherokee language? 43. Which Native American tribe had a sophisticated government, a written language, and a newspaper? 44. What was the name given to the removal of the Cherokee? 45. Where were the Cherokee sent to during Indian Removal? 46. Which Cherokee chief brought a petition of 15,000 signatures to the Georgia government in an attempt to stop the removal of the Cherokee? 47. In this Supreme Court case, Chief Justice John Marshall ruled that Cherokee territory was not subject to state law. 48. Who said, John Marshall has rendered his decision; now let him enforce it. What did he mean by this statement? 49. Which Creek leader signed a treaty with the US government by which the Creek gave up all their land east of the Oconee River. 50. Which Creek leader signed a treaty with the government to sell the last remaining Creek lands in Georgia? What happened to him as a result? Unit 6 and 7 51. Define Manifest Destiny. 52. What were the main differences between the Northern and Southern states in the antebellum period?

53. What is the concept of States Rights? 54. What was the purpose of nullification? 55. What did the Missouri Compromise establish? 56. List all things the Compromise of 1850 did. 57. How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act affect the Missouri Compromise? 58. Explain the Georgia Platform. 59. How was the idea of popular sovereignty connected to the debate over slavery? 60. Who was Dred Scott? Why was he important? 61. Who was elected president in 1860? What did the Southern States do because of his election? 62. What was the name of the country formed by the seceding southern states? 63. Who were the President and Vice-President of the CSA? 64. The commander of the southern troops was ___________________? 65. What do we call the Northern states during this time period? 66. What was the Northern War strategy called? 67. What was the single bloodiest day of the Civil War/ 68. What battle was considered the turning point of the war? 69. Why would the North want to capture Atlanta? 70. What did Sherman do after he captured Atlanta? 71. Who led the March to the Sea? What was the purpose of this March? 72. What was the name of the prisoner of war prison in Georgia? 73. Who won the Civil War? 74. Define: Secession Yankees Antebellum Emancipation Proclamation Abolition

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