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Norley NewsDecember 2013 & January 2014 1

18th Dec Acton Bridge

19th Dec Delamere Park
20 Dec Norley
Christmas Walk Competition!
See the centre pages for a suggested great walk around
Norley. Just the thing for blowing the Christmas cobwebs
away! You will see there is a quiz in the centre pages. You
need to do the walk to answer the questions. Enter the quiz to
win valuable prizes!
Vouchers for the Village Stores - 25, 15, 10!!!
The walk goes past the Tigers Head present your part
finished quiz, to get a lunchtime discount on food!
See the centre pages for more details!
Santa made a guest appearance to switch on the lights. He
arrived on a tractor pulled sleigh sleigh courtesy of the
Delamere Forest 41 Club, who also invited Santa. Santa also
helped the 41 club collect for two charities St Lukes
Hospice and The Joshua Tree. The tractor was provided
thanks to Tom Ford.
Many very excited children were gathered for the switch on
and as Santa approached the tree for the big moment he
attracted quite a crowd of star stuck youngsters. To the young
readers of Norley News Santa had a special message, he said:
Be happy and be very good!
The tree came from Mrs Walkers on Finger Post Lane and
was kindly installed by Harry Stubbs, Joe Littler, Joe Griesau
and John Whitlow.
Santa will join the 41 Club again later in December as he
visits the local lanes on his sleigh between 5.30 8pm on the
following dates:
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Mays a Winner!
May Cleverley was the
lucky winner of the
Village Halls Christmas
raffle. She won a large
hamper of festive goodies,
mostly bought from the
village shop. Our pictures
show Dave drawing the
winning ticket, and May
receiving her hamper.
Many thanks to all those
who bought tickets we
managed to raise about
150 for the Village Hall.

The Long March
A beautiful October day saw a troupe of local people set off
from Burwardsley to Norley on the Trek for Toilets, for the
Village Hall.
The lovely walk took them through some beautiful
countryside, and there were stops for refreshment along the
Noreen Ashbrook, Penny Clarke and others did a great job of
the organisation, and the Hall is grateful to all walkers,
marshals etc. you know who you are who took part, raised
money and helped make the day a success.
The money is not all in yet but looks set to raise more than
1000 for much needed new toilets for the hall.
Putting their best foot forward for the Village Hall
Norley NewsDecember 2013 & January 2014 3

The Stores New Times
Dave and Mary have asked us to confirm their slightly
changed opening hours, effective from now;
Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri: 8am7pm
Wed, Sat, Sun: 8am1pm

Raising Funds For The
Christie At Christmas
Local resident Safiya Parker - who writes for the NN on
health matters - hosted on 2 November what is becoming a
traditional event at her home - selling Christmas goods to
raise money for the Christie. This year, an impressive
788.70 was raised - more than 300 up on the previous
Safiya's aunt, Kay Morris, makes new Christmas cards by
recycling materials from old ones. This year she hand made a
massive 1,400 cards, which she sold at 50p each. She also
makes Christmas gifts, by buying quality goods such as
toiletries at knockdown prices, and by collecting donated
goods such as toiletries. These she repackages as attractive
gifts, and resells. It's not hard to see just how much hard work
Kay puts in to this. She runs around 10 sales events a year,
including the one in Norley. With help from her husband
David, she sells cakes and drinks at the events too. 100% of
profits go to the Christie. Kay and Safiya are both very keen
to express heartfelt thanks to the people of Norley, who have
so generously supported them.
It's fantastic that people like Kay find so much time to raise
money for causes like this. We are lucky to have such
people. Norley residents can help Kay in future years: by
going to the event and buying things of course - but also by
collecting used Christmas and birthday cards and,
Wait For It . . . Wait For It!
Connecting Cheshire has revealed a fibre broadband rollout
map just seven months after the signing of a 28.5m deal
between BT and four Cheshire councils to bring fibre
broadband to 96 per cent of Cheshire.
The map shows where communities throughout the county
can expect the high-speed technology to arrive by the end of
summer 2015. Both residents and businesses can check the
map to find out more.
The map shows the many, areas already able to access
commercial fibre broadband, largely in urban areas, and those
planned to be connected under the Connecting Cheshire
programme, which will extend the network to over 80,000
premises in mainly outlying and rural communities, plus
those areas still under evaluation.
The Connecting Cheshire broadband programme will be
delivered by Openreach - BTs local network business -
building on BTs commercial investment in the county
already committed as part of its 2.5 billion overall
commercial investment in UK fibre broadband.
A massive 875 miles of fibre-optic cable will be laid more
than the distance between Lands end and John OGroats. This
will be a significant engineering challenge testing BTs
engineers to the full as they work to upgrade the countys
infrastructure, both underground and up telegraph poles, in all
weather and often at night, to minimise traffic disruption.
As a result of the programme, broadband speeds will increase
significantly, 96% of Cheshire premises will have access to
speeds of up to 80Mbps , whereas Cheshires current average
downstream speed is 16Mbps (Ofcom UK Broadband Speeds
Report; June 2013).

4 Norley News December 2013 & January 2014
particularly, the cellophane they come in. All of this will help
Kay make the most she can. Items can be dropped off with
Safiya at 39 School Bank anytime during the year.

Norley A Village Alive
Copies are available from The Stores if you're looking for a
present that's a little different.

Forest Holiday Development
Goes to a Public Inquiry
Subsequent to the Forest Holidays plan for Kingswood being
passed by CWaC Planning we have been working to ensure
that various procedures are being followed by all concerned
and have also submitted a formal complaint to CWaC
regarding aspects of the case. In addition we have submitted
a Freedom of Information request regarding certain
relationships between interested parties on which we await a
formal response - which they appear to be struggling with as
I've only had 'holding emails' back from them as they have
exceeded their time allowance on replying.
We have also lobbied the affected MP, Mr Graham Evans.
I have today (2 December)been notified that any development
cannot go ahead for the time being as the Secretary of State
has called in the application for his own determination. This
has basically resulted in the fact that a local public inquiry
will now be held in order for the secretary of state to fully
understand the case before making a decision.
This is a great outcome for Delamere Forest and is the best
we could have expected following the referral to the planning
casework unit. I shall update the website as and when I hear
of any further information - I shall also send out email
updates to all parties.
Hopefully, CADD can count on your support when the time
of the public inquiry comes.
In the meantime, if you see ANY work starting that could
relate to the development, please let us have an email with
full details of location, work etc. so that we can ensure that
any preparatory work is stopped in its tracks.
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Calling All O2 Customers
It has come to our attention that there is some interference
with the O2 signal in the Delamere,Hatchmere and Norley
area. Sue Woodland of Hatchmere has been in frequent
contact with O2 since September and has spoken to many
residents in the area regarding the signal issues everyone
has been having. O2 is trying to identify an unknown source
which is illegally interfering with the signal in our area , but
in order for them to pursue the case they must have received
a certain number of complaints to escalate the problem. To
help us resolve this issue with the reception in our area
please contact O2 and quote the case reference number:
9260771 and insist on speaking to network services so this
matter can be resolved as soon as possible. Alternatively,
please text you surname and postcode to Sue Woodland on
07734436981 if you used to have signal at your property
but no longer do, and she will pass it on to O2. Thanks for
your support.
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Food Bank
Readers will be well aware how difficult the current
economic climate is for everyone but increasingly there
are parts of our society that are struggling to fund even the
basics of life. The Norley News is not a place to discuss the
politics of this but we thought this was a good time of
year to invite our readers to support local families who are
struggling things must of course be especially hard at
We have arranged with Dave and Mary at the Stores, to
Norley NewsDecember 2013 & January 2014 5

keep a Food Bank. This means that items you purchase at
the Stores can be put to one side by Dave and Mary.
So when you do your weekly shop, perhaps you could add
an item to your list, and put something aside for those less
fortunate. All supplies will be donated to a properly
organised, bona fide food bank in the area.
We plan to run this appeal over December and January, and
we will of course let you know how it goes.
Please address any questions to the usual address,

Free Childrens Fancy Dress
Fun Run
Delamere Forest 6:20pm, Sat 14th Dec
On the 14th December Trail Kidz will be on home turf in
Delamere Forest for our Christmas fancy dress night-time
fun run and were really hoping to see lots of local kids
Trail Kidz is a charity-funded series of free, childrens
running events across the North West. Our mission is to get
kids, from toddlers to teenagers, running and show them
that exercise is fun! There is no minimum age restriction,
though children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult.
The distance is 1km and all finishers get a quality medal.
There is also an adult 10km race so if you feel inspired by
your kids you might want to have a try yourself!
To find out more and to register for Trail Kidz go to and click the Delamere Festive
Fun link. Registration is quick and easy and allows us to
make sure we order enough medals etc so no children go
away disappointed.
Event base is by the overflow car park just past the forest
visitors centre. Its going to be a busy night, with several
hundred runners in the adult race alone so please arrive
early. Please check the website close to the event for any
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Frodsham and District Choral Society will be joined this
year by the brilliant Vale Royal Schools' Concert Band in
a concert entitled 'Christmas Fanfare' which includes carols
and seasonal music on Saturday 21st December at 7.30
pm. The venue is Frodsham Community Centre. Tickets
cost 10, 5 for children under 16 and 25 for a family
ticket of 2 adults and two children. They may be obtained
by ringing Ros Rowe on 01928 733247, Val Armstrong on
01829 751867 or from Frodsham Frames on Main Street.

6 Norley News December 2013 & January 2014
Norley Neighbourhood Plan
Vision and AimsNovember 2013
Over the next 20 years Norley will continue to be a
distinctive rural parish, while evolving and expanding in a
way that respects and reflects the views of the community.
It will retain its distinctive character of clusters of housing
intersected by open countryside. There will be a wide range
of community activities and facilities including a primary
school, village hall, public houses and shop. People of all
ages will know and care for each other. Current and future
generations will enjoy a strong sense of community, a high
quality of life, and a flourishing natural environment. Local
businesses will prosper in an attractive environment.
1. Provide sufficient homes to meet the needs of the
Norley community
2. Ensure the future security of local services and the
school by providing homes that are suitable and
affordable for residents at various stages of their lives
3. Maintain the existing character of the village
4. Protect and enhance the natural environment
5. Increase access to undeveloped natural areas in the
parish, encourage involvement with the natural
environment and provide educational opportunities
6. Support the continued future of local businesses
7. Improve transport connections, infrastructure and digital
8. Provide opportunities for a wide range of community
9. Support the vibrancy and vitality of the village

To deliver these Aims we will prepare policies which are
aligned with Cheshire West and Chester Councils (CWAC)
Local Plan. When development is proposed within Norley
either by developers, private individuals or other
organisations, these policies will be referred to by CWAC
and the Government when planning decisions are made. We
will review these policies every 7 years to ensure they are
achieving the Aims as intended.
The detailed policies will be developed from the following
Through the consultations we have completed we have also
identified Projects which will make a real difference to
Norley but which may need funding, and which have not
been prioritised. These Projects are also identified within
the following Proposals.
Built Environment
Aim 1: Provide sufficient homes to meet the needs of the
Norley community
Norley wishes to see sufficient additional housing to enable
the sustainable growth of the community. This approach
will continue Norley's history of incremental growth of
housing which has contributed to its distinctive
characteristics. Sustainable growth entails a balanced
approach to meet the social, economic and environmental
ambitions of the community; both of its current inhabitants
and future generations.
Consideration will be given to the projected population
growth that the local community will naturally generate and
ensure that there is a sufficient amount and choice of
housing to meet their future needs supported by high quality
services, facilities and infrastructure. It is clear that some
additional housing is required to meet local community
needs providing it is of a scale, mix, layout, design and
quality which respects its immediate environment,
complements the characteristics of Norley and provides 88CWn MCSS
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Norley NewsDecember 2013 & January 2014 7

8 Norley News December 2013 & January 2014

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school. We will do this by seeking to achieve a balanced
portfolio of property types and sizes within the village. We
will also take into account concerns expressed by residents
about family houses being converted to very large houses.
Note: We had considered only supporting mixed
developments to include only residential properties of 3/4
bedrooms or less. However, initial consultations indicated
that this would not have the intended effect of encouraging
young families to move to Norley and use the school.
Support new developments for homes with appropriate
purchase/tenancy terms suitable for:
the elderly and / or disabled, and;
single people and young families.
Encourage redevelopment of existing properties where
The property is structurally unsound or,
The property is in need of modernisation and particularly
where it is energy inefficient and,
The new structure is sympathetic to the character of adjacent
and surrounding properties and,
The new structure is no higher than the original building and,
The new structure is no more than 130% of the original
dwelling area
Aim 3: Maintain the existing character of the village
Additional housing needs to be of a scale that continues
Norley's history of modest incremental growth, often through
infill developments, in order to protect its distinctive
characteristics. Consultations have confirmed that residents
do not wish to see suburban estate- type developments.
The location and scale of development must complement
Norley's characteristic of a low density, dispersed settlement
which has resulted in small clusters of housing built up over
time gathered along and at the intersects of the lanes that
criss-cross the parish. Importantly this settlement pattern
provides open vistas and maintains the look and feel of rural
countryside with these clusters being interwoven by
undeveloped fields and paddocks. New housing should
therefore be dispersed and small scale and should avoid
encroaching into these important open greenfield areas. It
should also be of a layout and design which reflects its rural
setting and be complementary to the scale and architectural
characteristics of its adjoining properties.
We will support development that preserves open countryside
between Norley and the surrounding parishes, and within and
between the settlements of Norley village and Hatchmere.
We will protect specified predominately undeveloped gaps of
open spaces which separate settlements and house clusters so
clear benefits to its residents.
Note: As an indicator of the scale of development which
seeks to satisfy the needs and characteristics of Norleys
dispersed environment, population growth projections
indicate 30 33 additional houses in total in Norley over the
next 22 years based on number of occupied houses as of
September 2013. This is not intended as a limit, but as an
indicator of scale.
The overall level, type and use of housing development
within the Parish should take into account current and
potential development in neighbouring towns and villages,
where large developments are now taking place or are
planned, and which may, to an extent, satisfy local needs.
Therefore the number and type of affordable homes will be
determined by Norley's needs established via a local housing
needs survey and by consideration of planned deliverable
sites within nearby housing catchment areas.
Every 7 years we will review Norleys housing needs taking
into account population projections, existing ongoing and
planned future developments within nearby housing
catchment areas, and having regard to surveys of Norleys
housing needs and to the Strategic Housing Land Availability
Assessment by CWAC.
Aim 2: Ensure the future security of local services and the
school by providing homes that are suitable and affordable
for residents at various stages of their lives
Note: From our Housing Needs Analysis by an independent
consultant (August 2013) we know that we have an age
imbalance: population growth in younger people peaked in
2001 and has declined since, whereas the number of retired
people (65 years and older) has been steadily increasing since
1971. The greatest increase is amongst persons aged over 75
years. These trends, which are mirrored nationally, are
reasonably assumed to continue over the next 20 years.
We want to recognise the needs of both the current population
age mix and a future more balanced age mix that improves
the sustainability of the community, local services and the
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Norley NewsDecember 2013 & January 2014 9

that the village retains its nature of built environment,
interspersed with open countryside
We will support development that is within the settlement
envelopes of Hatchmere and of Norley and does not result
in the loss of designated open space (we are considering
how best to determine these areas by using policy criteria
and, where appropriate, maps, and this will be the subject
of further consultation).
New small scale housing developments within or directly
adjacent to the built up areas of Norley and Hatchmere, can
Infill ( the filling of a small gap, up to 2 dwellings, in an
otherwise built up frontage in a recognized settlement)
small rural exception sites of up to 6 dwellings, including
up to 2 'market houses' where necessary to achieve the
associated affordable homes provision. (A Rural Exception
Site is a site that would not usually secure planning
permission for housing, for example on Green Belt land,
unless it is for affordable housing).
previously developed sites of a scale to meet Norley's local
housing requirements with sufficient affordable homes to
meet objectively assessed local needs as described above.
Previously developed sites (subject to their environmental
value) should have priority for new commercial or
residential development, appropriate to the rural
Redevelopments should seek to retain or enhance the
existing character of the original property. New
developments should blend into their environment whilst
reflecting the immediate surrounding character, and should
incorporate the variety of building scale and design of the
current built environment.. Further use of the traditional
building materials currently present in Norley is
encouraged. All new development, as well as incorporating
new tree planting and landscaping schemes, should be
designed to safeguard any existing significant trees
including allowing sufficient distance between them and
new buildings to avoid later pressure for their removal.
We will aim to protect and enhance the school playing field
and other specified open spaces which are defined as Local
Green Space. (Local Green Space designation is a way to
provide special protection against development for green
areas of particular importance to local communities).
Aim 4: Protect and enhance the natural environment in
Norley Parish
The settlements and wider countryside of the parish contain
features of significant local wildlife value and some are of
international importance. There are two Sites of Special
Scientific Interest (Hatchmere and Flaxmere) and four Local
Wildlife Sites (Wickentree, Breech Moss, Beech Lane
Woods and Meadows, and Big Woods)
Enhance, and maintain existing protected habitats and
identify new protected Buffer Zones and Wildlife Corridors
within the Parish in collaboration with landowners and other
stakeholders in the Parish. Development will be prevented in
these areas, including Buffer Zones and Wildlife Corridors.
(which will be shown on a map).
Carry out a review and assessment of the status of Breech
Moss as a Local Wildlife Site and establish a restoration
plan. (This will aim to be completed before the
neighbourhood plan is published because the status of
Breech Moss as a protected area may otherwise be
All proposals for development adjoining statutorily
protected areas will be assessed so they do not lead to a
negative impact on biodiversity in the protected areas.
Project: Restoration of Breech Moss (likely possible at no
cost using volunteers)
Aim 5: Increase access to natural areas in the parish,
encourage involvement with the natural environment and
provide educational opportunities.

10 Norley News December 2013 & January 2014
We aim to establish close links with the school and other
academic institutions who could benefit from working on
selected Norley sites, including the provision of voluntary
support to work with Cheshire Wildlife Trust (CWT) and
other bodies on the Delameres Lost Mosses Project as it
impacts sites within Norley (Flaxmere and Wickentree), and
identifies buffer zones and wildlife corridors for these areas.
(This is a funded project managed by CWT which aims to
restore Delameres lost meres and mosses to create a living
landscape where wildlife can thrive, disperse and
Project: Identify and obtain land and resources to develop a
village wildflower haven for the enjoyment of current and
future generations of residents and visitors. (requires a
location and funding)
Infrastructure and Business
Aim 6 & 7: Support the continued future of local
businesses; Improve transport connections, infrastructure
and digital communications.
To promote the on-going prosperity of the Parish it is
important that Norley retains and provides local services
that will sustain the vitality of the community and
encourage local spending. Any receipts received from New
Homes Bonus and Community Infrastructure Levy will be
used to deliver projects listed below (and in the other
sections of this document) and, where necessary, planning
obligations will be used to address the impacts of
development proposals.
New developments should make provision for high-speed
broadband to serve them
Projects: Consultations on our Neighbourhood Plan have
identified the following key projects in relation to this topic.
These projects are in addition to the Plans land use policies
and will be included in the Plan as a focus for community
action. They have not been prioritized.
A road network which provides safe transport routes and
hence, inherently, limits speeds to reflect local
environmental conditions including;
Reduction of speed limit in Blakemere Lane / Delamere
Improvements for pedestrian safety at School Bank near
The Stores.
Provision of local transport facilities which reflect the
specific need of parishioners: e.g. a bus service providing
destination and route timings that reflect real demand;
Extension of the existing footpath network to develop a
circular walk which will attract visitors to community
facilities and provide education and learning opportunities
(possible link to wildflower haven and some Local Wildlife
Sites described above).
Support availability of super-fast high-speed broadband to
all within the community, therefore;
Community and Social
Aims 8 & 9: Provide opportunities for a wide range of
community activities; Support the vibrancy and vitality of
the village.
The retention and development of local services and
community facilities such as the village hall, public houses
and shops will be supported.
New developments will address the impact they are likely to
have on local facilities. Proposals should demonstrate how
any impacts will be addressed.
Development that supports the vibrancy and vitality of
Norley village by diversifying and enhancing commercial
services for the local community will be supported, within
the Neighbourhood Plan policies.
The loss of shops and related commercial services for the
local community will be resisted unless it can be
demonstrated that reasonable efforts have been made to
secure their continued use for these purposes.
Projects: Consultation has identified the following key
projects on this topic
The Village Hall and associated childrens play area should
be maintained and enhanced as the community requires, in
order to sustain and improve those facilities (as being
managed by JNCOT)
Provision of excellent new leisure facilities including a
football pitch, swimming pool, tennis court, and outdoor
green spaces for the use of people of all ages.
Facilities for young people (to meet, socialise and make
Easy access to health care and advice in Norley by
providing space and facilities in an upgraded Village Hall
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Norley Neighbourhood Plan
Biodiversity Group.
During the last few months we have made good progress.
Working with Plantlife, we are in the process of surveying
and recording the variety and distribution of wildflowers in
the Parish.
We are waiting for the Woodland Trust to give us a date for
a training course to enable us to identify any ancient trees in
100 Club Winners
for November
No 102 - Barbara Buckley & No 68 - Sheila Summers.
Norley NewsDecember 2013 & January 2014 11

Anne Crawford drew the map and designed the quiz on
pages 1214. Further copies of the map are available from
The Stores, price 1. Proceeds to be donated to a charity of
Anne's choice. Have Fun!
Continued on page 15
Top Tips to Avoid Over Eating
at Christmas
CHRISTMAS is a time for celebration and merriment and
sometimes a time for piling on several chocolate boxes in
extra weight.
During the festivities the average person puts on 5lbs, with
most people complaining of feeling bloated and overweight.
But it doesnt have to be this way in 2013. We can all enjoy
some of what we fancy over the festive season if we work it
off with exercise later.
In fact, new research reveals that keeping fit actually affects
how much we eat in the first place.
A Harvard University study comparing dieting and keep fit
for weight loss found that physical exercise encourages a
healthy diet.
This is the season to enjoy a little over-indulgence but its
also a time to keep up the exercise.
Here we bring you Claire Darlingtons Top 5 tips to
After Christmas, volunteers will be needed for some
maintenance work on Breech Moss. This is common land.
Our aim is to leave the Moss looking exactly the same from
outside, but to clear the canopy in the centre, where patches
of Sphagnum Moss are the only remnants of the original
quaking bog, which has become overgrown with self-
seeded trees. With the help and guidance of Cheshire
Wildlife Trust, we hope to remove Japanese Knotweed,
Himalayan Balsam, Rhododendrons and some birch trees.
Please take part in the RSPB Winter Birdwatch over the
weekend 24/25 January 2014 it only takes one hour and
keep a copy of your records for our own database. These
can be e-mailed to or
leave a paper copy at the shop.
We live in an extremely ecologically rich area; lets look
after it for ourselves and for future generations. If you
would like to be involved and have not signed up already at
the Garden Show either e-mail Sheila or call me on
The next meeting of the Biodiversity group is on Thursday
23rd January 2014 at 7.30pm at The Tigers Head
1'-A.$ B",:>$55
Seasons Greetings
A very Happy Christmas and best wishes for the new year
ahead to all the people of Norley and surrounding areas
especially those who know and remember me. This is to let
you know that I will be thinking of you during the festive
period ahead and I have not forgotten the great friendships
we had together over so many years.
With much love Sylvia (Clarke)

Do you need a tutor in
English or English
I have 25 years experience of teaching
English and English Literature at
secondary level up to A level standard. As
a former head of English and Deputy Head
I have taught young people of all ages and
abilities. I am fully CRB checked (2013).
I can tutor you in:
Improving your
knowledge of
Writing skills
Reading skills
Preparing for
assessments at
Preparing for A level coursework
Carol Harte 07411 310194 or
The Mapmaker

The Norley
Christmas Quiz Entry Form


Phone No.

Attach to your answer sheet (page 14) and
hand in at The Stores, Norley

12 Norley News December 2013 & January 2014

Norley NewsDecember 2013 & January 2014 13

14 Norley News December 2013 & January 2014

Norley NewsDecember 2013 & January 2014 15

exercising over the festive period and reducing the bloating
Christmas Dinner
The average Christmas dinner, including starter, trimmings,
puddings, cream, brandy butter, cheese and biscuits and
booze comes to a massive 6500 calories. Its unlikely youll
be able to burn off all these in one sitting. But its worth
keeping this high-calorie dinner at the back of your mind in
January work off the calories bit by bit. Over a four-week
period we suggest: A 30-minute run twice each week. One
run = 450 calories X 8 = 3600 calories. Cycling or mountain
biking at a moderate pace for 40 minutes twice each week =
365 calories X 8 = 2920 calories.
Party food
A slice of pepperoni pizza amounts to around 180 calories.
Put on your favourite tunes and dance about the living room
for half an hour to see off all the calories. A handful of
roasted peanuts equals 155 calories. Swimming for 22
minutes at a moderate pace will put paid to this indulgence.
Two mini sausage rolls amount to 108 calories. Just 17
minutes of shovelling snow or 35 minutes of housework
will bust these treats. One mince pie is 215 calories. Burn it
off with 15 minutes of jogging.
A handful of crisps and a serving of creamy pesto dip is 200
calories. Jump on the ski machine at the gym and work out
for 20 minutes. A handful of olives adds up to 60 calories.
Just 10 minutes of running around in the park playing
Frisbee with the kids will see off this healthy snack.
Two breadsticks with cream cheese dip equals 85 calories.
Ease your conscience with a 10-minute power walk.
A glass of Baileys adds up to 130 calories. Go for the fat-
burn with 15 minutes of skipping, broken up into three five-
minute sessions.
A small glass of champagne is 130 calories. So spend half
an hour practising circuit training.
A large glass of red wine will total some 250 calories. If
you go at your Christmas shopping at a brisk pace and walk
to a wide spread of shops youll see off the calories in an
Sweet Treats
A slice of chocolate log is 120 calories. Energetic boxing on
your Wii for around 20 minutes will see off the calories.
Four Quality Street sweets amounts to a stunning 207
calories. You can work this off with 50 minutes of vigorous
housework, like mopping or vacuuming.
A slice of Christmas cake adds up to 250 calories. See these
off with 30 minutes of mountain biking, taking in several
Drink plenty of water to keep you hydrated. If you do drink
alcohol, remember to alternate every alcoholic drink with a
glass of water and please dont drink on an empty stomach.
Best to have a healthy snack before you go to the party as it
will also prevent you from snacking on unhealthy party
food. Dandelion tea is a great herbal tea to drink throughout
the days when you know youre going to be out and about,
partying and drinking alcohol at night, as it helps to
detoxify the liver
Come and join Claire and her team in their January Detox
one day event to really kick start you when you are feeling
lethargic and bloated. See her website for more details

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16 Norley News December 2013 & January 2014
Merry Christmas
I really cant believe that we are at the
end of another year (and 1/3 of the
way through an academic year). There
has been a great deal to celebrate at Norley CE Primary
School in 2013.
We are very proud of our children and their achievements.
The older children secured 100% pass rate in the National
tests at the end of key stage 2 and exceeded the national
average in higher than expected levels achieved. Its not all
work and no play! We have won the local tag rugby
tournament and represented Helsby in the following round
of the competition. Four children have taken part in the
Young Mathematicians Award and were one of three
successful schools going through to a regional final.
Alongside all of this the children and their families have
raised 180 by holding a coffee morning for Macmillan,
over 200 for Children in Need, 800 for an orphanage in
Malawi and they have made up Christmas shoe boxes for
children less fortunate than themselves.
Christmas preparations are in full swing including
rehearsals for our Christmas production What Christmas
Means to Me. This play and our Christingle in church are a
fantastic opportunity to celebrate Christmas together with
the children. Please join us if you can.
What Christmas Means to Me
Wednesday 11th December at 1.30pm and 6.30pm
Thursday 12th December at 1.30pm and 6.30pm
In St Johns Church, Norley
Wednesday 18th December at 2pm
Christmas Blessings from us all at Norley CE Primary
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Norley WI
Thursday 14th Nov 2013
Norley WI held its Annual
General Meeting on Thursday,
14th November 2013. The members were pleased to re-
elect Helen Ebbitt as their president, who announced that
Gill Harrison, Carol Love and Mary Ramskill were standing
down from the committee. The president thanked them for
all their dedication and hard work over the last year and
welcomed Anne Boot, Pat Rugg, Jane Holmes and Lynda
Sturt to the committee.
The food bank collection had so far been a great success.
Over 10 kilos of food had been donated. Norley WI will
continue supporting the Food Bank all through December.
This years Competition Cup was won by Diana West -
shown here proudly holding her trophy with Joan Birchall
coming second.
The monthly competition is usually based on the talk given
by the guest speaker, who also acts as the judge. Points are
awarded for each entry, added up at the end of the year and
the member with the highest score wins the Cup.
This months guest speaker was Alison Lord from the
Hartford WI. Alison is a fully qualified NFWI Craft Judge
and did not so much give a talk as put Norley WI members
craft skills to the test.
The task was to produce a Suffolk Puff Christmas Tree.

Norley NewsDecember 2013 & January 2014 17

This patchwork Christmas tree is made from seven different
sized circles, each one threaded with a running stich, filled
with toy stuffing and finally put on a wooden skewer with a
pom-pom glued to the top. Sounds easy enough; but lets
just say that some members felt their crafts skills were
tested to their limits. Some members reported that cries of
Ive drawn blood! were heard at one time. However,
every member rose to the challenge and many a lovely tree
was produced that evening.
Dates for your Diary
Christmas Dinner on Saturday, 7th December. 6.30 pm for
Pantomime on Thursday, 12th December at Norley Village
New Years Walk on January 4th

There have been an increased number of reports about loose
animals on the roads. This is usual at this time of the year
with hedgerows dying back, fallen branches making gaps in
hedges and gates blowing open. Firstly, I would urge all
land and livestock owners to check the security of field
boundaries it is a criminal offence to allow livestock to
wander onto the road! Secondly, drivers should consider the
seasonal hazards when driving, and adjust their speed to the
conditions and likely obstructions.
We have had another report about a mobile phone scam
where offenders obtain persons personal details and order a
phone which is delivered to the persons address. The
offenders then contact the person, pretending to be from the
phone company, saying it was dispatched in error and try to
arrange to call at the address to collect the phone! Offenders
will often go through peoples rubbish bins to obtain
personal details in order to carry out such scams. Please buy
a shredder and shred any unwanted letters which contain
your personal details.
Early November, a lady had her purse stolen whilst out
shopping in Frodsham. Two offenders, who are well known
to the police for this type of offence, from the Chester and
Ellesmere Port area, have been arrested for this offence.
Please ensure that you keep your purse or wallet properly
secure whilst out and about.
There have been two daytime burglary dwellings mid
November. One in Newton, Frodsham and the other in
Hallfields Road, Tarvin. A further attempted burglary
occurred at Foxhill Close in Sandiway. Please keep an eye
on your neighbours houses if you know they are out and
report any suspicious activity.
Due to this seasonal increase in theft offences which are
occurring all days of the week, there has been an increase in
the number of patrols dedicated to the main targeted areas.
There have been quite a number of reports of suspicious
activity which patrols have been able to attend to
immediately, with a number of persons being stopped and
searched. I am confident that this activity has deterred a
number of offences from happening. One resident reported
an unusual car parked up in Tarporley, the occupants of
whom seemed to be watching the local houses this turned
out to be police officers! This demonstrates good
observations from residents about unusual activity we
would much rather people report this kind of thing, than
wait until a burglary has happened and then be told I
thought that car looked suspicious!
There is always an increase in thefts and burglaries on the
approach to Christmas Criminals need extra cash, and
there is also increased opportunity as people have extra
valuables in their cars and homes, whilst also leaving them
clearly unoccupied! Please take extra precautions at this
time of year, to make sure that you dont become a victim.
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18 Norley News December 2013 & January 2014
Draft Minutes of Norley
Parish Council Meeting
14/10/13, 7pm Norley Primary School.
63. Apologies
Councillor Taylor and Cheshire West & Chester Councillor
Oultram sent their apologies.
64. Present
Councillor Ford, Councillor Wild, Councillor Duncalf,
Councillor Crawford, Councillor Johnston, Councillor
Stockton, Councillor Harvey and Councillor OConnor
attended the meeting along with 7 Parishioners.
65. Declarations of Interest
Councillor Harvey declared an interest in Min No. 70 (iii),
Councillor Johnston declared an interest in Min No. 73 (ii),
neither of these councillors took part in any discussion
concerning these issues.
66. Public Speakers
Keith Kenyon asked the Council whether they had heard
anything from Aspinall Architects concerning the planning
application 13/03722/OUT? The chairman informed him that
this application has been withdrawn and that the Parish
Council had not been informed whether another application
was being prepared for this site.
67. Approval of Norley Parish Council Minutes of 03/09/13
The minutes of 03/09/13 were approved.
68. Approval of Norley Parish Council Minutes of 12/09/13
The minutes of 12/09/13 were approved.
69. Parish Council Vacancy.
Following the resignation of Parish Councillor Davidson and
Parish Councillor Brewin, 2 vacancies had been advertised by
the clerk, as no Election had been called the Parish Council
co oped Ian Stockton & Terry Harvey on to the Parish
Council. These Councillors signed their acceptance to office
and returned the forms to the clerk. The chairman welcomed
these Councillors on to the Parish Council.
70. Matters arising form the minutes of Norley Parish Council
meeting of 03/09/13
(i) Clerk awaiting reply from Street Scene on the date that the
3rd planter will arrive in the village. Norley C of E School
has approached the clerk to request a planter. Clerk has
enquired whether the village can have a 4th planter, and is
waiting for a response from Street Scene.
(ii) Clerk has completed the Parish Council Website. Clerk
instructed to forward details to allow members to view
content prior to making it available to the public.
(iii) Clerk received notification from Rob Fryer that the
planning application for the old Jewish School site has not yet
been submitted to Cheshire West & Chester Council. He is
hopeful this will be submitted soon and he will attend the
Parish Council meeting on 28/11/13 to brief the Parish
(iv) Work has been undertaken to resolve flooding at Breech
(v) The Parish Council bank account is now official,
following all Councillors taking the ID to the Nat west Bank
(vi) Councillor Ford provided an update from the Community
Governance meeting he had attended at Cheshire West and
Chester Council, explaining the proposals and that
consultations will take place with all parishioners which may
be affected by these proposals
71. Matters arising from the Parish Council Meeting of
No matters had arisen from these minutes.
72. Planning Applications
(i) 13/03916/FUL Highview Cottage School Lane single
storey extension to side and rear - amendment to application
12/04942/FUL Norley Parish Council had no objection.
13/0377/S73 Field House Farm Post Office Lane Norley,
removal of agricultural condition Norley Parish Council
enquired whether there is a section 106 agreement on this site
or at Five Oaks Farm which may be linked to this property?
We do not want to be in a position where we have 40 acres of
land with no house and then yet another planning application
on this land comes forward.
13/02909/FUL 2 Fern Cottages Post Office Lane single
story side extension, rebuilding of existing conservatory and
raise height of garage roof - Norley Parish Council had no
objection to this application.
(ii) Councillor Johnston asked members to consider holding a
Parish Council meeting to discuss and agree a Parish Council
response in regard to CWAC Draft Local Plan. Clerk
instructed to book this meeting on 28/10/13 at Norley
Methodist Church. Councillor Johnston agreed to forward a
copy of NP response to this consultation, to Parish Council
members prior to this meeting.
(iii) Norley Parish Council agreed to form a Planning Sub
Committee made up of Councillor Ford, Councillor Johnston,
Councillor OConnor, Councillor Harvey and Councillor
Stockton. This committee shall have designated authority to
agree the Parish Council response in regard to future Planning
Applications. The terms of reference for this meeting to be
agreed at the Parish Council Meeting due on 28/10/13. Clerk
to invite Councillor Taylor to join this committee.
73. Decisions received from Cheshire West & Chester
(i) 13/02387/OUT Land between Delamere Forest Inn and
Rose Mount, outline application for 1 detached dwelling,
permitted subject to conditions.
13/02909/FUL Hawthorne Cottage School Lane, 2 Story
extension to side and rear, permitted subject to conditions
13/03057/FUL 7 Foresters Close, 2 storey and single storey
rear extension, extension of boundary wall to replace fence
and new outbuilding, permitted subject to conditions.
13/01171/FP 19 School Bank single story side/rear extension,
permitted subject to conditions.
13/02699/FUL 2 story dwelling land adjacent to West Winds,
Fingerpost Lane, permitted subject to conditions.
(ii) Clerk instructed to obtain further information concerning
the appeal in regard to planning application 13/00982/FUL to
enable them to discuss and agree their response to this appeal.
Clerk instructed to place this as an agenda item at the Parish
Council Meeting on 28/10/13. The Council rejected an
invitation from Parishioners to share the cost of employing a
Planning Consultant to support this area of work.
74. Neighbourhood Plan.
Councillor Johnston apologised to the Council for informing
Norley Neighbourhood Plan Committee that Norley Parish
Council felt they had no responsibility in regard to the
Neighbourhood Plan. This was incorrect, members are aware
of their responsibilities.
Councillor Johnston provided an update for NP meeting of
25/09/13, informing members that the Vision and Aims
statement has been amended, he will forward a copy to all
Parish Council Members. The NP Committee intend to
conduct a public consultation in November, clerk has been
asked to offer her support. The Committee has received
funding of 7000 from Community Development Foundation.
Parish Council agreed to apply for this funding. Clerk to
inform Becky Brewin that Councillor Ford will complete this
Norley NewsDecember 2013 & January 2014 19

20 Norley News December 2013 & January 2014
form, and asks that she liaises with him in regard to this.
Parish Council agreed to transfer 7000 to NP Committee as
soon as this payment is received.
75. Correspondence
Letter received from Mr & Mrs Shepherd in regard to
planning application 13/00325/OUT, letter read aloud for the
benefit of members.
76. Accounts
(i) Payment of 26.77 Mrs M Rosney for clerks expenses for
September passed for payment.
(ii) Payment of 59.00 HMRC for September passed for
(iii) Payment of 235.50 Mrs M Rosney clerks salary for
September passed for payment.
77. Common Land & Community Land Trusts
Clerk informed members that it is not possible to register
common land as a Community Land Trust.
78. Listing of Hedges and buildings and community Assets.
Clerk informed members of the process of applying for
hedges to be classed as important hedges as per Hedges
Regulations Act 1977.
NP Committee are currently considering Community Assets
in the village, as part of the NP process.
79. Any Other Business.
(i) Clerk instructed to contact Trading Standards to ascertain
whether the village can have No Door Stop Selling Zone
(ii) Clerk to place The Employment of Planning Consultants,
as an agenda item for Parish Council Meeting of 28/11/13.
The Meeting finished at 9.30pm
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Advertising & Editorial Info

Please send your ads or pictures as JPEGs, not Word docs.
Title them so we can identify them. Please title your email
with your name/organisation name so we whose is whose
All new or single advertisers please pay up front or ask for
a pro forma invoice.
All contributions (as a simple text document), compliments
(and complaints) to Penny Clarke, 2 The Spinney, WA6
8LS, tel 787496, email
Do let us know if any contact details need updating, or if
you wish to add email addresses or website details.
All copy and adverts for the next issue to be with us by the
date on the cover page News Inside.
Thanks To All Our Sponsors
for supporting Norley News. We do obtain money from our
advertisers and the Parish Council makes a small
contribution towards the cost of community advertising, but
it is sponsorship money that makes it possible to produce 10
issues a year. So, if any reader wishes to become a sponsor
and help us in the continuing development of the News,
please contact Penny Clarke 2 The Spinney, Norley,
WA6 8LS, tel 787496, email or
look out for the Sponsorship Form printed when space
Frodsham & District Choral Society
The Wednesday Club Liz & Tony Lavin
Mary Ramskill Helen Welburn
Joan Hunt Murry Stewart
Norley NewsDecember 2013 & January 2014 21

Tony & Katy Simpson Bob & Ruth Downes
Norley Bowling Club Norley WI
Judith Hull Darren & Jane Stubbs
Bill & Libby Appleton Sophie & Martin Gambrell
Mrs I Preston James & Megan Posnett
Pauline & Mike Kay Barbara Jones
Marie Cliff Mary Owen
Rosamund Walley Betty Ashbrook
Neville & Val Barker Norley Methodist Church
Liz Robinson Sue & Steve Fullerton
Eric & Vivienne Waugh Norley Parish Council
Sylvia Clarke Lynn & Jeff Mather
Brenda & Mike Widdall Mr K Pace
Gill & Mark Beesley Mary & John
Michael & Helen Ebbitt John Patten
Pat Dixon Peter Lewis
John & Gill Lunt Jon Wild
Anon (x12)
Community Classifieds
PUBS: Tigers Head 01928 788309 ~ Carriers Inn 01928
Chinese Restaurant:~ Fortune Palace ~ Eat in or out (No
delivery) 01928 788293/Fax 01928 787682
Holland Pharmacy ~ 01928 788559
Electrician:~ SWP Electrics 01928 740415 or 01928 740237
Electrician ~ Kingsley Electrical, Frank Pilgrim 01928
788971, 07711 258677
General Household maintenance, rubbish removal, general
joinery ~ Munroe & Son 01928 787025 or 07875 304664
Property Repairs:~ Mike Kay 787292 ~ ALL EXTERIOR &
The Ovencleaners ~Lorraine~ 01928 723 906 or 0795 8610
403 or

22 Norley News December 2013 & January 2014

"#$ %&''($)*+$ , -&./'0 123/ 1el: 07747 630371
We provlde a professlonal and personal servlce Lo domesLlc and buslness users, offerlng an aL home or collecLlon servlce coverlng any aspecL of compuLer repalrs,
upgrades, new sysLem seL ups, broadband or wlreless problems. Cenulne advlce and no call ouL fees.

4&(. 2++5 , 6&$(+7 2#7& , -+8& "$/*&#9 1el: 01928 733020
Cur Care Clvers provlde help from a couple of hours a week Lo 24 hours, Seven days a week.
Servlces lnclude: cleanlng, meal preparaLlon, medlcaLlon remlnders, convalescence supporL, slL ln or Lake ouL servlce, personal care.

6*&:&$ 2;7<&.. , => ?&/()$ @*9 1el: 01928 788738
18 ueslgn LLd ls a local archlLecLural pracLlce. We have experlence ln plannlng and bulldlng appllcaLlons for numerous flelds of deslgn and consLrucLlon, from
conLemporary Lo LradlLlonal, boLh large and small, always maklng Lhe mosL of Lhe bulldlngs space & surroundlngs uslng varled and sympaLheLlc deslgn.

6*&AB&$ C+79 , D+($&7 2#7A&$*&7 1el: 01829 760233 or 07940 106293
1lme served Lradesman offerlng Lo underLake all aspecLs of [olnery work. 23 years experlence, compeLlLlve prlces and quallLy workmanshlp.

E&:($ C+/*&7 , =B& F.#G(&7 1el: 01928 787236
Local lndependenL Lradesman wlLh 30 years experlence. led up of Lrylng Lo see Lhrough Lhose mlsLy/falled double glazed unlLs? unlLs can be replaced ln wood,
upvc, or alumlnlum. Clazlng for doors, paLlos, roof llghLs, greenhouses. Mlrrors flLLed. www.kevln.pecksbrow[

1&*&7 @(**.&8+7& , E($)/.&0 =7#:&. 1el: 07803 123338
klngsley 1ravel ls your local prlvaLe hlre company, wheLher golng on hollday, on corporaLe Lravel or a nlghL ouL. klngsley 1ravel wlll provlde a professlonal and
rellable servlce as we pay aLLenLlon Lo deLall and guaranLee a frlendly, professlonal car servlce. Check our webslLe for deLalls..

=+'(#/ H(..&7 , %.#I5 2#* 2B(8$&0 6<&&A/ 1el: 01928 787428 or 01606 781714
Member of Lhe naLlonal AssoclaLlon of Chlmney Sweeps. PL1AS Approved. lully lnsured. Pelpful, racLlcal Advlce Clven. 8lrd nesLs and 8lockages 8emoved.
CerLlflcaLes lssued. A lamlly 8un 8uslness. SWLLlnC AC8CSS CPLSPl8L SlnCL 1992
D+& H;7AB0 , -#$908#$ 6&7:(I&/ 1el: 07866 134107
A professlonal handyman dedlcaLed Lo provldlng a prompL rellable hlgh sLandard servlce where 'no [ob ls Loo small'. 8easonable raLes and ablllLy Lo carry ouL a
wlde varleLy of Lasks lncludlng palnLlng, plumblng, Llllng, garden malnLenance, [eL washlng and fenclng. CusLomer saLlsfacLlon guaranLeed.

C7#$5 1(.)7(8 , E($)/.&0 J.&I*7(I#. 6&7:(I&/ 1el: 01928 788971 or 07711 238677
We speclallse ln elecLrlcal lnsLallaLlon and LesLlng work. We are an approved n.l.C.L.l.C ConLracLor, arL reglsLered. LlecLrlcal CondlLlon
8eporLs. lndusLrlal, commerclal and domesLlc work underLaken. Landlord SafeLy CerLlflcaLes

4&(. K+'($/+$ , 2B&/B(7& -#$908#$ L F#79&$ 6&7:(I&/ 1el: 01928 787674 or 07944 934724
?our local vlllage handyman whose prlme alm ls Lo provlde a professlonal servlce aL a senslble prlce - decoraLlng, palnLlng ( lnLernal & exLernal ), Llllng, plumblng,
odd [obs, [eL washlng, guLLers cleared & cleaned, garden malnLenance for all seasons lnc. flagglng & fenclng. All work fully lnsured and guaranLeed

J7(I 68(*B , F#/ 1.;8'($) #$9 -&#*($) 6&7:(I&/ 1el: 01928 788033 or 07931 906860
1lme served local Lradesman offers gas, plumblng and cenLral heaLlng lnsLallaLlons, servlclng
and malnLenance, gas safeLy checks, landlord cerLlflcaLes. Lrlc ls Cas SafeLy reglsLered and an
approved conLracLor and member of Lhe CharLered lnsLlLuLe of lumblng and PeaLlng

4+78#$ MB(*&B&#9 , ?+8&/*(I NAA.(#$I& J$)($&&7 , E% NAA.(#$I&/ 1el: 01928 787621 or 07760 387710
klngsley based appllance englneer offerlng repalrs and servlce Lo washlng machlnes, dryers, dlshwashers, ovens and refrlgeraLlon. rompL and compeLlLlve
repalrs Lo all makes of appllances. Also sales and lnsLallaLlon of new freesLandlng or bullL-ln appllances
1he klngsley 1rades Croup meeLs every monLh
for breakfasL. 1he ob[ecLlve of Lhe group ls Lo
promoLe local Lrades people Lo Lhe resldenLs of
Lhe local area. Cur exlsLlng members are A1
?Cu8 SL8vlCL..
Norley NewsDecember 2013 & January 2014 23

24 Norley News December 2013 & January 2014
Whats On In Norley December 2013 and January 2014


A(==6B" C6== <(602
For information about Village Hall availability or any other booking enquiries ~ contact Penny Clarke
Tel: 01928 787496 Mobile: 07710 498 717 Email:

December 2 9
January 6 13 20 27
Metafit bodyweight training
Contact Emma on 07971 596529

December 2 9
January to be confirmed
Private booking
4:30pm 6:30pm
December 3 10
January 7 14 21 28
Metafit bodyweight training
6:30 am
Contact Emma on 07971 596529

December 10
Private booking
10:30 12:00am
December 3 10
January 7 14 21 28
Metafit bodyweight training
9:15 am
Contact Emma on 07971 596529

December 3 10
January 7 14 21 28
Ladies Badminton
1 :00 3:00pm
Contact Shirley Craven 01928 787251

December 3 10
January to be confirmed
Private booking
4:00 5:45pm
December 3 10
January 7 14 21 28
Senior Badminton
Contact Mark Perry 01928 732194
Or Jean Welch 01928 731776

December 4 11 18
January 8 15 22 29
Wednesday Club
Contact Joan Barclay 788394

Dates to be confirmed
Messy Church
4:30 6:00pm
Contact Joe Smith

December 4 11 18
January 8 15 22 29
Zumba Classes
7 :00 7:50pm
Contact Izzy 07951 152 172

December 4 11
January to be confirmed
Pilates Class
8:00 9:00pm
Contact Colette 07708 411076

December 5
January 12 19 26
Zumba Classes
9:45 10:45am
Contact Helen 07815 161508

December 5 12 19
January to be confirmed
Childrens dance classes
5:15 6:15pm
Contact Sara 07837053539

December 12
January 9
Contact Helen 01928 787092

December 5
PTA wreath making
from 6:00 pm
Contact Philly davenport 07957 593 246

December 13 20
January 3 10 17 24 31
Senior Badminton
Contact Mark Perry 01928 732194
Or Jean Welch 01928 731776

December 6
Carol concert in aid of
Cancer Research UK
Contact Judith Hull 01928 788803

December 7
WI Dinner
Contact Helen 01928 787092
December 1 8 15 22
January 5 12 19 26
Private booking
4:00pm 6:00pm
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For more details on booking the School Hall call Cath Tomlinson 01928 788471

January 7
Parish Council Meeting

7 pm
February 27
Parish Council Meeting

7 pm
If you have a forthcoming event planned, email the details to us and we can include it here

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