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Beneath The Skin By Jack Tapley

4th Draft

INT. KITCHEN - NIGHT A cupboard is opened. A wine bottle is taken out. INT. KITCHEN - NIGHT A knife is picked out of the holder. INT. KITCHEN - NIGHT The wine bottle is opened. INT. BATHROOM - NIGHT An arm is exposed and a knife rested on it. INT. KITCHEN - NIGHT The wine is poured into a glass. INT. BATHROOM - NIGHT The knife cuts the arm. INT. KITCHEN - NIGHT Splashes of wine stain the white tablecloth the glass rests on. INT. BATHROOM - NIGHT A sleeve is pulled over the cuts. The blood soaks through the white sleeve. INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT COLLEEN, 20 dark haired and pale complexion, is smiling and talking.


INT. BATHROOM - NIGHT COLLEEN is staring at her bloody arm. INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Colleen is at a party and seemingly enjoying herself, she is talking to people and drinking a fair amount of wine, possibly too much, she becomes more and more social with each drink. For a moment she is left alone with no one to talk to. She finishes the wine in her glass. She looks around. The wine bottle is empty. INT. BATHROOM - NIGHT Colleen is locked in her bathroom alone. She holds a kitchen knife in her hand, shaking. She leans against the door and slides down it. She brings her arm out in front of her and holds the knife against her wrist, a moments pause. She cuts and lets out a moan as she does so. She gasps in pain. She does it again. Another moan and another gasp. Once more she does it. A bigger moan and a bigger gasp. She puts the knife on the floor and panting holds her arm. She looks at it and delicately runs her fingers over the fresh cuts and blood. The knife is bloody. INT. BEDROOM - MORNING Colleen opens her eyes slowly, shes in bed. A heavy sigh and shes sitting up. INT. BATHROOM - MORNING Colleen heads to the bathroom and looks at herself in the mirror, then down at her scarred arm. She opens the medicine cupboard and gets out a box of pills and takes one. INT. KITCHEN - MORNING Colleens MUM and DAD sit at the table eating breakfast when Colleen comes in and sits down. She makes a bowl of cereal and starts eating. MUM How was the party last night? We didnt hear you come in.




COLLEEN It was alright. DAD How did you get back? COLLEEN I walked. DAD On your own? COLLEEN Yeah. MUM Wasnt there anyone who could walk with you? COLLEEN I dont know I didnt ask anyone. I just went. DAD And you didnt think it would be a good idea to have someone walk with you? COLLEEN I just wanted to go. I didnt think about going with anyone. DAD Did you even tell anyone you were leaving? COLLEEN No Dad I didnt tell anyone I was leaving nor did I ask anyone to walk me back. I just wanted to go. MUM Have you taken your pill today? COLLEEN Yeah I did before I came down. MUM And are you feeling ok today? COLLEEN Mum I am fine today, I was yesterday and I will be tomorrow. (MORE) (CONTINUED)



COLLEEN (contd) Just stop asking me questions all the time Im sick of it. Colleen throws her spoon into the bowl and leaves the table abruptly. Mum gets up to go after Colleen but Dad stops her. INT. THERAPISTS OFFICE - DAY Colleen sits upright in the chair. The therapist, HOLLY late 30s, opposite her sits more relaxed. Colleen is playing with the end of her sleeve. COLLEEN I dont like the fact I have to be here. HOLLY You dont have to be here if you dont want to. It is a choice you make. COLLEEN Its not. The only reason Im here is because of Mum and Dad. HOLLY Have you spoken to them about how you feel about coming here? COLLEEN I told them they shouldnt have to pay someone to say whats wrong with me and how I cant be fixed. HOLLY What do you mean when you say you cant be fixed? You seem to be suggesting that youre broken in some way? COLLEEN I am broken, I do things that shouldnt be done, I think things that shouldnt be thought and I dont know any different. Theres no cure, theres no solution for me, just pills. All I can do is take pills and get pissed.


INT. BATHROOM - EVENING Colleen stares at herself in the mirror. She is made up but not a great deal. She grabs a hair brush and runs it through her hair quickly. She looks back in the mirror, then grabs a pair of tweezers and plucks at her eyebrows. She has another look in the mirror and notices a blemish of sorts on the actual mirror. She reaches up to wipe it away when she catches sight of her cuts in the mirror and stops. She brings her arm down and stares at the cuts. Slowly she runs her fingers over them, feeling every cut. She looks back at the mirror and starts to rub at her make up roughly, her eyes tear up as she does so, causing her mascara to run, she rubs her eye shadow, foundation and mascara till her skin is red. Finally she rubs her lips, smearing the bright red lipstick across her face. Colleen stares at herself in the mirror. INT. COLLEENS BEDROOM - NIGHT Colleen is lying on her bed, her eyes are closed, silence. Her phone rings loudly, jarring the silence. Colleen picks up the phone and stares at it. She doesnt answer it. It stops ringing. Relief. It starts to ring again. COLLEEN (Muttering) Stop, please stop. Its not happening. Just leave me alone. The phone stops ringing. INT. KITCHEN - DAY Colleen is making a cup of tea. She fills the kettle, flicks it on, grabs a mug and pops a tea bag in it. The kettle hasnt boiled. Colleens eyes come across the knife rack. She looks round despite there being no one in the kitchen. Colleen slowly pulls a knife out the rack. It is the same one she used to cut herself. She runs her finger along the edge.


CONTINUED: MUM (O.S.) Col, have you seen my reading glasses?


Colleen quickly puts the knife down on the side, startled by Mum. She turns to face her with a smile on her face. The kettle comes to boil. COLLEEN No,have you tried your bedroom? MUM No, I should have done though. You alright today? COLLEEN Yeah Im... Im alright today. MUM Good. Remember Rose is coming down tomorrow. COLLEEN What? MUM Rose is coming back for the weekend. COLLEEN How long has this been happening? MUM I dont know since last week or so. COLLEEN How come you didnt tell me? MUM I thought I already had. COLLEEN No, you didnt tell me anything as ever. MUM Well Ive told you now at least. COLLEEN I would like you to tell me when things are happening instead of just springing them on me.




MUM I would but we barely see you enough to talk to you. All the time youre here youre in your room doing god knows what. COLLEEN I just need to be alone sometimes is all. MUM It seems like you need to be on your own all the time. Mum walks out the kitchen. Colleen gives a sigh of frustration. She turns round and leans on the counter, staring at the knife. INT. CORNER SHOP - DAY Colleen is looking through the shelves. There is a small box of razors on the shelf. Colleen looks around, scratches her arm. She takes the box. Colleen comes to the counter and places a bottle of wine, a bottle of vodka and the blades on the counter. She looks at the employee. EMPLOYEE Is that everything? COLLEEN Yeah. The employee scans the items. He pauses when he gets to the razors and looks at Colleen. COLLEEN Theyre for my Dad. He scans them. EXT. COLLEENS CAR - DAY Colleen exits the shop with a bag in hand, walks to her car and gets in. She puts the bag on the passenger seat and looks around, reaches into the bag and takes the razors out. She rips open the packaging and breaks open the box. The razors are wrapped in plastic. She carefully unwraps one and places it on her forearm. She cuts and lets out a moan.


INT. BATHROOM - EVENING Colleen is made up to go out again. She is wearing the same as the last time she tried to go out. She is looking at the scars on her arm again and begins to touch her arm gently with her hand. She looks around the room and picks up a cardigan, puts it on, looks at herself once more in the mirror and takes a deep breath. COLLEEN (To Herself) I can do this. INT. CHARLOTTES LIVING ROOM - NIGHT A party is happening, or really more of a gathering as there is only a handful of people. Colleen finds herself on the sofa, glass of wine in hand, sitting next to her is KIM, 20s, blond, drunk and giggly. Kim sits closely to Colleen, resting her head on colleens shoulder. CHARLOTTE, 20s,redhead but calm, sits on another sofa. CHARLOTTE Why couldnt you come last time Col? KIM She called in sick. CHARLOTTE What was up with you? COLLEEN I just wasnt feeling great and didnt feel like going out. KIM Anything been getting you down? COLLEEN Well today I found out that Rose is coming back for the weekend. KIM Whats wrong with that? COLLEEN Nothing, its the fact I only got told today that annoyed me.




CHARLOTTE But you found out about that today not the other day. Kim moves her head up to Colleens ear. KIM (Whispering) You dont have to give her a reason you know? COLLEEN I know. KIM You dont have to give me one either. COLLEEN I know. Colleen looks Kim in the eye and then moves to her ear. COLLEEN (Whispering) Ill tell you later. INT. BEDROOM - MORNING Colleen wakes up, hungover and sore. Her pajama arms are tinged red with blood. She notices and pulls back her sleeve. Fresh scars all over her arm. She pulls the sleeve back down and falls back onto the bed. Her bedside cabinet has a bloody razor on it. INT. BATHROOM - MORNING Colleen drags herself into the bathroom and opens the medicine cabinet, grabs the box of pills and takes two. INT. KITCHEN - MORNING Mum and Dad are sitting at the dinner table eating breakfast. Colleen joins them with a bowl of cereal. DAD Where were you last night?




COLLEEN Charlottes. DAD When did you get back? COLLEEN I dont actually know. Theres not a lot I do remember from last night. MUM Is that why you didnt show up yesterday? COLLEEN What do you mean? MUM I thought you were going to come with us to pick up Rose from the station. COLLEEN Shes here? MUM Picked her up last night while you were out. COLLEEN Shit, I completely forgot. DAD Obviously. COLLEEN Where is she now? MUM In her room but I dont know if shes still asleep or not. INT. ROSES BEDROOM - MORNING Colleen knocks softly on the door and enters. ROSE is still in bed but just about awake. ROSE Look who turns up at last.




COLLEEN Im really sorry about last night. I completely forgot. ROSE Its alright. Colleen sits on the bed next to Rose. COLLEEN How have you been? ROSE Ive been alright. How about you? COLLEEN Not so great. Rose touches Colleens arm softly. ROSE Are you still...? Colleen moves Roses hand away and rolls up her sleeve, showing her the fresh cuts. Rose runs her hand along the scars. ROSE Oh Col. COLLEEN Its ok, Im ok. They hug. COLLEEN Have you got anything planned for while youre down? ROSE Not really. COLLEEN Come with me tonight. ROSE Where are you going? COLLEEN Well go to one of my friends house. I want you to come.




ROSE Ok but only if you tell me more about this later. Rose indicates the scars. COLLEEN Yeah Ill do that. ROSE Promise? COLLEEN Promise. INT. CHARLOTTES HOUSE - NIGHT Charlotte opens the door and Colleen and Rose walk into the house. The camera follows them to the living room where Kim, and a new person; ALLEN are gathered. Kim sits closely to Allen. KIM Arent you going to introduce us? COLLEEN This is my sister Rose. Rose this is Charlotte, Kim and... KIM Allen. COLLEEN And Allen? ALLEN Hi. COLLEEN Hi? INT. BATHROOM - NIGHT Colleen rushes into the bathroom, Rose is following behind calling after her. Colleen shuts the door in Roses face and locks the door. Rose is still calling after Colleen. ROSE What happened Col? What did she do?




COLLEEN Everything shes ever said to me... Its all a lie. Its all a fucking lie. ROSE What are you doing? Colleen moves away from the door and towards the medicine cabinet. Opening the cabinet she grabs Dads razor. ROSE Whatever happened Col, you dont have to do this. COLLEEN Fuck. Its a safety razor and doesnt cut Colleens arm no matter how she tries. She removes the blades from the handle and tries to break it apart. ROSE Colleen Im here for you. Talk to me. Please. The razor is broken. Colleen hasnt cut herself. She holds the broken edge on her arm. ROSE Please dont do what I think youre going to do. Colleen looks at herself in the mirror. Rose is resting her head against the door. The door opens and Colleen stands there silently. Rose hugs her but Colleen doesnt hug back. ROSE Did you...? COLLEEN No. ROSE Thank you. COLLEEN I just... I just need to be on my own.


INT. KITCHEN - NIGHT Colleen stumbles into the kitchen and grabs a wine bottle from the cupboard. She opens it and drinks straight from the bottle. INT. COLLEENS BEDROOM - NIGHT Colleen shuts the door behind her and slides down it. She takes a swig from the bottle and takes off her cardigan. Colleen stares at her scars. She points at one. COLLEEN Fuck you. She points at another scar. (Cont.) Fuck you. She points at a particularly deep scar. (Cont.) And fuck you in particular. She takes another swig from the bottle and pours the red wine onto her arm. Colleen grabs the pack of razors from the bedside cabinet. She gets one out of the packet and strokes it along her arm. (Cont.) Oh fucking hell. She leans her head back. INT. CHARLOTTES HOUSE - NIGHT The bathroom door swings open. Kim is about to kiss Allen. They stop and look through the open door. Colleen is standing and staring at them. She slowly steps away. INT. BEDROOM - MORNING Colleen wakes up slowly. She looks around. There is an empty wine bottle on the floor and she is still clothed from last night. She sits up and rolls up her sleeve. No fresh cuts. The razor lies on the bed next to her


INT. BATHROOM - MORNING Colleen opens the medicine cabinet and gets her pills. Shes about to pop it in her mouth when she stops herself. She stares at the pill. Colleen grabs the rest of the pack and pops them all out in her hand. Holding her hand over the toilet she drops them in and flushes. INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY Colleen is lying on the sofa. Rose is kneeling in front of her, head at the same level. They stare at each other. ROSE Did you want to do it last night? COLLEEN I felt like I needed to. ROSE But you dont need to. Colleen rolls over to face away from Rose and into the back of the sofa. COLLEEN You cant say that without knowing what it feels like to... ROSE Does anyone else know you do this? COLLEEN No. ROSE Only me? COLLEEN You werent meant to know either. ROSE But arent you glad I do? COLLEEN I dont know. I dont want anyone to know. Its my body I can do what I like with it. ROSE I dont like seeing you do things like this though. Youre not just (MORE) (CONTINUED)



ROSE (contd) hurting yourself when you do it. I cant stand it knowing my sister is in pain let alone that shes caused it herself. COLLEEN But it helps me. I cant feel good about anything and even on the rare occasion that I feel a bit better I know that Im just going to end up feeling like this again. ROSE You put yourself in that position by doing this though. Rose rolls Colleen back over to face and pulls her sleeve down to reveal the scars. Rose gently touches them. ROSE If you keep doing things like this then you will never feel better about anything. This needs to stop. COLLEEN Im scared to. ROSE What are you scared of? COLLEEN That they will fade away and Ill forget what I... What I can do to myself. ROSE I wont forget it. COLLEEN Im sorry. ROSE I want you to promise me something. COLLEEN No, I cant do that. I know what youre going to ask me. ROSE Promise me that you will stop cutting.




COLLEEN I cant do that, Rose, thats not fair. ROSE Promise me, do it for me. COLLEEN I... OK. ROSE Say it. COLLEEN I promise I wont cut myself. ROSE Thank you. INT. KITCHEN - DAY Mum, Dad, Rose and Colleen are eating lunch. There is a tense silence. DAD What times the train Rose? ROSE I think its about 6, Ill have to check though. MUM (To Colleen) Are you coming to take Rose to the station later? Colleen glances at Rose. COLLEEN Id rather not if thats ok. MUM Are you doing something else then? COLLEEN No I just dont want to see Rose go on the train. MUM It will be nicer if you came along though.




COLLEEN Mum, Im not going. ROSE Its her choice Mum. MUM Well as long as youre OK with it. ROSE Yeah, I am. Rose and Colleen give each other a smile. INT. COLLEENS HOUSE - DAY Rose, Mum and Dad are leaving for the train station. As Mum and Dad walk out the door Rose and Colleen hug. COLLEEN Let me know when you get back. ROSE I will. I want you to call if you ever feel like you want to... COLLEEN I know what you mean. I will ROSE Alright, Ill see you soon. Rose leaves. Colleen runs her hands through her hair and sighs. Her phone rings. Its Kim, Colleen declines it and throws it on the floor. She lets out a cry of frustration. INT. COLLEENS BATHROOM - NIGHT Colleen is sitting on the bathroom floor, in her hand is a razor that she delicately strokes against her skin. KNOCK KNOCK Colleen drops the razor and stares at the door. KNOCK KNOCK Its not the bathroom door. Colleen pockets the razor.


INT. COLLEENS HOUSE - NIGHT The knocking is coming from the front door. Colleen opens the door. Kim is there. Colleen tries to shut the door in her face but Kim blocks her. KIM I just want to talk. COLLEEN Why the fuck are you here? KIM I thought you would listen if I saw you. COLLEEN Why? Youve made it pretty clear about how things are. KIM I just want to explain it to you. COLLEEN What is there to explain? I saw what was happening. KIM I know... I just feel so shit about this. COLLEEN Think about how you made me feel! KIM I know how I made you feel. COLLEEN You dont, you really dont, you have no idea. KIM I didnt mean for you to find out like this. COLLEEN Was I even meant to find out at all? KIM No, I thought it would be best if you didnt.




COLLEEN Oh fuck you Kim. Just leave me alone. KIM Col please. He means nothing to me. COLLEEN Then why did you do that? KIM I dont know, I was drunk and I wasnt thinking straight. COLLEEN When do you ever think straight? Kim places her hand on Colleens. KIM I thought of you and how bad I made things between us. COLLEEN There is no us. There never was. KIM I know you dont mean that. COLLEEN I do though. Kim you cant expect me to just forgive you for this. Kim walks through the doorway. Colleen steps back from her allowing her in. KIM I know you Col, I know what you want. COLLEEN You dont know me, nobody knows me. KIM Let me find out then, show me, let me in. COLLEEN No! I cant I wont! While they are talking Kim is getting closer to Colleen with each step.




KIM Theres nothing to be scared of. COLLEEN Theres everything to be scared of. Colleen pulls her sleeve up and bears her scars to Kim. Kim stops in her tracks. (Cont.) I am scared everyday. Im scared of me and what I can do and if I can do this to myself then what can I do to other people? What could I do to who I care about? Kim is lost for words. (Cont.) You dont know what I want. No one does. Colleen pulls up her sleeve. (Cont.) I dont know what I want... KIM I... should...I, er... Kim stares at Colleen. Kim steps towards Colleen. Colleen stares at Kim. INT. THERAPISTS OFFICE - DAY Colleen is in the therapists again. She is still edgy like last time she was there. COLLEEN I trust her more than anyone. HOLLY So why did you find her being back stressful? COLLEEN I wasnt ready for her to come back. I normally am but this time was too soon. She knows about how bad I can get. HOLLY Did you have bad points while she was there?




COLLEEN I did but... she stopped me getting worse. HOLLY How did she do that? COLLEEN She asked me not to. HOLLY Is that the promise you were talking about? COLLEEN Yeah. She asked me not to cut again. HOLLY Why do you feel like you cant keep it? COLLEEN I need to do it. Its on my mind all the time and I dont think I want to stop. INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Colleen is at another party/gathering. She twists open a wine bottle. HOLLY (V.O.) Have you ever tried to stop? COLLEEN (V.O.) Ive never wanted to. INT. BATHROOM - NIGHT Colleen slides down onto the floor. She stares at her arm, the blood drips down and onto the floor. She runs her finger through it.

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