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Ricky Xie Kristen Foster CO 150.403 Dec. 14th, 2013 The Explanation of the Rhetorical Choices a) Nowadays, more and more students have chosen to go abroad to continue their college education rather than study at home. In the last thirty years, the number of international students has risen a lot, from 0.8 million in 1975 to 3.7 million in 2009 and the number is increased by 12 percent each year now(Sood). The number of international students who enrolled in US colleges also reaches the highest point this year, about 819,644 students, making up 4 percent of total enrollment of undergraduate and graduate school (Open Door 2013). Most families have regarded study abroad as a priority for their kids. However, it is still a question that whether study abroad is a proper option for young teens to leave their home and continue their study in an unfamiliar country with new language and strange cultural background that may bother students in their normal lives. For example, outstanding professors can give high-quality education while insufficient language skills may undermine academic involvement. The reason I write this public argument is to suggest students to start think highly of study abroad and take it into consideration. b) My purpose of my public argument is to address the advantage of study abroad to clear up some confusion and persuade students to choose going abroad for study if they are able to. I provide some benefits about study abroad to further state how teens can be

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beneficial if they study abroad. There are several reasons that drive me to choose this purpose. First of all, going abroad is so popular that catches most attention of public, especially students and parents. Secondly, education is what students are most concerned about, which can directly decide how their future would be like. Thus, I believe that people will focus on my public argument. c) My claim is that students should go abroad to continue their college education. To start with, overseas education is better than what students can receive in their home countries. In the top 50 world universities, there are 29 from America and 10 from Europe, including famous universities like Harvard and Oxford (The World University Rankings), which shows that there is a high chance of receiving higher quality education. Whats more, study abroad can help students better prepare for their future career. Nearly 90 percent of people with an experience of study abroad find their first within half a year while only 49 percent people who do not go abroad for study can find their first job within a year (PRWeb). Going abroad can also promote emotional development of students. I used a lot of data and statement to support my claim and make my argument more credible. d) My chosen public audience is international students around the world. Because it is students that study abroad and receive college education. Whether going abroad or not can have a deep impact on students future. Students are concerned about how to get access to high-quality education in order to succeed in the future. They wont ignore any information that is related to their education, for college education plays a vital role in the growth of teens. To meet their needs, aspects I wrote are all relevant with students.

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I would distribute my public argument at the front desk of the counseling center of study abroad and mail boxes of each families. Because people who will go for consulting about study abroad are probably interested in study abroad. My public argument at the front desk can easily attract them to read, helping them get a better understanding of study abroad and help deliver my ideas. If I put my public argument in every mail box of families, all family members are able to read my public argument, which can let more people who are not familiar with study abroad get to know about it and take it into consideration. A counseling center of study abroad is somewhere people can seek for useful suggestions about overseas education. A mail box of family is what family uses to receive outside information. Thus, my public argument can be easily found and catch peoples attention.


I choose to use brochure to present my public argument. A brochure is a publication for advertising purpose that consists of several pages that sums enough information for customers (Brochure Definition). I use bullets form in my brochure to claim my opinion instead of writing some long sentences, which makes my brochure more simple and logical. In order to emphasize my idea and attract people, I put a big topic with bright blue color at the front page to catch peoples eyes. I also put some photos to make my brochure more vivid and meet the visual rhetoric. Whats more, different font and font size are applied in my brochure to reinforce my points.

g) The limitation I have in my brochure is that I dont provide detailed information about how study abroad can benefit people due to the limited space in brochure. However, a lot of data I provide maintain my credibility and I believe my ideas can successfully convey

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to my intended audience.

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Work Cited Brochure Definition Business Dictionary .com. WebFinance, Inc, n.d. Web, 13 Dec 2013. Open Door 2013 Institute of International Education. Institute of International Education, 11 Nov 2013. Web, 17 Nov 2013 PRWeb. Vocus PRW Holdings, LLC, 24 March 2013. Web, 12 Nov 2013. Sood, Suemedha. The Statistic of study abroad BBC Travel. British Broadcasting Corporation, 26 Sept 2012. Web. 8 Oct 2013. The World University Rankings. TSL Education Ltd, n.d. Web, 18 Nov 2013.

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