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The form this letter is ... while ... while in ...

Full-Block Style - All the elements are aligned to the left margin and there are no indented lines. This is a standard block-style format that is accepted by most businesses. Block Style - basically the same as the full bloct syle, the difference lies in the placement date, closing greeting, agency name, name and function name are brightly written a letter to the right. Semi-Block Style - Similar to the modified block business letter style except that the first line of each paragraph is indented Full-Blok Style - Semua elemen yang selaras dengan margin kiri dan tidak ada garis indentasi. Ini adalah format standar blok-gaya yang diterima oleh kebanyakan bisnis. Block Style - pada dasarnya sama dengan syle bloct penuh, perbedaannya terletak pada saat penempatan, menutup ucapan, nama lembaga, nama dan nama fungsi yang cerah menulis surat ke kanan. Semi-Blok Style - Serupa dengan blok surat bisnis gaya dimodifikasi kecuali bahwa baris pertama dari setiap paragraf yang menjorok

Pada surat bisnis terdapat 13 bagian, yaitu : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Letterhead Kop surat Date Line Tanggal surat Reference Line Initial penandatangan dan pengetik surat Inside Address Nama dan alamat pada surat Attention Line Baris nama orang yang di tuju Salutation Salam pmebuka Subject Line Perihal surat Body of Letter Isi surat Complimentary Close Salam penutup

10. Signature Tanda tangan 11. Enclosure Lampiran 12. Carbon Copy Natation Tembusan surat 13. Postcript -

For Example Business Letter : Mandala House Hotel (1. Letterhead) Mandala Street, Depok-Indonesia. Tel: 021 12345. Fax: 021 1234. E-mail: Your Ref: KPS/C3,Our Ref: Con/13/1 (3. Reference Line) The Sales Manager, Melody Modes Ltd., Carrham, Upminster UE12. (4. Inside Address) Attention : Mr. Robert Mann (5. Attention Line) Dear Sir, (6. Salutation) Subject: Hotel Facilities (7. Subject Line) Thank you very much for your enquiry we received today. I have pleasure in enclosing our current conference brochure and tariff. You will note that we offer a variety of venues inside the hotel itself, for groups of between 20 and 150 people, with a choice of catering facilities and with or without accommodation. This year we are also able to arrange functions in marquees in the hotel grounds, with a more limited range of catering, but again with or without hotel accommodation. We have two lecture rooms, with audiovisual equipment overhead projectors and video and DVD facilities which might be of interest to you. There are also product display facilities within the hotel. If you require all or some of your delegates to be accommodated in the hotel, I recommend early booking, as July is one of our peak months. We offer 4-star accommodation, every room with en suite facilities, minibar, television, personal safe, trouser press. We have two restaurants, four bars, a fully equipped gymnasium, and an indoor/outdoor swimming pool. We would welcome any further enquiries you have, and look forward to hearing from you soon . (8. Body of letter) (9. Complimentary Close) Yours faithfully, Maulana Yusuf (10. Signature and Writers identification) General Manager Enc. (11. Enclosure) CC: Managing Director (12. Copies) P.S.: If you order within seven days, we can give you a 10 percent discount. (13. Postscript) September 30th, 2013 (2. Date)

Keterangan bentuk surat : a. Kepala surat ( kop surat ). b. Nomor surat. c. Tanggal. d. Alamat yang dituju. e. Hal atau perihal. f. Salam pembuka. g. Pembuka surat. h. Isi surat. i. Penutup surat. j. Salam penutup. k. Nama perusahaan. l. Nama penanda tangan surat. m. Nama jabatan. n. Lampiran. o. Tembusan = tindisan. p. Singkatan nama = inisial.

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