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In this ebook, I'm going to show you how to become a whole lot luckiei. I'm going
to uo that by showing you the keys to becoming lucky, the eleven Seciets.

If that inteiests you, let's get staiteu by asking, "What is luck."

The uictionaiy uefines luck as:

"A force tbot brinqs qooJ fortune or oJversity; tbe events or circumstonces
tbot operote for or oqoinst on inJiviJuol."

Anu it uefines lucky as:

"Eovinq qooJ luck; boppeninq by cbonce; proJucinq or resultinq in qooJ by

When I talk about luck, I'm talking about the ease anu immeuiacy of seemingly
automatically getting what I want.

To me, being lucky means:

I finu a $2u bill on the giounu.

I get a fiee upgiaue at a hotel oi on an aiiplane that I haven't eaineu.

I immeuiately finu a paiking space wheie none aie supposeu to be

I have an empty taxi pull iight up in fiont of me uuiing a New Yoik
iainstoim while eveiyone else is fiantically tiying to get one.

I extiemely iapiuly finu my Peifect Paitnei who is "piactically peifect in
eveiy way."

Anu otheiwise being easily successful, to an unlikely extent.

In business, being lucky means to me:

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F@3$ ; ./ >>

Baving someone who becomes my next client change seats to sit next to me
on a long aiiplane flight so I can sell them on the iuea.

Baving a fiienu mention Naigaiet Thatchei's speech in the Bouse of
Commons that tiiggeis me to wiite Thatchei a biief lettei quickly iesulting
in a majoi contiact.

Baving an acquaintance mention someone they know who quickly becomes
my next majoi client.

uetting iight thiough to someone "who can nevei be ieacheu by phone"
anu, a week latei ieceiving $16.S million* fiom them to stait a new ventuie.

Beciuing to wiite an eBook, seaiching the web anu instantly finuing an
eBook that tells me exactly how to uo it successfully, getting in touch with
one of the authois who becomes my iemaikably successful copywiitei,
"magically" connecting with a well-known authoi who became my co-
authoi anu 4 months latei my eBook becomes an Inteinet best sellei.

* - aujusteu foi inflation.

All of these aie things that actually happeneu to me. That's the way my life woiks

That isn't the way it was foi most of my life, howevei. I hau to teach myself how to
be lucky.

In this eBook, I am going to uiscuss how you can become similaily lucky. So let's
stait looking at the Seciets of uoing so, the Seciets of Becoming Lucky.

"#$ %&$'$( )$*+$,- ./ 0$*.12(3 4$+5 67*85
9.:5+23#, ;<=> ?5 ),7@+, AB 62*#,1@( C DDDB@(5,#2(3E/@-,B*.1
F@3$ > ./ >>

)$*+$, =I 67*8 G-(J, G(*2H$(,@& ,. )7**$--K G, G- A( %--$(,2@& F@+, ./ G,

Napoleon knew that. Be specifically iequiieu that his ueneials have "pioven luck,"
a tiack iecoiu of being lucky.

"l Jo not wont o qooJ 6enerol, l wont o lucky one" - Nopoleon

Almost eveiyone who is successful in business, spoits anu politics says that a goou
pait of theii success is uue to luck.

Foi example, when I askeu him about his lucky expeiiences when getting staiteu,
my fiienu }ames uiay, an inuepenuent scieenwiitei, piouucei anu uiiectoi tolu

"Wben l wos twenty-two, in my senior yeor of colleqe, l moJe o sbort film, o
tbesis film, wbicb lm sure wos not very qooJ, but it wos wbot it wos. Tbe
niqbt tbot my screeninq took ploce wos o reolly bolmy onJ nice niqbt. A lot of
people sboweJ up. Eowever, tbe niqbt of my frienJs screeninq, it wos
pourinq onJ virtuolly noboJy JiJ. Tbe niqbt tbot l boJ my screeninq just
boppeneJ to be o niqbt wben o specific oqent wos tbere. Ee coulJnt bove
come tbe niqbt ofter tbot becouse of bis kiJs, but be sboweJ up, sow tbe movie
onJ loveJ it. lts entirely possible, in foct proboble tbot be woulJ never bove
siqneJ me if my movie boJ screeneJ tbe next niqbt. AnJ tbots luck.

lts olso luck tbot l qot vonesso ReJqrove for my first movie. Tbere wos o
cbority event in New York tbot week, Sorojevo Artists Relief IunJ Cbority, so
sbe wos qoinq to be in New York onywoy. Tbe project, sbe sort of likeJ, but
sbe never woulJ bove flown from lonJon to Jo it becouse sbeJ never beorJ of
me before. Sbe likeJ tbe script, sbe wos tbere in New York for on eiqbt-Joy
perioJ, onJ sbe fiqureJ, "Wby not? lve qot free time wbile lm tbere." AnJ
sbe JiJ tbe movie. lf tbot Sorojevo Artists Relief IunJ boJnt been tbot week,
sbe woulJ not bove been in my film. AnJ yes, ber oppeoronce in tbe movie
wos importont.

luck is increJibly importont. People Jont like to ocknowleJqe luck becouse
wben tbey ocknowleJqe luck, tbey tbink it implies o powerlessness, but it
Joesnt. lt meons only tbot youre puttinq in ploce key forces tbot will enoble

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F@3$ L ./ >>

tbe luck to boppen. Wbots tbe expression? luck is wbere preporotion meets

}ames' fiist film, "Little 0uessa" won the Silvei Lion Awaiu in the 1994 venice Film
Festival. Be has been "lucky" enough to have top actois anu actiesses (incluuing
uwyneth Paltiow, }oachin Phoenix anu vanessa Reugiave) stai in his films. Bis
cuiient film (woiking title "Lowlife") is a finalist in the Cannes Film Festival
awaius anu will be uistiibuteu by the Weinstein Company.

As you can see, }ames cleaily iecognizes the impoitance of luck in becoming

0ne of the fiist stoiies of being lucky that I evei heaiu was about Lana Tuinei who
became one of the veiy top movie stais when I was a kiu.

Wbot octuolly boppeneJ is tbot sbe wos o 16-yeor-olJ biqb scbool stuJent
wbo cut closses ot EollywooJ Eiqb onJ wos sittinq in tbe Top Eot Cof on
Sunset BoulevorJ Jrinkinq o Coke. Billy Wilkerson, publisber of tbe EollywooJ
Reporter, loter recolleJ bow, wben be wolkeJ in, be sow }uJy {ber reol first
nome) onJ wos struck by ber beouty.

Ee orronqeJ for tbe owner of tbe Cof to introJuce tbem onJ oskeJ if sbe
wonteJ to be in pictures. Sbe soiJ sbeJ neeJ to osk ber motber onJ, o few
Joys loter, tbey botb visiteJ Wilkerson wbo introJuceJ tbem to Zeppo Horx
{of tbe Horx Brotbers) wbo become Turners oqent onJ tbe rest is bistory.

That's how luck woiks. "Chance" events combineu with the willingness to
iecognize anu seize upon them.

Beie's anothei "lucky movie stai" tiue stoiy.

Eorrison IorJ JiJnt cotton to scbool onJ JiJnt Jo well tbere but it qove bim
o cbonce to try out octinq. Ee likeJ it onJ wos tolJ by bis octinq clossmotes
tbot be coulJ qet octinq work in Colifornio so be Jrove out tbere in bis olJ

Ee JiJnt Jo too well qettinq octinq jobs onJ neeJeJ to support bis wife onJ
two cbilJren so be touqbt bimself corpentry from o book onJ wos "lucky"
enouqb to qet o job builJinq o recorJinq stuJio for tbe Brozilion composer
Serqio HenJes. Ee JiJ o qooJ job onJ wos recommenJeJ to otbers in tbe
EollywooJ community. Ee built o Jeck for Solly Kellermon {Hosb) onJ
workeJ os o stoqebonJ for tbe rock qroup, Tbe Boors. 0ne Joy, be wos
builJinq o Joorwoy in o stuJio onJ wos spotteJ by 6eorqe lucos wbo wos
costinq o new film.

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F@3$ M ./ >>

IorJ qot tbe job, beotinq out Nick Nolte, Kurt Russell onJ Cbristopber
Wolken. Tbe movie wos "Stor Wors" wbicb become one of tbe most successful
films ever.

AnJ tbose lucky breoks propelleJ bim into super storJom.

In entiepieneuiship, luck plays a ciitically impoitant iole. Foi example, Nichael }.
Nauboussin ielates the following in a Fast Company aiticle:

"0ne of tbe qreotest computer proqrommers of oll time qrew up neor Seottle.
Ee sow on upstort compony, lntel, mokinq computers on o cbip onJ wos
omonq tbe first people to see tbe potentiol of tbese so-colleJ microcomputers.
Ee JeJicoteJ bimself to writinq softwore for tbe new Jevice onJ, by one
occount, wrote tbe softwore tbot set off tbe personol computer revolution.

ln tbe miJ-1970s, be founJeJ o compony to sell softwore for micro-
computers. ln tbe eorly bistory of tbe compony, "tbe otmospbere wos zony,"
onJ "people come to work borefoot, in sborts," onJ "onyone in o suit wos o
visitor." But tbe compony wos soon biqbly profitoble, onJ by 1981 its
operotinq system boJ o Jominont sbore of tbe morket for personol computers
tbot useJ lntel microprocessors.

Ior oll of its eorly triumpbs, tbe componys wotersbeJ moment come wben
lBH visiteJ in tbe summer of 1980 to Jiscuss on operotinq system for its new
PC. After some neqotiotion, tbe two componies struck o Jeol. ln Auqust 1981,
retoilers offereJ tbe componys softwore olonqsiJe tbe bronJ new lBH PC,
onJ tbe componys fote wos seoleJ. Tbe rest is bistory, os tbey soy.

ln cose tbis storys not fomilior, beres tbe enJinq. Tbis pioneer of computer
tecbnoloqy entereJ o biker bor in Honterey, Colifornio, on }uly 8, 1994,
weorinq motorcycle leotbers onJ Eorley-BoviJson potcbes. Wbot boppeneJ
next is uncleor, but be suffereJ o troumotic blow to tbe beoJ from eitber o
fiqbt or o foll. Ee left unJer bis own power but JieJ tbree Joys loter from tbe
injury, complicoteJ by bis cbronic olcobolism. Ee wos fifty-two yeors olJ. Ee is
burieJ in Seottle onJ bos on etcbinq of o floppy Jisk on bis tombstone. Eis
nome is 6ory KilJoll.

YouJ be excuseJ for tbinkinq tbot tbe first port of tbe story is obout Bill
6otes, tbe multibillionoire founJer of Hicrosoft. AnJ it is certoinly tontolizinq
to osk wbetber 6ory KilJoll coulJ bove been Bill 6otes, wbo ot one point wos
tbe worlJs ricbest mon. But tbe foct is tbot Bill 6otes moJe ostute Jecisions
tbot positioneJ Hicrosoft to prevoil over KilJolls compony, Biqitol Reseorcb,
ot cruciol moments in tbe Jevelopment of tbe PC inJustry.

"#$ %&$'$( )$*+$,- ./ 0$*.12(3 4$+5 67*85
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F@3$ N ./ >>

Wben lBH executives first opproocbeJ Hicro-soft {tbe oriqinol nome of bis
firm) obout supplyinq on operotinq system for tbe componys new PC, 6otes
octuolly referreJ tbem to Biqitol Reseorcb. Tbere ore conflictinq occounts of
wbot boppeneJ ot tbe meetinq, but its foirly cleor tbot KilJoll JiJnt see tbe
siqnificonce of tbe lBH Jeol in tbe woy tbot 6otes JiJ.

lBH struck o Jeol witb 6otes for o lookolike of KilJolls proJuct {CP,H-86),
tbe riqbts to wbicb 6otes boJ ocquireJ. 0nce it wos tweokeJ for tbe lBH PC,
Hicrosoft renomeJ it PC-B0S onJ sbippeJ it. After some wronqlinq by KilJoll,
lBH JiJ oqree to sbip CP,H-86 os on olternotive operotinq system. lBH olso
set tbe prices for tbe proJucts. No operotinq system wos incluJeJ witb tbe
lBH PC, onJ everyone wbo bouqbt o PC boJ to purcbose on operotinq system.
PC-B0S cost $40. CP,H-86 cost $240. 6uess wbicb won.

But lBH wosnt tbe Jirect source of Hicrosofts fortune. 6otes JiJ cut o Jeol
witb lBH. But be olso kept tbe riqbt to license PC-B0S to otber componies.
Wben tbe morket for lBH PC clones took off, Hicrosoft rocketeJ owoy from
tbe competition onJ ultimotely enjoyeJ o buqe competitive oJvontoqe.

Wben oskeJ bow mucb of bis success be woulJ ottribute to luck, 6otes
olloweJ tbot it ployeJ on immense role...."

Speaking of the immense iole of luck in business success, heie's stoiy ielateu by
Richaiu Wiseman, authoi of The Luck Factoi, anu confiimeu in Waiien Buffet's
2uuS Chaiiman's Lettei:

"Bornett Eelzberq }r. is o lucky mon.

By 1994 be boJ built up o cboin of biqbly successful jewelry stores witb on
onnuol revenue of orounJ $S00 million. 0ne Joy be wos wolkinq post tbe
Plozo Eotel in New York wben be beorJ o womon coll out, "Hr. Buffett" to tbe
mon next to bim. Eelzberq wonJereJ wbetber tbe mon miqbt be Worren
Buffett - one of tbe most successful investors in Americo.

Eelzberq boJ never met Buffett, but boJ reoJ obout tbe finonciol criterio tbot
Buffett useJ wben buyinq o compony. Eelzberq boJ recently turneJ sixty, wos
tbinkinq of sellinq bis compony, onJ reolizeJ tbot bis miqbt be tbe type of
compony tbot woulJ interest Buffett.

Eelzberq seizeJ tbe opportunity, wolkeJ over to tbe stronqer onJ introJuceJ
bimself. Tbe mon JiJ inJeeJ turn out to be Worren Buffett, onJ tbe cbonce
meetinq proveJ biqbly fortuitous becouse obout o yeor loter Buffett oqreeJ to
buy Eelzberqs cboin of stores. AnJ oll becouse Eelzberq just boppeneJ to be

"#$ %&$'$( )$*+$,- ./ 0$*.12(3 4$+5 67*85
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F@3$ O ./ >>

wolkinq by os o womon colleJ out Buffetts nome on o street corner in New

These aie just a few of the types of stoiies of being lucky that eveiy successful
peison I have evei encounteieu has ielateu.

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)$*+$, ;I 67*8 G- Q(*.(-*2.7-&5 R$($+@,$H )7**$--

Nost people think that luck is something that happens to them. If that's so, why
aie some people veiy lucky anu otheis veiy unlucky.

Why uo some people win the Lotteiy wheie the ouus aie 177 million to one
against them while otheis can't seem to get an economic bieak, no mattei how
haiu they tiy. Why uo some people win the Lotteiy multiple times wheie the ouus
against them aie tiuly astionomical.

}oon R. 6intber of Texos won tbe lottery 4 times. Tbe oJJs oqoinst tbis ore
obout 18 septillion to one. But sbes not tbe only one. ln o few minutes on tbe
web, l founJ S otbers wboJ Jone tbe some tbinq.

ln foct, in five minutes, l founJ over S0 people wbo boJ won tbe lottery
multiple times. 0ne of tbem JiJnt win biq like tbe otbers l mentioneJ but sbe
won ot leost $600 in tbe IloriJo lottery 240 times in 19 yeors onJ onotber
won $S,000 ot leost S2 times lost yeor, boseJ on IloriJo Stote recorJs.

Bow uo some people uo this.

Ny answei is that they unconsciously set things up to cieate what they expeiience,
what they call theii goou luck oi bau luck.

That statement may suipiise you but theie's a tiemenuous amount that most
people uon't unueistanu about luck.

07, G H.B

Bow can I make such a seemingly outiageous statement.

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! #$%& ,($-.&/ )%&( 012333 '&)'4& $()5./ ,#& 6)(4/ -. 7&8)9-.: %&(;
458<;+ !.-,-$44;2 ).4; =>? -99&/-$,&4; 7&8$9& &@,(&9&4; 458<; 75, *)(
,#& 4$A, A-@ ;&$(A2 BB+0? #$%&+

C5(-.: ,#& '$A, A-@ ;&$(A2 BB+0? )* ,#& '$(,-8-'$.,A -. 9; D5'&(
E8#-&%&( F)$8#-.: G():($9 6#) /-/ $, 4&$A, 9)A, )* ,#& $AA-:.&/ 6)(<
A588&AA*544; $8#-&%&/ ,#&-( A&&9-.:4; -9')AA-74& )7H&8,-%&A+ ! <.)6
7&8$5A& $44 '$(,-8-'$.,A $(& (&I5-(&/ ,) A579-, /&,$-4&/ *&&/7$8<+

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$9)5., )* 6&-:#, 6-,#)5, *&&4-.: #5.:(; )( A,(5::4-.:2 $./ I5-,& $ *&6
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#)5A&2 &,8+

! 8$44 ,#-A 7&-.: &@,(&9&4; 458<;2 /).L, ;)5M

If this is the soit of luck that you'u like to uevelop, ieau on.

U.+$ A?.7, V.D 67*8 W.+8-

Bave you evei hau the expeiience of losing youi keys in youi veiy own home oi

You knew tbot you put your keys Jown wbere you usuolly Jo but wben you
lookeJ tbere, you JiJnt see tbem.

So you rusbeJ orounJ lookinq for tbem but you JiJnt finJ tbem.

Perbops you storteJ wonJerinq wbetber you octuolly boJ your keys wben you
returneJ to your bome or office. You wonJereJ if tbey JroppeJ out of your
pocket somewbere. To tbe extent feosible you lookeJ for tbem in tbe possible
ploces but tbey werent tbere.

You felt especiolly pressureJ becouse you were tryinq to beoJ out for
sometbinq importont.

Tben, wben it wos too lote to qet tbere, you once oqoin lookeJ wbere you
usuolly put your keys onJ tbey were riqbt tbere oll tbe time. You just boJnt
seen tbem.

Eow unlucky!

"#$ %&$'$( )$*+$,- ./ 0$*.12(3 4$+5 67*85
9.:5+23#, ;<=> ?5 ),7@+, AB 62*#,1@( C DDDB@(5,#2(3E/@-,B*.1
F@3$ =< ./ >>

You uiun't see youi keys because youi 0nconscious ueemeu it unsuccessful foi
you to go wheie you hau intenueu so, since it contiols what you uo anu uon't see,
it ensuieu that you uiun't see them until it was "safe" foi you to uo so. It has the
absolute powei to make you blinu to something.

}ust tbink of tbe times wben tbinqs went wronq onJ you soiJ to yourself, "0b!
Wby JiJnt l see tbot?" Tbe onswer to your question is tbot your 0nconscious
moJe you blinJ to it.

That's an example of how bau luck woiks.

uoou luck woiks in a similai fashion.

A pait of youi 0nconscious "ueciues" that it woulu be successful foi you if it gives
you something anu it causes you to be in the iight place at the iight time uoing the
iight thing foi the lucky event to occui.

Ior exomple, Jurinq ber luncb breok, Cyntbio }oy Brennon of los veqos won
tbe lorqest slot mocbine jockpot in bistory - $SS million. lt only took 1S

She was in the iight place at the iight time uoing the iight thing to have goou luck.

Eowever, sbortly tbereofter sbe wos porolyzeJ onJ ber sister wos killeJ wben
bit by o Jrunken Jriver wbo boJ 17 previous orrests for Jrunken Jrivinq.

She was in the iight place at the iight time uoing the iight thing to have bau luck.

Why woulu hei 0nconscious possibly ueciue to put hei wheie a uiunken uiivei
woulu iun into hei.

BoseJ on my extensive successful experience in coocbinq people to turn tbeir
boJ luck into qooJ luck, l speculote tbot o port of Cyntbios 0nconscious
"JeciJeJ" tbot sbe wos unwortby of ber initiol qooJ luck onJ "JeciJeJ" to
bolonce tbe scoles.

Cyntbio loter soiJ tbot tbe money sbe boJ won boJ belpeJ ber immensely
witb Jeolinq witb beinq confineJ to o wbeelcboir os o result of tbe occiJent.

ln o sense, tbot bolonces tbinqs out... or ot leost ber 0nconscious miqbt
"concluJe" tbot wos tbe cose.

"#$ %&$'$( )$*+$,- ./ 0$*.12(3 4$+5 67*85
9.:5+23#, ;<=> ?5 ),7@+, AB 62*#,1@( C DDDB@(5,#2(3E/@-,B*.1
F@3$ == ./ >>

Because luck is the iesult of unconscious functioning anu because, by uefinition,
you'ie not consciously awaie of what you uo unconsciously, it seems like you get
what you want - oi, in the case of bau luck, uon't want - without conscious effoit.

The usual conclusion is that it just happeneu oi that some outsiue foice uiu it.

But the tiuth is that luck is unconsciously geneiateu success.

"#$ %&$'$( )$*+$,- ./ 0$*.12(3 4$+5 67*85
9.:5+23#, ;<=> ?5 ),7@+, AB 62*#,1@( C DDDB@(5,#2(3E/@-,B*.1
F@3$ =; ./ >>

)$*+$, >I X.7 V@'$ Y$1@+8@?&$ Y$-.7+*$- ,. U@8$ X.7+-$&/ 67*85

You have a much gieatei ability to unconsciously influence youi enviionment than
you piobably iealize.

Yes, you have tiemenuously gieatei contiol of the woilu aiounu you than most
people believe.

Foi example, you may be awaie of the woik of 0ii uellei, the Isiaeli psychic who
bent spoons with his minu.

l know o qreot Jeol obout 6eller becouse be onJ l were consiJerinq Joinq o
joint venture to troin people to function psycbicolly, ofter l JemonstroteJ tbot
l coulJ Jo tbot witb tbe CF0s onJ leoJinq 6roups of some of my mojor

6eller JemonstroteJ benJinq o spoon tbot be loter qove me onJ l still bove in
my collection. Ee belJ tbe spoon in one bonJ onJ very qently strokeJ it witb o
finqer of tbe otber wbile be soiJ to bimself, silently, "tbe spoon is benJinq, tbe
spoon is benJinq." AnJ it JiJ, in just o few seconJs.

Skeptics, such as }ames Ranui, claim that the way uellei uoes this is by pie-
benuing the spoon iepeateuly until, in engineeiing teims, it is fatigueu - it's lost its
stiength anu can be easily bent with one fingei. While that's a facile explanation of
how Ranui, a magician, might uo that, it's not coiiect in uellei's case.

Bow uo I know.

Because the Naval Weapons Laboiatoiy (0.S. uoveinment) stuuieu the
metalluigical stiuctuie of spoons that uellei hau bent. They concluueu that the
spoons coulu nevei been bent in the way Ranui suggests.

"6eller oltereJ tbe lottice structure of o metol olloy in o woy tbot connot be
JuplicoteJ. Tbere is no present scientific explonotion os to bow be JiJ tbis."

FlJon ByrJ, 0.S. Novol Surfoce Weopons Center. {Tbis is tbe first
reseorcb reloteJ to poropsycboloqy conJucteJ ot o 0S 6overnment

"#$ %&$'$( )$*+$,- ./ 0$*.12(3 4$+5 67*85
9.:5+23#, ;<=> ?5 ),7@+, AB 62*#,1@( C DDDB@(5,#2(3E/@-,B*.1
F@3$ => ./ >>

focility to bove been releoseJ for publicotion by tbe 0S Beportment of

Beie's wheie some of my NIT tiaining comes in hanuy.

Wben you benJ onytbinq, it curves. As it Joes, tbe roJius from tbe center of
tbe curve to tbe eJqe on tbe outsiJe of curve {tbe outer fiber in enqineerinq
terms) becomes qreoter tbon tbe roJius to tbe inner fiber. So tbe outer fiber
must stretcb wbile tbe inner fiber must compress.

Tbere ore lonq-estoblisbeJ metollurqicol tests tbot visuolly sbow tbis effect
tbot occurs wbenever onyone pbysicolly benJs onytbinq beyonJ tbe elostic
limit {tbe point wbere it Jistorts rotber tbon just rebounJinq wben you let

Tbis effect wos entirely obsent from tbe spoons tbot 6eller bent mentolly so
tbe reseorcbers ot tbe Novol Surfoce Weopons Center concluJeJ tbot tbe
spoons coulJ not bove been bent pbysicolly - Jespite wbot }omes RonJi

When uellei kept stioking the spoon aftei it bent, it bioke anu the bowl fell to the
giounu. 0nce again, expeits concluueu that this coulun't have occuiieu by
physically benuing the spoon.

"Tbe 6eller metboJ of breokinq is unlike onytbinq JescribeJ in tbe
{metollurqicol) literoture, from fotique froctures ot-19S Jeqrees to brittle
froctures ot -600 Jeqrees C."

Prof. }obn EosteJ {Professor of Pbysics Birkbeck Colleqe, 0niversity of
lonJon, FnqlonJ)

0thei caiefully contiolleu tests of 0ii uellei's skills of mentally manipulating the
physical woilu weie conuucteu by Stanfoiu Reseaich Institute. In them, uellei
mentally eiaseu paits of magnetic computei tapes. Even Ranui coulun't come up
with an explanation foi that one, to my knowleuge.

What's moie, theie have been lots of piess iepoits of oiuinaiy people mentally
benuing spoons when they got togethei in "spoon benuing" paities. Foi example,
0niveisity of Aiizona Psychology Piofessoi put togethei such a paity foi his
stuuents, but in a scientifically contiolleu situation anu a numbei of them
successfully mentally bent spoons. }ust seaich on uoogle unuei "gioup spoon
benuing" anu you'll get lots of hits.

"#$ %&$'$( )$*+$,- ./ 0$*.12(3 4$+5 67*85
9.:5+23#, ;<=> ?5 ),7@+, AB 62*#,1@( C DDDB@(5,#2(3E/@-,B*.1
F@3$ =L ./ >>

lf youJ like o biblioqropby of some of tbe reseorcb on 6eller performeJ by
biqbly reputoble reseorcbers ot mojor reseorcb institutes, qo to:


Even moie inteiesting is that when uellei appeaieu on television in the 0.K.,
uemonstiating his mental spoon benuing, the uuaiuian newspapei staiteu to
ieceive iepoits of chiluien aiounu the countiy ieplicating what he hau
uemonstiateu. So they publisheu a iequest foi veiifieu iepoits of this occuiiing.
To be veiifieu, it hau to be attesteu to by at least thiee auults in wiiting, stating
that they hau obseiveu the phenomenon. The uuaiuian ieceiveu ovei 4uu such
valiuateu iepoits.

l met witb 6eller in bis polotiol bome in ReJJinq, outsiJe of lonJon onJ wos
stortleJ to see tbot bis livinq room wos furnisbeJ witb stockeJ qloss cboirs by
SolvoJor Boli. l oskeJ bim bow be offorJeJ tbot onJ be tolJ me tbot be wos
tben eorninq lots of money by spenJinq 6 weeks eocb yeor psycbicolly
prospectinq for mojor minerol onJ oil componies. l verifieJ tbot be wos tben
eorninq obout SS million 0.K. PounJs {obout $218 million in current Jollors)
per yeor tokinq only o percentoqe of tbe finJs be successfully moJe.

Ee JescribeJ bow be psycbicolly sconneJ mops for likely locotions onJ tben
flew over tbem in o belicopter to pinpoint tbem.

uellei peifoimeu his psychic piospecting foi some of the majoi mineial anu oil
companies in the woilu.

visiting the Solomon Islanus foi the opening of the Zanex Navu golu mine Philip
Rennie, an oil anu mineial engineei, founu 0ii uellei who was uoing some psychic
piospecting in these potentially iich islanus. Rennie saiu,

"lf you boJ oskeJ wbo l tbouqbt l miqbt meet on o visit to tbe Solomon lslonJs
to look ot qolJ mininq, 0ri 6eller's nome woulJ not bove been biqb on tbe list.
Wbot woulJ tbe renowneJ lsroeli born psycbic powers Jemonstrotor, fomous
for bis spoon benJinq oct, be Joinq in tbis sleepy little Soutb Pocific country?

0n onotber islonJ in tbe Solomons qroup, Holoito, Zonex wonts to explore for
botb qolJ onJ JiomonJs, ...0ri 6eller, ofter flyinq over tbe islonJ, supporteJ
tbe view tbot Holoito is prospective for botb qolJ onJ JiomonJs.

Wbot, you osk very reosonobly, Joes 6eller know obout prospectinq? Tbe
onswer is, reporteJly, enouqb to eorn S0 million in tbe lost S yeors from
royolties {0.S.$ S11 million oJjusteJ for inflotion). Ee looks ot mops onJ
oreos onJ oJvises componies wbere to Jrill, cborqinq o royolty on resultont

"#$ %&$'$( )$*+$,- ./ 0$*.12(3 4$+5 67*85
9.:5+23#, ;<=> ?5 ),7@+, AB 62*#,1@( C DDDB@(5,#2(3E/@-,B*.1
F@3$ =M ./ >>

finJs. No qreot Jetoil is ovoiloble, but be is soiJ to bove pointeJ tbe woy to
botb oil onJ minerol Jiscoveries.

6eller obonJoneJ bis stoqe coreer of spoon benJinq, clock stoppinq onJ
stortinq, psycbic Jrowinq, etc. but bos founJ o nicbe in commerce. lt wos tbe
lote, borJly liqbtweiqbt Sir vol Buncon of Rio Tinto Zinc {one of tbe worlJs
lorqest minerol extroction componies) wbo is creJiteJ witb stortinq 6eller on
bis prospectinq coreer."

When I met with 0ii uellei back uuiing the 198u's, he explaineu that it takes a lot
of eneigy to peifoim such things. Be tolu me that he hau to exeicise foui houis pei
uay to uo continually uo it.

Bowevei, it uoesn't take much effoit to psychically influence the people in youi
enviionment - because it's an entiiely natuial piocess that takes place
unconsciously anu that anyone can uo.

Wben l useJ to perform live {rotber tbon lnternet-boseJ) troininqs orounJ
tbe worlJ, l boJ my stuJents perform on exercise tbot very cleorly
JemonstroteJ tbis.

l oskeJ for o volunteer wbo, wben iJentifieJ, l occomponieJ to onotber room
wbere l qove bim or ber o piece of corJ stock witb o bolJ borizontol line onJ o
bolJ verticol line, crossinq ot tbe center of tbe poqe. Tbe verticol line wos
lobeleJ A ot one enJ onJ B ot tbe otber. Tbe borizontol line wos lobeleJ C ot
one enJ onJ B ot tbe otber.

l olso qove tbe volunteer o simple penJulum, o leoJ weiqbt ot tbe enJ of o 12
incb lonq piece of strinq. AnJ l oskeJ ber or bim to center tbe weiqbt over tbe
center of tbe poper onJ to soy silently onJ repeoteJly to tbemself, "Tbe
penJulum is movinq for A to B, tbe penJulum is movinq from A to B..." Fvery
time l JiJ tbis, tbe penJulum responJeJ by stortinq to move from A to B, first
in o sort of wobbly fosbion onJ soon in on obsolutely stroiqbt line.

Tbis boppeneJ becouse tbe volunteers unconscious minJ took tbis repeoteJ
stotement os on instruction onJ "invisibly" monipuloteJ bis or ber boJy to
moke tbe penJulum move os instructeJ.

Tben, wbile tbe volunteer wos still procticinq in tbe otber room, l took osiJe
20 of tbe moin boJy of stuJents onJ tolJ tbem to just observe tbe volunteer
wben tbey returneJ, until l qove o siqnol. At tbot point, eocb wos to silently
repeot to bim- or berself, "tbe penJulum is movinq from C to B, tbe penJulum
is movinq from C to B..."

"#$ %&$'$( )$*+$,- ./ 0$*.12(3 4$+5 67*85
9.:5+23#, ;<=> ?5 ),7@+, AB 62*#,1@( C DDDB@(5,#2(3E/@-,B*.1
F@3$ =N ./ >>

l next brouqbt tbe volunteer bock into tbe room wbere be JemonstroteJ wbot
l boJ tolJ bim to Jo. Tbe penJulum moveJ in o perfectly stroiqbt line from A
to B onJ bock.

Tben l qove tbe siqnol to tbe otber stuJents onJ tbe penJulum storteJ veerinq
from tbe A to B stroiqbt line. Iirst it moveJ in o ellipticol potb from A to B,
tben o circulor one, tben on ellipticol one from C to B before settlinq into o
stroiqbt line from C to B.

You con try tbis yourself witb o qroup of frienJs. You miqbt oll be quite
surpriseJ ot tbe results if you follow my instructions.

Since theie was only one volunteei, what was bioaucast by the unconscious minus
of the othei twenty swampeu his own instiuctions to his 0nconscious anu the will
of the mass pievaileu.

But it uoesn't take numeiical supeiioiity to influence otheis in subtle but effective
ways. 0sually, it just takes a small "psychic nuuge."

l onJ o lot of my coocbinq stuJents bove fun "creotinq porkinq spoces."

ln my coocbinq proqrom, we eocb builJ on imoqinory mecbonism for
instontly qettinq our unconscious minJs ottention onJ bovinq it put o biqb
priority on implementinq wbotever we instruct it to Jo.

0sinq tbis, wben lm beoJinq out to o movie, o restouront or to visit o frienJ
wbere tbe porkinq is Jifficult, l instruct my 0nconscious to creote o porkinq
spoce riqbt in from of wbere l om beoJinq.

0suolly, wben l qet tbere, l not only observe one person Jeportinq to leove me
o perfect porkinq ploce but severol.

Eow Joes tbis work?

Tbink obout o time wben you JeciJeJ to leove o restouront. You coulJ bove
left o few minutes eorlier or o few minutes loter but ot some point you felt it
wos riqbt onJ left. 0suolly tbot point Joesnt porticulorly stonJ out, it just
seems like tbe riqbt time, Joesnt it?

As witb tbe penJulum exercise, if l senJ o siqnol to your 0nconscious tbot tbis
is tbe time to leove onJ if it is witbin tbot occeptoble winJow, you probobly
will Jo so, riqbt tben.

"#$ %&$'$( )$*+$,- ./ 0$*.12(3 4$+5 67*85
9.:5+23#, ;<=> ?5 ),7@+, AB 62*#,1@( C DDDB@(5,#2(3E/@-,B*.1
F@3$ =O ./ >>

Tbots wbot boppens wben l or one of my stuJents creotes o porkinq spoce, ot
leost tbots tbe woy l tbink it works. lve intervieweJ o number of tbe people
wbo pulleJ out wben l "creoteJ o porkinq spoce" to finJ out tbeir experience
onJ tbey oll soiJ sometbinq like, "lt suJJenly seemeJ tbe riqbt time to leove so
l qot up onJ soiJ, lets qo."

0ii uellei uiun't know how he uiu the amazing things he uiu anu he tolu me that
he uiun't want to know because he was afiaiu that knowing woulu kill his ability
to uo them. Be just tolu his unconscious to benu the spoon anu it uiu.

Youi unconscious also has iemaikable abilities to influence youi woilu that it will
use to make you veiy lucky if you know how to tell it to uo so.

The bottom line is that luck is unconsciously geneiateu success anu youi
0nconscious has lots of iesouices to effectively implement what it ueciues to uo.
Anu when those aie what you want to happen, you'll piobably say, "Bow lucky."

"#$ %&$'$( )$*+$,- ./ 0$*.12(3 4$+5 67*85
9.:5+23#, ;<=> ?5 ),7@+, AB 62*#,1@( C DDDB@(5,#2(3E/@-,B*.1
F@3$ =P ./ >>

)$*+$, LI "#$ 0@-2*- ./ 0$*.12(3 R..HE67*85

Conceptually, becoming lucky is pietty simple. But, as in most things, the elegance
is in the uetails of implementing these concepts.

"6oJ is in tbe Jetoils."

luJwiq Hies von Jer Robe

Beie, I'll uiscuss the concepts. In subsequent Seciets, I'll get into the uetails.

To become goou-lucky, you just neeu to effectively:

AB "$&& X.7+ Q(*.(-*2.7- W#@, X.7 W@(,

Wiite out what you want, euiting until it seems peifect. When it intuitively
seems peifect, that's feeuback fiom youi 0nconscious to youi conscious
minu that you aie basically on tiack. But if you have nagging thoughts such
as, "I can't uo that" oi "I just can't have what I want," that tells you that you
have unconscious ioaublocks that will pievent you fiom getting what you
want (see E, below).

0B F+2.+2,2Z$ W#@, X.7 ".&H X.7+ Q(*.(-*2.7- ,. [.

Youi 0nconscious is piocessing millions of things simultaneously. 0nless
you let it know that what you want shoulu have a high piioiity, it will get
tosseu in the hoppei with all the iest. That uoesn't mean that youi
0nconscious won't piouuce the iesult you want but it ceitainly shaiply
ieuuces the piobability of that happening.

9B 0$ \:$( ". ]$D %S:$+2$(*$-B

Lucky people constantly iecognize oppoitunities in chance encounteis.
They aie open to them anu expect them to happen. They aie ielaxeu about
finuing them. Almost no uay goes by that I uon't have a "lucky" expeiience,
although most of them have limiteu impact. Be open to anu pay attention to

"#$ %&$'$( )$*+$,- ./ 0$*.12(3 4$+5 67*85
9.:5+23#, ;<=> ?5 ),7@+, AB 62*#,1@( C DDDB@(5,#2(3E/@-,B*.1
F@3$ =T ./ >>

what's going on aiounu you as youi 0nconscious attempts to give you what
you aie asking it to cieate.

[B %S:$*, "#@, X.7+ )#2: W2&& A++2'$ @(H 9@+$/7&&5 9#$*8 W#$,#$+ G,

Suipiisingly enough, most people uon't expect anu uon't see the lucky
oppoitunities when they appeai anu theii lucky ship just sales by.
Bowevei, lucky people uo.

[B R2'$ X.7+ Q(*.(-*2.7- A::+.:+2@,$ \(3.2(3 ^$$H?@*8

If you want to leain to become lucky, you have to uefine what you mean by
that (by picking ielevant expeiiences) anu give youi 0nconscious
appiopiiate feeuback that tells it when it has uone what you want anu
when it hasn't.

%B Y$-.&'$ A(5 Y.@H?&.*8- _)$&/E[$/$@,2(3 Q(*.(-*2.7- V@?2,
F@,,$+(-` "#@, F+$'$(, X.7 ^+.1 0$2(3 67*85

Some people get the opposite of what they wish foi because, in effect, theii
0nconscious has things "wiieu backwaius." 0theis get nothing oi only a
fiaction of what they want because theii 0nconscious "ueciues" it isn't
appiopiiate foi them to have what they want. If this is what's going on with
you, you'll have to iesolve these self-uefeating unconscious habit patteins
into self-suppoiting ones befoie you'll become goou-lucky.

If you uo all of these things effectively, you will become a lot luckiei. Keep
ieauing anu I'll tell you how to uo all of them.

"#$ %&$'$( )$*+$,- ./ 0$*.12(3 4$+5 67*85
9.:5+23#, ;<=> ?5 ),7@+, AB 62*#,1@( C DDDB@(5,#2(3E/@-,B*.1
F@3$ ;< ./ >>

)$*+$, MI G,J- %@-5 ". R$, ),@+,$H 0$*.12(3 67*82$+B X.7 9@( )#@+:&5
G(*+$@-$ X.7+ 67*8 05 "$&&2(3 X.7+ Q(*.(-*2.7- W#@, X.7 W@(,B

Theie aie two aspects of this:

A. Bome in on the times when you've alieauy been lucky anu ask youi
0nconscious to "Bo It Again!"

B. Cieate a veiy cleai anu piecise statement of what you want anu ask youi
0nconscious to cieate it.

V.1$ 2( .( ,#$ ,21$- D#$( 5.7J'$ @&+$@H5 ?$$( &7*85 @(H @-8 5.7+
Q(*.(-*2.7- ,. a[. G, A3@2(bc

It uoesn't mattei whethei you come up with lots of examples oi just a few. If you
neeu to piime the pump, ask youi fiienus to tell you about some of theii lucky
bieaks. You'll finu that most people can ieauily uo that.

I'm luckiei than most so when I just staiteu listing my lucky bieaks, I came up with
46 majoi ones in S minutes.

Ior exomple, mony yeors oqo, l wos flyinq from lonJon to Wosbinqton, B.C.
onJ l noticeJ o womon cbonqinq seots two times before sbe JeciJeJ to sit in
tbe empty seot next to me.

We storteJ cbottinq onJ, since l olwoys useJ to fly Iirst Closs witb mostly
business trovelers, l oskeJ ber wbot sbe wos in. Sbe tolJ me sbe wos on
Fxecutive vice PresiJent of one of pioneer inJepenJent pbone componies,

l oskeJ ber bow tbinqs were qoinq onJ sbe recounteJ o tole of woe. Tbot qove
me o cbonce to tell ber bow l coulJ troin ber teom to turn ber woes into
successes. We set up o meetinq for tbe next morninq to meet witb ber teom
onJ Jiscuss wbot l boJ to offer.

"#$ %&$'$( )$*+$,- ./ 0$*.12(3 4$+5 67*85
9.:5+23#, ;<=> ?5 ),7@+, AB 62*#,1@( C DDDB@(5,#2(3E/@-,B*.1
F@3$ ;= ./ >>

ln tbose Joys, if you went to o business meetinq, you wore o nice suit onJ tie.
Tbot JiJnt botber me becouse l boJ severol of tbose in my luqqoqe but
Britisb Airwoys JiJnt brinq my luqqoqe witb me. lt wos still in lonJon, os
tbey quickly JetermineJ wben it JiJnt sbow up on tbe boqqoqe corousel.

lnsteoJ of seeinq tbis os on unlucky event, l tolJ Britisb Airwoys l boJ on
importont meetinq tbe next morninq onJ tbot tbeyJ bove to buy me o qooJ
suit, sbirt, sboes, etc. Becouse l troveleJ orounJ tbe worlJ montbly in Iirst on
Britisb Airwoys, tbey quickly qove me o buJqet of $1,200 so l went to
NorJstroms Jeportment store, founJ tbe riqbt suit, qot it fitteJ tbe some
eveninq, founJ o nice poir of sboes onJ sboweJ up ot tbe meetinq tbe next
morninq properly ottireJ.

By tbe woy, l qot o mojor controct from HCl - onJ o new suit onJ poir of
sboes - out of tbose lucky events.

I'll bet that as you ieau that, you iemembeieu at least one of youi own lucky
bieaks, uiun't you. If so, iecoiu it befoie you foiget. If not, seaich the Inteinet foi
"lucky bieak" stoiies anu ask youi fiienus foi fuithei examples, in oiuei to piime
the pump. Pietty soon, youi 0nconscious will get the point anu stait giving you
memoiies of youi own lucky bieaks.

Be suie to iecoiu them. Boing so will fuithei piime the pump.

When you've got a list, iemembei the fiist event on the list anu, when it is ieally
cleai, imagine putting that memoiy into youi Beait Chakia (the centei of chest)
anu say to youiself, "That's a lucky bieak. Please give me moie lucky bieaks."

Bo this with each of the othei examples on youi list.

Then, at the enu of the uay, see what lucky bieaks you expeiienceu uuiing that uay
anu auu to the list.

Bo this eveiy uay, winnowing youi list to the "best" examples.

9+$@,$ @ '$+5 *&$@+ @(H :+$*2-$ -,@,$1$(, ./ D#@, 5.7 D@(, @(H @-8 5.7+
Q(*.(-*2.7- ,. *+$@,$ 2,B

You alieauy know how to uo this. It's wheie all of those yeais in English classes
will pay off.

Tianslate youi intuitive wish into a cleaily stateu wiitten instiuction to youi

"#$ %&$'$( )$*+$,- ./ 0$*.12(3 4$+5 67*85
9.:5+23#, ;<=> ?5 ),7@+, AB 62*#,1@( C DDDB@(5,#2(3E/@-,B*.1
F@3$ ;; ./ >>

Fiist, wiite out what you want, how you want to be lucky.

Ior exomple, "l will finJ o porkinq ploce ot }oons on TbirJ Cof wben l bove
luncb witb 6lorio toJoy ot noon."

Euit that until it seems intuitively peifect foi you.

As l reoJ tbis, l reolizeJ tbot l wont tbe porkinq spoce to be tbere wben l qet
tbere onJ l wont it to be lorqe enouqb so otber cors wont bump into my
Porscbe. {Tbose Jinqs ore expensive to fix.) So l eJiteJ wbot l wrote until l
wos fully sotisfieJ witb it. {Note tbot tbe cbonqes ore in bolJ type.)

"l will finJ o 4$(:& porkinq spoce $A A)). $A ! $((-%&2 riqbt in front of }oons
on TbirJ Cof wben l bove luncb witb 6lorio toJoy ot noon."

When what you have wiitten seems intuitively anu intellectually peifect foi you,
imagine placing that into youi Beait Chakia saying to youiself, "Please make this
happen in ways that aie foi the highest goou of me anu of all conceineu." When
you've uone that you've completeu this step.

Bowevei, if you have thoughts oi feelings that tell you that you won't get what you
aie asking foi, you aie almost ceitainly encounteiing Blockeis (self-uefeating
unconscious habit patteins) that can stop you colu. If so, see Seciet 1u.

"#$ %&$'$( )$*+$,- ./ 0$*.12(3 4$+5 67*85
9.:5+23#, ;<=> ?5 ),7@+, AB 62*#,1@( C DDDB@(5,#2(3E/@-,B*.1
F@3$ ;> ./ >>

)$*+$, NI X.7J'$ R., ". R$, X.7+ Q(*.(-*2.7- U2(HJ- A,,$(,2.( 0$/.+$ G, W2&&
F@5 A,,$(,2.( ". X.7+ Y$d7$-,B "#@,J- A&-. %@-5B

Youi 0nconscious has a tiemenuous numbei of things to uo to keep you alive anu
functioning anu it has a built-in piioiity that puts issues uealing with youi suivival
at the veiy top of the stack.

If you want it to put something othei than a suivival issue neai the top of the stack
as well, you'll have to uo something to make that happen.

You alieauy know how to uo: thiough iepetition, as you uiu when leaining youi
lines foi a school play.

If you iepeateuly ieau, oi fai bettei, wiite out youi iequest to youi 0nconscious,
its piioiity on giving you what you iequest will giow anu giow. Functionally, this
woiks by getting a pait of youi biain calleu the Reticulai Activating System (RAS)
focuseu on what you aie iepeateuly asking youi 0nconscious to give you.

Youi RAS is a pait of youi biainstem that ueteimines whethei anu, to what extent,
you aie awake anu aleit. It is one of the paits that keeps you focuseu on
something. You've piobably obseiveu it in action.

lets soy tbot youre like me onJ ore consiJerinq buyinq o new cor, o Porscbe
Ponomero. You moy reoJ obout it in moqozines, visit Jeolersbips onJ
otberwise become quite fomilior witb it, repeoteJly focusinq on it.

Pretty soon, becouse tbis oction stimulotes your RAS, youll stort seeinq
Porscbe Ponomeros oll over tbe ploce - not becouse tbey suJJenly become
more populous but becouse your RAS bos you focuseJ on poyinq ottention to
tbeir Jistinctive pbysicol cborocteristics wbenever even tbe smollest
Jistinctive ospect of tbem comes into your fielJ of vision.

Similorly, l remember o stuJy perbops 40 yeors oqo. Tbe porticiponts wbo
repeoteJly imoqineJ tbemselves finJinq currency on tbe siJewolk boJ o mucb
biqber rote of Joinq so tbot tbe control qroup. Aqoin, tbe key wos stimulotinq
tbeir RAS so tbot tbey poiJ porticulor ottention to onytbinq tbot coulJ be
currency os tbey wolkeJ olonq, wbereos most people Jont even look.

"#$ %&$'$( )$*+$,- ./ 0$*.12(3 4$+5 67*85
9.:5+23#, ;<=> ?5 ),7@+, AB 62*#,1@( C DDDB@(5,#2(3E/@-,B*.1
F@3$ ;L ./ >>

Youi Reticulai Activating System is a mechanism in youi biain that youi
0nconscious uses to keep you focuseu on something, a mechanism that it tiiggeis
when you have uone what's necessaiy to inciease its piioiity on that something.

}ust remember bock to wben you boJ to leorn your lines for o scbool ploy.
Your repeoteJly reoJ onJ, perbops, soiJ your lines out louJ until you reocbeJ
tbe point wbere, wben you qot tbe cue, tbey just rolleJ off your tonque olmost

0r remember leorninq to sinq o populor sonq tbot you likeJ. Tbrouqb
repetition, you reocbeJ tbe point wbere wbenever you beorJ o cborJ of tbot
sonq, tbe rest of tbe sonq onJ tbe occomponyinq worJs poppeJ into your
conscious minJ.

So get youi 0nconscious to inciease its piioiity on giving you what you want by
iepeateuly ieauing, oi even bettei, wiiting youi iequest to it as well as asking it to
give you lucky bieaks. When you uo, youi RAS will make you moie awaie of those
lucky chance occuiiences.

Again, howevei, if this iepetition tiiggeis feelings oi thoughts that you won't oi
can't get what you'ie asking foi, you'ie almost ceitainly iunning into Blockeis
(self-uefeating unconscious habit patteins) that will piobably stop you colu. 0i, if
youi 0nconscious is "wiieu backwaius," it will give you the opposite - the iesult of
anothei Blockei.

Being 0nconsciously "wiieu backwaius" was something that the ieseaicheis at
the Piinceton 0niveisity Engineeiing Anomalies Reseaich Institute (PEAR) founu
that some people iepeateuly uemonstiateu.

Tbe Beon of tbe Princeton Fnqineerinq Scbool set tbis lnstitute up to finJ out
wby some people were "computer jinxes" wbile otbers were not.

Burinq ten yeors of reseorcb, tbey founJ tbot, ot on increJibly biqb level of
stotisticol siqnificonce, onyone coulJ mentolly control ony electronic,
mecbonicol or nucleor Jevice tbey testeJ.

As 0ri 6eller JiJ wben strokinq o spoon, tbey instructeJ tbeir test subjects to
just repeoteJly soy to tbemselves, "Tbe qropb is qoinq up" or sometbinq
similor to tbe situotion... onJ tbe qropb went up.

Eowever, tbey founJ tbot some people experienceJ tbe qropb qoinq Jown
wben tbey tolJ it to qo up. Tbis wos becouse tbey were unconsciously "wireJ

"#$ %&$'$( )$*+$,- ./ 0$*.12(3 4$+5 67*85
9.:5+23#, ;<=> ?5 ),7@+, AB 62*#,1@( C DDDB@(5,#2(3E/@-,B*.1
F@3$ ;M ./ >>

Some people aie "wiieu backwaius" in teims of success anu being lucky. The moie
they tiy, the less successful anu less lucky they become. This is because they have
self-uefeating unconscious habit patteins opeiating. (Noie about that in Seciet

"#$ %&$'$( )$*+$,- ./ 0$*.12(3 4$+5 67*85
9.:5+23#, ;<=> ?5 ),7@+, AB 62*#,1@( C DDDB@(5,#2(3E/@-,B*.1
F@3$ ;N ./ >>

)$*+$, OI 0$ \:$( ". ]$D %S:$+2$(*$- 0$*@7-$ "#$5 W2&& G(*&7H$ 9#@(*$- ".
0$ 67*85B

Lucky people constantly iecognize oppoitunities in what they encountei because
they aie open to them.

Ior exomple, l wos open to tbe HCl vice PresiJent wbo bounceJ orounJ from
one seot to onotber in tbe oirplone before settlinq Jown next to me.

l wos open to tbe possibility tbot wbot sbeJ Jone wosnt crozy but tbot sbe
wos unconsciously lookinq for me.

AnJ tbots sometbinq sbe reolizeJ boJ been tbe cose ofter weJ been workinq
toqetber for wbile.

As ielateu above, Bainett Belzbeig }i. was open to the extiemely unlikely chance
that when he thought he heaiu someone say, "Ni. Buffett," it was TBE Ni. Buffett,
the investing wizaiu who is the thiiu iichest peison in the woilu anu Chaiiman of
Beikshiie-Bathaway - anu who eventually bought Belzbeig Biamonus thiough a
tax-fiee exchange of Beikshiie-Bathaway stock.

Be open aftei telling youi 0nconscious what you want anu gieat lucky things can

Ior exomple, l useJ to qo out only witb women wbo boJ only o porticulor
type of oppeoronce.

Eowever, wben l went lookinq for my Perfect Portner, my 0nconscious
JirecteJ me to eEormony. Tbere, tbe tbirJ conJiJote tbot tbey sent me JiJnt
look ot oll like wbot l tbouqbt l wos lookinq for.

But tbere wos o resononce obout wbot sbe boJ to soy onJ tbe picture of ber in
yellow slickers witb boby penquins explorinq ber reolly intriqueJ me. So l
openeJ myself to sometbinq new.

"#$ %&$'$( )$*+$,- ./ 0$*.12(3 4$+5 67*85
9.:5+23#, ;<=> ?5 ),7@+, AB 62*#,1@( C DDDB@(5,#2(3E/@-,B*.1
F@3$ ;O ./ >>

Tbot wos 6lorio, wbo is now my wife onJ is "procticolly perfect in every woy,"
only one of tbe tbirty-two cborocteristics l wos seekinq in my Perfect Portner.
Focb Joy witb ber is o joy.

Wbot if l boJnt been open to someone wbo lookeJ Jifferent from wbot l

The bottom line of this Seciet is that lucky people aie open to unlikely chance
occuiiences that sometimes tuin out to be lucky bieaks. In contiast, unlucky
people say to themselves something like, "That's not what I am looking foi" anu
ignoie such oppoitunities.

"#$ %&$'$( )$*+$,- ./ 0$*.12(3 4$+5 67*85
9.:5+23#, ;<=> ?5 ),7@+, AB 62*#,1@( C DDDB@(5,#2(3E/@-,B*.1
F@3$ ;P ./ >>

)$*+$, PI %S:$*, "#$ 67*85 "#2(3 X.7 V@'$ Y$d7$-,$H ". )#.D Q: A(H A*,
\( G, W#$( G, [.$-

Lucky people expect goou things to happen to them, iecognize them when they uo
anu act on them when they appeai.

This is what psychologists call a "confiimation bias" anu eveiyone else calls "a self-
fulfilling piophecy." If you believe that you aie lucky anu act accoiuingly, theie a
much highei piobability that's what you'll get than if not.

"luck is believinq youre lucky."

Tennessee Willioms

0nlucky people uon't expect to be lucky anu that's what they get. By the way, that's
anothei Blockei in opeiation.

Richaiu Wiseman, a psychologist at the 0niveisity of Beitfoiushiie, stuuieu a
gioup of about 4uu self-iuentifieu veiy lucky anu unlucky people foi about ten
yeais, conuucting some inteiesting expeiiments.

Be founu that the lucky people consistently encounteieu anu iecognizeu
oppoitunities wheieas unlucky people uiun't. In an aiticle, "The Luck Factoi,"
Wiseman, authoi of a book by the same name, ielateu:

"l qove botb lucky onJ unlucky people o newspoper, onJ oskeJ tbem to look
tbrouqb it onJ tell me bow mony pbotoqropbs were insiJe. 0n overoqe, tbe
unlucky people took obout two minutes to count tbe pbotoqropbs wbereos
tbe lucky people took just seconJs.

Wby? Becouse tbe seconJ poqe of tbe newspoper contoineJ tbe messoqe "Stop
countinq - Tbere ore 4S pbotoqropbs in tbis newspoper." Tbis messoqe took
up bolf of tbe poqe onJ wos written in type tbot wos over two incbes biqb.

lt wos storinq everyone stroiqbt in tbe foce, but tbe unlucky people tenJeJ to
miss it onJ tbe lucky people tenJeJ to spot it. }ust for fun, l ploceJ o seconJ
lorqe messoqe bolf woy tbrouqb tbe newspoper. Tbis one onnounceJ: "Stop

"#$ %&$'$( )$*+$,- ./ 0$*.12(3 4$+5 67*85
9.:5+23#, ;<=> ?5 ),7@+, AB 62*#,1@( C DDDB@(5,#2(3E/@-,B*.1
F@3$ ;T ./ >>

countinq, tell tbe experimenter you bove seen tbis onJ win $2S0." Aqoin, tbe
unlucky people misseJ tbe opportunity becouse tbey were still too busy
lookinq for pbotoqropbs."

uoing back to my iequest to my 0nconscious to immeuiately finu a paiking space
uiiectly in fiont of }oan's on Thiiu Caf, the occasion was my veiy fiist in-peison
meeting with my now-wife uloiia aftei meeting anu communicating with hei
thiough eBaimony.

6lorio liveJ in tbe EollywooJ Eills oreo of los Anqeles onJ l liveJ in Sonto
Borboro ot tbe time. Tbot meont l boJ to Jrive obout 90 miles to meet ber.

At tbe time, l wos not ot oll fomilior witb los Anqeles onJ boJ no iJeo of wbot
to expect, ossuminq l even founJ }oons. So, before leovinq Sonto Borboro, l
moJe my request of my 0nconscious onJ set my 6PS. Eoppily, l orriveJ five
minutes obeoJ of tbe oqreeJ time, fully expectinq my porkinq spoce to be
tbere, owoitinq me.

As l wos swiftly Jrivinq Jown TbirJ Street, l noticeJ tbot tbere werent ony
open porkinq spots. Tben, just ofter my 6PS soiJ l wos S00 yorJs from my
Jestinotion, l sow o spoce. But it wos obout 900 feet from my Jestinotion, not
riqbt in front of it so l iqnoreJ tbe spoce onJ continueJ.

Sure enouqb, os my 6PS onnounceJ tbot lJ orrive ot my Jestinotion in 100
feet, l sow someone pullinq out of o porkinq spoce onJ, wben l qlonceJ to its
riqbt, l noticeJ tbot it wos riqbt in front of }oons. Tbots tbe spoce l took.

lf l boJnt been expectinq to finJ wbot lJ oskeJ for, lJ probobly bove porkeJ
900 feet owoy onJ been o little lote for my oppointment but, expectinq to qet
wbot lJ oskeJ for, l wos just o little bit eorly. AnJ l tbink tbots pretty
importont on o first Jote.

So ask youi 0nconscious foi what you want anu keep youi eyes open, expecting it
to give it to you.

"#$ %&$'$( )$*+$,- ./ 0$*.12(3 4$+5 67*85
9.:5+23#, ;<=> ?5 ),7@+, AB 62*#,1@( C DDDB@(5,#2(3E/@-,B*.1
F@3$ >< ./ >>

)$*+$, TI "+@2( X.7+ Q(*.(-*2.7- ". U@8$ X.7 67*85 05 A-82(3 ^.+ W#@,
X.7 W@(, A(H R2'2(3 G, A::+.:+2@,$ ^$$H?@*8B

In youi noimal life, if you'ie tiying to leain to uo something that's new to you, you
know how ciitically impoitant it is to get constiuctive feeuback fiom someone
who alieauy knows how to uo that.

The same is tiue foi youi 0nconscious.

If you want to become a lot luckiei than you alieauy aie, you have to tiain youi
0nconscious to uo something othei than what it's alieauy uoing.

"lf you olwoys Jo wbot you've olwoys Jone, you'll olwoys qet wbot you've
olwoys qot."

Eenry IorJ {oltbouqb often ottributeJ to Tony Robbins)

Since you consciously ueciue whethei you have been lucky oi not, youi job is to
cleaily show youi 0nconscious what you think is a lucky bieak.

Beie's an easy way of uoing that.

At the enu of each uay, just befoie you go to sleep, sit uown with a pen anu
a piece of papei oi at youi computei. 0n a page uiviueu veitically in two,
label the left-hanu column Successes anu the iight Failuies.

Then ieview youi uay, looking caiefully foi any goou-lucky expeiiences,
youi Successes, anu any failuies to be lucky wheie you weie expecting to
finu Successes, youi Failuies. Recoiu all of each type in the appiopiiate
column anu uate the uocument.

Staiting with the fiist Success, iemembei that expeiience. In youi
imagination, using youi skill of Binusight, make it even bettei. When it is
tiuly gieat, imagine placing it in youi Beait Chakia (the centei of youi
chest) anu silently say into youi Beait Chakia, "That's what I consiuei a
lucky bieak. Please give me moie lucky bieaks." Then take a ueep bieath
anu exhale shaiply.

"#$ %&$'$( )$*+$,- ./ 0$*.12(3 4$+5 67*85
9.:5+23#, ;<=> ?5 ),7@+, AB 62*#,1@( C DDDB@(5,#2(3E/@-,B*.1
F@3$ >= ./ >>

Bo this with each of the othei Successes on youi list.

Next, staiting with the fiist Failuie, using youi skill of Binusight, change
that iemembeieu Failuie into an Imaginaiy Expeiience of being lucky.
When it is tiuly gieat, imagine placing it in youi Beait Chakia (the centei of
youi chest) anu silently say into youi Beait Chakia, "That's what I consiuei
a lucky bieak. Please give me lots of lucky bieaks." Then take a ueep bieath
anu exhale shaiply.

Repeat this foi each of the Failuies on youi list. In the piocess, you'll, in
effect, be telling youi 0nconscious to "tuin lemons into lemonaue."

You'll soon become able to uo this quite quickly anu will note that you get moie
lucky bieaks, if you keep youi eyes open.

"#$ %&$'$( )$*+$,- ./ 0$*.12(3 4$+5 67*85
9.:5+23#, ;<=> ?5 ),7@+, AB 62*#,1@( C DDDB@(5,#2(3E/@-,B*.1
F@3$ >; ./ >>

)$*+$, =<I "7+( Q(*.(-*2.7- V@?2,EF@,,$+(- "#@, F+$'$(, X.7 ^+.1 0$2(3
67*85 G(,. \($- "#@, W2&& U@8$ X.7 67*85B

0ui unconscious minus iun oui lives. They ensuie oui bloou is pumpeu anu
ueteimine what we uo anu uon't see, what we uo oi uon't uo anu how lucky we

They uo this thiough a seiies of complex unconscious habit-patteins such as you
uevelopeu as an infant that enableu you to easily stanu up anu walk oi to easily
anu pietty automatically uiive a cai.

Sometimes, howevei, unconscious habit-patteins that weie once successful
become unsuccessful as we change anu the contexts of oui lives change. If that's
the case, they tuin fiom success-piouucing to self-uefeating.

If that's the case, you'll typically become awaie of them when something you want
uoesn't happen oi when you seem unable to uo something - such as being lucky in
a paiticulai situation.

I call these self-uefeating unconscious habit-patteins Blockeis because they aie
ioaublocks that pievent you fiom being oi having what you want.

If you have Blockeis that pievent you fiom becoming luckiei, even when you uo
what I've pieviously uesciibeu, you neeu to ie-tiain youi unconscious in ways that
tiansfoim those self-uefeating unconscious habit-patteins into self-suppoiting

To finu out moie about this, ieau Posts 6 anu 7 on my Success Blog:
http:stuaitlichtman.comblockeis wheie I explain the piocess.

0i if you want uetaileu visual anu auuio instiuctions in actually iesolving those
Blockeis, ieau my eBook: wheie I tell you exactly
how to iesolve self-uefeating unconscious habit-patteins into self-suppoiting

When you uo this with iespect to becoming luckiei, you'll piobably be staitleu at
the positive impact.

"#$ %&$'$( )$*+$,- ./ 0$*.12(3 4$+5 67*85
9.:5+23#, ;<=> ?5 ),7@+, AB 62*#,1@( C DDDB@(5,#2(3E/@-,B*.1
F@3$ >> ./ >>

)$*+$, ==I X.7 9@( "@8$ X.7+ 67*8 ". A F+./.7(H&5 V23#$+ 6$'$& 42@
95?$+($,2* "+@(-:.-2,2.(B

What I uesciibeu in Seciet 1u is only one of the many aspects of Cybeinetic

Cybeinetic Tiansposition is the piocess of consciously managing youi unconscious
minu to consistently achieve seemingly impossible iesults that I fiist inventeu
ovei Su yeais ago anu have been impioving evei since.

It is what I teach in my Supei Achievei Coaching Piogiam that empoweis the
paiticipants to have a TTBOe +@,$ ./ '$+5 +@:2H&5 ?$*.12(3 $S,+$1$&5 &7*85B

I offei thiee incieasingly poweiful levels of tiaining in the Cybeinetic
Tiansposition techniques. They all stait with my Seconu Euition eBook system.
(Please note that the links below aie live. }ust click on them.)

This system consists of a S96 page main book in both piint anu Auuio Book
foimat, 14 "application specific" Bonuses that tell you how to apply Cybeinetic
Tiansposition to such things as accomplishing as much in half the time with bettei
iesults, easily anu quickly losing weight anu finuing youi Peifect Paitnei. It also
incluues 8 Auuio uuiuance segments that leau you thiough key Cybeinetic
Tiansposition piocesses.

To leain moie, go to 0n that page you will finu
lots of infoimation anu a viueo in which I biiefly explain my eBook system.

Take a look at what quite a few useis of my eBook system anu paiticipants in my
Supei Achievei Coaching Piogiam have to say about theii successes iesulting fiom
applying what I teach: www.stuaitlichtman.comfilessuccess-stoiies.puf.

These iesouices will empowei you to become fai luckiei if you employ them, so
lucky that you will piobably be astounueu. I offei a 1uu% satisfaction guaiantee so
you can tiy them with absolutely no iisk. Bon't uelay taking action. visit the site
iight now anu get staiteu: to

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