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STEP 7 V5.5 Programming Software for SIMATIC S7 / M7 / C7

Notes on Installation and Usage
These notes should be considered more up-to-date than the information in other documents. Read the notes carefully, because they contain information on installing and using STEP 7 V5.5. mportant amendments to this !ersion are in italics and identified "ith the note #$e" as of this !ersion#. Note when printing the file that the left and right margins are set to a width of 25 millimeters for A4 portrait format.


Notes on Installation
The installation notes contain important information that you "ill re%uire in order to install STEP 7 V5.5. Read these notes before installing the soft"are.

Contents of the Consignment

The &V& included in the content of consignment contains a complete !ersion of STEP 7 V5.5 as "ell as a !ariety of optional components. The STEP 7 !ersion is a!ailable in 5 languages and can be run using the operating systems listed in section '. STEP 7 V5.5 is currently included on the &V& #STEP 7 V5.5# in the contents of consignment "ith a floating, upgrade, rental or trial license(

STE ! "5.5 #$loating %i&ense'

)rder number( *ES7+',--..',-,/05 The follo"ing items are included in this pac1age( ' STEP 7 &V& ' 2icense 1ey 3S4 5emory Stic1 ' .ertificate of license ' Product information

STE ! "5.5 #$loating %i&ense' #"()"4)"5.* + "5.5'

)rder number( *ES7+',--..',-,/E5 The follo"ing items are included in this pac1age( ' STEP 7 &V& ' 2icense 1ey 3S4 5emory Stic1 ' .ertificate of license Product information

STE ! "5.5 ,ental %i&ense #5-h'

)rder number( *ES7+',--..',-,/0* The follo"ing items are included in this pac1age( ' STEP 7 &V& 2icense 1ey 3S4 5emory Stic1 ' .ertificate of license ' Product information

STE ! "5.5 Trial %i&ense #.4 da/s'

)rder number( *ES7+',--..',-,/07 The follo"ing items are included in this pac1age( ' STEP 7 &V&

Contents of the STE ! 0"0

Setup.e6e Readme.rtf 75 languages8 Readme9)SS.rtf 75 languages8 Folder CD_1 7 nstallation8 STEP 7 V5.5 0utomation 2icense 5anager S7P.T V:.' Folder CD_ Product information( #;hat<s $e"# Product information( #$e" 5odules# Product information( #.entral nstallation# 5anual( #=etting Started( ;or1ing "ith STEP 7# 5anual( #Programming "ith STEP 7" 5anual( #.onfiguring >ard"are and .ommunication .onnections "ith STEP 7# 5anual( #System 5odification in R3$ 5ode !ia .iR# 5anual( #0utomation System S7--,,> - ?ault-Tolerant Systems# 5anuals( #$.5 S7# 5anual( #?rom S5 to S7# 5anual( #2adder 2ogic 720&8 for S7-@,,A-,,# 5anual( #Statement 2ist 7ST28 for S7-@,,A-,,# 5anual( #?unction 4loc1 &iagram 7?4&8 for S7-@,,A-,,# 5anual( #Standard and System ?unctions for S7-@,,A-,,# 5anual( #Standard and System ?unctions for T STEP 7 .on!erter# 5anual( #P & .ontrol# 5anual( #P & Temperature .ontrol# .ompatibility list S 50T . i5ap STEP 7 0dd-on &escription of the .ommand nterface $e" as of this !ersion( source code of the )SS soft"are 7folder #)pen Source Soft"are#8 The manuals are a!ailable in an installable form in the folder .&9: and are optionally a!ailable on your computer after STEP 7 has been installed. f you do not install the manuals, you can also !ie" at any time on the data carrier. ?older #)ptional .omponents# ?older #.ommunication 4loc1s# &ocumentation of bloc1s ?ET.>A;R TE-?4s :', and ::,.

$e" as of this !ersion( Folder "S7 Web2PLC" Application for creation and setup of user-defined Web pages for the Web server of the CPU Folder "S7 !loc" Privac#" Application for encoding of bloc"s Notes: A bloc" protected $ith !loc" Privac# can onl# be loaded to the follo$ing CPUs% S7-&'' and () 2'' CPUs as of fir*$are +& 2 S7-,'' CPUs as of fir*$are + A bloc" protected $ith "!loc" Privac#" $ill not be considered in the reference data lists. /eep this in *ind $hen creating protected bloc"s All global variables used in creating protected bloc"s cannot be entered in the reference data list )his *eans #ou should not use global variables in the protected bloc"s

1ardware ,e23irements

n order to "or1 "ith the STEP 7 V5.5, you need a programming de!ice or a P. "ith the follo"ing minimum re%uirements for processor speedAperformance, e6panded memory configuration and graphics capability(
4perating S/stem Minim3m ,e23irements for5 ro&essor 5S ;indo"s BP Professional 5S ;indo"s Ser!er :,,@ 5S ;indo"s 7 Professional 5S ;indo"s 7 3ltimate 5S ;indo"s 7 Enterprise *,,5>C :.- =>C ' =>C ' =>C ' =>C E*panded memor/ &onfig3ration 5': 54 D8 ' =4 '=4 DD8 '=4 DD8 '=4 DD8 6raphi&s B=0 ',:-67*+ '*-bit color depth B=0 ',:-67*+ '*-bit color depth B=0 ',:-67*+ '*-bit color depth B=0 ',:-67*+ '*-bit color depth B=0 ',:-67*+ '*-bit color depth

D8 0t least ' =4 e6panded memory configuration is recommended DD8 0t least : =4 e6panded memory configuration is recommended

3se a programming de!ice or P. "ith the latest performance capabilities if you are editing e6tensi!e STEP 7 proEects or "or1ing "ith hard"are configurations containing se!eral hundred modules 7.P3s, sla!es, A) de!ices, etc.8. n addition, you "ill need an e6ternal prommer for S 50T . memory cards A 55. if you are using a P. and "ant to sa!e your user programs to EPR)5s and a S 50T . $ET interface if you "ant to use online functions "ith your personal computer for the automation system. 0e$ as of this version% As of S)(P 7 +1 1 #ou can use the US! pro**er $ithout installating additional soft$are )he necessar# functionalit# has been integrated in S)(P 7 0dditional information on 5S ;indo"s 7( The F0ero =lass StyleG can only be used "ith a high-performance graphic adapter. t re%uires(

&irectBH capability ':+ 54 separate graphic memory The performance of the graphics system architecture can ha!e a substantial impact on the performance of STEP 7.

Software ,e23irements

4perating En7ironment
4perating s/stems
STEP 7 V5.5 is a @:-bit application that can be used "ith the follo"ing operating systems( 5S ;indo"s BP Professional SP: or SP@ 5S ;indo"s Ser!er :,,@ SP: A R: SP: Standard Edition as "or1station computer $e" as of this !ersion( 5S ;indo"s 7 @: 4it 3ltimate, Professional Enterprise 7standard installation8. The ;indo"s BP mode under ;indo"s 7 has not been appro!ed yet. STEP 7 has not been tested for the follo"ing operating systemsI use at your o"n ris1( 5S ;indo"s BP Professional "ith SP' 5S ;indo"s Ser!er :,,@, SP', SP' R: 5S ;indo"s Vista 3ltimate, 4usiness and Enterprise 5S ;indo"s Ser!er :,,+ std. Edition SP' and SP: STEP 7 V5.5 cannot be installed or operated under( 5S ;indo"s @.' 5S ;indo"s for ;or1groups @.'' 5S ;indo"s H5 5S ;indo"s H+ 5S ;indo"s 5illennium 5S ;indo"s $T -., 5S ;indo"s :,,, 5S ;indo"s BP >ome 5S ;indo"s BP Professional 7"ithout SP8 5S ;indo"s Vista >ome 4asic, Premium 5S ;indo"s Vista *- 4it !ersions 5S ;indo"s 7 *- 4it !ersions

Important additional information5

Special considerations "hen installing the soft"are on 5S ;indo"s Ser!er :,,+( /ou need administrator rights to configure the P=AP. interface or install hard"are support pac1ages. The user rights from the user group #Siemens T 0 Engineer# are not sufficient. Special consideration "hen installing the soft"are on 5S ;indo"s 7( )bser!e the notes in the paragraph #Special .haracteristics of the 5S ;indo"s 7 )perating System# regarding the user group #Siemens T 0 Engineer#.

Internet E*plorer
0ll operating systems must be using 5S nternet E6plorer *., 7or higher8.

0ispla/ of 0$ files
$e" as of this !ersion( )o read the supplied P2F files3 #ou need a P2F reader that is co*patible $ith P2F 4 7 56S7&2'''-4%2''8 P2F9

Se&3rit/ settings
n proEect directories, all users "ho ha!e "rite access are to recei!e "rite permission in case of non-e6clusi!e use by one user only. These rights ha!e to be set up by an administrator. Note( The standard rights a!ailable in the operating system depend on the operating system in use. Tools used for the creation of partitions "ill implement their o"n security guidelines.

1ibernation mode
Shifting to hibernation mode is generally permitted in STEP 7. >o"e!er, hibernation must not be triggered if online connections are open or proEects are being accessed by STEP 7 applications !ia a net"or1. n such cases, online connections could be terminated unintentionally and open proEects on net"or1s may e6perience data loss. ?or these reasons, the energy options for the operating system in the ;indo"s .ontrol Panel should be set so that hibernation is not automatically triggered 7by timer8. >ibernation should not be triggered manually by the user in the cases mentioned abo!e.

Memor/ ,e23irements
Memor/ re23irements for STE !
&epending on your installation re%uirements and the number of languages installed, STEP 7 V5.5 re%uires bet"een &a. 85- M9 and :-- M9 of memory on your hard dis1. The e6act !alue also depends on your operating system and on the file system used on your programming de!iceApersonal computer.

MS ;indows swap file

The supported ;indo"s operating systems also re%uire additional free space on the hard dis1 7typically .(8 for their s"ap files, depending on the memory configuration. /ou should 1eep at least double the !alue of the R05 free. 7E6ample( f you ha!e 5': 5bytes of R05, you "ill re%uire another ',:- 5bytes of free space on the hard dis1 for the s"ap file after STEP 7 has been installed.8 &epending on the siCe of the proEect, it may be necessary to ha!e a larger s"ap file, for e6ample, "hen copying an entire proEect 7t"ice the siCe of the proEect on the hard dri!e in addition8. f the free memory area for the s"ap file is too small, errors may occur 7the program could possibly crash8. 0dditional ;indo"s applications "hich run parallel to STEP 7 7such as 5icrosoft ;ord8 also re%uire additional hard dis1 space for the s"ap file. n order to ensure that the re%uired memory for the s"ap file is really a!ailable, the minimum siCe for the s"ap file should be set to the abo!e !alue. This can be set in ;indo"s 7for e6ample, ;indo"s BP Professional8 in the tas1bar in Start + Settings + Control anel 7in S/stem + 0d!anced J System Performance J Settings J 0d!anced8. /ou must ma1e certain that you ha!e enough free memory on the dri!e "here the proEect data are located. f there is not enough memory on the dri!e, the proEect data may be destroyed during an operation 7for e6ample, "hen compiling an ST2 source file into bloc1s8. ;e also recommend that you do not store the proEect data on the same dri!e as the ;indo"s s"ap file.

Compatibilit/ with 4ther Software rod3&ts ...

,ational ClearCase
STEP 7 proEects must not be stored on .lear.ase dri!esI that is, dri!es that are lin1ed to a .lear.ase Vie" 75V?S8.

Networ< Settings when 3sing 4ther Software rod3&ts

f you are using other soft"are products 7for e6ample, mail pro!iders8 on a programming de!ice or P. "ith STEP 7, obser!e the additional notes on net"or1 settings in the section #3sing $et"or1 &ri!es#.

4nline 0o&3mentation
The online help in STEP 7 V5.5 is split into t"o sections. /ou can find notes on the current conte6t in the same "ay as "ith the standard ;indo"s help. The general section of the online help is based on the >T52 format.


Installing STE ! "5.5

;hen installing STEP 7 V5.5, you can o!er"rite e6isting installations of STEP 7 V5.', V5.:, V5.@ or V5.- "hile obser!ing the authoriCed operating systems 7refer to .hapter @.'8. /ou do not ha!e to uninstall these STEP 7 !ersions and optional pac1ages prior to the installation. 4efore starting the Setup program, close all applications 7such as 5icrosoft ;ord, etc.8 and the #.ontrol Panel# "indo", because you "ill need to restart ;indo"s follo"ing the installation of STEP 7 V5.5 so that all system !ariables can be entered completely. nsert the STEP 7 &V& in the dri!e. The setup program "ill guide you through the installation. The setup program starts automatically after the STEP 7 &V& is inserted in the dri!e. f you ha!e disabled this function on your computer, start the setup program by double-clic1ing the SET3P.EBE program in the root directory. n the component selection bo6, select the 0dobe Reader, STEP 7, the 0utomation 2icense 5anager and any other components that you "ish to install. f you "ould li1e to change the installation path suggested in the setup during the STEP 7 installation, please note that you cannot install it directly to a root directory 7e.g. &(8 on your computer. There has to be at least one higher-le!el folder such as #STEP7#, for e6ample, &(KSTEP7. These components "ill then be installed. The follo"ing notes are intended to help you ma1e the correct user entries re%uired during the Setup program( The dri!e on "hich you install your STEP 7 V5.5 system can be selected freely. )n some P.sAprogramming de!ices, you "ill not be able to select the dri!e !ia the selection list. n this case, simply enter the dri!e "ith its path in the appropriate input bo6 7for e6ample, #e(KSiemensAStep7#8. $ote that all STEP 7 optional pac1ages must also be installed on this dri!e, so there must be sufficient space a!ailable 7see #5emory Re%uirements#8. 0!oid installing STEP 7 on a S34ST dri!e. 4efore you use STEP 7 V5.5, ;indo"s must be restarted. )nly then do all of the 5icrosoft ;indo"s entries become acti!e. f you do not restart ;indo"s, STEP 7 V5.5 cannot run properly and data may be lost. f the installation procedure is aborted, you "ill also need to restart ;indo"s. Refer to the tables in the S7L)5P94.P&? file 7in the directory #Step7# follo"ing installation8 for information on "hich !ersions of the optional pac1ages can run "ith STEP 7 V5.5 under the respecti!e operating systems. STEP 7 must not be installed in a directory "hose path includes characters that are not listed in the 0S. character set 7refer to the section F$ote on 3sing ?oreign2anguage .haracter SetsG8. The security settings of your system are modified during installation so that you can use STEP 7( Port --', for T.P is entered as an e6ception in the ;indo"s ?ire"all. f you are using additional fire"all soft"are, you may ha!e to ensure that the e6ceptions made in the ;indo"s ?ire"all are also ta1en into consideration in your additional fire"all soft"are. .ontact your Siemens representati!e for more up-to-date information or chec1 our "ebsite( http(AAsupport.automation.siemens.comA;;.

Note STEP 7 registers itself in the system files of the 5S ;indo"s operating system. /ou cannot delete, mo!e or rename STEP 7 files or folders using 5icrosoft ;indo"s utilities such as the E6plorer or modify STEP 7 data in the 5icrosoft ;indo"s registry. The program may no longer run properly after such modifications.

Upgrading an older STE ! 7ersion

Prere%uisite for installation of the upgrade pac1age is a !alid license of STEP 7 V@.6, V-.6, V5.,, V5.', V5.:, V5.@ or V5.-. Note $ote that an upgrade may re%uire changing to a different operating system, because as of STEP 7 V5.@ and STEP 7 V5.- SP- older operating systems 7for e6ample ;indo"s :,,,8 are no longer supported 7see '8. 0dditional information on the upgrade is a!ailable in the product information. Prior to changing the operating system, you "ill ha!e to bac1up the e6isting authoriCation A license 1ey "ith the program 0uthors; A 0utomation 2icense 5anager on dis1 A 3S4 5emory Stic1. ;hen installing any components "ithout remo!ing S7&)S V7.'.6 first, there may be a fe" instances "hen you "ill recei!e the follo"ing error message from the operating system( #s7oiehs6.e6e - Error in application.# The installation "ill still be e6ecuted correctly.

%i&ense =e/ of STE ! "5.5

The license 1ey is pro!ided on a 3S4 5emory Stic1 instead of a floppy in ne" deli!eries of STEP 7 as of STEP 7 V5.- SP@. Therefore, "hen transferring the license 1ey to the hard dis1 of your computer, select the source medium "here the license 1ey is located accordingly, a floppy or 3S4 5emory Stic1. 4efore you can start "or1ing "ith STEP 7, you must transfer the license 1ey to the computer. There are t"o "ays of doing this( ;hile you are installing STEP 7, the Setup program displays a message if there is no suitable license 1ey installed on your computer. /ou can then decide "hether you "ant the license 1ey to be installed by the FSetupG program or "hether you "ant to install the license 1ey manually at a later time using the F0utomation 2icense 5anagerG program. f the license 1ey cannot be installed during setup, continue the Setup program "ithout installing the license 1ey. Then boot the computer and install the license 1ey using the tas1bar in 7for e6ample, ;indo"s BP Professional8 ProgramsKSiemens 0utomationK0utomation 2icense 5anager.

To operate STEP 7 as of V5.@, you must ma1e sure the 0utomation 2icense 5anager is installed. 0fter the upgrade from V@.6, V-.6, V5.,, V5.', V5.:, V5.@ or V5.- to V5.5 you "ill ha!e to use a V5.5 license 1ey.

Note 0s of STEP 7 V5.:, you can install the license 1ey to all local dri!es. The 0utomation 2icense 5anger pre!ents the license 1eys from being installed on in!alid dri!es or media such as R05 dri!es, dis1ettes or compressed dri!es 7i.e. &42SP0.E8. f the dri!e in a de!ice is reported as being a #remo!able medium# and not, as usual, as a #hard dri!e#, it "ill be treated as a .&A&V&, "hich means that no license 1ey may be installed on it. n the case of compressed dri!es, you can install the authoriCation on the associated host dri!e. Read the notes on the 0utomation 2icense 5anager in the almreadme.rtf file on the STEP 7 installation &V& under #0utomation 2icense 5anagerKdis1'K#. >idden files are stored in the folder #M&ri!e, on "hich the license 1ey is installedJ(K0B $? NN#. These files and the folder must not be deleted, mo!ed, or copied. They contain data re%uired for the licensing of your soft"are. f you do not adhere to these guidelines, the license 1ey may be irretrie!ably lost.

Note abo3t 3sing li&ense <e/s &orre&tl/

The 3S4 5emory Stic1 must not be read-only. This means you run the ris1 of passing a !irus from the hard dis1 to the 3S4 5emory Stic1. /ou should therefore run a !irus chec1 on your P. or programming de!ice e!ery time you install or remo!e a license 1ey. f you use a defragmentation program, "hich enables you to mo!e fi6ed bloc1s of memory, only use this option once you ha!e mo!ed the license 1ey from the hard dis1 bac1 to the license dis1etteA the 3S4 5emory Stic1.

;hen you install a license 1ey, a cluster appears on the target dri!e mar1ed "ith a special character. Some testing programs may sho" this cluster as #defecti!e.# &o not attempt to #repair# the cluster. &o not forget to transfer the license 1ey to the 3S4 5emory Stic1 before formatting, compressing, or restoring your hard dis1 or before installing a ne" operating system. f a bac1up copy of your hard dis1 contains copies of license 1eys, there is a danger that these copies may o!er"rite the !alid installed license 1eys "hen you restore your bac1up data to the hard dis1, thereby destroying the !alid license 1eys. To pre!ent a !alid license 1ey from being o!er"ritten by a bac1up copy, you must remo!e all license 1eys before you ma1e a bac1up copy or e6clude the license 1eys from the bac1up.

Using the trial li&ense

f no !alid license 1ey has been installed for STEP 7 V5.5, you can use and install a trial license 1ey supplied "ith STEP 7 as standard. /ou can operate STEP 7 "ith this license 1ey for '- days. ;hen you start STEP 7 "ithout !alid license 1ey for the first time, you "ill be automatically prompted to acti!ate the trial license 1ey.

,emo7ing STE ! "5.5

Note Soft"are products must be uninstalled according to 5icrosoft ;indo"s con!entions. 3se the 5icrosoft ;indo"s application #0ddARemo!e Programs# 7for e6ample, under 5S ;indo"s BP in the tas1bar in >+ Settings + Control anel + Add),emo7e rograms8 to remo!e your soft"are pac1age 7for e6ample, #STEP 7#8. 0s an alternati!e, you can use the setup program to uninstall a program.

f you uninstall an older !ersion of STEP 7 in order to install STEP 7 V5.5, you must first uninstall any e6isting optional pac1ages for STEP 7 as "ell.

Additional Notes on Installation 2..

Using a ;heel Mo3se
;hen using a "heel mouse, be sure that the dri!er supplied by the manufacturer is installed. f this is not the case, STEP 7 "ill not al"ays support the "heel feature of the mouse.

Notes on 3sing Comm3ni&ation Cards in Cs) 6s

C 58..) C 58.. onboard #SIMATIC NET ,4$I9US interfa&e 7ia CI 93s'
n order to use the .P 5*'' card you re%uire a P. or a programming de!ice "ith P. bus. /ou can then address S 50T . stations !ia 5P or PR)? 43S 7H.* Lbps to ': 5bps8. f you install STEP 7 after the .P has been inserted in the computer, the Plug and Play mechanism enters the .P 5*'' in the &e!ice 5anager of the .ontrol PanelKSystem in #)ther &e!ices#. Therefore, the .P is sometimes not recogniCed "hen installing STEP 7. n such cases, remo!e the .P 5*'' in the &e!ice 5anager after installing STEP 7 and reboot your computer. )bser!e the notes in the online help under #Setting the P=AP. nterface.#

C 55.2 #SIMATIC NET ,4$I9US interfa&e 7ia C &ard'

0 P. or a programming de!ice "ith P. card slot is re%uired to use the .P 55':. /ou can then address S 50T . stations !ia 5P or PR)? 43S 7H.* Lbps to ': 5bps8.

C 5!.. #SIMATIC NET ,4$I9US interfa&e 7ia US9 2.-'

0 P. or a programming de!ice "ith 3S4 port is re%uired to use the .P 57''. /ou can then use this port to address the S 50T . stations !ia 5P or PR)? 43S 7H.* Lbps to ': 5bps8.

Note The use of communication processors .P 5*'' 0: and .P 5*:' in multicoreAmulti-processor systems on PR)? 43S net"or1s has been appro!ed "ith a baud rate of up to '.5 5bps. /ou may e6perience problems if you operate "ith higher baud rates.

1ardnet mod3les
f you use the ndustrial Ethernet net"or1 card .P '*'@ or the PR)? 43S cards .P 5*'@A'-, you re%uire the optional pac1age S 50T . $ET P. additionally in a !ersion compatible "ith STEP 7 V5.5 7see .ompatibility list S7L)5P90.P&? in the installation directory #STEP 7#8. /ou re%uire the S 50T .-$ET soft"are as of V*.: 7.& ''A:,,@8 to operate .P 5*'@90: and .P 5*'-90:.

6eneral C)programming de7i&e settings Commissioning pl3g?and?pla/ &ompliant mod3les

To commission the Plug-and-Play compliant modules 7e.g. .P 55':, .P 5*'' and .P 57''8 in 5S ;indo"sABPASer!er :,,@A5S ;indo"s 7, please proceed as follo"s( '. nstall STEP 7. 0t the end of the setup e6it the dialog #P=AP. interface# "ithout entering anything. .

'. .lose 5S ;indo"s, shut do"n the P. and install the card. The .P 55':A.P 57'' can also be inserted during operation. :. The communication module is installed automatically after the restart 7or after .P 55': has been inserted8. @. 3nder ;inBPASer!er:,,@, the >ard"are ;iCard is displayed. n the first dialog sho"n, select the option #$o, not this time#. .onfirm all follo"ing dialogs 7do not clic1 on .0$.E28. -. Then chec1 the settings or select the desired interface configuration in #Set P=AP. nterface# 7.....+ STE !+Set 6) C Interfa&e'. )bser!e the information in the online help under #Set programming de!iceApersonal computer interface#. ;hen STEP 7 is installed on programming de!ices, the communication dri!ers are installed automatically and the default settings are accepted.

Setting of interr3pt and address MS ;indows)@ )Ser7er 2--()MS ;indows !5

The settings of address area and interrupt cannot be changed in 5S ;indo"s BP, Ser!er :,,@ as "ell as 5S ;indo"s 7. The assigned !alues can be !ie"ed by doing the follo"ing( )pen, for e6ample, in 5S ;indo"s BP Start + Settings + Control anel + Administrati7e Tools + Comp3ter Management and then #System#. n the 0e7i&e Manager, you can !ie" the !alues of indi!idual modules. n S/stem Information + 1ardware ,eso3r&es, you can !ie" the reser!ed resources. n 4 )S of the P., a certain interrupt and address area may be reser!ed for P. components. Please consult your P. or 4 )S manufacturer.

Notes on Usage #,elease Notes'

These notes should be considered more up-to-date than the information in manuals and online helps.

New $eat3res and Changes in the New "ersion

;hatAs new in &omparison to 7ersion 5.4B
?or more information, read the RT? file #;hat<s $e"# on your STEP 7 &V& or refer to the corresponding section #;hat<s $e"O# in the online help. /ou can call this topic from the contents page of the >elp on STEP 7 7menu command 1elp + Contents8.

Notes on Config3ring and 4perating the Software

1ow STE ! $3lfills the IEC Standard

The e6act definition of compliance "ith the standard to E. *''@'-@ for the programmable logic controller 7P2.8 can be found in the $)R59T24.RT? file in the subdirectory that you ha!e selected during setup.

6eneral Notes
Spe&ial &hara&ters may not be used in file names, folder names, or proEect names. .omments in modules, icons etc. may not be closed "ith the special character #K#. The &ontents of the windows are not a3tomati&all/ 3pdated 7for e6ample, the "indo" contents in the S 50T . 5anager are not al"ays up-to-date after an interruption of the )nline connection8. f in doubt, use the ?5 1ey to refresh the contents of the acti!e "indo".

S&reen sa7ers
;hen using a screen sa!er, you should note that the additional processing re%uired ta1es up .P3 time and this can lead to a system o!erload. Some screen sa!ers are 1no"n to pre!ent the release of main memory components. This leads to a continuous reduction in the a!ailable main memory.

Using 7ir3s s&anners

The follo"ing !irus scanners ha!e been tested "ith STEP 7 V5.5 for compatibility % Symantec Endpoint Protection V''., Trend 5icro )fficeScan V', 5c0fee VirusScan Enterprise V+.17i. The !irus scanners listed abo!e can generally be used in the standard setting. User data should not be stored in STEP 7 proEect directories 7for e6ample, 5icrosoft ;ord documents8, because "hen you delete a STEP 7 proEect from the S 50T . 5anager these user data are also permanently deleted. /ou cannot use the #3ndo# function to retrie!e deleted data from the ;indo"s Recycle 4in. Mo7ing #with drag?and?drop' sele&ted STE ! obCe&ts 7such as bloc1s8 to 5S ;indo"s obEects 7such as the Recycle 4in8 is not possible e!en if the #una!ailable# cursor does not appear. SU9ST dri7es should not be used for storing STEP 7 or your proEect.

C and TS adapters
f the connection is interrupted or lost "hen using P. or TS adapters for communication connections, chec1 the po"er management preferences on your computer.

0ownloading &onfig3ration data

;hen you configure the complete S 50T . hard"are, the configuration data are stored automatically in the offline database. The data are stored in the #System &ata# folder under the user program 7described as #4loc1s#8. f this user program is do"nloaded to a .P3 "ith its configuration data, the data in the .P3 become effecti!e immediately, meaning they may change the e6isting set !alues 7for e6ample, a ne" 5P address8. ?or safety reasons, it is recommended that the complete user program "ith the configuration data should only be do"nloaded "hen absolutely necessary 7such as loading onto memory cards8.

&o"nloading a configuration also containing configuration data for a .P should be done !ia the 5P interface of the .P3. &o"nloading the configuration data to the .P3 !ia the .P can result in the connection being canceled.

1andling s/stem data

t is not a good idea to copy these data to another module. This folder contains the configuration data of the hard"are configuration and the net"or1Acommunication configuration. The net"or1Acommunication configuration data are data that are not Eust rele!ant to one stationAmodule. n the same "ay, "hen loading a S 50T . configuration from the P2. to a programming de!iceAP. using the #.onfiguring >ard"are# application, you only load the hard"are configuration data to the system data folder.

A,emote 0es<topA and AD3i&< User ChangeA

STEP 7 does not support the #Remote &es1top# or the #Puic1 3ser .hange# ;indo"s BP Professional, and 5S ;indo"s Ser!er :,,@ and 5S ;indo"s 7. >o"e!er, if you "ish to use these operating system properties "ith STEP 7, please note the follo"ing( STEP 7 applications can only be started in one session. f a STEP 7 application is started in a session !ia #Remote &es1top# or #Puic1 3ser .hange#, no more STEP 7 applications can be started in other sessions. )nly one user can "or1 "ith STEP 7 applications on a computer. ;hen using optional soft"are pac1ages please note that these can only be called up and operated by one user - other"ise they could influence each other.

Using Networ< 0ri7es

Storing proCe&ts on a networ<
f the net"or1 connection is interrupted "hile you are "or1ing "ith proEectsAmultiproEects on net"or1 ser!ers and you then recei!e a message that a proEectAser!er is not a!ailable, e6it all affected proEectsAmultiproEects "ithout sa!ing and then restore the connection to the ser!er before you continue "or1ing "ith the proEects. To access net"or1 dri!es, it is also necessary that the P.s are connected "ith their names and not their P addresses. f the name resolution cannot be performed automatically by broadcasts and no ser!ice is used for resol!ing names, it can be performed by a reference to the P.s in the file M; $&);SJsystem@:Kdri!ersKetc\>)STS. f no >)STS file is a!ailable, it can be generated by copying 25>)STS.S05. The file contains an e6ample of the synta6. n order to access the net"or1 dri!es, ensure that the editor has the necessary readA"rite permissions for the net"or1 as "ell as the folders it contains. n a multi-user en!ironment, the logged on user must also ha!e share rights for the net"or1 as "ell as the folders it contains.

M3lti?3ser 4peration
,elease of shares
f shares of a $T?S partition are released in 5S ;indo"s BPASer!er :,,@ as "ell as 5S ;indo"s 7, then users "ho are to ha!e access to this share should be entered in t"o places. Select the menu command #Sharing and Security#, and enter the users in both the #Sharing# tab as "ell as the #Security# tab. Please also obser!e the notes in the follo"ing section on #5ultiproEects#.

)pening of multiproEects on se!eral computers simultaneously is not supportedQ n a STEP 7 multiproEect, an editor "or1ing at .omputer ' 7#client#8 can access information in a STEP 7 proEect on .omputer : 7#ser!er#8, such as in the case of

interproEect functions. ;hen "or1ing in this en!ironment, please obser!e the information in the follo"ing notes(

There are two f3ndamentall/ different wa/s of wor<ing with m3ltiproCe&ts

The proCe&ts in a m3ltiproCe&t are &entrall/ stored on one ser7er n this case, the proEects in a multiproEect are all stored on a central ser!er. Editors "or1ing on the indi!idual proEects can access the proEects stored on this ser!er directly from their "or1stations. f many proEects are opened simultaneously on this central ser!er 7more than :, proEects in a multiproEect8 and if interproEect functions are also triggered, you may only use #MS ;indows Ser7er 2--(# as the operating system on the ser!er 7no other 5S operating systems may be used due to operating system limitations8. The proCe&ts in a m3ltiproCe&t are distrib3ted o7er man/ &omp3ters Each editor has #his proEect# on his o"n programming de!iceAP. and only edits this one proEect. 0n editor responsible for managing interproEect functions has the multiproEect on his P.. The distributed storage of the proEect 7one proEect per programming de!ice AP.8 means that the limitations of 5S ;indo"s operation systems "ill not be reached. 4oth methods of managing a multiproEect can be used in se%uence or in alternation during any phase of the proEect. ?or e6ample, during its initial stages, a proEect can be distributed o!er many "or1stations and "or1ed on locally. &uring the end stage, 7such "hen being placed in ser!ice8, the proEect can then be stored on a central ser!er and accessed there. To a!oid problems caused by operating system limitations and access conflicts, those editors "or1ing on indi!idual proEects should open them separately and not from "ithin the multiproEect.

Ca3tion f interproEect functions are being used in a multiproEect, then it must absolutely be ensured through coordination "ith the proEect manager that no one is "or1ing on the proEects concerned "hile these interproEect functions are running. E6amples of such interproEect functions are those in the S 50T . 5anager such as $ile + M3ltiproCe&t + AdC3st roCe&ts... or, if the multiproEect itself is selected( $ile + Sa7e AsE $ile + ,eorganiFe and $ile + Ar&hi7e. f you recei!e a message that a proEect A a ser!er is not a!ailable, e6it all proEects A multiproEects "ithout sa!ing and then restore the connection to the ser!er.

0lso obser!e the re%uirements and recommendations for "or1ing "ith multiproEects as described in the online help.

Swapping 0ifferent "ersions of STE !

roCe&ts in 7ersion 2
/ou can basically continue to use the proEect data from STEP 7 V:.' in STEP 7 V5.5, if these proEect data ha!e been imported into a proEect in the current !ersion.

roCe&ts from 7ersion ( and higher

ProEects that "ere set up and edited "ith STEP 7 V@.', V@.: or higher can be used unchanged as 7current8 proEects "ith STEP 7 V5.5. ?or multiple-user operation, e6isting V@., proEects must be con!erted to proEects for the current !ersion using the menu command #Sa!e as, "ith reorganiCation#.

New mod3les in earlier STE ! 7ersions

f you assign parameters to modules "ith STEP 7 V5.5 and these parameters "ere not yet contained in an earlier !ersion of STEP 7, then these modules and their subordinate components "ill not be displayed in STEP 7 !ersions earlier than V5.' SP@. f you ha!e assigned parameters to modules that "ere added on through an optional pac1age, they also "ill not be displayed if the proEect "as created in a STEP 7 !ersion earlier than V5.' SP@. 0s of STEP 7 V5.' SP@, a generic obEect is used to represent these #un1no"n# modules.

Ca3tion f obEects "ith messages are in progress "ith STEP 7 !ersion MR V5.', such as bloc1s "ith bloc1-related messages symbol tables "ith symbol-related messages, bloc1s "ith S7-P& 0= monitoring or programs "ith user-defined messages, this proEect may not be opened by another P=AP. "ith STEP 7 !ersion V5.: or later. This means that the proEect has to be closed on the computer "ith the older STEP 7 !ersion - e!en for read access.

Assigning 3ni23e message n3mbers for the C U or for the proCe&t

Please note that in proEects in "hich messages numbers are assigned for the .P3 7ne" procedure8, that only those programs, bloc1s or symbols "ithout message configuration 7such as user-defined messages, bloc1 messages, scan messages, S7P& 0= configurations8 can be edited in earlier !ersions of STEP 7 7such as V5.'8. t is not possible to con!ert .P3-based message assignment to proEect-based message assignment. Please refer to the notes in the #5essage .onfiguration# section.

%ibraries and Sample roCe&ts

0 number of libraries and sample proEects are supplied "ith STEP 7 V5.5. These sample proEects can be deleted in the S 50T . 5anager. To reinstall them, you "ill need to run the STEP 7 V5.5 Setup program again. Sample proEects and libraries are only installed if you run the entire STEP 7 Setup again.

Note Sample proEects and libraries shipped "ith STEP 7 V5.5 are al"ays copied "hen you install STEP 7. f you ha!e edited the standard sample proEects, they "ill be o!er"ritten "ith the original e6amples if you reinstall STEP 7. /ou should therefore ma1e a copy of the standard e6amples before you ma1e changes to them and then ma1e changes to the copy.

$e" as of this !ersion( The symbolic name of the bloc1s ?4:', and ?4::, has been changed. The e6isting functionality "ill remain the same. F!24'% S1FW:)CP ?4::,( S5?;9 )T FW:)CP ?;9 )T

n certain circumstances, the "ait cursor "ill not appear or "ill disappear too early during long operations.

A&&essible Nodes
The #0ccessible $odes# and #5emory .ard# !ie"s are not al"ays automatically updated. /ou can update both of these "indo"s by pressing the ?5 1ey.

rograms for Ar&hi7ing and ,etrie7ing $iles

SThe selection of tools for archi!ing or retrie!al has been changed as of STEP 7 V5.- SPin the S 50T . 5anager under )ptions J Settings J 0rchi!e( 0RT@: V@.6, T0R, 2>0R. and ;inNip 0utomatic are no longer offered. 0RT :.5,a pro!ided on the dis1 has not been appro!ed for 5S ;indo"s 7 and 5S ;indo"s :,,@ Ser!er, but can be used under 5S ;indo"s BP.

Note Please note that loading of split proEects in 0RT format is no longer supported as of V5.- SP-. n older STEP 7 !ersions, the included 0RT:.5,a can be installed on ;indo"s BP to unCip older archi!es. /ou can then con!ert the proEect "ith PLNip ':- into the standard Cip format, "hich means you can archi!e and retrie!e files.

Compiling and downloading obCe&ts

Startup after a successful do"nload is possible after e6ecuting #.ompile and &o"nload# !ia the S 50T . 5anager 7 %C + 0iagnosti&s + Settings + 4perating Mode8. 0ll S&4s are loaded from the offline container at do"nload Eust as "ith the S 50T . 5anager. The user is responsible for ma1ing sure that the S&4s for $etpro, =& or other optional pac1ages are up-to-date. n general, the automatic do"nload of hard"are configurations is not possible for P. stations.

Change log
0 change log for a proEect can only be "ritten if S 50T . 2ogon is installed on the P.AP=. Please read the information in the section #$ote on the use of S 50T . 2ogon.# /ou should only edit proEects "ith a change log on a P. A P= on "hich S 50T . 2ogon is installed. 0cti!ities in!ol!ing the memory card are not contained in the change log. /ou can find additional notes on the change log in the online help.

Updating the men3 str3&t3re

.ertain option pac1ages "ill be integrated in the menu structure of the S 50T . 5anager. f this integration is incomplete, you can use the F3pdate menuG function under 1elp + Info. The menu structure "ill be updated once you e6ecute this function and restart STEP 7.

Show a&&ess &ontrol s/mbols

/ou can sho" symbols in #)pen 4ro"ser# that display the status of the access control. .ontrary to the #Search# function, the included proEects "ill be analyCed in this repect "ith implicit search of the proEect folder using double-clic1 or the e6pand function. /ou can speed up the implicit opening of large proEect folders by disabling the item #Sho" access control symbols# under #)ptions J .ustomiCe J =eneral#.

Using S/mboli& Names

f symbols "ith messages are copied into another symbol table, it could happen that the message #Symbol table occupied by another process# appears. n this case, sa!e and close the symbol table. 0fter reopening the table you can continue to "or1 as usual.

1ardware Config3ration #Central'

C Us with M I)0 interfa&e5

5a1e sure that you do not select a transmission rate that is not supported by your programming de!iceAP. "hen configuring these interfaces. f you do reconfigure this setting, you "ill no longer be able to establish an online connection to the .P3 !ia this interface. Possible remedies( '. 3se a second interface "ith the same transmission rate as your programming de!iceAP.. 5. .reate a ne" station in an STEP 7 proEect. .onfigure the .P3 in your ne" station "ith your default settings in the #.onfiguring >ard"are# application. 0fter sa!ing and compiling, copy the system data in the S 50T . 5anager to an S7 memory card. nsert the memory card in the .P3 and carry out a memory reset. f you ha!e uploaded data from a reset .P3, you must reconfigure the 5P A&P interface. f the 5P 0ddress of a module 7.P3A.PA?58 in a @,, Station is changed, "e recommend that you load the entire station. )ther"ise, it is possible that the module cannot be reconnected.

S5 adapter mod3les
;hen you use a number of S5 adapter modules in an S7--,, station, no chec1 is made to determine "hether the S5 addresses o!erlap in the PAPA 5@A 5- area across the modules. /ou ha!e to ensure that no S5 address that is already occupied is used in the input dialog bo6 for the S5 adapter moduleA 5-*@-:. $o S5-analog inputAoutput modules can be used or addressed in the user program in the S5 adapter module. S5-analog inputAoutput modules can only be used in S 50T .-S7 systems in the 5-*@-: or !ia &P interface.

4ther iss3es
&eleting parameter data 7S&4J',,,8( Some ?5s and .Ps not only store their parameter data in system data bloc1s 7S&48 J ',,, on the .P3 but retain this data themsel!es. f the S&4s are then deleted from the .P3, the ?5s or .P "ill continue to ha!e parameters consisting of the pre!iously !alid data. ?or more information, refer to the description of your ?5 or .P. ?or reasons ha!ing to do "ith ensuring data consistency, in multi-user operation 7se!eral users "or1ing on a proEect at the same time8 only one other station can be used at the same time. f your configuration contains module from earlier optional pac1ages, it may happen that not all data in this modules is ac%uired 7#captured#8 "hen using the #E6port station# function. n this case, chec1 "hether the module data are complete after the import process is complete. f you use the .P3 function #>ot Restart#, ma1e sure that the module address area does not e6ceed the process A) image range.P2. J PR)? 43S J &iagnose, 5onitorA5odify $ode(

?or sla!es "ith bit-granular A) de!ices 7such as ET :,,S or ET :,,2-S., &PA0S-i 2in18, the bit-granular configuration of the A) de!ices may not be interpreted as being bit-granular "hen the configuration data are read bac1 in from the sla!e. ?or this

reason, these sla!es are only displayed "ith byte-related A) and cannot be configured again as bit-granular by using the menu command 4ptions + Spe&if/ Mod3le. They cannot be controlled on a bit-granular basis but only on a byte basis. ;hen a sla!e is monitoredAmodified, all ro"s are modified, e!en if all the ro"s in the list cannot be !ie"ed at the same time. This beha!ior is different from the case "hen modules are monitoredAmodified in >; .onfig.

1ardware Config3ration # ,4$I9US 0 '

$ote "hen configuring direct data e6change 7&P cross reference8 that both the station at "hich the sla!e is configured as sender and the recei!er must be do"nloaded. .opying from stations, among "hich there are communication relationships 7for e6ample, data cross-reference8, in other proEects must be carried out Eointly. )ther"ise these communication relationships "ill be lost during copying. Therefore, select the other stations and then begin copying. )n do"nloading a configuration, the program does not chec1 "hether the product re!ision of the &P sla!e supports the function #sender in direct communication lin1.# /ou should therefore obser!e the scope of performance of the &P sla!e 7compare !ersions, if this is a!ailable in the configuration8.

Constant s&an time

;hen you configure both #constant scan time# and syncAfreeCe groups for PR)? 43S &P, note the follo"ing( =roup + cannot be used 7reser!ed for constant scan time cloc18. f you ha!e already configured the group assignment as group +, you cannot set constant scan time. The function for setting constant scan time cannot be used for the &P sla!e &PA0Si92in1 ET :,,4 analog, ET :,,-S. up to product !ersion 5, ET :,,B, 5 '5@-' up to !ersion @ and 5S. up to !ersion 5. ;hen the constant scan operating mode is selected, a programming de!ice on the PR)? 43S may not be able to enter the ring. f this occurs decrease the >S0 as much as possible or select an interface "ithout automatic bus parameter recognition and try it again. PR)? 43S Sla!es, "hich do not support S/$.- or ?REENE-commands, cannot be used for the function #.onstant scan time#. n the case of ET :,,5 *ES7'5@-:40,,-,B4, and *ES7'5@-:44,,-,B4,, there is no pro!ision for using acti!e bac1plane bus modules for operations using constant scan time. The configurable minimum times only apply to operation "ithout acti!e bac1plane bus modules. $ote( Should acti!e bac1plane bus modules ne!ertheless be used, a time period of ' ms should be added to the Tdp by the user.

The PR)? $ET de!ices ET:,,S >S V'.,, :., and :.' cannot be operated "ith the .P3 -,, as of V*., or "ith .P3 @,, as of V@.: in isochronous mode.

There should be no ?5s or .Ps inserted in the ET :,,5 peripheral A)s assigned by STEP 7 SyncA?reeCe-=roups.

Swit&hing lang3ages
0fter you ha!e changed the language, you must restart >;-.onfig once more before copying stations "ith &P configurations.

f the set language differs from the one used during configuration, it may happen that not all &P sla!es modules are imported "ith the menu command Station + Import. Solution( mport the configuration in the original language and reset it after"ards.

I?sla7e5 9M.4! and IM.5.)C U5

;hen configuring the 45'-7A.P3 7ET :,,B8 and 5'5'A.P3 7ET :,,SH "ith intelligent preprocessing, use a S 50T . @,, station. The module 45'-7A.P3 must also be net"or1ed in the configuration "ith a ne" PR)? 43S net"or1 if it is being used as a stand-alone 7separate operation8 de!ice. 0 do"nload or upload of the 5 '5'A.P3 is only possible if the access point #S7 online# in the P=AP. matches the one supported by the module or configured interface. ?or the 5 '5:A.P3 "ithout a s"itchable 5P A&P interface, the setting should be PR)? 43S interface 7see S 50T . 5anager, Set P=A.P interface8.

0 sla7es
The S?.s 5 and -H "hich are used for con!erting geographic to logical addresses and !ice !ersa for sla!es "hich are interconnected !ia the =S& file supply correct !alues only in the follo"ing configurations( The &P sla!e is connected to a @,, .P3 "ith firm"are V:., or higher or a master in the operation mode &PV'. n case of fault the SS2 ,6H' supplies an incorrect parameter #adr :# 7Slot, nterface $o.8 in a record for these sla!es.

0iagnosti& repeater
n &PV, operating mode 7&P alarm mode8, diagnostic e!ents "ill cause )4 +: to be called. n &PV' operating mode, )4 +: is only triggered by a diagnostic interrupt. f the diagnostic interrupt is not offered as a &PV' interrupt in the sla!e parameters, then this is not supported by the gi!en sla!e.

?or this reason, the diagnostic repeater should be used in &PV, operating mode. Topology display 7P2. J PR)? 43S J Sho" $et"or1 Topology8( 3nder certain conditions 7number of nodes connected to the net"or1, baud rate, etc.8, a #time out# may occur for an online connection and not all the data may be read from the diagnostic repeater and displayed. n this case, "e recommend that the interface settings for .P6666 7PR)? 43S8 be reset to ',s in the properties dialog.

reparing for line diagnosti&s

;ith interface #.P666670uto8# it not possible to measure the nodes at the PR)? 43S &P. The interface must be set to #.P66667PR)? 43S8#. The onboard 5P interfaces for P=7-, and P.-0dapter 7P.A5P cable *ES7H,':4?,,-,00,8 does not support the function #Prepare 2ine &iagnostics#. f the function is started in STEP 7 any"ay, the measurement "ill be stopped at end of a monitoring time. n this case, the reporting status# determination stopped #"ill be displayed in STEP 7 "ith the additional te6t# Time monitoring addressed#. The follo"ing interface cards support the function for measuring the nodes on PR)? 43S-&P( .P 55':, .P 5*'', .P 57''. ;hen the dialog #Prepare 2ine &iagnostics# is acti!e, online connections cannot be established to the net"or1 transitions. &uring a net"or1 transition to the .P3 of a module, the module status cannot be called in the #Prepare 2ine &iagnostics# dialog.

Note f there is a PR)? 43S line behind an EAP4 lin1 *=L'--''-504,, 7as a P$ ) de!ice8, such a net"or1 transition is gi!en, ho"e!er this is not the case behind a net"or1 transition *=L'--''-500 or *=L'--''-504,, 7as pure net"or1 transition8 or for a PR)? 43S line "ithout a lin1 transition.

$ote that the assignment of parameters on the .P3 may be aborted "hen using the 5 '57 as an interface module for P0 sla!es if the set transmission rate on the PR)? 43S is too lo" or if you ha!e configured 5 '57 modules that do not e6ist on the PR)? 43S. n this case, increase the set monitoring time in the #Startup# tab for the .P3 by changing the parameter #Transfer of parameters to modules.# /ou must also delete the system data in the .P3 and then do"nload the ne" parameter assignment to the .P3.

Updating the firmware with red3ndant interfa&e mod3les #IM .5! and IM .5(?2' are 3sed
f you "ant to use the 5 '57-,00+:-,B0, or the 5 '5@-:40BB-,B4, redundantly and update the firm"are of the 5s, you "ill ha!e to do this in t"o steps.

Ca3tion f the P= is not directly connected to the PR)? 43S, you "ill not be able to determine "hether both modules can be addressed !ia the STEP 7 Routing mechanisms.

S/stem &hanges in r3ntime 3sing Ci,

Ca3tion 2oading the current configuration form the automation system to the P= 75enu command %C + 0ownload to 68 "ill cause your station to lose the .iR capability. ;e therefore strongly recommend that you not perform this do"nload procedure.

%oading stations with Ci, obCe&ts in ,UN mode

#2oading in R3$ mode# may possibly be reEected if there are other 5ulti systems located ne6t to the 5aster system in the .iR obEects in the station or the station "as last loaded "ith STEP 7 V5.@ or older in #ST)P# mode. To remedy this, the configuration has to be loaded once in ST)P mode onto the .P3. f your station contains a .P --@-5 or --@-' and "as do"nloaded "ith STEP 7 V5.@ SP', V5.@ SP: or V5.@ SP@, it may be necessary to do"nload the configuration once in ST)P mode to the .P3, to enable a correct .iR beha!ior for the future. f .iR modifications are made to a &P-Sla!e ET :,,iSP "ith inserted + & $053R modules, it is necessary to sa!e and compile the modified configuration before a do"nload in R3$.

The limitations that e6isted for STEP 7 !ersions up to and includingV5.- SP5 during hard"are configuration in R3$ 7.iR8 for PR)? 43S "hen upgrading the STEP 7 !ersion do no longer e6ist in V5.5.

?or systems "ith .P3 -'6 in "hich either the integrated PR)? $ET interface or a PR)? $ET .P "as used for operation of an ) system or for Ethernet communication or configuration, you can ma1e the upgrade to V5.5. The .iR capability "ill be retained.

,e7ision (E 6S0 files

?unctions in =S& Re!ision @ are supported "ith STEP 7 V 5.'. 4ac1"ards compatibility "ith STEP 7 !ersions M V 5.' is not ensured for &P sla!es "ith these functions. f such &P sla!es "ere configured "ith STEP 7 V 5.', the proEect can only be processed in STEP 7 !ersions M V 5.' if the follo"ing conditions are obser!ed( The sla!e can be used only in the operation mode &PV,. n the case of function-modular de!ices only modules may be placed "hich are allo"ed at the corresponding slots. This limitation is not monitored for STEP 7 !ersions M V 5.'.

5odules "hich occupy more than one slot in the &P sla!e are split into indi!idual modules. The module "hose name begins "ith #OOOO# and the follo"ing module called #--; # form a unit and may not be changed.

5odules "hose input or outputs data consist of different data types are currently offered "ith byte-oriented symbols. f the number of data amounts to @ or more bytes, these data can only be accessed as a "hole 7by using the S?. '- and S?. '58 although a symbol is specified for e!ery byte.

,eporting s/stem errors

&istributed A) components "hich are connected !ia .P @66 are not supported by #Report system error#. The synchroniCation loss is detected by #Report System ErrorF and reported for the affected de!ice. There is no alarm for the P$ ) .ontroller. 5odule mode ;eb ser!er .P3( 0fter restart of a ;eb ser!er .P3, the module mode "ill be displayed "ith delay. n case of a resource shortage on .P3 @66 the module status displayed by the S?5 or the ;eb bro"ser "hen calling the S?.5' may not be up-to-date. Recommendation( /ou free up resources by not calling the S?.5' as fre%uently, for e6ample.

?or enabling and disabling of de!ices !ia S?. ':, the modes @ 7enable8 and 7disable8 are a!ailable. The re%uirement is a .P3 @,, "ith firm"are status as of V:.+ or a .P3 -,, "ith firm"are status as of V5.@. The status for de!ices "ith the initial status #disabled# may be reported as incorrect until these de!ices "ill be enabled for the first time using the ne" mode @. $e" as of this !ersion( f the used .P3 supports <020R59&<, you can reload S?5 bloc1s e!en "ithout subse%uent restart. /ou "ill ha!e to ma1e sure that all S?5 bloc1s are loaded so that they are consistent in themsel!es. ?or the function to become effecti!e, you "ill ha!e to restart the .P3 after the !ery first do"nload follo"ing a compilation "ith the ne" !ersion, if old messages are still pending.

Note5 4et"een loading of the >; .onfig data and the S?5 bloc1s, #Report System Error# "ill be based on incorrect prere%uisites. This means you may recei!e incorrect reports from S?5.

P0 sla!es cannot be operated "ith the .P @-:-5 52?4 *=L7@-:-5&0,,-BBBB, *=L7@-:-5&0,'-BBBB, *=L7@-:-5&0,:-BBBB and .P @-:-5 ?) 52?4 *=L7@-:5&?,,-,BE,

f configuration modifications are made to a &P sla!e ET:,,iSP "ith inserted + & $053R modules, you ha!e to chec1 the configuration of the + & $053R modules follo"ing the modification, because their configuration may ha!e also changed.

1ardware Config3ration # ,4$INET I4'

IM488 and C 44(?.

f 5-**s and .P --@-' 0d!anced are configured in a rac1, all the 5-**s ha!e to be inserted bet"een the .P3 and the .P --@-' 0d!anced.

Updating the 6S0 file of a ,4$INET I4 de7i&e

f the function Change ,elease N3mber function is aborted during the update of =S& files, there "ill be an inconsistency bet"een the current and desired release number. This inconsistency occurs, for e6ample if you ha!e used an old =S& file to configure a module "hich is not contained in the ne" =S& file. n this case you should delete the de!ice and then reconfigure it.

N) N &o3pler
The de!ice names of the P$AP$ coupler can only be sa!ed to the 55. if both interfaces of the coupler are configured in the same proEect. The transmission of both de!ice names to the 55. is not supported if the coupler is configured using =S&.

Config3rations with C U4** "5.* or "8.* and more than .8 de7i&es

?or certain configurations "ith the .P3-66 V5.6 or V*.6 as P$- ) controller, indi!idual de!ices may not operate. These configurations are identified as follo"s( ;hen the send cloc1 of the controller is set to a !alue less than 'ms. ;hen de!ices not configured using =S&52 are used( ET :,,S 5 '5'-@ P$ "ith 52?4 #*ES7 '5'-@00',-,04,# 7from >SP,,+H8 5 '5'-@ P$ "ith 52?4 #*ES7 '5'-@00:,-,04,# 7from >SP,,H+8 5 '5'-@ P$ >? "ith 52?4 #*ES7 '5'-@40:,-,04,# 7from >SP,,HH8 5 '5--- P$ >? "ith 52?4 #*ES7 '5---04,,-,04,# 7from >SP,,H:8 5ore than '* de!ices are configured.

ET :,,pro

Remedy( Set the send cloc1 on the controller to at least 'ms or .onfigure one or more of the de!ices described abo!e using =S&52 or ncrease the update time for at least one of the de!ices used.

Shared 0e7i&e
n a shared de!ice configuration "ithin a proEect or in separate proEects, you may not e6ceed the ma6imum ) configuration of the ) de!ice regardless of the module and submodule assignment to the indi!idual ) controllers.

Identifi&ation data with Shared 0e7i&e

n a shared de!ice, the idenfication data "ill only be a!ailable "ithin the conte6t of the controller that has been fully assigned the P&EV 7interface and ports8.

C .8.8
f a .P '*'* "as configured as a PR)? $ET ) de!ice "ith the RT class RT 7high performance8 and modules from the # sochrone# catalog folder of the corresponding PR)? $ET ) de!ice "ere used for this purpose, "ithout the option #)perate ) de!iceAapplication in isochrone mode# being enabled in the #0pplication# property dialog of the P$- ) module, then an error "ill be reported in case of a consistency chec1. n this case you "ill either ha!e to enable the option #)perate ) de!iceAapplication in isochrone mode# or update the =S&52 file of the PR)? $ET ) de!ice. 5ore details as "ell as an updated =S&52 file are a!ailable on the "eb pages of Siemens Product Support.


,ed3ndant I)45 Channel?gran3lar ,ed3ndan&/

?or channel-granular redundancy, the signal modules listed belo" are currently appro!ed(

Mod3le & '*6&. :- V

4rder n3mber *ES7@:'-74>,'-,04,

0s of product re!ision :, this module can also be deacti!ated on a granular channel group basis. n the e!ent of an error on one channel, the entire group 7: channels8 is deacti!ated. &) '*6&. :- VA,.5 0 &) '*6&. :- VA,.5 0 *ES7@::-+4>,'-,04, *ES7@::-+4>',-,04, This module can also be operated in channel-granular redundancy. This module can also be operated in channel-granular redundancy. $ote( To adopt the module in the >; catalog of >; .onfig, you need >SP :'7. &) ',6&. :- VA: 0 0 +6'* 4it 0 +6,A-...:,m0 >0RT 0 *6T. 0)+6': 4it 0)+6': 4it 0) +6,A-...:,m0 >0RT *ES7@:*-:4?,'-,04, *ES7@@'-7$?,,-,04, 6ES7331-7TF01-0AB0 6ES7331-7PE10-0AB0 *ES7@@:-5>?,,-,04, *ES7@@:-+T?,'-,04, 0s of product re!ision @, this module can also be operated in channel-granular redundancy. 0s of product re!ision ',, this module can also be operated in channel-granular redundancy.

0s of product re!ision 5, this module can also be operated in channel-granular redundancy.

Changed &hara&teristi&s for the parameters C1GIN$G1 and C1GIN$G% des $9 45( H,E0GSTATUSH
;hen all of the channels of a module sho" errors, as of !-., of the #.hannel-granular redundancy# library the bits assigned to the channel are set to , in the .>9 $?9> and .>9 $?92 output parameters. 0ll parameters "ere set to , in the pre!ious !ersion. /ou can find information about redundant A) in the manual #0utomation System S7-,,>I ?ault-tolerant Systems#. Read the description for the procedure in!ol!ed in case of failure and for e6changing the A) or function module.

0epassi7ation after a plant &hange in r3ntime

Perform a complete passi!ation after changing the plant in runtime 7.iR8.

Channel information bit of the $9 45- H,E0GINH

The #.hannel information a!ailable# bit in the statusAforce "ord #?49RE&9 $.ST0T3S9.)$TR)29;# of the instance-&4 of ?4 -5, #RE&9 $# is only rele!ant for fail-safe modules.

?. -5, #RE&9 $ T# deletes all bloc1s configured in >; .onfig for the number range in the "or1 &4s.

;ire brea< dete&tion with a 1A,T AI mod3le

f the "ire brea1 detection is deacti!ated for a >0RT 0 module in >; .onfig and a "ire brea1 is caused in a single channel, ?4 -5@ #RE&9ST0T3S# reports an underflo" in the 5)&329ST0T3S9;)R&.

,ea&tion of $9 45- H,E0GINH

f ?4 -5, #RE&9 $# detects an error in a module, the affected channel is passi!ated. f another error occurs in the corresponding channel of the second 7redundant8 module before the first error is remedied, it is not sho"n at the .>9 $?92 or .>9 $?9> output parameter. The .>92 or .>9> parameter correctly sho"s that an error has occurred.

1ardware 0iagnosti&s
The hard"are can only be completely diagnosed if the .P3 supports special diagnostic functions. f a .P3 does not ha!e all necessary diagnostic functions, some of the diagnostics symbols are displayed "ith reduced contrast. f you re%uire a complete diagnostic display, chec1, in this case, the !ersion of the module using the menu command #5odule nformation# and as1 the S 50T . .ustomer Support if a firm"are update for your .P3 is ad!isable or is at all possible. f a station "ith a .R: rac1 7operation in a segmented rac18 is to be diagnosed, al"ays select the .P3 you "ant to display in the online proEect in the S 50T . 5anager. &epending on the .P3 capabilities, the other .P3 may also be displayed. f the diagnostics symbols for all modules in the station are sho"n grayed out, you should connect the programming de!ice directly to the interface of the .P3 you "ant to diagnose. f the error message #&o"nload of the configuration to the programming de!ice has been aborted# is generated, the temporary directory for system diagnosis may not be created. Solution( ta1e care that the standard STEP 7 proEect directory 7SiemensKStep7KS7proE8 is not "rite protected and that enough memory is a!ailable. f the error message #The directory... could not be deleted.# is generated, another application is bloc1ing the deletion of the temporary proEect from a pre!ious session. The hard"are diagnostics "ill be bloc1ed. Remedy( .lose the application "hich is bloc1ing the deletion of the temporary directory, and restart the hard"are diagnostics. 0n > Station can only be fully diagnosed if there is an online connection to both .P3s.

M I ) ,4$I9US Networ< Settings

Networ< settings
?or 5P and PR)? 43S net"or1s, a #highest 5P address# or #highest PR)? 43S address# 7>S08 must be configured. ;e recommend that you use the default !alues recommended by STEP 7 for ne" proEects. f you "ant to connect to a net"or1 using a programming de!iceAP., you should ensure that the address of the programming de!iceAP. does not lie abo!e the >S0. The default !alue for the highest 5P address "as '5 for STEP 7 V:.' proEects.

The other net"or1 settings must also be the same on all stations in a subnet. 0fter ma1ing changes to net"or1 settings, the configuration should be do"nloaded to all S 50T . stations in this net"or1 so that the settings are the same for all stations.

0t 'H.: Lbps, no more than + nodes should be operated at the 5P interface of a .P3. f the 5P A&P interface for a .P3@'+ is operated as a 5P interface at 'H.: Lbps, the >S0 may not be set to ':*.

To assign a PR)? 43S address to an ET :,,. station, only the programming de!iceAP. should be the master on the PR)? 43S &P. The address assignment is only possible "ith the .P 55':, .P 5*'' and .P 5*'' on-board, not "ith P. or TS adapters.

Ca3tion f you ma1e a setting using the "rong bus parameters "hen you connect the programming de!iceAP. to the bus, the bus may be subEect to maEor disturbances to the point "here other bus nodes 7such as &P sla!es8 may fail. /ou must also obser!e the notes on PR)? 43S-&P address assignment in the section #>ard"are .onfiguration 7PR)? 43S &P8#.

)lder P. and TS adapters 7P.A5P cable for 5P connection !ia the .)5 port of the P.AP=8 can only be used for 5P and not for PR)? 43S 7&P, uni!ersal8. P. and TS adapters from V5., can be used "ith 5P and PR)? 43S up to '.5 5bps. The TS 0dapter can be used "ith 5P and PR)? 43S up to ': 5bps. f your programming de!ice AP. can only reach a module through a gate"ay, STEP 7 "ill al"ays select the shortest path to the module. >o"e!er, if communication is not possible through this gate"ay 7line interrupted, etc.8, the connection "ill not be established. f there is an alternati!e "ay of reaching the module through other gate"ays, STEP 7 "ill automatically attempt to establish the connection through these other gate"ays. The se%uence in "hich these attempts are made can be set in the properties dialog for the STEP 7 program.

To do this, proceed as follo"s( '. )pen the online !ie" of the proEect. *. $a!igate to the STEP 7 program associated "ith the .P3. 7. n the properties dialog for the STEP 7 program, open the #0ddresses( 5odule# tab 7menu command #)bEect Properties#8. >ere you can set an alternati!e gate"ay if one is a!ailable.

Address Assignment
The addresses of acti!e PR)? 43S nodes must ha!e a gap of at least one address "ith certain modules. n this case, STEP 7 V5.5 automatically assigns addresses "hich ta1e this rule into account. ?or e6ample, you ha!e configured t"o .P3 @'5-: &P de!ices "ithout &P 5aster systems. These .P3s "ill automatically recei!e the PR)? 43S addresses : and -. /ou can change these addresses, but you must then ensure you allo" for the PR)? 43S address gap. This also applies to proEects "hich you ha!e already created "ith STEP 7 V:.,A:.'. /ou must also ta1e the address gap into account "hen assigning addresses to other acti!e bus nodes 7for e6ample, a programming de!iceAP. to "hich you assign an address using the #Setting the P=AP. nterface# application8.

Ca3tion f you do not ta1e into account the address gap bet"een acti!e bus nodes, this may cause bus nodes to malfunction or to fail completely 7for e6ample, &P sla!e stations8.

/ou should note that if the address is e%ual to the #5a6imum no. of nodes,# the address , should not be used. The station address for a programming de!iceAP. must not be set to the station address for a station on the PR)? 43S bus, such as for a &P sla!e


0s of 5S ;indo"s 7 as "ell as 5S ; ndo"s :,,@ Ser!er, 57 components no longer ha!e to be configured. /ou can continue to use any e6isting station "ith 57 components, ho"e!er.

%adder %ogi&E $3n&tion 9lo&< 0iagramE and Statement %istE ,eferen&e 0ata
9lo&<s and so3r&es
?or offline bloc1s that "ere processed "ith !ersion 5, you can no" ma1e changes to the interface in the incremental editor. . To do this, proceed as follo"s( '. 5a1e sure that all bloc1s ha!e been compiled "ith !ersion 5, generate a source file containing all the bloc1s, and compile this file. :. .hange the interface of the bloc1 concerned. +. $o" open all the calling bloc1s one after another 7the corresponding calls are displayed in red8. H. Select the menu command Edit + Update 9lo&< Call. ',. =enerate the rele!ant instance data bloc1s again. n the 0S. Editor the parameters ha!e to be transferred in a defined order "hen a bloc1 is called. .hanges to a bloc1 interface open online may lead to a .P3 ST)P.

?unction bloc1s generated "ith STEP 7 !ersion older than V5.' and ha!ing an )3T parameter "ith assembled data types, cannot be monitored as from STEP 7 V5., SP@ "ith the bloc1 status. 0n error is reported "hen you attempt to open the bloc1. ,emed/5 Sa!e the bloc1 "ith STEP 7 V5.5 and do"nload it to the P2.. ?unction bloc1s generated "ith STEP 7 !ersion as from V5., SP@ and ha!ing an )3T parameter "ith assembled data types cannot be edited by !ersions older than STEP 7 V5., through #0ccessible $odes.# ,emed/5 )pen the bloc1 in the offline proEect, sa!e it and load it again. f the changes described abo!e are not made the bloc1 "ill continue to perform as before but cannot be edited. ;hen the changes ha!e been made the E$) output of the bloc1 is correctly set.

%ang3age elements

Note The use of high-le!el language constructions in Statement 2ist, such as the follo"ing, can lead to the contents of the &4 register and the address register 0R' being changed( - ?ully-%ualified data bloc1 access 7for e6ample, &4:,.&4;',8 as an actual parameter for a function 7?.8, ?4 and multiple instance .022 - Structure components of a formal parameter as operand "ithin ?.s or ?4s - Structure components of a formal parameter as actual parameters for ?. or ?4 can change the contents of &4 register and address register 0R'. n a function bloc1, function, or multiple-instance .022, R2) or accumulators ' and : may not be used as additional 7implicit8 parameters. The & register and the address register 0R: are used by the system for the function bloc1 and multiple-instance .022 and must not therefore be changed "ithin function bloc1s. Some of the loadable standard bloc1s use the address register 0R'. ;ithin a function bloc1, the command #2 PUparameter9name# loads the address offset of the specified parameter, relati!e to the address register 0R:. To determine the absolute offset in the instance data bloc1 of multipleinstance function bloc1s, you must add the area-internal pointer 7address only8 of the 0R: register to this !alue. f you use the abo!e programming methods and the abo!e-mentioned registers and accumulators at the same time, you must ensure that the contents of the specified registers and accumulators is restored, other"ise this may lead to errors. Refer to the topic #0!oiding Errors "hen .alling 4loc1s# in the >elp on STEP 7 for details.

n the instructions 0;, );, B);, 0&, )&, B)&, binary constants 7such as ); :U',',',',',',','8 are not supported. >e6adecimal constants 7such as ); ;U'*U00008 are possible.

9lo&< parameters
4loc1s "ith 4oolean input and in9out parameters should only be called by bloc1s "ith the property #4loc1 Version :.# )ther"ise the first 4oolean input or in9out parameter may, in some cases, not be passed correctly. f you use 4oolean output parameters of a call bo6 as the input parameters of a second call bo6, the call bo6es must be located in different net"or1s or the output parameters of the first call bo6 may ha!e no effect as the input parameters of the other call bo6. f a parameter of the type 3&T6 is supplied "ith a data bloc1 "hich also has the type 3&T6 7entry in the symbol table( &46 3&T68, your parameter entry is reEected as a type conflict. /ou can still, ho"e!er, transfer a &4 component "ith the type of this 3&T6. n the temporary !ariable range, only the temporary local data declared by the user can be used for programming. This should also be noted "hen using bloc1s from optional soft"are pac1ages in Statement 2ist, ?unction 4loc1 &iagram, and 2adder 2ogic programs.

,eferen&e data
The time re%uired to display the !ie" selected for reference data depends greatly on the number of entries to be displayed. ?or !ery long programs you can restrict the number of reference data using the menu command 4ptions + ,eferen&e 0ata + $ilter in the S 50T . 5anager. n the filter for the cross references you should only select the address and !alue ranges rele!ant for your re%uirements ;hen the reference data are generated, the follo"ing addresses are not included( '. 0ddress in the form of a formal parameter, for e6ample( SP A .3 Mparameter nameJ ''. 0ddresses from register-indirect statements ':. 0ddresses from memory-indirect statements '@. 2ocal data '-. &ata bloc1s opened "ith )P$ & 6 are displayed in the program structure as )P$ &46 0fter re"iring bloc1 calls the reference data may no longer be !alid. Therefore, you must alwa/s generate the reference data after re"iring. n the program editor, 720&, ?4&, ST28, a "indo" displays the use locations for the addresses in the current net"or1 in the entire program 7menu command "iew + 0etailsI #.ross-reference# tab8. This section of the cross-reference list 7reference data8 contains neither cross-references for partially %ualified access to data bloc1s nor any pointer accesses.

The #3nused symbols# !ie" for the reference data lists the symbols that are not used in the S7 program. f you ha!e assigned attributes, such as messages for display de!ices, to symbols, be sure to loo1 in the symbol table before deleting unused symbols 7column #5# for #message properties#8 to !erify that these symbols are, in fact, not needed for a display de!ice. This also applies to the #)# attributes 7)perator .ontrol and 5onitoring "ith ;in..8 and #.# attributes 7.ommunication Properties8.

Note The scope of the reference data you "ant to display has been e6tended to include far more information as of STEP 7 V5.,. f you ha!e programs "hose reference data "ere generated in an older STEP 7 !ersion, generate the reference data again in the S 50T . 5anager using the menu command 4ptions J ,eferen&e 0ata J 6enerate. 0 filter determines "hich data are selected and ho" they are represented for the !arious !ie"s of the reference data. f you "ant to chec1 the default filter settings and ma1e any changes you re%uire before the reference data are displayed, select the menu command 4ptions J ,eferen&e 0ata J $ilter in the S 50T . 5anager.

Translating Te*ts
Cop/ing obCe&ts
f obEects are copied from proEect to proEect "ith configured display te6ts 7for e6ample, message bloc1s, symbol tables "ith assigned messages8, you should ma1e sure that the re%uired display languages are a!ailable in the target proEect 7chec1 using the menu command 4ptions + %ang3age for 0ispla/ 0e7i&es8. $ot all the display languages "hich e6ist in the source proEect "ill be created automatically in the targetI instead, only the te6ts "hose languages ha!e been created in the target obEect are copied.

Managing M3ltiling3al Te*ts

Importing displa/ te*ts #menu command 4ptions + Manage te*ts in se7eral lang3ages + Import'5
;hen importing display te6ts 7S!UserTe*ts, S!S/stemTe*t%ibrar/ and S!UserTe*t%ibrar/8 it is possible that an access error is reported in the log file Mimport.t*tJ, because the operating system may still be causing internal process to access this obEect. n this case repeat the importing process under obser!ation of the specifications belo". The access error should then no longer occur. Ens3re that no editors or applications are opened "ith the abo!e-mentioned obEects 7editors from the main menu 4ptions + Te*t %ibraries + User %ibrar/ or S/stem %ibrar/ for user te6ts or system te6t libraries8. 4efore importing al"ays &lose the log file Me*port.t*tJ. f Me6port.t6tJ is opened, an access error can occur "hile display te6ts are being imported. ?or the function #5anaging multilingual te6ts# you can use a 5icrosoft )ffice E6cel !ersion as of EB.E2 H7 SR: up to and including !ersion :,,7.

Con7erting S5 rograms to S! rograms

;hen con!erting S5 programs to S7 programs, the special instructions for the .P3s in the S 50T . S5-'@53 and S 50T . S5-'553 series are not ta1en into account. The bloc1s in the library #?42 4'# 7!isible in the S 50T . 5anager using $ile + 4pen + %ibraries under #Standard 2ibrary V@.6#8 are only intended for con!erting e6isting S5 programs to S7 programs. They must not be used in ne" S7 programs. ;hen using the standard function bloc1s ?.',, through ?.''', the A) addresses should be noted 7see also the online help on these bloc1s8. The update of the process image is dependent on the S7 .P3. f you assign a part A) address 7bet"een ' and +8 to the address, these addresses are not ta1en into account in the cyclic process-image update. t is recommended that you select landscape format for printing out con!erted S5 programs. ;ith 0- portrait format, the characters at the end of a line may be printed in the ne6t line.

/ou cannot con!ert S5 data to STEP 7 if the data are on "rite-protected mediaI for e6ample, on read-only dis1ettes. ,emed/( ?irst copy the S5 data to a directory "hich is not "rite-protected. Then start the .on!erter and con!ert the copies.

Con7erting TI rograms to S! rograms

The follo"ing points apply to the operating system used to date, under 5S ;indo"s 7 the T con!erter is no longer installed. 0 tool for con!erting T programs to S7 programs is supplied. 0 manual in electronic form 7English only8 is supplied "ith this tool. The T con!erters can be started as usual from the ;indo"s tas1bar 7#StartAS 50T .ASTEP 7#8. The library #T -S7 .on!erting 4loc1s# 7!isible in the S 50T . 5anager !ia $ile + 4pen + %ibrar/ Standard 2ibrary V@.6#8 contains the standard routines for use in con!erted T programs. f the function ?.+, is called se!eral times one after the other, the output !ariable #P# may not be supplied by &4 !ariables or local data.

;hen using the functions ?.H- and ?.H5, the parameters $ and )3T cannot both point to data bloc1s at the same time.

;hen using the function ?.',-, the parameters T42' and T42: cannot point to data bloc1s. The function ?.',: can only be used "ith RE02 data types 74U'*U,+8. t "ill not "or1 "ith $T or & $T data types. The follo"ing T systems are supported( T -,5 T 5,5

$a3lt?tolerant S/stems

f you "ant to configure se!eral redundant S7 connections to a fault-tolerant system, please ta1e into account that is can ta1e longer to establish all the connections than is permitted under the configured ma6imum communication delay. f this is the case, please increase the !alue #5a6imum communications delay VmsW# in the fault-tolerant parameter properties of the .P3.

Note on Using $oreign?%ang3age Chara&ter Sets

n proEects and libraries you can use foreign-language character sets that do not correspond to the language set in STEP 7. The prere%uisite for this being that the desired character set is correspondingly installed in the operating system. ?or this, please obser!e .hapter #3sing ?oreign-2anguage .haracter Sets# in the >elp for STEP 7 7refer to .hapter FSetting 3p and Editing the ProEect #8. n addition to the >elp, the follo"ing information must also be obser!ed( The follo"ing foreign-language character sets ha!e been tested for applicability under the 53 !ariations of the appro!ed ;indo"s operating systems( Tapanese .hinese 7simplified8 Lorean Russian =ree1

)ther languages are generally possible, ho"e!er an unlimited applicability cannot be guaranteed. The operating system option FE6tend support of ad!anced te6t ser!ices to all programsG must not be enabled 7for e6ample, under ;indo"s BP .ontrol PanelARegional )ptions and 2anguage SettingsA&etailsA0d!anced8. The option F3pper .aseA2o"er .aseG is offered in #SearchAReplace# dialog , e!en if the foreign language being used does not recogniCe differences 7e.g. !isual languages of Tapanese and .hinese8. ;ith input fields that only allo" numerical inputs, only one-byte figures are permitted 7rele!ant "ith !isual languages li1e Tapanese and .hinese8. ;hen uploading a station, note that te6t that has been sa!ed on a .P3 can only be correctly displayed on ;indo"s that has been installed in the same language. Please note that .P3 pass"ords may only contain 0S. characters. n order to a!oid display errors 7e.g. "ith umlauts8 on the interface, it is recommended to use STEP 7 "ith English as its interface language.

STEP 7 may not be installed in a directory the path of "hich includes characters that are not listed in the 0S. character set. The P & control, S5AS7 con!erter and T con!erter do not support foreign-language character sets.

?urthermore, foreign-language characters are not permitted in !ariable names in the 20&A?4&AST2 editor. ;hen using optional pac1ages, particularly language editors, you should ensure that these also support foreign-language input. )ther"ise, the characters could become distorted "hen displayed or printed. f in doubt, items in the optional pac1age should not be opened !ia the Recent ?ile 2ist, but !ia the open bro"ser. Please note that sources and bloc1s in the statement part use characters from the English character set e6clusi!ely 70S. characters ,6:a - ,67f8. Especially blan1 spaces that are not entered in the specified character set are not interpreted as blan1 spaces and can lead to errors in the program. Please note that "hen inserting e6ternal sources 7function in S 50T . 5anager8, the file name and directory name may only contain characters from the 0S. character set ,6:a - ,67f. Please note that for symbolic addressing, the symbolic names ha!e to be "ritten in %uotation mar1s 7#symbolic nameJ#8.

Note on the 3se of SIMATIC %ogon

3se the S 50T . 2ogon Product, use at least V'.- SP'. ?or operation of S 50T . 2ogon under 5S ;indo"s 7 you need at least !ersion V'.- SP@. 0lso pay attention to the information pro!ided in this product. 0dditional notes( ?urthermore, a proEect pass"ord is a!ailable for opening proEects. This is primarily for administrators, to transfer protected proEects bet"een the ;indo"s domains, for e6ample. Please note that "hen opening a proEect, a logged on user !ia E*tras + SIMATIC %ogon Ser7i&es is entered in the proEect as an administrator, !ia a pass"ord. STEP 7 supports the default settings of #.onfigure S 50T . 2ogon#. .hanging these settings may result in une6pected problems "ith access-protected proEects. $ote "hen using S 50T . 2ogon that a user remains logged on e!en after closing the last proEect. The user is fully logged off "ith #S 50T . 5anager J )ptions J S 50T . 2ogon Ser!ice --J 2og off#. .hange log 3sers need the necessary rights in the file system to display the change log. Possible cause and remedy see #Security settings# in section @.' )perating En!ironment A ?ile system. &efault 3ser in S 50T . 2ogon 5a1e sure that a #default user# set up in S 50T . 2ogon has access to all protected proEects. The role #default user# includes all users of the P. in use.

Command Interfa&e
;hen using command interfaces under 5icrosoft .net, "e recommend you access obEect collections "ithin loops for intermediate !ariables. f you set the #Verb2og?ile# property at the S 50T . obEect, messages for the symbol import "ill be recorded in the log file and not in the file 7as "as pre!iously the case8.

;hen using the command interface, you "ill ha!e to note the follo"ing "hen installing older .Ps 7e. g. @-:-5, --@-58( ?or such .Ps use a number "ith the format #B/,# 7e.g. #',,#8 instead of the firm"are !ersion #VB./# 7e. g. #V'.,#8. ?or .Ps "ith firm"are !ersions of the type #product !ersion B-B# 7e. g. #'-5#8 use the format #B,,# 7e. g. #:,,#8.

TCI I Tool Calling Interfa&e

0s of STEP 7 V5.- SP-, the T. standard V'.' is supported. 3se a T.PA P direct connection to communicate "ith PR)? $ET ) de!ices. /ou can access &P sla!es "ith the data record routing.

Spe&ial Chara&teristi&s of the MS ;indows ! 4perating S/stem

$ote that 5S ;indo"s 7 offers an e6tended protection concept. This means that access to protected areas of the file system, such as the directories #Programs# and #;indo"s#, are !irtualiCed. /our data "ill be for"arded by the operating system in such a case to user-specific areas. $ote that the soft"are under 5S ;indo"s 7 is no longer a!ailable at # Start men3+ SIMATIC#, but under #Start men3 + rograms + Siemens A3tomation + SIMATIC# This change is caused by the current architecture of 5S ;indo"s 7. 0ny information listed in the documentation and online help has to be interpreted accordingly. Setting the a&&ess rights in the operating s/stem mportant changes ha!e been made to the 5S ;indo"s 7 safety concept in STEP 7 V5.5. This concept is used in case of a ne" installation 7STEP 7 has ne!er been installed on this computer8. n this case, most settings, such as the STEP 7 language and mnemonic method are user-defined. This means users can ma1e settings using a P. and their login information. 0n e6ception is the setting of the configuration language for the P=AP. interface. 0 user group GSiemens T 0 EngineerG "ill be created under 5S ;indo"s 7. The installer "ill automatically be added to this user group. 3sers from this user group ha!e additional rights, such as configuration of the P=AP. interface and installation of the hard"are support pac1ages as "ell as for global setting of the STEP 7 language and mnemonic for all users of the FSiemens T 0 EngineerG group. This language setting does also apply for the configuration of the P=AP. interface. ?or manual P configuration of the P=s 7for PR)? $ET "ithout &>.P8, the user must also be added to the preinstalled user group F$et"or1 configuration operators#. The administrator has to assign these user rights. A!!e"" rig#t" in $ro%e!t dire!torie" See #Security settings# in section @.' )perating en!ironment A ?ile system. Pro%e!t file" on networ& dri'e" f se!eral users "or1 on the same proEect sa!ed on a net"or1 dri!e at the same time, 5S ;indo"s 7 clients may not recogniCe changes made to bloc1s by other users. Possible remedies include a restart of STEP 7 on the 5S ;indo"s 7 client or deacti!ation of the opportunistic loc1ing of the respecti!e P=AP.. The latter influences the performance of the client. =i!en this bac1ground, "e do not recommend that se!eral users "or1 on the same proEect simultaneously. ("er a!!o)nt !ontrol &er 4etrieb !on STEP 7 V5.5 under 5S ;indo"s 7 ist enabled 7@ Stufen mXglich8 als auch disabled 7nie benachrichtigen8 user account control 730.8 mXglich. ?ollo"ing the con!ersion of the user account control 7e.g. by 30. con!ersion of a program installed by the system administrator8, some of the settings made by the user may no longer be present. The position and siCe of the application "indo"s may, for e6ample, be reset to older 7default8 !alues. Some of the proEects processed by the user may no longer be !isible. /ou "ill ha!e to enter them once again in the proEect management of STEP 7 7S 50T . 5anager J )pen ProEect J ?ind8. Set 3p domain global 3ser gro3p HSiemens TIA EngineerH

?or operation in a domain, you can create a domain global user group that "ill be mapped to the local user groups #Siemens T 0 Engineer# and #$et"or1 configuration operators#. The follo"ing prere%uisites "ill ha!e to be met( The domain administrator has created a domain global user group. The domain administrator has added users to the domain global user group "hose login "ill be used for access to STEP 7. Editing proCe&ts /ou need at least #Siemens T 0-Engineer# rights to reconfigure the P=AP. interface. These rights are also re%uired for the follo"ing e6ample( 0 proEect can include an implicit configuration of the P=AP. interface 7P=AP.8. f the P=AP. interface in such a proEect "as implicitly reconfigured by a user "ith #Siemens T 0-Engineer# rights, then operators "ith user rights "ill not be able to undo this configuration. This means you "ill not be able to "or1 online again until an operator "ith Siemens T 0-Engineer# rights has reconfigured the P=AP. interface. )ther"ise operators "ill see the follo"ing alarm( # nsufficient user rights for operation of STEP 7#.

Note &o not use the hibernate A standby function under 5S ;indo"s 7.

Notes on 0o&3mentation
.omprehensi!e documentation on STEP 7 is a!ailable to you in the online help for STEP 7. The #basic information# on STEP 7 in contained in the >T52-based #>elp on STEP 7#. The basic information and the reference information are both a!ailable to you as electronic manuals. This means that you ha!e the choice bet"een calling information e6clusi!ely from the online help or by printing out indi!idual chapters in order to read this information later on.

The manuals for STEP 7 can be accessed for e6ample, under ;indo"s BP, at Start + SIMATIC + 0o&3mentation. They can be displayed and printed "ith a P&? reader, "hich is supplied "ith the STEP 7 soft"are. &ue to the editorial deadline necessary in the creation of the product manuals, there may be an occasional slight difference bet"een their content and that of the online help.

Up?to?date information5
;hen reading references to the Start menu, 1eep in mind the form of the Start menu differs under the !arious operating systems.

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