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Issue 4, December 2013

Viev from lhe Chair
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The nevsIeller is Iale lhrough every fauIl of my ovn.
Iulling lhings off in November and December is onIy loo
easy bul I vanled lo make sure lhal il venl oul before
lhe end of lhe year. The faII vas quile busy vilh a couIe
of evenls lhal offered our grou Ienly of ubIic
exosure. There is a vrile-u in lhe nevsIeller on lhe
chiIdren's evenl lhal vas heId al lhe oslon ook IeslivaI
and lhe olher evenl vas lhe NIGW labIe al lhe oslon
Anliquarian ook Iair. Il vas a vonderfuI oorlunily lo
have a chance lo seak vilh members and Iel olhers
knov aboul our grou. We even icked u a couIe of
nev members during lhe veekend.

oslon ook IeslivaI
Idgard CIaes

In Iebruary, AriI and May ve viII be running rograms for lhe Iaslern Massachusells GirI
Scouls. Ior anyone vho has Iooked al lhe summary of lhe survey lhal vas recenlIy conducled by
lhe nalionaI GuiId you robabIy knov lhal lhe average age of our membershi is in lhe 50's.
WhiIe I feeI lhal lhis is a greal assel lo our organizalion because il brings a veaIlh of exerience
and assion, il seems an ideaI lime lo reach oul lo a younger audience. Al lhe same lime ve can
make sure lhal lhe arls, secificaIIy lhe book arls, is a sub|ecl lhal younger eoIe can gel some
exosure lo. I'II be sending oul a more formaI announcemenl afler lhe Nev Year seeking
voIunleers for lhe evenls and Ielling everyone knov a IillIe more aboul vhal ve Ian lo resenl,
bul unliI lhen I hoe lhal inleresled eoIe viII kee lhese dales in mind - Iebruary 9
, AriI 12

and May 3
. I can confidenlIy say lhal everyone vho arlicialed in our iIol rogram for lhe
GirI Scouls earIier in lhe year had a fanlaslic lime and I lhink lhese rograms viII be even beller.

Hay Nev Year!

The onIy lhing more exciling lhan reading a book is making your ovn,
and al lhis year's oslon ook IeslivaI, forly kids agreed! On Salurday
morning members of lhe Nev IngIand Chaler of lhe GuiId of ook
Workers offered a dro-in hands-on vorksho caIIed uiIding ooks
for kids of aII ages, and Iols of kids, arenls and olher curious feslivaI-
goers sloed by.
The oslon ook IeslivaI vas heId in oslon's CoIey Square on
Oclober 17-19 vilh evenls in Trinily Church, oslon IubIic Library, OId
Soulh Church and various IocaI holeIs. Tenls and boolhs covered every
inch of CoIey Square reresenling aulhors, resses, ubIishers and
rograms such as rallIe ook Sho, Kal Ran Iress, Indeendenl
IubIishers of NI, Three ean Iress, Houghlon MiffIin and KidIub
Iress. Aulhors, oels and seakers engaged readers and book Iovers of
aII ages vilh readings, discussions and seminars. And vhiIe chiIdren's
keynole seaker Tomie deIaoIa and his Slrega Nona charmed kids al OId Soulh Sancluary, kids lhal
found lheir vay lo lhe oslon IubIic Library's McKim buiIding vere deIighled lo buiId books of
lheir ovn. GuiId members manned labIes vhere kids and even some aduIls had lhe oorlunily
lo decorale aer, rinl a Iellerress card, sev a amhIel, and make o-us and accordion books!
The Iarge room vas buzzing and buslIing vilh aclivily and lhe fifleen GuiId members vere kel very
busy for lhe hour-and-a-haIf-Iong vorksho. A labIe disIaying hisloric book slruclures and GuiId
of ook Workers informalion vas aIso busy, and lvo arlicianls (aduIls!) became members of lhe
Nev IngIand Chaler.
Some kids said lhey Ianned lo vrile in lhe amhIels and accordion
books lhey made. Olhers lhoughl lhey mighl give books lo lheir friends,
or lheir doIIs and leddy bears. The free annuaI oslon ook IeslivaI
ceIebrales lhe over of vords lo slimuIale, agilale, unile, deIighl and
insire and everyone vho arlicialed is IikeIy lo agree lhal uiIding
ooks did |usl lhal!
Thank you lo lhe foIIoving NIGW voIunleers vho made lhis evenl a
success: Anne McLain, Alhena Moore, rillany Iay, Chris Lelizia, Iric
Drzevianovski, Irin Sveeney, Kalherine ealy, Laura Larkin, Lauren
TeIeak, LindsIey Rice, M.I. ogan, Nancy IreseIIa-Lee and daughler,
Sharon Iallison and Todd Iallison.

oslon ook IeslivaI
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The Arlisl Avakened: A Leclure by Idgard CIaes
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NIGW and lhe Norlh ennel Slreel SchooI hosled a Ieclure by
Idgard CIaes (ronounced cIice) on Selember 19lh, 2013 al lhe
nev Norlh ennel Slreel SchooI nov Iocaled al 150 Norlh Sl,
oslon. This vas lhe firsl ubIic Ieclure in lhe nev NSS sace
and lhe evenl vas veII allended vilh over 100 eoIe in lhe
audience. They vere nol disaoinled as lhe lvo-arl Ieclure
vas aImosl lvo hours in Ienglh and incIuded a shorl fiIm of
CIaes demonslraling his binding lechnique. This vas his firsl lri
lo lhe Uniled Slales and his onIy slo vas in oslon so il vas a
rare oorlunily for American binders lo hear him seak.
Idgard CIaes ( b.1954) is videIy regarded as one of Iuroe's mosl
lechnicaIIy roficienl and slyIislicaIIy rogressive bookbinders. CIaes
currenlIy resides in Cu|ik, NelherIands, vhere he raclices bookbinding
as veII as scuIlure and ainling. His bookbinding is characlerized by
lhe use of highIy sohislicaled slruclures rendered in non- lradilionaI
maleriaIs such as oIycarbonale, exolic voods, and aulomolive ainl
((&#) *+,-.-,$/& 0*$",). CIaes shoved more lhan 100 examIes of his
bindings vhich are innovalive and oflen use brighl coIors, geomelric
shaes and even moving gears. CIaes's laIked aboul lhe vay maleriaIs,
coIor and lechnique become inlervoven in his vork lo creale beaulifuI
and lhoughl rovoking bindings.

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