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USMLE Step 1 Web Prep Peripheral and Central Nervous System and Ventricular System

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Peripheral Nervous S ste!

392385 >>> 00:00:08

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Neuroecto#er! Surface ecto#er! Epidermis Hair Nails Inner ear Enamel of teeth Lens of eye Anterior pit itary !arotid "land

"er! La er Derivatives $eso#er! * s(le 'mooth #ardia( '/eletal #onne(ti$e tiss e All sero s mem,ranes

En#o#er! &or!s epithelial parts of' 5onsils 5hym s !haryn2 Laryn2 5ra(hea 0ron(hi L n"s 6rinary ,ladder 6rethra 5ympani( (a$ity A ditory t ,e &I tra(t

0one and (artila"e Neural tu%e #entral ner$o s system 0lood1 lymph1 (ardio$as( lar %etina or"ans !ineal "land Ne rohypophysis Adrenal (orte2 &lial #ells &or!s parench !a of' &onads and internal reprod (ti$e Li$er Neural Crest !an(reas or"ans Adrenal med lla 5onsils &an"lia 5hyroid "land 'pleen 'ensory !arathyroid "lands A tonomi( &lands of the &I tra(t 3idney and reter !i"ment (ells ' ,mandi, lar "land '(h)ann (ells ' ,lin" al "land 4 ra mater 'atellite (ells *enin"es !ia and ara(hnoid mater !haryn"eal ar(h (artila"e +donto,lasts !arafolli( lar -#. (ells Aorti(op lmonary sept m Endo(ardial ( shions (ol) sac #erivatives' !rimordial "erm (ells

Earl %loo# an# %loo# vessels Epithelia of the " t not deri$ed from endoderm 5a,le I78989:
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,U-ONO$IC NERVOUS S(S-E$' "ENER,L OR",NI.,-ION 5he A tonomi( Ner$o s 'ystem -AN'. is responsi,le for the motor inner$ation of smooth m s(le1 (ardia( m s(le1 and "lands of the ,ody: 5he AN' is (omposed of t)o di$isions: -9. 'ympatheti( and -2. !arasympatheti(: In ,oth di$isions there are t)o ne rons in the peripheral distri, tion of the motor inner$ation: !re"an"lioni( ne ron )ith (ell ,ody in #N' !ost"an"lioni( ne ron )ith (ell ,ody in a "an"lion in the !N':
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Clinical Correlate Lesions at arro)s res lt in Horner=s 'yndrome -ptosis1 miosis1 and anhydrosis.
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Ori5in #ranial ner$es III1 7II1I> #ranial ner$e > !el$i( splan(hni( ner$es ' 21 31 < 5a,le I78983:
392<20 >>> 00:29:27

Paras !pathetic3Craniosacral Outflo4 Site of S napse Innervation < (ranial "an"lia &lands and smooth m s(le of the head

5erminal "an"lia -in or 7is(era of the ne(/1 thora21 fore" t1 near the )alls of $is(era. and mid" t 5erminal "an"lia -in or Hind" t and pel$i( $is(era -in(l din" near the )alls of $is(era. the ,ladder and ere(tile tiss e.

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NEUROSCIENCE Central Nervous S ste!

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Clinical Correlate A2ons tili?e antero"rade and retro"rade a2onal transport to mo$e s ,(ell lar elements to)ard or a)ay from the a2on terminal: Antero"rade transport tili?es mi(rot , les1 is mediated ,y /inesin1 and mo$es $esi(les and protein to the a2on terminal: %etro"rade a2onal transport also ses mi(rot , les1 is mediated ,y dynein1 and transports lysosomes and re(y(led mem,rane: E2o"eno s s ,stan(es s (h as herpes$ir s1 polio $ir s1 and tetan s to2in affe(t ne ron (ell ,odies as a res lt of retro"rade a2onal transport:
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NEUROSCIENCE -he Ventricular S ste!

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Clinical Correlate CS& ,%nor!alities Nonco!!unicatin5 h #rocephalus is (a sed ,y o,str (tion to the #'@ flo) inside the $entri( lar system at a foramen of *onro1 in the (ere,ral aA ed (t1 or in the fo rth $entri(le: #'@ is pre$ented from e2itin" thro "h the foramina of *a"endie or L s(h/a in the fo rth $entri(le into the s ,ara(hnoid spa(e:
392<80 >>> 00:<<:50

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Clinical Correlate CS& ,%nor!alities 7 #rocephalus is (a sed ,y an e2(ess $ol me or press re of #'@1 prod (in" $entri( lar dilatation: Co!!unicatin5 h #rocephalus is (a sed ,y o$erse(retion of #@' )itho t o,str (tion in the $entri(les or ,y #@' (ir( lation or a,sorption pro,lems from the s ,ara(hnoid spa(e: #horoid ple2 s papilloma is a possi,le (a se of o$erse(retion1 a t mor in the s ,ara(hnoid spa(e limits (ir( lation1 or menin"itis may limit a,sorption into the s perior sa"ittal sin s:
392<85 >>> 00:<5:29

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Clinical Correlate

CS& ,%nor!alities Nor!al pressure h #rocephalus res lts )hen #'@ is not a,sor,ed ,y ara(hnoid $illi and the $entri(les are enlar"ed1 pressin" the (orte2 a"ainst the s/ ll: !atients present )ith (onf sion1 ata2ia1 and rinary in(ontinen(e:

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