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Dean Tranquil S. Salvador III

Let me start with the latest amendment to Rule 14 which took e ect in March o this !ear" Rule 14 #1$ %&n ser'ice o summons to a orei(n )uridical entit!" I !ou will look at !our code* all that !our code will tell !ou is that ser'ice o summons to a orei(n )uridical entit! which is transactin( +usiness in the ,hili--ines is either an! o the ollowin(. 1" to a resident a(ent/ $" a (o'ernment o icial desi(nated +! law/ 0" an! o icer ound in the ,hili--ines" 1owe'er* with the amendment in March o $211 the! ha'e e3-anded this and the! ha'e added these -hrases* the! said that i a orei(n )uridical entit! is not re(istered in the ,hili--ines ser'ice o summons can +e made WIT1 LEA4E &5 C&6RT in an! o the ollowin(. 1" ser'ice o summons to a orei(n court where the de endant resides throu(h the acilities o the De-artment o 5orei(n A airs/ $" +! -u+lication in the -lace where the de endant cor-oration holds o ice AND ser'ice o summons +! re(istered mail in their last known address here in the ,hili--ines/ 0" ser'ice o summons +! acsimile or other means o electronic messa(in( or as lon( as it can (enerate -roo o ser'ice/ and 4" other means as ma! +e determined +! the court su+)ect to its discretion" Now* let me now (i'e !ou some hi(hli(hts o what I eel are im-ortant to-ics or !ou to consider" 5irst and oremost class let me touch on the MANNER &5 5ILIN7 5ESS" This is

im-ortant8 9ou ha'e alwa!s read and it has alwa!s +een said that -a!ment o ilin( ees is )urisdictional" What I would like to tell !ou that there is also a re:uirement o -a!in( ilin( ees in criminal cases and that is ound in R6LE 111" I am makin( now a com-arison* let me touch on CI4IL 5ILIN7 5EES and I would like to cite the case o ,hili--ine 5irst Insurance 's" 5irst Lo(istics citin( the case o Sun Insurance o course this case o ,hili--ine 5irst Insurance created two scenarios" I will not re-eat the Sun Insurance case +ecause I know !ou know that" The 5irst Insurance case it sa!s* i the claim is or mone!* the action is or mone! and there is no -ra!er or the amount and or that reason there is no -a!ment o ilin( ees the court can dismiss the case" I there is an alle(ation or claim or dama(e or mone! that has no 'alue at all the court would e3-un(e it" The second scenario is* i the claim is other than or mone! +ut its cou-led o course with other claims or mone! +ut the -a!ment o ilin( ees are what"""INS655ICIENT8 Then* the court will not dismiss the case outri(ht +ut will allow !ou reasona+le time to -a! ilin( ees" Now !ou ma! ha'e come across with the case o Del Rosario and I would like to +e 'er! clear with this* the +asic rule class in terms o insu icienc! in terms o -a!ment o ilin( ees" I !our -a!ment is +ased on what !ou +elie'e was the correct amount as assessed +! the clerk o court* then !ou cannot +e aulted" Do !ou ollow; And there ore the court is deemed to ha'e ac:uired a )urisdiction* are we clear; 1owe'er class* i there was +latant disre(ard and +ad aith with an intention not to -a! the (o'ernment with the correct ilin( ees then Manchester rule will a--l!* the court will not ac:uire )urisdiction" Now let me touch on the case o ,roton ,ili-inas 's" <an:ue Nacional De ,aris* wh! am I e'en citin( this in terms o ilin( ees in ci'il cases" As !ou will recall in the Sun Insurance case/ 1" !ou ha'e to -a! ilin( ees within the -rescri-ti'e -eriod or re(lementar! -eriod/

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$" !ou will ha'e to -a! or ilin( ees or -ermissi'e counterclaims %%% Do !ou ha'e to ile a ilin( ee or a com-ulsor! counterclaim; I !ou ollow the case o Alda! 's" 576 or the lon(est time the court had made -ronouncement that !ou do not ha'e to -a! ilin( ees or com-ulsor! counterclaim" 1owe'er* with the case o =orean Technolo(ies where the Su-reme Court made no e3-lanation at all +ut merel! said* citin( R6LE 141 which was amended in $224 there is a re:uirement o -a!ment o ilin( ees not onl! or com-ulsor! counterclaim +ut also or crossclaim" Do !ou ollow; So class !ou will take note" So sir* !ou will ask me how will I answer the :uestion" & course now its multi-le choice and I would tell !ou in that li(ht !ou will (et the +est answer* !ou should identi ! the +est answer" I am (i'in( !ou this so that when !ou choose the +est answer !ou would know how to -ick the +est answer" I it sa!s* accordin( to )uris-rudence or i it sa!s =orean Technolo(! case* that is the latest on the matter" 9ou will ha'e to -a! ilin( ees or com-ulsor! counterclaim* that is a $22? case" 0" i !ou did not -a! or i there was insu icient -a!ment* it will +e alien on the )ud(ment award" 9ou remem+er that* it will +e alien on the )ud(ment award" <ut I am citin( to !ou the case o ,roton ,ili-inas or one -articular reason* !ou could onl! use and a'ail that lien on the )ud(ment award I5 T1E CLAIM 5&R INTEREST &R DAMA7ES 1AS ACCR6ED W1ILE T1E ACTI&N IS ,ENDIN7" Can !ou ollow; 1as accrued while the action is -endin(* +ecause o course !ou cannot e3-ect them to ascertain the amount o ilin( ees +ecause it has not !et accrued" <ut i the claim or interest or dama(es has

+een determined* meanin( it has alread! ri-en then !ou will ha'e to -a! ilin( ees" Now* let me now touch on the CRIMINAL 5ILIN7 5EES" The -ertinent -ro'ision when !ou talk o criminal ilin( ees is R6LE 111 #1" And what does it sa!/ !ou will ha'e to -a! ilin( ees or M&RAL* E>EM,LAR9* N&MINAL and TEM,ERATE" Li:uidated is not included* or ACT6AL or C&M,ENSAT&R9 DAMA7ES !ou will not +e assessed ilin( ees in Criminal Cases" 1owe'er* I will ha'e to add this/ or <, $$ cases ALL CLAIMS 5&R DAMA7ES will ha'e to assessed ilin( ees" I will re-eat ALL CLAIMS 5&R DAMA7ES will ha'e to assessed M&RAL* E>EM,LAR9* N&MINAL* TEM,ERATE and LI@6IDATED includin( ACT6AL DAMA7ES* all o those that is ound in R6LE 111" Now* let me touch on matters on A6RISDICTI&N" I will not tell !ou it is RA BCD1 amendin( <, 1$D +ecause I assume !ou know" Tama;8 <, 1$D as amended +! RA BCD1" I will not (o down to the nitt! (ritt! o the enumeration o )urisdictions in ci'il cases +ut I would like !ou to remem+er this so that !ou will ha'e somethin( to clin( on when it comes to i(ures" In Metro Manila* the claim should e3ceed ,h-422*222"22 % in Metro Manila E>CEEDIN7" Remem+er that word* E>CEEDIN7" So ka-a( tinanon( sa +ar* which court has )urisdiction ,h-422*222"22; Metro-olitan Trial Court" <aka sa+ihin sa!o a" Munici-al Trial Court/ +" Metro-olitan Trial Court/ c" Munici-al Circuit Trial Court" What is the answer; <" METR&,&LITAN TRIAL C&6RT" Are we clear; So !ou ha'e to +e 'er! accurate" Now* or &6TSIDE o Metro Manila e3ceedin( the amount o ,h-022*222"22 and I would like !ou to alwa!s remem+er this catch%all -hrase Ethat )urisdiction in CI4IL CASES is determined +! the amount o the claim e3clusi'e o DAMA7ES* INTEREST* ATT&RNE9FS 5EES and C&ST &5 S6IT" 1owe'er* in the li(ht o Su-reme Court Circular 2D%D4 that clari ied that -ro'ision o <, 1$D as amended +! RA BCD1" I the claim

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is -urel! or DAMA7ES* the amounts that I ha'e mentioned will a--l!" Are we clear; Now* +e ore I mo'e on in m! com-arison to a CRIMINAL CASE" Let us look at the +asic rule" What is the 7ENERAL R6LE when it comes to :uestion o )urisdiction; Can @6ESTI&N &5 A6RISDICTI&N +e raised at an!time; E'en on a--eal; The answer is 9ES888 That is the R6LE8 Eh sir* how a+out EST&,,EL <9 LAC1ES on :uestion o )urisdiction" That is what; That is rather the e3ce-tion" That was cited in the case o 5i(ueroa 's" ,eo-le* the Su-reme Court made it 'er! clear that the @6ESTI&N &5 A6RISDICTI&N C&6LD <E RAISED AT AN9TIME* E4EN &N A,,EAL%that is the (eneral rule" The e3ce-tion is the case o Ti)am 's" Si+un(hano! on @6ESTI&N &5 EST&,,EL <9 LAC1ES &N @6ESTI&N &5 A6RISDICTI&N % meanin( there was 6NREAS&NA<LE DELA9 IN 9&6R 1A4IN7 @6ESTI&NED T1E LAC= &5 A6RISDICTI&N" Now* how a+out )urisdiction o court in C&NTEM,T CASES; Ariola case % how will the court ac:uire )urisdiction in INDIRECT C&NTEM,T" Take note INDIRECT C&NTEM,T* the court will ac:uire )urisdiction 6,&N 5ILIN7 &5 A 4ERI5IED ,ETITI&N" Take note there are two wa!s to initiate an action or indirect contem-t* it is not +! motion" &ne is +! 4ERI5IED ,ETITI&N and the second one is 6,&N A 5&RMAL C1AR7E +! the )ud(e" 9ou can no lon(er initiate an indirect contem-t -roceedin( toda! throu(h a motion % that is -rohi+ited" Take note that in CI4IL CASES )urisdiction can +e se-arate rom 'enue* +ecause on 4EN6E/ -arties can a(ree* -arties can sti-ulate* it could +e su+)ect to a wai'er* it could +e su+)ect o consent" That is not true in CRIMINAL CASES* in criminal cases 4EN6E IS A6RISDCITI&NAL % the -lace o commission is the -lace where the acet tion will +e instituted" Now* let me ask !ou this :uestion/ 1ow a+out the case o Man(undadatu" The crime was committed where; In Ma(uindanao" Do !ou ollow; 1ow come the action is -rosecuted in @ueGon Cit! and the )ud(e handlin( the case is a )ud(e rom @ueGon Cit!" Sir* Is that not in

'iolation o !our statement that 'enue is )urisdictional; N&" Class !ou cannot com-romise 'enue in criminal cases* !ou cannot sti-ulate* it cannot +e su+)ect o wai'er* it cannot +e su+)ect o consent" So what ha--ened to that case; What ha--ened to that case was the action was irst instituted in Ma(uindanao" What was trans erred to @ueGon Cit! is the 4EN6E &5 1EARIN7HTRIAL and that is su+)ect to the a--ro'al o the Su-reme Court +ased on the constitution" So we cannot com-romise that* we cannot consent to a trans er in criminal cases o 'enue or -ur-oses o institution* IT IS ALWA9S IN T1E ,LACE &5 ITS C&MMISSI&N" 6nless o course it is a C&NTIN6IN7 &55ENSE or a TRANSIT&R9 &55ENSE where there is two or more 'enue" Now let me ask !ou this :uestion" 1ow a+out class a RE1A<ILITATI&N CASE* is that ordinar! ci'il action; Let us de ine &RDINAR9 CI4IL ACTI&N" Ito class +asic % an ordinar! ci'il action is. a"I esta+lishes an action or a ri(ht/ +" E'er! ordinar! ci'il action should ha'e a cause o action/ c"I it is su+)ect o s-ecial rules" What is the answer; <" E'er! ordinar! ci'il action should ha'e a cause o action" 1ow a+out a C&R,&RATE RE1A<ILITATI&N CASE is it an ordinar! ci'il action; N&" It is a s-ecial -roceedin(* the nature o the -roceedin( is summar! in nature and it re:uires no cause o action" Now let us -roceed to the ne3t item" I am still on the item o -arties* mis)oinder o -arties" In R6LE 0* is a mis)oinder o -arties a (round or dismissal; The answer is N&" A -art! could +e dro--ed or se'ered without dismissin( the case" 1owe'er* i !ou talk o an indis-ensa+le -art!* the non%inclusion o an indis-ensa+le -art!" Will it cause the dismissal o the case; 9ES" I it an indis-ensa+le -art!" 1owe'er* i it is onl! a necessar! -art! will that cause the dismissal o the case; N&" That will not cause the dismissal o the case" What i a necessar! -art! re used to +e included* what is !our remed!; 9our remed! is to im-lead him as an unwillin( co%-lainti " Now class* ha'in(

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touched on mis)oinder o -arties" Let me now touch on* )oinder o causes o action" In criminal cases do !ou ha'e causes o action; In criminal cases accordin( to R6LE 112 #D % 9ou ha'e CA6SE &5 ACC6SATI&N" 9ou ha'e cause o action in CI4IL CASES* +ut in CRIMINAL CASES !ou ha'e cause o accusation" Let us look at )oinder o cause o action" I would like !ou to remem+er the rules" Accordin( to R6LE $ #J it sa!s. that causes o action could +e )oined whether in the alternati'e or otherwise" Take note* it could +e in the alternati'e or otherwise and !ou ha'e to take note o the ollowin( rules. 1" !ou cannot those co'ered +! s-ecial rules % or e3am-le. !ou ha'e an action or e)ectment and an action or reco'er! o sum o mone!" Can !ou )oin those; N&" 9ou cannot* +ecause one is co'ered +! ordinar! ci'il action and the other is s-ecial ci'il action" Let us !ou want a determination o !our ri(ht as le(itime in a holo(ra-hic will and the other is recon'e!ance o a title o -ro-ert! which !ou claim !ou own" Can !ou )oin them; N&" &ne in'ol'es s-ecial -roceedin( -ro+ate and the other in'ol'es ordinar! ci'il action/ $" !ou will ha'e to res-ect )oinder o -arties % !es* !ou could )oin causes o action +ut !ou ha'e to res-ect )oinder o -arties* -ermissi'e )oinder o -arties % R6LE 0 #C" &therwise* there will +e con usion and take note o this IT S1&6LD ARIS 5R& T1 SAM E M E E TRANSACTI&N &R SERIES &5 TRANSACTI&N AND S1&6LD 1A4E C&MM&N 5ACT &R LAW W1ET1ER A&INTL9* SE4ERALL9 &R IN T1E ALTERNATI4E" So !ou cannot )oin to(ether causes o action where

-arties are totall! unrelated" When their claims are not intertwined or interlocked* !ou cannot do that" &therwise !ou will onl! cause con usion" 0" !ou will ha'e to res-ect A6RISDICTI&N and 4EN6E % and o course i one claim alls within the )urisdiction o the RTC* all other claims will all in the RTC" 4" totalit! rule % it is the S6M &5 ALL T1E M&NETAR9 CLAIMS* there ore i taken se-aratel!* )urisdiction could +e determined +ut i taken to(ether !ou ha'e another set o )urisdiction" Let us look at the case o &ca 's" Lim+arin(* in terms o REAL ,ART9 IN INETEREST" What does it tell us; Should a -art! +e a real -art! in interest onl! +ecause his ri(ht arises rom a contract; Tama +a !un; Should !ou sa! that a -art! is a real -art! in interest i the! a -art! to the contract or si(natories to the contract" The 7ENERAL R6LE is 9ES" 1owe'er* not all claims would arise rom a contract" There ore* it could also arise rom tort" There is no contractual o+li(ation* rom ne(li(ence could there +e an action arisin( rom tort"""9ES8 It is also -ossi+le class that !ou are not a -art! or si(nator! to the contract +ut !ou could +e a real -art! in interest* i there is a +reach in the contract" What is that; I there is a sti-ulation -our autrui" So -lease* take note o those" Another :uestion that I would like to answer is in connection with a case decided +! court in connection with a(rarian dis-ute" What i there is a E=AS6ND6ANE in the DARA<; What i there is a E=AS6ND6ANE as to who would +e entitled to a -iece o land and that was resol'ed and determined +! the DARA<; 5or that reason the DARA< case was terminated" Let us sa! the

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E=AS6ND6ANE was not com-lied with" Which court has )urisdiction* is it the RE76LAR C&6RT or the DARA<; It remains to +e with the DARA<* it arisin( rom the tenanc! relation and e'en i it was alread! terminated* the source was a TENANC9 REALTI&NS1I," Now* let me touch on a :uestion on S6<STIT6TI&N" What a+out su+stitution; Class* I would like to call !our attention on the case o Sumal)a-" I would like !ou to +ear this in mind* a lot o :uestions could +e taken rom this #1C weF'e waited or this :uestion since $220" When !ou stud! #1C o R6LE 0 +ear in mind that !ou also ha'e to stud! at the same time #$2 o R6LE 0" Tandaan ni!o !an ha8 What is the rule; The irst thin( that !ou will ha'e to remem+er is* there should +e DEAT1" Death o who; Death o a ,ART9" The -ro'ision o the law made no mention as to who died" It does not sa! it is the -lainti or the de endant" I want to +e 'er! clear with that* it does not sa! it is the -lainti or the de endant" <ut what does it sa!* A ,ART9 DIES" So it could +e the -lainti or the de endant" So des-ite the death o the -art! the action sur'i'es* take note o that" So what are kinds o action wherein* i a -art! dies the action is e3tin(uished % actions which are -urel! -ersonal that without him the action can no lon(er +e -er ormed like i !ou are a -ainter* !ou can no lon(er -er orm e'en s-eci ic -er ormance i !ou are dead" I !ou are a sin(er !ou can no lon(er -er orm" I !ou are to (i'e su--ort* o course !ou are dead" What are the rules that !ou ha'e to remem+er; I will (rou- it into this" What is the dut! o a counsel; The dut! o a counsel is. 1" to in orm the court o the 5ACT o death % within how man! da!s in case o su+stitution +! reason o death/ a" Within 02 da!s rom knowled(e/ +" Within 02 da!s rom the act o death/ c" At the o-tion o

the law!er* whether u-on knowled(e or u-on the act o act" What is the answer; <" The 02 da!s is counted rom the 5ACT &5 DEAT1* not rom the knowled(e +ut rom the act o death/ $" to in orm the court o the NAME and ADDRESSES o the le(al re-resentati'e % take note* accordin( to the -ro'ision the le(al re-resentati'e could +e who; The le(al re-resentati'e could +e an 1EIR* there is no re:uirement that it is an e3ecutor or administrator +ut !ou can ha'e an e3ecutor or administrator +ut I would su((est that !ou a--oint an heir +ecause !ou do not need court a--ro'al" What is the dut! o the court; The dut! o the court is. 1" to come u- with a notice or the law!er or or the re-resentati'e to a--ear within 02 da!s rom recei-t o notice/ and $" to order su+stitution" Take note o this* a+sence o an! o these will not lead to a 'alid su+stitution" Eh sir* kun( mali an( hus(ado; Walan( su+stitution" Do !ou ollow; That is alread! answered in the case o <rioso" =a-a( mali an( hus(ado* wala" So* +oth re:uirements should take -lace % the dut! o the law!er and the dut! o the court" Now* let me call !our attention to this case o Sumal)a-" What ha--ened in this case; Class (anito nan(!ari ditto eh" Durin( the li etime o the deceased he trans erred his interest to someone else* not known to other -eo-le" 1e died* the law!er now would like to make the trans eree in interest as the su+stitute" Durin(

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the li etime o the deceased there was a trans er o interest +ut un ortunatel! he died" Now the law!er would like to name N&T an e3ecutor* N&T an administrator and N&T e'en an heir" Can he do that; The court said N&" 9ou cannot do a trans er o interest once the trans eree o trans eror had died" The trans er o interest should take -lace durin( the li etime o +oth o them" In this -articular case* the -erson who trans erred had -assed awa! there ore the re(ular -ro'ision o #1C o R6LE 0 should a--l!" <e ore I lea'e this to-ic o su+stitution in ci'il cases* let me ask the three kinds o su+stitution in ci'il cases" What are the three kinds; 1" su+stitution +! reason o death/ $" death o a -u+lic o icer % this is #1B" Let me (i'e !ou the re:uirements +rie l!" a" there should +e a death o a -u+lic o icer/ +" there is a new one a--ointed % a successor to take his -lace +ut +e ore a successor could take his -lace* this is the dut! o the re:uirement o the law* he should ha'e +een. i" noti ied/ ii" he should ha'e +een (i'en the o--ortunit! to +e heard/ and iii" he ado-ts or threaten to ado-t the act o the -redecessor Wa( ni!o munan( i%su+stitute kaa(ad" Let us sa! a de-artment secretar! died* and

there is new one a--ointed does it mean that he is su+stituted to the actions o the secretar! % N&" 9ou ha'e to com-l! with the re:uirement o law" 0" trans er o interest" #1D Let me touch on #$2" I cannot discuss #1C without touchin( on # $2" What does #$2 tell us; There is death also" Take note* there is death" <ut who dies; 1ere the -ro'ision o law is s-eci ic" Who dies; The DE5ENDANT dies not the -lainti " So class* under this scenario it should +e the de endant who dies" Second item that I would like !ou to take note" The NAT6RE &5 T1E ACTI&N" Take note* the nature o the action is 'er! s-eci ic % it in'ol'es a claim or sum o mone! whether e3-ress or im-lied" IT S1&6LD <E A CLAIM 5&R M&NE9" It is like this* the -lainti dies and the claim is or a sum o mone!* the de endant is ali'e" What -ro'ision will a--l!; Will #1C or #$2; N&" #1C will a--l!" <ecause the -ro'ision o #$2 is 'er! s-eci ic" It sa!s* the de endant dies and it in'ol'es a claim or mone! whether e3-ress or im-lied" Now* let us look at the -ro'ision o the law" What i the de endant dies and the claim is or mone!; Will the case +e dismissed or terminated; IT WILL N&T <E DISMISSED" Will there +e su+stitution; T1ERE WILL <E N& S6<STIT6TI&N" It will continue a(ainst the ESTATE o the deceased -erson" 9an an( tandaan ni!o8 ,lease8 <akit ko sinasa+i na -lease;8 <ecause class ma! na('e'enture na (anito* kasi naman an( ma! hawak n( estate eh e3ecutor or administrator eh da-at su+stitution" Totoo !un na an( ma! hawak n( estate e3ecutor or administrator" ,ero sinsa+i n( +atas* sa titulo n( kaso mo ano; ESTATE &5 T1E DECEASED ,ERS&N* whate'er his name is" Will it continue; 9ES" Tandaan ni!o lan(* it will not +e dismissed"

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Let me now mo'e on" <aka mama!a tanun(in ka!o n( su+stitution sa criminal -rocedure" Sir* ma! su+stitution na d!an; Who sa!s !es;8 Sir* sino +a naman (uston( ma(su+stitute sa akusado" Sino (usto ma(su+stitute; Tatawa% tawa ka!o -a-akita ko sain!o an( -ro'ision" Walan( (uston( ma(su+stitute sa akusado* o course" Accordin( to R6LE 111 #4. i the accused dies A5TER ARRAI7NMENT* +oth the CRIMINAL and the CI4IL ACTI&N arisin( rom the DILECT WILL <E E>TIN76IS1ED" <ut i the accused dies <E5&RE ARRAI7NMENT and a case has alread! +een iled* IT WILL C&NTIN6E A7AINST T1E ESTATE" Can there +e su+stitution; Look at the second -ara(ra-h o #4 o R6LE 111 and i !ou look at the latter -ortion o that -ro'ision class* !ou will see +asicall! the same -ro'ision as #1C" 1a'e !ou noticed; Eh di sir ma! su+stitution sa criminal cases; <e ore !ou +e mislead* listen to this" 9ES* there is su+stitution &NL9 5R&M T1&SE CLIAMS A7AINST T1E ACC6SED W1& IS A DE5ENDANT* IN CASES IN4&L4IN7 &T1ER S&6RCES &5 &<LI7ATI&N includin( INDE,ENDENT CI4IL ACTI&NS" I there is no S6<STIT6TI&N &5 T1E ACC6SED in the delict" Can there +e a S6<STIT6TI&N &5 IN5&RMATI&N; 9ES" R6LE 112 #14 that is wh! the title o that -ro'ision is AMENDMENT AND S6<STIT6TI&N" I the -rosecution +elie'es that the! will not +e a+le to -ro'e or esta+lish the o ense committed +ased on the in ormation* the! could re:uest or a su+stitution o in ormation" Sir* mas!ado nan( malalim an( discussion natin ditto""" =a!a n(a critical di +a; 9un an( -ur-ose ko dito" <aka sa+ihan ni!o wala naman ka tor!a%tor!a to8 1ehe8 =iddin( aside class" Now* let us -roceed" Doon naman ta!o sa INDI7ENT" I think that !ou are aware o the leadin( case Al(ura 's" L76 o the Cit! o Na(a" The -ertinent -ro'ision is in #$1 i !ou ollow the -ro'ision it is airl! sim-le* it onl! tells !ou that the -roceedin( is summar!* e3%-arte* without notice to the other -art! and

that !ou would like to +e indi(ent to +e entitled to steno(ra-hic notes* !ou are not to -a! ilin( ees or the time +ein( +ut should !ou win there will +e a lien on the award" Indi(ent is de ined under #$1 as someone whose income is not su icient or his ood* clothin( and shelter" =a-a( ito lan( an( tinandaan ni!o ta(ilid ka!o8 1uwa( lan( !an an( tatandaan ni!o" 9ou ha'e to make note o the case o Al(ura" Wh!; <ecause there is a R6LE 141 #1D that was amended in $224 that (a'e as a new de inition o an indi(ent" Sir* +akit; The code that !ou ha'e #$1 was the 1DDB Code +ut when the! issued the! came u- with R6LE 141" Who is an indi(ent; An indi(ent is someone whose income and that o his immediate amil! does not e3ceed dou+le the monthl! minimum wa(e" Take note. whose income does not e3ceed dou+le the monthl! minimum wa(e" =a-a( nakala(a! di!an sa codal mo eh ,h-J*222"22 luma an( codal mo" Tin(nan mo !un( codal mo malaman( !an eh $220 -a" 1is income and that o his immediate amil! does not e3ceed dou+le the monthl! minimum wa(e and does not ha'e real -ro-ert! with a air market 'alue e3ceedin( ,h-022*222"22" Wh! do in need to la! the +asis or this discussion; 7anito kasi class an( sina+i n( Su-reme Court % i the -erson* the a--licant* who wants to +e declared as an indi(ent alls within the de inition o R6LE 141* meanin( his income and that o his immediate amil! does not e3ceed dou+le the monthl! minimum wa(e and he does not own real -ro-ert! with air market 'alue not e3ceedin( ,h-022*222"22* then he is an indi(ent" 1owe'er class* i he does not all s:uarel! within the de inition meanin( he has -ro-ert! in e3cess o ,h-022*222"22 air market 'alue or he has an income more than +ut he claims to +e an indi(ent* !ou will ha'e to (o throu(h an INDI7ENC9 TEST* consistent with #$1" Sir* what do !ou mean +! indi(enc! test; The court will ha'e to ascertain whether !our income is not su icient or !our ood* clothin( and shelter" Are we clear; So that one !ou will ha'e to take note" I the :uestion makes it a--ear that he alls under R6LE 141 indi(ent na

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si!a* i he does not all under R6LE 141 +ut he claims to +e an indi(ent #$1 will a--l! +ut the court will ha'e to conduct an indi(enc! test* in the determination whether or not he is an indi(ent" Now* let me ask !ou this :uestion" Who should su+mit an a ida'it or the determination o who is an indi(ent; Accordin( to the case o Tok!o Marine Mala!an Insurance 's" 4aldeG % it is onl! the liti(ant who needs to -re-are an a ida'it" Now* let us look at the R6LE on 4EN6E" Eh sir* -a-aano in a CRIMINAL CASE I cannot a ord a law!er* there is what !ou call a ,6<LIC ATT&RNE9 who will +e assi(ned to !ou in a criminal case i !ou cannot a ord a counsel" What are the rules; Let me (i'e a +reakdown o the rules in criminal cases" The rule is AN ACC6SED IS ENTITLED T& A C&6NSEL DE ,ARTE Ka counsel o choiceI" =un( ka!a ni!a* kumuha si!a" I he cannot a ord one he could +e (i'en a C&6NSEL DE &55ICI& or -ur-oses o arrai(nment % -wede !un or -ur-oses o arrai(nment onl!* or -ur-oses o the entire -roceedin(" Is it -ossi+le class that the Court o A--eals will also a--oint a counsel de o icio or an accused; 9ES" I the accused iles an a--eal +! himsel or he has no counsel de -arte" The court could a--oint counsel de o icio" Can the Su-reme Court a--oint a counsel de o icio; 9ES" The court can a--oint a counsel de o icio or an accused" Sir* wh! did !ou touch on this; Walan( -era* indi(ent eh" <ut i !ou talk o CI4IL CASES* the -ro'isions that I discussed will a--l!" What is the di erence +etween a ,6<LIC INTEREST CASE and a ,RI4ATE CASE; Do !ou ha'e real -art! in interest there; In a -ri'ate action !ou talk o real -art! in interest* as a -art!" In a -u+lic case !ou talk o * not a real -art! in interest" 9ou talk o a -art! who su ered su+stantial interest +! reason o the (o'ernmental act/ !ou are not talkin( o a real -art! in interest" There are a ew items that I would like to touch on 4EN6E" 5irst item that I would like !ou to

remem+er is the case o Irene Marcos%Araneta 's" Court o A--eals" This is instructi'e +ecause o the word -rinci-al" I will re-eat )ust a ew -ro'isions in the code that !ou ha'e to remem+er" ,ersonal action is where -lainti or -rinci-al -lainti resides or de endant or -rinci-al de endant resides" Real action is dictated +! what; The -lace where the -ro-ert! is located" Are we clear; This case o Irene Marcos%Araneta in'ol'es that* not real action +ut -ersonal action" What is the -ro+lem in this case; Irene Marcos%Araneta resides in 5or+es ,ark* Makati" She is a -lainti in an action in'ol'in( a trust* where she is a +ene iciar!" <ut aside rom Irene Marcos%Araneta who resides in 5or+es ,ark* Makati there were three other -lainti s who were desi(nated +! Irene Marcos%Araneta as trustees o her +ene icial trust" So !ou ha'e three more" The three resides in <atac* Ilocos Norte +ut in the com-laint the! said that Irene Marcos%Araneta resides in <atac* Ilocos Norte" So !un an( :uestion* sa+i da-at i%dismiss !an +ecause <atac* Ilocos Norte is not the -ro-er 'enue accordin( to the other -art!" Wh!; <ecause the! said that +ased on the -ro'ision on rule o 'enue* the -rinci-al -lainti is Irene Marcos% Araneta +ecause she is the +ene iciar! o the trust" So* what did the Su-reme Court said; In that case the 'enue should ha'e +een in Makati and not <atac* Ilocos Norte" The ne3t :uestion that I would like to touch on is this/ can the court dismiss a case motu -ro-io on the (round o im-ro-er 'enue; N&" The court cannot do that" Im-ro-er 'enue as a (round or dismissal could onl! +e a'ailed o i there is a motion to dismiss* the court cannot dismiss that motu -ro-io" The ne3t item that I would like to touch on 'enue would +e W&RDS &5 E>CL6SI4IT9" Ito tandaan nin!o* it comes in hand! that !ou know" Le(as-i 's" Re-u+lic* words o e3clusi'it!" In cases the -art! STI,6LATE or A7REE on a 'enue in a ci'il action* there should +e words o e3clusi'it! like E>CL6SI4EL9* &NL9* WAI4IN7 ALL &T1ER 4EN6ES those are words o

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e3clusi'it! and that will limit the 'enue to the -lace where the -arties ha'e a(reed u-on" Let me now touch on CRIMINAL" Awhile a(o class* I mentioned that 'enue should +e )urisdictional in criminal cases" Do !ou a(ree with me;8 &k8 4enue should +e )urisdictional in criminal cases" 1owe'er class I need to touch on the 16MAN SEC6RIT9 LAW" What a+out the human securit! law; <ecause class the human securit! law (i'es e3ce-tions to the rule* o course the Re'ised ,enal Code likewise -ro'ides an e3ce-tion in Article $ % where it in'ol'es counter eitin( o ,hili--ine +ank notes* althou(h committed outside o the ,hili--ines/ could it +e -rosecuted in the ,hili--ines; 9ES" This is another set o e3ce-tions -ro'ided outside o the R,C* under the 16MAN SEC6RIT9 LAW" What are those; 1" I it is committed within the di-lomatic -remises o the ,hili--ines or a(ainst its o icers althou(h committed outside the ,hili--ines could +e -rosecuted here/ $" I the act is committed a(ainst the Re-u+lic o the ,hili--ines in connection with the human securit! law meanin( there is act o terrorism then it could +e -rosecuted in the ,hili--ines/ 0" I it is committed a(ainst a -articular ethnic (rou- or it is an act a(ainst ethnicit! % like isan( -articular n(""" a!okon( ma(+an((it n( (ru-o sa ,ili-inas eh" ,ata!in an( m(a (anito" E'en i committed in 1on(kon(* could it +e -rosecuted here; 9ES"

Now* let me now touch on S6MMAR9 ,R&CED6RE" The -eriod class to res-ond to a case in a com-laint or summar! -rocedure is 12 da!s % the -eriod to ile an aswer" Can that -eriod +e e3tended; The -eriod CANN&T +e e3tended % a motion or e3tension is a -rohi+ited -leadin(" Let us look at SMALL CLAIMS" What is the -eriod to res-ond to a small claim action; Is it 12 da!s 2r is it 1J da!s; The -eriod to res-ond to a small claim action is a -eriod o 12 da!s" 9ou cannot ile an e3tension and all o the a'aila+le e'idence alread! +e a--ended to and attached to the answer" Let me tell !ou know the )urisdiction in summar! -rocedure" Do !ou still remem+er the )urisdiction in ci'il cases or summar! -rocedure; The ma(ic num+ers are $22*222 and 122*222" In Metro Manila not e3ceedin( ,h-$22*222"22 % summar! -rocedure" &utside o Metro Manila not e3ceedin( ,h-122*222"22 % summar! -rocedure" What is the )urisdiction o the court in small claims; ,h-122*222"22" The claims or a sum o mone! does not e3ceed ,h-122*222"22" Now* this is the -ro+lem" Where will !ou ile a small claims action outside o Metro Manila and when will !ou ile a summar! -rocedure case* +ecause +oth alls within ,h-122*222"22" It is determined +! who iles the case" I !ou want to ile summar! -rocedure* !ou ile summar! -rocedure" I !ou want to ile small claims action* !ou do so" <ut I would like !ou to take note that it is within the threshold o ,h-122*222"22 and -lease take note class on small claims* it also includes ci'il action arisin( rom or the ci'il as-ect o a criminal case" So i there is a claim or sums o mone! arisin( rom a criminal case that will still +e included* that will still +e su+)ect o a small claims action" Now* let us look at S,ECI5IC DENIALS % Re-u+lic 's" Sandi(an+a!an" Let me touch on denial which sa!s LAC= &5 =N&WLED7E &R IN5&RMATI&N T& 5&RM A <ELIE5 AS T& T1E TR6T1 T1ERE&5" 9ou remem+er that* there are three kinds o denial under #12 o R6LE ?"

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What are those; 1" S-eci ic denial/ $" @uali ied denial K I admit the -ortion and den! the restI/ and 0" Lack o knowled(e or in ormation to orm a +elie as to the truth thereo " The :uestion raised +e ore this case is when can !ou use the denial" This is the case in'ol'in( the Marcoses* in the alle(ation was this/ the Marcoses res-onded there were clear alle(ations a(ainst them that the! ha'e -er ormed acts that a ected the ,hili--ine econom! and what did the! sa! % lack o knowled(e or in ormation to orm a +elie as to the truth thereo " What did the Su-reme Court sa!; Des-ite the serious and s-eci ic alle(ations a(ainst them* the Marcoses res-onded +! sim-l! sa!in( that the! had no knowled(e or in ormation su icient to orm a +elie as to truth o such alle(ations" Such a (eneral sel % ser'in( claim o i(norance alle(ed in the -etition or or eiture was insu icient to raise an issue" So what is the standard !ou ha'e to take note when it comes to lack o knowled(e or in ormation to orm a +elie ; It was cited in the case o Morales 's" Court o A--eals* where the court ruled that i an alle(ation directl! and s-eci icall! char(es a -art! with ha'in( done* -er ormed or committed a -articular act which the latter did not in act do A CATE7&RICAL AND E>,RESS DENIAL M6ST <E MADE" Are we clear; So i there is a clear alle(ation that !ou ha'e -er ormed or !ou ha'e done a -articular act* !ou cannot )ust den! +! lack o knowled(e or in ormation su icient to orm a +elie as to the truth thereo " Also -ertinent to this case is a 7ENERAL DENIAL" A (eneral denial class* wherein there are s-eci ic alle(ations o wron(doin( that has +een done and -er ormed cannot +e denied +! a (eneral denial +ecause A 7ENERAL DENIAL WILL AM&6NT T& AN

ADMISSI&N" Take note o that* will amount to an admission" Now* let us touch on another item which is ACTI&NA<LE D&C6MENTS" This is another im-ortant item* actiona+le documents the -ertinent -ro'isions are #BL? o R6LE ? % Actiona+le Documents" The rule class is this* when it comes to actiona+le documents 1&W D& 9&6 ALLE7E; % That is the rule* +ut +e ore I touch on how to alle(e" What is the rule when it comes to e'identiar! matters; The rule is* a -leadin( should make a statement o +rie and concise statement o ultimate acts de'oid o e'identiar! matters" So what is the rule; 9ou sim-l! make alle(ations" ThatFs the rule" Sir* do I need to attach e'idence; N&888 <ecause all that is re:uired in the -leadin( is a +rie and concise statement o ultimate acts de'oid o e'identiar! matters* 6NLESS IT IS <ASED &N AN ACTI&NA<LE D&C6MENT" Are we clear; I it is +ased on an actiona+le document* how do !ou alle(e an actiona+le document; 1" I !ou re-roduce the su+stance* onl! the su+stance* in the +od! o the -leadin( !ou ha'e to attach a co-! or an ori(inal +ut I would su((est !ou attach a co-!/ $" I !ou could re-roduce the te3t thereo in the +od!* then it is su icient" So that is the wa! to alle(e an actiona+le document" Now class* how do !ou s-eci icall! den! an actiona+le document; An actiona+le document is DENIED S,ECI5ICALL9 6NDER &AT1" Take note* it is denied s-eci icall! under oath" Sir* what is the e ect i it is not under oath; 9ou are deemed to ha'e admitted the due e3ecution and (enuineness o the document" I would like to +e 'er! clear with this class" 9ou did not lose the case* do !ou ollow; It does not mean class that !ou ha'e admitted the contents o the inter-retation o the court*

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no" It onl! tells !ou that the document is true and it was 'alidl! e3ecuted" It should +e s-eci icall! denied under oath" Let me (i'e !ou the case o Natcher 's" Court o A--eals" That (i'es a DISTINCTI&N &5 A CI4IL ACTI&N AND A S,ECIAL ,R&CEEDIN7" What is the di erence +etween a ci'il action and a s-ecial -roceedin(; Ah sir madali !an8 Sasa+ihin mo sir madali !an* a ci'il action there should +e a cause o action/ a s-ecial -roceedin( esta+lishes a status* ri(ht or a -articular act" 1indi lan( !un an( sina+i n( case* makin( ka!o" Eto sina+i ni!a/ What di erentiates a s-ecial -roceedin( orm an ordinar! ci'il action is this* a S,ECIAL ,R&CEEDIN7 includes those -roceedin( which are not ordinar! in this sense +ut is instituted accordin( to some s-ecial mode as in the case with -roceedin(s commenced with summons and -rosecuted without re(ular -leadin(s" Take note* without re(ular -leadin(s" A s-ecial -roceedin( must there ore +e in the nature o a distinct and inde-endent -roceedin( or a -articular relie * such as ma! +e instituted inde-endentl! o a -endin( action +! -etition or motion u-on notice" <aka i%multi-le choice !un" Ah hindi* status or ri(ht an( hinahana- mo eh wala8 None o the a+o'e" Di +a;8 It is an action that esta+lish an inde-endent relie " Are election cases akin to ordinar! ci'il actions; Are election cases akin to ordinar! ci'il actions* that i !ou ail to ile ilin( ees !our case will +e dismissed; What did the court sa!; The -onencia declares that ailure to -a! the ilin( ee warranted the dismissal o his motion or reconsideration* the error in this conclusion lies in the e:uall! lawed -remise that #1D R6LE 42 o the C&MELEC rules is analo(ous to #10 R6LE 41 o the R6LES &5 C&6RT" Are we clear; So the Su-reme Court said it is not analo(ous" Wh!; What is R6LE 41 #10 tell us; It tells !ou that !ou will ha'e to -a!/ !ou ha'e to 5ILE AND ,A9 docket ees within the re(elementar! -eriod" The Su-reme Court sa!s that election cases are not akin to ordinar! ci'il action and let me continue the rulin( o the

Su-reme Court* under the C&MELEC rules when the -rescri+ed ilin( ee is not -aid on the same da! as the ilin( o the -leadin( or motion such non%-a!ment is not a mandator! (round or dismissin( or den!in( the -leadin( or motion" Are we clear; So in C&MELEC rules* it is not automatic or mandator! to dismiss i !ou do not -a! ilin( ees" The C&MELEC has reasona+le discretion to allow !ou to -a! the ilin( ees" Now* issues on im-airment o le(itime" Can it +e threshed out in a ci'il action or recon'e!ance and dama(es; It could onl! +e threshed out in a s-ecial -roceedin(" Le(itime is not and can ne'er +e a su+)ect o an ordinar! ci'il action" Take note o that" Another item that I would like to discuss to !ou is <ILL &5 ,ARTIC6LARS" Let me ask !ou this :uestion" Is this there +ill o -articulars in criminal cases; 9ES" That is ound in R6LE 11C #D i I am accurate" & course there is +ill o -articulars in ci'il cases that is ound in R6LE 1$" Eh sir* ano -ala !un( +ill o -articulars; Class a motion or +ill o -articulars is iled +e ore a -art! res-onds to a -leadin(" Remem+er I used the word -leadin(" Do !ou ollow; Can !ou ile a motion or +ill o -articulars o a C&M,LAINT; 9ES* within the re(elementar! -eriod" Can !ou ile a motion or +ill o -articulars o an ANSWER* which a--ears to +e not clear and 'a(ue; 9ES" Can !ou ile a motion or +ill o -articulars o a RE,L9; 9ES* within a -eriod o 12 da!s u-on the ilin( o the re-l! !ou can ile a motion or +ill o -articulars" What do !ou need to remem+er when !ou ile a motion or +ill o -articulars and this is the same rule whether in criminal and ci'il cases; What is that; In motion or +ill o -articulars !ou ha'e to IDENTI59 T1E DE5ECTS AND T1E DETAILS DESIRED" Are we clear; 7anun !un ah8 9ou ha'e to identi ! the de ects and the details desired" ,ara hindi ni!o makalimutan class I will (i'e !ou an e3am-le" An e3am-le that !ou will remem+er until !ou +ecome a law!er or not* and I ho-e !ou +ecome one" N(a!on madami -a ka!o* na(sisimula -a lan( -ero -a(tuma(al

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na malala(asan na ka!o* !un( i+a kelan(an na ma(ha+ol sa +ina+asa" ,ero class sa n(a!on an( dami ni!o d!an !un( i+a sain!o -a%+an)in( +an)in( lan(* -a-asok%-asok* -au-o%u-o ta-os ka-a( walan( ma(awa the! would identi ! the de ects* the de ects o their seatmate* o their co%re'iewee di+ a (anun !un8 Alam mo ma(anda si!a* ka!a lan(""" =ita mo !un* akala ni!a (wa-o si!a""" 7anun di+ a;8 9ou identi ! de ects +ut o course !ou will not tell them the details desired" 9ou will not tell them +ut in motion or +ill o -articulars !ou will ha'e to identi ! the de ects and !ou will ha'e to tell the other -art!* this is what I want" Like -ara(ra-h $ is not clear* it is de ecti'e" I would like !ou to (i'e me the ollowin( details" Are we clear; Like or e3am-le it is a claim or a motor 'ehicle" A+a nakala(a! dun is !ellow Mitsu+ishi Lancer" A+aF! san(katutak an( Mitsu+ishi Lancer an !ellow" Ano +an( model !un; Anon( taon; Wala* ri(ht;8 So* I would ask -ara(ra-h 4 is de ecti'e I need the ollowin( details. chassis num+er* -late num+er* model num+er" Do !ou ollow;8 All o these* I would ask rom him" Do !ou ollow; Identi ! the de ects and the details desired" Now* let me (i'e !ou this case" The case o Re!es 's" RTC o Makati % can !ou ile a motion or +ill o -articulars in INTRAC&R,&RATE cases; <a(o !an sir* +a(o8 =a-a( hindi alam +a(o""" can !ou ile a motion or +ill o -articulars in intracor-orate cases; N&" It is a -rohi+ited -leadin(" Can !ou ile a motion or +ill o -articulars in a SANDI7AN<A9AN case; 9ES" 4irata 's" Sandi(an+a!an and the Rules o Criminal ,rocedure are used in Snadi(an+a!an cases" In act class the conse:uences are +asicall! the same" Can the court DEN9 &6TRI71T the motion or +ill o -articulars; It could either DEN9 or 7RANT &6TRI71T % #$ R6LE 1$" Now* let me ask !ou this :uestion" Let us sa! the court (rants the motion or +ill o -articulars" What should the -lainti do* as a rule or the one who iled the -leadin(; 1" he should (i'e the details desired/

$" he could ile a +ill o -articulars/ or 0" the court can order an amendment" Tandaan ni!o !an ha8 There are onl! two instances in the code wherein des-ite the a+sence o a motion to amend* the court can order an amendment" What are those. 1" in motion or +ill o -articulars % instead o the court orderin( the ilin( o +ill o -articulars* the court will order AMEND -ara tumama !an amend/ and $" motion to dismiss % a motion to dismiss could either +e (ranted* denied or the court can order an AMENDMENT* the court can order an amendment* the court cannot de er on a rulin( on motion to dismiss" So let us sa! class that the -lainti did not act on the order o the court to ile a motion or +ill o -articulars" What will ha--en to the case; What will ha--en to the case i the -lainti did not com-l! with the order o the court to ile a +ill o -articulars; What will the court do; The court can DISMISS the case" This is +ased on R6LE 1B #0* this is also +ased on the case o 4irata 's" Sandi(an+a!an" What i onl! -ortions ha'e not +een clari ied; Na(su+mit n( +ill o -articulars* -ero kun( +a(a sa la!manFs lan(ua(e !un( sa(ot lusaw" 1indi rin kinocom-l! -ero na(su+mit lan(" Alle(ations could +e e3-un(ed or stricken o the record" What should the de endant or the other -art! timel! su+mitted a +ill o -articulars; 1e has to ile an answer" 1e has an! o the ollowin( o-tions. 1" he could ile an answer within the remainin( -eriod a ter the

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interru-tion in a -eriod no less than i'e da!s/ $" he could a reconsideration/ motion or

0" +ut i he eels that there is a (ra'e a+use o discretion he could ile a -etition or certiorari" Now* let us mo'e or slide slowl! to criminal -rocedure" When can !ou ile !our motion or +ill o -articulars in criminal cases; In ci'il cases* it is +e ore res-ondin( to a -leadin( % +e ore a com-laint* +e ore an answer" Look at R6LE 11C #D* what does it sa!; Does it sa! +e ore arrai(nment or +e ore -lea; <e ore arrai(nment* so class e'en +e ore the readin( !ou ha'e to ile a motion or +ill o -articulars" ,lease take note o that* e'en +e ore the readin( o in ormation !ou ha'e to ile a motion or +ill o -articulars" <e ore I lea'e this item* let me now tell !ou class* )ust or -ur-oses o eas! stud! or !ou" The countin( o -eriods in +ill o -articulars is more or less the same as motion to dismiss" Do !ou ollow; What are the rules that I would like !ou to remem+er; I !ou ile a motion or +ill o -articulars* the -eriod id interru-ted" I !ou ile a motion to dismiss* the -eriod to ile an answer is interru-ted" Do !ou ollow; The -eriod will sto- and class once it is denied and !ou eel like ilin( an answer* the -eriod will commence to run a(ain +ut -lease take note that i the -eriod is less than i'e da!s* in all cases it will +e at least i'e da!s" Now* let me touch on de ault" <ut +e ore I touch on de ault let me tell !ou this motherhood statement" &k8 ,ara it comes in hand! or !ou" All de enses or o+)ections are deemed wai'ed i not raised in an answer or a motion to dismiss" So i the de enses or o+)ections are a--eala+le !ou ha'e to raise in the irst instance +e ore an answer or a motion to dismiss E>CE,T LAC= &5 A6RISDICTI&N &4ER T1E S6<AECT MATTER* LITIS ,ENDENTIA* RES

A6DICATA AND STAT6TE &5 LIMITATI&NS" Sa madalin( salita class* those (rounds could +e raised e'en a ter answer or a motion to dismiss" Do !ou ollow; The rest are wai'ed* !ou can no lon(er raise them" 1owe'er class )uris-rudence tells !ou and ADDS &NE M&RE wala d!an sa code ni!o LAC= &R A<SENCE &5 CA6SE &5 ACTI&N" This is di erent class rom the (round in R6LE 1C % Motion to Dismiss* this is di erent +ecause the (round in R6LE 1C states that the -leadin( assertin( the claim states no cause o action" Are we clear; 9ou ha'e to memoriGe it that wa!" 1indi lan( no cause o action* di +a (anun shortcut eh8 The -leadin( assertin( the claims states no cause o action" Class* it onl! tells !ou that u-on lookin( at the com-laint there is reall! no le( to stand on" 1owe'er lack or a+sence o cause o action could +e raised e'en a ter an answer or a motion to dismiss had +een iled* in act it has +een treated in the nature o a demurrer to e'idence" E'en a ter the -lainti had -resented his case or his e'idence and the de endant eels that there is lack or a+sence o cause o action* he could ile it e'en a ter an answer or a motion to dismiss and it must +e treated as a demurrer to e'idence" Now* let us touch on DE5A6LT" What are the thin(s that I would like !ou to remem+er when it comes to de ault" There is what !ou call. 1" (eneral de ault/ $" de ault/ 0" as in de ault" 7eneral de ault usuall! a--lies in land re(istration cases or in cases wherein there is no de endant" Meanin( IN REM ACTI&NS* so what ha--ens is +e ore the court will -roceed the court will ask % are there any oppositors despite the publication of the notice? 9our honor there is none" CAN I M&4E 5&R 7ENERAL &RDER &5 DE5A6LT; That is (eneral de ault" Do

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!ou ollow; The second kind is the re(ular one* what is that re(ular one; 6nder R6LE 12 and what does it tell !ou; There is 5AIL6RE T& 5ILE AN ANSWER +ut class it should not +e enou(h* it should not sto- there" It is not su icient to sa! that there is ailure to ile an answer* there should +e E,R&&5 &5 S6C1 5AIL6REE" That is accordin( to the -ro'ision/ there should +e -roo o such ailure" 9ou ha'e to show -roo o ailure to ile answer" So not onl! a+sence o an answer or a res-onsi'e -leadin( +ut there should +e what; ,roo o such ailure" Now* what is !our remed!; I+a !un( &RDER o de ault sa A6D7MENT +! de ault" An order o de ault is an order that tells !ou* !ou are now in de ault and !ou cannot -artici-ate in the -roceedin( and !ou are onl! entitled to notices" 9un lan(* !un an( order" 1ow do !ou li t an order o de ault; %it should +e irst and oremost* under oath % there should +e a motion to li t or set aside the order o de ault under oath on the (round o 5AME K raud* accident* mistake or e3cusa+le ne(li(enceI and !our DE5ENSE IS MERIT&RI&6S" Take note class* that the ne(li(ence must +e e3cusa+le" I it is (ross ne(lect !ou cannot use this to li t the order o de ault" Sir ano !un( (ross ne(lect; Dala mo !un( iles mo -unta ka n( +ar naki-a(%inuman ka* that is (ross ne(lect" 9ou should ha'e le t that in !our o ice or in !our car" Do !ou ollow; As a rule class take note* ne(li(ence o counsel is ne(li(ence o client* that is the (eneral rule" 1owe'er* i it is (ross that amounts to de-ri'ation o due -rocess on the ri(ht o the client* then the court can sa! that the ne(li(ence o the law!er is not ne(li(ence o the client"

Now* let me mo'e urther" ,a-ano sir !un( AS IN DE5A6LT; A!an* ano !un( as in de ault; Class that is no lon(er used in our code" 1owe'er* +ecause o the a(e o some )ustices or some e3aminers it is +etter that !ou know +ecause the! were tau(ht under that rule +ut the e ect is also the same* e3ce-t that the -ro'ision had alread! +een dro--ed" What do !ou mean +! as in de ault; The de endant did not a--ear durin( the scheduled -re%trial* that is as in de ault" What is !our remed!; 9ou ha'e to ile a motion to set aside also on the (round o ame +ut there is no need to sa! that !our de ense is meritorious" &n a re(ular de ault* when !ou ile a motion !ou will ha'e to sa! that !ou ha'e a meritorious de ense" &n an as in de ault* !ou ha'e to ile a motion to li t on the (round o ame with no such statement" Wh!; <ecause there is alread! an answer" What is the e ect o a -art! de endant -resent durin( a -re%trial +ut did not su+mit a -re%trial +rie ; The same* +ecause ailure to su+mit a -re%trial +rie is e:ui'alent to a+sence durin( -re%trial* there ore the e ect is the same" Let me now touch on DE5A6LT A6D7MENT" What is a de ault )ud(ment; A de ault )ud(ment ha--ens when a -art!%de endant has +een declared in de ault" 1e was (i'en notices* did not ile a motion to li t and there was alread! a )ud(ment* that is a )ud(ment +! de ault" What are !our remedies or a )ud(ment +! de ault; Can !ou ile a motion or reconsideration; N&" <ecause !ou did not -resent e'idence % motion or reconsideration sa!s there is misa--reciation* there is e3cessi'e award o dama(es and the e'idence is insu icient to )usti ! the decision" 9ou cannot ile a motion or reconsideration" 9ou could ile a M&TI&N 5&R NEW TRIAL within the re(elementar! -eriod" 9ou could ile an A,,EAL within the re(elementar! -eriod" 9ou could ile a ,ETITI&N 5&R CERTI&RARI i there is (ra'e a+use o discretion amountin( to lack or e3cess o )urisdiction" I the )ud(ment +ecame inal with no ault attri+uta+le to !ou* then !ou can ile a

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,ETITI&N 5&R RELIE5* otherwise !ou cannot ile a -etition or relie rom )ud(ment" Take note also* there could +e ,ARTIAL DE5A6LT" A -artial de ault can take -lace wherein there is more than one -art!* meanin( there are multi-le -arties and one -art!%de endant did not ile an answer" Does it mean that the court will alread! render a )ud(ment; N&" The court can still hear the case as to the non%de aultin( de endants" As to the non%de aultin( de endants* can the case -roceed; Can the! -resent their e'idence; 9ES8 And class take note* i there is e'idence that will +ene it the de aulted%de endant* it could +ene it him" Can there +e DE5A6LT IN N6LLIT9 CASES; Da-at n!an sa(ot ni!o matata-an( na" WALA SIR8 Eh* -aran( n(a!on ni!o lan( narini(" Can there +e de ault in nullit! cases* annulment; WALA" Aust to (i'e !ou +rie l! the -rocess" =a-a( +ini(!an ka!o n( (an!an( :urstion* nullit! case an( -rocess (anito % i there is no answer des-ite ser'ice o summons* the court u-on motion will schedule or will re er the matter to a C&LL6SI&N C&N5ERENCE +e ore a -rosecutor* within the -eriod the -rosecutor will determine whether there was collusion and noti ! the -arties and therea ter the records will +e returned to the court and the court will issue a notice o -re% trial" So there is no de ault in cases o that nature" Now* let me now touch on lis -endens" N&TICE &5 LIS ,ENDENS" Not litis -endentia* +ut lis -endens" Now let me ask !ou this :uestion* which has -riorit!; Is it the re(istered mort(a(e* that was re(istered ahead o'er a notice o lis -endens; &k* liliwana(in ko""" Nauna !un( mort(a(e i%re(ister and then su+se:uentl! there was a notice o lis -endens on the same -ro-ert!* which will +e -re erred or -riorit!; Does it mean that e'en i there is a -u+lic sale the notice o lis -endens will alwa!s +e there; What did the court sa!; The auction sale in a mort(a(e sale retroacts to the date o the re(istration o the mort(a(e* -uttin( the auction sale +e!ond the reach o an! inter'enin( lis -endens sale or attachment" A contrar! rule would make a -rior re(istration o

a mort(a(e or lien meanin(less" <ut it is a di erent stor! i the lis -endens was -rior to the mort(a(e" The ne3t item that I would like to co'er would +e still lis -endens* a--lica+ilit! to certain actions and -roceedin(s" The :uestion is* would it include mone! claims" 5or e3am-le* i it is a suit or reco'er! o sums o mone! let us sa! or an amount o ,h-?22*222"22" It is -urel! a mone! claim* could !ou cause the annotation o notice o lis -endens on the -ro-ert! o the de endant on a -urel! mone! claim" The -ertinent case here is the case o Atlantic Erectors and it sa!s. +! e3-ress -ro'ision o law the doctrine o lis -endens does not a--l! to attachments* le'ies o e3ecution or to -roceedin(s or the -ro+ate o wills or or administration o estate o deceased -ersons" 7enerall!* the doctrine o lis -endens has no a--lication to a -roceedin( in which the onl! o+)ect is reco'er! o mone!" Take note* i the action is solel! or reco'er! o mone! lis -endens cannot +e a--lied or" It is essential that the -ro-ert! +e directl! a ected as where the relie sou(ht in the action includes the reco'er! o -ossession or en orcement o a lien or ad)udication +etween con lictin( claims o title* -ossession or ri(ht o -ossession" So class* A ,6REL9 M&NE9 CLAIM T1AT D&ES N&T in'ol'e -ossession* con licts on title* matters o en orcement o lien in'ol'in( a title cannot +e su+)ect o lis -endens" In this -articular case was* it in'ol'ed reco'er! o mone! and su+se:uentl! what the a--licant did is to a--l! or a notice o lis -endens on the -ro-ert! o the de endant" What are the -ur-ose o notice o lis -endens; The case o St" Mar! o the Woods School 's" & ice o the Re(ister o Deeds o Makati" The -ur-ose are as ollows. 7enerall! it is ounded it is on -u+lic -olic! and necessit!/

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1" to kee- the -ro-ert! within the -ower o the court/ $" to announce to the whole world that a -articular -ro-ert! is su+)ect o a liti(ation and that also ser'es a notice that an!one who touches the -ro-ert! is su+)ect to the notice o lis -endens" Can !ou cancel the notice o lis -endens; Which court has the inherent -ower in notice o lis -endens; It is the trial court that has the inherent -ower to cancel a notice o lis -endens" The (rounds are as ollows. 1" i the -ur-ose o the annotation is or molestin( the ad'erse -art!/ and $" when the annotation o the notice is no lon(er necessar! to -rotect the title o the -art!" Now let us touch on this ne3t :uestion in the same case" In this case class* there was a :uestion o orum sho--in( +ecause there was an a--eal in connection o the main case and while that was -endin( there was another motion iled and the motion was a motion to reinstate* re%annotate a notice o lis -endens" There was an a--eal o the main case* where one o the issues is the lis -endens and there is a motion su+se:uentl! iled wherein the -ur-ose o which is to re%annotate or reinstate the notice o lis -endens that was alread! cancelled" Can !ou ollow; 1ow did the Su-reme Court treat an a--eal and a motion to reinstate a notice o lis -endens; The Su-reme Court said that the motion was merel! a reiteration o the re:uest to reinstate* the Su-reme Court did not consider it as orum sho--in( it was merel! treated as a reminder to the court that the! reall! wanted the

reinstatement o the lis -endens" Let me ask !ou this nen3t :uestion" Does a notice o lis -endens create a ri(ht or a title; I !ou annotate a notice o lis -endens does it create a ri(ht or a title o'er the -ro-ert! that was su+)ect o the lis -endens; That is the case o 4icente 's" A'era" It was answered there that it ser'es to -rotect the real ri(hts o the re(istration while the case in'ol'in( the same is -endin(" While the notice o lis -endens remains on the certi icate o title* the re(istrar could rest assure that he would not lose the -ro-ert! or an! -art o it durin( the liti(ation" So in sim-le words* a notice o lis -endens neither a ects the merits o a case nor creates a ri(ht or a lien" It onl! -uts the certi icate o title on notice and -ut the -ro-ert! secured until the termination o the case" The ne3t :uestion that I would like to answer still on the notice o lis -endens is this. Whether or not the claim o a -art!* res-ondent* has merit i it a ects the annotation o lis -endens on the title o the -ro-ert!; Accordin( to the case in Romero 's" Court o A--eals there is nothin( in the rules which re:uire that a -art! seekin( annotation to show that the land +elon(s to him" So ownershi- is not re:uired to cause the annotation o a notice o lis -endens" 9ou do not need to claim or to sa! that I am the owner* I title to the land" All that !ou need is that* accordin( to the rules* the -ro-ert! su+)ect o the notice o lis -endens is the su+)ect o the liti(ation* the su+)ect o the -endin( contro'ers!" 9ou do not need to sa! that I am the owner* that the -ro-ert! +elon(s to me" There is no re:uirement that the -art! a--l!in( or the annotation must -ro'e his ri(ht or interest o'er the -ro-ert! annotated" All that the rules re:uire is that to ha'e the annotation as an a irmati'e relie since the notation neither a ects the merits o the case nor creates a ri(ht" I would to +e 'er! clear with this* a notice o lis -endens does not a ect the merits o the case it will not create a ri(ht or a lien" That is wh! it is -ure and sim-le* what; Notice" 1ow do !ou e ect the notice; 9ou

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sim-l! -re-are a memorandum or an!thin( in writin( directed to the re(ister o deeds" And what should it sa!; It should sa! that there is a -endin( case* the descri-tion o the -ro-ert!* who are the -arites and the title num+er and !ou alread! ha'e a notice" Can !ou ollow; What is harder is to cancel the notice o lis -endens" The (rounds as I mentioned a while a(o or the cancellation o the notice o lis -endens is what; I it will onl! molest the ad'erse -art! or there is no reason to -rotect the -ro-ert! su+)ect o the liti(ation" Now* what do !ou need in order to cancel the notice o lis -endens; 9ou need an order rom the court" It is eas! to cause the notation* it is harder to cause the cancellation +ecause the cancellation would re:uire an order rom the court" As I mention to !ou a while a(o there is no re:uirement that the -ro-ert! su+)ect o the notice o lis -endens is owned +! the -erson who e ects the notice o lis -endens" Let me now touch on the case o 1eirs o Lo-eG* which is 'er! in ormati'e on what is the nature o the action" Meanin(* when !ou sa! notice o lis -endens !ou are -racticall! tellin( the whle world* this is su+)ect o a -endin( liti(ation" In this case* there was no action iled" Take note* there was no action* there was no com-laint iled* there was no commencement o an! -roceedin(" What ha--ened; 1e sim-l! iled a motion to cancel the title or to nulli ! the title" Where; In the Land re(istration Authorit!" 1e did not ile a case in court" Take note* he did not ile a case in court +ut he iled a motion in the LRA to annul or to cancel the title" What did the court sa!; The a--lication or lis -endens was +ere t o the ori(inal -etition or com-laint u-on which this o ice will +ase its action" So what is re:uired class to e ect a notice o lis -endens is an actual court action" Not in an! :uasi%)udicial a(enc! like the LRA +ut there should +e a -endin( liti(ation in court" Let me call !our attention still on the case o 1eirs o Lo-eG class* +ecause this case (a'e us an enumeration where a notice o lis -endens is a--ro-riate" This mi(ht +e hel- ul to !ou"

Where a notice o lis -endens is a--ro-riate. 1" an action to reco'er -ossession o real estate/ $" an action to :uite title/ 0" an action to remo'e cloud/ 4" and or -artition/ and J" an! other -roceedin( o an! kind directl! a ectin( title to the land* the use or occu-ation thereo " When will the notice o lis -endens do not a--l!. 1" in -reliminar! attachments/ $" in -roceedin(s or -ro+ate o will/ 0" in le'ies on e3ecution/ 4" on -roceedin(s or administration o estate o deceased -ersons/ and J" in -roceedin(s where the sole o+)ect o the action is reco'er! o mone!" This was mentioned in the case o Atlantic Erectors" So I ho-e that will hel- !ou on lis -endens" I am still on ser'ice +ecause lis -endens is in R6LE 10 on Ser'ice" Let me touch on the case o ,CI 's" Court o A--eals" Which is 'er! hel- ul* in the de inition o 5ILIN7 AND SER4ICE" What do !ou mean +! 5ILIN7; It is an act o -resentin( a -leadin( in court" What is SER4ICE; It is the act o -ro'idin( a -art! with the co-! o the -leadin(" A(ain* ilin( is the act o su+mittin( or -resentin( a -leadin( in court while ser'ice is the act o -ro'idin( a co-! to a -art!" I would like !ou to take note and or !ou to hi(hli(ht* that when we sa! ser'ice it is not

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limited to an indi'idual -art!" Ser'ice could +e made to a )uridical entit!* to an indi'idual* to a court* to a tri+unal* to an a(enc!" Do !ou ollow; 5or as lon( as the! are -arties to the case" Now* let us now answer this :uestion. What are the modes o ilin(; I do not want !ou to +e con used" 4er! sim-le* what are the M&DES &5 5ILIN7; It is either +! ,ERS&NAL SER4ICE or +! RE7ISTERED MAIL" &rdinar! mail is not allowed* do !ou ollow; 6litin ko* on ilin( it is onl! ,ERS&NAL SER4ICE and SER4ICE <9 RE7ISTERED MAIL" When !ou talk o SER4ICE class* it could either +! -ersonal ser'ice* re(istered mail* what else; &rdinar! mail" In ser'ice !ou include ordinar! mail* in ilin( !ou do not" 9ou onl! limit it to -ersonal ser'ice and re(istered mail" What is the reason or that; It is 'er! hard to -ro'e when ordinar! mail" Ri(ht;8 So""" 1indi ho na% ile ko !an eh* -inadala ko !an eh" =elan mo -inadala; ,inadala ko ho !an8 It is 'er! hard to -ro'e" Do !ou ollow; That is wh! !ou would note as I started our discussion this a ternoon I touched on summons" Wherein the! said* i it is a orei(n )uridical entit!" Ser'ice o summons to orei(n )uridical entit! with lea'e o court i it is not re(istered to do +usiness in the ,hili--ines* one o the modes is +! acsimile or other electronic mode W1ERE ,R&&5 &5 SER4ICE C&6LD <E 7ENERATED" What I notice that the! should ha'e included was what; E3-ress mail" 9ou know what e3-ress mail is; L<C* 6,S* D1L +ecause the! ha'e trackin( num+er there is a wa! to (enerate -roo o ser'ice" Althou(h we could sa! +ecause the last -ro'ision or su+section o the new #1$ sa!s other modes as ma! +e determined +! the court" <esides or all intents and -ur-oses !ou ha'e to secure lea'e o court" Let us now touch on another item that I eel is im-ortant is ,RI&RIT9 &5 SER4ICE" Still on R6LE 10* -riorit! o ser'ice and I would like to touch on the case o Shecker 's" Shecker" What is the rule; I would like !ou to +ear in mind what is the rule in terms o -riorit! in ser'ice and ilin("

What is the -riorit! o ser'ice and ilin(; ,ERS&NAL % on #11" It should +e -ersonal* that is the (eneral rule" I !ou cannot do it -ersonall! * !ou should make an e3-lanation +ut that it is an e3ce-tion and it is not enou(h or !ou to make an e3-lanation" In one case decided +! the court* an( sina+i ni!a ito lan( ha. sa+i ni!a time constraints* +ecause o time constraints I am una+le to ile +! -ersonal ser'ice" Anon( sa+i n( Su-reme Court; Sandali lan(8 An( o-isina mo a! sa T"M" =alaw !un( kala+an mo sa Le(as-i 4illa(e sa Makati* an( -aliwana( mo time constraints" The Su-reme Court did not +u! the idea and denied it and said that there was no -ro-er ilin(" So what should !ou +ear in mind; It is not enou(h or !ou to make an e3-lanation" That is wh! i !ou read the -ro'ision #11 it sa!s. whene'er -ractica+le" Do !ou ollow; Nakita ni!o; It sa!s* whene'er -ractica+le" Meanin( -ersonal ser'ice should +e made or -ersonal ilin( whene'er -ractica+le" So !our e3-lanation would show that it is im-ractica+le" Do !ou ollow; That it is im-ractica+le" Like or e3am-le class in the case decided +! the court in Musa 's" Amor sa+i nito. Eh kun( !un( ilin( sa Court o A--eals !un( ma(-a% ile nasa Donsol* Sorso(on sa+i n( court that is what; Im-ractica+le" Do !ou ollow; And in the case o Shecker 's" Shecker ano naman ito; There was ailure ot make an e3-lanation +ut the Su-reme Court said the RTC should ha'e known* sa+i nila" Wh!; That the -art! holds o ice in* -etitioner holds o ice in Salcedo 4illa(e* Makati and the assailed orders were issued in Ili(an Cit! so o+'iousl! !ou cannot do it +! -ersonal ser'ice" Ri(ht;8 What did the court sa!; The lower court should ha'e taken )udicial notice o the (reat distance +etween said cities and realiGe that it is indeed not -ractica+le to ser'e and ile mone! claim -ersonall!" Do !ou ollow; ,ina(alitan -a si!a* sa+i ni!a hindi mo +a alam na mas mala!o !un Ili(an sa Makati; So here the court used what; Audicial Notice" Sir* ano n(a!on an( standard na da-at namin( tandaan or -ur-oses o the +ar the 7ENERAL R6LE IS ,ERS&NAL SER4ICE" I !ou

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cannot do it +! -ersonal ser'ice* !ou should show that it is im-ractica+le to do it -ersonall! and (i'e an e3-lanation" This case o Shecker is an e3ce-tional case wherein there was no written e3-lanation +ut the court said* !ou should ha'e taken the )udicial notice na mala!o +ut this not the standard* this is rather an e3ce-tion" Wherein the court said !ou should ha'e taken )udicial notice" I am not certain that i con ronted with the same act in the uture* similar acts in the uture the Su-reme Court will decide in the same manner" So all !ou need to remem+er is (eneral rule -ersonal ser'ice* i it is im-ractica+le to do it !ou do it +! re(istered mail +ut with an e3-lanation" A time constraint is not a (ood e3-lanation" Distance +etween the court and the -etitionerFs o ice is that a (ood e3-lanation; 9ES" 6na'aila+ilit! o messen(er sir* is that a (ood e3-lanation; 9ES" That could +e a (ood e3-lanation" Sir* -aano mo nalaman; 7ina(amit ko !un eh8 1indi -a naman ako nadidismiss eh" Now* let us now look at class* +e ore I lea'e that -ortion a ew more itmes on""" +aka (ulatin ka!o i%codal ka!o" Ano !un;8 C&M,LETENESS &5 SER4ICE" What do !ou mean +! com-leteness o ser'ice; The ser'ice has +een what; Com-leted or in a sense* -ro-erl! e3ecuted" 1ow; <! -ersonal ser'ice 6,&N ACT6AL RECEI,T" <! ordinar! mail 6,&N T1E LA,SE &5 A ,ERI&D &5 12%da!s" So i+i( sa+ihin ka-a( na(-adala ka!o n( mail % ordinar! +ahala na matatan((a- ni!a !an +ecause a ter the -eriod o 12%da!s it is deemed to ha'e +een com-lete ser'ice" What else; 1ow a+out re(istered mail; Ito class a little +it trick!* ka-a( kinodal kailan(an alam ni!o" 6-on actual recei-t or la-se o a -eriod o i'e da!s rom irst notice whiche'er comes irst" A(ain* 6-on actual recei-t or la-se o a -eriod o i'e da!s rom irst notice whiche'er comes irst" 1ow a+out ,R&&5; What is -roo o -ersonal ser'ice; Class there are three.

1" written acknowled(ment or admission o the one who recei'ed it/ $" &55ICIAL RET6RN and this -ro'ision on o icial return a--l! onl! to what; S1ERI55S* ,R&CESS SER4ERS" Sir* +akit (anun; <akit ma! -ersonal ser'ice an( court; Did !ou not ask !oursel ; Sir* +akit kasama sila d!an eh di +a an( na(seser'e lan( !un( -arties* sila% sila lan(; 5or those o !ou who work in courts* !ou know what I mean +ecause C&6RTS IN CI4IL CASES ser'e notices* orders and )ud(ementsHdecisions % #D R6LE 10" That is wh! a -roo o ser'ice includes o icial returns +ecause courts in ci'il cases does not -romul(ate in the trial court* the! do not -romul(ate" What do the! do; The! ser'e orders* notices* decisions and )ud(ments/ 0" A55IDA4IT &5 T1E ,ERS&N SER4IN7 % this ha--ens when there is re usal to recei'e" The -art! ser'in( would +e asked to -re-are an a ida'it" When !ou talk o ordinar! mail* what is the -roo ; A55IDA4IT &5 T1E ,ERS&N MAILIN7 showin( the circumstances under #B" 5inall!* -roo o ser'ice +! re(istered mail" A55IDA4IT &5 T1E ,ERS&N MAILIN7 and RE7ISTR9 RECEI,T" 1owe'er* class it does not end there" There is the dut! o the -erson ser'in( to ile in court* su+mit or -resent the RE7ISTR9 RET6RN CARD" 9ou will ha'e to su+mit to the court the re(istr! return card" What i in the +ar e3ams class !ou were (i'en this scenario* the re(istered mail was ne'er recei'ed +ut the document was returned to the sender* can it ha--en; 9ES8 Chan(e o address* the addressee cannot +e located the document

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will +e returned" 1a'e !ou ser'ed; Not !et" 1ow will !ou -ro'e to the court that !ou ha'e ser'ed; 9ou will ha'e to su+mit N&T &NL9 an a ida'it* N&T &NL9 the recei-t +ut also the document includin( the return card* the document itsel that was returned -lus a certi ication rom the -ostmaster on the reason or the return" Maliwana( !un ha8 So* !ou will ha'e to add somethin( else when !ou talk o a returned document o re(istered mail" 9ou ha'e to ile the re(istr! return card -lus the document returned -lus !ou ha'e to (et a certi ication rom the -ostmaster or the reason o the return" Are we clear; Now m! last item here is* S6<STIT6TED SER4ICE* as distin(uished rom S6<STIT6TED SER4ICE IN S6MM&NS" &k8 Sir* alam ko lan( na su+stituted ser'ice eh !un( ano * !un( sa summons" Is there su+stituted ser'ice IN 5ILIN7; 9ES8 That is #?" So we will com-are" When we talk o su+stituted ser'ice in R6LE 10* it means that there were e orts to ser'e it either -ersonall! and +! re(istered mail +ut there was ailure to ser'e" So what do !ou do; 9ou ile it and su+mit it in court" Are we clear; 9ou should ha'e made e orts to ser'e it -ersonall! and to do it +! re(istered mail +ut or some reason it was not ser'ed" 9ou will ha'e to (et the document and su+mit it to the court* with an e3-lanation or that reason" That is what !ou call su+stituted ser'ice" <ut su+stituted ser'ice o summons is di erent" Do !ou ollow; Su+stituted ser'ice o summons means that the -erson who should ha'e recei'ed it is not a'aila+le to recei'e it and there what !ou call im-ossi+ilit! o -ersonal ser'ice and or that reason i there is im-ossi+ilit! o -ersonal ser'ice" To whom should !ou (i'e it; To whom should !ou ser'e it; In his house. to a -erson o suita+le a(e and discretion residin( therein" Take note o that* residin( therein" 1e could +e !our uncle who is old* he could +e someone more than 1? !ears o a(e +ut he is a transcient* he was there to sta! o'erni(ht in !our home % that is not -ro-er su+stituted ser'ice" I !ou are to ser'e +! su+stituted ser'ice in the o ice* !ou are to

lea'e to whom. to a -erson in%char(e thereo " So !ou will see it is di erent" R6LE 10 % Su+stituted Ser'ice 's" R6LE 14 % Su+stituted Ser'ice" Now* let us see another di erence" ,ersonal ser'ice in R6LE 10* what does it mean; When !ou talk o -ersonal ser'ice in R6LE 10 it means. 1" actual handin(/ $" !ou lea'e it in his home to a -erson o suita+le a(e and discretion* residin( therein" Sir* -aran( mali;8 9ES8 That is -ersonal ser'ice under R6LE 10 +ecause that is ser'ice o ,LEADIN7S and others documents/ and 0" +! lea'in( a co-! to a -erson in% char(e o the o ice" &n the other hand* let us look at S6MM&NS KR6LE 14I % ,ersonal ser'ice is what; <! (i'in( or tenderin( o course he should recei'e* +ut it could +e tendered +ut there is re usal that is di erent" It should ha'e +een (i'en to him -ersonall!* the rest is S6<STIT6TED" So in summons* when !ou talk o -ersonal it should +e handed to him -ersonall!" It should +e tendered" What i he re uses; Sir* anon( (a(awin mo; Eh !ou ha'e to tender" Sir* -aano ko (a(awin; Ilala(a! ko +a doon sa damit ni!a; N&" 9ou )ust ha'e to tender" I he is in his house* lea'e it in his house" <ut that is the work o who; T1E S1ERI55 that is the work o the sheri " I there is somethin( I would like to remind !ou class" I there is somethin( that I would like to remind !ou* +ear this in mind" Class* when we talk o summons we a--l! onl! what rule; R6LE 14 and nothin( else* tandaan ni!o !an ha8 <aka an( st!le mo eh cho-sue! st!le ah -wede rin !un( 10" 1indi -wede sir +! analo(! !an eh" 1INDI ,WEDE8 =a-a( R6LE 14 on S6MM&NS* it S6MM&NS R6LE 14" There is

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no -riorit! in terms o a--lication* !ou onl! a--l! R6LE 14" Now* let me ask this :uestion in connection with the case o Cada 's" Time Sa'er" The :uestion is this* will the rules o court on ser'ice o summons a--l! to la+or cases +e ore the NLRC; This court declared in said case that technical rules o -rocedure are not a--lied in :uasi%)udicial -roceedin(s onl! su+stantial com-liance is re:uired" In :uasi%)udicial -roceedin(s +e ore the NLRC and its ar+itration +ranch -rocedural rules o summons are not strictl! construed" So* the rules on summons in the rules o court as a rule do not a--l! in NLRC cases +ecause the! ha'e their own rules" The ne3t :uestion that we will tr! to answer is the rules on S6<STIT6TED SER4ICE" This was irst laid down in the case o Manotoc 's" Court o A--eals and re-eatedl! cited" Sino !un( Manotoc dito; Si Imee naman* sikat sila ano; Auris-rudence sila la(i ano;8 9un( isa si Irene* 'enue" Ito naman !un( su+stituted" The re:uirements were laid down in the case o Manotoc and cited in the case o ,ascual 's" ,ascual" Class +ear this in mind" What do !ou mean +! IM,&SSI<ILIT9 &5 ,R&M,T ,ERS&NAL SER4ICE to allow S6<STIT6TED SER4ICE; It sa!s* the -art! rel!in( on the su+stituted ser'ice must show that de endant cannot +e ser'ed -rom-tl! or there is im-ossi+ilit! o -rom-t ser'ice" Take note* not onl! im-ossi+ilit! o ser'ice +ut im-ossi+ilit! o -rom-t ser'ice" 9an !un( sa+i n( decision +ecause -re'ious decicions im-ossi+ilit! o ser'ice lan( an( (ina(amit latel! im-ossi+ilit! o -rom-t ser'ice and re erence should to +e made to reasona+le time" & course we are talkin( a+out -rom-t ser'ice* what is reasona+le time; Accordin( to the case* reasona+le time is de ined as so much time as is necessar! or a reasona+l! -rudent and dili(ent man to do the ser'ice* ha'in( a re(ard or the ri(hts and -ossi+ilit! o loss* i an! to the other -art!" So there should ha'e +een necessar!

time as is necessar! under the circumstances or a reasona+l! -rudent and dili(ent man" Now* in this -articular case sina+i -a nila ano !un( reasona+le time; 5or a sheri * what is reasona+le time; 5or the ,LAINTI55 its se'en da!s notice* it means no more than se'en da!s since an e3-editious -rocessin( o com-laint is what the -lainti wants" 5or the S1ERI55 it is a -eriod o 1J to 02 da!s +ecause at the end o the month* it is the -ractice o +ranch clerk o court to re:uire the sheri to su+mit his return" So or a -lainti * reasona+le time is se'en da!s* or a sheri within a -eriod o 1J to 02 da!s" 1ow a+out class se'eral attem-ts; <ecause when !ou sa! im-ossi+ilit! o -rom-t -ersonal ser'ice* what do !ou mean +! se'eral attem-ts; So class is it once; Is it twice; It means at least T1REE tries* at least three tries to ser'e -re era+l! in at least two di erent dates* in addition the sheri must cite wh! such e orts was unsuccess ul" Let us mo'e on to the ne3t re:uirement* the ne3t re:uirement aside rom im-ossi+ilit! o -rom-t -ersonal ser'ice is* s-eci ic details in the return" This is 'er! short and 'er! :uick % s-eci ic details in the return" The re:uirement is* the sheri must descri+e the manner +! which or the circumstances he attem-ted to ser'e" 1e cannot )ust sa!* I went to the house and he was not there so I ser'ed to the wi e" That was asked n the +ar e3ams in $220* tinanon( !an8 An( sa+i* 'er! +rie :uestion the de endant was the hus+and and he was out o the house when the summons was ser'ed +ut the wi e was in the house and so the sheri ser'ed it u-on whom; To the wi e* is that -ro-er ser'ice o summons; N&" <ecause there was no showin( o im-ossi+ilit! o -rom-t -ersonal ser'ice" Do !ou ollow; 1e could ha'e returned* +ased on this case Manotoc case and ,ascual that sa!s there should ha'e +een se'eral attem-ts" When !ou sa! se'eral attem-ts at least three tries at least on two di erent dates" A!an8 Sana !an an( m(a itanon( ano""" =a!a lan( +aka hindi itanon("

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Now* this is another item" The third re:uirement is a ,ERS&N &5 S6ITA<LE A7E AND DISCRETI&N" Who is a -erson o suita+le a(e and discretion; Alam ni!o class kun( +a+asahin ni!o !un( -ro'ision* the -ro'ision o the law onl! sa!s -erson with suita+le a(e and discretion ri(ht;8 It does not sa! that the -erson who will recei'e summons should +e o ma)orit! a(e tama;8 Walan( sinasa+in( (anun8 Sa+i lan( suita+le a(e and discretion" Could a 14 !ear old +e o suita+le a(e and discretion; 9ES8 Could a 1C !ear old +o! +e o suita+le a(e and discretion; 9ES8 1owe'er* this case a(ain de ined what is suita+le a(e and discretion" It said a -erson o suita+le a(e and discretion is one who has attained the A7E &5 MAA&RIT9" Akalain mo !un8; Akalain mo !un8; Ano888 Malu-et ah8 So si Nene* !un( hel-er mo* hindi -wede kasi wala -a si!an( 1?" Now let us -roceed urther* ma)orit! a(e and is C&NSIDERED T& 1A4E EN&671 DISCERNMENT to understand the im-ortance o summons" Not onl! o ma)orit! a(e* +ut should ha'e enou(h discernment to know the im-ortance o summons" That case e'en de ined DISCRETI&N" Suita+le a(e and discretion/ ano !un( discretion; The! were not satis ied +! sim-l! sa!in( discernment the! de ined discretion" The! said discretion is the a+ilit! to make decisions which re-resent a res-onsi+le choice and or which an understandin( o what is law ul* ri(ht and wise ma!+e -resu--osed" Na-akahira- naman nito" Do !ou ollow; ,a-aano !un;8 Res-onsi+le choice or which an understandin( o what is law ul* ri(ht or wise ma!+e -resu--osed" So class a(ain* ma)orit! a(e % reasona+le discernment* ri(ht8 Discretion % who is res-onsi+le enou(h to know what is law ul* ri(ht* wise ok8 What else; Ito -a dina(da(an -a/ Thus* the -erson must ha'e relation o con idence to the de endant ensurin( that the latter would recei'e or at least +e noti ied o the recei-t o the summons" All these thin(s I am sharin( with !ou* so that !ou will know the details o the case" Do !ou ollow; And class* let me call !our attention to

that main case o Manotoc that was cited in ,ascual* what the! said was relation o con idence" In this -articular case o Manotoc* there was in'alid su+stituted ser'ice o summons to Imee Marcos/ ser'ice was made to the caretaker" Let us see how the Su-reme Court addressed this ah* the caretaker o the unit o Imee Marcos and what does it sa!; This is how the Su-reme Court declared* in this case the sheri Fs return lack in ormation as to residence* a(e and discretion o Mr" Mack! Dela CruG" Aside rom the sheri Fs (eneral assertion that Dela CruG is the resident caretaker" It is dou+t ul i Mr" Dela CruG is residin( with -etitioner Manotoc in the condominium unit considerin( that a married woman o a stature in societ! will unlikel! hire a male caretaker to reside in her dwellin(" The realtion o con idence here class is not a -ersonal relation +ut to make sure that the summons is recei'ed +! the de endant" 9ou see now the standard;8 5inall! the last re:uirement is A C&M,ETENT ,ERS&N IN%C1AR7E &5 T1E &55ICE" This is easier* who is a com-etent -erson in%char(e; 1e is one mana(in( the o ice or +usiness o de endant such as the -resident or the mana(er and such indi'idual must ha'e su icient knowled(e to understand the o+li(ation o the de endant in the summons" Now* let us look at the case o Manotoc on tr!in( to answer who is the su+stitute" There are two re:uirements. 1" reci-ient must +e o suita+le a(e and discretion/ $" reci-ient must reside in the house or residence o the de endant" Now* let me now ask this ne3t :uestion" This is the case o ,hilamli e 's" <re'a* this is in connection to an amended com-laint" The :uestion here is/ do !ou need to ser'e another S6MM&NS in cases o an amended com-laint; The case sim-l! e3-lained it to us in this

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manner" I +ased on the ori(inal com-laint summons has +een ser'ed on the de endants then that is a 'alid ser'ice o summons !ou do not need to issue another se-arate summons" I +! 'irtue o the amended com-laint there is a new set o de endants or there is a new de endant new summons should ha'e to +e ser'ed" I +! chance* the ori(inal -arties althou(h summons has +een ser'ed was not a+le to recei'e it or there was ailure o ser'ice o summons !ou will sim-l! re:uest or an ALIAS S6MM&NS" What is im-ortant is there is )urisdiction o'er the -erson o the de endant" In act in this case the! said it is not -ertinent whether the summons is desi(nated as ori(inal or an alias summons as lon( as it ade:uatel! ser'ed the -ur-ose* the second summons accordin( to the case was technicall! not an alias summons +ut more o a new summons on the amended com-laint" Take note* so i there are new -arties a ter the amendment !ou do not issue an alias summons* !ou issue an ori(inal summons" Let us now touch on the case o Mo(ul* this is im-ortant to illustrate to !ou what is ,ERS&NAL SER4ICE &5 S6MM&NS" <i+i(!an ko ka!o n( -araan -ara matandaan ni!o ito kahit makalimutan ni!o iton( kaso na ito alam ni!o an( sa(ot sa -ersonal ser'ice" 9ou remem+er the case o =ris A:uino and Aames 9a-* wherein the! tr! to tender it outside the coliseum* it was not wron(* that is the nature o -ersonal ser'ice" W1ERE4ER 9&6 MA9 <E 5&6ND* that is -ersonal ser'ice hindi !un( sa +aha!" That was a misim-ression that was actuall! the case o Mo(ul" When !ou talk o -ersonal ser'ice o summons* where !ou ma! +e ound" Sir* kun( -a-aano kun( nandun ako sa hotel na(% (o(oodtime%(oodtime* eh doon ka nakita eh ina+ot sa!o eh* -ersonal ser'ice" Do !ou ollow; What ha--ened in this case; &k8 <a(o ko i+i(a! sain!o !un( acts let me (i'e !ou the essence o -ersonal ser'ice accordin( to this case" The ESSENCE &5 ,ERS&NAL SER4ICE is the handin( or tenderin( o a co-! o the summons to the

de endant himsel " Remem+er it is the 1ANDIN7 &R TENDERIN7 o the summons to the de endant himsel * where'er he ma! +e ound" That is where'er he ma! +e* ,R&4IDED 1E IS IN T1E ,1ILI,,INES" Take note* so o+li(ado kan( i%hand kun( saan mo si!a Makita or as lon( as he is in the ,hili--ines" <aka naman -unta ho ako n( America* a! i+an( -ro'ision !un class" It is another -ro'ision* it could +e #14* 1J or 1C de-endin( on the circumstances* i+a !un8 What ha--ened in this case was the de endant s-ouses had a num+er o cases* eh nandun sila si(uro na(ta(o%ta(o eh natunu(an" When I sa! natunu(an* the sheri ma! ha'e +een in ormed that the s-ouses were in another court" Do !ou ollow; Ma! isa silan( kaso* so doon sila ina+an(an n( sheri " &k8 Anon( (inawa; Ina+ot n( sheri * ah sir ito -o" Anon( (inawa nun( a+u(ado; Sa+in ( client* meron siniser'e" Sandali n(a8 Akin na !an8 Nahawakan na nun( cliente* tin(nan ko n(a" A! hindi hindi hindi sr'e mo8 I+inalik nun( a+u(ado" The law!er said/ No8 9ou cannot recei'e that !ou ser'e it in his residence" So i+inalik n( a+u(ado" That is the :uestion* was there -ro-er ser'ice o summons; The Su-reme Court said* 9ES* +ecause it was alread! there handed to the de endant and the court said it was alread! accom-lished when the o-erati'e act o handin( a co-! o the summons to the res-ondent s-ouses were made in -erson" Do !ou ollow; The o-erati'e act is the handin( o the summons" So the! came u- with their own and sa! that the court cannot ac:uire )urisdiction o'er the -erson o the de endants" In act the court said* the instruction o the counsel or res-ondent s-ouses not to o+tain the co-! o the summons and the co-! o the com-laint under the lame e3cuse that the same must +e ser'ed onl! in the address stated therein was a (ross mistake" Alam ni!o na ka-a( ma(in( a+u(ado ka!o* ka-a( hi%nand sa cliente ni!o" Si!em-re kelan(an ma(-asikat din" Eh na(-asikat !un( a+u(ado ka!a na(ka-ro+lema si!a" Sa+i ni!a WA78 1uwa( ni!on( tan((a-in akon( +ahala" Da-at d!an -aliwana( mo !un(

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cliente mo* eh tan((a-in na ho natin dahil nandito na naia+ot na eh " Take note ha8 &nce it is handed to !ou* where'er !ou are that is the o-erati'e act" =indl! take note that this case also said that !ou cannot (o or a su+stituted ser'ice unless !ou ha'e tried or attem-ted to do -ersonal ser'ice" There should ha'e +een attem-ts or e orts to do it -ersonall! and i !ou ail onl! then can !ou do su+stituted ser'ice o summons" Now* let me touch on #14* 1J and 1C" Di ko -weden( hindi i%touch to" Im-ortane !an8 The irst scenario under #14 is a DE5ENDANT W1&SE W1EREA<&6TS ARE N&T =N&WN &R AN 6N=N&WN DE5ENDANT" Now* !ou could ser'e summons +! ,6<LICATI&N" To +e determined +! the court" 9ou ha'e to e ect ser'ice o summons +! -u+lication" Now* the -ressin( :uestion is will that a--l! in -ersonal actions or is that limited to action in -ersonam or in rem or :uasi%in rem" Class* I would like to +e 'er! clear" In the -ast* that was limited onl! to in rem and :uasi%in rem" 1owe'er* more recentl! the Su-reme Court had made -ronouncement considerin( that the -ro'ision o the law sa!s* AN9 ACTI&N* there ore now it includes in -ersonam" #1J tells us a scenario o the DE5ENDANT W1& D&ES N&T RESIDE IN T1E ,1ILLI,INES &R IS N&T 5&6ND IN T1E ,1ILI,,INES" Do !ou ollow; The -ro'ision enumerates the nature o cases or actions in'ol'ed" That which in'ol'es. 1" the -ersonal status o the -lainti / or $" a real -ro-ert! o a non%resident de endant/ 0" or an! other action which in'ol'es -ro-ert!* whether actual or contin(ent or as lon( as there is -ro-ert!"

1ow do !ou ser'e summons or a de endant who is not ound or does not reside in the ,hili--ines; 1" +! ,ERS&NAL SER4ICE % Sir* what do !ou mean +! -ersonal ser'ice in the ,hili--ines wala n(a rito eh;8 Eh di sa a+road888 $" +! ,6<LICATI&N AND RE7ISTERED MAIL AT 1IS LAST =N&WN ADDRESS/ 0" other modes as ma! +e determined +! the court" The most recent case that could a--l! to the other modes as ma! +e determined +! the court* i I recall accuratel! the title o the case is the Rodri(ueG case" It in'ol'es a nullit! case in'ol'in( the -ersonal status o the -lainti +ecause the wi e had a+andoned him" 1e instituted an action or nullit!" 1is la!wer a--lied or e3traterritorial ser'ice o summons +ut instead o (rantin( his a--lication" The court issued an order re:uirin( that ser'ice +e coursed throu(h the D5A and that an answer should +e made within a -eriod o 02%da!s and cou-led with -u+lication" I !ou read the order care ull!* it will not all in an! o the irst two modes/ it is neither -ersonal nor strictl! -u+lication +ecause that re:uires re(istered mail" So it was :uestioned* a )ud(ment or that -articular was :uestioned or +ein( null and 'oid" Sa+i nun( +a+ae* a! null and 'oid di naman ni!o nakuha )urisdiction sa akin" Anon( sa+i n( Su-reme Court* -wede !an8 It alls in other modes as ma! +e determined +! the court" So care ul ka!o doon ha* e'en on orei(n )uridical entit! the! ha'e that -ro'ision* there is a window % other modes as ma! +e determined +! the court" Now* the ne3t section that I would like !ou to +ear in mind is #1C % DE5ENDANTHS

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TEM,&RARIL9 A<SENT" Are the! residentHs o the ,hili--ines; 9ES8 The! reside in the ,hili--ines" Those who are awa! or 0 to C months or ? months +ut the! continue to reside in the ,hil--ines" 1ow do !ou ser'e summons; In the same manner as I enumerated to !ou. 1" -ersonal/ $" -u+lication and ser'ice +! re(istered mail in his last known address/ 0" other modes as ma! +e determined +! the court" 1owe'er* the Su-reme Court likewise decided in a situation like this considerin( that he resides in the ,hili--ines and i there are se'eral attem-ts to ser'e it* there could +e su+stituted ser'ice" <ecause he has a residence* he resides in the ,hili--ines" Do !ou ollow; There should +e se'eral attem-ts to ser'e it" Now* )ust three more -oints on this +e ore I lea'e it com-letel!" The irst o the three is this/ CAN T1ERE <E S6<STIT6TED SER4ICE &5 S6MM&NS T& A N&N%RESIDENT DE5ENDANT; N&8 It has +een answered in the case o 7em-erle 's" Shenker" Look at the -ro'ision on su+stituted ser'ice % to a -erson o suita+le a(e and discretion residin( therein/ it assumes that a -erson has a residence" So a non%resident cannot +e su+)ect o su+stituted ser'ice" Another :uestion* Sir8 CAN T1ERE <E A S6<STIT6TED SER4ICE 5&R A C&R,&RATI&N; N&8 &nl! those enumerated under #11 can recei'e summons or the cor-oration % -resident* (eneral mana(er* mana(in( -artner* cor-orate secretar!* treasurer or in%house counsel" That is a close list and cannot +e e3-anded" 1indi mo -weden( ida(da( si e3ecuti'e secretar!* hindi mo -weden( ida(da( si chie o sta " &nl! those enumerated* are we clear;8 The last :uestion o summons is this/ 1&W A<&6T SER4ICE T& A N&N%A6RIDICAL

ENTIT9; 1&W D& 9&6 SER4E S6MM&NS T& A N&N%A6RIDICAL ENTIT9; <e ore I answer this :uestion* this has related -ro'isions in R6LE 0 #1J" Tin(nan ni!o8 Could make a non%)uridical entit! a -art!; 9ES8 9ou could sue them under the name +! which the! are commonl! known" &k8 <ecause the! ha'e re-resented to the -u+lic that the! are this and the -u+lic +elie'e them +ut in truth and in act the! are not a )uridical entit!" Can the! +e -arties; 9ES8 Can the name +! which the! are -u+licl! known +e the de endant; 9ES8 <ut there is dut! on the -art o the de endant in their answer to disclose their true names and addresses and that leads me to R6LE 14" 1ow do !ou ser'e summons u-on them; 9ou ser'e summons +! ser'in( summons to AN9&NE o them" Isa lan( sa kanila" =un( lima sila* isa lan( sa-at na or to an! -erson in char(e o the o ice" So I am done with that" 1indi -a ta!o uwian* hindi -a8 Meron -a8 Let us now -roceed to R6LE 1J" Let me touch on M&TI&NS now" Motions na ako n(a!on" What a+out motions class; 5irst and oremost I would like !ou to +ear in mind that there was an amendment o #B in $22?" Sir ano !un; Eh di M&TI&N DA9* +ut class that is not trul! an amendment i !ou look at it" It was an & ice o the Court Administrator Circular o $22?" I !ou read the -ro'ision it still remains to +e the same" That circular was )ust issued +! the Court Administrator to underscore the im-ortance o ollowin( that to the letter +ecause motion da! +e ore that -ronouncement was at the -leasure o the )ud(e" At the -leasure o the )ud(e % Lunes* Martes* Mi!erkules kun( kelan ni!a (usto dun !un" <ut with the $22? circular he reiterated that it should +e ollowed strictl! so motion da! is what a 5RIDA98 It can onl! +e mo'ed to another da! i a 5rida! is a holida! or a non%workin( da! on the ne3t +usiness da!* +ecause class in the -ast this was a hot item +ecause !ou will see the motion da! o the courts !ou will check" Sometimes !ou (o to court* !ou will +e sur-rised/ +akit walan(

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hearin(; And the sta will sa! hindi ho n(a!on an( motion da! namin( sa Lunes* that is the rule" Now* still on motions* a motion is not a -leadin(" Althou(h class a motion can seek relie s* a irmati'e relie " It is not a -leadin(* it could onl! seek relie +ased on the act -resented on the motion" Class or eas! recollection tandaan ni!o lan( !un( #4* J* C* B" Tandaan ni!o !un* ok na ka!o8 <asta huwa( lan( !un( num+er an( tandaan ni!o ha8 Dahil hindi ni!o !un maisasa(ot* kailan(an alam ni!o !un( nilalaman n( num+er" The irst thin( that I would like !ou to +ear in mind is E4ER9 M&TI&N S1&6LD 1A4E A N&TICE &5 1EARIN7" Ito class na susunod kon( sasa+ihin a! alam n( +awat law student* di ko sina+in( a+u(ado +awat law student* that i !ou will not -ut a notice o hearin( !our motion is a mere scra- o -a-er and that notice o hearin( should +e directed to the other -art!" S1&6LD ALL M&TI&NS 1A4E A N&TICE &5 1EARIN7; Not all* i a motion will not -re)udice the ri(ht o the ad'erse -art!" 9ou do not need a notice o hearin(" That is (ood or the +ar e3ams" &k8 7usto ko !an an( tandaan nin!o or the +ar e3ams" <ut as a law!er huwa( ni!on( (a(awin !an8 1uwa( ni!on( (a(awin !an8 <akit;8 Ah* hindi na-a(%aralan ko sa re'iew" I +elie'e that it will not -re)udice the ri(ht o the""" Sino na(sa+i;8 Do !ou ollow; The other -art! will alwa!s claim it will in)ure me" It will -re)udice me* e'en i it is an e3tension" So do not ile a motion without a notice o hearin( otherwise -asasakitin an( ulo ni!o n( kala+an ni!o" =asi kukutkutin ni!a lan( !an eh" Lalo na kun( (usto nilan( i%dela!* kukutkutin !un" An( dami kaso ni!an* ma(cite !an n( san(katutak na authorities" So !ou ha'e to +e 'er! care ul once !ou +ecome law!ers" Make sure that all o !our motions should ha'e a notice o hearin( +ut or !our -ur-oses in terms o the +ar e3ams N&T ALL M&TIINS S1&6LD 1A4E A N&TICE &5 1EARIN7* I5 T1E M&TI&N WILL N&T ,REA6DICE T1E RI71T &5 T1E AD4ERSE ,ART9" The ne3t item that I would like to tell !ou will +e this* the motion should ha'e +een 5ILED AND SER4ED at

least three da!s +e ore the date o the hearin(" So the ma(ic num+er is three and 12" &h8 Saan ko nakuha !un( 12; The three is it should ha'e +een iled and ser'ed at least three da!s +e ore the date o the hearin( and it should ha'e +een scheduled or hearin( not later than 12 da!s rom its ilin(" What is the conse:uence i !ou set it or hearin( 02 da!s a ter; It is a mere scra- o -a-er/ the court will not consider it" The motion will +e denied/ i it is a motion or reconsideration o )ud(ment the )ud(ment will +ecome inal and e3ecutor!" Remem+er that three and 128 The three is it should ha'e +een iled and ser'ed at least three da!s +e ore the hearin( and it should ha'e +een scheduled or hearin( not later than 12 da!s rom ilin(" What is the &MNI<6S M&TI&N R6LE; The omni+us motion rule is a rule that all a'aila+le (rounds or o+)ection or de enses should +e raised in the motion i a'aila+le* otherwise it will +e wai'ed that is the omni+us motion rule" All (rounds a'aila+le should +e raised* otherwise it is wai'ed" Are we clear; Let us now mo'e on to DISMISSALS" &=8 Class ka-a( diniscuss ko !un( dismissals* da-at d!an na(rere'iew ka!o -asok na sa isini!o"""tsuk8tsuk8tsuk8 (anun oh" Ma! tuno( -a sir ah8KChucklesI Da-at8 1indi class kiddin( side kelan(an !un ma! mental outline" 1indi !un(* ano n(a !an( dismissal na !an;8 Class maikli lan( an( -eriod to answer ka!a kelan(an ka-a( tumaas an( dismissal ma! sa(ot kaa(ad" Now* dismissals in CI4IL CASES can +e M&TI&N T& DISMISS that is one" A motion to dismiss initiated +! who; <9 T1E DE5ENDANT % R6LE 1C" There is also what !ou call dismissals initiated <9 T1E ,LAINTI55 % R6LE 1B. DISMISSAL &5 ACTI&NS" In that R6LE 1B it also includes 5AIL6RE T& ,R&SEC6TE 5&R AN 6NREAS&NA<LE LEN7T1 &5 TIME" Ano -a !un( -an(atlo ka-a( dismissals; Ano -a; Sir wala na8 Anon( wala;8 DEM6RRER T& E4IDENCE % R6LE 00* di+ a dismissal din !un" =a-a( na%(rant it will +e dismissed" We will discuss that irst and I

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will discuss the e:ui'alent in CRIMINAL CASES" Sir meron -ala !an ah;8 Meron !an8 I-aliliwana( ko sain!o" Now* let us start with M&TI&N T& DISMISS" Motion to dismiss is -rom-ted or iled +! the de endant under R6LE 1C and there are num+er o (rounds enumerated under the rule" I will )ust hi(hli(ht a ew. 1" unen orcea+le under the statute o rauds/ $" non%com-liance with a condition -recedent/ 0" im-ro-er 'enue/ 4" lack o )urisdiction o'er the su+)ect matter/ when !ou talk o lack o )urisdiction o'er the su+)ect matter !ou are re errin( to the law that con ers )urisdiction" So !ou ha'e to look at RA BCD1 or other law that con ers )urisdiction/ J" lack o )urisdiction o'er the -erson o the de endant/ when !ou talk o lack o )urisdiction o'er the -erson o the de endant !ou are talkin( o im-ro-er ser'ice o summons % was the summons -ro-erl! ser'ed; C" the -leadin( assertin( the claim states no cause o action % I ha'e discussed that* lack o le(al ca-acit!" Now* ha'in( mentioned a num+er o them the ne3t :uestion that I would like to ask is this/ once a motion to dismiss is (ranted* can !ou ile the case; Can !ou re% ile the case class; &nce the motion to dismiss is (ranted* on certain (rounds. as -ro'ide under #J o R6LE 1C re errin( to #1 o the same rule % * h* i. " res )udicata or statute o limitations/

h" -a!ment* wai'er* a+andonment or otherwise e3tin(uished/ i" unen orcea+le under the -ro'ision o o rauds"


So ka-a( dinidmiss na !an 1INDI M& NA 9AN ,WEDE RE%5ILE" Wala na8 The rest i dismissed can !ou re% ile; 9ES888 Sir* saan ni!o nakuha !an; Nasa +atas !an eh8 So those (rounds cannot +e a +asis o re% ilin(* the rest !es !ou can" <ut sir* can I ile a motion or reconsideration i the motion to dismiss was (ranted; Wh! not* !ou could do that" Now* the ne3t :uestion now that I would like to answer on motion to dismiss is one which was cited in a case" W1AT IS T1E NAT6RE &5 AN &RDER DEN9IN7 A M&TI&N T& DISMISS; IS IT A A6D7MENT &N T1E MERITS &R IS IT AN INTERL&C6T&R9 &RDER; It is onl! an INTERL&C6T&R9 &RDER" An order den!in( a motion to dismiss is an interlocutor! order which neither terminates nor inall! dis-oses o a case as it lea'es somethin( to +e done +! the court +e ore the case is inall! decided on the merits" Neither can an a--eal* neither can it den! a motion to dismiss which is su+)ect o an a--eal* unless and until a inal )ud(ment is rendered" Take note* a denial o a motion to dismiss is not su+)ect o an a--eal +ecause it is an interlocutor! order" In the same case* it enumerated three courses o action that a court can take on a motion to dismiss" The court can* either. 1" (rant/ $" den!/ or 0" order and amendment* +ut it cannot de er the resolution o a motion to dismiss" Another case I would like to touch on this time* still on motion to dismiss on -resentation o

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e'idence durin( hearin(" This is the case o Re-u+lic 's" Carmel" Take note that should a case (o to trial* the e'idence -resented durin( the hearin( o the motion to dismiss shall automaticall! +e -art o the e'idence o the -art! -resentin( the same" It will orm -art o the e'idence -resented in the case" So there is no waste o time" &ne item that has not !et +een asked in the +ar e3ams is the ,RELIMINAR9 1EARIN7 &5 T1E A55IRMATI4E DE5ENSES" Do !ou ollow; 1a'e !ou heard o that; &h !es8 Sir* hindi ko -a naa+ot sa +asa !an eh" Maiintindihan ko rin !an" ,reliminar! hearin( o the a irmati'e de enses* that is the last section o R6LE 1C" Let me e3-lain this or the class" In the li(ht class o the concerns o the Su-reme Court that cases had +een dela!ed due to motions or reconsideration on a denied motion to dismiss and e'entuall! a -etition or certiorari to the ne3t le'el court" The Su-reme Court i(ured out somethin( and this is it % that instead o ilin( a motion to dismiss !ou could ile an answer* !ou could ile an ANSWER WIT1 AN A55IRMATI4E DE5ENSE and !our a irmati'e de enses can +e heard )ust like a motion to dismiss unless !ou ha'e once iled a motion to dismiss and the (rounds ha'e +een heard* there will +e no hearin( on the a irmati'e de enses" Can !ou ollow; So !ou now* the -ro'ision o the law (a'e the -art!%de endant an o-tion* !ou could ile a motion dismiss alle(in( the (rounds or !ou could ile an answer with an a irmati'e de ense" So !ou -racticall! ha'e an answer which )oins the issues +ut at the same time the (rounds or motion to dismiss a'aila+le and the court can conduct a hearin(* i the court is con'inced that it should +e dismiss a ter the hearin( o the a irmati'e de enses* can it dismiss the case; 9ES8 So i the court is con'inced a ter the hearin( o the a irmati'e de enses that it should +e dismissed* the court need not wait or the trial o the case +ut could alread! dismiss the case* can act on it immediatel!" Now* considerin( I mentioned a irmati'e de enses" A irmati'e de enses are

ound in R6LE C" <ecause or the de endant it could either +e ne(ati'e de ense. a total denial o the claims/ or an a irmati'e de ense" What is an a irmati'e de ense; An a irmati'e de ense is thou(h h!-otheticall! admittin( the material alle(ations o the com-laint % so sinasa+i mo !un* -racticall! admittin( the alle(ations o the com-laint +ut it will ne'ertheless -re'ent or +ar reco'er!" I will (i'e !ou an e3am-le +ecause I will )um- to another conce-t in relation to a irmati'e de enses" Let us sa! class Mr" A owes me mone!* he owes me ,h-J22*222"22" I make a demand or him* it was due and demanda+le on Ma! 02 and toda! it has not +een -aid" It was e'idenced +! a ,N or the same amount I made a demand letter +ut still he i(nored" So I iled a com-laint a(ainst him and m! irst alle(ation that he owes me mone!* he admitted" 1e said* !es I owe !ou mone!" &n the alle(ation that it was e'idenced +! a ,N he said* oh !es I owe !ou mone! as e'idenced +! the ,N" Third alle(ation* it is not !et -aid until this time" It was due on Ma! 02* he said* !es" What will !ou do to -re'ent or +ar reco'er!; Can !ou -re'ent or +ar reco'er!; I he sa!s it is till un-aid" I he admitted the material alle(ations o the com-laint* that will lead to what; A6D7MENT &N T1E ,LEADIN7S % R6LE 04* the answer does not tender an issue* it did not dis-ute the material alle(ations" To -re'ent or +ar reco'er! he should ha'e said E&o n(a* hindi +a (inawa mo na !an( +irthda! (i t ko;8 Ina+andon mo na !an8E Do !ou ollow; 1e should ha'e raised a de ense that will +ar reco'er!" Now on a last item on a irmati'e de ense* m! :uestion is this % ARE 9&6R A55IRMATI4E DE5ENSES LIMITED &NL9 T& T1&SE IN R6LE 1C #1; N&8 An! (round that would -re'ent or +ar reco'er! could +e used as an a irmati'e de ense in an answer" Take note o this* as an a irmati'e de ense in answer" An! (round or an! de ense that could -re'ent or +ar reco'er! could +e used as an a irmati'e de ense* e'en i not enumerated in #1 o R6LE 1C" 1owe'er or a motion to dismiss* it is onl! limited to those under #1 R6LE 1C"

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Let us mo'e on to the ne3t kind o dismissal" R6LE 1B % DISMISSAL &5 ACTI&N which -rom-ted +! the -lainti " =a!a lan( class tatlo to" Iton( section d!an tatlo" So easil! !ou should +e a+le to remem+er this" &k8 <ear in mind class that dismissal can +e e ected +! a -lainti <E5&RE AN ANSWER" &k8 Wala -an( sa(ot the -lainti decides* Naku8 Dismiss ko na lan(" Can he do that; 9ES8 That is u-on notice" The dismissal is without -re)udice" Take note without -re)udice" 1owe'er* i it is dismissed or the second time on the same (round it is alread! with -re)udice" Now ma! I ask !ou* what ha--ens to the counterclaim; Class murmurs""" it sur'i'es8 Walan( counterclaim* wala -a n(an( answer eh8 Di +a;8 There was a com-laint* the -lainti decides to dismiss the case u-on notice* there is no answer there is no counterclaim to s-eak o " The ne3t scenario o dismissal +! the -lainti is once T1ERE WAS ALREAD9 AN ANSWER" Can the -lainti still dismiss the case; 9ES8 <ut this time 6,&N M&TI&N AND S6<AECT T& T1E DISCRETI&N &5 T1E C&6RT" <e ore answer it is a matter o ri(ht u-on notice +! the -lainti " &nce there is an answer alread! it is u-on motion and su+)ect to the discretion o the court" Now* i the court (rants that motion what ha--ens to the counterclaim; This is im-ortant rule and this ne3t statement o mine will not +e ound in the code +ecause it is ound in the case o ,in(la which is doctrinal" That has 'acated the <A 5inace case which was the lon( standin( rule" &k8 Liliwana(in ko ha8 Liliwana(in ko8 Lest I +e mis:uoted8 The -resent rule is this* once the main case is dismissed +! the -lainti * T1E C&6NTERCLAIM W1ET1ER C&M,6LS&R9 &R ,ERMISSI4E WILL S6R4I4E" What is the -resent rule i the -lainti mo'es or the dismissal o the case* what ha--ens to the counterclaim o the de endant; It will sur'i'e" The :uestion is* can he -rosecute it in the main case or in a se-arate action; I he wants it to +e -rosecuted or maintained in the same action* he will ha'e to mani est it within a -eriod o 1J da!s the

dismissal is without -re)udice* unless otherwise stated" The ne3t kind o dismissal is not -rom-ted +! the -lainti / it is <9 T1E 5A6LT &5 T1E ,LAINIT55" 6nreasona+le dela! in -rosecutin( the same* unreasona+le len(th o time" What else; 5ailure to -resent the e'idence in%chie " Tama +a ako; What is that; It onl! means ailure to -resent !our witness on direct e3amination" What else would cause the dismissal o the case; 5ailure to com-l! with an order o the court and ailure to com-l! with the rules" Now* I will now slide and discuss on DEM6RRER T& E4IDENCE" Demurrer to e'idence in ci'il case* 'er! sim-le" 9ou are to ile a demurrer to e'idence in ci'il cases a ter the -lainti has com-leted the -resentation o his e'idence" Take note* com-leted ha8 Not rested* sa criminal !un8 ,ero -areho lan( !un8 DonFt worr! -areho lan( !un" When the -lainti has com-leted the -resentation o its e'idence* the de endant could ile a demurrer to e'idence" Do !ou need lea'e o court; N&8 Class ci'il* demurrer to e'idence !ou do not need a lea'e o court* take note o that" An( kailan(an mo sa criminal -ero +ukas na !an8 <aka ma(halo" Now* i the demurrer to e'idence is (ranted* take note what is the conse:uence; The case will +e dismissed8 What is !our remed!; Can !ou a--eal; 9ES8 <ecause it is a inal dis-osition o the case" I !our demurrer to e'idence is denied* can !ou ile an MR; 9ou could either -resent e'idence or !ou could ile an MR" I !ou are still not con'inced des-ite the denial o the MR and that there is a (ra'e a+use o discretion * !ou could ile a ,ETITI&N 5&R CERTI&RARI" The ne3t discussion -oint is one which distin(uish ci'il rom criminal" What is that; I the demurrer to e'idence is (ranted in a ci'il case* o course the de endant was not a+le to -resent e'idence and on a--eal +! the losin( -lainti the court re'erses the case* will the de endant%a--ellee +e still re:uired to -resent his e'idence; No more* the court can alread! render a )ud(ment" That is a -ro'ison -eculiar to onl! demurrer in ci'il case" So i !our demurrer to e'idence is

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(ranted and the -lainti a--eals to the ne3t le'el court and the ne3t le'el court sees that there is no reason or the demurrer to e'idence and re'erses it can it render a )ud(ment without the e'idence -resented +! the de endant%a--ellee; 9ES8 The court will alread! render a )ud(ment" I was late the ne3t da!""" I ho-e I did not miss an!thin( su+stantial" Let us now mo'e on and touch on the case o SalaGar 's" ,eo-le" This is the case that enumerates what I told !ou a+out lea'e o court and let me :uote this or !ou % In a case where the accused iles a demurrer without lea'e o court* he there+! wai'es his ri(ht to -resent e'idence and su+mits the case or decision +ased on the e'idence o the -rosecution* 'er! clear8 &n the other hand* i the accused was (ranted lea'e to ile a demurrer to e'idence* he has the ri(ht to adduce e'idence not onl! on the criminal as-ect +ut also on the ci'il as-ect o the case" Now* this leads me to another scenario" Let us that the demurrer to e'idence is (ranted in a criminal case* W1AT 1A,,ENS T& T1E CI4IL AS,ECT &5 T1E CASE; Do !ou ollow; Ta-os na eh8 An( sa+i natin dito dismiss an( kaso* the accused should ha'e -resented his e'idence +ut what ha--ens to the ci'il case; D&ES IT MEAN T1AT IT IS ALS& DISMISSED &R S1&6LD T1ERE <E RECE,TI&N &5 E4IDENCE 5&R ,6R,&SES &5 T1E CI4IL ACTI&N &5 T1E CASE; This what the SalaGar case said % I demurrer is (ranted and accused is ac:uitted +! the court* the accused has the ri(ht to adduce e'idence on the ci'il as-ect o the case unless the court also declares that the act or omission rom which the ci'il lia+ilit! ma! arise did not e3ist" Now* let me touch on the case o Radiowealth 's" Del Rosario" This is the conse:uence o RE4ERSAL &5 A,,EAL IN A CI4IL CASE" As I mentioned !esterda!* the e ect o a re'ersal on a--eal o a (rant o a demurrer to e'idence is to allow the

court to render a )ud(ment without re:uirin( the a--ellee%de endant to -resent its e'idence" Now* so we are done with dismissals in ci'il cases" Let me now (i'e !ou a +rie o'er'iew and outline o dismissals in criminal cases" There are a num+er o them" The irst one is* i !ou still recall R6LE 11B % M&TI&N T& @6AS1" 9ou ile a motion to :uash +e ore -lea or arrai(nment" What is the conse:uence o a motion to :uash; The case will +e dismissed" 1owe'er* I would like !ou to take note that there are certain (rounds wherein the court will not automaticall! dismiss* like i it does not constitute an o ense* the in ormation is de ecti'e the court can re:uire the -rosecution to amend the in ormation" This is another e3am-le outside o the ci'il amendment that we mentioned !esterda!* wherein the court can order an amendment without a motion to amend" 1ere the court can order the amendment o the in ormation" So one is motion to :uash* we will discuss motion to :uash later on in more detail" The second one is ,R&4ISI&NAL DISMISSAL % R6LE 11B" This is a dismissal with the consent* with the knowled(e or e'en -rom-ted +! the accused himsel and with the -ro'isional dismissal* can that case +e re'i'ed; 9ES8 Tandaan ni!o !an ah ka-a( -ro'isional dismissal" Sir* -a-aano ko +a nalalaman( -ro'isional; Eto m(a e3am-le/ !our honor considerin( the re-eated a+sence o the witnesses or the -rosecution* I mo'e or the -ro'isional dismissal o this case" Do !ou ollow; Can the case +e re'i'ed; 9ES8 Let us sa! that the -rosecution has a di icult! lookin( or its witnesses and the -rosecution will ask the court* can this case +e dismissed in the mean time or until such time that I am a+le to locate some o the witnesses; What do !ou sa! counsel or the accused* is there an! o+)ection; No o+)ection !our honor" That is what; A -ro'isional dismissal" An! kind o dismissal that is with the consent or -rom-ted +! the accused is a -ro'isional dismissal" 1owe'er class a -ro'isional dismissal in the li(ht o !our new

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rules on criminal -rocedure can lead to a -ermanent dismissal" Can !ou ollow; Can lead to a -ermanent dismissal !an" Sir* what do !ou mean +! -ermanent dismissal; I the -enalt!* nasusundan ni!o -a +a ako;8 I the -enalt! or the o ense e3ceeds C !ears* a la-se o $ !ears would +e re:uired to make the dismissal -ermanent" &k now8 I ha'e to call !our attention on when the -eriod will start to run" =ailan(an alam ni!o kun( kelan na(start to run" When will it start to run; I !ou look at the -ro'ision o R6LE 11B* it will tell !ou * it will start to run u-on notice o dismissal to the o ended -art!* that is clear in the -ro'ision o the law" 1owe'er class* !ou will ha'e to read it to(ether with the Lacson case" That which in'ol'e Senator Lacson wherein the Su-reme Court said* that there should likewise +e a notice to the ,u+lic ,rosecutor" Not onl! to the o ended -art! +ut likewise to the -u+lic -rosecutor and what is the reason or that; It is the -u+lic -rosecutor who can re'i'e the case" There ore the -eriod will not start to run unless the -u+lic -rosecutor has +een dul! in ormed or has recei'ed notice o the dismissal" I the -eriod o the o ense carries a -enalt! not e3ceedin( C !ears* the -ro'isional dismissal will +ecome -ermanent a ter the la-se o 1 !ear" Now* class let me ask !ou this* I will +acktrack a little" I did mention a motion to :uash* ri(ht; A while a(o* does it mean class that i a motion to :uash is (ranted/ meanin( the case is dismissed* can it +e re% iled; 9ES8 E3ce-t -rescri-tion* dou+le )eo-ard!/ meanin( he has +een ac:uitted* he has +een con'icted or that case has +een dismissed without the e3-ress consent o the accused" Sir* how a+out lack o )urisdiction o'er the su+)ect matter* it was iled in the RTC wherein it should ha'e +een iled in the MTC % once dismissed can !ou ile a(ain; 9ES8 In the -ro-er court" Do !ou ollow; Lack o )urisdicition o'er the -erson o the accused* how do !ou ac:uire )urisdiction o'er the -erson o the accused; <! a 'alid arrest or surrender" I the accused has not !et +een arrested* the case could +e dismissed" Can it +e re% iled once the

court ac:uires )urisdiction; 9ES8 Maliwana( +a clas; Iwant that to +e 'er! clear" So class in a sense* it is similar with a motion to dismiss % in terms o re% ilin( o its dismissal" What is the ne3t kind o dismissal that !ou can think o ; DEM6RRER T& E4IDENCE IN CRIMINAL CASE % R6LE 11D #$0" What other kinds o dismissal can !ou think o in a criminal case; DISMISSAL &N T1E 7R&6ND &5 S,EED9 TRIAL" Take note class* there are $ kinds o s-eed! trial" Alam ni!o +a! un; Ah sir uhmmm"""dalawa n(a +a !un; Dalawa -ala !un ano ha;8 && DALAWA 96N8 &ne is S,EED9 TRIAL 6NDER T1E R6LES &N CRIMINAL ,R&CED6RE" Listen to this. When should it +e in'oked; At an!time +e ore trial" The second kind is S,EED9 DIS,&SITI&N &5 CASES 6NDER T1E C&NSTIT6TI&N" Now* ano !an class; When could !ou in'oke it; At an!time or as lon( as the case is -endin(* !ou could in'oke that" What is !our remed!; So class ha* I am mo'in( urther" Ito luma+as na sa +ar* +aka hindi na itanon( o +aka umulit" 9un( demurrer n(a class the distinctions that I (a'e !ou a while a(o* luma+as !an sa +ar" 9an class an( tawa( sa m(a (an!an( tanon( de kahon" I+i( sa+ihin nun* !un( m(a !un a! da-at alam ni!o" Walan( ka-atawaran ka-a( hindi ni!o alam" Do !ou ollow; 9un m(a (anun da-at alam ni!o8 =un( sa +asket+all* sain!on( m(a na(lalaro n( +asket+all" 9un a! -aran( ree throw" Do !ou ollow; =un( hindi mo ma%shoot !an* ikaw an( ma! kasalanan" Wala kan( da-at sisihin" That was asked* distin(uish demurrer in ci'il and criminal" So ka-a( alam mo masa!a ka8 Ta-os -a( la+as mo ma!a+an( ka -a8 =a!an(%ka!a e3am eh" Class an( iin(atan ni!o -a( la+as nin!o* huwa( ni!on i%aassume na !un( readin( ni!o n( :uestion a! -areho sa kaklase ni!o" Di +a (anun;8 At +aka ma(talo ka!o" Ta-os +aka ma(%awa! -a ka!o" Ta-os ma(taka ka later on +akit si!a hindi -umasa* ikaw -umasa" So class or(et a+out it mo'e on to the ne3t e3amination" Now let us -roceed" What are !our remedies or 'iolation o s-eed! trial

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under the constitution; 1A<EAS C&R,6S8 <ecause detention has +een rendered ille(al* that is on the -remise that he is detained" 1ow a+out 'iolation o !our ri(ht to s-eed! trial under the rules o -rocedure; 9our remedies are CERTI&RARI* ,R&1I<ITI&N or MANDAM6S" Let us now -roceed to another -oint" Ano -a !un( dismissal; Meron -a +a; Ma! naiisi- -a +a ka!o; Ah class; In criminal cases* there is also* similar to ci'il cases 5AIL6RE T& ,R&SEC6TE" 9ou also ha'e that in criminal cases" Now that we ha'e discussed the kinds o dismissals +oth in ci'il and criminal cases" I will now -roceed and discuss the case o Limaco 's" Shonan" Let us look at the $ kinds o dismissal +! the -lainti " What are the $ kinds o dismissal +! the -lainti ; Accordin( to this case. 1" u-on notice* a dismissal as a matter o ri(ht/ $" dismissal as a matter o discretion" Let us now look at ,RE%TRIAL" A!okon( sa+ihin i !ou ha'e time* !ou should ha'e time and I would like !ou to read the (uidelines on -re% trial and modes o disco'er!" It is there at the +ack -ortion o !our code 76IDELINES &N ,RE% TRIAL AND M&DES &5 DISC&4ER9 o $224" There is also the A6DICIAL DIS,6TE RES&L6TI&N R6LE o $22C" Let me walk !ou throu(h this +rie l!* +e ore I (i'e a case" What are the thin(s that I would like !ou to consider on -re%trial; The irst one is this -ro'ision on -re%trial re:uires the ,LAINTI55 T& 5ILE AN E>% ,ARTE M&TI&N T& SET IT 5&R ,RE%TRIAL once issues ha'e +een )oined* it is the dut! o the -lainti to -rom-tl! ile an e3%-arte motion or -re%trial" The -ro'ision o the law uses the word -rom-tl!" 1owe'er the (uidelines on -re%trial and modes o disco'er! has su--lemented this -ro'ision" The -lainti should still ile an e3% -arte motion to set the case or -re%trial +ut that is A5TER T1E 5ILIN7 &5 T1E LAST ,LEADIN7 &R RE,L9 WIT1IN A ,ERI&D &5 J

DA9S" Doon ma! -eriod na" Do !ou oolow; Sa code walan( -eriod" Sir* ano ma(--re'ail; Eh di s!em-re !un( mas +a(o % J da!s8 Eh -a-aano kun( hindi na( ile n( e3%-arte motion; What is the dut! o the court; 6nder the (uidelines on -re%trial and modes o disco'er!* IT IS T1E D6T9 &5 T1E CLER= &5 C&6RT T& ISS6E A N&TICE &5 ,RE%TRIAL" I !ou look at the code !ou will not ind such a -ro'ision" That is onl! ound where; In the (uidelines o -re%trial and modes o disco'er!" Considerin( I touch on the (uidelines in relation to -re%trial" Let me now tell !ou the new orm o summons" <aka mama!a itanon( !an i%a* +* c" Sa+i a" 9ou ha'e to answer within the -eriod o i teen da!s otherwise !ou will +e declared in de ault/ +" !ou ha'e to ile an answer within a -eriod o 02 da!s/ c" !ou ha'e to ile an answer with an a irmati'e de ense in lieu o a motion to dismiss within the re(lementar! -eriod o 1J da!s" Which is the ri(ht answer; C8 That is in the (uidelines" Now* the court -ersuades* it is not mandator! +aka naman sa+ihin ni!o* a! -rohi+ited -leadin( -ala an( motion to dismiss8 N&888 It is not a -rohi+ited -leadin(" I want to +e 'er! clear" In ordinar! cases a motion to dismiss is not a -rohi+ited -leadin(" Liliwana(in ko8 <aka mama!a sisihin ni!o -a ako8 Di +a sina+i sa +ar re'iew namin( na it is a """ N&8 IT IS N&T A ,R&1I<ITED ,LEADIN7" E3ce-t that !ou ha'e a new orm o summons and kindl! take note +ased on the (uidelines that summons should +e ser'ed u-on the de endant and this is not -ro'ided or in R6LE 14 within a -eriod o 1 da!" A ew :uestions has +een asked in the +ar e3ams in connection with these (uidelines" Ano !un( m(a !un; Like the M&ST IM,&RTANT WITNESS R6LE" 1a'e !ou heard o that; Ano +a !un( most im-ortant witness rule; 9ou start with !our -resentation o witness in terms o their im-ortance" A+aF! +aka unahin mo !un( na(-adala lan( n( demand letter" =asi (anun an( a+u(ado nun +ecause o lack o a witness" Sino n(a +an( -wede; The )ud(e will ask* who is !our witness the; 9our honor8 M! messen(er" Who is that; The one who deli'ered the

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demand letter" In the a+sence o that -ro'ision* kahit sino -wede mon( dalhin eh" Anothe rule that !ou ha'e to take note on this is &NE DA9 E>AMINATI&N &5 WITNESS R6LE" I+i( sa+ihin sa isan( araw ta-os ka na sa isan( testi(o" The direct* cross* re%direct and re%cross should ha'e +een com-leted in one sittin( o the witness" ,ero sasa+ihin mo* sir -aran(""" I work in court +ut I do not see that" That is the -rero(ati'e o the )ud(e +ut the -ro'ision o the (uidelines su((est that )ud(es should strictl! ollow the same" We cannot +lame )ud(es +ecause the! ha'e so man! cases and the! ha'e to (i'e time to all o those cases* otherwise +aka sila an( ma%icom-lain kun( isa lan( at isa an( -ine-resent na testi(o" So -lease take note o those" The ne3t item that would like to touch on -re% trial is this A<SENCE" The case o AlcaraG 's" Court o A--eals" What ha--ened in this was that the law!er was a+sent and the -art! was also a+sent" Who was -resent; The wi e o the -art!" Ma!a dala%dala si!an( medical certi icate which was not notariGed" 9our honor hindi ho -wede !un( asawa ko* !un( law!er n( asawa ko hindi rin -wede" What is the e ect 2 a+sence; I the -lainti was a+sent durin( -re%trial* what ha--en; The case could +e dismissed" I the de endant was a+sent* the -lainti will +e allowed to -resent e'idence e3%-arte" I think I discussed with !ou !esterda! the remed! o this situation" As in de ault* !ou recall; 9our remed! accordin( to the case o Sa(uid 's" Court o A--eals is to ile an MR or to LI5T &RDER &5 DE5A6LT on the (round o 5AME" In order not to su er the conse:uence o a+sence* what can !ou do; 9ou should send a re-resentati'e* an authoriGed re-resentati'e or !ou should (i'e a le(al or a 'alid e3cuse that the court should +e satis ied with" In the a+sence o an!* the conse:uence that I ha'e mentioned to !ou will occur" I said i the de endant is a+sent* the -lainti will +e allowed to -resent e'idence e3% -arte" Now let us make a com-arison" 1ow a+out in de ault; I a -art! is declared in de ault

in R6LE 12 will the -lainti +e allowed to -resent e'idence e3%-arte* in cases o de ault or can the court render a )ud(ment at its discretion +ased on what the -leadin( ma! warrant or alle(es; That is new in that -ro'ision* under the old rules -resentation o e'idence e3%-arte ma! +e a'ailed +! the -lainti +ut toda! su+)ect to the discretion o the court" Su+)ect to the discretion o the )ud(e he could alread! render a )ud(ment +ased on what the -leadin( ma! warrant" Now* let me now touch on the case o Macasaet 's" Macasaet" Wh! am I citin( this case class; I am citin( this case +ecause the -ro'isions o R6LE 1? on a+sence or ailure to a--ear was ado-ted on an e)ectment case or was made to a--l! in a R6LE B2 #?" I !ou would note on e)ectment cases* there is no similar -ro'ision on ailure to a--eal" What I mean +! no similar -ro'ision is there is no e3cuse or there is no re:uirement o sendin( a re-resentati'e" I the -lainti is a+sent in an e)ectment case* it will +e dismissed" I the de endant is a+sent* the court can alread! render )ud(ment" 1owe'er* there is nothin( in that -ro'ision in R6LE B2 hat (i'es them a reason or an e3cuse or the ri(ht to send their re-resentati'es" In this case o Macasaet 's" Macasaet* the court said. The s-irit +ehind the e3ce-tion to -ersonal a--earance under the rules on -re%trial is a--lica+le to -reliminar! con erence in summar! -rocedure" 5or the lon(est time* I recall hindi ko ito na%touch kaha-on so +a+alikan ko* there has +een no :uestion on amendment to con orm with the e'idence" There were :uestions on amendment as a matter o ri(ht +e ore answer and a ter answer with lea'e o court" <ut or the lon(est time there has +een no :uestion on amendment to con orm to the e'idence" This is in #J o R6LE 12" =indl! take note that there are $ kinds o AMENDMENT T& C&N5&RM T& T1E E4IDENCE. i there is no o+)ection on the -art o the other -art!" <ut +e ore I (i'e !ou the kind let me e3-lain this to !ou" What do I mean +! amendment to con orm to the e'idence;

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7anito lan( !un class* remem+er in !our R6LE ? an answer is +ased on alle(ations* are e'idence re:uired; The answer is N&8 6nless it is an actiona+le document" There ore class in the course o the trial* what has +een alle(ed should +e su--orted +! e'idence and let me lead !ou to the de inition o e'idence" R6LE 1$? #1 % E'idence is the means sanctioned +! the rules in a )udicial -roceedin( to esta+lish the truth as to a matter o act" When do !ou -resent e'idence; Durin( trial" To illustrate to !ou more 'i'idl! let us sa!* m! claim or sum o mone! is ,h-J22*222"22 +ut in the course o the trial +! -resentation o in'oices and other recei-ts I was a+le to show that m! claim is or the amount o ,h-?22*222"22 there is a discre-anc! rom that which was alle(ed and that which was esta+lished durin( trial" This is where that -ro'ision will a--l!/ !ou could amend the -leadin( to con orm with the e'idence" Ito na !un( $ kinds" $ kinds o AMENDMENT T& C&N5&RM T& T1E E4IDENCE. 1" i the other -art! does not o+)ect* in that case there could +e amendment o the -leadin(s to con orm to the e'idence e'en a ter )ud(ment" E'en a ter )ud(ment that could still +e amended/ $" I the other -art! o+)ects* it is le t to the sound discretion o the court" Mo'in( urther on -re%trial* can !ou still a--l! or DE,&SITI&N a ter -re%trial or !ou could onl! a--l! or de-osition at an!time +e ore -re% trial; 9ES8 Aonathan Land &il 's" Man(undadatu* it is airl! settled now class" 5or as lon( as the action is -endin(* !ou could a--l! or de-osition and i !ou will the Aonathan Land &il case* !ou will see that the! are alread! at the e3ecution and there were certain acts that the court had to +e in ormed o " So -lease take note o that"

,lease take note also o the E55ECT &5 5AIL6RE T& S6<MIT A ,RE%TRIAL <RIE5" The e ect o ailure to su+mit a -re%trial +rie is as i !ou were not -resent and there ore the conse:uences o non%a--earance will likewise a--l!" Let us now -roceed to INTER4ENTI&N" Let me start with the case o Loo!uko 's" Court o A--eals" This is not a new case +ut this is im-ortant +ecause o its -ronouncement" It la!s the (eneral rule" When can !ou inter'ene; Class an( kailn(an ni!o lan( tandaan dito aside rom -wede ka ma(com-laint%in%inter'ention* -wede ka ma( answer%in%inter'ention or !ou could +e a com-lainant%in%inter'ention a(ainst the ori(inal -arties* -wede rin !un8 <ut more im-ortantl! !ou will ha'e to take note that the -eriod to ile an inter'ention is at AN9TIME <E5&RE RENDITI&N &5 A6D7MENT IN T1E TRIAL C&6RT" That is +! e3-ress -ro'ision o #$ o R6LE 1D % at an!time +e ore rendition o )ud(ment in the trial court" I would like to +e 'er! clear with this T1ERE IS N& ,ARTNER ,R&4ISI&N &5 INTER4ENTI&N IN T1E C&6RT &5 A,,EALS &R E4EN T1E S6,REME C&6RT" E'en i !ou look at the -ro'isions o R6LE 4C to JJ* !ou will not ind a similar -ro'ision" Wh!; <ecause onl! trial courts are allowed +! law" Eh sir +aFt (anun; 1owe'er* a--ellate courts ha'e reasona+le )udicial discretion to allow* not under the -ro'ision +ut reasona+le )udicial discretion to allow an inter'ention" Now* so the 7ENERAL R6LE is +e ore or durin( trial !ou could inter'ene is there an E>CE,TI&N accordin( to the case o Loo!uko; 9ES8 In the Director o Lands 's" Court o A--eals* inter'ention was allowed e'en when the -etition or re'iew o the assailed )ud(ment was alread! su+mitted or decision in the Su-reme Court" Another case in Ma(o 's" Court o A--eals* the court (ranted inter'ention des-ite the case +ein( inal and e3ecutor!" Eh sir +aFt (anun; 5inal and e3ecutor! na ma! inter'ention -a; What is the ke!; What will allow !ou to

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inter'ene e'en i )ud(ment has alread! +een rendered; Accordin( to this case* it must +e noted that in +oth this cases inter'enors were INDIS,ENSA<LE ,ARTIES" So INDIS,ENSA<LE ,ARTIES CAN INTER4ENE E4EN A5TER T1E RENDITI&N &5 T1E CASE" Class kindl! take note that there should +e what; The INTER4EN&R S1&6LD 1A4E A LE7AL INTEREST" When I sa! le(al interest it should +e material and actual such that i !ou are the -lainti * !ou should ha'e su ered some in)ur! or dama(e" Let me ask !ou this* is a mort(a(e lien a le(al interest; Let me (i'e !ou the acts o this case* ano +a! un; Eh* nan(utan( eh8 Ano !un( sinan(la; Ano !un( (inawan( securit!; 9un( +arko* an( -an(alan -a n( +arko a! 5eli-a" It was used as a securit!* well )ust like an! other loan i it reaches the court it is un-aid" 1indi na+a!aran ok8 Now* there was e3tra%)udicial oreclosure on the 'essel" In the meantime the crew mem+ers iled in court an action to reco'er the interest and un-aid wa(es +ased on the -re erence o credit" So nataranta !un( na(-autan(* nataranta !un( +an(ko" Anon( (inawa nun( +an(ko; Doon sa court case wherein there is -re erence o credit na mas su-erior !un( interest nun( m(a crew* what did the! do; The! iled a com-laint%in%inte'ention" The +ank a com-laint%in%inter'ention +ased on what the! claim to +e a mort(a(e lien" Sa+i nila* meron ho kamin( mort(a(e lien d!an eh so -wede ma(% inter'ene" Anon( sa+i n( court; A M&RT7A7E LIEN IS N&T S655ICIENT* i !ou are a -lainti %in% inter'ention !ou should ha'e !our own cause o action and or that reason !ou should ha'e su ered some dama(e or in)ur! +! reason o the act" Similar case class* let us look at this :uestion. i the -rinci-al com-laint has +een dismissed what ha--ens to the com-laint%in% inter'ention; Can it stand alone )ust like a counterclaim; Do !ou ollow the same thin( in inter'ention; The answer is N&8 Accordin( to the court* inter'ention is merel! ancillar! and su--lemental to the e3istin( liti(ation and ne'er an inde-endent action* the dismissal o the -rinci-al action necessaril! results in the

dismissal o the com-laint%in%inter'ention" Take note also o another case in inter'ention* the case o Lim ,o 's" Court o A--eals" This is im-ortant +ecause o the -ronouncement o the court that inter'ention will onl! +e allowed aside rom e3istence o le(al interest* i it will not undue dela! or -re)udice the ri(hts o the ori(inal -arties to the case" I it will undul! dela! and -re)udice the ri(hts o the ori(inal -arties to the case* the court will not allow inter'ention" Let us now -roceed to a discussion on S6<,&ENA" What a+out su+-oena; Class o course I would like !ou to +ear in mind that there are $ kinds o S6<,&ENA. 1" su+-oena AD TESTI5ICAND6M* to a--ear and testi !/ and $" su+-oena D6CES TEC6M* to a--ear and +rin( the documents in court" The ne3t case that I will touch on is Collado 's" <ra'o" The :uestion is this* the clerk o court issues a su+-oena when there is no -endin( case" Can the court issue a su+-oena without a -endin( case* )ust to act as a mediator or as a conciliator or a -endin( dis-ute; N&8 A+sent an! action a su+-oena cannot +e issued" 1indi !un +asta"""ah i%susu+-oena kita8 1indi -wede !un" <ut o course class other in'esti(ati'e +odies could issue a su+-oena" The &m+udsman could issue a su+-oena* the D&A could issue a su+-oena* the N<I issues a su+-oena* con(ress in aid o le(islation could issue a su+-oena" Can the! issue a su+-oena; 9ES8 Can the Su-reme Court or the Court o A--eals issue a su+-oena; 9ES8 Can a )ud(e issue a su+-oena in connection with the a--lication or a de-osition; 9ES8 ,lease take note o that8 I think more im-ortantl! !ou ha'e to take note o this* how to :uash a su+-oena; 1ow a+out how do !ou :uash a su+-oena duces tecum; It is what; 6nreasona+le*

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o--ressi'e* ailure to tender kilometra(e* ailure to tender witness ees* ailure to descri+e the items to +e +rou(ht that is in #0 and ailure to tender the cause o -roduction* duces tecum eh8 Ad testi icandum* !ou are not +ound there+!" 9ou are not +ound8 1indi ako da-at na -ini-resenta" I still remem+er the :uestion in the +ar e3ams where the e3aminer was Austice <ersamin that :uestion was a +it trick! +ecause it touched on somethin( which was -ri'ile(ed" Med)o an( tanon( doon eh -wede +an( i%su+-oena !un( a+u(ado na na(% initial in'esti(ate doon sa kaso n( cliente ni!a" Can !ou mo'e to :uash it; Are !ou +ound; Immediatel! !ou could sa! I am not +ound +ecause o the -ri'ile(e" 9ou could in'oke that" When !ou sa! I am not +ound there+!* !ou ha'e to show the reasons wh! !ou cannot +e com-elled to sit at the stand" Another im-ortant item that I would like to take note is the 122%kilometer distance o the witness to the court where the hearin( is to +e conducted" =ailan(an tandaan ni!o !an 122 ha hindi C2" Ma! li+ro kasi sinsa+i C2 luma !un8 Wh!; What is the im-ortance o the witness within the 122% kilometer radius rom the -lace where the hearin( is to +e conducted; I a su+-oena has +een issued and he ails to a--ear the can use its com-ulsi'e -rocess" What do !ou mean +! com-ulsi'e -rocess; The court can hold him in contem-t" Is that direct or indirect contem-t; Sir* ma+i(at na tanon( !an ah8 Who sa!s A" Direct contem-t/ <" Indirect contem-t/ C" None o the a+o'e" That is indirect contem-t* that is #0 o R6LE B1" I I were !ou class I will memoriGe R6LE B1 #0* it comes in hand!/ ailure to com-l! with the order* writ o -rocess o the court* when !ou made re-resentations to +e law!er where in act !ou are not* an! act o diso+edience outside o direct contem-t* when -ossession had alread! +een di'ested and !ou surre-titiousl! returned or took -ossession* ailure to com-l! with a su+-oena issued +! the court % that is INDIRECT C&NTEM,T" E1 sir* ano !un( DIRECT C&NTEM,T" Madalin(%madali !an class8 9an ah* tinuro ko na sain!o -ara alam

ni!o" An( direct contem-t class na-akadali" What; 7alitin mo lan( si )ud(e" 7alitan mo lan(* (anun8 Inisin mo si )ud(e" 9ou could +e held lia+le or direct contem-t +ecause the ma(ic -hrase is EIN T1E ,RESENCE &5 &R S& NEAR T1E A6D7EE" &k8 =un( kata+i mo si!a sa sinehan* hindi ka macocontem-t" Sa+ihan mo. )ud(e* mali%mali desis!on mo8 1indi ka macocontem-t ok8 Eh +akit;8 Sir we are near each other" It should +e in the -resence or near the )ud(e while -er ormin( his )udicial unction" In one case decided +! the Su-reme Court in the I+a! case" Alam ni!o +a !un( kason( I+a!; Na(amit !un( -arkin(8 7inamit !un( -arkin( ni!a" A+aF! na(alit" 9un -ala sta n( cit! hall" Eh s!em-re ma(a(alin( !an( m(a sta n( cit! hall" 1inahana- si!a n(a!on ni )ud(e" ,a(ka-ark ni!a umalis na si!a* umuwi" =asi na(-adala si )ud(e n( notice. !ou should a--ear in the a ternoon and e3-lain wh! !ou should not +e held in contem-t o court" =ita ni!o na(ulat ka!o oh8 Eh si(uro sa (alit ni!a e3-lain wh! !ou should +e not +e held in direct contem-t o court" Eh s!em-re hindi !un umattend""" =inontem-t ni!a8 Si!a n(a!on an( dinemanda" Anon( sa+i n( court; The act o the )ud(e was im-ro-er he should not ha'e declared the -erson in contem-t" So direct contem-t is in the -resence or so near the )ud(e" In his -resence* let us sa! the -erson is in the courtroom and he was asked ok !ou sit on the stand* !ou re used8 Could !ou +e held indirect or direct contem-t; Direct8 The court sa!s* !ou raise !our hand and +e -laced on oath* !ou re used" A!oko8 Could he +e -laced in contem-t; 9ES8 Direct contem-t" So class that is one com-ulsi'e -rocess* i !ou are within the 122%kilometer radius !ou re used to a--ear" 9ou could +e -laced in contem-t % indirect contem-t" Second is what; 9our a--earance can +e com-elled +! an ARREST" The arrest is what !ou call a <ENC1 WARRANT* hindi !an warrant o arrest" That is a +ench warrant* it is a warrant issued u-on the authorit! o the court" An( warrant o arrest

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-resu--oses that there is a -endin( criminal case that is wh! there is a warrant o arrest" Now let us now -roceed and discuss certain items on de-osition" I still remem+er the :uestion on whether there could +e DE,&SITI&N &N A S,ECIAL ,R&CEEDIN7 CASE; 9ES8 &k* tinanon( na !an sa +ar" Can there +e de-osition or modes o disco'er! in a criminal case; 9ES8 So class e'er! !ear :uestions ha'e +een asked on de-osition" Titin(nan natin n(a!on kun( ma(tatanon(* -ero class multi-le choice kelan(an nila n( tanon(" Madami eh8 So kun( ka!o a! di -a naniniwala sa orecast na ito* +asahin ni!o na !an8 9ou are not in m! re(ular re'iew* this is a(ain* critical" So !un( critical lan( din didiscussin ko* +ut kiddin( aside class !ou will need it" An( eelin( ma! m(a itatanon( d!an and or the last 0 !ears there ha'e +een :uestions on de-osition* -ara ka-a( minulti-le choice ka!o alam ni!on( sa(utin" Let us look at the case o Caria(a 's" Court o A--eals* this is a (ood case +ecause it (i'es us an e3am-le o a testimon! or de-osition at a ormer -roceedin(" 9ou know that; I will (i'e !ou this e3am-le +e ore I discuss the case* this is in connection with the -ro'ision on e'idence as an e3ce-tion to the hearsa! rule" R6LE 102 #4B % DE,&SITI&N &N E>AMINATI&N &5 A WITNESS 7I4EN IN AN&T1ER T& <E 6SED IN T1E ,RESENT ,R&CEEDIN7" What is the re:uirement in that -ro'ision; So madalin( salita class ima(inin ni!o ako !un( )ud(e dito sa hus(ado na to ma! i-i-resenta n(a!on na testimon!a +ut the witness to +e -resented is una'aila+le" Do !ou ollow; <ecause accordin( to #4B* the -erson is dead or una'aila+le* that is wh! it is an e3ce-tion to the hearsa! rule and the re:uirement there class is* T1ERE S1&6LD 1A4E <EEN AN &,,&RT6NIT9 T& CR&SS% E>AMINE* not actual cross%e3amination +ut !ou should ha'e +een (i'en an o--ortunit!" =a-a( tinanon( ka ma(cross%e3amine ka; A!* hindi na ho8 &k na8 &k na !un* there was an o--ortunit!" What is -rohi+ited is that !ou were not e'en (i'en the chance to cross%

e3amine" <ut that was not the :uestion in the case o Carria(a 's" Court o A--eals* the :uestion in the case o Carria(a 's" Court o A--eals was the :uestion o una+le to testi !" Ano +a !un( i+i( sa+ihin nun( una+ale to testi !; And class this has a -artner -ro'ision in R6LE 11J #1K I tin(nan ni!o on ri(hts o the accused" Di +a; The witness is dead or una'aila+le" Do !ou (et me; De-osition or e3amination in another -roceedin( can +e used or as lon( as there is an o--ortunit! to cross e3amine" Nakita ni!o R6LE 11J #1K I; So class* in this case the! touch on +ou(ht #4B R6LE 102 and R6LE 11J #1K I" What did the court sa!; The! cited the case o Tan 's" Court o A--eals* that ruled una+le to testi ! or that matter una'aila+ilit! does not co'er the witnesses who were su+-oenaed +ut did not a--ear" &k8 6na'aila+ilit! or una+le to testi ! does not co'er situations wherein witnesses ha'e +een su+-oenaed* -inadalhan n( su+-oena -ero hindi uma--ear" 1indi kasama !un sa+i dito" It ma! re er to ina+ilit! o -roceedin( rom a (ra'e cause* da-at daw or a (ra'e cause almost amountin( to death as when the witness is old and has lost the -ower o s-eech it does not re er to tam-erin( o witnesses" &k* so kelan(an there should +e a (ood reason or (ra'e cause or the una'aila+ilit!" Re errin( now to the case o Carria(a* the court said. the records re'eal that witness Carria(a was su+-oenaed onl! once and did not a--ear to testi ! in the criminal case a(ainst -etitioner" Considera+l!* this witness was not deceased or out o the ,hili--ines" Do !ou ollow; 1e was not deceased or out o the ,hili--ines" Can this +e witness +e cate(oriGed as one that cannot +e ound des-ite due dili(ence* una'aila+le or una+le to testi !; The answer was N&" D& !ou ollow; Are we clear; The answer was N&8 Mere sendin( o su+-oena and ailure to a--ear is not su icient to -ro'e ina+ilit! to testi ! and more -articularl! class in this case the Su-reme Court said* sandali lan( this is a criminal case" Do !ou ollow; And it re ers to the ri(ht o the accused and there ore it should

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+e read in the conte3t on how the constitution (a'e it to them" Now* i !ou will recall I mentioned the case o Aonathan Land &il 's" Man(undadatu a while a(o" Let me :uote to !ou the declaration o the court" De-ositions ma! +e taken at an!time* a ter the institution o the action or whene'er necessar! or con'enient" There is no rule that limits de-osition takin( onl! to the -eriod o -re%trial or +e ore it" No -rohi+ition a(ainst the takin( o de-osition a ter -re%trial" Are we clear; There is no -rohi+ition or takin( o de-osition a ter -re%trial" Now I will (i'e !ou a""" <e ore i mo'e urther on the cases on de-osition" Let me )ust (i'e !ou an outline o R6LE $0" Class huwa( ka!on( -u-unta n( +ar e3am n( hindi ni!o na+asa an( R6=E $0" &k;8 & di sir R6LE $0 lan( an( +a+asahin ko; Eh +ahala ka8hehehe""" 1an((an( $D +asahin ni!o ah8 ,ero !un( R6LE $0 kasi class is the heart o it all" I !ou know R6LE $0 chances are !ou know de-osition" Let me hel- !ou outline the -ro'ision" 1ow man! sections do !ou ha'e there; 9ou ha'e $D sections8 Is that ri(ht; Madali lan( !an class* (anito lan( an( -a(% outline n!an* rom sections 1 to 14. 7ENERAL ,R&4ISI&NS/ meanin( it a--lies to +oth &RAL DE,&SITI&N AND WRITTEN INTERR&7AT&RIES" &k !an( lahat n( !an so ienumerate ko +rie l! ha" Ano +a !un( m(a !un; 1indi ko lalahatin +ut I will hi(hli(ht it" Ano !un( m(a kailan(an dun; & course +oth a--lies to oral and written" 1ow to initiate or commence; <e ore an answer !ou ile what; A M&TI&N" A(ain* <E5&RE AN ANSWER 1AS <EEN 5ILED a ter the institution o the action" 9ou ile a M&TI&N T& TA=E DE,&SITI&N" A5TER ANSWER !ou ile a N&TICE T& TA=E DE,&SITI&N" =a-a( ka!o a! nalilito tandaan ni!o ka+aliktaran lan( to n( amendment" =a+aliktaran lan(* +e ore answer % motion" Do !ou ollow; A ter answer % notice* that is in #1 % 1ow to a--l!" Ito class it comes in hand! kasi !un( m(a nakaraan( :uestions on de-osition re'ol'es around this :uestion % What is the co'era(e; =a-a( alam mo to madali

kan( maka%wi((le out at madali mon( ma% conclude !un( sa(ot eh" What is the co'era(e; What matters could +e su+)ect o de-osition; AN9 MATTER 5&R AS L&N7 AS IT IS N&T ,RI4ILE7ED" &k8 An! matter or as lon( as it is not -ri'ile(ed" &k8 & course it sa!s rele'ant mater* hindi naman !un( walan( ka tor!a%tor!a di +a8; Rele'ant matter or as lon( as it is not -ri'ile(ed" Now* let me touch on -ri'ile(ed" &k8 ,ara naman ma! tinatak+uhan ta!o" What do !ou mean +! -ri'ile(ed; This is co'ered +! R6LE 102 #$4 o the rules on e'idence" &k8 ,ri'ile(ed* I will not discuss that in details +ut I will enumerate to !ou. 1" attorne!%client/ $" doctor%-atient/ 0" -enitent and -riest/ 4" hus+and and wi e/ J" -u+lic o icer in relation to the state/ C" secrec! o +ank de-osit/ B" non%disclosure o who !ou 'oted or* e3ce-t in election raud cases/ ?" non%disclosure o trade secrets/ D" non%disclosure o result o census" These are e3am-les o -ri'ile(ed communications" Do !ou ollow; So* the! cannot com-el !ou to testi ! in the same 'ain or in the same manner* the! cannot com-el !ou to +e a de-onent" Are we clear; The! cannot com-el !ou to +e a de-onent" Ano -a* (eneral -ro'isions; Class* T1E 5ACT &5 TA=IN7 &5 DE,&SITI&N D&ES N&T MEAN T1AT 9&6 ARE MA=IN7 T1E DE,&NENT AS 9&6R WITNESS" Take note o this* the act o takin(* ka-a( kinuha mo it does not mean that !ou are

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makin( him as !our witness" <ut class the 'er! moment !ou* the ma(ic word* 6SE A ,&RTI&N !ou -racticall! o-en it or e3amination" Do !ou ollow; The mere act o takin(* !ou are not makin( him as !our witness +ut the act o use o a -ortion o de-osition allows the other -art! to e3amine the entire de-osition" Class kun( ako sain!o kailan(an ka+isado nin!o an( #4* kailan(an ka+isado ni!o !an8 =ailan(an ka+isado ni!o an( #4" De-osition can +e taken or AN9 ,6R,&SE" De-osition could +e taken i the court inds that. 1" the witness is dead/ $" the witness resides more than 122% kilometers where the -lace o trial is conducted" ,lease take note class o the 122" I !ou are within the 122%kilometers* !our a--earance could +e com-elled +! a su+-oena" 9ou could +e arrested" 9ou could +e -lace in contem-t" More than 122% kilometers rom the -lace where the hearin( is to +e conducted* there could +e no com-ulsi'e -rocess +ut !our remed! is to take his de-osition/ 0" that the witness is una+le to testi ! +ecause o a(e* sickness or in irmit!/ 4" that the -art! o erin( the de-osition has +een una+le to -rocure attendance o the witness +! su+-oena/ meanin( the witnessF a--earance cannot +e -rocured +! su+-oena/ and J" other e3ce-tional circumstances" Class* !ou ha'e to take note o that" Take note that the use o de-osition under R6LE $0 is the same in R6LE $4 and in R6LE $J" &k8 In R6LE $4

and in R6LE $J* the same uses" &k now* the ne3t item that I will touch on is <E5&RE W1&M S1&6LD DE,&SITI&N <E TA=EN" Dito wala -an( tanon(" <e ore whom in the ,hili--ines; 1" +e ore AN9 A6D7E/ $" +e ore a N&TAR9 ,6<LIC/ 0" +e ore AN9 ,ERS&N W1& C&6LD ADMINISTER &AT1 AND STI,6LATED 6,&N <9 T1E ,ARTIES under #14" The ne3t class* orei(n countries +e ore where; 1" consul* consular o icer* secretar! o le(ation/ iton( susunod itinanon( na $" throu(h letters ro(ator! or a commission % what is a LETTERS R&7AT&R9 % a letters ro(ator! is a communication rom one )udicial authorit! to another* !an an( letters ro(ator!" That has +een e3-lained in the case o Dula! 's" Dula!* it is a communication with one )udicial authorit! to another and I5 T1E DE,&SITI&N WILL ,R&CEED W1AT R6LES WILL <E A,,LIED; The R6LES &5 T1E 5&REI7N C&6NTR9 on takin( o de-osition" 1ow a+out C&MMISSI&N; Commission is the a--ointment or namin( o a -erson +e ore whom de-osition is to +e taken +! the court in the ,hili--ines and o+'iousl! what rules will +e ollowed; The rules in the ,hili--ines/ and inall! 0" an! -erson auhtoriGed to administer oath +ut should +e

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sti-ulated +! the -arties consistent with #14" &k now* let us look at DIS@6ALI5ICATI&N" What a+out dis:uali ication; I the de-osition o icer has. 1" inancial interest/ $" relationshi- to the -art! within the Cth de(ree o consan(uinit! or a init!/ 0" relation with the counsel within the same de(ree o a init! or consan(uinit!" &k let us look at"""class the case o 8 &k8 <aka (ulatin ka!o nito. W1EN D& 9&6 6SE A M&TI&N T& S6,,RESS DE,&SITI&N; That is in R6LE $0 #$D* I think that is in the last su+section" Motion to su--ress de-osition* !ou use a motion to su--ress class* take note o this i the -rocedure or the takin( o the de-osition accordin( to #1B* 1D* $2 and $1 was not ollowed" I lea'e that to !ou* +asahin ni!o !un ha 1B* 1D* $2 and $1" Sir ano +a !un; Inoutline lan( nun kun( -aano kumuha n( de-osition" =a-a( hindi sinunod !un* e3-ect a motion to su--ress de-osition" The case o Sales 's" Sa+ino" &k8 What a+out this accordin( to the case o Sales 's" Sa+ino* while de-ositions ma! +e used as e'idence in court -roceedin(s* the! are not (enerall! meant to su+stitute or the actual testimon! in o-en court o a -art! or a witness" Althou(h !ou could take de-osition* !ou cannot make it as a su+stitute or -resentin( the witness on the stand" 1owe'er class* i the uses that I enumerated are -resent* then !ou could use it e'en without -resentin( the witness" &+'iousl!* i the witness is dead !ou cannot -resent him an!more" &k now* let us now look at this" Let me now touch on +e ore I wind u- on de-osition* I still ha'e 1J minutes +e ore the +reak* !our +reak is 12.02" &k8 Nakita ko sa relo ni!a eh" Is that ri(ht I ha'e

1J minutes or I ha'e 02 minutes""",aran( (utom na ka!o eh" Rela3 lan( ka!o" What I intend to do class* honestl!* is to +e a+le to ca-ture it until criminal -rocedure and e'idence" The hi(hli(ht o those* I intend to ca-ture it" I I could touch on a little o s-ec-ro I will do that +ut I touch on somethin( alread! !esterda!" I think this is the +ulk +ecause in the +ar e3ams JM is s-ec-ro eh" Nakita ni!o +a; JM eh* doon sa co'era(e nun( remedial" 1indi ko sinasa+in( huwa:( ni!on( +asahin ah* an( i+i( kon( sa+ihin* considerin( m! time is 'er! limited with !ou" I ha'e onl! 1$ hours so I would like to co'er until e'idence" S-ec-ro +ahala na ka!o8 1indi"""hindi naman8 ,wede mon( +asahin !un ma! re'iewer naman ka!o dun eh +ut I intend to co'er until e'idence" &k8 I will hi(hli(ht it" Now let me now touch on DE,&SITI&N <E5&RE ACTI&N" Take note that is -er-etuation o testimon!" De-osition +e ore action* that is -er-etuation o testimon! and the other kind is DE,&SITI&N ,ENDIN7 A,,EAL" Let us distin(uish class WRITTEN INTERR&7AT&RIES 6NDER R6LE $0 and WRITTEN INTERR&7AT&RIES 6NDER R6LE $J" What is the di erence; 1" written interro(atories under R6LE $0 CAN <E DIRECTED <E5&RE AN9 ,ERS&N* 1E C&6LD <E A ,ART9 &R N&T T& T1E CASE" &n a R6LE $J written interro(atories to -arties* IT IS DIRECTED &NL9 T& A ,ART9 T& T1E CASE* T1E AD4ERSE ,ART9" Maliwana( +a !un;8 &k8 9un( R6LE $0 written interro(atories kahit kanino* kahit sino or as lon( as rele'ant" R6LE $J +ased on the title it could onl! +e directed to whom; To an ad'erse -art!* are we clear;8/ $" written interro(atories under R6LE $0* !ou will ha'e to (o throu(h direct* cross* re%direct and re%cross"

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Do !ou ollow;8 &n written interro(atories under R6LE $J* !ou do not ha'e direct* cross* re%direct and re%cross" What do !ou ha'e; &nl! a litan! o :uestions" &nl! a set o :uestions to +e answered +! who; The ad'erse -art!" &k8 It is di erent in that line" Class* it is di erent in that line"

Now* let me now end on this -oint on de-osition on $ items* )ust on $ items" The most common mode o disco'er! and has not +een asked in the +ar e3ams is re:uest or admission" &k8 RE@6EST 5&R ADMISSI&N % that is in R6LE $C" &k8 This is a mode o disco'er! that could +e A,,LIED 5&R AT AN9TIME A5TER ANSWER" A ter issues has +een )oined" Take note o that* it could onl! +e a--lied or a ter answer* a re:uest or admission and -lease take note !ou are to re:uest or. 1" admission o a material or rele'ant act/ and $" a (enuineness and due e3ecution o the document" Wh!; What is the conse:uence i !ou cause the admission o (enuineness and due e3ecution o a document; I that document is admitted* !ou do not need to authenticate the document an!more consistent with R6LE 102 #1?%00" 9ou do not need to authenticate* inamin ni!a eh" Do !ou ollow; We are not talkin( o +est e'idence* we are not talkin( o -arol e'idence* we are not talkin( o that* WE ARE TAL=IN7 &5 A6T1ENTICATI&N" I it is admitted* wala na" 9ou do not need to (o throu(h the -rocess o authenticatin(* whether it is a -u+lic document or a -ri'ate document" And -lease take note class* I5 9&6 5AIL T& &<AECT T& A

RE@6EST 5&R ADMISSI&N IT AM&6NTS T& AN IM,LIED ADMISSI&N and -lease take note that a RE@6EST 5&R ADMISSI&N I5 ADMITTED AM&6NTS T& A A6DICIAL ADMISSI&N consistent with R6LE 1$D #4 % an! admission in court durin( its -endenc! is a )udicial admission" Can !ou chan(e a )udicial admission; 9ES" I it was MADE T1R&671 ,AL,A<LE MISTA=E &R T1ERE WAS N& INTENTI&N T& MA=E S6C1 AN ADMISSI&N" The last two items that I would like to touch on this is this one. ,R&D6CTI&N &R INS,ECTI&N &5 <&&=S* ,A,ERS AND D&C6MENTS" &=8 ,lease take note that this -ro'ision co'ers two -ossi+le orders* not one" Two -ossi+le orders* what is that; 5&R ,R&D6CTI&N* INS,ECTI&N* E>AMINATI&N &5 <&&=S* ,A,ERS AND D&C6MENTS INCL6DIN7 ,1&T&7RA,1IC" It also includes AN &RDER T& ENTER T1E ,REMISES &R T& LEA4E T1E ,REMISES" So it is not limited to +ooks* -a-ers and documents" 9ou could ask or ins-ection o real -ro-erties consistent with R6LE $B and let me call !our attention to this -ro+lem" Class* i !ou -roduce or i !ou recei'ed a notice to -roduce or a motion to -roduce +e care ul" &k8 <e care ul* !ou mi(ht +e o the im-ression that it is a R6LE $B -ro'ision that will a--l! or it is a mode o disco'er! onl!" &k8 <e care ul"""wh!; <ecause that ma! +e a -relude or a -reliminar! to a -resentation o secondar! e'idence* where the ori(inal is in the custod! o the ad'erse -art!" Do !ou ollow; What are the re:uirements or -resentation or to com-el the ad'erse -art! to -resent the ori(inal in his -ossession; 1" there should ha'e +een a notice to -roduce/

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$" !ou should esta+lish that the document actuall! e3isted and the document is in the -ossession o the ad'erse -art!/ and 0" des-ite notice to -roduce he re use to -roduce* !ou can now -resent secondar! e'idence" 9ou can now -resent secondar! e'idence which could +e what; It must +e -resented in the manner as enumerated under #J o R6LE 102" 1" a co-!/ $" recital in some documents/ and 0" testimon! o the witnesses" &k8 7idin( -a +a ka!o; &k si(e8 Now* let us now -roceed"""a! hindi -a -ala8 Isa na lan(" 9un( ,19SICAL AND MENTAL E>AMINATI&N" Remem+er this ah8 ,h!sical and mental e3amination" Ito an( (usto ko lan( tandaan ni!o" This mode o disco'er! C&6LD &NL9 <E 6SED I5 T1E MENTAL &R ,19SICAL C&NDITI&N &5 T1E ,ART9 IS SUBJECT OF THE CONTRO ERS!" Do !ou ollow; A+aF! kun( hindi si!a su+)ect o the contro'ers!* do not use this" Do not ile an action or some o mone! and or mental e3amination o the de endant who re uses to -a!* !ou cannot do that" Do !ou ollow;8 Where the mental or -h!sical condition o the -art! is in contro'ers!" &k8 And m! last -oint now as I end with this is class* -lease take note that ka-a( ito itinanon(" An( -inakamahira- na -weden( itanon( d!an sa R6LE $? is iton( discussion na to" Class* e'er!one wants somethin( or ree" Di +a;8 Sino +an( a!aw n( ree* ka-a( alam ni!on( ree andun ka!o" Naka-ila ka!o8 Li+ren( ka-e* li+re sa mall"""7anun8 (usto natin li+re +ut in this -ro'ision class +e 'er! care ul" Wh!; Take note* let us sa! ima(ine that I am the -erson authentic

e3amined" &k* ako !un( ineksamin" Ineksamin ako class* n(a!on an( (inawa ko humin(i ako" I I ask a co-! o that e3amination it o-ens the door" What; It wai'es all o m! -ri'ile(e* the! can now"""humin(i ako8 ,ahin(i naman nun( e3amination ko" The other could now ask co-ies o m! e3amination* whether -re'iousl! or su+se:uentl! taken" I I re use to do so and I -resent the doctors who made the -re'ious e3amination* their testimon! will +e rendered inadmissi+le or the! will not +e allowed to sit on the stand" Do !ou ollow; This is a conse:uence o askin( a co-! o the e3amination" I I am the -erson e3amined* m! mental condition was e3amined and I asked a co-!* that o-ens the door" The other -art! can now ask all m! -re'ious and su+se:uent e3aminations and i I -resent m! doctors* their testimon! could +e stricken out or could +e rendered inadmissi+le" &k now* let me end this session" 1indi ito ah* hindi -a uwian" Let me end this session +! com-arin(* let me end this session""" recall this was asked o me +! a law!er and it was a 'er! (ood :uestion* the :uestion was D& WE 5&LL&W T1E R6LES &N DE,&SITI&N &N R6LE $0 AND A,,L9 IT IN CRIMINAL CASES; Do !ou ollow; 9an an( tanon(" Do we ollow the same -rocedure as in R6LE $0 in criminal cases; The answer is"""anon( sa(ot; R6LE $0 +a an( na(%aa--l!; What a--lies is in the nature o de-osition is R6LE 11D #1$* 14 and 1J" Tin(nan ni!o !un" C&NDITI&NAL E>AMINATI&N &5 WITNESSES 5&R T1E ACC6SED AND C&NDITI&NAL E>AMINATI&N &5 WITNESSES 5&R T1E ,R&SEC6TI&N" Tin(nan ni!o !un" Sir +akit !un;8 Eh criminal !an eh" Sir hindi +a -wede !un( de-osition +e ore action; Ano ka8; 7&&DL6C=888 1ow can !ou know that he will commit an o ense; Do !ou ollow; That is what !ou call conditional e3amination o witnesses or the accused and or the -rosecution" What are the re:uirements; What are the (rounds or the -rosecution; Anon( sa+i;

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1" when the witness a+out to de-art with no de inite da! o returnin(/ or $" the witness is sick or in irm" Eh dun sa ka+ila; Doon sa accused. 1" the witness is sick or in irm and una'aila+le" Now* knowin( this class +e ore I end" ,lease take note that there is a dis-arit! in terms o when e3amination will +e conducted" There is a distinction* i !ou are to call the witnesses or the -rosecution on conditional e3amination* the e3amination will onl! +e conducted where; IN T1E ,LACE W1ERE T1E CASE IS ,ENDIN7" Tandaan ni!o !un8 &k maliwana( +a;8 When !ou call on the witnesses or the accused* the e3amination could +e. 1" +e ore an! )ud(e in the ,hili--ines includin( the -lace where it is -endin( i !ou want/ or i not -ractica+le $" +e ore an! mem+er o the <ar/ or 0" an! )ud(e directed +! a su-erior court directin( an in erior court" So -lease take note that there is some le'el o le3i+ilit!* when it comes to conditional e3amination o the witnesses or the accused" I !ou are conductin( a conditional e3amination o witnesses or the -rosecution* it could onl! +e conducted/ the e3amination could onl! +e conducted in the -lace or in the court where the case is -endin(" It is D.02 ri(ht; I will (i'e !ou now a +reak I will +e +ack in a ew minutes then we will continue until 1$.02" &=8 I ha'e here with me a num+er o :uestions" What I will do is +e ore we take a +reak at 1$.02 I will tr! to res-ond to !our :uestions rather than take it now +ecause I would assume that it

would take around 1J to $2 minutes to discuss +ecause I ha'e 0"""4"""J :uestions here" <ut I think +e ore we end around 1$.1J or 1$.$2 I will +e res-ondin( to this :uestions" &k now* let us now continue with our discussion" I am now on""" let us look at how ,&ST,&NEMENTS ARE TREATED <9 T1E C&6RT" <ased on the -ro'isions o the rule class* there are (rounds or -ost-onement o hearin(. 1" a+sence or una'aila+ilit! o e'idence. the re:uirements are as ollows. a" the e'idence should +e material and rele'ant/ and +" e orts ha'e +een made to -resent or to -rocure the e'idence +ut des-ite dili(ent e orts* it cannot +e -resented" $" the most common (round or -ost-onement is sickness or illness % class !ou )ust do not claim that a -erson is ill or sick o course !ou will ha'e to show that the -resence or the attendance o the witness or counsel is indis-ensa+le/ meanin( he is to +e -resented on that da!* the witness or that the law!er is re:uired +! court to +e -resent on that da! so the -resence o someone who is askin( or -ost-onement is what; INDIS,ENSA<LE and the nature o the illness is that which would render his what; 1is a+sence e3cusa+le" Do !ou ollow; So not an! kind o illness" 9our honor masakit ho an( n(i-in ko n(a!on" &k8 9our honor med!o ah"""kinakati ho ako* ma! aller(! ako n(a!on" Do !ou ollow; Can +e* the nature o the illness is that which would render it what; The a+sence e3cusa+le" I do not want to ask !ou

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+ecause i I will ask !ou I will (et the most serious kind o illness* heart attack* stroke* AIDS"""m(a (anun8 <aka kun( anu%ano"""+ut class what is im-ortant is T1E NAT6RE &5 T1E ILLNESS IS T1AT W1IC1 W&6LD RENDER T1E A<SENCE E>C6SA<LE and the most common in court is sore e!es* +ecause irst and oremost it is conta(ious" Tr! ni!o ka-a( law!er ka!o8 =un( totoon( ma! sore e!es ka!o ha888 Tumawa( ka!o"""sasa+ihin nila attorne! si(e huwa( na ka!on( dumatin( ok lan(8 Attorne!8 A!aw nilan( mahawa sa!o eh" Chicken-o3"""a!aw nilan( mahawa sa!o" &k ano -a; Mum-s" A!aw rin nila" Do !ou ollow; <ut o course i !ou ha'e serious illnesses* that will also +e an e3cuse" Now* let me cite the case o 1a- 1un( 1ardware 's" ,hili--ine Com-an!" The :uestion is % W1AT C&6LD <E A STANDARD IN ALL&WIN7 A ,&ST,&NEMENT; La(i na lan( +an( ka-a( humihin(i ka n( -ost-onement eh i+i+i(a!; The court said that the standard should +e the reason or the -ost-onement is 6NA4A&IDA<LE AND &NE T1AT C&6LD N&T 1A4E <EEN 5&RESSEN" &k8 It is una'oida+le and somethin( that which ha'e not +een oreseen" In this -articular case o 1a- 1un( the scenario was the -erson a--l!in( or -ost-onement had to (o to the 6S +ecause o a new +orn (randchild that she had to take care o and that she at the same time will +e attendin( a con'ention" Do !ou know the answer o the court; Was that a (ood reason; Was that somethin( which was una'oida+le and one that could ha'e not +een oreseen; The answer is N&8 Sa+i n( Su-reme Court N&8 9ou could ha'e scheduled when !ou will l! +ecause !ou will know the date o +irth and at the same time we are talkin( o con'entions* the dates o con'ention are -redetermined and or that reason !ou could ha'e scheduled !our

de-arture" So accordin( to the court that is not a (ood reason" So -lease take note* a (ood reason or a -ost-onement when it comes to other than illness or a+sence o e'idence is the A<SENCE IS 6NA4&IDA<LE AND &NE T1AT C&6LD N&T 1A4E <EEN 5&RESEEN" Now* let us touch on C&NS&LIDATI&N" Class on consolidation all that I would like !ou to remem+er would +e this -hrase "THERE #S CO$$ON%&#T! OF F%CT OR &%'"( Do !ou ollow; There is commonalit! o act or law* look at the -ro'ision" Does it sa! AND or does it sa! &R; &k it sa!s &R" So there could +e common acts or common law a--lica+le" Now let me cite !ou the case o Nulueta 's" Asia <rewer! which is hel- ul on this -oint" The concern o this -articular case was* it in'ol'es a dealershi- a(reement" A dealershi- a(reement +etween Asia <rewer! and Nulueta* there was a dis-ute arisin( rom the dealershi- a(reement" Nulueta was rom Iloilo there ore the action was instituted where; In Iloilo" 1owe'er Asia <rewer! likewise notice that there was 'iolation o the dealershi- a(reement* hence there was an action instituted in the court o Makati" Do !ou ollow; So there is a case -endin( in Iloilo and there is a case -endi(nin Makati" The :uestion is % Cant these two cases +e consolidated; 1ow was it answered +! the court; The issues in +oth ci'il cases -ertain to the res-ecti'e o+li(ations o the same -arties under the sane a(reement* the dealershia(reement" Thus* e'er! transaction as well as lia+ilit! arisin( rom it must +e resol'ed in the )udicial orum where it is in issue" The consolidation o the two cases then +ecomes im-erati'e to a com-lete* com-rehensi'e and consistent determination" What !ou would notice with this -articular case is that % the two cases are -endin( in two di erent )udicial districts" Do !ou ollow; &ne is in Iloilo an one is Makati* is there an! -rohi+ition in consolidation +ecause it is in two )udicial districts; N&8 Can there +e consolidation o cases in the same )udicial district; 9ES8 There could +e

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consolidation" Take note that in the case o Me(a Land 's" CE Construction" The Su-reme Court said. that in cases o orum sho--in(* the remed! is not consolidation" Ma(alin( an( a+u(ado ni!a ano"""ma(alin( an( a+u(ado8 Na-ansin na na(-o orum sho--in( si!a" An( (inawa ni!a* he mo'ed or a consolidation" =ita mo an( (alin( nun( a+u(ado8 Sa+i n( Su-reme Court dito* hindi -wede !un8 I one liti(ant has iled multi-le suits in'ol'in( the same -arties or the same cause o action* the consolidation o these suits is not the correct -alliati'e" Consolidation is not the remed!/ these suits should instead +e dismissed on the (round o orum sho--in(" Take note o that* the case should ha'e +een dismissed on the (round o orum sho--in(" So i orum sho--in( e3ists* consolidation is not a remed!" Take note class that accordin( to the case o De 4era 's" A(loro* consolidation is le t within the sound discretion o the court" &k8 It is within the sound )udicial orum to consolidate the two cases" Let me share with !ou the case o 1eirs o 4aldeG 's" Court o A--eals" What was the -ro+lem in this case; It in'ol'ed two con lictin( decisions* class two con lictin( decisions o the same di'ision o the Court o A--eals" &k8 Two con lictin( decisions o the same di'ision o the court o a--eals" &ne was or dismissal and the other or continuation o the case with one cancellin( out the other" Do !ou ollow; <iro mo isan( di'ision dalwa resolution % one dismissin(* one to -roceed" 1ow did the court treat this; Can the dismissal attain inalit!; Can one o the decisions +e treated as the -ro-er decision" The Su-reme Court cited the rule on IMM6TA<ILIT9 &5 A6D7MENT % as a rule )ud(ments are immuta+le and unaltera+le" 9ou cannot chan(e that an!more unless. 1" there are t!-o(ra-hical or clerical errors/

$" there are nunc -ro tunct )ud(ments. meanin( )ud(ments that do not s-eak the truth/ and 0" when we s-eak o 'oid )ud(ments* howe'er the Su-reme Court added one more or this -articular case to +e sure accordin( to the court/ 4" the rule does not a--l! in cases where a su-er'enin( e'ent such as the mistake undis-utedl! committed +! the court" So the! treated the mistake as a su-er'enin( e'ent %that is the unintended release o the one o the resolutions thus resultin( in the con lict and con usion" Ma+ait -a n(a an( Su-reme Court eh* dito;8 Ma+ait an( Su-reme Court on how the! treated the con lictin( decision" The! said there was a mistake and the! said that is a su-er'enin( e'ent that would not lead to the inalit! o the )ud(ment" =un( i+an( di'ision n( Su-reme Court si(uro -ina(alitan sila" The! should ha'e +een more circums-ect and care ul in issuin( resolutions" The Su-reme Court was 'er! kind in terms o renderin( the decision" Let us now -roceed class* I ha'e discussed demurrer" Now let me now touch on C&MMISSI&NERS" &k8 <rie l!* +aka i%codal ka!o sa commissioners class" 5irst and oremost class* a commissioner is a. 1" $" 0" re eree/ an accountant/ or an e3aminer"

&k8 And take note that an! matter can +e re erred to a commissioner or as lon( as the -arties a(ree" Take note that an! matter can +e

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re erred to a commissioner or as lon( as the -arties a(ree" I the! disa(ree onl! the ollowin( (rounds could +e +asis or a re erral to a commissioner in #$ o R6LE 0$. 1" lon( accounts/ $" there is a need or the account or an account so that the court can +e (uided in renderin( the )ud(ment/ and 0" there are acts arisin( outside o the -leadin( that has to +e within the knowled(e o the court"

Now* what matters can +e re erred to a clerk o court or e3%-arte -resentation o e'idence; 1" de ault -roceedin(s/ $" e3%-arte -roceedin(s* in the nature o course o de ault and e3%-arte -roceedin(s where de endants do not a--ear and matter is re erred to a clerk o court like land re(istration cases/ 0" when -arties sti-ulate" Now* let me ask !ou this :uestion % can the court render a )ud(ment without a trial; The answer is 9ES8 I the -arties a(ree on acts this is R6LE 02 #C" I -arties a(ree on acts whether -artiall! or wholl!* the court ma! re:uire su+mission o memorandum when what is le t to +e resol'ed is a matter o law* the court can alread! render a )ud(ment" Let me now distin(uish +ased on the case o Wood Technolo(! 's" E:uita+le <ankin(* A6D7MENT &N T1E ,LEADIN7S class and S6MMAR9 A6D7MENT" Class ka-a( an( estud!ante hindi na nila matandaan ito* an( tinatandaan nila a! ano; 9un( distinction +ut class this should not +e 'er! hard or !ou to remem+er" <e ore I (i'e !ou the distinction I will (i'e !ou a sim-le e3-lanation o )ud(ment on the -leadin(s" Class !esterda! I touched on it* it is airl! sim-le" I5 9&6 D& N&T C&NTEST &R MA=E AN ISS6E &6T &5 MATERIAL ALLE7ATI&N &R IN SIM,LE W&RDS T1E CA6SE &5 ACTI&N IT LEADS T& A A6D7MENT &N T1E ,LEADIN7S" =uha ni!o; Maliwana( +a;8 Wala kan( kinontest eh" Inamin mo lahat eh" What ha--ens; Aud(ment on the -leadin(s" That is wh! the de inition o )ud(ment on the -leadin(s is the answer does not tender an issue or admits the material alle(ations o the com-laint" The ne3t is summar! )ud(ment" 1ow is it de ined +! law; There is no (enuine issue as to a material act" Take note that !ou are

Class take note o this. A C&MMISSI&NER C&6LD &NL9 ACT I5 IT IS WIT1IN T1E &RDER &5 RE5ERENCE" &k8 The commissioner could onl! act i it is within the order o re erence and the commissioner should +e -laced on oath" What do !ou mean +! an &RDER &5 RE5ERENCE; Class !un( lan( !un( ano* inissue n( hus(ado IT& AN7 7A7AWIN M&8 Can a commissioner issue a su+-oena; 9ES8 &k8 Duces tecum; 9ES8 Can a commissioner determine o+)ections and admissi+ilit! o e'idence; 9ES* I5 WIT1IN T1E &RDER &5RE5ERENCE" Now* let us com-are with a clerk o court" Can the clerk o court determine admissi+ilit! o e'idence; The answer is N&8 Can the clerk o court issue a su+-oena duces tecum; N&8 <ut a su+-oena ad testi icandum; 9ES8 <ecause class i it is a sim-le re:uest or testimon!* the court will usuall! entertain +ut a duces tecum it is usuall! within the cound )udicial discretion"

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re errin( on summar! )ud(ment on a act" There is no (enuine issue* there ore sir are there other issues; 9ES8 Are there other dis-utes on the matter; Ma! +e 9ES8 That is wh! !ou ha'e a com-lete or ull summar! )ud(ment and a -artial summar! )ud(ment" What do !ou mean class +! T1ERE IS N& 7EN6INE ISS6E AS T& A MATERIAL 5ACT; It means that e'en i there is an issue* it is what; 5ALSE* it is S1AM" &k;8 Let me (i'e !ou an e3am-le -ara Makita ni!o !un( distinction na sinsa+i ko" When I sa! the answer does not tender an issue % sina+i ko ma! utan( ka sa akin* anon( sa+i mo; Sa+i ko due na !un Ma! 02 di mo -a +ina!aran" Sa+i mo &&8 Inamin mo lahat !un* )ud(ment on the -leadin(s" When will it +ecome summar! )ud(ment; Anon( sa+i mo; Ah +a!ad na !an8 Do !ou ollow;8 Did !ou create an issue; 9ES* +ecause sa!in( that !ou ha'e -aid it will -re'ent or +ar reco'er!" Do !ou ollow; Sa+i mo* +a!ad na !an eh8 <ut in truth and in act is !ou ha'e not -aid it" Correct;8 9ou ha'e not -aid it" So !ou ha'e created an issue which is alse* where in act !ou ha'e communicated to me sa!in(. -wede +a +i(!an mo -a ako n( lan( araw; 1indi ko -a tala(a ka!an( +a!aran or can !ou (i'e me until Au(ust 02 eh it is onl! Aul!" Do !ou ollow; That act will show* that the issue that !ou ha'e created is merel! alse or sham* there is no (enuine issue" Let me (i'e !ou the com-arison. JUDGMENT ON THE PLEADINGS It is a ull )ud(ment/ it is AL#AYS A ULL $UDGMENT. There is no -artial )ud(ment on the -leadin(s" As a rule* it is the PLAINTI %&o a'(' )or *ud+,en- on -&e .leadin+' % +ecause SUMMARY JUDGMENT It is either a FULL OR PARTIAL SUMMARY $UDGMENT.

It is the PLAINTI OR -&e DE ENDANT %&o /ould a'( )or 'u,,ar0 *ud+,en- % the

,LAINTI55 can ask or summar! )ud(ment A5TER AN ANSWER has +een iled/ the DE5ENDANT can ask or summar! )ud(ment at AN9TIME W1ILE T1E ACTI&N IS ,ENDIN7" The COURT CAN The COURT SIMPLY GO RELIES ON THE BEYOND THE PLEADINGS* meanin( PLEADING AND the com-laint and the RE ER answer and the TO DOCUMENTS! attachments thereto" A IDA"ITS AND DEPOSITIONS to determine i there is no (enuine issue" A ida'its should +e within the -ersonal knowled(e o the a iant" Now* let me (i'e !ou a 'er! sim-le e3am-le and I ho-e !ou would know whether it is summar! )ud(ment that will a--l! or )ud(ment on the -leadin(s" In a case decided +! the court* there was a loan e3tended let us sa! to me" A loan e3tended to me and that loan o ,h-1M was e'idenced +! a -romissor! note* e3ce-t that the -romissor! note did not -ro'ide or a due date +ut or all intents and -ur-oses we ha'e a(reed that the due date was Ma! 02* $211" So when Ma! 02 came* the same was still un-aid there was a re:uest or me to -a! I i(nored it" Can !ou ollow; Now* so what ha--ens; I was sued* when I was sued what did I sa! in m! answer; 9es I owe !ou mone!* !es there is a -romissor! note +ut look at that the -romissor! note is +lank as to the due date and there ore it is not !et due and demanda+le" Can !ou ollow; What can I ile; Will I ile a )ud(ment on the -leadin(s or will I ile summar! )ud(ment; The re(ional trial court that resol'ed that issue said* +ecause what was iled was )ud(ment on the -leadin(s* (ranted the )ud(ment on the -leadin(s" It was ele'ated to the hi(her court and the Su-reme

the answer does not tender an issue"

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Court said. while it is true that !ou could render a )ud(ment* the Su-reme Court said that the -ro-er remed! should ha'e +een summar! )ud(ment* +ecause there was an issue""" Correct8 Althou(h the issue was not (enuine" 7inawan ni!a n( issue eh* +lan(ko !an oh8 =ita ni!o +lan(ko* hindi -a due" Do !ou ollow; There is no (enuine issue" As an e3am-le I alwa!s (i'e m! students so that the! will not or(et in the +ar re'iew like this* !ou will alwa!s remem+er no (enuine issue" 7usto ni!o malaman kun( -aano; =a!a lan( huwa( !un( e3am-le ko an( tandaan ni!o +ut how to a--l! it" =atulad n(a!on marami ka!on( makikilala di +a; Marami ka!on( +a(on( riends* so !un( m(a i+a d!an ma! m(a ma(u(ustuhan at ma! (irl riend o +o! riend ka-a( nakita ulet !un( +o! riend or !un( (irl riend" Dahil n(a ma! +a(o nan( (usto/ Alam mo kailan(an tala(a ako sa+i ni momm! ma(%aral n( ma+uti8 Di +a (anun;8 Ma(%aral n( ma+uti ka!a da-at di muna ta!o ma(kita mas!ado" =asi +aka ako +um(asak sa +ar eh" Sa n(a!on cool%o muna ta!o8 Is there a (enuine issue; N&8 There is no (enuine issue* !ou onl! a+ricated the issue" Tama +a ako meron +an( (uma(awa n(a!on ni!an; There is no (enuine issue* it is sham* it is alse" so da-at !un sina%summar! )ud(ment ka8 &k8 Now* let us mo'e on"""tala(a iton( +ar re'iew na ito eh8 Now let us -roceed to A6D7MENT" I touched )ud(ment a while a(o +ut let me touch on the case o Intramuros Tennis 's" ,TA" This case distin(uished a inal )ud(ment rom an interlocutor! order" A 5INAL A6D7MENT under R6LE 0C %That which inall! dis-oses o the case" An INTERL&C6T&R9 &RDER % Somethin( else has to +e done" Wh! is this an im-ortant discussion +ecause that will lead us to our discussion on* e3ecution" <ut class* I would like !ou to distin(uish a SE4ERAL A6D7MENT 5R&M a SE,ARATE A6D7MENT" A se'eral )ud(ment is a )ud(ment in'ol'in( ,ARTIES* de endants% se'eral" When !ou talk o se-arate )ud(ment* !ou talk o what; CLAMS8 9ou talk o claims as would a--l! to summar! )ud(ment"

What is an ENTR9 &5 A6D7MENT; An entr! o )ud(ment is issued +! the court a ter the la-se o the re(lementar! -eriod to a--eal and or that reason* )ud(ment is alread! inal and e3ecutor!" Do !ou ollow; Can that +e a +asis o e3ecution; 9ES8 1at could +e a +asis o e3ecution" Can a inal )ud(ment that has not aatained inalit! or does a inal )ud(ment which is not !et inal and e3ecutor! su+)ect o e3ecution; 9ES8 That is what !ou call DISCRETI&NAR9 E>EC6TI&N or the wa! !ou want it said E>EC6TI&N ,ENDIN7 A,,EAL" Do !ou ollow; Whether it +e a inal and e3ecutor! )ud(ment or sim-l! a inal )ud(ment that could +e su+)ect o an a--eal* +oth could e su+)ect o e3ecution" <e ore I -roceed and discuss e3ecution" Let me (i'e !ou a rundown irst" &=8 A rundown o a distinction +etween an MR and a M&TI&N 5&R NEW TRIAL" MNT 1" 5AME K raud* accident* mistake and e3cusa+le ne(li(enceI/ and $" NEWL9 DISC&4ERED E4IDENCE" A second MNT can +e allowed i the (round was not !et in e3istence at the time o the ilin( o the irst MNT" MR 1" Contrar! to law/ $" Aud(ment is not su--orted +! e'idence/ and 0"Award o dama(es is e3cessi'e" A second MR is a -rohi+ited -leadin("

Now* si(ni icantl! class take note o the Ne!-es rulin( on the 5RES1 ,ERI&D R6LE" 9ou know what I mean ri(ht;8 I !ou ile a M&TI&N 5&R REC&NSIDERATI&N and !ou is denied" 9ou ha'e

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a resh -eriod o 1J%da!s within which to ile !our a--eal" What do we mean +! ,R&5&RMA M&TI&N 5&R REC&NSIDERATI&N; &=8 What do !ou mean +! -ro orma; This is the case o Tan 's" Court o A--eals" What do !ou mean +! -ro orma motion or reconsideration; Class a motion or reconsideration ma! +e -ro orma. 1" i it onl! re-eat or reiterate matters which ha'e alread! +een -assed u-on +! the court* it is -ro orma/ $" is that which did not meet the re:uirements o #4 and J o R6LE 1J o the Rules o Court" So class it is treated as a mere scra- - -a-er" Do !ou ollow; Sir* ano i+i( sa+ihin nun; 9-u ile a motion or reconsideration without a notice o hearin(/ without ser'in( a co-! thereo to the other -art!* that is a -ro orma motion or reconsideration" Are we clear; 9ou did not set it or hearin( or !ou did not ser'e notice or ser'e a co-! at least 0 da!s +e ore the date o the hearin(* that is -ro orma motion or reconsideration" Are we clear; Now* let me ask !ou this :uestion" I !ou are to ile a M&TI&N 5&R NEW TRIAL within the re(lementar! -eriod o 1J%da!s* in the trial court rom rendition o )ud(ment* WIT1IN 1&W MAN9 DA9S CAN 9&6 5ILE A M&TI&N 5&R NEW TRIAL IN T1E C&6RT &5 A,,EALS; ,areho +a !un; Ah class* -areho +a! un; 9ou are to ile it in the Court o A--eals"""o-en to R6LE J0 ata !un8 J0 +a !un or J$; Motion or New Trial in the C,&6RT &5 A,,EALS* the sole (round class listen to this* the sole (round in the Court o A--eals o a Motion or New Trial is NEWL9 DISC&4ERED E4IDENCE" Tandaan ni!o !un +aka i%multi-le choice ka!o d!an" &nl! newl! disco'ered e'idence* it is not 5AME" 5AME is not included and the -eriod to ile a Motion or New Trial in the Court o A--eals is rom the

time a--eal is -er ected or as lon( as the Court o A--eals has )urisdiction" A(ain* 5R&M T1E TIME A,,EAL IS ,ER5ECTED AND 5&R AS L&N7 AS T1E C&6RT &5 A,,EALS 1AS A6RISDICTI&N" Maliwana( +a; 6nlike the trial court* within the -eriod o 1J%da!s" In the Court o A--eals N&8 5rom the time a--eal is -er ected it has )urisdiction and or as lon( as it has )urisdiction !ou could ile a motion or new trial on a sin(ular (round o newl! disco'ered e'idence" Now let me ask !ou this :uestion" Can !ou ile a M&TI&N 5&R NEW TRIAL IN T1E S6,REME C&6RT; Will that R6LE J0 a--l! in the Su-reme Court; Class huwa( ni!on( ah"""ano !un8 1uwa( ni!on( iisi-in na !an( R6LE 4C%JJ* wlan( kwenta !an8 Di ko +a+asahin8 Tinanon( !an sa +ar noon( $22?" The last :uestion was I still remem+er* can !ou enumerate ori(inal actions iled in the Court o A--eals; &k8 Can !ou ile a Motion or New Trial in the Su-reme Court; Can !ou a--l! R6LE J0; The answer !ou will ind in R6LE JC #$%0" Tin(nan ni!o !an ma! enumeration n( m(a rules" Is R6LE J0 included; N&8 It is not included" So as a rule* !ou do not ile a motion or new trial in the Su-reme Court" 1owe'er* !ou ha'e seen motion or new trial in the Su-reme Court that is le t within the sound )udicial discretion o the court +ut in terms o law* !ou cannot ile a motion or new trial in the Su-reme Court" &nl! in the Court o A--eals and onl! in the trial court" Let me now touch on ,ETITI&NS 5&R RELIE5 5R&M A6D7MENT" 1ow man! kinds o -etitions or relie rom )ud(ment do !ou ha'e; 1ow man! kinds; Sir +akit ma! kinds +a !un( -etition or relie rom )ud(ment; 9ES8 1&W MAN9 =INDS &5 ,ETITI&N 5&R RELIE5 not -etition or relie rom )ud(ment; 1ow man! kinds o -etition or relie do !ou ha'e; 9ou ha'e $8 1" -etition or relie rom A6D7MENT/ $" -etition or relie rom DENIAL o

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A,,EAL" <oth are (rounded on 5AME" Now* ka-a( tinanon( ka* W1AT ARE T1&SE REMEDIES W1EREIN 5AME IS A 7R&6ND. 1" motion to li t order o de ault/ $" motion or new trial/ 0" -etition or relie rom )ud(ment or denial o an a--eal/ Now* let me cite to !ou the $212 case o Torres 's" China <ankin( Cor-oration" The :uestion is* what is the remed! o a -art! in ha'in( +een -re'ented to ile an a--eal; Remem+er m! word* the word that I used ,RE4ENTED" A -art! has +een what* -re'ented to ile an a--eal* what is the remed!; Accordin( to the court the -ro-er remed! or alle(ations o MISTA=E &R INE>C6SA<LE NE7LI7ENCE &5 C&6NSEL which -re'ented a -art! rom takin( an a--eal is a ,ETITI&N 5&R RELIE5 5R&M DENIAL &5 A,,EAL* under R6LE 0?" Whether it +e class a -etition or relie rom )ud(ment or a -etition or relie rom denial o a--eal* what is the -eriod to ile" &k8 9ou ha'e to memoriGe this* it is not 1J% da!s* it is not C2%da!s IT IS WIT1IN C M&NT1S 5R&M ENTR9 &5 A6D7MENT <6T WIT1IN C2% DA9S 5R&M =N&WLED7E" Are we clear; C months rom entr! o )ud(ment +ut within C2% da!s rom knowled(e" Let me illustrate this or !ou" I ha'e made this illustration in m! classes* under(rad classes" Class* look at this +ottle look at it as the C%months -eriod" Do !ou ollow; Let us sa! the C%months -eriod is rom Aune 1 to at the end Decem+er 1" Let us sa!* there was entr! o )ud(ment on Aune 1* i !ou learned o the )ud(ment on Au(ust 1* until when can !ou ile a -etition or relie )ud(ment or or denial o a--eal; 6ntil* technicall! &cto+er 1* ri(ht; &cto+er 1" <ut what i !ou learn o the )ud(ment or !ou knew o the )ud(ment on No'em+er 1J* until when can !ou ile a -etition or relie ; 6ntil Decem+er 18 9ou cannot (o out

o that deadline" Do !ou ollow; That cannot +e e3tended" It is alwa!s C months" So !our C2% da!s will alwa!s -la! within the C months" I !ou learned o it +e ore or almost +e ore the e3-iration o the C months* that is !our -ro+lem8 That is not the -ro+lem o the court" &k; Let me (i'e !ou the classic e3am-le o Ala+an 's" Court o A--eals" That will tell !ou whether to use an annulment o )ud(ment or a -etition or relie rom )ud(ment +e ore I touch on this" R6LE 4B is annulment o )ud(ment* what are the (rounds or annulment o )ud(ment; E>TRINSIC 5RA6D* that is one and the second one* is that LAC= &5 A6RISDICTI&N; 9ES8 Lack o )urisdiction" When should !ou raise the annulment o )ud(ment* -etition or annulment o )ud(ment; 5or (rounds o e3trinsic raud WIT1IN 4%9EARS 5R&M DISC&4ER9" 5or lack o )urisdiction at AN9TIME <E5&RE 9&6 ARE <ARRED <9 LAC1ES" Esto--els +! laches on :uestion o )urisdiction" Take note that when !ou sa! lack o )urisdiction on annulment o )ud(ment IT C&4ERS N&T &NL9 LAC= &5 A6RISDICTI&N &4ER T1E S6<AECT MATTER <6T LI=EWISE C&4ER LAC= &5 A6RISDICITI&N &4ER T1E ,ERS&N &5 T1E DE5ENDANT" &k; So it includes +oth lack o )urisdiction o'er the su+)ect matter and lack o )urisdiction o'er the -erson o the de endant" Now let us now discuss the case o Ala+an" What ha--ened here; This case tried to answer* W1& IS A ,ART9; Do !ou ollow; Look at #1 o R6LE 0? and it sa!s* that onl! a -art! to a case can ile a -etition or relie rom )ud(ment" Can !ou look at that; Can !ou ind the word -art!; Tama +a;8 &NL9 A ,ART9 CAN 5ILE A ,ETITI&N 5&R RELIE5 5R&M A6D7MENT +ut we h+a'e to +ear in mind that the ault or not ilin( an a--eal or an MR or MNT is not

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attri+uta+le to a -art! ilin( the -etition or relie " Now* this was the :uestion in the case o Ala+an* what ha--ened; It in'ol'ed the estate o a deceased -erson and there was someone Mr" A came orward to sa! I am the sole heir" The rest o the heirs were not in ormed* the! did not know that there was a settlement o estate" &nl! he came orward and the estate was ad)udicated in his a'our" The other heirs learned o it within C2%da!s or $ months rom the entr! o )ud(ment" Do !ou ollow; Within two months rom the entr! o )ud(ment" So what did the! do; The! iled a motion to set aside the )ud(ment" <ut what did the court do; The motion was denied* sa+i n( court wala"""hindi8 denied !an8 Ano n(a!on an( nan(!ari; Nun( sina+i n( court na denied* the! were le t with no o-tion +ut to (o to the Court o A--eals" The! iled a -etition or annulment o )ud(ment" Do !ou ollow; Annulment o )ud(ment and not a -etition or relie rom )ud(ment" &ne o the reasons (i'en +! them in ilin( a -etition or annulment is that* we are not a -art! to the ori(inal case" Sa+i nila we are not a -art! to the ori(inal case and or this reason -etition or relie is not a -ro-er remed! or them +ecause #1 tells !ou that !ou should +e a -art!" Mukhan( tama sila* tama; It looks that there is sense in their ar(ument" 1owe'er the Court o A--eals think o it di erent" The! said and it was a irmed +! the Su-reme Court" The Su-reme Court said that in cases like this % this are what actions IN REM* that re:uires -u+lication* the act o -u+lication e recti'el! (a'e notice on the heirs and made them as -arties e'en i the! are not -arties on the case" The act o -u+lication* +ecause this is an ACTI&N IN REM and or this reason the! said* the court said hat the -ro-er remed! shold ha'e +een a -etition or relie rom )ud(ment" <esides accordin( to the court* !ou ha'e learned o the )ud(ment within C2%da!s rom its entr!* so it is within the -eriod mandated" <ut other than the case o Ala+an* !ou ha'e to take note that !ou should +e a ,ART9"

&=8 Now* let me now -roceed and touch on E>EC6TI&N" A ew items on e3ecution* still on the case o Intramuros" Take note that the e3ecution or the WRIT &5 E>EC6TI&N must. 1" con orm with the dis-ositi'e -ortion o the )ud(ment" &k that is num+er one" The writ o e3ecution must con orm with what is -ro'ided or in the )ud(ement" It cannot (o outside o it" $" a hearin( or the issuance o writ o e3ecution does not re:uire a ull +lown or trial t!-e hearin(* all that is re:uired is that there is a hearin(" It does not re:uire a ull +lown or a trial t!-e hearin(" Now* I5 IT IS AN E>EC6TI&N AS A MATTER &5 RI71T* D& 9&6 NEED A 7&&D REAS&N 5&R T1E C&6RT T& 7RANT 9&6R M&TI&N 5&R E>EC6TI&N; The answer is N&8 I it is a matter o ri(ht* the re(lementar! -eriod to a--eal had la-sed and the decision had attained inalit! and there ore it is a matter o ri(ht" 9ou do not need to (i'e a reason* the decision alone is enou(h reason or the court to e3ecute" 1owe'er class i it is AN E>EC6TI&N ,ENDIN7 A,,EAL or !ou call it DISCRETI&NAR9 E>EC6TI&N* !ou ha'e to (i'e what; 7ood reasons" In this case o Intramuros* he -ro+lem was* the reason (i'en or e3ecution -endin( a--eal" Was that* the tennis court which was the su+)ect o the contro'ers! was deterioratin( and is on unsanitar! condition which was su+)ect o the comlaint o the tennis -la!ers" Was that a (ood reason or the court to allow e3ecution -endin( a--eal; The Su-reme Court said* 9ES8 The unsanitar! condition and the deterioratin( condition o the tennis court were (ood reasons or the court to (rant e3ecution -endin( a--eal" &ther (ood (rounds or e3ecution -endin( a--eal would +e.

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1" the assets o the losin( -art! is a+out to +e wasted and dissi-ated/ $" the co-oration is insol'ent/ a+out to +e

0" is ad'ance a(e a (round or e3ecution -endin( a--eal; A(e alone is not su icient +ut a(e cou-led with other reasons like/ need or medication* need to continue with his sustainance % then these are (ood reasons or e3ecution -endin( a--eal" Do !ou need a <&Nd; Class* do !ou need a <&ND 5&R E>EC6TI&N ,ENDIN7 A,,EAL &R DISCRETI&NAR9 E>EC6TI&N; The answer is N&8 All !ou need is (ood reasonHs" 9ou need a +ond to STA9 E>EC6TI&N ,ENDIN7 A,,EAL" I want to +e 'er! clear with that ha8 All !ou need is (ood reasonHs +ut or the other -art! to sta! e3ecution -endin( a--eal* !ou need a +ond" &k now* let me call !our attention class to the case o Mina 's" <ianson" This is 'er! much instructi'e on W1ERE T& 5ILE T1E M&TI&N 5&R E>EC6TI&N; There was a demolition order in an e)ectment case which court will issue the demolition order" In this -articular case class* there was alread! a )ud(ment o the MTC* the court o ori(inal )urisdiction and it was re'iewed +! the RTC and while -endin( in the RTC there was a motion or issuance o a demolition order" W1IC1 C&6RT WILL ISS6E T1E DEM&LITI&N &RDER* IS IT T1E RTC &R T1E MTC; It is the MTC* the court o ori(inal )urisdiction" Which rendered the ori(inal decision" Accordin( to the court* it is there ore clear that in the E>EC6TI&N &5 A6D7MENT IN EAECTI&N CASES" The issuance o the demolition order is within the )urisdiction o the MTC which rendered the decision" The RTC that a irms the decision o the MTC cannot order e3ecution o its )ud(ment" Althou(h class it is a di erent stor!* listen to this""" it is e3ecution -endin( a--eal" Take note* &N AN E>EC6TI&N ,ENDIN7

A,,EAL W1ERE CAN 9&6 A,,L9 5&R T1E M&TI&N; Where could !ou ile the motion; IT DE,ENDS" I the court continues to ha'e )urisdiction* meanin( within the re(lementar! -eriod* the MTC could issue a writ o e3ecution" 5or as lon( as it is in -ossession o the records o the case" Tandaan ni!o888 1indi lan( !un( within the re(lementar! -eriod* 5&R AS L&N7 AS IT IS IN ,&SSESSI&N &5 T1E REC&RDS &5 T1E CASE" 1owe'er* W1EN IT L&SES A6RISDICTI&N CAN T1ERE STILL <E E>EC6TI&N ,ENDIN7 A,,EAL; 9ES8 Where will it +e a--lied or; <E5&RE T1E A,,ELLATE C&6RT" I want that to +e 'er! 'er! clear* +e ore the a--ellate court" The e3am-le that I (a'e !ou the Mina case is an e3am-le wherein the decision o the RTC +ecame inal and once inal* a--lication is within the ori(inal court" Alwa!s remem+er class that when it is E>EC6TI&N AS A MATTER &5 RI71T" As a rule* motions should +e iled where; E'en i it has +een a--ealed to the ne3t le'el court and until the Su-reme Court" The motion should alwa!s +e iled where; <E5&RE T1E C&6RT &5 &RI7INAL A6RISDICTI&N" The writ should alwa!s +e where; issued +! the court o ori(inal )urisdiction" E3ce-t or )ust causes* the motion or e3ecution should +e 5ILED where; <E5&RE T1E A,,ELLATE C&6RT* I am talkin( o as a matter o ri(ht +ut the writ can onl! +e ISS6ED <9 T1E C&6RT &5 &RI7INAL A6RIDISDICTI&N" Can !ou ollow; 9es* or (ood cause -wede !an sa a--ellate court i !ou a--eal +ut the writ is alwa!s issued +! the court o ori(inal )urisdiction" Can the C&6RT &5 A,,EALS ISS6E A WRIT &5 E>EC6TI&N; 9ES8 &n ori(inal actions iled +e ore the Court o A--eals" Can there +e &RI7INAL ACTI&NS 5ILED IN T1E C&6RT &5 A,,EALS; 9ES8 1" Certiorari/

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$" ,rohi+ition/ 0" Mandamus/ 4" @uo Warranto/ J" 1a+eas Cor-us/ C" 1a+eas Cor-us and Custod! o Minors/ B" Writ o Am-aro/ ?" Writ o 1a+eas Data" Do !ou ollow; The Court o A--eals has ori(inal )urisdictions and in some o those* it has also concurrent )urisdiction" &k now* let us mo'e on"""+aka (utom na ka!o ha;8 Mukha namin( hindi -a ka!o (utom* dilat -a naman ka!o eh" We still ha'e 4J m inutes ok8 M! (oal is ah* ho-e ull! in 4J minutes I am a+le to co'er !un( ci'il -rocedure na (usto kon( i%co'er* so that when I return a ter lunch I will start with criminal -rocedure" &k; That is m! intention" &k; So !ou ha'e to +ear with me" Now let me ask !ou* now the ne3t :uestion % W1AT ARE T1E $ AS,ECTS &5 RES A6DICATA; Accordin( to the case o <arreto 's" Court o A--eals" Sir* di +a isa lan( !an( res )udicata na !an;8 This case cited the rule in R6LE 0D #4B" That is e ect o )ud(ments" The! Geroed in on su+sections + and c" Su+section < is reall! res )udicata* su+section C is -reclusion o issue and in this case the court said. the D&CTRINE &5 RES A6DICATA is o $ as-ects. 1" the irst* the e ect o )ud(ment as a <AR T& T1E ,R&SEC6TI&N o second action u-on T1E SAME CLAIM* DEMAND &R CA6SE &5 ACTI&N" In sim-le words* the res )udicata in su+section < co'ers a +ar to -rosectution in'ol'in(* the same claim* demand or cause o action/

$" the second as-ect o res )udicata which is su+section C o !our R6LE 0D #4B su+section C* ,RECL6DES T1E RELITI7ATI&N &5 ,ARTIC6LAR 5ACT &R ISS6E IN AN&T1ER ACTI&N +etween the same -arties or their successors%in% interest* on a di erent claim or cause o action" Can !ou ollow; The irst one !ou cannot reliti(ate the same claim or cause o action % that is the irst res )udicata" The second one which is -reclusion o issue* !ou cannot reliti(ate an issue that has alread! +een* what; ,assed u-on +! the court in a di erent case in'ol'in( a di erent cause o action" I will (i'e !ou an e3am-le" &k8 ,ara maintindihan nin!o" Class* let us sa! that I was the contractor o this law school* let us sa! I was the contractor o this +uildin( and there were +reaches o the a(reement so I sued the -rinci-al" 9un( eskwela an( idinemanda ko sa madalin( salita* na(demandahan kami and in that case (usto ko i-a%nulli ! !un( kontrata" Do !ou ollow; I said this contract is null and 'oid +ecause o the ollowin(""" +ut the court said what; The court said that the contract is 'alid" Do !ou ollow; Sa+i nun( court 'alid" Is that res )udicata on that cause o action; 9ES8 That is alread! res )udicata" <ut let us sa!* I am the main contractor and I let us sa! I ha'e a su+contractor" Tama +a !un; 9un( +ahala sa +intana* !un( +ahala sa -inta* +ahala sa ele'ator* i+a%i+a !un" Let us sa!* there was a suit +etween me and m! su+contractor* not in'ol'in( the school" Correct; In'ol'in( the ele'ators" Can we reliti(ate the 'alidit! o the mother contarct with the school; N& M&RE % That is -reclusion o issue* it is a di erent cause o action* it in'ol'es the -ro+lem o the ele'ator +ut we can no lon(er reliti(ate the act o the 'alidit! o the mother contract +ut we could liti(ate on items in'ol'in( the ele'ator"

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Are we clear; So those are the $ as-ects o res )udicata" Now* let us look at another -ro'ision on e3ecution which is #14" &k8 What a+out #14; This is the dut! o the sheri to what; To make a re-ort on inter'als o 02 da!s" Take note class* T1E 02 DA9S T1ERE IS N&T T1E E55ECTI4E LI5E &5 WRIT &5 E>EC6TI&N" The 02 da!s there is what; The dut! o the sheri to make a re-ort" &k8 To make a re-ort and let me :uote rom the decision R6LE 0D #14 mandates the manner in which the writ o e3ecution is to +e returned to the court" As well as the re:uisite re-orts to +e made +! the sheri and to see whether the )ud(ment has +een satis ied* in an! case e'er! 02 da!s until is ull! satis ied" Are we clear; The 02 da!s there is the dut! o the sheri to re-ort on the conduct o his e3ecution" Now* let me ask !ou this % what is the li e o the writ o e3ecution; I !ou read #14 care ull! it will (i'e !ou the answer* the -eriod is J !ears +ut it does not sa! J !ears all it sa!s within in that -eriod that it could +e en orced +! motion and a )ud(ment could +e e+ orced +! motion within the -eriod o J !ears" Take note o the case o Ca(a!an de &ro Coliseum 's" Court o A--eals" This is im-ortant and I am citin( this case +ecause o the re:uirement o ,RI&R LAW56L LE49 <E5&RE A ,6<LIC SALE" Take note o this* T1ERE S1&6LD 1A4E <EEN A ,R&,ER AND 4ALID LE49 <E5&RE what; 9&6 E55ECT A ,6<LIC SALE* meanin( there should ha'e +een a ser'ice o the writ +e ore !ou e ect the sale" In the SAME MANNER CLASS T1AT IN M&NE9 A6D7MENTS* there should +een what; A DEMAND &N T1E ,ART &5 T1E S1ERI55 T& ,A9 T1E S6M* ,AL 's" <ali+er and onl! i there is ailure to -a! can !ou (o on le'!in( his real or -ersonal -ro-ert! and in the order o thin(s* i the losin( -art! does not make a choice as to which -ro-ert! will ha'e to (o irst* -ersonal -ro-ert! will ha'e to (o irst"

Now* CAN T1E C&6RT ISS6E A WRIT &5 E>EC6TI&N M&T6 ,R&,I&; That was answered in an administrati'e case & ice o the Court Administrator 's" Cor-uG" Can the court motu -ro-io issue a writ o e3ecution; The answer is N&8 The court could onl! issue a writ o e3ecution u-on motion* &NL9 6,&N M&TI&N" The case o <ud(et 's" <acle(* the li etime o the writ o e3ecution which is J !ears* let me touch on inde-endent action" &k8 Let us look at an inde-endent action* this #C o R6LE 0D" This has +een re-eatedl! asked in the +ar e3ams" &k8 The :uestion is % W1EN D& 9&6 5ILE AN INDE,ENDENT ACTI&N T& RE4I4E T1E A6D7MENT; Within a -eriod o J !ears; N&8 A ter the la-se o J !ears rom the entr! o )ud(ment" Do !ou ollow; Within J !ears rom the entr! o )ud(ment* !ou could ile a motion or e3ecution" A ter the la-se o J !ears rom the entr! o )ud(ment +ut within a -eriod o 12 !ears or the -rescri-ti'e -eriod as mentioned* not in the rules o court +ut in ci'il code which is 12 !ears* !ou could ile an inde-endent action to re'i'e the )ud(ment and once it is re'i'ed and the re'i'ed )ud(ement is inal and e3ecutor!* !ou could a(ain ile a motion or e3ecution" &k now* let us now -roceed and see this case o Solid <ank 's" Court o A--eals" What was the -ro+lem in this case; The decision did not mention o 1$M on the su+)ect lia+ilit! meanin( on the )ud(ment there was no mention at all o interest to +e +orne +! the losin( -art!" 1owe'er* the sheri took it u-on himsel to char(e 1$M on the su+)ect lia+ilit! and the interest im-osed or the amount in which he was lia+le" Was it correct or the sheri to do that; The answer was N&8 The sheri went +e!ond the decision o the court* the sheri has no authorit!* no )udicial discretion to add on the )ud(ment* all that he could do is to e3ecute" Let us distin(uish ISS6ANCE &5 T1E WRIT rom AWARDIN7 thereo " What is the di erence;

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This was e3-lained in the case o Se-ara 's" Maceda* the court said. it is well to state the di erence +etween issuance o the writ and awardin( o the same" The unction o &RDERIN7 T1E E>EC6TI&N IS A6DICIAL AND DE4&L4ES 6,&N T1E A6D7E" A(ain* the unction o orderin( the e3ecution is )udicial and de'ol'es u-on the )ud(e/ whereas* the ACT &5 ISS6IN7 T1E WRIT IS MINISTERIAL AND CAN <E ,ER5&RMED <9 AN&T1ER ,ERS&N T1AT IS T1E CLER= &5 C&6RT" Now* let us now -roceed +e ore I lea'e this item com-letel! and touch on a--eal" &k8 Let me remind that !ou that there is also a RE4I4AL &5 A6D7MENT* aside rom #C" There is re'i'al o )ud(ment at the instance o #00 o the same R6LE" 1ow does that takes -lace class* re'i'al o )ud(ment under that -ro'ision; It ha--ens this wa! class* #00 scenario class is* !ou are winnin( +u!er or -artici-ant in a -u+lic sale +ut or one reason or another* !ou were not a+le to take -ossession or that someone came in with a +etter interest tha !ou are* in that case class !ou alread! -aid +ut !ou are le t with an em-t! +a(" Do !ou ollow; The law (i'es !ou now the remed! in #00* that is re'i'al o )ud(ment" What are !our remedies; 1" !ou could ile a motion to reci'er that amount in the same case/ $" !ou could ile a se-arate action/ and 0" !ou could ile a motion or issuance o the )ud(ment* in !our own name" Do !ou ollow; What is the e ect o ha'in( the )ud(ment in !our own name; 9ou could do a re(ular e3ecution as i !ou are the re(ular o+li(e" It is )ust like that !ou are askin( or the amount that !ou ha'e -aid +ut i he cannot -a! that an!more !ou could (o on re(ular e3ecution +ecause !ou ha'e taken the -lace o the )ud(ment o+li(e"

&k8 Now* I think m! inal -oint on e3ecution would +e T1IRD ,ART9 CLAIM" Mata(al nan( walan( tanon( d!an* third -art! claim that is #1C o R6LE 0D" ,lease take note that there is a -artner -ro'ision* in attachment also" Ma! third%-art! claim in attachment in #14 o ATTAC1MENT and there is also third%-art! claim in RE,LE4IN" Tin(nan muna natin an( conce-t""" +ut +e ore I -roceed ano nan( oras; Alas dose;8 &k -a8 &k -a ka!o" N(a!on -a n(a lan( ako (in(a(anahan eh" Med!o kaha-on* nan(an(alawan( -a ako nun( unan( oras" Mata(al akon(""" =a!o an( una kon( +ar re'iew* sunod%sunod na to eh" Ma! Au(ust* ma! &cto+er* ma! kata-usan* ma! Se-tem+er +ecause o the new schedule* No'em+er ri(ht; I ha'e re(ular classes +ut o course it is di erent in a +ar re'iew* dito maha+a kan( na(sasalita* ikaw lan( na(sasalita" =a-a( nakalimutan mo hindi mo -weden( tanun(in sila kun( ano* sa klase-weden( tanun(in mo sila" Sa +ar re'iew hindi* ikaw lan( salita n( salita" The ne3t :uestion that I would like us to answer is third%-art! claim" Class* W1AT IS A T1IRD% ,ART9 CLAIM; A third%-art! claim is a claim o a third%-art! or a ,ERS&N W1& IS N&T A ,ART9 T& T1E CASE where the court has not ac:uired )urisdiction o'er him" Class -lease take note lookm at this +asic scenario* I am discussin( a+out e3ecution the )ud(ment o+li(e class % what is the interest o the )ud(ment o+li(ee; To ha'e the e3ecution to -roceed" Do !ou ollow; 1e wants e3ecution to -roceed" Correct;8 +ut i there is a third%-art! claimant who iles an a ida'it or who ser'es an a ida'it on the sheri * what ha--ens; T1E E>EC6TI&N WILL <E STA9ED" It will +e sus-ended" Take note* it will +e sta!ed AS T& T1AT ,R&,ERT9 +aka naman +uon( e3ectution iti(il mo +ecause there is a third%-art! claim onl! on that su+)ect -ro-ert!" Do !ou ollow; So class* with the ser'ice o an a ida'it on the sheri the e3ecution on that -ro-ert! will +e sta!ed"

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1ow will it run a(ain; When will it continue; I the )ud(ment o+li(e* the winnin( -art! will -ost a +ond in a'or o the third%-art! claimant" Akalain mo ikaw na nanalo* ikaw -a n(a!on ma(+i+i(a! n( +ond in a'our o the third%-art! claimant" Now* the ne3t discussion -oint is im-ortant" Where can the third%-art! claimant can 'indicate his ri(ht; 1e could 'indicate his ri(ht in a se-arate action or in the same action; In a SE,ARATE ACTI&N" <akit; Eh inal and e3ecutor! na !un eh +ut the A6D7MENT &<LI7EE can 'indicate his ri(ht in the SAME or in a SE,ARATE action" As distin(uished rom attachment" <asicall! the conce-t is the same* e3ce-t tha in attachment* the case is still acti'e and -endin(" Correct;8 The third%-art! claimant can what; 4indicate his ri(ht in the same or se-arate action* )ust like the -erson who a--lied or attachment" Do !ou ollow; 1e could 'indicate his ri(ht in the same or se-arate action in sim-le words* he could still what; Inter'ene" That is the di erence and !ou a--l! the same rule or -ur-oses o re-le'in" M! last -oint* real last -oint in e3ecution is ,6NITI4E DAMA7ES" 9ou know -uniti'e dama(es; 9ou will not ind that in the ci'il code" ,uniti'e dama(es class are dama(es under the rules o court that -erson will su er +! conductin( a sale without notice or de acin( a notice o sale" I !ou de ace a notice o sale* !ou could +e lia+le or -uniti'e dama(es" Now* let us now -roceed and discuss A,,EALS" &k8 Doon muna ako sa +asic +e ore I (i'e !ou the new cases that I ha'e* doon muna ta!o" Class* tandaan ni!o to"""wa( lan( !un( sa+ihin ni!o na(re'iew ka!o a--eal is the remed! in law* !un( m(a (anun"""distin(uish -etition or re'iew on certiorari" Da-at alam ni!o !un mode +aka kasi tanun(in ka!o ni!an eh" &k8 I think two !ears a(o the modes were asked* as to where to (o" &k8 So !ou should know this"

W1ERE D& 9&6 7& 5R&M AN &RI7INAL A6D7MENT IN T1E MTC; RTC W1AT WILL 9&6 5ILE; A Notice o A--eal" W1ERE D& 9&6 5ILE T1E N&TICE &5 A,,EAL; IN T1E MTC % that is what !ou call an ordinar! a--eal" Do !ou ollow; &n an &RI7INAL A6RISDICTI&N &5 T1E RTC* i it renders a decision" W1ERE WILL 9&6 7&; Court o A--eals W1AT WILL 9&6 5ILE; A Notice o A--eal" W1ERE WILL 9&6 5ILE IT; In the RTC" Do !ou ollow; &RDINAR9 A,,EAL" 9an an( -inakasim-le" &ne ste- u-* N&TICE &5 A,,EAL" Do !ou ollow; <ut !ou 5ILE IT IN T1E C&6RT T1AT RENDERED T1E A6D7MENT" Now* let us com-licate it a little +it" A )ud(ment o the MTC* as a court o ori(inal )urisdiction re'iewed +! the RTC a ter an ordinar! a--eal* where a notice o a--eal was iled and where will !ou (o* i !ou still lost the case; C&6RT &5 A,,EALS W1AT WILL 9&6 5ILE; A ,etition or Re'iew" Tama !an8 9ou will ile a -etition or re'iew" Not a -etition or re'iew on certiorari +ut a ,ETITI&N 5&R RE4IEW" 9ou will meet a -etition or re'iew +ut not in court +ut in a @6ASI%A6DICIAL A7ENC9 when !ou talk o the D&A" 5rom a decision or resolution o the o ice o the -rosecutor* !ou -roceed to the De-artment o Austice on a ,etition or Re'iew* that is not co'ered n! !our R6LE 4$ that is co'ered +! Circular 1B o the D&A" So i !ou are asked* 1&W MAN9 =INDS &5 ,ETITI&N 5&R RE4IEW D& 9&6 1A4E;

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1" ,etition or RE4IEW under R6LE 4$* that I discussed/ $" ,etition or RE4IEW under R6LE 40 % re'iew o decisions o @6ASI%A6DICIAL A7ENCIES" Where do !ou (o; To the C&6RT &5 A,,EALS* on a ,ETITI&N 5&R RE4IEW" &k8 Ci'il Aeronautics <oard* SEC* DARA< !ou (o to the Court o A--eals" 1ow a+out T1E &55ICE &5 T1E ,RESIDENT; The Court o A--eals" 1ow a+out 1L6R<; Do !ou (o to the Court o A--eals; &55ICE &5 T1E ,RESIDENT* 1ousin( and Land 6se Re(ulator! <oard % !ou do not (o directl! to the Court o A--eals* !ou (o to the & ice o the ,resident" NLRC where do !ou (o; Court o A--eals <6T N&T on a -etition or re'iew +ut on a ,ETITI&N 5&R CERTI&RARI under R6LE CJ* St" Martin 5uneral case and the reason +ehind that is +! law the decision o NLRC is 5INAL and E>EC6T&R9 there +ein( no a--eal nor an! -lain nor s-eed! remed! in the ordinar! course o law* there +ein( no a--eal i there is (ra'e a+use o discretion !our remed! is R6LE CJ" Are we clear; So !ou now know the 0 -etitions or re'iew and then class !our last mode is a ,ETITI&N 5&R RE4IEW &N CERTI&RARI" Take note class that a ,ETITI&N 5&R CERTI&RARI IS N&T AN A,,EAL" The a--eal is a ,ETITI&N 5&R RE4IEW &N CERTI&RARI" Alwa!s remem+er this motherhood statement. The onl! wa! to (o u- to the Su-reme Court is a ,ETITI&N 5&R RE4IEW &N CERTI&RARI IN CI4IL CASES" &k8 1owe'er in CRIMINAL CASES* this is the motherhood statement. The onl! wa! to (o uto the Su-reme Court whether in CI4IL or CRIMINAL CASES is throu(h a ,ETITI&N 5&R RE4IEW &N CERTI&RARI* e3ce-t when the -enalt! is LI5E &R DEAT1" &k8

Let us now -roceed with a ew cases" The case o Torres 's" China <ank* IS 5AIL6RE T& 5ILE AN A,,EAL A DENIAL &5 D6E ,R&CESS; The ri(ht to a--eal is not a natural ri(ht or -art o due -rocess* it is merel! a statutor! -ri'ile(e and ma! +e e3ercised onl! in the manner and in accordance with the law" Class* tandaan ni!o to ka-a( na(in( a+u(ado ka!o* ma-a-akina+an(an ni!o to ka-a( na(kamali ka!o" 1indi ko -a naman sa awa n( di!os -inakina+an(an ito" <akit; =a-a( sina+i n( cliente mo* +akit hindi mo i%na--eal attorne!; Attorne! +akit na%dsimiss !un( a--eal; Remem+er8Kwhile chucklin(I It is not a natural ri(ht* it is onl! a statutor! ri(ht" &k8 Alam ni!o m(a a+u(ado* madudunon( !an eh" &k8 <ut class !ou should make sure that !ou ile !our a--eal on time" Do not shelter !oursel with that case o Torres" Now* let us look at the case o 5a)ardo 's" 5lores" The :uestion that I would like to raise here is CLAIMS ARISIN7 5R&M TERMINATED TENANC9 RELATI&NS* W1IC1 C&6RT 1AS A6RISDICTI&N; Is it the DARA< or the RE76LAR C&6RT; The Su-reme Court said. 6ndenia+l! the said case in'ol'es TEN6RAL ARRAN7EMENT" There still e3ist an a(rarian dis-ute +ecause the contro'ers! in'ol'es the home o the -etitioners* an incident arisin( rom LANDL&RD%TENANT relationshi- and the court urther said* e'en assumin( that the tenanc! relation +etween the -arties had ceased due to the =AS6LATAN there still e3ist an a(rarian dis-ute +ecause the action in'ol'es an incident arisin( rom the landlord%tenant relationshi-" Now* let us look at this Celestino <aluG 's" <aluG" &k8 The court said in this case. No e3tra% )udicial settlement when there is no co% ownershi- o the -ro-ert!" Take note ha* this is a s-ecial ci'il action" N& E>TRA%A6DICIAL SETTLEMENT I5 T1ERE IS N& C&%&WNERS1I," In this -articular case* what ha--en was the e3tra% )udicial settlement was made +etween the

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-art! and his si+lin(s" &k8 In what the! thou(ht was the ownershi- o the -ro-ert! +ut the -ro+lem was* the -ro-ert! that was made su+)ect o the e3tra%)udicial settlement was alread! +ou(ht +! the +ank" The! no lon(er co% own the -ro-ert!" So the Su-reme Court said* !ou cannot e3tra%)udiciall! settle a -ro-ert! which !ou no lon(er own" &k8 9ou cannot do that" Now* CAN T1ERE <E A ,RES6M,TI&N &5 A7RIC6LT6RAL TENANC9; ,wede +a !un; Senese 's" Ramos a $212 case it sa!s. N& ,RES6M,TI&N &5 E>ISTENCE &5 A7RIC6LT6RAL TENANC9" In e'idence i !ou will recall in R6LE 101* there is an enumeration o dis-uta+le -resum-tion" So class* no -resum-tion o e3istence o a(ricultural tenanc! the act alone o workin( in a landholdin( does not (i'e rise to the -resum-tion o e3istence o a(ricultural tenanc!" Su+stantial e'idence re:uires more than a mere scintilla o e'idence in order that the act o sharin( can +e esta+lished* a(ain there is no -resum-tion o a(ricultural tenanc!" Now* +e ore I -roceed urther let us irst touch on the case o Catmon Sales 's" Inson* this is another $212 case" It said* it is well settled that a -art! who has not a--ealed rom a decision cannot seek an! relie * other than what is -ro'ided in the )ud(ment a--ealed rom" Do !ou ollow; This is di erent rom CRIMINAL CASES" Ri(ht;8 Sa ci'il hindi ka na(%a--eal sorr! ka8 9ou could onl! en)o! those that are -ro'ided or in the )ud(ment +ecause !ou did not a--eal" Ri(ht;8 <ut in criminal cases* i !ou are an accused who did not a--eal +ut one o !our co%accused a--ealed and he secured a a'oura+le )ud(ment that will a ect !ou* that will a--l! on !ou" Do !ou ollow; That is di erent in ci'il cases" 1owe'er class* do not a--l! the criminal e3-lanation tha I (a'e in a situation like this I am an accused I ha'e another co%accused +oth

o us a--ealed he iled on time* I 5ILED &6T &5 TIME AND M9 A,,EAL WAS DISMISSED % he o+tained a a'oura+le )ud(ment I can no lon(er a'ail o that a'ora+le )ud(ment +ecause I a--ealed e3ce-t that m! a--eal was dismissed" O)* No+, +hat ti-e is it? Oh ayan* Sa.utin na natin to( Tin.nan natin, yun. isa -ahaba yun. tanon. eh* #san. para.raph(((ayan* and then # +ill continue( The /uestion is0 %fter the defendant had filed the interro.atories and ad-ission re/uested by the plaintiff, # +ill assu-e that this is interro.atories to parties ha* O)* The counsel of plaintiff presented the defendant before the court, ho+e1er the counsel for.ot to offer the testi-ony of the defendant( Counsel for defendant -o1ed to stri)e out the testi-onies of the defendant( The 2ud.e did not rule on the -otion of the defendant3s counsel, # +ould assu-e to stri)e out the testi-ony but re/uested to +ai1e the of the defendant, later the 2ud.e as)ed to defer his rulin. on the -otion( #s the 2ud.e correct? $edyo halo )asi yun. tanon.( 4anito )o sasa.utin yan para -a)atulon. sainyo( #n a scenario class +here the plaintiff ser1ed +ritten interro.atories to the defendant, ta)e note that he is not obli.ed or e1en the defendant to present that +ritten interro.atories( #n fact class if you apply RU&E 56, the +ritten interro.atories is only a re/uire-ent to be able to call, +ho? The ad1erse party on the stand, that is a pre7 reu/isite( So )u)unin )o interro.atory((( # +ill .i1e you a clear e8a-ple( # +ould li)e to call hionthe stand, # a- the plaintiff he is the defendant, -y la+yer +ants to call hi- on the stand( $y la+yer cannot call hi-, unless as a rule, +e ser1ed a +ritten interro.atories, yun lan. an. purpose nun( So that he +ill not be by surprise( #f you +ant that -ar)ed, no proble- but the fact of -ar)in. it is not an issue at all( 9o you follo+? #t +ill not affect you case(

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No+, let us loo) at another /uestion( 9oes ad-inistrati1e -atter(((you are referrin. to the .uidelines( $a)e the duration of any bond issued in cri-inal or ci1il action, special proceedin.s or any proceedin. be fro- the appro1al of the court until the action or proceedin. is finally decided, resol1ed or ter-inated, if so does this repeal :5;a< of RU&E ==>, he is already referrin. to rules in cri-inal procedure on bonds, bail bonds( # still re-e-ber # +as in court t+o +ee)s a.o, in one of -y hearin.s and # re-e-ber this /uestion( O)* The .uideline class, ad-inistrati1e -atter +hen it says duration of effecti1ity of the bond is only so-e sort of a security, to -a)e it )no+n to the bondin. co-pany that it should be effecti1e that annually once it e8pires if it is a corporate bond, you +ill ha1e to pay for it( # recall that there +as a si-ilar state-ent outside of the courtroo- +here # appeared sabi0 ?lease bear in -ind that a bond issued +ill be effecti1e until the ter-ination of the case( That is a co--it-ent that they re/uire fro- a bondin. co-pany( Such that the bondin. co-pany +ill not i--ediately cancel it but it is the duty of the applicant to pay it on a re.ular basis( Can per-issi1e counterclai- be included in a -otion to dis-iss? # cannot follo+ the /uestion but # +ould li)e to assu-e that ah(((C%N 'E F#&E % $OT#ON TO 9#S$#SS OF % ?ER$#SS# E COUNTERC&%#$? # +ould li)e to read it that +ay( First # +ill ans+er it this +ay, if it is not enu-erated as a .round for dis-issal on a -otion to dis-iss under RU&E =@ := it is not a .round( 9o you follo+? #f # read it the +ay # +ant to read it, if # could file a -otion to dis-iss on a per-issi1e counterclai-( 'hy not* !es you can because a per-issi1e counterclai- is a stand alone case besides that is +hy you are re/uired to pay a filin. fee( #n a +rit of e8ecution pendin. appeal, can +e stay the e8ecution by a Te-porary restrainin. order? This is a /uestion that can create a nu-ber of co-plications, +hy? #n an e8ecution

pendin. appeal can +e stay the e8ecution by te-porary restrainin. order? 'ell class, you ha1e to loo) at it this +ay( !ou ha1e a 2ud.-ent, a 2ud.-ent could be an ordinary 2ud.-ent, correct?* an ordinary 2ud.-ent or a 2ud.-ent +hich is e8ecutory by its nature( 9o you follo+? &et us loo) at it as an ordinary 2ud.e-ent, can you stay it by te-porary restrainin. order? #f there is a clear and un-ista)able, if you could establish the e8istence of an issuance of an in2unction, te-porary restrainin. order +hy not( Ho+e1er +hen you tal) of e8ecutory 2ud.-ent it is a different scenario( 'hy? For e8a-ple e2ect-ent, by la+ at the le1el of the $TC and by 2urisprudence it is +hat? EAECUTOR!( Can it be stayed? !ES* %ccordin. to :=B of RU&E CD 7 by filin. a notice of appeal, postin. a supersedeas bond to co1er you arrears and to deposit on a -onthly basis your rentals before the appellate court, that stays( Ho+e1er, at the le1el of the RTC as an appellate court( #t is +hat? Once it renders adecision it is e8ecutory and cannot be stayed( 9o you follo+? %nd accordin. to the Benedicto case unless you secure a TRO, the decision of the RTC confir-in. or affir-in. the decision of the $TC +ill ha1e to stand( 9o you follo+? So you ha1e to treat it differently( The ne8t is, if the court did not issue a +rit of e8ecution, can +e ha1e a re-edy of -anda-us? &et us try to as) this /uestion, in fact # ha1e a case here in1ol1in. -anda-us( # +ould ha1e discuss this later on but # +ill discuss it no+, on +hat is the concept of -anda-us( &et us loo) at the case of Uy Eia+ En. 1s( 9ic)son &ee a 5D=D case( 'hat is $%N9%$US? #t is a co--and fro- a court of la+ of co-petent 2urisdiction in the na-e of the so1erei.ndirected to so-e inferior court, tribunal or board or to so-e corporation, re/uirin. the perfor-ance of a particular duty therein specified +hich duty results fro- the official station of the party to +ho- the +rit is directed or fro- operation of la+( This definition reco.niFes the public character( So

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-anda-us is an action of public character and clearly e8cludes the idea that it -ay be resorted to for the purpose of enforcin. duties in +hich public has no interest( So please ta)e note that this is +hat? % prero.ati1e +rit, it is of public characterand therefore +hat is the ans+er? #f the court by la+ considerin. that the 2ud.-ent has attained finality, should be actin. on the e8ecution and refuses to do so, he could be re/uired to act upon by -anda-us because that is an act of public character( O)* %nd he could be en2oined( O)* Because class once it attains finality it is a -atter of, he has to confor-( 9o you follo+? #t is -inisterial for hito issue it( He does not e1en ha1e to e8ercise +hat? 9iscretion, it is a different -atter if it is e8ecution pendin. appeal because he needs to e8ercise discretion( &k8 So I will""" what time is it; Ano nan( oras; A!an 1$.$2" ,wede -a -ala ta!o" Sandal lan(* sa!in( din !an( 12 minutes" <i+i(!an ko lan( ka!o n( -asakal!e nun( ,R&4ISI&NAL REMEDIES" I would like to remind !ou that -lease do not miss R6LE 4C%JJ8 &k8 I will (i'e !ou a run down +e ore I touch on -ro'isional remedies" Class* R6LE 4C tells !ou o the ori(inal action o the Court o A--eals" &ri(inal actions in the Court o A--eals" Take note that the Court o A--eals can conduct a hearin(" The Court o A--eals in ori(inal actions can direct a trial court to conduct a hearin( and re-ort to them" An annulment o )ud(ment class is an ori(inal action in the Court o A--eals" 1ow a+out a ,RELIMINAR9 C&N5ERENCE; Take note o this* !ou also ha'e a -reliminar! con erence in the Court o A--eals" I will re-eat* !ou ha'e a -reliminar! con erence on S6MMAR9 ,R&CED6RE* !ou ha'e a -reliminar! con erence toda! accordin( to the (uidelines on modes o disco'er! <E5&RE T1E CLER= &5 C&6RT on ordinar! actions and !ou ha'e -reliminar! con erence +e ore the C&6RT &5 A,,EALS" A+sent o the a--ellant durin( the

-reliminar! con erence will cause the dismissal o the a--eal" The ne3t :uestion is* W1AT 1A,,ENS D6RIN7 T1E ,RELIMINAR9 C&N5ERENCE; Can the -arties sti-ulate on acts; 9ES8 I it is an ori(inal action" Can the -arties enter into a com-romise; 9ES* e'en in the Court o A--eals" Should motions +e heard in the Court o A--eals and the Su-reme Court; As a 7ENERAL R6LE. N&8 There is no need o notice o hearin( in the Court o A--eals and Su-reme Court" Sir* where is that ound; R6LE 4D #0" 6nless re:uired +! the a--ellate court* motions are not heard in the a--ellate courts" <ut -lease take note althou(h +oth motion or reconsideration in the trial court and in the a--ellate court are iled within the -eriod o 1J da!s* the -eriod o its resolution is di erent in the trial court and the a--ellate court" In the trial court* motion or reconsideration should +e resol'ed within a -eriod o 02 da!s* in the a--ellate court includin( the Su-reme Court it should +e resol'ed within the -eriod o D2 da!s" As a inal -oint on this rule* JJ" Aurisdiction o the Su-reme Court is it JC; It is JC8 &k8 Su-reme Court" Take note class as I end m! discussion on this" Take note that the Su-reme Court has ori(inal actions" Actions could ori(inall! +e iled in the Su-reme Court and it also has a--ellate )urisdiction" What are the ori(inal cases to +e iled in the Su-reme Court; 1" Certiorari/ $" ,rohi+ition/ 0" Mandamus/

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A T 6 R E

4" @uo Warranto/ J" 1a+eas Cor-us/ C" Disci-linar! action a(ainst mem+ers o the +ench and +ar/ B" Actions a(ainst am+assadors* ministers and ministers -leni-otentiar!/

A mode o disco'er!

the -erson in -ossession to +rin( the documents" 9ou could treat this as a C&M,6LSI4E ,R&CESS"

D" Constituionalit! and 'alidit! o treaties* e3ecuti'e a(reements* ordinance and law* as -ro'ided or under the constitution" Now class* +rie l! as an e3ercise % can the Su-reme Court ha'e ori(inal )urisdiction; 9ES8 What is the -etition that !ou ha'e to ile in a--ealed case in the Su-reme Court; ,ETITI&N 5&R RE4IEW &N CERTI&RARI* onl! -etition or re'iew on certiorari" What time is it; 1$.02 na; Totoo na;8 &k8 So I will (i'e !ou a +reak* we will +e +ack at $ oFclock" I e3-ect to co'er the remainin( items on ci'il -rocedure in 02 minutes and then I will start with criminal -rocedure" &k8 &k8 We are now on our inal 4 hours* we will ha'e a +reak at 4 oFclock" I will tr! to answer irst one :uestion which is ci'il in nature" W1AT ARE T1E DISTINCTI&NS <ETWEEN R6LE $B AND S6<,&ENA D6CES TEC6M; The distinction is 'er! clear"

Let us (o now to ,R&4ISI&NAL REMEDIES" This will +e 'er! :uick* not :uick that in a sense that in a ew minutes it is o'er" I will tr! to sim-li ! it as -ossi+le" I would want to +e 'er! +rie and concise* to make it clear as -ossi+le" The case o Man(ila 's" Court o A--eals" When should )urisdiction o'er the de endant +e ac:uired; Some o !ou ma! +e sur-rised" <akit kailan(an -a !an( )urisdiction; Class kindl! take note that under R6LE JB i I am accurate" I am accurate that is JB +ut I am )ust not so accurate i it is #J" It tells !ou that in #J* ser'ice o summons should +e -rior to or contem-oraneous with the order o attachment" That leads us to the standin( rule that AT T1E TIME &5 T1E 5ILIN7 &5 T1E C&M,LAINT )urisdiction o'er the -erson* o'er the de endant is not re:uired* AT T1E TIME &5 T1E ISS6ANCE &5 T1E &RDER &5 ATTAC1MENT )urisdiction o'er the -erson o the de endant is not re:uired +ecause it could +e issued e3% -arte" A6RISDICTI&N &4ER T1E ,ERS&N &5 T1E

It is a -rocess re:uirin( the -art! or

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?" Actions in'ol'in( ta3 im-ost/

The conse:uences o non%com-liance is ound in R6LE $D" There is nothin( reall! e3-ress in terms o arrest or contem-t It is clear that the +ecause e'en in non% com-ulsi'e -rocess com-liance with can +e a--lied" modes o disco'er! like re usal to answer a de-osition :uestion* ! could +e ou com-elled to answer* !ou could +e -laced in contem-t or e'en arrest !ou will ind that in R6LE $D"


Dean Tranquil S. Salvador III

DE5ENDANT IS RE@6IRED D6RIN7 T1E IM,LEMENTATI&N &R EN5&RCEMENT &5 T1E &RDER &5 ATTAC1MENT" Do !ou ollow; And that could onl! +e en orced on someone to whom the court had alread! ac:uired )urisdiction" The order cannot +e ser'ed u-on him i )urisdiction has not +een ac:uired o'er his -erson" Are we clear; So a(ain* )urisdicition o'er the -erson o the de endant to whom the order o attachment is to +e en orced is onl! re:uired when; When the writ o attachment is to +e en orced" Do !ou ollow; At the time o the ilin( o the com-laint* ok lan( +ecause the court could e3amine the com-laint e3%-arte/ without notice to the other -art!" When the court issues the order (rantin( the attachment* should the -art! +e noti ied; N&8 <6T AT T1E TIME &5 T1E EN5&RCEMENT* A6RISDICTI&N S1&6LD 1A4E <EEN AC@6IRED &4ER T1E ,ERS&N &5 T1E DE5ENDANT" Now* the ne3t case is 9u 's" N(u!en this is a $22B case +ut it is im-ortant or e'idence re:uired or wron( ul attachment" The ke! -ro'ision here class when !ou talk o wron( ul attachment i R6LE JB #$2* i !ou could recall and to make !our re'iew eas! I would to tell !ou that !our #$2 R6LE JB A,LLIES T& ALL ,R&4ISI&NAL REMEDIES* e3ce-t S6,,&RT" I there is wron( ul su--ort or the -erson (i'in( su--ort should not ha'e (i'en one or the -erson recei'in( is not entitled to su--ort % what is the remed!; It is not claim or dama(es <6T REIM<6RSEMENT" Do !ou ollow; Reim+ursement* it is not dama(es" Let me la! down or !ou the rules o when to a--l!" I am not !et discussin( the case I am )ust (i'in( !ou a +ack(round o when to a--l!" 9ou will ha'e to a--l! it or as lon( as the action is -endin( or IRRE76LAR* IM,R&,ER &R E>CESSI4E ATTAC1MENT or as lon( as the action is -endin(* in act it tells !ou durin( trial +e ore a--eal is -er ected ri(ht; &r +e ore )ud(ment +ecomes inal" So class at the -oint in time or as lon( as the action is -endin( % could !ou a--l! or dama(es; 9ES8 Sir* on a--eal; I the

case has +een a--ealed* can I a--l! or dama(es +! reason o wron( ul attachment; 9ES8 9ou could a--l! <6T T1E RECE,TI&N &5 E4IDENCE will alwa!s +e with the trial court" &k8 The rece-tion o e'idence will alwa!s +e with the trial court" The onl! e3ce-tion wherein the court will allow rece-tion o e'idence E4EN A5TER T1E CASE 1AS <EEN TERMINATED is when there is a motion to dismiss and there was no o--ortunit! on the -art o the de endant to -resent his side" Now* let us touch on the case o 9u 's" N(u!en" The irst item that I would like to touch here is W1AT CAN 9&6 REC&4ER 5&R WR&N756L ATTAC1MENTS; W1AT =IND &5 DAMA7ES CAN 9&6 REC&4ER; As a rule !ou could reco'er actual damam(es" 1owe'er* num+er two I5 IT IS N&T &NL9 WR&N756L <6T IT IS LI=EWISE MALICI&6S" The issuance o attachment is wron( ul and malicious* !ou could reco'er <&T1 M&RAL AND E>EM,LAR9 DAMA7ES" &k8 Let us look at the award o dama(es" 1&W D& 9&6 ,R&4E 9&6R CLAIM 5&R DAMA7ES T& <E ENTITLED T& DAMA7ES; 9ou ha'e to -ro'e with the +est e'idence a'aila+le the act o loss or in)ur! and that which !ou su ered and the amount thereo " A(ain !ou will ha'e to -ro'e with the +est a'aila+le e'idence T1E 5ACT &5 L&SS &R INA6R9 T1AT 9&6 S655ERED AND T1E AM&6NT T1ERE&5" Now* let us look at class the case o Metro Inc" 's" Lara 7i ts and Decor" &k8 Let us look at this" This case Geroed in* in one o the (rounds or attachment" Class i I were !ou I will memoriGe #1 o R6LE JB* madali lan( !an" Ilan +a !an; Anim lan( naman !an eh" 1a;8 Tama +a ako anim; 9ES8 Class i I were !ou I will do that" So I will Gero in on #1KdI o R6LE JB % what is that; T1ERE WAS 5RA6D IN C&NTRACTIN7 T1E &<LI7ATI&N &R IN T1E ,ER5&RMANCE T1ERE&5" These are two di erent (rounds in one su+section" &ne i not or the raud* !ou would not ha'e entered into the transaction

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and the other one is !ou entered in as -lain and sim-le an arms%len(th transaction +ut in the course o its -er ormance !ou committed raud" W1AT IS T1E R6LE; When the writ o attachment is issued u-on a (round which is at the same time a--licantFs casue o action* the onl! wa! that the writ can +e li ted or dissol'ed is +! -ostin( a C&6NTER%<&ND" Take note o this* I know !ou ha'e studied #1$ and 10 on the wa!s to dissol'e" Let me (i'e a rundown +e ore I re-eat the rule" What is the rundown; It could +e dissol'ed u-on -ostin( o a counter%+ond or as lon( as the writ has alread! +een what; En orced" Do !ou ollow; 1indi -weden( !ou tr! to antici-ate and o--ose the counter%+ond* !ou cannot do that" Do !ou ollow; T1E WRIT &5 ATTAC1MENT S1&6LD 5IRST <E EN5&RCED <E5&RE 9&6 ,&ST A C&6NTER%<&ND"

W1AT IS T1E R6LE; The rule sa!s accordin( to the Metro Inc" 4s" Lara case* when the writ o attachment is issued u-on the (round which is at the same time the cause o action" &k; Sir* is it -ossi+le that the (round is not the cause o action; 9ES8 It is -ossi+le like* he does not reside in the ,hili--ines" Do !ou ollow; The de endant does not reside in the ,hili--ines* that is not the cause o action" Do !ou ollow; There ore !ou could -resent other (orunds +ut here W1EN T1E 7R&6ND IS LI=EWISE T1E CA6SE &5 ACTI&N T1E &NL9 WA9 T1E WRIT CAN <E DISS&L4ED IS <9 C&6NTER%<&ND"

Now* let us look at the case o Rural <ank o Sta" <ar+ara 's" Manila Mission % motion to release" In this -articular case what was iled was a motion to release -ro-ert! rom attachment" So that court was in a :uandar!""" ano +a iton( inile mo;8 Motion to release -ro-ert! rom Now* the ne3t :uestion is 1&W A<&6T I5 T1E attachment +ut the court later on i(ured out 7R&6ND 5&R DISS&6LTI&N &R DISC1AR7E IS that the -erson who iled it was not a -art! to IRRE76LAR* IM,R&,ER &R E>CESSI4E the case so the court treated it as a mere ATTAC1MENT; continuation o the third%-art! claim" So the motion to release* the court said* was hin(e to What is an IRRE76LAR ATTAC1MENT; We sa! the third%-art! claim or the court said it could irre(ular when the -rocess or -rocedure was +e alternati'el! treated as a motion to inter'ene" not com-lied with like. Ma(alin( 's" &n(* IN T1E DISC1AR7E &5 ATTAC1MENT IS 1EARIN7 RE@6IRED; A!an8 Is 1" an attachment was issued without a hearin( re:uired in a dischar(e o an +ond/ attachment; What did the court sa! in the case o Ma(alin( 's" &n( % DISC1AR7E &5 $" an attachment was issued without ATTAC1MENT 5&R 1A4IN7 <EEN IM,R&,ERL9 an a ida'it" &R IRRE76LARL9 ISS6ED 1EARIN7 IS Do !ou ollow; That is what; T1AT IS AN RE@6IRED" &k; When is a hearin( re:uired or IRRE76LAR % +ecause the -rocedure was ot dischar(e; When the (round is im-ro-er or ollowed" irre(ular issuance" In the a+sence o a hearin(* there will +e no dischar(e i the (rounds are im-ro-er or irre(ular issuance" 1&W A<&6T IM,R&,ER; It is im-ro-er when there is no (round under #1" I none o those &k8 The ne3t is Securit! ,aci ic 's" Triun ante % enumerated in #1 is -resent* then it is D&ES A ,&STIN7 &5 A C&6NTER%<&ND im-ro-er" A6T&MATICALL9 DISC1AR7ES AN E>CESSI4E % too much to which he was entitled" ATTAC1MENT; N&8 Mere -ostin( o a counter% +ond does not automaticall! dischar(e the

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attachment" &nl! a ter hearin( and onl! a ter the )ud(e orders the dischar(e in a cash de-osit or counter%+ond" So class* the mere act o -ostin( will not dischar(e* the court should still come u- with an order o dischar(e* a ter acce-tin( the cash de-osit or the counter%+ond" Now* +e ore I lea'e that item on attachment let me ask !ou this :uestion" This ne3t :uestion was alread! asked in the +ar e3ams ka!a lan( multi-le choice na n(a!on si(urado na-akaramin( tanon(" Tinanon( na ito* I am not too certain kun( $22C o $22B" This was a $224 case* this was asked"""J""C"" ah $22B8 The case o D"M" Wenceslao 's" Redicon Tradin(" This case said that the -ostin( o the counter%+ond is not tantamount to a wai'er o the ri(ht to dama(es arisin( rom wron( ul attachment" I would like to +e 'er! clear* T1E MERE 5ACT T1AT 9&6 ,&ST A C&6NTER%<&ND D&ES N&T MEAN T1AT 9&6 WAI4ED 9&6R CLAIMS 5&R DAMA7ES" A(ain* the mere -ostiun( o a counter%+ond does not mean that !ou wai'e !our ri(ht to dama(es" Now* let us now touch on"""+e ore I mo'e on to -reliminar! in)unction" ,lease take note class that the attached -ro-erties are used or what -ur-ose; T1E ATTAC1ED ,R&,ERTIES ARE 6SED AS A SEC6RIT9" &k8 It is not !et used to satis ! the )ud(ment there ore class A5TER A 5INAL AND E>EC6T&R9 ATTAC1MENT T1E ATTAC1ED ,R&ERTIES WILL <E A,,LIED 5IRST" I there is mone! it will +e a--lied irst then real and -ersonal -ro-erties and i there is an e3cess it will +e returned % +ut i the attached -ro-erties are nto su icient what ha--ens; The winnin( -art! will ha'e to (o throu(h re(ular or ordinar! e3ecution" Take note o that* i the attached -ro-erties are not su icient to co'er the )ud(ment* !ou will ha'e to (o throu(h ordinar! e3ecution" Now* let us look at the case o Dela CruG 's" DECS the same re:uisites as cited in the case o Medina 's" 7reen ield case it enumerated the

re:uisites o ,RELIMINAR9 INA6NCTI&N" &k8 Now* +e ore I (i'e the re:uisites o -reliminar! in)unction" Let me ask !ou % can there +e an INA6NCTI&N AS A ,RINCI,LA ACTI&N and not as a -ro'isional remed!; 9ES888 In)unction is a )udicial writ* -rocess or -roceedin( where+! a -art! is ordered or re rain to do such an act" This is the case o 7ara!+las 's" AtienGa* class I would like to re-eat !ou can ha'e an ori(inal action not a -ro'isional remed! o in)unction and in that -rinci-al action or in)unction !ou could still ask or -reliminar! in)unction and tem-orar! restrainin( order" Let me touch on the re:uisites as I ha'e mentioned a while a(o. 1" there should +e a clear and unmistaka+le ri(ht* meanin( there should +e a ri(ht in esse/ $" there is a 'iolation o such ri(ht/ 0" there is a need to -rotect rom clear and irre-ara+le in)ur!" Class in a TR& and a ,reliminar! In)unction is a hearin( re:uired; 9ES8 The hearin( is what; S6MMAR9 ok8 The hearin( is summar! % and what is to +e -resented; &nl! sam-lin( o e'idence* when I sa! sam-lin( o e'idence it does not mean -hotoco-!* it does not mean sam-le" When I sa! sam-lin( o e'idence* it means that e'idence which is su icient to esta+lish the TR& or ,reliminar! In)unction" &k8 The case o Limitless ,otential 's" Court o A--eals* dissolution o the in)unction e'en i the in)unction was o+tained in (ood aith amounts to a determination that the in)unction was wrin( ull! o+tained and the ri(ht o action in the in)unction +ond immediatel! accrues" Take note* I will re-eat* dissolution o the in)unction e'en i issued in ((od aith amounts to a determination that the in)unction was wron( ull! o+tained and the ri(ht o action in the in)unction +ond accrues"

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Now* let me touch on a ew more items on in)unction" Class* -reliminar! in)unction % what is the -eriod o a -reliminar! in)unction; Ah ma! -eriod +a !un;8 5or as lon( as the action is -endin( the -reliminar! in)unction is in e ect" <ut are !ou aware o the amendment o R6LE J? in relation to rule CJ dated Decm+er $22B % that i a court or tri+unal issues a -reliminar! in)unction it is incum+ent or that court or tri+unal to resol'e the main case WIT1IN A ,ERI&D &5 C M&NT1S" &k8 7one were the da!s that i !ou (ot a -relimnar! in)unction the case could lin(er or !ears" Toda! class as o Decem+er $22B* !ou could check that in !our codal in R6LE J? in relation to R6LE CJ the issuin( court has to resol'e the main case within a -eriod o C months" Now* take note o m! ne3t statement" The TR& in the trial court has a -eriod o $2 da!s not su+)ect o renewal* not su+)ect o e3tension" In the Court o A--eals a TR& is or a -eriod o C2 da!s" In the Su-reme Court* a (rant o TR& has no -eriod* unitl uther orders o the court" Let me touch on E>%,ARTE TR&* is tere an e3% -arte TR&; 1ow man! e3%-arte TR& do !ou ha'e toda!; Take note that !our #J was likewise amended in $22B" 1" the irst kind o e3%-arte TR& is that which is issued +! an E>EC6TI4E A6D7E or a -eriod o B$ hours* an e3ecuti'e )ud(e o a M6LTI%SALA C&6RT" Is there a need o a hearin(; N&8 1e could issue that e3%-arte* therea ter the case will +e ra led and the )ud(e to whom it is assi(ned will determine whether that B$ hours will +e made to $2 da!s or -lus 1B da!s" Do !ou ollow; &NL9 AN E>EC6TI4E A6D7E &5 A M6LTI%SALA C&6RT CAN ISS6E B$ 1&6RS &R A ,RESIDIN7 A6D7E &5 A SIN7LE%SALA C&6RT" Class when I sa! an e3ecuti'e )ud(e

in a multi%sala court* there are numerous )ud(es like in Makati more than $2" Do !ou ollow; In Manila more than 42* do !ou ollow; That is a multi%sala court* te e3ecuti'e )ud(e o that court a--ointed +! the Su-reme Court can issue e3%-arte TR& or B$ hours" Are we clear; When I sa! a -residin( )ud(e o a sin(le%sala court* it means there is onl! one )ud(e in that area and this is 'er! common in the -ro'inces/ $" the ne3t kind o e3%-arte which was a -art o the amendment in $22B was"""I5 T1ERE IS A 7RA4E &R IRRE,ARA<LE INA6R9" &k8 The court* not the e3ecuti'e )ud(e* the )ud(e o a re(ular +ranch to whom a case is assi(ned can issue what; A $2%da! e3%-arte TR& WIT1&6T N&TICE AND 1EARIN7" A re(ular court )ud(e i there is a (ra'e orm irre-ara+le in)ur!* can issue a $2% da! TR& without notice and hearin(" The ne3t :uestion that I will ask !ou is this % can a )ud(e issue a -reliminar! in)unction without a notice and hearin(; N&8 That is a <I7 N& N&8 9ou cannot do that" The )ud(e will +e sued administrati'el! or doin( that" The conce-t o in)unction is to -rohi+it* that is one* or the other one is mandator! which is to en)oin and +e ore I -roceed urther -lease take note class that under the ADR Law* -ro'isional remedies as the one that I ha'e +een discussin( ri(ht now can +e instituted as an ori(inal action in aid o an ar+itration case" <e ore I (o to recei'ershi- I )ust want !ou to take note o this % on how to dissol'e an in)unction; INS655ICIENC9 is a (round or DENIAL +ut not or dissolution" A(ain*

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insu icienc! is a (round or denial +ut not or dissolution" Su+mission o a ida'its is a (round or dissolution and denial" What else; ,ostin( o a counter%+ond is not onl! sim-l! -ostin( a counter%+ond as +asis or dissolution* it should +e cou-led with this statement T1AT T1E DAMA7E T& <E S655ERED <9 T1E A,,LICANT &R <9 T1E ,ERS&N ,&STIN7 T1E C&6NTER% <&ND IS 5AR 7REATER T1AN T1AT &5 T1E A,,LICANT* -lus -ost a counter%+ond" &k8 Di lan( sa-at na ma(counter%+ond ka* that the dama(e to +e su ered +! the a--licant or +! the -erson -ostin( the counter%+ond is ar (reater than that o the a--licant" Let us now -roceed to RECEI4ERS1I," What a+out recei'ershi-; Class on recei'ershi-* !ou ha'e to take note that this is a -ro'isional remed! that is used to -rotect the -ro-ert! or the su+)ect o the contro'ers! rom +ein( wasted or dissi-ated and this is the onl! -ro'isional remed! class where !ou ha'e $ <INDS" &k8 Dalawa !un* the <&ND &5 T1E RECEI4ER and the <&ND &5 T1E A,,LICANT" This is also the &NL9 ,R&4ISI&NAL REMED9 T1AT C&6LD <E A,,,LIED 5&R E4EN I5 T1E A6D7MENT IS ALREAD9 5INAL AND E>EC6T&R9" 9ou could a--l! or recei'ershi- e'en a ter the )ud(ment has +ecome inal and e3ecutor! and the reason or this is also ound in R6LE 0D #41" Now* let us look at class" 1&W T& DISS&L4E A RECIE4RS1I,; 9ou could dissol'e a recei'ershi-* !ou could dissol'e or dischar(e +! sa!in( there is no casue or the continuation o the recei'er and u-on -ostin( a counter%+ond" Let us look at RE,LE4IN" &k;8 Re-le'in" I I were !ou I will memoriGe the contents o a re-le'in% a ida'it" &k8 I will memoriGe. 1" that !ou are the owner % law ul owner or -ossessor/

$" that the same has not +een su+)ect o le'!* attachment or not in custod! o the court/ 0" the (round is DETENTI&N &R DE,RI4ATI&N WR&N756L T1ERE IS

4" the 5AIR MAR=ET 4AL6E o the -ro-ert!" Re-le'in is the onl! -ro'isional remed! where the <&NS IS D&6<LE T1E 4AL6E &5 T1E ,R&,ERT9" Take note o the case o Su-erlines Trans-ortation 's" ,NCC which sa!s ,R&,ERT9 1ELD AS E4IDENCE IN A CRIMINAL CASE CANN&T <E S6<AECT &5 RE,LE4IN" &k8 Are we clear; I -ro-ert! or o+)ects are &<AECTS &5 CRIMES &R T& <E 6SED AS E4IDENCE IN A CRIMINAL CASE IT CANN&T <E S6<AECT &5 RE,LE4IN" It is in the nature o custodia le(is" The case o Da(uda( 's" ,aderan(a* orest -roducts detained +! the <ureau o 5orest De'elo-ment is not su+)ect o re-le'in like lo(s reco'ered rom ille(al lo((ers" 5orest -roducts detained +! the <ureau o 5orest De'elo-ment is not su+)ect o re-le'in" Let us now look at the last -ro'isional remed! which is S6,,&RT" &k8 S6,,&RT ,ENDENTE LITE" This is the onl! -ro'isional remed! where there is no re:uirement o a +ond +ecause the -erson is askin( or su--ort" This the onl! -ro'isional remed! wherein wron( ul su--ort or there was an error in (i'in( su--ort is not su+)ect o dama(es +ut su+)ect o reim+ursement" This is also the onl! the -ro'isional remed! where there is an e3-ress -ro'ision or criminal cases or o s-rin(s which were results o commission o o ense" &k8 =indl! take note i the case is still -endin( and there is wron( ul su--ort* !ou could reco'er in the same action +ut i there is alread! a )ud(ment* !ou will ha'e to reco'er it in a se-arate action"

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Now* let me (i'e !ou a rundown o a ew items more +e ore I mo'e on to criminal -rocedure" Let us look at DECLARAT&R9 RELIE5" It is in R6LE C0* Malana 's" ,a-a" Declarator! relie -resu--oses that there is no +reach" &k8 N& <REAC1888 &nce a +reach is committed* there will +e a con'ersion rom a s-ecial ci'il action to an ordinar! ci'il action" ,lease take note that declarator! relie is not limited to inter-retation or determination o 'alidit! +! the cour* it also includes other similar remedies like :uietin( o title* remo'al o cloud* re ormation and what else; Consolidation is included +ut -lease take note or those o !ou who are curious a+out consolidation* it re ers not to oreclosure o mort(a(e % it re ers to a -acto de retro sale" W1IC1 C&6RT 1AS &RI7INAL A6RISDICTI&N &4ER ACTI&NS 5&R DECLARAT&R9 RELIE5; Li(a n( m(a <aran(a! 's" AtienGa* the RE7I&NAL TRIAL C&6RT" Declarator! relie is in the ori(inal e3clusi'e )urisdiction o the trial court unless o course there is :uestion on constitutionalit!* in which case the Su-reme Court can ha'e ori(inal )urisdiction on constitutionalit!* e'en the Court o A--eals" Now* let us now look at an e3am-le on INTER,LEADER" What do !ou ha'e to remem+er a+out inter-leader; 9ou )ust ha'e to remem+er in the case o &cam-o 's" Tirona* the action o inter-leader is a remed! where+! a -erson or his -ro-ert! whether -ersonal or real or an o+li(ation to render wholl! or -artiall! without claimin( an! ri(ht in +oth" IN SIM,LE W&RDS T1ERE ARE TW& C&N5LICTIN7 CLAIMANTS AND 9&6 1A4E N& INTEREST AND I5 9&6 A14E AN INTEREST* 9&6R INTEREST IS N&T IN C&N5LICT WIT1 T1EM" So what do !ou do; 9ou institute an action or inter-leader to ask the courts to determine the ri(hts o the con lictin( claimants" The classic e3am-le o this is the claims o a s-ouse and someone who claims also to +e as the s-ouse o a deceased insured indi'idual* this is a classic e3am-le" So when the

-erson died there was a named +ene iciar!* the s-ouse* +ut someone comes orward Eako an( asawa tala(a8E and -resents a marria(e certi icate* +oth o them ha'e marria(e certi icate" So to a'oid dama(es* what will the! do; What will the insurance com-an! do; The! will ile an action or inter-leader so that the! will determine their ri(hts" Class * the ne3t item is ,ETITI&N 5&R CERTI&RARI under R6LE C4" Class* R6LE C4 is a -etition or certiorari -lease +ear that in mind""" 1a sir;8 1indi +a CJ;8 C4888 Is a -etition or certiorari 5&R RE4IEW &5 A6D7MENTS &5 C&A &R C&MELEC" &k8 ,etition or certiorari !an ah8 Re'iew o )ud(ments o C&A or C&MELEC" The ne3t :uestion is* WIT1IN 1&W MAN9 DA9S CAN 9&6 5ILE A ,ETITI&N 5&R CERTI&RARI 6NDER R6LE C4; Within a -eriod o 02 da!s and there is no e3tension" I will not take much o !our time on certiorari* -rohi+ition and mandamus +ecause I ha'e sli(htl! discussed that and I do not want to waste time" E3ce-t that I would like !ou to +ear this in mind CAN 9&6 5ILE AN E>TENSI&N &5 A ,ETITI&N 5&R CERTI&RARI* T&DA9; Is there an e3tended -eriod; Could !ou ile a motion or e3tension; <ased on the amendement o $22B !ou can no lon(er ile what; AN E>TENSI&N" I !our codal -ro'iosion still has 1J da!s* that has alread! +een amended" So i !ou are asked in the +ar e3ams* the -etition or certiorari under R6LE CJ cannot +e e3tended" It is a i3ed -eriod o C2 da!s" A while a(o I discussed mandamus* let me now touch on the recent case on mandamus that I eel I ha'e to touch on" In this case $212 case o 6! =iaw En( 's" Nickson Lee it sa! that reco(niGed in this )urisdiction is the -rinci-le that MANDAM6S CANN&T <E 6SED T& EN5&RCE A C&NTRACT6AL &<LI7ATI&N <ECA6SE IT IS N&T AN &<LI7ATI&N &5 ,6<LIC C1ARACTER and it is a -rero(ati'e writ" <ear in mind in this case* the :uestion was a+out the

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ori(inal holo(ra-hic will" 9un an( -ina(tatalunan* (usto i%mandamus" 9un( ma! -ossession or custod! n( holo(ra-hic will (usto ni!a i%mandamus" What did the court sa!; Without unnecessaril! ascertainin( whether the o+li(ation in'ol'ed in the -roduction o the ori(inal holo(ra-hic will is in the nature o -u+lic or -ri'ate dut!* +ecause that is the determination or mansamus* rules o the remed! o mandamus cannot +e a'ailed o +! res-ondent Lee i there lies another -lain* s-eed! and ade:uate remed! and what is that -lain* s-eed! and ade:uate remed! when !ou talk o a holo(ra-hic will; 5or that -ur-ose accordin( to the court* the -art! is not -re'ented rom institutin( -ro+ate -roceedin(s and re:uire -resentation o co-ies thereo " Do !ou ollow;8 So here* how was it attacked; There is a -lain* s-eed! and ade:uate remed! there ore mandamus will not lie" The! did not e'en determine whether it is a -u+lic or -ri'ate character" Let us now -roceed to @6& WARRANT&" Aust one -oint on :uo warranto class" Calle)a 's" ,anda!* which court has )urisdiction when i! comes to :uo warranto in'ol'in( 6S6R,ATI&N &5 &55ICE IN A C&R,&RATI&N; &k8 Not usur-ation o -u+lic o ice +ut usur-ation o o ice in a -ri'ate cora-oration* which court has )urisdiction; The RE7I&NAL TRIAL C&6RT ha'in( s-ecial )urisdiction or what !ou call the C&MMERCIAL C&6RTS" Now on matters o E>,R&,RIATI&N I will not del'e too much on e3-ro-riation" ,lease take note that T1ERE ARE TW& STA7ES &N E>,R&,RIATI&N and -lease take note +ased on the case o N1A a C&M,LAINT &R A ,ETITI&N 5&R E>,R&,RIATI&N CAN <E WIT1DRAWN AT AN9TIME* <E5&RE AN &RDER &5 E>,R&,RIATI&N" 1owe'er* i dama(es has +een su ered +! the -ro-ert! now su+)ect o the withdrawal o the -etition the (o'ernment will ha'e to -a! or dama(es" Now* Masikit 's" Cit! o ,asi(* the need or e3-ro-riation must +e

+ased on a -u+lic -ur-ose" There should +e a necessit!* necessit! must +e o -u+lic character" In this case o Masikit* what ha--ened was the +asis o an e3-ro-riation was throu(h an ordinance which sa!s that the intended +ene iciaries where the Melendres com-ound homeowners association* a -ri'ate non%-ro it or(aniGation o residents" Can !ou ollow; It alread! 'iolated the re:uirement o the law" &k8 I alread! mentioned -artition a while a(o and I mentioned e)ectment and contem-ts" So I will now -roceed to CRIMINAL PROCEDURE! # +ill start class +ith +hat # said yesterday, the case or the petition for radio and tele1ision co1era.e of the -ultiple7-urder cases a.ainst the $a.uindanao .o1ernor Galdy %-patuan et( al( and this included the letter of ?resident %/uino to the Supre-e Cour as)in. for t1 co1era.e on this( Ho+ did the Supre-e Court resol1ed this? %s # -entioned to you yesterday the resolution on this case is for this particular purpose pro hac 1ice, for this particular purpose and they ha1e enu-erated ho+ the .uidelines on t1 co1era.e( #n the past, they +ere .uided by the CoraFon %/uino libel case and the Joseph Estrada plunder case of 5DD=, that recordin. +ill only be allo+ed for historical or docu-entary purposes( To allo+ a broadcast of this +ill be in 1iolation of the ri.hts of the accused( O)* So ho+ did they treat it? # +ill enu-erate to you the .uidelines that they ha1e enu-erated( %ccordin. to the-0 =( audio71isual recordin. of the proceedin.s -aybe -ade both for docu-entary and for trans-ittal to li1e broadcast( O)* So it is used for docu-entary and if you +ish, trans-ittal for li1e broadcastH 5( the -edia entities -ust file +ith the trial court a letter7application, there should be a letter7application

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directed to the trial court +here the case is pendin.H I( there should be no selecti1e or partial co1era.e 7 hindi -o p+eden. .alitin an. tao sabihin-o ipapa)ita -o lan. iton. portion na to( 9o you follo+? Or you +ill only this portion( !ou +ill ha1e to sho+ the entiretyH >( there should be a sin.le fi8ed co-pact ca-era 7 +hen you say sin.le fi8ed co-pact ca-era, that +ould co1er the entire roo- or area +ith no need of pannin., hindi )a p+eden. -a.Foo-, hindi )a p+eden. -a.pan( Hindi p+ede* Basta yun lan. )u)unan -o lan.H 6( the broadcast for a particular day -ust be continuous in its entiretyH @( there shall be no co--ercial brea)s, unless there is already ad2ourn-ent or there +as a recessH C( there is no 1oi1e o1ers, -eanin. no opinions e8cept brief annotations as -ay be necessary to e8plain theat the be.innin. and at the end( So hindi p+ede yun. -.a opinion )atulad sa radio na -aroonin. pa sila, hindi p+ede yun* O)*H J( finally, no repeat airin., if it is sho+n no+ , li1e(((you +atch it( #t cannot be 1ie+ed later on replay( #t should be a li1e airin. and once sho+n cannot be repated( Until after the finality of 2ud.-ent( This is so-ethin. ne+ class, that is +hy the Supre-e Court if you +ould notice, does not +ant ot be tied do+n in this case( That is +hy they said at the outset this is for this particular

pupose7pro hac 1ice( 9o you follo+? For that particular purpose only, because in the future if they do not say that ba)a -atali sila eh( %nd they felt the need to co-e up +ith these because of the nu-erous 1icti-s and their fa-ilies +ho +ould +ant to see the outco-e of the case plus the accused the-sel1es nd theire fa-ilies( # hope that is clear, )apa. sina-a nila at least -ay +or)in. )no+led.e )ayo )un. ano yun( Now* let us start with the case o """what time is it; $.JJ accurate iton( akin( timer" =a!o naman nadito na rin ka!o eh di makini( na lan( eh na(mamadali -a ka!o" Ano +an( -a-anoorin ni!on( sine na naman mama!a; Ano +a !un( showin(; Trans ormer no8 A!an8 Manonood na naman ka!o n( sine" Alam ni!o ako noon nun( na(rere'iew ako ka-a( nanonood ako n( sine !un( wala nan( -uma-asok sa utak ko* meanin( ha'e !ou had thet chance or taht e3-erience wherein !ou are sittin( down and !ou kee- on readin( !ou understand e'er! word +ut as i nothin( is in"""o +aFt -aran( lahat ka!o;8 KchcucklesI at that -oint in time class ma! +e !ou ha'e to sto- +ecause !ou are tired" Aust like last ni(ht* I came rom here I wanted to read and when I started readin( rist I (ot a call then I wan to read* I started readin( at some -oint in time around 12.02 sa+i ko -a(od na tala(a an( utak ko* -a(od na so what I did was to slee-" =a-a( -a(od na itulo( ni!o" 1indi ko sina+in( i%sine ni!o" Itulo( ni!o888 5or the ne3t da!* ok8 So that !ou ha'e ener(! or the ne3t da!" Now class* the case o Isi- 's" ,eo-le is the reiteration o a lon( standin( rule that the -lace where the criome was committed determines not onl! the 'enue o the action +ut its essential elements" &k8 This is a re-etition that 4EN6E IS A6RISDICTI&NAL" 6nless o course the -lace o commission is the -lace where !ou will institute the action +ut i it is a transitor! o ense or a continuin( o ense or e3am-le a <, $$ case % where could !ou institute the

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action; 9ou could institute it in the -lace o issue or the -lace where the check +ounced" Class* !ou could ile in the -lace o issue or in the -lace where the check +ounced" At whose o-tion; The ilin( -art!* +ut I would su((est* i !ou want to +ecome law!ers !ou ile it in the -lace where the check +ounced" Aurisdicition o the RTC as a S,ECIAL A7RARIAN C&6RT" Sir* wh! did !ou e'en touched on s-ecial a(rarian court; We are alread! in criminal -rocedure" Listen to this* the e3ce-tion to the DARFs ori(inal e3clusi'e )urisdiction are. 1" all -etitions or determination o )ust com-ensation/ $" the -rosecution o all criminal o enses under RA CCJB" Which are within the )urisdiction o the RTC SITTIN7 AS A S,ECIAL A7RARIIAN C&6RT" Do !ou ollow; 6litin ko* all matters -ertainin( to a(ricultural tenanc! alls within the DAR" 1owe'er* there are two items which will (o to the re(ular courts* su+)ect to )udicial determination. 1" to determine )ust com-ensation/ and $" all criminal o enses under RA CCJB" Which are within the )urisdiction o the RTC sittin( as an a(rarian court" 9esterda! I discussed in class )urisdiction o courts" Ri(ht;8 I disussed that !esterda!" Now* let me start with the SANDI7AN<A9AN" ,eo-le 's" Sandi(an+a!an" ,u+lic o ice as constituted element o the o ense" W1AT D&ES T1IS MEAN; Accordin( to the court* as lon( as the o ense char(ed in the in ormation is intimatel! connected with the o ice and is alle(ed to ha'e +een -er-etrated while the accused was in the -er ormance o his o ice then it will all within the )urisdiction o Sandi(an+a!an" What do !ou mean +! this; In sim-le words WIT1&6T T1E &55ICE T1E CRIME W&6LD N&T 1A4E <EEN

C&MMITTED" That the o ice is the constituted element o the o ense" It urther said that a sim-le anal!sis a ter a -lain readin( o the -ro'ision shows that those -u+lic o icials enumerated under #4KaI o ,D 1C2C as amended ma! not onle +e char(ed in the Sandi(an+a!an or 'iolation o the Anti%7ra t Law RA 10BD and Title B o the Re'ised ,enal Code" Can the! +e char(ed with other ordinar! o enses; 9ES8 5or as lon( as it is a constituted element o the o ense" This a+use !our minds that Sandi(an+a!an cases are onl! limited to Anti%7ra t* <ri+er! and the like" Do !ou ollow; 5or as lon( as the o ice is a constituted element o the o ense and !ou all within the -ro-er salar! (rade o $B !ou all under the )urisdiction o Sandi(an+a!an" Let me call !our attention to the case o Alarilla 's" Sandi(an+a!an* where the -u+lic o icial was char(ed with the crime o (ra'e threats" &k8 An( demanda sa kan!a (ra'e threats* eh hindi !an +ri+er!* hindi !an anti%(ra t +ut (ra'e threats* +ut anon( sa+i n( court; Accused was -er ormin( his o icial dut! as munici-al ma!or when he attended said -u+lic hea:rin( and that accused 'iolent act was -reci-itated +! com-lainantFs criticism o his administration" So (ra'e threats would not ha'e +een committed i not or the e3ercise o his o ice" Do !ou ollow;8 Now the ne3t :uestion is % CAN A 6, ST6DENT RE7ENT <E C&NSIDERED AS A ,6<LIC &55ICER AND <E ,R&SEC6TED IN T1E SANDI7AN<A9AN; Do !ou know this case; The case o Serrana 's" Sandi(an+a!an" The student re(ent contends* hindi -o ako -u+lic o icer" I am not a -u+lic o icer and I do not draw salar! rom the (o'ernment" I do not recei'e a sin(le centa'o rom the (o'ernment* there ore I cannot +e -rosecuted in the Sandi(an+a!an" An( nan(!ari kasi dito class* na-a(katiwalaan si!a n( -era nun( -anahon na !un ni Era- and she ailed to account or it and she is now +ein( -rosecuted" So* how is a -u+lic o icer de ined in this case; A

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-u+lic o ice is the ri(ht* authorit! and dut! created and con erred +! law or a (i'en -eriod either i3ed +! law or endurin( at the -leasure o the creatin( -ower" The Su-reme Court said* while the irst -art o #4KaI co'ers onl! o icials with Salar! 7rade o $B and hi(her its second oart s-eci icall! includes other e3ecuti'e o icials whose -ositions ma! not +e salar! (rade $B and hi(her +ut +! e3-ress -ro'ision o law are -laced under the )urisdiction o the Sandi(an+a!an" 5or e3am-le iton( #4 1K(I let me read it or !ou and the student re(ent will all in this cate(or! Ethe Sandi(an+a!an has )urisdiction o'er -residents* directors* trustees or mana(ers o (o'ernment%owned and controlled cor-orations* state uni'ersities or educational institutions or oundations" Accordin( to the court* ST6DENT RE7ENTS all under this cate(or!* the salar! (rade is immaterial +ecause +! e3-ress -ro'ision o law* the -osition all within the )urisdiction o Sandi(an+a!an" The ne3t :uestion class is this* answered in the case o Es:ui'el 's" &m+udsman" Where a co% accused is within the )urisdiction o Sandi(an!a+an" Ano i+i( sa+ihin nun; 5&R AS L&N7 AS &NE &5 T1E ACC6SED IS SALAR9 7RADE $B RE7ARDLESS &5 1IM <EIN7 A ,RINCI,AL* ACC&M,LICE &R AN ACCESS&R9* 5&R AS L&N7 AS &NE 5ALLS WIT1IN T1E A6RISDICTI&N &5 SANDI7AN<A9AN* E4ER9&NE 5ALLS WIT1 T1E SANDI7AN<A9AN" Do !ou ollow; As in this case o Es:ui'el* an( -ina(tatlunan nila* as the -osition o munici-al ma!or and +aran(a! ca-tains are not mentioned therein* the! claim that the! are not co'ered +! the said law under the -rinci-le o e3-ressio unius est e3clusio alterius" <ut class this has alread! +een answered in the case o <ina! that a munici-al ma!or alls within th!e )urisdiction o Sandi(an+a!an" Considerin( that the munici-al ma!or is with the Sandi(an+a!an* the +aran(a! ca-tain who was -art o it as co% accused is also within the )urisdiction o the Sandi(an+a!an"

The ne3t :uestion is this % W1AT I5 T1E C&% ACC6SED IS A ,RI4ATE INDI4ID6AL % there is a -u+lic o icer who alls within the )urisdiction o Sandi(an+a!an* salar! (rade $B % will the -ri'ate indi'idual alls within the )urisdciction o Sandi(an+a!an; 9ES888 In the case o Re-u+lic 's" Court o A--eals* wherein -ri'ate contractors o the D,W1 were )oined as co% accused with nthe o icers o the D,W1" Let us now -roceed and answer the ne3t :uestion" W1IC1 C&6RT CAN ISS6E A 1&LD% DE,ART6RE &RDER; The case o Monde)ar 's" <u+an* the RE7I&NAL TRIAL C&6RT has e3clusi'e )urisdiction to issue hold%de-arture order" This is +ased on Circular 0D%DB* that LIMITS T1E A6T1&RIT9 T& ISS6E 1D& to criminal cases within the )urisdiction o second le'el courts* when I sa! second le'el courts I am re errin( to the re(ional trial court" 1owe'er class* the DE,ARTMENT &5 A6STICE CAN ISS6E A 1&LD DE,ART6RE &RDER* that is within the -ower o the D&A" 9ou ha'e re-eatedl! heard o this A6RISDICTI&N IS DETERMINED <9 T1E ALLE7ATI&NS &5 T1E C&M,LAINT % 5oG 's" ,eo-le" What does it mean; Alle(ations in the com-laint or in ormation does not con er )urisdiction" It is the law that con ers )urisdiction" 1owe'er* it is the alle(ations that determines" I+a !un8 What con ers )urisdiction is the law* or the court to know whether or not it has )urisdiction or it can act* it is the alle(ations that determines )urisdiction" &k8 Let us look at <adiola 's" Court o A--eals" W1AT 1A,,ENS I5 T1ERE IS A WR&N7 M&DE &5 A,,EAL; What ha--ens to the -etition i there is a wron( mode; The ,ETITI&N WILL <E DISMISSED" 5rom a re'iew o the CA on a R6LE 40 % re'iew o decisions o :uasi%)udicial a(encies* where will !ou (o rom the CA under R6LE 40; 9ou will

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(o to the Su-reme Court on a R6LE 4J % ,ETITI&N 5&R RE4IEW &N CERTI&RARI" Still on the case o <adiola* this will interest !ou +ecause the 7ENERAL R6LE is a second MR is not allowed* it is -rohi+ited" As ound in #$ o R6LE J$" 1owe'er the court said in the case o <adiola* such motion is a -rohi+ited -leadin( which shall not +e allowed e3ce-t"""that is the (eneral rule* the second MR is a -rohi+ited -leadin( is a (eneral rule E>CE,T 5&R &RDINARIL9 ,ERS6ASI4E REAS&NS AND &NL9 A5TER AN E>,RESS LEA4E S1ALL 1A4E <EEN &<TAINED" Still on <adiola* DISMISSAL &5 CRIMINAL C1AR7E D&ES IT CARR9 WIT1 IT DISMISSAL &5 T1E ADMINISTRATI4E CASE; 1a class;8 Na% dismiss !un( crim""" Sir* eh mas mataas !un( de(ree re:uire in a criminal case eh di dama! na rin" 1INDI8 Citin( the case o Tecson 's" Sandi(an+a!an* it sim-l! means that a -u+lic o icer ma! +e held ci'ill!* criminall! and administrati'el! lia+le" Do !ou ollow; So it does not mean that i a criminal case a(ainst a -u+lic o icer is dismissed* the administrati'e case is likewise dismissed" These are STAND AL&NE CASES" W1AT IS T1E ,&WER &5 T1E &M<6DSMAN; &m+udsman naman ta!o n(a!on" &k8 What is the -ower o the om+udsman* D&A 's" Liwa(* IT WAS 7RANTED M&RE T1AN T1E 6S6AL ,&WERS 7I4EN <9 T1E ,R&SEC6T&RS" <ut unlike -rosecutors class* the & ice o the &M<6DSMAN CAN IN4ESTI7ATE WIT1&6T A 5&RMAL C&M,LAINT L&D7ED <E5&RE IT" Tandaan ni!o !an8 6nlike the o ice o the -rosecutor* there should +e an a ida'it% com-laint* in the & ice o the &m+udsman e'en without a ormal com-laint lod(ed +e ore it* it can in'esti(ate" It can in:uire also on acts o (o'ernments a(encies +ased on re-orts in the media" Take note o this* IT C&6LD IN@6IRE AND IN4ESTI7ATE &N ACTS &5 7&4ERNMENT A7ENCIES <ASED &N RE,&RT IN T1E MEDIA

AND T1&SE W1IC1 C&ME T& 1IS ATTENTI&N T1R&671 S&6RCES &T1ER T1AN A C&M,LAINT" So sir* -wede -alan( chismoso an( om+udsman; 7anun +a !un; =elan(an malaki an( ten(a mo at kini( ka n( kini(" &k8 The MET1&D &5 5ILIN7 &5 A C&M,LAINT in the &m+udsman is DIRECT* IN5&RMAL* S,EED9 AND INE>,ENSI4E" CAN T1E &M<6DSMAN TA=E A6RISDICTI&N &NL9 &5 CASES T1AT IS IN RELATI&N T& T1E &55ICE; IS T1AT A RE@6IREMENT 5&R T1E &M<6DSMAN T& TA=E C&7NINANCE &5 T1E CASE; S1&6LD T1E ACT C&MMITTED <9 T1E ,6<LIC &55ICER <E IN RELATI&N T& T1E &55ICE; N&" An! act o * an! mis easance* mal easance* non% easance will all within the )urisdiction o the &m+udsman" Ma! ka-it+aha! ka -u+lic o icer* +inaril mo manok -wede kan( idemanda sa om+udsman" Do !ou ollow; ,ulis ka* wala ka sa dut! +aril%+aril ka ille(al dischar(e -wede ka sa om+udsman" Do !ou ollow; =ahit wala ka sa dut! it does not matter" W1ET1ER &R N&T IT IS C&MMITTED IN RELATI&N T& T1E &55ICE* AN9 ACT &5 ,6<LIC &55ICER CAN <E INSTIT6TED % AN9 MIS5EASANCE* MAL5EASANCE &R N&N% 5EASANCE C&6LD <E INSTIT6TED IN T1E &55ICE &5 T1E &M<6DSMAN" &k8 <ear that in mind" In the case o D&A 's" Liwa(* the :uestion is W1IC1 1AS ,RIMAR9 A6RISDICTI&N T& IN4ESTI7ATE CASES C&7NINA<LE <9 T1E SANDI7AN<A9AN; ,rimar! )urisdiction is with the &M<6DSMAN* o'er cases co(niGa+le +! the Sandi(an+a!an" While the D&A has (eneral )urisdiction to conduct -reliminar! in'esti(ation in'ol'in( 'iolations o the Re'ised ,enal Code" <ut +oth o them can conduct -relimnar! in'esti(ation* are we clear <6T &NL9 T1E SANDI7AN<A9AN 1AS ,RIMAR9 A6RISDCITI&N &4ER SANDI7AN<A9AN CASES" IS T1E &M<6DSMAN A C&6RT; N&8 It is not a court* it is an in'esti(ati'e a(enc! or +od!"

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Now* the case o LaGatin 's" Desierto* I ha'e noticed that within the last i'e !ears certain :uestions was taken rom &55ICE &5 S,ECIAL ,R&SEC6T&R which is not -art o !our Rules on Criminal ,rocedure" Wala !an8 9ou cannot ind it there* o ice o s-ecial -rosecutor cannot +e ound there"

CAN T1E &55ICE &5 T1E &M<6DSMAN DISMISS A CASE &6TRI71T WIT1&6T 7I4IN7 T1E &T1ER ,ART9 &R T1E RES,&NDENT T1E &,,&RT6NIT9 T& <E 1EARD; 9ES8 The o ice o the &m+udsman can dismiss a case outri(ht" Let us now look at this case* the case o ,eo-le 's" Duka" This is im-ortant +ecause it de ined the D6T9 &5 T1E &55ICE &5 T1E S&LICIT&R 7ENERAL" It said here* com-laint or in ormation shall +e -rosecuted under the direction o whom; 6NDER T1E DIRECTI&N &5 T1E ,6<LIC ,R&SEC6T&R" 1owe'er class* take note this case o ,eo-le 's" Duka* when a criminal action reached a--eal the Court o A--eals or the Su-reme Court* the o ice o the Solicitor 7eneral must re-resent the ,eo-le o the ,hili--ines and not the ,rosecutor" There ore in this -articular case* there was an error in main( a ser'ice o the -etition to the -rosecutor and not to the & ice o the Solicitor 7eneral +ecause the sole re-resentati'e o the State or a--ealed cases is the & ice o the Solicitor 7eneral"

W1& IS A S,ECIAL ,R&SEC6T&R; LaGatin 's" Desierto % & ice o the S-ecial ,rosecutor is merel! a com-onent o the & ice o the &m+udsman and ma! onl! act under the su-er'ision* control and authorit! o the om+udsman" A(ain* the &S, is onl! a com-onent o the o ice o the &m+udsman" The -ower to -rosecute crimes accordin( to the court carries with it the -ower to ile in ormation and listen to this* which -ower is not +een to the &S," In the $212 +ar e3aminations there was a :uestion answera+le +! this one* +! this conce-t wherein there was in ormation alread! in the Sandi(an+a!an* there was a motion to amend it* it was returned and amende +! the &S, and the new in ormation was iled* IS T1E IN5&RMATI&N 4ALID; N&" <ecause the &S, 1AS N& Let us now -roceed* I would like to touch on DELE7ATED A61T&RIT9 T& 5ILE AN ,RESCRI,TI&N and I would like to touch on the IN5&RMATI&N" case o ,ana(uiton 's" D&A" Class* I am now re errin( to R6LE 112 #1 last -ara(ra-h* that it Let us now mo'e and discuss -rocedure +e ore sa!s that the -rescri-ti'e -eriod is interru-ted the o ice o the &m+udsman" W1AT IS T1E u-on ilin( o the com-laint or in ormation" ,R&CED6RE <E5&RE T1E &M<6DSMAN; 5airl! W1ERE* that is the :uestion; I it is an ordinar! sim-le class* accordin( to this caseo Ses+reOo o ense* ilin( +e ore the o ice o the ALL ,R&SEC6T&RS ARE N&W DE,6TINED AS -rosecutor % <rillantes 's" Re-u+lic* is a &M<6DSMAN ,R&SEC6T&RS* +ased on A& reiteration o the lon( standin( rule" So T1E P2?" There ore the resolution o an assistant MERE 5ACT T1AT 9&6 5ILE IN T1E &55ICE &5 -rosecutor de-utiGed +! the om+udsman will T1E ,R&SEC6T&R* ,RESCRI,TI4E ,ERI&D +e re'iewed +! whom; <! the CIT9 or INTERR6,TED" ,R&4INCIAL ,R&SEC6T&R" &=8 The de-utiGed -u+lic -rosecutor o the &m+udsman* the 1&W A<&6T S,ECIAL LAWS; The lon( standin( resolution will +e re'iewed +! the Cit! o! rule class -rior to this case o ,ana(uiton was ,ro'incial ,rosecutor and the resolution o the cited in !our +ooks in ACT 00$C that sa!s* i it Cit! or ,ro'incial ,rosecutor will +e re'iewed +! co'ered +! s-ecial law the -eriod o the DE,6T9 &M<6DSMAN that will ne later -rescri-tion will +e interru-ted onl! when; a--ro'ed +! the &+udsman" 6-on ilin( o the com-laint or in ormation in court* howe'er at the ad'ent o ,ana(uiton 's"

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D&A a $22? case" The:uestion -resented +e ore the ,ana(uiton case is % 1&W A<&6T <, $$ CASES; & course the contention was that it is a s-ecial law +ut the! went on to the narrati'e o the histor! o Act 00$C +ut the Su-reme Court said"""sandali8 sandali8 9an( Act 00$C o 1D$C* ka!a sina+i ni!an na u-on ilin( in court +ecause at that time the )ustice o -eace can conduct -reliminar! in'esti(ation* sa+i nila" Toda! can an MTC )ud(e conduct a -reliminar! in'esti(ation; Who sa!s !es; N&8 A MTC )ud(e toda! cannot conduct ,I* that was an amendment as earl! as &cto+er $22J" So ka-a( and code sinsa+i -a sa #$ o R6LE 11$ and!an -a !un( MTC )ud(e who could conduct ,I* i%eks mo si!a" &k8 I+i( sa+ihin luma na( codal mo" So (oin( +ack to the case o ,ana(ution* what did the court sa!; Sa+i n( court (anun kasi !un nun( araw in 1D$C +ut the Su-reme Court said and cited the cases o In(ko 's" Sandi(an+a!an and Sanrio Co" Ltd" sina+i rito class e'en 'iolation o the securities act an in'esti(ation o m the SEC is considered alread! an interru-tion o the -rescri-ti'e -eriod +ecause to them it was the commencement o the in'esti(ation -rocess" Now (oin( +ack to the :uestion on <, $$ % when will the -rescri-ti'e -eriod +e interru-ted* IT IS INTERR6,TED 6,&N 5ILIN7 &5 T1E IN5&RMATI&N IN T1E &55ICE &5 T1E ,R&SEC6T&R* that is the ,ana(uiton case" Let us now continue* still on criminal -rocedure" Class* what time is it; 4"""ha what time 48 A!an maha+a -a* -aran( (utom ka!o ano8 1indi ka!o ma-akali* (utom na (utom ka!o" Rela3 lan( ka!o ok8 What other items do I want !ou to take note o * let us tr! to answer this" Ito na to eh* criminal na8 Let us tr! to answer this :uestion o !our classmate an( tanon( ni!a is in connection with 7eneral 7arcia" ,iakliin ko lan( ha8 =a+it%ka+it naman !un( tano(n i!a eh" &k8 In the ,LEA <AR7AININ7 o 7eneral Carlos 7arcia at the

Sanndi(an+a!an % W1& IS T1E &55ENDED ,ART9 T1AT M6ST 7I4E C&NSENT AND M6ST <E N&TI5IED; Doon muna ta!o sa C&NCE,T n( -lea +ar(ainin(* (an!an class suma(ot n( tanon(" Ano +a !un( -ina(%uusa-an natin; ,lea +ar(ainin(* ok8 W1EN CAN 9&6 ENTER INT& A ,LEA <AR7AININ7; Do !ou ollow; ,lea +ar(ainin( is A ,LEA &5 76ILT &T A LESSER &55ENSE" 9ou will irst meet that in R6LE 11C #1" Nakala(a! doon* as a rule D6RIN7 T1E ARRAI7NMENT the o ended -art! need not +e -resent unless there is a -lea o (uilt! to a lesser o ense or there is a -lea +ar(ainin( +ecause the &55ENDED ,ART9 S1&6LD 7I4E C&NSENT -lus the ,6<LIC ,R&SEC6T&R" At an!time A5TER ARAI7MENT <6T <E5&RE TRIAL* !ou could enter into a -lea +ar(ainin( or -lea o (uilt ot a lesser o ense" So arrai(nment* a ter arrai(nment +ut +e ore trial can !ou enter a -lea o (uilt to a lesser o ense; 9ES8 The last instance !ou could do that is when; D6RIN7 ,RE%TRIAL 5&R A ,LEA <AR7AININ7" Maliwana(; 9un an( hulin( -a(kakataon na -wede mon( (awin !un" An( tanon( ni!a dito W1& IS T1E &55ENDED ,ART9 T1AT M6ST 7I4E ITS C&NSENT AND M6ST <E N&TI5IED; Sino +a an( o ended -art!; Is it the State or is it the Armed 5orces o the ,hili--ines" &k !un an( tanon(" Is it the STATE or the A5; Di ko sinama !un Solicitor 7eneral kasi wala si!an( -akialam d!an* -a-asok lan( si!a -ara re'iewhin !un( -lea +ar(ain kun( meron man +ecause he is the counsel o the State" 1e ma! +e entitled to notice i it is on A--eal" 1ow a+out !un( &m+udsman; Wala nan( -akialam !un* +asta na% ile !un( in o ta-os na !un( tra+aho ni!a +ecause an &m+udsman work )ust like a -u+lic -rosecutor" To m! mind +ecause i !ou talk o the State* !ou will +e lookin( at the hi(hest o icer o the land" &k8 The o ended -art! here is technicall! the A5, dahil an( kinuhanan nila a! A5,"

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IS A ,LEA <AR7AIN WIT1 CIRC6MSTANCES S6<STANTIALL9 SIMILAR T& T1AT &5 7ENERAL 7ARCIA 4ALID; W1AT IS T1E R6LE; <ecause this is a hi(hl! contro'ersial :uestion and more or less -olitical and !ou will +e (i'in( a -olitical answer" An( sa(ot lan( d!an (anito* what is the rule; AS A R6LE A ,LEA <AR7AIN S1&6LD <E NECESSARIL9 INCL6DED IN T1E &55ENSE C1AR7ED" 1indi -wede na !un( char(e a! murder* si(e aminin ko na ra-e8 1indi -wede !un888 NECESSARIL9 INCL6DED IN T1E &55ENSE C1AR7ED" In act* i it is necessaril! included in the o ense char(ed or as lon( as the o ended -art! is noti ied and the -u+lic -rosecutor is noti ied* e'en i the o ended -art! is not -resent durin( the arrai(nment* there could +e a -lea o (uilt to a lesser o ense* i it is necessaril! included in the o ense char(e" =a!a ko ito diniscuss* a!an na%co'er ko na !un( -lea +ar(ain" Now* let us now touch on"""!un( m(a (usto ni!o (an!an eh" 9un( m(a nasa news" 9an an( m(a (usto ni!o8 Dito naman ta!o sa D&WN7RADIN7* kun( ma! -lea o (uilt to a lesser o ense let us touch on down(radin(" Down(radin( class is <E5&RE ,LEA8 &k8 Tandaan ni!o !un* down(radin( o an o ense let us sa! muder to homicide is +e ore -lea" &k8 W1AT ARE T1E RE@6IREMENT. 1" the same should +e with notice to the o ended -art! a motion iled +! the -u+lic -rosecutor and with lea'e o court" &k8 9un an( re:uirement nun8 1&W A<&6T E>CL6SI&N; Anon( e3clusion;8 E3clusion o the accused" Remem+er e3clusion here is <E5&RE ,LEA and or that reason e'en i !ou are e3cluded* does it mean that dou+le )eo-ard! has set%in; N&8 Dou+le )eo-ard! has

not set%in there ore i later on there is su icient e'idence a(ainst !ou" Can the! institute action a(ainst !ou; 9ES8 &k8 The case o 9u 's" RTC o Ta(a!ta!" STATE WITNESS" Doon ta!o sa state witness* the -ertinent -ro'ision class when !ou talk o state witness is R6LE 11D #1B % DISC1AR7E &5 T1E ACC6SED AS A STATE WITNESS" 9an !un class when !ou talk o state witness" The re:uirement class is. 1" !ou will ha'e to su+mit an a ida'it/ and $" !ou should +een arrai(ned" T1E A,,LICATI&N T& <E STATE WITNESS S1&6LD <E W1EN; At an!time +e ore the -rosecution would ha'e rested its case" <a(o* ka-a( ta-os na !an wala na" At an!time +e ore the -rosecution would ha'e rested its case" There ore class* i !ou are 'alidl! and le(all! declared as a state witness !ou are alread! AC@6ITTED8 &k8 <ecause !ou are a witness o the state" Which is di erentiated to a state witness under a witness -rotection -ro(ram" Take note* there is a state witness under the witness -rotection -ro(ram and trhe re:uisites are the same as under the rules on criminal -rocedure* E>CE,T that the a--ro'al is (i'en +! the D&A and communicated to the cit! or -ro'incial -rosecutor* the downside o a state witness under the witness -rotection -ro(ram is what; D&6<LE AE&,ARD9 WILL N&T SET%IN" Wh!; <ecause he has not !et +een arrai(ned* he has not entered a -lea* there is no court o com-tetent )urisdiction" Do !ou ollow; And there is what; No dismissal without the e3-ress content* ac:uittal or con'iction" Do !ou ollow; At that -oint in time there will still +e N& D&6<LE AE&,ARD9" Now m! ne3t discussion -oint would +e this" 9esterda! I discussed amendment in ci'il cases

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and I touched on su+stitution +ut I did not touch on amendment" &k8 CAN AN IN5&RMATI&N <E AMENDED; I am re errin( to R6LE 112 #14" The answer is 9ES8 1" <E5&RE ,LEA* +oth as a matter o orm and su+stance/ $" take note A5TER ,LEA +ut onl! as a matter o orm" <ut it should not sto- there/ I want to +e 'er! clear" It should not sto- there" Sir it is a matter o orm8 N&8 IT IS A MATTER &5 5&RM 5&R AS L&N7 AS IT WILL N&TE ,REA6DICE T1E RI71TS &5 T1E ACC6SED" It could +e a matter o orm +ut it will -re)udice the ri(hts o the accused then it will not +e allowed +! the court" Sina+i mo* sir na(kamali lan( t!-o(ra-hical error* !un( edad nun( 'ictim hindi si!a ano"""1D"""1B -ala8 A! hindi8 That would -re)udice the ri(hts o the accused" Do !ou ollow; <ecause the -enalt! will +e (reater i the same is amended" Do !ou ollow; So a ter -lea* take note that 9ES as to matter o 5&RM or as lon( as it will not -re)udice the ri(hts o the accused" Ne3t* hindi ko sain!o didiscussin an( su icienc! o in ormation +ut I would want !ou to +ear this in mind class i%memoriGe ni!o !un( #C kasi ka-a( alam ni!o !un( #C -asok !an han((aFt #1$" So kelan(a memor!ado ni!o !an8 &k +ecause the succeedin( sections are +onl! descri-tions o #C" Let me discuss the T1REE%5&LD D6T9 &5 A ,R&SEC6T&R. 1" to C&ND6CT IN4ESTI7ATI&N/ ,RELIMNAR9

0" C&ND6CT IN@6EST ,R&CEEDIN7" 6nahin ko muna !un( -reliminar! in'esti(ation" Sir* +akit mo inuna !un( -reliminar! in'esti(ation; =asi class ka-a( diniscuss ko !un( #1 n( R6LE 112 kailan(an ko i%discuss an( R6LE 11$" 7anun !un* so I ha'e to discuss that" So unahin ko iton( -reliminar! in'esti(ation" Class ito* a ter this discussion it is easier or !ou to understand -reliminar! in'esti(ation" 7anito lan( ka%sim-le !un" 1indi natin -ahihira-an" 7anito an( tandaan ni!o" Ask !oursel EI5 A CRIME WAS C&MMITTED IN MANILA &R IN A C1ARTERED CIT9 W1ERE WILL 9&6 5ILE T1E CASE" D!an muna ta!o" I a crime is committed in Manila* it is a chartered cit! or @ueGon Cit! where will !ou institute the action;8 5irst :uestion" 5irst su+%:uestion* I5 IT RE@6IRES ,RELIMINAR9 IN4ESTI7ATI&N W1ERE WILL 9&6 5ILE; & ice o the -rosecutor" Tama !un8 Second su+%:uestion* I5 IT WILL N&T RE@6IRE ,RELIMINAR9 IN4ESTI7ATI&N W1ERE WILL 9&6 5ILE IT; & ice o the ,rosecutor" Do !ou ollow;8 N&T RE@@6IRIN7 ,RELIMINAR9 IN4ESTI7ATI&N 5ALLIN7 6NDER T1E R6LES &N S6MMAR9 ,R&CED6RE W1ERE WILL 9&6 5ILE IT; & ice o the ,rosecutor" Madali di +a;8 9un lan( muna -ara hindi ma(ulo" Do !ou ollow; =a-a( ma! krimen sa Manila o kun( saan( chatered cit! an( ma( ile ka lan( n( kaso assumin( that he is not cau(ht in la(rante delicto* i+an( usua-an !un in:uest+!un* an( usa-an dito consummated later na( ile* are we clear;8 In this instance* Manila or chartered cit! where will !ou ile; Whether re:uirin( ,I* N& ,I or under the rules on summar! -rocedure* IN T1E &55ICE &5 T1E ,R&SEC6T&R" Maliwana(8 Now* dito naman ta!o sa outside o Manila or IN T1E ,R&4INCES" &k liliwana(in ko RE@6IRIN7 ,RELIMINAR9 IN4ESTI7ATI&N W1ERE WILL 9&6 5ILE; & ice o the -rosecutor

$" to ,R&SEC6TE T1E CASE* +ecause under #J R6LE 112 a criminal case is under his direct control and su-er'ision/ and

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+ecause toda! onl! the o ice o the -rosecutor* om+udsman* re(ional state -rosecutor* state -rosecutor can conduct ,RELIMINAR9 IN4ESTI7ATI&N" 9ou cannot ile it in court" Do !ou ollow; So e'en in the -ro'inces !ou ile onl! in the o ice o the -rosecutor* i it re:uires ,I" The ne3t :uestion N&T RE@6IRIN7 ,RELIMINAR9 IN4ESTI7ATI&N W1ERE CAN 9&6 5ILE IT* IN T1E ,R&4INCES; 9ou could ile either +e ore the o ice o the -rosecutor or +e ore the MTC" I would like to +e 'er! clear with that M6NICI,AL TRIAL C&6RT" 9ou could ile it +e ore the o ice o the -rosecutor or munici-al trial court" WALA NAMAN7 RE@6IREMNT N7 ,RELIMINAR9 IN4ESTI7ATI&N RI71T;8 N&T RE@6IRIN7 ,RELIMINAR9 IN4ESTI7ATI&N AND 5ALLIN7 6NDER T1E R6LE &N S6MMAR9 ,R&CED6RE* W1ERE WILL 9&6 5ILE; Same* either MTC or o ice o the -rosecutor" Maliwana(;8 9un lan( !un" So ka-a( tinanon( ka!o +ear that in mind* the :uestion where will !ou ile* chartered cit!; Lahat !an -rosecutor class" 1owe'er class* this is now the time to disitin(uish* i+a na to" =asi class* we as law!ers ilin( in the o ice o the -rosecutor* we onl! think o SAAN =& I%,A5ILE; Do !ou ollow;8 <ut the -rocedure that is the -ro+lem o the -rosecutor +ut as a student !ou ha'e to know that* as a student who will take the +ar e3ams !ou ha'e to know that" Now let us tr! to understand -reliminar! in'esti(ation* (anito lan( !un ka%sim-le" The entire -ro'ision o -reliminar! in'esti(ation in R6LE 11$ #0" 9un( +uon( !an ah8 Class !un( +uon( !an8 =a-a( sina+i kon( !un( +uon( !an* kasama !un( -a(su+scri+e sa -iskal" Do !ou ollow; &r in his a+sence or una'aila+ilit!* +e ore a notar! -u+lic or an! -erson authoriGed to administer oath kasama !un and a ter that ra le* issuance o su+-oena and com-laint and ilin( o counter%a ida'it* !un an( ,I in the sim-liest wa! I could -resent it to !ou" Do !ou

ollow; Maha+a !un( -ro'ision* +asta -ina(% re:uire n( counter%a ida'it ,I !un888 Ma! ,I" Do !ou ollow;8 Eh sir* -aano !un( ma! re-l!% a ida'it* ma! re)oinder* sa -ractice na !un" 1indi !an re:uired sain!o n(a!on +ut some -rosecutors allow the -arties to ile that" Are we clear;8 The ne3t :uestion now is 1&W A<&6T SIR N&T RE@6IRIN7 ,RELIMINAR9 IN4ESTI7ATI&N; W1AT WILL A,,L9; Sir ma! counter%a ida'it" &NL9 R6LE 11$ #0KaI will a--l!" &k;8 9un lan(" The same will a--l! or summar! -rocedure not re:uirin( ,I" 9un( 0KaI lan( nakita ni!o !un; 1an((aFt doon lan( s a -a(su+scri+e" Do !ou ollow; That is the -rocedure to +e o+ser'ed +! the -rosecutor when there is no -reliminar! in'esti(ation re:uired" Are we clear; <earin( this is mind let us now touch on"""iwanan ko muna !un mama!a na ako sa m(a warrants" Tandaan ni!o !an ha8 Didiscussin ko !un warrants in relation to that later on" 1&W A<&6T ,R&SEC6TI&N IN C&6RT; The -rosecutor has what; C&M,LETE C&NTR&L AND DIRECTI&N &5 A CRIMINAL CASE" What does that mean; 1e has to +e there" I he is A<SENT as a 7ENERAL R6LE* can the criminal case -roceed; N&8 All o those criminal cases will +e what; CANCELLED AND RE%SC1ED6LED AT A 56T6RE TIME" Sir* (anun +a !un; &&8 6nless* accordin( to #J !ou are a+le to secure a certi ication rom the chie o the -rosecution o ice allowin( !ou to -rosecute e'en in the a+sence o the -u+lic -rosecutor" ,wede !un +ut !ou ha'e to secure a certi ication" So the 7ENERAL R6LE is CRIMINAL CAE IS 6NDER T1E DIRECT C&NTR&L AND S6,ER4ISI&N &5 T1E ,6<LIC ,R&SEC6T&R"6NLESS* !ou are a+le to secure a certi ication rom the chie o the -rosecutor" Are we clear;8 The T1IRD D6T9 IS IN@6EST8 The -ro'ision non in:uest is ound under R6LE 11$ #C" I !our -ro'ision tells !ou it is #B that is an old code" So ka-a( #B -a !un( in:uest mo !our holdin( an

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old code +ecause toda! it is alread! #C" ,lease take note o this class8 A ew items on in:uest onl! &55ENSES T1AT W&6LD 1A4E 7&NE T1R&671 ,RELIMINAR9 IN4ESTI7ATI&N WILL 7& T1R&671 IN@6EST" Tandaan ni!o !un look at the -ro'ision* onl! those o enses that would ha'e (one throu(h -reliminar! in'esti(ation wiil (o to in:uest" What are those; At least 4 !ears* $ months and 1 da!" 9un !un8 =a-a( mas ma+a+a dun an( -enalt!* hindi ini%in:uest !un" =un( ma! -ulis dito* makiki-a(talo sa akin mama!a" Sir an( tawa( dun in:uest8 9un an( tawa( ni!o" 1ndi in:uest !un8 An( (a(awin mo kasunod ka-a( kulon( -i!ansa" 7anun !un* do !ou ollow" When !ou talk o o enses that re:uires -reliminar! in'esti(ation* that will ha'e to (o throu(h in:uest" What ha--ens is !ou (et arrested* !ou will +e -laced inside" 7anun muna and then a ter a ew hours or kun( madalin( araw na in the mornin(* !ou will +e -laced on in:uest" &k8 IS AN IN@6EST ,R&CEEDIN7 A ,RELIMINAR9 IN4ESTI7ATI&N; N&8 It is not a -relimnar! in'esti(ation" W1AT IS T1E 56NCTI&N T1EN &5 AN IN@6EST; An in:uest is a determination o the -rosecutor* whether there is su icient e'idence to hold !ou or to detain !ou u-on a -ro-er char(e or to release !ou or urther -reliminar! in'esti(ation" W1AT D& I MEAN <9 56RT1ER ,RELIMINAR9 IN4ESTI7ATI&N; An( man(!a!ari dun* -aran( re(ular ilin(" ,aran( hindi ka naaresto na (um(awa n( krimen" Sin sir !un( com-lainant; Eh di !un( -ulis8 A com-etent -erson considerin( it is a -u+lic o ense" Do ollow;8 6nless* it is a -ri'ate o ense" =ahit na nakulon( ka nahuli ka" Na%in:uest ka* sa+ n( -iskal release to" =a-a( sina+i n( oiskal naku malakas to si(e kulon( mo !an" =ulon( mo !an at sam-ahan na natin" Ma(--re-are n(

in ormation !un" Do !ou ollow;8 <ut he could still ask or what; ,reliminar! in'esti(ation +ut he has to wai'e ARTICLE 1$J o the Re'ised ,enal Code" <ut i in the same time i it is a +aila+le o ense* he could ask or +ail" So class -lease +ear that in mind" I the -rosecutor sa!s release it does not mean dismissed" I the -u+lic o icer sa!s release* it means that the com-laint made +! the arrestin( o icer will now +e iled +e ore the o ice o the -rosecutor and will (o thoru(h re(ular -reliminar! in'esti(ation that is the -rocess" We ha'e discussed the three% old duties o a -u+lic -rosecutor ok" Now* let me touch on the ci'il as-ect o a criminal case" Aust a ew items here class* the irst that I would like !ou to touch on is* AN INDE,ENDENT CI4IL ACTI&N NEED N&T <E RESER4ED" I5 T1ERE IS A @6ALI59IN7 CIRC6MSTANCE* W1AT IS T1E R6LE; 9ou ha'e to alle(e it in the in ormation" &therwise it will not +e considered +! the court" 1&W A<&6T A 7ENERIC A77RA4ATIN7 CIRC6MSTANCE* S1&6LD IT <E ALLE7E T& <E C&NSIDERED <9 T1E C&6RT; 9ES* that is the -resent rule" That has +een asked in the $22J +ar e3ams" E'en a (eneric a((ra'atin( circumstance should +e alle(ed in the in ormation to +e taken a(ainst the accused" So* D& 9&6 NEED T& RESER4E AN INDE,ENDENT CI4IL ACTI&N; N&8 No need to reser'e* this is Article 01* 0$* 00 and $1BC o the Ci'il Code" Class -lease +ear in mind also ,REA6DICIAL @6ESTI&N" 5or the lon(est time there is no :uestion on -re)udicial :uestion and what are the minimum re:uirements o a -re)udicial :uestion.

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1" the ci'il action which should ha'e +een instituted ahead o the criminal action/ $" the issue in the ci'il action is determinati'e o the (uilt or innocence o the accused" &k8 W1AT IS T1E E55ECT; W1AT IS S6S,ENDED IS IT T1E CI4IL &R T1E CRIMINAL; The criminal case will +e sus-ended not the ci'il" CAN 9&6 A,,L9 5&R S6S,ENSI&N &N T1E 7R&6ND &5 ,REA6DICIAL @6ESTI&N IN T1E &55ICE &5 T1E ,R&SEC6T&R; 9ES* !ou could ile this" CAN 9&6 5ILE 5&R A S6S,ENSI&N &N ,R&CEEDIN7S &N A 7R&6ND &5 ,REA6DICIAL @6ESTI&N IN C&6RT; 9ES* !ou could ile it also" So -lease take note* not onl! in the o ice o the -rosecutor +ut also in court* !ou could a sus-ension o the -roceedin(s on the (round o -re)udicial :uestion" 9esterda! I discussed ilin( ees" So I will now touch on ARREST" 5or this I will touch on #J R6LE 110 ,eo-le 's" La(uio" Class i%sim-li ! ni!o lan( ha* ka-a( arrest" =asi an( estud!ante minsan -a( arrest* an( isi- lan( nila la(i ma! warrant o arrest" ARREST C&6LD <E 6,&N A WARRANT &R WARRANTLESS" &k8 &r sometimes when the! read R6LE 110 an( natatandaanlan( ni!a warrantless" &k8 Now* what is the di erence; When !ou talk o WARRANTLESS ARREST* is there alread! a criminal case which is -endin(; When !ou talk o WARRANTLESS ARREST* is there alread! a -endin( criminal case* ha class; WALA8 Warrantless n(a eh" Nadam-ot ka in la!manFs lan(ua(e* in -olice lin(o" Ikaw a! nadam-ot na ma! (ina(awa % WARRANTLESS" Di +a;8 7anun !un warrantless" That is #J o R6LE 110 and what does it sa!;

1" 9ou were cau(ht while C&MMITTIN7* A<&6T T& C&MMIT &R 1AS A6ST C&MMITTED* the ma(ic -hrase EIN 1IS ,RESENCEE" Do !ou ollow; In his -resence" I+i( sa+ihin within his 'iew* o the arrestin( o icer* in his -resence" &k8 $" the second su+section there in #J sa!s* what; T1E CRIME 1AS A6ST <EEN C&MMITTED* hindi kasama an( a+out to and committin(* +ut )ust +een committed +ut T1ERE IS ,ERS&NA =N&WLED7E <ASED &N ,R&<A<LE CA6SE* there was a -ersonal assessment" 1e was not there* it was not in his -resence +ut there is -ro+a+le cause to +elie'e that he was the one who committed it" It is no lon(er sus-icion <6T T1E ,R&<A<ILIT9 T1AT T1E ,ERS&N T& <E ARRESTED <ASED &N 5ACTS AND CIRC6MSTANCES IS T1E &NE W1& C&MMITTED T1E &55ENSE" 0" 1e is DETAINED whether tem-oraril! or -ermanentl! and 1E ESCA,ES" 9ou will ha'e to add to this"""ah sir ma! addition -a +a !an; 9ES8 4" A -erson who is arrested without a warrant is RESC6ED* there could +e an arrest without a warrant % #10 o the same rule" J" There could also +e an arrest without a warrant i T1E ACC6SED W1& IS &6T &N <AIL attem-ts to de-art rom the ,hili--ines without a--ro'al rom the court* there could +e an arrest without a warrant"

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Now* (oin( to the case o ,eo-le 's" La(uio this was the -ro+lem* an( nan(!ari dito* the acts and circumstances surroundin( the case the :uestion was* was there sus-icion that he committed the o ense* was there reason to +elie'e that he commiited the o ense" What ha--ened; Res-ondent Wan( was )ust on his wa! to his car comin( rom his a-artment and was a+out to enter his car when the -olice o-erati'es arrested him* searched his -erson and commanded him to o-en the com-artment o the car which was later ound to +e onwed +! his riend" Is there a reason to arrest him without a warrant; N&8 was he committin(; A+out to commit; &r has )ust committed; A will not a--l!" Will < a--l!; 1as )ust committed and there is a reasona+le (round to +elie'e +ased on -ro+a+le cause that he committed it; N& Is he an esca-ee; N&* R6LE 110 #J will not a--l!" When !ou talk class o a warrant o arrest T1ERE IS ALREAD9 A CRIMINAL CASE" &k8 There ore* there is alread! a case* ,E&,LE &5 T1E ,1ILI,,INES" Now* +earin( this in mind* let us tr! to know when the court will issue a warrant o arrest" &k8 Alamin natin" =ELAN <A MA7%IISS6E AN7 16S7AD& N7 WARRANT &5 ARREST; Let us tr! to sim-li ! this* what is the -ertinent -ro'ision; The -ertinent -ro'ision in R6LE 11$ #J" &k8 Liliwana(in ko to ha* R6LE 11$ #J" Ano re:uirement; Ito lan( !un class ha* listen to this" I will classi ! it in this manner. I5 AN IN5&RMATI&N IS 5ILED IN T1E RTC* we -resu--ose that there was -reliminar! in'esti(ation* correct; +ecause the -enalt! in the RTC e3ceeds C !ears* so na(%,I !un" 1" &nce an in ormation is iled in he RTC* what should the court do; The court u-on indin( o -ro+a+le cause ISS6ES A WARRANT &5

ARREST* it could issue a warrant o arrest" $" the court can DISMISS T1E CASE 5&R A<SENCE &5 ,R&<A<LE CA6SE"Sir* +akit (anun; Eh na(%,I na +akit ma! determination o -ro+a+le cause -a; that is what !ou call A6DICIAL DETERMINATI&N &5 ,R&<A<LE CA6SE" Can the court dismiss it; 9ES8 0" the court can RE@6IRE 56RT1ER ,RESENTATI&N &5 E4IDENCE or him to -ersonall! determine whether or not there e3ists a -ro+a+le cause" So class* ka-a( RTC an( kaso chances are issuance n( warrant !an and once the court issues a warrant o arrest* it means that T1ERE IS INITIAL DETERMINATI&N &5 ,R&<A<LE CA6SE" 9ou can no lon(er ile a motion or determination o -ro+a+le cause +ecause the court alread! issued a warrant o arrest" &k8 Da-at ,ina% ile !un( motion na !un +e ore a warrant is issued" Now* let us look at the ne3t discussion -oint" 1ow a+out the MTC" &nce an in ormation is iled in court* what should it do; 9ou ha'e to listen to this. i the -enalt! or the o ense is AT LEAST 4%$%1 and there ore went throu(h -reliminar! in'esti(ation* !ou ollow e3actl! what I discussed" 7anun lan(8 do !ou ollow; I it went thoru(h -reliminar! in'esti(ation* in ormation is iled* -enalt! at least 4%$%1* !ou ollow what I discussed" The court could ISS6E A WARRANT &5 ARREST* T1E C&6RT C&6LD DISMISS 5&R A<SENCE &5 ,R&<A<LE CA6SE AND T1E C&6RT C&6LD RE@6IRE 56RT1ER ,RESENTATI&N &5 E4IDENCE" 9un lan(* are we clear;8 W1AT I5 T1E ,ENALT9 IS <EL&W 4%$%1; Can !ou ollow; <elow 4%$%1* <6T N&T 5ALLIN7

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6NDER T1E R6LES &N S6MMAR9 ,R&CED6RE* the in ormation is iled what can the court do; Listen to this +ecause this is not usuall! the -ractice in court" This is e3actl! what the -ro'ision sa!s* i it is asked in the +ar e3ams this is the answer" 1" I it is +elow 4%$%1 and not allin( under the rules on summar! -rocedure the court MA9 ISS6E A WARRANT i he inds +ased on his discretion that a warrant should +e issued/ or in lieu thereo the court will issue what; S6MM&NS" This is the &NL9 instance that in a criminal case* summons can +e issued" &k8 $" the court can also DISMISS or a+sence o -ro+a+le cause/ and 0" the court can conduct urther hearin(" Now* ok na !un8 ,unta ta!o n(a!on sa S6MMAR9 ,R&CED6RE" Those &55ENSES W1ERE T1E ,ENALT9 IM,&SA<LE D&ES N&T E>CEED C M&NT1S" &k8 1indi lumalam-as n( anim na +uwan" Ito an( tanon( class" &nce the in ormation is iled in court* take note % will it re:uire -reliminar! inc'esti(ation; N&8 )ust like the other one +elow 4%$%1 not re:uirin( ,I" I the in ormation is iled in court* CAN T1E C&6RT ISS6E A WARRANT &5 ARREST; The answer is N&8 5or those not re:uirin( ,I and allin( under the rule on summar! -rocedure* the court will N&T A6T&MATICALL9 issue a warrant o arrest" A warrant o arrest will onl! +e issued when; I DE,SITE RE,EATED N&TICE or the accused to a--ear* he ailed to a--ear onl! then it will issue a warrant o arrest" This is not co'ered +! the rules on criminal -rocedure* it is co'ered +! the rule on summar! -rocedure" What time is it; Ah 48 &k let us ha'e a +reak" Class I will +e +ack in less than 1J minutes" &k8 <aka naman -umunta -a ka!o sa Mendiola -ara

kumainhehe8 & sa Es-aOa & see !ou in a while" This is our last set* last $ hours" 1o-e ull! we will co'er as much" M! last discussion -oint was a warrant o arrest* ri(ht;8 I discussed warrantless arrest" Now let me touch on a SEARC1 WIT1&6T A WARRANT" An( dami naman nitoKre errin( to the su+mitted :uestionsI -ara akon( sin(er nito ah" Di +a (anun !un( sin(er+uti walan( dedication dito8KchucklesI mama!a mama!a +a(o ta!o ma(%uwian" Di +a (anun !un +ini+i(!an n( na-kin ta-os +a+asahin mo !un" Now let us -roceed* m! ne3t discussion -oint is SEARC1 WIT1&6T A WARRANT<6T &N T1E S,&T TI, CALLS" What is the rule; 5or as lon( as a search warrant could +e o+tained !ou ha'e to a--l! or a search warrant* that is the ke! under R6LE 1$C" I5 9&6 C&6LD A,,L9 5&R A SEARC1 WARRANT* 9&6 CANN&T D& A SEARC1 WIT1&6T A WARRANT" This is the case o ,eo-le 's" A!an((ao" I will (i'e !ou the acts then tell me i there should +e a--lication or search warrant" The in ormant arri'es at the -olice station at JAM on Au(ust 10* 1DDD and in ormed the o icers that the accused would +e arri'in( at CAM* an hour later" &k8 So the ti- o the in ormant was (i'en J in the mornin( and the in ormant said that the accused will +e in the -olace desi(nated at CAM* so a di erence o an hour" The circumstances clearl! calls or an immediate res-onse* this is an e3am-le o an on the s-ot ti- % do !ou need a search warrant; N&8 To all other -ertinent details wer known +! the o icers e3ce-t the date* the! coul not ha'e a--lied or a search warrant* +esides accordin( to the this case the search warrant has onl! ha'e an e ecti'e li e o 1o da!s" 1&W A<&6T A WARRANT &5 ARREST; 1&W MAN9 DA9S; N&8 until 'acated or set aside* a warrant o arrest will +e in e ect" &k8

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Let me now touch on the case o &rte(a 's" ,eo-le" In the determination o e3em-tion o a child in con lict with the law under #C4* RAD044" As !ou know +elow 1J !ears old* the o enders are e3em-t rom criminal llia+ilit!" What ha--ens; The case will +e dismissed and the child shall +e re erred to the a--ro-riate local social wel are and de'elo-ment o icer* that is what will ha--en* ri(ht;8 A child a+o'e 1J +ut +elow 1? who acted without discernment will likewise not +e lia+le* ri(ht;8 <ut i he acted with discernment that is a di erent stor!" Now the :uestion is how do !ou determine the a(e; Is it a(e at the time o commission or a(e at the time o -romul(ation o )ud(ment; Accordin( to this case o &rte(a* what is controllin( with res-ect to e3emtion rom criminal lia+ilit! o the child in con lict with the law is not the a(e at the time o -romul(ation o )ud(ment <6T T1E A7E AT T1E TIME &5 T1E C&MMISSI&N &5 T1E &55ENSE" &k8 ,lease take note o that" The ne3t item I would like to discuss with !ou is <AIL" &k8 Dalawa lan( class an( didiscussin ko sain!ono three items" The irst one is this case o Ma+utas 's" ,erillo" Wh! am I discussin( to !ou this case; This case discussed and outlined the need or a hearin( on a--lication or +ail and accordin( to this case* the hearin( in an a--lication or +ail is MANDAT&R9" &k8 Let us look at this" W1AT WERE T1E RE@6IREMENTS LAID D&WN <9 T1IS CASE; It said. whether +ail is a matter o ri(ht or a matter o discretion* T1E ,R&SEC6T&R S1&6LD <E 7I4EN REAS&NA<LE N&TICE &5 1EARIN7 &R AT LEAST 1IS REC&MMENDATI&N &N T1E MATTER M6ST <E S&671T" The )ud(e is re:uired to o+ser'e the ollowin( duties.

1" in all cases whether +ail is a matter o ri(ht or discretion 9&6 1A4E T& N&TI59 T1E ,R&SEC6T&R o the hearin( or RE@6IRE 1IM to su+mit a recommendation/ $" where +ail is a MATTER &5 DISCRETI&N* C&ND6CT A 1EARIN7 &5 T1E A,,LICATI&N 5&R <AIL* re(ardless whether or not the -rosecution re uses to -resent e'idence to show the (uilt o the accused is stron(/ 0" DECIDE W1ET1ER T1E 76ILT &5 T1E ACC6SED IS STR&N7 +ased on the summar! e'idence o the -rosecution/ 4" I5 T1E 76ILT IS N&T STR&N7* DISC1AR7E the accused u-on a--ro'al o the +ail +ond" 9ou know this +ut I need to discuss this outside o this case +ecause or me it is not as accurate" &k8 It assumes that e'er!thin( which is a matter o discretion alls under the determination o whether or not the e'idence o (uilt is stron(" IT IS WR&N78 A(ain* with all due res-ect it is wron(" Wh!; When is +ail a matter o ri(ht; Tinanon( na to sa +ar e3ams when the e3aminer was Austice ,ardo" Tinanon( na to* W1AT IS T1E DI55ERENCE &5 <AIL AS A MATTER &5 RI71T AND A MATTER &5 DISCRETI&N" 4er! sim-le* W1EN IS A <AIL A MATTER &5 RI71T; 1" All cases allin( within the )urisdiction o the MTC* <E5&RE &R A5TER C&N4ICTI&N 5&R AS L&N7 AS T1E ACTI&N IS STILL ,ENDIN7" Ah+aka sa+ihin* kahit na- ala con'icted sa MTC -wede ma(-i!ansa;8 1INDI8 =ulon( ka na nun di +a8 In the MTC* whether +e ore or a ter con'iction !ou could

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a--l! or +ail* meanin( +aka i%a-ela mo -a eh" Do !ou ollow;8 Where else; $" In the RTC +e ore con'iction* where the -enalt! is N&T death* li e im-risonment or reclusion -er-etua % that is a matter o ri(ht" I ha'e alwa!s (i'en this e3am-le to draw m! -oint* to stress m! -oint so that the students will not or(et the -oint o +ail as a matter o ri(ht in the RTC" Let me (i'e !ou a classic e3am-le that has had he headlines in the lon(est time or the last 0 !ears or so* the stor! o 7o'ernor Le'iste" 9ou know this stor!" What ha--en there is he was alle(ed to ha'e killed his aid" Do !ou ollow; What did his law!er do; 1e surrendered8 Correct;8 and he a--lied or +ail" Wh!; <ecause he was char(ed ori(inall! o homicide" I !ou are char(e with homicidethe -enalt! is li e* death* reclusion -er-etua there ore !ou are entitled to +ail as a matter o ri(ht* maliwana(;8 <ail as a matter o ri(ht8 7anun !un8 Ma(alin( !un( -a(%aaral nila dun" Now* W1EN IS <AIL A MATTER &5 DISCRETI&N; A ter con'iction in the RTC i the -enalt! is N&T death* li e im-risonment or reclusion -er-etua" Wala -a ta!on( -ina(%uusa-an diton( death* li e* reclusion -er-etua ha;8 RTC m(aesta a8 7an!an8 &k8 Where the -enalt! is not li e* death or reclusion -er-etua* a ter con'iction" 1owe'er class* the act alone that !ou are con'icted is not su icient or the court to e3ercise discretion" The act o its (rant or denial o the +ail will de-end on other conditions -ro'ided or in #J* i !ou are a li(ht risk* i !ou are a recidi'ist* i !ou are a :uasi% recidi'ist* i !ou are a ha+itual delin:uent" So hindi lan( -orket na%con'ict ka a!8 A--l! ako n( +ail" Do !ou ollow; 9ou will ha'e to show that none o the conditions enumerated a--lies to !ou +ecause i it does* the )ud(e can o-t not to (i'e !ou +ail" Maliwana( +a;8 9un !un( classic class* a matter o ri(ht and a matter o discretion"

1owe'er class* !un( sinasa+i nila !un( C* B and ? !an sinasa+i nila* ca-ital o ense" 9un !un class8 9un !un( kadalasan( -ina(hahalo ka!a the! assume when !ou talk o discretion it is alwa!s determination o the e'idence o (uilt is stron(" 9ou onl! make a determination that the e'idence o (uilt is stron( i the -enalt! is a ca-ital o ense" When at the time o commission o the o ense and a--lication or +ail* the -enalt! is what; Death* that includes aside rom death* li e and reclusion -er-etua" Do !ou ollow;8 Sa m(a (anun( sitwas!on class* what do !ou do; Most o the time where the -enalt! is death* li e or reclusion -er-etua* ano !un; These are N&N%<AILA<LE" &k8 Murder* ra-e* what else; Lar(e%scale esta a* -luder !an m(a non%+aila+le" 9un( katulad nun( ka! 7MA ka-a( na% ile !un* non%+aila+le !un" I+i( sa+ihin class !un* once an in ormation is iled in court !ou are not as a rule entitled to +ail" Sasa+ihin ni!osir* that is a constitutional ri(ht8 9ES8 9ou can a--l! +ut or the time +ein( !ou are not entitled to +ail8 Can !ou ollow; That is wh! !ou ha'e to esta+lish that the e'idence o (uilt is N&T STR&N7 a(ainst !ou" The +urden o the -rosecution is esta+lished when !ou ile an a--lication that e'idence o (uilt is stron(" &k8 So there will +e a summar! hearin(" The -rosecutor will +e (i'en notice so that he could (i'e his recommendations and to a--ear" I the court (rants +ail without (i'in( the -rosecutor the chance to recommend or to a--ear* the )ud(e could +e administrati'el! held lia+le" Do !ou ollow;8 That is the conce-t" So !ou ha'e 0 sets. 1" +ail as a MATTER &5 RI71T/ $" +ail as a MATTER &5 DISCRETI&N/ and 0" N&N%<AILA<LE &55ENSES

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9un !un( ina%a--l! mo n( ,ETITI&N 5&R <AIL" Is ARRAI7NMENT ,RE%RE@6ISITE T& 5ILIN7 A ,ETITI&N 5&R <AIL; N&8 Sera-io 's" Sandi(an+a!an" That has alread! +een answered in the case o Era-" 9&6 D& N&T NEED T& <E ARRAI7NED T& A,,L9 5&R <AIL" The 'er! moment there is de-ri'ation o li+ert!* !ou could alread! a--l! or +ail" The ne3t -oint that I would like to discuss is W1ERE T& A,,L9; I think this is #1B i not 1C o R6LE 114" Where to a--l!; I5 IT IS A MATTER &R DISCRETI&N % !ou could onl! a--l! or it IN T1E C&6RT W1ERE T1E ACTI&N IS ,ENDIN7" I5 T1ERE IS 9ET N& C1AR7E AND 9&6 ARE ALREAD9 1ELD IN C6ST&D9 % meanin( !ou ma! ha'e +een cau(ht in la(rante delicto % in the ,R&4INCE* CIT9 &R M6NICI,ALIT9 W1ERE 9&6 ARE 1ELD" Do !ou ollow;8 W1AT I5 CLASS* T1ERE IS ALREAD9 A ,ENDIN7 CASE; 5or e3am-le here in Manila and !ou were arrested in Manila" &k8 Do !ou ollow; An( kaso mo nasa RTC n( Manila* nahuli ka sa Manila* where will !ou a--l! or +ail; 9our a--lication or +ail will +e* T1E C&6RT W1ERE T1E ACTI&N IS ,ENDIN7" =asi sa Manila ka nahuli dun rin !un( kaso mo" Do !ou ollow; IN T1E C&6RT W1ERE T1E ACTI&N IS ,ENDIN7 &R IN 1IS A<SENCE &R 6NA4AILA<ILIT9* <E5&RE AN9 RTC &R MTC &5 MANILA" Do !ou ollow; What else; What i !ou ha'e a case -endin( in Manila and !ou were arrested in Anti-olo* where will !ou a--l! or +ail; 9es* !ou could a--l! or +ail in the court where the action is -endin( +ut !ou can also a--l! or +ail* +e ore an! RTC o Anti-olo" Do !ou ollow; &r in their a+sence or una'aila+ilit! +e ore an! MTC o Anti-olo" Are we clear; 9an class a+an(an ni!o* it could +e a source o :uestions"

Let me -roceed with the ne3t item* the DETERMINATI&N &5 ,R&<A<LE CA6SE <9 T1E A6D7E" &ca'e 's" 7uttiereG" I the )ud(e is a+le to determine e3istence or non%e3istence o -ro+a+le cause on the +asis o the records su+mitted +! the in'esti(atin( -rosecutor* there will no lon(er +e need to order the ele'ation o the rest o the records o the case" What are the! tr!in( to tell us; The )ud(e should ha'e what; A -ersonal* inde-endent determination o -ro+a+le cause and in his dut! to conduct -ro+a+le cause % what should he do; 1e should look at the records o the case to the e3tent o re:uirin( the -rosecutor to ele'ate the records* the case os AdaGa 's" A+alos" Let us look at ARRAI7NMENT" What a+out arrai(nment; Arrai(nment is wai'er to ri(ht to -reliminar! in'esti(ation and the ri(ht to :uestion the irre(ularit!" The 'er! moment a -erson is arrai(ned and enters a -lea* 1E WAI4ES AN9 @6ESTI&N &N IRRE76LARIT9 &5 ,I &R E4EN T1E 4ALIDIT9 &5 T1E ARREST" The wai'er is tantamount to indin( o -ro+a+le cause* or this reason there is no need or the court to determine the e3istence or non% e3istence o -ro+a+ale cause" M! ne3t :uestion is W1AT IS 9&6R REMED9 5&R AN AC@6ITTAL; =ita ni!o na(ulat ka!oSir* ma! remed! -a -ala !un; Is there a remed! or an ac:uittal; ,eo-le 's" 1ernandeG" This is rather an e3ce-tion more than the rule" In order that the )ud(ment o ac:uittal ma! +e success ull! challen(ed* in a -etition or certiorari" The -etitioner must -ro'e that the trial court in ac:uittin( the accused not onl! committed errors o )ud(ment +ut (ra'e a+use o discretion* take note o that" Take note o that8 T1E REMED9 5&R AN AC@6ITTAL IS A ,ETITI&N 5&R CERTI&RARI* ASS6MIN7 T1ERE WAS 7RA4E A<6SE &5 DISCRETI&N AM&6NTIN7 T& LAC= &R E>CESS &5 A6RISDICTI&N"

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Now* let us look at the word E>CL6SI&NS" 9ou remem+er this; E3clusions8 Saan ni!o narini( !an* !an( e3clusions na !an; That is ound in #0 o R6LE 11D" &h nakita ni!o na; an( ha+a ano; What is the use o that -ro'ision; Mental e3amination o the accused* -edenc! o other e3traordinar! remedies* ailure to ac:uire )urisdiction o some o the accused* there are -endin( other criminal cases* una'aila+ilit! or a+sence o witnesses % W1AT IS T1E NAT6RE &5 E>CL6SI&NS; E3clusions will -rotect who; T1E ,R&SEC6TI&N rom claims or 'iolation o s-eed! trial" 5or e3am-le* in one case decided +! the Su-reme Court the -re%trial took -lace a ter ? !ears* wh! did it ha--ened considerin( the ri(ht ot s-eed! trial; <ecause the -etition or re'iew was -endin( or almost ? !ears" Should it +e dismissed; N&8 do !ou ollow; These are what !ou call e3clusions % T1IS IS N&T INCL6DED IN T1E C&6NTIN7 &5 T1E ,ERI&DS IN S,EED9 TRIAL" Now* I would like to call !our attention to S,EED9 TRIAL and when !ou hear s-eed! trial remem+er the letters 4%C%&" oh kita ni!o8; Ma! naisi- na naman ka!o8 A!an* di!an ka!o ma(alin( ano;8 4%C%& is 4E>ATI&6S* CA,RICI&6S AND &,,RESSI4E DELA9S" Class*+ut i I were !ou considerin( that !ou ha'e a multi-le choice e3amination kaka+isaduhin ko na rin !un( da!s re:uired* kaka+isaduhin ko na rin !un" Iilan lan( naman !un" =aka+isaduhin ko na !un8 <akit; Eh +aka mama!a ma(tanon( sila dun eh" =asi hindi na ka!o mahihira-an eh" The! will (i'e the answer it is a matter o choosin(" Let us do some e3ercises" W1EN S1&6LD ARRAI7MENT TA=E ,LACE; Within 02 da!s rom the time the court ac:uires )urisdiction o'er the -erson o the accused" W1EN S1&6LD ,RE%TRIAL TA=E ,LACE; ,re% trial should take -lace within 02 da!s rom the time the court ac:uires )urisdiction o'er the

-erson o the accused +ut a ter arrai(nment" &k8 R6LE 11?" ,lease take note o that" And ARRAI7MENT T& TRIAL S1&6LD <E WIT1IN T1E ,ERI&D &5; & (an!an8 Codal !an" Tin(nan ni!o sa #C o R6LE 11D" Arrai(nment to trial should +e within the -eriod o ma! ma(+i+i(a! sa akin n( 1?2 d!an* ma! ma(+i+i(a! sa akin n( 1$2" Ano; 1ow man!; ?2 na lan( n(a!on8 <ecause it had la-sed or a num+er o !ears and at this time it is alread! ?2" Do !ou ollow; So these da!s are im-ortant otherwise i the +ar e3amination was still in the nature o essa! what I would like !ou to remem+er would sim-l! +e 'e3atious* ca-ricious and o--ressi'e dela!s" In one case decided +! the court ,eo-le 's" The* the case was -ost-oned or $2 times* the criminal case or $2 times" What did the court sa!; When the accused mo'ed or dismissal on the (round o s-eed! trial* what did the court said. sa+i n( court hindi8 <akit; <ecause the! said* the -rosecution made e orts to make sure that the witnesses were there* the! e'en a--lied or a warrant o arrest* sa+i n( court" So !ou cannot +lame the -rosecution or inaction* there ore the r(ith to s-eed! trial was not 'iolated" Do !ou ollow; So !ou ha'e to take note o e3clusions and -leas take note o the da!s" The ne3t* let us com-are and contrast a M&TI&N T& @6AS1 and a ,R&4ISI&NAL DISMISSAL" What is the di erence; Let us look at this* class maha+a%ha+a to" This is the case o Los <aOos 's" ,edro a $22D case" <oth are ound in R6LE 11B* howe'er the! made a com-arison" The! said* a irst nota+le eature o #? R6LE 11B that is ,ro'isional Dismissal is that it does not e3actl! state what a -ro'isional dismissal is* it does not sa!" There are no (rounds* correct;8 it does not sa! what -ro'isional dismissal is" The modi ier ,R&4ISI&NAL directl! su((est that the dismissal ESSENTIALL9 RE5ERS T& T1&SE T1AT ARE TEM,&RAR9 IN C1ARACTER* so !un an(

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sinasa+i" That are tem-orar! in character and not dismissals that are -ermament" <ased on the law and )uris-rudence* ,ERMANENT DISMISSALS ARE T1&SE T1AT ARE <ARRED <9 D&6<LE AE&,ARD9* +! the -re'ious e3tinction o criminal lia+ilit! and s-eed! trial" <ut class* kindl! take note this -ronouncement o the court when the! sa! it is tem-orar! or -ro'isional* the! did not sa! that it will attain -ermanenc!" Do !ou ollow;8 &ur discussion* it will +ecome -ermanent and or that reason cannot +e re illed* all the! said thus the modi ier was -ro'isional* there ore it is tem-orar!" To that e3tent I a(ree* ok8 It is -ro'isional" The second eature is that #? does not state the (rounds to lead to a -ro'isional dismissal* this is in contrast with the motion to :uash* where (rounds are s-eci ied under #0" &k8 ,R&4ISI&NAL % there are no (rounds* M&TI&N T& @6AS1 % there are (rounds" Third* M&TI&N T& @6AS1 % ocuses on the conse:uences o a meritorious motion to :uash* this eature also answers the :uestion o W1ET1ER @6AS1AL &5 IN5&RMATI&N CAN <E TREATED AS ,R&4ISI&NAL DISMISSAL" I think more im-ortantl! now is the i'e -oints -resented +! the court* there are i'e -oints or di erences -resented +! the court. MOTION TO "UASH Is iled +! the accused to :uestion the e icac! o the com-laint or in ormation" The orm is -ro'ided or in #$* these re:uirements o orm are not re:uired in -ro'isional dismissal" Asaails 'alidit! o the com-laint or PRO#ISIONAL DISMISSAL At the instance o either the -rosecution or the accused"

in ormation or de ects and de enses a--arent in the in ormation or com-laint"

<e ore arrai(nment"

Sta!s :uashed until re'i'ed" A motion to :uash i (ranted* sta!s :uashed until re'i'ed unless it is -rescri-tion* unless it is dou+le )eo-ard!"

de ects o in ormation" So a case could +e dismissed -ro'isionall! e'en i the in ormation is not de ecti'e" Ma! +e or a+sence o witnesses* lack o interest* +ut that is not a (round or motion to :uash" E'en when the trial is alread! on%(oin(" There could +e a -ro'isional dismissal e'en a ter arrai(nment and when trial is on%(oin(" Is +! its own terms im-ermanent until the TIME%<AR R6LE a--lies" A!un8 Sina+i na nila* it is -ro'isional until the time%+ar a--lies* at which time it +ecomes -ermanent"

IS A DENIAL &5 A M&TI&N T& @6AS1 RE4IEWA<LE <9 CERTI&RARI; As a 7ENERAL R6LE it is N&T RE4IEWA<LE +! certiorari" The case wil ha'e to +e com-leted +e ore :uestions on the motion to :uash can +e raised" Now* C&NDITI&NAL E>AMINATI&N &5 WITNESSES" &k8 Man(uera 's" Risos* this is im-ortant +ecause the Su-reme Court made a 'er! clear -ronouncement on how !ou will treat this conditional e3amination o witnesses" It is true accordin( to the Su-reme Court that #1 R6LE 0 o the R6LES &5 C&6RT -ro'ides that the rules o ci'il -rocedure a--lies to all actions* ci'il or criminal and s-ecial -roceedin(s" In e ect it sa!s* that the rules o ci'il -rocedure ha:'e su--letor! a--lication to criminal cases" This is im-ortant* the ne3t -oint howe'er it is

Can +e made orall! in o-en court"

Ma! +e (rounded on reasons other than

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likewise true that the criminal -roceedin(s are -rimaril! (o'erned +! the rules on criminal -rocedure considerin( R6LE 11D ade:uatel! and s:uarel! co'ers the situation in the instant case* we ind no co(ent reason to a--l! R6LE $0 su--letoril! or otherwise" We ha'e answered the :uestion that I ha'e raised a while a(o" 9ou do not need to a--l! R6LE $0 on DE,&SITI&N +ecause there is R6LE 11D on conditional e3amination o witnesses" To reiterate as a inal -oint* the conditional e3amination o a -rosecution witness or the -ur-ose o takin( his de-osition should +e made +e ore the court or at least +e ore the )ud(e where the action is -endin(" In this -articular case* the court treated conditional e3amination as in the nature o de-osition in criminal cases" To -rocedd we urther* we still ha'e enou(h time" Let us look at class the SWEET1EART T1E&R9" 9ou know this ri(ht;8 The sweetheart theor!* ,eo-le 's" 7uillermo" It is AN ADMISSI&N &5 CARNAL =N&WLED7E &5 T1E 4ICTIM AND C&NSE@6ENTL9 ,LACES T1E ACC6SED T1E <6RDEN &5 ,R&4IN7 T1E S6,,&SED RELATI&NS1I, <9 S6<STANTIAL E4IDENCE" So a sweetheart theor! is an admission o carnal knowled(e +ut !ou will ha'e to esta+lish e3istence o relationshi-" 1&W D&ES T1E LAW TREAT AN A55IDA4IT &5 RETRACTI&N; Accordin( to this case recanted testimon! is hi(hl! :uestiona+le +ecause it could +e secured throu(h monetar! considerations" &k8 So the court rowns u-on a recanted a ida'it +ecause to them it is usuall! +! reason o monetar! consideration" In certain cases the Su-reme Court had said that IT TA=ES A6DICIAL N&TICE T1AT RECANTATI&NS &R RETRACTI&NS ARE 6S6ALL9 6,&N M&NETAR9 C&NSIDERATI&N" It is dan(erous or the court to re)ect testimon! solemnl! (i'en +e ore the court sim-l! +ecause witnesses chan(ed their mind"

The ne3t item that I would like to discuss is ,eo-le 's" De Leon" I would like to discuss ILLE7AL SALE &5 ,R&1I<ITED DR67S in relation to C1AIN &5 C6ST&D9" Remem+er class that in the conduct o an arrest* there is an incidental search" Do !ou ollow;8 A search as an incident o a 'alid arrest" I will discuss this in the case o ,eo-le 's" De Leon" &k8 W1AT ARE T1E ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS &5 ILLE7AL SALE &5 ,R&1I<ITED DR67. 1" the accused sold and deli'ered a -rohi+ited dru( to another/ and $" he =NEW that what he sold and deli'ered was a -rohi+ited dru(" W1AT IS T1E C&R,6S DELICTI IN A DR67 CASE; It is the ,&SSESSI&N or the ILLE7AL DR67" In a murder case or a homicide case* what is the cor-us delicti; It is the +od! o the 'ictim" Do !ou ollow; Now* let us look at the C1AIN &5 C6ST&D9 R6LE" &k8 This has alwa!s +een a source o con lict +etween )ud(es and the -olice en orcers" &k8 Wh!; <ecause the! ha'e a 'er! strict rule in #$1 o RA D1CJ % DAN7ER&6S DR67S LAW" The chain o custod! re:uires that the su+stance +ou(ht durin( the +u!%+ust o-eration is the same su+stance o ered in court" Do !ou ollow; T1AT W1IC1 WAS TA=EN AT T1E SCENE* IS T1E SAME S6<STANCE ,RESENTED IN C&6RT" Now* there is a dut! here in #$1 % W1AT IS T1E D6T9 &5 T1E EN5&RCEMENT &55ICERS &R T1E ,&LICE &55ICERS; This is 'er! hard* or those o !ou in the -olice orce !ou know how hard it is* T1ERE S1&6LD <E A ,19SICAL IN4ENT&R9" Where; AT T1E SCENE W1ERE T1E SEARC1 AND ARREST WAS E55ECTED* IN T1E ,RESENCE &5 T1E ACC6SED* IN T1E ,RESENCE &5 T1E MEDIA I5 ,&SSI<LE* IN T1E ,RESENT &5 T1E RE,RESENTATI4E &5 T1E D&A" 9an !un rule8 Class ha8 <aka itanon( !an sain!o* ok;8 ,ero class this is usuall! re)ected +! -olice en orcers* +akit; <akit ka naman (a(awa n( in'entor!

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kun( saan mo sila nahuli* kadalasan doon sila na-a-ata!* di totoo !un8 Dun sila na-a-ata!* !an an( reklamo nila +ecause I lectured +e ore the ,DEA and the Aud(es on this* anon( nan(!ari; Sir* doon kami na-a-ata!* doon !un( m(a kasama namin( na-a-ata!" <akit; Di +a+alikan nun( nahuli" &k so this is the cource o -ro+lem +ecause some -olice o icers instead o doin( an in'entor! at the scene o the crime or where the +u!%+ust o-eration was conducted in the -resence o media or D&A* the! +rin( it somewhere else* the! +rin( it to the -laGa or sometimes the! +rin( it to the -olice station +ecause the re:uirement is* it will +e -hoto(ra-hed and it will +e si(ned" =un( sachet si!a kailan(an -irmado din !un -ara alam na that is the same su+stance taken at the scene o the +u!%+ust o-eration" <ut IS T1AT AN IR&N%CLAD R6LE; Are there e3ce-tions; This is what the -ro'ision sa!s* the non%com-liance with this re:uirements under )usti ia+le (rounds* as lon( as the inte(rit! and the e'identiar! 'alue o the seiGed items are -ro-erl! -reser'ed" I !ou are to remem+er somethin( this is what !ou ha'e to remem+er as e3ce-tion" The e3ce-tion to that rule on non% com-liance in the in'entor! at the scene o the +u!%+ust o-eration is this* !ou will ha'e to esta+lish the inte(rit! and the e'identiar! 'alue o the seiGed items as -ro-erl! -reser'ed +! the a--rehendin( o icer* that was the declaration o the court" A close e3amination o the law re'eals that it admits an e3ce-tion and the court said that* that is the e3ce-tion the -reser'ation o the inte(rit! and e'identiar! 'alue o the seiGed items as the same would +e utiliGed in the determination o the (uilt or innocence o the accused " Let us look at ANIM6S ,&SSIDENDI" What is animus -ossidendi here in this case; The indin( o dan(erous dru( in the house or within the -remises o the house o the accused is -rima acie e'idence or knowled(e o animus -ossidendi and is enou(h to con'ict in the

a+sence o satis actor! e3-lanation" So that is animus -ossidendi* not necessaril! in !our -ossession or -h!sical -ossession +ut ma! +e where; Within the -remises o the house o the accused or in his house" &k8 Ne3t let us look at ,&SITI4E IDENTI5ICATI&N" ,e-le 's" A+ella" CAN ,&SITI4E IDENTI5ICATI&N <E &4ERC&ME <9 <ARE DENIAL; N&8 <are denials and uncorro+orated ali+is cannot o'ercome -ositi'e identi ication" Ali+i is unacce-ta+le when there is -ositi'e identi ication o the accused +! a credi+le witness" &k8 In order or ali+i to stand* ito an( sa+i n( court* sa+i n( court -ara ma(amit mo !un( ali+i !ou ha'e to com-l! with this standard* IT IS N&T EN&67 T& ,R&4E T1AT T1E ACC6SED IS S&MEW1ERE ELSE* na nasa i+an( lu(ar si!a durin( the commission o the crime* IT M6ST ALS& <E S1&WN T1AT IT W&6LD 1A4E <EEN IM,&SSI<LE 5&R 1IM T& <E AN9W1ERE WIT1IN T1E 4ICINIT9 &5 T1E CRIME" A(ain* it is not enou(h or the accused to shaow that he is somewhere* kadalasan (anun an( ali+ihindi nandun ako" Do !ou ollow; <ut he has likewise to show that it would +e im-ossi+le or him to +e there* within the 'icinit! o the crime" Let us now -roceed on the case o Samuel Lee 's" =<C <ank a $212 case" Class this is im-ortant +ecause o discussion on INDE,ENDENT ,ERS&NAL ASSESSMENT &5 T1E A6D7E" =a-a( an( eksaminer ni!o med!o -raktisado +aka m(a (aniton( tanon( an( matan((a- ni!o" Ano !un;8 Sir* there is a motion to withdraw in ormation in court" Do !ou ollow; So +akit -ina%withdraw; Eh kasi an( recommendation n( o ice o the -rosecutor o n( D&A dismissed" So an( (a(awin n( -u+lic -rosecutor* a motion to withdraw in ormation" Do !ou ollow;8 9un an( -ina(tatalunan dito" What is in dis-ute id the order issued +! a )ud(e* he issued an order (rantin( the motion to withdraw ito lan( sina+i ni!a class* -akin((an ni!o to ha8 The motion to withdraw in ormation iled +! the -rosecution

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is here+! (ranted" A!an8 And the two in ormations or the crime o esta e are here+! withdrawn rom the dockets o this court" 7anun lan(8 That is one -ara(ra-h* the other -ara(ra-h reads. a ter an in de-th scrutin! o the ar(uments raised +! the -rosecution and -ri'ate com-lainant* the court inds the contention o the -rosecution to +e su icient and meritorious* !un lan(8 Is that su icient; &l8 So that order was :uestioned* sa+i +akit mo (rant !an; What is the dut! o the )ud(e; T1E A6D7E S1&6LD C&ND6CT AN INDE,ENDENT ASSESSMENT &5 T1E MERITS &5 T1E CASE <ASED &N T1E A55IDA4ITS AND C&6NTER% A55IDA4ITS AND D&C6MENTS A,,ENDED T& T1E IN5&RMATI&N" Do !ou ollow; I it is not -ossi+le* he could ask or co-ies rom the o ice o the -u+lic -rosecutor" So here* the court noted kulan(" It is not enou(h class to sa! that !es it is (ranted it is su icient* the )ud(e should ha'e what; An inde-endent -ersonal assessment and he should ha'e a discussion on wh! he eels the case should ha'e +een withdrawn* this is the standard in withdrawal o cases" I ha'e seen )ud(es sim-l! do a one%liner on a--ro'in( a motion to withdraw* this is the standard* the )ud(e should make an ide-endent -ersonal assessment" Now* in act the! said the! should em+od! the assessment in the written order dis-osin( the motion* not onl! sa!in( that we ha'e consider the ar(uments and we ha'e seen the ar(uments to +e su icient +ecause the conce-t here is* once the case is alread! in the court who is in control o the case; The )ud(e* it is or him to dismiss or not the case* that is wh! the -rosecutors onl! le a motion to withdraw" Remem+er that* there should ne an inde-endent -ersonal assessment o the )ud(e in cases o a motion to withdraw iled +e or him" &k8 Now* let us look at another case 1ilario Soriano 's" ,eo-le* this is in connection with the Rural <ank o San Mi(uel" &k8 The :uestion here class

is airl! sim-le" I will sim-li ! it or !ou* the <S, transmitted a ida'its o its in'esti(atin( o icers to whom; To the o ice o the -rosecutor* transmit nila" So kinontest !un* sa+i nila letter%transmittal lan( !an eh* that cannot +e a +asis o a com-laint" 9es there is letter% transmittal +ut there are a ida'its a--ended thereto* what did the court sa!; The letters merel! transmitted or -reliminar! in'esti(ation the a ida'its o -eo-le who ha'e -ersonal knowled(e* we rule that these a ida'its not the letter transmittin( initiated the -reliminar! in'esti(ation* these are merel! transmittals +ut what is im-ortant is the a ida'its and considerin( the a ida'its where dul! su+scri+ed +e ore a notar! -u+lic* these are 'alid a ida'it% com-laints that will commence the action" 9un an( sa+i n( court" &k8 In a similar 'ain* the N<I had a similar case whereinthe! onl! orwarded a transmittal to(ether with the a ida'its o those who ha'e -ersonal knowled(e* is that a -ro-er a ida'it or commencement o the action; 9ES8 In this -articular case* another -oint which is su+)ect o contro'ers! is the in ormation" Sa+i ni!a insu icient an( in ormation" Wh!; 1e mo'ed to :uash the in ormation +ecause accordin( to him* !es there was 'iolation o the D&SRI rule* alam ni!o +a !un( dosri; Sa m(a +ank hindi -weden( man(utan( an( director* o icerhindi da-at sila nan(un(utan( -ero nan(un(utan( -a rin sila" Sa+i nial* !es 'iolation !an n( dosri +ut there is no esta a throu(h alsi ication o commercial documents +ecause he said accordin( to the in ormation* it is not I who +orrowed the mone!" So what is in dis-ute here is the in ormation" Was there a 'alid in ormation; That is wh! there was a motion to :uash" Anon( sina+i n( court dito* sandali8 Doon sa #?0 n( <ankin( Law* sina+i doon a loan could either +e direct* indirect or himsel or as re-resentati'e and lookin( at the in ormation it sa!s* that the loan was o+tained indirectl! +! the accused and the unds were recei'ed +!

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him" The court said* the in ormation was -ro-er and not de ecti'e" Let us look at now an &6T &5 C&6RT IDENTI5ICATI&N" Ano +a sir !un( out o court; 9un( m(a -olice line%u- t!-e" The case o 4idar 's" ,eo-le" The :uestion is W1ET1ER AN &6T &5 C&6RT IDENTI5ICATI&N IS ,&SITI4E &R DERI4ATI4E" What are the rules that !ou ha'e to consider; 9ou ha'e to consider the T&TALIT9 &5 CIRC6MSTANCES and the court has enumerated our. 1" witnessF o--ortunit! to 'iew the criminal at the time o the crime/ $" the witnessF de(ree o attention at the time/ 0" accurac! o an! -rior descri-tion (i'en +! the witness/ 4" le'el o certaint! identi ication/ o the

Anon( oras ta!o uuwi; C oFclock" Corinthian 7arden case" What is the rule when !ou talk o )udicial notice; The -ro'ision on )udicial notice is where; R6LE 1$D" &k tandaan ni!o !an ha8 R6LE 1$D" Class an( e'idence konti lan( !an eh 1$?%100" Ah sir* 104; Wala na !an8 That has +een su-erseded +! R6LE $4" Ah sir (anun +a;8 &&8KchucklesI wala na !an8 9an( 104 na !an a! wala na* -inalitan na !an nun( $4 na diniscuss ko kanina" Audicial notice is ound in R6LE 1$D* what do I want !ou to +ear in mind when !ou talk o )udicial notice; T1ERE IS N& NEED &5 INTR&D6CTI&N &5 E4IDENCE" 9un !un8 W1&SE N&TICE IS T1AT; That is the notice o the )ud(e8 That is not !our -ro+lem as a -art!% liti(ant* that is or the )ud(e to take notice o " &k8 Without introduction o e'idence" Look at that #1 ok8 And class I will not (o throu(h the -rocess o enumeratin( what is mandator!" <ut let me (i'e !ou the case o Corinthian 7ardens* what does it sa!; A C&6RT CANN&T TA=E A6DICIAL N&TICE &5 5ACT6AL MATERS" 5actual matters +ecause* these are not settled or studied* in act these are dis-uted matters" CAN T1E C&6RT TA=E A6DICIAL N&TICE &5 AN &RDINANCE; The case o Social Austice Societ! 's" AtienGa" The ordinance su+)ect o dis-ute is an ordinance ado-tin( the Manila Com-rehensi'e Land 6se and Nonin( Re(ulation o $22C" Is the court re:uired to take )udicial notice; This is what the court said. while the courtFs are re:uied to take )udicial notice o law enacted +! Con(ress* the R6LE WIT1 RES,ECT T& L&CAL &RDINANCES IS DI55ERENT" E'en when there is a statute that re:uires the court to take )udicial notice o munici-al ordinances* a court is not re:uired to take )udicial no!ices o ordinances that are not +e ore it and to which it does not ha'e access" Laws enacted +! Con(ress* 9ES8 <ut ordinances* i it is not within their access it is not +ound ta take )udicial notice" In this case the! e'en cited RA42D #J2* allowin( the courts to take )udicial notice o

J" len(th o time +etween the crime and identi ication/ C" the su((esti'eness identi ication" o the

Class* what the court said here is I5 9&6 C&M,L9 WIT1 T1E ,ARAMETERS* T1E &6T &5 C&6RT IDENTI5ICATI&N IS ,R&,ER" <ut e'en i the out o court identi ication is irre(ular* meanin( it su((ested who the accused is or who the sus-ect is* or as lon( as there is -ositi'e identi ication in court it 'alidates the out o court identi ication" Do !ou ollow; 5or as lon( as there is -ro-er court identi ication in the course o the -roceedin(s in court then it 'alidates the otherwise de ecti'e identi ication" Now* I will touch on a ew items on e'idence" Let us touch on A6DICIAL N&TICE" Ano na +an( oras; &h J kita ni!o mas isan( oras ka -a"

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ordinances -assed +! the Cit! o Manila" Take note* dinisre(ard n( hus(ado !un" Sa+in ( hus(ado* -wede ordinances i it is within the access o the )ud(es +ut i not the! cannot take )udicial notice" 1&W A<&6T A6DICIAL ADMISSI&NS; Do !ou need to introduce e'idence when !ou talk o )udicial admissions; N&8 that is wh! class i !ou w-ould note* )udicial notice and )udicial admissions are under the same rule" The! are under the same rule +ecause there is no need o introduction o e'idence" Now* let us look ta the =INDS &5 A6DICIAL N&TICE. 1" mandator!/ $" discretionar!* discretionar!; % % what are

a(encies o the (o'ernment* the lesser that it +ecomes a matter o )udicial notice" In the same manner as roads* im-ortant ri'ers* the lesser im-ortance o that road* the lesser it +ecomes o )udicial notice" 0" an! matter could +e su+)ect o )udicial notice % when hearin( necessar!" ok8 The hearin( there is or what -ur-ose; Not -resentation o e'idence +ut to call the attention o the court" % <E5&RE A6D7MENT is rendered* an! matter could +e su+)ect o )udicial notice meanin( ull moon +a sa araw na (anito; umuulan +as a araw na (anito; Do !ou ollow; The court could take )udicial notice o that* !ou could call the attention o the court" 1owe'er* &NCE T1ERE IS A A6D7MENT !ou cannot )ust ask the court to take )udicial notice" The court will onl! take )udicial notice i it will chan(e the outcome o the case"

o -u+lic knowled(e / o un:uestiona+le demonstartion/ % that which the )ud(e ou(ht to know +! reason o his )udicial unction"Sir* D& 9&6 NEED T& INTR&D6CE E4IDENCE;N&8 discretionar!* meanin( the court can decide whether to take )udicial notice i it is o -u+lic knowled(e* ri(ht;8 &r i the )ud(e ou(ht to know +! reason o his )udicial unction" 1ere there is some sort o o'erla--in( when it comes to what the )ud(e ou(ht to know +! reason o his )udicial unction" <ut -leas +ear in mind* the lesser im-ortant a circular +ecomes or administrati'e circulars in de-artments or administrati'e

Now* let us look at the <EST E4IDENCE R6LE" This is the case o Edsa Shan(rila resort" Class this case merel! -resented +est e'idence and likewise secondar! e'idence" W1AT IS T1E <EST E4IDENCE R6LE; Where the C&NTENTS &5 T1E D&C6MENT IS T1E S6<=AECT &5 T1E IN@6IR9 !ou will ha'e to -resent the ori(inal* !un !un8 That is the +est e'idence rule" When the contents thereo is the su+)ect o the in:uir!* !ou will ha'e to -resent the ori(inal" Stated otherwise* when the contents o he document is not the su+)ect o

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the in:uir!* !ou could sim-l! -resent a co-! in court +ecause the contents are not the su+)ect o the in:uir!" Now* i we sa! that there are instances where the ori(inals are not a'aila+le" 9ou know that ri(ht;8 I will not (i'e !ou the e3ce-tions* it will eat much o our time +ut I will touch on the secondar! ok8 W1AT IS SEC&NDAR9 E4IDENCE; i the ori(inal. 1" has +een lost or destro!ed/ $" i it is in the custod! o the ad'erse -art!" In that case class !ou could -resent a 1" co-!/

0" that due dili(ence was e ected to -rocure it" Let us look at the case o 7arcillano 's" 1ouse o Re-resentati'es" This is in connection with ANTI%WIRE TA,,IN7 RA4$22" W1AT IS T1E 7ENERAL R6LE W1EN IT C&MES T& RA 4$22; I think !ou were aware o this* the 7arci ta-es* ri(ht;8 Ille(all! wire ta--ed material is inadmissi+le* unless o course !ou ha'e a court order or its -resentation" 1owe'er* in this -articular case the Su-reme Court made a 'er! narraow e3ce-tion in addition to what is -ro'ided or under RA 4$22" What does it sa!; As a 'er! narrow e3ce-tion. 1" T1E WIRE TA,,ED MATERIAL MA9 <E 6SED AND IS ADMITTED IN A A6DICIAL ,R&CEEDIN7 5&R ,R&SEC6TI&N &5 4I&LATI&N &5 RA4$22" Do !ou ollow; The wire ta--ed lle(all! o+tained in ormation can +e -resented in a )udicial -roceedin(* where a -erson is -rosecuted or 'iolation o RA4$22/ $" in a le(islati'e in'esti(ation in aid o le(islation whose -ur-ose is -recisel! T& ADDRESS ILLE7AL WIRE TA,,IN7" Althou(h class in this case* it could +e used to aid Con(ress in its le(islati'e in'esti(ation" It cannot +e used in the -rosecution o electoral raud" Do !ou ollow; 9es* !ou can use it in aid o le(islation" Alam na alam mo narini( n( +a!an !an na tala(an( ma! kalokohan +ut it is inadmissi+le or -ur-oses o -rosecution in connection with electoral raud" Let us -roceed to another item" What is that another item; ,AR&L E4IDENCE R6LE" What

$" recital in documents/ or



0" testimon! o witnesses W1AT I5 T1E &RI7INAL IS REC&RDED IN A ,6<LIC &55ICE &R IN T1E C6ST&D9 &5 A ,6<LIC &55ICER; Do !ou need to -resent the ori(inal in court; N&8 it is su icient to -resent sim-l! a certi ied true co-! or a certi ication" A while a(o this mornin( I (a'e the re:uisites o secondar! e'idence when the ori(inal is in the custod! o the ad'erse -art!" 1&W A<&6T SEC&NDAR9 E4IDENCE W1ERE T1E &RI7INAL 1AS <EEN L&ST &R DESTR&9ED; 9ou will ha'e to ESTA<LIS1. 1" the e3istence/ $" the act that it has +een lost or destro!ed/ and

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a+out the -arol e'idence rule; The +asic rule is* T1E D&C6MENT IS T1E M&N6MENT &5 W1AT T1E ,ARTIES 1A4E A7REED 6,&N" E'er!thin( that !ou ha'e a(reed u-on is in the document that !ou ha'e e3ecuted* !ou cannot (o outside o it" I !ou (o outside o what is in the document !ou will +e in 'iolation o the -arol e'idence rule" 1&W CAN 9&6 ,RESENT E4IDENCE &6TSIDE &5 W1AT IS IN T1E D&C6MENT; That is the :uestion answered in the case o ACI 's" Co:uia !un an( tanon(" ,a-aano; And this is 'er! im-ortant class it is in the code +ut it is cited in the case" 9&6 1A4E T& ,6T IT IN ISS6E IN T1E ,LEADIN7S % !ou could modi !* e3-lain or add or as lon( as !ou -ut it in issue in the -leadin(s" I !ou did not -ut it in issue in the -leadin(s* !ou cannot -resent the e3ce-tions to the -arol e'idence rule" &k8 And class i I can (i'e !ou a ew o the e3ce-tions* !ou ha'e. 1" when the document is not re lecti'e o the true a(reement o the -arties/ $" as to matters o 'alidit!/ 0" mistake o act/ 4" intrinsic am+i(uit!/ J" im-er ection" Now*let us look at this case o Chua%7ao 's" Chua a $22? case that e3-lains to us whether or not !ou need to -resent an ori(inal* in a case" W1ERE T1E ISS6E IS &NL9 AS T& W1ET1ER T1E D&C6MENT WAS ACT6ALL9 E>EC6TED &R E>IST &R T1E CIRC6MSTANCES RELE4ANT T& &R S&RR&6NDIN7 ITS E>EC6TI&N* the +est e'idence rule D&ES N&T A,,L9" Are we clear; The +est e'idence rule will not a--l! when it is a :uestion o e3ecution* its e3istence or the circumstances surroundin( its e3istence* !ou do

not need to -resent the ori(inal" In act the court said here that* the -resentation o co-ies o the trans er certi icate o title and the deeds are enou(h* !ou do not need to -resent the ori(inal" The ne3t :uestion that I would like to touch on would +e in the case o Sansan 's" NLRC" I think the -ertinent -ro'ision here is R6LE 1$? #$* what is that; The R6LES &N E4IDENCE A,,LIES IN ALL C&6RTS IN T1E ,1ILI,,INES E>CE,T AS &T1ERWISE ,R&4IDED 5&R <9 LAW" Do !ou ollow; NLRC is not a court* it is a :uasi%)udicial a(enc!" The :uestion -resented +e ore the Su-reme Court was CAN T1ERE <E ,RESENTATI&N &5 NEW E4IDENCE &N A,,EAL IN T1E NLRC AND N&T WIT1 T1E LA<&R AR<ITER" So the documents were not -resented at at the la+or ar+iter +ut at the NLRC on a--eal" What did the Su-reme Court sa!; The su+mission o additional e'idence +e ore the NLRC is not -rohi+ited +! its new rules o -rocedure* a ter all rules o e'idence -re'ailin( in courts o law or e:uit! are not controllin( in la+or cases" The NLRC and la+or ar+iters are directed to use e'er! and reasona+le means to ascertain the acts* the su+mission o additional e'idenc on a--eal does not -re)udice the other -art! or the latter could su+mit counter% e'idence" 9ou know class that is the di icult! later on* i !ou will note in the NLRC" 9ou could -resent )ust an!thin(" 9ou -hotoco-!* !ou old it !our -ocket* then !ou attach it to the -leadin( it is ok +ecause technical rules o e'idence do not a--l!" As the! sa!* e'en i !ou -resent it there* there is an o--ortunit! to -resent counter% e'idence" The ne3t :uestion -resented in that case is this ,RESENTATI&N &5 ,1&T&C&,IES" Sa+i ni!a +akit naman -hotoco-! lan( -resenta mo* hindi naman ori(inal* considerin( the +est e'idence rule* correct;8 the court said* e'en assumin( that -etitioners were (i'en mere -hotoco-ies

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a(ain we stress that -roceedin(s +e ore the NLRC are not 'o'ered with technical rules o -rocedure* as o+ser'ed +! re(ular courts" Do !ou ollow; That is wh! i !ou recall !our administrati'e law" What does the Su-reme Court usuall! do in ada-tin( decisions o :uasi% )udicial a(encies* the! ha'e s-ecial skills* knowled(e and e3-ertise there ore the Su-reme Court sees no reason to distur+ the indin(s o acts +! :uasi%)udicial a(enc!" Now* let us tr! to answer this :uestion % CAN AN E4IDENCE <E C&NSIDERED A5TER T1E DECISI&N AND N&T 5&RMALL9 &55ERED; &k8 <asic rule this has +een asked re-eatedl! in +ar e3ams* no ormal o er" The answer is N& and that is the 7ENERAL R6LE" 1owe'er class* let me call !our attention to another case in'ol'in( the same matter" The case o Ra ael DiGon 's" Court o A--eals citin( the lon( standin( rule o 4da" De &Oate" What is this case o 4da" De &Oate; This -articular case onl! declare to(ether with some other cases* that E4EN I5 IT IS N&T 5&RMALL9 &55ERED <6T IT IS MADE ,ART &5 T1E REC&RD* T1E C&6RT CAN C&NSIDER T1E SAME" 1owe'er class these are what; Accordin( to the case o Ra ael DiGon MEREL9 E>CE,TI&NS T& T1E 7ENERAL R6LE" W1AT IS T1E 7ENERAL R6LE; No e'idence will +e considered +! the court 6NLESS 5&RMALL9 &55ERED the 4da" De &Oate case is )ust an e3ce-tion" Now* let us look at ,&SITI4E IDENTI5ICATI&N 'is%Q%'is ALI<I* ,eo-le 's" <a!ot" Settled )uris-rudence is that* CATE7&RICAL AND C&NSISTENT ,&SITI4E IDENTI5ICATI&N A<SENT AN9 S1&WIN7 &5 ILL%M&TI4E &N T1E ,ART &5 T1E E9E WITNESS ,RE4AILS &4ER DE5ENSES &5 DENIAL AND ALI<I" Let us look at AD4ERSE ,ART9 WITNESS" &k8 I ha'e mentioned that a while a(o" Ad'erse -art! witness that is ound in R6LE 10$ #10" It is in

the same -ara(ra-h as a hostile witness" Tin(nan natin to class" What does it sa!; W1& IS AN AD4ERSE ,ART9 WITNESS; The ad'erse -art! witness is the other -art! who !ou want to call on the witness stand* that is an ad'erse -art! witness" When !ou sa! AD4ERSE ,ART9FS WITNESSES those are the witnesses o the other -art! +ut when !ou sa! AD4ERSE ,ART9 WITNESS I am the -lainti he is the de endant* he is the ad'erse -art! witness" CAN I CALL T1E &T1ER ,ART9 &N T1E STAND; 9es8 <ut I should ha'e ser'ed written interro(atories consistent with R6LE $J" W1& IS A 1&STILE WITNESS; Ma! na(konsulta sa akin hira- na hira- akon( ma(discuss* kasi sa+i ni!a osa+i ni!a sa akin eh -a-aano !an( hostile na !an eh (usto ni!a (anito raw !un( ano (inawa n( kala+an ni!a* his o--onent e'en +e ore -resentin( his witness said* !our honor I will +e -resentin( a hostile witnessKthe class chucklesI &h8 Marunon( ka!o* marunon( ka!o8 Tama !un8 A 1&STILE WITNESS &NL9 <EC&MES &NE &NL9 A5TER T1E C&6RT DECLARES 1IM T& <E A 1&STILE WITNESS +ecause he has misled !ou* his -osition is ad'erse" Do !ou ollow;8 All o these thin(s makes him a hostile witness +ut the mere act that !ou eel that he ma! +e hostile will not make him as a hostile witness" What did the court sa! on Chua%7ao 's" Chua; 6nlike an ordinar! witness* the callin( -art! ma! im-each an ad'erse witness in all res-ects as i he had +een called +! the ad'erse -art!* e3ce-t +! e'idence o his +ad character" Are we clear;8 So i I call on an ad'erse -art! witness* meanin( m! o--onent I could im-each him* I could destro! his testimon! +ut I cannot -resent his +ad character" Are we clear;8 1e is as i on cross%e3amination +ecause o+'iousl! his interest is ad'erse to m! interest" So a(ain* unlike an ordinar! witness* the callin( -art! ma! im-each an ad'erse witness in all res-ects as i he had +een called +! the ad'erse -art!* e3ce-t +! e'idence o his +ad character"

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&k8 Now* let us look at the case in'ol'in( 7&4ERNMENT ,RI4ILE7E* Neri 's" Senate Committee on Accounta+ilit!" W1AT IS A 7&4ERNMENT ,RI4ILE7E; A (o'ernment -ri'ile(e is in'oked a(ainst -u+lic disclosure o state secrets co'erin( militar!* di-lomatic and other national securit! matters" In the Re!nolds case it was held that there must +e a ormal claim* T1ERE S1&6LD <E A 5&RMAL CLAIM 5&R A 7&4ERNMENT ,RI4ILE7E o -ri'ile(e lod(e +! the head o the de-artment" W1& S1&6LD L&D7E T1E CLAIM; The head o the de-artment" &k8 5or the (o'ernment -ri'ile(e and has control o'er the matter a ter actual consideration +! that o icer* the court must therea ter determine whether the circumstances are a--ro-riate or the claim o the -ri'ile(e" A(ain* a (o'ernmental -ri'ile(e is a -ri'ile(e to -re'ent disclosure o state secrets co'erin( militar!* di-lomatic or other national securit! matters and +ased on the old Re!nolds case* the re:uirement is to lod(e a ormal claim +! the head o the de-artment to +e a+le to in'oke" 1&W A<&6T AN E>EC6TI4E ,RI4ILE7E; W1& CAN IN4&=E AN E>EC6TI4E ,RI4ILE7E; &nl! the -resident or the e3ecuti'e secretar! can in'oke the e3ecuti'e -ri'ile(e accordin( to this case" CAN ,RESIDENTIAL C&MM6NICATI&NS 6NDER T1E S&%CALLED E>EC6TI4E ,RI4ILE7E <E ,IERCED; The -residential communication -ri'ile(e can +e -irced +! showin( o s-eci ic need o the -art! seekin( -residential in ormation in order to -er orm its unctions mandated +! the constitution" So !ou would note that what could -ierce the e3ecuti'e or the -residential -ri'ile(e communication is the

need to -er orm the unctions under the constitution" Let us look at class the $ T9,ES &5 ,&SITI4E IDENTI5ICATI&N" What are the $ t!-es o -ositi'e iden ication; 1" as DIRECT E4IDENCE* meanin( !ou were there and !ou were a+le to see how it was committed/ $" as CIRC6MSTANTIAL E4IDENCE" Let us look at E>TRA%A6DICIAL C&N5ESSI&N" As a rule e3tra%)udicial con ession can onl! +e used a(ainst the -erson makin( it* that is the rule" W1AT ARE T1E E>CE,TI&NS; 1" where there are E>TRA%A6DICIAL STATEMENTS 1AD <EEN MADE <9 SE4ERAL ,ERS&N char(ed with an o ense and T1ERE C&6LD 1A4E <EEN N& C&LL6SI&N with re erence to said se'eral con ession/ $" this is also admissi+le as circumstantial e'idence a(ainst the -erson im-licated to show the -ro+a+ilit! o the latterFs actual -artici-ation/ 0" ma! also ser'e as corro+orati'e e'idence* i it is clear rom other acts and circumstances that other -erson had -artici-ated in the commission o the crime" These are known C&N5ESSI&NS" as INTERL&C=IN7

Let us now look at W1EN A6DICIAL ADMISSI&N T& <E MADE; Cuenco 's" Talisa!" 1" it could +e made in the -leadin(s* accordin( to this case/

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$" durin( the trial whether 'er+al or written/ 0" in other sta(es o the -roceedin(s" Now* let us touch on &55ER &5 C&M,R&MISE" 6nder R6LE 102 #$B" In CI4IL CASES at AN9 STA7E o the -roceedin(s !ou could o er com-romise" Ri(ht;8 1owe'er* in a CRIMINAL CASE an o er o com-romise o an accused is an IM,LIED ADMISSI&N &5 LIA<ILIT9" Now* this case o ,eo-le 's" Er(ueGa is in ormati'e" &k8 Wh!; An o er o C&M,R&MISE 5R&M AN 6NA6T1&RINED ,ERS&N CANN&T AM&6NT T& T1E ADMISSI&N &5 T1E ,ART9 1IMSEL5" So at times the -art! has a re-resentati'e* i the -erson in unauthoriGed it cannot amount to the admission o the -art! himsel " T1E ACC6SED S1&6LD 1A4E <EEN ,RESENT &R AT LEAST A6T1&RINED T1E ,R&,&SED C&M,R&MISE" So what !ou ind here is some sort o a(enc!" The accused was not there* someone else o ers a com-romise so called or him +ut i he is unauthoriGed the com-romise or the o er o com-romise cannot +e taken a(ainst the accused" Let us now -roceed on a ew more items* 'ideo recodin( o e'idence" <e ore I (o to the 'ideo recordin( let us take note o the DNA R6LE which was -assed +! the Su-reme Court in $22?" Do !ou still remem+er that; Sir* meron +a nun; &&8 Meron !unKchucklesI" I will hi(hli(ht the -oints that I eel necessar! or !our stud!" 6nder that rule there is what !ou call ,&ST C&N4ICTI&N DNA E>AMINATI&N" Sir* ano !un -ost con'iction DNA e3amination; 9ou ha'e alread! +een C&N4ICTED* !ou are rendered 76ILT9* !ou are ALREAD9 SER4IN7 SENTENCE* C&6LD 9&6 AS= 5&R DNA E>AMINATI&N; 9ES8 C&&6LD S&ME&NE ELSE AS= T1E E>AMINATI&N 5&R 9&6; 9ES8 CAN 9&6 <E RELEASED i a ter the DNA E3amination it is ound that !ou are not the

-er-etrator o the o ense; 9ES8 <ut !ou ha'e to 5ILE somethin( % what do !ou need to ile; A ,ETITI&N 5&R 1A<EAS C&R,6S in the C&6RT T1AT &RI7INALL9 RENDERED T1E A6D7MENT" Take note o that hindi -a lumala+as !an8 <aka +i(lan( i%multi-le choice ka!o d!an" What else; &N MATTERS &5 5ILIATI&N % W1AT A<&6T MATTERS &5 5ILIATI&N; That rule said that i it is. 1" DD"DM and a+o'e it C&RR&<&RATI4E E4IDENCE/ is

$" <elow DD"DM it is a DIS,6TA<LE ,RES6M,TI&N" W1AT 5I76RES AM I TELLIN7 9&6; A ter !our e3amination* !our relationshi- to the child is esta+lished to +e DD"DM that is corro+orati'e e'idence* +elow DD"DM that is onl! dis-uta+le -resum-tion" Let us look at 4IDE& REC&RDIN7 as e'idence" Torral+a 's" ,eo-le" CAN 9&6 6SE 4IDE& REC&RDIN7; a while a(o we discuss this in the li(ht o the recent decision o the court in the Man(undadatu case" W1AT ARE T1E RE@6IREMENTS 5&R 9&6 T& ,RESENT A 4IDE& REC&RDIN7; 1" a showin( that the recordin( de'ice is ca-a+le o takin( the testimon!/ $" that the o-erator o the de'ice was com-etent* not onl! the de'ice must +e ca-a+le +ut also the o-erator/ 0" esta+lishment o the aunthenticit! or correctness o the recordin( % is it authentic or correct/ 4" showin( o chan(es* additions or deletions or either s-licin(/

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J" showin( o the manner o -reser'ation o the recordin( or in the manner as we call* chain o custod!/ C" identi ication o the s-eakers/

!ou are a+le to -ercei'e and -ercei'in( !ou could make known !our -erce-tion to another* the rest are what; Dis:uali ications" Do !ou ollow;8 9un an( rule* :uali ication" The succeedin( -ro'isions are dis:uali ications" W1AT ARE T1E DIS@6ALI5ICATI&NS;

B" showin( the testimon! was 'oluntaril! made without an! kind o inducement" Is ,ARA55IN TEST* still a relia+le test toda!; N&T AN9M&RE" &k8 <ecause there are wa!s that !ou could ac:uire nitrate +urns not necessaril! +! irin( a (un" There are also wa!s toda! o remo'in( it so the nitrates can no lon(er +e detected" Let us look at the child witness e3amination rule" Remem+er that;8 <e ore we discuss the child witness e3amination rule let me set the rule that !ou ha'e to take note when it comes to testimon! o witnesses" &=8 ,aran( m(a antok na antok na ka!o ah8 What time is it;8 CA!an J.42 na +umilis ah8 &k8 7usto nan( umuwi Now* class W1AT IS T1E R6LE W1EN IT C&MES T& TESTIM&NIAL E4IDENCE; Class I tell !ou* do not (o to the +ar e3ams na hindi ni!o ka+isado an( R6LE 102 at R6LE 10$" 9un( 101* ka-a( minalas ka at tinanon( tala(an( malas ka +ecause that was asked in the +ar e3ams o $220* the -resum-tions" &k8 So R6LE 102 and 10$* !ou ha'e to know that +! heart" &k8 I am not sa!in( that !ou do not read the rest* !ou also stud! the rest +ut !ou ha'e to know +! heart R6LE 102 and 10$" W1AT IS T1E R6LE W1EN IT C&MES T& TESTIM&NIAL E4IDENCE; the rule is this* that the witness is A<LE T& ,ERCEI4E AND ,ERCEI4IN7 C&6LD MA=E =N&W 1IS ,ERCE,TI&N T& AN&T1ER" The rule does not re:uire !ou to +e a colle(e de(ree holder* to +e a hi(school (raduate all that it re:uires is that

1" mental immaturit! and mental sanit! % d!an -a-asok !un( child witness e3amination rule" When !ou talk o mental maturit! class* a(ain the -ro'ision o the law did not -ro'ide or an a(e* i !ou would note that is wh! it used maturit! and that leads me to C1ILD WITNESS E>AMINATI&N R6LE % a--lies to CI4IL" CRIMINAL AND E4EN ADMINISTRATI4E cases" CAN 9&6 AS= LEADIN7 @6ESTI&NS &N A C1ILD WITNESS 6NDER T1E C1ILD WITNESS E>AMINATI&N R6LE; 9ES +ut !ou ha'e to in orm the other -art! that !ou will +e askin( leadin( :uestions" CAN DE,&SITI&NS <E TA=EN 6NDER T1E C1ILD WITNESS E>AMINATI&N R6LE; 9ES de-ositions can +e taken" S1&6LD T1E C&6RT DETERMINE T1E A<ILIT9 &5 T1E C1ILD T& TESTI59 AND T& =N&W W1AT IS RI71T AND W1AT IS WR&N7; 9ES that has to +e determined under the child witness e3amination rule" There is what !ou call C&M5&RT &<AECTS8 Ano !un( m(a com ort o+)ects; Da-at alam ni!o !an +aka i%multi-lt choice ka!o d!an" Those o+)ects where the child witness is com orta+le* that she could hold on to in the course o the -roceedin(s"

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W1& ARE C&M5&RT ,ERS&NS; Com ort -ersons could +e a nann!* a !a!a or AN9 ,ERS&N T& W1&M S1E 5EELS T1E TR6ST AS S1E TESTI5IES" S1&6LD T1E E>AMINATI&N &5 A C1ILD WITNESS <E 5ACE%T&%5ACE IN C&6RT &R C&6LD IT <E &N A T4 LI4E LIN= ,R&CEEDIN7S; 9ES" Take note* the -roceedin(s here could also +e treated con idential" CAN A ,ERS&N <E IDENTI5IED <9 1IS ,19SICAL <6ILT* 4&ICE AND ,EC6LIAR SMELL; In this -articular caseka!o naman oh8 ,ara ka!on( niloloko8 1indi ko ka!o niloloko8KchucklesI" Can an accused +e identi ied +! reason o his -h!sical +uilt* 'oice and -eculiar smell; ,eo-le 's" CaOete* while it ma! +e true that it was dark when the a--ellant ra'ished the -ri'ate com-lainant or ra-ed her in his house* the -h!sical +uilt o the a--ellant +ut also with his 'oice and -eculiar smell* the 'ictim was a+le to identi !" Alam ni!o naman si(uro !un* !un( smell8 Meron n(a i+an( tao !un at !un an( amo! eh8KchucklesI $" +! REAS&N &5 MARRIA7E % this not a -ri'ile(e* this is a dis:uali ication +! reason o marria(e and class -lease take note that the IN5&RMATI&N 1ERE IS N&T C&N5IDENTIAL* it is the marria(e that dis:uali ies !ou to testi !" <6T A5TER T1E MARRIA7E CAN 9&6 TESTI59; 9ES* unlike -ri'ile(ed communication +! reason o marria(e* e'en a ter the termination o the marria(e are !ou still +ound +! the -ri'ile(e; 9ES" 0" The -ro'ision in #$0 in the last ? !ears has +een asked once* the DEAD MANFS STAT6TE" W1AT IS

T1E DEAD MANFS STAT6TE; An! claim on the estate o a deceased -erson* an! -art! or assi(nors o -arties are dis:uali ied to testi ! +ecause he has an interest on the estate o a deceased -erson or a -erson o unsound mind" Are we clear; So -erson who ha'e interests* like -arties or assi(nors o -arties cannot testi !* the! are dis:uali ied to +e a witness" 1owe'er* witnesses in documents the! ha'e e3ecuted* witnesses can testi ! +ased on the SanGo case* the! could also -resent documents that were e3ecuted +! the deceased durin( his li etime" W1& ARE ,R&1I<ITED; W1& ARE DIS@6ALI5IED;&nl! -arties or assi(nors o -arties" In'ol'in( take note* this is a 'er! narrow -ro'ision meanin( the a--lication is limited* !ou could onl! in'oke dis:uali ication i it in'ol'es a claim a(ainst the estate o the deceased or a -erson o unsound mind" Are we clear;8 4" another set o dis:uali ication is ,RI4ILE7ED C&MM6NICATI&N % n(a!on ma! time ako to hi(hli(ht im-ortant -ara(ra-hs +ecause I still ha'e 1J minutes" &k8 A" Class +ear this in mind ATT&RNE9 % CLIENT* IN 4IEW T& &R IN T1E C&6RSE &5 oneFs -ro essional en(a(ement" The -ri'ile(e e3tends not onl! durin( the li e o the attorne!% client relationshi- +ut also in 'iew to* meanin( in antici-ation o a -ro essional en(a(ement is likewise co'ered" Do !ou ollow;8 That in'ol'es

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con idential in ormation that !ou ha'e recei'ed and -lease take note o the -ri'ile(ed communications under #$4 this is the onl! -ri'ile(ed communication that the -ri'ile(e e3tends to an a(ent* a secretar!* a clerk* this is the onl! -ri'ile(ed communication where it e3tends to the secretar!* clerk or steno(ra-her and it could onl! +e wai'ed* the -ri'ile(e* u-on consent o the law!er and the client" <" 1ow a+out D&CT&R%,ATIENT; That !ou do not ha'e a(enc! in doctor%-atient" &k8 It onl! sa!s that or a doctor%-atient -ri'ile(e to attach* that the in ormation that he recei'ed should +e necessar! or him to treatment or ad'ice" Remem+er that -ara(ra-h* that in ormation (i'en to him is necessar! or him to (i'e treatment and ad'ice" Let

in ormation* that is co'ered +! the -ri'ile(e" ,ero kun( ilaw eh" 5eel mo lan( ma(-a%eksamin" Di +a ma! (anun8 ,a%eksamin n(a ako" =un( eel mo lan(* a! wala8 Eh wala ka namin( doctor -a-aano ma(kakaroon n( -ri'ile(e" Do !ou ollow; <ut i it was necessar! or the doctor to act and to (i'e treatment and ad'ice then it is co'ered +! the -ri'ile(e and alwa!s remem+er T1AT &NL9 D&CT&RS W1& ARE D&CT&RS &5. % % MEDICINE/ S6R7E&NS/

% &<STETRICS are co'ered +! the -ri'ile(e" &k8 Non% (i'e traditional doctors are not co'ered +! this -ri'ile(e* the midwi'es are not co'ered +! this -ri'ile(e* nurses are not co'ered +! this -ri'ile(e" &k +a;8

me ask !ou this :uestion*he recei'ed a C" Now the ne3t one is ,ENITENT la+orator! e3amination" and ,RIEST" &k8 Take note class As -er instruction o the doctor that this -ri'ile(e will onl! there is a need or me to (o a--l! i what I5 IT IS ENA&INED under(o a la+orator! <9 T1E RELI7I&6S INSTIT6TI&N e3amination" IS T1E T& W1IC1 1E <EL&N7S* LA<&ART&R9 E>AMINATI&N meanin( con ession is re:uired C&4ERED <9 T1E D&CT&R% +! the reli(ious institution to ,ATIENT ,RI4ILE7E; 5or !ou to which he +elon(s* i it is not +e a+le to answer that !ou will then this -ri'ile(e will not answer this :uestion* W1& a--l!" There ore* (enerall! it RE@6IRED 9&6 T& TA=E T1AT a--lies to the Catholic Church E>AMINATI&N; I !ou are the others would not re:uire !ou to doctor who re:uired to take the con ess +e ore a -riest" 9es !ou e3amination and it is necessar! (o to the -astor +ut he is not or him to (i'e !ou ad'uce and co'ered +! the -ri'ile(e" 9es treatment +! reason o that !ou -u+licl! -roclaim that !ou

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committed a sin that is not co'ered +! the -ri'ile(e" It should +e en)oined +! the reli(ious institution to which he +elon(s" Last -oint on this -ri'ile(e* W1AT I5 9&6 C&N5ESSED <E5&RE A N6N; Natawa na naman ka!o-ara ka!on( niloloko8 That is not co'ered +! the -ri'ile(e that is not co'ered" D" There is also what !ou call a 5ILIAL ,RII4ILE7E" 9&6 CANN&T TESTI59 A7AINST AN ASCENDANT &R A DESCENDANT 6NLESS 1E WAI4ES IT" &k8 That is su+)ect to wai'er" Let me endA!an* end na8 &h ma! J minutes -a" I would like to end in discussin( admission* a! hindi -a -ala !an8 Tatlo -a8 Eh* -aano +aka mama!a ma! luma+as hindi ako nakokonsens!a" =asi (anun ako eh* I want to (i'e it to !ou -ara<! m! conscience I ha'e (i'en what I ha'e to teach !ou" The irst o the three that I would like to discuss would +e SIMILAR C&ND6CT" &k8 9ou know that;8 Class that is airl! sim-le* )ust remem+er this" T1E 5ACT T1AT 9&6 DID &R DID N&T D& AN ACT AT S&ME TIME D&ES N&T MEAN T1AT 9&6 DID &R DID N&T D& AN ACT &N AN&T1ER TIME" Do !ou ollow; 7anun lan( !un* sir anon( i+i( sa+ihin nun; ,aran( ma(uloma(anda lan( -akin((an sir8 In sim-le words class* the act let us sa! that I committed ro++er! on a +ank here in Recto* let us sa! i there is an Allied <ank here in Recto* does it mean that I am the same -erson who committed the ro++er! o an Allied <ank in A!ala A'enue" Do !ou ollow;8 It does not mean that wa!* !ou cannot attri+ute to acts which a--ears to +e similar" Do !ou ollow;8 1owe'er* i !ou can esta+lish* it cannot +e -resented* a(ain m! act o ro++in( the Allied <ank in Recto* the acts surroundin( that

commission can +e -resented in that case +ut the acts surroundin( the commission cannot +e -resented in the case in'ol'in( the Allied <ank ro++er! in A!ala" Do !ou ollow; <ecause it is totall! unrelated howe'er* the acts in +oth cases could +e used to esta+lish a scheme* an intent* a -attern" &k8 amon( others" 5or e3am-le % an( klase n( -a(nanakaw mo nirerentahan mo !un( ka+ilan( +uildin( ta-os +inu+utas mo la(i* malaman( ikaw !un" Do !ou ollow; ,attern* intent % what is an e3am-le o intent; 6nan( asawa mo namata! naka%claim ka n( insurance" ,an(alawan( asawa mo* namata! na naman naka%claim ka n( insurance" 9un( -an(atlo* muntikan lan( mamata!" That is intent ok8 <akit lahat n( asawa mo namamata! at kumikita ka;8 Do !ou ollow;8 There !ou will see the intent* when it comes to the insurance" 9ou will see that the! are what; The! are insured" Do !ou ollow;8 The ne3t which I think I should discuss with !ou is ADMISSI&N &5 A T1IRD ,ART9" Do !ou ollow; Admission o a third -art!* as a rule &NL9 9&6R ADMISSI&N CAN <E TA=EN A7AINST 9&6* A T1IRD ,ART9 ADMISSI&N CANN&T <E TA=EN A7AINST 9&6* 6NLESS 9&6 ARE A. )oint owner* co%owner* co%de+tor. there is what !ou call common interest or as lon( as !ou are -artners in a -artnershi- or there is a(enc!* -rinci-al%a(ent relationshi-" W1AT ARE T1E RE@6ISITES; 1" there is common interest/ $" that the act or the relationshi- has +een esta+lished +! the act other than the admission % meanin( there are documents to show the -artnershi-* there are document to show the -rinci-al%a(ent relationshi-/ 0" the act would ha'e +een committed durin( the e3istence o the -artnershi- or the relationshi-"

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Dean Tranquil S. Salvador III

Now* that likewise a--lies to C&NS,IRAC9 and the ollowin( are the re:uisites. 1" the cons-irac! would ha'e +een esta+lished +! a act other than the admission o a co%cons-irator/ $" there is a commn desi(n/ 0" it was made durin( the e3istence o the cons-irac!" <ut -lease take note o this* a declaration o a co%cons-irator is e3cluded onl!* i made e3tra% )udiciall!" <ut i the co%cons-irator is in court" Ima(ine I am the )ud(e and he sits here and -oints at !ou* at !ou* at !ou* can that +e taken a(ainst !ou; 9ES +ecause that is su+)ect to cross%e3aination" As a inal -oint class I would like !ou to take note o A6T1ENTICATI&N &5 D&C6MENTS" I will not discuss that an!more* that is #1?%00 o R6LE 10$* that is a (ood source o :uestion" 9ou ha'e to know the di erence +etween -ri'atehow to authenticate a -ri'ate document ro a -u+lic document" 9ou should know what is an ancient document* an ancient document is in e3istence or more than 02 !ears and it should ha'e +een in the custod! o the -erson whou should ha'e +een in custod! o the same and it a--ears to +e un+lemished" &k8 That is an ancient document" So with that IT IS C &FCL&C=8 It is alread! C oFclock so thank !ou or !our -atience8KClass A,,LA6DIN78I 7&&DL6C=888 Naku8 Meron akon( hindi nasa(ot* !ou want me to answer this -a;8 9ES8 1indi huwa( na si(e* those who will ask :uestions )ust a--roach meANSWER sir8 Answer888KClassI &k8 Si(e is a M&TI&N 5&R C&NSIDERATI&N MANDAT&R9 +e ore ilin( a ,ETITI&N 5&R CERTI&RARI; That is a ,RE%RE@6ISITE8 6nless !ou all in the e3ce-tions* +ut in a ,ETITI&N 5&R

RE4IEW &N CERTI&RARI that is not a -re% re:uisite" In case o denial o a -etition or certiorari* what will +e !our remed!; A! kulan( an( :uestion mo8 An( tanon( d!an (anito* remem+er RTC* CA and SC ha'e concurrent )urisdiction" Do !ou ollow; =a-a( sa Su-reme Court* eh wala ka nan( remed! MA7%MR ka kun( (usto mo8 5or e3am-le class* let us look at this* RTC there was a -etition or certioraricorrect;8 there was a -etition or certiorari in RTC on an interlocutor! order* the court dis-oses o the case* where do !ou (o rom the RTC % resolution o !our -etition or certiorari; In the CA* what will !ou ile; Remem+er the -etition or certiorari is an ori(inal action iled +e ore the RTC* !ou ile what; A notice that is an ordinar! a--eal" I let us sa!* i the CA* it is a -etition or certiorari in the CA* it inall! dis-oses o the case +ecause when the court decides a -etition or certiorari it inall! dis-oses the case* where do !ou (o; S6,REME C&6RT on a ,ETITI&N 5&R RE4IEW &N CERTI&RARI" &k8 The last :uestion* maha+a ito ah8 In an e)ectment case a inal )ud(ment was rendered a ter almost 12 !ears +! mere motion )ud(ment%o+li(ee o+tained a writ o e3ecution and a notice to 'acate was ser'ed to a third -art! in -ossession o the su+)ect -ro-ert! +! 'irtue o a concession a(reement* what is the +est remed! o the third -art!; It will de-end on the nature o his -ossession" Ano +a !un( nature n( -ossession n( third -art!; 1as he -urchased the -ro-ert!; I+a !un* in that case he will ha'e to reco'er -ossession" Do !ou ollow; The re(ular action or reco'er! o -ossession" i let us sa! he is not authoriGed or not entitled to sta! on the -ro-ert!* he has no remed! +ut to reco'er rom the -erson who has tolerated or has allow him to use the -ro-ert! i there was once a consideration" So9un lan(888 SALAMAT8 Thank !ou8

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