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Application Letter

Sales Letter

Order Letter

February 14, 2009 Lindsay Office Products P.O. Box 1879 S o!ane, "as#in$ton 98989 Sub%ect& Furniture and e'ui (ent order P)ease s#i t#e fo))o*in$ ite(s fro( your sa)es cata)o$ dated +anuary ,1, 19--& ./01 2onference 9es! 2reden?a 0xecutiAe 2#air Fi)e 2abinet ea. Letter /ray 23/3LO4 5 2OLO6 2 2 4 7/8 P6.20

:;<,,080<"B Sanda)*ood :;<,>887<"@ Sanda)*ood :P<B>B>,<S0 /oasted /an :;<B,442<@ Bei$e @B<299907<3 B)ac!

=478.>0 ea. 4,1.40 ea. 422.00 ea. 2 1,B.90 > 1>.9B ea.

/#e ite(s ordered aboAe s#ou)d be s#i

ed 2.O.9. to t#is address&

2L3.1S 9.C.S.O;, L3" 90P36/10;/ 2ity of 3ustin P.O. Box 9> 3ustin, /exas 787>7<009> /#e costs aboAe ref)ect a discount of B0D10, *it# net due in ,0 days after t#e inAoice date. /#e (erc#andised is to be s#i ed by your co( anyEs o*n truc! )ine at a rate of 7 ercent of t#e tota) net cost. "e are re(ode)in$ our offices and #aAe a tar$et co( )etion date of 1arc# ,0, 2009. .f t#ere is any reason you see t#at you can !ee your art of t#is sc#edu)e, )ease )et (e !no* i((ediate)y. Sincere)y,

Berenice 2#a(a)a Su erAisor, 2)erica) SerAices

Claim Letter

3 ri) 12, 2009 1r. 6o)an 2astro 3B2 Fas#ion 2o( any 1orayta, 1ani)a 9ear 1r. 2astro& . a( sorry, but t#e coat . urc#ased of you on February , for P 1,B>8.00 is not $iAin$ t#e serAice . fee) a coat of t#is 'ua)ity and rice s#ou)d $iAe. .n t#e t*o (ont#s . #aAe #ad it, . #aAe not $iAen t#e coat seAere or unusua) *ear, but a)ready t#e na is *earin$ a*ay aboAe t#e cuffs and oc!ets. 3)so, t#e )inin$ #as $iAen *ay at t#e ar(#o)es. .f . *ere in 1ani)a, . *ou)d be $)ad to brin$ t#e coat in for your ins ection. /#at bein$ i( ossib)e, . a( sendin$ it to your under anot#er coAer. "#en you see it, . be)ieAe you *i)) fee) as . do F t#at t#e cost is not u to your standard. 3s . )i!e t#is (ode) and fee) t#at t#is coat #as been an exce tion, . *ou)d be interested in securin$ anot#er one, roAided you are ab)e to (a!e (e a sufficient)y attractiAe a))o*ance. 8our tru)y, 1rs. 0rica /o a?

Adjustment Letter GGGGGGGGGGBetter "id$et 1a!ers, .nc.GGGGGGGGGG BBBB "id$et 3Aenue Si)Aer 2ity, 2O 804B> February 20, 2004 1r. +i( 9andy, +r. 4enera) 1ana$er 9andy 1anufacturin$, .nc. 2B2B 0. ,4t# Street 4ree)ey, 2O 80>,1 9ear 1r. 9andy& P)ease acce t (y a o)o$y for t#e incorrect s#i (ent of "id$ets and t#e de)ay in res#i in$ t#e order. .t *as our (ista!e. /#e ,00 9e)uxe 8e))o* "id$ets H6ef. 5 -/111I t#at you ori$ina))y ordered *ere s#i ed out frei$#t free today. 8ou s#ou)d receiAe t#e( to(orro* Aia JPS oAerni$#t 6ed Labe) de)iAery. "e Aa)ue your business and trust t#at you *i)) find t#is action satisfactory. .n addition, as t#ere is no excuse for t#e de)ay and inconAenience, . #aAe instructed our accountin$ de art(ent to credit your account in t#e a(ount of =1,>.80. /#is ref)ects t#e 10K discount routine)y a )ied to orders )ar$er t#an =2,B00.00. Sincere)y, Fran! /#o( son 2usto(er SerAice 6e resentatiAe

Inquiry Letter 97 Waterman Street Providence, RI !9"!#97 $ Septem%er ", ! 9 Ann &' (uec)ler Assistant *ice President and +rust O,,icer -'S' (an.+rust /roup "0"0 1ourt) Avenue P'O' (o2 7! Seattle, WA 93""" 4ear 5rs' (uec)ler6 I am 7ritin8 to request consideration ,or t)e Parrett Sc)olars)ip o,,ered %y +)e Parrett Sc)olars)ip 1oundation' I %elieve I meet all o, t)e quali,ications as speci,ied %y t)e ,oundation' I am presently a ,irst#year student at (ro7n 5edical Sc)ool in Providence, R)ode Island' I 8raduated ,rom Am)erst Colle8e in ! 9 7it) a (ac)elor o, Arts de8ree cum laude in (ioc)emistry' 5y career 8oal at t)is point is to %e a primary care p)ysician in a community# %ased )ospital similar to t)e one 7)ere I volunteered durin8 my colle8e years' I )ope to serve a multicultural patient population and speci,ically provide preventive care to adolescents and 7omen' Since enrollin8 at (ro7n, I )ave participated in t)e Adolescent :ealt) ;ducation Project in 7)ic) 8roups o, medical students visit local )i8) sc)ools and community centers once a 7ee. to discuss )ealt) issues 7it) teena8ers' Our topics include AI4S, alco)ol and dru8s, se2uality, teen pre8nancy, relations)ips and peer pressure' 5edical sc)ool at (ro7n %rin8s 7it) it an avera8e annual cost o, <99,7= ' W)ile I am receivin8 some sc)olars)ip assistance, I am also %orro7in8 ,rom several student loan pro8rams in order to cover my tuition and livin8 e2penses' Wit)out additional sc)olars)ip assistance, my ,inancial aid o,,icer and I estimate t)at my educational de%t at 8raduation 7ill reac) appro2imately <222 >see attac)ed de%t pro,ile?' 5y parents are nearin8 retirement and 7ill soon %e livin8 on a ,i2ed income' +)ey earn appro2imately <222 per year and t)us are a%le to provide only minimal support to my %rot)er >7)o is in )is second year o, la7 sc)ool? and me' I am concerned t)at my mountin8 educational de%t

7ill preclude me ,rom considerin8 lo7er#payin8 primary care specialties suc) as ,amily practice and pediatrics' I 7ould %e )appy to provide any additional in,ormation >e'8', transcripts, letters o, recommendation, ta2 returns, etc'? t)at your committee 7ould li.e to revie7' I am also availa%le ,or an intervie7 at your convenience' I, you require an application ,orm, I 7ould appreciate it i, you 7ould send one to me at t)e address listed a%ove' +)an. you in advance ,or your consideration' I loo. ,or7ard to )earin8 ,rom you' Sincerely, 5'+' Poc.ets, 5'4' @"

Reply Letter

February 14, 2009 1r. .. 1. 6ic# 1ana$in$ Partner :ydro o*er 9eAe)o ers, .nc. 4arden 2ity, ;+ 9ear 1r. 6ic#& /#is is in res onse to your )etter of February 7, 2009, re$ardin$ t#e o ti(u( enstoc! dia(eter for t#e /rout La!e #ydro o*er faci)ity. . #aAe reAie*ed t#e ro osed )ayout, and deter(ined t#e #ead )osses and cost of Aarious inta!e< enstoc! syste( a)ternatiAes. 1y ca)cu)ations on t#e inta!e< enstoc! syste(, assu(in$ a 1B0 cfs tota) desi$n disc#ar$e, 8B ercent )ant efficiency, and =4000D!" Aa)ue of o*er, indicate t#at a 1,0ft. dia(eter enstoc! aboAe t#e bifurcation, and a 8Bft. dia(eter for t#e enstoc!s be)o* t#e bifurcation *ou)d be t#e (ost cost effectiAe. 1y esti(ated construction cost for t#e inta!e enstoc! syste( inc)uded t#e costs =1,B82.00, =20000.00, and =,0000.00 ./#e tota) esti(ated construction cost is =>,B82.00. /#e #ead )osses of t#is syste( u to t#e o*er#ouse are esti(ated to be 200ft. at t#e 1B0 cfs desi$n disc#ar$e

for eac# turbine. . #aAe attac#ed (y ca)cu)ations and tab)es for your reAie*. P)ease ca)) if you #aAe any 'uestions or re'uire furt#er infor(ation. Sincere)y, @i( S(it# 9esi$n 0n$ineer

Appointment Letter February 14, 2009 1r. .. 1. Poor 97 "ater(an Street ProAidence, 6. 02912<970> 9ear 1r. Poor& Offer of 0( )oy(ent . a( )eased to offer you t#e osition of an accountin$ c)er! at 9andy 1anufacturin$, .nc. 2B2B 0. ,4t# Street 4ree)ey, 2O 80>,1 startin$ on February 20, 2009. . ro ose t#at t#e ter(s of e( )oy(ent *i)) be t#ose in t#e attac#ed draft indiAidua) e( )oy(ent a$ree(ent. P)ease note t#at you are entit)ed to discuss t#is offer and to see! adAice on t#e attac#ed ro osed a$ree(ent *it# your fa(i)y, a union, a )a*yer, or so(eone e)se you trust. .f you *ou)d )i!e infor(ation about your e( )oy(ent ri$#ts, see t#e 9e art(ent of LabourLs *ebsite ***$oAt.n? or #one t#e 9e art(entEs free i nfor(ation )ine on 0800 20 90 20. .f you disa$ree *it#, do not understand or *is# to c)arify anyt#in$ in t#is offer, )ease contact (e to discuss. .f you are #a y *it# t#e ro osed ter(s and *is# to acce t t#is offer of e( )oy(ent, )ease si$n t#e du )icate co y of t#is )etter and return it to (e by February 17, 2009. .f . #aAe not #eard fro( you by t#at date, t#is offer *i)) be auto(atica))y *it#dra*n. . )oo! for*ard to *or!in$ *it# you. 8ours sincere)y, 1r. +i( 9andy, +r. 4enera) 1ana$er

Acceptance Letter 7 S#a*nee 6oad S#ort :i))s, ;+ 07078 201<BBB<0,0, 1rs. "a)ter 1e))is# 4reen)ey 2or ., .nc. 1010 1adison 3Aenue ;e* 8or!, ;8 9ear 1rs. 1e))is#& .t *as certain)y *onderfu) ne*s *#en you ca))ed t#is afternoon to offer (e t#e osition as assistant buyer for 4reen)ey 2or . P)ease consider t#is )etter (y for(a) acce tance. . a( )eased to acce t your offer at a sa)ary of =29,000 annua))y. 3s *e a$reed, (y startin$ date *i)) be +u)y 28 to enab)e (e to finis# a su((er co( uter c)ass t#at *i)) en#ance (y s!i))s for 4reen)ey 2or . . a)so understand t#at . *i)) receiAe fu)) co( any ay and benefits durin$ t#e 12<*ee! trainin$ ro$ra( and t#at . a( considered robationary durin$ t#at ti(e. /#an! you a$ain, 1rs. 1e))is#, for offerin$ (e t#is *onderfu) o ortunity, and do )et (e !no* if . can do anyt#in$ in adAance of (y start date to faci)itate t#e a er*or!, or if t#ere are any areas youEd )i!e (e to be readin$ u on. "#at a de)i$#t it *i)) be to *or! *it# you and t#e 4reen)ey tea(M Sincere)y, +ane Oa!)ey

Re,usal Letter February 14, 2009

1r. +a(es 9oe :u(an 6esources 1ana$er 0n$ineerin$ 9iAision Bi$ 2o( any 2ity, State Ni 2ode

9ear 1r. 9oe&

/#an! you for offerin$ (e t#e osition of Pro%ect 1ana$er for t#e 9a))as office of Bi$ 2o( any. /#an! you for ta!in$ t#e ti(e to discuss t#e detai)s of t#e osition and $iAin$ (e t#e ti(e to consider your offer.

Bi$ 2o( any is an attractiAe and co( etitiAe co( any *it# nu(erous rofessiona) o ortunities aAai)ab)e *it#in t#e or$ani?ation. /#ere are (any as ects of t#e osition t#at are a ea)in$ to (eO #o*eAer, . fee) t#at it is in our (utua) interest for (e to dec)ine your $enerous offer. /#is #as been a difficu)t decision for (e, but . be)ieAe it is t#e a ro riate one for (y career at t#is ti(e.

3$ain, t#an! you for t#e ti(e and consideration you #aAe extended. .t *as a )easure (eetin$ you and your fine staff.

Sincere)y, Stan Student

Invitation Letter P+ Party 22 8e* Street, 2a(brid$e, Ontario /e)& 41><22,<8900 3 ri) 7t#, 2009 9ear Ca)ued 2usto(er& Our records s#o* t#at you #aAe been a custo(er of P+ Party .nc. since our $rand o enin$ )ast year. "e *ou)d )i!e to t#an! you for your business by inAitin$ you to our referred custo(er S rin$ 0xtraAa$an?a t#is Saturday. SaturdayEs sa)es eAent is by inAitation on)y. 3)) of our stoc!, inc)udin$ a%a(as and beddin$ *i)) be (ar!ed do*n fro( B0<80K off.P 9oors o en at 9&00 31 s#ar . 2o( )i(entary coffee and donuts *i)) be serAed. Pub)ic ad(ission *i)) co((ence at noon. .n addition, )ease acce t t#e enc)osed =10 $ift certificate to use *it# your urc#ase of =7B or (ore. "e )oo! for*ard to seein$ you at P+Es on Saturday. P)ease brin$ t#is inAitation *it# you and resent it at t#e door. Sincere)y, Linda Lane Linda Lane Store 1ana$er % artyincQs#o on) P3)) sa)es are fina). ;o exc#an$es. 0nc)osure& 4ift 2ertificate 5,4B Hnot redee(ab)e for cas#I

Re8ret Letter

,2 Bay State 6oad Boston, 13 0221B<190, 9ear 1r. 1ar!ey& /#an! you for attendin$ for interAie* for t#e ost of an accountin$ staff. /#e ca)ibre Of t#e interAie*ees *as Aery #i$# on t#e day, *#ic# (ade (a!in$ t#e fina) decision Aery 9ifficu)t. .t is *it# (uc# re$ret t#at . (ust infor( you t#at you *ere unsuccessfu) on t#is Occasion.

1any t#an!s 1r. 1ar!)ey for your interest in t#e osition and . *ou)d )i!e to *is# you eAery success in your future career.

8ours sincere)y, 1r. 9aAid "#ite 9eAe)o (ent 1ana$er D 2#air

Introduction Letter

201<BBB<0,0, % artyincQs#o on) 1r. +a(es 9oe :u(an 6esources 1ana$er 0n$ineerin$ 9iAision Bi$ 2o( any 2ity, State Ni 2ode February 14, 2009 9ear 1r. Bro*n, . a( a friend of +anice 9o)an and s#e encoura$ed (e to for*ard (y resu(e to you. . !no* +anice t#rou$# t#e Brandon /#eatre 4rou , *#ere . a( t#e tec#nica) director. "e *or!ed to$et#er on seAera) )oca) t#eatre ro%ects. .E( interested in re)ocatin$ to t#e San Francisco area in t#e near future. . *ou)d a reciate any reco((endations you can offer for conductin$ a %ob searc# for a t#eatre osition, findin$ %ob )eads, and any #e) you can roAide *it# t#e )o$istics of re)ocatin$ to 2a)ifornia. 1y resu(e is attac#ed. 1ost of (y t#eatrica) ex erience is in )i$#tin$ and ro%ection desi$n, #o*eAer . #aAe *or!ed at (ost bac!sta$e areas durin$ (y career. /#an! you for your consideration. . )oo! for*ard to #earin$ fro( you. Sincere)y, 1r. .. 1. Poor

Recommendation Letter ,2 Bay State 6oad Boston, 13 0221B<190, /o *#o( it (ay concern& . *ou)d )i!e to ta!e an o ortunity to offer a for(a) reco((endation for +ane 4)ass. 3s t#e Senior 2oordinator for :eart)and 2o((erce . #aAe !no*n +ane for a roxi(ate)y t*o years and fee) t#at s#e is a deserAin$ candidate for your business sc#oo) ro$ra(. +ane %oined our or$ani?ation as an entry<)eAe) custo(er serAice re resentatiAe. 9e(onstratin$ an incredib)e initiatiAe and a stron$ dedication, s#e (oAed u t#e ran!s 'uic!)y. 3fter on)y six (ont#s, s#e *as ro(oted to tea( )eader. /#e board cou)d not #e) but notice #o* successfu) s#e *as in #er ne* osition and 'uic!)y offered #er anot#er ro(otion, (a!in$ #er art of t#e executiAe (ana$e(ent tea(. +ane )eads by exa( )e and (any eo )e #ere find #er ent#usias( and dedication bot# ins irin$ and (otiAatin$. 3s art of t#e executiAe (ana$e(ent tea(, +ane #as *or!ed #ard to bui)d aut#entic re)ations#i s *it# t#e e( )oyees. :er efforts #aAe created a #a ier and (ore roductiAe tea(. . be)ieAe +ane ex#ibits (any of t#e 'ua)ities t#at are essentia) to business (ana$ers and business students. 3n education at your estee(ed business sc#oo) *i)) #e) #er #one t#ese 'ua)ities, *#i)e en#ancin$ #er career o ortunities. . #i$#)y reco((end +ane 4)ass for your ro$ra( and #o e t#at you *i)) carefu))y consider ad(ission a )ication. Sincere)y, 9ebra 1ax Senior 2oordinator :eart)and 2o((erce

Re,erral Letter

i( oorQ#ot(ai).co( February 17, 2009 .Aan 1. Poor 3ccountin$ staff S4C R 2o. 9ear 1r.D1s. Last ;a(e, . #aAe !no*n $race for oAer , years, *#i)e s#e *as *or!in$ as a executiAe (ana$er in 3)bert R 3))en 2o( any in (any Aarious ca acities. 4race re orted direct)y to (e as . *as #o)din$ a ro)e of senior (ana$er, 1ar!etin$ 9iAision bet*een 2004 and 200>. 9urin$ #er tenure, 4race #as s#o*n a tre(endous otentia) by s ear#eadin$ an extensiAe nu(ber of brand bui)din$ ro$ra(s and initiatiAes for t#e co( any. 3s a resu)t of #er consistent fres# ideas and #i$# ent#usias(, 2o( any attained outstandin$ financia) resu)ts for t#e 200B and 200> financia) years, *it# (ore t#an ,0K increase of reAenues ac#ieAed. S#e is a Aery custo(er oriented erson, and #as a Aery #i$# a titude for sa)es<re)ated ro)es a)so. :er *i))in$ness to ex )ore different %ob s ecia)i?ations in t#e co( any *on (any ad(irations in co( anyEs faAour. /o (y o*n obserAation, 4race is a trust*ort#y and re)iab)e erson *#o $oes $reat )en$t# to acco( )is# any tas! $iAen to #er. S#e *or!s *e)) bot# as an indiAidua) and as a tea( )ayer. S#e neAer #esitates to ta!e t#e extra ro)es *#ic# are beyond #er o*n %ob sco es. . *is# 4race a)) t#e success in )ife and reco((end #er for e( )oy(ent, *it# your or$ani?ation *it#out any #esitation. Sincerely, 9ebra 1ax Senior 2oordinator :eart)and 2o((erce

Resi8nation Letter

February 17, 2009 .Aan 1. Poor 2o( any ;a(e 4reen)ey 2or ., .nc. 1010 1adison 3Aenue ;e* 8or!, ;8 9ear 1r. "#ite& /#e ur ose of t#is )etter is to resi$n fro( (y e( )oy(ent *it# 2o( any ;a(e. 1y )ast day is Ht*o *ee!s fro( t#e date of t#e )etterI. . *is# you not#in$ but success $oin$ for*ard and *i)) (iss *or!in$ *it# you and (any of (y co<*or!ers and custo(ers. 1y e( )oy(ent *it# 2o( any ;a(e #as been an o ortunity to bot# )earn and to contribute. . *i)) ta!e (any ositiAe (e(ories *it# (e to (y ne* e( )oy(ent. 3$ain, best *is#es for a ositiAe future. P)ease ca)) on (e if t#ere is anyt#in$ . can do to #e) ease t#e transfer of (y *or! or to #e) train your ne* e( )oyee. 6e$ards, .Aan 1. Poor

+ermination Letter February 17, 2009 /#o(as Natins!i 79B 4i)(our St. 3 t. B08 2#ica$o, .L, >0>11 9ear /#o(as& .t is *it# sincere re$ret t#at . (ust infor( you t#at your e( )oy(ent at 3ddison Syste(s .nc. *i)) be ter(inated as of Friday +anuary ,1, 200>. 3s you !no*, t#e 9o*nsi?in$ /as! Force de)iAered t#eir re ort to t#e $enera) (ana$er in )ate October, 200>. 3(on$ t#e tas! force reco((endations *as t#e e)i(ination of a)) te( orary and contract ositions. Since you occu y a te( orary osition, your osition is auto(atica))y sub%ect to t#e tas! force reco((endations. . *ou)d )i!e to (a!e it abso)ute)y c)ear t#at in no *ay does your ter(ination ref)ect t#at t#e co( any is in any *ay un#a y *it# your *or! erfor(ance oAer t#e ast 18 (ont#s. .n fact, you #aAe been #i$#)y re$arded as one of our (ost roductiAe contract staffers. Jnfortunate)y, you and t#e ot#er non< er(anent staff t#at are bein$ )et $o are si( )y a ref)ection of t#e $enera) econo(ic do*nturn in t#e fiber<o tics industry oAer t#e ast year. .n an effort to try to reduce t#e i( act of t#is ter(ination, t#e co( any #as *or!ed out a seAerance arran$e(ent t#at *i)) $iAe you one *ee!Es ay for eac# (ont# you *or!ed beyond 12 (ont#s. .n your case t#is *i)) a(ount to six H>I *ee!s of seAerance ay. .n addition, your (edica) and denta) coAera$e *i)) re(ain in effect unti) t#e end of t#e seAerance eriod. 8ou *i)) soon receiAe a )etter fro( t#e :u(an 6esources 9e art(ent *it# a)) of t#e detai)s on t#e seAerance ac!a$e. /#o(as, $iAen your 'ua)ifications and roAen abi)ities, . a( confident t#at you *i)) be ab)e to find anot#er osition in t#e re)atiAe)y near future. .f you *ou)d )i!e, . *ou)d be )eased to *rite a reco((endation )etter for you, to #e) *it# your %ob searc#. Sincere)y,

Fred S#and)in$ Jnit 1ana$er

cc& 6. +ac!son, :u(an 6esources

Con8ratulations Letter

+une 2B, 200> Be)inda 3s#er >20 1ayAie* 3Ae. PineAi))e, "C 24874 9ear Be)inda& On be#a)f of eAeryone #ere at 9eer*ood 6esorts Ltd., . *ou)d )i!e to sincere)y con$ratu)ate you on your recent $raduation fro( 1ountain State JniAersity *it# your 1.B.3. H1ar!etin$I. . (ust say t#at . *as not sur rised to read of your success in t#e ne*s a er. 9urin$ your first of four su((ers as an e( )oyee at our La!e)and Fa(i)y 6esort . noted #o* bri$#t you are and #o* you #aAe a Aery 'uic! (ind for business. 2o(bine t#ose attributes *it# your re)ent)ess *or! et#ic and co((it(ent to 'ua)ity custo(er serAice, and it is obAious t#at you #aAe a *ide<o en future a#ead of you. . can on)y #o e t#at your ex erience *or!in$ *it# us contributed in so(e s(a)) *ay to your success. On be#a)f of t#e (ana$e(ent and staff at 9eer*ood 6esorts . *is# you a)) t#e best in your future career and )ife endeaAours, *#ateAer t#ey (ay be. 8ours sincere)y, Bruce 3t!inson President and 20O

Condolence Letter

;oAe(ber ,0, 2007 1r. +i( :o))in$s*ort# President and 20O Penn 1anufacturin$ .nc. 12>0 ;ort# "as#in$ton 3Aenue Scranton, Pennsy)Aania 18B0, 9ear +i(& P)ease acce t (y sincere condo)ences for t#e sudden )oss of your dear brot#er 6ay )ast *ee!. . can on)y i(a$ine *#at a s#oc! it (ust be to you and t#e P1. extended fa(i)y. .ndeed, it *as on)y t*o *ee!s a$o t#at 6ay and . s#ared a tab)e at t#e 1ayorEs annua) fundraiser. . !no* *#at a difficu)t )oss t#is *i)) be for you in articu)ar. ;ot on)y *i)) you (iss your c#eris#ed brot#er but a)so a trusted business artner and adAisor. . can on)y i(a$ine t#e de t# of t#e Aoid t#at it *i)) )eaAe in your ersona), fa(i)y, and business )iAes. 3s you !no*, 6ay and . $o bac! (ore t#an 20 years bot# as friends and business associates. ;ot on)y *as #e a $reat erson to do business *it#, #e *as a)so an exce))ent $o)fin$ artner *it# *#o( . s ent (any (e(orab)e days on t#e )in!s oAer t#e years. :e #ad an a(a?in$ sense of #u(our and *as a $ifted storyte))er. .n business dea)in$s 6ay *as a)*ays strai$#tfor*ard and as #onest as t#e day is )on$. .n s#ort, your brot#er 6ay *as an exce tiona) friend, co))ea$ue and custo(er *#o *i)) be dee )y (issed by a)) *#o !ne* #i(. "ou)d you )ease ass on (y sincere condo)ences to a)) of t#e e( )oyees at Penn 1anufacturin$ and )et t#e( !no* t#at *e #ere at 3))ied Bui)din$ Syste(s co))ectiAe)y (ourn 6ayEs )oss. Sincere condo)ences, Brad Fender

Appreciation Letter ;oAe(ber ,0, 200> 1r. 9aAid @i(ber)y 9irector 4enera), 2iAi) 3Aiation 4oAern(ent of Seyc#e))es 10 .s)and Cie* Par!*ay Seyc#e))es 9ear 1r. @i(ber)y& . *ou)d )i!e to ta!e t#is o ortunity to ex ress (y #eartfe)t t#an!s to you for your Aery actiAe artici ation in our recent conference in 1ontrea) on t#e Sfuture of aAiationS. /#e 2#air(an and Board 1e(bers #aAe a)so as!ed (e to ass on t#eir sincere a reciation for your efforts in su ortin$ t#e .nstitute in t#is i( ortant underta!in$. 8our s!i)) in c#airin$ t#e controAersia) ane) on S/#e 6o)e of 9eAe)o in$ 2ountries in t#e Future of 3Aiation 1ana$e(entS *as Aery (uc# a reciated by t#ose re resentin$ a)) sides of t#at extre(e)y sensitiAe to ic. 3s *e)), *e #aAe receiAed nu(erous ost<conference re'uests for t#e a er you de)iAered on S/#e 2ritica) .ssue of 2oo eration bet*een 3ir)ines and 3ir orts.S .t a ears t#at you (ay #aAe enned a best<se))er *it# t#at oneM On bot# a rofessiona) and a ersona) )eAe), . rea))y a reciated t#e ti(e t#at t#e t*o of us *ere ab)e to s end to$et#er for fun and ref)ection durin$ conference do*n ti(es. . certain)y )earned a )ot about t#e uni'ue as ects of aAiation o erations in your art of t#e *or)d Hnot to (ention t#e t#in$s you tau$#t (e about t#e bac!#and on t#e s'uas# courtMI. "e are current)y #ard at *or! roducin$ t#e S2o( endiu( of 2onference Proceedin$sS docu(ent, and *e ex ect to be sendin$ it out to a)) artici ants ear)y in t#e ne* year. 3$ain, t#an!s so (uc# for your ent#usiastic artici ation in our conference. . #aAe no doubt t#at it *ou)d not #aAe been t#e success t#at it *as *it#out your resence. P)ease !ee in touc#, and dro in and Aisit us *#eneAer you are in t#is art of t#e *or)d. Cery sincere)y,

Peter S(it#fie)d President and 20O

Instructions Letter February 1B, 2001 1s. 4race Sa#i)an Orani Boo!store 1ar!etin$ Orani, Bataan 9ear 1s. Sa#i)an& 2on$ratu)ationsM 8ou #aAe %ust bou$#t t#e best 2o y Printer aAai)ab)e in t#e (ar!et today. /#e 4estetner 142B #as exce))ent features suc# as& *ide ran$e of re roduction ratios, a (onoco)or rintin$ *it# o tiona) dru( units and t*o sin$)e ori$ina)s can be rinted on one s#eet of a er. /o $et t#e (axi(u( Aersati)ity, *e are sendin$ you detai)ed instructions on t#e o eration and care of t#is (ac#ine. 4enera) Safety .nfor(ation 1. 3)*ays turn t#e (ac#ine off *#en you #aAe finis#ed rintin$ for t#e day. 2. "#en t#e (ac#ine *i)) not be used for )on$ eriods, disconnect t#e o*er cord. Precautionary 1easures 1. "#i)e rintin$, do not turn off t#e (ain s*itc#. 2. "#i)e rintin$, do not un )u$ t#e o*er cord. ,. @ee corrosiAe )i'uids suc# as acid off t#e (ac#ine. 4. 9o not ut anyt#in$ exce t ori$ina)s on t#e (ac#ine. B. 9o not s i)) )i'uid on t#e (ac#ine. >. .f you c)ean rubber arts *it# #y$iene, *i e t#e( *it# a dry c)ot# after*ards. 7. O en and c)ose t#e doors and coAers soft)y. .f *e can offer any additiona) infor(ation, )ease fee) free to *rite or ca)) us. Hte). no. H02I B89<2841.

/#an! you Cery tru)y yours, 0d*ard Ban?on

Aoti,ication Letter Dear Mr. White Orani Boo!store 1ar!etin$ Orani, Bataan "e are )eased to announce t#at on 3u$ust 2>, 200B, 4oAernor 6o(ney si$ned )e$is)ation, 2#a ter 77 of t#e 3cts of 200B, *#ic# a(ended 2#a ter 1,7 of t#e 3cts of 200, t#at roAided co( ensation and ot#er benefits to e( )oyees of t#e 2o((on*ea)t# of 1assac#usetts *#o #aAe been ca))ed into actiAe (i)itary serAice since Se te(ber 11, 2001. /#is ne* )e$is)ation ta!es effect i((ediate)y and ex ires on Se te(ber 11, 2008. 0( )oyees *i)) be aid t#e difference bet*een t#eir base state ay and base (i)itary co( ensation Hexc)udin$ a))o*ancesI, if t#e base state ay is #i$#er. +)e amended le8islation may mean t)at you are entitled to additional di,,erential pay >eit)er on an on8oin8 or retroactive %asis? %ecause t)e de,inition o, %ase military pay no7 e2cludes allo7ances' /#e differentia) to *#ic# you (ay be entit)ed is ca)cu)ated usin$ your base state ay and does not inc)ude any additiona) co( ensation, suc# as oAerti(e, s#ift differentia), #a?ardous duty, educationa) incentiAes or ca)) bac! ay. /#e (i)itary co( ensation to be used for t#is ca)cu)ation is defined as base ay exc)udin$ a)) a))o*ances, suc# as #ousin$, unifor(, co(bat ay, s ousa) a))o*ance, etc. as *e)) as oAerti(e ay, s#ift differentia) ay, #a?ardous duty ay or any ot#er additiona) co( ensation receiAed for (i)itary serAice. .nfor(ation re$ardin$ (i)itary ay is aAai)ab)e usin$ t#e fo))o*in$ )in!& #tt s&DD(y ay.dfas.(i)D(y x "#en you #aAe t#e re'uired docu(entation, send or fax it to your de art(ent& ;otify t#e Payro)) 9irector of your de art(ent if you *is# to c#an$e, for t#e ur ose of direct de osit, t#e ban! account on fi)e *it# your a$ency. "e ur$e you to sub(it t#e docu(entation necessary to rocess your ay differentia) at your ear)iest conAenience. /#e sooner t#at *e receiAe it, t#e sooner *e can rocess t#e ay benefits to *#ic# you are entit)ed. "e are roud to be art of t#is effort t#at reco$ni?es your dedication and co((it(ent to serAe your country, and *e are )eased t#at *e can ta!e t#ese (easures to ease t#e considerab)e sacrifices t#at you and your fa(i)y #aAe #ad to endure.

Sincere)y, .Aan 1. Poor

Solicitation Letter 8our co((unity (ay *ant to find fundin$ sources to #e) coAer for eAent costs suc# as refres#(ents s ea!ers, trainin$, adAertisin$ and ot#er ite(s. "e are roAidin$ a sa( )e su ort so)icitation )etter for you to custo(i?e based on your bud$et and needs. :ere are so(e su$$estions of or$ani?ations and businesses in your co((unity t#at you (ay *ant to a roac# for fundin$ su ort& o Loca) 2#a(ber of 2o((erce o Loca) 6otary 2)ub, LionLs 2)ub, @i*anis 2)ub, etc. o Loca) businesses o Loca) insurance a$ents o Loca) auto dea)ers#i s o Loca) Po)ice, Firefi$#ters, Para(edics 3ssociations o Loca) doctors and #os ita)s 9earGGGGGGGGGGGG, 3s you (ay be a*are, (otor Ae#ic)e cras#es are t#e nu(ber one !i))er of teens across t#e country. 1any of t#ose cras#es and subse'uent deat#s are fue)ed by undera$e drin!in$. /o #e) raise a*areness and s ar! action in our co((unity, on HdateI, *e *i)) be #o)din$ a screenin$ of a #ard<#ittin$ docu(entary roAided by t#e 6399 8out# 2oa)ition, :BOLs S13S:09& /oxic /a)es of /eens and 3)co#o) at H)ocationI. Our audience *i)) inc)ude Hteens, arents, co((unity (e(bers, etc.I and *i)) be fo))o*ed by a ane) discussion and discussion of ste s t#at our co((unity can ta!e to #e) curb undera$e drin!in$ and a)co#o) re)ated cras#es. .n order to #aAe t#e $reatest i( act, *e are )oo!in$ for fundin$ in t#e a(ount of =GGGGGGG to ay for Hf)yers, adAertisin$, rintin$ of (ateria)s, refres#(ents, ex ert s ea!ers, one of t#e youn$ eo )e featured in t#e fi)(, etc.I "e are )oo!in$ to your or$ani?ationDbusiness to #e) us by su ortin$ our efforts to sti(u)ate t#is i( ortant discussion on !ee in$ our co((unity and its youn$ eo )e safe. 3ny a(ount is a reciated and your co( any *i)) be reco$ni?ed Hon co))atera) (ateria)s, f)yers, in adAertisin$, at t#e eAent, on si$na$e, etc.I "e *i)) a)so be contactin$ )oca) (edia to coAer t#e eAent and to artner *it# us in (a!in$ sure t#at our co((unity understands t#e i( ortance of co(batin$ undera$e drin!in$. .f you #aAe any 'uestions or *ou)d )i!e to furt#er discuss #o* your or$ani?ationDbusiness can #e) , )ease ca)) (e at H #one nu(berI.

/#an! you and best re$ards, 0Aent 9irector

Credit Letter 12, 8our Street 3ddress 8our 2ity, S/ 012,4 /#e 2redit Bureau Bureau 3ddress 3nyto*n, State B>789 February 17, 2009 9ear 2redit Bureau, /#is )etter is a for(a) co( )aint t#at you are re ortin$ inaccurate credit infor(ation. . a( Aery distressed t#at you #aAe inc)uded t#e be)o* infor(ation in (y credit rofi)e due to its da(a$in$ effects on (y $ood credit standin$. 3s you are no doubt a*are, credit re ortin$ )a*s ensure t#at bureaus re ort on)y accurate credit infor(ation. ;o doubt t#e inc)usion of t#is inaccurate infor(ation is a (ista!e on eit#er your or t#e re ortin$ creditorEs art. Because of t#e (ista!es on (y credit re ort, . #aAe been *ron$fu))y denied credit recent)y for a <insert credit type for which you were denied here>, *#ic# *as #i$#)y e(barrassin$ and #as ne$atiAe)y i( acted (y )ifesty)e. O tiona) "it# t#e roof .E( attac#in$ to t#is )etter, .E( sure youE)) a$ree it needs to be re(oAed 3S3P. /#e fo))o*in$ infor(ation t#erefore needs to be Aerified and de)eted fro( t#e re ort as soon as ossib)e& 2609./O6 340;28, acct. 12,<,4B>7<3B2 P)ease de)ete t#e aboAe infor(ation as 'uic!)y as ossib)e. Sincere)y, .Aan 1. Poor SS;5 12,<4B<>789

Collection Letter +uesday, 4ecem%er "7, ! "= 9ear Customer,

P)ease note t#at on your account, t#ere are one or (ore inAoices current)y ast t#e ,0<day due date fro( t#e date of serAice. /#ese inAoices are ite(i?ed be)o* for your conAenience. P)ease re(it t#e ast due ba)ance of = 0,000.00 as soon as you are ab)e, or contact our office if you #aAe any 'uestions re$ardin$ t#ese. P)ease !ee in (ind t#at a)) inAoices on your account carry ,0<day ter(s un)ess ot#er*ise s ecified.

.nAoice ;u(ber /ota)

SerAice 9ate

3(ount 9ue

87B>1 87B91 =1,B>,.91 "e a

04D2BD200B 04D27D200B =

= 1,,9,.07 170.84

reciate your efforts in brin$in$ t#e account current.

8our business is Aery i( ortant to usM /#an! you, .Aan 1. Poor

Ac.no7led8ement Letter

2:36./3BL0 O643;.N3/.O; ,2 Bay State 6oad Boston, 13 0221B<190, February 17, 2009 J)ric# 6. 6ic# >20 1ayAie* 3Ae. PineAi))e, "C 24874

9ear 1r "ort#y& /#an! you for your contribution of =100000. P)ease !ee t#is *ritten ac!no*)ed$(ent of your donation for your tax records. Startin$ +anuary 1, 1994, t#e .6S *i)) no )on$er acce t your cance))ed c#ec! as roof of any donation of =2B0 or (ore. 2#an$es in tax )a* a)so re'uire us to esti(ate t#e Aa)ue of $oods or serAices, if any, t#at #aAe been rendered to you in return for your contribution, and to re(ind you t#at your contribution is deductib)e on)y to t#e extent t#at it exceeds *#at *e #aAe roAided. /#an! you for your continuin$ su Cery tru)y yours, J. 6. 6ic# ort for our i( ortant *or! in t#is fie)dM

+ransmittal Letter

October 4, 2009 9r. 2ora?on 2. Obna(ia JniAersity 6esearc# and 9eAe)o (ent Office /ec#no)o$ica) JniAersity of t#e P#i)i ines 3ya)a Bou)eAard 0r(ita, 1ani)a 9ear 9r. Obna(ia& .n co( )iance *it# t#e fu)fi))(ent of t#e re'uire(ents on t#e sub%ect T/ec#nica) 2o((unicationU, t#e ro onents *ou)d )i!e to resent t#e ro osa) entit)ed TPro osed 1ec#anica) F)as# 9ryerU, in accordance *it# your instructions. /#e (ain ur ose of t#e docu(ent is to ro ose a 1ec#anica) F)as# 9ryer for s(a)) #o)der far(ers. /#is *i)) #e) reduce ost #arAest )osses and t#erefore increase far(erLs roductiAity. "e #o e t#at t#is ro osa) *i)) (eet your a Cery tru)y yours, 1ec#anica) 0n$ineerin$ 4rou roAa).

Proposal Letter 10D0>D02 1s. +oan 3t*ater 0xecutiAe 9irector 3B2 Foundation 1, :i)) Street Boston, 13 0211> 60& 6039 /O SJ22009M P6O+02/ 9ear 1s. 3t*ater, Orc#ard 1idd)e Sc#oo) is )eased to resent t#is ro osa) for your reAie*. "e )oo! for*ard to artnerin$ *it# you to roAide a readin$ interAention ro$ra( for our students *it# oor readin$ s!i))s ca))ed 6ead to SucceedM Orc#ard 1idd)e Sc#oo) #as oAer B0 at ris! students *it# a readin$ erfor(ance of at )east t*o years be#ind t#eir current $rade )eAe). /#e ob%ectiAe of t#e 6ead to SucceedM Pro$ra( is to #e) a)) students *it# oor readin$ s!i))s )earn to read at $rade )eAe) and increase t#eir readin$ s eed, co( re#ension, and readin$ attention s an. 9urin$ t#e )ast year, *e #aAe been i)otin$ t#e 6ead to SucceedM ro$ra( *it# a s(a)) $rou of students *it# oor readin$ s!i))s and #aAe seen dra(atic i( roAe(ents *it# (ost of t#e students increasin$ t#eir readin$ abi)ity by one to t*o $rade )eAe)s. /#e 6ead to SucceedM ro$ra( roAides students *it# access to assistiAe readin$ syste(s, a)on$ *it# trainin$ for c)assroo( teac#ers and readin$ s ecia)ists. "e #aAe seen (easurab)e success and *e are no* see!in$ to ex and our 6ead to SucceedM ro$ra( to address t#e needs of a)) t#e at ris! students in t#e Orc#ard 1idd)e Sc#oo). Our ro osa) re'uests =1>,B04 in fundin$ to obtain t#e soft*are, #ard*are, and trainin$ necessary to e'ui t#e Orc#ard 1idd)e Sc#oo) resource roo( *it# fiAe assistiAe readin$ syste(s, eac# inc)udin$ a co( uter, scanner and assistiAe readin$ soft*are. "e a reciate 3B2 Foundation ta!in$ an interest in #e) in$ our students deAe)o t#eir readin$ s!i))s t#rou$# our ne* readin$ ro$ra(M P)ease $iAe (e a ca)) at 70,<BBB<1212 x,42 if you re'uire any furt#er infor(ation or #aAe any 'uestions concernin$ t#is ro osa). /#an! you, +ennifer :a?e)ton S ecia) 0ducation 2oordinator Orc#ard 1idd)e Sc#oo) ,87 Pine :i)) 6oad Orc#ard, C/ 02,,1

Approval Letter

February 17, 2009 /o( 3t!inson 2O13;8 .nc. 14 0dit# Street, :ac!ney "est 9ear /o( 3t!inson, "e #aAe reAie*ed your a )ication for credit, and it is our )easure to infor( you t#at an account #as been o ened for your co( any. P)ease fee) free to use your account as often as you *is#. 3 descri tiAe broc#ure is attac#ed *#ic# out)ines t#e ter(s and conditions u on *#ic# t#is account #as been o ened. S#ou)d your credit re'uire(ents c#an$e, or s#ou)d you #aAe any 'uestions re$ardin$ your ne* account, ca)) t#is office and as! to s ea! to one of our account re resentatiAes. "#en you ca)), )ease #aAe your account nu(ber aAai)ab)e, in order t#at *e (i$#t #aAe 'uic! access to your fi)e. 8ours Aery tru)y, .Aan 1. Poor

Con,irmation Letter

1s. 1ui J. Far(er 1997 "eir, 51 "atc#out, 1. 418BB 9ear 1r. Far(er& "e)co(e to t#e 9e art(ent of :u(an 6esourcesM /#is )etter is to confir( our #one conAersation durin$ *#ic# you acce ted our offer of t#e Bui)din$ 1aintenance 1ana$er osition at 1ic#i$an State JniAersity. 8our startin$ sa)ary *i)) be =B0,000.00, annua))y. 8ou *i)) receiAe eAa)uation reAie*s after six and t*e)Ae (ont#s of serAice. 3s defined by union contract, you *i)) be on robation for t*e)Ae (ont#s. Frin$e benefit infor(ation is described in t#e enc)osed Su((ary of Fu))<ti(e 0( )oyee Pro$ra(s #andout. /#e detai)s of t#ese ro$ra(s are discussed durin$ e( )oy(ent rocessin$. "e are current)y )annin$ your first day to be GGGGGG. P)ease contact t#e :u(an 6esource 9e art(ent to sc#edu)e your e( )oy(ent and benefits rocessin$ in addition to your $enera) orientation at HB17I ,B,<,720 ext. 121. 9o not #esitate to ca)) (e *it# any 'uestions about your e( )oy(ent #ere. .n t#e (eanti(e, *e )oo! for*ard to you %oinin$ t#e staff and t#e ositiAe contributions *e be)ieAe you *i)) (a!e at 1ic#i$an State JniAersity. P)ease see t#e attac#ed (e(o announcin$ your a Sincere)y, Frieda :ire 9irector 9e art(ent of 3ttac#(ents oint(ent.

Reservation Letter 136S:3L 231P S/. 1368, ;8 1294, B18 B7><4B77 February 22, 2009 9ear 1r. "#ite, /#is )etter contains (y )ast round of reserAation confir(ations. /#is year #as roAed to be rofitab)e. /#e dates and roo( boo!ed by you #aAe been reserAed for you but *e a)so #aAe roo(s t#at can acco((odate ot#er $uests as *e)) for so(e *ee!s. /#is infor(ation *i)) soon be aAai)ab)e on our co( any *ebsite ***.(ars#a)ca( .or$. So, if you *ou)d )i!e to extend your stay or your friends *#o )i!e ca( can contact us t#rou$# our *ebsite. /#is )etter confir(s your reserAation to stay at 1ars#a) 2a( t#is su((er. Once a$ain, . *ou)d )i!e to t#an! eAeryone *#o $aAe (e second<c#oice dates. /#is #as #e) ed us in arran$in$ reserAations. P)ease (a!e note of t#e dates t#at . #aAe confir(ed. .n case you find any discre ancy bet*een t#e( and your ex ectations, you can send (e an e(ai) or ca)) on t#e 1ars#a) 2a( )ine in "i))ia(sto*n. 8our c#ec! in t#e a(ount of =1000 secures your reserAation for you. 366.C3L& 1arc# 10, 2009 90P36/J60& 1arc# 1B, 2009 :o e you #aAe an en%oyab)e Aisit and t#at you *i)) *ar()y *e)co(e t#e ne* staff. 6e$ards, .. 1. "#ite

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