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Pages 1-8 contain the Summary Scientific Report 2011-2013 Pages 9-13 contain the Scientific Report for

2011 Pages 14-18 contain the Scientific Report for 2012 Pages 19-23 contain the Scientific Report for 2013

Summar Raport stiintific (Summary Scientific Report)

privind implementarea proiectului in perioada 1 noiembrie 2011 20 octombrie 2013 (on Project IDEI, PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0256, November 1, 2011 - October 20, 2013 )
(8 pages for 2011-2013; 5pages for 2011; 5 pages for 2012; 5 pages for 2013)

Summary: We provide a Scientific Report for almost 24 months from planned 36 months for our three years Project IDEI, with financial contract from November 1, 2011. The research program began in March 2011 when the competition and the possibility to lodge proposals were announced (four articles and two short visits were performed in 2011). There are reported 38 published articles and a collection of scientific works classified in this form: Eighteen (18) main articles [1-18] with high influent score/ ISI [which is already more than 12-15 such articles planned in the accepted Proposal]; the bulk of published works are listed already in ISI Web of Knowledge in 2013 and the monograph/collection [19] by M. Anastasiei is reviewed in MathSciNet MR 2976668. More than 10 articles by S. Vacaru were granted (or are eligible) as red, 4000 Rons, and yellow, 2000 Rons, papers in the UEFISCDI competition for Romanian authors. The BDI works [20-28] can be found via links to corresponding Web pages for data basis. Two works [29,30] co-authored by S. Vacaru in a Springer book (collection of scientific works) are treated as chapters. There were presented by 22 communications at International Conferences [31-52] (18 oral communications and 4 posters). More than 10 such communications were published/ accepted in prestigious Proceedings of Conferences by Springer, IOP and other International Editors. It should be noted also a wide program of 14 short visits with seminars (labeled as Other Activities [53-66]) to various top scientific Research Institutes and Universities in Europe, for instance, a 12 months visiting researcher program at CERN (beginning October 14, 2014) and two weeks at Albert Einstein Institute etc (in UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Portugal, Greece, Turkey, Luxemburg, Norway, Belgium, Poland, Romania). We emphasize that S. Vacaru obtained travel grants and complete/ partial support for more than 20 short visits with invited lectures, seminars and communications at International Conferences. Another examples of also important publications, for instance, are in Physics Today and collection of works, both by M. Anastasiei, being related to important issues in the history of science, pedagogical and publicity of science which were planned in the Proposal. So, the scientific results of the Project were presented at top International level and future collaborations and there were established various multi- / inter- disciplinary research programs on mathematics, physics and various applications. We applied 3 soft programs and two performance laptops and other relevant equipment got in 2012 using Projects

funds (for numeric, analytic and graphic performing of scientific works and communications). Because UEFISCDI shifted 55% of the Project funds from 2013 to 20142015, the funds for travel/ conference and remaining equipment were shifted to next years. We note that brevets for inventions were not planed because they are less appropriated for a Project on Mathematical Physics. Conventionally, we have such a list of realizations till October 20, 2013 (24 months):
Articles ISI: 4 (2011) + 7 (2012) + 7 (2013) = 18 > 12 till 15 (planned for 36 months) Articles BDI: 1 (2011) + 2 (2012) + 6 (2013) = 9 Books: 1 (2012-2013)=1 Chapters in books: 2 (2012)= 2 Conferences: 2 (2011) + 9 (2012) + 11 (2013) = 22 Other activities (including invited seminars with short visits): 7 (2011) + 5 (2012) + 2 (2013) = 14 Totally: conferences + seminars = 22 + 14 = 36 > 12 till 15 (planned for 36 months) Conference/ visit financial supports from Organizers > 30 Red + yellow grants for articles > 10

The Web pages of the Project were performed in English and Romanian by the end of 2012. They are updated periodically (in July and the end of September 2013) and contain details on the Project IDEI. There are relevant three such links:

We provided already 5+5 pages reports for 2011 and 2012. For convenience, we dub them in this Summary Report and include at the end an almost complete Report for 2013: This Report is on 23 pages and contains: Summary Report with Publications till October 20, 2013 .pages 1 8 Scientific Report for 2011 (copy) .. pages 9 13 Scientific Report for 2012 (copy) pages 14- 18 Scientific Report for 2013 (till October 20) pages 19 -23 Finally, we conclude that the objectives of the Project were realized in the bulk during the first 24 months (see details in Scientific Reports for 2011, 2012, 2013 also uploaded in the electronic platform, with corresponding abstracts of main papers summarizing the most important results and objectives of the Project; this motivates dubbing of previous reports). Main difficulties were caused by shifting the funds from 2013 to 2014 which blocked a lot the plans related to conferences/ seminars and short visits for collaboration, in getting a video projector etc. There were problems with salaries of the members of the team. We hope to solve such issue if the shifted financial support will be obtained next year.

Publications during May 1, 2011- October 20, 2013

ISI Papers Reported for 2011 1) S. Vacaru, Finsler branes and quantum gravity phenomenology with Lorentz symmetry violations, Class. Quant. Grav. 28 (2011) 215991; arXiv: 1008.4912 2) D. Baleanu and S. Vacaru, Fractional almost Kaehler-Lagrange geometry, Nonlinear Dynamics 64 (2011) 365-373; arXiv: 1006.5535 3) D. Baleanu and S. Vacaru, Constant curvature coefficients and exact solutions in fractional gravity and geometric mechanics, Central European Journal of Physics 9 (2011) 1267-1279; arXiv: 1007.2864 4) D. Baleanu and S. Vacaru, Fractional curve flows and solitonic hierarchies in gravity and geometric mechanics, J. Math. Phys. 52 (2011) 053514; arXiv: 1007.2866 Reported for 2012 5)S. Vacaru, Covariant renormalizable anisotropic theories and off-diagonal Einstein-Yang-Mills-Higgs solutions, Europhysics Letters (EPL) 96 (2011) 50001; arXiv: 1108.2023 [dated in December 2011 and appeared in ISI Web of Knowledge in 2012] 6) S. Vacaru, Modified dispersion relations in Horava-Lifshitz gravity and Finsler brane models, Gener. Relat. Grav. 44 (2012) 1015-1042; arXiv: 1010.5457 7) S. Vacaru, Fractional nonholonomic Ricci flows, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 45 (2012) 1266-1276; arXiv: 1004.0625 8) S. Vacaru, Metric compatible or noncompatible Finsler-Ricci flows, Int. J. Geom. Meth. Mod. Phys. 9 (2012) 1250041 (26 pages); arXiv: 1106.4888 9) S. Vacaru, Principles of Einstein-Finsler gravity and perspectives in modern cosmology, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 21 (2012) 1250072 (40 pages); arXiv: 1004.3007 10) S. Vacaru, Nonholonomic relativistic diffusion and exact solutions for stochastic Einstein spaces, The European Physical Journal Plus, 127 (2012) 32 (22 pages); ISNN 2190-5444 (electronic), Journal no. 13360; DOI 10.1140/epjp/i2012-12032-0; arXiv: 1010.0647 [math-ph] 11) S. Vacaru, Fractional dynamics from Einstein gravity, general solutions, and black holes, Int. J. Theor. Physics 51 (2012) 1338-1359; arXiv: 1004.0628 Reported for 2013 12) M. Anastasiei and A. Sandovici, Banach Dirac Bundles, Int. J. Geom. Meth. Mod. Phys. 10 (2013) 1350033 13) S. Vacaru, The Algebraic Index Theorem and Fedosov Quantization of Lagrange-Finsler and Einstein Spaces, J. Math. Phys. 54 (2013) 073511; arXiv: 1005.3647

14) P. Stavrinos and S. Vacaru, Cyclic and ekpyrotic universes in modified Finsler osculating gravity on tangent Lorentz bundles, Class. Quant. Grav. 30 (2013) 055012; arXiv: 1206.3998 15) S. Vacaru, Super-luminal effects for Finsler branes as a way to preserve the paradigm of relativity theories, Found. Physics 43 (2013) 719-732; arXiv: 1110.0675 16) S. Vacaru, Hidden symmetries for ellipsoid-solitonic deformations of Kerr-Sen black holes and quantum anomalies, The European Physical Journal C [Eur. Phys. J.] C 73 (2013) 2287; arXiv: 1106.1033 18) S. Vacaru, Black holes, ellipsoids, and nonlinear waves in pseudo-Finsler spaces and Einstein gravity, Int. J. Theor. Physics 52 (2013) 1654-1681; arXiv: 0905.4401 Books Reported for 2013 19) M. Anastasiei, Selected papers. Editura "Alexandru Myller'', Iai, 2012. xxii+271 pp. ISBN: 978-97388565-7-8 MR 2976668 (Reviewed) reported in 2013 after Review in MathSciNet BDI papers Reported for 2011 20) S. Vacaru, Principles of Einstein-Finsler gravity and cosmology, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 314 (2011) 012069; [Proceedings of Spanish Relativity Meeting (ERE 2010): Gravity as a Crossroad in Physics, Granada, Spain, 6-10 September, 2010]; arXiv: 1012. 4148 Reported for 2012 21) S. Vacaru, Nonholonomic algebroids, Finsler geometry, and Lagrange-Hamilton spaces, Mathematical Sciences (Springer Open) 2012, 6: 18; DOI: 10.1186/2251-7456-6-18; arXiv: 0705.0032 [math-ph] ; see also a review in Zentralblatt: 22) S. Vacaru, Riemann-Finsler and Lagrange gerbes and the Atiyah-Singer theorems, Bulletin of Transilvania University of Brasov. Vol. 5 (54), no. 1 2012; Series III: Mathematics, Informatics, Physics (Romania, 2012) 97-128; arXiv: math-ph/0507068; Reported for 2013 23) S. Vacaru, Decoupling of Field Equations in Einstein and Modified Gravity, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 543 (2013) 012021; arXiv: 1108.2022v3 24) S. Vacaru, Diffusion and self-organized criticality in Ricci flow evolution of Einstein and Finsler spaces, SYMMETRY: Culture and Science, vol. 23, nr. 2, (2013) 105-124; ISSN 0865-4824 (printed), ISSN 2226-1877 (online), Thematic Issue: Field theories on Finsler Space (Symmetries with Finsler metric, 2013); arXiv: 1010.2021 [math-ph]; ;
4 25) M. Anastasiei, Banach Lie algebroids and Dirac structures, Balkan Journal of Geometry and Its Applications [BJGA], vol. 18(1), 2013, pages: 1-11; 26) M. Anastasiei, Obituary of Ioan Gottlieb (1929-2011). Physics Today, 2013; 27) M. Anastasiei and I. Gottlieb, On a Schwarzschild-like metric, The Annals of the West University of Timishoara, Physics Series 56, 1 (2013) 29-37 28) M. Anastasiei, Dirac structures in Banach Courant algebroids, ROMAI Journal, 8, 2 (2012) 1-6 [not reported in 2012] Chapters in Books 29) D. Baleanu and S. Vacaru, Fractional analogous models in mechanics and gravity theories, in: Fractional Dynamics and Control, Part 3, editors: D. Baleanu, J. A. Tenreiro Machado and A. Luo (Springer, 2012), pages 199-207, ISBN 978-1-4614-0456-9; arXiv: 1008.0363 [math-ph] 30) D. Baleanu and S. Vacaru, Fractional exact solutions and solitons in gravity, in: Fractional Dynamics and Control, Part 3, editors: D. Baleanu, J. A. Tenreiro Machado and A. Luo (Springer, 2012), pages 229-236, ISBN 978-1-4614-0456-9; arXiv: 1008.0360 [math-ph] Conferences Reported for 2011 31. S. Vacaru, Decoupling and Exact Solutions of Einstein Equations in Almost Kaehler Variables, Poster Session at VI International Meeting on Lorentzian Geometry, Granada, Spain, September 6-9, 2011 [complete support from organizers] 32. S. Vacaru, Finsler Geometry Methods and Generalizations of Classical and Quantum Gravity, Review Lecture at the VII-th International Conference Finsler Extensions of Relativity Theory - FERT 2011, 29 Aug 4 Sep 2011, Brasov Romania, September 2, 2011 [partial support from UAIC and Organizers] Reported for 2012 33. M. Anastasiei, Banach Lie algebroids and Dirac structures. 30 min. Commuication at: The V-th International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems (DGDS-2012), 29 Aug -30 Sept, 2012; Mangalia, Romania; 34. S. Vacaru, Questions and Problems on Methodology an Habilitation on Mathematical Physics, Conference: Diaspora in Cercetarea Stiintifica si Invatamantul Superior din Romania, Bucuresti, 25-28 septembries 2012; Workshop 6. Fizica la marile colaborari internationale, 27 septembrie, 2012 [20 minits] 35. S. Vacaru, Wormhole Off-Diagonal Solutions in f(R,T), Einstein and Finsler Gravity Theories, Oral Communication (September 6), Section IV-B, ERE 2012; Spanish Relativity Meeting in Portugal, Universidade do Minho, Portugal, Guimaraes, September 3-7, 2012 [support Project IDEI]

36. S. Vacaru, (Non) Commutative Ricci Solitonic Hierarchies and Deformation Quantization, Oral Communication (July 12), Section Deformation Theory and Quantization; conference: 3 Quantum: Algebra, Geometry, Information, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia; July 10-14, 2012 [support Project IDEI] 37. S. Vacaru, Generic Off-Diagonal Solutions and Solitonic Hierarchies in Einstein and Modified Gravity, Oral Communication (July 6), Parallel Section GT1 Exact Solutions in Four and Higher Dimensions: Mathematical Aspects; Thirteen Marcel Grossmann Meeting MG13, Stockholm University, Sweden; July 1-7, 2012 [support for travel from Organizers and accommodations/fee Project IDEI] 38. S. Vacaru, Cosmological Solutions in Biconnection and Bimetric Gravity Theories, Oral Communication (July 5), Parallel Section AT4a Modified Gravity; Thirteen Marcel Grossmann Meeting MG13, Stockholm University, Sweden; July 1-7, 2012 [support for travel from Organizers and accommodations/fee Project IDEI] 39. S. Vacaru, Covariant Renormalizable Gravity Theories on (Non) Commutative Tangent Bundles, Oral Communication (July 3), Parallel Section QG2b Quantum Gravity Phenomenology; Thirteen Marcel Grossmann Meeting MG13, Stockholm University, Sweden; July 1-7, 2012 [support for travel from Organizers and accommodations/fee Project IDEI] 40. S. Vacaru, Noncommutative almost Kaehler Ricci solitons and deformation quantization, talk at XXXI Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics, Biaowieza, Poland, June 24-30, 2012 [support Project IDEI] 41. S. Vacaru, Decoupling of Field Equations in Einstein and Modified Gravity, talk at Session B, on June 22, 2012; Conference "Recent Developments in Gravity - NEB15", June 20 - 23, 2012, Chania, Crete, GREECE, Hellenic Society on Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology, [support from prof. E. Vagenas, organizer (fee), and Project IDEI] Reported for 2013 42. M. Anastasiei , Some generalizations of the Myers theorem , Oral communication (30 minutes), Sept. 4 at The 13th International conference of Tensor Society on Differential Geometry and its applications and Informatics besides., Iasi, Romania, September 3-7, 2013. Member of the Organizing Committee as Honorary President; 43. M. Anastasiei, Some Myerstype theorems in Finsler geometry. Oral communication (30 minutes) at Colloquium on Differential Geometry and its Applications and IX-th International Conference on Finsler Extensions of Relativity Theory August 26 - 30, 2013, Debrecen, Hungary; 44. S. Vacaru, Noncommutive Lagrange-Finsler evoution and modern gravity, Int. Conf. Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systemse, October 10-13, 2013, University Politehnica of Bucharest; oral communication. 45. S. Vacaru, Off-Diagonal Wormhole Deformations in Modified Massive Gravity, Oral communication, Parallel session A1 Exact solutions and their interpretation, July 08. 2013. Conference GR 20 & Amaldi 10, Warsaw University, Poland, July 7-13, 2013 [support from organizers, excepting travel and half fee]

46. S. Vacaru, Twistors and Almost Kaehler Models of Einstein and Finsler Spaces, Parallel session A4 Complex and conformal methods in classical and quantum gravity, July 09. 2013. Conference GR 20 & Amaldi 10, Warsaw University, Poland, July 7-13, 2013 [support from organizers, excepting travel] 47. S. Vacaru, A Survey of the Anholonomic Frame Deformation Method of Constructing Exact Solutions, Poster - Parallel session A2 Mathematical relativity and other progress in classical gravity theory, GR20 & Amaldi 10, Warsaw University, Poland, July 7-13, 2013 [support from organizers, excepting travel] 48. S. Vacaru, Off-Diagonal Deforms of Kerr Black Holes in Modified Massive Gravity and Higher Dimension, - Poster Parallel session A3 Modified gravity theories, GR20 & Amaldi 10, Warsaw University, Poland, July 7-13, 2013 [support from organizers, excepting travel] 49. S. Vacaru, Off-Diagonal Ekpyrotic Cosmological Solutions in Massive Gravity and Effective Einstein Spaces, Poster, Parallel session B6 Theoretical / mathematical cosmology GR20 & Amaldi 10, Warsaw University, Poland, July 7-13, 2013 [support from organizers, excepting travel] 50. S. Vacaru, Spectral Functional for Noncommutative Almost Kaehler Ricci Flows and Lorentzian Star Products, 30 min. talk on 30 June, section Operator Algebra and Noncommutative Geometry, Joint International Meeting AMS RMS, Alba Iulia, June, 27-30, 2013 [expected support from 55% of grant IDEI in 2014 but for 2013] 51. S. Vacaru, Solitonic Hierarchies for Almost Kaehler Ricci Flows and Off-Diagonal Solutions in Gravity, 30 min. talk on 27 June, section Nonlinear Evolution Equations, Joint International Meeting AMS RMS, Alba Iulia, June 27-30, 2013 [expected support from 55% of grant IDEI in 2014 but for 2013] 52. S. Vacaru, Almost Kaehler Ricci Flows and Einstein and Lagrange-Finsler Structures on Lie Algebroids; invited lecture at 11th Panhellenic Geometric Conference, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, May 31- June 2, 2013 [full support from organizers] Other Activities (Invited seminars and short visits with support from hosts) Reported for 2011 53. S. Vacaru, Fractional Stochastic Ricci flows and solitons, invited seminar (with partial support by hosts and project IDEI), INFN, Dep. Physics, Bologna, Italy December 12, 2011 [host Prof. F. Mainardi] 54. S. Vacaru, Ricci Solitons and Off-Diagonal Solutions in Einstein and Modified Gravity, invited seminar (with partial support by hosts and project IDEI), Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Stavanger, Norway, December 2, 2011 [host Prof. S. Hervik] 55. S. Vacaru, Decoupling, Integrability and Quantization of Einstein and Finsler Gravity Theories, invited seminar (with partial support by hosts and project Idei) at Kings College of London, Department of Physics, November 30, 2011 [host Prof. N. Mavromatos] 56. S. Vacaru, Decoupling of Gravitational Field Equations, Off-Diagonal Solutions and Solitonic Hierarchies, invited seminar (with partial support by hosts and project Idei) at University College of London - UCL, Department of Mathematics, November 28, 2011 [hosts Prof. D. Vassiliev and C. Boemer]

57. S. Vacaru, Decoupling and Exact Solutions of Einstein Equations and Covariant Renormalizable Gravity Theories, Review Lecture and Selected Results, Institut de Ciencies de l'Espai - ICE, Barcelona, September 13, 2011 [complete support from hosts: Prof. S. D. Odintsov and E. Elizalde] 58. S. Vacaru, Decoupling and Exact Solutions of Einstein Equations and Quantum Gravity, Review Lecture and Recent Results, IFT and Universidad Autonoma de Madrid - UAM, Facultad de CIENCIAS, Departamento de Fisica Teorica, September 12, 2011 [complete support from hosts: Prof. Dr. E. Alvarez and Dr. R. Vidal] 59. S. Vacaru, Geometric Flows of Lagrange and Hamilton Geometries and Deformation Quantization, Research Seminar at Instituto de Ciencias Matematicas, Madrid, Spain, [complete support from host Acad. Prof. Dr. M. de Leon, September 5, 2011] Reported for 2012 60. S. Vacaru, QCD and Modified Gravity, Seminar and Short Visit, November 26-29, 2012; Physics Department, Kocaeli University, Izmit, Turkey [45 minutes lecture for students and non-experts; support from host and grant IDEI] 61. S. Vacaru, Dirac Operators and (Non) Commutative Finsler Ricci Flows and Mathematical Relativity, oral communication at commission for a CS1 position (the Romanian equivalent for research professor), Department of Science, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, UAIC, Iasi, Romania, September 17, 2012 62. S. Vacaru, Questions and Problems on Methodology an Habilitation on Mathematical Physics, Conference: Diaspora in Cercetarea Stiintifica si Invatamantul Superior din Romania, Bucuresti, 25-28 septembries 2012; Workshop 6. Fizica la marile colaborari internationale, 27 septembrie, 2012 [20 minits] 63. S. Vacaru, Perspective si probleme in realizarea Proiectului IDEI la UAIC, in 2012, si ulterior. Sedinta de Seminarii, Departament Stiinte, UAIC, 20 iulie 2012 64. S. Vacaru, Finsler Methods and Exact Solutions in Einstein and Modified Gravity, Survey Lecture at Department of Mathematics, University of Athens, on June 15, 2012, with a research/ seminar visit during 13 - 18 June, 2012, Greece [host Prof. P. Stavrinos, with support for accommodations, and travel/ per-diem from Project IDEI] Reported for 2013 65. S. Vacaru, Non-commutative Algebroid Ricci Flows, Modified Gravity and Deformation Quantization, Seminar at Department TH P, NIPNE, Bucuresti, Magurele, Romania, May 30, 2013 [expected support from 55% of grant IDEI in 2014 but for 2013] 66. S. Vacaru, 1 day visit to Bucharest, Magurele, IFIN HH, DTF discussion further seminar and collaborations, hosts prof. A. Isar and M. Visinescu, April 29-May 1 [expected support from 55% of grant IDEI in 2014 but for 2013]

Raport stiintific (Scientific Report) privind implementarea proiectului in perioada octombrie decembrie 2011 (on Project IDEI, PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0256, October December 2011 ) (max 5pages) Summary: There are reported four main ISI articles published in hard form (see [1-4] in Section 2 with References) and listed five other articles [5-9] which are online, in press, or almost accepted for publication, and supposed to appear in hard form (and finally reported) in 2012. We also list a recent electronic preprint [10]. Project funds were used for partial support (together with hosts accommodations) of two scientific visits in UKNorway and Italy for four invited seminars [1c-4c], where the scientific results of Project were communicated and future collaborations were established. We also provide a list of three invited seminars and two International Conferences [5c-9c] (in Spain and the last one in Brasov, Romania, September 2011) with bridges from our former scientific activity to future research to be performed following this project.
Remarks: 1. The Project Proposal was formulated/lodged in May 2011 when it was expected that the results of competition would be known in early September 2011. We had funds from Western Partners in Spain and Romania (Brasov University and UAIC-Science Department) interested in future collaborations, results and success of this Project (originating from our last 10 years scientific activity and preprints and talks at International conferences/seminars during 2010). 2. It was not possible to acknowledge support of PN IDEI, PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0256 at the end of articles published in hard form during September December 2011 because the final results, contracting and transfer of money where by the end of October and November 2011; there were not allowed any modifications in corresponding ISI Journals. Such acknowledgments are contained in the preprint versions and in publications which will appear in hard form in 2012. 3. We list only those published/submitted articles and talks which are relevant to the Objectives of this Project on Geometric Methods in Gravity and Nonlinear Dynamics. Such Objectives will be completed step by step till October 31, 2014. They can not separated chronologically or between participants at the Project. Here we emphasize that it may take more than 12 months (for math physics and theoretical physics journals) and more than 24 months (for math journals) till a paper is reviewed and published. So, we positively use last two years submissions for our hard variant papers in 2011-2012 4. This Report is provided in English because a) the Proposal was in English and evaluated by exterior referees, b) all publications and talks were in English and c) there is not a well established terminology in Romanian on such new directions of mathematical physics. 5. We consider optimal to provide Titles and Abstracts of four main ISI articles [1-4] (one of them [1] being in the red zone and [2] in the yellow zone as papers which were submitted for respective 4000 Ron and 2000 Ron competition as best articles published by Romanian authors in 2011). The detailed Report consists also from Sections 1 and 2.

Section 1. Titles and Abstracts of Main Publications [1-4] Main Paper [1]. S. Vacaru, Finsler branes and quantum gravity phenomenology with Lorentz symmetry violations, Class. Quant. Grav. 28 (2011) 215991; arXiv: 1008.4912 DOI: 10.1088/0264-9381/28/21/215001 Abstract: A consistent theory of quantum gravity (QG) at Plancks scale almost surely contains manifestations of Lorentz local symmetry violations (LV) which may be detected at observable scales. This can be effectively described and classified by models with nonlinear dispersions and related Finsler metrics and fundamental geometric objects (nonlinear and linear connections) depending on velocity/momentum variables. We prove that the trapping brane mechanism provides an accurate description of gravitational and matter field phenomena with LV over a wide range of distance scales and recovering in a systematic way the general relativity and local Lorentz symmetries. In contrast to the models with extra spacetime dimensions, the EinsteinFinsler-type gravity theories are positive with nontrivial nonlinear connection structure, nonholonomic constraints and torsion induced by generic off-diagonal coefficients of metrics, and determined by the fundamental QG and/or LV effects. Main Paper [2]. D. Baleanu and S. Vacaru, Fractional almost Kaehler-Lagrange geometry, Nonlinear Dynamics 64 (2011) 365-373; arXiv: 1006.5535 DOI: 10.1007/s11071-010-9867-3 Abstract: The goal of this paper is to encode equivalently the fractional Lagrange dynamics as a nonholonomic almost Khler geometry. We use the fractional Caputo derivative generalized for nontrivial nonlinear connections (N-connections) originally introduced in Finsler geometry, with further developments in Lagrange and Hamilton geometry. For fundamental geometric objects induced canonically by regular Lagrange functions, we construct compatible almost symplectic forms and linear connections completely determined by a prime Lagrange (in particular, Finsler) generating function. We emphasize the importance of such constructions for deformation quantization of fractional Lagrange geometries and applications in modern physics. Main Paper [3]. S. Vacaru, Principles of Einstein-Finsler gravity and cosmology, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 314 (2011) 012069; [Proceedings of Spanish Relativity Meeting (ERE 2010): Gravity as a Crossroad in Physics, Granada, Spain, 6-10 September, 2010]; arXiv: 1012. 4148 DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/314/1/012069

Abstract: We analyze the foundations of Finsler gravity theories with metric compatible connections constructed on nonholonomic tangent bundles, or (pseudo) Riemannian manifolds. There are considered "minimal" modifications of Einstein gravity (including theories with violation of local Lorentz invariance) and shown how the general relativity theory and generalizations can be equivalently re{formulated in Finsler like variables. We focus on Finsler branes solutions and perspectives in modern cosmology. Main Paper [4]. D. Baleanu and S. Vacaru, Fedosov quantization of fractional Lagrange spaces, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 50 (2011) 233-243; arXiv: 1006.5538 DOI: 10.1007/s10773-010-0514-z Abstract: The main goal of this work is to perform a nonholonomic deformation (Fedosov type) quantization of fractional LagrangeFinsler geometries. The constructions are provided for a fractional almost Khler model encoding equivalently all data for fractional EulerLagrange equations with Caputo fractional derivative. Section 2. All Relevant Articles, Preprints, Seminars and Conferences A. Articles Published/ Accepted/ in Press / Online /Preprints A1. Hard form papers published during September - December 2011 1. S. Vacaru, Finsler branes and quantum gravity phenomenology with Lorentz symmetry violations, Class. Quant. Grav. 28 (2011) 215991; arXiv: 1008.4912 2. D. Baleanu and S. Vacaru, Fractional almost Kaehler-Lagrange geometry, Nonlinear Dynamics 64 (2011) 365-373; arXiv: 1006.5535 3. S. Vacaru, Principles of Einstein-Finsler gravity and cosmology, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 314 (2011) 012069; [Proceedings of Spanish Relativity Meeting (ERE 2010): Gravity as a Crossroad in Physics, Granada, Spain, 6-10 September, 2010]; arXiv: 1012. 4148 4. D. Baleanu and S. Vacaru, Fedosov quantization of fractional Lagrange spaces, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 50 (2011) 233-243; arXiv: 1006.5538 A2. Papers accepted/online till December 2011 [to appear in hard form and finally reported by December 2012] 5. S. Vacaru, Covariant renormalizable anisotropic theories and off-diagonal Einstein-YangMills-Higgs solutions, Europhys. Letters (EPL) (2011) 50001; arXiv: 1108.2023

6. S. Vacaru, Fractional Dynamics from Einstein Gravity, General Solutions, and Black Holes, online: Int. J. Theor. Phys. (2011); arXiv: 1004.0628 7. D. Baleanu and S. Vacaru, Fractional exact solutions and solitons in gravity, in: Fractional Dynamics and Control, editors: D. Baleanu, J. A. Tenreiro Machado and A. Luo (Springer, 2012), ISBN 978-1-4614-0456-9, arXiv: 1008.0360 8. D. Baleanu and S. Vacaru, Fractional analogous models in mechanics and gravity theories, in: Fractional Dynamics and Control, editors: D. Baleanu, J. A. Tenreiro Machado and A. Luo (Springer, 2012), ISBN 978-1-4614-0456-9, arXiv: 1008.0363 9. S. Vacaru, Modified Dispersion Relations in Horava-Lifshitz Gravity and Finsler Brane Models [positively reviewed for Gen. Rel. Grav., December 2011], arXiv: 1010.5457 A3. Submitted preprints 10. S. Vacaru, Super-luminal effects for Finsler branes as a way to preserve the paradigm of relativity theories, arXiv: 1110.0675

B. International Conferences/Seminars [SepDec, 2011, related to the Project] B1. Partially supported by Project IDEI and hosts 1c. S. Vacaru, Fractional Stochastic Ricci flows and solitons, invited seminar (with partial support by hosts and project IDEI), INFN, Dep. Physics, Bologna, Italy December 12, 2011 [host Prof. F. Mainardi] 2c. S. Vacaru, Ricci Solitons and Off-Diagonal Solutions in Einstein and Modified Gravity, invited seminar (with partial support by hosts and project IDEI), Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Stavanger, Norway, December 2, 2011 [host Prof. S. Hervik] 3c. S. Vacaru, Decoupling, Integrability and Quantization of Einstein and Finsler Gravity Theories, invited seminar (with partial support by hosts and project Idei) at Kings College of London, Department of Physics, November 30, 2011 [host Prof. N. Mavromatos] 4c. S. Vacaru, Decoupling of Gravitational Field Equations, Off-Diagonal Solutions and Solitonic Hierarchies, invited seminar (with partial support by hosts and project Idei) at University College of London - UCL, Department of Mathematics, November 28, 2011 [hosts Prof. D. Vassiliev and C. Boemer]


B2. Partially supported by hosts (in September 2011) as a preliminary stage to Project IDEI 5c. S. Vacaru, Decoupling and Exact Solutions of Einstein Equations and Covariant Renormalizable Gravity Theories, Review Lecture and Selected Results, Institut de Ciencies de l'Espai - ICE, Barcelona, September 13, 2011 [complete support from hosts: Prof. S. D. Odintsov and E. Elizalde] 6c. S. Vacaru, Decoupling and Exact Solutions of Einstein Equations and Quantum Gravity, Review Lecture and Recent Results, IFT and Universidad Autonoma de Madrid - UAM, Facultad de CIENCIAS, Departamento de Fisica Teorica, September 12, 2011 [complete support from hosts: Prof. Dr. E. Alvarez and Dr. R. Vidal] 7c. S. Vacaru, Decoupling and Exact Solutions of Einstein Equations in Almost Kaehler Variables, Poster Session at VI International Meeting on Lorentzian Geometry, Granada, Spain, September 6-9, 2011 [complete support from organizers] 8c. S. Vacaru, Geometric Flows of Lagrange and Hamilton Geometries and Deformation Quantization, Research Seminar at Instituto de Ciencias Matematicas, Madrid, Spain, [complete support from host Acad. Prof. Dr. M. de Leon, September 5, 2011] 9c. S. Vacaru, Finsler Geometry Methods and Generalizations of Classical and Quantum Gravity, Review Lecture at the VII-th International Conference Finsler Extensions of Relativity Theory - FERT 2011, 29 Aug - 4 Sep 2011, Brasov Romania, September 2, 2011 [partial support from UAIC and Organziers]

Projects Director, Sergiu Vacaru


Raport stiintific (Scientific Report) privind implementarea proiectului in perioada ianuarie decembrie 2012 (on Project IDEI, PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0256, December 2012 ) (max 5pages) Summary: There are reported 11 published scientific works: seven main high influent score/ ISI articles [1-7] published and listed in ISI Web of Knowledge in 2012; four online and proceeding type articles at Springer (two of them listed in MathSciNet) and a paper in Romania (see works [8-11]). We list this year four electronic preprints [12p-15p] submitted to Editors. Project funds were used for complete or partial support (together with hosts accommodations) of six scientific visits in Greece, Poland, Sweden, Estonia, Portugal and Turkey for nine invited talks/seminars; 4 communications at Conferences/Seminars in Romania (2 of them being International), see details from the list of 13 communications in [1c-13c], where the scientific results of the Project were communicated and future collaborations were established. We applied 3 soft programs and two performance laptops and other relevant equipment got in 2012 using Projects funds and necessary for numeric, analytic and graphic performing of scientific works and communications.
Remarks: 1. Published/ submitted articles and talks are relevant to the Objectives of this Project on Geometric Methods in Gravity and Nonlinear Dynamics. Here we emphasize that it may take more than 12 months (for math physics and theoretical physics journals) and more than 24 months (for math journals) till a paper is reviewed and published. After reduction with 10% of the funds for the prosed 3 years Project, the team signed the obligation to publish at least 12 (maximum 15) high influence score/ high ISI impact papers. During 14 months in 2011-2012, we reported 11 such publications. Other ones, at least 1-4, are planned for 2013-2014. Similar numbers of communications/ participations at International Conferences/Seminars were reported correspondingly for 2011, 2012 and will be planned for 2013, 2014. 2. We provide the Titles and shorten Abstracts of seven main ISI articles [1-7] with links in the Web. The complete Scientific Report consists from Sections 1 and 2 (with relevant information on preprints, conferences etc). This Report is provided in English because a) the Proposal was in English and evaluated by exterior referees, b) all publications and talks were in English and c) there is not an established terminology in Romanian on such new directions of mathematical physics.

Section 1. Titles and Abstracts of Main ISI Publications [1-11] Subsection 1a: Main Articles in high influent score/impact journals [1-6] and [7] Main Paper [1]. S. Vacaru, Covariant renormalizable anisotropic theories and off-diagonal Einstein-Yang-Mills-Higgs solutions, Europhysics Letters (EPL) 96 (2011) 50001; arXiv: 1108.2023 [published by December 20, 2011 and put in ISI Web of Knowledge in March, 2012; this red
paper was granted 4000 Ron in April 2012 in the competition of scientific works; it was not possible to report it on December 15, 2011]

DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/96/50001 ; Abstract: We use an important decoupling property of gravitational field equations in the general relativity theory and modifications, written with respect to nonholonomic frames with 2+2 spacetime decomposition. This allows us to integrate the Einstein equations (eqs) in very general forms with generic off-diagonal metrics depending on all spacetime coordinates via generating and integration functions containing (un-)broken symmetry parameters. Finally, we show how the constructions can be extended to include exact solutions for conjectured covariant reonormalizable models with Einstein-Yang-Mills-Higgs fields.

Main Paper [2]. S. Vacaru, Modified Dispersion Relations in Horava-Lifshitz Gravity and Finsler Brane Models, Gener. Relat. Grav. 44 (2012) 1015-1042; arXiv: 1010.5457 [there is a
November 2012 application for this paper to be granted 2000 Ron in the competition of scientific works] DOI: 10.1007/s10714-011-1324-1; Abstract: We study possible links between quantum gravity phenomenology encoding Lorentz violations as nonlinear dispersions, the EinsteinFinsler gravity models, EFG, and nonholonomic (non-integrable) deformations to HoravaLifshitz, HL, and/or Einsteins general relativity, GR, theories. EFG and its scaling anisotropic versions formulated as HoravaFinsler models, HF, are constructed as covariant metric compatible theories on (co) tangent bundle to Lorentz manifolds and respective anisotropic deformations. Such theories are integrable in general form and can be quantized following standard methods of deformation quantization, A-brane formalism and/or (perturbatively) as a nonholonomic gauge like model with bi-connection structure.

Main Paper [3]. S. Vacaru, Fractional Nonholonomic Ricci Flows, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 45 (2012) 1266-1276; arXiv: 1004.0625 [there is a November 2012 application for this paper to be
granted 2000 Ron in the competition of scientific works] DOI:; Abstract: We formulate the fractional Ricci flow theory for (pseudo) Riemannian geometries enabled with nonholonomic distributions defining fractional integro-differential structures, for non-integer dimensions. There are constructed fractional analogs of Perelmans functionals and derived the corresponding fractional evolution (Hamiltons) equations.

Main Paper [4]. S. Vacaru, Metric Compatible or Noncompatible Finsler-Ricci Flows, Int. J. Geom. Meth. Mod. Phys. 9 (2012) 1250041 (26 pages); arXiv: 1106.4888 [high influent score/impact journal].
DOI: 10.1142/S0219887812500417 ; Abstract: There were elaborated different models of Finsler geometry using the Cartan (metric compatible), or Berwald and Chern (metric non-compatible) connections, the Ricci flag curvature, etc. In a series of works, we studied (non)-commutative metric compatible Finsler and non-holonomic generalizations of the Ricci flow theory [see S. Vacaru, J. Math. Phys. 49 (2008) 043504; 50 (2009) 073503 and references therein]. The aim of this work is to prove that there are some models of Finsler gravity and geometric evolution theories with generalized Perelmans functionals, and correspondingly derived non-holonomic Hamilton evolution equations, when metric noncompatible Finsler connections are involved.

Main Paper [5]. S. Vacaru, Principles of Einstein-Finsler Gravity and Perspectives in Modern Cosmology, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 21 (2012) 1250072 (40 pages); arXiv: 1004.3007 [high

influent score/impact journal; this paper was scheduled for publication in 2013 but certain prompt Editorial activity allowed to obtain visibility in ISI Web of Knowledge for November 2012]. DOI: 10.1142/S0218271812500721 ; Abstract: We study the geometric and physical foundations of Finsler gravity theories with metric compatible connections defined on tangent bundles, or (pseudo) Riemannian manifolds, endowed with nonholonomic frame structure. Several generalizations and alternatives to Einstein gravity are considered, including modifications with broken local Lorentz invariance. It is also shown how such theories (and general relativity) can be equivalently re-formulated in Finsler like variables.

Main Paper [6]. S. Vacaru, Fractional Dynamics from Einstein Gravity, General Solutions, and Black Holes, Int. J. Theor. Physics 51 (2012) 1338-1359; arXiv: 1004.0628
DOI: 10.1007/s10773-011-1010-9 ; Abstract: We study the fractional gravity for spacetimes with noninteger fractional derivatives. Our constructions are based on a formalism with the fractional Caputo derivative and integral calculus adapted to nonholonomic distributions. This allows us to define a fractional spacetime geometry with fundamental geometric/physical objects and a generalized tensor calculus all being similar to respective integer dimension constructions. Such models of fractional gravity mimic the Einstein gravity theory and various LagrangeFinsler and HamiltonCartan generalizations in nonholonomic variables.

Main Paper [7]. S. Vacaru, Nonholonomic Relativistic Diffusion and Exact Solutions for Stochastic Einstein Spaces, The European Physical Journal Plus, 127 (2012) 32 (22 pages); ISNN 2190-5444 (electronic), Journal no. 13360; arXiv: 1010.0647 [math-ph]
DOI 10.1140/epjp/i2012-12032-0 ; Abstract: We develop an approach to the theory of nonholonomic relativistic stochastic processes in curved spaces. The Ito and Stratonovich calculus are formulated for spaces with conventional horizontal (holonomic) and vertical (nonholonomic) splitting defined by nonlinear connection structures. Geometric models of the relativistic diffusion theory are elaborated for nonholonomic (pseudo) Riemannian manifolds and phase velocity spaces.

Subsection 1b: Articles published in Springer online journals and proceedings and in a journal of Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania; there is not enough room in this
Report to present all abstracts of such papers but we provide the corresponding links in Internet and/or numbers of some papers/ reviews in MathSciNet), see [8-11]:

[8]. S. Vacaru, Nonholonomic Algebroids, Finsler Geometry, and Lagrange-Hamilton Spaces, Mathematical Sciences (Springer) 2012, 6:18; ; arXiv: 0705.0032 [math-ph] [9]. D. Baleanu and S. Vacaru, Fractional analogous models in mechanics and gravity theories, in: Fractional Dynamics and Control, Part 3, editors: D. Baleanu, J. A. Tenreiro Machado and A. Luo (Springer, 2012), pages 199-207, ISBN 978-1-4614-0456-9; arXiv: 1008.0363 [math-ph]; indexed in MathSciNet: MR2905877


[10]. D. Baleanu and S. Vacaru, Fractional exact solutions and solitons in gravity, in: Fractional Dynamics and Control, Part 3, editors: D. Baleanu, J. A. Tenreiro Machado and A. Luo (Springer, 2012), pages 229-236, ISBN 978-1-4614-0456-9; arXiv: 1008.0360 [math-ph]; indexed in MathSciNet: MR2905880 [11]. S. Vacaru, Riemann-Finsler and Lagrange Gerbes and the Atiyah-Singer Theorems, Bulletin of Tansilvania University of Brasov. Vol. 5 (54), no. 1 2012; Series III: Mathematics, Informatics, Physics (Romania, 2012) 97-128; arXiv: math-ph/0507068;

Section 2. All Relevant Electronic Preprints, Seminars, Lectures and Conferences Subsection 2a: Electronic Preprints (submitted to Editors; they will be reported in final form in 2013-2014), numbered 1p, 2p, (p from preprint) 12p. M. Anastasiei, Selected Papers, 304 pages, arXiv: 1202.6202v2 [math.DG], 28 Sep 2012 13p. S. Vacaru, Finsler Spinors and Twistors in Einstein Gravity and Modifications, arXiv: 1206.4012 [math-ph] 14p. P. Stavrinos and S. Vacaru, Cyclic and Ekpyrotic Universes in Modified Finsler Osculating Gravity on Tangent Lorentz Bundles, arXiv: 1206.3998 [astro-ph.CO] 15p. S. Vacaru, Nonholonomic Clifford and Finsler Structures, Non-Commutative Ricci Flows, and Mathematical Relativity [habilitation thesis], arXiv: 1204.5387 [math-ph] Subsection 2b: International Conferences/Seminars/ Lectures [a series of relevant papers
will published in Proceedings in 2013-2014 when such works will be finally reported] numbered 1c, 2c, (c from conference etc) 1c. M. Anastasiei, Banach Lie algebroids and Dirac structures. 30 min. Commuication at: The V-th International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems (DGDS-2012), 29 Aug 3 Sept , 2012; Mangalia, Romania; 2c. S. Vacaru, QCD and Modified Gravity, invited talk/ short visit during 25-30 November, 2012, Kocaely University, Turkey (partial support by host and project IDEI) 3c. S. Vacaru, Questions and Problems on Methodology an Habilitation on Mathematical Physics, Conference: Diaspora in Cercetarea Stiintifica si Invatamantul Superior din Romania, Bucuresti, 25-28 septembries 2012; Workshop 6. Fizica la marile colaborari internationale, 27 septembrie, 2012 [20 minits] 4c. S. Vacaru, Dirac Operators and (Non) Commutative Finsler Ricci Flows and Mathematical Relativity, oral communication at commission for a CS1 position (the Romanian equivalent for research professor), Department of Science, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, UAIC, Iasi, Romania, September 17, 2012

5c. S. Vacaru, Wormhole Off-Diagonal Solutions in f(R,T), Einstein and Finsler Gravity Theories, Oral Communication (September 6), Section IV-B, ERE 2012; Spanish Relativity Meeting in Portugal, Universidade do Minho, Portugal, Guimaraes, September 3-7, 2012 6c. S. Vacaru, Perspective si probleme in realizarea Proiectului IDEI la UAIC, in 2012, si ulterior. Sedinta de Seminarii, Departament Stiinte, UAIC, 20 iulie 2012 [10 min] 7c. S. Vacaru, (Non) Commutative Ricci Solitonic Hierarchies and Deformation Quantization, Oral Communication (July 12), Conference: 3 Quantum: Algebra, Geometry, Information, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia; July 10-14, 2012 8c. S. Vacaru, Generic Off-Diagonal Solutions and Solitonic Hierarchies in Einstein and Modified Gravity, Oral Communication (July 6), Parallel Section GT1 Exact Solutions in Four and Higher Dimensions: Mathematical Aspects; Thirteen Marcel Grossmann Meeting MG13, Stockholm University, Sweden; July 1-7, 2012 9c. S. Vacaru, Cosmological Solutions in Biconnection and Bimetric Gravity Theories, Oral Communication (July 5), Parallel Section AT4a Modified Gravity; Thirteen Marcel Grossmann Meeting MG13, Stockholm University, Sweden; July 1-7, 2012 10c. S. Vacaru, Covariant Renormalizable Gravity Theories on (Non) Commutative Tangent Bundles, Oral Communication (July 3), Parallel Section QG2b Quantum Gravity Phenomenology; Thirteen Marcel Grossmann Meeting MG13, Stockholm University, Sweden; July 1-7, 2012 11c. S. Vacaru, Noncommutative almost Kaehler Ricci solitons and deformation quantization, talk at XXXI Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics, Biaowieza, Poland, June 24-30, 2012 12c S. Vacaru, Decoupling of Field Equations in Einstein and Modified Gravity, talk at Session B, on June 22, 2012; Conference "Recent Developments in Gravity - NEB15", June 20 - 23, 2012, Chania, GREECE, Hellenic Society on Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology 13c. S. Vacaru, Finsler Methods and Exact Solutions in Einstein and Modified Gravity, Survey Lecture at Department of Mathematics, University of Athens, on June 15, 2012, with a research/ seminar visit during 13 - 18 June, 2012, Greece

Projects Director, Sergiu Vacaru ______________


Raport stiintific (Scientific Report) va fi complet in decembrie 2013 privind implementarea proiectului in perioada 1 ianuarie 15 octombrie 2013 (on Project IDEI, PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0256, January 1- October 15, 2013 ) (max 5pages) Summary: There are presented 12 published articles and a collection of scientific works: seven main articles with high influent score/ ISI [1-7]; six of them [1,2,4-7] listed already in ISI Web of Knowledge in 2013 and the collection is reviewed in MathSciNet 8 MR 2976668; the works [1-13] were not reported in 2012 because there were not published in hard form. We list also six electronic preprints [8p-13p] submitted to Editors. Project funds transferred for 2014 are planned to be used for travel and other support (together with hosts facilities) for already 5 scientific visits (3 of them being International Conferences) in Greece, Poland, Hungary and Romania for 10 invited lectures/ talks/ seminars and 3 posters, see details from the list of 13 participations/ communications in [1c-13c], where the scientific results of the Project were presented and future collaborations were established. We applied 3 soft programs and two performance laptops and other relevant equipment got in 2012 using Projects funds (for numeric, analytic and graphic performing of scientific works and communications). Because UEFISCDI shifted 55% of the Project funds from 2013 to 20142015, the funds for travel/ conference and remaining equipment were shifted to next years.
Remarks: 1. Published/ submitted articles and talks are relevant to the Objectives of this Project on Geometric Methods in Gravity and Nonlinear Dynamics. During 20 months (November 1, 2011September 26, 2013) we published (1 one accepted for publication in 2013) 17 high influent score/ top ISI articles (which is more than maximum 15 ones planed for such a 3 years project). A similar number of invited lectures/ communications / participations at International Conferences / Seminars also points that the participants of this Project have realized already the numbers of planned publication and conference activities. 2. We provide the Titles and shorten Abstracts of seven main ISI articles [1-7] with existing links in the Web. The complete Scientific Report consists from Sections 1 and 2 (with relevant information on preprints, conferences etc). The Reports are provided in English because a) the Proposal was in English and evaluated by exterior referees, b) all publications and talks were in English and c) there is not an established terminology in Romanian on such new directions of mathematical physics.

Section 1. Titles and Abstracts of Main ISI Publications [1-7] and works [8-13] Main Paper [1]. M. Anastasiei and A. Sandovici, Banach Dirac Bundles, Int. J. Geom. Meth. Mod. Phys. 10 (2013) 1350033 [16 pages] DOI: 10.1142/S0219887813500333

Abstract: Banach Dirac bundles are introduced within the framework of infinite-dimensional Banach manifolds and their basic properties are derived. Banach Lie algebroids are geometrical objects recently introduced by the first author. It is the main goal of the present paper to reveal the most important links between Banach Dirac bundles and Banach Lie algebroids, respectively.

Main Paper [2]. S. Vacaru, The algebraic index theorem and Fedosov quantization of Lagrange-Finsler and Einstein spaces, J. Math. Phys. 54 (2013) 073511; arXiv: 1005.3647
DOI: 10.1063/1.4815977 19

Abstract: Various types of Lagrange and Finsler geometries and the Einstein gravity theory, and modifications, can be modelled by nonholonomic distributions on tangent bundles/ manifolds when the fundamental geometric objects are adapted to nonlinear connection structures. We can convert such geometries and physical theories into almost Kahler/ Poisson structures on (co)tangent bundles. This allows us to apply the Fedosov quantization formalism to almost symplectic connections induced by Lagrange-Finsler and/or Einstein fundamental geometric objects. Our main result consists in an algebraic index theorem for Lagrange-Finsler and Einstein spaces. Finally, we show how the Einstein field equations for gravity theories and geometric mechanics models can be imbedded into the formalism of deformation quantization and index theorem.

Main Paper [3]. S. Vacaru, Decoupling of field equations in Einstein and modified gravity, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 453 (2013) 012021 DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/453/1/012021

Abstract: This paper is concerned with giving the proof that there is a general decoupling property of vacuum and nonvacuum gravitational field equations in Einstein gravity and f(R, T)-modifications. The constructions are possible in terms of geometric and physical objects adapted to certain nonholonomic 2+2 splitting with local fibred structure. This allows us to generate exact and/or parametric depending solutions with generic offdiagonal metrics and generalized, or LeviCivita, connections. Different classes of modified spacetimes are determined by corresponding generating and integration functions depending, in general, on all space and time coordinates and may possess, or not, Killing symmetries. The initial data sets for the Cauchy problem and their global properties are analyzed. There are formulated the criteria of evolution with spacetime splitting and decoupling of fundamental field equations. Examples of exact solutions defining ellipsoid deformations of black hole metrics and solitonic configurations are provided.

Main Paper [4]. P. Stavrinos and S. Vacaru, Cyclic and ekpyrotic universes in modified Finsler osculating gravity on tangent Lorentz bundles, Class. Quant. Grav. 30 (2013) 055012; arXiv: 1206.3998 DOI: 10.1088/0264-9381/30/5/055012

[It was a red/yellow journal in 2011/2012 granted with 4000/ 2000 Ron in the competition of scientific works; we wait for similar competitions in 2013 - 2014] Abstract: We consider models of an accelerating Universe elaborated for Finsler-like gravity theories constructed on tangent bundles to Lorentz manifolds. In the osculating approximation, certain locally anisotropic configurations are similar to those for f (R) gravity. This allows us to generalize a proposal by Nojiri et al (2011 AIP Conf. Proc. 1458 207-21) in order to reconstruct and compare two classes of Einstein-Finsler gravity (EFG) and f (R) gravity theories using modern cosmological data and realistic physical scenarios. We conclude that EFG provides inflation, acceleration and little rip evolution scenarios with realistic alternatives to standard cosmology.

Main Paper [5]. S. Vacaru, Super-luminal effects for Finsler branes as a way to preserve the paradigm of relativity theories, Found. Physics 43 (2013) 719-732; arXiv: 1110.0675

DOI: 10.1007/s10701-013-9711-y; Abstract: Using Finsler brane solutions [see details and methods in: S. Vacaru, Class. Quant. Grav. 28:215001, 2011], we show that neutrinos may surpass the speed of light in vacuum which can be explained by trapping effects from gravity theories on eight dimensional (co) tangent bundles on Lorentzian manifolds to spacetimes in general and special relativity. In nonholonomic variables, the bulk gravity is described by Finsler modifications depending on velocity/momentum coordinates. Possible super-luminal phenomena are determined by the width of locally anisotropic brane (spacetime) and induced by generating functions and integration functions and constants in coefficients of metrics and nonlinear connections. We conclude that Finsler brane gravity trapping

mechanism may explain neutrino super-luminal effects and almost preserve the paradigm of Einstein relativity as the standard one for particle physics and gravity.

Main Paper [6]. S. Vacaru, Hidden symmetries for ellipsoid-solitonic deformations of KerrSen black holes and quantum anomalies, The European Physical Journal C [Eur. Phys. J.] C 73 (2013) 2287; arXiv: 1106.1033; DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-013-2287-z

Abstract: We prove the existence of hidden symmetries in the general relativity theory defined by exact solutions with generic off-diagonal metrics, nonholonomic (non-integrable) constraints, and deformations of the frame and linear connection structure. There are constructed new classes of black hole solutions and we study hidden symmetries for ellipsoidal and/or solitonic deformations of "prime" Kerr-Sen black holes into "target" off-diagonal metrics. In general, the classical conserved quantities (integrable and not-integrable) do not transfer to the quantized systems and produce quantum gravitational anomalies. We prove that such anomalies can be eliminated via corresponding nonholonomic deformations of fundamental geometric objects (connections and corresponding Riemannian and Ricci tensors) and by frame transforms.

Main Paper [7]. S. Vacaru, Black holes, ellipsoids, and nonlinear waves in pseudo-Finsler spaces and Einstein gravity, Int. J. Theor. Physics 52 (2013) 1654-1681; arXiv: 0905.4401

DOI: 10.1007/s10773-013-1487-5 Abstract: We model pseudo-Finsler geometries, with pseudo-Euclidean signatures of metrics, for two classes of four dimensional nonholonomic manifolds: (a) tangent bundles with two dimensional base manifolds and (b) pseudo-Riemannian/Einstein spaces. Such spacetimes are enabled with nonholonomic distributions and theirs metrics are solutions of the field equations in general relativity and/or generalizations. We rewrite the Schwarzschild metric in Finsler variables and use it for generating new classes of black hole objects with stationary deformations to ellipsoidal configurations. The conditions are analyzed when such metrics describe embedding of black hole solutions into nontrivial solitonic backgrounds.

Paper [8]. S. Vacaru, Diffusion and self-organized criticality in Ricci flow evolution of Einstein and Finsler spaces, SYMMETRY: Culture and Science, vol. 23, nr. 2, (2013) 105-124; ISSN 0865-4824 (printed), ISSN 2226-1877 (online), Thematic Issue: Field theories on Finsler Space (Symmetries with Finsler metric, 2013); arXiv: 1010.2021

[It is an electronic journal, see ; ] Abstract: Imposing nonintegrable constraints on Ricci flows of (pseudo) Riemannian metrics we consider mutual transforms to, and from, non_Riemannian spaces. Such evolutions of geometries and physical theories can be modelled for nonholonomic manifolds and vector/ tangent bundles enabled with fundamental geometric objects determining Lagrange-Finsler and/or Einstein spaces. Prescribing corresponding classes of generating functions, we construct of stochastic, fractional, nonholonomic etc scenarios of evolution for nonlinear dynamical systems, exact solutions of Einstein equations and/or Lagrange-Finsler configurations. The main result of this paper consists in a proof of existence of unique and positive solutions of nonlinear diffusion equations which can be related to stochastic solutions in gravity and Ricci flow theory.

Paper [9]. M. Anastasiei, Banach Lie algebroids and Dirac structures, Balkan Journal of Geometry and Its Applications [BJGA], vol. 18(1), 2013, pages: 1-11;

Paper [10]. M. Anastasiei, Obituary of Ioan Gottlieb (1929-2011). Physics Today, 2013; Paper [11]. M. Anastasiei and I. Gottlieb, On a Schwarszchild-like metric. The Annals of the West University of Timisoara. Physics Series. Vol. 56(2012), p. 29-37; Paper [12]. M. Anastasiei , Dirac structures in Banach Courant algebroids, ROMAI J., v.8, no.2 (2012), 16 Collection of Works [13]. M. Anastasiei, Selected papers. Editura "Alexandru Myller'', Iai, 2012. xxii+271 pp. ISBN: 978-973-88565-7-8; MR 2976668 ; not reported in 2012 Section 2. All Relevant Electronic Preprints, Seminars, Lectures and Conferences Subsection 2a: Electronic Preprints (submitted to Editors; they will be reported in final form in 2013-2014), numbered 1p, 2p, (p from preprint)
8p. M. Anastasiei, A compactness theorem in Finsler geomtry, arXiv: 1304.2937 9p. S. Vacaru, Generic Off-Diagonal Solutions and Solitonic Hierarchies in Einstein and Modified Gravity, arXiv: 1308.6180 [gr-qc] 10p. S. Vacaru, Almost Kaehler Ricci Flows and Einstein and Lagrange-Finsler Structures on Lie Algebroids, arXiv: 1306.2813 11p. S. Vacaru, Covariant Renormalizable Gravity Theories on (Non) Commutative Tangent Bundles, arXiv: 1305.1876 12p. S. Vacaru, Off-Diagonal Ekpyrotic Scenarios and Equivalence of Modified, Massive and/or Einstein Gravity, arXiv: 1304.1080 13p. S. Vacaru, Covariant Renormalizable Modified and Massive Gravity Theories on (Non) Commutative Tangent Lorentz Bundles; arXiv: 1304.1079

will published in Proceedings in 2013-2014 when such works will be finally reported] numbered 1c, 2c, (c from conference etc)

Subsection 2b: International Conferences/Seminars/ Lectures [a series of relevant papers

1c. M. Anastasiei , Some generalizations of the Myers theorem , Oral communication (30 minutes), Sept. 4 at The 13th International conference of Tensor Society on Differential Geometry and its applications and Informatics besides., Iasi, Romania, September 3-7, 2013. Member of the Organizing Committee as Honorary President; 2c. M. Anastasiei, Some Myerstype theorems in Finsler geometry. Oral communication (30 minutes) at Colloquium on Differential Geometry and its Applications and IX-th Int. Conference on Finsler Extensions of Relativity Theory August 26 - 30, 2013, Debrecen, Hungary;

3c. S. Vacaru, Noncommutative Lagrange-Finsler evolution and modern gravity, 25 min. talk at DGDS2013, Int. Conf. Of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems, October 10-13, 2013, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania, talk at [limited support from organizers, excepting travel] 4c. S. Vacaru, Off-Diagonal Wormhole Deformations in Modified Massive Gravity, Oral communication, Parallel session A1 Exact solutions and their interpretation, July 08. 2013. Conference GR 20 & Amaldi 10, Warsaw University, Poland, July 7-13, 2013 [support from organizers, excepting travel] 5c. S. Vacaru, Twistors and Almost Kaehler Models of Einstein and Finsler Spaces, Oral, Parallel session A4 Complex and conformal methods in classical and quantum gravity, July 09. 2013. Conference GR 20 & Amaldi 10, Warsaw University, Poland, July 7-13, 2013 [support from organizers, excepting travel] 6c. S. Vacaru, A Survey of the Anholonomic Frame Deformation Method of Constructing Exact Solutions, Poster - Parallel session A2 Mathematical relativity and other progress in classical gravity theory, GR20 & Amaldi 10, Warsaw University, Poland, July 7-13, 2013 [support from organizers, excepting travel] 7c. S. Vacaru, Off-Diagonal Deforms of Kerr Black Holes in Modified Massive Gravity and Higher Dimension, - Poster Parallel session A3 Modified gravity theories , GR20 & Amaldi 10, Warsaw University, Poland, July 7-13, 2013 [support from organizers, excepting travel] 8c. S. Vacaru, Off-Diagonal Ekpyrotic Cosmological Solutions in Massive Gravity and Effective Einstein Spaces, Poster, Parallel session B6 Theoretical / mathematical cosmology GR20 & Amaldi 10, Warsaw University, Poland, July 7-13, 2013 [support from organizers, excepting travel] 9c. S. Vacaru, Spectral Functional for Noncommutative Almost Kaehler Ricci Flows and Lorentzian Star Products, 30 min. talk on 30 June, section Operator Algebra and Noncommutative Geometry, Joint International Meeting AMS RMS, Alba Iulia, June 27-30, 2013 [expected support from 55% of grant IDEI in 2014 but for 2013] 10c. S. Vacaru, Solitonic Hierarchies for Almost Kaehler Ricci Flows and Off-Diagonal Solutions in Gravity, 30 min. talk on 27 June, section Nonlinear Evolution Equations, Joint International Meeting AMS RMS, Alba Iulia, June 27-30, 2013 [expected support from 55% of grant IDEI in 2014 but for 2013] 11c. S. Vacaru, Almost Kaehler Ricci Flows and Einstein and Lagrange-Finsler Structures on Lie Algebroids; invited lecture at 11th Panhellenic Geometric Conference, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, May 31- June 2, 2013 [full support from organizers] 12c. S. Vacaru, Non-commutative Algebroid Ricci Flows, Modified Gravity and Deformation Quantization, Seminar at Department TH P, NIPNE, Bucuresti, Magurele, Romania, May 30, 2013 [expected support from 55% of grant IDEI in 2014 but for 2013] 13c. S. Vacaru, 1 day visit to Bucharest, Magurele, IFIN HH, DTF discussion further seminar and collaborations, hosts prof. A. Isar and M. Visinescu, April 29-May 1 [expected support from 55% of grant IDEI in 2014 but for 2013] Projects Director, Sergiu Vacaru October 9, 2013 [a final scientific report for 2013 will be presented by December 2013]


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