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Computer Helpline Every computer needs regularly scheduled maintenance to keep it performing at optimum efficiency.

When regular maintenance is ignored, hard drives that become fragmented as well as corrupted files and registry links slow down a computer's performance to a crawl. With regular maintenance, and a complete clean up/tune up, these issues can be addressed before they cause problems. Here is a list of services that we offer as part of our regular maintenance for you. isc efragmenter can isk disk clean up !!! Free up wasted space clean registry isconnect unused network connections "ninstall software you don#t need anymore $rowser %ecurity &'emp files, cookies( review of all browser settings needed programs Check for updates on everything Keep your computer and work area clean and free from dust. Take care to avoid power problems. Install !"# address back up needs and implement $egularly "can your Computer for %iruses )rocess E*plorer to monitor what applications automatically start up when the computer is turned on %et up new computer + set up computer's and add components printers, cameras, other devices. ,.-dministrative / -ccounts %etup .. )assword )rotection /. schedule 0icrosoft Windows "pdates 1. %ounds 2. %tartup 0enu remove unneeded processes add others!!! 3. 4irewall %etup... within windows or use a router. 5. 6nstitute security policies, passwords, browser, social networks, local network, hosts. 7. Email %etup &0icrosoft 8utlook( gmail yahoo mail hot mail 69 :et :anny or another child safe program ,;.6nstall $asic %oftware &0% Word, 8ffice, etc.( install other programs+ %kype, -dobe -crobat <eader ,,. $rowsers %etup $rowser %ecurity &'emp files, cookies( review of all browser settings needed programs ,.. =og 0e 6n> to allow remote access set up monthly maintenance either for them to do or for to do. ,/. %etup $ackup system for 8.%. -pplications, and ata. %et up back up schedule. Cover security measures for back ups. ,1. )ort %ecurity ? online port scans+

virus remediation troubleshooting education 7/.//,, Every computer needs regularly scheduled maintenance to keep it performing at optimum efficiency. When regular maintenance is ignored, hard drives become fragmented; corrupted files and registry links slow a computer's performance to a crawl. Regular maintenance, a complete clean-up-tune up, NEED TO BE DONE NOW. These are services that anyone can do and must do as part of our regular maintenance. Always check for updates. Use: 1.Disc Defragmenter 2.Scan Disk disk clean up *** 3.clean registry 4.Disconnect unused network connections 5.Uninstall obsolete or unneeded software 6.Browser Security (Temp files, cookies) implement automatic anti virus scans of all browser settings 8.Install UPS if needed 9.address back up needs When setting up a new computer : 1.set up computer's and add components 2.printers, cameras, other devices. 3.Administrative / Accounts Setup 4.Password Protection 5. schedule Microsoft Windows Updates 6. Firewall Setup 7.Institute security policies, passwords, browser, social networks, local network, hosts. 8. Email Setup (Microsoft Outlook) Gmail, Yahoo, Hot mail 9 Net Nanny or another child safe program 10.Install Basic Software (MS Word, Office, etc.) install other programs Skype, Adobe Acrobat Reader. 11. Remember: Browser Setups and Browser Security (Temp files, cookies) review of all browser settings needed programs 12. monthly maintenance 13. virus remediation 14.TROUBLESHOOTING 15. and continue your ongoing EDUCATION!!! by reading online technical journals and magazines that interest you, as well as considering formal training and classes. a computer generally needs daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, half year and year back up and maintenance; and it should be scheduled. In addition a security policy needs to be on paper and in place, even if your company is a sole proprietorship.

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