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Government Spin!

Opinion Piece Ann Gladue-Buffalo December 16, 2013 The latest study from the Fraser Institute, purports to provide factual information to inform the debate (I didnt know there was a debate unless arguments followed by unilateral imposition of acts, policy, regulations and guidelines a debate) on the level of Aboriginal funding. So far the only direct response I have read is from a lawyer from Olthuis Kleer Townshend LLP . Read it when you get a chance. The Fraser study provides a selective, even creative, representation of the facts on Aboriginal funding, and is designed to misdirect the Canadian public by swaying public opinion about the real reasons for the huge social and economic disparity of First Nations on reserve. I was thinking the study was likely commissioned to influence public opinion on the case First Nations Child and Family Caring Society currently before the Human Rights Tribunal; as well as counter the findings of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Aboriginal Peoples from his recent visit to Canada; and prepare Canadians for the backlash from widespread funding cuts to First Nations, Aboriginal Representative organizations and Tribal Councils; and again to counter potential sympathy for the protectors of Aboriginal, Treaty rights and the environment. This is called Spin. What is spin? Spin is propaganda designed to persuade public opinion against, in this case First Nations. They have been at it for quite some time. This isnt their first kick at the cat. They will likely come out with increasing stories of the abusers of the system they created. So who is the Fraser Institute? They are a registered charity that conducts research on public policy. The new Director has stated that their research is not rooted in ideological philosophy, but rather data -driven evidence. For a policy institute they have been the beneficiaries of some very generous donors to the tune of approximately $100 million in the last 10 years alone. They receive significant donations from the Donner Canadian Foundation (who have created at least 3 other right-wing think-tanks) and other corporate interests. Interestingly enough, one of the corporate donors are the Koch brothers from the United States. These guys are the hard-right co-founders of the Tea Party. They are investors in the Tar Sands and own refineries in the US which will benefit from the Keystone XL. They also own Flint Energy here in Canada. According to Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) guidelines, as a registered charity Fraser Institute cannot spend more than 12% of its budget on political activity including attempts to sway public opinion on social issues. If you follow their policy papers their whole being is set up to sway public opinion. Again in my opinion, they are nothing more than a paid lobby group. This current government has spent more on communications, marketing and public relations (spin doctors) than any government before it. Prior to the omnibus budget legislation, they had communication strategists involved in closed-door meetings to provide advice on each contemplated budget cuts. Their propaganda machine was able to hit the ground running when the cuts to the environment, water, fisheries were announced. In my opinion, they knew in 2010-2011 the level of impact on First Nations and the Prime Minister made veiled reference to what was in store for First Nations during the Crown First Nations Gathering in 2012, using terms like incentives, unlocking the economic potential, accountability, we must act aggressively and for the benefit of all Canadians.

Food for Thought: - Half of the First Nations population resides off reserve contributing to the provincial tax base - Canadians receive funding from 3 levels of government federal, provincial and municipal - The citizens of Alberta benefit from First Nations Gaming. Since 2006, First Nations Gaming has contributed over $458 million to the Alberta Lotteries Fund. Following is a simple chart highlighting just a few of the differences. Level of Government Federal Funding The federal government provides the provinces with federal transfers to fund human services. Its up to the Province to determine their priorities and how the money they receive from the federal government will be spent. Health, Education, Social, Family Services and Social Assistance. They also determine spending priorities for provincial taxes. They receive both federal and provincial monies which they spend on local governance, operations, roads, water, capital infrastructure and utilities. Receive funding for band governance, operations and programs and services. Workplans, budgets, quarterly and final financial and narrative reports must be submitted for each level of operation or service provided. Band Advisory Services funding has been cut impacting on smaller and more remote First Nations. Government has also determined the priorities for funding without actually increasing funding to meet the needs. As a result when additional monies are needed to meet an identified need or gap in services, proposals must be submitted. Funding is neither consistent nor predictable. If First Nations are successful in research and proposal development they are once again painted by the spin doctors has high recipients of funding or the governments largesse.



First Nations

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