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NAME- RAHUL JAGWANI SEC.- B4901 R. NO.- B 39 REG. ID- 10905220



I take this opportunity to present my votes of thanks to all those guidepost who really acted as lightening pillars to enlighten our way throughout this project that has led to successful and satisfactory completion of this study. We are really grateful to our HOD for providing us with an opportunity to undertake this project in this university and providing us with all the facilities. We are highly thankful to Miss M !"##$ for her active support% valua&le time and advice% whole'hearted guidance% sincere cooperation and pains'taking involvement during the study and in completing the assignment of preparing the said project within the time stipulated. (astly% We are thankful to all those% particularly the various friends % who have &een instrumental in creating proper% healthy and conductive environment and including new and fresh innovative ideas for us during the project% their help% it would have &een e)tremely difficult for us to prepare the project in a time &ound framework.

Blood bank
A blood bank is a cache or bank of blood or blood components, gathered as a result of blood donation, stored and preserved for later use in blood transfusions.



+urpose of computing guidelines'

*.*.*. ,ince the pu&lication of the previous recommendations on hospital &lood &ank computing% the use of computers as an aid to the safe provision of &lood components and collection of transfusion'related information has markedly increased. -here is now the necessity to revisit the recommendations% to supplement them in light of the e)perience gained in transfusion computing% and to e)tend the recommendations to cover topics such as electronic re.uesting% electronic selection and issue of components% communications with -ransfusion /entres and regulatory re.uirements. *.*.0. -his document is not a statement of user re.uirements &ut may &e used in the assessment of minimum functionality for new &lood &ank computersystems% and their interaction with automated systems for &lood grouping% anti&ody screening and identification% and compati&ility testing. *.*.1. #)perience with hospital &lood &ank computing systems to date has confirmed the &enefits in operating efficiency with fast and accurate data retrieval% improvements in the .uality of work and2or with rationali3ation of procedures and incorporation of safety controls at key stages throughout the processing of the re.uest.


,pecial re.uirements for &lood transfusion

*.0.* In common with other pathology systems% data processing in the hospital &lood &ank is concerned with patient records and la&oratory activities. However% it is imperative for the system to provide for the strict accounta&ility of &lood components 45/,H% *66789 to include safety prompts for standard procedures9 to inhi&it the issue of incompati&le components and to alert the user to special transfusion re.uirements. *.0.0 5lood &ank systems must e)ert strict control over data&ase changes. Where the &lood &ank system is part of a comprehensive pathology system% it is essential that changes to patient demographic details made in other disciplines do not overwrite the &lood &ank data&ase. -his will ensure that patient details provided to &lood &anks are not amended &y other la&oratory computer users. 0 $#:;#,-I!< +$O/#D;$#, 0.* ;ni.ue patient identifiers

0.*.*. -he use of uni.ue patient identifiers is essential to positive patient identification prior to transfusion. ,everal num&ering systems are availa&le and it should &e possi&le to incorporate various forms and configurations of such identifiers. -hese may include= a' -he !H, num&er &' Hospital ;nit num&er c' ccident and #mergency Department num&ers d' !um&ers allocated &y the unidentified victims of trauma% and for those individuals involved in a major incident. 0.*.0. Where a patient has multiple records attached to different uni.ue identifiers% a mechanism for record linking or merging is necessary. 0.1.1. -he patient information is retrieved from the + , and associated with a uni.ue order !um&er identifying the re.uest. ,ince this process can occur in the a&sence of the clinical notes% it is imperative that correct patient identification occurs. -he following items of information must &e transferred to the &lood &ank system= a' +atient surname &' +atient forename c' +atient se) d' +atient date of &irth e' Hospital !um&er f' Date and time that the re.uest was made g' ;ni.ue re.uest reference num&er h' /onsultant responsi&le for this admission episode i' Ward or /linic j' +atient address 4optional8 0.1.>. In addition% the following re.uest data are mandatory% and will &e entered as part of the $e.uesting procedure= ccident unit for

a' $e.uest type 4e.g. <roup and save% crossmatch8 &' $eason for re.uest c' $e.uesting doctor 0.1.>.*. If &lood components are re.uested then other mandatory data are re.uired' a'-ype of component% including special re.uirements &' !um&er of units re.uired c' Date and time that component is re.uired 0.1.?. -he following additional information is desira&le= '5lood group 5' +revious transfusions 4@2!8 /' +regnancy history 4parity% anti&odies% haemolytic disease of new' &orn8 D '+resence of known anti&odies #' High'risk indicator 1 + -I#!- , M+(# +$O/#,,I!< <eneral' 4a8',amples should &e identified in the la&oratory &y a uni.ue% prefera&le &arcoded% sample num&er. -his num&er must &e . must &e and e)piry date is desira&le. > #(#/-$O!I/ ,#(#/-IO! !D I,,;# OA ;!I-, WI-HO;- ,#$O(O<I/ ( -#,-I!< 5#-W##! + -I#!- !D DO!O$ $#D /#((, -he use of electronic issue procedures without serological testing will very much depend upon the level of automation in use within that la&oratory. completely automated system for 5O2$hD testing will ensure that there is no manual step associated with the patient record. 4&8' ll information generated from sample processing stored against sample num&er. 4c8' reagent log% containing &atch num&er% supplier

or clerical input into the process from the entry of the sample for testing into the la&oratory system% until the final result is o&tained and downloaded into the la&oratory computer record. t present% most la&oratories do not have this degree of automation% instead having a partly automated system that relies to a lesser or greater degree on manual intervention. -his inherently increases the risk within that system and the use of electronic issue must &e risk assessed when such systems are in place. -he a&solute necessity for correct determination of the 5O group of the patient is paramount when the check for errors afforded &y the serological crossmatch is no longer present. >.* -he following criteria must &e satisfied &efore electronic selection and issue is permitted= >.*.*. +rovided that sample handling and identification are fully automated and results are transferred electronically with no manual editing% the 5O2$hD group of the patient may &e determined twice using the same sample. >.*.0. If a manual step is re.uired at any stage in the procedure% it is recommended that either two samples% collected on different occasions% or a current sample with a historical record% should have &een tested. >.*.1. 5lood group results on the current sample4s8 and any historical record must &e identical. >.*.>. If manual entry of current &lood group result is necessary% the previous &lood group result must not &e displayed on the same screen. >.*.?. -he patientBs serum2plasma does not contain% and has not &een known to contain% red /ell alloanti&odies reactive at 1C D/. -he previous administration of anti'D immunoglo&ulin to $hDnegative females does not e)clude the use of electronic issue once the anti'D is no longer detecta&le.

>.*.E. nti&ody screening procedures must conform to the minimum recommendations as detailed in 5/,H4*66Ea8. >.*.C. /omputer software should have &een validated to ensure complete compliance with the $e.uirements for 5O and $h compati&ility . >.*.D. #ntry of uni.ue donation num&er% &lood group% component code and e)piry date from the unit4s8 must &e &y &arcode reader or other electronic means. >.*.6. facility to flag individual patients as &eing unsuita&le for electronic issue must &e availa&le. -his may &e for limited periods 4e.g. 1 months post transplant of 5O' incompati&le solid organ transplants 45/,H%*66Ea9 Mollison% *66C88 or permanently 4e.g. patients with significant red cell alloanti&odies or IH 8. >.0. When the a&ove criteria are not met% a serological test of compati&ility &etween patient and donor4s8 must &e performed.

R!"#!$%$ %& %'! B(&&) C!*%+!

a' -he system should &e a&le to generate a re.uest for stock that can &e transmitted to the 5lood /entre &y electronic data transfer. &' -he re.uest for stock should &e in a form either electronically compati&le with the 5lood /entre computer system% or if manual transcription to the 5lood /entre computer is to &e used% as closely similar a possi&le% to avoid errors in interpretation. c' -he re.uest should have a uni.ue num&er2date code and should include time and identity of person making the order.


#include stdio!h" #include conio!h" char name#$%&,se'#$%&,bg#(%&) int age,refno) void main*+ ,

int ch) void donate*+) void availabilit-*+) void displa-*+) clrscr*+) .hile*(+ , clrscr*+) printf*/ 0123OM1 4O 52OO6 5A78 9n/+)

printf*/1nter -our choice9n/+) printf*/9n(:6onate/+) printf*/9n::3heck for availabilit- and purchase/+) printf*/9n;:1'it/+) scanf*/<d/, =ch+)

s.itch*ch+ , case (: donate*+) displa-*+) break) case :: availabilit-*+) break) case ;: e'it*%+) break) default: printf*/9n>nvalid choice/+) break) ? ? ?

void donate*+ , clrscr*+) printf*/9n1nter name : /+) scanf*/<s/,=name+) printf*/9n1nter -our age : /+) scanf*/<d/, =age+)

printf*/9n1nter -our se' : /+) scanf*/<s/, =se'+) printf*/1nter -our blood group : /+) scanf*/<s/, =bg+) printf*/1nter -our ref! no! : /+) scanf*/<d/, =refno+) ?

void displa-*+ , clrscr*+) printf*/9n@our ageA<d/, age+) printf*/9n@our nameA<s/, name+) printf*/9n@our se'A<s/, se'+) printf*/9n@our blood groupA<s/, bg+) printf*/9n@our refno!A<d/, refno+) printf*/9n4hanks for donating bloodBB/+) getch*+) ?

void availabilit-*+

, int num) clrscr*+) printf*/9n52OO6 GROCPD9n/+) printf*/9n1nter(!oE9n1nter:!o-9n1nter;!AE9n1nter$!A-9n1nterF!5E9n1nte rG!5-9n1nterH!A5/+) printf*/9n1nter code no! of the blood group reIuired : /+) scanf*/<d/, =num+) s.itch*num+ , case (: printf*/9nblood gp! is oE/+) break) case :: printf*/9nblood gp! is o-/+) break) case ;: printf*/9nblood gp is AE/+) break) case $: printf*/9nblood gp! is A-/+) break) case F: printf*/9nblood gp! is 5E/+) break)

case G: printf*/9nblood gp! is 5-/+) break) case H: printf*/9nblood gp! is A5/+) break) default: printf*/9ninvalid/+) break) ? if*numBA%==num AH+ , if*num<:AA%+ printf*/9n5lood gp!is available/+) else printf*/9n5lood gp!is not available/+) ? else printf*/9ninvalid code/+) getch*+) ?


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