Ibps Specialist Officer Previous Year Question

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2012 question 1.

A special type gateway that can keep external users from accessing resources on the LAN users access the external info is called: A. epeater !. "irewall #. $ncryption %. &u' $. None of these 2. (hat is the name gi)en to the exchange of control signals which is necessary for esta'lishing a connection 'etween a modem and a computer at one end of a line and another modem and computer at the other end* A. &andshaking !. +odem options #. ,rotocol %. All of these $. None of these -. .n /0L1 which command is used to changes data in a data ta'le* A. 2,%A3$ !. .N/$ 3 #. ! 4(/$ %. A,,$N% $. None of these

5. .n /0L1 which of the following is not a data definition language command* A. !. $NA+$ $647$

#. 8 AN3 %. 2,%A3$ $. None of these 9. (hich command:s; is :are; used to redefine a column of the ta'le in /0L * A. AL3$ 3A!L$

!. %$".N$ 3A!L$ #. +4%."< 3A!L$ %. ALL of the these $. None of these =. .n a relational schema1 each tuple is di)ided into fields called A. elations

!. %omains #. 0ueries %. All of the these $. None of these >. An indexing operation A. /orts a file using a single key !. /orts file using two keys #. $sta'lishes an index for a file %. !oth :1; and :-;

$. None of these ?. %ata security threats include A. &ardware failure !. ,ri)acy in)asion #. "raudulent manipulation of data %. All of these $. None of these @. 3he language used in application programs to request data from the %!+/ is referred to as the A. %+L !. %%L #. 0uery language %. %#L $. None of these 10. A AAA contains the smallest unit of meaningful data1 so you might call it the 'asic 'uilding 'lock for a data file. A. "ile structures !. ecords

#. "ields %. %ata'ase $. None of these 11. A AAA means that one record in a particular record type is related to only one record of another record type. A. 4ne to one relationship !. 4ne to many relationship

#. +any toone relationship %. +any to many relationship $. None of these 12. 3hrough linked list one can implement A. /tack !. 8raph #. 0ueue %. All of these $. None of these 1-. A heap allows a )ery efficient implementation of a A. %ou'led ended queue !. ,riority queue #. /tack %. 3rees $. None of these 15. .n files1 there is a key associated with each record which is used to differentiate among different records. "or e)ery file there is at least one set of keys that is unique. /uch a 7ey is called A. 2nique key !. ,rime attri'ute #. .ndex key %. ,rimary 7ey $. Null key 19. AAAA is primarily used for mapping host names and email destinations to ., address 'ut can also 'e used for other purposes.

A. 3#,:transfer control protocol; !. %N/:%omain Name /ystem; #. /&A :/ecure &ash Algorithm; %. /imple Network +anagement ,rotocol :/N+,; $. None of these 1=. 4)erride is a method A. "or an operation that replaces an inherited method for the same operation !. "or a data that replaces an inherited method for the same operation #. "or an operation that takes arguments form li'rary function %. All of these $. None of these 1>. Local )aria'les A. Are created outside a 'lock !. Are known only to that 'lock #. #ontinue to exist when their 'lock ends %. Are illegal in #BB $. None of these 1?. AAAA is )irus that inserts itself into a systemCs memory. 3hen it take num'er of actions when an infected file is executed. A. (e' scripting )irus !. ,olymorphic )irus #. +acro )irus %. !oot sector )irus


esident )irus

1@. 3his AAA data mining technique deri)es rules from real world case examples. A. (aterfall model !. A%

#. (hite !ox %. /piral model $. #ase 'ased reasoning 20. 3he AAA remains operati)e until the software is required. A. (aterfall model !. .ncremental model #. /piral model %. ,rototyping model $. .ncremental model 21. %ata mining e)ol)e as a mechanism to cater the limitations of AAA systems to deal massi)e data sets with high dimensionality1 new data type1 multiple heterogeneous data resource etc. A. 4L3, !. 4LA, #. %// %. %(& $. None of these 22. An important application of cryptography1 used in computeriDed commercial and financial transaction ". %ata mining

8. %ata warehousing &. %igital signature .. +edia con)ergence E. None of these 2-. 7. ows of a relation are called: elation

L. 3uples +. %ata structure N. An entity 4. None of these 25. 3he draw'acks of the 'inary tree sort are remedied 'y the ,. Linear sort 0. 0uick /ort . &eap /ort /. .nsertion /ort 3. None of these 29. (hich layer of 4/. determines the interface of the system with the user* 2. Network 6. Application (.%ata link F. /ession <. None of these

Question 26-50 GHIJ:;1K 3he tracks on a disk which can 'e accused without repositioning the L( heads is A. /urface !. #ylinder #. #luster %. All of these $. None of these 1. (hich of the following is true a'out 82.s* A. 3hey make computers easier to use for nonprofessionals !. 3hey use icons and menus that users can select with a mouse #. !oth :1; and :2; %. All of the these $. None of these 2. A computer system consisting of its processor1 memory and .L4 de)ices accepts data1 processes it and produces the output results .#an you tell in which component is the raw data fed* A. +ass +emory !. +ain +emory #. Logic 2nit %. Arithmetic unit $. None of these -. 3he mechanical diskette dri)e in which you insert your diskette is connected to the computerCsM'us A. %ata

!. #ommunication #. Address %. ,arallel $. None of these 5. A set of programs that handle firmCs data'ase responsi'ilities is called a A. %ata 'ase +anagement /ystem :%!+/; !. %ata !ase ,rocessing /ystem :%!,/; #. %ata +anagement /ystem :%+/; %. All of these $. None of these 9. <ou are in the process of analyDing a pro'lem that requires you to collect and store 3#,L ., ,ackets. (hich of the following utilities is 'est suited for this purpose* A. N!3/3A3 !. ,erformance +onitor #. N$3/3A3 %. Network +onitor $. %&#, +anagement #onsole =. A top to 'ottom relationship among the items in a data'ase is esta'lished 'y a A. &ierarchical /chema !. Network /chema #. elational /chema %. All of the a'o)e

$. None of these >. 3he process of transferring data intended for a peripheral de)ice into a disk :or intermediate store; so that it can 'e transferred to peripheral at a more con)enient time or in 'ulk is known as A. +ultiprogramming !. /pooling #. #aching %. 6irtual programming $. None of these ?. (hich of the following system program forgoes the production of o'Nect code to generate a'solute machine code and load it into the physical main storage location from which it will 'e executed immediately upon completion of the assem'ly* A. 3wo pass assem'ler !. Load and go assem'ler #. +acro processor %. #ompiler $. None of these 1. elocation 'its used 'y relocating loader are specifically :generated; 'y: A. elocating loader itself

!. Linker #. Assem'ler or translator %. +acro processor $. None of these

2. "rom what location are the 1st computer instructions a)aila'le on 'oot up * A. 4+ !.4/

!. #,2 #. !oot.ini %. #4N".8./</ $. None of these -. A'straction is A. 3he act of representing the essential features of something without including much detail. !. 3he act of representing the features of something much detail #. A tree structure %. All of these $. None of these 5. Aggregation is a special for of A. 8eneraliDation !. /pecialiDation #. Association %. 4'Nect $. None of these 1. #onsider an operation of addition. "or two num'ers1 the operating will generate a sum. .f the operand are strings1 and the same operation would produce a third string 'y concatenation. 3his features is called AAAA. A. .nheritance

!. $ncapsulation #. ,olymorphism %. !inding $. None of these 2. .n $ diagrams1 the term cardinality is a synonym for the termM

A. Attri'ute !. %egree #. $ntities %. #artesian $. None of these 1. An oracle ser)er indexM A. .s a schema o'Nect !. .s used to speed up the retrie)al of rows 'y using a pointer #. .s independent of the ta'le it indexes %. All of these $. None of these 2. (hich of the following is not a context free grammar components* A. 3erminal sym'ols !. Nonterminal sym'ol #. ,roduction line %. List $. None of these 1. (hich of the following is a phase of A% model*

A. !usiness modeling !. %ata modeling #. Application generation %. All of the a'o)e $. None of these 1. AAAA is a set design steps that allows a %"% with transform flow characteristics to 'e mapped into a predefined template for program structure. A. 3ransaction flow !. #ontri'utor #. 3ransform mapping %. %esign e)aluation $. None of these 1. A com'inational logic circuit which is used to send data coming from a single source to two or more separate destinations is called as A. %ecoder !. $ncoder #. +ultiplexer %. %emultiplexer $. None of these 1. (hich of the following is a uni)ersal gate* A. AN% !. 4 #. $F4

%. NAN% $. None of these 1. 3he twoCs compliment of 'inary num'er 010111.1100 is A. 101001.1100 !. 101000.0100 #. 010111.0011 %. 101000.0011 $. None of these 1. .n ?0?= the o)erflow flag is set when A. 3he sum is more than 1= 'its !. /igned num'ers go out their range after an arithmetic operation #. #arry and sign flags are set %. %uring su'traction $. None of these 1. (hat does microprocessor speed depends on* A. #lock !. %ata 'us width #. Address 'us width %. All of these $. None of these 1. 3he 3 A, is one of the interrupts a)aila'le its .N3$L ?0?9. (hich one statement is true of 3 A,* A. .t is le)el triggered

!. .t is negati)e edge triggered .t is positi)e edge triggered #. .t is positi)e edge triggered %. .t is 'oth positi)e edge triggered and le)el triggered $. None of these 201- question 1. (hich of the following microprocessors is not ?'it microprocessor* 1. ?0?9 2. =902 -. O?0 5. =?000 9. None of these 2. +icroprocessor ?0?9 is the enhanced )ersion of which essentially the same construction set 1. =?00 2. ?0?0 -. =?00A 5. ?000 9. All of these -. (hich of the following interrupts has the lowest priority* 1. 2. /3 9.9 /3 >.9

-. 3 A, 5. .N3 9. None of these 5. 3he %ata control language :%#L;.

1. is used to manage user access to data 'ases 2. is used to manipulate the contents of a data'ase in some form -. !oth :1; and :2; 5. 2sed for inserting1 deleting and updating data in a data'ase 9. None of these 9. A collection of fields is called a record with respect of %!+/1 a record corresponds to 1. 3uple 2. elation

-. "ile 5. Attri'ute 9. None of these. =. +ultiplexer means 1. 4ne into many 2. +any into one -. +any into many 5. All of these 9. None of these >. (hich gate is known as uni)ersal gate * 1. N43 gate 2. NAN% gate -. AN% gate 5. F4 gate

9. None of the a'o)e

?. (hich of the following is the first integrated logic family* 1. 3#L 2. 31L -. %3L 5. +4/ 9. 3L

@. A top to 'ottom relationship among the items in a data'ase is esta'lished 'y a 1. &ierarchical schema 2. Network /chema -. elational /chema

5. !oth :1; and :2; 9. !oth :2; and :-; 10. .n the relational schema1 each tuple is di)ided into fields called. 1. elations

2. %omains -. 0ueries 5. !oth :1; and :2; 9. !oth :1; and :-; 11. 3he modify operation is likely to 'e done after. 1. %elete 2. .nsert -. Look up 5. All of the a'o)e

9. None of these 12. 3he way a particular application )iews the data from the data'ase that the application uses is a : 1. +odule 2. elational model

-. /chema 5. /u'schema 9. None of these 1-. (hich two files are used during operation of the %+!/* 1. 0uery language and utilities 2. %ata manipulation language and query language: -. %ata dictionary and transaction log 5. %ata dictionary and query language 9. None of these 15. (hich normal form is considered adequate for relational data'ase design* 1. 2 N" 2. - N" -. 5 N" 5. !#N" 9. None of these 19. An attri'ute of one matching the primary key another ta'le1 is called as 1. "oreign key 2. /econdary key

-. #andidate key 5. #omposite key 9. None of these 1=. (hich of the following /0L commands can 'e used modify existing data in a data'ase ta'le* 1. +4%."< 2. 2,%A3$ -. #&AN8$ 5. N$( 9. None of these 1>. $ach node in a linked list must contain at least: 1. 3hree fields 2. "i)e fields -. "our fields 5. 4ne fields 9. 3wo fields 1?. 3he a)erage num'er of key comparisons done in a successful sequential search in a list of length PnQ is 1. Log n 2. :nR1;L2 -. nL2 5. :nB1;L2 9. None of these 1@. 3he order of the 'inary search algorithm is 1. n

2. n2 -. nlog:n; 5. log:n; 9. None of these 20. (hich of the following is useful in implementing quick sort* 1. /tack 2. /et -. List 5. 0ueue 9. None of these 21. 4/. model consists of AAAA layers 1. 3hree 2. "i)e -. /ix 5. $ight 9. /e)en 22. (hich data communication method is used to transmit the data o)er a serial communication link. 1. /implex 2. "ull duplex -. &alf duplex 5. !oth :1; and :2; 9. !oth :2; and :-; 2-. $ncryption and decryption are functions of the AAAA layer. 1. 3ransport

2. /ession -. Application 5. ,hysical 9. ,resentation 25. (hich of the following is not a connecting de)ice* 1. !ridge 2. 3rans recei)er -. 5. outer epeater

9. None of these 29. epeaters function in the AAA layer 1. ,hysical 2. %ata link -. Network 5. !oth :1; and :2; 9. None of these Question 26-50 1. &ow many hosts are attached to each of the local area network at your site* 1. 12? 2. 29= -. 295 5. =5 9. None of these

1. (hich of the following types of software should we use if we often need to create1 edit and print documents* 1. (ord processing 2. /pread sheet -. 4'Nect program 5. 2N.F 9. None of these 1. 3hrashing 1. #an always 'e a)oided 'y swapping 2. .s a natural consequence of )irtual memory system Always occurs on large computers -. #an 'e caused 'y poor paging algorithms 5. None of these 1. AAAAA is present in spiral model 1. #ode generator 2. isk analysis

-. #ode optimiDer 5. eengineering

9. None of these 1. 3he approach used in top down analysis and design is : 1. 3o identify the top le)el functions 'y com'ining many smaller components into a single entity 2. 3o identify a top le)el function and then create hierarchy of lower le)el modules and components

-. 3o prepare flowcharts after programming has 'een completed 5. All of these 9. None of these 1. !2# ecommerce focuses on customer AAA. 1. espond to customer

2. 4'tain customer feed'ack -. $sta'lish 'uyerseller transaction 5. All of the a'o)e 9. None of these 4LA, stands for 1. 4nline Analytical proNect 2. 4nline Analytical pro'lem -. 4nline Application process 5. 4nline Application ,ro'lem 9. 4nline Analytical processing 2. %ata mining is 1. /toring data when in need 2. Automatic extraction of patters of information -. /earching data on .nternet 5. All of these 9. None of these -. %ecision support system are 'ased on AAAA analysis


1. 0uery and reporting 2. %ata mining -. 4LA, 5. All of the a'o)e 9. None of these 5. 3he term push and pop is related to the 1. Array 2. Lists -. /tacks 5. All of the a'o)e 9. None of these 9. 3he 'reak statement causes an exit. 1. "rom the innermost loop only 2. 4nly from the innermost switch -. "rom the loops and switches 5. "rom the innermost loop or switch 9. None of these =. !ackup procedure helps in 1. 2. -. estoring the operation whene)er there is a disk failure estoring 'oth application and system software whene)er there is disk corruption estoring the data sites whene)er there is a system crash

5. All of the a'o)e 9. None of these

>. /oftware testing is 1. 3he process of demonstrating that error are not present 2. 4ne process of esta'lishing confidence that a program does what it is supposed to do -. 3he process of executing a program to show that it is working as per specifications 5. 3he process of executing a program with the intent of finding errors 9. None of these ?. egression testing in primarily related to 1. "unctional testing 2. %ata flow testing -. %e)elopment testing 5. +aintenance testing 9. None of these @. (hich of the following is easiest software de)elopment process model* 1. (aterfall +odel 2. ,rototyping -. .nteracti)e enhancement 5. /piral model 9. All of these 1. !ankerCs algorithm for resource allocation deals with 1. %eadlock pre)ention 2. %eadlock a)oidance

-. %eadlock reco)ery 5. +utual exclusion 9. All of these 1. .n 0ueues1 the items deleted at one end is called. 1. ear

2. "ront -. 3op 5. !ase 9. None of these 1. ,ointer is used in 1. %irect Addressing 2. .ndirect Addressing -. .ndexed mode 5. .mmediate Addressing 9. None of these 2. An array can 'e passed in a functions in # language through 1. S#all 'y )alueC only 2. S#all 'y referenceC only -. !oth :1; I :2; 5. #all 'y preference 9. None of these -. &33, refers to 1. &yper 3ext 3ransmission ,rotocol

2. &yper 3ext 3ransfer ,rotocol -. &yper 3ext 3ie ,rotocol 5. &yper 3ext 3otal ,rotocol 9. None of these 5. An email account includes a storage area1 often called a :n; 1. Attachment 2. &yperlink -. +ail'ox 5. .p address 9. None of these 1. A:n; AAAA is a collection of information that determines which files you can access and which setting you use. 1. Network 2. 2ser account -. 4perating system 5. "ile system 9. None of these 1. 3o print a document 1. /elect the print command and then select 47 2. /elect the eady printer and then select 47

-. 3ype , .N3 and then press $nter 5. #lose the document1 select the print command then select 47 9. None of these

1. (hich part of the computer pro)ides only temporary storage of files* 1. 4+ memory

2. ,rocessor -. &ard dri)e 5. +other 'oard 9. A+ memory

1. (hat will 'e the output of PaQ in following code* TincludeUstdio.hV int main:; int aW20X Y int aW10X printf:PHdQ1a;X printf:PHdQ1a;X return 0X Z answer choices 1. 20 20 2. 10 20 -. 20 10 5. 10 10 9. #ompilation $rror

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