Sample.... Appointment Letter

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APPOINTMENT LETTER 11 October 2012 Mr. SS Raoo Dear Mr. Raoo, It gives us a great pleasure to inform you t at t e !

ompany as "eci"e" to appoint you as #ro$ect %%%%%%% for t e &&&&&&&#ro$ect in 'angalore, In"ia beginning &&&&&, 2012. (ou )ill be statione" in &&&&&& region, In"ia an" s all report to Mr. *%%%%%%%%, Director%%%%. + e terms , con"itions of your employment are attac e" in -nne%ure.-. + e -ppointment s all continue unless t e same is terminate" in accor"ance )it t e terms agree" upon or as per t e policies of t e !ompany. In acceptance of your -ppointment, please sign t e "uplicate copy of t e terms of employment an" return t e original to us. /e )elcome you as part of our organi0ation an" loo1 for)ar" to a great )or1ing relations ip )it you. /e )is you all t e very best. (ours fait fully, 2or &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& In"ia #vt. 3t".

-ut ori0e" Signatory I !onfirm Name & Signature of the Employee: Date:

ANNEX RE!A "# $eneral (our employment )it t e !ompany s all be governe" by t e follo)ing terms an" con"itions as also t e provisions of t e %%%%% !omapny Staff 4an"boo1 "ocument, ) ic by )ay of reference )oul" be provi"e" )it in ne%t 50 "ays. %# Remuneration 2.1 + e gross salary 6inclu"ing per7uisites8 )ill be R&''''(! per mont , commencing from ))))))) %*"%# + e brea1up of !+! is as follo)s9 S(No# 1 2 : = < 5 ? A B De&+ription 'asic Salary 6:0; of !+!8 4ousing -llo)ance 6<0; of 'asic8 !onveyance -llo)ance >ntertainment an" !ell # one reimbursement Me"ical -llo)ance 3eave +ravel -llo)ance 610; of 'asic8 >% . @ratia 610; of 'asic8 #rovi"ent 2un" 6>mployer contribution. 12; of 'asic8 Special -llo)ance @ross Salary 6!ost to !ompany8 INR per month INR per annum

+ is aforesai" compensation "istribution may be sub$ect to c ange. Cote9 2or SDCo. =, <, an" 5 as mentione" above, you are re7uire" to provi"e substantiation "ocuments on proof of e%pen"iture for accounting purposes. In a""ition to t e above t e !ompany )ill a""itionally provi"eD reimburseD pay t e follo)ing9 i8 Me"ical D 4ealt Insurance9 #rovi"e Me"ical D 4ealt Insurance for you )it 3ocal 4ealt Insurance !ompany.


@ratuity9 #ayable at a rate not e%cee"ing alf a mont Es basic salary for eac complete" year of service as per t e applicable provisions of t e #ayment of @ratuity -ct, 1B?2. Reimbursement of >%penses9 Reimbursement of all traveling, otel an" ot er e%penses incurre" "uring t e course of an" in connection )it t e business of t e !ompany as per company policy. + e !ompany )ill reimburse in connection )it t e aforesai" e%penses, on actuals, on presentment of appropriate vouc ers supporte" ) erever possible by supporting bills. Relocation !osts9 + e costs of your relocation from Mumbai, if any, as necessitate" for )or1 purposes s all be borne by t e !ompany inclusive of items suc as boo1s, clot es, "ocuments up to a ma%imum limit of Rs. %%%%%%D. 6Rupees %%%%%%% only8 per relocation payable against pro"uction of relocation e%pense "ocuments suc as cargo company bills, etc..




+ e !ompany s all be entitle" to "e"uct from t e remuneration above, t e follo)ing amounts9 6a8 6b8 6c8 6"8 ta% at source, at applicable ratesF all employment D professional ta%esF contribution to provi"ent fun"s, gratuity as per t e !ompanyEs 4R #olicies in force from time to timeF an" -ll ot er "ues payable by you to t e !ompany suc as, loans an" a"vances given to you, any loan ta1en but not repai" by you from ban1s on strengt of t e !ompanyEs guarantee, etc.


+ e performance appraisal s all be ma"e once every year. 4o)ever, t e compensation pac1age )ill be revie)e" an" revise" at t e !ompanyEs sole "iscretion on pro$ect to pro$ect an" location to location basis. Pro-ation (ou )ill initially be on probation for a perio" of : mont s from t e >ffective Date. + e confirmation of service )it t e !ompany is sub$ect to your satisfactory performance "uring t e perio" of probation. + e !ompany may e%ten" t e probation perio" at its o)n "iscretion for an a""itional perio" of G:H mont s. (our employment may be terminate" at any time "uring t e probation perio" 6inclu"ing t e initial an" t e e%ten"e" probation perio", as t e case maybe8 by provi"ing notice of :0 6+ irty8 "ays or payment in lieu t ereof.



/our& Of 0or1 + e normal business ours for t is pro$ect )ill be B.:0 a.m. to <.:0 p.m. Mon"ay to Satur"ay. 4o)ever, t e !ompany is entitle" to vary t e above )or1ing ours "epen"ing upon eac pro$ect, as per re7uirement at t e relevant time. (ou )ill be re7uire" to )or1 "uring suc s ifts as t e !ompany may assign to you from time to time. + e !ompany )ill ave t e rig t to place you in particular s ifts or to re. sc e"ule or c ange your s ift timings by provi"ing you a"e7uate notice. 2urt er, you )ill be re7uire" to )or1 suc a""itional reasonable ours as are necessary for you to perform your "uties in a satisfactory manner an" you )ill not be entitle" to any a""itional remuneration for suc a""itional ours.

2# =.1

Lea3e (ou )ill be entitle" to leave as per t e follo)ing terms9 i. #ai" -nnual 3eave of 21 6t)enty.one8 calen"ar "ays per year. >%planation9 2or purposes of t is -ppointment, !alen"ar year starts from -pril 1 an" en"s on Marc :1. 2or any sic1 leave beyon" 1 "ay, you )ill submit Me"ical !ertificate from a registere" me"ical practitioner D clinic D ospital.

ii. =.2

3eave accumulate" an" not availe" of "uring your tenure s all not be carrie" for)ar" to t e ne%t calen"ar year, e%cept in special cases, as approve" by t e !ountry Manager D Regional Manager D Managing Director, sub$ect to a ma%imum limit of t)o years. (ou s all be entitle" for 3eave +ravel -llo)ance 63+-8 for self an" family on economy airfare from place of )or1 to your ometo)n for your spouse an" c il"ren )it in t e country, payable up to t e limits of t e !+! brea1up mentione" above, payable against pro"uction of actual tic1ets of travel "uring t e year. Dutie& Sub$ect to overall superinten"ence, control an" "irections of t e 'oar" of Directors, (ou s all "evote all your )or1ing time, attention an" abilities to t e business of t e !ompany an" conform to an" comply )it t e "irections given by t e 'oar" of Directors an" s all )or1 fait fully an" "iligently in t e best interests of t e !ompany s all an" use best en"eavors to promote t e interest of t e !ompany. (our "ay to "ay activities )ill be "irecte" by your imme"iate supervisor. + ese activities an" responsibilities )ill be inline )it your position. (ou )ill also be re7uire" to participate in special pro$ects or ot er activities not "irectly relate" )it your position. (ou, "uring t e term of your employment s all not, engage in ot er employment or business, ) ic )oul" prevent you from "evoting t e ) ole of your )or1ing time to your "uties to t e !ompany.


4# <.1



-s part of your $ob responsibilities, you )oul" nee" to travel %%%%%%, 'angalore an" ot er places as necessary an" travel costs s all be reimburse" by t e !ompany at actual costs. Mo"e of travel s all be "iscusse" an" agree" )it your Superior. n5erta1ing (ou s all be e%pecte" to abi"e by t e gui"elines an" regulations of t e !ompany, be courteous, onest an" professional )it in t e !ompany or )it its clients, an" maintain , represent t e !ompanyEs ig stan"ar"s of professional services at all times, ) et er in t e office premise or at clientEs site6s8. (ou s all be responsible for all !ompanyEs properties an" material t at are in your possession, an" all infrastructure li1e telep ones, cell p ones, computers, laptops, etc. t at ave been provi"e" to you. (ou ereby confirm an" ac1no)le"ge t at all accounts, boo1s, vouc ers, notes, "iaries, )ritings an" ot er "ocuments, s1etc es, "esigns, "ra)ings, specifications, plans, mar1et "ata, catalogues, circulars an" ot er papers, effects an" articles of any nature ) atsoever relating to t e business, affairs or activities of t e !ompany, its subsi"iaries or affiliates ) ic s all come into your possession in t e course of is employment s all at all times be an" remain t e sole an" absolute property of t e !ompany an" on a "eman" being ma"e by t e !ompany at any time "uring t e continuance of t is -greement or upon its termination for any reason ) atsoever you s all fort )it "eliver up t e same to t e !ompany or its "uly aut orise" representatives )it out claiming any lien t ereon an" )it out retaining any copies, notes, e%tracts or e%cerpts t ereof. (ou s all not publicly or ot er)ise critici0e, "efame or misrepresent t e !ompany an" s all not, 1no)ingly, commit any suc actions ) ic may result in t e !ompanyEs image D business being a"versely affecte". (ou )ill intimate t e !ompany regar"ing any c anges to your resi"ential a""ress an" contact telep one numbers imme"iately. (ou s all at all times con"uct an" carry yourself )it t e re7uire" "egree of "ecorum an" et ics. + e re7uisites of t e !ompany are given in "etail in t e +urner Staff 4an"boo1, "ocument ) ic by )ay of reference are incorporate" erein an" you are e%pecte" to follo) t ese gui"elines strictly in letter an" spirit. Lo+ation of Employment (ou s all primarily be statione" in %%%%%%%%D region, In"ia for t is #ro$ect over perio" of time or any anot er place in accor"ance )it t e nee"s an" re7uirements of t e !ompany. (ou s all travel insi"e an" outsi"e In"ia in connection )it t e business of t e !ompany, as may be re7uire" by t e !ompany for t e proper an" "iligent performance of is "uties. +ravel e%penses )ill be reimburse" solely in terms of t e !ompanyEs policies as in force from time to time.

4# 5.1




5.< 5.5

6# ?.1



During your employment )it t e !ompany, t e !ompany may at any time, at its o)n "iscretion, transfer you to any ot er location in In"ia. (ou )ill be re7uire" to )or1 for any of t e group companies an" affiliates 6) et er in In"ia or abroa"8, or on secon"ment or transfer eit er full time or part time an" to )or1 for any group companies an" affiliates of t e !ompany 6) et er in In"ia or abroa"8. In suc case, you s all also be boun" by any policy of suc ot er office or affiliate, in e%istence at t e "ate ereof or t at may be subse7uently frame" by t e !ompany or t e affiliate. (ou s all comply )it all "irections an" instructions in t at be alf. 8ompany9& Poli+ie& an5 Pro+e5ure& (ou s all be boun" by all t e policies an" proce"ures of t e !ompany inclu"ing t e policies an" proce"ures "ocumente" in !ompany Staff 4an"boo1 a"opte" or to be a"opte" by !ompany, as may be reasonably amen"e" from time to time.


:# B.1

Termination of Employment >it er you or t e !ompany may terminate your employment )it out cause, upon prior )ritten notice of :0 6t irty8 "ays. -lternatively, t e !ompany may terminate your employment )it imme"iate effect, upon giving you 1 6one8 mont Es salary in lieu of notice or pro.rate" mont ly salary for t e balance Cotice #erio" in case you ave been permitte" to )or1 "uring t e Cotice #erio". + e !ompany may terminate t is employment agreement for !ause 6 ereinafter "efine"8 )it imme"iate effect )it out notice or payment in lieu of notice, ) ereupon you s all cease to be in t e employment of t e !ompany an" in ) atever capacity s all ave no claim ) atsoever against t e !ompany for "amages or ot er)ise by reason of suc "etermination. 2or t e purposes of t is !lause, ;8au&e< s all mean as un"er9 6i8 t e negligence or miscon"uct by you in complying )it your "uties, responsibilities, obligations an"Dor covenants or un"erta1ings, ) ic are eit er incapable of reme"y or ot er)ise not reme"ie" by you )it in :0 6t irty8 "ays of a )ritten notice being service" on you by t e !ompany stating t e breac F be or become incapacitate" from any cause ) atsoever inclu"ing t e imposition of any court or"er from efficiently performing is "uties ereun"er for si%ty 6508 )or1ing "ays in aggregate in any perio" of t)elve 6128 consecutive mont sF or be or become of unsoun" min"F or be convicte" of a criminal, save an offence un"er any roa" traffic legislation for ) ic e is not sentence" to any term of imprisonmentF be or become ban1rupt or compoun" )it all is cre"itors or enters into any "ee" of arrangement )it all is cre"itorsF or



6iii8 6iv8 6v8

6vi8 6vii8 6viii8

commit any material breac of any of is "uties or obligations un"er t is -greementF or refuse or neglect to comply )it any la)ful an" reasonable or"ers or "irections given to im by t e !ompanyF or be guilty of any miscon"uct ) et er or not in t e performance of is "uties or commits any act ) ic in t e opinion of t e !ompany is li1ely to bring t e !ompany or any of its officers or ot er employees into "isrepute ) et er or not suc act is "irectly relate" to t e affairs of t e !ompanyF become pro ibite" by la) or any or"er from any regulatory bo"y or government aut ority from being an employee of t e !ompanyF be preclu"e" from ta1ing part in t e management of t e !ompany, re7uire" to be performe" by youF commit any act not in conformity )it acceptance of illegal gratificationF or violation of our !ompliance #olicyF "iscipline or goo" be aviour or

6i%8 6%8 6%i8 6%ii8 B.:

If you are, at any time, prevente" from ill. ealt or acci"ent or any p ysical or mental "isability from performing your "uties ereun"er, you )ill inform t e !ompany an" supply it )it suc "etails as it may be re7uire" an" if you are unable by reason of ill. ealt or acci"ent or "isability, for a perio" of G:H mont s or more to perform your "uties ereun"er, t e !ompany may fort )it terminate t is -greement. (ou agree an" accept t at any statutory or ot er Ilast in first outI rule or any mo"ifications t ereof s all not apply in t e event of t e termination of t is -greement for any reason ) atsoever. 8ompany9& Property ! Duty to Return Jpon termination of t e employment or upon leaving t e !ompany, you s all imme"iately return to t e !ompany any an" all boo1s, "ocuments, correspon"ence, recor"s, an" t e li1e referring to t e !ompanyEs business an" affairs inclu"ing car, p ones 6bot lan"line an" cell p one8 an" t e li1e provi"e" by t e !ompany to you an" all ot er properties of t e !ompany suc as !omputer, an" any electronic ga"gets, !onfi"ential Information an" Intellectual #roperty of t e !ompany ac7uire" by or in your possession. (ou s all also repay all amounts given by t e !ompany to you by )ay of loans or a"vances. If you fail to "o so, t e !ompany may )it ol" payment of you "ues, if any, an"Dor ta1e suc ot er steps as may be appropriate, to recover t e same from you. + e !ompany s all be entitle" at any time "uring t e subsistence of t is -greement, or in any event on termination, o)soever arising, to "e"uct from any remuneration payable to you ereun"er any monies "ue from you to t e !ompany inclu"ing but not limite" to any outstan"ing loans, a"vances, t e cost of repairing any "amage or loss


"*# 10.1


to t e !ompanyEs property cause" by you, e%cess oli"ay, an" any ot er monies o)e" by you to t e !ompany. 10.: (ou s all, at t e time of leaving t e employment of t e !ompany, imme"iately "eliver to t e !ompany 6an" )ill not 1eep in your possession, recreate or "eliver to anyone else8 any an" all "evices, recor"s, "ata, notes, reports, proposals, lists, correspon"ence, specifications, "ra)ings, blueprints, s1etc es, materials, e7uipment, ot er "ocuments or property, or repro"uctions of any aforementione" items "evelope" by you pursuant to your employment )it t e !ompany or ot er)ise belonging to t e !ompany, its successors or assigns. Non!&oli+itation of Employee& an5 8lient&= Non!+ompete During t e term of your employment )it t e !ompany an" for a perio" of 2 (two) years t ereafter imme"iately follo)ing t e termination of employment )it t e !ompany for any reason, you s all9 6a8 un"erta1e an" ensure t at you s all not "irectly or in"irectly solicit, in"uce, recruit or encourage any of t e !ompanyKs employees to leave t eir employment )it t e !ompany, or $oin any ot er employment or un"erta1e any ot er activity t at is of similar nature so as to give any sort of competition to t e business of t e !ompanyF not ta1e a)ay any clients or customers of t e !ompany or attempt to solicit, in"uce, recruit, encourage or ta1e a)ay clients or customers of t e !ompanyF not $oin t e services or be associate" )it any former employee of t e !ompany ) o is un"erta1ing any activity competing )it t e business of t e !ompanyF ensure t at all business opportunities 1no)n to you or ma"e 1no)n to you at any time, )it respect to an"Dor connecte" )it t e business of t e !ompany are not referre" any t ir" party but are referre" only to t e !ompany an" are un"erta1en in any ot er company only )it t e prior )ritten consent of t e 'oar"F neit er "irectly nor in"irectly o)n, con"uct, engage in, manage, operate, $oin, control, finance, invest in, bi" for, a"vise or ot er)ise participate in or in any manner be associate" or connecte" )it , ) et er for or )it out remuneration, in any business, in"ivi"ual, partners ip, firm, corporation, limite" liability company or ot er entity ) atsoever similar to or competing "irectly or in"irectly )it t e business of t e !ompany, its subsi"iaries or affiliates nor un"erta1e or be engage", "irectly or in"irectly in any activities or "o any act or t ing ) ic )oul", or is li1ely to, be "etrimental to t e interests, business or reputation of t e !ompany, its subsi"iaries or affiliates.

""# 11.1

6b8 6c8




-ny 7uestion in t is regar", s all be "etermine" by t e 'oar" at its sole "iscretion an" t e "ecision of t e 'oar" in t is regar" s all be final an" bin"ing on you.


(ou s all be "eeme" to ave ac1no)le"ge" an" agree" t at t e limitations as to time an" t e limitations of t e c aracter or nature place" in terms ereof are reasonable an" fair an" )ill not preclu"e you from earning a liveli oo", nor )ill t ey unreasonably impose limitations on your ability to earn a living. In a""ition, you s all be "eeme" to ave ac1no)le"ge" an" agree" t at you ave given careful consi"eration to t e restraints impose" upon you ereun"er, an" is in full accor" as to t eir necessity for t e reasonable an" proper protection of !onfi"ential Information an" Intellectual #roperty of t e !ompany no) e%isting or to be "evelope" in t e future. (ou s all be "eeme" to ave ac1no)le"ge" an" agree" t at eac an" every restraint impose" ereun"er is reasonable )it respect to sub$ect matter, time perio" an" geograp ical area. -lt oug you an" t e !ompany consi"er t e restrictions containe" erein to be reasonable, if a final $u"icial "etermination is ma"e by a court of competent $uris"iction t at t e time or territory or any ot er restriction containe" erein is an unenforceable restriction against you, t e provisions ereof s all not be ren"ere" voi" but s all be "eeme" amen"e" to apply as to suc ma%imum time an" territory an" to suc ma%imum e%tent as suc court may $u"icially "etermine or in"icate to be enforceable. -lternatively, if any court of competent $uris"iction fin"s t at any restriction containe" erein is unenforceable, an" suc restriction cannot be amen"e" so as to ma1e it enforceable, suc fin"ing s all not affect t e enforceability of any of t e ot er restrictions containe" erein. 8onfi5ential Information 8ompany Information -t all times "uring t e term of your employment an" t ereafter, you s all ol" in strictest confi"ence, an" not to use, e%cept for t e benefit of t e !ompany, or to "isclose to any person, firm or corporation )it out )ritten aut ori0ation of t e 'oar", any !onfi"ential Information of t e !ompany. ;8onfi5ential Information< means any proprietary information of t e !ompany, tec nical "ata, tra"e secrets or 1no). o), inclu"ing, but not limite" to, researc , pro"uct plans, pro"ucts, services, customer lists an" customers 6inclu"ing, but not limite" to, customers of t e !ompany on ) om you calle" or )it ) om you became ac7uainte" "uring t e term of your employment8, mar1ets, soft)are, "evelopments, inventions, processes, formulae, tec nology, "esigns, "ra)ings, engineering, ar")are configuration information, mar1eting, finances or ot er business information "isclose" to you by t e !ompany eit er "irectly or in"irectly in )riting, orally or by "ra)ings or observation of parts or e7uipment.


"%# "%#"


Thir5 Party Information (ou furt er agree an" recogni0e t at t e !ompany as receive", an" in t e future )ill receive from t ir" parties t eir confi"ential or proprietary information sub$ect to a "uty on t e !ompanyEs part to maintain t e confi"entiality of suc information an" to use it only for certain limite" purposes. (ou agrees to ol" all suc confi"ential or

proprietary information in t e strictest confi"ence an" not to "isclose it to any person, firm or corporation or to use it, e%cept as necessary in carrying out )or1 for t e !ompany, t is being consistent )it t e !ompanyEs agreement )it suc t ir" party. ",# 8onfli+ting Employment (ou )ill "evote your full time to t e !ompany. During t e term of your employment )it t e !ompany, you s all not engage in any ot er employment, occupation, consulting or ot er business activity, part time or full time, pai" or unpai", nor )ill you engage in any ot er activities t at conflict )it your obligations to t e !ompany, )it out )ritten consent of t e !ompany ".# 1=.1 In3ention& an5 Intelle+tual Property +o t e e%tent t at you ave create" an" )ill create "uring your employment )it t e !ompany any Intellectual #roperty relating to t e business of t e !ompany in any manner ) atsoever, you ereby assign unencumbere" legal title in t at Intellectual #roperty to t e !ompany. (ou agree t at suc assignment s all be perpetual, )orl" )i"e an" royalty free. (ou furt er agree to e%ecute a formal assignment of all suc Intellectual #roperty in favour of t e !ompany. (ou ac1no)le"ge t at o)ners ip of, an" all rig t, title, an" interest in, all t e tra"emar1s, tra"e names, bran" names, patents, "esigns, "omain names an" ot er Intellectual #roperty rig ts in any soft)are, met o"ologies, systems, processes, inventions, an" )or1s create" by you "uring your employment )it t e !ompany an" all ot er Intellectual #roperty e%pressly for t e !ompany s all vest in t e !ompany. (ou e%pressly agree t at all Intellectual #roperty create" by you e%pressly for t e !ompany s all be a L)or1 for ireM un"er t e la)s of any $uris"iction. In any event, you ereby transfer an" s all be "eeme" to ave assigne" in favour of t e !ompany, all rig ts, title an" interest in an" to all t e Intellectual #roperties, toget er )it t e rig ts to sublicense or transfer any an" all rig ts assigne" ereun"er to t ir" parties, in perpetuity. (ou agree to assist an" cooperate )it t e !ompany in perfecting t e !ompanyKs rig ts in t e Intellectual #roperty. (ou )ill 1eep all Intellectual #roperty create" by you e%pressly for t e !ompany, in strict confi"ence an" s all use t e same only for t e purpose of t e business an" benefit of t e !ompany an" for no ot er purpose, e%cept )it prior )ritten consent of t e !ompany. Notifi+ation to Ne> Employer In t e event t at you leave t e employment of t e !ompany or your employment is terminate" by t e !ompany for any reason ) atsoever, you ereby consent to notification by t e !ompany to your ne) employer about your non.compete an" non. solicitation obligations un"er t is -greement.





"4# 15.1 15.2

8onfli+t of Intere&t $ui5eline& + e !ompany as certain conflict of interest gui"elines containe" erein belo). (ou agree to "iligently a" ere to t ese gui"elines of t e !ompany. It is t e policy of t e !ompany to con"uct its affairs in strict compliance )it t e letter an" spirit of t e la) an" to a" ere to t e ig est principles of business et ics. -ccor"ingly, all officers, employees an" in"epen"ent contractors must avoi" activities, ) ic are in conflict, or give t e appearance of being in conflict, )it t ese principles an" )it t e interests of t e !ompany. + e follo)ing are potentially compromising situations, ) ic must be avoi"e". -ny e%ceptions must be reporte" to t e 'oar" an" )ritten approval for continuation in t is regar" must be obtaine". i. Revealing !onfi"ential Information to outsi"ers or misusing !onfi"ential Information. Jnaut ori0e" "ivulging of information is a violation of t is policy ) et er or not for personal gain an" ) et er or not arm to t e !ompany is inten"e". -ccepting or offering any gifts more favours or payments, ) ic may be "eeme" to constitute un"ue influence or ot er)ise be improper or embarrassing to t e !ompany. #articipating in civic or professional organi0ations an" "ivulging !onfi"ential Information of t e !ompany. Initiating or approving any form of personal or social employees. arassment of


iii. iv. v.

Investing or ol"ing outsi"e "irectors ip in suppliers, customers, or competing companies, inclu"ing financial speculations, ) ere suc investment or "irectors ip mig t influence in any manner a "ecision or course of action of t e !ompany. vi. Jnla)fully "iscussing prices, costs, sales or mar1ets )it competing companies or t eir employees.

vii. viii. 15.:

Improperly using or aut ori0ing t e use of any inventions, ) ic are t e sub$ect of patent claims of any ot er person or entity. >ngaging in any con"uct, ) ic is not in t e best interests of t e !ompany.

(ou s all ta1e every necessary action to ensure compliance )it t ese gui"elines an" to bring problem areas to t e attention of ig er management for revie). Niolations of t is conflict of interest policy may result in "isc arge )it out )arning. Repre&entation& 'y accepting t e terms ereof, you s all be "eeme" to ave represente", )arrante", un"erta1en an" confirme" to t e !ompany t at 6a8 you are not boun" by t e terms an" con"itions of any non."isclosure agreement, non.compete agreement, non.


solicitation agreement confi"entiality agreement or any ot er similar "ocument, "ee" or )riting by ) atever name calle" e%ecute" prior to your employment )it t e !ompany an" 6b8 t e Intellectual #roperty rig ts assigne" D to be assigne", by you to t e !ompany or any ot er 1no)le"ge or information imparte" D to be imparte" by you to t e !ompany, is not D )ill not be, in breac or violation of any suc agreement or contract or t e li1e as aforesai". "7# Re&ignation of Offi+e& Jpon t e termination of your employment o)soever arising, you s all upon t e re7uest of t e !ompany resign )it out claim for compensation from all offices t at may be el" by you in t e !ompany or any of its affiliates an" s oul" you fail to "o so, t e !ompany is ereby irrevocably aut ori0e" to appoint some person in your name an" on your be alf to sign an" e%ecute all "ocuments or t ings necessary or re7uisite to give effect t ereto. ":# Prior Right& +ermination of your employment s all be )it out pre$u"ice to any rig t t at t e !ompany may ave in respect of any breac by you of any of t e provisions ereof or any ot er terms an" con"ition to ) ic you s all be sub$ect to or any of t e provisions of t e #olicy of t e !ompany, ) ic may ave occurre" prior to suc termination. %*# Di&+iplinary an5 $rie3an+e Pro+e5ure Rules for t e resolution of grievance or "isciplinary problems are containe" in +urner Staff 4an"boo1. + e "ecision of t e officer specifie" t erein s all be final an" bin"ing on you. %"# E?uita-le Reme5ie& (ou ereby agree t at it )oul" be impossible or ina"e7uate to measure an" calculate t e !ompanyKs "amages from any breac of t e covenants set fort erein. -ccor"ingly, you agree t at if you breac any provisions ereof, t e !ompany )ill ave available, in a""ition to any ot er rig t or reme"y available, t e rig t to obtain an in$unction from t e arbitrators an"Dor a court of competent $uris"iction restraining suc breac or t reatene" breac an" to specific performance of any suc provision ereof. (ou furt er agree t at no bon" or ot er security s all be re7uire" in obtaining suc e7uitable relief an" you ereby "eeme" to ave consente" to t e issuance of suc in$unction an" to t e or"ering of specific performance. %%# Spe+ifi+ Performan+e (ou agree t at t e obligations impose" on you in terms ereof or from time to time "uring t e course of your employment )it t e !ompany are special, uni7ue an" of an e%traor"inary c aracter, an" t at, in t e event of breac by you, "amages may not be an a"e7uate reme"y to t e !ompany an", t erefore, t e !ompany s all be entitle" to enforce specific performance ereof against you, an" also be entitle" to in$unctive an" ot er e7uitable relief in a""ition to any ot er reme"y to ) ic it may be entitle",

un"er la) or in e7uity. %,# No 0ai3er Co forbearance, in"ulgence or rela%ation or inaction by us at any time to re7uire performance of any of t e provisions ereof s all in any )ay affect, "iminis or pre$u"ice our rig t to re7uire performance of t at provision. -ny )aiver or ac7uiescence by us of any breac of any of t e provisions ereof s all not be construe" as a )aiver or ac7uiescence of any rig t un"er or arising out of t e provisions ereof or of t e subse7uent breac , or ac7uiescence to or recognition of rig ts ot er t an as e%pressly stipulate" erein. %.# Di&pute Re&olution

2=.1. (ou s all "isc arge all your obligations in utmost goo" fait . (ou )ill, at all times, act in goo" fait , an" ma1e all attempts to resolve all "ifferences o)soever arising out of or in connection )it your employment by "iscussion. If )it in 21 6t)enty one8 "ays of t e commencement of t e "iscussions t e "ispute is not resolve" t e "ispute s all be referre" to arbitration, provi"e" t at9 (a) 6b8 6c8 2=.2 -rbitration s all be con"ucte" in accor"ance )it 6In"ian8 -rbitration an" !onciliation -ct, 1BB5F1 t e provisions of t e

+ ere s all be one arbitrator nominate" by t e company. -ll earings s all be el" in Mumbai an" t e language of t e arbitration s all be in >nglis .

Cot)it stan"ing t e aforesai" provisions, in t e event of any breac or appre en"e" breac by you of t e provisions ereof, t e !ompany s all be entitle", in a""ition to all ot er reme"ies, to an in$unction, ) et er interlocutory or preliminary an" particularly relating to !onfi"ential Information an" Intellectual #roperty, restraining any suc breac , )it out recourse to arbitration as aforesai"# $o3erning La>: 8on&ent to @uri&5i+tion + e provisions ereof an" your employment )ill be governe" by t e la)s of t e Republic of In"ia. (ou ereby e%pressly consent to t e $uris"iction of t e courts locate" in Mumbai for any la)suit t at may be file" against you by t e !ompany in relation to any interim reliefs as stipulate" above.



Employment (ou un"erstan" an" confirm you a)areness t at not ing erein s all confer any rig t )it respect to continuation of employment by t e !ompany, nor s all it interfere in any )ay )it t e !ompanyKs rig t to terminate employment at any time, )it or )it out !ause as per t e terms ereof.



'y agreeing to t e terms ereof, you s all be "eeme" to ave in"emnifie" us an" our representatives, "irectors, officers an" employees an" ave un"erta1en to ol" t em free an" armless, save" an" "efen"e" against any an" all losses, liabilities, claims, "eman"s, actions an" "amages 6inclu"ing attorneys fees8 suffere" by t em "irectly or in"irectly base" upon, arising out of, in relation to, in connection )it or as a result of any of t e representations an" )arranties, being foun" to be partially or entirely incorrect, inaccurate or false or by virtue of t e breac 6es8 ereof t reatene" to be committe" or actually committe" by you. %7# A55itional Do+ument& (ou agree to e%ecute an" "eliver all suc furt er "ocuments an" "o all acts an" t ings as t e !ompany. %:# Entire Agreement + is -greement an" t e +urner Staff 4an"boo1 constitutes t e entire agreement of t e !ompany )it you relating to t e sub$ect matter ereof. It superse"es any an" all ot er agreements, eit er oral or in )riting, bet)een t e !ompany an" yourself )it respect to t e sub$ect matter erein.

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