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Tittle: Performance of Digital Communication System Corrupted by Noise

1.0 Objectives a) To study the performance of digital communication system when it is corrupted by noise. b) To study the performance of digital communication system when it is under the influence of Inter symbol Interference (ISI) only. c) To study the performance of digital communication system when it is both under the influence of Inter symbol Interference (ISI) and corrupted by noise.

2.0 Results

Part 1 a) Three function files:i. Test_noise: The program that to test the BER and packet error rate for binary sequence. ii. iii. Binseq_tx: The bit sequence transmission is to get the sequence for ASK. Binseq_det: To implement coherent ASK detection for 1 packet at coherent length.

b) The main specifications for the ASK signal in the main fail are:i. Bit rate: The speed at which the data signal it is processed in radio transmissions and general transmissions. The unit is expressed as bits/second (bps). ii. Sampling frequency: The number of samples per unit of time usually in seconds. It taken from a continuous signal to make a discrete signal. iii. iv. Voltage amplitude: Maximum value of a voltage. Number of bits in a packet: Represent of a number and only have values 1 or 0 only based on binary system. v. Number of packets: Number that is produced by a mathematical calculation on a packet at its source and checked against the same calculation at the destination is used as an error checking mechanism.

c) Function i) A function to generate bytes of pseudorandom binary sequence


A Q-function

d) Execute the Matlab program and tabulate the value of the parameter:

bit_error packet_error num_bits=Loop*npack BER=bit_error/num_bits PER=packet_error/Loop

Voltage amplitude 1

Sampling frequency 10

Bit rate 1

Bit error 57

Packet error 10

Number of bits 10000

Theoretical BER 0.0684

Measured BER 0.0057


e) Steps is repeated by varying the parameter: i. Voltage amplitude, A=2, 3, 4 and 5 volts. (sampling frequency =10 and bit rate =1) Parameter SNR Bit_error Packet_error Num_bits BER=bit_error BER_theory PER=packet_error A=2 9.4764 4 4 10 000 4.0000e-004 0.0015 0.4000 A=3 12.9983 7 7 10 000 7.0000e-004 3.9939e-006 0.7000 A=4 15.4970 2 2 10 000 2.0000e-004 1.3055e-009 0.2000 A=5 17.4352 6 6 10 000 6.0000e-004 4.9175e-014 0.6000


Sampling frequency, fsamp = 2,6,14 and 20Hz. (voltage amplitude =1 and bit rate =1) Fsamp=2 3.4558 44 10 10000 0.0044 0.0684 10 Fsamp=6 8.2270 1 1 10000 1.0000e-004 0.0050 1 Fsamp=14 11.9068 0 0 10000 0 4.1074e-005 0 Fsamp=20 13.4558 0 0 10000 0 1.2561e-006 0

Parameter SNR dB Bit_error Packet_error Num_bits BER=bit_error BER_theory PER=packet_error


Bit rate =2,3,4 qnd 5 bits/sec. (voltage amplitude = 1 and sampling frequency =10 Bit rate=2 7.4352 3 2 10000 3.0000e-004 0.0093 0.2000 Bit rate=3 7.1670 4945 10 10000 0.4945 0.0213 1 Bit rate=4 5.6743 8 5 10000 8.0000e-004 0.0274 0.5000 Bit rate=5 3.4558 53 10 10000 0.0053 0.0684 1

Parameter SNR/dB Bit_error Packet_error Num_bits BER=bit_error BER_theory PER=packet_error

f) i. Graph of BER against each of the varying parameters in part (e) above for both theoretical and measured BERs.

For theoretical BERs

For measured BERs

Part 2 a) The value of given parameters. Voltage Sampling Bit Bit amplitude frequency 1 10 rate error 1 26

Packet error 10

Number Theoretical Measured of bits 10 000 BER 0 BER 0.0026


b) New parameters i. Voltage amplitude, A = 2, 3, 4, and 5 volts (fsamp = 10 and bit rate = 1). A=2 31 10 10 000 0.0031 0 1 A=3 27 10 10 000 0.0027 0 1 A=4 28 10 10 000 0.0028 0 1 A=5 35 10 10 000 0.0035 0 1

Parameter SNR Bit_error Packet_error Num_bits BER=bit_error BER_theory PER=packet_error


Sampling frequency, fsamp = 2,6,14 and 20Hz (A = 1 and bit rate = 1). Fsamp=2 160 10 10000 0.0170 0 1 Fsamp=6 50 10 10000 0.0051 0 1 Fsamp=14 0 0 10000 0 0 1 Fsamp=20 0 0 10000 0 0 0

Parameter SNR dB Bit_error Packet_error Num_bits BER=bit_error BER_theory PER=packet_error


Bit rate = 2, 3, 4 and 5 bit/sec (A = 1 and fsamp = 10). Bit rate=2 43 10 10000 0.0039 0 1 Bit rate=3 119 10 10000 0.0119 0 1 Bit rate=4 100 10 10000 0.0100 0 1 Bit rate=5 161 10 10000 0.0161 0 1

Parameter SNR/dB Bit_error Packet_error Num_bits BER=bit_error BER_theory PER=packet_error

c) i. Graph of BER against each of the varying parameters in part (e) above for both theoretical and measured BERs.

For theoretical BERs

For measured BERs

Part 3 a) The value of the given parameters. Voltage Sampling Bit Bit Packet Number Theoretical Measured of bits 10 000 BER 2.2155e-4 BER 6.0000e-4 PER 0.6000

amplitude frequency rate error error 1 10 1 6 6

b) New parameters i. Voltage amplitude, A = 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 volts (fsamp = 10 and bit rate = 1). Voltage amplitude , A (volts) 1 SNR dB Bit error Packet error No. bits BER theory 10.9151 6 6 10 000 2 16.9357 6 6 10 000 3 20.4576 8 8 10 000 4 22.9563 5 5 10 000 5 24.8945 4 4 10 000

2.2155e-4 1.0541e-12 2.7988e-26 3.6122e-45 2.1584e-69 6.0000e-4 0.6000 8.0000e-4 0.8000 5.0000e-4 0.5000 4.0000e-4 0.4000

BER measured 6.0000e-4 PER 0.6000


Sampling frequency, fsamp = 1, 2,6,14 and 20Hz (A = 1 and bit rate = 1). Frequency sampling, fsamp (Hz) 1 SNR dB Bit error Packet error No. bits BER theory 2 6 8.6967 9 7 10 000 0.0033 14 12.3764 0 0 10 000 20 13.9254 0 0 10 000

0.9151 3.9254 200 10 65 10

10 000 10 000 0.1333 0.0581

1.6129e-5 3.3702e-7 0 0 0 0

BER measured 0.0200 0.0065 9.0000e-4 PER 1 1 0.7000


Bit rate = 2, 3, 4 and 5 bit/sec (A = 1 and fsamp = 10). Bit rate (bit/sec) 1 SNR dB Bit error Packet error No. bits BER theory 10.9151 3 3 10 000 2.2155e-4 2 7.9048 7 6 10 000 0.0065 3 4 5

6.1439 4.8945 3.9254 21 9 18 9 52 10

10 000 10 000 10 000 0.0213 0.0396 0.0581

BER measured 3.0000e-4 7.0000e-4 0.0021 0.0018 0.0052 PER 0.3000 0.6000 0.9000 0.9000 1

c) i. Graph of BER against each of the varying parameters in part (e) above for both theoretical and measured BERs.

For theoretical BERs

For measured BERs

3.0 Discussion In part 1, the basic digital communication system that transmits an Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) signal in the presence of noise in the channel which are test_noise, binseq_tx and binseq_det. The uses for each function of file were known when this lab does. From the result, the SNR will increase when the voltage amplitude increase. Sampling frequency can influence the values of the packet error and bit error. When sampling frequency was increase, all the error becomes zero. The graph between theoretical and measured was different based on parameter that had given. All the output was different between BER against voltage amplitude, BER against frequency sampling and BER against bit rate. It is when Plot BER against SNR (dB) graphs for each of the varying parameters for theoretical and measured BER. For part 2, the waveforms show BER against voltage amplitude, sampling frequency and bit rate for both measured and theoretical. All of the waveform has infinity result for SNR. There are slightly different between both waveforms. This is because the parameters are different. The waveform for BER against SNR, it shows that the measured and theoretical are same. This is because the SNR are infinity and BER are 0 values or near the zero. For part 3, the value for theoretical and measured bit error has big different in which the value for theoretical part is going smaller than the measured value. The SNR value increased as the voltage amplitude increased from 1V to 5V. the waveform for BER against voltage amplitude and waveform of BER against sampling frequency shows that the bit error rate decrease and going near to 0 as the value of the parameter increased. For waveform BER against bit rate, the bit error rate value fluctuated as the parameter value increased. When no noise is included as in part 2, the bit error results will has zero value as in the result provided for theoretical part. When the bit error is measured, the value obtained from the waveform is not exactly zero but near to get zero. For part 3 when noise are included, bit error rate value for theory is going too small but for measured value, the bit rate error is remain in range.

4.0 Conclusion In conclusion, the student was able to observe three conditions about the performance of digital communication system. First condition when it is corrupted by noise, second when it is under the influence of ISI and last condition when it is both under the influence of ISI and corrupted by noise

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