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Dubai is a city in the United Arab Emirates, located within the emirate of the same name.

The emirate of Dubai is located on the southeast coast of the Persian Gulf and is one of the seven emirates that make up the country. t has the lar!est population in the UAE "#,$%&,$''( and the second)lar!est land territory "*,$$* km#( after the capital, Abu Dhabi.+*, Abu Dhabi and Dubai are the only two emirates to have veto power over critical matters of national importance in the country-s le!islature. The city of Dubai is located on the emirate-s northern coastline and heads up the Dubai).har/ah)A/man metropolitan area. Dubai is often misperceived as a country or city)state and, in some cases, the UAE as a whole has been described as -Dubai-. The earliest mention of Dubai is in $%01, and the earliest recorded settlement in the re!ion dates from $'00. Dubai was formally established on the 0th 2une $344 by .heikh 5aktoum bin 6utti Al)5aktoum when he persuaded around 3%% members of his tribe of the 6ani 7as, livin! in what was then the .econd .audi .tate to follow him to the Dubai 8reek by the Abu 9alasa clan of the 6ani 7as. t remained under the tribe-s control when the United :in!dom a!reed to protect the .heikhdom in $30# and /oined the nascent United Arab Emirates upon independence in $0'$ as the country-s second emirate. ts strate!ic !eo!raphic location made the town an important tradin! hub and by the be!innin! of the #%th century, Dubai was already an important re!ional port. Today, Dubai has emer!ed as a cosmopolitan metropolis that has !rown steadily to become a !lobal city and a business and cultural hub of the 5iddle East and the Persian Gulf re!ion. t is also a ma/or transport hub for passen!ers and car!o. Althou!h Dubai-s economy was historically built on the oil industry, the emirate-s ;estern)style model of business drives its economy with the main revenues now comin! from tourism, aviation, real estate, and financial services. Dubai has recently attracted world attention throu!h many innovative lar!e construction pro/ects and sports events. The city has become symbolic for its skyscrapers and hi!h)rise buildin!s, such as the world-s tallest 6ur/ :halifa, in addition to ambitious development pro/ects includin! man)made islands, hotels, and some of the lar!est shoppin! malls in the re!ion and the world. This increased attention has also hi!hli!hted labor and human ri!hts issues concernin! the city-s lar!ely .outh Asian workforce. Dubai-s property market e<perienced a ma/or deterioration in #%%3=#%%0 followin! the financial crisis of #%%')#%%3, but is makin! a !radual recovery with help comin! from nei!hborin! emirates.

))) yeni sayfa Dubai has a hot desert climate. .ummers in Dubai are e<tremely hot, windy, and humid, with an avera!e hi!h around *# >8 and overni!ht lows around #0 >8 . 5ost days are sunny throu!hout the year. ;inters are warm with an avera!e hi!h of #4 >8 and overni!ht lows of $* >8 . Precipitation,

however, has been increasin! in the last few decades with accumulated rain reachin! #1% mm per year. ))))))))) yeni sayfa .enin okuyaca?@n yerler buralar knkA

5a/or holidays in Dubai include Eid al 9itr, which marks the end of Bamadan, and Cational Day "# December (, which marks the formation of the United Arab Emirates. Annual entertainment events such as the Dubai .hoppin! 9estival "D.9( and Dubai .ummer .urprises "D..( attract over * million visitors from across the re!ion and !enerate revenues in e<cess of D#.' billion. The nternational 9estivals and Events Association " 9EA(, the world-s leadin! events trade association, has crowned Dubai as IFEA World Festival and Event City, 2012 in the cities cate!ory with a population of more than one million. Ear!e shoppin! malls in the city, such as Deira 8ity 8entre, 5irdiff 8ity 8entre, 6ur2uman, 5all of the Emirates, Dubai 5all and bn 6attuta 5all as well as traditional souks attract shoppers from the re!ion. :hor Dubai, or Dubai 8reek in En!lish, is one of the few places in the city where old traditions could still be seen. Dubai 8reek may become a UCE.8F ;orld Gerita!e .ite if the authorities- bid is successful. n that case, it will earn a place amon! internationally famous sites such as Grand 8anyon, 7ellowstone Cational Park and .tonehen!e. )) yeni sayfa Arabic food is very popular and is available everywhere in the city, from the small shawarma diners in Deira and Al :arama to the restaurants in Dubai-s hotels. 9ast food, .outh Asian, and 8hinese cuisines are also very popular and are widely available. The sale and consumption of pork, thou!h le!al, is re!ulated and is sold only to non)5uslims, in desi!nated areas of supermarkets and airports. .imilarly, the sale of alcoholic bevera!es is re!ulated. A liHuor permit is reHuired to purchase alcoholI however, alcohol is available in bars and restaurants within hotels. Shisha and qahwa boutiHues are also popular in Dubai. Dubai is known for its ni!htlife. 8lubs and bars are found mostly in hotels due to the liHuor laws. 6iryani is also a popular cuisine across Dubai with bein! the most popular amon! ndians and Pakistanis present in Dubai.

Dubai has a vast variety of cuisines for people from all over the world. Fne of the most popular cuisines in Dubai is ndian.

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