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Edema adalah hasil dari akumulasi dari cairan yang berlebih di ruangan antara jaringan.

Semua jaringan tubuh terbuat dari sel dn jaringan ikat yang menahan sel tetap satu. Jaringan ikat di sekitar sel dan pembuluh darah disebut interstitium. Kebanyakan cairan tubuh yang ditemukan di luar sel umumnya disimpan pada dua ruangan; pembuluh darah dan ruang interstitial (tidak di dalam sel). Organ-organ tubuh memiliki ruang interstitial dimana cairan dapat berakumulasi. Akumulasi cairan di ruang interstitial udara (alveoli) di paru-paru terjadi pada penyakit edema pulmoner. The body's organs have interstitial spaces where fluid can accumulate. An accumulation of fluid in the interstitial air spaces (alveoli) in the lungs occurs in a disorder called pulmonary edema. In addition, excess fluid sometimes collects in what is called the third space, which includes cavities in the abdomen (abdominal or peritoneal cavity - called "ascites") or in the chest (lung or pleural cavity - called "pleural effusion"). Anasarca refers to the severe, widespread accumulation of fluid in the all of the tissues and cavities of the body at the same time.

What is pitting edema and how does it differ from non-pitting edema?
Pitting edema can be demonstrated by applying pressure to the swollen area by depressing the skin with a finger. If the pressing causes an indentation that persists for some time after the release of the pressure, the edema is referred to as pitting edema. Any form of pressure, such as from the elastic in socks, can induce pitting with this type of edema. This type of edema may be normal depending on the severity. Almost everyone wears socks all day will have mild pitting edema by the end of the day. In non-pitting edema, which usually affects the legs or arms, pressure that is applied to the skin does not result in a persistent indentation. Non-pitting edema can occur in certain disorders of the lymphatic system such as lymphedema, which is a disturbance of the lymphatic circulation that may occur after a mastectomy, lymph node surgery, or congenitally. Another cause of non-pitting edema of the legs is called pretibial myxedema, which is a swelling over the shin that occurs in some patients with hypothyroidism. Non-pitting edema of the legs is difficult to treat. Diuretic medications are generally not effective, although elevation of the legs periodically during the day and compressive devices may reduce the swelling. The focus of the rest of this article is on pitting edema, as it is by far the most common form of edema

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