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___________________ ARKANSAS CHAPTER NEWSLETTER__________________

MESSAGE FROM THE CHAPTER PRESIDENT: I was aorded the opportunity to represent our chapter at the SCI Na onal Board Mee ng, August 2224, in Tucson, AZ. It was the rst me I had a ended this mee ng and was somewhat apathe c about going. With that being said, I was very impressed with the amount of informa on I gained, the contacts I made and the level of caring the na onal board members actually have for the chapters. Something everyone should a end at least once! You might nd the following interes ng: SCI has approximately 48,000 members, of which 21,000 are aliated with a chapter. There are 195 chapters with 148 being in the US. The membership commi ee is working on improving the benets of joining SCI. In the not-so-distant future, you will receive Global Rescue Coverage (911 telephone consulta on) for free, access to the on-line record book for free, access to the hun ng reports on line for free and they are crea ng a hun ng tag service for members for a slight fee. There are 5 dierent grants chapters are able to apply for. Chapter Youth Grant ($5000), Educa on Grant ($2000), Humanitarian Grant ($2000), Conserva on Grant (($2000) and Boy Scout Grant ($1000). I a ended a number of commi ee mee ngs and gained a great deal of informa on as it relates to regulatory compliance for chapters, charitable events SCI/SCIF par cipate/fund and most importantly, met some great men and women who are avid about hun ng and the outdoors. While there, I was able to get Gary Swingle, Field Coordinator to agree to come to our banquet on April 5th. I was also able to speak with Chris Emery, Measuring Coordinator and Mike Rodgers, host of the television show, Expedion Safari. Both have tenta vely agreed to a end our banquet but more details need to be worked out. I presented our 30% contribu on to SCI. We didnt have the biggest check but we didnt have the smallest one either! Please start planning on a ending our annual banquet/fundraiser on April 5, 2014 at the Embassy Suites, Li le Rock, AR. We have grown to the point that we will have the en re convenon area, increasing the space available for booths, and are considering hos ng a SCI ocial measurers course (more to come). None of this is possible without your support. A ending the banquet, dona ng, par cipa ng in our events, etc. This chapter is about you and what we can do for our communi es. Please mark the event on your calendar!

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