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2005 BUSINESS PLAN CATEGORISATION OF CLIENTS Core Client Diamond Bank Potential Client Emirates Earners SNEPCO SONY

Problem Chil ETB Devcom Bank

!IA"ON! BAN# RE$IE% OF 200& OPERATING EN$IRON"ENT The political environment remained tense due to the activities of ethnic militias fighting for self determination. Nation ide la!our strikes occasioned !" increase in the pump price of petroleum products led to some dislocations in the econom". #n spite of government$s huge investment in the energ" sector% po er suppl" remained epileptic forcing companies and industries to rel" on generators for po er suppl". This increased the cost of doing !usiness. The price of crude oil continued to appreciate in the international market leading to e&cess revenue accruing to the federation account. The consolidation of democrac" !rought a!out an increase in the num!er of foreign companies seeking to do !usiness in Nigeria. The naira continued to depreciate against other international currencies hovering !et een N'().** and N'+).** to ',SD. #n spite of government$s pro-ection to achieve a .ero digit inflation !" the end of the "ear% inflation rate still hovered around '/.)0 to ards the end of )**+. T'E BAN#ING IN!USTR( An O)er)ie* CBN$S directive to !anks to achieve a minimum of N)1 !illion capital !ase !" the end of )**1 !ecame the driving force for !usiness in most !anks. 2ergers and ac3uisition have !ecome the most feasi!le alternative for consolidation and achieving a 2ega !ank status. 4lread" !anks are taking the route of private placement and pu!lic offers to raise funds. The !anking sector remained ver" active in the Stock E&change market !eing the most traded stock.

The strict procedures applied !" CBN ith respect to 5oreign E&change transactions checkmated !anks that indulge in round tripping. This further !locked an important source of revenue for !anks. 4ggressive marketing as a means of deposit mo!ili.ation as further reinforced during the "ear under revie . RE$IE% OF 200& "AR#ETING+CO""UNICATION ACTI$ITIES 4genc" took over the Diamond Bank 4ccount in 4ugust and activities commenced immediatel". Private Placement 4s part of its overall strateg" to meet the mandator" N)1!illion capitali.ation% Diamond Bank did a private placement to raise the sum of N'*!illion. This e&ercise as ver" successful as the target as not onl" met% !ut surpassed. 4genc" provided necessar" support !" designing and printing the information memorandum and all the collaterals that ere used to market the private placement. Customers Forum 4 ma-or event that took place during this period as the customer forum hich as held in five cities across the countr". Save for 6agos and Onitsha the event as organi.ed !" 4genc" in the other locations. The fora provided opportunities for top management to interact ith customers in their core markets. Interview with Directors This as a media relations tool designed to give visi!ilit" to some directors of the !ank ho hitherto ere unkno n. The idea as to correct the impression that the Bank is a regional !ank o ned and managed !" Pascal B" giving media presence to other directors% the image of a !ank hose shareholding structure has a national spread as presented to the pu!lic. Corporate Campaign/Personal Development Campaign 4genc" e&ecuted a nine7month media campaign in Press and T8. T o concepts ere developed for the press namel"9 the Promise series and Personal Development series. The personal development series as a social responsi!ilit" campaign. This attracted the commendation of the 2inister of #nformation. This concept as striking !ecause it ran at a time hen most !ank adverts ere geared to ards raising N)1 !illion.

A,ti)it- Brea. o*n /or 200& S+N '. ). (. +. 1. 0ob Title Collaterals for P. Placement Customer 5orum Corporate campaign Christmas press ad 4ccount opening package $al1e )'%*(/%:;'.'' ')%+//%)()./; ):%:<)%;/<.+) '%1+<%(1/.<1 '%1<1%***.** N22322232&045& !ate Septem!er Sept 7Octo!er Sept7Octo!er+ Decem!er Decem!er

STRATEGIC T'RUST FOR 2005 Corporate The ma-or plank of our strateg" for )**1 ould !e to communicate the identit" change from a private limited compan" to a pu!lic 3uoted compan". The first ould !e to standardi.e the communication materials% hich is on going. Part of the process of communicating this change ould also !e to communicate the ne culture% values% norms etc. To this end% a multi media campaign ill !e e&ecuted. Brand Foundations 4 !rand foundations e&ercise ill !e conducted. The idea hich has alread" !een mooted to Client ould ena!le the !ank re7e&amine itself as a prelude to charting a ne course. This ould also provide the platform for doing an ela!orate identit" change programme. Product Diamond=press% a ne product that simplifies !anking ill !e introduced to the market in the first 3uarter of this "ear. The campaign ill !e e&ecuted through press and radio. To complement the press>radio campaign % market storms ill !e held in locations here the core targets are. This ill !e used to introduce the product !efore the main campaign !reaks. 2005 Pro6e,tion4

Activity Diamond=press Product Campaign 2arket Storm Corporate #D Corporate Campaign #PO?? 2iscellaneous Total

J F M A M J J A @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @

! " D Pro#ection $"% )*%***%*** '*%***%*** )*%***%*** (1%***%*** +1*%***%*** '*%***%*** 1+1%***%***

?? #t is not certain that Diamond Bank ill do an #PO since the N)1!illion capitali.ation ill !e met ithout an #PO. #t therefore remains a pro!a!ilit".

2005 BUSINESS PLAN CATEGORISATION OF CLIENTS Core Client Diamond Bank Potential Client Emirates Earners SNEPCO SONY Problem Chil ETB Devcom Bank

SON( RE$IE% OF 200& OPERATING EN$IRON"ENT The political environment remained tense due to the activities of ethnic militias fighting for self determination. Nation ide la!our strikes occasioned !" increase in the pump price of petroleum products led to some dislocations in the econom". #n spite of government$s huge investment in the energ" sector% po er suppl" remained epileptic forcing companies and industries to rel" on generators for po er suppl". This increased the cost of doing !usiness. The price of crude oil continued to appreciate in the international market leading to e&cess revenue accruing to the federation account. The consolidation of democrac" !rought a!out an increase in the num!er of foreign companies seeking to do !usiness in Nigeria. The naira continued to depreciate against other international currencies hovering !et een N'().** and N'+).** to ',SD. #n spite of government$s pro-ection to achieve a .ero digit inflation !" the end of the "ear% inflation rate still hovered around '/.)0 to ards the end of )**+. T'E CONSU"ER ELECTRONICS IN!USTR( An O)er)ie* The consumer electronics sector remained ver" vi!rant ith the ke" pla"ers -ostling to have competitive edge. Aapanese B !ased !rands hich hitherto had a lot of visi!ilit" seem to have taken a !ack seat. Celativel" ne and cheap !rands from China made some in roads into the market during the "ear. The dominant !rands in the market ere Samsung and 6D hich sho cased some innovative products !ased on cutting7edge technolog".

Ee" pla"ers in the industr" took advantage of the vi!ranc" in the telecommunications sector to demonstrate their strength in the manufacture of DS2 handsets. RE$IE% OF 200& "AR#ETING+CO""UNICATION ACTI$ITIES "ew &ega '( Campaign 4 (*F T8 campaign as run in nine T8 stations nation ide in the month of 2arch. !P)"I"* !F P!+' ,A+C!-+' ,!&+!!M To further iden its market% a sho room as opened in Port Garcourt in the month of 2arch. 4genc" provided pu!licit" support !" running a multi media campaign on Press% Cadio>T8 to announce the opening. *" .. CAMPAI*" This as e&ecuted in nine T8 stations as ell as three radio stations also in the month of 2arch. AB-JA )/,IBI'I!" 4 solo e&hi!ition as organi.ed in 4!u-a in the month of Aul". Pu!licit" support as provided !" running a multi media campaign on Press% Cadio>T8. #n e&ecuting the campaign% more eighting as given to 4!u-a !ased stations. Collaterals ere also printed for the e&hi!ition namel" !anners% raffle tickets% purchase coupons and fl"ers. 0A*! P+!M!'I!" 4 promotion to drive sales as held simultaneousl" in 6agos and Port Garcourt from mid Aul" to mid 4ugust )**+. Posters% !anners and raffle coupons ere produced in addition to full page press ad each in t o ne spapers. &)*A +ADI! CAMPAI*" 4 ')7 eek radio campaign spanning Aul" to Octo!er as run in four radio stations. &)*A/,IFI BI00B!A+D P! ')+ The Hega posters on displa" on unipoles% +*>+/ sheet !oards ere changed t o times ithin the "ear. The Gifi material as also changed to ards the end of the "ear. +)")&A0 !F BI00B!A+D 4ll the outdoor hoardings ere rene ed during the "ear. 4 remarka!le thing that as done ith respect to management of outdoor as that the in7charge date for all the +*>+/ sheet !oards ere harmoni.ed in order that the rentals ill fall due for rene al the same month.

0IMI'A'I!" I" 1223 Campaigns ere not s"stematicall" planned !ut rather adhoc. Press campaigns ere hardl" e&ecuted e&cept during promotions and the 4!u-a e&hi!ition. Hhat is more% the press materials ere !lack and hite instead of colour that has the potential of enhancing the !rand image. 4genc" continued to pla" the role of media !u"er. No input is made into the creative process as materials are developed !" Client and given 4genc" to run ithout an" local input. Outdoor hoardings in 4!u-a and Port Garcourt ere discontinued due to government directive to pull do n the !oards. +*7sheet !ill!oards hich have !ecome o!solete in the industr" ere still retained !" Client. This has continued to impact negativel" on the !rand$s reputation. 6oss of some !usiness to STB 2c C4NN follo ing Client$s discover" that e ork for competition. BILLINGS SU""AR( FOR 200&

S+N '. ). (. +. 1. ;. <. /. :. '*. ''. '). '(. '+. '1. '; '< '/ ': )* )' )) )(

0ob Title Ne Hega T8 campaign Opening of Port Garcourt Sho room Ne Hega poster for Trade 5air ,nipole DN // Campaign Stadium ,nipole Cene al P.G sho room opening Ne posters for Hega unipole I +*>+/ sheet T8 coverage of PG raffle dra Collaterals for 4!u-a E&hi!ition 2edia campaign for 4!u-a E&hi!ition SONY !roadcast 4frica division press ad Collaterals for 6agos Promo Banners for 4!u-a e&hi!ition Distri!ution of SONY fliers in 6agos Cene al of D!agada>Trade 5air unipole SONY Hega Cadio Campaign Collaterals for festival offer Press campaign for festival offer. Cene al of +*>+/ sheet !oards +/7sheet !ill!oard at SONY Centre Printing of Gifi +*7sheet Ne posters for Hega unipole% +*>+/ sheet Branding of SONY 8CD$s

$al1e +%;'/%:*+.11 +%1*<%//+.'+ 1::%<;*.** ;%(('%(;'.;/ (%<*+%+**.** '(%<**.** +%+(+%)11.** +'%(+(.<1 (/(%''/.<1 )%1/*%/;;.(; +(/%)+(.<1 '%*+'%(;;.(/ '1+%/)+.*/ /)%;/<.1* <%<'<%1**.** )%/+;%<*(.'+ +;(%*1*.** '%))'%*'/.<1 +%1);%')*.1* :<*%)**.** '%+((%)1*.** +%*<1%:+).1* +'%/:1.** 8 8

!ate )+>(>*+ );>(>*+ )+>(>*+ )+>(>*+ )+>(>*+ '>+>*+ '<>+>*+ ))>;>*+ '><>*+ '><>*+ 1><>*+ 1><>*+ /><>*+ ')><>*+ ';>/>*+ ':>'*>*+ ''>''>*+ ''>''>*+ )(>''>*+ )+>''>*+ '>')>*+ '*>')>*+ ';>')>*+

Total Billin7 Balan,e O1tstan in7

N5232293:;549: N:32&5355<450

STRATEGIC T'RUST FOR 2005 The strategic thrust for )**1 ould !e to reposition the !rand as a premium !rand that it reall" is. 2arketing communication activities in the preceding "ears has never reinforced this position and this has made some ne entrants in the market like 6D and Samsung to take the shine off the SONY !rand. To achieve the a!ove% e propose as follo s9 On e&piration of rental in 2arch )**1% all +*7sheet !ill!oards should !e upgraded to +/ B sheet super structure. This ill enhance the aesthetic appeal of the !rand as ell as visi!ilit". This proposal has alread" !een discussed ith Client and it as ell received. There should !e a rationali.ation of the present outdoor locations. Some !oards are in o!scure locations and such other places that give the impression that the !rand is for the lo end of the market. Such sites should !e dropped for more strategic locations. He should impress it on client to allo us to !e doing their creatives. This ill give us the opportunit" to add some e&citement to their campaigns. 4 press campaign should !e planned for the flagship B Hega>Gifi 2005 Pro6e,tion Activity Outdoor Cene al Change of posters Product Campaign Promotions )**; Calendar 2iscellaneous Total J F M A M J J A @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ! " D Pro#ection $"% ('%***%*** 1%;**%*** @ @ @ ';%;**%*** @ @ @ @ @ <%(**%*** ;**%*** +%***%*** ;1%'**%***

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