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Jeremiah Prison Ministry Newsletter

JPM is an outreach of Martinsburg Christian Center, Martinsburg, WV Celebrated 13 years of Prison Ministry in 2012
I WAS IN PRISON AND YOU VISITED ME MATT. 25:36B We are serving Him by serving them! His mercy endures forever. Psalm 106:1 VOLUME 13, ISSUE 09


Revs. Tom & Monica

Time Does Not Stand Still.

Wow can you believe it, fall is around the corner. Its such a beautiful ti e with the trees turnin! their true festive colors" !old, yellow, cri son, red, oran!e colors that are breath ta#in! to see. $nly our %od can do this& Well I cau!ht u' with (o in )u!ust reachin! a new ilestone in y life when I turned *+ on )u!ust 23rd. (o , I ride u' and down I-.1 and see our a!e on the s'eed li it si!ns. I want to than# you all for your 'rayers I a feelin! a lot better. I continue to a#e it with /esus& 0alleluiah&&&& I a a new !reat-aunt1. My ne'hew Mi#e and his wife ) ber had a little boy 0unter Michael Christoferson. 0e wei!hed in at 2 lbs 10 o34 20 in on )u!ust
21st. Its hard to believe we have 12 !randchildren, 1 !reat-!randson and now a !reatne'hew. $ur le!acy lives on&

OUR MISSION & VISION Our Mission to help men in prison reach their fullest in the Lord. What we do Ministering to their spirit, soul and body, though one on one mentoring as their spiritual advisor and friend. How we began Jeremiah Prison Ministry began on November 30, 1999, which was birth out of a bond for a young man that made a wrong choice in life.. Our Vision to be able to go into the prison chapels without the inmates having to take us off their visiting list. We know with God ALL things ARE Possible! 70 men have been released in 13 years. We still are ministering to 68 inmates in 5 states.

Juvenile Lifers Update.. Article from the Juvenile Law Center

/uvenile 5aw Center 'osted on 6aceboo# that 7aines and Pendleton, challen!in! whether the 8.9. 9u're e Court:s rulin! last /une bannin! andatory life without 'arole for ;uveniles </5W$P= a''lies retroactively to those who were sentenced to /5W$P before the Court:s rulin!. )r!u ents were heard on 9e'te ber 10, at >"30 )M at the 89 6ederal Courthouse in Philadel'hia. <0o'efully this wasnt 'ost'oned.= /uvenile 5aw Center, alon! with co-amici ?efender )ssociation of Philadel'hia and )tlantic Center for Ca'ital @e'resentation, filed an a icus brief in su''ort of the Motion to 6ile a 9econd or 9uccessive Petition Pursuant to 2. 8.9.C. A 22BB<b= filed by 'rivate attorney ?avid @. 6ine, on behalf of 6ran#lin 7aines, who was sentenced to life without 'arole as a ;uvenile in Pennsylvania and now see#s to have his sentence revisited in li!ht of the 8nited 9tates 9u're e Court:s rulin! in Miller v. Alabama, which banned andatory life without 'arole sentences for ;uveniles. 7aines had already filed a federal habeas 'etition before Miller was decided, see#in! a resentencin! after the 9u're e Court:s decision in Graham v. Florida. 0e now see#s to have his sentence revisited under Miller. $ur brief ar!ues that 7aines is entitled to relief based on the second eCce'tion to the 'rohibition on filin! a second or successive habeas 'etition, which allows a subseDuent 'etition when it is 're ised on Ea new rule of constitutional law, ade retroactive to cases on collateral review by the 9u're e Court, that was 'reviously unavailable <2. 8.9.C. A 22++=.E Miller is a constitutional law that should be a''lied retroactively. (he brief further ar!ues that the Court una bi!uously resolved this Duestion when it !ranted relief to Funtrell /ac#son, 'etitioner in Jackson v. Hobbs4 that the Miller Court relied on si ilar cases that have all been a''lied retroactively4 and that, because the Miller Court found a violation of the Gi!hth ) end ent, the rule announced necessarily ust 'rovide retroactive relief, as cate!orically, any Gi!hth ) end ent decision barrin! a 'articular sentence ust be retroactive, includin! Miller. We are 'rayin! for a 'ositive decision fro the court.

Please make sure to use our new address when sending a donation.

Pa ! 2 Fee'in! you infor ed about the P) Courts to chan!e the sentencin! laws for ;uvenile offender servin! life without 'arole. Fee' 'rayin! its not over yet& PRAYER CORNER ~Pray for Kevin, Mike, Domingo, Michael, & Richard that God blesses them financially. ~Pray for Larry, Ricky, Lewis, Corey, Bob, Greg, & Eric to receive favor for commutation and retrials. ~Pray for Jeremiah as we continue to believe for a miracle for his release. ~Pray for continued healing for Bob, Larry, & Harvey. ~Pray our granddaughter Leah she is having migraines. Leah is 18th! ~Pray for Andy our grandson, he carries a 3.96 avg. at DSU. He had surgery & is doing GREAT!. ~Pray for all our family spiritually, physically and financially. ~Pray continue to for my brother, Norman. Pray for Toms brother, John, as he is on dialysis. ~Pray for the salvation of the world. Pray for inmates and their families, our Nation, our leaders, our military and their families. ~Pray for prison reform in our nation. ~Pray for Bill our dear friend & his wife Rose for restored health. ~Pray for Dotty & her husband Stan for good health. ~Pray for us for strength and wisdom in all we do, that we remain cancer free and healthy to do Gods work, for our cars to be mechanically sound. You are an Extended Hand and a vital part of this ministry. o!ether "e are makin! a difference "ith Jesus #hrist$ takin! life to a dark place% &e !o because you send us. hank You so much%

Pa"#$% T$&'" P%!a()*+



James '(') *+J, -ut do you "ant to kno"$ . foolish man$ that faith "ithout "orks is dead/ And He said to them$ 0-ecause of the littleness of your faith1 for truly 2 say to you$ if you have faith the si3e of a mustard seed$ you "ill say to this mountain$ 4Move from here to there$4 and it "ill move1 and nothin! "ill be impossible to you. Matt 56(')

We made 62 visits to 5 PA state prisons & traveled over 16,445 miles

Jesus said, you only need faith as a mustard seed. The key to seeing miracles is to take a little bit of faith and put action with it. Faith The Bible says that every man has been given a measure of Is faith. Active Faith without works is dead. Faith will get up and do something. Faith and action is necessary in order to see the promises of God come to pass. God is all powerful and He can do anything but fail. ou must tap into God!s power. ou must work your faith. Faith alone is never enough to see a miracle. Get up and fight the good fight of faith. "o something# Faith$ %s not passive. %s active. &ust be used or it accomplishes nothing. God has His part to play in every breakthrough. The enemy fights the hardest 'ust before your breakthrough. %t is the darkest 'ust before the dawn. There are setbacks 'ust before the victory. %f you are going through a dark period today, hold your head up and believe God. Breakthroughs re(uire faith and action. Breakthroughs re(uire an increase of intensity. Breakthroughs re(uire you to do something. God never asks for something you don!t have, He asks for what you do have. ou already have something that is the answer to what you need. "on!t wait for something to change before you use your faith. )ut faith and action together and you can see a breakthrough in our life. *nd Jesus answered saying to them, +Have faith in God., *nd without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him. Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen- it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. The &ustard .eed is planted, it grows and it is harvested. Grow our Faith#

for ministry last year.

Jeremiah Prison Ministry Revs. Tom & Monica Cohee 223 Cameo Dr. Fayetteville, PA 17222 717-352-0080 Fax: 717-352-0392 Were on the Web!
Your Editor: Rev. Monica Cohee

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