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Jeremiah Prison Ministry Newsletter

JPM is an outreach of Martinsburg Christian Center, Martinsburg, WV Celebrated 13 years of Prison Ministry in 2012
I WAS IN PRISON AND YOU VISITED ME MATT. 25:36B We are serving Him by serving them! His mercy endures forever. Psalm 106:1 VOLUME 13, ISSUE 10


Revs. Tom & Monica

Life always has surprises.

I had the opportunity to attend our churchs Life Changing Womens Conference I truly !as inspired While I !as there" #om !ent to the prison on $riday %n &aturday I got a phone message from him %ur 2002 'uic( had the passenger front !indo! motor)regulator died* he headed to Mechanicsburg to get it fi+ed I !as hoping I didnt ha,e to go get him -I !as e+hausted. and praise the Lord they had it fi+ed in a couple hours %ur 'uic( no! has four ne! !indo! motor)regulators #hese are e+pensi,e to say the least %ur 'uic( is also rac(ing up the miles/ 100"0001 We get good gas mileage and right no! repairing is better than a car payment Pray for us2 In the beginning of &eptember !e also !ere able to spend some time !ith our friends that li,e in 3ela!are We had great fello!ship" rest" and good food #om !as able to preach at our friends church in Maryland

OUR MISSION & VISION Our Mission to help men in prison reach their fullest in the Lord. What we do Ministering to their spirit, soul and body, though one on one mentoring as their spiritual advisor and friend. How we began Jeremiah Prison Ministry began on November 30, 1999, which was birth out of a bond for a young man that made a wrong choice in life.. Our Vision to be able to go into the prison chapels without the inmates having to take us off their visiting list. We know with God ALL things ARE Possible! 72 men have been released in 13 years. We still are ministering to 68 inmates in 5 states.

Juvenile Lifers Update.. Good News from the Juvenile Law Center
$ederal Court Issues 4uling 5llo!ing 3 6u,enile Lifers to &ee( 4econsideration of &entences in 3istrict Court #han(s to a federal ruling yesterday -%ctober 3rd." three Pennsyl,ania inmates" con,icted of murder offenses they committed as 7u,eniles and sentenced to life !ithout parole" !ill be able to petition the federal district court to reconsider their sentences In re Pendleton" In re Baines" and In re Grant" the 8 & Court of 5ppeals for the #hird Circuit ruled that there is a legal basis to conclude that the 8 & &upreme Court9s ban on mandatory life !ithout parole sentences -in Miller v. Alabama" 6une 2012. is retroacti,e %n that basis" the #hird Circuit granted permission for the three defendants to file petitions in district court" as(ing the court to reconsider their sentences #he #hird Circuit left the door open for the :uestion of retroacti,ity to be considered more fully by the district court 6u,enile La! Center" along !ith the 5tlantic Center for Capital 4epresentation and the 3efender 5ssociation of Philadelphia" filed an amicus curiae -;friend<of<the< court;. brief supporting 'aines9 motion see(ing permission to file a petition in district court We argued that Miller should apply retroacti,ely in 'aines9 case" as !ell as in the cases of the more than =00 other 7u,enile lifers across Pennsyl,ania !ho !ere sentenced prior to the Miller ruling #his decision comes on the heels of a similar decision by the 8 & Court of 5ppeals for the &econd Circuit in Joseph Wang v. USA" in !hich Wang" a 7u,enile lifer" !as granted permission to file a petition for reconsideration of his sentence in >e! ?or( district court 6u,enile La! Center !rote an amicus brief supporting this petition in Wang9s case

Please make sure to use our new address when sending a donation.

Inmates coming up for parole

We ha,e se,eral inmates coming up for parole in this :uarter and ne+t year Please pray for them #his is a lengthy process Pray for that @od gi,es them peace as this can be an an+ious time for them #here !ill be an ad7ustment period for them !hen they lea,e prison #here !ill be a lot to learn as our culture" technology" and economy has changed since they !ere incarnated 'ut !ith your prayers they can o,ercome2

Page 2 Aeeping you informed about the P5 Courts to change the sentencing la!s for 7u,enile offender ser,ing life !ithout parole Aeep praying its not o,er yet2 PRAYER CORNER ~Pray for Kevin, Mike, Domingo, Michael, & Richard that God blesses them financially. ~Pray for Larry, Ricky, Lewis, Corey, Bob, Greg, & Eric to receive favor for commutation and retrials. ~Pray for Jeremiah as we continue to believe for a miracle for his release. ~Pray for continued healing for Bob, Larry, & Harvey. ~Pray our granddaughter Leah she is having migraines. Leah is 18th! ~Pray for Andy our grandson, he carries a 3.96 avg. at DSU. He had surgery & is doing GREAT!. ~Pray for all our family spiritually, physically and financially. ~Pray continue to for my brother, Norman. Pray for Toms brother, John, as he is on dialysis. ~Pray for the salvation of the world. Pray for inmates and their families, our Nation, our leaders, our military and their families. ~Pray for prison reform in our nation. ~Pray for Bill our dear friend & his wife Rose for restored health. ~Pray for Dotty & her husband Stan for good health. ~Pray for us for strength and wisdom in all we do, that we remain cancer free and healthy to do Gods work, for our cars to be mechanically sound. You are an E tended !and and a vital part o" this ministr#. $ogether %e are ma&ing a di""eren'e %ith Jesus (hrist) ta&ing li"e to a dar& pla'e* We go be'ause #ou send us. $han& You so mu'h*

Pa !"# T"$% P#ea&'()g *"#)e#

POUR IT ALL OUT +nd ,ings -./01 2,J3 A 'ertain %oman o" the %ives o" the sons o" the prophets 'ried out to Elisha) sa#ing) 4Your servant m# husband is dead) and #ou &no% that #our servant "eared the 5ord. And the 'reditor is 'oming to ta&e m# t%o sons to be his slaves.6 So Elisha said to her) 4What shall I do "or #ou7 $ell me) %hat do #ou have in the house76 and she said) 4Your maidservant has nothing in the house but a 8ar o" oil.6 $hen he said) 4Go) borro% vessels "rom ever#%here) "rom all #our neighbors0 empt# vessels9 do not gather 8ust a "e%. And %hen #ou have 'ome in) #ou shall shut the door behind #ou and #our sons9 then pour it into all those vessels) and set aside the "ull ones.6

We made 62 visits to 5 PA state prisons & traveled over 16,445 miles

for ministry last year.

Jeremiah Prison Ministry Revs. Tom & Monica Cohee 223 Cameo Dr. Fayetteville, PA 17222 717-352-0080 Fax: 717-352-0392 Were on the Web!
Your Editor: Rev. Monica Cohee

@od ne,er as(s for something that you dont ha,e Be al!ays Believe as(s you to gi,e !hat you do ha,e" so Be can multiply it Walk Faith -Lu(e 0C3D. ?ou already ha,e something that is the ans!er to !hat you need @od !as telling the !ido! !oman to get ready for a miracle @od can bring spiritual" physical" financial blessings into your life2 When it is time to belie,e @od for a miracle" you ha,e to go into the secret place and touch @od in faith @od !ill do e+ceedingly" abundantly beyond all that you can as( or thin( -Ephesians 3C20. @od only stops !hen you stop using your faith Whene,er you stopC Praying" the ans!ers stop @i,ing" the de,ourer comes in If you are belie,ing for a miracle" you ha,e to get the doubt and unbelief out of your life #he 'ible says !ithout faith it is impossible to please @od -Bebre!s 11C0. @od !ants you to close people out of your life that are trying to steal your faith Be is loo(ing for people !ho !ill dare to belie,e Bim ?ou may ha,e failed in the past but it is time to repent" turn from it and get it under the 'lood of 6esus It is time to mo,e on !ith your life and close the chapters of the past and !rite some ne! ones -Philippians 3C13. %nce you allo! 6esus to be the Lord of your life" Be !ill !or( out e,ery detail Whate,er you are going through in life" you are not alone @od !ants you to put your faith into action 6ames 2C20 says faith !ithout !or(s is dead When you lo,e the Lord" you must belie,e that Be is in charge of your life #here !ill be times that you are tested" but remember you are !al(ing by faith If !e call on Bim" Be !ill help us If !e !ill be persistent Be !ill ans!er @od !ants to do something ne! in your life -Isaiah F3C1G. When you drin( of Bim" Be !ill turn your ordinary life around If you !ill confess your sins to the Lord and pour it out" @od !ill bring you a 7oy that cannot be e+plained ?ou ha,e to pour out your praiseC 8ntil you get that better 7ob 8ntil @od helps you buy that house If you really !ant to be touched by @od" you ha,e to sho! Bim that you are not afraid to pour it all out ?ou ha,e to sho! Bim that you ha,e faith in the middle of your storm #he Word of the Lord is that you are not strong enough to defeat ?our enemies If you !ill pour out your praise" Be !ill fight your battles for you -2nd Chronicles 20C1=. Miracles ta(e place !hen you trust @od !ith all your heart and lean not unto your o!n understanding -Pro,erbs 3C=. Ma(e up your mind this is to be 'lessed2 Wal( by $aith and not by &ight2

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