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Help available for those who mourn

tant first step in faith," Elliott said. "Like many this holiday season, I will be taking Earlier this year, Ken an important first step in Elliott experienced the loss faith and taking care of my own self." of a cherished uncle due to an unexpected work-related For manyAmericans, the accident. holidays Christmas and "This man had saved my NewYear's Eve are an life and took me in, helped especially busy time with guide me during my own parties to attend, presents to confusing teenage and colbuy, food to bake, homes to lege years," Elliott said. "This clean and guests to enterloss took me by surprise and tain. Others, like Ken, are hit me harder than I could dealing with the loss of a have ever imagined." loved one. Some are lonely. Elliott said his wife Judy Others are suffering from a has always had a strong case of the holiday blues. trust in God's presence and Stress and depression can caring and in God's ability ruin your health, the Mayo to provide strength and love Clinic mental health experts during difficult times. say. Being realistic can help Elliott said she took the ward off stress and depression. Edmond Family lead and told him they would be attending the Blue Counseling Executive Christmas Service Dec. 22 at Director Jackie Shaw said Edmond First United grieving is a most personal Methodist Church, 305 E. experience. Hurd St "People grieve differently "Sometimes, listening to and at their own pace," and trusting in a decisive Shaw said. loved one can be an imporFor some, the Christmas

services are healing and restorative, a time to remember good times and precious people who are no longer with them, Shaw said. For others, the service is "too much too soon" or may bring up less than positive memories, Shaw said. "Each individual must decide for him or herself," she said. Shaw said the content of A Blue Christmas Service is critically important Most commemorate a loved one and have some sort of ritual like bringing an ornament representing the person to hang on a tree. Persons who are available to talk to individuals experiencing difficulties or in need of help often attend them, Shaw said. At 6:30 p.m. Sunday, a Blue Christmas Service is being offered by the First Presbyterian Church of Edmond, 1001 S. Rankin St Staff members say it will be a gentle, meditative, hope-

filled service designed especially for aching hearts. Shaw said the most important message of a Blue Christmas Service is that of hope hope for the present and hope for the future because of or in spite of the past

TIPS FOR MANAGING Elliott, director of the University of Central Oklahoma's Violence Prevention Project, is also a licensed mental health counselor and was an award-winning counselor with Edmond Public Schools. Just as individuals grieve differently, families also are unique in the way they manage grief and loss during the holidays, Elliott said. For some, maintaining routines or holiday rituals may be important in navigating the loss. UCO's Student Counseling Center, which works with a large and

diverse student population, suggests asking mourners to consider opening up a conversation with relatives or friends before the day of the holiday, Elliott said. "This may seem difficult and appear overwhelming, yet can make the stress of the holiday a little more manageable," he said. "It certainly allows the person in mourning to reflect upon and anticipate which rituals may help or not It also gives the person the message that it is really OK to take care of yourself and your own needs." What mourners need more than anything else is a safe and secure circle of family, friends and/or coworkers to talk to about their loss, Elliott said. "Our society has such a taboo against talking about death that we limit the amount of support available to us," Elliott said. "This holiday season I would like to encourage all those grieving,

and all of those who love and care for someone who is grieving, to speak openly about the loss and the experiences from this loss." Elliott said grieving involves a range of emotions. Things that may help include crying (a human need and condition for all), joumaling (writing thoughts and emotions down on paper) and considering attending a Blue Christmas Service. If you or someone you know needs immediate help dealing with grief, call 911. Elliott said a complete listing of various local support services can be accessed by calling 211, a resource line that is staffed. Round-theclock suicide help lines include 1-800-273-TALK (8255). For a more thorough listing of resources, visit hearthneoldahoma.org, the website of HeartLine, Oklahoma's community crisis connection.

Edmond's Coffee Creek Baptist Church joins challenge

Just in time for New Year's resolutions, churchgoers, including members of Edmond's Coffee Creek Baptist Church, will participate in the Lose to Serve challenge. The challenge is designed to help Oklahomans realize they can better serve their neighbors by living in a healthy body. The Lose to Serve challenge has two components, a churchwide competition and an individual competition, said the organization's founder, Cody Bobay. "What makes our challenge unique is that the prizes won are then passed along to someone in need," Bobay said. "The winning congregations will give a house or a college scholarship to a needy Oklahoman. The same goes for the top 10 individual challenge winners as well. Our winners will bless others by their efforts. "The church with the highest percentage weight loss coupled with the lowest percentage drop-out rate will win the church challenge," said Bobay, a fitness instructor and author of Lose 40 lbs in 1 Day. "The first place church wins a new three-bedroom, two-bath home built by 4 Corners Homes. The second place church wins a full scholarship to Mid-America Christian University." Joining the Lose to Serve challenge will benefit church goers physically and spiritually, Coffee Creek Baptist Church Pastor Clark Frailey said. "The mind-body connection has proven itself as critical to one's overall spiritual health," Frailey said. "This challenge capitalizes on our culture's obsession with fitness while providing spiritual insight to the underlying issues." Several metro churches are already registered. The contest starts Jan. 6 and ends March 3. Registrations will be accepted until midnight Jan. 5. Individuals do not have to be associated with any particular church to sign up. Registration and weekly weigh-ins are done online at www.losetoserve.org. Proceeds from the $10 entry-fee will be used to purchase prizes and support ministries at The Jesus House, Oklahoma City Youth Wrestling Foundation and Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

Look What

"The foundation of all the divine religions is one"

Band'i Faith of Edmond

Devotions Sunday 10:00am Refreshments 10:30-11:00 Children &Adult Classes 11:00-12:00 All are warmly invited to attend 321 E. Campbell, just west of UCO Clock Tower www.edmondbahai.org Phone 348-9992
8:15 & 11 a.m.-Traditional 9:30 a.m.Resonate Service 9:30 a.m.-Contemporary 5:30 p.m.-Evening Service

GOD is Doing!



unday Worship

Dr. Hance Dilbeck

Senior Pastor

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Sunday School
9:30 a.m & 11 a.m.

A half mile north of Quail Springs Mail on May www.QSBC.org 405.755.9240 I 14613N.May Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73134

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Making & Maturing Disciples of ...ticays Christ

Sunday Worship 8:30 & 10:50 a.m. Sunday School 9:50 a.m. Wednesday Worship - 7:00 p.m. AWANA - 6:30 p.m. Youth - 7:00 p.m.

Edmond's First Baptist Church


8:15 a.m, 9:35 a.m. 11:05 a.m.

SUNDAY SERVICES Connection Groups (Bible Study) Morning Worship Connection Groups (Bible Study)

Sunday Services: 8:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. Bible classes for all ages: 9:45 a.m. Wednesday: 7:00 p.m. Youth, Children & Adult Service

4:45 p.m.

6:00 p.m.

600 N. Coltrane Edmond, Oklahoma 73034 405.340.1000 edmondfaithbible.com

1600 E. 15th 341-5200

NESDAY ACTIV EFBC's "Dinner Club" Mid-Week "TOPICS" Bible Studies "CLUB 252" for Preschoolers - 6th Grade "ENDURANCE" for 7th - 12th Grade Blake Gideon 33rd & Bryant 341-0253 Senior Pastor www.fbcedmond.org


(Disciples of Christ) Mary & Don Heath, Ministers 1400 N.W. 178th St. 348-8019 Sunday Worship 10:45 am www.edmondtrinity.org Building Disciples and Reaching Out

SUNDAYS: 8:30, 9:30, 10:40 & I I :00 AM
1/4 mile North of Memorial Rd on Heiner Parkway 755.222 7 crassnr.okc.org

046 4411 a Call 341-2121 x135 .- 1 to advertise your 1144,church here

14600 N Portland, OKC, OK 73134

Santa Fe Presbyterian
Please visit our website at www.santafechurch.org
Rev. Mitchell L. Miller, Pastor

11. Sreadzy Servieeed

9:30 a.m. Hymns


10;00 a.m. Coffee


& Prayer Service

Contemporary Sunday School Fellowship Traditional

1603 N. Santa Fe

Sunday Services



8:30 -!Piym!- 9:30 10:30 E6 11:00


Going. Growing. Showing

71,641e4,144, SevAtee4

Fellowship 10:30 a.m. Celebration Worship

305 E. Hurd Phone: 341-0107 Of Edmond


Welcomes you every Sunday

Traditional Worship 8:30 AM, 9:45 AM &z 11:00 AM Sunday School Classes...... 9:45 AM
Rev. Dr. Bertha M. Potts, Senior Pastor Rev. Don Vaught, Associate Pastor M DO/Preschool 12 mo - 5 yr 341-1230 http://www.fumcedm on d .org email: eumc@fumcedmond.org

p.m. Youth, Adult & Children 8:01 p.m. College Bible Study

(North of Danforth)

Senior Pastor, Joe Rhodes 400 N. Blackwelder Ave. " Edmond, OK 73034 341-1119 i highlandparkedmond.org THE CATHOLIC PARISH OF



Call 341-2121 x135 to advertise your church here



9th at Blvd. 340-0691

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCI-10 !.EDMOND loot S. Rankin Edmond, Ok 341-3602

Mass Schedule:
Saturday Vigil - 5:30pm


Sunday Masses - 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:30am, 5:30pm Daily: Mon.-Sat. 7:30am Fri. 5:30pm Confessions - Saturday 4 5pm http://www.stjohn-catholic.org

Sundays Traditional BIS am Education 9:30 am

Contemporary 11 am


Dinner 5:30 pm Kids & Students 6:15 pm I Adult Study Groups 6.30 fire




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