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MODULE 3 : Second Chakra (Sacral Chakra)

Syl: Hey, welcome tonight. It is an honor to be here and I am excited, but I see so much orange and thats great. You have no idea how much orange you are going to see in just a minute. My unitard, I look like a construction cone. It is bright orange so I have just been going with it and embracing the orange of it. The room is about two-thirds of what it was for the Root Chakra. And this follows in line with what I have seen before. You get to the Second Chakra and it really is a reflection of society. People really dont understand how to deal with the issues of the Second Chakra and it can be fairly intimidating. So, I am going to try to make it easy and non-threatening tonight so you can just enjoy what we talk about and hopefully it will be useful to you in healing and being able to express energies from this center. THE SECOND CHAKRA AND COLOR The Second Chakra is svadisthana, the Sanskrit word and it means ones own place or sweetness. And, it encompasses the reproductive region of the body. So if you were to diagram it out you would go from the naval right down to the pubic bone. Its this area and some down through the inner-thighs. As we go through some of what we are going to talk about tonight, I would like to start with just a little bit of discussion about color. We talked about red last time and everyone was in their red And I love seeing this much orange. You know the first time I started working on my own internal energy system, I got to the Second Chakra and thought oh maybe I wont do that. Maybe I wont go there. When I put on an orange shirt and I thought, This isnt that bad, and now its okay. And after wearing it for a little while, I

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really connected. It was about this color of orange. I really connected with the Yogi, the Yogis in Tibet in their orange robes. I felt a real sacredness to the color. And I experienced a lot of healing and a lot of opening and a lot of really amazing things happening when I embraced this color that you really dont see. It is hard to find a good orange shirt. I mean look around, even the color is not really out there very much. Color has frequency and wave length. And just to explain this, I hope clearly, the color red, for example, has a very low frequency, but a very high wave length. So if you want to picture an ocean of red and the waves kind of coming it, the waves are very close together but it moves so slowly its a long time between waves. Does that make sense? As you move up the color spectrum and the colors, you get all the way up to the Crown Chakra and that is violet, which is the highest wave length and the lowest frequency. So, Im sorry, low frequency was the root. So its a, no its a lower frequency and they switch. The red is a low frequency meaning that they are close together but they are a long time between waves. So in the violet scheme, the waves are big and they are far apart and they are moving like a Zuume, Zuume, Zuume instead of a mee, mee, mee, mee, mee. So we are to the next color which is orange. So the intensity of it spans a little bit further than just the red at the root. DISOVERING CHAKRAS Syl: If you want to equate it to infancy, when you are born you are considered living in a survival mode. You dont know anything else. You know how to eat, sleep, and cry. Thats about it and you are just very much root oriented. When you grow slightly, you know, a little bit more as a child and you realize that your fingers move and you start to wiggle and then it ends up climbing into drawers and pulling things off the cupboard and you know something that most people kind of get frustrated with, but one of my favorite things to watch when I had my son and he started interacting that way was they are sitting in a high chair and they hold it out and they

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let it go and it drops, and if I do it again, and then they hold it out and they let it go and it drops. So they are figuring out the movement. EMOTIONS AND SOCIETY Syl: Emotionally, society hasnt moved far beyond that point, really. As we move through this Chakra, the ovaries and the testicles are the organs of this region. Water is the element, flow, movement, nourishment, pleasure, sexuality, procreation, movement, and connection. We become aware that there are two of the Second Chakra. And its not only two people but what I would like to do tonight is to take it more inward and connect with the parts of yourself. Its not just one. Feelings and desire are where this resides. How many times and at what age do we hear, Dont cry, stop whining, you cant do that. What is acceptable in society is to express no emotion. And thats not all right, but at the same time you have to be able to fit in with the mores of it. So find a place for yourself so you can express the emotions you need to express. ITS GOING TO BE A GREAT DAY Syl: You know, this takes me back to when I read Carols book. She talked about saying, Have a great day. Its going to be a great day. And at this point in time, I was in a fairly low vibration area. I remember walking out my door on the way to the bank in the morning, thinking, Oh, Ive got to leave my son. Ive got all this stress. And, I thought. No, Im not going to do that. Its going to be a great day. And it was a little bit better day and I noticed it at the end. And then I started doing it when I would walk in the bank. And my staff would say, How are you doing? And I knew that I had made a big shift because they didnt believe what I said. I said, I am doing great. Oh yeah, right, how are you doing? Because my normal response would have been, Im hanging in there. Im all right. Im okay. And when they

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didnt believe me, I kind of started to milk it. So how are you doing today, how are you doing? So, great. I am so great. I cant tell you how great I am. Things are just great. And they would just look at me.. Go down to my office and really kind of psyche myself up. And Im not going to do it in here because it might blow the mike out. But, one morning, I was feeling really, really crappy driving to work. And I thought I refused to feel this way. So I can chop a few weeds. And so, I yelled out loud, ITS GOING TO BE A GREAT DAY! Like that. And shall I do it? That wasnt enough so I am driving along and finally elevated to the point of ITS GOING TO BE A GREAT DAY!!! I literally yelled it as loud as I could and I took all of my, coming from next time, I took all of my rage and issues from my solar plexus and I moved them down where I could actually Oh, Im so sorry, did I wake you up? and I moved them down into the center of feelings and emotions. And you would not believe how therapeutic it is to scream as loud as you can scream. You take whatever you need to take. Find a place to do that. And, its good you know. And one of the things I try to encourage is that it is okay to express your emotions in the places obviously you know where those places are. And, you know, especially in the Judaea Christian religion or any religion that is organized, this doesnt mean its bad at all, by any means. I belong to an organized religion, 100% card carrying member. But at the same time, you know we are taught to hold still, to be quiet. And thats not okay. And we are taught that throughout society. We are taught that movement in creative ways is naughty because it may look like something else. DESCRIBING THE SECOND CHAKRA Syl: Jasmine is the aroma therapy for this. And blood orange isnt in the book, but its wonderful if you want to come out of the sort of ethereal region of the jasmine. Jasmine is wonderful if you want to open up movement and creativity. Its euphoric. Its an antidepressant. Its fabulous for stretch marks and lower back pain, for women, any sort of the premenstrual issues.

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Guilt and isolation are the inhibitors of the Second Chakra. When was the last time you felt guilty? So within this realm, this is kind of what we are doing. We are with movement and whats okay and whats not okay. With the Second Chakra you enter into issues of sexuality. And, really well put by Anadaya Judith and her book, The Wheels of Life, and I would recommend that to any of you who would be interested in studying further. She gets into all the Hindu Deities and lots of philosophy in there and its a wonderful book. But she discusses the fact and quotes other people that basically sexuality is either exploited or repressed. But its really hard to find a balance within sexual energies. And why is this? Why is this the case? Part of it is because we dont balance our own inner male and female energies. BALANCING THE SACRAL CHAKRA Syl: And to do that I will share a couple of techniques with you tonight. From the last time, the tree pose, where you just stand on one foot. You dont have to get all the way into the pose, but you just stand on one foot (yeah, you do have to get into the pose) and just put it below the knee and then just work on standing because basically your feminine energy is having to move through the masculine side to get to the ground. So you are having to weave things together a little bit. And, you may find it harder to do on another site. So thats a wonderful way to kind of plug in your own internal male and female energies. RELAX AND LET GO OF GUILT Syl: Another great way is the ultimate maestro breath. And Ill finish with that right before we go to Carol. So, as we continue on through the Second Chakra in the booklet I provided there is a vedavyasa. Any type of hip openers are wonderful for opening up this place. And it takes a while to get into these. You may have emotions come up. You know,

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when I do Thai-yoga therapy, I am actually moving someones body through a series of yoga postures. And I can always tell when there are Second Chakra issues. Because, I have to say over and over just relax, just relax the hips, and theres this constant, its not okay. Its not okay to experience anything in this place. So guilt is kind of what takes over. And theres a whole sort of dynamic that is worth a years studying and works off and within itself and with Carol and my workshop in September possibly for awakening the define feminine and how the repression of the feminine has affected both male and female in society. And, it really does affect it. Because men are their first relationship is with women and so are womens first relationship with women. So being able to kind of connect with this place and theres a lot of power there -both masculine and feminine. How many in here have had babies? How many have witnessed a birth? Its both incredible and terrifying. It is one of the most awesome things that you can witness. And, can you imagine, men way back when seeing that. Its no wonder that women have been repressed. Its terrifying. The power of creation is a feminine power and so this is where all of this sort of weaves into this Second Chakra. We are taught to feel guilt and guilty and you see this and Ive had this issue in and of myself with the shoulders that roll forward to cover up our own femininity. Our heart is feminine whether it is man or woman. To open up and relax they should back down and to open up the low back which is if you are standing; most people stand like this, with the elbows, the shoulders forward. MOVEMENT TO OPEN UP THE SECOND CHAKRA Syl: This is equally about the heart but its also about the Second Chakra. Its about tucking things away. You know, hurt, pain, sorry, or embarrassment. And when you open up the shoulders and rotate the heels out. Why dont you all stand up and give this a try. Its best if you are in your bare feet if you are willing. So if you stand up, look at your feet. Your

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arches should be just below your hip bones. And most people stand with their feet out. Just give it a try. What does that do to your low back? What does it do right down through the creative center? It sort of tucks it away. If you open up your feet and it will almost feel pigeon toed if you are really used to walking this way. But if you take your heels and instead of being here, you open up and put the heels straight behind you. Its going to release your low back. And, if you are standing in line at the post office, open them up just a little bit wider and try standing pigeon-toed. And lifting through the heart and letting the hips just sort of float back slightly, dont overdo it, and youll get a nice release in your lower back. And people dont know what you are doing. But then from there you can take just a really subtle movement with the hips. So you just sort of rock back and forth and open it up. Thats to get you started. Okay. There are all sorts of places you can go from there. I teach yoga classes to just allow people to let go. Go ahead and take your hip and then move it all the way back and then shift it around to the other side and come all the way forward and then come around the opposite direction. So you just kind of get a little relief. And this one is probably not for in line at the post office. Its not about sexuality and its not about anything nasty, its just about releasing tension muscles. And you just sort of bend the knees and shift from side to side. And its great to get the energy moving through this area. And for some people its next to impossible to get them to do this. I promise its okay. As long as you are not doing up on a stage, its okay anyway. And your names Brittany. See I dont qualify. So this sort of movement; now take it a little further and just try the arm just kind of going up and down with the arms. And just moving a little bit. And thats all. Thats all you have to do to open up the centers. Take your right hand above your head and then you take your left hand and just wrap the fingers around, your palms forward. And just open up the heart and flex the hips back and then tuck down. Bend your knees and roll up and open up the shoulders. Other side. Bend the knees and come up. Do you feel a difference? Its just relaxing and its okay. You know, all right. Okay, go ahead and sit down.

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THE SHADOW INSIDE YOU Syl: The other point that I want to mention about the Second Chakra is, within the Second Chakra resides the shadow. We all have a shadow part of ourselves. Another great book by Anodea Judith is Eastern Body, Western Mind. And its very in-depth. Its a psychology book that includes the Chakras, and if you want to get in-depth healing, its a real intense book to get yourself involved in. And in that she refers to the shadow in Eastern Body, Western Mind. We all have a shadow part of ourselves. Jackiss passing around the jasmine and the blood orange. Feel free to switch rows, you know, make sure everybody gets a whiff of both. So with the Second Chakra you find the shadow or the repressed part of the self. This is where we tuck away the nice sandwich we made for lunch in the back of our drawer. And we forget about it. Something that we enjoyed making, something that was very pleasurable. We anticipated the nurturing, sort pleasurable experience of eating that lunch. Thats the Second Chakra stuff. That is where you experience that, but if you tuck it away and pretend its not there, it starts to smell and mold grows and eventually you have to open up that drawer. You have to tear the room apart to find out where that is coming from. And that is the repressed shadow in the Second Chakra. If you deny the shadow self then you create ways that you will express it. You set up relationships where you express your shadow behavior. You encounter people who push your buttons rather than people who can be equal partners in a creative way. For the book, you know, weve got the sacrum, the lower abdomen, and basically you have a section here that is semantic journaling. You speak as though it were your whole body.

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ANATOMY OF THE SACRAL CHAKRA Syl: Oh, Im getting that orange up here and its nice. I am a sacrum and I am tucked away, trying to hide. I am the lower abdomen and I never move. I always hold still. No matter what happens, I dont move. Take a breath into the lower abdomen. I just got my berry release and now go back. You can breathe through the sacrum too. Open up just where you are sitting, open up the heels a bit. Take a deep breath in. Do you feel movement in the sacrum when you breathe? Your breath really moves your whole entire body. And becoming comfortable with that movement is the Second Chakra. The lower abdomen; we talked about that. The PC muscle -this would be the muscle that you use to stop the flow of urine. Thats the best way to describe it. A lot of times women become aware of that muscle when they have a baby and the doctor says you want to learn to release and tighten this muscle. But working this muscle is both beneficial for men and for women. The hips, we just moved the psoas. How many know what the psoas is in here. Okay good. Heres the deal with the psoas. This is the secret cure of the lower back. The psoas muscle, there are two of them, and they attach just right above the naval, and they attach to the inside, if this is your spine they would attach to the inside of the front of the spine. And then they come out in front and they hook into the front side of the thigh. So the way that you could describe what your psoas is; it is what you use to do this. Its the muscle you use to lift this. A lot of people say, oh my quads are so tight, and that may be the case, but they are tight because your psoas is tight. So how do you open up your psoas? I am going to show you that in just a minute. But where it attaches on the inside of the front of the spine, pulls in on the lower back. So actually tightness here creates tension in the lower back because this is a shortening muscle. Its harder to stand up straight when your psoas is tight.

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HEALING WITH WATER Syl: For semantic balancing in the Second Chakra, a long warm shower, I dont need to tell you this, is a good thing for relaxing. Take a nice bike ride along a river, if thats something you are inclined to do. Something with the water element. I am glad to see as I was passing out the little sheets that there is so much water in here because this is definitely Second Chakra stuff is the water element. Imagery for the water is I was visiting with Carol and I have been really working with the gem stones and experiencing some really amazing things happening with these. And I found that I was wearing this aquamarine and Im in the Second Chakra and I should be wearing carnelian. Why am I so drawn to this aquamarine -- dah, its water? Aquamarine. Take an afternoon nap. Find ways to nurture yourself. There was a study done on rats, actually. The study was done on just feeding rats through a tube or actually petting rats. The rats chose not to eat. They would rather have been touched than to eat. And that is where we get into a lot of issues of being super thin and I am going to disappear, there is no one to touch me. Or, having extra weight. I am going to feel touched all the time and I want to feel the weight of a hug with me all the time. Swimming is obviously wonderful. Then you get into the creative side and this is unconscious creation. MORE CREATIVITY Syl: I have to tell you something really amazing that happened to me. The First Chakra thing I got robbed and Im thinking I dont think I want to go to the Second Chakra. I dont know whats going to happen there. When I got to the Second Chakra, I thought I have got to make this happen with this. I was trying to do a Chakra video, DVD, and a daily practice, yoga practice DVD. I went to Carols boot camp. Her energy work boot camp, which is amazing and I would recommend to any of you. And I woke up the next morning and I saw the White Mountain Center for Yoga and Healing and I know where its going to be and I know what its going to look like.

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And the thing that came to me when I woke up that morning is just this creation, this unconsciousness, suddenly there it was. And this will be a center with yoga classes, body work, therapy, and its going to be where Carols going to hold her energy boot camps in the future. She didnt hear me. So anyway, its amazing and the feel I wanted it to have like a Himalayan sort of a feel. And I was in my office describing to my collections. The guy that does my collections calling on two different lines, I think. I was explaining to him. They know what they get with me. I was explaining to him what I wanted this to be and I said you can be my Public Relations Manager. And he said, O, I am up for that. Thats good. Thats good. Its got these arched wood beams that come down and they have this spindle across the bottom. A real sort of mountain, kind of Himalayan feel. And I said, down the hallway you are going to have these little arches that go along the hallway in this wood. And I go into all this detail and I didnt know where it was coming from. It was just like there and then I got a call because I have been looking for a location to shoot the DVD. And the feeling was I really didnt want to do it with a backdrop, your know just a cheesy backdrop and I wanted it to be something special and I wanted it to carry over kind of the spiritual connection of yoga and it speaks to your heart and not just your eyes. You know like down dog, up dog. Or whatever. So I got a call from a friend, and she said, I have a place that I think you could film at. And we went up and looked at it and it is a $7 million dollar cabin up at Sundance, and it has arched wood beams with a little spindle at the bottom and little arches along there. So that takes us into another part of the Second Chakra, the unconscious creation. And also, in this area is clairsentience.- SP Clairsentience isnt the same as clairvoyance. Clairsentience is kind of an empathetic clairvoyance. So seeing that before I actually went there is Second Chakra issue. It is also Third I. A good example of clairsentience is I had a teller who came in one day and said I am really sore. You are? I am so sorry. Yeah, I went and worked out. Oh Im sorry. Thats too bad. What did you do? A curl. Ah, thats too bad. Yeah. It really hurts. So did you

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want me to do some Thai massage on it? Yeah. Okay, sure I will do that. And he kept standing there. You want me to come do it now? Yeah, I need you to come do it now. So we went in the bank office of the bank and I am doing all this errrr, pulling him in all different directions to open him up and I am saying you really need to stretch and move your muscles and not just build, because you are going to get injured. He calls the next morning. I blew out my ACL and he was off work for three months. Because he had to go get a transplant because it was like totally toast. And then he was just back to work and Tommy, my son, and I occasionally have to bring him back to the bank a few minutes before I go home and he likes another one of my tellers. The one that is going to be my PR Manager at White Mountain Yoga. And he likes to go pop popcorn with him. So they went downstairs to pop some popcorn and he said, you know Tim, hes the guy who tore his ACL. He didnt say hi to me. And Logan says, well your know hes just been through this surgery you know and he hurt his knee. And he say yeah it hurts right here. When Logan said, he said he hurt his knee and Tommy said, it hurts right here. And they went upstairs and Tim pulled up his pant leg and his scar went pshew. So kids are really open and sometimes we stifle them or dont feel that or dont say that, you know. TANTRISM Syl: How would it be if you really never knew that your innercapacity was not on the list? Finding balance between your male and female connections can tie you into that unlimited place. When you can resolve your issues with women, whether you are a woman or a man, you are going to create a whole different set of circumstances for yourself. And, when you do that with men the same thing for women and men. Just to finish up real quick. Building project, decorative baking, anything that is really creative. Swing, how long has it been since you have sat on a swing set and just pushed as high and as fast as you could? Ten years, twenty years, ten minutes. On down the list. And Ive listed tantric love making.

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Tantrism is what the Chakra really came out of that Hindu vedic tradition. And if you want to learn about that I have referenced a book down at the bottom. The sexuality part of tantra, you know, it gets this rap for if you want to have great sex go to I dont know if thats a real website so be careful. Tantra is actually a line of yoga through that the physical realm is the way to god rather than having to say that we have to transcend the physical realm to reach divine consciousness. And in tantras what you experience is in every physical sense getting closer to God. Being loved is the purest form of what it is in the moment when that should be experienced, and in that process you find deity. Its really kind of being in a state of grace within whatever happens to you, how awful or how great. Because the great things then dont change you. The great things are viewed as a conduit through you. Its not about me; its about expressing divinity on earth. And that I really like following that. THAI YOGA AND MASSAGE Syl: Painting, actually sitting down and eating a meal with the idea that you are going to nurture yourself with that food. So many times we sit down and we eat and that can bring up mega issues in and of itself. Because your food will speak to you. Leg pulls are just kind of where you start out Thai Yoga therapy in Thai massage. Ideally you lay down on the floor -lay down on a mat. And you just kind of lie down and let your palms hang out. Great, and you take a deep breath in and its really hard to give a Thai massage when I say take a deep breath in and they go whooooo. You get more out of it the deeper you breathe. But its hard when you are up on a stage. And you just pull...pull. Hows that? Great. Its just sort of a rocking pulling motion and anybody can do. So thats what I meant by that. Now we as another type of stomach turning and basically it is pulling in and releasing out. In and out. And you can move with your hips and again it looks like something else, but you let the belly fall as you come back and you pull the belly in as you go forward or out. And it is really good for digestion and then you dont need to move the hips to do it. I wont need to demonstrate it here and those that have been in my

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yoga class have seen it happen. But, basically you tuck up and I pull all my air in and I can release and roll my stomach back and forth. It just goes harrumph. Its a real great for you. You learn to use your abdominal muscles independently. So it is working your abdominal muscles like this. Its amazing and I practiced in the shower for years. How well do you allow yourself to feel touch? Can you feel pleasure when you are by yourself or with others? Either way. How do you feel about moving your body? How often during the day do you experience guilt? Do you want to release some of that? I did finally record some guided meditation CDs. And another part of this unconscious creation was at the end of the CD I just did some chanting that I like to do. It is basically just praise or a call to God. And he said, oh we got to use that so we put it on the end of the Prianima CD. The Prianima Practice is a new booklet. If you want the CD that goes along with it, its $29.95 on my website or $20 here. And its basically me talking you through the whole process. I give you an example and I read a poem at the end. And then you have about three or four minutes of just this chanting with the book. And sing along -- thats great. Ive not even sung -not a church choir, not anyplace. So thats interesting. When was the last time you cried? When was the last time you felt joy? Log faces in a planner for just one month. Each day just write is it happy, is it sad, is it both? Just write it and see how your month looks at the end when you look at all your faces. Generally, how are you feeling? What form would your shadow take if you were to allow an expression? Because its expressing itself within you anyway, right now. You as well be honest about the stuff youve got going on because everybody else sees it anyway. So you may as well be real with that. YOGA Syl: To demonstrate the yoga real quick, hands held the arms high above the head and open up the heart in a slight back arch, also bending the elbows gently down into a forward

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fold. Draw the right foot stepping back to just a subtle lunge, a step, slowly exhale the hand down to the side of the feet. Step back and lower the chest and the chin. Inhale to draw the torso up. Align the neck and exhale back to extend. Take a deep breath in here and when you are ready slowly draw the right leg forward to stretch on the opposite side. Gently bring the hands down on either side of the front. Shoulder apart as you bring the back legs forward. Leaving the knees bent exhale yourself up rolling up one vertebra at a time. Open up the arms with the heart and exhale back to normal stance. Inhale the arms high above the head, lift through the heart creating a nice back arch, drive the elbows down into a forward fold. Lift the toes to extend deeper. Exhale the right foot back. Reach up with the heart. Take the hands down at either side of the front. Step out to a gentle plank pose. Lower the knees, the chest, and the chin. Inhale up through cobra aligning the neck with the spine, taking care not to crimp the neck. Exhale tuck back to downward facing. Pressing back strong through the hamstrings. Spread the fingers, drawing the right foot forward, lunge the opposite side. Breathing up through the heart, sink through the pelvis. Lower deep through the pelvis to stable your body. Put the hands down and exhale yourself into a forward fold. Rolling up one vertebra at a time, widen the stance at the hands. Reach high through the spine and exhale down to normal state. Inhale the arms wide out from the body. Lift through the heart, reach through the crown of the head and turn nice back arch. Exhale and lift the elbows. Lower yourself to a forward fold. Take a breath in and work the chest towards the knees. Inhale as you step the right foot back sinking deep within the lunge. Press in on the sacrum with the thumbs. Open up the heart and let the neck follow the spine. Exhale the hands down between the feet. Step back to plank. Lower the knees and the chest and then through the strength in the torso lower the rest of the body using the triceps, biceps, deltoids lifting up from the heart, reaching through the top of the head for cobra. Take a deep breath in, reach back through the hamstrings for down facing. Breathe as you press through the hands and pull back to the hamstrings. Draw the right foot forward to lunge to the opposite side. Reaching up to the heart left deeper. Placing the thumbs again on the sacrum, pressing the heart up and forward,

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following the head through the spine. Bring the hands down slowly to the floor shoulder width apart on either side of the feet step yourself to a forward fold. Take a breath in and exhale down into the fold. Breathe in again, drive the spine away from the tailbone and fold the head in. When you are ready, gently roll up one vertebra at a time open up the arms deep into an arch. Exhale yourself to normal state.

This is a cat position, talking up through the spine. Exhale yourself down through a supine position, lifting through the sip bones, exhale up and then take a deep inhalation as you lower through the hips and the shoulders, spreading the fingers wide, with the toes tucked, press back through extended. Work the sip bones away from you as you draw the breath in to the back side and the sides of the ribs. Gently taking your time to work your legs apart as you sit on the floor, switching hands will alternate on the openness on either side of your hips. Take the feet and cross them outwards with the toes headed straight up towards the ceiling. The heels are pressing deeply, lifting through the heart allow yourself a gradual opening using your breath. You can use your hands behind you to prop you up if this is challenging.

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Remember to take your time to work into the posture rather than just trying to move through it all at once. You can take the hands behind you if you want a little bit more advanced stretch. Lacing the fingers and working the shoulders out behind you. To deepen the stretch you can gently work yourself forward resting your arms on the chair in front of you or on the floor in front of you. Bring your hands first very gradually ending at the elbows. You can rest your forehead on the edge of a chair in this position and it is extremely therapeutic. For more advanced postures, you take the time, invest in the stretch, and slowly move the heart towards the floor. Ideally the heart would reach the floor before the forehead. Keep the lumbar spine curved as you move back up. Coming in as slowly as you came out. Reach the hands high above the head and bring your palms to a normal stay with the heart. You may repeat this as many times as it feels good to you. Questions, any questions? RECOMMENDATION FOR INJURIES Audience Member: Herniated disc, how does that work with that? Syl: If you have a herniated disc, you always want to keep the knees bent when you are folding forward and when you are folded forward until you get the length in the hamstrings. And if you have herniated discs, something that is very therapeutic is actually just to fold your arms on like the edge of the counter, you want to open up your heels and fold them this way. But, the back stays straight and its extremely therapeutic because part of the herniation and the disc issues is because of shortened muscles here, and shortened muscles here. So by just opening up the hamstrings you are going to release that. Then you pull back through the hips and, you know, basically thats the idea. The hamstrings go back and youve got to go stretch that. You can leave the knees straight and make sure the heels are opened up a little bit and really sit deeper.

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To go even deeper you flex the quads and thats something called reciprocal inhibition. When you flex your bicep, your triceps relax. When you flex your quads, your hamstrings are going to relax. When you stretch your hamstrings, your quads are going to relax. So when you understand how your muscles work together you can really, really release a lot. TEENS EXPERIENCE SECOND CHAKRA IMBALANCES Carol: Ill just sit up here. Its a little easier if I sit and I am not looking quite so much down on you. The Second Chakra is as far as my approach to it has to do with the practical aspects of why, which Syl mentioned, it is a Chakra that most of humanity is processing a lot of imbalances and distortions. And probably a greater number of humanity thats got real big stuff going on in the Second Chakra is in the teenage segment of our experience. Because we are really not addressing their needs as adults and parents when it comes to this Chakra and this energy center. And as I prepared for my part of tonights program having two sixteen year old boys, an eighteen year old daughter, a nineteen year old boy, and a twenty-two year old daughter, I have really been tuned in to this particular energy center and whats going on with their lives. If you want to see the Second Chakra gone amok, just go to any high school. You know what I mean because they are so really sexualized with what they wear. The girls especially. They are just so needy for wanting to be cherished and being precious. The energy of the Second Chakra for the female is about be cherished, being precious, being special. Those are words that are very strong for that Chakra and since theres this duality and identity or preciousness that is encompassing the sexual energies, they are going out trying to get that attention through drawing on the sexual energy doing overs with the sexual energies, trying to make that become them means in which they get their needs met to say, I notice you. You are being noticed, but in a way that is so shallow and they are not noticing the core.

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GETTING OUR NEEDS MET Syl: Its about just the show and yet because our human nature is to get our needs met we will go for whatever level we will achieve. And the energy, we think it is a fascinating thing that the energy will find a way to get it anyway it can, even though it is a cheap substitute. And thats where addictions then come in because the cheap substitute becomes the addiction. So addictions are heavily housed in the Second chakra. And because addictions are about sensation and thats the nature of the Second Chakra to have the sensation of being human of your physical senses, so whether its a food addiction, drug addiction, sexual addictions. Those are all driven by the Second Chakra not being honored. Because at that really deep level of the Second Chakra is this fabulous energy about being this profound, magnificent being thats a healer. If you consider the possibility that all the porn stars are really at their core healers. Their Second Chakra energy is really about healing. And they have only tapped into it because of the showered connection that they have with their own sense of value and their worthiness and their Im a magnificent being and their wanting to get attention through very devaluing, demoralizing acts. And, you really could cheapen yourselves, you know, but underneath all that at the core is a magnificent being that has great powers of healing. So those energies really and if you have teenagers in your life that energy is calling out to you. Things are look at how they dress. What kind of attention do they draw to themselves? How are they trying to get noticed? How much attention are they needing from their peers and the opposite gender of their peer group? Recognizing that helps you see where you are not doing your job well enough basically. And the thing we tend to do is we stop touching them and we stop that physical connection when they need it as much or more as when they are little. If you notice how infrequently you are making that connection,

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really making it. Because you know when they are small they climb on your lap. You hug them. You hold them. They kind of cling to you. They are coming to you, Mommie, Mommie, Mommie, or Daddy, Daddy, Daddy. And that kind of stops. It really shifts when they get into eight, nine, or ten and especially when they get into twelve or thirteen. Then if its not initiated by Mom and Dad then its not typical to be initiated by the teen at that point. There is always an exception to that because there are those really tender, sensitive kids out there that will always be very cuddly, cozy. Typically they are not coming to you wanting to snuggle up. Youve got to really open that energy. The Chakra can be slowed out like a womb. That energy even compares it to your womb and that the energy is almost like it creates a lap of energy for others to fall into. And so your children, especially teenagers, as a parent, women especially because thats the nature of our reproductive system. Imagine that energy going out and creating an energetic womb around your children. You are connected to them every day and they are carried in your energetic womb of your Second Chakra. Without even saying a word, thats the power of the energy work. Yeah, you dont even have to have a conversation on that one. In fact, you may not want it because they will think you are really freaking out, you know. I am in your energetic womb -- youre so weird. One of my sons is here tonight and he goes, What is it, orange night? I said, Yeah, it is the color for this energy. He goes, because you are all so weird. Yeah, youre orange you know. That does look a little bit bizarre for a sixteen year old boy and I have to give it to him, you know. It is weird when we are so blatantly obvious about it because we are sitting here in our orange.. THE ORANGE CHAKRA Carol: So, just a few tips I want to share with you and some of the tools I work with before we do some actual clearing. Because Ive got a good clearing script to share with you

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tonight. The gemstones are so powerful with the Chakras and the ones that we have brought in tonight that specifically work with the Second Chakra is the carnelian, which is the orange red. The orange ray feeds and nurtures the Second Chakra. Not that thats the only color. All the colors work with all the Chakras. Yet the orange ray tends to have that impact the most profoundly on the Second Chakra. The reason I love these tools is I love things that get us out of the way. The more we have our thinking mind involved, the more we tend make it much more difficult than it needs to be. The orange ray held in the carnelian gem assists in many ways bringing you into a place the energy of the Second Chakra when its alive and vibrant, you must experience a peacefulness, a radiance, a kind of exuberance about life, what a child would. ALLY IS ALWAYS HAPPY: The Second Chakra is real child energy, a freedom to be spontaneous, to be creative, to jump for joy for no reason, to be blissful. To be a kid, think of a child you know. We have this really awesome family that lives across the street from us and God really blessed us with some really cool experiences, you know. With a family of 14 children, all adopted, and most of them have special needs, very significance disabilities. Youve got the bus driving up at least four times day. We run out kids in wheel chairs and most of them are eight and under, of those. There is only two of them that are over eight. This cute little girl and she has just taken a liking to me. And, I am really honored by that because her energy is so pure. She comes now over every day and rings the door bell about three oclock and says, Ive come to help you. She just comes in and today shes in our kitchen. Her name is Ally. And I said, Ally, are you always happy? And she says, I am. I am always happy. She is very tiny for her age and she does not have very obvious disabilities, but she is very fragile in her physical structure. I dont know all the details, but I thought, wow, there is a child that is Second Chakra energy big time. Just flowing, open. So that when you wear carnelian, they call this the Vitamin C gem. Because when you have a cold or something and you take lots of vitamin C and it has that lift. It kind of just shoots that

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kind of light into you and thats what the carnelian does. The neat thing about it that you can cluster them out and if you really want to do some more intensive work with it, just hold it right on the energy center. You can do that with any of them, but thats going to be clustered and held right there. And, thats just going to do that injection of the orange ray that your body is needing now some people appear resistant to the orange but there is a possibility that you really need it. Your body is really starving for it, but usually you are in opposition to if because its so unfamiliar to you. Youve gone without it and you have been resourceful -- your energy system has been resourceful to compensate for its like I dont need the orange ray because Ive got other things to care for it. And sometimes that is a sign that you really need it, because you are king of like Ooooo. USING GEMSTONES You know, there is this love/hate relationship with the color. Ive gotten drawn to it but I dont know. These are really inexpensive. I always say any of the gemstones you can get for under a hundred dollars you get a lot of bang for your buck. The way they assist you is so profound. We brought several of these tonight, hoping you will find this to be a valuable tool. Check that out, these carnelians are really wonderful, they are beautiful gemstones. The other ones that we brought in that will assist you -- the quartz, it flows all the color rays to your system. Now how I explain that to people is how does a rock heal you? How do beads work? They are therapeutic gemstones and they are live beings. They have life works. They have an intelligence. They come from the earth. My beliefs all go back to Christ, as far as all healing power come from Christ. There are energies that we need that we are not able to attract on our own, because of the way we keep recreating and the way we live through life.

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So you put something like this and all of a sudden you have created a conduit or a connection for those energies to find you. Where do they come from? In my belief they come from Christ. There is just different flavors and frequencies that you need but you are not able to connect to find your own because you are so stuck in creating your groundhog day that it is just not happening. So can it happen without them? Yes, and you have got to be pretty conscious and intentional to do it on your own in todays world. So these are just props, tools to give you that ability to draw to you and to evoke the change in your own energy that you system is ready to take on. So to me, it always goes back to the same source. These are just vehicles to allow things to make that shift. So quartz, it draws all color rays to you which helps to bring into harmony and balance the whole system of the Chakras. All Chakras are assisted by the quartz. Quartz is put in the earth to attract universal energies that we need to this plant. When you put it on the body you become the biological system its attracting that energy too -- those seven color rays. You are just a piece of this earths system that these now are working very specifically. Apophyllite, it clears karmic energy that you are just kind of, karma is just energy that is old stuff. Its repeating itself and just identify what that is and allow it to clear and release. So thats really -- now these are under a hundred dollars. These are like fifty-nine. Now rhodonite, we brought that in tonight because the Second Chakra and the Fourth Chakra seem to play well together with emotion. So you have got some bit Second Chakra stuff, Ill bet youve got some pretty big Fourth Chakra stuff too. They seem to work in partnership. So, emotions and not just about the heart center. It is about this creative center thats so profound, this sexual center and this personal value center. And rhodonite, it brings emotion into organization. A lot of people are not able to clear their system and is running such a mess of emotion and their emotion is such amok. This brings emotion to orderly design so the system

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can process release and clear and find order to emotions. It brings things in to order emotionally. And people that need this recognize it when I talk about it because they feel that within themselves. They feel this organization that overwhelms them and I just cant seem to get past this. Its like every day, I make a good shift and then I am back in it again. And thats real typical for emotions that are just all over the place. So, rhodonite, the darker the rhodonite, the deeper the emotion. If theres some real serious depression going on, even the tendency for suicidal, you know, I want a release for even being inexistent, then you want the darker rhodonite. Thats going to work with that deeper emotional level where things are really out of control, and youre out of control emotionally. Check those out. Any questions about those gemstones that Ive mentioned. QUESTION AND ANSWER Audience Member: Do you generally wear them around your neck? Carol: Shes asked me if I generally wear them around my neck. The value of wearing them around my neck is that it creates a radiant flow. Its the best position for it to be on my being because the energy can radiate inwardly and outwardly and because I hold myself in an arctic field of energy -- a bubble of energy, this is the best place to affect the whole system right here. So, yes. My husband uses these. He typically wears them inside his shirt so they are not necessarily worn as jewelry. You can put them in a pocket, in your left pocket, but it will not give you the same return. Boys will use them and hang them on their bed posts. And some of them are quite pricey, and I am not going to send a $700 gemstone necklace to school with my sixteen year-old child. So if it is your intention you can work with them but it is not as practical to wear it on the neck. Audience Member: Now one more questions and who is going to need to Ive read that you are supposed to clean them? How do you go about cleaning them and keeping them serving your bad

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negative things? Carol: Well cleaning them, they will take on your energy. She asked about cleaning the gemstones. They will take on your energy they will blow out on you, meaning they will just burst off your neck. Youll be taking them off and they will just go poof. Because it is just energetically overloaded. There are a few ways of doing it. Rinsing, warm water, cool water, 20 seconds, maybe three round of that. I have a big fichus tree in my bedroom and we hang them on it because its organic. Putting them in a dish of sea salt. Those are all ways to clean the energy off. We are getting to the end and I am just handing out my standard EFT guideline sheet. You may have ten of these at home so go ahead and take one because we will use this system tonight and the script that I have created for the Second Chakra and the reaffirms on it and we use these resources to really get you going. Using scripts or words that are being presented on these forms we use and we have a great script that we sell. You can look up all kinds of issues and the wordings laid out for you in the reframes. Use them with the intention of how to get your own juices flowing and your stuff up and start running your own language on it. Because this gives you the theme of what its about. And youll start to connect with your own stuff. If you are not able to the words on here are pretty good for most people, the wording. Sometimes we get lost, especially if your throat Chakra is not real active. For you to start verbalizing your own issues can be a challenge because you have not been free to speak about them before. And yet these tools that we teach; the EFT, the freedom technique, the rapid eye technology, and intoned language. So it will start to open up this energy center to start speaking about your experience as you see the wording as you are given that assistance.

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THE DYSFUNCTIONAL CHAKRA Do you want to bring one of those script books up? I meant to bring one of those up. Well get to that in a second. I want to give you some more information about this energy center. If this Chaka is under functioning there will be lack of creativity, repetition of dysfunctional relationships. You know you keep attracting the same type of person. You know if you have been married and divorced, you have a pattern in your relationship. And if you are not married and you are single and you always end up with the same kind of guy or same kind of gal. There is a repetition of dysfunctional relationships. Thats an indication that this energy center is not working properly for you and you are trying to get your needs met by finding somebody that will say you are special. You are important. Particularly, if you are in that state, the person you are attracting is no more capable of giving you that than you are to give it to yourself. They are just as depleted and broken in their sense of who they are. So they have no capacity. You cannot attract anyone who is further along in their journey than you. Their broken and feeling inadequate and theres this whole battle of who is going to show up and say you are a wonderful human being. You have every right to have your needs met. Go explore and create your world. Create joy, create love, create healthy relationships. When both people are hanging out in this place of I am not going to change until you are. Why should I do all the work? And, I hear that all the time. All these couples come in and they are resentful. Why should I get healthy if hes not? Because you might be happier, but I have to admit, I have had that same position in my marriage of why should I change? Weve done, weve played that out with each other. Im going to hold off here until you are really committed. So lets just both be miserable. And thats so classic for relationship stuff in this energy cycle.

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WHAT SIZE IS YOUR CHAKRA I worked with a gal today and I said if you are in the energy of your wounded child size that you are not important. Thats your Second Chakra energy that you are still trying to fix. That you are trying to get that need met. If you are not in that energy, you will not be motivated to do yourself up to us. Youll want, youll wait for somebody else to show up and finally to will validate you adequately and often enough that you can say, oh, I get to be deserving now. Im worthy. If youre in your adult conscious self saying, wow, Ive got some stuff to take care of here. I want to take care of this. Im going to be proactive and Im going to go get my needs met now. Im going to create people showing up, loving me. Thats the different. When you are in the wounded child energy, sit back and wait and you will hope the people in your life will give you enough of what you need, but the problem is you are in an adult body. You are not that little five year old child. And so most other adults are going to resent you needing them to give that to you. And they will not. They will resent you for it. So that is the trick, youve got to make that adjustment in your mind to say what do I want. I am the cocreator of my life; Im an adult woman or an adult man. I am now going to create love in my family. That I am loved and accepted in my family unit. This gal I went to today has never experienced love and acceptance in her family unit, as a child and now in her third marriage, she has never experienced that. And when she gets into her needy child place. She is suffering. She is lonely. She wants to quit and die, just give up. And she looks to her children and her spouse to do the job. And she tries to provoke them to change so she can get what she needs from them. She happens to be married to someone that the whole approach triggers him and hes in his defenses, feeling controlled and he backs off more. Thats the whole dance. Its like, I resent you for being needy and I am going to even lock you out more. And she gets the

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same thing from her kids. So I told her this, you can choose that and you can keep getting what you are getting now or you can say how old am I now. I can create my life. I have another choice here. I am going to create my needs are met and I am honored in my family unit. I am going to put that in my GI and I am going to start vibrating that. You know, I am going to allow the people in my family to love and appreciate me now. I am going to evoke that from them. I am going to attract them in that way. I am going to bring that out in them. Because I am choosing to be an adult who shows up for me and said I have had enough of that other experience and I am going to try this now. And if your brain goes well its not real if they dont just do it spontaneously. Then you are thinking like a five year old. You have got to see where you are going. Your brain is going back to your needy child position and say but they want to want to give it. It has to be from them. Its not real if I have had to ask for it. Its not real if I have created it. Oh yeah, it is. Its the only way it shows up. The law of attraction is whatever you vibrate is what you get in return. If you are vibrating nobody loves me, what are you going to get. Well, nobody loves you. If you vibrate, I am loved and appreciated. I am supported in my independence, then you are. Now, you know, I am freaking my family out because I am not taking care of myself. I am changing. I am being independent. And they are all like trying to get me back to where I was. Well, if you believe youll be criticized, or condemned, or resented for your change, what will you get. Youll be putting out. What are you vibrating? So if you are putting out the vibration that I am loved and supported as I change, I am appreciated for becoming my true self. I am sought out by my loved ones for the good example that I am offering. You are either going to get that or you are not going to be seen. For it that is your vibration, they can only meet you there. Because thats where youre at. They are not just going to even connect with you. They are just focused on something else or you are going to take them and go into the background.

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So, you say I would rather be in the background and experiencing love and appreciation. So relationships are huge to bring out the best and worst of us. So your Second Chakra is all about creating job, creating what we see in children that have not lost that yet. Like my little neighbor, Ally. Are you always happy? She is just so matter of fact about who are you. Like, too bad, you suckers. You poor big people that lost that along the way, you know. I told her, Ally, you are like a big beam of sunshine that came into my house. I love having you here because you just radiate light. You are just like a piece of the sun in our home when you are here. She loves that. She is very like recognizes that in herself. Like, I know. We have all of these children across the street that are just like pure imagery because they arent able to interact and integrate with culture. Now they have a lot of limitations. Now, this mother and this father who were not able to have their own children biologically, I thought of that mom because she is a really amazing woman. She does not have much help that comes in. I thought she would not want to have to live with the imagery of the world and she has surrounded herself with angelic energy with these kids and that is her world. Thats pretty cool. A busy life, now she works hard physically, but she has so much pure energy around her because these children are guileless. We have them over to our house a couple of their house a couple of times a month and what we have decided to do rather than to go over to their house, we wanted them to be able to have thee gets to be able to go somewhere and something to look forward to. So we have three kids over for Sunday dinner about twice a month. And the parents get to decided who is qualified for that opportunity, you know. To have that experience and they use it as a means to evoke better behavior and help them reach their goals because they get to go to the Tuttles for dinner. Sweet, the kids come over. So that is children who are in that energy and thats your Second Chakra.

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You and take any other human. You can beam this energy basically. You know on a palm pilot and a handspring visor and if Crystal had some data in hers and we could put these two little handheld data systems together and program it to beam the information electronically, energetically from one system to the other. Well, these energy centers are exactly the same. So when you notice a real vibrant child, and you go Second Chakra energy, I could use some of that.

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